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FY11 SCHOOL PERFORMANCE BUDGETING CHECK-OFF March 1, 2010 What is Performance Budgeting and how does it apply to MPS?

Performance budgeting takes data and evaluations that measure the performance (i.e. outcomes) of district schools and programs, and integrates those data into the budget process. The key ingredient of this process is to produce effective performance measurement to ensure that the data used are accurate. With performance measurement, budget information improves, problems are identified earlier, and plans can be made farther in advance. What does Performance Budgeting do? Setting direction Explains what the districts strategic goals mean and provides the necessary information for school leaders to determine how they will be achieved. Decisions made on facts, not perceptions Performance measures provide hard, factual information about the performance and financial conditions of various schools and programs; information on which to base decisions. Targeting resources where they are needed When a program that is essential to MPS mission fails, performance budgeting data will highlight this failure. The district can adjust policies and funding as appropriate in order to correct the failure. Data feeds back through the system in real time to enable district staff to correct problems at the earliest possible time. Problem solving Good information provided by performance measures means staff respond appropriately to changes in their program/schools situation. Proactively planning Performance measurement means getting more good information and getting it earlier to address potential problems before they turn real, and address real problems before they escalate. Measuring success or failure Information from performance measurement shows whether or not a program is working properly. Public information Performance measurement enables school leaders to provide a clearer picture to the public about what is happening in MPS. Recognizing achievement Performance measurement enables school leaders to much more clearly state when goals are achieved and ensure student, parent and citizen recognition of those achievements. Achievements of the school district that were formerly difficult to describe will be measured with hard data.

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Overview The districts Strategic Plan (Working Together Achieving More: Action Plan to Improve Milwaukee Public Schools 2007-2012) includes eight goals. Five of the goals relate to schools and three of the goals relate to Central Services. Based on urgent facts, each schools improvement plan identifies measurable objectives for the upcoming school year. School staffs focus their attention, efforts, and resources on meeting those goals. The school improvement plan is based on a comprehensive needs assessment. It is not intended to reflect the entire educational program provided in the school. It does, however, serve as a tool to focus and guide activities relative to school improvement. It includes instructional strategies and interventions designed to achieve the goals that have been identified. The School Performance Budget Template aligns the district strategic plan and school improvement plan goals to the schools personnel and fiscal resources. As fiscal resources become more and more scarce, it is important that they are targeted to meeting the highest priority needs of a school. The Performance Measure Report will appear as part of the Superintendents Proposed Budget. Accessing School Performance Budget Material FY11 School Performance Budgeting materials are posted on the MPS Portal: Budget & Finance > School Performance Measures > School Performance Measure Documents. Before starting, you are encouraged to view the Media Site training video. A link to the site appears in the School Performance Budgeting and School Change Report Overview under: Budget & Finance > School Performance Measures. Schools may find it useful to refer to the FY10 School Performance Measure Report to prepare the FY11 School Performance Measure Report and the FY11 School Change Report form. Contact your school budget analyst to obtain a copy of the submitted FY10 report. Instructions Follow these steps to complete the FY11 School Performance Measure Report which will be included in the Superintendents FY11 Proposed Budget: 1. Download your schools individual performance measure workbook from Budget & Finance > School Performance Measures > School Performance Measure Workbooks. An Excel worksheet is posted for each school in grade-span specific folders (charter schools will be in a single folder). When you open your schools worksheet, you will see tabs in the lower left corner. The first tab accesses the FY11 Budget Worksheet. This worksheet includes line items from all of your schools FY11 proposed budgets that are contained on the IFAS Budget and Staffing Summary report, including the central literacy position. The second tab accesses the FY11 School Performance Measure Report. 2. Save your schools worksheet from the Portal to your computer or a memory stick. Work done on the Portal workbook cannot be saved to the Portal. Begin with the FY11 School Performance Measure Report page (tab 2).

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3. On the top of the page you will see a budget section. That section of the template is locked. It will populate automatically after you have completed the line item budget identification, later in this process. 4. Complete the urgent facts for literacy, mathematics, attendance and suspension as they appear in your schools 2009-2011 School Improvement Plan. See document 3 in the Performance Measure portlet, Accessing Performance Budget Urgent Facts, for information on where to find this data. 5. There is an option to enter an additional school improvement urgent fact. If you choose to make this addition, make sure you align the optional urgent fact to a district strategic plan goal. For guidance, consult the strategic plan strategies (pages 7-14) and measurable objectives (pages 24-34). The districts strategic plan, Working Together-Achieving More, appears as document 6 in the portlet. 6. After completing the template, move to the FY11 Budget Worksheet (tab 1). On this tab you will align each budget line item to strategic plan goals. It may be helpful to refer to the sample performance measure workbook which shows a completed school budget worksheet and performance measure report for a K8 school (document 4). Determine and enter the percentage distribution of time, effort, and resources dedicated to the district strategic plan goals and school improvement plan urgent facts for each of the budget line items, except for fringe benefit budget lines. Fringe benefits calculate automatically! The School Improvement Plan Objective Notes row near the top of the worksheet allows you to enter notes that may be helpful reminders to you as you assign percentages. Consult the District Strategic Plan Reference Guide for assistance in identifying major strategies/outcomes for each goal (document 5). Percentages for each line item must total 100% in the Total column. A tip from your peers: Concentrate on positions and other line items that appear specifically in the School Improvement Plan first; then assign percentages to budget lines that less directly support the school plan. Note: The central share of the school literacy position will appear for schools that have purchased a school share of their position. Schools that are not required to have match for literacy and that intend to participate in the program, should contact their budget analyst if the .50 FTE central share does not appear on the budget worksheet.

7. When you have completed your entry, ensure that percentage distributions have been entered for every line item (with the exception of employee benefits and total lines). Ensure that all percentage totals equal 100% in the Total column (column T). 8. Return to the FY11 School Performance Measure Report (tab 2). Review the total percentages as distributed among the district strategic and school improvement plan goals. (This information is automatically calculated through formula links with the FY11 Budget Worksheet.) Is the distribution consistent with your expectations and intent? If
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not, return to the FY11 Budget Worksheet (tab 1), review the percent distributions, and adjust as necessary. 9. Your schools completed worksheet is due by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. The form is to be sent as an attachment to an e-mail to budget (no quotation marks). Be sure your schools name is included in the document attachment title. For more efficient processing, please put only your schools alphabetical IFAS project code in the SUBJECT line of the email (e.g., BDE, BDK, BDM, BDS).

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