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Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 121, 27 de julio de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 12, July 27, 2012

Preparndose para el proceso de legalizacin

Getting Ready for Deferred Action

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27 de Julio 2012 Vol 07 No.12

Peridico Bilingue Bisemanal para el Estado de Delaware 27 de julio 2012, Vol. VII No.12 Delaware Statewide Bi-Weekly Bilingual Newspaper July 27, 2012, Vol.VII No.12

El Tiempo Hispano es una Publicacin de Hola Delaware LLC 123 Rosmary Court, Bear, Delaware,19701

302-832 3620 fax 302- 832 3620

El Tiempo Hispano is published by

>Gabriel Pilonieta-blanco

editorial editorial
General Manager Mara Vera Rodrguez

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cOlabORaDORES contributors
Cecilia Cardesa Lusardi Karyl Thomas Rattay Carlos Dipres Margaret Reyes Peter Gonzales Keyla Rivero-Rodrguez Annette Merino Miguel Acosta Laura Poppiti Tabatha Castro Lastenia Narvaez Greer Firestone Eric Doroshow Mara Picazo + Samuel Blanco Arizpe Eric Soberanis Mara Velsquez Naranjo Ismael Santos Wanda Lopez Elizabeth Cordeiro-Rowe Allison Burris Christopher Posh Ronaldo Tello Alfredo Lascoutx Vivian L. Rapposelli Nelly Arevalo Jason Keller Alma Villalobos Rafael Guerrero Javier Moreno Antonia Donato Ricardo Diaz Eli Ramos Margie King Michelle Acosta Pierre Smythe Luis Alejandro Vera Antonio Droz Zuleika Cervantes Brenda Palomo Jaime Rivera Nina Qureshi-Ibqal Melissa Skolnick Lilia Estrada Roxanna Valdes Antonio Droz Amy Libonate Tamara Romero Jennifer L. Cohan Jose R. Pacheco

Toda mi vida le he tenido fobia a las armas, al extremo de negarles la entrada a mi casa a mis amigos que acostumbran portar armas. Quizs sea miedo, cobarda o simple precaucin, pero recuerdo algunos hechos en mi vida que me marcaron profundamente en lo que a las armas se refiere. El primero fue cuando mataron a un hermano de mi padre cuando lo asaltaron en su ferretera. Al intentar sacar un arma para defenderse, le dieron un tiro fatal que le quit la vida. Otro hecho terrible tuvo lugar aos despus cuando una muy querida amiga llev a su hijo y un amiguito a su finca campestre, donde por mucho tiempo haban mantenido una escopeta colgada de una pared. Todos pensaban que era de adorno y nunca imaginaron que estuviera cargada (claro, la usaba el vigilante de la finca) y los dos nios empezaron a jugar el comn juego de la guerra hasta que el amigo dispar la escopeta dndole en el pecho al hijo de mi amiga. No puedo contar la angustia y el dolor de esa familia ante tan terrible hecho. No s si llegaron a recuperarse del todo, yo no hubiera podido. Quien esto lea pensar, claro, cmo dejan armas al alcance de los nios, eso es una imprudencia, y tiene razn. Mucha razn. Tambin es muy, pero muy imprudente, mantener tanta licencia sobre la posibilidad de comprar armas, ahora incluso por Internet, como fue el caso de la tragedia de Aurora, Colorado, que ha enlutado a tantos hogares y entristecido tantos corazones. Y es que son tantos los hechos que involucran inocentes, como los nios Amish que aos atrs murieron abaleados dentro de su escuela, en una comunidad donde ni siquiera hay armas, que me parece que ya es hora de pensar y repensar sobre dnde termina el derecho constitucional de portar armas y dnde empieza el derecho del ciudadano que no cree en que un arma le hace ms poderoso. Entiendo que el argumento ms contundente es que el individuo tiene el derecho de defender su hogar contra extraos y defenderse contra los abusos del estado. Para eso debe estar armado. Lo que yo entiendo es que hay muchas armas dando vueltas que ponen en peligro la tranquilidad de comunidades enteras que quieren llevar una vida pacfica. Bueno, s es miedo, la verdad. Terror de pensar que cualquier da, como sucede en tantas otras partes, a alguien se le prenda la mecha de la locura y uno est en el medio. Porque es cierto que siempre hay peligro, que hay mucha delincuencia y que hay calles y lugares de las pequeas y grandes ciudades donde es mejor no aventurarse, vaya a ser que se encuentre uno con una bala perdida. Pero no tenemos por qu vivir con miedo, porque al fin y al cabo, la vida es un derecho y debemos disfrutarla lo mejor que podamos, y por eso pienso, entre menos armas, mejor.

DISEO GRaFIcO / GRaPhIc DESIGN Michael Lovett/ William Galindo

All my life I have had a phobia about arms, up to the point of prohibiting my friends who bear arms to enter my home. It might be fear, cowardice or simple caution, but I do remember some facts in my life that profoundly marked me when it comes to arms. The first one was when my fathers brother was killed when he was robbed in his hardware store. When he tried to pull out a gun to defend himself, he was shot to death. Another terrible episode took place years later, when a very dear friend of mine took her son and a friend to their country estate, where for many years they had kept a shotgun hanging in the wall. Everybody thought it was part of the decoration and never imagined it was loaded (of course, it was used by the farms watchman) and the two boys started playing the common game of war until the guest kid fired the shotgun hitting my friends son in the chest. I cannot begin to tell you the anguish and pain of this family facing such a terrible fact. I dont know if they ever fully recovered, I know I could not have. Whoever is reading this may think, of course, how can you leave weapons within the reach of children, it is unwise, and might be right. Quite right. It is also very, but very imprudent, to grant such license to the possibility of buying arms, now even through the internet, as it was the case of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, that has plunged so many families into mourning and has saddened so many hearts. The problem is that there have been too many incidents involving innocents, like the Amish children that years ago were shot to death inside their school, in a community where guns dont even exist. So I think it is time to think and rethink about where does the constitutional right to bear arms end and where does the citizens right to believe that an arm will not make him more powerful begin. I understand that the most forceful argument is that the individual has the right to defend his home against strangers and to defend himself against abuses from the State. For that reason he has to bear arms. What I do not understand is the fact that there are many arms circling jeopardizing the tranquility of entire communities who want to lead a peaceful life. Well, it is fear indeed. It terrifies me to think that someday, like we see in so many other places, somebodys fuse goes off and one is caught in the middle. Because it is true that danger is always present, that delinquency index is high and that there are streets and places in small and large cities where is better not to venture, just in case one encounters a stray bullet. But we dont have to live in fear, because after all, we have the right to live and we must enjoy life the best way we can, and thats why I think the less weapons, the better.

Esteban M.P. Vera/ Gabriel Pilonieta - Blanco Magdalena Sierra / Wanda Lopez / Liliana Grajales Jonathan Galindo/ Eli Ramos Nelson Gonzlez / Adrin Abonce. Fernando Hernndez / Pedro Escrcega



Leyes / Laws: Conozca sus derechos /Knowing your rights. Locales/ Local: Bill Montgomery candidato a Alcalde de Wilmington/ Bill Montgomery Wilmington Mayor Candidate Estado / State: Dos hospitales de Delaware reciben premios de innovacin de la salud /Two Delaware Hospitals Receive Health Care Innovation Awards Y mucho ms / And much more

Valentina P. Rodrguez Mara Picazo + Gabriela Montilva P. / Marianella Vera Michelle Acosta

The opinions expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors. Any published material might be used or reprinted as long as the source is cited.

123 Rosemary Court, Bear, DE 19701 302-588 9584 email:

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol. 7 No.12



informacin information

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

Conozca sus Derechos

La firma de abogados Castro dict una conferencia sobre la orden presidencial de accin diferida.
El pasado 16 de julio en la sede de Deltech en Wilmington, Pamela Stamp, abogada de inmigracin, realiz una ilustradora conferencia sobre el proceso de accin diferida que se iniciar el 15 de agosto prximo. La exposicin en espaol estuvo a cargo de la abogada Tabatha Castro. Entre los aspectos ms importantes que las abogadas resaltaron podemos mencionar los siguientes. Las personas que piensan que ellas o sus hijos pueden calificar para esta accin migratoria deben empezar desde ya a reunir los documentos que les van a solicitar, los cuales mencionamos ms adelante. Se debe estar bien preparado ya que se cuenta con una sola oportunidad para aplicar, y si se es rechazado, no hay ninguna manera de apelar. Finalmente, aquellos que tengan antecedentes deben abstenerse de solicitar esta medida, porque van a ser rechazados y ms bien pueden ser objeto de una medida de deportacin.
Criterios de seleccin para la accin diferida - Tener 15 aos de edad al momento de llenar la solicitud - Haber tenido menos de 16 aos cuando lleg a los Estados Unidos - Haber residido continuamente en los Estados Unidos por 5 aos antes de junio de 2012 - Haber estado presente fsicamente en los Estados Unidos el 15 de junio de 2012 - Estar actualmente cursando estudios, haberse graduado de la escuela secundaria (bachillerato), haber obtenido un certificado de GED o haber sido dado de baja con honores de las fuerzas armadas o de la guardia costera - Haya sido menor de 31 aos de edad el 15 de junio de 2012 (aunque ahora tenga 31 aos o los cumpla prximamente) - No haya sido condenado(a) por ningn delito grave, un delito menor significativo, varios delitos menores o que constituya una amenaza para la seguridad nacional o seguridad pblica. Las personas tambin debern someterse a una verificacin de antecedentes penales, y aquellos individuos que hicieron una peticin al USCIS y no an no tienen un dictamen final, deben ser mayores de 15 aos. El impacto de antecedentes penales en la Accin Diferida - Qu constituye un delito grave? Cualquier delito federal, estatal o local que amerite pena de prisin de un ao o ms - Qu constituye delito menor significativo? Cualquier delito federal, estatal o local que amerite pena de prisin de menos de un ao, que involucre violencia, amenaza, agresin, incluida la violencia domstica), DUI, robo, hurto, fraude, abuso sexual, etc. Pruebas y documentos necesarios para cumplir con los criterios Prueba de edad: copia certificada del certificado de nacimiento o pasaporte Prueba de entrada: historial escolar, contratos de alquiler o arrendamiento, historial mdico o registros bancarios Prueba de 5 aos de residencia continua antes de 15 de junio de 2012: tarjeta de identificacin escolar o informe escolar, licencia de conducir o identificacin estatal, declaracin de impuestos, ttulo de propiedad (casa o vehculo) Registros de la Iglesia, documentos de seguros, contratos de alquiler o arrendamiento. Certificados de nacimiento de los hijos nacidos en Estados Unidos Prueba de presencia en los Estados Unidos el 15 de junio de 2012: cheque personal con un sello de cancelacin bancaria con fecha, comprobante de pago de una tarjeta oficial de control de asistencia, estado de cuenta de crdito o dbito que muestre la fecha 15 de junio de 2012. Precauciones A diferencia de otras aplicaciones de ley de inmigracin, NO HAY posibilidades de apelar una decisin de negar la accin diferida, por lo que hgalo bien la primera vez Si se le niega la accin diferida, usted ha proporcionado pruebas que confirman su elegibilidad para ser deportado y puede verse en medio de un proceso de deportacin Recurrir al uso de Agencias de inmigracin o Notarios puede poner en peligro un caso que realmente es vlido. Utilice slo abogados con licencia y entrenados en inmigracin para ayudarle. Preguntas frecuentes Recibirn algn beneficio los familiares inmediatos de aquellos a quienes se les conceda la accin diferida? NO Qu sucede si tuve algunos delitos menores en mi juventud cuyos registros estn ahora sellados? Todos los registros pueden ser revisados por las autoridades. Podr viajar al extranjero si se me concede la accin diferida? USCIS est estudiando esta cuestin y la resolver en las prximas semanas como parte de su plan de implementacin. Por otra parte, los Servicios de Inmigracin y Ciudadana de los Estados Unidos (USCIS por sus siglas en ingls) alerta a los individuos elegibles para que NO enven una solicitud de accin diferida bajo el memorando Proceso de Accin Diferida para Jvenes (Deferred Action Process for Young People) emitido por la Secretaria Napolitano el 15 de junio. Si usted la introduce ahora, su solicitud ser rechazada. Las directrices de la Secretara da al USCIS 60 das para crear un proceso para aceptar estas solicitudes y el USCIS no puede aceptar solicitudes en este momento. Dnde puedo encontrar ms informacin acerca de dnde acudir para solicitar Accin Diferida? En la pgina web de USCIS en En la lnea directa de la USCIS al 1-800-375-5283 (8:00 am-8:00 pm; ingls y espaol)

Knowing your rights

The law firm Castro Gave a Lecture on the Presidential Order Deferred Action.
On July 16 at Deltechs head office in Wilmington, Pamela Stamp, immigration attorney, gave an enlightening conference on the process of Deferred Action to be launched on August 15th. Attorney Tabatha Castro delivered the Spanish version of the lecture. Among the most important aspects that the speakers pointed out we can mention the following. Any person who believes that either they or their children may qualify for this immigration action must begin right away to gather all the documents that will be required, which will be mentioned below. Everybody must be well prepared since there is only going to be one chance, and if the person is rejected, there is no way to appeal. And finally, to those who have criminal background, refrain from request this measure because they will be rejected and can rather be deported.
Meeting the criteria for deferred action - Must be 15 years old at time of filling application - Must have arrived in US while under the age of 16 - Have continuously resided in the US for 5 years prior to June 2012 - Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012 - Are currently in school, have graduated from High School, have obtained a GED certificate or have been honorably discharged from US Armed Forces or Coast Guard - Were below 31 years of age on June 15, 2012 (even if now or will shortly be 31 years of age) - Have not been convicted of any felony offence, a significant misdemeanor, and multiple misdemeanors or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety. Individuals must also complete a background check and, for those individuals who make a request to USCIS and are not subject to a final order of removal, must be 15 years old or older. Impact of Criminal Record on Deferred Action - What constitutes a felony offence? Any federal, State or local criminal offences punishable by imprisonment for one year or more. - What constitutes significant misdemeanor? Any federal, State or local criminal offence punishable by imprisonment for less than one year, which involves violence, threat, assault (including domestic violence), DUI, burglary, larceny, fraud, sexual abuse etc. Evidence/Documents required to meet the criteria Proof of age: Certified copy of birth certificate or passport. Proof of entry: schools records, rent/lease agreement, medical records or bank records. Proof of 5 years continuous residence before June 15, 2012: School ID Card or school report, Driver License or State ID, Tax returns, property title (house/car). Church records, insurance documents, rent/lease agreements. Birth certificates of children born in the US. Proof of presence in the US on June 15, 2012: personal check bearing a dated bank cancellation stamp, paystub of official time card, credit/debit statement showing date June 15, 2012. Cautions Unlike with others immigration applications, there is NO APPEAL from a decision to deny deferred action, so get it done right the first time If deferred action is denied, you have provided evidence confirming your removability and may find yourself in deportation proceedings Resorting to using Immigration agencies or Notaries may jeopardize an otherwise valid case. Use only licensed and trained immigration attorneys to assist you.

Ests preparado para la Legalizacin?


Common questions - Will immediate relatives of those granted deferred action get any benefit? NO - What if I had some juvenile offences for which the records are now sealed? All records can be reviewed by the authorities. - Will I be able to travel abroad if granted deferred action? USCIS is exploring this issue and will resolve it in the coming weeks as part of its implementation plan. Also U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) alerts eligible individuals NOT to submit a deferred action request under the Deferred Action Process for Young People memorandum issued by Secretary Napolitano on June 15. If you submit now, your application will be rejected. The Secretarys directive gives USCIS 60 days to create a process to accept these requests and USCIS are unable to accept requests at this time. Where can I find more information about where to go for Deferred Action? USCIS website at USCIS hotline at 1-800-375-5283 (8 am-8 pm; English & Spanish)

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Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

poltica politics


Montgomery para Alcalde

El alcalde de la ciudad ms grande de un estado requiere tener no slo conocimientos sobre asuntos municipales, sino tambin una perspectiva global.
>Greer Firestone
El contendiente Demcrata Bill Montgomery sobre el Dream Act: Me alegr ver al Presidente Obama tomar una postura valiente y anunciar un proceso de accin diferida para los muchos jvenes que deben vivir cada da con el temor a la deportacin. Como alcalde abogar por una reforma migratoria federal verdadera y la aprobacin del Dream Act. Somos afortunados de que los senadores Carper y Coons y el representante Carney sean todos copatrocinadores de esta ley histrica y tenemos que apoyar sus esfuerzos en todas las maneras posibles. Toda la carrera de Montgomery ha sido de servicio pblico. Durante estos ltimos 11 aos ha sido el jefe de gabinete del alcalde Baker, una posicin que le ha brindado experiencia prctica y perspectiva sobre todas las actividades de los departamentos, juntas y comisiones de la ciudad. En definitiva, de todos aquellos que aspiran asumir el cargo de Jim Baker luego de sus 12 aos en ejercicio, no hay nadie ms capacitado y que entienda los procesos administrativos de la ciudad mejor que Bill Montgomery. Antes de dejar su cargo hace slo unos meses para trabajar tiempo completo en su candidatura para alcalde, Montgomery supervis el presupuesto anual de $320 millones y fue responsable ante el alcalde por 1130 empleados. Con una lista de candidatos para alcalde tan nutrida como la que tiene el partido demcrata para las primarias, es imprescindible echar un vistazo a los principios de cada uno, sus antecedentes y su dedicacin al servicio pblico. Despus de graduarse de la Universidad de Delaware, el primer empleo de Montgomery fue con la Divisin de Servicios Econmicos de Delaware durante cuatro aos. Fue el principal trabajador social tomando decisiones de elegibilidad financiera para los programas de Cupones para Alimentos. Despus fue contratado como Coordinador de Voluntarios para la Divisin de Servicios de Proteccin Infantil de Delaware, luego de lo cual fue ascendido a Especialista de Prevencin de Abuso Infantil y su contribucin fue determinante en la redaccin de la Ley del Fondo Fiduciario Infantil de Delaware (DE Childrens Trust Fund Act). De 1985 a 1995 el Sr. Montgomery fue Director de Personal Legislativo del Ayuntamiento de Wilmington, lo que obviamente le dio gran perspectiva sobre cmo hacer que las cosas sucedan en el contexto de la poltica municipal. Entre 1995 y 2001 se mud a Dover para trabajar con la Asamblea General. Su trabajo all como Director no partidista del Consejo Legislativo le otorg amplia experiencia en el gobierno de nuestro estado y las conexiones necesarias para que las cosas se hagan. Luego pas a ser Jefe de Gabinete de Baker. Anterior a su renuncia a esta posicin debido a conflictos de intereses percibidos, Montgomery asisti a un taller nacional de una semana sobre la violencia urbana. Regres y present un Programa de Comunidades Seguras para Wilmington. Como ciudadano y candidato viaj a Dover para hablar con los legisladores, solicitando dinero adicional para la ciudad para reducir la violencia. Montgomery ha trabajado con cualquier cantidad de individuos a lo largo de estos 33 aos de servicio pblico. Su declaracin sobre la diversidad: Las personas no tendrn que preguntarse sobre mi postura en cuanto a inclusin y diversidad. Yo he demostrado mi compromiso con la diversidad a travs del equipo de profesionales que ayud a montar para ejecutar la administracin del alcalde Baker. Con Wilmington y la poblacin hispana de Delaware en expansin, este fascinante grupo de voces ser acogido durante mi mandato.

Montgomey for Mayor

A mayor of the largest city in a state requires not only an understanding of municipal matters but also a world view.
>Greer Firestone
States Democratic contender Bill Montgomery on the Dream Act: I was very pleased to see President Obama take a courageous stand and announce a deferred action process for the many young people who must live every day with the fear of deportation hanging over them. As Mayor I will advocate for true federal immigration reform and the passage of the Dream Act. We are fortunate that Senators Carper and Coons and Representative Carney are all co-sponsors of this landmark legislation and we all need to support their efforts in every way possible. Montgomerys entire career path has been one of public service. His last 11 years has been that of Chief of Staff of Mayor Baker, a position which has afforded him hands on experience and perspective over all activities of City departments, boards and commissions. In short, of all those who aspire to take over the job after Jim Bakers 12 years of office, none is more qualified and understands the workings of city government better than Bill Montgomery. Before stepping down only a few months ago to run full time for Mayor, Montgomery oversaw the annual budget of $320 million and was responsible to the Mayor for 1130 employees. With the Democratic Party mayoral field so full of candidates for the primary, it is imperative to take a look at the the principles of each, their background and their dedication of public service. After graduation from UD, Montgomery first job was with the DE Division of Economic Services for four years. He was the primary social worker making financial eligibility determinations for the Food Stamp Programs. Then he was hired as Volunteer Coordinator for the DE Division of Child Protective Services, from which he was promoted to Child Abuse Prevention Specialist and had a strong hand in writing the Delaware Childrens Trust Fund Act. From 1985 to 1995 Mr. Montgomery was Legislative Staff Director of Wilmington City Council, which obviously gave him great insight on how to get things done in city politics. From 1995 to 2001 he moved to Dover to work with the General Assembly there. His job there as nonpartisan Director of the Legislative Council gave his wide experience in our states government and the networks to get things done Next as Bakers Chief of Staff. Prior to his resignation from the staff due to any perceived conflicts of interest, Montgomery attended a week long national workshop on urban violence. He returned and submitted a Safe Communities Program for Wilmington. As citizen and candidate he traveled to Dover to speak to legislators, requesting added monies for the city to reduce the violence. Montgomery has worked with every manner of individual over these 33 years of public service. His statement on diversity: People will not have to wonder about my stance on inclusion and diversity. I have proven my commitment to diversity with the team of professionals that I helped assemble to run Mayor Bakers administration. With Wilmington and Delawares expanding Hispanic population, this fascinating group of voices will be embraced in my term of office.


Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

opinin opinion

Un Punto de Vista A Matter Of View

| Keyla I. Rivero-Rodriguez

Realmente no entiendo qu est pasando con nuestra sociedad. Cmo es posible que vivamos en tal estado de violencia? Pero al mismo tiempo, libremente criticamos otras culturas por lo que pensamos que es violento para nosotros debido a sus creencias y sus diferencias con nosotros? Violencia es violencia pase lo que pase! Muchas veces he disfrutado la funcin de estreno de medianoche de una pelcula muy esperada con mi hija o mi hijo. Cuando fuimos a ver Harry Potter, mucha gente estaba vestida como l y como personajes parecidos, incluso cuando fui a ver Eclipse o The Avengers, las personas estaban vestidas de acuerdo al tema. Creo que es divertido y fuera de lo comn, es por eso que puede ser muy entretenido ir a la funcin de medianoche. Pero desde la masacre que ocurri recientemente en Aurora, Colorado, parece un poco incmodo para algunos, y la sensacin de inseguridad persiste en muchos otros. El 20 de julio en cerca de 12:30 a.m. el presunto hombre armado, identificado como James Holmes de 24 aos, se par al frente de uno de los teatros de Century 16 en el Mall de Aurora, donde estaban proyectando The Dark Knight Rises y entr en la sala de cine a travs de una salida de emergencia, donde lanz una bomba de gas antes de abrir fuego contra la audiencia. Holmes llevaba una mscara de gas y un chaleco antibalas que cubra grandes partes de su cuerpo. Testigos y vctimas crean que esto era parte de un espectculo ofrecido por el teatro, o un fan de la pelcula, pero nunca pensaron lo impensable. Tantas como 12 personas murieron y 50 resultaron heridas en el tiroteo horrible. Una vez ms, la comunidad de Colorado y la nacin se unen para buscar respuestas a este ataque atroz y doloroso. Se dice que el gatillero no tiene antecedentes penales y que habra escapado si no hubiera sido por un oficial que not que haba una pieza en particular del equipo que portaba que estaba fuera de lugar. Se ha informado que algunas vctimas murieron protegiendo a otros de las balas, sirviendo de escudos humanos a sus seres queridos. La vctima ms joven era una nia de seis aos y la mayor tena 51 aos. Es impensable que alguien sea capaz de afligir a tantas personas. No s si han tenido la oportunidad de ver una foto de James Holmes, pero parece ser un alma muy problemtica. El Presidente Obama visit a los familiares de las vctimas y a los sobrevivientes en el hospital, mostrando apoyo y compasin a todos ellos. Para m, esto es Columbine de nuevo, hacindolo sentir a uno vulnerable a la locura de los dems. Tenemos que echar un vistazo cercano a por qu nuestra sociedad tiene esta tremenda fascinacin hacia las armas de todo tipo, hacindolo fcil para tantos adquirir un arsenal si as lo desean. Ya basta! Necesitamos cambiar nuestras leyes y tener un mejor control de armas. Mis pensamientos y oraciones estn con las vctimas de Aurora, Colorado.

I truly dont understand what is going on with our society as a whole. How is it that we live in such a state of violence? But at the same time, we freely criticize other cultures for what we think is violent to us because their beliefs and their differences to ours? Violence is violence no matter what! Many times, I have enjoyed going to the midnight screening of a long awaited movie with my daughter or son. When we went to see Harry Potter, many people dressed like him and characters alike, even when I went to see Eclipse or The Avengers, people dressed in character. I think it is fun and out of the ordinary, that is why it can be very entertaining to go to the mid-night movie screening. But since the massacre that recently occurred in Aurora, Colorado, it seems a little uncomfortable for some, and the feeling of insecurity lingers around many others. On July 20th at about 12:30 a.m. the suspected gunman, identified as 24-year-old James Holmes, stood at the front of one of the Century 16 theaters at the Aurora Mall where The Dark Knight Rises was playing and entered the theater through an emergency exit door where he threw a gas canister before opening fire to the audience. Holmes was wearing a gas mask and bulletproof vest that covered many places of his body. Witnesses and victims believed that this was all part of a show put up by the theater, or a movie fan, but never did they think the unthinkable. As many as 12 people were killed and 50 injured at the horrifying shooting. Once again, the Colorado community and the nation comes together in order to find answers to this painful and heinous attack. It is said that the gunman has no criminal history and that he would have escaped if it was not for an officer that noticed that there was one particular piece of equipment that he had on him that was out of place. It is reported that a few victims died while protecting others, shielding their loved ones from bullets with their own bodies. The youngest victim was a six year old girl and the oldest was 51. It is unthinkable that someone can have it in them to afflict so many people. I dont know if you have been able to see a photo of James Holmes, but he looks like a very troubled soul. President Obama visited the victims family and survivors at the hospital, showing support and care to them all. To me, this is Columbine all over, making one feel vulnerable to the craziness of others. We need to take a close look at why our society has this tremendous fascination with weapons of sorts, making it easy for so many to acquire an arsenal if they choose to. Enough! We need to change our laws and have better gun control. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of Aurora, Colorado.

[ cartas al editor / letters to the editor ]

PAtiENts NEED DrUg OPtiONs, NOt LiMitAtiONs By Michael J. Fitzpatrick Imagine being sick with a life-threatening disease. Most of us would want access to as many medicines as possible -- including the full range of proven treatment options. But under the Affordable Care Act, some people may see their drug choices severely restricted. A draft regulation proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services would require insurers participating in the laws new exchanges to cover only a single drug in each class of pharmaceuticals. That could be a disaster for both patients and doctors. Those living with chronic conditions -- think serious mental illness, HIV-AIDS, epilepsy, or kidney disease -- would be hit particularly hard. One-size-fits-all may work for baseball hats, but medication requires a far more individualized approach. Doctors know that each patient responds differently to treatment. Patients need all the options they can get. Thats part of the reason Medicares prescription drug benefit has been so important. Medicare Part D requires participating plans to cover at least two different drugs in most every class of pharmaceutical -- and nearly all drugs in six important classes: immunosuppressants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, antiretrovirals, and antineoplastics. Medicare Part Ds requirements were designed to ensure continuity and access for vulnerable patients. Its rules should be a model for the new regulation. Similar drugs within the same category can have dramatically different results among patients. A drug that works for your neighbor might not work for you Choice works in tandem with innovation to give patients the best chance of recovery. Requiring insurers to cover just a single drug in each class would likely cause many to skip covering new drugs, even if they represent clinical improvements in efficacy and/or safety. This issue is especially important for the mental health community. Diagnoses in serious mental illness remain imprecise. It is not uncommon for a patient to receive multiple inaccurate diagnoses over several years before being correctly diagnosed and receiving effective treatment. Persons with depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia dont always respond to their first or second rounds of treatment -- and often require multiple attempts with multiple combinations of medications before something finally succeeds. Theres no way of knowing in advance exactly what will work. This is why doctors and patients need all available options. Research into drug access for Medicaid beneficiaries starkly illustrates the problem of restrictions on medicines. According to one recent study, psychiatric patients with medication access issues had three times the rate of suicidal thoughts and behavior. When these patients were forced to switch drugs because of a lack of coverage, they reported far higher rates of hospitalization, homelessness, and incarceration. When it comes to prescription drug coverage, what patients need most is access and choice. The Department of Health and Human Services understands this issue. Indeed, this same draft regulation about the healthcare laws exchanges contains strong language ensuring mental health parity, which requires insurers to cover both mental and physical health equally. Prescription drug coverage should not fall short of this standard for equitable coverage. The Department of Health and Human Services is expected to make its final ruling on drug access in the insurance exchanges within the next two weeks. Between now and then, its imperative that Department officials revise this regulation to protect patients. Michael J. Fitzpatrick is executive director at NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. PLUNgE iN CO2 OUtPUt DUE tO NAtUrAL gAs FrACkiNg By Merrill Matthews, resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas. The most underreported recent environmental story has been the dramatic decline in energy-related carbon emissions -- nearly back to mid-1990s levels, and falling. Maybe its because that story just doesnt fit the lefts mantra that traditional energy sources are destroying the environment. The U.S. Energy Information Administrations (EIA) June energy report says that energy-related carbon dioxide fell to 5,473 million metric tons (MMT) in 2011.Thats down from a high of 6,020 MMT in 2007, and only a little above 1995s level of 5,314 MMT. Better yet, emissions in the first quarter of 2012 fell at an even faster rate -- down 7.5% from the first quarter of 2011 and 8.5% from the same time in 2010. If the rest of 2012 follows its first-quarter trend, we may see total energy-related carbon dioxide emissions drop to early-1990s levels. Thats a very positive environmental story, and yet you probably havent heard a word about it. Especially from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which couldnt keep tyrannizing the states if the truth got out -- and now that tyranny has the blessing of a federal appeals court. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit recently rejected arguments by several states and industry groups that the EPA was overstepping its authority and using strong-arm tactics to regulate greenhouse gasses. As we learned from former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuels comment about a crisis being a terrible thing to waste, the heavy hand of government regulation can get a lot heavier if it can claim its addressing a crisis. And highlighting a huge decline is energy-related carbon dioxide emissions doesnt fit the crisis scenario. So why the decline? It would be hard to credit either political party. As EIA figures show, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions had been rising steadily for decades -- through both Republican and Democratic administrations and Congresses. They were rising in the 1990s when Bill Clinton was president, and continued to rise when George W. Bush was in office. However, emissions began to fall after 2007, when Barack Obama was only a second-year senator -- so he doesnt get the credit. The most likely explanation for the decline is the shale gas revolution, made possible by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Increasingly, power plants are turning to natural gas because it has become abundant, and therefore cheap. And though technology is improving our ability to reduce emissions from coal usage, natural gas is still a much cleaner source. Indeed, natural gas has just passed an important milestone. As noted by John Hanger, energy expert and former secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: As of April, gas tied coal at 32% of the electric power generation market, nearly ending coals 100year reign on top of electricity markets. There are other factors, of course. For one, a slow economy tends to use less energy, especially oil. And despite President Obamas two -- or is it three -- summers of recovery, this economy is going nowhere fast. The economic slowdown appears to be causing a gradual decline in petroleum-related carbon dioxide emissions, which also peaked in 2007 and then began to fall, albeit at a slower pace than the total emissions decline. Even so, all facets of the energy industry have been working to reduce carbon emissions, and those efforts are beginning to pay off. The refining industry, for example, reports that between 1990 and 2008 it spent $112 billion -- and $20 billion in 2010 alone -- to get emissions in compliance with regulations. As a result, the industry has reduced sulfur levels in gasoline by 90% since 2004 and a similar reduction in diesel since 2005. That task is made more difficult when refiners have to rely on upgrading existing plants to meet new federal regulations rather than building new ones, leading several northeast refineries to shut down recently. The reason for the lack of new refineries is the EPA refused to grant any new building permits. The good news, according to the Associated Press, is that the EPA has just granted final permit approval to three Native American tribes in North Dakota to build a new refinery -- the first permit in the lower 48 states in 41 years. Its a start, but only a start. So energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are way down, and its mostly because of private sector innovations in energy production. Its a huge success story; just dont expect the EPA, or the media, to be telling it.

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No Esperes que haya una Reforma Migratoria para Realizar tu Sueo Americano Djame Ayudarte Hoy
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leyes laws

se han ido de Delaware. En el 2010, el nmero de las declaraciones de ellos cay un 10 por ciento y sus ingresos reportados se desplomaron un 27 por ciento. Es una verdad en toda la nacin que los ricos de hoy en Amrica han ganado su dinero, no lo han robado. Y los negocios que han creado proveen trabajos para muchos de nosotros. Entonces por qu algunos piden impuestos ms altos para esos que trabajan y son exitosos? Porque en la poltica, los hechos no importan. Aumentar los impuestos sobre los ricos se considera bueno para conseguir votos an si eso daa la economa de Delaware.

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La verdad acerca de Los Ricos

El Presidente Obama ha dicho que necesitamos aumentar los impuestos sobre los ricos, en lugar de disminuir el tamao del gobierno federal.
>Dr. John E. Stapleford, Director de Politicas y Anlisis Econmico Instituto Caesar Rodney En el estado de Delaware, el Gobernador Markell, apoyado por la legislatura, esta de acuerdo con el Presidente Obama. Debido a eso, desde el primero de enero del 2010, la taza impositiva mxima que se aplica a los ingresos personales de ms de $60 mil dlares, se aument del 6 al 7 por ciento. Al mismo tiempo no ha habido recortes significantes en el gobierno estatal. Por qu los polticos hacen esto? Si no se hacen recortes significativos en el tamao del gobierno, asumimos entonces, que todos los servicios que ofrece el gobierno s nos estn ayudando. En las escuelas pblicas de Delaware, dos tercios de los estudiantes no saben leer o no son muy aptos en matemticas; no obstante, el presupuesto por cada estudiante ha aumentado por 20 aos ms rpido que la inflacin. Y cul es la solucin de nuestro gobierno?, pedir ms dinero pblico y ms burcratas. Con respecto a los ricos en Delaware, es claro que los Progresistas como el Gobernador Markell, creen que es buena idea y justo quitarles su dinero para drselo a otras personas. Ellos asumen que si alguien es rico o millonario, es porque se lo quit a alguien. Pero, nosotros sabemos que la mayor parte de los ricos no ganan su dinero as. Si no, que la base del xito se debe al trabajo arduo, a la educacin y al compromiso con sus familias. La vida no siempre es justa, pero hacemos lo mejor posible con lo que tenemos a nuestro alcance, en lugar de culpar a otros de nuestros problemas. Pues, quines son los ricos en Delaware?. De acuerdo al IRS, el 2.6 por ciento de los residentes reportaron ingresos de $200 mil dlares ms. Esos ricos sucios pagaron el 29 por ciento de los impuestos individuales federales proveniente del estado de Delaware y el 33 por ciento de los impuestos individuales que cobr el estado. Comparados con el resto de los contribuyentes de Delaware, es ms comn que los ricos estn casados. Los ricos en nuestro estado son dueos de negocios o empresarios que tomaron riesgos de abrir negocios, para crecer nuestra economa. En comparacin con el resto de los contribuyentes de Delaware, los ricos reporten ingresos recibido como intereses, cuatro veces ms probable que reporten los ingresos de los dividendos; y diez veces ms probable que reporten los ingresos de las ganancias del capital. Desde el ao 2007, cuando los impuestos personales de ganancias aumentaron, los ricos sucios

The Truth About The Rich

President Obama has said we need to raise taxes on the rich rather than cut the size of government.
>Dr. John E. Stapleford, Center of Economic Policy and Analysis Director Caesar Rodney Institute In Delaware, Governor Markell, supported by the legislature, agrees with President Obama. Effective January 1, 2010 the top marginal tax rate applied to personal income over $60,000 was raised from almost 6% to about 7%, and there have been no significant cuts in state government. Why are the politicians doing this? If no significant cuts in the size of government are made, we assume all government services and spending must be helping us. In Delawares public schools, for example, where two-thirds of the students cannot read or do math with proficiency and where per student spending has risen faster than inflation for twenty years, the solution has been to call for more money and bureaucrats. With regard to the rich in Delaware, it is clear Progressives like Governor Markell believe it is fair and just to take their money and give it to other people. They assume if one is rich, that person must have taken it from someone else. We know most wealthy people do not make their money this way. Hard work and commitment to family and education are the keys to success. We all know life isnt always fair, but we do our best to make the most of what we have rather than blame others for our troubles. Well, who are the rich in Delaware? According to the IRS, 2.6% of Delawareans reported incomes of $200,000 or more. These filthy rich households paid 29% of the Federal personal income tax coming from Delaware and accounted for 33% of Delawares personal income tax revenue. Compared to the rest of Delaware taxpayers, the rich are more likely to be married. They were far more likely to be business owners and entrepreneurs who take risks and made sacrifices to grow our economy. They are more likely than the rest of Delaware taxpayers to report interest income, four times more likely to report dividend income, and ten times more likely to report income from capital gains. Since tax year 2007, when Delawares personal income tax went up, the rich have fled Delaware. In 2010 the number of tax returns from them fell almost 10% and their reported income dropped by 27%. As is true across the nation, the rich in America today have mostly earned their money, not stolen it. The businesses they have created provide jobs for the rest of us. Why then do some people call for higher taxes on those who work and are successful? Because facts dont matter in politics. Taxing the rich, even if it harms Delawares economy, is considered good for getting votes.

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12



informacin information

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

Jvenes Embajadores
El Centro latino Smithsonian les ofrece una enriquecedora experiencia a los estudiantes de ltimo ao de escuela secundaria
El programa Jvenes Embajadores se centra en las artes, ciencias y humanidades El Centro latino Smithsonian ha completado un proceso competitivo a lo largo del pas y de Puerto Rico al seleccionar a 22 estudiantes que se graduarn este ao de escuela secundaria para que participen en el Programa de Jvenes Embajadores del 24 de junio al 3 de agosto. Se trata de un programa nacional e interdisciplinario dedicado al desarrollo del liderazgo, con miras a impulsar la prxima generacin de lderes latinos en las artes, las ciencias y las humanidades. Los estudiantes participarn por una semana en un seminario de adiestramiento personal y enriquecimiento cultural que tendr lugar en Washington, D.C. El seminario incluye cursillos y visitas a varias unidades y museos de la Institucin Smithsonian y otras organizaciones culturales. Una vez concluida la semana en Washington, los estudiantes regresarn a sus comunidades para completar una pasanta de cuatro semanas en un museo o institucin cultural en su propia comunidad. Este programa de verano alienta a la juventud a explorar y entender su identidad latina y a acoger su patrimonio cultural mediante visitas a las colecciones latinas de la Institucin Smithsonian y a travs de la interaccin con expertos de la Institucin, as como con artistas, periodistas, cientficos y otros profesionales que laboran en los museos. La pasanta les ofrece una oportunidad prctica de adquirir las destrezas en promover el patrimonio cultural latino en las comunidades a nivel local. Los participantes representan a nueve estados de los Estados Unidos, Washington, D.C. y Puerto Rico. Entre ellos, hay estudiantes que aspiran a ser antroplogos, artistas, cientficos, lderes en la salud y la medicina, lderes cvicos y comunitarios, diplomticos, diseadores e ingenieros. Los Jvenes Embajadores no solo han alcanzado el xito acadmico, sino que han dado pruebas de su sentido de responsabilidad cvica y su dedicacin al servicio a la comunidad. Este programa se lleva a cabo gracias al generoso patrocinio de Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services, el brazo filantrpico de Ford Motor Company. Uno de nuestros objetivos ha sido siempre la de ofrecerles oportunidades de aprendizaje a los estudiantes hispanos para que puedan contribuir al avance de sus comunidades, dijo Joedis Avila, gerente de alcance comunitario de Ford Motor Co. Fund and Community Services. Estamos orgullosos de apoyar a estos Jvenes Embajadores por quinto ao consecutivo y tenemos la confianza de que su semana en Washington y sus respectivas pasantas llegarn a ser fructferas para sus carreras acadmicas y profesionales, y an ms. Descubrir los misterios del universo, comprender y mantener la biodiversidad de un planeta, valorar las culturas del mundo y comprender la experiencia de Amrica son los cuatro grandes retos del Smithsonian, dijo Eduardo Daz, director del Centro Latino del Smithsonian. Nuestro Programa de Jvenes Embajadores persigue cumplir con estos objetivos al proporcionarles una experiencia rica y culturalmente relevante a estos estudiantes de ltimo ao de escuela secundaria. Para ms informacin sobre el programa Jvenes Embajadores y, visite

Young Ambassadors
Smithsonian Provides Summer Experience to Graduating High School Seniors.
Young Ambassadors Program Focuses on Arts, Sciences and Humanities The Smithsonian Latino Center has selected 22 graduating high school seniors from throughout the country and Puerto Rico to participate in the Young Ambassadors Program, June 24 through Aug. 3. This interdisciplinary, leadership development program fosters the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences and humanities. Students spend a week in Washington attending seminars and skill-building workshops and participating in site visits to Smithsonian and area museums and cultural organizations. Each student then spends the next four weeks interning at a museum or cultural center in a local community. This summer program encourages youth to explore and understand the Latino experience through visits to the Smithsonians Latino collections and through personal interactions with Smithsonian experts, artists, journalists, scientists and other museum professionals. The internship provides a hands-on opportunity to gain practical skills and promote Latino outreach at the local level. Participants represent nine states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico and include aspiring anthropologists, artists, scientists, health and medicine leaders, civic and community leaders, diplomats, designers and engineers. In addition to their academic achievements, these students have demonstrated civic responsibility and community service. The Young Ambassadors Program is made possible through the support of the Ford Motor Co. Fund and Community Services, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Co. One of our goals has always been to offer learning opportunities to Latino students so they can contribute to the advancement of their communities, said Joedis Avila, community outreach manager, Ford Motor Co. Fund and Community Services. We are proud to support these Young Ambassadors for the fifth year in a row and trust that their week in Washington and their respective internships prove to be fruitful in their educational and professional careers and beyond. Unlocking the mysteries of the universe, understanding and sustaining a biodiverse planet, valuing world cultures and understanding the American experience are the Smithsonians four Grand Challenges, said Eduardo Daz, director of the Smithsonian Latino Center. Our Young Ambassadors Program addresses these goals by providing a rich and culturally relevant experience to these high school seniors. For information about the Young Ambassadors Program visit

Robert Ramos

Robert Ramos was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 7, 1994. Though life was rough at first, Robert persevered and ended up discovering his affinity for academia. Math came naturally to him, Science was a breeze, and Literature was Roberts life. Eventually, he began to ponder how he could use his natural gifts to help others and, luckily for him, his mother held the answer. Following her example, Robert became more and more inclined toward the medical field. He decided that people such as doctors, nurses, and other practitioners have the most positive impact on the lives of the people of the world and that he would become a member of their ranks. Since then, Robert has been continually working toward his goal of becoming a doctor while also trying to live life as a normal teenager. With enough passion, dedication, and support from those around him Robert hopes to achieve his dream.

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

eventos events



Arte con Propsito

Pequea galera de Delaware une arte y filantropa
Arte con Propsito, la galera de arte nica en su estilo y sin fines de lucro, abri sus puertas en el centro de Lewes, DE, el fin de semana de Labor Day, 2011. Esta galera es la nica de su tipo en el pas, explic Midge Smith, fundadora de la galera. Arte con Propsito es un lugar donde arte y filantropa se unen cada da para permitir que los donantes, artistas y amantes del arte de todo Estados Unidos participen en donaciones de caridad creativas. El proceso es sencillo: Arte con Propsito acepta arte directamente de los donantes, lo vende y distribuye las ganancias a organizaciones sin fines lucrativos para su uso sin restricciones. Los donantes reciben reconocimientos oficiales de sus donaciones en el momento de sus ofrendas y pueden sugerir caridades, en cualquier lugar de Estados Unidos, en beneficio de las ventas de obras donadas. Durante el ltimo ao, ms de 100 pinturas y esculturas con valores individuales de hasta $42.000 han procedido de donantes en cinco estados y se han hecho contribuciones producto de las ventas a 11 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en cuatro estados. Arte con Propsito est abierta de 1:00 a 5:00 p.m. todos los viernes, sbados y domingos, y en otras oportunidades por cita, en Lewes, DE, en el segundo piso en el nmero 135 de Second Street. Para obtener informacin, escribir a o llamar al 302-245-4528 y visitar




THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 AT 8PM $47-$54 302-652-5577

Art for a Purpose

Small town Delaware gallery unites art and philanthropy
Art for a Purpose, the one-of-a-kind art gallery and nonprofit, opened its doors in downtown Lewes, DE, on Labor Day weekend, 2011. This summer is a celebration of its growth and success. This Gallery is the only one of its kind in the country, explained Midge Smith, the Gallerys founder. Art for a Purpose is a place where art and philanthropy come together every day to allow donors, artists, and art lovers from all over the U.S. to participate in creative charitable giving. The process is simple: Art for a Purpose accepts art directly from donors, sells the art, and distributes the proceeds to nonprofits for their unrestricted use. Donors receive official acknowledgements of their donations at the time of their donations and they may recommend charities, anywhere in the U.S., to benefit from the sales of donated works. In the past year, more than 100 paintings and sculptures with individual values up to $42,000 have come from donors in five states and contributions from sales have been made to 11 nonprofits in four states. In celebration of its first anniversary, the second-floor gallery, tucked away on 135 Second Street in the quaint coastal resort of Lewes, will host several special exhibits for the summer months, including Spotlight on International Art, from July 27 through August 12. The Gallery has an eclectic assortment of high quality art, including a variety of media (e.g., oil, acrylic, watercolor, photography, various print techniques, sculpture) produced by major artists since the 1860s who lived and worked all over the world, including several DC / DelMarVa painters. Art for a Purpose is open 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and other times by appointment, in Lewes, DE, on the second floor at 135 Second Street. For information, write to or call 302-245-4528, and see .

This program is made possible in part by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts. A state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. * All tickets subject to box office service charges. Artists, dates, times and programs are subject to change.

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Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 6 No.12 / July 27, 2012


Miss Chiquita Delaware 2012 Candidatas Little Miss Hispanic Delaware Candidates
El Concurso Miss Chiquita Hispana de Delaware 2012, se llevar a cabo el sbado 11 de agosto a las 6:00 pm En el Hall de la iglesia de San Pablo 1010 W. 4th, Street en la esquina de la 4 y Calle Jackson. Todos estan invitados a apoyar a estas inteligentes y hermossas seoritas.

Unos cuantos tragos pueden hacer de ti un asesino al volante.



Little Miss Hispanic Delaware Saturday, August 11, 2012 at 6p, St. Pauls Hall 1010 W. 4Th Street, Wilmington DE 19805 (Corner of 4th and Jackson) Thanks for your support
She is very helpful, caring, loveable young lady. She makes friends every day from her charismatic smile. Eleiana has many goals in life and wants to achieve so many, but her major ambition is to become a teacher.

Eleiana Santiago-Johnson

She takes great pleasure in singing, performing, playing video games, watching movies, reading and writing books, and having fun with family and friends. Naijaliz, Naija for short, likes to practice her craft on a daily basis.

Naijaliz E. Collier-Baez

En Delaware es ilegal manejar con una concentracin de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08 o mayor ya que puede ser mortal. El alcohol afecta tu velocidad de reaccin y tu juicio. Checkpoint Strikeforce (fuerza de ataque en un puesto de control) de Delaware es una campaa de aplicacin a nivel estatal de seis meses que cuenta con un mayor nmero de patrullas y puestos de control para DUI durante todas las semanas desde ahora hasta el 31 de diciembre. Si te atrapan, pierdes tu licencia y debes pagar miles de dlares en multas y sanciones. Evita siempre manejar si has estado bebiendo.


Infrmate en

Age 8 she attends William A Oberle Jr. Elementary School. Jian Karla likes to dance, play sports and shopping. She wants to be a professional ballerina and a Lawyer to help people when she grows up

Jian Karla Rubio,

Karina enjoys dancing, gymnastics, listening to Salsa and Bachata she also loves spending time with her family and friends. Karina attends Pulaski Elementary School. She has received many certificates and awards.

Karina Rodriguez

She is a 3rd grader at Marbrook Elementary School. Ana likes dancing, playing baseball, swimming and spending time with her siblings. Anas future goals are to become a veterinarian, and a dancer.

Meriana Marie Ayala Ana

She will be attending 4th grade at Las Americas ASPIRA Academy. She received a Skittles award from her 3rd grade teacher at ASPIRA because she was unique and brightens the room like a rainbow.

Sabrina Alexis Carrasquillo

She is a 3rd grader at Marbrook Elementary School . Taty likes playing basketball, sofball, cooking, swiming and playing with her siblings. Tatys goals are to attend a culinary school and become a chef.

Tatiana Avri Ayala Taty-

ABOGADOS DE INMIGRACION Detencin & Expulsin Inmigracin en Base a Empleo Inmigracin en Base Familiar


(Cerca de Dover & Middletown DE en la costa este de MD)

Age 7, Yamileth is a twin. She attends Carrie Downye Elementary School.She likes to dance, sing, walk and participate in different events in school like the father and daughter dance. Yamileth also likes to make new friends.

Yamileth Lazcano-Candia

Age 9, she attends Pulaski Elementary school, daughter of Ana Diaz and Rene Sanchez. Thalia likes to dance and cheer-leading.

Thalia Sanchez,

Age 8, she attends Oberle Elementary School. Jocelyn loves to sing, dance. She is always smiling she is very fun, makes friend easily. She likes to swim, ride a bike and spend time with her friends.

Jocelyn Huertero,

Joelys is 7 years old, she attends Marbrook Elementary School. She loves to read, dance and play outdoors.

Joelys Z. Ortiz

Tiene nueve aos y en este ciclo escolar va entrar a quinto grado en la escuela Wilson Elementary. Le encanta dibujar. Cuando sea grande lo que quiere ser es una diseadora y maestra de arte.

Dulce Maria Espino - Gomez

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Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

comunidad community
Festival Hispano in Millsboro
Festival Hispano will be on Sunday, August 19, 2012 from 12 noon to 6:00

Festival Hispano en Millsboro

Festival Hispano se llevar a cabo en Millsboro, Delaware, el domingo 19 de agosto de 2012, desde el medioda hasta las seis de la tarde, en el lugar denominado Millsboro Little League Complex.
La entrada al Festival Hispano ser gratuita y estar abierta a cualquier persona que desee celebrar la herencia cultural latina. Durante el da contaremos con linda msica, bailes folclricos, abundante comida mexicana y del resto de Amrica Latina y, una vez ms, con un rea dedicada a la ejecucin de actividades que puedan ser disfrutadas especialmente por los nios. Festival Hispano es una de las tantas actividades patrocinadas por la organizacin artstica local conocida con el nombre de El Centro Cultural. Fundada en 1995 con el objeto de promover programas artsticos, culturales y sociales, El Centro Cultural desempea su importante papel por medio del descubrimiento y la promocin de artistas locales hispanos, del apoyo de las artes como parte de la educacin local, y al actuar como coordinador de eventos comunitarios locales. Festival Hispano es posible gracias al importante apoyo de: Delaware Division of the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Atlantic Physical Therapy, Bayhealth Medical Center, Beebe Medical Center, Discover Bank, M & T Bank, Nemours Health & Prevention Services, Perdue Farms, and Sussex County Council. Si desea participar en el Festival Hispano para promover su negocio, informar a la comunidad de sus servicios y llegar a miles de residentes hispanos en el rea de Delmarva, por favor visite nuestra pgina electrnica para aplicaciones, fotos, y ms informacin. Ahora nos puedes encontrar en Facebook. Tambin puede contactarnos por correo electrnico al festivalhispano@hotmail. com o llmenos al (302) 745-6828.

pm at the Millsboro Little League Complex on State Street. This will be the 18th year that Festival Hispano will be celebrated in Sussex County, Delaware.
Festival Hispano is free and open to anyone who wants to celebrate Latino cultural heritage. This day includes beautiful music, folkloric dances, plenty of delicious Mexican and Latin American food, information and services targeting the Hispanic community, and a special area dedicated exclusively to childrens entertainment and activities. Festival Hispano is one of the many activities sponsored by the local non-profit arts organization known as El Centro Cultural. Formed in 1995 to provide more artistic, cultural and social programs, El Centro Cultural plays an important role in discovering and promoting local Hispanic artists, supporting local arts education, and coordinating local community events. Festival Hispano is made possible by important grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, Atlantic Physical Therapy, Bayhealth Medical Center, Beebe Medical Center, Discover Bank, M & T Bank, Nemours Health & Prevention Services, Perdue Farms, and Sussex County Council. If you would like to participate in Festival Hispano to promote your business, inform the community of your services, and reach thousands of Hispanic residents, please check out our website for applications, pictures and more information. El Centro Cultural is now on Facebook. You may also contact us by email at or by phone at (302) 745-6828.

El verano no es divertido cuando tienes hambre.

Comidas gratuitas estn disponibles para nios (as) eligibles hasta los 18 aos.
Para un sitio cerca de usted, por favor llame la Lnea de Ayuda de Delaware 2-1-1.

Fotografa Profesional
Gustavo Grajales

Para Todas tus Ocasiones Especiales Telfono (302)252 8713

salud health

Health Care Innovation Awards

Awards funded by the Affordable Care Act go to Christiana Care Health System and Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
Together, these hospitals received nearly $13.7 million for new programs. Christiana Care Health System received $10 million for its program, Bridging the Divide. The funding will help Christiana Care Health System create and test a system that will use a patient care hub and case managers to improve care for post-myocardial infarction and revascularization patients, the majority of them Medicare or Medicaid beneficiaries. Nemours Alfred I. Dupont Hospital for Children received $3,697,300 for its Optimizing Health Outcomes for children with Asthma in Delaware project. Nemours will use the funding to enhance family-centered health homes by expanding services for children with asthma and developing a population health initiative in the neighborhoods surrounding targeted primary care practices. Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and Christiana Care Health System both have a long history of service and commitment to the health of Delawareans, said Governor Markell. This funding helps both programs maintain that focus while exploring innovative ways to improve our overall well-being. Both of these award-winning Delaware programs aim to reduce the cost of health care through prevention, said Sen. Carper. By preventing disease and illness from getting worse or starting in the first place, we can increase Delawareans quality of life and bring down the costs of care by reducing expensive emergency room visits and hospital procedures. Programs like these are at the very heart of the Affordable Care Act, working to improve health care outcomes while reducing health care costs. Delawareans are fortunate to have access to top-notch hospitals like Christiana Care and Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, and support from sources like the Health Innovation Awards from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will help them to continue on a path of excellence, Sen. Coons said. This funding is about giving the health care workforce the tools they need to provide more thorough, accurate and efficient care to patients. I feel strongly that these programs are worth investing in because the payoff will be huge they will not only save money for years to come, but they will also save lives. The current cost of health care is unsustainable and a burden on American businesses and families, said Congressman Carney. Washington doesnt have all the answers to bring these costs down. The resources announced today will be used to identify and develop best practices for improving patient care while reducing costs. Nemours and Christiana Care have developed innovative approaches to accomplishing this goal, and I look forward to their work being used as an example to promote quality, efficient health care nationwide. The investments made by this grant are expected to generate cost savings beyond the three year grant period.

Premios de innovacin de la salud

Premios financiados por la Ley de Atencin Mdica Asequible son otorgados al Sistema de Cuidado de Salud de Christiana y el Hospital para Nios Nemours/Alfred I. duPont.
Juntos, estos hospitales recibieron casi $13,70 millones para nuevos programas. El Sistema de Cuidado de Salud de Christiana recibi $10 millones para su programa de superacin de la brecha (Bridging the Divide). Los fondos ayudarn al Sistema de Cuidado de Salud de Christiana a crear y probar un sistema que utilizar un centro de atencin al paciente y administradores de casos para mejorar la atencin a pacientes que sufrieron infarto de miocardio y pacientes de revascularizacin, la mayora de los cuales son beneficiarios de Medicare o Medicaid. El Hospital para Nios Nemours Alfred I. DuPont recibi $3.697.300 para su proyecto Optimizando los Resultados de Salud para Nios con Asma en Delaware. Nemours utilizar los fondos para mejorar hogares de salud centradas en la familia mediante la expansin de servicios para nios con asma y el desarrollo de un programa de salud popular para vecindarios especficos cercanos a las prcticas de cuidado primario. El Hospital para Nios Nemours/Alfred I. duPont y el Sistema de Cuidado de Salud de Christiana tienen ambos una larga historia de servicio y compromiso con la salud de los delawarianos, dijo el gobernador Markell. Este financiamiento ayuda a ambos programas a mantener ese enfoque mientras que exploran formas innovadoras de mejorar nuestro bienestar general. Ambos galardonados programas de Delaware pretenden reducir el costo de la atencin de salud mediante la prevencin, dijo el Senador Carper. Previniendo que las enfermedades empeoren, o mejor an, que comiencen, podemos aumentar la calidad de vida de los delawarianos y bajar los costos de atencin reduciendo las onerosas entradas a la sala de emergencia y los procedimientos hospitalarios. Programas como stos son el propio corazn de la Ley de Atencin Mdica Asequible, trabajando para mejorar los resultados de salud mientras se reducen los costos. Los delawarianos tienen suerte de tener acceso a excelentes hospitales como Christiana Care y el Hospital para Nios Nemours/Alfred I. duPont. De la misma manera, el apoyo de fuentes como los Premios de Innovacin de Salud del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Delaware les ayudar a continuar avanzando en un camino de excelencia, dijo el Senador Coons. Este financiamiento tiene como fin darle a la fuerza de trabajo de salud las herramientas que necesitan para proporcionar una atencin ms completa, precisa y eficiente a los pacientes. Creo firmemente que vale la pena invertir en estos programas porque la recompensa ser enorme no slo nos ahorrar dinero en los aos venideros, sino que tambin salvar vidas. El costo actual de la atencin sanitaria es insostenible y una carga para las familias y las empresas estadounidenses, dijo el congresista Carney. Washington no tiene todas las respuestas para bajar estos costos. Los recursos dados a conocer hoy se utilizarn para identificar y desarrollar mejores prcticas para optimizar la atencin al paciente y reducir los costos. Nemours y Christiana Care han desarrollado enfoques innovadores para lograr este objetivo, y espero que su trabajo sea utilizado como un ejemplo para promover la atencin de salud eficaz y de calidad a nivel nacional. Se espera que las inversiones realizadas mediante este financiamiento generen ahorros de costos ms all de los tres aos del perodo que dura este subsidio.

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12



comunidad community
La honorable Vivian Rapposelli, un miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Fundacin Comunitaria de Delaware acept ser la secretaria de la Junta.
Rapposelli, quien entro a ser parte de la junta en el 2010, fue nombrada Secretaria del departamento de nios, los jvenes y sus familias por el Gobernador Jack Markell en el 2009. Su mayor inters es facilitar una voz a los ciudadanos mas jvenes y vulnerables, trabajando con miembros de la comunidad fortaleciendo programas y servicios disponibles para los nios de Delaware y sus familias.

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

Rapposelli acepta nueva posicin

Antes de su nombramiento Rapposelli paso su carrera profesional en el campo legal, fundando la firma Rapposelli & Gonzales, la primera firma de abogados multilinge de Delaware. Obtuvo su doctorado en la escuela de leyes de la universidad de Widener en 1993, donde es miembro de la junta supervisora. Ha formado parte del comit ejecutivo de la Asociacin de Abogados de Delaware y es miembro de su junta directiva y la del Centro Comunitario Latinoamericano. Anteriormente fue voluntaria en la oficina de defensa de los nios como tutora especial, representando caso de negligencia. Desde su nombramiento como Secretaria del gabinete Rapposelli ha participado activamente como miembro de la Comisin para proteccin de los Nios y es Co- Presidenta del Consejo Coordinador contra la Violencia Domestica. Es tambin la Co-Presidenta de Cooperacin para justicia Juvenil La relacin de Rapposelli con el DCF empez en el 2006, cuando fue la presidenta del Consorcio Hispano de la Gobernacin, el cual estaba financiado por el DCF y la fundacin Arsht-Cannon. Desde entonces el Consorcio fue combinado con el Consejo Asesor en Asuntos Hispanos de la gobernacin y se convirti en la Comisin Hispana, de la cual Rapposelli es la co-presidenta con el Representante Estatal Joe Miro. Desde que ella se uni a la junta en diciembre 2010, Vivian ha sumado mucha energa y experiencia a la Fundacin, dijo el Presidente de DCF Fred C. Sears. Ya se ha convertido en una lder en la organizacin y nos sentimos privilegiados de que haya aceptado este nombramiento.

Rapposelli new DCF board of directors Secretary

The Honorable Vivian Rapposelli, a member of the Delaware Community Foundation Board of Directors, has accepted the position of board secretary.
Rapposelli, who joined the DCF Board in 2010, was appointed Cabinet Secretary of the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families by Governor Jack A. Markell in 2009. Her focus is on providing a voice to the states youngest and most vulnerable citizens, while working with community partners to strengthen the programs and services available to children and families in Delaware. Prior to her appointment, Rapposelli spent her professional career in the legal field, most recently as the principal and founder of Rapposelli & Gonzales, the first multilingual law firm in Delaware. Rapposelli earned her Juris Doctorate from the Widener University School of Law in 1993, where she is currently a member of the Board of Overseers. She has served on the executive committee for the Delaware State Bar Association and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Delaware Bar Foundation and the Latin American Community Center. Rapposelli was previously a volunteer for the Office of the Child Advocate as guardian ad litem, representing children in dependency/neglect cases. She currently serves on the board for Junior Achievement of Delaware. Since her appointment as Cabinet Secretary, Rapposelli has actively participated as a member of the Child Protection Accountability Commission and co-chairs the Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils Children and Domestic Violence Sub-Committee. She is also the co-chair of the Juvenile Justice Collaborative. Rapposellis relationship with the DCF began in 2006, when she served as chair of the Governors Consortium on Hispanic Affairs, which was funded by the DCFs Arsht-Cannon Fund. The consortium has since combined with the Governors Advisory Council on Hispanic Affairs to become the Delaware Hispanic Commission, which Rapposelli co-chairs with State Representative Joe Miro. Since she joined the board in December 2010, Vivian has added so much energy and expertise to the Foundation, DCF President & CEO Fred C. Sears said. She has already become a leader in the organization, and we feel privileged that she has accepted this appointment.
Bilingue - Bilingual


Bilingue - Bilingual

Bilingue - Bilingual


Bilingue - Bilingual


Peridico Bisema

EL TIEMPO H ISPANO EL TIEMPO HISPANO Mejor Lo Mejor de lo Celebrando a Chile st of the Best The Be

Peridico Bisemana
Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 09, 15 de junio de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 09, June 15, 2012





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t Newspaper

El sbado 12 de

mayo se llev a

cabo el Programa

de Reconocimiento

a los estudiantes

hispanos de Delaware.

Diego Jimnez
La vida es una sola y hay que vivirla al mximo
Diego Jimnez Sosa naci con parlisis cerebral. Eso no ha impedido que haya sido galardonado con cinco premios por sus resultados acadmicos.

La administracin del Presidente Obama orden indocumentados que suspender la deportacin vinieron a este pas de los jvenes siendo menores de de trabajo temporal 16 aos y les dar permiso por dos aos. Esta iniciativa en un ao electoral responde a una prioridad del electorado importante que se ha venido oponiendo a hispano cada vez mas las polticas de deportacin.

Qu est en jueg

l para el estado de

Delaware www.eltiempohispa Delaware Ao 7, No. 10, 29 de junio de 2012 - Delaware , Year

Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspape r VII, No. 10, June 29, 2012


Cientos celebran la asociacin estelar de negocios de Chile con los Estados Unidos y con la llave que abre todas las puertas los puertos del ro Delaware

Student Delawares Hispanic

Recognition Program

was held on Saturday

May 12th .

Paremos la Violencia

Peridico Bisemanal para el estado de Delaware Delaware Statewide Bi-weeklt Newspaper Delaware Ao 7, No. 11, 13 de julio de 2012 - Delaware, Year VII, No. 11, July 13, 2012

Life is but one and you have to live it to its fullest

Diego Jimnez Sosa was born with cerebral palsy. This has not prevented him from receiving five awards for his academic achievements.

Nueva Sede

Ao nal Femenina del Estudiante Excepcio High School Female Outstanding Hispanic the Year Student of

Claudia Gonzlez,

del Ao nal Masculino Estudiante Excepcio High School Male Outstanding Hispanicthe Year Student of

Reinaldo Reina,

La Red Inaugura

Nueva Sede

Crisis en la Esc uela Lewis / Lew is Elementary Crisis

La Red New Fa cility

Hundreds Celebrate Chiles Stellar Business Partnership with the United States and the Key that Opens All the Doors - the Ports of the Delaware River

Celebrating Chile

Homenaje a la

Mujer Hispana


- Tribute to Hispa

nic Women

Whats at Stake?
The Obama administration will stop deporting and undocumented immigrants begin giving work permits who came to the U.S. to younger as children and have The election-year initiative since led law-abiding addresses a top priority lives. of a growing Latino electorate that has opposed administration deportation policies.

Stop the Violence

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

consejera counseling
Masacre en Colorado Alerta a los Padres
7 Maneras de Reducir la Exposicin de los Hijos a la Violencia en los Medios de comunicacin
A das del trgico tiroteo en Aurora, Colorado, los detalles sobre la vida del hombre armado de 24 aos de edad, James Holmes, y sus motivos siguen siendo oscuros. Sin embargo, una nube de teoras acerca de la violencia surge cada vez que un evento como este se produce, en un intento de explicar el episodio escandaloso. Fue Holmes, que segn algunos informes entr en el teatro vestido como el enemigo de Batman, el Joker, afectada por los juegos o pelculas violentas como las de la pelcula que invadi? Eso no podra haber sido la nica razn, pero de hecho, muchos estudios concluyen que los nios que estn expuestos a la violencia en los medios de comunicacin pueden volverse mas insensibles y propensos a ella. Entonces, qu pueden hacer los padres para proteger a nios en edad escolar de la violencia en los medios de comunicacin? Quisiera comentar 7 estrategias que Katherine Lee de propone para limitar la cantidad de contenido violento al que su hijo se expone: 1. Conozca a los amigos de su hijo. Quines son los nios que l / ella juega con la escuela? Hay un amigo en particular que lo est alimentando con detalles sobre el material violento o inadecuado que ha visto, o tal vez odo hablar de un hermano mayor? Usted puede tratar de hablar con los padres del amigo acerca de la violencia en los medios y el material R-rated. Si eso no funciona, puede considerar dirigir a su hijo hacia la amistad con los nios cuyos padres tambin creen en la reduccin de la exposicin al contenido para adultos en los medios. 2. Vea y Juzgue el material de antemano. Usted no quiere ninguna sorpresa mientras ests viendo una pelcula junto con sus hijos. Es por eso que viendo una pelcula o un DVD antes de verlo con sus hijos para detectar la violencia o contenido indeseable es una buena idea. Si usted se est preguntando si un sitio Web es seguro, echa un vistazo usted mismo antes de permitir el acceso del nio. 3. Utilice las opciones de seleccin de escena del DVD. Gracias a Dios por esta til herramienta. Sin ella, cmo los padres podran saltar la violencia o las escenas de miedo en una pelcula? Si su hijo quiere ver una pelcula que usted piensa que es apropiada en general, pero puede contener algunas escenas que podran asustar a su hijo, salte sobre esas escenas. 4. Pregunte a otros padres. Otros padres con hijos pequeos pueden ser una excelente fuente de informacin sobre la violencia en los medios y el contenido explcito. Lo ms probable es que han luchado con las mismas decisiones sobre si debe o no dejar que su nio vea una pelcula en particular o programa de televisin. Puedes intercambiar informacin y asesoramiento con ellos para tomar mejores decisiones. 5. Eche un vistazo a los sitios Web que dan recomendaciones a los padres. Qu fuerte es el lenguaje? Hay violencia, y cuan grfica es? Qu pasa con el contenido sexual sugestivo o explcito? Usted querr hacer algo de investigacin antes de traer una pelcula en su casa. Un gran recurso es revisar los sitios Web de organizaciones dedicadas a ayudar a los padres tomar decisiones apropiadas para sus hijos con respecto a la violencia en los medios. 6. Adapte las opciones a su hijo. Si su hijo es el tipo de nio que tiene pesadillas despus de ver algo terrible o violento, no ceda y deje que su nio vea algo que usted sabe puede molestarlo slo porque le ruega que lo haga. Considere que lo qu es molesto para un nio puede no tener el mismo efecto en otro, as que vaya con su instinto de su propio hijo. 7. Hable de ello. Si su hijo le pregunta por algo que vio en una pelcula o un videojuego que era violento o grfico, sea lo ms sincero posible, sin entrar en demasiados detalles. Explique brevemente que la violencia y el contenido para adultos puede ser perjudicial para los nios - e incluso en algunos casos los adultos - y que su trabajo es proteger su bienestar hasta que sean mayores y ms capaces de tomar decisiones acerca de material adulto. Recuerde que ofrecemos consejera sicolgica y de Superacin Personal en Espaol en Delaware a individuos, parejas y familias. Llmenos al 302-668-6118 o encuntrenos en

Sicologa con F
| Ronaldo Tello-Marzol


Psychology with Faith

Colorado Massacre Alerts Parents

7 Ways to Reduce Exposure of Children to Violence in the Media
In the days since the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colo., details about the life of the suspected gunman, 24-year-old James Holmes, and his motives remain obscure. But a cloud of theories about violence arises each time an event like this occurs, in an attempt to explain or at least contextualize the shocking episode. Was Holmes, who according to some reports strode into the theater dressed as Batmans nemesis the Joker, affected by violent games or movies like those of the franchise he invaded? That might not have been the only reason, but indeed, many studies conclude that children who are exposed to violence in media can be desensitized and become more prone to it. So what can parents do to protect school-age kids from violence in the media? Katherine Lee, from, proposes 7 strategies for limiting the amount of violent content your child is exposed to: 1. Know your childs friends. Who are the children he/she plays with in school? Is there a particular friend whos feeding him details about violent or inappropriate material hes seen, or perhaps heard about from an older sibling? You can try talking to the pals parents about having their child tone down the media violence and Rrated material. If that doesnt work, you can consider steering your child toward friendships with kids whose parents also believe in minimizing their grade-schoolers exposure to mature media content. 2. Screen it beforehand. You dont want any surprises while youre watching a movie together. Thats why viewing a movie or DVD before you watch it with your kids to screen for media violence or other undesirable content is a good idea. If youre wondering if a website is safe, check it out yourself before allowing your child access. 3. Use the DVD scene select options. Thank goodness for this handy tool. Without it, how would parents skip over media violence or scary scenes in a movie? If your child wants to see a movie that you think is appropriate overall but may contain some scenes that could be frightening for your child, skip over those scenes and just fill him in on the basic plot. 4. Ask other parents. Other parents with grade-school age children can be excellent sources of information about media violence and explicit content. Chances are, theyve struggled with the same decisions about whether or not to let their child see a particular movie or TV show. You can swap info and advice, and get the latest lowdown on what kids are into. 5. Check out media-review websites for parents. How blue is the language? Is there violence, and how graphic is it? What about suggestive or explicit sexual content? Youll want to do some digging before you bring a movie into your home. One great resource to check out are Web sites of organizations that help parents make appropriate choices for their kids about their exposure to violence in media. 6. Tailor choices to your child. My son is the kind of kid who has nightmares after seeing anything remotely frightening or violent. Dont give in and let your child see something you know may upset him just because he begs you to do so. Whats upsetting to one child may not have the same effect on another, so go with your instinct about your own child. 7. Talk about it. If your child asks you about something he saw in a movie or videogame that was violent or graphic, be as candid as you can without going into too much detail. Explain briefly that violence and other mature content can be unhealthy for children -- and even in some cases adults -- and that your job is to protect their welfare until they are older and better able to make decisions about grown-up material. We offer counseling/Life Coaching in Delaware for individuals, couples and families. Call us at 302668-6118 or find us at


informacin information

Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

Prevencin de caidas en la construccin

La Secretaria de Trabajo Hilda L. Sols anunci una nueva campaa iniciada por la Administracin de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional para prevenir cadas peligrosas en la industria de construccin. La campaa de conocimiento proporciona informacin que salvar vidas, para que empleados y trabajadores sepan como trabajar de manera segura en escaleras, andamios y techos. En 2010, ms de 10,000 trabajadores de la construccin fueron heridos y otros 255 murieron por cadas desde niveles altos mientras trabajaban. La Secretaria Sols hizo el anuncio en la Cumbre de Accin Sobre Seguridad y Salud del Trabajador en la Universidad Comunitaria del Este de Los ngeles, uno de los muchos eventos esta semana honrando el Da de Conmemoracin de los Trabajadores. La cumbre fue patrocina por el Departamento de Trabajo de los E.E.U.U. en coordinacin con el programa laboral de seguridad y salud ocupacional de la Universidad de California en Los ngeles y el Divisin de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de California. El Da de Conmemoracin de los Trabajadores, el 28 de Abril, se conmemora anualmente por todo el pas para recordar a los trabajadores que perdieron la vida por culpa de lesiones evitables. La mejor manera de honorar el Da de Conmemoracin de los Trabajadores es asegurar que ninguna otra familia sufra la misma angustia de haber perdido un querido familiar por culpa de lesiones evitables en el lugar de trabajo, dijo la Secretaria Sols. Las cadas son el peligro ms mortal en la industria de la construccin, y son responsables por una de cada tres muertes en la construccin. Nuestro mensaje es simple: la seguridad paga, mientras las cadas cuestan. La campaa de OSHA para prevencin contra cadas fue desarrollada conjuntamente con el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional y su programa de Agenda Nacional de Investigacin Ocupacional. OSHA y NIOSH estn trabajando con asociaciones de comercio, uniones de trabajo, empleadores, universidades, organizaciones, consulados y organizaciones comunitarias y religiosas para ensear a empleadores y trabajadores especialmente aquellos con bajo nivel de alfabetizacin como entrenar y proporcionar estrategias sensibles e equipaje de prevencin que salvan vidas. OSHA ha creado una pgina web dedicada a la prevencin contra cadas, con informacin detallada en ingles e espaol, en NIOSH y NORA tambin han creado una pagina web en, y un recurso conjunto en lnea mantenido por el Centro para Investigacin y Entrenamiento de Construccin,, con informacin de parte de industria, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y el mundo acadmico. El verano es un tiempo ocupado para la industria de construccin, y tenemos que asegurar que trabajadores y empleadores entienden como prevenir cadas, dijo el Secretario Adjunto del Trabajo, Dr. David Michaels. Todos tienen que planear en adelante cuando se sabe que el trabajo se hace en niveles altos, proveer el equipo de trabajo correcto, y entrenar trabajadores para que sepan como usarlo de forma segura. Segn la Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de 1970, los empleadores son responsables de proporcionar lugares de trabajo seguros y saludables a sus empleados. El papel de OSHA es de asegurar esas condiciones para los trabajadores estadounidenses mediante la creacin de normas y la coercin para su cumplimiento, adems de proporcionar capacitacin, educacin y asistencia. Para ms informacin, visite

Construction Incident Prevention Initiative

US Labor Departments OSHA announces summer Construction Incident Prevention Initiative in Delaware
The U.S. Department of Labors Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched a no-notice Construction Incident Prevention Initiative campaign this summer to curb construction fatalities. Compliance officers will focus enforcement efforts on construction sites covered by OSHAs Wilmington, Del., Area Office, which includes the state of Delaware. The initiative is designed to identify and eliminate safety and health hazards at construction sites to prevent injuries and fatalities resulting from the four leading causes of incidents: falls, struck-by/crushing events, electrocutions and caught-inbetween events. The initiative also will target health hazards involving silica, lead and hexavalent chromium, and will draw on OSHAs national campaigns to prevent fall hazards at construction sites and heat illness among outdoor workers. During campaign periods, OSHA sends all of its compliance officers into the field to conduct immediate inspections when unsafe working conditions involving the four leading causes of incidents are observed at construction sites. On-site outreach also is provided to encourage employers to continue good work when it is observed. Despite its high fatality rate, construction can be a safe occupation when employers and workers are aware of the hazards and use an effective safety and health program, said Kurt Petermeyer, OSHAs acting regional administrator in Philadelphia. The increased presence of our compliance officers and the immediate inspections conducted in response to unsafe scaffolds, fall risks, trenches and other construction hazards should help to prevent work site fatalities. OSHAs Philadelphia Region, which includes Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia, had a total of 43 fatalities in fiscal years 2011 and 2012, with 18 attributed to falls. The initiative will be conducted from June through September. In April, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis announced a national campaign to provide employers and workers with lifesaving information and educational materials about working safely from ladders, scaffolds and roofs in an effort to prevent deadly falls in the construction industry. In 2010, more than 10,000 construction workers across the United States were injured as a result of falling while working from heights, and more than 250 workers were killed. OSHAs fall prevention campaign was developed in partnership with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and NIOSHs National Occupational Research Agenda program. More information on fall protection standards is available in English and Spanish at OSHA also is conducting a national outreach campaign this summer to educate both employers and workers about the hazards of working outdoors in hot weather. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and death are preventable. More information on heat prevention is available at

New position: Girls Inc of Delaware seeks a P/T Program Coordinator for Latina Initiative in Kent and Sussex Counties. Bi-lingual (Spanish/English) required. Knowledge of southern Delaware communities is desirable. Candidate will report to Program Director and will be liaison to families, Advisory Group, schools, churches and communities. Candidate will receive training, and will deliver and evaluate Girls Inc programs and curricula. Minimum of Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree preferred in Education or related field. Strong communication and public-speaking skills, interest in genderequity issues, and experience working with children required. Some evenings required. Salary is based on experience. Send resume to Exec. Dir. Brenda Algar at by July 17, 2012. No phone calls.

SI BUSCA TRABAJO Llame al 302-832 3620 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. para publicar un aviso gratis.

empleos jobs


Minimum Requirements: Fully bilingual (English/Spanish) Masters Degree in Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, or related field. 1-2 year experience working with immigrants and emotional issues desired Experience in clinical practice of psychology and/or counseling Experience with crisis management and intervention Experience and exposure to social service setting. Please send resume to:La Esperanza, Inc. Attn: Executive Assistant 216 N. Race Street Georgetown, DE 19947 Fax: 302-854-9277 FULL TIME PREVENTION SPECIALIST Minimum Requirements: Associate/Bachelors Degree in related field. Fully bilingual (English/Spanish) Excellent communication skills both oral and written in English and Spanish Computer literate with experience in MS Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Publisher, and the Internet. 1-2 year experience working with immigrants desired Experience in substance abuse prevention efforts, outreach and/or counseling Experience and exposure to social service setting. Please send resume to: La Esperanza, Inc. Attn: Executive Assistant 216 N. Race Street Georgetown, DE 19947 Fax: 302-854-9277 ACCOUNT REP/SALES MANAGER Account Rep/Sales Manager position available. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. send your resume to


CORTO ARBOLES Y hago trabajos de mecnica. Miguel Aguila Tel. 803-622 8627 BUSCO TRABAJO Landscaping en new Castle Agustin Vasquez 302- 983 3592 BUSCO EMPLEO en restaurant o yarda En Wilmington. Telfono 323-973 6478 Cecilio Vergara- Jose Luis Morales COSTURERO BUSCO TRABAJO DE COSTURERO, tengo experiencia y ganas de trabajar. 302761 3098 Humberto Chavez. COSMETOLOGA Hago limpiezas faciales, tratamientos de piel, manicures, pedicuras. Servicios a domicilio en el norte de Delaware. Irma (302) 743-9920 BUSCO TRABAJO En restaurante o limpieza, vivo en Wilmington. Telefono 302- 494 3283 Jeanette BUSCO TRABAJO En jardinera en Delaware vivo en New Castle 302- 983 3592 Agustin Vasquez BUSCO TRABAJO De costurero. Tengo experiencia en mquinas industriales, hablo ingls. 302563 5847 BUSCO TRABAJO EN CONSTRUCCIN Tengo experiencia en drywall, pisos etc. Newark 302- 981 8954 Miguel Dorantes VENDO POSTRES Gelatinas, flanes, tortas cheseecakes etc. Para toda ocasin vivo en New Castle, entrego en cualquier parte. Ana Garcia 302 442 8826 PINTOR Tengo experiencia en trabajos de pintura de casas, todas las herramientas, para trabajar en Delaware. Rigoberto Sanchez 302- 727 9486 PAyASO TETERETE Diversin garantizada en sus fiestas infantiles Tel. 302- 444 7661 COSTURA- ALTERACIONES Todo en confeccin Lucy Romero 610- 888 8463 West Grove AIRE ACONDICIONADO/ CALEFACCION Hago trabajos profesionales a domicilio, tenga 14 aos de experiencia. Delaware 561-420 7363

BUSCO TRABAJO Limpieza o jardinera Wilmington o New Castle Pedro Rivera 302- 256 3212 BUSCO TRABAJO En construccin o jardinera. Javier Vega 302- 553 8564 Kennett LANDSCAPING y PATIOS proyectos para patios. Wilmington o Newark 302- 444 1574 Rogelio Dominguez. CHOFER BUSCO TRABAJO Como chofer para bodega o distribuidora. Tengo licencia clase D. Tel. 302- 384 3253 Antonio Gutierrez SONIDO PARA FIESTAS Cualquier evento Sonido fish contar 302 444 7661 JARDINERIA En Salsbury MD Carlos Arce 410- 845 2095 BUSCO TRABAJO En Drywall en Wilmington o Newark. Pedro Ceballos 302- 319 0858 CONDUCTOR- MOTORISTA Me ofrezco para trabajar para empresa o particular. Interesados llamar a Miguel Cceres 302- 258 8286 Georgetown HAGO TRABAJOS DE PINTURA Techos acsticos y pintura en general en el Condado de New Castle 302-383 2840 Santiago Vera Espinoza. LIMPIO CASAS y OFICINAS En Wilmington y Newark 302-530 4164 Manuel Alczares BABySITTING Me ofrezco en Laurel. Chirley Escobar 302745-0391 Durante el dia de lunes a viernes BUSCO TRABAJO En Yarda o construccin, vivo en Wilmington, Feliciano Cruz te. 302-250 9293


LA IGLESIA SAN PABLO en la calle Van Buren y la calle 4 en Wilmington ofrece clases de Ingles gratis los domingos de 12 a 1:30. Para mas informacin llame a 302-655-6596. GRATIS-GRATIS! CLASES DE INGLES! Los domingos 11:15 am y miercoles de 6:30 a 7:55 pm 140 Airport Rd...New Castle, DE Ignacio (302) 328 3800 ex 94 PARROQUIA SAN JOSE 321 East Main Street en Middletown,Los Mircoles de 7:00 a 8:30 PM mas informacin llamar a Antonia al 302- 378 5805


Seaford injury treatment Center located in 105 new st in Seaford DE is in need of a full time medical assistant. No experience necessary. Must be fluent in Spanish and English. Must have their own car and be able to use it each day for work. If interested please call 267-251-5275 or 302-629-0950

ESL CLASES GRATIS Casa San Francisco, 125 Broad St.,Milton, (302) 684-8694.Lunes y Mircoles de 7:00 a 9:00 pm. Todos los niveles. LACC En la calle 4 y Van Buren, Wilmington. para informacion llamar al tel 302- 655 7338 QUIERE MEJORAR SU INGLES? La iglesia Presbiteriana de la Gracia en Dover ofrece cursos desde principiantes, intermedios y avanzados. Los cursos son los jueves de 6:30-8:45 pm. Inscripcin en la Iglesia: 350 McKee Road, Dover, DE. Se facilita cuidado de los nios. Mas informacin:(302) 734-8150. THE SUSSEX TECH Divisin de adultos Ofrece ingles como segunda lengua Los mircoles y jueves de 7:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cualquiera que quiera aprender ingles puede asistir.En la ruta 9 carretera LaurelGeorgetown.Mas informacin: (302) 856-9035 CLASES DE INGLES Ingles basico por las maanas de Enero 23 a Marzo 8 Lunes y Miercoles de 9 a 11:30 am y por las tardes desde el 9 de enero a el 4 de abril, Lunes y miercoles de 7 a 9:00 pm. Tambien ofrecemos clases de ingles avanzado, Cecil College, 107 Railroad Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921 Salon 328 Para mas informacion, 410-392-3366 LINCOLN: Lincoln United Methodist Church ESL martes/jueves 9am-1pm 4-7pm information Laurie Holubik 398-8945 x30 Administered by Lake Forest School Early Childhood Center GEORGETOWN: Georgetown Middle School (intermedia) ESL 301Market St (luz intermitente) Lunes a jueves 6-8pm (cuidan nios) 856-1900 Administered by Indian River School District La Esperanza ESL/Ciudadania 216 north Race St. Georgetown, DE 19947 302 854-9262 Sussex Tech ESl 856-9035 SELByVILLE: Selbyville Middle School ESL 80 Bethany Beach 302 436-1020 llame para dias y horas administered by Indian River School District BRIDGEVILLE ESL Phyllis Wheatley Middle School ESL Bridgeville, De 19933 (302) 337-3469 Administered by Sussex Tech H.S.

SUDOKU y cmo se juega

El objetivo es insertar los nmeros en las cajas con solo una condicin: cada fila, columna, y caja de 9 x 9 debe contener los nmeros del 1 al 9 nicamente una vez. Qu puede ser mas simple? Dicen que resolverlo requiere entre 10 y 30 minutos, segn seas de hbil con los nmeros y la lgica. Te invitamos a intentarlo y a pasar un rato entretenido que al mismo tiempo desarrolle tu capacidad de razonamiento. Disfrtalo!

Solucin al Anterior



Franco Sierra Experto en Limpieza de Alfombras Trabajo Garantizado, somos expertos, Licenciados y Asegurados Para un presupuesto llame al 302-377 7939
ALQUILO HABITACIONES EN NEWARK RUTA 273 $250 Y $350 LLAMAR AL TEL 302- 494 7154 SE ALQUILAN HABITACIONES. llamar;302- 4947154 no dejar mensaje de voz. razon ;Ruth Matos APARTAMENTO EN ALQUILER Cmodo apartamento de dos habitaciones en Wilmington, DE. Para ms Informacin llamar a Magda al 302- 333- 3270. RENTA CUARTO EN NEWARK COMPLETAMENTE RENOVADO. INFORMACIN 302-562 3139 BUSCO COCINEROS EN WILMINGTON JOSE LUIS 302- 268 4837 SE VENDE Vendo equipo completo de Sonido listo para empezar negocio de DJ o para un grupo musical. Precio de oferta $5500.00 incluyendo una traila de 5X8. Llamar para mas detalles al celular (302) 382-1530 Rene Acevedo

Juans Auto Repair

Domestic & Foreign Cars

Juan Vargas Propietario

1704 3rd Street Wilmington, DE 19805


Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12


Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

calendario calendar
los seores Del TiemPo El Penn Museum de Filadelfia explora los orgenes de las predicciones del fin del mundo en 2012 con la nueva e importante exhibicin MAYA 2012: Los Seores del Tiempo, una exhibicin de estreno mundial que se inaugur el 5 de mayo, el Penn Museum confronta la fascinacin actual con el ao 2012 y compara las predicciones de un apocalipsis que transformara el mundo con sus supuestos orgenes en la antigua civilizacin maya. La exhibicin se presentar hasta el 13 de enero de 2013. Las entradas de admisin ncluyen la admisin al resto del museo Las entradas especiales para la exhibicin pueden adquirirse por Internet: maya2012,

serVicios a la comuNiDaD
NEW CASTLE Centro Comunitario LatinoameriCano


a do: Guatemal Pas invita

Millsboro, Delaware

Ad_Fernando_HOYHLFBW805_7.28_2 7/29/05 8:08 AM Page 1

16 de Junio al 3 de Septiembre 2012

En Discover Bank, usted se sentir como en su casa.

Trabajando en Relaciones Comunitarias para Discover Bank, tengo todos los das la oportunidad de ayudar a estructurar los sueos de familias. No slo conozco a Greenwood y Delaware del Sur, sino tambin sus vecindarios, sus familias y a las personas que hacen de este lugar uno nico en su clase. As que cuando usted est buscando un banco de la vecindad que haga lo que usted necesite que un banco haga, estamos aqu para ayudarle. Pase por Discover Bank y pregunte por m. Ser un placer recibirlo.
Photo HOY en Delaware

Es una gran sensacinLlegar a conocer a la gente como vecinos, no slo como clientes. Aqu, la banca de pueblo pequeo es un estilo de viday yo quiero compartir ese sentir.

Local Sponsor

Delaware Museum of Natural History

4840 Kennett Pike Wilmington DE | 302-658-9111 19807

earTh from sPace Smithsonian exhibit explores our planet from the eyes of a satellite. Discover Earth from Space on exhibit at the Delaware Museum of Natural History until September 3, 2012. Delaware Museum of Natural History, 4840 Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Monday- Saturday 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 12-4:30 p.m. ADMISSION: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger. FREE for museum members. MORE INFO: Visit www.delmnh. org or call (302) 658-9111

100 Works for 100 Years Delaware Arts Museum Through Sunday, September 16 As part of the year-long celebration of the Museums Centennial, this exhibition will feature one or more works of art for each year of the Museums existence. The Museum-wide installation will focus on the history of the development and growth of the Museums permanent holdings, in addition to highlighting the generosity of those who have donated works of art. The installation, which will include new and promised gifts, will be featured throughout the permanent collection galleries and outdoors in the Copeland Sculpture Garden. Individual works will be highlighted with special labels, and visitors will use a map to follow the installation throughout the premises. $free-$25 The GeorGeToWN Public librarY will hold its Caterpillars Story Time for ages 0-4 at 10:30 am every Tuesday morning with Miss Sherri. For more information please call the library at 302 856 7958. Library Friends Book discussion will meet Wednesday August 8 at 10:15 am in the Library meeting room. This month discussion will be Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Knitting Class is offered every Monday from 1:30 pm 3:30 pm. All interested individuals are invited to join. For more information or to gain a supply list for this class please call the library at 856 7958 A Scrabble Club is offered at the Georgetown Public Library. The games will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 2-4 pm. For more information about this program or to sign up you may call the library at 856 7958 or go to

Discover Bank. Donde cada cliente es un vecino.

Horas de Operacin de Banco Lunes-Mircoles Jueves Viernes Sbado Domingo

Vestbulo 9 AM3 PM 9 AM5 PM 9 AM6 PM


Servi-Carro 8:30 AM5:30 PM 8:30 AM5:30 PM 8:30 AM6:00 PM 8:30 AM1:00 PM


Festival Hispano
Ahora en

Since 1995, El Centro Cultural has been promoting Hispanic Arts & Cultural Activities in Sussex County

Fernando Guajardo Administrador de CRA

502 E Market St Greenwood, DE 19950 Libre de cargo 1-888-765-6654


Agosto 19, 2012 (12-6 pm)

Organizado por El Centro Cultural

Iglesia de Dios Maranatha
Area de Nios

Coordinado por la

2005 Discover Bank, Miembro FDIC


Little League Complex

Millsboro, Delaware


Entrada gratuita

kiNDreD The familY soul Wednesday, August 1 Born from the same turn-of-thecentury Philadelphia neo-soul movement that birthed Jill Scott, the married duo Fatin Dantzler and Aja Graydon are Kindred the Family Soul. When Jill Scott discovered the pair at the Black Lily Film & Music Festival, she signed them to her Hidden Beach Recordings label and released their debut record, Surrender to Love in 2003, which featured Stars and Far Away. The critically acclaimed album earned Kindred a nomination for a Soul Train Music Award in 2004. World Cafe Live at the Queen 302-994-1400 phone $24-$34


Media Sponsors:

Childrens Area

Comida tpica

Traiga su silla y su sombrilla

Atlantic Physical Therapy

en Delaware


Organizado por ORGANIZED BY El Centro Cultural, Inc.

This program is made possible in part by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency committed to promoting the arts in Delaware, Bayhealth Medical Center, Beebe Medical Center, Carl M. Freeman Foundation, Delaware DMV, Discover Bank, La Tonalteca, M&T Bank, Perdue Farms & Sussex County Council (as of June 4).

(302) 745-6828 P.O. Box 347 Georgetown, DE 19947

fesTiVal hisPaNo El Festival Hispano se llevar a cabo en Millsboro, Delaware, el domingo 19 de agosto de 2012, desde el medioda hasta las seis de la tarde, en el lugar denominado Millsboro Little League Complex. La entrada al Festival Hispano ser gratuita y estar abierta a cualquier persona que desee celebrar la herencia cultural latina. Durante el da contaremos con linda msica, bailes folclricos, abundante comida mexicana y del resto de Amrica Latina y, una vez ms, con un rea dedicada a la ejecucin de actividades que puedan ser disfrutadas especialmente por los nios.

fesTiVal hisPaNo will be on Sunday, August 19, 2012 from 12 noon to 6:00 pm at the Millsboro Little League Complex on State Street. This will be the 18th year that Festival Hispano will be celebrated in Sussex County, Delaware. Festival Hispano is free and open to anyone who wants to celebrate Latino cultural heritage. This day includes beautiful music, folkloric dances, plenty of delicious Mexican and Latin American food, information and services targeting the Hispanic community, and a special area dedicated exclusively to childrens entertainment and activities.

4 0 2 N. V a N B u r e N S t r e e t , W ilmiNgtoN , De 19085. t el . 655-7338 La ofiCina nios y famiLia 301 N. HariSoN Street, WilmiNgtoN De 19805. tel.302- 655-6486 ameriCan CanCer soCiety 92 reaDS Way Suite 205, NeW CaStle Corporate CoNmoNS, NeW C aStle , De 19720. t el . 3244227 VoCes sin fronteras parroquia SaN paBlo, 1010 WeSt 4tH St. WilmiNgtoN, De 19805 tel. 576-4120 Caridad CatLiCa 260 W. 4 tH. Street, WilmiNgtoN, De 19805. 655-9624 ChiLd inC. 507 pHilaDelpHia pike, De 19809, tel.762-8989 Westside heaLth 1802 WeSt4 Street,WilmiNgtoN, De, 19805. tel. 655-5822 ayuda LegaL inmigrantes CommuNity SerViCe BuilDiNg, 100 WetS teHt Street, Suite 801, W ilmiNgtoN , De, 19801, t el . 575-0660. Westend neighborhood 710 N. liNColN, De, 19805 tel. 658-4171 h enrietta J ohnson m. 601 NeW CaStle aVe.WilmiNgtoN, De 19801tel 302.655.6187 diVisin de mantenimiento de Los nios CHurCHmaNS Corporate CeNter 84 a CHriStiaNa roaD, NeW CaStle, De 19702 VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL C oNDaDo De N eW C aStle 302761-9100 cancer care connection One Innovation Way, Suite 300, Newark, Delaware 19711. 302- 294-8551 or 866-2667008 (toll-free). http://www. CONDADO DE KENT deLmarVa ruraL ministries 26 W yomiNg a Ve . D oVer , De, 19904. tel. 678-2000 ChiLd inC. 2089 DupoNt HigHWay, DoVer diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios CarrolS plaza, 114 S. DupoNt HWy. DoVer, De 19901 CONDADO DE SUSSEX Centro La esperanza 216 NortH raCe Street, georgetoWN, De, 19947 Tel.302854-9262 Fax 854-9277 diVision de mantenimiento de Los nios 9 aCaDemy St. georgetoWN, De 19947 a b r i e n d o p u e r ta s a y u Da
para mujereS VCtimaS De VioleNCia

Job Center @ Delaware Libraries, WILMINGTON Location

OPEN HOURS FOR JOB SEARCHING ASSISTANCE: Monday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday: 11am to 2pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7:30 pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm During these open hours, drop in to receive one-on-one help with: ** Resumes & Cover Letters ** Interview Preparation ** Online Job Applications ** Email Account set-up ** Job Searching (including job leads, Internet job site navigation) ** Printers and scanners available; computers with Internet available ** Spanish-speaking job coach available Tuesday and Friday open hours ** Referrals to partner agencies providing GED preparation or job searching assistance for those with barriers to employment ** Classes in Computer Use, Linked In, Small Business and more Wilmington Public Library Job Center 10th and Market Streets (3rd Floor) 302-222-8507

Peach fesTiVal The 2012 Middletown Peach Festival will be held Saturday August 18, 2012 beginning at 9am with the annual parade on Broad Street and will conclude at 4pm. Many activities are centered on Main Street. Main Street and a portion of adjoining N Cass Street will be closed to traffic for the event. Entertainment is scheduled throughout the day around town. There are activities for children, a local artist exhibit, historical exhibits, a peach pie contest, crafts, music, food, games, and of course peaches! The Peach Festival is a rain-orshine event! Last years attendance was about 27,000 people. For more details, visit

DomeStiCa. tel. 745-9874 Centro de informaCin para padres 1 0 9 N. B e D F o r D S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947, t el . 302-856- 9880 La Casita 308 N.railDroaD aVe. georgetoWN 856 9660 Centro de saLud La red 505-a W e S t m a r k e t S t r e e t , g eorgetoWN , De, 19947. t elOP . 855-1233 teLamon Corp. StoCkley CeNter W-3. georgetoWN, De, 19947. tel. 934-1642 Lnea de apoyo para VCtimas de VioLaCin sexuaL CoNDaDo De SuSSex y keNt 1-800Dur 262-9800

Jo W

CONDADO DE CHESTER PA ** O La Comunidad hispana 314 e. State St. keNNett Square** Jo , pa, 19348 ** P telFoNo: 610-388 72 59 ** S misin santa mara ** 37 S peNNSylVaNia aVe, aVoNDale, pa R 19311, telFoNo 610-268 3365 programa madrina ** C oxForD - (610) 444-4002 keNNett Square,(610) 444-4002 (610) 917-1360 Wil WeSt CHeSter, (610) 696-5122 10t
DelaWare helPliNe 1-800-464 4357 mara para espaol

** R


Delaware 27 de Julio 2012 Vol 7 No.12

El Tiempo Hispano Delaware Bilingual Newspaper


la : Guatema s invitado Pa

Millsboro, Delaware

ed se sentir
Photo HOY en Delaware

omo vecinos, no slo como clientes. ay yo quiero compartir ese sentir.

r Bank, tengo todos los das la milias. No slo conozco a ndarios, sus familias y a las e. As que cuando usted est sted necesite que un banco haga,

acer recibirlo.

Festival Hispano
Ahora en

Since 1995, El Centro Cultural has been promoting Hispanic Arts & Cultural Activities in Sussex County

Agosto 19, 2012 (12-6 pm)

Organizado por El Centro Cultural

Iglesia de Dios Maranatha
Area de Nios

Coordinado por la

Little League Complex

Millsboro, Delaware

Entrada gratuita


Media Sponsors:

Childrens Area

Comida tpica

Traiga su silla y su sombrilla

Atlantic Physical Therapy

en Delaware


Organizado por ORGANIZED BY El Centro Cultural, Inc.

This program is made possible in part by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency committed to promoting the arts in Delaware, Bayhealth Medical Center, Beebe Medical Center, Carl M. Freeman Foundation, Delaware DMV, Discover Bank, La Tonalteca, M&T Bank, Perdue Farms & Sussex County Council (as of June 4).

(302) 745-6828 P.O. Box 347 Georgetown, DE 19947


Si ha sufrido un accidente, obtenga la ayuda e informacin que necesita rpido y gratis!
Tiene dolor y necesita ver a un mdico? Tiene el auto daado? No puede trabajar debido a sus lesiones? La Lnea Hispana de Accidentes puede ayudarle a obtener cuidado mdico aunque no tenga seguro y todo es estrictamente confidencial. Adems usted puede tener derecho a recibir compensacin por dolor y sufrimiento.

Anuncio por parte de los doctores en medicina quiroprctica Nikki Patel DC, Trisha Mangano DC, Kent Messer DC


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