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WS 2011/12

FPC Problem Set 1 Proposed Solution

Wednesday, October 26, 2011. Problem 1: Fiber attenuation (1) When the mean optical power launched into an 8 km length of fiber is 120 W, the mean optical power at the fiber output is 3 W. Determine: a) The overall signal attenuation or loss in decibels through the fiber. 120W Pin = 120W 10 lg = 9.2 dBm 1mW 3W Pout = 3W 10 lg (1.1) = 25.2 dBm 1W a dB = Pin dBm Pout dBm = 16, 0 dB b) The signal attenuation per kilometer for the fiber, assuming that there are no connectors or splices that would introduce additional losses. a 16, 0 dB = = = 2 dB/km (1.2) L 8 km c) The overall signal attenuation for a 10 km optical link using the same fiber with splices at 1 km intervals, each giving an attenuation of 1 dB. dB aF = 2 10 km = 20 dB km dB (1.3) aSpl = 1 9Spl = 9 dB Spl a = aF + aSpl = 29 dB d) The value of the input/output power ratio in c).
a lin = 10
a dB


= 10

29 10

= 794


Problem 2: Fiber attenuation (2)

The mean optical power launched into an optical fiber link is 1.5 mW and the fiber has an attenuation of 0.5 dB/km. Determine the maximum possible link length (assuming lossless connectors) when the optical power level required at the detector is 2 W. amax = Pin Lmax =



= 28.7 dB (2.1)

28.7 dB = 57.5 km 0.5 dB km Problem 3: Phase velocity and group velocity

A light pulse at wavelength = 1500 nm propagates over a length of 6 km in a medium with refractive index n = 1.5 . At the same time, a second light pulse propagates in parallel in free space. The dispersion of the medium at = 1500 nm is given by
dn = 1 105 nm 1 . d a) Which time delay would result after 6 km due to the different phase velocities?


Vacuum: vv = c = 3 108 m s

WS 2011/12

c 3 108 m m s Medium: vm = = = 2 108 n 1.5 s n 1 n 1 t = tm tv = L = L c c c 1.5 1 = 10s 3 108 m s b) Which time delay would result after 6 km due to the different group velocities? t = 6 km Same calculation but with group-velocities.


vg =

d c = dk ng

dk d dk dn ng = cn0 0 + ck0 d d dn d 1 ng = cn0 + ck0 c d d 2 02 dn ng = n0 c 0 2 c d ng = c dn d ng = 1.5 + 1500 nm 105 nm 1 = 1.515 ng = n0 0


c c) After which time does the pulse arrive?

L ng c

t g = L

ng 1

= 10.3s


A pulse, as a package of waves, travels with its group velocity.

tg =

= 30.3s in medium

L t v = = 20s in vacuum c

For questions and suggestions on the FPC tutorial please contact:

Simon Schneider, Building: 30.10, Room 2.23, Phone: 0721 608 41935, E-mail:


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