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Determination Of Available Transfer Capability

Induction Motor Starting

Computation Of Harmonics Generated By Rectifier Feeding A Non-Linear Load

Relay Co-Ordination Of Radial Transmission/Distribution System

Load Flow Analysis With Statcom

Small Signal Stability Analysis of SMIB System

Transient Stability Analysis Of SMIB System

EXPT. NO: 01


DETERMINATION OF AVAILABLE TRANSFER CAPABILITY Aim: To calculate the available transfer capability of an existing power system, a two bus system. Software Used: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. Theory: Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is the measure of the transmission capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further electricity transfers, over and above already committed users. It is defined as Total Transfer Capability less Existing Transmission Commitments, less a Capacity Benefit Margin, less a Transmission Reliability Margin. Total Transfer Capability (TTC) is the amount of electric power that can be moved or transferred reliably from one area to another area of the interconnected transmission systems by way of transmission lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system conditions. This value may reflect contractual arrangements or be based on certain equipment limitations or system conditions. TTC represents the reliability limit of a transmission path at any specified point in time. Existing Transmission Commitments (ETC) is the measure of any transmission capacity committed for use. Existing Transmission Commitments (ETCs) are a Transmission Providers existing transmission capacity obligations which may include transmission contracts, OATT transmission reservations, Native Load usage, reasonably forecasted (over the Planning Horizon) Native or Network Load growth, or other obligations that impact Firm ATC.

Algorithm: STEP 1. STEP 2.


Start. Read the bus data, line data and transformer data. Read the voltage limits Vmin and Vmax. Compute the Y-bus matrix. Select an interface for which ATC need to be determined SATC, NSATC. Set a suitable tolerance and run Newton Raphson Method.


STEP 7. Increase the power demand at the load bus and the generator bus of the interface by a small value.


Run NR method. Check for voltage limit violations. If yes go to next step else go to step 7.

STEP 10. Calculate ATC. STEP 11. Stop. PROBLEM: The one line diagram of a simple 3 bus power system with generation at Bus1 is shown below. The magnitude of voltage at Bus1 is adjusted to 1.05 p.u. The scheduled loads at Bus2 and Bus3 are shown. Line impedances are marked in p.u. on a 100MVA base and the line charging susceptances are neglected. Calculate the ATC of Bus2.

V1=1.05L0 0.02+j0.04

2 256.6MW


0.0125+j0. 110.2MVAR

Slack bus 3



CODING: clc; clear all; n=3; Y=[20.0000-50.0000i -10.0000+20.0000i -10.0000+30.0000i; -10.0000+20.0000i 26.000052.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i;-10.0000+30.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i 26.0000-62.0000i]; bi=imag(Y); br=real(Y); th=angle(Y); mY=abs(Y); pd=[0 4 0]; pg=[0 0 2]; ps=pg-pd; pd1=pd(2); qd=[0 2.5 0]; qg=[0 0 0]; qs=qg-qd; v=[1.05 1 1.04]; dl=[0 0 0]; dv=[0 0 0]; for iter=1:100 p=[0 0 0 ]; q=[0 0 0]; dv=[0 0 0]; y=1; if v(2)<.95 ATC break; else for iteration=1:100000 if y<0.000001 break; else for i=2:n p(i)=0; q(i)=0; for j=1:n p(i)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+p(i); q(i)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+q(i); end end delp(1:2)=ps(2:3)-p(2:3); delq(1)=qs(2)-q(2); delpq=[delp delq]; for i=2:n for j=1:n if i~=j j1(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j2(i,j)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)));

j3(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j4(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); end end end for i=2:n j1(i,i)=-q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); j2(i,i)=p(i)+(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j3(i,i)=p(i)-(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j4(i,i)=q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); end J11(1:2,1:2)=j1(2:3,2:3); J12(1:2,1)=j2(2:3,2); J21(1,1:2)=j3(2,2:3); J22(1,1)=j4(2,2); J=[J11 J12;J21 J22]; J; del=(inv(J)*transpose(delpq)); ddl(2:3)=del(1:2); dl=dl+ddl; dv(2)=del(3); v=v+dv; y=(abs(dv(2))); end end ATC=pd(2)-pd1; pd(2)=pd(2)*1.01; qd(2)=qd(2)*1.01; pg(3)=pg(3)*1.01; qg(3)=qg(3)*1.01; ps=pg-pd; qs=qg-qd; end end

OUTPUT: ATC = 1.1297

Result: Thus the ATC of a given three bus system is determined.



Aim: To perform induction motor starting analysis. Software Used: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. Theory: The induction motor can be treated as a transformer for analysis. The induction motor has stator leakage reactance, stator copper loss elements as series components, and iron loss and magnetising inductance as shunt elements. The rotor circuit likewise has rotor leakage reactance, rotor copper loss and shaft power as series elements.

Equivalent Circuit Parameters

V1 = stator phase - neutral voltage, V I1 = stator current, A I2 = rotor current, A I2' = referred rotor current, A RT = resistance of stator, R2 = resistance of rotor, Xl1 = leakage reactance of stator, Xm = magnetising reactance of stator, Xl2 = leakage reactance of rotor,

The starting torque of an induction motor can be improved by increasing the resistance of the rotor circuit. This is easily feasible in the case of slip-ring motors but not in the case of squirrel-cage motors. However in their case, the initial in-rush current is

controlled by applying a reduced voltage to the stator during the starting period, full normal voltage being applied when the motor has to run up to speed. During the starting period, the motor draws a large current of 6 to 8 times the rated value which causes the voltage drop. Since the motor starting torque is directly dependent on the square value of the applied voltage, it causes the motor to not reach the rated speed due to extremely low terminal voltage. This makes it necessary to perform the motor starting analysis. By performing this analysis, it is possible to investigate: Whether the induction motor can be successfully started under the operating conditions. If starting the motor will seriously impede the normal operation of other loads. Algorithm: STEP 1. STEP 2. Start Read the Power factor & Current ratio for different percentage speeds. frequency,

STEP 3. Read the induction motor data Full load Amperes (FLA), RPM, J, r1,r2,x1,x2.

Read the MVAs on 3 phase AC (S3ph) and System base (Ssys). Calculate Zs=(S3ph/Ssys). Read the transmission line impedance Ztr. Calculate the synchronous speed w=(2*pi*Ns)/60; Consider steady state model of induction machine, read V1,V2,V3. Set Vbase= V3.


STEP 10. Select the set of power factor, current ratio and percentage speed. STEP 11. Change in Speed = Percentage speed (previous)- Percentage speed

(current).(01st time) STEP 12. Slip s=(100-percentage speed)/100; STEP 13. Calculate power factor angle from power factor (phi). STEP 14. Calculate induction motor equivalent impedance Zm=((pf)/Ir)/100 STEP 15. Calculate current as

STEP 16. Calculate Motor Torque (Tm) =

STEP 17. Calculate t=J*s/T. STEP 18. Increment told by t.

STEP 19. Repeat for all percentage speed sets. STEP 20. Plot Torque Vs Slip & Torque Vs Speed & Torque Vs Time & Current Vs Time. STEP 21. Stop.

PROBLEM: KW=1678.5 Frequency=60Hz KV=2.3 Rpm=1800 J=63.87Kgm2 FLA=526.675 No of poles=4 V1=1.026+j0, V2=1.026+j0, V3=1.026+j0. S3=125MVA PL3=0p.u. QL=0.0p.u. QC3=0p.u. Ztr=0.0001+j0.0001 p.u. r1=0.029, r2=0.022 x1=0.226, x2=0.226

Speed 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

I start/I full load 6 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.2

%pf 9 18 20 36 50 60 71 81 86

%load torque 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

90 96 98.5

4 3.2 1.7

88 89 91

0 0 0

clc; clear all; freq=60; J=63.87; Ns=1800; KW=1678.5; KV=2.3; FLA=526.675; BaseKV=((KW*1000)/(FLA*1.732)); n=4; V1=1.026; V2=1.026; V3=1.026; S3ph=125; Ssys=10; Zline=Ssys/S3ph; Pl3=0; Ql3=0; Qc3=0; Zt=0.0001+0.0001i; Zs=0; r1=0.029; r2=0.022; x1=0.226; x2=0.226; Te=0; g=0; t=0; t1=0; for i=1:12 %speed ir pf Tl data=[0 6 9 0 10 5.9 18 0 20 5.8 20 0 30 5.7 36 0 40 5.6 50 0 50 5.5 60 0 60 5.5 71 0

70 5.4 81 0 80 5.2 86 0 90 4 88 0 96 3.2 89 0 98.5 1.7 91 0] n(i)=(((data(i,3)/100)))+(sqrt(-1)*sin(acos(data(i,3)/100))); Zm(i)=(n(i))/data(i,2); I(i)=abs((V1)/(Zm(i)+Zt+Zline)); V3(i)=abs(I(i)*Zm(i)*BaseKV); h=(data(i,1)*(1800/100)); s(i)=(Ns-h)/Ns; s1(i)=(Ns-g)/Ns; d(i)=((r1+(r2/s(i)))*(r1+(r2/s(i))))+((x1+x2)*(x1+x2)); Id2(i)=(V1/sqrt(d(i))); omega=(2*pi*Ns)/60; Tm(i)=(3*V3(i)*V3(i)*(r2/s(i)))/(omega*d(i)); Tacc(i)=(Tm(i)-(data(i,4)/100)); dels(i)=(s(i)-s1(i)); delt(i)=abs(((J*1000)*dels(i))/Tacc(i)); g=h; N(i)=Ns*(1-s(i)); t=t+delt(i); at(i)=t; end Zm %s %Tm %N %at %plot(s,Tm) %plot(N,Tm) %plot(at,Tm) %plot(at,I)


5 .5 5 4 .5 4 Current 3 .5 3 2 .5 2 1 .5

4 T e im

4 3 .5 3 2 .5 Torque 2 1 .5 1 0 .5

x1 0

0 0

4 T e im

4 3.5 3 2.5 Torque 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

x 10




800 1000 Speed





4 3 .5 3 2 .5 Torque 2 1 .5 1 0 .5

x1 0

0 0

0 .1

0 .2

0 .3

0 .4

0 .5 S lip

0 .6

0 .7

0 .8

0 .9

Result: The induction motor starting analysis is being done on Matlab and the various waveforms are obtained.

EXPT. NO: 03


COMPUTATION OF HARMONICS GENERATED BY RECTIFIER FEEDING A NON-LINEAR LOAD Aim: To perform the harmonics analysis of a full bridge rectifier circuit . Software used: MATLAB 7.0.7 SIMULINK is used. Theory: Non linear loads are becoming more prevalent in industrial and commercial power systems. These loads are known to produce waveform distortion, which is causing serious problems in electrical systems. Consequently, there is an ever-increasing need to predict accurate waveform distortion levels. It is highly desirable to accurately predict individual voltage or current harmonics as well as total harmonic distortion produced by a non-linear load. The prediction of individual harmonic voltages and currents are important when estimating the effect of harmonics on other loads, assessing interference with telephone systems, and designing harmonic filters. On the other hand, the prediction of total harmonic distortion (THD) is needed to ensure that a given converter installation will not cause distortion greater than limits specified by certain regulations and the harmonic spectrum is obtained by means of an FFT program. The current harmonics, generated by non linear loads, flowing in the line impedance generate voltage harmonics, which added to the fundamental wave, generate the voltage distortion. From this consideration it is evident that all non linear loads, like the UPSs Rectifier, or SMPS which can have a high harmonics distortion which can cause serious operating problems like instability in the regulation and overheating in the alternator windings. It follows that in order to maintain the voltage distortion low, it is necessary that THD (Total Harmonics Distortion) currents generated by non linear loads shall be low. In order to ensure the voltage quality of the whole energy system, it is necessary to reduce this pollution. Strict requirements were established on the voltage quality of the electric supply network in the last decade. One of these requirements is in connection with the harmonic distortion of the voltage. The voltage distortion is caused by the non-linear loads connected to the network on different voltage levels. The non-linear loads act as virtual harmonic current generators. Utility companies can refuse consumers to be connected to the network injecting high current harmonics. In these cases consumers are interested in installing harmonic filters to reduce the distortion; they are causing.

Simulink model:

si m o u t T o Wo rksp a ce

i + -

D iode1


C urrent Measurement AC Voltage Source RL LOAD


D iode4 Diode2

C o n tin u o us p o we rg u i


FFT window: 1 of 1 cycles of selected signal 5 0 -5 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 Time (s)

Fundamental (50Hz) = 8.059 , THD= 41.52% 30 Mag (% of Fundamental) 25 20 15 10 5 0


400 600 Frequency (Hz)



Result: Harmonic analysis of the full bridge rectifier has been performed and the FFT analysis is done by using the MATLAB 7.0.7 SIMULINK and the THD for the source current has been calculated as 41.52% for the corresponding values of resistance=10 ohms, inductance=100mH and capacitance=1F.

EXPT. NO: 04


RELAY CO-ORDINATION OF RADIAL TRANSMISSION/DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Aim: To co-ordinate the over-current protection of the given radial system using IDMT relays by proper selection of their Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) and Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM), such that there is sufficient time-of-operation discrimination and sequential relay operation. Software Used: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. Formulas Used:

Full load Current=MVA Rating/(3*Line voltage in KV) Short Circuit Current in pu=1/Xth Actual value of Short Circuit Current=Isc in pu*Ibase Plug Setting Multiplier=Short Circuit Current/Full load Current top=(TMS*0.04)/(PSM^0.02-1)

Single Line Diagram:

Inference from the single line diagram: Case 1: Fault at bus 3 The Xth can be calculated from the single line diagram as

Xth=X12+Xt1+X23+Xt2 Thus when the fault occurs at bus 3, Relay R3 or R4 will operate depending on their operating time. Case 2: Fault at bus 2 The Xth can be calculated from the single line diagram as

Xth=X12+Xt1 Thus when the fault occurs at bus 2, the corresponding relays will operate depending on their operating time.

Theory: Protective relay, especially IDMT (Inverse Definite Minimum Time) overcurrent relay is crucial in the power system protection. It is important that in any case of the system abnormalities or faults, the IDMT overcurrent must be capable to isolate only the faulty component from the healthy system. The over-current protection can be coordinated for the given radial system using IDMT relays by proper selection of their Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) and Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM), such that there is sufficient time-of-operation discrimination and sequential relay operation. Coordination means that downstream devices (breakers/fuses) should activate before upstream devices. This minimizes the portion of the system affected by a fault or other disturbance. At the substation level, feeder breakers should trip before the main. Likewise, downstream panel breakers should trip before the substation feeder supplying the panel Relay Coordination is mainly done to achieve the following To avoid nuisance tripping a coordination study is a great solution Helps reduce unnecessary downtime Provides recommended settings for adjustable trip circuit breakers and relays. Helps increase coordination (selectivity) between devices. Identifies deficiencies in system protection. Provides recommended solutions to help correct problem areas.

In recent years for the relay coordination the following tools were used ETAP EASYPOWER DOCWIN SIMARIS ECODIAL

Algorithm: STEP 1. Start. STEP 2. Prepare single line diagram and collect all equipment details. STEP 3. Compute nominal current. STEP 4. Compute SCC. STEP 5. Select suitable CT Ratio, relay type. STEP 6. Perform the manual calculation and determine the TMS values for the different relays employed in the system. STEP 7. Plot the variation of relay operating time with change in PSM. STEP 8. Stop.


CODING: clc; clear all; %----RELAY R1-----% TMS1=0.3038; PSM1=19.1; IF1=499.32; IP1=43.74; x=1; for i=1:10 if PSM1>1 TOP1=(TMS1*0.14)/((PSM1^0.02)-1); TOPF1(i)=TOP1 PSMF1(i)=PSM1; PSM1=PSM1*x; x=x-0.02; else break; end end i

%----RELAY R2-----% TMS2=0.217; PSM2=19.1; IF2=5991.85; IP2=524.86; x=1; for i=1:10 if PSM2>1 TOP2=(TMS2*0.14)/((PSM2^0.02)-1); TOPF2(i)=TOP2 PSMF2(i)=PSM2; PSM2=PSM2*x; x=x-0.02; else break; end end i %----RELAY R3-----% TMS3=0.1302; PSM3=19.1; IF3=1002.49; IP3=52.486; x=1; for i=1:10 if PSM3>1 TOP3=(TMS3*0.14)/((PSM3^0.02)-1); TOPF3(i)=TOP3 PSMF3(i)=PSM3; PSM3=PSM3*x; x=x-0.02; else break; end end i %----RELAY R4-----% TMS4=0.0434; PSM4=19.1; IF4=26570; IP4=1391.205; x=1; for i=1:10 if PSM4>1 TOP4=(TMS4*0.14)/((PSM4^0.02)-1); TOPF4(i)=TOP4 PSMF4(i)=PSM4; PSM4=PSM4*x; x=x-0.02; else

break; end end i plot(PSMF1,TOPF1,PSMF2,TOPF2,PSMF3,TOPF3,PSMF4,TOPF4); legend('R1','R2','R3','R4'); ylim([0 1.6]) OUTPUT:

1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 R1 R2 R3 R4







Result: Thus the relay coordination on the given radial system has been done and the inversetime characteristics of each relay are plotted.



To understand the modelling of STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) for power flow studies using Newton Raphson method. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the operating principle and power injection modelling of STATCOM. To investigate the control and operating limits of STATCOM.

SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: POWER INJECTION MODEL OF STATCOM: Accurate power flow calculation should consider the steady state losses of STATCOM. The converter losses include mainly three parts: the power losses in the dc capacitor, the switching losses and the conduction losses. The percentage of each loss component relates to the control mode of STATCOM and the steady state operating point. The equivalent circuit of STATCOM is shown in Fig 1.1. In this circuit, the inductance, xs represents the leakage inductance of the transformer, the series resistance, rs represents the sum of the switching and conduction losses, and the shunt resistance, rp represents the power losses in the dc capacitor. From Fig 1.1, it can be seen that the VSC acts as an ac voltage source behind equivalent impedance, where both magnitude and phase angle of the source are controllable. The voltage vector is given as

Where Vdc Kc Kt m dc voltage across the capacitor converter dc to ac again ratio of the coupling transformer modulation ratio of PWM control control angle of VSC

Fig 1.1 Equivalent circuit of STATCOM The current injected by STATCOM into the ac system is given as

Where is the voltage of ac system bus s, and

The active and reactive power injections of STATCOM into the ac system are given as

Then the power balance equations at the ac system bus, s are expressed as PS=PSsch PScal QS=QSsch QScal Where PSsch=PS - PD QSsch=QS - QD PScal and QScal are calculated real and reactive powers respectively at bus s. PSsch and QSsch are fixed for load buses. PSsch is fixed for generation buses. As the STATCOM being connected to the ac system bus s, PSsch and QSsch are not fixed. Since real and reactive power exchange between the ac system and STATCOM is varying.

The active power output at the ac side of VSC is given as,

The real power of dc side of VSC is given as,

The power balance between the ac and dc side of the STATCOM is given as, Pac=Pdc The active power exchange equation is given as, Pex=Pac-Pdc Set Vdc =0. The active power exchange eqn is reduced to

CONTROL STRATEGIES OF STATCOM: With the developments on power electronic switches, PWM control is becoming a more practical technology for power system applications. In PWM control, switching losses associated with the relatively fast switching of the electronic devices have an important effect on the power flow calculation, as these have a direct effect on the charging and discharging of the dc capacitor, and hence should be considered in the modelling. The proposed model can readily be adapted to represent PWM and phase control of STATCOM. In Fig 1.1, eliminating the dc voltage control loop will yield the basic diagram of a controller with a typical phase control strategy. The output voltage magnitude of the VSC relates to the dc side voltage and the control strategy of itself. If the VSC applies the phase control, the magnitude is a function of the dc side voltage and the phase angle of the VSC. If the PWM mode is applied, the output voltage magnitude is a function of the control phase angle and the modulation ratio of the PWM.

OPERATING LIMITS OF STATCOM: It is very important to adequately address the system limits when studying voltage stability. Voltage collapse often occurs as a consequence of some devices hitting their limits

in a heavily stressed power system. For a STATCOM, the limits on the ac current Is, modulation ratio m, phase angle , and dc voltage Vdc, can be directly introduced in this model. Because the current limit is the main limiting factor in VSC based devices, we implement it in NR power flow. Either the maximum limit Ismax or minimum limit Ismin is reached, depending on whether the controller is operating in the inductive or capacitive domain. NEWTON RAPHSON EQUATIONS WITH CONTROL AND OPERATING LIMITS OF STATCOM: In order to implement the STATCOM model in NR power flow, two augmented bus types are introduced, which are used to represent the specific control strategy and the operating limits of STATCOM. One is an augmented PV bus, namely APV. This is a controlled bus where the active and reactive power injections and the voltage magnitudes are specified, while the voltage phase angle of ac system bus, control angle and/or modulation ratio and/or dc voltage of STATCOM are treated as the state variables.

Fig 1.2 Bus types conversion and enforcement of the operating limit The other is an augmented PQ bus, namely APQ. This is an uncontrolled bus where the active and reactive power injections are specified, while the voltage magnitude and angle of ac system bus and the dc voltage of STATCOM are treated as the state variables in its place. When the ac current Is lies between Ismin and Ismax the bus is treated as APV type, otherwise it is APQ type Fig 1.2 shows the conversion of bus types and the enforcement of the current limit. In order implement the model in NR power flow, the STATCOM control strategy must be properly expressed. As mentioned above, there are two control strategies for STATCOM and different variables must be selected depending on whether a PWM or phase control is used in the controller. For PWM control, the control variables are modulation ratio m and control phase angle , and the control objective is to maintain the dc voltage Vdc and ac voltage Vs at their reference value.

According to the operating principles, control strategies and operating limit of STATCOM, the augmented NR power flow equations are described as follows: A. PHASE CONTROL STRATEGY: In unconstraint operation and phase control strategy of STATCOM, the modulation ratio m is given a certain value, and ac bus s is set as APV type, the augmented NR power flow equations are given by,

B. PWM CONTROL STRATEGY: In unconstraint operation and PWM control strategy of STATCOM, the dc voltage Vdc is assigned a certain value, and ac bus s is set as APV type, the augmented NR power flow equations are given by,

C. ENFORCEMENT OF THE CURRENT LIMIT: Whether STATCOM is operating with PWM control or phase control, if the ac current limit (Ismin or Ismax) is violated, it will act as an unregulated voltage compensator whose production or absorption of reactive power capabilities will be a function of the nodal voltage at the STATCOM point of connection. In this situation, the phase angle and/or modulation ratio m of the VSC are fixed at the values corresponding with Ismin or Ismax, and the dc voltage ,Vdc is uncontrollable. Then the ac system bus s is converted to APQ type, and the augmented NR power flow equations are given as

PROBLEM: To conduct the load flow analysis for three bus system shown in figure below with and without STATCOM (placed at bus 3) and demonstrate the voltage control by STATCOM for various loading conditions.
1 0.02+j0.04 256.6+110. 0.01+j0.03 0.0125+j0. 2

Slack bus 3


STATCOM PARAMETERS: Rs=0.01 Xs=0.1 Rp=200 K=kc*kt=0.9

DATA OF THREE BUS SYSTEM: Table A.1 : Line Data of three bus system BUS FROM TO 1 2 1 2 3 3 RESISTANCE(R) 0.02 0.01 0.0125 REACTANCE(X) 0.04 0.03 0.025 SUSCEPTANCE(B) 0.05 0.03 0.06

Table A.2 : Bus Data of three bus system BUS NO 1 2 3 Coding: clc; clear all; n=3; Y=[20.0000-50.0000i -10.0000+20.0000i -10.0000+30.0000i; -10.0000+20.0000i 26.000052.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i;-10.0000+30.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i 26.0000-62.0000i]; bi=imag(Y); br=real(Y); th=angle(Y); mY=abs(Y); pd=[0 2.566 1.386]; pg=[0 0 0]; ps=pg-pd; qd=[0 1.102 0.452]; qg=[0 0 0]; qs=qg-qd; v=[1 1 1]; dl=[0 0 0]; dv=[0 0 0]; y=1; rs=0.01; xs=0.1; rp=200; k=0.9; vdc=1; thc=0; zs=(rs+(sqrt(-1))*xs); ys=abs(1/zs); beta=angle(zs); for iteration=1:100 if y<0.000001 break; else pg(3)=((k*ys*vdc*v(3)*cos(dl(3)-thc+beta))-(v(3)*v(3)*ys*cos(beta))); qg(3)=((k*ys*vdc*v(3)*sin(dl(3)-thc+beta))-(v(3)*v(3)*ys*sin(beta))); ps=pg-pd; qs=qg-qd; pac=((k*k*ys*vdc*vdc*cos(beta))-(vdc*k*v(3)*ys*cos(thc+beta-dl(3)))); pdc=(vdc*vdc)/rp; BUS CODE 1 0 0 V(pu) 1 1 1 ANGLE 0 0 0 LOAD MW MVAR 0 0 256.6 110.2 138.6 45.2 GENERATOR MW MVAR 0 0 0 0 0 0

for i=2:n p(i)=0; q(i)=0; for j=1:n p(i)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+p(i); q(i)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+q(i); end end delp(1:2)=ps(2:3)-p(2:3); delq(1:2)=qs(2:3)-q(2:3); delpq=[0 0 0 0 0]; delpq=[delp delq]; delpq(5)=pac-pdc; for i=2:n for j=1:n if i~=j j1(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j2(i,j)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j3(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j4(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); end end end for i=2:n j1(i,i)=-q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); j2(i,i)=p(i)+(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j3(i,i)=p(i)-(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j4(i,i)=q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); end J11(1:2,1:2)=j1(2:3,2:3); J12(1:2,1:2)=j2(2:3,2:3); J21(1:2,1:2)=j3(2:3,2:3); J22(1:2,1:2)=j4(2:3,2:3); J=[J11 J12;J21 J22]; J(1,4)=0; J(1,5)=0; J(3,4)=0; J(3,5)=0; J(5,1)=0; J(5,3)=0; J(2,2)=(((k*v(3)*ys*vdc*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc))+J(2,2))); J(2,4)=-(k*ys*v(3)*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(2,5)=-(k*ys*v(3)*vdc*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(4,2)=-(k*v(3)*ys*vdc*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc))+J(4,2); J(4,4)=-(k*v(3)*ys*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(4,5)=(k*v(3)*ys*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(5,2)=((v(3)*k*vdc*sin(thc+beta-dl(3)))*ys); J(5,5)=-((v(3)*k*vdc*sin(thc+beta-dl(3)))*ys); J(5,4)=-((2*k*k*vdc*cos(beta)*ys)-(v(3)*k*ys*cos(thc+beta-dl(3)))-((2*vdc)/rp)); J;

del=(inv(J)*transpose(delpq)); ddl(2:3)=del(1:2); dl=dl+ddl; dv(2)=del(3); v=v+dv; vdc=vdc+del(4); thc=thc+del(5); y=(abs(dv(2))); end end iteration v dl J vdc thc

clc; clear all; n=3; Y=[20.0000-50.0000i -10.0000+20.0000i -10.0000+30.0000i; -10.0000+20.0000i 26.000052.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i;-10.0000+30.0000i -16.0000+32.0000i 26.0000-62.0000i]; bi=imag(Y); br=real(Y); th=angle(Y); mY=abs(Y); pd=[0 2.566 1.386]; pg=[0 0 0]; ps=pg-pd; qd=[0 1.102 0.452]; qg=[0 0 0]; qs=qg-qd; v=[1 1 1]; dl=[0 0 0]; dv=[0 0 0]; y=1; rs=0.01; xs=0.1; rp=200; k=0.9; m=1; vdc=1; thc=0; zs=(rs+(sqrt(-1))*xs); ys=abs(1/zs); beta=angle(zs); for iteration=1:100

if y<0.000001 break; else pg(3)=((m*k*ys*vdc*v(3)*cos(dl(3)-thc+beta))-(v(3)*v(3)*ys*cos(beta))); qg(3)=((m*k*ys*vdc*v(3)*sin(dl(3)-thc+beta))-(v(3)*v(3)*ys*sin(beta))); ps=pg-pd; qs=qg-qd; pac=((m*k*m*k*ys*vdc*vdc*cos(beta))-(vdc*m*k*v(3)*ys*cos(thc+beta-dl(3)))); pdc=(vdc*vdc)/rp; for i=2:n p(i)=0; q(i)=0; for j=1:n p(i)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+p(i); q(i)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j)))+q(i); end end delp(1:2)=ps(2:3)-p(2:3); delq(1:2)=qs(2:3)-q(2:3); delpq=[0 0 0 0 0]; delpq=[delp delq]; delpq(5)=pac-pdc; for i=2:n for j=1:n if i~=j j1(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j2(i,j)=(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j3(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*cos(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); j4(i,j)=-(v(i)*v(j)*mY(i,j)*sin(th(i,j)-dl(i)+dl(j))); end end end for i=2:n j1(i,i)=-q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); j2(i,i)=p(i)+(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j3(i,i)=p(i)-(br(i,i)*v(i)^2); j4(i,i)=q(i)-(bi(i,i)*v(i)^2); end J11(1:2,1:2)=j1(2:3,2:3); J12(1:2,1:2)=j2(2:3,2:3); J21(1:2,1:2)=j3(2:3,2:3); J22(1:2,1:2)=j4(2:3,2:3); J=[J11 J12;J21 J22]; J(1,4)=0; J(1,5)=0; J(3,4)=0; J(3,5)=0; J(5,1)=0; J(5,3)=0; J(2,2)=(((m*k*v(3)*ys*vdc*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc))+J(2,2)));

J(2,4)=-(k*ys*v(3)*vdc*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(2,5)=-(m*k*ys*v(3)*vdc*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(4,2)=-((m*k*v(3)*ys*vdc*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc))-J(4,2)); J(4,4)=-(k*v(3)*ys*vdc*sin(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(4,5)=(m*k*v(3)*ys*cos(dl(3)+beta-thc)); J(5,2)=((v(3)*m*k*vdc*sin(thc+beta-dl(3)))*ys); J(5,5)=-((v(3)*m*k*vdc*sin(thc+beta-dl(3)))*ys); J(5,4)=-((2*k*m*k*vdc*vdc*cos(beta)*ys)-(v(3)*k*vdc*ys*cos(thc+beta-dl(3)))); J; del=(inv(J)*transpose(delpq)); ddl(2:3)=del(1:2); dl=dl+ddl; dv(2)=del(3); v=v+dv; m=m+del(4); thc=thc+del(5); y=(abs(dv(2))); end end iteration v dl J m thc
OUTPUT: PHASE CONTROL iteration = v= 1.0000 dl = 0 -0.0778 -0.0739 J= 49.0888 -30.6804 21.4274 0 0 0.9606 1.0000 6

-30.7999 72.3530 -15.2506 -0.6774 -12.3730 -26.5594 15.4896 46.8848 0 0 0.6774

15.2506 -28.3761 -30.7999 -8.9297 0 12.3138 vdc =

0 -1.1043 -12.3138

1.3856 thc = -0.0978 OUTPUT: PWM CONTROL iteration = v= 1.0000 dl = 0 -0.0778 -0.0740 J= 49.0886 -30.6810 21.4273 0 0 0.9606 1.0000 6

-30.7992 72.3530 -15.2519 -0.6739 -12.3751 -26.5593 15.4882 46.8846 0 0 0.9339

15.2519 -28.3761 -30.7992 -8.9299 0 12.3150 m= 1.3858

0 -1.1150 -12.3150

thc = -0.0983

Result: The load flow analysis of a three bus system with statcom is performed through phase control and PWM control.

EXPT. NO: 06


SMALL SIGNAL STABILITY ANALYSIS OF SMIB SYSTEM Aim: To perform the small signal stability analysis of a single machine connected to an infinite bus using the classical machine model. Software Used: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. Theory: When a generator is connected to a large system through a long transmission line it is called as SMIB. Even though there is no fault there will be some small disturbances in the power system due to controllers like FACTS,AVR etc. Stability for such a system is done through eigen value analysis. Kth element of right eigen vector i measures the activity of the variable xk in the ith mode. Kth element of left eigen vector i measures the activity of the variable xk in the ith mode.Participation factor is the product of left and right eigen measures the reluctive participation of the Kth state variable in the ith mode. Algorithm: STEP1. STEP2. Start Read P,Q,Vt,Xe,Xt,Xd,Kd,H,s

STEP3. Taking the machine terminal voltage Vt as reference,calculate the stator current I=(P-jQ)/Vt* STEP4. STEP5. STEP6. STEP7. STEP8. Calculate the infinite bus voltage Vinf=Vt-jXe*I Calculate the voltage behind the transient reactance E=Vt+Xd*I Calculate =angle(E)-angle(I) Calculate the Synchronizing torque coefficient Ks=|E||Vinf|cos/Xt Calculate the matrix [A]=


Calculate the natural frequency of oscillation n=sqrt(Ks s/2H)


Calculate the damping ratio =Kd/(4H*n) Calculate the eigen values of the matrix [A],1,2

STEP12. Calculate the right eigen vector matrix [] STEP13. Calculate the left eigen vector matrix []=[ ]-1 STEP14. Calculate the participation factor matrix=

STEP15. Calculate (t)= 1111(0)e 1t+ 1221(0)e 2t STEP16. Calculate (t)= 2112(0)e 1t+ 2222(0)e 2t STEP17. Increment t STEP18. Check if t=tfinal else goto 15 STEP19. Plot (t) Vs t STEP20. Stop DATA FOR THE SMIB SYSTEM

Generator :588 MVA,500MW,21KV,50Hz,Ra=0.0023,Xd=2.35,Xq=2.15,Xd=0.253,Tdo=6.0s H=3.07MW-s/MVA. Step-up transformer:leakage reactance=j0.15 All reactances in p.u. on 588MVA Initial operating condition:active power output of the generator P=0.85p.u;reactive power output Q=0.52p.u.(lagging);terminal voltage of the generator Vt=1.0p.u. All resistances,shunts including half line charging and the series impedance between the double circuit transmission line and infinite bus ignored.This assumption yields external impedance value as 0+j0.65p.u.

Coding: clc; clear all; P=0.85; Q=0.52; H=3.07; Xd=0.253; f=50; Vt=1; Xe=0.65; w=(2*pi*f); I=(P-(sqrt(-1)*Q)) Vinf=(Vt-(sqrt(-1)*I*Xe)) E=(Vt+(sqrt(-1)*I*Xd)) del1=angle(E); del2=angle(Vinf); Ks=abs((E*Vinf*cos(del1-del2))/(Xe+Xd)) Kd=[0 10 -10]; for i=1:3 disp('KD='); disp(Kd(i)); A=[(-Kd(i)/(2*H)) -(Ks/(2*H));w 0] B=[(1/(2*H)) 0] wn=5.958; zeta=(0.0137*Kd) fn=(wn/(2*pi)) wd=wn*sqrt(1-zeta(i)^2); fd=(wd/(2*pi)) if Kd(i)==10 e=eig(A) %---REV=Right Eigen Vector for the eigen values of A----% [REV,Dr]=eig(A); REV LEV=inv(REV) P=[REV(1,1)*LEV(1,1) REV(1,2)*LEV(2,1);REV(2,1)*LEV(1,2) REV(2,2)*LEV(2,2)] %--------Time Response--------% delw0=0; deldel0=0.0873; a=real(REV(1,1)); b=imag(REV(1,1)); c=real(LEV(2,2)); d=imag(LEV(2,2)); delw=((b*c)-(a*d))*(-2*deldel0) deldel=(2*deldel0*sqrt(c^2+d^2)) alpha=real(Dr(1,1)); beta=imag(Dr(1,1)); end end t=0;

for i=1:1000 w(i)=delw*(exp(alpha*t))*sin(beta*t); dt(i)=deldel*(exp(alpha*t))*cos((beta*t)-(atan(d/c))); at(i)=t; t=t+0.02; end plotyy(at,w,at,dt); Output:

x 10









-0.1 20

Result: The small signal stability analysis of a single machine connected to an infinite bus through the classical machine model was performed and the (t) Vs t curve was plotted.

EXPT. NO: 07


TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS OF SMIB SYSTEM Aim: To perform the transient stability analysis of a single machine connected to an infinite bus using fourth order Runge-Kutta method. Software Used: MATLAB 7.8 is used for the coding purpose. Theory: Transient stability is the ability of power system to maintain synchronism when subjected to the sever transient disturbances such as fault on transmission line, loss of generation,loss of large load. The system responses to such a disturbances involves large excursions of generator rotor angle, power flows, bus voltages, and other system variables. Loss of synchronism because of transient instability ,if it occurs, will be usually evident within 2 to 3 seconds of the initial disturbance. The analysis of transient stability can be carried out by numerical integration techniques. Through which we can inspect and with respect to time. Algorithm: We are assuming that that the system is normal upto one second after that fault has occurred during the fault Pe=0,fault is cleared in 0.08s and post fault calculation is done from 0.08 to 0.2s

STEP1. Start STEP2. Read P,Q,Vinf,X,Xd,f,H,Pe,Pm,ws,del1,delt,t,tsim,Vt STEP3. Calculate the stator current I=(P-jQ)/Vt* STEP4. Calculate the voltage behind transient reactance E=Vt+jXd*I STEP5. Set iteration i=0 and check if i=0.08(assuming fault clearing time is 0.08s) goto step8 otherwise goto next step STEP6. Calculate first,second,third,fourth estimate for del(k) and w(l) using the following equations K1=(w-2*pi*f)*delt

L1=(pi*f/H)(Pm-Pe)*delt K2=(w+(L1/2)-2*pi*f)*delt L2=(pi*f/H)(Pm-Pe)*delt K3=(w+(L2/2)-2*pi*f)*delt L3=(pi*f/H)(Pm-Pe)*delt K4=(w+L3-2*pi*f)*delt L4=(pi*f/H)(Pm-Pe)*delt STEP7. Calculate the new values of w,del using following equations Delnew=delold+(K1+2K2+2K3+K4)/6 Wnew=wold+(K1+2K2+2K3+K4)/6 Increment i by delt

STEP8. Repeat steps 7 and 8, update Pe in every step using the following equation. Pe=|E||Vinf|sin(delold)/(Xd+X) If t=0.2 goto next step,otherwise repeat this step STEP9. Plot del(t) Vs t,w(t) Vs t during fault and after fault clearance STEP10. Stop DATA FOR SMIB SYSTEM The synchronous machine is generating 100 MW and 75 MVAr. The voltage of the infinite bus is 1+jo p.u.,and the tie line reactance is 0.08 p.u. on a 100MVA base. The machine transient reactance is 0.20 p.u. and the inertia constant is 4.0 p.u. on a 100MVA base. Calculate the changes in phase angle and speed of the generator for a three phase to ground fault for a duration of 0.10s. Use Runge-Kutta method with a time increment of 0.02 s. The time for simulation can be taken as 0.2s. Frequency of supply is 50 Hz.

Coding: clc; clear all; P=1; Q=0.75; Vq=1;

X=0.08; Xd=0.2; f=50; H=4; Pe=0; Pm=1; w(1)=2*pi*f; del(1)=13.365*(pi/180); delt=0.02; tsim=0.2; Vp=1.051+0.08i; It=(P-(sqrt(-1)*Q))/conj(Vp) E=abs(Vp+(sqrt(-1)*Xd*It)) dw=(pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H; t=1; h=0; for i=0:0.02:0.1 %first estimate k1=(w(t)-(2*pi*f))*delt; l1=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %second estimate k2=((w(t)+(l1/2))-(2*pi*f))*delt; l2=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %third estimate k3=((w(t)+(l2/2))-(2*pi*f))*delt; l3=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %fourth estimate k4=((w(t)+l3)-(2*pi*f))*delt; l4=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; del(t+1)=del(t)+((k1+(2*k2)+(2*k3)+k4)/6); w(t+1)=w(t)+((l1+(2*l2)+(2*l3)+l4)/6); a(t)=h; h=0.02+a(t); t=t+1; end for i=0.1:0.02:2 %after fault clearance d=del(t-1); Pe=(((E*Vq*sin(((d)))))/(Xd+X)); %first estimate k1=(w(t-1)-(2*pi*f))*delt; l1=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %second estimate d=del(t-1)+(k1/2); Pe=(((E*Vq*sin(((d)))))/(Xd+X)); k2=((w(t-1)+(l1/2))-(2*pi*f))*delt; l2=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %third estimate d=del(t-1)+(k2/2); Pe=(((E*Vq*sin(((d)))))/(Xd+X));

k3=((w(t-1)+(l2/2))-(2*pi*f))*delt; l3=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; %fourth estimate d=del(t-1)+(k3); Pe=(((E*Vq*sin(((d)))))/(Xd+X)); k4=((w(t-1)+l3)-(2*pi*f))*delt; l4=((pi*f*(Pm-Pe))/H)*delt; del(t)=(del(t-1))+((k1+(2*k2)+(2*k3)+k4)/6); w(t)=(w(t-1)+((l1+(2*l2)+(2*l3)+l4)/6)); a(t)=h; h=0.02+a(t); t=t+1; end plotyy(a,w,a,del) legend('w','del'); Output:
320 w del 1







-0.5 2.5

Result: The transient stability analysis of a single machine connected to an infinite bus through the classical machine model was performed and the (t), (t) Vs t curve was plotted.

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