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What is unique about Yan Xin's "highest technology of all technologies," as he d escribes in his meditation tape, is a practice that only now I truly understand. Yan Xin has the qigong practitioner put their hands in front of the stomach so that the forehead can point towards the hands enabling energy to feed back into the "lower tan tien" -- the energy foundation of the body. Meditation often invo lves various "mudras" or hand positions but I've never seen another practice tha t relies on such a feed-back mechanism that Yan Xin teaches. Why is this simple practice so important? Anyone who has tried to sit in full-lo tus knows it's surprisingly difficult to hold the position for the minimum of tw o hours that is required for truly deep meditation to be achieved. The pain and pressure in the legs becomes unbearable but if the hands are fed energy by the t hird eye then an internal energy pump is created which continues to open up the lower body channels. This same free energy feedback effect is produced just by s itting with the legs crossed, western style, or even sitting in a chair, with th e back straight -- again the trick is to point the forehead towards the hand, in front of the stomach, so that the hands reflect the head energy back into the s tomach. Both yoga and qigong rely on ionization of the stomach's electrochemicals which are then transduced into the brain via the vagus nerve. The left-brain vagus ner ve connects directly to the heart while the right-brain vagus nerve connects to the stomach. So there can be a "mind to heart" left-brain meditation practice, c alled the "direct path" in Advaita Vedanta jnana yoga or there can be a stomachbrain-heart meditation practice which is really the same as tantra alchemy found both in China and India. Qigong in China emphasizes that it's the lower half of the body which gives power to the mind, enabling paranormal healing abilities. In tantric Buddhism the male, while sitting, visualizes a female riding on top o f him, while he holds the female in front of the body, held up by his hands in f ront of his stomach. This tantra practice is the same free energy feedback princ iple as the Yan Xin Secret because the lower half of the body is yin, while the upper half is yang, but when the third eye focuses on the hands then the yang en ergy from the brain feeds back into the yin energy, reflecting off the hands. It doesn't matter whether the pracitioner is male or female because the original spiritual energy -- the formless awareness -- is female and for all humans the lower half of the body is yin (female) while the upper half is yang (male). Often times people will hold their hands in front of the body during meditation but without using the Third Eye to reflect the yang brain energy back into the l ower half of the body there is no free energy circuit created. It's well known i n meditation that bending the head slightly forward opens up the crucial channel s in the back of the neck, but again this is not usually connected with feeding the head energy back into the lower half of the body, via the hands. What happens in normal meditation then is the vagus nerve pumps the yin energy f rom the stomach and reproductive organs, up into the brain but then the energy j ust leaves the body as yang energy -- attracted to yin energy outside of the bod y. This process is fine for emitting bioenergy healing but it does not produce a free energy feedback system for the practitioner. Mantak Chia, for example, doe s not teach full-lotus meditation because too often the yang energy gets stuck i n the brain without any balance of the body's lower half yin energy. Instead Man tak Chia relies on the "microcosmic orbit" or small universe, an alchemy practic

e that is also taught in India, as Mircea Eliade details. The Yan Xin Secret is simpler, more direct and more powerful. The Yan Xin Secret of visualizing the third eye focusing energy on the hands whi ch are then held to reflect that energy back into the stomach enables a free ene rgy feedback system to keep building up the energy of the practitioner. The Yan Xin Secret works because of the complimentary opposite principles of natural res onance using asymmetric number -- something I've explained in detail in other ar ticles. (It really explains why people are told to meditate with their eyes half-closed staring down their nose... But really, it's to stare down at their hands then to complete the circuit. Ah-ha) I had to learn the Yan Xin Secret the hard way because a beginner may not have a very visceral experience with the free energy process. Visualization seems too mystical for westerners -- unless we understand the principle behind it. At firs t blissful heat is created, then electromagnetic fields and finally light-inform ation.

It's just sitting with your palms facing your body -- the palms held in front of your belly. Technically the male is supposed to have the left palm closest to t he belly, opposite for the female and also it's not the belly but a couple inche s below. One of the links I posted at gives a detailed descr iption of the Yan Xin meditation tape -- no pictures but again the hand position s and that you point your forward towards your hands. Doing Yan Xin Qigong A person practicing Yan Xin qigong may appear to be sitting quietly and perhaps thinking of nothing. This is both true and untrue. The person is listening but n ot really listening, thinking but not thinking in the normal sense, imagining bu t not imagining, aware of the surroundings but not too aware. Such is the qigong meditative state. Smiling and good wishes are important qigong techniques. Alth ough sitting quietly, a beginner is trying to breathe deeply, slowly and regular ly -- and counting each breath. At first it takes a lot of effort to exert harmo nious control over the diaphragm, chest walls, throat, tongue and nasal passages . The beginner is also pushing virtually to the breaking point the human capacit y to imagine. At first the imagination is not up to this task. One must simultaneously imagine a flow of energy, information, light, colors, sounds and even fragrances enteri ng the body through the top of the head. This infusion of qi, one imagines, all rushes out and down from the forehead. It passes through the nose down to one's open palms opposite the navel. It then passes in to the seat of qi, a point deep within the pelvis some two inches below the navel. Students gradually learn to focus upon this vital center or 'dan tian' point, and to sense the qi as localiz ed warmth or heat. It takes much longer, months or years in fact, to learn to ac tivate the channels and move qi around the body through will power alone. In step one, the novice qigong meditator has a lot to imagine. Try to visualize a fire or bright light in the dan tian area, above which is water, on top of whi ch is a blossoming red lotus flower. The flower opens and closes with one's brea thing. As one inhales, the pores of the skin also open to take in energy/informa tion from the universe. This all travels to the flower. Gradually the internal l ight intensifies and lights up the internal organs, especially the heart. The he art contracts as one inhales and relaxes as one exhales. The meditator eventuall y changes hand positions to hold a large imaginary fruit that glows and spins an

d changes size as one breathes. ------------I remember reading a book a few years ago by a Chinese scientist, who was trying to debunk Qigong research previously done in China. He referred to the incident when Yan Xin tried to put out a forest fire. He described the conditions that Y an Xin had lain out. Before Yan Xin would make the attempt, there could be no cl ouds in the sky, and the forecast could not be predicting rain. This happened, a nd he announced that he would make an attempt. Soon it started raining. The scie ntist's argument for why this wasn't a very convincing display was that it only rained for a few hours, and didn't completely extinguish the fire. ============

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