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BY: Wasiatus Sadiah Annisa Nur I. Irfan Fauzi Misrai Farauk 100210103003 100210103011 100210103018 100210103057

Annisa Farah Dilla 100210103061


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Background Animals have a very diverse species, ranging from animals tmemiliki only a simple structure as in the Protozoa until the animal has a very complex body structures such as monkeys, for example. The structure of the animal has a distinctive characteristic, which is not always the same between animals with one another. With the science of taxonomy, we can study a variety of animals with his trademark and memgetahui role for human life that can improve human life. In addition there is also the role of the losses caused by these animals, by learning we can at least avoid losses. In the taxonomy of animals, divided into two major groups namely menjad invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Animals Invertebrates are animals without backbones. These consist of animal Invertebrates Phylum Porifera (porous animals), Phylum Coelenterata (animal bag / hollow), Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Phylum Nemathelminthes (roundworm), Phylum Annelida (roundworm), Phylum Mollusca (soft animals), and Phylum Echinodermata (thorn-skinned animals). With the taxonomy of invertebrate animals we will be easy to learn and can learn a variety of characteristics and benefits for humans. This paper will discuss the Phylum Mollusca. How the characteristics and benefits for human life. Mollusca is an animal that has a soft body and usually wrapped in a shell. This is the largest animal after the Phylum Arthropoda. There are around 50,000 living species and 35,000 who had become fossilized. This group has a species with a variety of sizes ranging from the microscopic to the giant. Various types of molluscs have great benefits for life. A high content of proein making it one of the nutritious food source. Like the squid is a favorite in many seafood restaurants. 2. Problem formulation - What is the sense of molluscs? - How do the characteristics of molluscs? - How does the body structure of molluscs? - What is included in the classification of molluscs? - What is the role of molluscs? 3. Destination - To know the sense of molluscs. - To know the characteristics of the molluscs. - To know the structure of the body of molluscs.

- To determine the classification of the Mollusca. - To determine the role of molluscs. CHAPTER 2. DISCUSSION I. Understanding Mollusca (in Latin, molluscus = soft) is lunak.Tubuhnya soft-bodied animals that are protected by a shell, although some are not shelled. This animal is classified as triploblastik selomata. The name Mollusca indicates one character that differentiates it from other animals, namely a soft body. Mollusca have a variety of groups, among others chitton, sea clams, snails, squid, octopus, and nautilus. His body was highly variable ranging from simple to complex and size from microscopic to the gigantic, like umi-squid Architeuthis. Mollusca is the largest that can grow to 18 meters, including the tentacles. Can weigh up to 450 kilograms (100 pounds). Members of molluscs that have shells as a very large pincers of Tridacna gigas. Who live in the reefs in the Indo-Pacific, reaching 1.5 meters in length and weighs over 225 pounds. This is an extraordinary thing, while generally 80% of the members of the shells of molluscs only mimilki less than 5cm. Members of this phylum sebagiab an animal that runs slow but some are running fast and active. Mollusca of life as herbivores, predators, detritus eaters and there is a parasite. Molluscs can be found in varied habitats, ranging from the tropics to the polar regions, with an altitude of 7000 m, in lakes, ponds, in water flow, in the mud, and the high seas began to surface area until the area abisal. Most of life at sea and has a varied lifestyle, such as a reliable hole digger. According to fossil evidence, most of life at sea. Its evolution is common in coastal areas, where food is abundant and varied habitats. Only gastropods and bivalve who moved into the habitat of brackish water and freshwater. As eating the remains of living things, requires bivalve aquatic life around the area. Only snails (gastropods) that invade the mainland. Regional terrestrial snails only in the humid areas, hidden and available calcium in the soil. II. Characteristics of molluscs a. His body was bilaterally symmetrical. b. He was short, shielded shell, which is composed of lime produced by glands coat. Structure Mollusca head growing. c. Digestion has been fully developed, consists of the mouth, esophagus short, stomach, intestine, and anus. The line extends from the mouth to the anus. In the mouth has been found jagged tongue or radula and almost all types of molluscs have it in her mouth used for eating, anus opens into the cavity mantelanus is located in the anterior part of the body. Digestive gland has been well developed.

d. Except cephalopod, open circulation. Blood can carry nutrients and circulated throughout the body molluscs, metabolic waste substances and acid excretion are issued through the tool nefridia (singular: nephridium). His heart is made up of dorsal surrounded parikardium. e. Breathing was performed by Pulmonum, epidermis, gills (etenidia) located in the mantle cavity, and coats. Gastropods that live on land to breathing with lungs. f. Tool in the form of renal excretion or nephridium. g. Nervous system in the form of three pairs of ganglion (ganglion), namely sarebral ganglion, visceral ganglion, the pedal ganglion. All three are connected by nerve fibers. The nervous system consists of molluscs also have esophageal nerve ring with nerve fibers that spread. h. Genitals are generally separate (dioseus), but some are hermaphroditic external fertilization. i. Premises movement system using a muscular foot and shape vary according to the type of molluscs. j. Mollusca sexual reproduction occurs with internal fertilization. Mollusks that are diesis there and some are monoensis. k. Mollusca body size and shape vary greatly. For example, snails are only a few millimeters in length with an oval shape. However, there is also a giant squid with a winged torpedo shape is longer than 18 m. III. Body Structure Mollusca Mollusca The body can be said to consist of the head-foot and part viceral mass (Figure 1). Head-foot is the more active regions, which have legs, sensory organs, and locomotor organs (to move). This depends mainly on muscular action for its function. Visceral mass is part of the digestive system, circulatory, respiratory, and reproductive organs. Two folds of skin, resulting in the dorsal part, acts as a protective coat called the pallium. While covering the space between the mantle and the body called the mantle cavity (pallial cavity). In the mantle cavity are the gills (ctenidia) or the lungs and can secrete a shell constituent materials on shelled molluscs. Modification of the structure of the head-foot and visceral mass is used as the basis for classification. Modification of the head-foot and visceral mass can be seen clearly in the various classes of molluscs. HEAD-FOOT Most of the Mollusca there is good separation between the head and body means are indistinguishable. At the head of the mouth and there is a special sensory organ miraculous. Photosensory receptor ranging from simple to complex as it is eye cephalopods. Anyone has his mouth there tentakel.di unique structure of the radula and molluscs in the posterior locomotor organs there mouth or feet. Radula

Radula berpermukaaan separti grated coarse and prominent, are found in most members except for bivalve molluscs and most solenogaster. Radula ribbon like membrane that consists of rows of small teeth that leads to the rear. Complexity of the work the radula muscles and supports kartilgo (odonthopore) and exit when the membrane spinning on the tip of the cartilage (Figure 2). There are at least 25 000 teeth that can be cleaned, cut or tear the piercing. The function of the radula is to attract particles of food and as a conveyor belt that carries the particles to the digestive tract. Radula is located far from the anterior limiting the number of teeth replaced by a continuous secretion at the posterior end. The pattern and number of teeth in a specific row is different in each species and used in the classification of the Mollusca. Foot Foot molluscs are generally used for crawling or moving menggali.pada several groups Mollusca, feet modified into tentacles that are useful for capturing prey. Ventral part of the foot is penjuluran his muscular physique. Secrete slime which is often used to help move. MASS visceral Mantle and mantle cavity Mantle is a sheath of skin that stretches from the visceral mass and hanging on each side of the body, which protects the soft parts. The space between the mantle and visceral mass called the mantle cavity. The exterior of the building blocks of mantle secretes a shell. Mantle cavity has an important role for the molluscs. In the mantle cavity are respiratory organs (gills or lungs) which evolved from the mantle and the mantle of gas exchange occurs. In Chepalopods (squid and octopus) and the mantle cavity muscles generate power used to drive the move. Many Mollusca can pull the head or foot into the mantle cavity, which is protected by a shell to protect themselves. In simple form, ctenedium Mollusca (gills) consists of the long axis of the elongated flat mantle cavity wall consisting of many gill filaments. Water is driven by cillia between gill filaments, and diffuse from the blood vessels in the central axis through the afferent fillament. Direction opposite to the direction of blood movement of water movement, thus forming mechanism of change. Both ctenedia located on the opposite side of the mantle cavity and arranged so that the cavity is functionally divided into the chamber incurrent and excurrent space. Gills are found lacking was found in members of the Gastropoda, but there is in most groups of molluscs.

Shells Shells of certain Molussca secreted by the mantle and the mantle limit itself. Usually consists of three layers (Figure 3). Periostracum Shells Shells of certain Molussca secreted by the mantle and the mantle limit itself. Usually consists of three layers. (figure 3). Periostracum is the outermost layer, consisting of an organic substance called conchiolin, which consists of quinond taned proteins. Periostracum helps to protect the layer of calcium from erosion. This layer is secreted by folds of the mantle edge, and growth occurs only at the edge of the shell. In the older part of the shell periostracum often become worn. Middle prismatic layer composed of calcium carbonate formed in the matrix protein. This layer is secreted by glands at the edge of the mantle, shell size and growth occur at the edge of the shell when the animal grows. Nacreous layer, is the deepest layer of the shell is located next to the mantle and continue secreted by the mantle surface, so that more and thicken during the live animal. Calcium in the nacreous layer is a thin layer. This layer is very thin and wavy so as to produce the colorful pearls. Freshwater mollusks typically having a thick periostracum that gives some protection from the acid produced by decaying leaves in water. In mollusks that live in the sea, periostracum is relatively thin, and in some no. There is great variation in shell structure. Calcium for the shells came from ground water or the environment or from food. The first shell came during the larval period and will grow continuously throughout life.

Figure 3: Shell structure Functions and Internal Structure Gas exchange occurs through the surface of the body, especially the coat, and in particular the respiratory organs such as ctenidia, gills and lungs secondary. There is an open circulatory system with a pumping heart, blood vessels and blood sinuses. Most Chepalopoda have a closed circulatory system consisting of the heart, veins, and capillaries. Digestive tract complex and highly specialized, according to the eating habits of various Mollusca and are usually equipped with a vast tract cilia. Most Mollusca have a pair of kidneys (metanephridia, type of nephridium where eventually forwarded by nephrostome coelom); tract from the kidney found in various forms that also help to release eggs and sperm. The nervous system consists of several pairs of ganglia connected by nerve cords, and are generally simpler than the annelids, and Arthopods. Neurosecretory cells have been identified in the nervous system (in particular water snails) produces growth hormone and function in osmoregulation. There are also various types of highly specialized sense organs. REPRODUCTION

Figure 4: Larva throcophore Most Mollusca is diouseus, though some were hermaphrodites. Freeswimming larvae that develop from eggs in molluscs called trochophore (Figure 4), which is also a simple kind of larvae of annelids. Direct metamorphosis of the trochophore becomes a young teen, as the chiton, is viewed as a character aprimitive. Another phase of free-swimming larvae of veliger, as in many Gastropoda and bivalves. In many Mollusca no trochophore, veliger account after the eggs hatch into free-swimming larval stage only. Cephalopods and freshwater bivalves do not have free-swimming larvae, juvenile phase directly hatched from the eggs. IV. Classification of Mollusca For over 50 years Mollusca recognized five classes, namely: Amphineura, Gastropoda, Scaphoda, bivalves (Pelecypoda), and cephalopod. Neopilina species discovery in 1950 to add a class that is Monoplacophora molluscs, and Hyman argues that solenogasters and chitons form a distinct class (Polyplocophora and Aplacophora), regardless of class Amphineura. Knowing there are fundamental differences between organisms such as other solenogaster Chaetoderma and cause the separation of classes into Caudofoveata and Solenogaster Aplocophora.


Members of Caudofoveata (Figure 5) is a marine worm, whose length is between 2 to 140 mm. They are mostly burrowers and adjust vertically, with the mantle cavity and gills terminal at the entrance of burrows. They feed on microorganisms and detritus. They do not have shells, but their bodies are covered with scales of calcium. There are no spicules or scales on the pedal shield the mouth, the organ that seems related to food selection and intake. Have a radula, although reduced in some species, and gender separated. This group has a member at least 70 species. However, this species may be closer to the ancestral molluscs other than the class of molluscs. CLASS SOLENOGASTER

Solenogasters (Figure 6) and caudofoveates Aplocophora formerly united in the classroom, and some zoological preserve Aplocophora name for solenogasters. Both caudofoveatea and solenogasters is, marine worms, does not have a shell, with spicules in integumennya, with reduced head and no nephridia. Solenogasters usually do not have gills and radula (though have the secondary respiratory strruktur). Her feet and consists of a narrow midventral pedal groove. Are hermaphrodites. In addition to digging (burrower), solenogasters living freely in the sea floor, and and eat cnidarias. Solenogaster also a member of a small, numbering about 250 species.


Until 1952 it was thought that Monoplacophora extinct, they are known only from shells in the Paleozoic era. However, near the west coast of Costa Rica Neopilina (Latin, Neo: new, pilos: feet) up from the seabed, which is now known monoplacophora species. Monoplacophora include small mollusks and shells, are

round and have legs crawling (Figure 7). Neopilina have five pairs of auricle, six pairs of nephridia, one or two pairs of gonads and the nervous system ladderlike with 10 pairs of pedal nerves. The mouth has a radula. CLASS POLYPLACOPHORA: CHITONS Chiton represent a group of somewhat more diversified Mollusca. They have the body shape is elliptical with a horizontal leg which covers the ventral and dorsal surface of the convex plate is marked by a series of eight pieces calcareus which overlap (Figure 8). Plate overlapping posterior and usually dull-colored to match the stone which the chiton is attached. Head and sensory organs is reduced, but the photosensitive sruktur (esthetes), who owned several chiton eyes that penetrate the plate.

Most of the chiton are small (2 to 5 cm), while the largest Cryptochiton rarely reach 30 cm. They prefer rocky surface in tidal areas, although some live in the depths. Most chiton sedentary, moving only very short distances to find food. At dinner, radula from the mouth to scrape algae from rocks. Radula is reinforced with iron-containing minerals. Chiton was always strongly attached to the stone with his foot a luasdan memggunakan flat. If separate, chiton can roll up like armadillos for protection. Mantel-shaped corset around the edges of the plate and in some species the folds of the mantle closed all plates. Mantle cavity has been elongated along the ventral side of the wide leg, with foot and mantle are firmly attached to the substrate, this groove into a closed room, open only at the ends. Water enters the

anterior groove, flows into the gills and left posterior, bringing the supply of oxygen to the gills. At low tide, the edge of the mantle can be tightly pressed onto the substra to reduce water loss, but in some circumstances, the edge of the mantle can be open for limited air. Osphradia pair (sensory organs to collect water) are found in the mantle near the anus chiton. Blood is pumped by the three chambers of the heart until it reaches the gills melaului aorta and sinuses. A pair of kidneys (metanephridia) removing waste from the cavity to the exterior pericardical. Two pairs of longitudinal nerves connected in the buccal region. Most of the chiton separate sexes, and the larvae metamorphose into trochophore directly to teens, with no veliger stage. CLASS SCAPHOPODA Scaphopoda, commonly called ivory shells or teeth, is a marine benthic mollusks found from the subtidal zone at depths greater than 6000 m. They have a slender body covered with a coat and yanh tubular shell open at both ends (Figure 9). Most of Scaphopoda have the 2.5 to 5cm long, but there is also the smallest and the largest 4mm 25 cm. Dentalium is a genus.

Legs protruding through the larger end of the shell, is used to dig into the mud or sand, always revealing the small end of the shells to be seen on the water. Breathing through prnapasan water circulating through the mantle cavity by the movement of the feet and cilia. Gas exchange occurs in the mantle, for which do

not have gills. Most of the food detritus and protozoa from the substrate. This food is caught on the foot cilia or mucus, leading to the head of the ciliated (captacula) and then delivered to the mouth nearby. Radula bring the food to be destroyed in the throat. Captacula can provide some sensory functions, but the eyes, tentacles and other mollusks osphradia characteristic does not exist. Separate sexes, and trochophore larvae. CLASS gastropods Gastropods derived from the Greek language which means the stomach and gastric podos meaning kaki.Jadi Gastropoda means soft-bodied animals that are running by using this perutnya.Hewan includes 50,000 species, but 15,000 of whom have been punah.Hewan are scattered throughout the earth's surface, either on land, in freshwater, and in the water laut.Pada Generally, these animals are herbifor, often ate vegetable cultivation to the detriment of manusia.Namun, lately some gastropods have been attempted into food, because of the high protein content, such as snails ( Achatina fulica) and some types of snails. Gastropods are invertebrate animals that perform activities of locomotion with foot-stomach (gastro-stomach, Poda-feet). To know the trend of locomotion to changing tides Gastropoda (geotropisme), we observed that berhabitat gastropods at the root of breath mangrove.Letaknya varied, from the very close to the surface of the water until the water away from the surface. There gastropod shells that have single, double, or without

cangkang.Bentuk shell varies, some round, oval, round rough, or round spiral. Shell usually spiral shell asimetri.fungsi to melndungi head, feet, and tools inside. In case of danger, the shell is closed by epifragma. Inside the shell there is a coat that mambungkus gastropoda.Mantel whole body is thick, except at the near buasanya thin legs. Matel serves to form excretion to form a new shell Gastropods that berhabitat in Mangrove, based Guttierez (1988) is a gastropod of the genus Littorina.Biasanya stuck in the roots breath, leaves, or

branches (Flores (1987) in Guttierez (1988)). Recalcitrant (1974) in Guitterez (1988) informs that mikrofagus Littorina are animals that eat detritus, sponges, algae and other microorganisms was shelled. Trends and activities Gastropoda strongly influenced by tidal conditions and the presence of food. According to Hesse (1947) distribution of animals is based on two factors. The first factor of food, animals tend to live in an area where they can easily get food. The second factor is the barrier factor. Barrier greatly influence the spread of a population due to barriers or obstacles will hinder the survival of individuals or even populations. Based on Ito and Wada (2005), gastropods males will guard females when copulation would do. Dinter and Manos (1972) in Ito and Wada (2005) states that the gastropod females will produce sex pheromones that are recognized by the male. And gastropods males were able to distinguish the former path of mucus or mucus to be produced by a female or male (Erlandsson and Kostylev (1995) in Ito and Wada (2005)). Guttierez (1988) states that the Mangrove gastropods mikrofagus prey animals such as detritus, sponges, algae, and microorganisms not shelled lainnya.Pada state subsided, prey-prey are exposed on the surface of the substrate making it easier for memangsanya.Seperti gastropods proposed by Hesse (1947) The second factor that stimulates the animal to berlokomosi barrier.Saat factor is receding state, predatory gastropods in the form of crabs is not currently active. Crab is active in the afternoon and evening, when the state of the aqueous substrate because crabs are animals that berlokomosi by swimming and walking (Trueman, 1975). At low tide conditions, very aktif.Hal gastropods provides information that gastropods are animals active during the day, ie at low tide. The factors that cause such differences are: a. Sunshine

Sunlight is the main source of heat in the waters, because the sunlight is absorbed by the body of water will produce heat in the waters (Odum, 1993). So that sunlight will increase the temperature so it becomes warmer waters. b. The water temperature At night, the water temperature is lower than the water temperature during the day hari.Suhu water is one factor that can influence the activity and stimulate or inhibit the proliferation of aquatic organisms. Temperatures that are too low may be harmful can even lead to hipotermik in animals that lead to death. c. Chemical content of sea water The sea water around the islands a thousand had no doubt have suffered chemical contamination mainly pollutants. At the time of tide, toxic compounds (toksit) as well as heavy metals, will be carried away by water. So would endanger the survival of living gastropods. These materials are derived from the watershed areas and coastal settlements and towns sidelines and in the region or industrial waste into the sea. The body structure of Gastropoda Bilateral symmetry larva's body remained the later development of the body the back and the tools it has almost formed by bending or Vaginula.Seluruh lingkaran.Kecuali naked snails Gastropoda limb protected by a shell berkatup one so-called univalve. Snail's body consists of head and body. The structure of the head was visible jelas.Pada this section there are two pairs of tentacles and mouth. Tentekel contained in the head includes a pair of tentacles with eyes (specifically that live on land) and a pair of tentacles to sense of smell (Figure 10).

Gastropoda has grown baik.Letaknya mouth at the anterior end, equipped with the jaws of the horn and substance of the tongue or radula scar at the base perutnya.Anus located in the anterior part of the body.

The tool consists of a snail blood circulation of heart and blood vessels are still sederhana.Jantung consists of porch and ventrike parikardial.Peredaran located in the cavity is a blood circulatory system open. Tool in the form of gills for respiration Gastropoda that live in water and lung Pulmonum for living in darat.Di addition, sometimes the mantle cavity can also perform the function respirasi.Pulmonum is interwoven between the blood vessels that relate directly to the heart. Snails reproduce by mating and are hemaprodit, but are unable to do autofertilisasi. Reproductive tool called ovotestis, ie an ovum and spermproducing entity. Sperm produced will be forwarded to the vas deferens., Accommodated in the sperm sac and removed through the mating tool. While the eggs produced will be forwarded to the oviduct, seminal reseptakel, and finally out through the hole sex. Although Gastropoda merupaka hemaprodit organisms, so that there still needed two individu.Reproduksi reproduction begins when the two approached each other and mutually Gastropoda memasukkanpenis respectively into the holes to move sperma.Setelah sex partner that they split and each Gastropoda lay fertilized eggs and protected by a gelatinous substance in a dark place. The fertilized eggs will be protected by a shell of lime, deposited on rocks or junk. Due to the influence of environmental temperature, the eggs will hatch. When I was shaped larvae, body bersimetri Gastropoda bilateral, but after experiencing adult body bending so that it becomes no symmetry (asymmetry). Body divided into head, neck, legs, and tools in (visceral). At the head there is a pair of short tentacles as a means of smell and a pair of long tentacles as a visionary tool. Under the head there are mucous glands that produce a moist

lenders so easy bergerak.Kaki foot wide flat and always wet merayap.Kaki useful for switches is actually composed by the stomach muscles are very strong. Most Gastropoda have a conical shell kanan.Di usually threaded into the shell of the organs contained in the following threaded shell. Shells of Gastropoda have the same constituent lapidan shell bivalves.

Organ systems in the body Gastropoda 1. The respiratory system Animals that live in water berespirasidengan gills, while those living on land berespirasi with mantle cavity that serves as the lungs. 2. Digestive system The digestive tract include oral cavity, esophagus, salivary glands, cache, gastric glands, digestive anus.Saluran shaped letter U. food is cut into pieces by the horns and chewed by the jaws and radula wetted with lenders from glands ludah.Kemudian dutelan food to the esophagus and into the row cache, stomach, and removed through the anus is located on the head. 3. Circulatory system Open circulatory system with heart and blood vessels as organs transportasi.Darah (plasma and red corpuscle) colorless and serves to circulate oxygen throughout the body, and carried the rest of the combustion. The heart consists of porch and chambers yag parikardium protected cavity. 4. Excretion system

The organs of excretion of nafridium located near the heart and ureter tract located near anus.Alat renal excretion in the form contained in a channel near this jantung.Ginjal excretion and leads to a coat. 5. Nervous system Nervous ganglion of the nerves branching throughout tubuh.Sistem Gastropoda consists of three pairs, namely the visceral ganglion, the pedal ganglion, and the cerebral ganglion. At the bottom of the pedal ganglion contained a pair of balance or statosit.

6. Reproductive system In gastropods there are animals and there are monoesis.Pada diesis monoesis animals male and female genitalia found in one animal, but can not fertilize sendiri.Untuk to conceive should be preceded by copulation. Ovotestis produce sperm that is channeled into the vasa deferensia and finally into the vagina of other animals with the mediation of the penis that can be removed from the genital opening. Ovotestis also produce eggs. This egg is carried through the channel hermafroditus to receive albumin, and then into the uterus and then into the oviduct; in the oviduct sperm fertilized the egg of other animals. Examples of Gastropoda, among others: a) Vivipara javanica (kreco) b) Limnaea truncatula (snail intermediate fasciolosis) c) Melania testudinaria (sumpil) d) Achatina fulica (snail) e) Ampularia ampulacea (snail gondang)

f) Limnaea trunchatula (snails as intermediate Fasciolahepatica) g) Murex siphelinus (graft spiny and live in the sea) h) Vaginula sp. (Naked snails) i) Filicaulis sp. (Snail leech) Gastropod class is divided into three subclasses: 1. Subclass Prosobranchia Breathe using gills, single shells, most of whose members are snails that live in sea water (including tidal areas and estuaries). Form of its shell is very diverse, ranging from very simple, shaped hat (from the family Patellidae commonly called "limpet" or "shells hat"; is one of the typical food served raw Hawai'i, called "opihi"), shaped tabungyang circular, irregular (eg Siliquaria anguina or worm tube), but the majority of spiral or coiled, either dekstral (follow-clockwise) or sinistral (anticlockwise).
2. Subclass Opistobranchia

Breathe using gills located at the rear, there is shelled, but some are not shelled (commonly called nudibranchs or "sea hares"; there is also nicknamed the "Spanish Dancer" because red and may swim in the sea of dancers dress like the people of Spain / Latin America). 3. Subclass Pulmonata Live on land, breathes with lungs, and most members are hermaphrodites (hermaphrodite). Examples of the types of shells are snail / Giant African Snail (Achatina fullica / A.variegata), escargot (Helix pomatia), while the shells are not snail nude / naked snail. Although some types of Gastropoda can be used as food ingredients, such as snails (A.fulica) and sea slugs (Lifforina and Buccinum), the snails are labih much to cause damage by eating crops, especially land snails, such as snails

and golden apple snail. There is also a snail-eating marine bivalves of value as goods dagangan.Beberapa snail species, such as freshwater snails (Limnaea) intermediate host heartworms. Gastropod class is divided into three subclasses: 1. Subclass Prosobranchia Breathe using gills, single shells, most of whose members are snails that live in sea water (including tidal areas and estuaries). Form of its shell is very diverse, ranging from very simple, shaped hat (from the family Patellidae - commonly called "limpet" or "shells hat"; is one of the typical food served raw Hawai'i, called "opihi"), shaped is tube circular, irregular (eg Siliquaria anguina or worm tube), but the majority of spiral or coiled, either dekstral (follow-clockwise) or sinistral (anticlockwise). 2. Subclass Opistobranchia Breathe using gills located at the rear, there is shelled, but some are not shelled (commonly called nudibranchs or "sea hares"; there is also nicknamed the "Spanish Dancer" because red and may swim in the sea of dancers dress like the people of Spain / Latin America). 3. Subclass Pulmonata Live on land, breathes with lungs, and most members are hermaphrodites (hermaphrodite). Examples of the types of shells are snail / Giant African Snail (Achatina fullica / A.variegata), escargot (Helix pomatia), while the shells are not snail nude / naked snail. Although some types of Gastropoda can be used as food ingredients, such as snails (A.fulica) and sea slugs (Lifforina and Buccinum), the snails are labih much to cause damage by eating crops, especially land snails, such as snails and golden apple snail. There is also a snail-eating marine bivalves of value as goods dagangan.Beberapa snail species, such as freshwater snails (Limnaea) intermediate host heartworms.

CLASS bivalves (PELECYPODA) Morphology Pelecypoda identificate as clams (Anadara sp.), Pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera and Pinctada mertinsis), giant clam (Tridacna sp.), And mussels (Mytilus viridis). Pelecypoda word comes from the Greek meaning Pelekys hatchet, while Podus means foot. Phylum class is referred to as class bivalves (bi = two, valve = valve) or class of shells, and there are about 2000 species. This class has two shells. Shells are usually symmetrical two pieces that can be closed and opened by using the adductor muscle in his body, there are shells on the dorsal hinge serrations that serves as a pedestal when the shells open or closed, hinge ligament tissue that connects the left and right shells, shell umbo as a growth center ( Hickman, 1996). Thick shell on the dorsal and ventral parts thinner. Shells connected by elastic hinges. To close the shells carried by the transverse muscle located at the end of both ends of the body near the dorsal, the anterior and posterior adductor muscle. graft amounted to two (a pair) in the anterior and the umbo (the enlarged / stand) there is section posterior (back). This shell serves to protect the body. Graft shells are composed of three layers (Fig. 11), namely:

Figure 11: Layers shell in bivalves

Periostrakum is the outermost layer, a thin dark and composed of chitin substance that serves as a protector. prismatic layer, a thick middle layer is composed of crystals of lime (CaCO3) in the form of a prism.
nakreas layer is often called mother-of-pearl layer is the deepest layer,

composed of layers of calcite (carbonate) are thin and parallel. (Prawirohartono, 2003). When the shells open out the legs to move (Figure 12). His legs were shaped ax (pelecypoda) and muscular. The function of the foot for edging and digging mud or sand. This class will be alive in fresh water and some are living in the sea. Gills are generally shaped slabs amounted to one or two pairs, so that this animal is also called Lamellibranchiata (in Latin, lamella = sheet, branchia = gill), the gills are equipped silis as filter feeding (eat by filtering the solution). (Umaryati, 1990).

Figure 12: How to move Pelecypoda No head, mouth fitted labial palp, without jaw or radula. Sexual organs separately on each individual or there is a hermaphrodite, through the development and viliger trucophora in marine and fresh waters, glochidia on freshwater. Fertilization occurs internally and eksternal.Pembuahan produce a

zygote which will then become larvae. Pelecypoda who live in mud siphon has a larger than life at sea. Pelecypoda able to adhere to rocks, shells of other animals, or boats because secrete an adhesive substance.

Figure 13: Anatomy of Pelecypoda Digestive System Digestive system starts from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine and ultimately boils down to the anus. The anus is located on the same channel with a channel for water discharge (Figure 13). While the food groups of animals shells are small animals found in the waters. Food is digested in the stomach with the help of digestive and liver lymph. Food debris expelled through the anus. Nervous System Pelecypoda nervous system consists of three pairs of ganglia are interconnected. Three anterior ganglion is the ganglion, the pedal ganglion, and posterior ganglion is the same thing is also found in the Gastropoda Life cycle

Figure 14: Life Cycle Pelecypoda In freshwater mussels, which have been cooked egg will be removed from the ovary. Then go into the room suprabranchial. Here fertilization by sperm released by males. Fertilized eggs develop into larvae glochidium. These larvae are in there that have some type of tool hooks and some are not. Furthermore, the larvae will exit from its parent and attached to the fish as a parasite, then becomes a cyst. After a few days earlier the cyst will open up and eventually the young shells out this live freely in nature (Figure 14). CLASS cephalopod Cephalopod is derived from the Greek meaning chephalo podos meaning head and legs. So is the cephalopod molluscs legged on the head or her head encircled by the legs modified into tentacles. Animals that are included in Chepalopoda octopus (Octopus vulgaris), squid (Loligo pealii), Cuttlefish (Sepiella maindroni).

This cephalopod has features that can make it easier for us to recognize it. Characteristic, among others are: foot on thehead tentacles have adhesive cells fins on the side of the body to thesteering equipment

Loligo indica or have a bag of squid ink, in the body shell made of chitin. Having eight arms and two tentacles.

Sepia sp. or have a bag of cuttlefish ink, in the body shell is made of

limestone. pampilus.







Nautilus has no ink sac, located on the outside shell is made of limestone. Octopus vulgaris, or have a bag of ink, do not have shells. Having eight hands.
ink bag & kramatofora

Order Tetrabranchiata: Tetrabranchiata include the number of species that are numerous, including a fossilized (nautiloid groups and ammonoids) who lived during the Mesozoic era (60 million years ago). Examples representing the nautiloids nautilus is a genus that can be found in the Pacific ocean and seas of Indonesia. Tetrabranchiata have the outer shell of limestone and has some arm twisting. This animal has two pairs of gills and two pairs of nefridia and do not have chromatophores and ink sac. One family is the family of the order tetrabranchiata nautilidae; cantohnya pompilus nautilus. Which they have 2 pairs of nefridia, two pairs of gills, - ill have fromatofora & ink bag, - outer shell. Order Dibranchiata: Dibranchiata has in shells or none at all with less than tetrabranchiata arm. These animals have the ink bag, a pair of gills, a pair of nefrida, and have chromatophores. Order dibranchiata divided into two sub-orders, namely:
a. The suborder decapoda, example: loligo pealeii and sepia officinalis.

b. The suborder octapoda, most do not have a shell except the genus

Argonauta. Example: octapoda among others Argonauta argo, octopus Octopus vulgaris and bairdi. Which they have a nefridia pairs, 1 pair of gills: (2 suborders), 1 decapoda (shelled). a. Anatomy of Cephalopoda The parts of the body of a cephalopod is as follows (Figure 15):
Tentacle: as a means of motion, feel, examine and tentacle prey.

Mouth Vacuum: the entry of food.

Pharynx the front of the esophagus serves to suck food from the mouth

and wet it with mucus.

In the Shell: as the protector of the inner organs. Eyes: as visual organ. Heart: take the food in the blood and as a place producing bile

esophagus: a channel behind the oral cavity serves to connect the mouth and stomach. Gills: organs as respiratory organs.
Stomach: as part of digestion.

Cardiac: as a place to pump blood. Kidney: as a place of excretion.

The ink sac: sac membranes contained in the squid, which contain ink. The

ink will be sprayed when the squid was disturbed to arrival / or meet the predator. Ovaries: egg-producing cells.
Rectum: as an open rear portion of the intestine to the anus.

Anus:removing metabolic waste.

Gambar 15: Cephalopoda Anatomy b. Habitat cephalopod Cephalopod habitat is in the waters of the sea water. Cephalopod that lives in the waters of the sea water for example: octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. c. Way of life All cephalopod are active predators, capture prey with their tentacles and then use their mouths a strong center that has a parrot-like beak to bite. Movement in the form of jet propulsion system that expels water through channels called Hypomone, this is another part highly modified legs. Hypo-mone may be directed, makes a very agile animal. Ink gland are common, especially in octopi, and this can be disposed of in a cloud of ink if the animal feels threatened. d. Digestive System The organs of digestion starts from the oral cavity surrounded by tentacles, and in succession to the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and ends at the anus. In the pharynx there is a radula and heart.

e. Nervous System

The nervous system is centered on his head which resembles otak.Sistem nervous system consists of three pairs of nerve ganglion. Sensory also highly developed senses and comes with two tools stasista and smell. f. Respiratory System The respiratory system in the cephalopod is to use the gill. The system is similar to fish, because they live in territorial waters. g. Reproductive System These animals reproduce sexually. Cephalopoda have two married reproductive organs (dioseus). Fertilization takes place internally and produce eggs. Genitals separately, each genitals are near the end of the mantle cavity with an open channel to the funnel sifon.Betina produce eggs to be fertilized in the cavity mentel. Then, the fertilized egg wrapped with capsules from materials infertebrata gelatin.Beberapa is the largest cephalopod species, such as giant squid (Architeuthis princes) which has a total length of 15 meters. V. The role of molluscs Most of the Mollusca dimanfaaatkan as a food ingredient. As in the cephalopod is the squid are much favored by seafood lovers. One class of molluscs also produces a high value jewelry that pearl. Pearls produced from the shells of bivalve. Many variations, beautiful shape and made widely available from most members of Mollusca shells favored by collectors unique objects. However, many collectors molluscs shells that do not pay attention to the preservation of molluscs living in the shell, so that many species of molluscs are dead. Some molluscs also cause damage. Marine worm digger, several species of bivalves, resulting in considerable damage to wooden boats and docks. To prevent damage caused by marine worms (shipworms), the dock should be painted with tar or stiffen the structure of the building (unfortunately, some are not affected even though it was painted with tar). Slugs can damage gardens and other vegetation. Snails are also often the hosts for the parasites.


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