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WEEK 1 2 DATE 2/1 4/1 7/1 11/1 1 WHOLE NUMBERS 1.1 Understand the concept of whole numbers. TOPIC SUB-TOPIC


NOTE Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences Translating Problem solving

Orientation Week B1D1E1 1.1.1 Count, read and write whole numbers B2D1E1 1.1.2 Identify place value and of each digit in whole numbers. B3D1E1 1.1.3 Round whole numbers B3D1E2 B4D1E1 1.2.1 Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers 1.2.2 Perform computations involving any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, including the use of brackets 1.2.3 Solve problems involving combined operations of whole numbers, fractions and decimal numbers. 1.2.4 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 2.1.1 Describe the pattern and extend of a given number sequences 2.1.2 Identify and describe odd and even numbers. Make general statement about odd and even numbers. 2.2.1 Identify the characteristics of prime numbers 2.3.1 List the multiples of whole numbers. 2.1.2 Complete missing terms in given number sequences Public Holiday Hari Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

14/1 18/1

1.2 Perform computations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers


B6D1E1 2. NUMBER PATTERNS AND SEQUENCES 2.1 Recognize and extend number patterns and sequences formed by counting back in 2.2 Understand the characteristerics of prime numbers B2D2E1 B2D2E2

21/1 25/1

B2D2E3 B2D2E4 B3D2E1

Identifying relations Translating Classifying Comparing and contrasting Working out mentally


28/1 1/2


2.3 Understand the characteristics and use the knowledge of factors and prime factor of whole numbers 2.4 Understand and use the knowledge of multiples of whole numbers 2.4 Understand the characteristics use the knowledge of common multiples and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) whole number 2.5 Understand and use the knowledge of common factors and highest common factor



4/2 - 8/2


2.2.2 Determine whether a given number is a prime number 2.2.3 Determine all the prime numbers less than 100 2.3.1 List factors of whole numbers 2.3.2 Determine whether a number is a factor of another whole number 2.3.3 Identify and find prime factors from a list of factors 2.3.4 Determine whether a number is a prime factor of another whole numbers 2.4.1 Find the common multiples of two or three whole numbers. 2.4.2 Determine whether a number is the multiple of another number 2.4.3 Determine the LCM of two or three given numbers

Evaluating Problem solving Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences Identifying relations Translating Classifying


11/2 15/2

B4D2E4 11 12/2 3. FRACTIONS 8 18/2 22/2 3.1 Understand and use knowledge of fractions as part of a whole, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, proper and improper fractions B1D1E2 B2D3E1 B2D3E2

2.5.1 Find common factors of two or three whole number 2.5.2 Determine whether a number is a common factor of two or three given whole number 2.5.3 Determine the HCF of two or three given numbers Public Holiday (Chinese New Year) 3.1.1 Recognize fractions, mixed number, proper and improper fractions 3.1.2 Find equivalent fractions for a given fraction 3.1.3 Change mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa

Identifying relations Comparing and contrasting

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences

25/2 1/3

3.2 Understand the concept of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division


3.2.1 Perform computation involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fraction

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences


4/3 8/3 4. DECIMALS


11/3 15/3


18/3 22/3

3.2.2 Perform computation involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, including the use of brackets B5D1E1 3.2.3 Solve problems involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, including the use of brackets 4.1 Understand the B2D4E1 4.1.1 Represent fractions 1/10 and 1/100 as relationship between decimals and vice versa decimals and fraction 4.1.2 Represent fractions with denominators 10, 100 and 1000 as decimals 4.1.3 Change fractions to decimals and vice versa 4.2 Understand the B2D4E2 4.2.1 State the place value and value of each concept of place digit in decimals value and value of B2D4E3 4.2.2 Compare the value of two given decimals each digit in decimals 4.2.3 Round the decimals to the nearest whole B3D4E1 number 4.3 Understand the B3D4E2 4.3.1 Add, subtract, multiply and divide concept of addition, decimals subtraction, B4D3E1 4.3.2 Perform computations involving multiplication and combined operations of addition, division of decimals subtraction, multiplication and division of decimal, including the use of brackets FIRST MID TERM BREAK (23.3. 2013 31.3.2013) B5D1E1 4.4.1 Solve problems involving combined operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimal, including the use of brackets 4.4.2 Solve problems in real situations with the new method


Identifying relations


1/4 5/4

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences



8/4 12/4


5.1 Understand the concept of percentages and investigate the relationship between percentages and fractions or decimals 5.2 Perform computations and solve problems involving percentages

B2D5E1 B2D5E2

5.1.1 Express percentages as the number of parts in every 100 5.1.2 Change fractions and decimals to percentages and vice versa

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences


5.2.1 Find the percentage of increase or decrease Identifying relations Comparing


15/4 19/4

B5D2E1 B6D1E1 6. INTEGERS 6.1 Understand and use the knowledge of integers B1D1E3

5.2.2 Solve problems involving percentages 5.2.3 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 6.1.1 Read and write integers 6.1.2 Compare the values of two integers by using the symbols of < and > Public Holiday (Declaration of Melaka Historical City) 6.2.1 Solve problems involving addition of integers 6.2.2 Solve problems involving subtraction of integers

16/4 6.2 Perform computations involving addition and subtraction of integers to solve problems B5D3E1


22/4 26/4

B6D1E1 17 29/4 3/5 7. ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 7.1 Understand the concept of unknowns 7.2 Understand the concept of algebraic terms B1D2E1

6.2.3 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 7.1.1 Use letters to represent unknown numbers 7.2.2 Identify unknowns in given situations 7.2.3 Identify algebraic terms with one unknown 7.2.4 Identify coefficients in given algebraic terms with one unknown 7.2.5 Identify like and unlike algebraic terms with one unknown

Interpreting Identifying relations


1/5 18 6/5 10/5 7.3 Understand the concept of algebraic expressions B2D7E2

7.2.6 State like terms for a given term Public Holiday ( Labour Day) 7.3.1 Recognize algebraic expressions 7.3.2 Determine the number of terms in given algebraic expressions

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences

7.4 Understand the concept of algebraic expressions


7.4.1 Simplify algebraic expressions by combining the like terms 7.4.2 Solve problems in real situations with the new method Identifying relations Comparing and contrasting



13/5 17/5


8.1 Understand the concept of length to solve problems

16/5 20 20/5 23/5



10/6 14/6

8.1.1 Measure the length of objects. 8.1.2 Estimate length of objects in appreciate units. 8.1.3 Convert one metric unit to another (mm, cm, m and km) B4D5E1 8.1.4 Use the four operations to solve problems involving lengths Teachers Day Celebration 8.2 Understand the B1D3E2 8.2.1 Measure the mass of objects. concept of mass to B2D8E1 8.2.2 Estimate masses of objects in appreciate solve problems units B2D8E2 8.2.3 Convert one metric unit to another (mg, g, kg, tone) B4D5E1 8.2.4 Use the four operations to solve problems involving mass. Public Holiday (Wesak Day) MID TERM HOLIDAY ( 25. 5. 2013 9. 6. 2013) 8.3 Understand the B1D3E3 8.3.1 Determine the appreciate measurement concept of time in of time for certain events. seconds, minutes, B2D8E1 8.3.2 Estimate the time intervals of events hours, days, weeks, B2D8E2 8.3.3 Convert measurement of time in months and years. different units (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years) B4D5E1 8.3.4 Use the four operations to solve problems involving time

B1D3E1 B2D8E1 B2D8E2

Identifying relations Comparing and contrasting


17/6 21/6

8.4 Understand and use times in the twelvehour or twenty-four hour system to solve problems


8.3.2 Read and write times in twelve-hour system 8.3.3 Read and write times in twenty-four-hour system 8.3.4 Convert time in twelve-hour system to twenty-four hour system and vice versa 8.3.5 Determine the interval between two given times 8.3.5 Solve problems involving time 8.3.6 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 9.1.1 Recognize angles 9.1.2 Denote and label angles

Interpreting Identifying relations

B4D5E1 B6D1E1 24/6 28/6 9. LINES AND ANGLES 9.1 Understand the concept of angles B1D4E1 B2D9E1


Interpreting Identifying relations


9.1.3 Measure angles using protractors 9.1.4 Draw angles using protractors 9.1.5 Recognize, compare and classify angles as acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles Hari Sukan School Holiday (Hari Sukan)

27/6 28/6 24 1/7 5/7 4/7 5/7 8/7 12/7 B4D6E1



10/7 26 15/7 19/7 9.2 Understand the concept of parallel and perpendicular lines 9.3 Understand and use properties of angles B2D9E2 B2D9E3 B3D6E2

9.1.6 Draw acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles using protractors Hari Kokurikulum School Holiday ( Hari Kokurikulum) 9.1.7 Determine angles on straight lines equal 180 9.1.8 Determine one whole turn is 360 Public Holiday (Awal Ramadan) 9.2.1 Determine parallel lines 9.2.2 Determine perpendicular lines 9.2.3 State that the angles formed by perpendicular lines is 90 9.3.1 Identify intersecting lines 9.3.2 Determine the properties of vertical,

associated with intersecting lines to solve problems B4D6E3 27 22/7 26/7 B6D1E1 10. POLYGONS 28 29/7 2/8 10.1 Understand the concept of polygons B1D5E1 B2D10E1

complementary and supplementary angles 9.3.3 Determine the value of an angle on a line, given the adjacent angle 9.3.4 Solve problems involving angles formed by intersecting lines

B2D10E2 B3D7E1 B3D7E2

10.2 Understand the concept of symmetry

9.3.5 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 10.1.1 Recognize polygons 10.1.2 Name polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon) 10.1.3 Determine the number of sides, vertices and diagonals of given polygons 10.1.4 Sketch polygons 10.2.1 Determine and draw the line(s) of symmetry of shapes 10.2.2 Complete shapes given part of shapes and the line of symmetry 10.2.3 Draw designs using the concept of symmetry 10.3.1 State the geometric properties of the different types of triangles and name the triangles

Identifying relations Classifying



5/8 6/8

10.3 Identify and use the geometric properties of triangles to solve problems


Identifying relations Comparing and contrasting


10.3.2 Draw triangles using protractors and rulers 10.4.1 State the geometric properties of the different types of quadrilaterals and name the quadrilaterals

10.4 Identify and use the geometric properties of quadrilaterals to solve problems



19/8 23/8

SECOND MID TERM BREAK ( 7. 8. 2013 18. 8. 2013) B4D7E2 10.4.2 Draw quadrilaterals using protractors and rulers

Identifying relations Classifying

B5D4E1 31 26/8 30/8 11. PERIMETER AND AREA 11.1 Understand the concept of perimeter to solve problems B2D11E1

10.4.3 Solve the problems involving triangles and quadrilaterals 11.1.1 Identify the perimeter of a region 11.1.2 Identify the heights and bases of triangles, parallelograms and trapezium 11.1.3 Find the perimeter of a region enclosed by straight lines Public Holiday (National Day) 11.1.4 Solve problems involving perimeter

Identifying relations Classifying

B3D8E1 31/8 B4D8E1

Identifying relations Classifying


2/9 6/9

11.2 Understand the concept of area to solve problems



9/9 13/9

B4D8E1 B4D8E2

B6D1E1 34 17/9 20/9 12. SOLID GEOMETRY 12.1 Understand geometric properties of cubes and cuboids B1D6E1 B2D12E1

11.2.1 Find the area of : i) triangles ii) quadrilaterals iii) parallelogram iv) trapezium v) combined shapes 11.2.2 Solve problems involving area 11.2.3 Solve the problems involving triangles, quadrilaterals, parallelograms and trapezium. 11.2.4 Solve problems in real situations with the new method 12.1.1 Identify object of cubes and cuboids 12.1.2 State the geometric properties of cubes and cuboids

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences



12.1.3 Draw cubes and cuboids on : i) square grids ii) blank papers Public Holiday (National Day)


23/9 27/9 30/9 4/10 12.2 Understand the concepts of volume of cuboids to solve problems



B4D10E1 B4D10E1

12.1.4 Make models of cubes and cuboids by : i) combining given faces ii) folding given layouts of solids 12.2.1 Estimate the volume of cuboids 12.2.2 Find the volume of cuboids

Interpreting Identifying relations Making inferences

B5D5E1 B6D1E1 37 38 39 40 41 42 7/10 11/10 14/10 18/10 21/10 25/10 28/10 1/11 4/11 8/11 11/11 15/11

12.2.3 Solve problems involving volume of cuboids 12.2.4 Solve problems in real situations with the new method INTENSIVE/REVISION INTENSIVE/REVISION INTENSIVE/REVISION INTENSIVE/REVISION INTENSIVE/REVISION INTENSIVE/REVISION

Prepared by : PN AZLINDA AHMAD

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