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Genetics - Part A: Writing Alleles Directions: Using the data in Table 1, write the genotype that corresponds to the

phenotype descriptions Table 1: Mendel's Traits and Symbols for Pea Plants Traits Dominant Allele Symbol Recessive Allele Seed Shape Round R Wrinkled Seed Color Yellow Y Green Seed Coat Color Colored C White Pod Shape Smooth S Constricted Pod Color Green G Yellow Stem Height Tall T Short Flower Position Axial A Terminal
Phenotype 1. Heterozygous for height 2. Homozygous dominant for seed shape 3. Heterozygous colored seed coat 4. Homozygous green pod 5. Homozygous short 6. Homozygous tall 7. Homozygous axial 8. Homozygous terminal 9. Heterozygous flower position 10. Heterozygous seed color 11. Homozygous smooth pod 12. Homozygous constricted pod 13. Homozygous recessive for seed coat color 14. Heterozygous for pod color 15. Homozygous round seed Genotype Phenotype 16. Constricted pod 17. Short height 18. Green seed color 19. Terminal flowers 20. Pure wrinkled 21. Hybrid tall 22. Pure round 23. Yellow seed pod 24. Hybrid smooth 25. Pure smooth pod 26. Hybrid pod color 27. White seed coat 28. Wrinkled seed 29. Pure colored seed coat 30. Hybrid flower position

Symbol r y c s g t a

Genetics Part B: phenotypes, genotypes and dominate or recessive genes 1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is heterozygous (He) or homozygous (Ho) AA_____ Bb_____ Cc_____ Ee_____ ff_____ Gg_____ Ii_____ Jj_____ kk_____ Mm_____ nn_____ oo_____ Pp_____ LL_____ HH_____

2. For each of the genotypes below determine what phenotypes would be possible. Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes PP_____________________________ BB_________________________ Pp_____________________________ Bb_________________________ pp_____________________________ bb_________________________ Round seeds are dominant to wrinkled seeds RR_____________________________ Rr_____________________________ rr_____________________________ Bobtails in cats are recessive TT_________________________ Tt_________________________ tt_________________________

3. For each phenotype below, list the possible genotypes (remember to use the letter of the dominant trait) Straight hair is dominant to curly __________ Straight __________ Straight __________ Curly Pointed heads are dominant to round heads __________ Pointed __________ Pointed __________ Round

1. The genes for blue eyes can be represented as b while the gene for brown eyes can be

represented as B. What does this tell you about the characteristic of the two genes?

2. How many different genotypes are possible if a characteristic is determined by one pair of


3. How many different phenotypes are possible if a characteristic is controlled by one pair of

genes and one is dominant over the other?

4. Blonde hair is recessive to red hair. What colour hair would a girl have if she has one gene

for red hair and one gene for blonde hair?

5. A boy has one gene for freckles and one gene for no freckles. He has freckles. Is the gene

for freckles dominant or recessive?

6. A girl has one gene for dimples and one gene for no dimples. She has dimples. a. Is the dimples gene dominant or recessive?
b. Will all of her children have dimples?

7. Two non-albino people can have an albino child. a. From whom did the child get the genes for albinism? b. Why were the parents not albinos?
c. Is the gene for albinism dominant or recessive?

Genetics Part C: Punnet Squares

1. With the gene for Eye colour, Brown (B) is dominant to blue (b). Using punnet squares, sow the ratio of genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring that would result from the following cross breeding: a. A heterozygous brown-eyed male mating with a blue-eyed female.


Genotype : Ratio: Phenotype : Ratio: :

b. A homozygous brown-eyed male mating with a blue-eyed female.


Genotype : ratio: Phenotype: Ratio:

2. In rabbits, long hair in the gene for hair length, is recessive to short hair.

a. If a heterozygous short haired male rabbit is mated with a heterozygous female, state what their phenotypes are: __________________________________________ b. Use a punnet square to determine the ratio of the genotypes and phenotypes expected in their offspring.


Genotype: Ratio: Phenotype: Ratio: :

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