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The Project entitled PHARMACY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is systematic approach made towards maintaining purchase details, stock details, order details, sales details, sales return details, payment details, buyer details, the record are manually maintained ids provide lots of problem. Hence we need of data to be computerized. The projects consists of four modules namely Master Module Transaction Module Order Module Report Module This Master module has of Buyer form, suppler form, product informations form; purchase form, stock form, sales form, sales return form, and payment detail form are also maintained within this. Purchase Form deal with purchase order of Medicine based on the stock. The level is increased when some purchase can be done and it can be monitored frequently by the stock. Stock Form deals with the details of the stock maintained in the stores. The system provide some message to indicate if the stock reach its level and tit is easy tom increase level of the stock. The system can increase its stock level when some purchase and sales return is done and its stock reduces level some sales done. Sales Details deals with sales order of medicine based on the stock, the level is decreased when some sales can be done and it can be monitored frequently by the stock level. The sales return details system can increase the stock level when some sales return. Transaction Module maintains Buyer and Order process. Buyer process deals with the information about the buyer are differentiated us regular Buyer or new Buyer. The 1

regular buyer is provided by special offer discount. This helps to motivate some of new buyer to become a regular buyer. Order process deals with the order which is given by buyer. Every order is separately stored. Purchaser Report Stock Report Sales Report Order Report The reports are generating automatically. This is maintained and calculated accurately. The reports are displayed in neat formats. The Buyer, supplier, sales purchase sales, sales return, purchase return and stock will have a separate report.


Processor Name Speed Main Memory Cache Memory Hard Disk Keyboard Mouse Monitor : : : : : : : : Pentium Dual Core 2.664 GHz 512 MB 1024 KB 80 GB 110 Keys Optical Mouse 15 CRT Color Monitor


Front-End Back-End Operating System : : : Visual Basic 6.0 MS Access 2000 Windows 2000 Professional

About Software
Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft windows. It makes use of Graphical user Interface (GUI) for creating robust and powerful applications. The GUI as the name suggests, uses illustrations for text, which enable users to Interact with an application. This feature makes it easier to comprehend things in a quicker and easier way. In a GUI environment, the number of options open to the user is much greater, allowing more freedom to the user and developer. The language selected to develop the software should satisfy the following requirements: It should be useful for developing application software User-friendly package Ability to manipulate files in minimum level Easy access of database Easy access of reports

Features of Visual Basic 6.0: The features included newly in Visual Basic 6.0 are, Own Visual basic Code Create ActiveX Controls Multithreaded Document Link Librarys Internal Transfer Control Join Photograph Expert Group and GIF support Create ActiveX Document Main Document Interface / Single Document Interface / Explorer style Interface options Code Editor Enhancements Global Objects, Object Link Enabled Drag and Drop Open Database Connectivity Direct Dock able and Linkable windows, Toolbox and Toolbars 4

Declare, Raise and Handle Events and etc.

Visual Basic 6.0 Window: Visual Basic 6.0 Interface consists of a form, toolbar, toolbox, menu, menu bar, project explorer and properties window. Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 consists of a visual programming step that involves designing its application and a code Programming step that involves coding. Visual Basic 6.0 uses building blocks such as variables, data files, procedures, functions and control structures in its programming environment. Data report: Data report is a powerful yet easy to use program for creating custom reports lists and forms letters using data from existing database. Using with Visual Basic: Data reports Visual Basic 6.0 can also be used to prInt reports from within Visual Basic 6.0 code with the help of data custom control. Textbox The text box is the standard control that is used to receive input from the user as well as to display the output. Label The label is a very useful control for Visual Basic 6.0, as it is not only used to provide instructions and guides to the users, it can also be used to display outputs. Command Button The command button is a very important control as it is used to execute commands. It displays an illusion that the button is pressed when the user click on it. The Image Box

The image box is another control that handles images and pictures. It functions almost identically to the picture box. However, there is one major difference, the image in an image box is stretchable, which means it can be resized. The List Box The function of the List Box is to present a list of items where the user can click and select the items from the list. The Combo Box The function of the Combo Box is also to present a list of items where the user can click and select the items from the list. However, the user needs to click on the small arrow head on the right of the combo box to see the items which are presented in a dropdown list. In order to add items to the list, you can also use the add item method. Data Environment The Data Environment designer provides an Interactive, design-time environment for creating ActiveX Data objects. These can be used as a data source for data-aware object on a form or report, or accessed programmatically as methods and properties exposed of the Data Environment object. Visual Basic 6.0 powerful, sophisticated applications that exploit the key features of MS-WINDOWS, including Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Graphics and more are created. Visual Basic 6.0 let the user to add Menus, Text Box, List Box, and Scroll Bar, File and Directory box to blank windows. Visual Basic 6.0 also has an Intelligent Interpreter, Editor that often detects error and even suggests the changes to correct routine programming. User friendliness Easier comprehension Faster application development Introduction to Active X technology Develop robust stand-alone applications, games & utilities in less time that 6

it takes in other languages Inter active screen handing facilities

INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT-ACCESS Access is such a rich and powerful application that most people do not know where to begin when they start using it. Access makes it easy for users-even beginners to work with databases. You can create tables, edit data and se queries to find the data you want with little effort and access includes wizards that can do the work of designing data entry forms, reports and mailing labels for you. NEW FEATURES IN MICROSOFT-ACCESS Ms-access offers many new and improved features to help to create powerful data applications. New objects, properties, methods and other language elements. Ms-access provides an array of new and enhanced objects, methods, properties, functions, statements, data types and events to enable to create powerful data base application with Visual Basic 6.0. Creating custom object with class modules. Customizing menus and tool bars in your application. Removing source code from your application. Using new features in the module window. Creating a tabbed dialog box or multiple page from with the tab control. Setting references programmatically. Using the enhanced debug window. Improving complication performance

MICROSOFT-ACCESS ACCESSIBILITY Change the size of tool bar buttons. Add separator bars between group of tool bar buttons, menu commands or menus. Create a custom tool bar for the current database. Create a custom colors for a section or control on a form or report. 7

Insert repeated entries in a column quickly. Work with auto correction.

System study plays an important role of software development life cycle where the present system is studied and requirement for the proposed system are finalized. In manual system it has many problems, the major difficulties manual systems are tedious. Referring the sales details of day-to-day process and calculating the transaction is very tedious. It requires more time, cost consuming and the mistakes may occur. It is becomes a barrier of the bunk. It has low accuracy. The requirements are not fulfilled in correct time It yields more man power and maintenance cost is high in the fast moving world. While preparing reports, they have to refer an account of transaction book, this becomes a hard process.


When the user uses ordinary system, it consumes more time. It needs more man power. Updating the Buyer details allocated section is not easy; hence it results in bad approaching manner of the bunk. It works slowly.


System analysis consists of two phases planning and requirement definition .They includes understanding problem, performing feasibility study, developing recommended solution strategy and planning development process. System definition includes the modules for system study. System justification tells about system project and development environment.


The proposed system has been developed to eliminate the above drawbacks. The manual operations are carried out using computers. The details of the members are stored in a database. Using these details, the daily transactions are updated and the management can view the details of the transaction tables, user balances are maintained and fuel rates can be changed in an appropriate way. To give a user friendly system. To reduce the processing time and large database can be easily maintained. Reduce manual errors and malpractices To increase growth and profit for the organization.




Login Admin

Purchas e Medicin e


Update Stock Purchas e Return

tblPurchaseReturn tblStock tblPayment tblSales

Sales Details Payment Details




Mnam e



Purchase Medicine
Mid Rid



Mnam e



Update Stock


Sales Medicine









Date Bid Amt



Pharmacy Management System is developed using Access as Back end with several tables such as Buyer Details, Supplier Details, Medicine Purchase Details, Stock Details, Medicine Sales Details, Return Details,etc. Table Name : Purchase Purpose Field Name Mid Mname Edate Pfrom PDates Price Qty Tamt : This is used to store the Purchase details Type Number Text Date/Time Text Date/Time Number Number Number Size 4 20 10 20 10 7 10 10 Constraints Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Medicine Id Medicine Name Expiry Date Purchase From Purchase Date Price Per Quantity Purchase Quantity Total Amount

Table Name : Purchase Return Purpose Field Name Mid Rid Pfrom Mname Edate Pqty Rqty Rdate PDates : This is used to store the Purchase Return details Type Number Number Text Text Date/Time Number Number Date/Time Date/Time Size 5 5 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 Constraints Foreign Key Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Medicine Id Return Id Purchase From Medicine Name Expiry Date Purchase Quantity Return Quantity Return Date Purchase Date

Table Name : Stock Purpose Field Name Mid Mname Edate : It Store the stock details Type Number Text Date/Time Size 4 20 10 Constraints Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Description Medicine Id Medicine Name Expiry Date


Qty Price

Number Number

10 17

Not Null Not Null

Quality Price

Table Name : Sales Purpose Field Name Sid Sdate Bid Bname Oid Mid Mname Qty Price Tamt : It Store details about sales Type Number Date/Time Number Text Number Text Text Number Number Number Size 5 10 5 20 5 5 20 10 10 10 Constraints Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Sales Id Sales Date Buyer Id Buyer Name Order Id Medicine Id Medicine Name Quality Price Per Quantity Total Amount

Table Name : Sales Return Purpose Field Name Sid Rid Bid Bname Mname Sqty Rqty Rdate : It Store Sales Return Medicine details Type Number Number Number Text Text Number Number Number Size 5 5 5 20 20 10 10 20 Constraints Foreign Key Primary Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Sales Id Return Id Buyer Id Buyer Name Medicine Name Sales Quality Return Quantity Return Date

Table Name : Payment


Purpose Field Name Bid Mid Mname Price Qty Tamt

: It Store Payment details Type Number Text Text Number Number Number Size 10 5 20 10 10 10 Constraints Primary Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Buyer Id Medicine Id Medicine Name Price Per Quantity Quality Total Amount

Table Name : Order Purpose Field Name Oid Odate Bid Bname Mid Mname Price Oqty : It Store the Order details Type Number Date/Time Number Text Text Text Number Number Size 5 10 10 25 5 25 10 10 Constraints Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Description Order Id Order Date Buyer Id Buyer Name Medicine Id Medicine Name Per Qty Price Order Quality

Table Name : Buyer Details Purpose Field Name Bid Bname City : It Store Buyer details Type Number Text Text Size 10 25 25 Constraints Primary Key Not Null Not Null 15 Description Buyer Id Buyer Name City

Addr Email cno

Text Text Number

150 25 13

Not Null Not Null Not Null

Address E-Mail Id Contact Number



This design specifies the details of all forms and how it works. This project helps to perform a medicine store work and issuing medicine in an efficient and easy manner. This project is designed with following modules. Master Module Transaction Module Order Module Report Module

Master Module Master Module contains two forms via, Medicine Details, Buyer Details. Medicine details form is used to store all the details about the medicine. This form has medicine id, medicine name, expiry date, purchased from, purchased date, purchased quantity, per quantity price. This form also stores the purchasing details and supplier details.

The Buyer form is used to store the buyer or regular Buyer details, it will used to get particular Buyer phone number or address to deliver medicine. This form has Buyer id, Buyer name, address, country, contact number, email id. To view an existing Buyer details by changing Buyer id. The end user can easily clear, adding new record, update an existing record and delete an unwanted records. Transaction Module The transaction module keeps all the daily activities in the pharmacy shop. This module has the following forms they are, medicine purchase details, medicine purchase return, sales, sales return, stock details, payment details.


The medicine purchase form is used to store the daily purchasing activities from supplier, this form contains supplier id, supplier name, medicine id, medicine name, number of quantity purchased, per quantity price, total amount, and purchasing date. The stock will automatically update when the end user done a purchase, purchase return, sales, sales return. The purchased product has any damage it will return to the supplier this details are stored Into the purchase return table, stock will decreased from existing stock details. The purchase return form contains purchase id, return id, supplier name, medicine name, expiry date purchased quantity, return quantity, return date, and remarks about the particular medicine. The sales form is used to store the daily medicine sales details. If made sales the stocks will automatically reduced and sales details are stored Into the sales table. This form has sales id, sales date, Buyer id, Buyer name, order id, medicine name, order quantity, per quantity price, total amount. The total amount will automatically calculate by based on sales quantity and per quantity price. The Buyer must order before sales, because the sales process only done by base order Buyer order details. The Buyer order details form contains order id, order date, Buyer id, Buyer name, requested medicine id, medicine name, per quantity price, order quantity. Stock details are used to maintain the details such as stock id, medicine name, type of the medicine, total quantity. Purchased medicines are easily added to stock. Report Module This module will help to the end user to get all the details in hard copy format. It will created by visual basic data report. This module shows the result about medicine details, stock report, Buyer report, sales report, Buyer details, payment details, employee salary details.



Testing Methodologies and Policy Testing is an activity to verify that a correct system is being built and is performed with the Intent of finding faults in the system. However not restricted to being performed after the development phase is complete. But this is to carry out in parallel with all stages of system development, starting with requirement specification. Testing results once, gathered and evaluated, provide a qualitative indication of software quality and reliability and serve as a basis for design modification if required a project be set to be incomplete without proper testing. System testing is a process of checking whether the development system is working according to the original objectives and requirements. The system should be tested experimentally with test data so as to ensure that the system works according to the required specification. When the system is found working, test it with actual data and check performance. All tests should be traceable to Buyer requirements. The focus of testing will shift progressively from programs. Exhaustive testing is not possible. To be more effective, testing should be one, which has probability of finding errors. The Following are the attributes of good test A good test has a high probability of finding an error A good test is not redundant. A good test should be Best of Breed. A good test should neither too simple nor too complex.


Levels of Testing The details of the software functionality tests are given below The testing procedures that has been used is as follows Unit Testing The first level of testing is called as unit testing. Here the different modules are tested and the specifications produced during design for the modules. Unit testing is essential for verification of the goal and to the test the Internal logic of the modules. Unit test was conducted to the different modules of the project. Errors were noted down and corrected down immediately and the program clarity was increased the testing was carried out during the programming stage itself. In this step each module is found to be working satisfactory as regard to the expected output from the module. The modules like Buyer Module, Employee Module, Stock Module etc., were tested. Validation Testing The next level of testing is validation testing. Here the entire software is tested the reference document for this process is the requirement and the goal is to see if the software meets its requirements. The requirement document reflects and determines whether the software function as the user expected. At the culmination of the Integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package, Interfacing and corrected and final serious of software test and validation test begins. The proposed system under construction has been tested by using validation testing and found to be working satisfactory. After finishing the Integration testing, the modules were tested for validation. Unit Testing Validation Testing Output Testing Performance Testing


Output Testing The output of the software should be acceptable to the system user. The output requirement is defined during the system analysis. Testing of the software system is done against the output requirements and the output testing was completed with success. Performance Testing This project is a system based project, and the modules are Interdependent with the other modules, so the testing cannot be done module by module. So the unit testing is not possible in the case of this driver. So this system is checked only with their performance to check their quality. In case of the unit testing the initialization module is first tested. Since read module and the write module is Interdependent the performance testing is done.

Implementation Procedures Implementation phase is the last phase regarding any system development, before any system is implemented various tests are performed the system is reviewed thoroughly. The changeover selected is used to change the existing system to the new proposed system. In this phase, the system enters the operation and routine maintenance stage. Operation Documentation This system is developed in such a way that the existing system facilities are enough for implementation. The hardware facilities are sufficient enough to implement the developed system. The system has been successfully implemented in the organization with full co-operation of the management. The users assume their respective responsibilities.


User Training This software is being implemented on parallel basis with the ole manual system. As this new system is more users friendly and fast, the users get more accustomed with it. This reduces the usage of the old manual system by and by the old system is eliminated while the new system establishes itself. By following this method if there are any deformities in the system, it can be easily corrected by comparing with the old system. Implementation denotes the process of converting a new or a received system design Into an operation one. There is two aspect of implementation they are Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system. Implementation of an easily manageable advanced system to replace the existing one. This system imposes the first method where one can replace a manual operation with the computerized one. The tested system includes certain tasks while they may hold costs risks and personal irritation to a minimum and it involves: Creating computer-comport able file. Tracing the operating staffs. Installing terminals and hard wares.



This project is efficient and gives more flexibility to the user and the organization when comparing the manual system. This project has been aimed to minimize the burden of clerical work and eliminate human errors. The project covers all aspects of transaction that comes in process of managing pharmacy shop. This project has been providing efficient report generators which provide detail information about the consumer details, transactions and renewable reports. By minimizing the work time of semi automated processing with highly interactive screen designs and report facilities, proposed system would work for a longer period in the companys business operation.

The project can further enhanced towards providing an additional features to the existing system when the data transaction takes place between the Buyer and the bunk. Some of the suggested enhancements are Change of backend database to the latest one by that time for faster response time. Converting the single user system to a networked one, this enables multi user access. Introducing more facility in generating ad-hoc Buyer reports.


1. A. Russell Jones, Visual Basic 6.0, BPB Publications, First Indian Edition, 2002. 2. Elias M. Awad, System Analysis and Design, Galgotia Publications Ltd, Second Edition, 1997. 3. Kevin Hough, Microsoft Access Database Design, BPB Publications, First Indian Edition, 1999. 4. Ragu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, Database Management System, Third Edition, 1997. 5. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, Fifth Edition, 2001.


1. 2. 3.


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