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Here is our HTML Cheat Sheet

Text Tags
<h1></h1> The largest headline
<h6></h6> The smallest headline

<b></b> Bold text

<i></i> Italicized text
<u></u> Underlined text
<tt></tt> Typewriter style
<del></del> Deleted text
<ins></ins> Inserted text
<strong></strong> Strong emphasis
<q></q> Quoted text
<big></big> Big text
<small></small> Small text
<cite></cite> Citation text
<dfn></dfn> Definition text
<credit></credit> Credit text
<blink></blink> Blinking text
<sub></sub> Subscript text
<var></var> Variable text
<code></code> Code text
<strike></strike> Striked out text
<s></s> Striked out text. Stronger than "strike".
<abbr></abbr> Defines abbreviation

<font size="5"></font>
Se t size - Ranges from 1-7 with 7 being the largest.
<font color="blue"></font> Sets color. Blue in this case.
<blockquote></blockquote> Enclose larger quotations from other text on the site
<body></body> The body of your website document
<title></title> Specify the title of the document

<p></p> New paragraph
<br></br> Single line break
<ul></ul> Bulleted list
<ol></ol> Numbered list
<dl></dl> Definition list
<dir></dir> Directory list
<li></li> Number/Symbol before list item
<samp></samp> Sample format
<button></button> Creates a button that the visitor can click
<center></center> Centers everything inside the element
<col></col> Sets the attribute values for one or more columns
<iframe></iframe> Create an inline or floating frame
<kbd></kbd> Identify text a user is supposed to enter
<applet></applet> Embed a Java applet to your website
<object></object> Embed an object. Replaces the applet element
<area></area> Implement a client-side image map
<menu></menu> Container for a list of menu items
<option></option> Option in a listbox
<select></select> Create listbox as an input field on a form
<wbr></wbr> Word break
<tr></tr> Classify row inside a table

Deprecated HTML Tags

As the Internet is a constantly evolving machine, even though it behaves more and more like a living thing, changes are
inevitable. This goes for HTML tags as well and the reason is spelled CSS styling. Many tags don't serve a purpose anymore and
are therefore to be phased out and many can now be handled by, as mentioned, style sheets. Here are some of the tags and
attributes that are deprecated and/or no longer needed.

HTML Attributes

Important To Notice
Please note that this is not a complete list of all the deprecated HTML tags and attributes, but only the ones that are most
commonly used.

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