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au Business Plan template

A good business plan can help you secure finance, define the direction of your business and create strategies to achieve your goals. The Business Plan template steps you through the process of creating a solid, well-structured plan tailored to your business. New! Create your business plan on your iPad by downloading our free MyBizPlan iPad App. Search MyBizPlan in the App Store now!

Copies of the latest version of this template and the guide can be downloaded from If you need further information, assistance or referral about a small business issue, please contact the Small Business Support Line on 1800 777 275.

Using this template

Before you complete this business plan template and start using it, consider the following:

1. Do your research. You will need to make quite a few decisions about your
business including structure, marketing strategies and finances before you can complete the template. By having the right information to hand you also can be more accurate in your forecasts and analysis.

2. Determine who the plan is for. Does it have more than one purpose? Will

it be used internally or will third parties be involved? Deciding the purpose of the plan can help you target your answers. If third parties are involved, what are they interested in? Although dont assume they are just interested in the finance part of your business. They will be looking for the whole package.

3. Do not attempt to fill in the template from start to finish. First decide

which sections are relevant for your business and set aside the sections that dont apply. You can always go back to the other sections later.

4. Use the [italicised text]. The italicised text is there to help guide you by

providing some more detailed questions you may like to answer when preparing your response. Please note: If a question does not apply to your circumstances it can be ignored.

5. Download the Business Plan Guide. The business plan guide contains
general advice on business planning, a complete overview of the business plan template and a glossary explaining the main terms used throughout this template.

6. Get some help. If you arent confident in completing the plan yourself, you

can enlist the help of a professional (i.e. Enterprise Connect Centre, Business Enterprise Centre, business adviser, or accountant) to look through your plan and provide you with advice.

7. Actual vs. expected figures. Existing businesses can include actual figures
in the plan, but if your business is just starting out and you are using expected figures for turnover and finances you will need to clearly show that these are expected figures or estimates.

8. Write your summary last. Use as few words as possible. You want to get

to the point but not overlook important facts. This is also your opportunity to sell yourself. But dont overdo it. You want prospective banks, investors, partners or wholesalers to be able to quickly read your plan, find it realistic and be motivated by what they read.

9. Review. Review. Review. Your business plan is there to make a good

impression. Errors will only detract from your professional image. So ask a number of impartial people to proofread your final plan.

For advice and examples on how to complete this template, please download the Business Plan guide from
Scan to watch our business planning video:

SANDHI . AKBAR marketing and desaigner ABSOLUTION T-Shirt BANDUNG

Absolution T-shirt Business Plan

Prepared: 26 December 2012

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

Table of Contents

Page 1

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

Business Plan Summary

Usaha ini bergerak di bidang penjualan pakaian , khusus nya Jenis Kaos Oblong / T-shirt .Prospek pengembangan usaha ini sangat menjanjikan, mengingat pasar yang cukup besar dengan trend baju simple yang terus meningkat dan juga semakin berkembangnya industry kaos oblong di Indonesia. Absolution T-Shirt sebagai brand utama dari ShirtforALL Onlineshop merupakan suatu bentuk usaha yang bergerak dibidang fashion berupa kaos polos. Kaos polos yang kami buat yaitu pakaian yang melihat sisi kualitas namun dengan harga yang terjangkau terjangkau khususnya untuk kalangan Pelajar SMA MAHASISWA

The Business
Nama Usaha: Absolution T-Shirt Lokasi: Bandung , Jawa Barat, Indonesia Dimulai sejak: 22 September , 2011 Business owner(s): M. Arif Gumelar , Fahmi Hidayah Junaedi , Shanty Ramadhani Sudradjat,Sandhi Akbar Produk dan Jasa: Penjualan Baju Kaos Oblong Polos Pria dan Wanita (U-neck , VNeck , O- neck , Long Hand , Polo Shirt , dll) , Desain Kaos Oblong .

The Market
Target market:

Mahasiswa / Mahasiswi yang menggunakan kaos oblong sebagai baju dalam saat menggunakan kemeja ataupun untuk berpenampilan kasual dan santai.

Remaja Pengembangan produk . Dapat dilakukan dengan cara melihat opini dari konsumen . Selama 1 tahun berjalan Absolution Shirt telah melakukan pengembangan produk dengan mengganti jenis dan bentuk T-shirt dengan warna warna pilihan , bentuk leher , dan terakhir pada saat ini kami tengah mempersiapkan produk terbaru dari kami yaitu Long Hand T-Shirt untuk pria dan wanita berupa Couple TShirt . Pengembangan wilayah pemasaran

Marketing strategy:

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[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

Saat ini Produk Kami telah masuk pada Pasar Kota Bandung , khususnya Universitas-Universitas yang ada di Kota Bandung melalui Re-Seller kami . Misalnya , Universitas Padjajaran , Universitas Katolik Parahyangan , Institut Teknologi Nasional ,dan Universitas Widyatama . Strategi yang kami lakukan yaitu dengan melalui Distributor kami melalui Butik kami dapat menjajaki pasar luar kota yang saat ini tengah berkembang yaitu , Garut , Tanggerang , dan Jakarta . Promosi Media Promosi kami yang paling kuat adalah Media Sosial ( Facebook , Twitter ,Instagram) dimana dari situ ranah pasar yang kami buka menjadi lebih luas dan terbuka . 70% dari order yang kami terima merupakan hasil dari Promo melalui media social . sedangkan 30% sisanya hasil dari promosi mouth to mouth .

The Future
Vision statement:

Menjadikan Absolution T-Shirt sebagai pesaing fashion kaos di Indonesia


Menjadikan para pelanggan berpakaian sederhana namun elegant dan simpel

The Finances
Biaya Investasi Biaya Peralatan Design (PC) Biaya Peralatan Kantor Biaya Pengiriman dan Pengepakan Barang Biaya Pembuatan Baju / bulan 4.000.000,00 500.000,00 1.000.000,00 9.600.000,00

Page 3

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

The Business
Business details
Products/services: [What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand for your products/services?] Produk Utama kami berupa Kaos T-Shirt Polos Pria dan Wanita . Jasa utama kami adalah menerima pesanan design kaos dan pembuatan kaos dari berbagai jenis dalam jumlah besar maupun kecil .

Business premises
Business location: [Describe the location and space occupied/required. What is the size of the space you occupy/require? Which city or town? Where in relation to landmarks/main areas? If you have a retail business, where are you in relation to other shops? What is the retail traffic like?] Bandung , Jawa Barat , Indonesia . Saat ini kegiatan Produksi dilaksanakan di Jl. Kampus VII , Bandung , sedangkan kegiatan Desain Kaos dilakukan di Jl. Cicendo No. 22 Bandung

Page 4

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

Organisation chart
[Outline your business structure in the chart below.]
Arif Gumelar Owner I Male TShirt, Production

Sandhi Akbar Owner , Desain and Marketing

Fahmi H.J Owner , Accounting and Financial Controller

Shanty Ramadhani Owner II, Female TShirt Production

Figure 1: Struktur Organisasi

Management & ownership

Names of owners: M. Arif Gumelar ( Owner of Absolution Male Shirt and T-Shirt
Brand, Shanty Ramadhani Sudradjat ( Owner I of Absolution Female T-Shirt)

Key personnel
Current staff [List your current staff in the table below.] Job Title Desain and Marketing Name Sandhi A Skills or strengths Memiliki kemampuan penggunaan Software Desain Corel , Adobe Photoshop , Marketing melalui Jaringan Sosial Media , Teknologi , dan Komunikasi Langsung dengan Konsumen , Menarik Re-Seller, Mengatur segala aktivitas produksi , pemilihan bahan , pembelian bahan , produksi baju , penyablonan, dan packaging , serta mengirimkan produk siap dijual kepada re-seller Mengatur segala keuangan , pemasukan , pengeluaran , pencatatan biaya , dan penjualan . Melakukan marketing melalui online device , media social , dan mengatur pembayaran Page 5


M.Arif Gumelar

Kuangan Online Marketing

Fahmi Hidayah Junaedi Shanty Ramadhani S

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

dengan customer online

Product/Service Kaos Polos Pria Kaos Polos Wanita Description Kaos T-Shirt Polos berbagai warna dengan Bahan Cotton Combed 30s , Size : S-XL Kaos T-Shirt Polos Untuk Wanita (VNeck) berbagai warna dengan Bahan Cotton Combed 30s (All Size) Jasa pembuatan desain kaos sesuai pesanan Jasa pembuatan baju untuk keperluan acara dengan jumlah minimal 12 pcs . Price IDR 45.000 IDR 45.000

Desain Kaos Pembuatan Baju Jumlah Besar

*tergantung spesifikasi *tergantung spesifikasi

Market position: Absolution T-Shirt berada dalam posisi pasar dengan skala luas . Dimana target pasar kami berupa semua kalangan secara umum dan remaja (Siwa/i , Mahasiswa/i) secara khusus . Tingkat persaingan dalam skalla besar adalah dengan produk produk dengan Brand Terkenal seperti Giordano , Polo , dll . Unique selling position: Pada dasarnya , keunggulan kami berupa harga yang terjangkau untuk kalangan remaja . Saat ini keunggulan kami berupa system re-seller dan online selling melalui Social Media dan kami rasakan saat ini media terseut cukup efektif terhadap promosi dan penjualan produk . Anticipated demand: Jumlah Permintaan saat ini terhadap Baju Prapkan olos khususnya di Kota Bandung sekitar 1000 pcs / bulan ( Analisa dari Jumlah Pengguna , dan Hasil Pencarian dengan Mesin Pencarian Google ) . Saat Ini Jumlah Penawaran dari kami adalah sebesar 50 pcs / bulan atau sebesar 5% dari permintaan . Value to customer: Nilai yang dapat diambil oleh konsumen terhadap produk kami adalah simple, berkualitas , dan tetap fashionable untuk penggunaan sehari-hari .

Page 6

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

Risk management
[List the potential risks (in order of likelihood) that could impact your business.] Risk [Description of the risk and the potential impact to your business.] Likelihood [Highly Unlikely, Unlikely, Likely, Highly Likely] Impact [High, Medium, Low] Strategy [What actions will you take to minimise/mitigate the potential risk to your business?]

Production process Produksi Kaos dilakukan dengan membeli sendiri semua bahan baku utama yaitu berupa kain , dan Polybag Packaging . Kemudian Bahan tersebut diserahkan kepada Penjait yang bertugas memotong dan menjahit bahan untuk menjadi Kaos T-Shirt. T-Shirt yang telah selesai kemudian di cek kualitas dan kemudian di Packing ke dalam Polybag yang telah disiapkan , selanjutnya disimpan dan juga disebarkan ke beberapa re-seller .

Technology (Software): Saat ini untuk menunjang bisnis , kami menggunakan teknologi SmartPhone , Social Media , Messenger , sebagai alat marketing Utama . Selain itu kami menggunakan PC sebagai alat untuk mendesain , membuat foto , catalog , dan juga mencatat seluruh aktivitas kami . Communication channels: Customer dapat menghubungi kami melalui : Twitter : @absolutionshirt Blackberry Messenger : 2213CC50 (Sandhi Akbar) Phone : +6285720123825 Instagram: absolutionstore Doramishop (Sub-Seller owned by Shanty Ramadhani Sudradjat) Email : Payment types accepted: Cash , Transfer via Bank , Kredit (Khusus Reseller). Credit policy: [What is your credit policy for customers/suppliers? How long is the credit period? What are your collection strategies/procedures? What credit does your business receive? What are the terms?] Quality control: Kontrol Yang kami lakukan terhadap Produk adalah dengan memiliki standard Ukuran dan standard untuk setiap Jenis bahan kain yang digunakan .

Page 7

[Absolution T-Shirt] Business Plan [2012]

The Market
Sales targets
50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Month K osPolosPria a K osPolosWa a nita

Your customers
Customer demographics

10% 20% Ma s wa ha is /i S w /I S (rem ja is a MA a ) La in-la in 70%

Customer management Dalam menjaga kepercayaan dan hubungan baik dengan Customer , kami melakukan beberapa cara yaitu dengan : - Update setiap produk yang kami jual - Penerimaan Kritik dan Saran yang dapat diberikan melalui testimoni - Penawaran Produk dengan cara yang baik - Reminder terhadap produk kami dengan memberikan sticker kepada setiap pembeli .

Page 8

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

S.W.O.T. analysis

[List each of your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats in the table below and then outline how you plan to address each of the weaknesses/threats.] Weaknesses

Absolution T-Shirt di produksi dengan menggunakan bahan, jaitan, dan sablon yang berkualitas. Absolution TShirt menjamin pengiriman barang atau delivery order dengan baik. jika ada kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan pihak S Absolution T-Shirt maka akan diganti 100%.
Opportunities Threats

Kelemahan dari usaha Absolution T-Shirt adalah tidak semua konsumen menyukai akan inovasi yang kami berikan dan pemasaran dari produk ini masih kurang sehingga masih banyak orang yang belum tau dengan produk yang kami buat.

Menjadikan para konsumennya berpakaian sederhana, simpel, dan elegant dengan harga yang terjangkau namu kualitas yang baik.

Pesaing utama dari Absolution T-Shirt adalah Factory Outlet, Distro-distro, Toko Fashion yang mempunyai bran terkenal yang memiliki pelanggan setia.

Page 9

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Page 10

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Advertising & sales

Advertising & promotional strategy Planned promotion /advertising type Media Sosial Diutamakan melalui Jaringan Media Sosial , kami dapat memeperluas market kami tidak hanya untuk Konsumen di Kota Bandung namun Juga dapat merambah Seluruh Indonesia , dengan mengupload katalog berupa Gambar gambar produk . Penggunaaan Poster kami gunakan dengan ditempel pada tempat tempat yang pilih , khususnya Universitas Universitas Promosi ini kami anggap sebagai hal yang akan dilakukan langsung oleh Kami sebagai sebagai produsen dan juga konsumen kami .


Mouth to Mouth Promotion

Page 11

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Page 12

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

The Finances
Key objectives & financial review
Financial objectives
Diharakan pada 2013 Produk Kami dapat terjual sebanyak 600 Pcs untuk Produk Kaos Pria dan 600 Pcs untuk Produk Kaos Wanita , dengan rata2 Produksi setiap 2 bulan adalah 100 Pcs Kaos Pria dan 100 Pcs Kaos Wanita .

Finance required

Kebutuhan Dana Untuk Melakukan Pembiayaan pada 2013 / setiap kali produksi adalah sebagai berikut :

Financial Required for TShirt/Period Assuming for 5 Colour

WAR NA BAHA N JENIS BAHAN / TIPE WARNA CC 30'S/ GELAP CC 30'S/ SEDANG CC 30'S/ MUDA CC 30'S/ SEDANG CC 30'S/ GELAP TOTAL PEMBELI AN BAHAN BAKU 2,55 2,3 2,1 2,08 2,07 HARGA BAHAN / KG IDR 80,000.0 0 IDR 76,000.0 0 IDR 74,000.0 0 IDR 76,000.0 0 IDR 80,000.0 0 REALISA SI BELANJA IDR 204,000.0 0 IDR 158,000.0 0 IDR 175,320.0 0 IDR 153,300.0 0 IDR 165,500.0 0 IDR 856,120.0 0 BIAYA JAIT + SABLON/ 18pcs / warna IDR 108,000.00 IDR 108,000.00 IDR 108,000.00 IDR 108,000.00 IDR 108,000.00 IDR 540,000.00 Page 13 BELANJA RIB LEHER BAJU IDR 20,000.00 IDR 20,000.00 IDR 20,000.00 IDR 20,000.00 IDR 20,000.00 IDR 100,000.00 REALISASI PACKING POLYBAG 100pcs IDR 12,000.00 IDR 12,000.00 IDR 12,000.00 IDR 12,000.00 IDR 12,000.00 IDR 60,000.00 IDR 140,000.00 IDR 1,696,120.00 IDR 140,000.00 TOTAL KEBUTUHAN BIAYA REALISASI STICKER 100 pcs (OPSI)

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

The financial tables on the subsequent pages are based on the assumptions listed below:

[List your financial assumptions. These can include seasonal adjustments, drought or interest rates etc.]

Page 14

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Start-up costs for [YEAR]

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own start up costing sheet at the back of this business plan.]

Registrations Business name Licences Permits Domain names Trade marks/designs/patents Vehicle registration More Membership fees Accountant fees Solicitor fees Rental lease cost (Rent advance/deposit) Utility connections & bonds (Electricity, gas, water) Phone connection Internet connection Computer software Training Wages Stock/raw materials Insurance Building & contents Vehicle Public liability Professional indemnity Product liability Workers compensation Business assets Business revenue Printing Stationery & office supplies Marketing & advertising More Total start-up costs

Cost ($)

Business purchase price Franchise fees Start-up capital Plant & equipment Vehicles Computer equipment Computer software Phones Fax machine More Security system Office equipment Furniture Shop fitout More

Cost ($)

$0 Total equipment/capital costs


Page 15

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Balance sheet forecast

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own Balance sheet forecast at the back of this business plan]


Current assets Cash Petty cash Inventory Pre-paid expenses Fixed assets Leasehold Property & land Renovations/improvements Furniture & fitout Vehic les Equipment/tools Computer equipment More Total assets Current/short-term liabilities Credit cards payable Acc ounts payable Interest payable Acc rued wages Inc ome tax More Long-term liabilities Loans More Total liabilities NET ASSETS

[Year 1]

[Year 2]

[Year 3]




$0 $0

$0 $0

$0 $0

Page 16

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Profit and loss forecast

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own profit & loss sheet at the back of this business plan]


Sales less cost of goods sold More Gross profit/net sales Expenses Advertising & marketing Telephone Motor vehicle expenses Stationery & printing Insurance

[Year 1]
$24,300,000 $10,176,720 $14,123,280

[Year 2]

[Year 3]



$2,000,000 $1,200,000 $600,000 $54,000

Total expenses NET PROFIT

$3,854,000 $10,269,280

$0 $0

$0 $0

Page 17

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Expected cash flow

[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own expected cash flow sheet at the back of this business plan]
OPENING BALANCE Cash incoming Sales Asset sales Debtor rec eipts Other inc ome Total incoming Cash outgoing Purc hases (Stoc k et c ) Ac c ountant fees Solic itor fees Advertising & marketing Bank fees & c harges Interest paid Credit c ard fees Utilities (elec tric ity, gas, wat er) T elephone Lease/loan payments Rent & rates Mot or vehic le expenses Repairs & maint enanc e Stationery & print ing Membership & affiliation fees Lic ensing Insuranc e Superannuation Inc ome tax Wages (inc luding PAY G) More Total outgoing Monthly cash balance CLOSING BALANCE

























$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

Page 18

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Break-even analysis
[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own table]

Timeframe (e.g. monthly/yearly) Average pric e of eac h produc t/servic e sold Average c ost of eac h produc t/servic e to make/deliver Fixed c osts for the month/year Percentage of price that is profit Total sales needed to break-even Number of units sold needed to break-even #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Page 19

[Business Name] Business Plan [YEAR]

Supporting documentation
Attached is my supporting documentation in relation to this business plan. The attached documents include:

[List all of your attachments here. These may include resumes, inventory list, survey/questionnaire and/or financial documents.].

Page 20

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