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If you've heard of the best-selling book called "The Secret" you know it has become huge!

The concept is, by using this "secret," which is The Law of Attraction, you can create ANYTHING you want in your life: more money, a bigger house, more business, a new mate, literally anything you want! While "The Secret" has many truths in it, it also has many flaws. For one thing I personally disagree with the notion that a person can have just ANYTHING. The reason is... because we were born with different strengths skills, talents, and abilities. God made us all unique, with a purpose, and with a certain mission. It really isn't "all about us!" If you're a Christian, you're joint-heirs with Christ because you have been adopted into His family. This all means you are in His will, which also means He directs your steps! Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I know the thoughts I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end!" This Scripture tells us we need to seek God's will for our lives... seek what He wants! When we are doing what we are anointed to do, we will experience success! When we seek our own thing we will fail miserably, for Jeremiah 17:5 says, "Cursed is the one that trusts in man!" Whatever does not begin with God will certainly end in failure! The Secret's teaching on the Law of Attraction has brought a lot of confusion to the believer in Christ for one very good reason... They leave out the entire concept of "God's will! Should we then, not study the Law of Attraction? Absolutely not! The Law of Attraction is very real, and when you read the words of Jesus, you must believe in it!

When you study the Law of Attraction you must be careful whom you're learning it from (most of the teachers of The Secret do not profess to be followers of Christ)! Jesus' teaching on the Law of Attraction dealt with our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions. The teachers of the "Secret" teach that our words and thoughts are enough, like there's some sort of magic in what we request from the "Universe," and a relationship with our Saviour means nothing. Remember John 14:6, "No one comes to the Father but through Me!" The wisest man who ever lived said this; "Dreaming instead of doing is foolishness, and there is ruin in a flood of empty words. Fear God instead" (Ecclesiastes 5:7)! Now, we have clarified that the Law of Attraction is real. Understanding it thoroughly is another thing. Truly understanding it with a Christian perspective is extremely important because, just like anyone else, it largely determines what we are getting out of life. It has been working FOR, and AGAINST us since we were born. Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23), all things means just that... ALL things... good and bad! If you ARE, or ARE NOT, getting the things you really and truly believe God wants for you in your life, I challenge you to consider what you are thinking about most of the time! If you're a subscriber to my "Prosperous Christian" e-Letter you know that I write a lot about how important our thinking is! Jesus said, "As a man Thinks, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7)! So, how should a Christian use the Law of Attraction? A Christian should use the Law of Attraction to glorify God in his or her life, not merely to obtain selfish ambitions. By seeking God's will, knowing what He wants from us, and then trusting Him to help us as we keep focused on that very thing, we will put ourselves in a postion to receive. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed is the one that trusts in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is!"

If you've been trying to use the Law of Attraction in the way the teachers of The Secret teach, you will soon find yourself feeling far from God! And, it should be no surprise... When you're merely seeking after what you want, and not what God wants, you are in the flesh, which is sin! And we know sin separates us from God. Again, remember Jeremiah 17:5, "Cursed is the one that trusts in man" (the word "Man" means flesh, or one's self)! God wants a relationship with us more than anything else. He wants our heart, and it grieves Him when we chase after selfish things instead of Him. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!" In conclusion, the teachers of The Secret say that the Law of Attraction means "Thoughts become things." But, in reality, the Law of Attraction means, "What we think about most flows out of our lives!" We find this truth in Proverbs 4:23, "Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life."
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles! Get his FREE Special Report, "Christian Prosperity Secrets" when you subscribe to his FREE "Prosperous Christian" e-Letter...

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