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Positive Behaviour Policy

The purpose of this positive behaviour policy is:

* to provide a framework for effective learning and teaching to take place

* to provide a clear guide to children, parents/carers, staff and governors of what is

expected of them

* to ensure continuity and consistency in approach towards managing behaviour

* to foster and promote positive behaviour from all the children


At Immanuel and St. Andrew School, we expect the highest possible standards of behaviour
and encourage respect, politeness and good manners in line with Christian teachings.

We have developed a policy for our learners in which there is a clear and consistent
understanding of a shared responsibility between all staff, parents, children and governors to
manage behaviour.

We aim to encourage mutual respect, co-operation and to develop a sense of responsibility and
self discipline in children both at work and play, providing support and guidance to enable them
to achieve our expected standards.

All adults in the school seek to support children in their efforts by:
* ensuring they have opportunities to develop their listening skills

* explaining expectations with them and praising them when they do the right

* acknowledging and celebrating their efforts

* giving them opportunities to discuss their beliefs and views and recognising
the differences between cultures and religions
* listening to the children’s ideas on improving playtime behaviour

* using PSHCE / Circle Time to explore feelings, ideas and experiences

* praising children for telling the truth, acknowledging that it is difficult


* encouraging the children to be responsible

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 1

Through consultation with our pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors we have agreed
a set of expectations for managing behaviour. We will:

• listen to others and respond politely

• aim to produce our best work at all times and behave in a way which will not
prevent others from learning

• move around the school and its grounds sensibly and safely

• respect all adults & children in our school, their points of view, beliefs and ideas

• take responsibility for our own actions and learn to control our emotions

• not bully, fight, tease, use harmful or bad language or be racist

• respect the school's and other people's property

It has to be clear to pupils and parents/carers why these expectations are necessary.

This can be achieved by: -

* all adults setting an example of positive behaviour

* acknowledging all children who behave appropriately and encouraging others


do the same

* praising and rewarding helpful, positive behaviour

* recognising best effort and achievement e.g. Celebration Assembly

Behaviour strategies and the teaching of good behaviour

The school’s policies on behaviour and learning and teaching will create an ordered school
climate that is supported by clear rewards and sanctions

At Immanuel & St Andrew we seek to develop key aspects of school practice that, when
effective, contribute to a quality in our pupil behaviour. These aspects include developing a
consistent approach to
• the school leadership of behaviour management and learning and teaching;
• rewards and sanctions;
• use of behaviour strategies and the teaching of good behaviour;
• staff development and support;
• pupil support systems, including managing pupil transition;
• liaison with parents and other agencies;

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 2

The consistent experience of good teaching engages pupils in their learning and this reduces
instances of poor behaviour. The consistent application of good behaviour management
strategies helps pupils understand expectations and allows staff to be mutually supportive.

An curriculum is offered accessible to pupils of all abilities and aptitudes. The school’s
learning and teaching policy identifies the teaching and classroom management strategies to
be followed by all staff. We believe that this approach, when supported by high quality
assessment and challenging targets assists pupils to learn and teachers to teach. By engaging
pupils more effectively, standards of behaviour improve.

Classroom rules:
Each class will decide their own set of classroom rules with their class teacher at the
beginning of the academic year and these will be reviewed on a termly basis.

Rewards and sanctions:

Positive reinforcement is an effective means of managing behaviour. We need to praise
and encourage good behaviour. The need for sanctions will not disappear, but the emphasis
will be on fostering good behaviour.

Principles of our reward system

* Children need to know when their behaviour is appropriate

* Children need to feel valued so that they will want to work towards a reward

* Rewards must be relevant to and valued by the children

* Children know rewards system used throughout the school to acknowledge

positive behaviour

Some behaviour cannot and should not be ignored for the sake of the child, and the well
being of other members of the class and the school community.

The principles behind sanctions are as follows:

• Children need a clear understanding of what will happen if they continue to



• Sanctions should encourage children to take responsibility for their own


and prevent inappropriate behaviour from continuing

• Sanctions need to be consistent and fair

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 3

Unacceptable behaviour:
The following behaviour is recognised as being unacceptable:

• Use of harmful language • Serious fighting

• Rudeness to the staff and other children • Acts of violence

• Threatening behaviour to a child or adult • Racism

• Serious, deliberate damage to property • Bullying

• Bringing into the school any item that could be construed as being offensive

• Any behaviour which prevents the children from learning such as ignoring instructions

• Leaving the classroom, playground or building without permission e.g. in a temper

• Cyberbullying, in or out of school, for example the use of abusive text messages

The school will not hesitate to exclude pupils for any serious breaches of the accepted
standards of behaviours.

If this is the case, a phone call explaining the incident will be made to the parent followed
by a letter detailing the school’s action.

At the end of any fixed term exclusion, the parents, child, inclusion manager and
headteacher will meet before the child returns to class to set appropriate targets and
to complete a Common Assessment Form (CAF) designed to agree what needs to change.

If there is no improvement and the agreed targets are not fulfilled, further meetings
will be held with the parents and the final resort may be permanent exclusion.

Last reviewed: March 2009

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 4


The children have worked together with the school staff to develop the following
playground code to promote positive behaviour in this area of the school:

Immanuel and St Andrew School

Playground Code

The children and adults of Immanuel and St Andrew School want a playground where:

1. We look after each other

2. We play with our friends in ways that show we care for each other

3. We take care of school property and our own things

4. We deal with any difficulties with honesty

5. We treat each other with respect

6. We give the adults the chance to resolve any problems

7. We remember that others are entitled to a good playtime as well as ourselves

8. We wear the appropriate clothes to make sure it is a safe playtime

9. We stay outside, except for using the toilets which we use sensibly

10. We address each other by the correct name

Play and lunch times

We seek to support these times by expecting the children to:

* listen to and respect the adults on duty

* line up quickly and quietly when asked

* take care not to hurt others while they are playing

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 5
* not to engage in "play fighting"

* tell the adult on duty if someone is hurt.

* stand still & listen when the whistle or bell sounds

* use good table manners when eating their lunch

Immanuel & St Andrew Positive Behaviour Policy 6

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