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WAR A l l D H A V Y D L P A U T W I C M t S
WASHIU0t01. I I .0 .


What Is This Iraq?

1 -

.. .



..... ~ n~ e0 6 i e m s . . . . . . . Iraqi Customs and Manners . . Thetanguage.. . . . CIirnstcand Hcalth . . . , .

The Country


Currency, Weights and M a a u e s Some l m m t D o ' s and Don'ts

Useful Words and Phrases AGl-.


,A ~O t



YOU HAVE k e n ordered to Iraq (i RAHK) as part of rhe world-wide offensive to beat Hitkr. You will enter Iraq bth as a wldicr and as an individual, because on our side a rnm a n be both a soldier and a n individual: That is our strength--if we arc smart enough to u x it. It can be our weakntss if we aren't. A s a soldier your dutia are laid out for y o u As arr individual, it is what you do on paur own that counts--and it may count for a lot more than you think. h e r i c a n success or failure in Iraq may well d e p d on whether the Iraqis (as the people are c d d ) like American soldiers o r not. It may not be quite that simple. But then again it could.

HOW TOM Hitl~. Herr Hitler knows he's licked if the poopits united against him stand their ground. So it is pretty obvious what he and his propaganda machine are trging to do. They're trying to spread &unity and discontent among their opponents whenever and wherever they



too. Ont o f your

big jobs is to prevent Hider's agenu :, from getting in their dirty work. The best way you can do this is by getting along with the Iraqis and madrig : . : them your friends. And the best way to get along with any people is to understand them. That is what this guide i s for. To help you u n d e m d " the p p l e and the country M that you can do the best . and quickest job a sending Hitlet back where he eamc from. And, secondly, s o titat you as a human king will get the most out of an experience few h e r i m s have b#n lucky enough to have. Years from now you'll be telling your children and mybt your grandchildren stories bc pinning, "Now when I war in Baghdad . "

So what's

ttre answer? That ought to be pretty obvious,

, .


! i r q IS Hot! As Iraq
, i

WHAT is Iraq, anyhow? Well, it's a lot of things, old and new. It is one o f the oldest c o u n h i n the worldand one of the youngest under its p r m t government. , I n Baghdad, the capital city, you will see: street mer. chants selling em+ the samc kind o f pottery that their ancestors sold at,& time of the Arabian Nights. Not far away y w will see great dams and modern re6ncries to &,best you have seen i n America. If you happen to be wt to the oil fidds, you will discover mtadcs of modem engineering construction side by side with primitive rcfinuieg built &ma ycars ago and stilI in optration.
you m y be w bury when a matter of that you won't see much of anything for awhile. Probably you will feel Iraq &st-and that means beat. Blazing heat. And dust. In the d a Ixaq can l x om of the hottest spots in thc world. If you h a p pen to mvd by train in the'daytime, the leather seats

you reach


may get so hot that p u l l have m stand up. Mort work is done between 6 a. m. and own and m a p s an hour or two i n the tarly w e . And yet the aights o f thtst hot days arc o h uncomfortably cool. Or maybe the first thing you notice will bt the s m e l l s . You have hcard and read a l o t a b u t the 'Lmystcri~us E a s t , " You have seen moving picture about the wlorful M e of tht d m and the bazaars. When you a d y get

thercpuwiltlookinv&~sotmreaftBcthingsyau havcbaen1Qdwt3~pkef.Yaudd~md~ahtBf things the mvits didn't warn p w about.

D I ~ N HC ~ OU ~~ S ~ ~i&rauxs? ~ sure,tbtre are diffcrmcts. D8erem-s o f m u m e . Di&Mas o f fed Di&renccs o f manner and custom and religious b&& Different attitudes toward women. D i c e s g a I o r c . MEET t w r P P ~ P L E But what o f it? You aren't going to Iraq to change Bw don't get dww* &st Ammicaus ' a d &rothe Iraqis. just the o p p i k . W e are fighting th' swarm w b haw p e rn lraq &h't b it at &st. Might prcscme the principie of " h e and let live." Maybe that a s w ~ L ~ a ~ b ~ ~ u g h f i t a ~ s h , h o t , like a lot o sounded f words ta you at hame. Now yon pdd8 d q I and hlxaqiubh land. But ~ c a r t y all a f have a chance to prove it to yourself and others. If you an, it's going to bt a better world to Live in for aU of us. ' t k E 4 1 E . s m t ~ ~ d ~ ~ s g f t s r a f c w & ~ s at week d hqp& an mmmt d Imqi p p 1 e JAlthough relatively few Iraqis receive a E o r m d etdumtheyhganta~hwillpu, tioa similar t o yours, they are shrewd and k & p t and Thattdmaak&~imbpuaregoingta9ec
~ d t k d l e v ~ h a e

fighters in ;m mwtry, .hfa& exdl



9l w i $ r $ r g g ~ i ~ k d u a b k dly. fi k &mild ha@m

lwk mi L &
brew gf

ip that

Wwki Was. But gau will dm h d out @y h a t the Iraqi is ofPBemcst&~and~g~kin&ewu

d er-p out: & W B


F m p ~ p h v e ~ p r m m d f p l l l . a u ~ a f w Ivingp If p are diing tst go jwt a 1 way t~ ~ & r s b d 61mt -thing be o. k.

tend to believe what thcy hear and see with thcir own
ears and eyes. By w b t you h and how you act you can
dcr a lat KO win &i war and the p m after it. Right now
Iraq is threatened witb h v a s w w America is now. The
Iraqis have same Ftligioh and tribat diffucnees a m q

thunset~ea.m w ha& becrr tr;lrirr$ rcr I M them d b o e s

to h i s own a & .If you can win the trust and friendship
af all the Iraqis you maet, y m will do mart thaa you
may think posshic t-a M p b i them t 0 6 e k in our

mrnmnn muse.

N&M e say, Hitkrr w3l t ~ g lt o use: the di&4 r q i s to m i l a muMe. But h nd w we k v e a w a p n b larcaf +at b i d e d thing. Plain
almmtm bwse .

ht"5 Hicfcr's game L to &vide


to@q~er. Om is to unite

d h l

~nla t QUtdTlrl
First, kt's h v e a kwk #t d i m ~ wawf. W e an't v c q ~ d k & u t p h w d ~ 1 & ~ f i w b ~ h e f . c
WPC we.

af h b i r r ; of I& ( B - R A H N ) (Persia); a d just t o u c h ahs B r h Gulf at crne corner. dIt isabout the shed &%ate af M o l r m a .
the; n o d

In the cmw ed &is && you will h d a mip of

& tB&. '%&Idle &stM "You d l se~by die
map, Iraq lk~ do fT~k'p wt ~o f Syria and Pales-

w h is

ths C k Iraq has only a few cities. Baghdad, the larghas a population af around p a , , abut like that of Minneapolis o r Kansas City. Mmul (MO-sul) in the oil region his a &tion of over I o o , ~ Suq , a1- Shu yukh (SOOQ ash -shu - YOOKH) about rhe same,. a d '/' Basrah (BAS-ra) on the Persian Gulf, the most im- . portam part, has about 70,000. Mat o f Iraq is desen country, Not great sandy wastes like the Sahara i n Africa, but b t y , harsh, monotonous ,, desert, treeless but mvmd with a thin scrub veptatian very much like our Swthwest region. T h e only water in this region canes from waterboles, and these are jealously . . guarded. Water is mare valuabk &aa anything dse in the &wt, and for the Iraqi, ta waste water would t e like ,

not until 1935 that production -lines ham been mnstrucred


to the p t s o f Tripob i n Syria and Haifa (HAI-fa) i n Pakine, on the Mediterranean Sea. These fields and pipdines arc among the prizts I-litlcr w d d like: . tu grab, and they are havily guarded. Guarding or de ' Sending them m a y b gnmng your most irnptant military duties, tar this Q ~ Iis the source of supply for the armits of the Middle Eat and India, d atgo fads the Mediterranean k .

*rowing money away. In contrast t o the d q dessts are h e great green valiqa af the Tigris (TAI -$;r;s) and Euphrates (yoo -FRAY - ceez) fivers. Thcgc nvo impmnt rivers rise in tbc * J. JKurdirtan (KUR di - stan) mountains o f Turkey, no& a d 'west of Iraq. After flowing across the country in parallel channels, they join tqether and empty into the Persian Gulf through one mouth. Cn t h valleys ~ of r h w two rivers &-tenths of the 3% d i a n p p k (about .the population of &go) he.J h the northem d of these r d q s is the imprmut
ail field o f Kirk& (kir-KOOK). Thc field was d k

to o

h countries. Grain, especially whwc, harlq, rices

grown arc


and d l a is grow in h g e qlfantiq. Also


P r d d p the only building m a t e d is dried d, lie

the adobe u d in the huthwestern U.3 !. A, It is a d ~ i r a -
y suited to the hot dimate and you will find the inside of
thc ht-rmfad Iraqi hauses cool e m in the noonday heat. Iraqi p a l e are divided by occupatbn into the ''&imnen i n the cities, the farmers i n the irrigated areas,

md the namds, who herd tHet &cep and a d s on the

The nomads and b u s ding t~ tbe native dress more than the c i q dwcllcrs, who are aften quite "wtsamized.'" The nomads arc divided inta tribea headed by sheikh (SHAYKH). These feaders arc very powerful and should nomads cb;ksider tmtedasd

TheMaslembibIeisknowmastheKorandah&hiO$. lrmo worship in m y = (mosks). '6hq are my devout in their a d do pot like to haw ' ' w W s m


Ad h i d bt


hqk, but by fwthe must M e y w will meet and we are bldem. ' t f t t s m a thnt they are follawen af die religion hdd by M a f i w d . Put you &bur$ rmat the ? d wdi*, for tbe h h h s do not m b i p Mdwnmd as & i d a m warship ChTist. ?'kg MEW b WE ggdr AU&, gPld h I &
t h e ~ e w b ~ k i a i t a r e ~ ~ .

%isn't w i . yo. prow7 wag NO machurchathume,andyoukaowbowywwol3ddatl m d s anyme who W t e d or dcscaated your c h d , ThtMdunsdacljiuitthtkway,phpse~en~
strondy. In f w their fading b u t thkh rttigiom is prctte much the same as ours tawad our religion, a l t h q h marc intense. If anything, we ahodd respect the W e m s ~~morefortheh~Bofthtirdtvotion. / f\Thtrc ars four towns i n Iraq which are prticuldy sacredtatheIraqiMosi~These9xcKd(Irtr-kM), Ncjcf (NEjd), Kadhimm (KAA-diM A W ) (nmr Baghdad), and Samarra. U d a you are ordercdtathesetowns,itisad~bleto~ray awapfxom

Yeur mwt is xn.&y.ouL a politid and dgiom i l . By saing inm b y n r l l d y W p du Nazi propagandists who are trying to stir up m & c among che Iraqis.

MOSToftheIraqicumomoaudmanaersaredi~ia their o r @ . For sample, therc is the month of fasting a & p r d d "W (n-ma-DAHN). This


tbtm. It is a g d idea in a8y h i p m t r g t o avoid any

'religious or @tical dhm#ims. This i s cvea wtp in
Iraq'than mast -wits, k a u s c it h a p that here atie M h t l m d v e s are divided into two &tiom something U e BUT divisim inta G&&e and F dehombtiodan't put in your two cmts worth whaIragisargucabooltdigbThta~d~~
am~.Ywwon*thdpmatmraqby~g~ p in them..Mmmu, if you d i m <hmign politics with them,you m a it k m a e c u d iaao m a h g smwmentsthatddL~rctcdasui~dourAllits.

pEtidH~tothehmp.r;dinm~dthe ~ C h u r ~ . h r ~ R a w d a n b e g i n s ~ rath. Xn xw3 it will b a h two weeks d m . During thisptriodtheMemr&rrnt~~driak,arsrnoke~ tween sunrise and xlroset. Avoid o&rmg, or asking them borfd,driaIr,or~atthiseimt,e$ceptafcersunsa. AU~tahrndrtfasalsat&periQdhuldbe*
ccptd w e t any m p t s at puasim, Any drawing

afbld,during~puiod,cynifaceidepEal,~as a -tEh or a mblebd, may haw serious wnsequmtes. ~ h r ~ ~ m v c r y s h a t t d u r i n g thismonthasymrsw8dB k u a d t r s i i e f r c ThcMasf~daydrmisFridaj,ancIand~

c ? o d on that day. In aud the orher large uics many shop am dosed on Safilrday, the Jewish day
FCS~, w fi 9 shops am closed on Sunday.
EAwkm, Christians, and Jews A have a number o f rdigious holidaya Some of thest are A fasts like


Ramadan, others arc colorful Mv&. YOUwill be w k

to respect the obxrvance d these holidays.

Many o f tfie 'Iraqis believe in the "wil

eye". This is a g w d dwl i n their minds like putting a
"hex" on a p s o n is to p p l e in parts of our country.
Xf you stare at people, especially children, someone may
tbink you arc the p s s e m r of an "evil eye", and are
trying t~ put a curse on the p s a n you arc staring at. Some o f the Iraqis think that the fens of a camera is an ,. "evil eye*', and you will make enemies by taking &-up snapshots and possibly wind up with a knife in your back. General views or strat scenes will c a w m Uoub l u x c c p t masques. Don't try to photograph mosques.
Beggars ate not numerous in Iraq, Those you d see live maid? in the cities and are mostiy professionals, and it is not a geod idea to give them money. If you do, & word will spread to all the beggars in &c city that you are an easy mark. O f course, mme o f them may be &w i n g , and if you fed moved by their plight, give them a little samething--but k t t w b prepad to repeat. Bargaining in& shops and h z a r s is a great national Jptimc. You will have to bargain for almost everything you buy. Tbc price &st quoted is usually onethird to twcthirds h i g h than what you should pay. In bargain7. ing the important thing is not to hurry. A litdt h e r i g n 1: la'horse trading wilt k r y you a long way in this game.

The "EAI Eye".

a ~l p ~ q
t d # & a t b b b

g a d mmBtn,

p ~ ~ * m m w m ~ L m b d d l k m

Hso&hUg h lqq i


hnd watla! a

m *&
h m

ithThEmsfskit "P-& way.


hKm an

~ ~ 1 , A ~ ~ m b ~


T h e g d a n o r d r ~ l i k p r m ~ p A % ~ ~ ~ ~ g s a a d d a ~ ~ i n Jna~tousn&prdrhknndbdk& ~ d h e r o d r u n l .N 1 ~ @ ~ p ~ a L 8 , d u m & h t o wen b &a,


Pigs are t o Mod-. So are dogs. Xf .you bapp t o haw a mascot dog, l x &&ly cardul to &p bim away from niosqucs. Modems rEo not let othu people see them nakad. Do not&teinthdr~ce.Ttrep&itqwttingand ddifrt to see 0 t h p ~ o p l e do it standing up. Thegc dings may seers trivial, But they are imporraar if you want to get along, 4 with the Iraqis,


Moslem W m @ kMoslem w m m do not mingle M y with men. The p t c r part of their time they s p d at

near than when they are -sionto lift k wil while


her. Look the

g u l d talk to the f q i s in their own


not take taa much.


ar desert. Ewn a sbpkeepe~ may &r you a s d d cob. Do mt refwe it m rbrrrw it away half-d 1 men if it dags not aste Nkc omr Ameriegn m a t . I farea&red wand cup, take ir, a n d h a t h i r d . B Iis N s t o m r yt . rcfwc n hut&.

Thtp will like it t.pen if your ptonuaciab is nat the m e as &&. They will be @1y p l e a d when you wc their phtc d u ~ A ~ even n s if p
not h w m y &word%~hen~ouhearmeoft&lplspkhn~lhL
', no matter how budIy-pa will u n h n d the pleaswe " they feel whm FOU speak tn them in their b g u s afwwdsaratleaxunderstmd

wlricb were dcdQpad bpthe British. &asiQdbamong the dhia elasxs F d ,TwEsh, and m t i m e s Gcrmm arc &u1. In
mast of the Hagh& b s , F w h I js u n d d . P m M a u l w r d W TwJiiskand W i a m hmd
H A T E AM. # l ~ A L 1 M I N I T A ~ V CQ@PITIOCIS


.'I nothing af it. But next


., m

IRAQisa~~.Thhmtaas:~p~nrbtadgmr w ~ y ~ ~ i n ~ ~ u m m e r ~ ~ t t ~ I r i a

day you out

rkdy to w a k

o u

taithblaekMkr~dpsibtefe:vw.%h~issuEd to y w wiIJ he dcim t~ potat p a t Bur whatever ~

&r,bcr~htira~e3rbt~afpwnr&~wd d p ~ h c a t l . I y o u ~ ~ ~ o f y o u r

' ..( >i 4.;~ necL p art


. ..

inviting sua.uole. Don't, any c i r m a e s , take a sun bath. of In the desert, l x prepared fsr tempxature. The days are u e d h verp hot. The nights can be m d d y d . Boil p w r dfigkiag water & $ec tfaat it is pmpb dolimted. Y w will &Id k t adtiw d I &ill Iraq




this, sleep under nets and keep y o u arms and legs covered, csp6tidy at dusk. Typhoid is.mntrsaad from whited warn and from raw f d which b e not k e n prupedy h t d or paelod. 0- agah, avoid hem, Saqdfli~s,which are mdk than w q u i t m and which can get through an ordinary mosquitn mt, carry a dight threeday d o a a t 9 m t b e d ~ ~ O f ~ ~ ~ ~ t kwt shicb is not &our but is vary wcakcnding. It i s k n o w as sanddy fever. Sad& are aim prevwe h . aknt ia mi&wnmtr. Cgathg yaumlf Wirh a light eil A v d eating u n w a s M vegetabk and fruits. Tbcy will g i v e yau wane pwcctiQd frbm &em. may k conrambated by human excrement, Wash raw Y w shatil$ !x v e q a d d abut hgs and lice, which h i t s mdqctaMes ia w m r w dmM or* them arc comma, Give puts& a kqumt cwe-wcr h r hem. before rating them, beaause h e skim mhy hkve k m m
Y Scabies is a skia infrdaq &wed by a para& whieh muuninad & 3 i & o r by hmim cornact. Avoid leafe
M s on the t h e k ia . k k exucrndy m a y h g and di$eu1t vegcdeg altagdia. Keep a 4 W awaj f m n dies.
t a get rid d m r , $ can be wrcd by sulphur W a r b n d yptrotd uc t m wry serious oinmt. ferns. You d d d gwd again& &ern in c v q Weryblc lntertinrl diamsc~,
way. W a i s carried by s p d d a z k i d d mosquito su+ as dp&ttry d
which bred5 i n ~uphy *-*.he wdb a d c k tamrm, vexy terns and in d d o * wt& Hs t dl ppihle, stay ' cmmPninIraq,W a w a y h a m s i a w ~ ~ i s . ~ , W k u p u an l x avoidtd, w . . k c madelm smm+ky txqemc w e id &a water you drink and the -, food you cat.
can't da



flrachmna, a very common disease o f the eye, un bt picked up almost werywherc, even from shaking hands with someone and then touching your eyes. Don't rub ar
toutrb j0.W eyes. T&ts such as thox i h America are v q scarce. You will have to get d to relieving yourself outdwrs at m y convenient spot. Be sure to get well OBthe main streets and well away from mosques, and out of sight a s much as possible. You d l hive to w r y your own supply o f toiler paper, There is a @ ded 'of venereal disease around, so
donat take &anCURRENCY, WElG#lTL,MEAEURE&, ETE .


xo D i m . . .......................... 5 D h a 1 s ............................ r Diaar ............................. $4 Dinar (goo fils). ................... Dinar (a50 fils). ...................

Dinars.. ..........................

S40a. QO


4" oa
a. or


lw Cmmy.

The raw d exchange of Iraqi mmey to United States currency map vary a linle fmm time to time; so that the table blow can give only approximate ratios. The h i s of Iraqi money is the "diaar" (DEENAHR) which b pughly worth $4.00 in United S t a t e s money. Each dim^ is further divided +into r,om "fils" (fils or F I - Iis). The dinar is a paper nore or bill; h e H s pieces are coin. The a p p r k t e v a l v of the v i 9 m s bamimu~nsof Iraqi money 'are given Mow.

An easy m y to r e r n d m the values of the various fils pieces is to think of each fils as king worth just a litrle less than Jk cenr in U.S. m q .



Th@ Modm ,Calmdw, The Mosiem calendar b used in Xrag. The main thing to know about'the W m alendar i s that it i s lunar, or b a d op the moon. Each of the r s months & only 28 days. This mans that tht Moslem ' y m is a little shorter than wr yar, so that a s ~ i a date, l such as the fast of ofartmadan, will occur a littlc earlier a h year,

am) o r * M a r a h j&HISM-w), oo quare &rs o r a little less t k 3,000

'The wit of wiight in the mrpric qsrcm is thc ' W p . a" which equals a 3 pounds in our system.
tbt metric 'system sfi measured by the is. a little more than one o f our quarts,
,. ,

Tim, There a nt

w ways ~ o f d i n g time in Iraq. ?he o f f i d system is tht "European systtrn." That is, a + hour clock, kgiming at midnight, instead. of a la-hour clod. So in railway timetables you ma9 s e e that a train is scheduled to arrive' at 14 o'clock. That means at a p. rn. as we reckon rime. O r at 23 okfock, which is i r p. m. to us. q o'clack is midnight. However, most ad the caucitry,goes on the same 12-hour system u l ~ d in America.

Keep away from mosques. , . hoke o r spit somewhere d-ever

i o n c t r w r o u r A n r rro*,s A n o


in h o n t of

que, keep moving (away) and

Keep siLnt when the Moslem are prayipg (which chty

.dafive tima a day) and don't stare.

is u s ~ d for all &&aI nwsmme~p'cs of distancc and area i d Iraq. The unit of Img& in the metric system is thc " m e , " wKch is 3 9 . 3 7 inches, or a little mare than our yard. The unit of raad distance is t k "kilometer,'' which is x , m meters o r (a 1ittl.c aver one-half) o f one of our m k The metric unit of square mtasurc is rhe "hectare" (HECK--), which consists o f I O , square ~ mctus, or about 2% of our acres. h Iraqi uni~ of square m m m
metric system

WQMs and Mwwm. The


D i w soslctburg ~ I c N E V E R religion or politics or fiwomcr+with Mduns. kmun~ the o f the "evil eye: ~ o n *stare t at. ' aqyonc. Don't point your camera in angone's fact: *. Avoid offering opinion^ on jnternal politics. . .Shake hands with the Iraqi; otherwise don't touch thcm
Remembtr h a t the Iraqi are a very modwt people and *mid any cxpmre of the M y i n their presence.




Kttp out o f ' t h c sun whenever you can. Whm y w can't, keep your head and d c a v e d . Start eating only after your host has begun. [/ Eat with your right hand-mvet with your left, WCII if you art a southpaw.
Always teat bread with your fingermma c m it Jd~rnd to the ~ u n is s MY.h * t &ma, q p of it
abut o r let it fall on &the ground.

them. Don't s m k

Always mpect the U l e m women. Don't stare at at. hem. Don3 t k to them ar follow s, it means t m U e for


J I h~ cityearm~ partof
& more d g .
Tn tbc -try k v e same f d ia the b w h b n t you
leave goes w the women a d u r n -
Don't offu Moslems f a d amtahing pork, b o a , o r
M, m cooked i n p k prod-. All eueh fmd is reli-
giously "&an" to them,
b' h n ' t eat pork or park
PI-t if M;wiuns =fuse t~ a t mea
Don't a&r Aaoskrws i b h k t h i i n b .
mmher~ e w in the
prescnat of M a J c m .
K n d kfm patering
private bow. If a womala
answers, wait until shc has
had timt to retire.

In a house o r tent, f o h the d e of ~ Q L Uhast. If he tPkes d l his shoes on entering, do thr m e . If you are r e q u i d to sit an the flQar in an Iraqi houx or tent, cross your legs while doing so. When visiting, don't overstay pour d c m c . Thc thi a~ mp leave un~as p are

If you should see grown men walking ignore it. They are not "queer."

band irr hand,

Be kind and


to servants. The Imqis


of race prejudice. The p p l e

to the peoph.

No matter how

Shake h d s an meeting and leaving. O n m d n g an Iraqi, be sure tcr inquire after his health. If you wish to give someone a present, make it sweets
you are stationed ia the corntry, it is a goad idea to sweets and cigarem with y m when you visit an


$how respect w a r d ail ddu -ZIS. ff l& eldest %son sbpuld be &ad first.
Be polite. Good inamen arc important


thc Iraqis. and phrases given in . not included in the

Be hospitable.
Bar& on prices. Don't Iet shopkeepers o r mereha& overcharge you; but bE polite, Be generous with your cigarettes, Above an, use wmmm sense on dI occasions. And remember that every American soldier is an u u o & d athbasaador o f god wilt.

r wm o f thF sounh y w 1411 hear, but it will p enough to gct by on, both listening and speaking.


Wcwm~ftW~fPlESt~hIp~p~~: r. Accmrs. YQUknow what the atmad. @able &a

wardhof~It isthe syllable w h i c h ~ s t h a n . t h o t h c r s y ~ i n r h e s a m t w r dW . ewiU&m acumreb'(l&d) ~b~ in eapiul Ietters aad u n syllables in smali letters.
3 . VoIMCdb. These arc the & s of sorinds we rc'-

yoax: limnkg
t g d





. ia,~bya,e,i,a,~~,try,ri,~;oi,,ow,~Jwt bUow tht key bClOW and ywr will haw rao trouble.
Thaj,p#wthc@hpor.Wiano W nht. Yw'U juat haw to listen .ndAEeprd (Exampk: r l f - H M - ~ p r m . cPliinlg p, unacrstaad me" PI The a in &&-&at is, hot the %&ad d ' but strcacb (ltqgrhen) it (aplc TWU& maling "bar.) Tbt u in f ~ is, the "brad ~ borad1* t s u e t & if. (Example: I&?-W 1du


Pmdunet ehcm just as p wh them F E . sbdd k pronounced. Mwu them. &KC are *e s p x h l ~ansonmt oouads
d R H alwaps plonwmed 14'1th tht A
mUndExeeptdttremdltl*~ #tIlchdanthcrcco&. irpronotlnwdas~hndwhg~thmPt when pou h v t to s p i t Lism @yfor it'
h p d l i k e k h q t t s a t m g u t

"one",) ThcniiQaid+htdit. ( E W g p h M r n m w h g "wafer".) , The ow ia mocbut swPeb it E*nir&: A P d SmAing ':ht"+) Thc y in d d h t suer& it &P?t: w m ammiag "where".) The c i n pct. j&ampk tcJ ryanhg "billttI)
T b c w i n f ~ ~ REED &*I Waut".) The i in pir, (RrsmpIc: SIT& t ~ i r , ~ ~ .

as wbea mdc.

iiikcthedia&h. bFslK~Jinh. i s ~ t h r c b i n ~ . i e I i k e a v e i y f P r b d f thatis,itisXlRJM . Z i s m M l y for it oa rhe records

CPFefuUy f a r it on tbe
t t o k ~ k k t ~ s W t d . ~ i p t c t l d W h e w it


For " t w m r g ~ 'Wry-twon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , and w kd, you put t b g b&etba~fw~"pnd"*111*~m< h y " O M a&d twenty", thus:

. One h u a d 6 M E E - Y E But fm zoo you wmU "f~pIc of buadds", all in onc

But for rrq POH


"five hundred


. For aso you 'say "owpk of hd~&d&"-


-[ W * * l

m0un-l the ocean (m)-BA-kr


or r h h i

noow-WA-jur spring {water-bole, ctc.)-'AYN the sm-n-nu-]00M $-A-hw fbE s u n i j h SHA-mir swamp-mtrs-TAN-qd wincbREEb or HAW#

nm Ftbmary-shrt-BAHT

t o m o r r ~ ~ ~ l l - g t rMarch-AH-RHAHR b



August-AAB Scpemkr--AY-WOL &tobcr-tish-REenr AU-ad

PJovernbeAh-REEN THAAace

-NOON THAA- December--NOW wnal




s i x &




ninth-TAA-~i' ttnVAH-shk tkvcntb-ir-DA-'d m~~THIVA-'mh


&&-THO3 & m U N - d a - r a , @I.) NAH-dk
m n r ~ T R O O N undtrshirt--frr-NAY*




w WIQR-&?


ugh4*arM?AD w i * m dbmh


p A M H S - k

bm-WR wcu'm-BAL-ld
d-AH-skit o r capsivc--GHAH-Ie

chm~-KHEES empty-FAH-n'gh W W - R O O S )IF md-YAAN

a +




~OdnyirfhtfihbdJHYOM EMdMda h%ap RAHN what day of t k we&?*C YOM SHIsw Today k M y , &.-a
Come W - ' A A L hi-NAA
come &kl-'AAL &&'A-

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