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JESSUP, MD 20794-1398

Permit NO. G-17

October 1, 2003 • Vol. 2, No. 13 FIRST CLASS

“When it comes to
the education of our
children ... failure is
not an option.”

N E W L O O Kc!elift Gets Fa
io n’s W eb sit e— ww—has been
ucat debuted in
he Department of Ed look. The site, which

T a grea t ne w
pletely revampe d wi th cs and photos
en vis ua lly en ha nc ed with more graphi
September, has be n, thus putting ED
w featu res an d str eamlined informatio
and includes ne
e-stop home
yo ur fin ge rtips. w. nc lb .g ov ), giving readers a on
urce s at rm er ly ww d video, as
news, events and reso clu de s th e N o Ch ild Left Behind site (fo of ne ws re lea se s, photos, audio clips an
The new now
a new virtual press ro
om tistics.
so ur ce s, in clu di ng po lic y, pr og ra m s, and research and sta
notated re ract s, eligi-
page that leads to an th at co ve r fin an cial aid, grants and cont ra m s by tit le, su bject, assistance type or
ion centers rs can sort prog d contacts.
well as five informat rm atio n ea sie r to find, visito eli gi bilit y, regu lations, guidance an
And with progra m info ing sta tu s, job open-
ra m lis tin g ou tlines purpose, fund bu dg et , or ga ni zation structure and
ch pr og the ED tend to
bility. In addition, ea e ca te go rie s of th e former site, such as an d th e Cr os s-S ite Index continues to ex
som ting litative
The new site retains to of fer ED to pi cs in an alphabetical lis ch ce nt er s, sp ec ial education and rehabi
continues gional labs, resear
ings. The A-Z Index clu di ng ER IC clearinghouses, re
sites , in
all ED-funded Web e.
—and hundreds mor
services organizations

ACHIEVER • October 1, 2003 • Vol. 2, No. 13

Education Department, ABC Radio Partner to Close Achievement Gap

of America,” Secretary Paige said. “Nationally, blacks score

he Department of Education and ABC Radio
Networks have joined forces on a national radio cam- lower on reading and math tests than their white peers. But
paign to inform the African-American community it doesn’t have to be that way. We need to collectively focus
about No Child Left Behind and the achievement gap that our attention on this problem.”
exists among students from different ethnic backgrounds. The campaign will air detailed messages about bridging
The campaign, “Closing the Educational Achievement the achievement gap and also give parents tips on what steps
Gap,” will air on all 240 of ABC Radio’s Urban Advantage to take to ensure their child is making academic progress.
Network affiliates in the U.S. during the back-to-school The radio spots will feature Secretary Paige in a 30-second
period. message emphasizing the importance of this problem and
“We have an education emergency in the United States how some parents may be eligible for free, government-
sponsored tutoring or other extra help.
To help eliminate the achievement gap, No Child Left
Behind requires schools to monitor the performance of stu-

Ask the WhicitLeearnHouse dents from different ethnic and racial backgrounds and also
students from low-income families. Each subgroup within a
More about
Online Chat Lets Publ school and local school district must make academic
Nation’s Education Po progress as defined by the state. The school or local school
district is considered to be “in need of improvement” after
d “Ask the White House,”
ecretary Paige recently hoste two consecutive years of not making progress. The goal is

S an online, interactive forum

tions of key Bush Adminis
ing are excerpts from the sec
for the public to ask ques-
tration officials. The follow
retary’s chat:
- 100 percent proficiency on state standards for all subgroups
in math and reading by the 2013-14 school year.
For more information, visit
and select the link for No Child Left
Ky.: What is your opinion
Stephen from Scottsville, Behind. To hear the radio spot,
believe it is possible for all
the NCLB Act and do you visit
school systems to follow? index.html and select the link
l “Education is a Civil Right.”
t it is possible for all schoo
Paige: I strongly believe tha is
the guidelines of NCLB. It
systems in America to follow st be accou nt- “My teacher has asked us
iples. Schools mu
simple in terms of its princ ple about our goals for the year.
xibility and local control; peo
able. The second point is fle ts What are your goals for
ke decisions. Third, paren
at the local level should ma America’s schools this year?”
ir children. Last, NCLB
should have options for the
asked 10-year-old Johnny from
thods are based on sci- Scranton, Pa., one of several
makes sure that teaching me
ed. All schools can do members of the public that
ence. This is not complicat submitted questions to
hard work and it is
this. It is going to require Secretary Paige for “Ask the
ngs differently, but
going to require us to do thi White House.”
all schools can do it.
continued on page 2
and that is investing in our future above all else. I feel it is imperative
The Achiever is published semi-
monthly during the school year
leaders who are going to universities for us to provide a safe environment
for parents and community leaders and colleges now. for students. … We have created a
by the Office of Intergovernmental
and Interagency Affairs, U.S.
division in the Department called the
Department of Education (ED). Rod Paige, Secretary. Johnny from Scranton, Pa.: I’m Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
For questions and comments, contact: 10 years old. My teacher has asked We have charged them with helping
Nicole Ashby, Editor, U.S. Department of Education, us about our goals for the year. What to make schools safe, and bullying is
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Room 5E217,
Washington, DC 20202, 202-205-0676 (fax), are your goals for America’s schools one of those issues; we have held this year? conferences on this issue, we have
For address changes and subscriptions, offered training to teachers and
contact: ED Pubs, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD
20794, 1-877-4ED-PUBS (1-877-433-7827),
Paige: I congratulate you for being have published literature on the issue involved in education policy at a of bullying.
For information on ED programs, resources young age. Our goal for America’s
and events, contact: Information Resource Center, schools this year is lots of success in Roberta from Idaho: What’s the one
U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202,
bringing school systems into compli- piece of advice you often find yourself
1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327), ance with the No Child Left Behind giving to teachers and parents?
Act [by increasing] the number of
Disclaimer: The Achiever contains news and highly qualified teachers in schools [as Paige: Let me begin by saying to
information about public and private organizations
for the reader’s information. Inclusion does not well as] assuring that our teaching teachers, thank you for your commit-
constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department methods are based on science and that ment to America’s children. I want to
of Education of any products or services offered or
views expressed. they work. … Our ultimate goal is tell parents that we need your help.
that students like Johnny learn. You are your child’s first teacher. I say
page 1 to all of America that the president
continued from
Abigail from Iowa: Teresa from Little Rock, Ark.: What wants our nation to be better. There
Tuition prices keep rising, while class national efforts, suggestions or policy are many things we must do in order
hours stay the same, meaning I can will your office make to help children to be better and stronger, but the one
only work so many hours per day and and teachers regarding the major thing we must do is to be better in
still keep the A. Students like myself problem with bullying in our public education. The president is dedicated
are driving themselves very quickly schools? to improving education for our
into debt. Is this administration doing young Americans who are our
anything to keep education affordable? Paige: This is a very important issue. country’s future.
When I was superintendent in
Paige: The president is a champion for Houston, our
providing increased funding for wor- number one
thy and eligible students to attend the core value Increasing the number of highly quali-
universities and colleges of their was safety fied teachers and assuring that teach-
choice. For example, Pell grant fund- ing methods are science-based are
ing is up to $12.7 billion, a 45 percent among the Department’s immediate
increase over 2001 funding. Student goals, said Secretary Paige during his
chat online with the public. At left,
aid is up by 36 percent over when the Secretary Paige reads to children at
president first took office. So the presi- Mills-Parole Elementary in Annapolis,
dent is very aggressive in protecting Md., where he also led a roundtable
America’s education investment, discussion about the local implemen-
tation of No Child Left Behind.

Photography by Leslie Williams

ac k-to -s ch o o l ar ticles often focused e

On th

“In past years, thes s an d homeroom assign
lu nch m en u
on bus schedules, n p erformance, result
th e fo cu s is o
ments. This year, w ho historically hav
elp in g stu d en ts
and plans for h l o f u s, w orking together,
It will ta ke al
been left behind. an d to make the goals
of October 21
ad th e w o rd 8:00-9:00 p.m. E.T.
to continue to spre s ac ross America.” Education News Parents Can Use
co m m u n itie
the law a reality in blic attitudes
monthly broadcast will focus on
nt poll about pu keeping children safe at home and in
y Paige, in response to a rece school. Visit
about public ed video/edtv/schedule.html or call
1-800-USA-LEARN for details.

p: October 27-29
-U Brown v. Board Washington, D.C.

Department of Education sponsors

of Education “Meeting the Challenge: The Science

and Practice of Safe and Drug-Free
Schools.” Visit www.OSDFSNational

ext year marks the 50th anniversary of or call Amalia Cuervo
Brown v. Board of Education—the unani- at 202-205-2855.
mous Supreme Court ruling that outlawed
schools segregated on the basis of race.
To mark the anniversary of this landmark decision,

Congress created the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission
to plan and coordinate public activities surrounding the anniversary, including
public lectures, writing contests and public awareness campaigns.
President Bush worked with congressional leaders to select
distinguished Americans to serve as commissioners.
Commissioners include representatives from the states that
played a role in the Brown litigation, as well as college faculty and leaders from
government and the NAACP.
The decision in Brown v. Board of
The 50th anniversary of Brown is May 17, 2004. More infor-
Education actually involved four
mation about the commission and Brown commemoration
related cases brought by plaintiffs in
events will follow in future issues of The Achiever.
four states: Gebhart et al v. Belton et
For more information, visit
al in Delaware, Brown et al v. Board
of Education in Kansas, Briggs et al v.
Elliott et al in South Carolina, and
Davis et al v. School Board of Prince
ACT Scores Remain Steady people are Edward County et al in Virginia. On
entering college
the same day as the decision in the

espite the record number of without the skills to
high school graduates (nearly Brown case, the Supreme Court also
succeed in freshman-level courses, par-
1.2 million) who took the ACT ticularly in the vital areas of math and decided another related case in
in 2003, scores remained flat on this science.” Bolling et al v. Sharpe et al, a case
test, which is one of the nation’s lead- Out of a possible 36 points, only from the District of Columbia.
ing college entrance exams. a fourth of 2003 graduates earned a
Secretary Paige said: “It is encour- score of 24 or higher on the science a score of 21.8 (up by 0.2 points), fol-
aging to see a greater percentage of test, while just four in 10 earned a lowed by Puerto Rican/Hispanic stu-
young people taking the ACT and score of 22 or higher on the math dents with an average composite score
planning to go to college in pursuit of portion. of 19.0 (up by 0.2), American
solid, productive careers with promising However, for the first time since Indians/Alaska Natives at 18.7 (up by
futures. At the same time, it is discour- 1997, scores rose slightly for all 0.1), Mexican-American/Chicano stu-
aging that the ACT test scores remain racial/ethnic minority groups: Asian- dents at 18.3 (up by 0.1), and African-
stagnant and that far too many young American students led the roster with American students at 16.9 (up by 0.1).

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