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GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

TUESDAY - JULY 10, 2012

08.30-09.00 Registration and Bagel Breakfast Available 09.00-10.00 Welcoming Address Antoine Ngom, President Foundation of ICT ARTP Representative Ibrahima Wade, Director, Stratgie de Croissance Acclre Keynote Address: The Keys to Success for an African Entrepreneur Welcoming by CRDF Global, GIST Initiative Welcoming Speech by Senegales Minister of ICT Coffee Break & Press Conference Panel Discussion Baidy Agne, President, Conseil National du Patronat Natalia Pipia, Senior Program Manager, CRDF Global



Robert Yamate, Charg dAffaires, US Embassy, introduced by Antoine Ngom



10.00-10.30 10.30-11.45

Mr. Abou Lo, Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and ICT

Scott Hartley, Mohr Davidson Ventures Val Livada, MIT Sloan School of Business Omar Ciss, General Director CTIC Dakar Bagor Bathily, CEO, La Laiterie du Berger Ibrahima Djibo, General Director, Sinergi, Niger 11.45-12.00 12.00-13:30 13.30-14.15 14.15-15.00 Journey from a Young Entrepreneur Lunch Executive summary & business pitch Raising funds for your ideas and ventures Cyan Girls, Winners of Microsoft Imagine Cup for West and Central Africa

Val Livada, Professor, MIT Sloan School of Business Gibs Song, Partner, Mane-Aquila Consulting Verone Mankou, CEO, VMK 15.00-15.45 Business models and financial projections for startups Val Livada, MIT Sloan School of Business Ibrahima Djibo, General Director, Sinergi, Niger 15-45-16.00 16.00-16.45 Coffee Break Strategies for taking your venture to market and gaining customers

Scott Hartley, Mohr Davidson Ventures Rgina MBodji, CTIC Dakar 16.45-17.45 Panel Discussion Innovate & Expand to the Regional Market Val Livada, MIT Sloan School of Business Antoine Ngom, CEO, GSIE (TBC) Serigne Barro, CEO, People Input (TBC) Mbayang Ndiaye Cisse, General Director, Call Me (Groupe Chaka) 17.45-18.00 18.00 Closing remarks Networking Reception
Funded by the U.S. Department of State Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


09.00-09:45 Room A: Sucess Story of an African Entrepreneur Abdoulaye MBAYE, DG Neurotec 09.45-10.00 10.00-12.00 12.00-13.00 Mentorship Overview: Entrepreneurs receive mentorship schedule One-on-One mentorship sessions Technology entrepreneurs meet with their mentors Open pitching practice:


Room B: Local and International mentor Workshop Natalia Pipia & Val Livada

Financez la cration et le dveloppement de votre entreprise innovante MARDI 10 JUILLET

In group of three, two entrepreneurs and one mentor, entrepreneurs will take turns practicing their pitches and receiving feedback from mentors 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.45 Lunch Venture pitching sessions Entrepreneurs pitch in front of a panel of experienced angel investors, serial entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Entrepreneurs will present for five minutes, with five minutes of Q&A from panelists to follow each pitch. 15.45-16.00 16.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 18.00-18.15 18.15-19.00 19.00-20.00 Coffee Break in hall way / Angel Investors Welcoming of Investors in Room B Room A: Venture Pitching Session - 6 Entreprenuers The top two from previous pitching sessions will compete for the top award How to become a GIST transformer / Fill out surveys/Judges meet to decide the awardees Announcing winners of pitching competition and closing remarks Networking and Investors Workshop Private dinner with local and international investors

* GIST Transformers Entrepreneurship Journey to the US

08.30-09.00 Accueil et Enregistrement 09.00-10.00 Crmonie douverture Mots de bienvenue M. Robert Yamate, Chef de Missi N JNJ Non Adjoint, Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Sngal Inroduit par M. Antoine Ngom M. Antoine Ngom, Prsident, Fondation des Incubateurs TIC du Sngal Mot de lARTP Sponsor Officiel M. Ibrahima Wade, Directeur, Stratgie de Croissance Acclre Prsentation: Les cls du succs pour lentrepreneur Africain M. Baidy Agne, Entrepreneur et Prsident, Conseil National du Patronat du Sngal Discours du GIST / CRDF Global Mme Natalia Pipia, Senior Program Manager, CRDF Global Discours douverture du Ministre M. Abou Lo, Ministre de la Communication, des Tlcommunications et des TIC 10.00-10.30 Pause Caf / Confrence de Presse 10.30-11.45 Panel de discussion Innovation et financement des entreprises technologiques Scott Hartley, Capital-Risqueur, Mohr Davidson Ventures Val Livada, Professeur, MIT Sloan School of Business Omar Cisse, Directeur Gnral, CTIC Dakar Bagor Bathily, fondateur et dirigeant, La Laiterie du Berger Ibrahima Djibo, capital-risqueur, DG Sinergi, Niger 11.45-12.00 Parcours de jeune entrepreneuse Cyan Girls, Gagnantes Microsoft Imagine Cup pour Afrique de lOuest et Centrale 12.00-13:30 Djeuner 13.30-14.15 Executive summary & Elevator Pitch Val Livada, Professeur, MIT Sloan School of Business 14.15-15.00 Lever des fonds pour vos projets dentreprises Gibs Song, Business-Angel, Mane-Aquila Consulting Vrone Mankou, Fondateur et dirigeant, VMK 15.00-15.45 Modles conomiques et prvisions financires pour votre entreprise Val Livada, Professeur, MIT Sloan School of Business Ibrahima Djibo, capital-risqueur, DG Sinergi, Niger 15-45-16.00 Pause caf 16.00-16.45 Strategies pour trouver vos premiers marchs et clients Scott Hartley, Capital-Risqueur, Mohr Davidson Ventures Rgina Mbodj, Business Development Manager, CTIC Dakar 16.45-17.45 Panel de discussion Innover et stendre sur le march sous rgional Val Livada, Professeur, MIT Sloan School of Business Antoine Ngom, Prsident, Fondation des Incubateurs TIC du Sngal et OPTIC et DG GSIE Mbayang Ndiaye Cisse, DG Call Me (groupe Chaka) Serigne Barro, Fondateur et DG, People Input 17.45-18.00 Mots de fin de journe 18.00-19.00 Rception



Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

all of us must recognize that education and innovation will be the currency of the 21st century.

09.00-09:45 Success story dun entrepreneur africain (Salle A) Abdoulaye Mbaye, DG Neurotech 09.45-10.00 10.00-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.45

Atelier pour les mentors locaux et internationaux (Salle B) Natalia Pipia et Val Livada

To promote and spread economic prosperity, the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) initiative is forging links at the individual and institutional level among scientists, entrepreneurs, and the marketplace. Technology entrepreneurship has the power to create the products, companies, and jobs that drive economic growth. The GIST initiative aims to strengthen technology development and national, regional, and global entrepreneurship through partnerships and programs focusing on: NETWORKING: Linking innovative ideas, people, and financial and human resources SKILL DEVELOPMENT: Providing business training, mentorship and resources FINANCING: Connecting innovators and their ideas with seed capital

Barack Obama President of the United States of America Together we can build an ecosystem that allows entrepreneurs to get the support they need, the financing they need, the mentoring they need, to launch a brilliant idea into a business. Thats the importance of the GIST mission. Jeff Hoffman Co-Founder and former CEO, Priceline; GIST Advisory Group Member GIST is a great opportunity to increase participation by the academic sector in thetransfer of technology into the marketplace through the development of practical knowledge and skills, as well as to heighten understanding of the value of entrepreneurship and innovation for economic growth and sustainability. Dr. Abdelali Haoudi VP of Research, Qatar Foundation Malaysia welcomes the GIST Initiative to support technology development in Muslim-majority countries to advance key innovation areas, especially innovation capacity, entrepreneurship and access to seed capital. Dato Madinah binti Mohamad Secretary General, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia [GIST] was our shortcut towards better connections and visibility. Ziad Sankari Founder of CardioDiagnostics; GIST Tech-I Competition Winner

Prparation pour le Mentorat Les 30 entrepreneurs slectionns pour le mentorat reoivent le planning Mentorat personnalis: Entretiens individuels entre les entrepreneurs et des mentors locaux et internationaux Entrainement au pitch : amliorer votre pitch grce aux conseils des mentors Djeuner Sessions de Pitch - 5min + 5 min Q&A Premier tour de pitch devant les jury. Les entrepreneurs pouvant pitcher seront slectionns lavance sur leur dossier dinscription. Les meilleurs projets pourront pour participer au Pitch final.

15.45-16.00 16.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 18.00-18.15 18:15-19:00 19.00-20.00

Pause Caf/Acceuil des investisseurs locaux Concours de pitch final 6 entrepreneurs - 10min + 5min Q&A Comment rejoindre la communaut des GIST Transformers (et dlibrations du jury) Annonce des grands gagnants du concours de pitch et crmonie de clture Rseautage & Runion de travail pour les investisseurs Diner prive pour les investisseurs internationaux et locaux.


Skill Development Programs
Startup Boot Camps: Strengthen business development through training and mentorship for experienced business leaders. Webinars: Link American technology commercialization experts with aspiring entrepreneurs around the world.

Incentive-Based Competitions
GIST Tech-I: Highlight innovative technology ideas to the community via YouTube-based idea pitch competition. GIST-MIT Business Plan Competition: Accelerate high potential startups through mentorship, connections and seed funding.

GIST Social Networking Platform

Access innovative business tools and mentorship. Form partnerships to foster new venture creation. Exchange ideas through popular social networking platforms.

University-Industry Linkage Program

Institutionalize connections between universities and businesses through industry outreach partnerships. Develop innovation leaders primed to meet industry needs through hands on training experiences.

Join the GIST network today!

The GIST initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of States Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs and implemented by CRDF Global.

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!


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DAKAR, SENEGAL July 10-11, 2012

DAKAR, SENEGAL July 10-11, 2012


The GIST Startup Boot Camp is an intense two day interactive training and mentoring event designed to spark innovative thinking and trigger the creation of new startup ideas among promising entrepreneurs in the ICT, energy, healthcare and agriculture sectors. In Africa, GIST is proud to be a platform partner for the LIONS@FRICA partnership which shares a common vision of mobilizing knowledge, expertise, and resources to encourage and enhance innovation ecosystems and to spur entrepreneurship. LIONS@FRICA is coordinated by Global Entrepreneurship Week.


Financez la cration et la croissance de votre PME innovante 100 entrepreneurs de toute lAfrique de lOuest Des experts et investisseurs amricains et locaux Les 10 et 11 juillet lhtel Sokhamon, Dakar, Sngal GIST Startup BootCamp Afrique de lOuest, pourquoi ?
Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec le Global Innovation Through Science & Technology (GIST) soutenu par le Dpartement dEtat Amricain, lincubateur CTIC Dakar propose aux meilleurs entrepreneurs et porteurs de projets technologiques dAfrique de lOuest de se runir les 10 et 11 juillet Dakar pour se former aux cts dexperts et dinvestisseurs amricains et Sngalais sur la thmatique de laccs aux financements.

Because you are innovative, resilient and dedicated to starting technology-based companies.

Tuesday, July 10 GIST Startup Boot Camp WHO: Innovators looking to turn technology ideas into new companies

Wednesday, July 11 GIST Mentoring Sessions and Venture Pitch Competition WHO: Technology entrepreneurs who want to take their tech startups to the next level

Learn from expert investors, educators and entrepreneurs including: Val Livada Senior Lecturer at Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship discusses starting your company and writing an executive summary Scott Hartley Mohr Davidow mobile and consumer internet venture capitalist shares an investors perspective to improve startup pitches Gibs Song energy sector anger investor talks about raising funds for your business NETWORK with the best and the brightest entrepreneurial minds from West Africa & the U.S. BUILD relationships with your peers and future business partners



Des prsentations de haut niveau et du mentorat individualis

Cette confrence interactive permettra 100 entrepreneurs diffrents stades de dveloppement (ide, pilote ou croissance), dans le secteur des TIC et des technologies en gnral, de suivre les prsentations dexperts internationaux et locaux. Les 30 meilleurs entrepreneurs pourront sentretenir avec les experts lors de sessions de mentorat individualises et certains dentre eux auront lopportunit de pitcher devant le jury. A gagner: un voyage daffaire aux Etats-Unis et un financement pour le dveloppement de votre projet.

Entrepreneurs pitch your ideas to investors and compete for a trip to the U.S. to network with and learn from entrepreneurs, investors and other business experts from Boston, Silicon Valley, New York City and Washington, DC Mentors strengthen the skills needed to nurture the next generation of technology entrepreneurs of your country HOW TO APPLY About GIST: The GIST Initiative builds entrepreneurial ecosystems in 43 countries across the Middle East, Africa and South and Central Asia by identifying, coaching and funding promising entrepreneurs through its competitions, start-up acceleration services, online social media platform and interactive mentorship programs. GIST is funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by CRDF Global. About CTIC Dakar: CTIC Dakar is the leading business Incubator in Senegal for IT and mobile services entrepreneurs Their mission is to empower high-potential and high impact entrepreneurs, advising them on their business model and strategy but also connecting them with the entire ecosystem they need for their success. About African Development Bank: The African Development Bank (AfDB) Groups mission is to help reduce poverty, improve living conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for the continents economic and social development. The institution aims at assisting African countries in their efforts to achieve sustainable economic development and social progress. Since 1967, the AfDB has loaned or granted approximately $75 billion in resources to regional member countries. About LIONS@FRICA: LIONS@FRICA seeks to create new opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa by providing a platform to inspire and challenge African innovators and entrepreneurs. This partnership will provide African startups with capacity building and training in business development, provide connectivity to global innovation grids, promote access to capital, create opportunities for partnership, and showcase best practices and successes in African-led innovation solutions.

La clture du programme BuntuTEKI, 1er acclrateur de startup dAfrique de lOuest

Lvnement sera galement loccasion de clturer en beaut la premire classe de BuntuTEKI, un programme daccompagnement intensif de trois mois pour les meilleurs jeunes entrepreneurs TIC de la rgion. Les 8 quipes encore en course pitcheront aussi devant le jury qui choisira ensuite le grand gagnant de cette premire dition de BuntuTEKI.

Comment participer
Inscriptions et dtails sur La participation est gratuite, inscrivez-vous en ligne, dcrivez votre entreprise ou projet, et dites nous si vous souhaitez pitcher. Les 100 personnes slectionnes pour participer lvnement et les 15 dentre elles qui pourront pitcher seront annonces avant le 7 juillet 2012.


FOLLOW US: @GISTinitiative

Yann Le Beux, Catalyst CTIC Dakar - 77 499 94 67 -



CTIC Dakar, the West African growth accelerator for high potential IT and Mobile SMEs CTIC is the first accelerator and incubator of Senegal for ICT and mobile technology entrepreneurs. We are a non-profit lead by FICTIS, the Foundation of ICT Incubators in Senegal and we are proudly supported by great partners from the private and public sectors like the World Bank (InfoDev), Sonatel (1st Telco in Senegal), the German Cooperation (GIZ), the Center for Development of the Enterprise (CDE), ARTP (Telcos regulator), ADIE, the Government of Senegal and others. Our Vision Become the leading hub in West Africa for the emergence and the growth of high potential entrepreneurs.

CTIC Dakar, acclrateur de croissance pour les entrepreneurs TIC dAfrique de lOuest CTIC Dakar est le 1er incubateur et acclrateur du Sngal ddi aux entrepreneurs des TIC et des technologies mobiles. Cette organisation but non lucratif est une initiative de la Fondation FICTIS (Fondation des Incubateurs TIC du Sngal) et est soutenue pas des partenaires internationaux comme la Banque Mondiale, le CDE de Bruxelles et la GIZ et locaux comme lARTP, Sonatel et lADIE. Notre vision Etre le 1er Catalyseur de croissance dAfrique de lOuest pour les entrepreneurs des TIC

Our Missions Promote entrepreneurship and support universities Identify and support talents Facilitate access to finance and markets for our SMEs Build high-growth and sustainable businesses

Nos Missions Promouvoir lentreprenariat TIC et accompagner les universits dans la mise en place de curriculum ddi Identifier des talents et les accompagner dans la mise en uvre de leurs projets Faciliter pour les entreprises laccs aux marchs et aux financements Favoriser la cration et la prennit dentreprises TIC fort potentiel

What we provide

Ce que lon offre

Contacts - - twitter @cticdakar

Contacts - - twitter @cticdakar

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!



Formons la nouvelle generation dentrepreneurs africain en ICT

Le CTIC Dakar a lanc rcemment linitiative BUNTUTEKI ( la Porte de la Russite ), un tout nouveau programme dacclration de trois mois dont le but est daccompagner en profondeur les meilleurs projets dentreprises TIC et mobiles du pays. BUNTUTEKI est une version adapte notre contexte Sngalais du modle dit dacclration , une variante de lincubation traditionnelle qui se rpand depuis 2007 aux quatre coins du globe et qui vise amliorer et tester rapidement des innovations TIC trs fort potentiel de croissance. Les seuls quivalents en sur notre continent sont en Afrique du Sud (Google Umbono) et au Kenya (Nailab Accelerator). BUNTUTEKI, qui se transcrit en wolof par la porte de la russite et qui sest droul davril juillet 2012, est destin aux jeunes porteurs de projets hautement innovants dans le secteur des TIC et des technologies mobiles. Ce programme ultra-slectif dune dure de trois mois sest lanc le dfi daccompagner en profondeur les meilleures startups du Sngal grce un accompagnement intensif par lquipe du CTIC et ses partenaires qui dbouchera la mise sur le march dinnovations fort potentiel de croissance. Plusieurs experts dans diffrents domaines ont t mobiliss afin de rpondre spcifiquement aux besoins des jeunes entrepreneurs. A la fin des trois mois intensifs du programme, les projets les plus aboutis sur les plans technologiques et commerciaux auront la chance de rejoindre la plateforme de financement participatif Tambalina. com, partenaire de linitiative et peut tre dintgrer le programme dincubation longue dure du CTIC. Lors du GIST StartupBootCamp des 10 et 11 juillets, les BuntuTEKI boys auront leur place rserve pour pitcher devant des investisseurs amricains et locaux et peut tre gagner un prix montaire pour le dveloppement de leur projet et un voyage daffaire aux tats-Unis. Bonne chance eux !

Build the new generation of West African IT and mobile entrepreneurs

ICTC Dakar recently launched initiative BUNTUTEKI (Gateway to Success), a new program three month acceleration program which purpose is to support the best ICT companies in the Senegal. BUNTUTEKI is an acceleration model adapted to the Senegalese context model, a variation of the traditional incubation spread since 2007 around the globe and aims to improve and quickly test ICT innovations of very high growth potential. The only equivalents in the African continent are in South Africa (Google Umbono) and Kenya (Nailab Accelerator). BUNTUTEKI, translated from Wolof for Gateway to Success, ran from April to July 2012, and is aimed at young entrepreneurs with highly innovative projects in ICT and mobile technologies. This selective program took the challenge to accompany the best startups from Senegal through intensive support spearheaded by CTIC and its partners. It will lead placing these innovative products and services on the market with high growth potential. Several experts in various fields have been mobilized to meet the specific needs of young entrepreneurs. At the end of three months, the most successful projects, determined by the technology and business plan, will have the chance to join the platform of participatory financing, Tambalina. com, partner of the initiative. During the GIST Startup Boot Camp July 10-11, 2012, the BuntuTEKI boys have their place reserved to pitch to U.S. a panel of local and international VCs, Angel Investors and Successful Entrepreneurs and compete to win a monetary prize for the development of their project and a business trip to the USA. Good luck to them!

Les 7 projets encore en course (sur 9 au dpart !)

SeneMusik - Abdoulaye Ndiaye

The 7 top projects

SeneMusik - Abdoulaye Ndiaye

Application et site web dcoute et de vente en ligne de musique sngalaise

Application and website for Senegalese Music

Japalema - Cyrille Kwabong et Fatime Faye

Japalema - Cyrille Kwabong et Fatime Faye

Plateforme en Wolof et Franais daccs aux financements et daccompagnement pour agriculteurs et groupement de femmes

Platform in Wolof and French for farmers and women to access funds and business support services

SamaYoon - Poncio Gomes

SamaYoon - Poncio Gomes

Mobile application that provides bus schedules

Application mobile qui fournit litinraire et la localisation des bus.

Sama Event - Stephane Adfmi Ndour

Sama Event - Stephane Adfmi Ndour

Web and mobile application to reserve and pay tickets to sports and cultural events

Application web et mobile de rservation et de paiement de billets pour les vnements sportifs ou culturels

ArClean - Dadja Matiasso Bassou

ArClean - Dadja Matiasso Bassou

Jeu vido et application mobile ducative pour le tri des dchets et le respect de lenvironnement

Video game and mobile application to educate people on recycling and respect of the environment

SignUp Card - Chrif Ndiaye

SignUp Card - Chrif Ndiaye

La carte de visite multimdia et le rseau professionnel pour les tudiants, cadres et entrepreneurss

Multimedia business card and professional network for students and businessmen

M-Louma - Aboubacar Sidy Sonko

M-Louma - Aboubacar Sidy Sonko

Application mobile dinformation en temps rel sur les prix et quantits du march pour les agriculteurs

Mobile application to inform farmers about the market price and quantity in real time

Pour plus dinformation sur le programme BuntuTEKI, nhsitez pas contacter les coordinateurs du projet M. Yves Afoutou ( ou M. Yann Le Beux ( Et suivez les aventures des BuntuTEKI Boys sur

For more information on BuntuTEKI, contact Mr. Yves A Afoutou ( or M. Yann Le Beux ( Follow the adventures of the BuntuTEKI Boys at

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


Serigne Barro - General Manager, People Input
Serigne BARRO is the Founder & General Manager of People Input and is one of African French speaking countries web & mobile services pioneers. From 2000 to 2002, Mr BARRO served as a Web marketing / Web strategy Consultant & Project manager at SQLI, one of the leading web agencies in France ( In 2002, he returned in Senegal his homeland and founded the first web agency in Senegal, People Input, at the age of 24. In 2005, he made a strategic shift to mobile services as a response to the new market trend showing that mobile phones are the most popular electronic tool in Africa. From then, M. BARRO developed People Inputs business across African French speaking countries such as Mali, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea. Today, People Input has delivered assistance to over 100 companies, telecommunication service providers, institutions, and media outlets to implement their Web & Mobile projects.Mr BARRO graduated from the Institut Suprieur du Commerce (ISC Paris France) in 2000.


Scott Hartley -Venture Capitalist, Mohr Davidow Ventures
Scott Hartley is an early stage technology investor at Mohr Davidow Ventures, a Sand Hill Road venture capital firm in Menlo Park, California. MDV was founded in 1983, and has $2 billion invested across companies in the web/mobile, cleantech, and healthcare sectors. Prior to venture capital Hartley worked for Google, Facebook, and Harvard Universitys Berkman Center for Internet and Society. At Google he spent a year in India launching two operations teams, and lectured on entrepreneurship for in Africa. Hartley has experience at the U.S. State Department, where he worked for the Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, at the U.N. Development Program, and at the White House, where he worked with the National Economic Council on issues of U.S. economic policy. Hartley holds his B.A. from Stanford University, his M.A. in International Affairs and his M.B.A. in Economics and Finance from Columbia University.

Vrone Mankou
Founder and CEO of VMK, a Congolese startup who chose to build its strategy on mobile technology. In 2011 he presented

Mbayang Ndiaye Cisse, DG Call Me (Groupe Chaka)

Graduate from a top business school, she is also licensed in Business Administration and has a Masters in Management and corporate strategy. She joined the multinational SENTEL GSM and became TIGO from 1999 to 2004 where she held several positions within the Directorate of Customer Service. In 2004 she joined the group CHAKA, leader of the computer voice in West Africa, particularly the call center subsidiary of the group Call Me where she participated in the creation and implementation of other operations the sub region and in central Africa. In 2006 she was appointed as Executive Director of Call Me Senegal since 2007 and she served as Director General of structure Dakar Call Me, the mother subsidiaries in the subregion.

his first product: an pc tablet, the Way-C, it is the first touch pad designed by an African. On sale since January 2012 in the Congo and France and soon in the rest of Africa, the tablet has opened a new era to VMK who is preparing to launch on the market, before the end of the year, an Smartphone.In order to allow more people to have access to technology, VMK board now on a home computer at least $ 100 and a digital textbook : a tablet dedicated to education.

Passionn des TIC, il est le Fondateur et CEO de VMK, une startup congolaise qui a choisi de btir sa stratgie sur la technologie du mobile. En 2011 il prsente sa premire ralisation : une tablette tactile, le Way-C, il sagit de la premire tablette tactile conue par un africain. Commercialise depuis janvier 2012 au Congo et en France et bientt dans le reste de lAfrique, le produit a ouvert un nouvel air VMK qui se prpare lancer, avant la fin de lanne, sur le march, un Smartphone. Dans le souci de permettre un plus grand nombre davoir accs la technologie, VMK planche maintenant sur un ordinateur domestique moins de 100$ et un manuel scolaire numrique : une tablette tactile ddie lducation.

Diplme dune grande cole de commerce, je suis galement titulaire dune licence en Administration des affaires et dun master 2 en management et stratgie dentreprise. Jai intgr la multinationale SENTEL GSM devenu TIGO de 1999 2004 o jai occup plusieurs fonctions au tsein de la Direction du Customer service. En 2004 je rejoins le groupe CHAKA, leader de linformatique vocale en Afrique de louest, et plus particulirement la filiale centre dappels du groupe Call Me o je participe la cration et la mise en place des autres oprations au niveau de la sous rgion et en Afrique central. En 2006 je suis nomme Directrice excutive de Call me Sngal et depuis 2007 joccupe le poste de Directrice Gnrale de Call me Dakar structure mre des filiales call me dans la sous rgion.

Abdoulaye Mbaye, Administrateur Gnral et Fondateur de Neurotech (Founder and CEO of Neurotech)
Abdoulaye Mbaye records a rich experience of 17 years in the IT professions with a variety of skills ranging from operational expertise in IT governance through year resources management and intellectual services. After 3 years with Telecom Plus (Orange Group), he joined ATI, pioneer in Senegal for the post of Head of Network & Telecom. Abdoulaye then joined the post of Director of Services and Networks he held for three years before launching his career as an entrepreneur and create Neurotech in 2003. He managed a number of projects for the study, implementation, security and optimization of enterprise networks for large local and international companies. Abdoulaye and its team are now developing their consulting activities all over West Africa. Neurotech is now one of major success story in the West African ICT sector. Abdoulaye graduated in Engineering & Telecommunications from Ecole Superieure des Telecommunications de Tunis in 1994.

M. Ibrahima Djibo, Directeur General, Sinergi SA

Graduated as Mining Engineer from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines of industrial techniques at Als. In 1990 he pursued a graduate diploma (DESS) in business administration at the Faculty of Pau (France) and a 1995 graduated in Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects (Paris). Back in Niger in 1991, he was hired as a controller for the World Bank. He worked there until 1997 when he left to work for the multinational Shell in Niger as retail manager. In 2006, after a brief time as Business Manager of a dairy company in Niger, he was hired as General Director of a Private Equity firm where he is currently working on financing and support of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Diplm dingnieur des Mines de lEcole Nationale Suprieure des techniques industrielles des Mines dAls. Il poursuis en 1990 un troisime cycle (DESS) en gestion des entreprises la Facult de Pau (France), puis 1995 un troisime cycle en suivi valuation de Projet (Paris). De retour au Niger en 1991, il est embauch comme contrleur de gestion dun projet de la Banque Mondiale. Il y travaille jusquen 1997 date laquelle, il quitte pour travailler pour la multinationale Shell au Niger comme retail Manager . En 2006, aprs un bref passage comme Directeur commercial dune laiterie au Niger, il est embauch comme directeur Gnral dune socit de Capital Investissement o il soccupe actuellement du financement et de laccompagnement des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises.

Abdoulaye MBAYE comptabilise une exprience riche de 17 ans dans les mtiers de linformatique avec des comptences varies allant de lexpertise oprationnelle la gouvernance IT an passant par le management des ressources et les prestations intellectuelles. Apres 3 annes au sein de Telecom Plus (groupe Orange), il a rejoint ATI, SSII pionnire au Sngal au poste de Chef du Dpartement Rseaux & Tlcoms. Abdoulaye a ensuite rejoint le poste de Directeur des Services et Rseaux quil a occup 3 annes durant avant de lancer sa carrire dentrepreneur et crer Neurotech en 2003. Il a pilot depuis un bon nombre de projets pour ltude, la ralisation, la scurisation et loptimisation de rseaux dentreprise pour le compte de grandes entreprises locales et internationales. Abdoulaye et lquipe de Neurotech dveloppent aujourdhui leurs activits de conseils, notamment dans toute lAfrique de lOuest. Neurotech est aujourdhui lune des rfrences sous-rgionales du secteur des TIC. Abdoulaye est ingnieur de Conception des tlcommunications, diplm de lEcole Suprieure des Tlcommunications de Tunis en 1994.
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GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


Antoine Ngom, Directeur Gnral de GSIE
After earning his baccalaureate, Series C, with honors, in 1983 at the Lyce Gaston Berger, he follows the course Higher Mathematics / Mathematics Special M (Lyce Henri IV - Paris), before moving in 1985 to Ecole Centrale de Paris to graduate as an engineer in 1988. From 1989 to 1998 he worked successively as a design engineer, product line manager and technical director of the department at Software Consulting, Finance Marben Consulting and Atos Origin in France. In 1999, he founded the company GSIE Technology where he is the current CEO. GSIE Technology is a services company that performs IT & Telecommunications projects design, solution integration and aggregator of mobile value added services in West Africa and Central Africa. Antoine Ngom is a founding member of the Organization of ICT Professionals of Senegal (OPTIC), the union bosses of ICTs, affiliated with the National Council of Employers (CNP), which he currently chairs. It is also since 2011 the Foundation President of Senegal ICT Incubators (FICTIS) who created ICTC.

Gibs Song - Principal, Main-Aquila Consulting

Gibs has over 25 years of experience from universities, startups and global companies in three different countries. He has been focusing on startup activities during the past 3 years, gaining insights into the failures and successes of a variety of companies. With diverse experience ranging from technology development, strategic planning and executive management to venture investing, Gibs is a founder, investor and advisor for 8 startups. Gibs has held positions including Project Manager (Electric Vehicle Research Program) at the Electrochemical Science and Technology Center at the University of Ottawa, Director of US Operations for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, and remains Senior Consultant to Cheil Industries (Samsung company) since 2009 and Executive Advisor to Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox company) since 2010. Gibs is an avid golfer, and enjoys motorcycling and travelling.

Robert Yamate - Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Dakar

He is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Minister Counselor, with extensive experience in multiagency collaboration and management affairs. Prior to Dakar, Mr. Yamate was assigned to the State Departments Bureau of Intelligence and Research where he worked on integration and coordination within the Intelligence Community. Mr. Yamate has previously served as the permanent Charge dAffaires in Apia, Western Samoa, and as Consular Officer in Tokyo, Japan. His other overseas assignments include Management positions in Budapest, Hungary; Antananarivo, Madagascar; Montreal, Canada; AIT Taipei, Taiwan; Harare, Zimbabwe; Abidjan, Cote dIvoire; and Geneva, Switzerland. His domestic assignments include tours as Deputy Executive Director in the Bureau of Human Resources and Watch Officer for the State Department Operations Center. Mr. Yamates foreign languages are French, Japanese, and Hungarian. His State Department service has been recognized by a Senior Foreign Service Performance Award, three Superior Honor Awards, and five Meritorious Honor Awards. He is a native of Monterey Park, California and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the California Polytechnic University. He also has a Masters of Arts degree in Education from the University of LaVerne, California, and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mr. Yamate is married to Michiko Yamate. They enjoy tennis, travel, and working with animal rescue organizations abroad.

Aprs avoir obtenu son Baccalaurat, Srie C, avec mention Bien, en 1983 au Lyce Gaston Berger, il suit le cursus Mathmatiques Suprieures / Mathmatiques Spciales M (Lyce Henri IV Paris), avant dintgrer en 1985 lEcole Centrale de Paris pour en sortir ingnieur en 1988. De 1989 1998, il travaille successivement comme ingnieur de conception, responsable ligne de produits et Directeur Technique de dpartement au sein des socits Consulting Software, Marben Consulting Finance et Atos Origin en France. En 1999, il cre la socit GSIE Technology dont il est lactuel Directeur Gnral. GSIE Technology est une socit de services en Informatique & Tlcommunications qui ralise des projets de Conception, dintgration de solution et dagrgateur de services valeur ajoute mobiles en Afrique de lOuest et Centrale. Antoine NGOM est membre fondateur de lOrganisation des Professionnels des TICs du Sngal (OPTIC), le syndicat patronal des TICs, affili au Conseil National du Patronat (CNP), dont il assure actuellement la prsidence. Il est galement depuis 2011 le prsident de la Fondation des Incubateurs TIC du Sngal (FICTIS) qui a cr CTIC.

Valentin Livada - Senior Lecturer in the Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Val Livada founded Weybridge Partners in 1996 as a network of formal and informal associations of practitioners and organizations focused on the creation of innovation ecosystems. The network includes business and technology consultants, venture capitalists and angel investors, academics, entrepreneurs, and lawyers in the United States and abroad. Livada brings 30 years of consulting experience to his clients. He was director at Braxton Associates, an international strategy planning consulting firm, and vice president at Pugh-Roberts Associates (PRA), a technology management firm established by Prof. Ed Roberts from MIT. Prior to establishing Weybridge Partners, he was the leading practitioner in the area of innovation management for the PA Consulting Group. Livada is a judge for the Innovation Competition organized by the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center, which coordinates the activities of all universities, teaching hospitals, and research centers in Massachusetts. He is a catalyst at MITs Deshpande Center, working with different innovation teams. Livada is also active in efforts to stimulate activities among U.S., European, and Asian organizations. In Europe, he has worked with many firms in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, and Scandinavia. He has been instrumental in establishing U.S. operations for several European companies, including Nokia Research, Pro2Kem, and ETeCH. Recently, he has been one of the founders of I-Cube, a nonprofit group organizing innovation competitions in Eastern Europe. In 2006, Livada helped found Nanonexis, an organization dedicated to the convergence of nanotechnology and the built environment, and Boston Instruments, a group consolidating emerging companies in the molecular spectroscopy sector. Livada holds an SB from MIT and an MA and a PhD from Tufts University.


Natalia Pipia - Senior Program Manager, Innovation Programs The Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Initiative
Natalia Pipia develops and oversees all Innovation Programs at CRDF Global. In her current position, Natalia is responsible for developing outreach strategies to external partners and funders for Innovation Programs. She develops new opportunities with various organizations and funders who share CRDF Globals objective of promoting innovation in emerging economies and advancing the development of new opportunities for technology entrepreneurs. She carries out programs that promote strategic partnerships between technology entrepreneurs and businesses, build innovation ecosystems in countries where programs are being implemented, and facilitate U.S. market access. Natalia has 10 years of experience working in economic development and executed various initiatives in coordination with numerous associations, companies, technology transfer groups, governmental, and non-governmental organizations in Eurasia, Middle East, Africa, Central and Southeast Asia. Natalia holds a M.A. in International Relations from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. She resides with her family in Washington, DC metropolitan area. Email:

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Funded by the U.S. Department of State

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Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

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GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


Ovidiu (Ovi) Bujorean - GIST Program Manager, The Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Initiative
Ovidiu (Ovi) Bujorean is Program Manager for the GIST Initiative. Ovidiu is member of the Board of Directors and Regional Chair for Washington DC and Virginia for MIT Enterprise Forum. He also serves as an Advisor to the MIT Portugal Entrepreneurship and Innovation Initiative. Previously, he was the Senior Associate at Rudyard Partners, a private equity firm focused on investing in consumer technology opportunities for the global marketplace. Ovidiu managed a $600k UNDP e-government Project for the Romanian Presidency. The project was recognized by UNDP as regional best practice in capacity building and public administration reform. He also worked with Gemini Consulting, Deutsche Post Consulting, and BCG. Ovidiu also founded and led LEADERS, an organization who impacted the lives of approximately 10000 young leaders and entrepreneurs in Romania and Southern-Eastern Europe. The partnership he built between Leaders and Vodafone was recognized by the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum as a worldwide best practice in developing young leaders. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of The Capital Network, City of Cambridge, AIESEC at Harvard and as a judge in the competition Startup Chile. He was invited to speak on the topic of Professional Networking by the MIT Portugal Entrepreneurship program, the Swiss government, Columbia University and The State Department TechCamp initiative. He was the winner of Mayor Menino Boston World Partnership Battle of the Network Stars competition that included 125 top Boston connectors. He is a graduate of the MIT Sloan School of Management MBA program and the inaugural Sloan Entrepreneurship and Innovation program in Technology. Ovidiu also holds an MPA degree from the Harvard Kennedy School, an MA in Organizational and Business Psychology and an MA in Governance and Institutional Development. He holds a BA in trade from Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. He served two terms as the National President of AIESEC in Romania. Email:


Omar Ciss Executive Director, CTIC Dakar
M. Omar Ciss is an IT engineer. He is one of the founders of 2SI, one of the leading software engineering solutions companies in West Africa created in 2001. He was the general manager of 2SI from January 2005 to August 2010. Since September 2010, he is the general manager of the first ICT incubator in West Africa (CTIC Dakar). He carried on all activities that enabled the establishment of the incubator. Omar Cisse also graduated in management in 2007 and participated in important programs related to entrepreneurship. Omar cisse is one of the founders of the ICT Association.

M. Omar Ciss est un ingnieur de conception en informatique et un des promoteurs dune des plus grandes structures dingnierie logicielle et de solutions mobiles en Afrique de lOuest. Il a dirig cette entreprise de 2005 2010 avant de rejoindre CTIC Dakar pour partager son exprience avec les entreprises du secteur. Il a aussi eu faire un MBA International en 2007 et a bnfici dimportants stages de formation en management dentreprises.

Regina Mbodj, Business Development Manager

Yves is a Telecom Engineer passionate about ICT and technological innovation. Focused on entrepreneurship and innovation of mobile services and technology in Africa, he holds two masters degrees in international trade and business management with USTL1 at University of Lille 1 in France. With his experience in management with large groups such as Orange, the PCCI, he joins CTIC Dakar in March 2012 where he is responsible for BuntuTEKI, and also the management of relay Telecom ICT system within CTIC Dakar.

Mme Rgina Mbodj est Diplme de luniversit WITS de Johannesburg en Anglais et en informatique complt par un BBA de luniversit de

Amanda Gant - Associate Program Manager, Global Innovation through Science & Technology (GIST) Initiative
Amanda Gant joined CRDF Global in March 2012 where she is excited to be a part of supporting the international entrepreneurial community. She holds a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and will receive her MPP in International Policy and Development from Georgetown University this May. Her thesis examines the effects of mobile banking on microfinance institutional performance outcomes. Amanda stays active in her local community by organizing Glover Park Day, the community day that brings her neighborhood together to showcase local area businesses and non-profits. She shares experiences through travel and cultural exchange by creating and as leading service and ecotourism trips to Nicaragua since 2008. Amanda is fluent in Spanish. Email:

New York (NYU).Regina totalise 15 annes dexprience professionnelle dont 10 dans le business dveloppement. Regina a travaill en Afrique du Sud, aux USA, en France, est bilingue anglais et parle assez bien le portugais. Elle accompagne les incubs au sein de CTIC DAKAR dans leur dveloppement commercial et stratgique.

Yann Le Beux, Catalyst

Yann Le Beux is currently working as a Catalyst for CTIC Dakar, the first IT and Mobile Technology Incubator of Senegal. He is in charge for advising high-growth entrepreneurs on their strategy and business model and he is also responsible for developing the incubator long term strategy and building key partnerships with local and international stakeholders. Yann was previously in charge of the mentoring program for MoovJee, the leading organization in France dedicated to young entrepreneurs. He has also served for few years within the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department of the French Embassy in the US. Based in Boston, he was in charge of creating, implementing and managing a new initiative to help the most innovative French start-ups accelerate their development in the US. He co-funded several projects in the US including one startup that has now stopped. He also worked and lived in the UK and Belgium. He holds a Master in Engineering and Innovation Management and followed an Entrepreneurship training at Harvard University.

Yuritzi Acosta Program Assistant, Global Innovation through Science & Technology (GIST) Initiative
Yuritzi has significant international experience working in the fields of education and advocacy. Her interest in working with entrepreneurs and leaders across the globe brought her to CRDF Global in April 2011. As a member of the GIST Initiative she has worked on projects that empower entrepreneurs to commercialize their innovative ideas through the coordination of events and facilitation of access to relevant information. Over the course of her work, she has coordinated a variety of educational and advocacy programs funded by agencies, such as NeighborWorks USA, USAID and the Florida Department of Education and now the Department of State. Having lived in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe, Yuritzi brings a global view and adaptability to the team. Her interest in the interconnectedness of cultures and people has led her to complete an MA in International Studies with a focus on development from Florida International University. Yuritzi is also fluent in English, French and Spanish. Email:
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Yann a rejoint lquipe de CTIC Dakar en dcembre 2011 en tant que Catalyst. A ce titre il coordonne lquipe dexperts et travaille avec les entreprises incubes pour le dveloppement rapide de leurs activits. Il aide galement la croissance globale du CTIC par ltablissement de partenariats internationaux, lorganisation dvnements pour la communaut des entrepreneurs et la mise en place doutils de financements innovants ddis aux jeunes entreprises des TIC. Yann a prcdemment t responsable dun programme de mentorat pour jeunes entrepreneurs en France et a travaill au sein de la division dentrepreneuriat technologique de lambassade de France aux Etats-Unis. Il a co-fond diffrents projets aux EtatsUnis dont une startup web qui sest depuis arrte. Il a un diplme dingnieur-matre en gnie des matriaux et un Master en Management de lInnovation. Il a galement suivi une formation en entrepreneuriat Harvard University.
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July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


Yves Afoutou, Project Manager
Yves is a Telecom Engineer passionate about ICT and technological innovation. Focused on entrepreneurship and innovation of mobile services and technology in Africa, he holds two masters degrees in international trade and business management with USTL1 at University of Lille 1 in France. With his experience in management with large groups such as Orange, the PCCI, he joins CTIC Dakar in March 2012 where he is responsible for BuntuTEKI, and also the management of relay Telecom ICT system within CTIC Dakar.


Dr. Jeffrey Margolis Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State
Dr. Jeffrey Margolis is Foreign Affairs Officer at the United States Department of State. Working in the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation within the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, he forwards U.S. science and technology global engagement programs and facilitates U.S. cooperation across the Middle East, North Africa, and Central, South, and Southeast Asia. In this capacity, he serves as one of the State Department leads on a number of programs including the Global Innovation through Science and Technology initiative that builds regional partnerships and programs that promote economic development through technology commercialization. Dr. Margolis is the recipient of the American Association for the Advancement of Science - Science & Technology Policy Fellowship which aims to bring scientific expertise to U.S. domestic and foreign policy decisions. He is an infectious disease specialist by training, earning his doctorate from Stanford University. While at Stanford, he received the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Prior to joining the State Department, Dr. Margolis worked at Baxter Healthcare, Pfizer, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on translational medicine applications of bacterial genetics. Dr. Margolis also has extensive education NGO experience, most

Yves est Ingnieur Tlcom de base passionn des technologies de linformation de la communication et de linnovation technologique. Ax sur lauto-entreprenariat et linnovation des services mobiles et technologique en Afrique, il est titulaire de deux masters en commerce internationale et en management daffaires avec lUSTL1 luniversit de lille1 en France. Daprs son exprience dans le management et la gestion avec des grand groupe comme Orange, le PCCI, il a finalement rejoint lquipe de CTIC Dakar en Mars 2012 ou il est depuis charg du programme BuntuTEKI , et aussi de la gestion des relais du systme tlcom TIC au sein de CTIC Dakar.

Mamadou Laho Diallo, Responsable Financier

Mamadou Diallo Laho holds a Master of Science and Technology Accounting and Finance (MSTCF). He worked for seven years at the Centre de Gestion Agr de Dakar, structure specialized in accounting and tax assistance for SMEs / SMIs, as Head of Accounting and Tax Service and Management Consulting before joining ICTC DAKAR. Mr. Diallo is responsible for management accounting, tax and social CTIC Dakar as well as that of Incubated.

recently serving as Vice President of Development for SEE College Prep, a California-based nonprofit organization that offers college preparation programs to low income students throughout the state.

Kathryn Pharr - Foreign Affairs Officer

Ms. Kathryn Pharr works at the U.S. Department of States Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. In the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation, she supports programs that enhance the impact of science and technology on determining solutions to global and local challenges. Ms. Pharrs portfolio encompasses several U.S. science and technology global engagement programs, including the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) initiative that identifies, supports, and networks high-potential technology startups in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. An analytical chemist by training, Ms. Pharr has published in several academic journals. In graduate school, she took

M. Mamadou Laho DIALLO est titulaire dune Matrise en Sciences et Techniques Comptables et Financires (MSTCF). Il a travaill pendant 7 ans au Centre de Gestion Agr de Dakar, structure spcialise dans lassistance comptable et fiscale des PME/PMI, comme Responsable du Service Comptable et Fiscal et du Conseil en Gestion avant de rejoindre CTIC DAKAR. M. DIALLO est charg de la gestion comptable, fiscale et sociale de CTIC Dakar ainsi que de celle des Incubs.

Anta Ndiaye, Responsable Administrative

Anta Ndiaye holds a Masters in Finance and Accounting and a certificate of specialization in business law. She worked at the Accelerated Growth Strategy as the Assistant Coordinator of the ICT cluster and Teleservices before joining CTIC Dakar as an administrative assistant to assist the CEO, ensure the administrative and manage all the logistics necessary for the proper functioning of DAKAR ICTC.

aCommercializing Innovation course, which sparked her interest in technology commercialization. Later, Ms. Pharr used her chemistry background to help a start-up sustainable natural care company receive a worldwide exclusive patent from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Her previous IT trainer experience took her to Egypt, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Indonesia.

Anta Ndiaye est titulaire dun master 1 finance comptabilit et un certificat de spcialisation en droit des affaires. Elle a travaill la Stratgie de Croissance Acclre comme assistante du coordonnateur de la grappe TIC et Tlservices avant de rejoindre CTIC Dakar en tant quAssistante Administrative pour assister le Directeur Gnral, assurer la gestion administrative et grer toute la logistique ncessaire au bon fonctionnement de CTIC DAKAR.

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Funded by the U.S. Department of State

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Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

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GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

Rashid M. Al Ballaa - Founder and CEO, National Net Ventures
Rashid Al Ballaa is the founder and CEO of National Net Ventures (N2V), an internet holding company that is Disrupting Digital Arabia and stimulating the growth of a multi-billion $ internet industry in Arabia. N2V enables web ventures in Arabia by investing capital and offering essential infrastructure services, mentorship, and support to help accelerate their growth. Rashid is also a board member of National Technology Group (NTG), MENAs largest ICT conglomerate and key provider of Financial Technology and Services. NTG annual revenue grew to over 700 million through 20+ subsidiaries and JVs in the MENA region. Before N2V, Rashid founded and managed Mubasher Financial Services (MFS), MENAs first STP e-brokerage company and the only provider of DMA to MENA equity markets. Rashid now serves on the board of MFS. Rashid holds a B.Sc. in Computer science with honors degree from King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Jeff Hoffman - Founder, Priceline
Mr. Jeff Hoffman is an accomplished entrepreneur and innovator in the fields of Internet, e-commerce, and entertainment. Having launched his first software company while still a student at Yale University, Mr. Hoffman has founded and grown a series of successful startup companies in his career, guiding his companies to both acquisitions and public offerings. For his efforts, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in Entrepreneurship from the National CEO Council in 2010, and was also inducted into the Hall of Fame for Entrepreneurs by the International Association of College Entrepreneurs in 2010. He is currently a founder and partner in ColorJar, a venture accelerator firm that helps entrepreneurs and small business owners launch and grow new business ventures. In this capacity, he works as a virtual CEO with startup companies all over the world to help turn great ideas into profitable businesses. Mr. Hoffman is perhaps best known as a founder and CEO in the family of companies, where he led the development and launch of Pricelines consumer company (Priceline YardSale). Hoffman also served as an executive in Walker Digital, the parent company of Priceline and one of the countrys most innovative creators of intellectual property and new business models. He is also a featured motivational speaker at conferences across the globe.

H.R.H. Prince Saud Bin Khalid Al-Faisal - Deputy Governor for Investment Affairs - Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal heads the Investment Affairs department, which is responsible for managing the investment environment and competitiveness agenda of Saudi Arabia. The Investment Affairs department has focused on establishing a more liberal investment environment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As part of these efforts, HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal also chairs the Saudi negotiation team for bilateral investment treaties. In 2010, Saudi Arabia was ranked among the most competitive economies in the world according to the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Report and the UNCTAD World Investment Report. HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal is the Vice Chairman of the: Swiss Saudi Joint Economic Commission; Saudi Russian Joint Economic Commission; Saudi Uzbek Joint Economic Commission; Saudi Kazak Joint Economic Commission; Saudi Greek Joint Economic Commission; Saudi Azerbaijan Joint Economic Commission; and Saudi Senegal Joint Economic Commission. HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal is the President of the National Competitiveness Center since 2010. The National Competitiveness Center (NCC) was established by SAGIA in 2006 to act as an independent body to monitor, assess and support the enhancement of competiveness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The NCC fulfils this role by serving as a think tank, facilitator and communicator of change. HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal is a Member of the Board at Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON), Chief Operations and Chief Financial Officer for Investment Affairs at SAGIA and NCC. As Financial Analyst, HRH Prince Saud K Al-Faisal worked with Saudi Aramco during 2001 to 2008.

Mr. Ali smail Sabanc - Chairman and Director, Pegasus Airlines

Mr. Ali smail Sabanc is the Chairman and Director of Pegasus Airlines, and has been serving in this capacity since 2004. He has been a Director of Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG and Air Berlin Plc since May 2009. He serves as a Member of the Board of Esas Holding AS. He also serves as a Board Member of various holding companies. He serves as a Director of AFM Uluslararasi Film Produksiyon A.S. Mr. Sabanc was born in 1969 in Adana, Turkey. After finishing his studies in Politics and Economy (1987-1991) at Tufts University in the USA, he worked as a financial expert at Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated until 1993. Between 1993 and 1995 he completed his MBA in International Finance at Columbia Business School. On his return to Turkey he worked as a specialist at the Akbank T.A.S. Bahekapi Branch until 1996 then became Assistant Manager at the Akbank T.A.S. Beyoglu Branch until 1997. That same year he became Head of the Project Department at H.. Sabanci Holding Corporation and in 2001 he was promoted to be Head of the Strategic and Business Development Group. Mr.Sabanc joined Esas Holding Corporation in March 2004 as a member of the Board of Directors and continued his business life as Chairman of Board of Directors at Pegasus when it was bought by Esas.He is a member of the Board of Directors of Esass partner companies Izair Corporation and Air Berlin as well as being a member of TYD, TSIAD, ISO and TAIK. Mr. Sabanci speaks fluent English and German and is a married father of two children.

Patricia M. Dinneen - Managing Director, Siguler Guff & Company

Patricia M. Dinneen has focused on Emerging Markets for most of her 36-year career. She is currently a Managing Director at Siguler Guff & Company, a global multi-strategy private equity investment firm with over $10.0 billion in assets under management. Dr. Dinneen joined the Firm in 2004 to build the BRIC private equity investment business, focusing on Brazil, Russia, India, China and select Frontier Markets. She has primary responsibility for overseeing the due diligence, selection and monitoring of funds and co-investments for the Firms $2 billion BRIC strategy. Prior to joining Siguler Guff in 2004, Dr. Dinneen was at Cambridge Associates where she led research, client advisory work and due diligence in Emerging Markets private equity, including performance benchmarking. Prior to Cambridge, she spent ten years at British Telecommunications (BT), where she was involved in establishing over ten joint ventures in the Emerging Markets of Asia and Europe. Before BT, Dr. Dinneen worked at Hughes Communications, leading business projects to extend digital data and TV satellite communications in developed and Emerging Markets. She has also held positions at The RAND Corporation and the White House. Dr. Dinneen holds a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

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GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

Dr. Roger Wyse - Managing Director and General Partner, Burrill & Company
Dr. Roger Wyse is a Managing Director and General Partner at Burrill & Company a leading Life Sciences company with $1 billion in venture capital under management, with businesses in merchant banking, private equity and media. Dr. Wyse joined Burrill in 1998 and has led the development of Burrill & Companys agriculture, nutraceuticals, health & wellness, and industrial biotechnology related activities in venture capital investing. In this endeavor he pioneered the Virtual Corporate Venture model and has attracted over 40 corporate investors into the various Burrill funds. This model has now been extended to several countries including Malaysia, Brazil, Russia, and Chile. Dr. Wyse chairs or serves on the boards of 11 private companies. He is Co-Chairman of the $162M Malaysian Life Capital Fund and is a member of the International Advisory Panel for Biotechnology (BioIAP) for the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He was founder and Chairman of the Alliance for Animal Genome Research. He serves on the Board of Industrial Section of BIO. Dr. Wyse is a sought after speaker on biotechnology applications and policy in food, agricultural and bio-cleantech and the use of venture capital as a component of an open innovation strategy for emerging economies. He has over 30 years of experience as an internationally recognized scientist and as a Dean at two major research universities; Rutgers and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Immediately prior to joining Burrill & Company, Dr. Wyse served for 5 years as Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 1986 - 1992 he served as Dean of Research at, Rutgers University. In research, Dr. Wyse earned international recognition for his basic studies in plant biochemistry. He published over 150 scientific papers. In recognition of his research accomplishments he received the prestigious Arthur Flemming Award in 1982 as the Outstanding Young Scientist in the US Federal Service. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Crop Science Society of America and The American Society of Agronomy. He also served as a consultant to numerous Fortune 500 companies.


Scott Hartley will be traveling with GIST to boot camps in Senegal and Algeria
Name: Scott Hartley Company Name: Mohr Davidow Ventures Short description: Mohr Davidow Ventures (MDV) is an early stage technology venture capital firm based on Sand Hill Road. Founded in 1983, MDV is investing out of its ninth fund, a $700 million USD fund. We are focused on partnering with brilliant entrepreneurs pursuing disruptive innovation in web, mobile, and digital health. Hometown: Palo Alto, California Website: Favorite hobbies/past-times: Running, triathlons, soccer, reading, traveling Languages you speak: Spanish, and a bit of Italian, French, and Hindi What inspired you to become an Investor? As someone who grew up surrounded by startup companies and innovation, I wanted to be in a position where I could work closely with entrepreneurs solving the biggest problems. I saw venture capital and investing as a way to partner with some of the best entrepreneurs and problem solvers in the world, and help them create. How did you get involved with mentorship? I have always mentored startups, from friends, classmates, portfolio companies, and for GIST. After working with 70 entrepreneurs in Africa for Google. org, and subsequently with entrepreneurs in Latin America as a graduate student, I became involved in mentorship with GIST, working in Africa and the Middle East. What is the best part about being a mentor? The best part about mentoring is seeing ideas from a high level, and working hands on with an entrepreneur. As someone in venture capital, you get to see hundreds of ideas and learn what some of the best practices are for the highest probability of success, whether in business model, roll-out, or other strategies. Being able to add this value by working with entrepreneurs is personally rewarding, and hopefully helpful to the founder. How are the entrepreneurs that you have met at the GIST events different from the entrepreneurs in the US? One of my theses, and the topic about which I write for Forbes is that they are not different. Entrepreneurship and problem solving are global, not local phenomena. There are local inputs and relevancies that matter and add nuance, but at the core entrepreneurship is not an American phenomenon, it is a globally available method of problem solving that flourishes under certain circumstances, rules, freedoms, and incentives. What lessons do you believe entrepreneurs can get from GIST Startup Boot Camps? You can be an entrepreneur. People are willing to listen to your ideas, and give you feedback. If you listen to feedback and attempt to iteratively build a product that solves a large problem, you can create value. When youre not working on your business, what do you do to enjoy your life? I love to meet new people, travel, and counter stereotypes. I like to do athletics, and love playing beach soccer. Do you have any advice for young entrepreneurs? Dont be afraid to try. Trying something is better than waiting for perfection. But be open to input, feedback, advice, and to pivoting in new directions to solve the problems that people have. If people tell you something isnt a problem, dont invent a problem to fit your solution. Adapt to solve a problem that exists. What is the best part of being an entrepreneur? You get to be creative and solve big problems that help people and are accretive to society. Thats a net positive for the world, and likely has windfalls in the form of greater connectivity, empathy, and ultimately peace.

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


Its Not a Small World
Next door in Turkey, Istanbul hosted MITs Global Startup Workshop, a multi-day event that brought together participants from over 40 countries. Students from MIT and Stanfords BASES organization brought perspective, and the U.S. State Departments Global Innovation in Science and Technology (GIST) program coordinated by CRDF Global sponsored international mentors to work with 30 of the top Turkish technology entrepreneurs. A consequence of President Obamas Cairo speech, GIST helps organize startup boot camps around the world to empower economic development through innovation and entrepreneurship. In Istanbul, the program was bookended by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Jonathan Margolis and Managing Director of the MIT Entrepreneurship Center, Bill Aulet. While success requires intellectual and technical talent, hunger, mentorship, and capital, the locations where this is becoming possible are ever expanding. By shining a light on local deficiencies, whether capital or human capital, energy or mentorship, we can level the playing field. Read more at


Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Ideas for Indonesia and Beyond
Startup Boot Camp Indonesia is a program run by the GIST (Global Innovation through Science and Technology) Initiative. GIST was established in 2010, with funding from the U.S. Department of State, to spur economic advancement through science- and technology-based innovation in countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. The idea behind GIST is that economically empowered people (aka entrepreneurs) provide the basis for political stability and economic growth. Read more at

Heart Attack Monitor Wins US Startup Contest for Middle East

Most Middle East entrepreneurs can only dream of a startup oasis such as Californias Silicon Valley that is filled with angel investors and venture capitalists. But a few entrepreneurs have begun receiving funding from a more unlikely source - the U.S. government. One of those entrepreneurs, Ziad Sankari, was just 17 when he lost his father to a heart attack. Today, the Lebanese engineer is building a startup based on a medical device that can monitor cardiac patients outside the hospital around the clock. His startup idea won a first place prize of $20,000 in the final rounds of the U.S.-sponsored GIST Tech-I Competition held in Istanbul last December. That funding from the U.S. State Department may help Sankari and his colleague, Najwa Sahmarani, develop a business plan for their Cardio Diagnostics startup. The competition also provided business mentoring by flying in experts from MIT and Silicon Valley. GISTech was our shortcut towards better connections and visibility and provided us, indeed, with some cash and unmatchable opportunities to visit Silicon Valley and possibly find a collaborator there, Sankari said. Read more at

Young entrepreneurs from NUST have made the nation proud.

Pakistans Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani extended his congratulations to entrepreneurs from Pakistans National University of Science and Technology. He commended the Sahara and Saltech teams for making it to the victory stand at an international business plan competition, titled Global Innovation through Science & Technology (GIST) -- Battle of Ideas World Cup 2011. Read more at

Meet the Coolest Next-Generation Science Entrepreneurs in MENA

At the second Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Istanbul recently, we at Wamda were tremendously inspired by the contestants in the Global Innovation through Science & Technology (GIST) Competition, who came from all over the Middle East and North Africa to showcase their carefully-honed scientific ideas that could transform our societies.

Indonesian Minister: We need four million entrepreneurs

They hosted a recent conference and business plan competition to inspire, educate and cajole young people into taking the plunge. Theres a real craving for this kind of knowledge here, according to Ovidiu Bujorean, program manager for Global Innovation through Science and Technology, the US-based agency that ran the event. Energy, drive, optimism the people Ive seen here are the ones who can take the Indonesian economy into the new global economy of knowledge, ideas and prosperity. [Disclosure: I spoke, judged and put together a panel discussion at this event, implemented by CRDF Global and funded by the US State Department.] Read more at


Steven Koltai founder of the Global Entrepreneurship Program attends GIST Tech-I
GIST Tech-I is a multinational competition hosted by CRDF Global and the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST), which invited

Road Trip! Founders Of YouTube, LinkedIn and Others Tackle Brain Drain in Malaysia
Malaysia has a very young population, 65% of which is under 35, as well as the need to create jobs quickly. Hwang says entrepreneurship can create alternatives to other activities. In many cases the government is responding to demand by the people, she says, like in Indonesia, where a grassroots movement began. The government recognized entrepreneurship to be a good cause to engage young talent and create alternatives to other activities.She observes that the U.S. government has been promoting entrepreneurship in Muslim-dominated countries with this goal. The GIST initiative is a partner of Read more at

entrepreneurs in 43 Muslim countries to submit proposals outlining their ideas for technology innovation. Of the 25 semi-finalists, Najwa Shmarani and Ziad Sankari of Lebanon won the Grand Prize $20,000 for their start-up concept, Cardio Diagnostics, a device which provides continuous monitoring for patients with heart problems. Read more at

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs
CRDF Global is a private, nongovernmental organization committed to promoting peace and prosperity through science and technology. Its innovation and entrepreneurshipfocused programs develop technology commercialization capabilities and sustaining networks abroad. Domestically, CRDF Global helps to create more viable investment, partnership and collaborative opportunities for American businesses and scientists who gain access to top international research and expertise.

CRDF Globals Impact


Transforming Technology Transfer in Russia
CRDF Global has trained more than 300 technology transfer managers and assisted eight leading research universities with establishing technology transfer offices, which significantly contributed to the establishment of the local innovation ecosystem. The Programs include professional skills development seminars, workshops, academia and industry international conferences, and site visits to the United States for technology transfer professionals. Similar activities have strengthened the technology commercialization capabilities of more than 20 research universities of the Russian Federation.


Increasing Opportunities for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs

In the search for entrepreneurs with innovative technology ideas that can address a problem affecting their country or region, the Global Innovation through Science and GIST Tech-I Technology (GIST) Initiative has implemented the GISTech-I Competition, attracting close to 200 teams from the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South East Asia. Among them was CardioDiagnostics, a Lebanese startup founded by Ziad Sankari. Ziad lost his father at the age of 17 to a heart attack, which inspired him to create a medical device that monitors cardiac patients outside the hospital around the clock. This idea earned him a top prize of the competition awarded at the Second Global Entrepreneurship Summit on December 3-5, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. CardioDiagnostics has been given a strong start for a global success with $20,000 in seed funding, hands-on training with serial entrepreneurs and business mentors, global media exposure by MSNBC and Wired Magazine, an upcoming trip to Silicon Valley and participation in the MIT Global Startup Workshop.

Core Program Beliefs

Innovation. We believe strongly in the power of technology and innovation as drivers for sustainable growth.
into enterprises that generate value and create jobs. Our programs are designed with the individual in mind, as the nucleus and sole purpose of our mission. Strategic partnerships. We partner with like-minded local and regional organizations and corporations to leverage our resources and capabilities to build capacity for greater impact and avoid redundancy.

Accessing U.S. Markets

Since 2005, CRDF Global has implemented more than 20 U.S. travel programs for close to 90 participants representing dozens of universities, research institutes and technology companies from Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan and collaborated with such prominent U.S. organizations as MIT, Babson College, Garage Technology Ventures, Plug & Play Incubator, CleanTech Open and others. Based on the scalable and highly customizable format of the Innovation U.S. travel programs and existing cache of experience, best practices and partners, CRDF Global is able to design and implement results-oriented and cost-effective programs that perfectly fit the objectives and needs of a diverse range of partner organizations in emerging markets.

Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs transform innovation

Innovation Ecosystem Development

CRDF Global believes in the bottom-up approach in building the local ecosystems and supports local entrepreneurship initiatives by identifying leaders, existing programs and the gaps in the system. Assisting with the formation of new technology commercialization offices and incubators Strategic planning Management training and educational outreach Comprehensive programs designed to enhance entrepreneurship culture Assisting with investment capital infrastructure development

Startup Support
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of all economies and the source of growth and dynamism. CRDF Global offers a comprehensive suite of programs designed to nurture these early-stage companies. Identifying promising business opportunities, funders, partners and resources Designing and executing acceleration programs Comprehensive skill development training Access to sources of funding

Building Institutional Capacity

Since 2005, CRDF Global has partnered with the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), one of the most successful IT-focused technology business incubators and consulting companies in the Caucasus region, to implement its Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP). With co-funding from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, EIF implemented more than 15 STEP activities including the Business Partnership Grant (BPG) program, Innovation Forums, cluster seminars, business trainings for scientific community, legal and accounting seminars and matchmaking events. Through its partnership with CRDF Global, EIF strengthened communication channels between science and private sectors, gained broader access to the U.S. business network and scaled up its outreach and programs to non-IT sectorsbecoming one of the focal entrepreneurshipsupport organizations in Armenia and in the region.

Technology Acceleration
CRDF Global promotes business growth by supporting students, researchers and technology developers who believe that their product or service is viable commercially. Programs guide them through the process of commercialization by honing their skills and helping them to grow and realize their market potential. Identifying intellectual property with commercial potential in universities and corporations Hands-on training in technology transfer and intellectual property rights Online technology commercialization courses Technology valuation and market assessment
Ziad Sankari, CardioDiagnostics

Providing Access to Capital

The ecoFridge, a revolutionary refrigeration system used to transport perishable products, was developed by a team of Ukrainian scientists with a U.S. business partner who participated in a CRDF Global research and development grant competition. CRDF Global provided training and mentorship to the team to prepare them to effectively pitch the ecoFridge at a venture forum in Los Angeles, CA. As a result, the team obtained $2.2 million of follow-on capital investment to develop their business, and EcoFridge is now being adopted by companies around the world who appreciate its environmental benefits and cost efficiency.

1530 Wilson Blvd, 3rd Fl | Arlington, VA 22209 |

1530 Wilson Blvd, 3rd Fl | Arlington, VA 22209 |

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


UPCOMING EVENTS GIST Tech-I Competition Launch GIST Startup Boot Camp Algeria Webinar: Technology Transfer and Incubation Global Entrepreneurship Flag Competition GIST Transformers Entrepreneurship Journey to the US GIST Tech Connect, Pakistan GIST Tech-I Finalists event DATE July, 2012 July 14-15, 2012 August, 2012 September, 2012 October, 2012 October 2, 2012 December 11-13, 2012 LOCATION Algiers, Algeria Online GISTinitiative San Francisco, New York, Boston & Washington Online UAE


Building local entrepreneurial ecosystems together REGIONAL JORDAN










The GIST Initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by CRDF Global
Implemented by CRDF Global Funded by the U.S. Department of State Join the GIST network today!

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL



GIST Initiative CTIC Dakar LIONS@FRICA African Development Bank InfoDev ARTP - Sonatel - Microsoft - Viadeo -

Powered By
GIST Tech-I Competition - Startup Open, November 12-18, 2012 Global Cleantech Ideas Open Competition, November 8-14, 2012 Inaota Startup Challenge, June 25-august 24, 2012 -

Other Resources

Skill Development and Presentation

Biz Planit Business development services Blogtrepreneur Advice blog for entrepreneurship, social media, finance, business, personal development BPlans Business development information, writing a business plan, marketing, financing a business, forming a business eCorner Entrepreneurship resources from Stanford University My Own Business Cash Flow and Accounting Plan Write Business Plans Score Templates for business plans, cash flow spreadsheets, sale forecasts and general information for obtaining financial assistance and useful information on marketing and PR Working Knowledge Entrepreneurship resources from Harvard Business School Business Model Canvas - Visual tools and exchange community around business model and innovation

Entrepreneur and Business News

Entrepreneur News and resources for business, finance, technology, marketing, startups, etc. News resource for business, finance, technology, leadership & management, sales, start-ups, etc. Red Herring Technology news resources VentureBeat News resource for technology and finances Afriqueitnews - The leading West African website for tech startup news

Networking Groups

Wamda Entrepreneur network and news Africa Leadership Forum Civil society organization promoting leadership development through workshops, publications, conferences, seminars, and workshops Viadeo Africa - The online networking hub for African professionals and entrepreneurs

Implemented by CRDF Global

Funded by the U.S. Department of State

Join the GIST network today!

GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa


July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL


GIST Startup Boot Camp - West Africa

July 10-11, 2012 Dakar - SENEGAL




GIST CRDF Global 1530 Wilson Blvd. 3rd FL Arlington, VA 22209;

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