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Wake Up, America!

Volume 7, No. 11

November 2012

You might not be interested in politics or the United Nations, but they are very much interested in you. Vote on November 6th.

Wild Olives Pernitas Point, Texas

Photo by Penny Peavy

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."
--Samuel Adams

(1722-1803), known as the "Father of the American Revolution."

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 2

From the Editor...

or the White House Rural Council. They never mention TSA, FEMA camps, arming police departments with military-style weapons and tanks, or, dread the thought, the Federal Reserve. We have Obama telling us that he has improved the economy (a huge lie) and Romney telling us that he has business experience (which is actually big-business gambling experience in which he got lucky). Neither of them has ever produced anything in their lives. Romney thinks Bain Capital experience proves he is a businessman with a super-duper insight on jobs and the economy. While he certainly has a better grip on that subject than Obama, he is mostly in the dark. Speaking of the dark, both of these candidates are merely puppets of the Wall Street/Corporate gulag or the power elite, as some call them. For your sake and the sake of your children, turn off the television and begin getting your real news and opinion pieces from the internet while you can, before Obama throws a kill-switch on the internet. Preserve several months of food, buy ammo and teach every member of your family how to shoot. If you do not have guns, buy some before Obama takes our gun rights away. If you think upticks in the stock market are indicators that the economy is improving, you are probably wrong. If you think the price of gas or of animal feed will go down, you are probably wrong. If you think the price of groceries will not increase substantially over the next several months, you are probably wrong. I have often said: Never trust a man who doesnt have calluses on his hands. Even musicians and artists have calluses on their hands. Anyone who has ever done yard work or gardening has calluses on his hands. Farmers and ranchers have calluses on their hands. Every woman who has served as a full-time mother and household manager has calluses on her hands. Everyone who has ever created an object with the idea of manufacturing it has calluses on his or her hands. We are probably going to elect a president with perfectly smooth hands like a princess. This issue of The Texas Free Press has several different kinds of articles, some with differing opinions. Please keep in mind that opinions expressed are not necessarily representative of opinions of those associated with this publication. Have a great month and a Happy Thanksgiving! Drive safely and keep you and yours close to you. Grow food. Collect everything you need to withstand possible coming hard times. Yours truly, Penny Peavy Editor/Publisher 361-547-9062

A few weeks ago a friend of mine who happens also to be an advertiser/supporter of this publication, asked me how I found out about the various issues reported in this paper and came upon the various opinion columns. I told her I got all of it by never listening to cable news, satellite news or network TV news. Since she asked, I decided to tell you my readers a little about what I do to put the articles for this publication together each month. First, I very rarely listen to the evening news on the major networks and never listen to the morning news/entertainment shows. About once a month I listen to network evening news, if simply to find out what news the mainstream media is choosing not to report and what sort of spin they are giving to the news they are permitted to report. Every morning, beginning sometime between 5:15am and 6:30am, I begin to read news on the internet from a variety of sources. I read both hard news and opinion columns. I do this for four to six hours every morning, copying links and bookmarking websites as I go, checking my email all the while. I also listen to internet talk radio nearly all day every day, including Michael Berry (mostly for laughs), Rush Limbaugh (because he is sometimes dead right), Alex Jones (because he a very brave man who is probably mostly right, even though a bit annoying at times), Hannity (just to get the input from a bought-and-paidfor stooge for the conservative cause and does have a few good points), and others from time to time. When I go to mainstream media sites, the top news stories seem to revolve around either presidential so-called debates or around Hollywood celebrities, mostly people I have never heard of and could care less about. Now and then I am reminded of how ignorant the average person of voting age is in this country. Today I heard about a woman who is planning to vote for Obama because she got a free iPhone. Wow, that pretty much sums up the attitude of I be voting for the One who promises the most free stuff. I also saw a video of people being asked such simple questions as Who is the Vice President of the United States? being unable to provide a correct answer. Most of these same people did not know that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. Most did not know there are other candidates for president of the United States other than Romney and Obama. Most never heard of Gary Johnson and had only very vague and often inaccurate ideas of who Ron Paul is and how he clearly stands on the issues. Speaking of the issues, we have Obama telling lies about what he has not accomplished and Romney harping on jobs and the economy and neither of them objecting to the taking away of our liberties, destroying the Constitution and turning America into a police state. Neither dares tackle the EPA, the DOE, the DHS, the NDAA

From the Far West Side

by Farris West

You Decide
by Armando Conde

Will you vote for the Marxist, the Fascist, the quasi-Libertarian or Not at All?
All over the internet there are libertarian conservatives advocating to vote for no one in the upcoming presidential race. I admit that if Obama wins, American is in deep doggydoo-doo and may never recover. If Romney wins, America may be in slightly better shape on a temporary basis, but we will still be on the path to economic collapse, failed foreign relations and the demise of the Constitution of the United States, for Romney is just another side of the Big Gov trend in America, just another side of the nanny state, in which every move your make and every thought you have is to be censored by the government. When George Washington was elected President of the United States, he was, in essence, drafted by the people. He did not seek after the presidency. The people themselves wanted him to be the President because he a proven leader. In fact, they wanted him to be King, but he refused. Today, we are seeing Obama and Romney as men who have spent many years and an unimaginable amount of money seeking to be President. There is something fundamentally wrong with anyone who would actually seek to become President. Many call that wrongness character or personality disorders. Examples of personality disorders are narcissism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and many more. Here is a summary of characteristics of Narcissistic personality disorder: Believing that you're better than others Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness Exaggerating your achievements or talents Expecting constant praise and admiration Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings What a great description of both Obama and of Romney. Both have made a career out of running for President. Both are promoters of Big Gov. Each believes that he, and only he, can run America and tell Americans how to think, how to speak, what to eat, how-whenand-where to obtain medical care, who to go to war with next, on and on ad nauseum. Both have support from Wall Street, from the banksters, from such firms as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citigroup, and other huge big businesses who do not have our best interests in mind. Obama has support from the NWO guy Bill Gates as well as from the United Nations, an anti-American, anti-freedom organization promoting a New World Order. The promoters of the Climate Change Agenda suppport Obama. Supporters of government support of banks and corporations support Romney. Leaders of Marxist nations want Obama to win. A writer for the Communist Party USA says that re-electing Obama is absolutely essential. Completely ignored in this entire campaign are several other presidential candidates, most notably Gary Johnson, the candidate of the Libertarian Party. While his entire approach on the issues is not exactly that of Ron Pauls, it is very close. The chief reasons he does not even have name recognition among most voters are as follows: He does not have the backing of Wall Street, as Obama and Romney do. As a result, he does not have much money. He has not been vetted by the Bilderbergs or any other power elite groups. They (the power elite) do not want him in office. It would affect their plans for wealth, power and a New World Order or Globalist Government. It would affect their desire to take away our Bill of Rights, especially the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 10th Amendments. To me, those are all reasons to vote for Gary Johnson. Go to this link to find out exactly who Gary Johnson is. Link: http://www.garyjohnson2012.c om/ There are many people who are Republicans of a libertarian bent, and that is actually most of us, wanting government out of our lives, who do not know who Gary Johnson is because he doesnt have the money to promote himself on network TV or even on cable TV, and most of you watch network and cable/satellite TV. Make yourself informed before you vote. There are others, including some very highly regarded libertarians and talk show hosts who say they are simply not going to vote at all. The reason they give is that by not voting they simply will not support our politics as usual regime and against both Obama and Romney, including the vast sums of money spent on elections. I do understand and sympathize with their positions on voting. From John Avlon says: In Johnson, however libertarians might have their most accomplished modern advocatea proven vote getter with demonstrated crossover appeal, a self-made millionaire and iron-man competitor who supports marijuana legalization (and lets be honest, that libertarian plank has always been a source of the movements popularity on college campuses). More importantly, he has actually reined in government spending as an executive leaving his successor a budget See Voting Continued on Page 4

Monsanto: A Company Hell Bent on Profits No Matter What the Cost

It is widely believed that the advent of agriculture gave birth to civilization millennia ago. With a reliable food source people were able to settle rather than roam the lands in search of food. The settlements would eventually increase in population which would pave the way for innovation. This innovation led to the creation of mathematics, markets, infrastructure, and other key components that make up a civilized society. Knowing that a reliable food source is essential for the development of a civilization reveals the gravity of Bilderberg member Henry Kissengers words, Control food and you control the people. Throughout history the world has seen how fascist regimes have used famines to kill millions of people as well as to reinforce the power of the state. With the growing trend of corporations overtly integrating with government, one company in particular, is trying relentlessly to take control of all seeds planted, grown, and harvested across the globe. The largest seed supplier in the world today is the Monsanto Company. Although Monsanto began as a chemical producing company in 1901, today Monsanto is widely known for producing genetically modified crops. The survival of the company was threatened by chemicals produced from the 1930s through the early years of the 1970s that have been documented to be carcinogenic among many other health ailments. During the Vietnam War 200 million gallons of an herbicide were sprayed across the jungle as part of Operation Ranch Hand. Agent Orange, the herbicide used to defoliate forested and rural lands in Vietnam to remove cover for guerillas; also led to 500,000 children born with birth defect and killed or maimed 400,000 as a result of its use. In 2004, victims rights group Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) filed a lawsuit in US District Court in Brooklyn, New York. The case was dismissed in 2005 and again in 2007 and a petition filed by VAVA to have the case heard by the US Supreme Court was denied as well. One of the companies named in the lawsuit by the complainant was the infamous Monsanto Company. Although Monsanto, along with Dow, were found to have not violated international law in the case involving VAVA, another lawsuit was filed on the behalf of Nitro, West Virginia residents living there after 1949. Between 1949 and 1971 in Nitro, Monsanto produced the chemical Agent Orange and was accused of spreading deadly toxins across the city. Monsanto settled by setting up a $90 million fund for screening and treatment of cancercausing dioxins for the residents of Nitro. As part of the settlement Monsanto was found to have done no wrongdoing. In 2002 Monsanto, along with Solutia Inc. were found guilty of polluting the city and awarded $700 million dollars in a lawsuit on behalf of residents of Anniston, Alabama who claims to have suffered from the tragic side-effects of PCBs. Once again the chemical giant Monsanto was involved in the careless and reckless production and waste removal of the coolant fluid known as PCBs. In 2009, the city of New Bedford, Massachusetts filed suit in the Bristol County Superior Court seeking damages for the production of PCBs between 1935 and 1971. During the mid-1970s the effects of PCBs had cast a negative light on the manufacturers of the coolant; especially in 1976 when Congress passed a law banning the production of PCBs. This type of publicity for a publically traded company is never good, so in 1973 Monsanto hired the infant company Bain & Co. to help transform their image from the chemical-polluting giant into a wholesome and caring company. After graduating from Harvard in 1977, our latest flavorof-savior Mitt Romney joined Bain & Co and immediately began to help salvage and repair Monsantos reputation to preserve profits. Having full knowledge of the toxicity of the chemicals produced by Monsanto, Romney advised them to focus on life-science products, todays common weed killer Round Up, and other bio-agricultural products such as genetically modified (GM) crops. It was this approach that ultimately saved the chemical giant only to give rise to company intent on controlling all seeds in the world. In 1983 Monsanto had successfully genetically engineered a tobacco plant resistant to antibiotics by gene splicing. Then in 1987, Monsanto duplicated the results in tomatoes that were resistant to Round Up. This newly developed technology of engineering and creating a crop that is resistant to an herbicide attracted farmers that were constantly losing their fields to weeds. The costsavings from higher yields are what catapulted GM crops into the market; but the science of GM, in its infancy, has not been thoroughly studied until a recent French study revealed the dangers of Monsantos GM corn. Before I touch on the results of the French study and how and why GM crops are approved for sale, allow me to describe the process of genetically modifying a crop species used by Monsanto. To engineer a crop to be resistant to the herbicide Round Up, Monsanto scientist relentlessly searched for some type of life form that would not fall victim to the herbicide. After the restless search, Monsanto scientists discovered a soil bacterium that was resistant to Round Up. The next step to genetically splicing the Round Up resistant bacteria gene into a widely produced crop could not be accomplished without the help of some type of organism that has the ability to invade a cell. One of the greatest cell invaders is a virus and for Monsanto scientists the E. coli virus was the perfect prospect to invade the cell of a crop to implant the soil bacteria resistant to Round Up. See Monsanto Continued on Page 6

The Texas Free Press, formerly known as The Lake & Country Shopper, is an independent publication published monthly. Distributed for free to consumers in Live Oak County, Jim Wells County, San Patricio County, Nueces County, Karnes County, McMullen County, Brazoria County, Liberty County and other Houston area locations as well as in other counties and even out-of-state thanks to visitors who take copies home with them. Mailing Address: 111 Pack Trail, Sandia, Texas, 78383 PHONE HOURS: 9:00 - 5:00, M-F, 361-547-9062 OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY E-mail: Letters: Advertising: Deadline for payments and copy for ads, 20th of month preceding publication for Coastal Bend area advertisers. Payments and ad copy deadline for all other advertisers is the 15th of the month preceding publication. Subscriptions by 1st class mail: $48 per year Copyright: Penny Peavy dba The Lake Country Shopper and dba The Texas Free Press

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 3

Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie. T

hats actually the name of a blockbuster new book published by AMERICAN FREE PRESS (AFP) newspaper in Washington, D.C. and authored by longtime investigative reporter Pat Shannan. Is the author a kook or does he know something we dont? Truth is, most Americans believe that their nightly news is presented without spin by trustworthy reporters solely for the benefit of viewers. But in acuality, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, all of the major mainstream news corporationsABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, Newsweek, USA Today etc etcare owned, operated and funded by a select handful of super-rich families and tightly knit financial interestsa plutocratic elitethat controls 100% of the big media conglomerates in America today. These mainstream news providers censor content so they wont offend advertisers; they omit news that could negatively impact their own profits; and they routinely spin the news the way that U.S. administrations and pressure groups demand that it be spun. But not at AMERICAN FREE PRESS. AMERICAN FREE PRESS is Americas ONLY uncensored national weekly newspaper. We are not beholden to greedy advertisers or big corporate interests. AFP is independently owned by its own employees. No hidden benefactors foreign or domestictell us what to print and what not to print or what subjects we can and cant talk about. And right now AFP has a special offer for you . . . If you purchase Pat Shannans Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie ($25 plus $4 S&H) well send youabsolutely FREE16 weeks of AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper to sample. Thats one big issue a weekcontaining news and commentary you simply cannot get anywhere elsefor FOUR MONTHS at absolutely no cost or commitment from you. (See more about Pats book at right.) Thats FOUR MONTHS of AFPs unique newspaper absolutely FREE with each purchase of Pats book. . . .

Get 16 FREE weeks of


newspaper when you purchase investigative reporter Pat Shannans latest book . . .

Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie

ccording to author Pat Shannan, you simply cant trust our elected officials or the news media to tell the truth. Theres always something they want to hide from the American public. But is EVERYTHING they tell you a lie, carefully crafted for the benefit of the power elite? Pat Shannan would emphatically say yes. The authors first shocker came in college. Of that time he spent in those columned halls of higher education he says: As a lifelong truthseeker, I never returned to the college classroom because much of what I found there was at the very least based upon a lie and sometimes a total fabrication from its outset. The whole education industry is designed not to inspire learning and instill wisdom, but to program young men and women to conform to government regulation and conventional wisdom. For Shannan, no subject is off limits. In the book Pat takes a look at the mainstream cover stories for some of the biggest events of the 20th century, and then provides us with the REAL STORY. Shannan examines these topics and more in the book: the censored history of debt-free money; the unverifiable past of Barack Obama; the real legacy of FDR; George H.W. Bushs connection to the would-be assassin of Ronald Reagan; the forces working with the OKC bombers; LBJs shocking admission to his mistress; how they framed James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswaldand killed Vince Foster; the murder of former football star-turned U.S. soldier Pat Tillman; the inexplicable anomalies in the official RFK assassination investigation and many, many more. Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie (softcover, 275 pages, $25 plus $4 S&H inside the U.S.) is available from AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, #100, Dept. TFP112, Washington, D.C. 20003. Call AFP toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge. Mention you saw the ad in the Texas Free Press and youll get 16 free weeks of AFP. See also

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Slavery in the 21st Century

one another? The Bible says you are to make them become hewers of wood and drawers of water. Menial labor for life. Let them chop cotton, as we might say in Dixie.(1) The type of slavery condemned in the Bible is manstealing kidnapping people and forcing them into bondage against their will. Okay, lets admit it those unfortunate Africans were definitely kidnapped by Muslim slave traders, not Southerners, who sold them to a willing crowd of buyers, chiefly Spanish and then British, and lastly Yankee merchants who built big mansions in Massachusetts and Connecticut on the profits of selling those slaves to individual buyers (both North and South). It was indeed a contemptible trade(2). We should not be ashamed to say so. In fact, thats why the Confederate Constitution banned the importation of slaves from Africa, before there was a War of Northern Aggression. The institution was on the way out. In the meantime, there were plenty of examples of former slaves who earned their own freedom, and ironically, some of them promptly bought slaves of their own! How inspiring to read the true stories, which are never included in our nations text books, about slaves in the South who earned enough money by working on Saturdays (their day off! Did you learn about that in school?), and purchasing their freedom, then plying their trades as free black men in the various Southern states, often as blacksmiths, carpenters, mechanics, wainwrights, coopers, cowboys, etc.(3) All of that is now ancient and white-washed history. But slavery is still alive and well, in spite of the 14th Amendment to the Yankee Constitution. Not only do we have girls kidnapped and sold into sex-slavery (just as contemptible, if not more so), we continue today with the tradition of Volunteer Slavery. In the Old Testament we are told of a way for a man to voluntarily bind himself as a slave, when he could find no way to make a living. He would find a master, and apply for the job! If accepted, the master would register the deed, literally, and mark the man by standing him against a post and driving an awl through his ear a public sign of bondage. (An earring often was worn by slaves as well.) This form of slavery is never condemned it was nothing less than a life-time contract in exchange for room and board, including medical benefits and care for the aged, until death. There is another form of slavery, roundly condemned in the Bible, that of borrowing money: The borrower is a slave to the lender. Economic bondage is condemned over and over, and the moneylender was a reviled profession. Today we practice this institutionalized form of slavery, even though were much more sophisticated in how we go about it. As soon as we come of age, we walk into a lending institution and take out a loan. First its for a credit card, then its for a car, and then its for a house, with a thirty year mortgage. We live our lives in eco-

by Bubba Smith Among the greatest crimes that men can commit is to enslave other men. We all know that. Slavery is condemned by virtually all Americans, indeed, by virtually all people. Why, the greatest crime in America, say all the history books, and reinforced daily by the media, is that once upon a time there was an institution known as Slavery, right here in the USofA. Of course, it was Down South, where that contemptible race known as Southerners had the unmitigated gall to make slaves out of poor, innocent black folks they snatched right out of the jungles of Africa. But we fixed that, didnt we? Yup, we went to war, in a noble crusade, to liberate the slaves. Those history books are full of this kind of propaganda, always ready to skew a fact in order to reinforce the twin messages: (a) slavery is always bad; and (b) the South is always bad. Were always happy to remind them of how bad they are today because their ancestors lived in a land where a few of the people owned slaves. We are amazed, upon further study, to learn that slavery is not always bad. There are several types of slavery, known throughout the history of mankind, and the one I would like to see brought back is one of common sense if a nation invades you (with the obvious intent to enslave the survivors), and if you beat them in that war of defense, then you are to make the invaders serve as your slaves for the rest of their lives. Do you think that might reduce the inclination of nations to invade

nomic bondage, most of us never being free another day in our lives. We pay untold thousands of dollars in interest to the money-lenders, and we often pass on our debts to our children, as they inherit our estates. They call it the American Dream. If you know someone with no debt today, then you know a free man. Chances are, he drives an older car and has a modest lifestyle. But hes free. The practices of a nation are invariably a reflection of the values and practices of a majority of its citizens, and that is why it does not occur to most Americans today that it is wrong for our nation to borrow money in order to get by. Thats because we are, ourselves, a nation of debt-slaves. And yet, this law is inexorable it applies to nations just as surely as it applies to individuals the Borrower is a Slave to the Lender. America the Great is now a nation in bondage to the money-lenders. Sixteen trillion dollars worth of debt that cannot and will not ever be paid back theres not enough money in the world to pay it back! But the money-lenders go right on collecting their interest, and we go right on paying it. Well, we will, up to the point that we cant pay the interest, and then there will be a shifting of the tectonic plates and society will once again be realigned. This is a cycle that happens every two to four hundred years, unless interrupted by war and conquest. Are we so arrogant, or nave, as to think it cannot happen again, and that it cannot happen to us? This nation is no longer capable of being free again, primarily because it doesnt have the will to become free.

(There are other reasons, but they pale in the face of this one.) We are comfortable in our luxurious bondage. After all, our NFL and World Series are so superior to the circuses of Rome, and our sacred political system sure beats the Roman system, where the citizens just kept voting into power the political party that promised them the most bread. Were just so superior to all that. (4) Since most of us are in financial debt, we are in a poor position to condemn the national practice of borrowing money we cannot repay, and of printing money out of thin air perpetuating a fraud that we hope will come back to bite our children, not us. What good parents we call ourselves. You and I can do nothing, not even voting for Republicans, to save this nation from a crushing economic collapse (or worse). We cannot secede (yet), as a State or a Region, although that may come to be a viable option, (but please hold that thought.) But there are things that we CAN do to become more free, as individuals Every time a man withdraws (secedes) from the debt-slavery industry, he makes himself , his family, his community and his nation that much more free. Would you be free? Then do what it takes to get out of debt! Owe no man anything, except love, as the Apostle Paul exhorts us in Romans 13:8. Pay off the credit cards, automobile loans, and the mortgage, whatever it takes. Incur no more debt. Eat beans and rice, and when you get tired of that, eat rice and beans. (5) Do what your great-grandparents did save up wealth, and pay as you go!(6)

Of all the things from which you can secede, right now, this one is the most important one to you and your family. You entered into economic bondage voluntarily, and you can still walk away from it. If you dont start the process, then you may call yourself free all day long, but you are lying to yourself, and you are leaving your children a legacy of slavery. Legal, institutionalized, 21st Century slavery. 2012 Bubba Smith Footnotes: (1) This might also make a practical solution to illegal immigration, but Im getting off the subject now. (2) As contemptible as it was, Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) once made the statement, after fighting in Africa, that he was very grateful that his ancestors were transported to America as slaves, for he surely would not have wanted to live like that! Other well-educated black writers and columnists have made the same observation. (3) Who knows today about the fact that the largest slave owner in South Carolina in 1861 was a black man, who was a former slave? Or that he had a pew at church, downstairs with other wealthy slave owners? Ah, history. (4) Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. (5) Its the Gospel According to Dave Ramsey. (6) (However, with the future of paper money in such jeopardy, please dont store your wealth in that form! If you dont know how to store wealth outside the banking system, then consult with Franklin Sanders on this point. h t t p : / / w w w. t h e m o n e y

Color Advertising Space Available for December Issue. Call Jenell at 361-547-9062

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 4

Current GMO Debate Will Affect Your Health

vNEWS RELEASE By Cheri Tips, Executive Director, National Health Federation October 4, 2012 For any readers who still believe that government agencies are in place to protect your health issues, this news release will be of interest. I previously wrote about the issue of GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling in a May 2012 article , but new evidence has emerged that again solidifies the need to be aware, be an activist, and push for this right to know (genetically modified labeling of foods) in your State and universally. Gearing Up for a Showdown At the moment, millions of dollars (30 million plus) are being amassed by biotech industry giants to defeat Californias Proposition 37 (The CA Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act), to be voted on via a ballot initiative (November 6th, 2012). This voting is historic. If Prop 37 passes, many other States will follow suit and the American consumer will have won not only their grassroots battle against Monsanto and its allies but will rightfully be able to discern at the marketplace whether what they are consuming is GMO laden or not. Monsanto lobbyists are striving to kill Prop 37, as they have previously in more than a dozen U.S. States. Most of Europe (where GMOs are called Frankenfoods) has empathically shunned GMOs and have laws enacted for mandatory labeling regulation. But the U.S. (largest producer of GMOs) has been joined by Australia and New Zealand, among others, in promoting GMO crops without testing for many years. Consumers must understand that government and industry are tied together like Siamese twins when the issue concerns GMOs, with manufacturers having lied about GMO safety for more than fifteen years. Testing & Dangers of GMOs First, you must realize that GMOs are very much in your life already 93% of soybeans, 86% of corn, 93% canola, and 95% sugar beets. Corn and soy are in animal feed and many crops. So, food derived from corn, beans, condiments, yellow squash, papaya, dairy products, some honey, conventional meat, and even clothing from the U.S. contains GMOs, just to name a few. 80% of processed foods at your grocery store contain unlabeled GMOs. At present, in the U.S., you may look for GMO-free labels and hope the producers are truthful. Under current U.S. food labeling laws, GMOs arent required to be disclosed at all. Regulatory agencies side with agribusiness corporations in claiming that GMOs are safe for human consumption even though there has been little pre-market testing, just the required 90-day study performed by the manufacturers. Manufacturers have used their money and power to force GMO agriculture upon American citizens and much of the World. There was one government study on humans and

Everything Is Rigged - Health, Politics, Finance And More - But Here's How To Beat The System
ment. Don't believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government. Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized... just like the processed cow's milk you're (hopefully not) drinking. How do you beat a rigged system? Don't play! With all these systems rigged against you, how do you stand a chance of getting ahead? As every Vegas gambler knows deep down, the only way to beat the house is to not play against the house. Don't play their game, in other words. Instead of sending your children to government-run indoctrination centers known as public schools, home school them. Instead of watching cable news propaganda, turn off the TV and get your news from independent online media like Natural News or one of our fan sites such as Natural News tracker. Instead of being victimized by toxic GMO food, buy organic and avoid the GMOs. Instead of falling for vaccines and prescription drugs, say NO to vaccines and dangerous drugs. Turn to nutrition and superfoods instead! Instead of putting all your savings and investments in the fiat currency known as the dollar, diversify your holdings into precious metals, non-U.S. currencies, farm land and other stores of real value. Instead of voting for the next presidential puppet, simply don't vote for any president! The mere act of voting for a presidential candidate legitimizes the corrupt system. (Yes, it's definitely important to vote for local candidates and ballot measures like Proposition 37 in California.) The point of all this is that you can't beat a rigged system. That's why it's rigged, of course: to make sure you never come out on top. So stop playing in the rigged system! The house always wins, didn't you know? That's how casinos make money, and it's how nearly everything else works, too. Levels of awakening The path to true freedom begins with recognizing just how completely all the systems are rigged against you. Only from there can you withdraw your consent from all the rigged systems that are insidiously working to keep you sick, suppressed, impoverished and ignorant. From there, focus your power and your effort inward, asking self-empowering questions like how can I become better informed and educated? How can I gain new skills? How can I improve my health and set myself free from the medical enslavement system? In time, these questions will transform to more broad questions such as: How can I contribute something meaningful to the world? What can I do to serve in the defense of life and truth? These are levels of awareness / awakening. I describe them like this: Level 0 - "Zombie" This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.) Level 1 - "Awakened" This level is achieved when a person realizes something along the lines of "Hey, I'm living in a dream world. I'm being told lies at every turn. What is real? How can I know what is real?" This is where people start asking questions. Level 2 - "Informed" A level 2 person is someone who has taught themselves a significant amount of real history and the way the world really works. This person will have knowledge of politics, psychology, world history, economics, natural health, the natural world (water, ecosystems, soils, etc.), basic anatomy, basic science and so on. Not even 1% of the population today qualifies as level 2. Most people operate in a state of wild ignorance of the world around them. Recognizes interconnectedness of all life systems. Sees the human life experience in a humorous light. Is able to tap into higher consciousness. Rarely seeks fame and not interested in financial success. Often abandons all material wealth. Remember: The rigged systems in place today want to suppress your rise from Level 0 to Level 4. They wish to keep you as dumbed-down as possible so that you never become fully aware of what's really happening around you. Only by refusing to participate in those systems do you have a real opportunity to move up the levels and achieve the only thing that really matters: Highlevel consciousness. If you'd like to learn more on this subject, check out my related website

it only showed that GMOs sur- Reprinted with permission vived in the stomach. We from Natural Health News Americans are the guinea pigs! From: http://www.naturalA recent two-year study of rats fed low levels of Monsantos GM maize (corn), led by Gilles-Eric Sralini (French molecular biologist), in collaboration with CRIIGEN, a genetic- engineering firm, resulted in rats with large cancerous tumors, liver necrosis, and early death. The testing levels of GM maize (with and without the herbicide Roundup) for the rats were identical to levels permitted in American drinking water and GM crops. Both Roundup and the NK603 maize were approved by the U.S. government, one for human consumption and Roundup for treating plants. Now, the evidence seems clear that both are contributing to many cancers in animals and the human population. So, it should be no surprise then that, recently, the French government sued Monsanto for lying about the safety of Roundup. Other studies support the French-study results. Jack Heinemann (Australian, riskassessment, molecular biologist) studied GM wheat (not yet commercialized) and concluded that permanent liver damage could occur from the enzyme suppressor in the modified wheat. The NHF Supports Proposition 37 Now is the time to stop Monsanto and other agribusinesses from continuing to destroy our food supply and, with it, our health. The CA labeling vote will go directly to the California consumer; and trade-organization lobbyists will not be able to kill this Proposition, not at the polls at least. The court fight later will be another battle yet to come. The National Health Federation has been fighting on U.S. and Canadian soil against GMOs for years and at Codex Alimentarius (World food governing body) for full disclosure to consumers on labels of GMO products. The Federation strongly supports Proposition 37. As a consumer, you can add additional pressure to require mandatory labeling by visiting the NHF homepage for our petition to the FDA Recent Voice of Russia article on GMO foods, including an interview with NHF President, Scott Tips _01/The-hidden-cost-of-GMfoods/ Cheri Tips has served as the National Health Federation Executive Director since 2003. by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of I've been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged... the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong's cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we're now finding out. But what do I mean by "rigged" specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential. Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life. The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as "quantitative easing." The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining. The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters). The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere. The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN's broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon's website at: The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted. "Science" is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind "science" today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients. Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions. Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really "own" your land. Instead, you lease it from the govern-

******************** Will You Be Health Freedom's Next Hero? ******************** National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health Federation is a consumer-education, healthfreedom organization working to protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions. The NHF is the only such organization with recognized observer-delegate status at Codex meetings.

Vote November 6

Learn more: Level 3 - "Mastery" A level 3 person not only un- derstands a great deal about the ml#ixzz292OTO0g4 real world around them, they have also grasped ways to navigate through that world with Voting great accomplishment and inContinued from Page 2 fluence. They are innovators, creators and often communicators. Financial achievement is in the black. not the purpose here. Rather, it Most of the conservative is achieving relevance in a pundits are yelling Pull the world largely populated by ut- lever for an entirely Republiterly irrelevant people. can vote! I cannot say that is the wrong thing to do. I will Level 4 - "Enlightenment" This level is only achieved not say that not voting at all is by those of the highest dedica- the right thing to do, nor will I tion to spiritual awakening. say that voting for Gary JohnYou would typically only find son is the right thing to do. All this level of understanding in I am really trying to say is that people who pursue a lifetime your vote or non-vote does inpractice of prayer, or transcendeed count. Myself, I would dental meditation, or a similar spiritual practice. At this level rather have anyone for Presiof awareness, individuals be- dent than Barack Hussein come withdrawn from the ma- Obama, no matter how bad he terial world and really have no may be, because BHO is ininterest in interacting with in- deed the worst President we dividuals of lower levels of have ever had in the history of awareness. Far less than one in America and will lead this a million human beings will ever achieve level 4 "Enlight- country further into tyranny and oppression and completely enment." and quickly cause the economy Just to review these levels to collapse so that we can all again, here are some of the become slaves of the globalist keywords and concepts that New World Order in which we typically relate to people of will al live in poverty so that each level: some dumb cluck in Africa or Level 0 - "Zombie" - Foot- India can have a heated henball, sports scores, TV sitcoms, house. One thing is for sure, and processed junk food, vaccinations, playing the lotto, follow- that is that the most important ing doctors' orders, submitting votes you can make in this to apparent authority, going election are for your local ofalong with the status quo. fices - county sheriff, county Level 1 - "Awakened" - Asks commissioners, justice of the questions. Reads ingredients peace, and then Texas state on foods. Questions their doc- representatives and senators tor. Watches documentaries in- Unfortunately, if is very hard to stead of sports. Attempts to even find out who is running assess information and think locally and what they stand for. rationally. Questions false auOn the date I am writing this, I thority. do not know who is on the balLevel 2 - "Informed" - Reads lot for my local elections. I books. Explores alternative in- called the district clerks office formation. Invests in self-edu- two days ago, asking if I could cation. Participates in activism. receive at least a sample ballot Seeks to make changes in the by email. Her response was world around them. Speaks out that she couldnt send it by with friends. Challenges peoemail. (She doesnt know ple's beliefs. Reflects on their own beliefs and is capable of how? Doesnt have access to a computer or internet service? adaptation. What???) She said she would Level 3 - "Mastery" - Has put it in the mail. So, I will great influence. Creates things. probably not receive it until a Innovates. Provides solutions. couple of days before the elecInvents new things. No televition. Then I need to visit the sion. No vaccines. No junk websites of the local candifood. Has a very long-term perspective. Understands the "big dates to see how they think on picture." Seeks to help others. various issues, and I would be Has compassion for living willing to bet a real silver dolthings. Recognizes the web of lar that 90% of them dont life on our planet. even have a website. The candidates are just expecting the Level 4 - "Enlightenment" people who recognize their Realizes the great illusion of life. Embraces immortality of name to vote for them or the consciousness and the human people in their area to pull the spirit. Expresses compassion lever for a straight ticket of eifor others but not intervention. ther Demopublican or RepublNever seeks to "change" oth- icrat candidates. ers, only to invite them to expand their awareness.

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 5 posits in the arteries of rabbits by feeding them cholesterol. By mid-century 22 countries were keeping records on fat consumption and deaths from CHD. A University of Minnesota public health researcher, Ancel Keys (19042004), picked 6 countries (later 7) that showed an almost straight-line correlation between calories from fat in the diet and deaths from heart disease. Japan had the lowest CHD mortality less than 1 in 1,000 with the Japanese diet having only 10 percent of its calories coming from fat, whereas the U.S. had the highest CHD mortality 7 in 1000 with 40 percent of its calories coming from fat. Government-funded investigators (in 1948) started following some 5,000 men and women in Framingham, Massachusetts to see who developed coronary heart disease. They found that people with elevated cholesterol were more likely to be diagnosed with CHD and die from it. The American Heart Association (in 1956) began promoting the Prudent Diet, where corn oil, margarine, chicken, and cold cereal replaced butter, lard, beef, and eggs, as Mary Enig and Sally Fallon describe it in The Oiling of America, available HERE. By the 1970s the diet-heart idea, known as the lipid hypothesis, had become well established. It contends that 1) saturated fats raise cholesterol blood levels, and 2) cholesterol causes CHD. Next, after several years of hearings, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, chaired by Senator George McGovern, released (in 1977) its Dietary Goals for the United States, designed to reduce fat intake and avoid cholesterol-rich foods. These goals have become official government policy. Artery clogging saturated fats, whose strings of carbon atoms are fully saturated with hydrogen atoms, were said to be especially bad. Animal fat (meat, milk, eggs, butter and cheese) and tropical oils (coconut and palm oil) contain saturated fats. Health authorities advised the American public to avoid them and replace saturated fats with carbohydrates and processed polyunsaturated vegetable oils soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, peanut, safflower, and sunflower oils. In 1984, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a consumer advocacy group, joined the fray and started to coerce fast-food restaurants and food companies to stop frying food with animal fats and tropical oils. McDonalds fried its French fries with beef fat and palm oil. That's why they tasted so good. But CSPI's well-orchestrated saturated frying fat attack forced McDonalds and other fast-food chains to switch to partially hydrogenated (transfat) vegetable oil. In 1992, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published its Food Guide Pyramid. The pyramid arranges food in various groups and stacks them in pyramidal parts that convey the message, Fat is bad and Carbs are good. Fats and oils are placed in the small top portion of the pyramid and labeled Use sparingly. Carbohydrate-rich bread, cereal, rice, and pasta fill up the bottom space to be consumed in abundant amounts, 611 servings a day. Further up, fruit, also high in carbohydrates, is accorded 24 servings; whereas the group that includes meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts is allowed only 23 servings. The 60-year reign of the lowfat, high-carbohydrate diet will end. This will happen when the health-destroying effects of excess carbohydrates in the diet become more widely recognized and the health benefits of saturated fats are better appreciated. Life imitates art, Oscar Wilde said, far more than art

Dr. Quack
A health opinion column by Jenell Redding, DCM, (P)ND The information or opinions provided herein should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

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About two and a half years ago, I was a hog. At 51 tall, I weighed about 260 lbs. I dont know the exact amount because fat ladies never step on the scales unless forced to do so by a doctor. Fat ladies also never walk fast or run because their hips, knees and feet hurt from bearing all that weight, so I never exercised unless you count waddling from the couch to the kitchen. I came upon the following article which supports the way I eat now. Although I consume even fewer carbohydrates than suggested herein and probably a little more high quality protein, in the past two and half years, I have lost more than 90 pounds. Although no longer obese, I have only about 24 more pounds to go be at a healthy weight, and I am never hungry and have no cravings for all the food-like products that made me a fat lady in the first place. My weakness was grain products of any kind, breads, pastries, corn flakes, you name it. Do not think for one minute that you are too old to change your ways. I was 70 when I began this new lifestyle. I am very active now, spending at least an hour each day with my gardening and yard care. I went from size 22 jeans to size 14.

Statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

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Avoid the Rush... Order your Holiday Hams Now! imitates life. In Woody Allen's film Sleeper, saturated fats are health foods. Miles Monroe, part owner of the Happy Carrot Health Food Restaurant in Greenwich Village, is cryogenically frozen in 1973 after a botched peptic ulcer operation (done at the now closed St. Vincent's Hospital there). Scientists wake him up 200 years later and have this exchange. Dr. Aragon: Has he asked for anything special? Dr. Melik: Yes. This morning for breakfast he requested something called wheat germ, organic honey, and tiger's milk. Dr. Aragon: Oh yes. Those were the charmed substances that some years ago were felt to contain life-preserving properties. Dr. Melik: You mean there was no deep fat? No steak or cream pies or hot fudge? Dr. Aragon: Those were thought to be unhealthy, precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true. Dr. Melik: Incredible! "(You can see this scene in the movie on YouTube, available HERE.)" There is good reason to believe that this will prove to be the case in life as well. Saturated fats play many important biologic roles. They are an integral component of cell membranes, which are 50 percent saturated fat. Lung surfactant is composed entirely, when available, of one particular saturated fat, 16-carbon palmitic acid. Properly made with this fat, it prevents asthma and other breathing disorders. For nourishment, heart muscle cells prefer saturated long-chain palmitic and 18-carbon stearic acid over carbohydrates. Saturated fats are required for bone to assimilate calcium effectively. They help the liver clear out fat and provide protection from the adverse effects of alcohol and medications like acetaminophen. Medium-chain saturated fats in butter and coconut oil, 12-carbon lauric acid and 14-carbon myristic acid, play an important role in the immune system. They stabilize proteins that enable white blood cells to more effectively recognize and destroy invading viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and also fight tumors. Saturated fatty acids function as signaling messengers for hormone production, including insulin. And saturated fats signal satiety. Not surprisingly, given all these biological functions, saturated fats make up 54 percent of the fat in mother's breast milk (monounsaturated fats are 39 percent; and polyunsaturated fats, a tiny 3 percent). Evidence against fat wilts upon close scrutiny. In his Six Country Study, Ancel Keys ignored data available from 16 other countries that did not fall in line with his graph. The results would have been a clutter of dots all over the place if he had included all 22 countries. In Norway and Holland, people eat a lot of fat but have relatively few deaths from heart disease; and in Chile, where people don't eat much fat they have a high incidence of fatal heart attacks. In an entertaining 2 minutes, Big Fat Lies on YouTube (available HERE) exposes the fraudulent science supporting this widely cited study. Saturated fat may raise cholesterol somewhat, but primarily HDL cholesterol. The ongoing Framingham Heart Study has come to show that fat and cholesterol are, if anything, healthy. A 30-year follow-up reported that for each 1% mg/dl drop in cholesterol there was an 11 percent increase in all-cause mortality (JAMA 1987;257:217680). In another report, one director of the Framingham Study states, We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active (Arch Int Med 1992;152:12712). Moreover, the government-issued Dietary Goals for the United States did not seek evidence to justify them. For an amusing but disturbing overview of the politics behind these goals see the (2-minute) video The McGovern Report on YouTube, available HERE. Along with other investigators (see HERE and HERE and HERE), Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D., a Swedish cardiologist, explains in a clear and concise fashion why the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease is wrong. In Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You: What Really Causes Heart Disease (2009), he refutes the lipid hypothesis and addresses the economic and political factors that drive the anti-saturated-fat agenda. An epidemic of obesity has accompanied the adoption of a low-fat diet. In 1900 only 1 in 150 people were obese, 0.7 percent of the population. By 1950, 9.7 percent of Americans were obese. Now twothirds of Americans are either overweight (33 percent) or

Health Benefits of a LowCarbohydrate, High-SaturatedFat Diet

by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD A hundred years ago, before Americans changed their diet and the calamitous events of the 20th century began, heart disease was far less common that it is now. Few Americans were overweight, and coronary heart disease was not yet recognized as an illness. Pneumonia, diarrhea and enteritis, and tuberculosis were the three most common causes of death, whereas coronary heart disease is now the most common cause of death in the United States. The medical subspecialty of cardiology was created in 1940. Since then the number of cardiologists in the U.S. has grown from 500 in 1950 to 30,000 now a 60fold increase. In 1911 Procter and Gamble (P&G) introduced Crisco, used for making candles and soap, as a new kind of food. Sold as an all-vegetable shortening, the company advertised that it was a healthier alternative to cooking with animal fats. Rather than use animal fats like lard (pork fat), tallow (beef and lamb fat), and butter for baking and cooking food, which Americans then did, P&G mounted a campaign to convince them to use Crisco instead. The company published a free cookbook with 615 recipes (from pound cake to lobster bisque), all of which required Crisco. They made it by using a newly invented process that insufflates hydrogen into vegetable oil (in this case, cottonseed oil), which gives it a solid texture resembling lard, and with yellow bleach, mimics butter. (The name Crisco is derived from CRYStalized Cottonseed Oil.) Trans fats were born. With Crisco successfully marketed as a food, this partially hydrogenated, unnatural vegetableoil began to replace natural saturated animal fats and tropical oils in the American diet. (For more on how Procter and Gamble successfully demonized lard, see HERE.) While deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) began to mount, researchers found that they could produce fatty de-

obese (32 percent). The average American weighs 30 pounds more today than he or she did 100 years ago. In 1900 people ate more animal fat and were not exposed to high amounts of carbohydrates in sugar-rich sodas and fruit juices, and to a whole panoply of processed foods sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. Mary Enig, Ph.D. and Sally Fallon have written a book that can help Americans shed those extra pounds. Returning to the type of diet trim Americans had at the beginning of the last century, it is appropriately titled Eat Fat Lose Fat: Lose Weight and Feel Great with Three Delicious, ScienceBased Coconut Diets (2005). Saturated fats work best for losing weight. In a randomized, double-blind trial comparing the effects of coconut oil and polyunsaturated vegetable (soybean) oil in women with abdominal obesity, women who consumed coconut oil had a significant reduction in waist circumference (with no change in cholesterol levels). Women taking vegetable oil had no change in their waist size and had a statistically significant increase in LDL cholesterol and reduction in HDL cholesterol (Lipids 2009;44:596601). In light of scientifically done studies like this, the reader might consider starting the day by drinking one ounce (30 ml) of warmedup, liquid extra virgin coconut oil mixed with a little fruit juice, especially if overweight. I do (and obtain it HERE). Americans have replaced saturated fat in their diet with processed polyunsaturated vegetable oils and carbohydrates. The Average American drinks 600 cans (56 gallons) of soft drinks a year (up from 216 cans in 1971). One-third of our dietary sugar comes from sodas, which has become the number one source of calories. Each 12-ounce can contains 10 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Barry Groves, Ph.D. focuses on the untoward consequences of adopting a high-carbohydrate, high-polyunsaturated vegetable oil, low-saturated fat diet in Trick and Treat: how healthy eating is making us ill (2008). As he shows, citing 1,147 references, there is now good evidence that this diet is a major cause of the epidemic of obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and various mental problems (such as depression and senile dementia) that afflict an increasing number of Americans. In the body, dietary carbohydrates, sugars and starch, are converted to glucose, which indirectly directs the pancreas to release insulin into the blood. Insulin not only transports glucose into the cells, it stores glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles. It is also the primary fat-building enzyme, converting glucose to fat. When the liver and muscles are filled with glycogen, insulin turns excess glucose into body fat. Carbohydrates are the primary cause of weight gain, not fats. (Animals raised for food are fattened with carbohydrates.) One of the major health benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet is weight loss. It enables one to lose excess weight without having to consciously restrict calories (Ann Int Med 2004;140:769777). A lowcarb diet lowers blood glucose in diabetics (Diabetes 2004;53:23752382). It improves insulin sensitivity (N Engl J Med 2003;348:2074 81). Indeed, carbohydrate restriction (with fat replacing carbohydrates) is on the way to becoming the preferred method for treating type-2 diabetes and its precursor, metabolic syndrome (Scand Cardiovasc J 2008;42:256 263). Restricting carbohydrates can also lower blood pressure (JAMA 2004;292:248222490). With growing evidence that fewer carbohydrates in the diet improves health, the much-maligned Atkins diet, first introduced in 1972, has gained new

respect (N Engl J Med 2008;359:22941). Joel Kaufmann, Ph.D. reviews 12 lowcarbohydrate diet books, beginning with Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (2002), available HERE. Indoctrinated in low-fat dogma by nutrition authorities, government agencies, and the American Heart Association, I used to advise my heart surgery patients to restrict the amount of saturated fat in their diet and not have more than one egg a week. (My Cousin Sally had eggs and bacon for breakfast most days of her life and lived in good estate to the age of 103, which I then attributed to her having very good genes.) Following the USDA food pyramid, I did not voice any concerns about how many carbohydrates they consumed, from starch in bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes and sugar in fruit, pastry, fruit juices, and soda. Not now. Now I caution them to watch their carbohydrate intake and advise that they follow a diet like the one Christian Allan, Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz, M.D. recommend in the Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life (2000). Their diet limits carbohydrate intake to 72 grams a day, which is equivalent to 6 slices of bread (somewhat more than the Atkins diet). I urge them to eliminate soft drinks from their diet, including diet sodas, which contain health-damaging aspartame, and drink filtered water instead; to avoid baked goods and condiments that contain high-fructose corn syrup; to stay away from the excitotoxin monosodium glutamate (MSG) used in some restaurants and to enhance the flavor of processed foods; and to scrupulously avoid trans fats, which cause cancer, trigger type-2 diabetes, interfere with immune function, and cause heart disease. But they can eat as many eggs as they please. For optimum health and weight maintenance, the ideal caloric ratios for the three macronutrients are carbohydrates, 1015 percent; protein, 1525 percent; and fat, 6070 percent of calories. Among the different kinds of fats, saturated fats and monounsaturated fats (olive oil) are good; polyunsaturated fats, except for omega-3 and (a small amount of) omega-6 essential fatty acids, are bad, especially industrially processed vegetable oils; and trans fats are terrible. Saturated animal fat is best obtained from grassfed beef and pastured chickens, along with nitrate-free, additive-free bacon and sausage; and seafood from wild (not farm-raised) fish. In Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) George Orwell writes, Orthodoxy means not thinking, not needing to think. Reading the four books referenced above will make one think and question the accepted view that saturated fats and cholesterol cause coronary heart disease and that a low-fat (high-carb) diet prevents it. What the two doctors in Woody Allen's 1973 comedy Sleeper say in 2173 about saturated fats is true. Life does imitate art. Today, Uffe Ravnskov, Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, and Barry Groves, among others are already confirming the truth of these futuristic doctors' statement. Saturated fats are good for us, and pure butter will once again be viewed as the number-one health food. -------------------------Donald Miller is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He is a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness and writes articles on a variety of subjects for His web site is Copyright 2010 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

November 2012 Monsanto Continued from Page 2 incognito due to patents held by Monsanto. An article in a French periodical exposed the fact that researcher had to ban all phone conversations and use encrypted emails. The irony of Monsantos enforcing of patent law is quite compelling. To gain approval for sale, Monsanto claims that their GM crops should be classified as GRAS to avoid regulation; yet Monsanto ruthlessly claims that their product is unique, hence the need for a patent. How can a company claim that their product is the same as other products in the market and claim that their product is a one-of-a-kind? Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, a General Electric scientist filed for a patent for an oil-consuming organism in the 1970s. Initially the patent request was denied due to fact that the patent office profusely refused the granting of patents over life; however Chakrabarty challenged the denial all the way to the Supreme Court and in 1971 the Supreme Court ruled that a patent could be granted for Chakrabarty. The Chakrabarty victory opened the door for companies such as Monsanto to eventually patent the majority of crops grown today. According to Monsantos website, when a farmer agrees to purchase any patented seed they also agree to not save and replant the seed for the following season. If the farmer wishes to use the patented seed they must purchase it again. Under this agreement a farmer basically becomes enslaved to the company by either having to continuously buy seed patented seed because if they save and replant the seed the farmer has violated the license agreement. In April of 2012 a Brazilian court ruled in favor of five million farmers that sued Monsanto for taxes collected on crops. Monsanto had vigorously collected royalties on the farmers who saved and replanted their GM soybean. After a ban of GM crops was lifted in Brazil, Monsanto GM soybean flooded the country and today 85% of the soybean crop is Monsantos patented seed. The taxes drove many farmers to bankruptcy and many others to suicide. The ruling of the Brazilian court ordered the company to pay back at least two billion dollars with the reimbursements potentially totaling $7.5 billion. You would think that those farmers that do not wish to buy Monsanto seed because they have developed their own seed over years of harvesting and saving the best seeds should not have to worry about patent law. That could not be further from the truth. When nature takes it course, what one farmer plants in his field may end up in a field of a neighboring farmer and this is how Monsanto has devastated small farms across the globe by claiming patent infringement. Monsanto claims that all investigations concerning patent infringement begin when they receive word from an honest farmer who suspects that one farmer is using their GM seed without a license. During the investigation and after finding Monsantos patented seed in the suspected the fields, Monsanto files suit against the farmer for patent infringement. The financial burden of litigation against the behemoth company typically pushes the farmer to settle rather than fight. As a part of the settlement the farmer may never speak of the details of the settlement. From that point See Monsanto Continuedon Page7

The Texas Free Press -6

Brazosport Area Businesses

Lilly Debra Sugar Ginger Bea Annabel

Once the Round Up resistant gene was isolated from the soil bacteria and spliced with the invading gene of the E. coli virus, the great scientific minds at Monsanto decided to splice another gene from bacteria that causes tumors in plants into the soil bacteria resistant gene and the E. coli virus. Knowing that the tumorous causing gene would weaken the plant cells, Monsanto used the bacteria to invade the cells of corn to implant the genetically designed genes into the DNA of the corn to survive the use of Round Up. Now farmers could kill the weeds invading their fields without fear of killing precious crops. This approach, which on the surface is a money and labor saver for the average American farmer is what has attracted farmers across the nation to the GM crops offered by Monsanto. In 1992 Vice President Dan Quayle chaired the Council on Competitiveness which recommended to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that GM crops be given GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status. The FDA adamantly rejected the status; however, FDAs Deputy Commissioner on Policy Michael Taylor approved of regulation classifying GM foods as GRAS which allowed GM crops to enter the market. Taylor, a former lawyer for King & Spalding, was Monsantos senior counsel while with the firm. Monsanto is notorious for having former employees, lawyers, and scientists in important positions in government. Positions held by former Monsanto employees range from Secretary of Commerce to the Secretary of Defense. Just to name a few: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas-former Monsanto lawyer, Linda Fisher former executive vice president of Monsanto-Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Anne Veneman board of directors for Calgene, a company purchased by Monsanto-Secretary of Agriculture, Micky Kantor board of directors for Monsanto-Secretary of Commerce, and Donald Rumsfield former president of Searle, another company bought by Monsanto and maker of aspartame-Secretary of Defense. The list goes on and on and the revolving door of former employees of major corporations in government positions will continue to serve the shareholders rather than the People unless they can be exposed. As well as having cronies in bureaucratic positions, Monsanto has been able to skew the results of studies required for submission for approval from the FDA. Until the French study on Monsantos GM crops, the GM crops were only studied for a minimum of ninety days in lab rats. These types of studies revealed no findings of health ailments in lab animals, allowing for their approval. However, on September 19, 2012 in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, French scientist released the results of their study. The study, which covered two years rather than ninety days, showed kidney and liver damage, mammary tumors, and other serious health impediments. I will not go into the details of the study since my colleague Jenell Redding (Dr. Quack) reprinted a lengthy article by Dr. Mercola in the Octobers issue of The Texas Free Press. Please refer to last months issue for further details. The study performed by the French scientist had to be done

The Texas Country Chef

by Penny Peavy

up around the sides of the pan to help them somewhat disintegrate into a more sauce-like consistency. To Remove The Seeds: Aftersimmering these for an hour or so, I used an old-fashioned hand-cranked sieve like our mothers and grandmothers used to make applesauce, and dumped a couple of ladles of the beautiful sauce, cranking it to remove the seeds and any skins left on the pears. The result at this time was a smooth, rich, beautiful puree of prickly pear fruit. To Prepare For Serving: Many people make jam from the pears, but since I do not consume sugar, I do not do that. The first time I harvested these little beauties, I added a bit of stevia as a sweetener and boiled the sauce down some more to serve as a sauce with grilled chicken. The next time I made it, I did not really have enough pears to justify making much sauce, so I mixed one-to-one cups of the prickly pear sauce with fresh/frozen cranberries and a little more sweetener. This was an amazing sauce. The third time I made it, I added a small amount of finely shredded onion and a small amount of chopped cilantro. Each time, it was better and better. One of the best parts about eating prickly pear fruits is the health benefits. It allegedly is full of vitamin C, aids in heart health, is full of fiber, low in calories and carbohydrates and is presumed to be an antioxidant to boot. The green paddles of the plant are also edible, as most south Texans know. Pick the fresh younger paddles in the spring, and again, use a torch to remove the needles. I am not personally a fan of nopales, but many people are, and there are many recipes on the internet for preparing these as well as for such delecacies as prickly pear vinegrette. So, now you have something else in your arsenal of good foods to eat for free!

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Prickly Pear Goodies

Several years ago when we had a really good harvest of prickly pears in my neighborhood, I decided to learn to eat these. All parts of the plants are edible. I was mostly interested in the luscious red fruits. Although I am sure that many Texans have different ways of harvesting them and getting the stickers off, heres how I did it with excellent results. To Harvest:


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Being a sissy when it comes to snakes, I picked out plants that were close to the road, usually on the county right-ofway. I took a large woven basket and a machete. I would place the basket on the ground under the part of the plant that had nice ripe pears and knock the pears off or whacked them with the machete. This way, I never had to actually touch the plants with its stickers. Once I had a basket full, I took them home and, with a bamboo skewer I poked as many pears as I could on a skewer, usually about six to eight at a time. Then, using a small, hand-held butane torch, I burned the stickers off. Once I had burned the stickers off, I dropped them in a large stew pan. I repeated this process untill all my pears were relieved of their stickers. To Cook:

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Next, I rinsed the pears and brought them to a boil in the stew pan. While they were cooking I took a large spoon and sort of smashed the pears

Wake up Suggested Reading List

Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand The Creature From Jekyll Isand by G. Edward Griffin The Revolution by Ron Paul Its Good to be King, by Michael Badnarik The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Wake up Suggested Internet Links It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom by Andrew P. Napolitano [keep in mind that when Obama uses the word invest, he actually means government spendLies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and ing.] Deception in American History by Andrew Napolitano the Fed, by Ron Paul County Sheriff, Americas Last Hope by Sheriff Richard Mack The Road to Serfdom Friedrich A. Hayek ence/1 [This is Henry David Thoreaus treatise on Civil Disobedience] http:/www./lew

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.
--Thomas Jefferson Rothschild.htm lticulturalism_A_Tool_of_Collectivism.shtml

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 7


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Monsanto Continued from Page 6 on the farmer is forced to buy the patented seed. Even seed cleaners must face Monsantos lawyers by claiming that they help farmers clean and save the GM seed without a license. Once again the financial burden causes the seed cleaner to admit to patent infringement and pay Monsanto damages. There is no way to contain the GM crop outside of a laboratory. Once a field is seeded with the genetically modified corn, soybean, cotton, sorghum, wheat, or any other crop, it is only a matter of time before the gene spreads and infects other non GM fields. Once the patented gene is found the Monsanto lawyers scramble to break the farmer who used their seed without permission. Today more than 80% of corn and over 90% of soybean in the US is genetically modified. Cotton that is genetically engineered also dominates the cotton market. Cotton oil is commonly used in many highly processed foods. The stratagem used by Monsanto to reap enormous profits has devastated mankind. From those affected by Agent Orange and PCBs to the farmers who end up bankrupt to the anticipated devastation of a lifetime of consuming genetically modified foods; Monsanto seems to have no regard for anyone who is not a shareholder. We have seen the lengths Monsanto will go to turn a profit and dominate the food market. Since food is the cornerstone of society and Monsanto wishes to, and is well on its way, to controlling all the seeds; it is incumbent upon us to take control of our food if wish to avoid the tentacles of Monsanto. We can no longer allow a chemical giant to produce foods based on an infant science which was approved by Monsanto connected bureaucrats that is used to enforce patent law forcing unwilling farmers to purchase seeds used to produce foods commonly consumed today.

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I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.
--Andrew Jackson

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November 2012

The Texas Free Press -8

Its Your Life, Your Money and Your FREEDOM

by V J Alford can still do this. Now I feel that the purchasing of durable goods of a high quality is more important. Use a small brown envelope (2 1/4" X 3 ") to save money in towards your goals and write on each one the Goal number and what the name is for that goal. A simple way to know how much you need to put in the envelope is to take your estimated cost of that item divided by twelve and then you know you would need X amount each month for that envelope. Take out the correct amount for each of your paydays. If you are paid weekly that will be four times for most months. As soon as you get to make that purchase you are on you way to meeting all your goals. You say wait what I want costs a lot more, how in the world can I save it up in one year? Well, what you do is carry that goal over to the next year and keep on until you do have enough to make the purchase. Each year during December make your next year goal and mark off where you are at and add any new ones. You will make it and by your third year you will look at your previous goal lists and can say Holy Poly look at what we have already done. Be sure you and yours are all on the same page with this program. May the best be out there for all of us. We can make it. sions about. This is the most important step. It will let you get to where you want to be like you did when you learned to walk. Really simple, so go ahead and just do this. Sure I know you have may have read somewhere about something kinda like this. Oh! This works. I do this every year. It doesnt matter how much money you earn, just that you have written down where you want to be at the end of each year. Some years you will have carry-overs and that is great just keep writing down what you want in order to get to where you are going. Draw a line under your header. Then write My Goals Beginning in the Year 2013 and draw a line under that header. Now draw a line down the middle of the page and you may be continuing to several more pages with a line drawn down the middle. But right now we are all on the same first page. List everything you and your other better half actually want. It can be serious or silly. After making this list, go to another page and list those things and estimate the cost and write it down. Then go over these things and prioritize them by which you believe is most important to you. Just put a number 01 by the most important and continue until all have a number. At one time I said to pull 25 percent of your take home pay for savings, you

Welcome to all our new readers and for those who have missed me I will be writing off and on again for The Texas Free Press. I am really very happy about writing this article. You need this information about GOALS. So I will start with baby steps. This one is where you are pulling up and holding on as long as you can. You have a goal to walk, and the sooner the better. Now I will give you some knowledge as to how you can do the same thing for you and your family and loved ones. First you must have a pen and a yellow legal pad (you may need more than one). As a header I want you to write the following down on that first page. Year 2013 AD Goals, 01. Make Goal for 20 Years, 02. Define each small GOAL to be able to reach my 20 year Goal, 03. GOAL for financial Security, 04. GOAL for material Success, 05. GOAL for Social Happiness, 06. GOAL for Spiritual revelations, 07. GOAL for Personal Life, 08. GOAL for Business Security. To reach these aforementioned goals I must commit to writing, a believable by me 90 day projects goal and work for these goals each day - remembering should these goals ever conflict, I will adjust, reassess and redefine so that I will achieve my lifes goal which can be ever changing. Now you have eight areas to look at and start to make deci-

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Reprinted with permission

his defeat and status as an "unviable candidate" presented to Monday, 15 October 2012 the public by the media. 15:34 Written by Chris Streeper All of the above holds true for Texas. I see many statistics and y e s - w e - c a n - l i n e - i n - t h e - hear many voices proclaiming sandEverywhere I turn lately it support for secession and a seems like I'm hearing the Free & Independent Republic words "CAN'T" and "WON'T." of Texas, yet everywhere I turn Sometimes it's people saying Texans are unwilling to comthat Texas "can't" secede, or if mit to that belief citing Texas they do it "won't work." Some- v. White, or saying "yeah, that times its people talking about worked out so well last time" the upcoming presidential elec- or even worrying about the tion saying that they "won't" possibilities of US economic waste their vote on third party sanctions or military action. candidate Gary Johnson be- These people have already cause he "can't" win. Every- committed to failure. where I turn it seems like I'm presented with an excuse and Many others are concerned reason about why things aren't with things and policies which getting done. will affect a future independent Texas, and rightfully so, howThese same people are the ones ever there is a time and a place who will not take action to to decide those things. Many solve their problem. It seems Texans tend to forget that durlike it's always worse for some- ing the time between the signone else, or that someone else ing of the Texas Declaration of out there can fix it. Here is the Independence from Mexico simple truth; locking yourself and Sam Houston taking the into a "can't" and "won't" atti- reigns as the first President of tude will never enable you to the Republic of Texas that we achieve a positive result. Re- had in place an interim govmember the old adage "if ernment. This interim governeveryone else jumped off a ment was lead by interim bridge...?" Letting others tell President David G. Burnett you what to do or what to be- and Vice-President Lorenzo de lieve is very similar to that Zavala, and although short story. lived, was charged with completing the revolution against In 1492 conventional wisdom Mexico and getting Texas up said that the world was flat. and on its feet as a nation. Today we know that to be a Imagine where Texas would be very inaccurate statement be- today if these men failed to cause Columbus dared to stand commit to action. Today we alup and challenge popular cul- ready have many things in ture. The same could be said place which we can start off about anything else, for in- with such as a Constitution and stance the upcoming presiden- a modern Texas will not face tial election. Libertarian the same challenges as did our candidate Gary Johnson is on 1836 colonial counterpart. the ballot in 47 states, and could easily defeat incumbent The primary objective of the President Obama and Governor Texas Nationalist Movement is Romney in both the popular not to re-create a microcosm of vote & Electoral College, had the United States within the the people not already accepted borders of our state; it is the in-

dependence of Texas. It is not harmony within the Union or a return to the proper system of Federalism. It is not to return the Federal Government... It does not involve the Federal Government in any shape form or fashion... It is to restore the Republic of Texas to its rightful status as an independent nation-state, guaranteeing the individual rights of every Texan, and achieve our place as a nation among nations. If we are to be successful in seeing Texas once again raise its head among the nations and achieving a Free & Independent Republic of Texas, then we must not continue to shoot ourselves in the foot by telling ourselves we "can't" or won't." If you have not yet done so, I would encourage you to obtain and read a copy of Daniel Miller's book Line in the Sand. Inside it the reader will find that many factual answers are available to just about every excuse one could throw against the case for Texas independence. You can find it available for free download at The time for Texas is now. We must refuse to accept what we are told that we cannot do or achieve. We must not accept defeat before we have even begun to fight. It is time that each of us draws our own line in the sand, just like Travis did at the Alamo, and take a stand. It is time we start telling ourselves, "Yes, we can secede!" With honor & for Texas, Chris Streeper, TNM Director of Organizational Development Galveston County Organizer

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Novemberr 2012

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Every friend of freedom must be as revolted as I am by the prospect of turning the United States into an armed camp, by the vision of jails filled with casual drug users and of an army of enforcers empowered to invade the liberty of citizens on slight evidence.
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Aesops Fables The Kites and the Swans

TEE KITES of olden times, as well as the Swans, had the privilege of song. But having heard the neigh of the horse, they were so enchanted with the sound, that they tried to imitate it; and, in trying to neigh, they forgot how to sing. Moral: The desire for imaginary benefits often involves the loss of present blessings.

Lord of the Beasts. But soon the Lion seemed to recover, and came to the mouth of his cave, and saw the Fox, who had been waiting outside for some time.

have already come to you; and while I see many hoof-marks going in, I see none coming out. Till the animals that have entered your cave come out again I prefer to remain in the open air."

"Why do you not come to pay your respects to me?" said the Lion to the Fox. Moral: It is easier to get into the enemy's toils than out "I beg your Majesty's pardon," again. said the Fox, "but I noticed the track of the animals that

Sudoku Puzzle
Fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9, without repeating any numbers.

The Lion, the Fox and the Beasts

The Lion once gave out that he was sick unto death and summoned the animals to come and hear his last Will and Testament. So the Goat came to the Lion's cave, and stopped there listening for a long time. Then a Sheep went in, and before she came out a Calf came up to receive the last wishes of the

Western Auto / Ace Hardware

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Crossword Puzzle

Puzzle Solutions on page 11

ACROSS 1. Crazes 5. Vamoose 10. Garret 14. Pearly-shelled mussel 15. Not dead 16. Spindle 17. Standard 18. Freeing 20. Patella 22. Ash 23. Male cat 24. Unreactive 25. Complete 32. League members 33. Delete 34. Suffering 37. Backside 38. Bumbling 39. Gloomy atmosphere 40. Not cold 41. Critical 42. TV, radio, etc. 43. Booking 45. Lust for money 49. Large flightless bird 50. A poisonous plant 53. Drawing a comparison

21. Camp beds 25. Salt Lake state 26. Roman emperor 27. Spar 28. Taxonomic group 29. Mountain crest 30. Become narrower 31. Eastern Standard Time 34. Dry riverbed 35. Hodgepodge DOWN 36. Distinctive flair 1. Depression 38. Frozen water 2. Nameless 39. Cranky 3. Calamitous 41. Eagerness 4. At some indefinite 42. Mother time 44. Superficiality 5. Highly seasoned 45. Specter fatty sausage 46. Happen again 6. Paper holder 47. Master of cere7. Thorax protector monies 8. Affirm 48. Wash out with a 9. No more than solvent 10. Language of an51. Prune cient Rome 52. Yachting cap 11. Any compound of 53. Skin disease oxygen 54. Chocolate cookie 12. Ground grain 55. Equipment 13. Basic belief 19. Comment to the au- 56. Tale 58. Bite dience 57. Happening 59. Region 60. Cooking fat 61. Express a thought 62. Close 63. Tall woody plant 64. He plays the bagpipes 65. Ripped

November 2012

The Texas Free Press -10

Support Your Local Businesses! Please let our advertisers know you saw their ad in this publication!

Service Installation Sales

Start now setting appointments for spring fertilization. Serving Lake Corpus Christi and Surrounding Areas

TPCL No. 13874



Toler Field Services, LLC

112 S. Eugenia St. Orange Grove, TX 78372 (361) 384-0525 701 E. San Patricio St. Mathis, TX 78368 (361) 547-9311

P.O. Box 260664 Corpus Christi, TX 78426

Commercial Mowing Hot Shot Service

Charlie Toler (361)319-9411 Fax: (361) 387-7897

Lancaster & Bay Insurance Agency

Serving the Coastal Bend for over 60 years!

Home Auto Business Life

Now Serving the Lake area Call Us for a Quote 361-853-0405 - Corpus 361-537-0504 - Lake City 855-625-9383 - Toll Free
200 Lakeview Drive, Lake City, Texas, 78368

Mark Christoph, Owner/Agent

Maximum RV (IS) Everything RV!

73 Unit RV Park! Security! Private Laundromat! Propane on site! New and Used Travel Trailer and FifthWheel Sales! RV Financing! Well stocked Parts Department! Smiling Faces! We Really Appreciate Your Business! Interstate 37 exit 34 Mathis 361-547-5600

(361) 547-2555 10428 IH 37 (exit 34) Mathis

Bulldozers Mini-Escavators Skid Steerloader Backhoes Water Pumps Scaffolding Too Much to List


* Long/Short Term * RV Spaces * Full Hookups * Fishing Pier * Boat Ramps * Covered BBQ Pavilion Area * Rental Property * Lease Lots Available

We Sell & Rent Equipment Repair Honda Mechanic Equipment on Duty!

Give us a call! 547-5492



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361/547-5492 or 361/648-0627 for info & reservations.

FM 3162 at the Lake, from Orange Grove or Mathis, take HWY 359 toward Sandia, Turn on FM 534, go straight ahead about 8 miles to 534 Club. Turn on FM 3162, go towards the end of the road.

Sikes Water Wells

Since 1930 Drilling Pump Systems

The Front Porch

M-F 7:30- 5:30 SAT 8:00 - 5:00


Located @ 309 FM 534 Sandia, Texas Hours: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. - 11AM - 9 PM Sunday 10AM - 8 PM Featured Menu Item This Month:

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Chicken Fried Steak

Beer & Wine Coming Soon! Entertainment Room Open Now!

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
--John Adams

JNL Propane
Fast and Friendly Service at Discount Prices

Joe Matocha

P O Box 1083 Sinton, TX 78387 15962 F 630 Odem, TX 78370 361-364-3274 361-364-5878 (Fax) http// Propane

The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance.
--Henry Ward Beecher

For advertising, call Jenell at 361-547-9062

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 11

L Bus: (361) 241-1135 Fax: (361) 241-8422 Cell: (361) 232-9009 email: Web Site: Whether you are buying or selling, I can help you with all your real estate needs.
120 Lake Wood Dr. - Lovely lakeview Home. This 3/2 home sits on 2 lots! The home has hardwood floors throughout the home. Nice size bedrooms, and 2 large living areas and nice size kitchen. Bathrooms remodeled and plumbing have been replaced. A must see! Only $99,900 460 CR 231 Great opportunity to design your own home with 10+ acres in Orange Grove ISD. 3/2 mobile in good condition that you can live in while finishing home. All electric & AC already installed. The home is a 3/2, 2400sq ft, and has to many extras to mention. Inground pool, horse barn, 2 lrg storage barns, plus tractor. Call for more details! Only $149,900

Specializing in Lake Corpus Christi Properties

13122 IH 37, Suite 101 Corpus Christi, Texas 78410

197 E Lakeview Trail- Wonderful floorplan. This 2 story, 3/2 with 2032 sq ft., across the street from the lake has a great lake view, plus a Marina close by. The home needs repairs, but would be a great investment property, or a DIY person. The home has fresh paint, new carpet, & the well is approx 3yrs old. Dwnstrs has 2 lrg bdrms, living area, frpl, and bathrm. Upstairs has lrg kitchen, living, dining, and mstr bdrm. Lots of possibilities! Motivated Sellers! Only $75,000.00

Lake Wood Dr . Waterfront Home- when lake is full. This 3/1.5/1 home has lots of possibilities! Needs new well, but has great floorplan. Needs work, but a great way to get a lake place! Only $50,000

Beautiful Waterview lots in Lakeshore Subdivision! 47 Lots to choose from sizes ranging from .5 acre to over 1 acre. If you don't care about being on the water but want access to the water these are the lots for you! Restricted, homeowners park, and boat launch! Call for more info! Only $15,000

Cute home! This 3/1.5 with 1056 sq ft would be a great starter home or investment. Some minor repairs needed! Fenced and lrg back yard for the little ones to play! Lots of possibilities! Make an Offer! Short Sale Only $33,440

7 Gorgeous Lots in Pernitas Point Subdivision! Lots are all together with a panoramic view of the lake. Build your dream home, or set up trailers, with lots of room for boat storage, Party room, and much more! Only $60,000!

236 Vista- Beautiful waterfront lake house/retirement home! This beautiful 3/2 with 1374 sq ft has a open floorplan with lots of windows to open up & enjoy the breeze! This home is great for entertaining on the large deck and the large lighted pier, so invite the friends & family up and create memories! The home has tile floors, frpl, new A/C, and new propane range, and lots more! Motivated sellers! Only $154,900

320 E Mesquite - Beautiful southwestern style custom home in Mathis! This 3/2/2 with over 1760 sq ft has an open floorplan with large kitchen with island and breakfast bar. Open floorplan great for cooking and family entertaining. Lrg master bdrm and bath. Sits on two lrg corner lots with a nice covered patio, and large workshop. Features double ovens, microwave, tile, and much more! A must see! Only $225,000

Lis New


24691 Agarito Ln/CR370 - Great Waterfront home that can be great for summer lake house or for a retiree! The 2/1/2 had an efficiency apartment off the large 2 car garage. This could get the kids bunk house, or guest quarters. Both home & garage roof have recently been replaced with metal roof , replaced deck, new anchored steel boat house to boat ramp, new treated pier with rails, and much more! This home won"t last long! Only $75,000

205 S Lee, Mathis- Nice Home, corner lot and conveniently located! This 3/2/1 has 1222 sq ft and located across the street from schools plus walking distance to restaurants, grocery store, and more! The house has hardwood floors and lrg trees. Great starter or retirement home! Only $88,000.00

HWY 359 next to Jalisco- The old Curleys Restaurant- This home has lots of history! The 2/2 brick home has lots of room that you could make a 3rd bedroom. Roof recently replaced with a metal roof. Large kitchen, 2 lrg living areas, lrg master bedroom plus lrg master bath! This home has lots of possibilities! Negotiable! Only $85,000

Lis New


A Variety of Lots for the Picking!

Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the lake life! Waterfront, Waterview (with water access), or Acreage, I can put you in the right spot! Lots Starting at $7500. Call me and I will find what you have been searching for!

Call me for new listings! (361) 232-9009 Puzzle Solutions

Solution to This Months Crossword

Careful What We Ask For
A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders. The man says, 'A hamburger, fries and a coke,' and turns to the ostrich, 'What's yours?' 'I'll have the same,' says the ostrich.

2nd Annual

Solution to This Months Sudoku

A short time later the waitress returns with the order 'That will be $9.40 please,' and the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment. The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, 'A hamburger, fries and a coke.' The ostrich says, 'I'll have the same.' Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change. This becomes routine until the two enter again. 'The usual?' asks the waitress.

Saturday December 1, 2011

Categories: Wild Hog $25, Beans $25, Pan de Campo $25 For More Info call The Riverbend 534 Club All money goes back to the cooks. Stay for the dance Saturday Night.
When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered me two wishes. My first wish was that if I ever had to pay for anything, I would just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there.' 'That's brilliant!' says the waitress. 'Most people would ask for a million dollars or something, but you'll always be as rich as you want for as long as you live!'

Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table. The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. 'Excuse me, sir. How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time? 'Well,' says the man, 'several years ago I was cleaning the attic I found an old lamp.

'That's right. Whether it's a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there,' says the man.. The waitress asks, 'What's with the ostrich?' The man sighs... pauses and answers, 'My second wish was for a chick with long legs who agrees with everything I say.'

To Advertise: For Lake Corpus Christi and Other Coastal Bend Areas, Call Jenell @ 361-547-9062 For Victoria and Brazosport areas, Call Jenell @ 979-505-9062 Liberty County, Humble Area Call Frank @ 832-423-4183

'No, this is Friday so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad,' says the man. 'Same,' says the ostrich. Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, 'That will be $32.62.'

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November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 12

November 2012

The Texas Free Press - 13

All great locations within the Eagle Ford Shale area! Come enjoy the good life - the lake life!! 1200 E. Wilson, Mathis-5.05 Ac - Very close to IH 37 and great location for a commercial yard! 3/2 Rustic ranch home complete with
horse barns, pens, arena, workshop, stable & support structure. Updated bathrooms. Located close to town. REDUCED $172,000. $189,000. 560 CR 372 - Original Barbon Subd - WATERFRONT - 3 BD/2 BA home/ 2 car garage situated on 2 spacious lots (over 1/2 acre). 2 open patios and deck make it nice to sit ouside and watch the kids swim and play. Fish from your private pier or launch your boat from your own launch! $262,500. NEW -139 Harbor Circle -Peace Valley Harbor, Unit 1 WATERFRONT 3 BD/2 BA home with large backyard, carpet grass, mature trees, pier and bulkhead! Open kitchen, dining, breakfast, and living. Offered at $150,000.

Classified Ads
Send ad text to The Texas Free Press, 111 Pack Trail., Sandia, TX 78383, or send ad copy by e-mail to Deadline: 20th of each month for both ad copy and payment. All classified ads with text only, up to 40 words, $10. Added photo, $10.

Bake Sale
St. Francis of Assisi, Thanksgiving Bake Sale Sunday, Nov 18 8am - 1pm, 303 Fm 534 & Cr 185, at Lagarto Sponsored by St. Francis Altar Society Contact 361-562-7643



248 House Ave, Barbon Harbor Est - 3 BD/2 BA home with 2 car
garage on 3 acres in the sought after Orange Grove ISD! Livestock loading shoot & pens - Bring your horses & youth projects! $278,800.

GUNS Buy-Sale-Trade!!!!!!! Call Jim @ 361 547-6474

900 E. Lewis, Sinton - Just a stone's throw from Sintons schools, this 3BR/2BA home, situated on a corner lot, is ideally located. 3 carport, garage, covered patio and workshop.


For Sale
2 Solid Wood Desks Used in business Curtis Grain Business. $100 each 547-7840

124 E. Lakeview Trail - WATERVIEW - Sleeper on the outside, keeper on the inside! 3BR/2BA home sports an


Help Wanted
Seeking reliable person to drag water hose around to water 35 trees on over an acre, twice a month, 3 hours each time starting in January (Arrowhead area). Call Chris at 253-223-3019

updated kitchen w/granite counter tops and island. Partially furnished, wood burning fireplace, ceiling fans throughout, covered deck that overlooks Lake CC! Must see! $146,000! 139 Cenesia Dr - Carmel Hills WATERVIEW - Perfect weekend getaway or home that has been remodeled inside & out! Spacious 2 BD/1 BA with living open to dining & kitchen. Property owners have access to boat launches and waterfront parks. Offered at $97,900. 24894 Lakeshore DR (CR 350) - Across the street from Lake CC, this 3BR/3BA home on nearly half an acre, features split bedroom floorplan with 2 large living areas and 2 septic systems. $69,900.

Dont Forget to Vote November 6.


128 3rd St, Lake City - 2008 custom Palm Harbor home with 12' x 12' shop w/electricity
situated on two lots with hurricane fence. Live near Lake CC with access to boat ramp.$65,000.

1.25 Acres, Barbon Harbor Estates - Great Canal St, Peace Valley Harbor - 2 Adjacent
building site!.............................Offered at $40,000. Ranger Road - Airplane Hanger on Airstrip! Dont own a plane? Use it for storage! Vista Dr - Unique 1 acre lot with a large (52 across), clover leaf shaped pool, 2 bath & a large covered area. Adjacent lot available.......$37,500. NEW LISTING - Penninsula Subd. Waterfront (2) 1 acre lots @ $35,000.(1) 1.38 acre @ $48,000.

Residential Lots


WATERFRONT lots. Nice building site. Septic and well required. Locted just yards away from boat launch. Sold together. $35,000. WATERFRONT - Pernitas Point, Unit 3 Located on Saddle Trail......Offered at $40,000. WATERVIEW RESIDENTIAL LOTS CARMEL HILLS SUBDIVISION - 14 Interior lots available ranging in size and prices.

126.22 Acres, River Frontage - FM 1540 - Property situated on a mile of Nueces River frontage (below the dam). 1/4 of minerals owned to convey to buyer. Offered at $350,260.

Farm & Ranch


1525 FM 534 - Dinero Country Store Great location very close to IH 37 and not too far from HWY 281 perfect for a general store or Eagle Ford Oil Field office space! Sits on 1 acre corner lot on well traveled roads. Additional acreage available. Offered at $79,900.
One Team | One Goal
Real Estate with Real Results

Lloyd and JaNelle Barnes Broker-Owners

Linda Sue Barnes REALTOR

Richard Rowe REALTOR

Keep up with LBRET and area lake happenings at

From Proverbs 6 (King James Version) 6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. 9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? 10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

381 Carmel Drive Sandia, T X 78383

(361) 343-7400 (361) 547-0505 Fax



For the office of Live Oak County Tax Assessor/Collector

Please VOTE Tuesday November 6, 2012

Life- long Resident of Live Oak County Graduate of Texas A&M University with Bachelors Degree In Ag Business Performed budgeting, program applications, evaluation and reporting for assigned community service programs in Live Oak County along with 3 adjoining counties, annual budget $ 750,000 dollars. Live Oak County Programs Coordinator at the Workforce Office for 10 years. Served economically disadvantaged families and counselor for At- Risk Youth; George West Office. Actively involved with 4-H youth, church organizations and community fundraising. The Tax Assessor/Collector plays an administra tive role in the county government as an elected official. The duties are to maintain voter registrar, register and title all vehicles and trailers and collect the state tax on all automobiles sold in the county.
Political Ad Paid for by Randy H. Kopplin, Treasurer

Mobile and Pier and Beam Homes, Oilfield Specialties, Guard Shacks, Change Rooms, Security etc... Studs 16"oc Engineered Truss 24"oc Floor Joist 16"oc *40-yr Warranty Metal and Skids* 7/16" Plywood Under Metal on Roof and Walls Double Pane Insulated Windows Our Finished Buildings are extremely heavy and will last multiple times longer than typical trailer houses. BP Building Sales UNLIKE most our Competitors WILL relocate your building if needed. Email, Fax or Call us for a quote. We will help you design your own building structure, home, office, storage etc...


We Custom Build

We can put your building anywhere you want it!

Revelation 22:18,19 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

BP Building Sales
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15642 Northwest Blvd. (Hwy 624) - Calallen Area, Corpus Christi Tom Tom Bickham


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