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Number is an item that describes a magnitude or a position Cardinal Numbers numbers which allow us to count the objects or ideas

as in a given collection. Ordinal Numbers state the position of the individual objects in a sequence. Numerals symbols which describe a number. Arabic Numerals modification of Hindu-Arabic number signs Roman Numerals numbers written in Latin alphabet Bracket multiply to 100 Vinculum multiply to 1000 Doorframe multiply to 1000000 Digit specific symbol used to denote a number Real numbers Natural numbers numbers which are considered as counting numbers Integers all natural numbers, positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero Rational numbers numbers which can be expressed as a ratio of two integers Irrational numbers numbers which cant be expressed as a ratio of two integers Imaginary numbers equals to square root of negative one Complex number expression both real and imaginary number combined System of numbers diagram or chart which shows the two sub-classifications of the two basic classifications of numbers Absolute value numerical value of the number neglecting the sign Fractions is a part of a whole Simple Fraction both numerator and denominator are integers Proper fraction one where numerator is smaller than the denominator Improper fraction one where the numerator is greater than the denominator Unit fraction unity for its numerator and positive integer for its denominator Simplified fraction the greatest factor of the numerator and the denominator is 1 An integer represented as fraction the denominator is 1 Reciprocal results from interchanging the numerator and denominator Complex fraction in which the numerator or denominator are fractions Similar fraction fractions that have the same denominator Zero fraction numerator is 0 Undefined fraction denominator is 0 Indeterminate fraction has no quantitative meaning Mixed number combination of integer and a proper fraction Composite number positive integers that have more than two positive whole number factors Prime number integer greater than 1 that is divisible only by 1 and itself Twin primes set of two consecutive odd primes which differ by two Symmetric primes pair of prime numbers that are the same distance from a given number in a number line Emirp prime numbers that remains a prime when its digits are reversed Perfect number integer that is equal to the sum of all its positive divisors, expect the number itself Abundant number sum of the possible divisors is greater than the number Defective number sum of all possible divisors is less than the number itself Factorial represents the product of all positive integers from 1 to n (Christian Kramp) Anders Celsius Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit -Absolute temperature may be expressed as Kelvin or Rankine

Kelvin William Thompson Rankine William John Macquom Rankine Radian angle subtended by an arc equal to the length of the radius of the circle Pi ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (William Jones: periphery) -3.141592654 1span = 9 inches 1hand = 4 inches 1 statute mile = 5280 ft. 1 nautical mile = 6080 ft. 1 fathom = 6 ft 1 cable = 120 fathoms 1 m = 3.28ft 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hr Closure Commutative Associative Identity Inverse Distributive Exponent number that gives the power to which a base is raised Radical symbols that indicates a root (Christoff Rudolff) Index Radicand Radical Surd radical expressing an irrational number Special Products expressions where the values can be obtained without execution of long multiplication Proportion statement that two ratios are equal Least common denominator product of several prime numbers occurring in the denominators, each taken with its greatest multiplicity Common multiple number that two other numbers will divide into evenly Factor number that divides into larger evenly Parallel lines Robert Recorde

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