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/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Annotate: Simply the Basics */ /* by Art Carpenter */ /* Copyright(c) 1999 by SAS Institute Inc.

, Cary, NC, USA */ /* SAS Publications order # 57320 */ /* ISBN 1-58025-578-7 */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* This material is provided "as is" by SAS Institute Inc. There */ /* are no warranties, expressed or implied, as to merchantability or */ /* fitness for a particular purpose regarding the materials or code */ /* contained herein. The Institute is not responsible for errors */ /* in this material as it now exists or will exist, nor does the */ /* Institute provide technical support for it. */ /* */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Questions or problem reports concerning this material may be */ /* addressed to the author: */ /* */ /* SAS Institute Inc. */ /* Books by Users */ /* Attn: Art Carpenter */ /* SAS Campus Drive */ /* Cary, NC 27513 */ /* */ /* */ /* If you prefer, you can send email to: */ /* Use this for subject field: */ /* Comments for Art Carpenter */ /* */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *************************************************; * * * Create the Warbucks import data set for 1945; *************************************************; data annodat.imports; input @1 diamonds @6 gold @11 silver @34 DATE @40 co_code $3. @44 MONTH ; * Adjust the year value; * Change from 1988 to 1945; date = mdy(month(date), day(date), 1945); format date date7.; cards; 1.58 1.35 10.96 3.18 54.9 59.5 10241 AZU 2.77 1.25 12.73 2.96 60.2 58.5 10272 AZU 3.59 1.26 15.5 6.11 62.8 58 10301 AZU 3.48 1.05 15.01 4.69 63.4 72.75 10332 AZU 4.53 0.95 19.69 6.06 67.6 70 10362 AZU

1 2 3 4 5

3.8 0.93 4.84 0.97 4.33 1.3 3.95 1.46 3.18 1.76 2.18 1.71 1.9 0.99 0.78 1.36 0.89 1.28 1.64 0.98 2.89 0.94 2.75 0.89 2.56 0.84 2.66 0.88 2.34 0.88 2.7 1.06 1.88 1.14 1.31 1.08 1.28 1.45 1.28 2.44 1.38 2.58 1.6 2.05 2.39 1.76 2.35 1.58 1.79 1.6 1.65 1.85 1.58 1.64 1.83 2.01 1.62 2.14 1.43 2.02 0.9 2.21 run;

17.48 19.32 18.06 17.36 22.81 14.22 8.7 5 8.13 3.58 3.28 2.6 2.95 3.74 4.63 4.18 6.03 1.94 4.85 4.34 4.6 1.56 1.93 1.82 1.2 4.25 1.84 3.08 1.81 1.33 8.23

7.68 9.41 8.84 7.95 8.93 5.59 2.58 2.78 3.7 3.63 3.28 2.6 2.71 3.72 3.59 3.9 3.99 2.38 2.38 4.25 5.98 4.83 4.84 3.5 4.11 4.31 4.63 5.03 4.58 4.11 6.33

69 76.5 74.5 72.9 70.1 60 54.6 51.9 56.5 59.1 59 59.9 62.7 65.1 65.41 62.1 59.6 54.5 49.8 50.6 54.5 56.5 58.1 59.5 62.5 65.3 65 63.1 61.4 56.5 50.4

74.75 79.5 78.75 75.75 76.25 70.75 56.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.75 70.75 68 68 69.5 70 72.75 72.75 75.25 80.25 78 74.75

10393 10423 10454 10485 10515 10546 10576 10241 10272 10301 10332 10362 10393 10423 10454 10485 10515 10546 10576 10241 10272 10301 10332 10362 10393 10423 10454 10485 10515 10546 10576


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

*************************************************; *; * * Setup the libnames etc. for ANNOTATE examples *************************************************; *********** * define the libname for path to the graphics drivers; libname gdevice0 'e:\caltasks\allproj\catalogs'; *********** * define the libname for path to the data sets; libname annodat 'e:\author\short\carpent1\data'; *********** * define global options; options nodate nonumber; GOPTIONS BORDER; *********** * define the path to the CGM files; %let pathcgm =e:\author\short\carpent1\figures;

******************************************** * * * Display a text string on a scatterplot. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex3_2_2.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * Place a label on the value at month 4; DATA ANNPLT; LENGTH FUNCTION STYLE $8 TEXT $5; RETAIN XSYS YSYS '2' STYLE 'SIMPLEX' FUNCTION 'LABEL' ; SIZE=2; X=4; Y=2.5; TEXT='HIGH'; PROC GPLOT DATA=annodat.imports ANNO=ANNPLT; where co_code='SFO'; PLOT diamonds * MONTH / vaxis=.5 to 2.5 by .5; SYMBOL1 L=1 V=NONE I=JOIN; TITLE1 H=2 F=SIMPLEX '1945 Diamond Imports in Millions'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 3.2.2'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Display a text string using PROC GANNO. * ********************************************; filename filerefa "&pathcgm\wex3_2_1a.cgm"; filename filerefb "&pathcgm\wex3_2_1b.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace; *goptions device=win; DATA SANDY ; LENGTH FUNCTION $8; RETAIN FUNCTION 'LABEL' XSYS YSYS '5' X Y 50; STYLE='brush'; SIZE=8; TEXT='A Dog Called Sandy'; run; goptions border; goptions gsfname=filerefa;

PROC GANNO ANNO=SANDY ; title 'Placing Text Using GANNO'; footnote j=l h=2 f=simplex 'Figure 3.2.1a'; RUN; goptions gsfname=filerefb; PROC gslide ANNO=SANDY ; title 'Placing Text Using GSLIDE'; footnote j=l h=2 f=simplex 'Figure 3.2.1b'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Use assignment statements to create the ANNOTATE * data set. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex4_2.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * USE PROC GSLIDE AND ANNOTATE TO CREATE A CLASSIFIED AD FOR ANNIE.; DATA ANNIE; LENGTH FUNCTION COLOR STYLE $8; RETAIN FUNCTION 'LABEL' XSYS YSYS '5' X 50; COLOR='BLUE'; STYLE='SCRIPT'; SIZE=4; TEXT='Home Wanted '; Y=75; OUTPUT; STYLE='DUPLEX'; SIZE=2; TEXT='GIRL - WITHOUT EYES'; Y=50; OUTPUT; COLOR='GREEN'; STYLE='TRIPLEX'; TEXT='Has Dog / Will Travel'; Y=30; OUTPUT; run; PROC GSLIDE ANNO=ANNIE; TITLE1 F=SWISS H=3 'Classified Ad'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 4.2'; run; quit; ********************************************

* * * Connect the maximum value to a label with a line. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_4_2.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; * Create the label using ANNOATATE; data spring (keep=xsys ysys style function size line x y text position); length function $8 text $6; retain xsys '2' ysys '5' line 1 position 'E'; * Draw the arrows; * Locate the left side; function = 'symbol'; x=3; y= 6; size=2; style = 'marker'; text='G'; output; * Locate the right side; x = 6; output; * Prep to do the line; function = 'move'; x=3; y=3.6; output; * Draw the line; function = 'draw'; x=6; size=3; output; * Insert a label; function = 'label'; x=4.5; y= 5; size=2; style = 'brush'; text='Spring'; output; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gplot data=annodat.imports(where=(co_code='SFO')) anno=spring; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join;

title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.4.2'; footnote1 ' '; label month = ' Month'; run; quit; footnote1; ******************************************** * * * Draw a picture using MOVE and DRAW. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex3_3.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; * Create the annotate data set DIAMOND; DATA DIAMOND; LENGTH FUNCTION $8; * Use the percentages of the display area for coordinates; RETAIN XSYS YSYS '5' LINE 1; * Move the pen to the far left point; function='MOVE'; x=20; y=60; output; * Trace the outline of the diamond; function='DRAW'; x=50; y=30; output; function='DRAW'; x=80; y=60; output; function='DRAW'; x=70; y=70; output; function='DRAW'; x=30; y=70; output; function='DRAW'; x=20; y=60; output; function='DRAW'; x=80; y=60; output; * Move the pen to start drawing the facets; function='MOVE'; x=30; y=70; output; * Draw upper facets; function='DRAW'; x=40; y=60; output; function='DRAW'; x=50; y=70; output; function='DRAW'; x=60; y=60; output; function='DRAW'; x=70; y=70; output; * Draw lower facets; function='MOVE'; x=40; y=60; output; function='DRAW'; x=50; y=30; output; function='DRAW'; x=60; y=60; output; run; PROC GSLIDE ANNO=DIAMOND; TITLE1 H=2 F=SIMPLEX "Warbuck's Diamond"; title2 H=1.5 f=simplex 'Using MOVE and DRAW'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 3.3'; run; quit; ******************************************** * *

* Show the areas controlled by XSYS and YSYS. * ********************************************; filename filerefa "&pathcgm\wex2_4a.cgm"; filename filerefb "&pathcgm\wex2_4b.cgm"; filename filerefc "&pathcgm\wex2_4c.cgm"; goptions reset=all border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace; *goptions device=win; * Calculate the average imports for each date; proc sort data=annodat.imports out=dia1; by date; where date le '15jun45'd; run; proc means data=dia1 noprint; by date; var diamonds; output out=dia2 mean=mean; run; ***************************************************; * Create DATA AREA figure; data figa; retain xsys ysys '2'; function='move'; x='15jan45'd; y=0; output; function='bar '; x='15jun45'd; y=3; style='solid'; color='graydd'; output; run; goptions gsfname=filerefa; proc gplot data=dia2 anno=figa; plot mean*date / haxis = '15jan45'd to '15jun45'd by month vaxis = 0 to 3; title1 h=2 f=swiss 'Data Area'; title2 h=1.8 f=simplex "XSYS and YSYS Both Equal '2'"; title3 h=1.8 f=simplex a=90 'Mean Diamond Imports'; title4 h=1.8 f=simplex a=-90 'Title on Right side'; *footnote1 j=l h=2 f=simplex 'Figure 2.4a'; label mean = 'Millions of Dollars' date = 'Import Date'; run; ***************************************************; * Create GRAPHICS OUTPUT AREA figure; goptions gsfname=filerefb; data figb; retain xsys ysys '3'; function='move'; x=0; y=0; output; function='bar '; x=100; y=100;

style='solid'; color='graydd'; output; run; proc gplot data=dia2 anno=figb; plot mean*date / haxis = '15jan45'd to '15jun45'd by month vaxis = 0 to 3; title1 h=2 f=swiss 'Graphics Output Area'; title2 h=1.8 f=simplex "XSYS and YSYS Both Equal '3'"; title3 h=1.8 f=simplex a=90 'Mean Diamond Imports'; title4 h=1.8 f=simplex a=-90 'Title on Right side'; *footnote1 j=l h=2 f=simplex 'Figure 2.4b'; label mean = 'Millions of Dollars' date = 'Import Date'; run; ***************************************************; * Create PROCEDURE OUTPUT AREA figure; goptions gsfname=filerefc; data figc; retain xsys ysys '5'; function='move'; x=0; y=0; output; function='bar '; x=100; y=100; style='solid'; color='graydd'; output; run; proc gplot data=dia2 anno=figc; plot mean*date / haxis = '15jan45'd to '15jun45'd by month vaxis = 0 to 3; title1 h=2 f=swiss 'Procedure Output Area'; title2 h=1.8 f=simplex "XSYS and YSYS Both Equal '5'"; title3 h=1.8 f=simplex a=90 'Mean Diamond Imports'; title4 h=1.8 f=simplex a=-90 'Title on Right side'; *footnote1 j=l h=2 f=simplex 'Figure 2.4c'; label mean = 'Millions of Dollars' date = 'Import Date'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Using ANNOTATE macros to replace assignment * statements. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex6_2.cgm"; options mprint symbolgen; goptions reset=all; goptions border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace

gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; %annomac * USE PROC GSLIDE AND ANNOTATE TO CREATE A CLASSIFIED AD FOR ANNIE.; DATA ANNIE; LENGTH FUNCTION COLOR STYLE $8; *RETAIN XSYS YSYS '5'; %system(5,5) *COLOR='BLUE'; *STYLE='SCRIPT'; *SIZE=4; *TEXT='Home Wanted *Y=75; *OUTPUT; %label(50,75,'Home Wanted

'; ',blue,0,0,4,script);

*SIZE=2; *Y=50; *STYLE='DUPLEX'; *TEXT='GIRL - WITHOUT EYES'; *OUTPUT; %label(50,50,'GIRL - WITHOUT EYES',*,0,0,2,duplex); *Y=30; *STYLE='TRIPLEX'; *COLOR='GREEN'; *TEXT='Has Dog / Will Travel'; *OUTPUT; %label(50,30,'Has Dog / Will Travel',green,0,0,2,triplex); run; PROC GSLIDE ANNO=ANNIE; TITLE1 F=SWISS H=3 'Classified Ad'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 6.2'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Add labels to a map. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_6.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; * Create a list of states of interest; data region;

input stcode $2. state 3. outlets 3.; label stcode = 'State code' state = 'state number'; datalines; AZ 4 6 ARIZONA CA 6 12 CALIFORNIA CO 8 7 COLORADO NV 32 5 NEVADA UT 49 3 UTAH run; * Select specific states boundaries; data usmap(keep=state segment x y); merge region(keep=state in=inreg); by state; if inreg; run; * Select specific state center points; data center(keep=state x y stcode outlets); merge maps.uscenter region(keep=state stcode outlets in=inreg); by state; if inreg; run; * Select coordinates of the capital cities for each state; data capital(keep=state city x y); merge maps.uscity (where=(capital='Y')) region(keep=state in=inreg); by state; if inreg; run; * Create the ANNOTATE data set; data anno (keep=xsys ysys function size text when style position x y); set center(in=incenter) capital(in=incapitl); length function style $8 text $15; retain xsys ysys '2' when 'a' size 2; position = '5'; function = 'label'; * Label for state center; if incenter then do; style = 'simplex'; text = stcode; output; text = left(put(outlets, 3.)); position = '8'; style = 'centb'; output; end;

* Label for the state capital; if incapitl then do; * Place the city name; if state in(8,32) then position='2'; else position = '8'; style = 'simplex'; text = city; output; * Place the city symbol; position = '5'; text = 'M'; style = 'special'; output; end; run; proc gmap map=usmap data=region; id state; choro outlets / coutline=black anno=anno nolegend discrete; pattern1 v=empty c=black r=6; title1 'US Southwest'; title2 'Warbucks Industries'; title3 'Number of Diamond Resell Locations by State'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.6'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Add labels over the bars of a histogram. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_5_3b.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; proc sort data=annodat.imports out=imports; by co_code month; where month in(6 7 8); run; * Determine the average imports for each month; proc summary data=imports; by co_code month;

var diamonds; output out=mean mean=mean; run; * Create the axis using ANNOTATE; data anno (keep=xsys ysys function size text angle style position midpoint group y); set mean; length function $8; retain xsys ysys '2' position '3' angle 55 function 'label' size 2 style 'simplex'; rename co_code=midpoint month=group; y = mean; text = left(put(mean,5.2)); run; axis1 order label axis2 label axis3 label = = = = (0 to 5 by 1) (a=90 '$ in Millions'); ('Export Country'); ('Month');

pattern1 v=empty c=red; pattern2 v=x3 c=red; pattern3 v=solid c=red; proc gchart data=mean; vbar co_code / type=mean sumvar=mean anno=anno discrete group=month patternid=midpoint raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2 gaxis=axis3; TITLE1 'Summer Diamond Imports for 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.5.3b'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Add labels over the bars of a histogram. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_5_3a.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; proc sort data=annodat.imports out=imports; by month; run;

* Determine the average imports for each month; proc summary data=imports; by month; var diamonds; output out=mean mean=mean; run; * Create the axis using ANNOTATE; data anno (keep=xsys ysys function size text angle style position midpoint y); set mean; length function $8; retain xsys ysys '2' position '3' angle 55 function 'label' size 2 style 'simplex'; rename month=midpoint; y = mean; text = left(put(mean,5.2)); run; axis1 order = (0 to 4 by 1) label = (a=90 '$ in Millions'); axis2 label = ('Month'); pattern1 color=red value=empty; proc gchart data=mean; vbar month / type=mean sumvar=mean anno=anno discrete raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2; TITLE1 'Average Diamond Imports for 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.5.3a'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Add error bars to a histogram. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_5_2.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; * Determine the average imports for each country; proc summary data=annodat.imports; by co_code; var diamonds; output out=mean mean=average std=std n=n;

run; * Create the axis using ANNOTATE; data bars (keep=xsys ysys function size line midpoint y when); set mean; length function $8; retain xsys ysys '2' when 'a' line 1 size 3; * Prep to do the line; function = 'move'; midpoint=co_code; y=average; output; * Draw the line below the bar; function = 'draw'; y=average - 2*std; output; * Draw the line above the bar; function = 'draw'; y=average + 2*std; output; run; axis1 order = (0 to 6 by 1) label = (a=90 '$ in Millions'); * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gchart data=mean anno=bars; vbar co_code / sumvar=average type=mean raxis = axis1; title1 h=2 'Average Diamond Imports in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.5.2'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Add a second horizontal AXIS. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_4_3.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win targetdevice=cgmof97l; * Create the axis using ANNOTATE; data spring (keep=xsys ysys style function size line x y text position); length function $8 text $6; retain ysys '5' line 1 size 2

position 'E'; * Prep to do the line; function = 'move'; xsys = '1'; ysys= '1'; x=0; y=100; output; * Draw the line; function = 'draw'; x=100; output; * Add tickmarks xsys='2'; style = 'simplex'; do x = 1 to 12; xsys = '2'; ysys='1'; y=100; function='symbol'; text = '|'; output; ysys = '7'; y = 4; text = left(put(x,2.)); output; end; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gplot data=annodat.imports(where=(co_code='SFO')) anno=spring; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join; title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.4.3'; label month = 'Month'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Connect the maximum value to a label with a line. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_4_1b.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * Determine the month with the maximum # of imports; proc summary data=annodat.imports(where=( co_code='SFO'));

var diamonds; output out=stats max=y maxid(diamonds(month))=x; run; * Create the label using ANNOTATE; data dianno (keep=xsys ysys style function size line x y text position); set stats; length function $8 text $5; retain xsys ysys '2' line 33 style 'simplex' position 'c'; * Specify the start point for the line; function = 'move'; output; * Draw to edge of plot; function = 'draw'; size=2; x=11; output; * Add the label; function='label'; text=put(y,5.2); output; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gplot data=annodat.imports(where=(co_code='SFO')) anno=dianno; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join; title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.4.1b'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Create the ANNOTATE data set based on the data * that is to be plotted. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_4_1a.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * label all months with imports exceeding $2 million; data imports(keep=diamonds month) dianno (keep=xsys ysys style function position size angle rotate x y text); set annodat.imports(keep=co_code diamonds month); length function $8 text $5; retain xsys ysys '2' style 'simplex' size 2 angle 20 rotate -20

function 'label' position '3'; where co_code='SFO'; output imports; if diamonds ge 2 then do; * Conditional observation for ANNOTATE; x=month; y=diamonds; text=put(diamonds,5.2); output dianno; end; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gplot data=imports anno=dianno; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join; title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.4.1a'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Use the POSITION variable to display labels. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex5_3_1.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; * DEMONSTRATE THE POSITION VARIABLE WITH * FUNCTION=LABEL; DATA PLTDAT; LENGTH POS $1; INPUT POS $ X Y; CARDS; 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 A 10 10 B 11 11 C 12 12 D 13 13 E 14 14 F 15 15 RUN;

DATA ANNDAT; SET PLTDAT; LENGTH FUNCTION $8 TEXT $15; RETAIN STYLE 'SIMPLEX' XSYS YSYS '2' FUNCTION 'LABEL' SIZE 1.5; TEXT = 'POS=' || POS; POSITION = POS; RUN; PROC GPLOT DATA=PLTDAT ANNO=ANNDAT; PLOT Y * X; SYMBOL1 v=dot c=black h=2; TITLE1 H=2 F=SIMPLEX 'LABEL POSITIONS'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 5.3.1'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Create the ANNOTATE data set based on the data * that is to be plotted. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex4_4_2.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * label all months with imports exceeding $2 million; data imports(keep=diamonds month) dianno (keep=xsys ysys style function position size x y text); set annodat.imports(keep=co_code diamonds month); length function $8 text $5; retain xsys ysys '2' style 'simplex' function 'label' position '3' size 1.5; where co_code='SFO'; output imports; if diamonds ge 2 then do; * Conditional observation for ANNOTATE; x=month; y=diamonds; text=put(diamonds,5.2); output dianno; end; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use separate data sets; proc gplot data=imports anno=dianno; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join; title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945';

*footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 4.4.2'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Create the ANNOTATE data set based on the data * that is to be plotted. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex4_4_1.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border htext=2 ftext=simplex; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win; * label all months with imports exceeding $2 million; data imports; set annodat.imports; length function $8 text $5; retain xsys ysys '2' style 'simplex' function 'label' position '3' size 1.5; where co_code='SFO'; if diamonds ge 2 then do; x=month; y=diamonds; text=put(diamonds,5.2); end; run; * ANNOTATE and GPLOT use the same data set; proc gplot data=imports anno=imports; plot diamonds * month; symbol1 l=1 v=dot i=join; title1 h=2 'Diamond Imports From SFO in 1945'; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 4.4.1'; run; quit; ******************************************** * * * Create the ANNOTATE data set from a flat * control file. * ********************************************; filename fileref "&pathcgm\wex4_3.cgm"; goptions reset=all; goptions border; goptions device=cgmof97l gsfmode=replace gsfname=fileref; *goptions device=win;

* USE THE CARDS STATEMENT TO PRESENT THE DATA; DATA DIAMOND; LENGTH FUNCTION $8; RETAIN XSYS YSYS '5' LINE 1; INPUT FUNCTION X Y; X = X*10 + 20; Y = Y*10 + 30; CARDS; MOVE 0 3 DRAW 3 0 DRAW 6 3 DRAW 5 4 DRAW 1 4 DRAW 0 3 DRAW 6 3 MOVE 1 4 DRAW 2 3 DRAW 3 4 DRAW 4 3 DRAW 5 4 MOVE 2 3 DRAW 3 0 DRAW 4 3 ; run; PROC GSLIDE ANNO=DIAMOND; TITLE1 H=2 "Daddy Warbuck's Diamond"; *footnote h=2 f=simplex j=l 'Figure 4.3'; run; quit;

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