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COPAR is the most diffucult duty I have ever experienced.

In COPAR we have encountered different people with different personalities. Some of them rejected us because they think that we are from B.I.R. In the community we have invited alot of them to come to our meeting but only few came. It is hard to convince them to come but good thing we still made it through. 96550 09/23/2010 2:00pm As what I have been taught, the end goal in COPAR is to mold the community to become self-sufficient and independent capable of identifying and solving their perceived concerns and problems. But as I have realized, it is not only limited to that since COPAR also molds us student nurses to be aware of the present reality of our marginalized brothers and sisters. Gaining the trust of the people and making relevant project proposals is not easy (especially if you only see it as a requirement). Now i know how hard it is to be a \"full-time and dedicated\" politician. 96189 09/23/2010 2:02pm On the first day of our COPAR duty, I said to myself that this will be another senseless and money-wasting activity. We even conduct our house to house visit from 9am to 1:45pm and we had to postpone our lunch so that we can finish our goal for that day. After several tiring activities, I said to myself that I\'m done with giving myself entirely to this program since I see some of my group mates very lenient and does not care for the success of the program. But when we were preparing for our last culmination, I realized that I should not be affected by my group mates who does not participate, but to the ones who never cease to give their best in making this program meaningful and successful. COPAR does not only change the attitude of the community people for the good, but it also enlighten the people running it. I stand corrected. 96341 09/23/2010 2:04pm I have learned many things during my COPAR experience. I believe that COPAR speaks the truth. It let us see reality. COPAR is an experience giving us a chance to take part of other peoples lives living in different and difficult conditions than ours. It helps us see the meaning of life itself and the true meaning of love and sympathy. Also, during my experience it deepens my heart and concern towards other people. In the end of COPAR, I understand that its goal is not only to develop the area and its people but it brings us to share and open our hearts to give what we have and become open with God. It invites us to treasure our blessings and let others feel that they are not alone where God gives grace not only in form of miracles but to simple acts of human doing, through love. This experience not only promotes faith among the members of the community but it brings hope to me and my fellow classmates that they too have a heart to share. Lastly, I can say that COPAR is a significant human experience of GOD.

96326 09/24/2010 9:49am Through my COPAR experience, I developed first and foremost, the ability to connect with people that I thought I can't do. I feel that the the people I encountered in the community really cooperated with us. Thinking about what I've done for them I think that it is already a direct reflection of being able to sacrifice myself to communicate with them. As far as my learning in general, I learned about myself as I saw how good it felt to do something for someone else. Just for the good of mankind, not for any other reason. I also think COPAR helped me to learn how to work with other people. 97526 09/26/2010 2:41pm In my Copar rotation I have somehow experienced the feelings of a true Nurse and a true Christian. I could say that because i have felt extreme challenges and contentment. I undergone multiple hindrances thinking that some of my colleagues were not cooperative and all they were concerned off are their grades and not of the duty that we are required to perform. Yet, a big thanks to my instructors and to my God, those hindrances were conquered. Even though we had a lot of holidays, i could truly say that what we have done is indeed Significant and Bliss. 96919 09/27/2010 4:59am For me, as a student nurse, it was a relief and a great experience to be exposed in an area such as Calinan since we do not often see and render our duty hours in a well developed area. We had to endure the heat and the dust and the utilties present in the area. It was a great experience because it helps us understand the meaning of life and the differences of the people in the center of Davao and Calinan. We were also able to help the different people in the community, whom we barely know, in finding and determining the potential problem of their area. Upon determining the problems, we, as a group were able to make them enjoy every session wherein we have activities that entails them to participate. Lastly, it was a wonderful experience for me because it makes me a better person because it allows me to reflect and to cooperate in every activity we do for the community. 96102 09/27/2010 8:27am My COPAR experience was brief. We were only given a few days because of the school activities and national holidays. I thought it would be impossible to finish all our tasks in the given time. Cooperation and proper communication was all we needed to complete what I thought was impossible. Our group properly planned the activities on each dates and we were able follow the scheduled tasks. There was teamwork and unity manifested in the group. Everyone has done their contributed efforts for the success of our COPAR experience. I am very grateful for the members of the community who attended our meetings especially the appointed core group officers. I mostly admired our core group

president because we all have seen her potentials and dedication towards change in their community. The continuous 4-hour walk under the heat of the sun for our house to house survey was all worth it because we were able to socialize with the people and listen to their concerns about their community. The experience was truly memorable and I hope than when we return next semester, our COPAR has helped the community in little ways. 97159 09/27/2010 2:56pm COPAR.. I really enjoyed my 4 weeks of duty at calinan. In the start of my duty I was really lazy in walking under the heat of the sun.. But then after couple of days that I was being exposed in the community I saw the life of the people in the community. After doing our house to house and having some interviews I learned a few from them. It was the first time that I was talking to families and asking some of that personal questions. I had a fear that some of them will deny us, but it came up to be well. The people in the community were very approachable. I a student from ADDU that is leaving here in the city heard the concern of the people at calinan and that for me is a achievement. extending our arms to the people who are in need. 97221 10/03/2010 3:19am This year, COPAR gave me a lot of learning almost every human aspect that I can think of. It gave me a new perspective towards dealing with the community and working hand-in-hand with my classmates to organize plans and programs to not only help us grow in unity. The four weeks that I\'ve been with the community, there were a lot of dramas, fun and laughter that I experienced. My classmates and I endured the unpredictable weather, the dusty and rocky roads, and the tons of workload. It was rewarding for us the fact that when we got there, the community was very warm and they were very participative in our programs and activities. It was a reciprocal activity as well because we taught them about the research process while they taught us the value of being in a community. It was funny for me to recall on how we were budgeting our money just to cover the whole five weeks full of activities to the point that we brought our own baons. But you know, it was a good thing. Why? we learned how to share even the tiniest thing. When other classmates of ours forgot her lunch, almost everybody who brought theirs shared it to her. I realized how close our class is. And I'm happy to belong in my class.

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