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The European Union and it's prime prize, the Charlemagne award have their roots in


Those awarded this prize for service to European unification include Bill Clinton,
Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Angela Merkel, Henry Kissinger among others.

The EU was founded and run at it's inception by actual Nazis and is the extention
of Hitler's plans for world domination as laid out in a letter found in 1947 with
plans for world domination in the event Germany lost WW2.

Those plans included the use of German corporations to help fund the furtherance
of German plans for a single currency and a single German lead government.

The first men involved in the European Commission, which was the beginning of the
EU, were very much fascist minded.

Walter Hallstein the first President of the EC in 1957 was a Nazi leadership
officer who taught fascism the nazi way in German universities.

Paul Henri Spaak called a founding father of the EU was a rather formidable
fascist as was Walter Funk who was Goebbels helper as a minister of propaganda. He
was Reichs Economic minister and as such oversaw stealing Jewish property. This is
the man who wrote the 1."economic blueprint for a united Europe adopted by the
European Union."

Hans Josef Globke a personal friend of Adolf Eichmann, was the man responsible for
the Nuremburg Race Laws and was director of the German Chancellors office from 53-
63 . Today his race laws are used to determine the ethnic background of citizens
of Europe and who is European and who is not.Jews and Gypsies are "not".

Globke formulated the laws that gave Hitler unlimited dictatorial powers and was
chief legal advisor in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of Interior.

He was appointed "Ministerial Counsel" for the Third Reich because of his
"extraordinary efforts in drafting the law for the Protection of the German Blood"
and because of "his services to the Nazi regime were highly appreciated by the
party hierarchy and he was highly rewarded"

It is not surprising then that there is a Balkanization of the world going on now
while at the same time there is a push for globalization. This is seemingly
contradictory but when you realize that not everyone is wanted in a global economy
or kingdom, then it becomes more understandable.

First comes the weeding out and the idea of who is who.

The German Reich has been the image that the EU has been using as a model. This is
why there has been a German lead push for the West to interfere in Eastern Europe
and meddle and cause the balkanization of more and more nations there.

Bernd Neumann the Berlin State minister for Culture says this is so and that the
Holy Roman Empire lead by the Germans is the blueprint for the EU.

He says that the history and fate of Germany and Central Europe are tied
"Indissolubly" together.
This is supported also by the German pope Joseph Ratzinger who has put himself
full force behind the idea of "Reichsdee" or Imperial Ideal for Europe. He sees
the "spiritual foundations" of Europe as uniquely Catholic,a uniquely German led
holy Roman Empire Catholic, to be specific.

To this end, the Imperial Ideal, German leadership of the EU must be cemented in
place . This is an idea urged on by Merkel, the pople and others .

It is precisely this idea that has some in France and Great Britain very worried.

Bernd Neumann has stated that the German lead Holy Roman Empire is today's only
valid model for a functioning "Superstate".

The papers written on t his are called "The Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation, 962-1806". Of course Hitler tried to revive this himself and now Germany
has still not abandoned it's desire for domination of other nations.

Empire Crown

Otto Von Hapsburg said in the 1970s that the German Reich was the prime model for
the European Union. After all if they could not get Europe by war they would by
stealth and design and manipulation.

Pope Ratzinger has stated that the "Reich" is the only legitimate model and
concept for a stable co-operation of church and state.. in other words a Catholic-
German holy Roman Empire in which church canon law supercedes all other and the
state enforces church rulings and vice versa.

This is the mindset that allowed for the Inquisition and it is no coincidence that
this office has been reinstated or that Ratzinger was head of the office of the

While Europe appears headed for disintegration due to rampant immigration, make no
mistake about German efficiency and drive toward a goal. Once they set their mind
to a task they go at it until it is complete.

Already there is a push in the EU to declare Sunday as Europe's official day of

rest in which no one can work at all.
Charlemagne was the first to do this and any caught observing any other day were

Symbol of the Holy Roman Knighthood

Note the double headed Eagle and the Iron Cross in this symbol of the Knighthood
of the German lead Holy Roman Empire.
The revival of a German lead Holy Roman Empire will give rise to one of the worst
beasts ever in history. It can be nothing else.
Jews especially should be watching developments there with a very close eye and a
passport at the ready.

As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun what was is and what is, was.

*1 Free Nations, Rodney Atkinson report

( be aware the the Church also forbid it's members to testify against German nazis
at the Nuremburg trials, calling it a sin to do so. So the church is very closely
knit with German ambitions.)

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