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of Pupils Theme Skill Topic Previous Knowledge Learning objectives: 2.6. Give relevant information in response to inquiries made 2.6.1. To identify, name, state, ask 2.6.2. To describe 2.6.3. To talk about main ideas, details, sequence, cause and effect. : Year 5 : 5 February 2013 : 12.35 pm -1.35 pm (1 hour) : 43 : World of Self/ World of Knowledge : listening/speaking : Travel and Adventures : Pupils may know about interesting places in Malaysia.

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : 1. To speak, questioning and answering during discussion. 2. Able to deliver information from the brochure given. 3. Able sharing and transfer information by reading the content using brochures as the guidance.

Pedagogical Principles Thinking Skill Moral Value

: Multiple Intelligences (verbal-linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence) : Identifying information : love our country

Steps / Stage


Teaching-Learning Strategies


Set Induction (5 minutes) 1. Teacher shows a video of interest places in Malaysia. 2. Teacher guides pupils to answer some questions based on the video shown. 3. Pupils are expected to give an appropriate answer based on the questions asked by answering the questions. Watching video

Skill: - 1.2.2

AVA : - Youtube video

Instructional Language: 1. Class, what did you see from the video? (Interest place in Malaysia) 2. How many places were shown? Where is it? 3. Have you been at one of the places?

Thinking Skill: - Identifying information / details

Development Step 1 (10 minutes)

1. The teacher draws pupils' attention to the brochures in hand. (All brochures are different) 2. Teacher choose one of the brochures and shows what is inside the brochures. 3. Teacher asks the use of the brochures. Expected answer: Provide interesting information about interesting places. Provide information about hotels. Provide a map.

Speaks aloud. Discussion with teacher.

AVA : - Brochures -whiteboard and marker pen

Thinking Skill: - Identifying information

4. Discuss with pupils what information that usually provided in a brochure. Teacher write down any answer given by pupils. Expected answer: Interesting places to visit. Name of hotels and resorts. Place to eat. Activities can do. Direction/map.

5. Teacher continue discussion with asks about how the information are presented?

Question: What can you see at the front of the brochure? Where is the location? Does it have any pictures inside? What picture are shown? Why do you think they use those pictures?

How the brochure shows the way to get there?

Expected answer: The name of the place. (Cameron Highland) Pahang Yes/no. Strawberry, roses etc. To show the image of Cameron highland There is a map provided.

Step 2 (15 minutes)

1. Teacher divides pupils into 8 groups. 2. Teacher pass over all the brochures to each group. 3. The pupils are asks to point out the information from their brochures on a mahjong paper given. 4. Teacher then sticks keyword cards onto the whiteboard. The keywords is to give a hint what information that they can

Group Work Discussion

Skill: -speaking AVA : - Mahjong papers

Brochures collect from the brochures. Name of place Thinking Skill:

Step 3 (20 minutes)

Location Direction Attraction Activities Students are to share and compare ideas in groups. Students explain their ideas to the other groups.

- Identifying information

1. Pupils get ready to do a short presentation about what they got from the brochure. 2. Set time for each group. (2 minutes for each group)

1. Teacher end the lesson with a question Closure ( 5 minutes) What will happen if we did not take care of the environment of those places? Expected answer: Pollution No beautiful places to go.

Moral Value: To keep our environment clean.

2. teacher then concludes all causes and effect then explains the moral values.


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