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Freshwater ecosystem functioning and water self-purification.

Useful references, articles:

** Useful papers. Key words: freshwater, water resources, water quality, lakes, rivers, eutrophication, pollution control, self-purification, water safety, ecosystem function, ** Poulard C., Lafont M., Lenar-Matyas A., apuszek M. Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functionsA problem oriented conceptual approach // Ecological Engineering. Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 6977.

Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functionsA problem oriented conceptual approach Christine Poulard, Michel Lafont, Anna Lenar-Matyas, Marta apuszek (France, Poland)

We formulated five proposals to improve specifications of flood hazard reduction projects and five proposals to preserve the river ecosystem functions, based on literature and authors experience. Starting from these, we established a conceptual approach using the notion of riverscape, with related function richness and bioassessment tools. We defined four riverscape types based on the gradient of artificialness, from type ... Journal: Ecological Engineering - ECOL ENG , vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 69-77, 2010.

Flood mitigation designs with respect to river ecosystem functionsA problem oriented conceptual approach
Christine Poulard, Michel Lafont, Anna Lenar-Matyas, Marta apuszek
We formulated five proposals to improve specifications of flood hazard reduction projects and five proposals to preserve the river ecosystem functions, based on literature and authors experience. Starting from these, we established a conceptual approach using the notion of riverscape, with related function richness and bioassessment tools. We defined four riverscape types based on the gradient of artificialness, from type I (impervious bed) to type IV (less than 30% or no artificial bed). To apply our approach to dry dam designs, we individualized different parts of dry dams and characterized them by an ideal riverscape type, according to the hydraulic constraints of each part. Type I is unavoidable in the bottom outlet, and types I or II at the foot of the dam. Types III (3050% of artificial bed) and IV were recommended at upper and lower parts of the dam, according to the risk of bank erosion and need for bank reinforcements. The approach appeared efficient to help biologists and hydraulic practitioners work together, and find technical solutions complying with both flood protection and biodiversity preservation requirement.

Journal: Ecological Engineering - ECOL ENG , vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 69-77, 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.09.013

** Chatzinikolaou Y., Ioannou A., Lazaridou M. Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river // Desalination , vol. 250, no. 1, pp. 118-129, 2010.

Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river

Yorgos Chatzinikolaou, Alexis Ioannou, Maria Lazaridou In order to find the segments of Pinios River which lack the retention capacity of the BOD and nutrient input, the difference of the estimated input and output pollution loads was compared at upstream and downstream clustered areas of a total of 73 segments. Catchment areas ranged from 1 to 11,300km2. Emissions were always higher than the actual transport, ... Journal: Desalination , vol. 250, no. 1, pp. 118-129, 2010.

Intra-basin spatial approach on pollution load estimation in a large Mediterranean river

Yorgos Chatzinikolaou, Alexis Ioannou, Maria Lazaridou
In order to find the segments of Pinios River which lack the retention capacity of the BOD and nutrient input, the difference of the estimated input and output pollution loads was compared at upstream and downstream clustered areas of a total of 73 segments. Catchment areas ranged from 1 to 11,300km2. Emissions were always higher than the actual transport, therefore retention was assumed to take place. Specific runoff, percentage of the surface water area and the calculated input of pollution loads (BOD, P, N) varied between the different Pinios River basin catchment areas. The transport to the emission load ratio was different between large and small catchments. The rate of retention among consecutive segments revealed that four lowland segments lacked in their relative retention capacity.

Journal: Desalination , vol. 250, no. 1, pp. 118-129, 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2008.12.062


Wei G., Yang Z., Cui B., Li B., Chen H., Bai J., Dong S. Impact of Dam Construction on Water Quality and Water Self-Purification Capacity of the Lancang River, China // Water Resources Management, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1763-1780, 2009.

Impact of Dam Construction on Water Quality and Water Self-Purification Capacity of the Lancang River, China

GuoLiang Wei, ZhiFeng Yang, BaoShan Cui, Bing Li, He Chen, JunHong Bai, ShiKui Dong Along with the sequent completion of Manwan and Dachaoshan Dam, the river continuum of the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River was separated into three types of segments: reservoir, below-dam segment and downstream flowing segment. The long-term series of water quality and river flow data over 20 years were analyzed in order to study the impact of ... Journal: Water Resources Management - WATER RESOUR MANAG , vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1763-1780, 2009.
DOI: 10.1007/s11269-008-9351-8

Chen D., Lu J., Shen Y., Dahlgren R. A., Jin S. Estimation of critical nutrient amounts based on input output analysis in an agriculture watershed of eastern China // Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment , vol. 134, no. 3, pp. 159-167, 2009.

Estimation of critical nutrient amounts based on inputoutput analysis in an agriculture watershed of eastern China DingJiang Chen, Jun Lu, YeNa Shen, Randy A. Dahlgren, ShuQuan Jin The concept of critical nutrient amounts (CNA) for a watershed was developed to address eutrophication in surface waters from diffuse (non-point) source pollution. CNA is defined as the maximum allowable applied or generated amount (AGA) of a nutrient from natural and human sources that can be emitted and still allow compliance with water quality standards. The CNA calculation method ... Journal: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment - AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON , vol. 134, no. 3, pp. 159-167, 2009 **

** Chen D., Lu J., Shen Y. Artificial neural network modelling of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in a non-point source polluted river in Zhejiang Province, southeast China // Hydrological Processes, 2009. Volume 24, Issue 3, pages 290299, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7482; Artificial neural network modelling of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved oxygen in a non-point source polluted river in Zhejiang Province, southeast China Dingjiang Chen, Jun Lu, Yena Shen Journal: Hydrological Processes - HYDROL PROCESS ,
DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7482

Hydrological Processes
Volume 24, Issue 3, pages 290299, 30 January 2010

** Samal N. R., Mazumdar A., Johnk K. D., Peeters F. Assessment of ecosystem health of tropical shallow waterbodies in eastern India using turbulence model // Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management , vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 215-225, 2009. Assessment of ecosystem health of tropical shallow waterbodies in eastern India using turbulence model N. R. Samal, A. Mazumdar, K. D. Johnk, F. Peeters (Germany, India) In the present study, a numerical model of the hydrodynamic and thermal structure of artificial shallow lakes in eastern India has been developed as a tool to assess the ecological water quality, driven by the meteorological forcings. Tt allows quantification of the vertical mixing processes that govern not only the thermal structure but also nutrient exchanges and the distribution of ... Journal: Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management , vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 215-225, 2009 **
Vaughn C.C., Nichols S. J., Spooner D. E. Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels // Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27(2):409-423. 2008. doi:; full text:

Community and foodweb ecology of freshwater mussels Caryn C. Vaughn, S. Jerrine Nichols, Daniel E. Spooner (U.S.A.) Freshwater mussel (Superfamily Unionoidea) communities are important components of food webs, and they link and influence multiple trophic levels. Mussels filter food from both the water column and sediment with ciliated gills. Differences in cilia structure and arrangement might allow mussel species to partition food resources.

Mussels are omnivores that feed across trophic levels on bacteria, algae, detritus, zooplankton, and ... Journal: Journal of The North American Benthological Society - J N AMER BENTHOL SOC , vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 409-423, 2008 ** Kinetics of the enzymatic decomposition of macromolecules with a fractal structure B. M. Dolgonosov, T. N. Gubernatorova Mechanisms of enzymatic decomposition of an organic substance consisting of fractal macromolecules of different sizes are studied. A kinetic decomposition equation in which the reaction rate coefficient depends on the characteristic of the fractal structure is formulated. The solution for a fraction of macromolecules of the same size and for a mixture of macromolecules of different sizes is analyzed. It ... Journal: Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering - THEOR FOUND CHEM ENGINEERING , vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 868-877, 2007 ** Brooks B.W., Riley T.M., Taylor R.D. Water Quality of Effluent-dominated Ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, Hydrological, and Management Considerations // Hydrobiologia , vol. 556, no. 1, pp. 365-379, 2006. More detail: Water Quality of Effluent-dominated Ecosystems: Ecotoxicological, Hydrological, and Management Considerations Bryan W. Brooks, Timothy M. Riley, Ritchie D. Taylor (U.S.A.) In arid and semi-arid regions of the southwestern United States and other parts of the world, flows of historically ephemeral streams are now perennially dominated by municipal and/or industrial effluent discharges, particularly in urbanized watersheds. Because effluent-dominated and dependent water bodies have previously received limited scientific study, we reviewed select contemporary topics associated with water quality of ... Journal: Hydrobiologia , vol. 556, no. 1, pp. 365-379, 2006 ** Jiang J., Shen Y. Estimation of the natural purification rate of a eutrophic lake after pollutant removal // Ecological Engineering, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 166-173, 2006. Estimation of the natural purification rate of a eutrophic lake after pollutant removal Jian-Guo Jiang, Yun-Fen Shen Pollution resulting from increased human activities is threatening Lake Donghu, its effects being characterized by serious eutrophication. A steady increase of phosphorus loading is the most important factor of the lake eutrophication. Pollution external

control projects are being implemented and will be accomplished before the year 2010. In order to predict the restoration rate by the lake's self-purification ... Journal: Ecological Engineering - ECOL ENG , vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 166-173, 2006. ** Gagneten A. M. Effects of Contamination by Heavy Metals and Eutrophication on Zooplankton, and Their Possible Effects on the Trophic Webs of Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems. In: Eutrophication: causes, consequences and control. 2011, Springer, pp. 211-223.

Effects of Contamination by Heavy Metals and Eutrophication on Zooplankton, and Their Possible Effects on the Trophic Webs of Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystems

Ana Mara Gagneten (Argentina) In this chapter, the combined effects of eutrophication and of heavy metal contamination on the zooplankton community of a freshwater ecosystem are analyzed. Through biomonitoring, it was possible to study zooplanktonic attributes as indicators of environmental stress: species richness, species diversity, equity, and biomass. These attributes allowed the detection of structural and functional changes. There was an inverse relationship between ...
DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9625-8_10

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Enseignements de retours d'expriences de barrages pertuis ouverts, de 1905 nos jours


C Poulard, P Royet, J Ratomski, A Lenar-Matyras - 2008- Le principe du barrage pertuis ouvert, appel parfois barrage sec ou retenue sche, est simple: il s' agit de barrer un thalweg en laissant l'eau un passage restreint pour limiter le dbit en cas de crue (figure 1). Ce thalweg, chemin emprunt par les eaux de ...

Abstract This paper aims at sharing feedback about dry dams. These structures are efficient to mitigate floods, while little disruption of the continuity of the main channel and its flows outside the flood periods. Five sets of dams are presented here. They were selected so as ... **

K.N. Mehta, B.S. Bhadauria. Modelling the Role of Fluctuations in Volume on Self-purification of Natural Water Bodies. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. Volume 7, Number 4 / 2010. Pages 63-69.

** More info on water quality and self-purification:


Water safety and water sustainability. New scientific theory of water self-purification ** Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for Self-Purification and Bioremediation in Aquatic Ecosystems: ** The Effect of Synthetic Surfactants on the Hydrobiological Mechanisms of Water Self-Purification. Water Resources, ** about an innovative paper on water quality improvement, new approach to water purification: Title of the paper: On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12 ** FAQ: Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. ** Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.-Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010, Vol. 80, No. 13, 2010, p. 27542761. ** Theory of how aquatic ecosystem works toward improving water quality. New: ecological selfpurification of water ** Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification. aquatic,ecosystems: **

On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification. - Water Resources, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305313 [Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 337 346] **

Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water selfpurification. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, 1: 147-152. ** The theory of the hydrobiological mechanism of water self-purification in water bodies: from theory to practice: ** Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. - Hydrobiologia. 2002. vol. 469, pages 117-129; [ key words: Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety] ** On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality and Self-Purification. - Water Resources, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 305313 [Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2005, pp. 337346] **

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