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Assignment 3


1. Mascular strength implies the force or tension a muscles or muscle group can exert against a resistance in one maximum effort. 2. Muscular endurance is the ability or capacity of a muscular group to per porm repeated contractions (either isotonic, isokinetic or eccentric)against a load or to sustain an isometalic contraction for an extended period of time 3. Flexiblility is as resistance of a joint during movement structure limits to flexibility. 4. Cardio respiration endurance is the ability to persist in a physical actuality requiring oxygen for pay seal exertion without experiencing unvalued fatique. 5. (a) Concentric phase The muscle shortens and work against gravity. (b) Eccentric phase The muscle length en to its original position. 6. (a) The initial length of the muscle fibres (b) The angle of pull of the muscle on the bony skeleton the speed of shortening 7. Isometric actually means same or constant (ISO)length (metric). This means that there will be tension in the muscle with isometric contraction but length of the muscle.. The external force against which the force is applied is greater than the maximum tension (internal force) the muscle can generate another term that is also used to desirable this type of contraction is static contraction. 8. During an Isokinetic contraction the muscle shortens constant (ISO)speed (kinetic) and the tension in the muscle is maximal at all joint angles. Although isokinetic contraction it require maximal tension throughout the movement and the speed of contractions is constant. The movement speed on mainly isokinetic deckes can be present from 0 to approximately 300 degrees of motion pers second. 9. central nervous system peripheral nervous system Neuro muscular junction Muscle fibre function

10. The authoritave texts on exercise and muscle physiology state that increase in muscle mass that accompanies resistance training is primarily the result of ogypertoph (increase in size of muscle cell).

and any hyperplasi (increase in the number of muscle cell) is debatable growth in response to overload training results primarily from the enlargement of individual muscle fibres.

This increase in fibre diameter in a strengthening exercise implies the enlargement o f the smaller fibres to the same level as the longer fibres.

11. a basic principle involved in weight training programmes is the overload principle. This states that muscular strength, endurance and size will increase only if muscle are systematically subjected to work load create than those to which they are accustomed.

12. Specificity stated as the SND principle (specific adaptation to imposed demand). Must be integrated into a resistance training programme. This means that the type of demand placed on the body controls the type of adaption that will occur.

13. (a) increase in concentrations of muscle creatine, pc, ATP, and clycogen, which result in a greater energy supply. (b) possible increase in glycolytic enzyme activities, which increase the amaerobic capacity. (c) small or no consistence change in the enzymes involved in ATP turmower (d) small out significant change in aerobic. Krebs cycle enzyme activities as which enhance local muscle endurance. (e)no change from past to slow twitch fibres or vice versa . (f) A decrease in the density of mitochondria due to increase in size of the myofibris and the sarcoplasmic volume. (g) hypertrophy of past twitch fibres.

14. (a) Acute soreness this occurs during and immediately following exercise and is the result of inadequate blood flow to the activee muscle. (b) Delayed onset muscular soreness (OMS) This kind of soreness accurs 24 to 48 hours after exercise has stopped. 15. Minute tears to the muscle tissue itself or damage to its contractile component

- osmotic pressure change the causes retention of fluids in the surrounding tissue. - muscle spasms - overstrengthing and perhaps tearing of the muscle connective tissue hamess - acute inflammation. Alteratelo in the cellss mechanisims for calcium regulation or - A combination of the above factors. 16. Gender - Age - temperature - level of activity 17. Static Stretching This stretch is when an individual hold a stretch for a certain amount of time (e.g. 30-80 seconds) without any movement. Most individual, especially beginners, perform this type of stretching.

Benefits of static stretching There is less danger of tissue damage The energy requirement is less The is prevention and/or relief from muscular distress and soreness Ballistic stretching This stretch involves a bouncing movement in which the and position is not held. Ballistic stretching involves active muscular effort. Dynamic stretching A dynamic stretching involves flexibility during sports specific movement. Dynamic stretching is similar to ballistic stretching in that it utilizes movements, but specific to a sport movement pattern. Benefits of dynamic stretching Improves flexibility ,coordination balance, proprioception and movement speed. Revises core body and muscle temperatures. Elongates active muscle Decrease the in hibition of the antagomist muscle. Stimulates the nervous system Help to decrease the chance of injury (sport)

Improves mechanics /techniques in development of a training session.

18. (1) the peal power generated by muscle increase linearly with increasing velocities of movement (2) at any gluen velocity of movement the peak power generates is greater in a muscle with predominant FT fibres than in a muscle with predominant fibres .

19. the heart

A good dedication of cardio respiratory fitness is a relative slow heart rate coupled with a relative large stroke volume during exercise

Capillary circulation Increase capillariration in response to the increased density of muscle associated with training has been observed. A side from its role in delivering oxygen, nutrients and hormones, the capillary circulation provide the means for removing heat and metabolic by-products.

Blood Plasma volume and the total hemoglobin tend to increase with endurance training. The increases may enhance circulatory and thermo regulatory dynamic to enhance oxygen delivery capacity during exercise.

Ventilation Maximal exercise ventilation increase with improvement in maximal oxygen uptake Oxygen extraction Exercise training produces significant increase in the amount of oxygen extracted from the circulation blood Lactile acid Although the onset of blood lactate (OBLA) is reached at about 55% of the health, untrained subjects maximal capacity for aerobic metabolism, it occurs at a higher percentage of the athletes.

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