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To be a good follower you have to know who is leading the pack.

I see so many in this world today blindly following varied things and people. Do they research the source? Check out the information to see if the Leader is someone or some thing that should be run after? How many people stop to ask the leader face to face questions about their integrity and veracity. Why/ because if you are not the leader the scenery never changes. ha ha So if you want to follow then what you follow better be true miracleblue filled power to deliver. Jesus told many while he walked this earth to come follow me. Some followed for awhile by sight, or by stomach, or by amazement the wow factor. Some tagged along in hopes of a high position later in the new Holy Roman empire. Some just like to be in the entourage. Look at me I am in the 'inner circle' Some enjoyed the praise and adulation the people gave to them when they cast out devils. I think some just liked to see a great parade. Macy's day every city they went. How many were mission minded. We have a great opportunity a great responsibility to be the correct soldiers following our Captain Jesus into battle this final hour. Why? Because we have the witness of the bible after pentecost. We have Pauls' life to see how the western world was won in a short time. Remember they didn't even have 'partyline' hand cranked phones back then. Today the lazy christians 'lukewarmers' are trying to pour the post-tribulation story upon us in a new big movie. Why are they doing this? Well the devil knows that a house divided cannot stand. CHristian against christian no good. No wonder God will spew the luke warm christians out of his mouth into the tribulation period. One big deal for Jesus coming pre-trib is Jesus said once the gospel is preached to all nations he will come get the bride. 7 years of tribulation is the Jews time. Gentile time is over. The end has come on that dispensation. The big misunderstanding they use for their ruse in the movie is Matthew chapter 24. People run that all together as one time period question. No the disciples are asking two different time period questions. Understanding prophecy is so important for this last minute time. If you cannot study to show yourself approved then you will not be able to answer these false teachings. False teachings are part of the great mind battles that the devil is spewing out for the final. If the pre-trib rapture were not so imminent then why is the devil pressing so hard. If all are going to be run into the battle of the tribulation period then why isn't the devil now kissing up and cushioning people into that time. Be careful for nothing be anxious for nothing. Be watchful not to get caught up in the cares of this world. Prepping, battling this governments attacks must be tempered with the divine will of God for your Life. Some preparations should be done. Bank holidays, high priced food, and inflation in general are flooding in already. Yet God Almighty with Jesus by his side has told us that he will take care of all our needs. Never leaving us or forsaking us. Heaven is so full of blessings that we cannot contain but a very tiny portion for us. Jesus said to give no thought of tomorrow except to win the lost. That is our soul winners burden. Is Jesus building you a bunker here or are you following him to Heaven where he said he is building you a mansion? Who is that leaning on the arm of Jesus coming up out of the wilderness. Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before. Follow Jesus. Follow Jesus. A disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ. Where is he

going? What is he doing? Fishing for souls. Directing us to casts our nets on the right side. If you are building a bunker are you not digging a ditch? Jesus said the blind leading the blind falling into the ditch. Sitting there in a bunker seems so much like a coffin buried in a vault in some distant cemetery. Rise up get out of there. How do you cast your silvery net of the gospel sitting in a grave? So these post-trib believers want to prep and fight there way to yank america and the world to what exactly. The golden age? They need a re-read of the scriptures and come let us reason with the Lord. Bottom line it is a Holy Ghost problem. They have no power to work within to change them in a moment in a twinkling of an eye. Nope. They only believe in the Jesus power to take them to Heaven after the tribulation. Except why would Jesus take you to Heaven then when there will be 1000 years of Golden age on the earth with the New Jerusalem. Be thankful and rejoice that you have all the truth to use and to ask God for answers if you have any questions. Their movie will bring more questions than answers you can be assured of that. Be ready to help people know the truth about the rapture.

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