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Installing Python (Numpy, Matplotlib , Scipy)| Mac Lion using terminal

CHECKING 1. In terminal, type in $ which gcc $ which gfortran it should show the location of your file, if not please install 2. in terminal, type in $ python it should change to python platform, can be noticed by ">>> " 3. In python shell, type in >>>import matplotlib >>>import numpy >>>import scipy if it show "no module", then you must install the missing module, else you have everything and it's DONE!!! :) INSTALLING Installing gcc and gfortran 1. download gcc and gfortran here "". Download and run both file gcc-42-5666.3-darwin11.pkg , gfortranlion-5666-3.pkg. 2. Check gcc and gfortran Installing python 1. go to choose the version that match your computer 2. After finish download, run the program. 3. Open terminal to continue the process 4. in terminal, type in $ python if error=missing, continue else check python shell 5. Download ez_setup from [download by save linkas at link] 6. After finish download, move your to the folder of your python [should be in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources], then

repeat step 4. Installing Numpy 1. Download numpy-1.5.1.tar.gz, a numpy module, at You can save it anywhere. 2. in terminal, access the folder that contain numpy, type in $ cd /directory/directory/numpy 3. when you are in the folder, you have to extract the file, type in $ tar xvzf numpy-1.5.1.tar.gz 4. to open the file, type in $ cd numpy-1.5.1 5. to install numpy, type in $ python install 6. Check numpy module Installing Matplotlip 1. In terminal, type in $ easy_install matplotlib 2. Check matplotlib module Installing Scipy 1. Download scipy-0.11.0.tar.gz, scipy module, at You can save it anywhere 2. In terminal, access the folder that contain scipy, type in $ cd /directory/directory/scipy 3. when you are in the folder, to extract the file, type in $ tar xvzf scipy-0.11.0.tar.gz 4. to open the file, type in $ cd scipy-0.11.0 5. to set a suitable gcc and gfortran, type in $ export CC=clang $ export CXX=clang $ export FFLAGS=-ff2c 6. to build the environment, type in $ python build 7. to install scipy, type in

$ python install 8. Check scipy module Note: if needed: Installing nose 1. In terminal, type in $ curl -O $ tar xvfz nose-0.10.1.tar.gz $ cd nose $ python install Installing pyamg 1. In terminal, type in $ curl -O $ tar xvfz pyamg-1.0.0.tar.gz $ cd pyamg $ python build $ python install *Checking can be done in python shell using import command

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