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SET: 1001101

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Shade your answers to
attached answer sheet.
1. Simplify the expression:
a. 3.284e^(j1.002) or 1.297e^(j2.732) c. 1.297e^(j1.002) or 3.284e^(j2.732)
b. 3.284e^(j1.002) or 1.297e^(j3.551) d. 1.297e^(j1.002) or 3.284e^(j3.551)
2. Let z1 = 2.5 - j1.0 and z2 = 1.0 j2.5. Determine Re(z1 * z2).
a. 7.25
c. 0
b. -7.25
d. -j7.25
3. Simplify (2+j3)(5-j)/(3-j2)^2
a. -0.538+j1.308
b. 0.538-j1.308

c. -0.538-j1.308
d. 0.538+j1.308

4. Find the principal 5th root of 50cos(150deg)+jsin(150deg)

a. 1.9+j1.1
c. 2.87-j1.2
b. 3.26-J2.1
d. 2.25-j1.2
5. What is the quotient when 4+j8 is divided by j^3?
a. 8-j4
c. -8+j4
b. 8+j4
d. -8-j4
6. Evaluate ln(2+j3).
a. 1.34+j0.32
b. 2.54+j0.866

c. 2.23+j0.21
d. 1.28+j0.98

7. Three vectors A, B and C are related as follows: A/B=2 at 180deg, A+C=-5+j15

and C= conjugate of B. Find A.
a. 5-j5
c. 10-j10
b. -10+j10
d. 15+j15

8. Evaluate: |
a. 100
b. 200

c. 250
d. 150

9. Solve the value of y from the given: (2x+y)+j(x-y)=4-j10

a. 8
c. 10
Final Examination Part 1- Advanced M.E. Mathematics with Numerical Methods

Page 1

SET: 1001101

b. 6

d. 12

10. The value of (1+j)^6 is equal to ___________.

a. j8
c. j8
b. j4
d. j4
11. Evaluate the Series: 2e^(j10pi t)+2^(-j10pi t) at t=1.
a. 2+j2
c. 4+j2
b. 2+j0
d. 4+j0
12. The term is 10cos(40pi t). It is equal to ________.
a. 5e^(j40pi t)
c. 10e^(j20pi t)+10e^(-j20pi t)
b. 10e^(-j40pi t)
d. 5e^(j40pi t)+5e^(-j40pi t)
13. Evaluate the determinant: |
a. sec x
b. tan x

c. 1
d. sec x tan x

14. Solve for x: |

a. 3
b. 2

15. If


c. 4
d. 1

a. |
b. |

c. |

d. |


16. If A=40e^(j120deg), B=20var40deg, C=26.46+j0. Determine A+barredB+C.

a. 27.7var45deg
c. 30.8var45deg
b. 35.1var45deg
d. 33.4var45deg
17. Given the matrix equation, solve for x and y. [
a. -4,6
b. -4,2

] | |=| |

c. -4,-2
d. -4,-6

Final Examination Part 1- Advanced M.E. Mathematics with Numerical Methods

Page 2

SET: 1001101

18. What is j^3219-j^427+j18?

a. j
b. j

c. -1
d. 1

19. Evaluate: (3+j4)^(-2-j5)

a. 14-j23
b. -3.67-j1.88

c. 1.88+j3.67
d. -3.67+j1.88

20. j^j^j is equal to what?

a. 0.947+j0.321
b. 0.321+j0.947

c. 0.974+j0.132
d. 0.132+j0.974

21. Evaluate sqrt(-9) multiplied to sqrt(-25).

a. 15
c. j15
b. -15
d. j15
22. Which of the following is true?
a. sinh(x+iy)=sin x cosh y+ i cos x sinh y
b. sinh(x+iy)=sin x cosh y- i cos x sinh y
c. sinh(x+iy)=sinh x cos y+ i cosh x sin y
d. sinh(x+iy)=sinh x cos y- i cosh x sin y
23. Determine (2+j4)^-1
a. 0.5+j0.25
b. 0.1+j0.2

c. 0.1-j0.2
d. 0.5-j0.25

24. Compute the value of ln(j*pi)

a. 1.1447+jpi/2
b. 0.497+jpi

c. 0.497+jpi/2
d. 1.1447+jpi

25. |

| |

26. Multiply the matrices: [
a. [1]
b. [2]

c. 2.0
d. -2.0


c. [3]
d. [4]

Final Examination Part 1- Advanced M.E. Mathematics with Numerical Methods

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SET: 1001101

27. Solve for the value of x from the given matrix:

a. 10
c. 6
b. 2
d. 8


28. Evaluate the determinant:


( )
( )

a. 6e^(5x)
b. e^(5x)

( )
( )
c. 3e^(5x)
d. 2e^(5x)

29. Factor completely: x^4-y^4

b. (x+y)(x-y)(x^2-y^2)

c. (x+y)(x-y)(x+jy)(x-jy)
d. (x+y)^2(x-y)^2

30. Which of the following is not a root when 8 is cubed root?

a. 1+jsqrt3
c. -1-jsqrt3
b. -1+jsqrt3
d. 2+j0


(choose one)


( )

Evaluate the Laplace Transform of


Final Examination Part 1- Advanced M.E. Mathematics with Numerical Methods

Page 4

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