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Said , Final Exam Essay Making Knowledge Whole, Fall 201 Prof.

Nasser Zakar
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Its a well- known fact that education does has existed as long as human beings have existed. Why does it pertain to the man? Because no bee needs to be educated when they wereit is born, or no duck needs to learn how to swim when theyafter it crack their eggshatches, etc. [USE THE JULIAN HUXLEY READING HERE, SAID, IN HIS DISCUSSION OF ANIMALS AND EDUCATION] What I am trying to point out is that we are the only creatures in the universe who need to be educated in order to achieve being humanourselves that is, who need an education to , being able to use thatour capability capacity which separates us from every other creature, the capacity which is to THINK. Therefore even before discussing about higher education, we have to put thinking as an essential principal of all kinds of education. The very first education we all get is learning by experimenting. For instance, if one a year old baby touches to a heating hot stove and gets is hurt by the heat, she or he would learns not to touch it again. There is a thinking procedure even in this example. In general it iss the duty of mankind to reach maturation by acquiring precedent experience and [mainstream??]. It usually takes us to be able to live alone after some 10-15 years of education to reach maturation, which is not valid true for others except us. What s this process called is the epitome of revolution. A famous Turkish thinker Yunus Emre says Knowledge is to understand, to understand who you are. If you dont know who you are what's the use of learning? [PROVIDE THE FULL REFERENCE HERE WHAT ABOUT MATTHEW ARNOLDS VIEW HERE?] The only way
Comment [NZ1]: Can no other animals think?

to learn starts with thinking. The right and duty to get be education educated is innate for human being. Thus the variety of education must be for everybody with different needs, regardless of their age, domicile, financial situation, sex or mother tongue. [CONSIDER APPEALING HERE TO THOMAS MERTON AND HIS POINT ABOUT UNIVERSALITY AND SCIENCE] Education should be considered one of the fundamental rights of all citizens. A major objective of education policy should be to achieve as high a level of education and competence as possible for the entire people on earth. [E. O. WILSON?] However as we look identicalmuch we look alike from outside, we all actually have different minds and diversified diverse potentials. After the basic education, such as reading and writing, is given the differences kicks [???] in the way of getting higher education. There should be many principles on in designing such a complex and crucial system. Its the system which forms the societies after all. Therefore if we investigate the history of societies and compare the findings with our current society, what we see is that there has always been collaboration [DO YOU MEAN AGREEMENT?] between people in those [PAST?] societies and in our society as well. If we go back the first example, a bee is endowed with knowledge of natural science like chemistry by making the honey;, it also equipped with Sociology by string along withits connections to the beehive, and it also has the capability of applied science and engineering such as to fly and smell and finding its way. [SAID, YOU MUST READ AND INTRODUCE JULIAN HUXLEY HERE] , Bbut what was the difference between a bee and human being was is, again, that bees they dont need to be educated, in order to act as bees. they just being done , What isbut whats important here is that while they do all this work they use the power of collaboration in their society, . Ttherefore, in comparison, with natural societies like bees, our society should be formed with unity in the

sense of moral solidarity. To be able to achieve that, we need ansuch education system which consists of principals with appealing to different fields and to different people, and constructsing a moral structure in society in a more livable environment. This system should not be specialized heavily but should offer more options and choice for those who are interested in both sciences and humanities. Especially in todays world innovations required interdisciplinary cooperation to produce new technologies and findings toto face the problems of the world. [REFER TO E.O. WILSON] [YOUR LANGUAGE AND YOUR FONT CHANGE AT THIS POINT, SAID RECOMPOSE MORE CLOSELY IN YOUR OWN WORDS, FITTING BETTER WITH YOUR THOUGHTS ABOVE.] In the origin of life Shapley mentions an abstract problem:, and how the nature of life requires all the disciplines at once including the humanities, . because emergingAccording to him, certain problems seem to require a synthesis of knowledge to address, this could be synthesis that might be abstract or and concrete and problematicat the same time. [IT SEEMS YOU ARE COPYING FROM POORLY TAKEN NOTES HERE AND THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE DOESNT MAKE SENSE - WHO ARE THE CLUSTER OF THINKERS? THE LOGICAL POSITIVISTS? HOW DOES THIS FIT WITH SHAPLEY?] A cluster of thinkers, known as the Vienna Circle or the logical positivists, also consider questions of synthesis. Iwho basically impanfluencedcted by Mach and , Einstein, that want to have tothey take as their active problem, how to produce a language to draw the boundaries of science and humanities in a responsible way and howin order to address concrete social problems that are now concrete.

[AGAIN, THIS SOUNDS LIKE NOTES IN CLASS AND NOT YOUR OWN READING- I DONT UNDERSTAND THE NEXT SENTENCE] Such ideas can be considered as the way to explain all the fields of studies are actually generating the education system as we know it. [WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DEWEY? THIS SOUNDS ARBITRARY HERE THIS NEEDS MORE MOTIVATION] Actually Dewey has slightly different thinking in which is not just about the result, then ratherbut about the approach, everytapproach. hing Anything cancan be scientific, the approach has to be scientific a hard headed way to look for patterns and empirically. The ideas of Kallen also important in the sense of fascism, where he thinks these people want unity, no plurality, he sees it how they dont want people to address in their own wards, does not want unity, needs an orchestration. Neurath also agreed with Kallen on this subject by supporting the idea of orchestration. [THERE IS LITTLE SENSE HERE THAT YOU HAVE READ OR UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, OR INTEGRATE IT INTO YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. PAGE 3 READS FAR TOO RANDOMLY.] [WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT KUHN IN THIS FINAL PAGE? HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO THE IDEAS WITH WHICH YOU START THE ESSAY? THIS NEEDS MORE EXPLANATION OR TRANSITION. ALSO, AGAIN, THIS SOUNDS LIKE A SHIFT IN LANGUAGE TOO CLOSE TO CLASS NOTES. THERE IS ALSO NO CONCLUSION BELOW] In the part of Paradigms and Normal Science: Deconstructing Scientific Unity course??? [THIS IS NOT THE NAME OF THE BOOK],Kuhn diagnosis that science itself is changing, scientists rewrite their own history the way the protagonist in 1984 does. Sometimes scientists cant be trusted in the representation in the work that they do changing whole of knowledge in these paradigm shifts. It is a movement that as many as people are educated in the sciences, so everything is responsible. This argument is partially true about the scientists should

be investigated and directed to the good of the humanity, so the bad usage of welfare system would be prevented, but its very important for governments to have a clear and explicit agenda towards to take advantage of science and humanism in the sense of solving worlds problem or just to overcome higher standards of life. We have seen at the Manhattan project, for example, the engineers and scientists were let to produce to destroy and endanger in the name of security by having classified agenda and spending the huge amount of funding towards this kind of projects. This is to example of bad usage of national income which is out to be use for national development.
Comment [NZ2]: Please do not submit class notes haphazardly rewritten for an essay. Please omit Kuhn, the positivists and Shapley it is clear from the analysis above that you did not do the readings here and they also have less to do with your starting paragraphs. Write instead paragraphs more to do with your original points and focusing on the authors listed above, e.g. Julian Huxley, Wilson, Arnold, Merton (on universalism), and Einstein (on what an education should do). Read them, even if you have difficulty with them. On the basis of your writing ability here, you will be able to understand enough of them.

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