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Evolution of religions in the world

In the present day world the scientific community are of the opinion that earth a planet in the galaxy, might have evolved trillions of years ago in the cosmos. Nobody can categorically confirm how it evolved. However it is believed that earth as a mass might have evolved in the galaxy. It is mystery to be unfolded, how water came in on the earth. Of course everybody will accept that without water, no living organism or living being can exist. Hence it is believed that water should have appeared on the earth as and when living organisms appeared. In Hindu mythology, one of the oldest known to us till date, the Veda discusses the evolution of the earth and other planets and also the evolution of llives, right from the smallest to man. It says Lord Brahma has created (srushti) from ether all living beings in this earth. Also mentions about the evolution of other planets. The point to be noted here that earth and other planets were created out of ether which is a question of research and debate. But all is said and done, we perceive the earth, planets and living beings, not aware of how they evolved. Let it be. Accepting Darwins theory of evolution, so may creature, vegetation and man evolved on earth. The evolution of living beings in stages, in millions and millions of years, has seen vegetation, insects, fish, reptiles, mammals and man. It is believed that man at the time of creation might not have been so intelligent or civilized. In course of time, again we dont know, that how and why he gradually got developed by brain. But it is fact that his intellect has developed to the present day stage. This intellect has made him to think, and he found ways to keep his life safe and confortable. In this effort are the inventions and development of environments and surroundings. This is on the material side. As guessed above, the development of intellect in man has become the basis of evolution of religion also. It is believed that man, billions of years ago, had no religion. He lived in groups on the banks rivers. He saw sun as a fire. The forest fires, threatened him, and the same fire might have taugt him how to cook meat and vegetables. Due to devastating nature of fire he believed to be a super power or something more powerful than him. So he developed a godlike or superpowerlike opinion on the natural forces, such as fire, lightning, thunder, rivers, mountains etc. This type of thinking has slowly developed the concept of God in him. In all the oldest known religious practices, it is fire which taking a forefront. Today many religious minded people believe that God is dazzling brightness. All along we have discussed on the basis of what is seen eye to eye and presume the background or basis. Also it is to be analysed that man has improved his religious belief by civilization or his religious belief made him more and more civilized. So religion is the outcome ofmans intellect.

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