Sei sulla pagina 1di 147


CHOO'ING A BRUSH While eeaeonedfiniaher can apply a a atain or topcoat ekillfully with vir' tually any bruah, moat peopleare better off buyinqa qood-quality tool. Thebruah ahowncut away at riqht may coot more than a lower quality model,but it includeacerLain featurea that willenaureconaiatently 4ood reaulto. Thereare two kindaof bruaheaon the market: natural- and aynthetic' brietle ty pee. Natural - briatle brueheeare made from boar, aable, camel,ox or badqer hair, tsoarbriatle ("Chinahog") bruaheeare ideal for applyinqvarnieh.)ther natural-briatle bruaheaare beat auited to lacauer and ahellac, Theyare a po6r choice,however, for opreadin4 water- baeed fi nishee becauaethey may cauae the finiah to foam up. gynth dtic-fil a ment bruahea a re made of nylon or polyeeter, or both. Theaebruaheeare your beat bet for applying water- baaed prod ucta. Durableand flexible, they can alao be uaed with varniahand penetratin4 oil etains.

Handle Can be made of plaatic or hardwood;balanced and deoi4nedfor comforb Retaining pin Nailor rivet.that binde ferrule to handle Reaervoir A apace that holda finiahaa it ia beinq opread on by briatleo Ferrule A riqid, corroeionreaiatant metal band that holda brietlea and epoxyplug

Divider Taperedplu7 that eeparatee bdatlea_ into qroupo, forminq a reaervoir

Epoxyplug Bonda ferrule-end brietlee of

together with epoxyqlue

Natural bristlea or aynthetic filamente; tipe can be cut flat or tapered to a chiael tip


Tipped )traiqht-cut tipo recommendedfor water-baged finiahea Tapered Tipehonedto a fine point; ideal for oil-baaedproducto Itkevarnish Flagged 1plit enda hold more finiah and epread it more omoothlythan tipped or tapered Lipe


T I P SO NB R U S H E L E C T I O N S . Pay littlemore geta superiora to q u a l i t y r u s ha b e t t eb r u s h i l l w b ; r your improve results. . Avoid with bristles. brushes hollow s b h o d U n l i k e o l i d r i s t l e s ,o l l o w n e s o s n o ts p r i n g a c k o t h e i r r i g i n a lh a p e b t o whenbent. . Fora good-quality, all-purpose brush, with long choose chisel model a tip for springy bristles-soft thin waterbased finishes stifffor heawand products asshellac, lacquer bodied such a n dv a r n i s h . o lf youwanta brush withf lagged brischeck branch-like ends, for split tletips, . l f y o ua r el o o k i n f o r a t a p e r e d g b r i s t l e r u s hm a k e u r e h a tt h e b , s t b r i s t r ea r et h i c k ea t t h ef e r r u l e s r e n dt h a na t t h et i o . . B u yb r u s h ets a t h a v e o o d p r i n g . g h s S q u e e zte e b r i s t l ew i t hy o u rh a n d h s a n db e n d h e m ; h e ys h o u l de e l t t f f u l l a n ds p r i n g a c k o t h e i ro r i g b t i n a lp o s i t i o n s . . Confirm the bristles difthat are f e r e nlte n g t hb y r u n n i ny o u r a n d s g h fromthe down onesideof the bristles ferrule thetip; the shorter to bristles
shnrrldsnrino rrn

r Make are sure thatthe bristles f irmly setin the ferrule, which should be fastened the handle. securely to






THE ART OF WOODWORKING was produced by ST. REMYPRESS PUBLISHER KennethWinchester PRES/DENT PierreLdveilld PierreHome-Douglas FrancineLemieux Marc Cassini(Text) HeatherMills (Research) Laberge Art Directors Normand Boudreault,Solange Designer Luc Germain Research Editor Iim McRae PictureEditor ChristopherJackon Writers TamsinM. Douglas,Andrew lones ContributingWriter LauraTringali Bourgeois, Contr ibuting I llustrators Michel Blais,Jean-Pierre RonaldDurepos,Serge Guibord, Perrault, RobertPaquet, facques Th6rien,focelynVeillette James Administrator NatalieWatanabe Production Manager MichelleTurbide System Coordinator fean-LucRoy Photographer RobertChartier Index ChristineM. Iacobs Proofreader Iudith Yelon Time-Life Booksis a division of Time-Life Inc., a wholly ownedsubsidiary of THE TIME INC. BOOK COMPANY Editor Series Series Director Art SeniorEditors

Michael Dresdner is a former contributing magazine. curHe editor to Fine Woodworking "Just rently writes the Finishing"column for AmericanWoodworker magazine. Frank'sCabinet Frank Klausz ownsand operates He Shopin Pluckemin,New Jersey. contributes to Fine Woodworkingmagazine hasmade and videotapes including one with TauntonPress, on wood finishing. Paul McGoldrick ownsand operates Pianoforte Inc.,a pianorestoration company Montreal, in He for Quebec. is responsible the maintenance and concertpreparationof the pianosusedby the Montreal SymphonyOrchestraand the National Arts CenterOrchestrain Ottawa,Ontario. cabinetGiles Miller-Mead hastaught advanced rnakingat Montrealtechnical schools more for A he than 10years. nativeofNew Zealand, previouslyworkedasa restorer antiquefurniture. of JosephTruini is SeniorEditor of Hoze Mechanixmagazine. former Shopand Tools A he Editor of PopularMechanics, hasworked as home improvementcontractor a cabinetmaker, and carpenter. Wood Finishing p. cm.-(The Art of Woodworking) Includesindex. (trade) ISBN0-8094-9912-6 rsBN 0-8094-e9 r3-4 (lib) l. Wood Finishing. I. Time- Life Books. II. Series TT325.W661992 684.1'043-dc20 92-32892 CIP For information about any Time-Life book, please I-800-621-7026, write: call or Reader Information Time-Life CustomerService P.O. Box C-32068 Richmond,Virginia 2326t-2068 @ 1992 Time-LifeBooksInc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproducedin any form or by any electronicor mechanical means,including information storage and retrievaldevices systems, without prior or written permissionfrom the publisher,except may that briefpassages be quoted for reviews. First printing. Printed in U.S.A. Publishedsimultaneously Canada. in TIME-LIFE is a trademarkof Time Warner Inc. U.S.A.

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20 22 24 30 35 43 50 51 54 56 57 59 60 64 68 75 76 80 82 84 86 91 93 97 I02 I04

PREPARINGTHE SURFACE Toolsand accessories Planing Scraping Sanding Repairing surface damage Raising grain the Filling the grain CHANGING THE COLOR Toolsand accessories Bleaching The varieties wood stains of Dve stains Pigmentstains wood Staining Pickling a wood surface Chemical stains Fuming

IIO II2 113 118 122 126 I28 I29 130

DECORAIIVEFINISHES Toolsand accessories Stenciling Graining Marbling FINISHING TOUCHES Toolsand accessories Preparingto rub out the finish Rubbingout a finish


140 GrossARY

PROTECTIVEFINISHES Toolsand accessories Choosinga protectivefinish Finishingby hand Settingup your sprayequipment Working with sprayequipment Anatomy of a sprayroom Identifting and avoiding sprayproblems 106 Frenchpolishing



y career restoring pianos in began a lot of opportunities life-by chance. like in When I was231 had a cabinetmaking shopin Montrdal;next door wasa

Parisian cabinetmaker, Gilles ofthe Jean Jozon. was cabinetmaker oldtradition Jean a andI spent many hours hisatelier in leaming about different finishing methods-techniques haven't that changed generations. followed to Paris spent for I later him and holiday restoring aworking there antiques. Through mutual friendsmetapiano I technician named Gilles Losier, I began and finishing workonpianos was doing he restoring. hisyouth, In hada foreman Gilles whocould select wood apiano the for case, install soundboard, thepiano, the string cutthekeys, assemble regulate mechanism. could and and the He even down sit and playa tune. Sadly, craftsmen thatrange expertise thepiano with of in have trade all butvanished. pianos presents Restoring many challenges: instrument The mustnot onlylook great; must sound it also well superb respond mechanically. instrument and The shown in thephotographa7-foot is grand piano Chickering Sons and builtin Boston 1875. in I counted different 10 woods in itsmaking, used although entire the surfaceveneered is with Brazilian rosewood. My firsttask involved fillingthegrainof thewoodwith a darkpaste filler.I then applied coat a ofsanding sealer, nextsprayed eight and To on coats oflacquer. keep thefinalfinish andto level depressions bythelarge thin any pores caused oftherosewoodveneer,cutevery I second lacquer coating 220-grit with sandpaper. TheIegs demanded special attention. Theywere made fromlarge blocks poplar of woodsoI hadto create ownstain, my in yellow redto simblending justenough and ulate rosewood's hue. in distinctive I sketched gain lines using combination featha of ersandbrushes, thetop of thepianostanding with nearby a guide. grain as The patterns rosewood getquite in can wild,soyoucantake artistic liberties tryingto in it you simulate aslongas respectfewrules, as a such keeping grain the lines running parallel. Thefinalcoat finish sanded 220-grit then paper. that of was with 400-grit and All remained thetimethisphotowas at taken to rub thefinishto a softgloss was with 0000 steel wool,buffwitha cotton clothandapply acarnauba-based wax.

PaulMcGoldrick and finishes restores pianosin hisshopin Montrdal,Qudbec.


Thomas Mosertalksabout

y introduction the craftof buildingfurniturewaswith l9th-Century to American I of antiques remnants antiques.u'ouldbuy a chest drawers and of withoutdrawers, example, thatwouldleadme to figuringout how drawers for and Because my fascination olderpieces,wasattracted buttermilk with I to weremade. of paint,early polish. varnishes French and my was elegant furnituremadeby the Gradually interest drawnto theausterely their favorite finishes-boiledlinseed I experimented oil. and Shakers oneof and waxto create clear with my own wayof applying oil andthenpaste the a came up finishlikethe oneused thepiece the photograph. in Madeof cherry, is what it on "Bob It'sa desk an accountant schoolteacher, for although I callthe Cratchet desk." or just aswellbeused a lectern telephone It hasa drawer a removit can as or table. and ableoencilrack. Linseed hasbeenused finishwoodfor centuries. to Unless is applied it with oil it the a a shellac varnish or base, penetrates wood ratherthancreating membrane that I feelenhances wood'sgrainand color,and the overit. It is this penetration of by to accelerates development a naturalpatina,which is caused exposure the I is sunlight air.Thecolorthat is created,feel, far richerandmorehonest and than Youalso anypigmentthat comes of a can.Youjust haveto be a little patient. out polished piece. manyshops, finish In have besure startwith a well-prepared, to to a flaws. believe a piece I that shouldbevirtuallydefect-free before serves conceal to youbeginto applya finish. Therearethreemajorrisksassociated boiledlinseed Thefirst involves with oil. Left rag, oil spontaneously, becoming almost safety. in a folded linseed cancombust no for waterandother explosive. Second, finishaffords protection wood against the wax Third,Iinkindsof stains. Thisiswhyweapplya paste overtheoil asa sealant. penetration same lacquers way seed oildoesnot sealwood against moisture the and with theseasons morethanpaintvarnishes Oiledoieces do. tendto shrinkandswell pieies Soin designing do. furniture, expansion to belaken this has edor lacquered into account. Theprincipal oil Scratches, burns advantage a finishlikelinseed is itsrepairability. of with theoil. In a shorttime,thecolorwill come andchipscanbesanded polished and But finish-especially backandyou won't even know it wasaffected. if a membrane oneapplied overa stain-is chipped, scratched burned,moreoftenthannot it has or to be entirely refinished.

Thomas Moser president co-founder Thomas and of is Moser in Maine. Cabinetmakers, headquarteredAuburn,


Prew Savoy on


hepiece amworking in thephotographaSheraton-sryle, I on is two-drawer work table, typical early l9th-CenturyAmerican of furniture building. Knowing how to apply appropriate takes good the finish a appreciationfurniture of style. have You to approximate original closely possible-in the as as color wellasin topcoat as composition. best to getontotherighttrack to study The way is furniture styles thoras oughly youcan. to people as Talk pieces-museum experienced period with curators, serious collectors restoration conservation and or craftsmen. areusually They very willingto share technical information. try to see many Also as original examples as possible. Forthispiece,selected I natural chemical to make color and dyes the appropriate to itshistory. table made cherry afigured The is of with veneer applied thedrawer to (a fronts. different Two combinations used: were logwood extract natural and dye) (a potassium dichromate chemical mordant) theveneer; lyeandwalnut on and crystalson thecherry. Forthetopcoat,padded 3-pound-cut I a orange shellac thewood. likeusing on I apadmade of awoolinterior alinenexterior, other up and but finishers prefer polishing cloths-perhaps good-quality ishardto find.Thetechnique because linen is polishing, thetermcan misleading. are called French but be There several to apply ways polish, pumice oil to fill thepores thewoodcompletely, a French some using and of providing mirror-like a finish. Thatisnotalways pieces. appropriate allAmerican for I trace interest finefurniture my in back mychildhood myparents were to and who collectors themselves.anadultI spent summers As two workins withaboat builder. andmuchlaterstudied George with Frank China. in When iarted collecting I fine I furniture, couldn't afford piecesliked, I learned buildreplicas the I so to instead. I believe cabinetmakers that should consider themselvescaretakers a sort. as of building something willbepassed fromgenerationgeneration. need that down to You to develop I calla"craftethic." have love what You to whatyoudo,notfor theresult or for awage, simply thesake finding finest of doingeach for but of way the step.

PrewSavoy specializesfurniturefinishingand in restoration. alsoteaches He wood finishingat the OldeMill Cabinet Shoppe inYork,Pennsylvania.

can business f, inishing bea dangerous I' if vou are not well informedand properlyprepared. Fromwood fillersto waxes, polyurethane varnishes tung and products frequently oil, finishing depend on toxic organicsolvents do their to work.Without thepropersafety and gear precautions, short-term exposure these to solvents resultin irritation to the can skin,eyes throat,aswellasdizziness, and headache, nauseaand shortness of poses breath.Longer-term exposure morepotential risks; may someeffects not be apparent until you haveused the years. for substances monthsor even In additionto thehealth risks, most of these solvents flammable. are Some oil-derived oroducts linseed can like oil combust sDontaneouslv room temat perature iithe vapors sufficiently are concentrated. Whenvaporized a small in enoughconcentration air, a small of quantityoflacquer thinnercancause a life-threatening explosion. All thisis not to suggest working that with finishing products to be danhas gerous-only that it canbe if you takea cavalier attitudetowards risks. you the If spray finishes, consider buyinga spray booth (page.13) constructingspray or a roomofyour own(page 102).Asmost of the harm from organicsolvents comes from inhalation, weara dual-cartridge

Safety gogglea Uae wheneprayin4 a finieh; theae ventedgo7glee pre-fumeafrom vent finiahinq irritating the eyeo

Dual-caftridge reapirator Uae whenoprayin4 a finiah or workingwith chemicale; rnterchanqeable filtere and cartridqee ?rotect aqainet epecific hazarda, Cartridgea purify air contaminated with toxins ao they are inhaled,then expel them throu4h exhalationvalve; ftlter preventoinhalationof duat

Neoprene rubber glovea Uaeto protect the akin whenoprayin1 or mixinq cauatic finiahinq producta; o n ug -fitti nq a urqeon'e gloveoare auitable for moat other finiehin4 taeke


Claaa ABC flre ertinguiaher For puttin4 out a small frre in the ehop

Rubberapron Frovideeprotection whenworkinqwiLh a wood bleachor chemicaletain

9teel waate dispoaal container For temporary aafe diapooalof aolvent-eoaked raqa;dampenra7a with water firat



(page particularly ifyou respirator 14), or to arespraying willbe exposed fumes eye for morethan an hour.To Drevent goggles, donrubund injury wear saiery or bergloves whenworkingwith caustic products. toxicfinishing possible, choose product a Whenever that combines finishyou wantwith the low volatility and toxicity (page19). and Workwith thewindows oDen usea the to certified spark-prooffan keep air moving. Thiswill helpprevent fumes the in your work area from reaching toxic a level. you experience If or flammable fatigue, headache, blurred drowsiness, numbness, irritationof vision,weakness, ofbreath theeyes, or throat,shortness skin of whilefinishing, or a loss coordination the stopimmediately leave work and Afterareauntil the symptoms clear. wards, ventilate workarea the thorougfrly product. andusea different finishing


. D o n o t e a t ,d r i n ko r s m o k e p w h e nu s i n g i n i s h i n g r o d u c t s . f . Keep inishing roducts way p f a f r o mc h i l d r e n . r A v o i de x p o s u r eo o r g a n i c t t s o l v e n t sf y o u a r e p r e g n a no r i breast-feed i ng. o I n s t a l la t l e a s to n e s m o k e d e t e c t o r n t h e c e i l i n go f y o u r o p s h o pa b o v e o t e n t i af li r e h a z a r d s ; k e e pa f u l l y c h a r g e d B Cf i r e A extinguisher arby. ne . N e v e s t o r e o l v e n to r c h e m i r s s c a l si n u n m a r k e d o n t a i n e r s . c C h e m i c a lo l u t i o ns h o u l d l w a y s s s a b e s t o r e di n d a r k g l a s sj a r s t o s h i e l d h e mf r o m I i g h t ,w h i c h t m a yc h a n g eh e i rc o m p o s i t i o n . t r Do notflushusedsolvents down the drain. Consult Yellow Pages the t o f i n d o u t w h oh a n d l e c h e m i c a l s d i s p o s a n y o u ra r e a o r c h e c k il , w i t h y o u rl o c a lf i r e d e p a r t m e n t .

Using spray a booth p s y S p r a y i na n yf i n i s h i n g a t e r i a l r o d u c ep o t e n t i a l tl o x i co r f l a m m a b lv a p o r s , r g m e o b o t h .E v e n h e f u m e sr e s u l t i nfg o ms p r a y i nw a t e r - b a s e e s i n s i t h l o w e r r g a n i c t r g rd w o s o l v e nc o u n t s a n b e h a z a r d o u s l e s sh e ya r ep r o p e r lv e n t i l a t e d . t y c un t A s p r a y o o t hm a k e s p r a y i n c l e a n ea n d s a f e r r e d u c i n g e a l t h a z a r d b y b s g r , h h s c o n t a i n i ntg e o v e r s p r a y df u m e s t h e nf i l t e r i n g n d e x h a u s t i n h e m .T h e r e h an , a tg a r ed i f f e r e nm o d e l s e s i g n e fd r d i f f e r e ns p r a y i n a p p l i c a t i o nT h e yr a n g e n t d o t g s. i e s i z ef r o mc o m p l e t eo o m so p o r t a b l m o d e l si k et h e o n es h o w n b o v ew h i c hm a y r t l a , b e y o u rb e s tb e t i f s p a c ei s a p r i o r i t y n y o u rw o r k s h o p r i f y o u o n l ys p r a y m a l l i o s pieces f furniture. o B e c a u s o f t h e t o x i ca n d v o l a t i l e a t u r e f m o s tf i n i s h i n g r o d u c t s , l l s p r a y e p n o a (n b o o t h s u s tm e e tO c c u p a t i o nS a f e t y n d H e a l t h s s o c i a t i o 0 S H A ) g u i d e l i n e s m al a A I n s o m e t a t e ss p r a y i nig i l l e g ailn u r b a n r e a s n l e s y o u h a v e p r o p e r lb u i l t s , s y a u s a sprayroom(page102).


the lnstalling cartridges es I W e a a d u a l - c a r t r i drg e p i r a t o r r Institute of by approved the National (N Safety Occupational andHealth IOSH) you lacquers varnishes or whenever spray e c t h a tc o n t a i v o l a t i lo r g a n is o l v e n t s , n you stains work or orwhen mixchemical (lf you a withammonia. youhave beard, To mask hood). install or need fullface a of thecartridges themodel respirator on valves onto inlet the screw them shown, (/eff). in Always cartridges pairs, buy they track thehours have of andkeep used. been 'l

.) lnstalling filters with filters conjunction in L Use dust if respirator cartridgesyouaresanding fi o d c h e m i c a t lry a t ew o o d r a p p l y i n gn l e l, i s h r nm a t e r i a l u c h ss h e l l a ca c q u e r g ss a the stains. or nonwater-based Choose appropriate fit then filter thetask hand, for at (rrghf). Snap the retainer a filterintoeach retainer thecartrrdge. onto



Testing respirator the

P l a c eh e r e s p i r a t o r y o u r a c e , t n f wtththe top strapover crown your the of h e a d P u l lo n t h e s i d e s t r a p s t i lt h e . un f a c e p i e c e t h e r e s p i r a t ofri t s s n u g l y . of T e s t t h e d e v i c e y b l o c k i n t h eo u t l e t b g v a l v e i t hy o u rh a n da n de x h a l i ng e n t l y w g (above). There shouldbe no air leakage a r o u n d h e f a c e p i e c e f t h e r ea r e a n y t l. gapsadlusthe strapsora tighter , f
fii l f n p r p s s arrJ r' r irvp sn lv . a c pi h p f : e c n i p n p r v

llllillltlll lllj]ll1 tlll lil llu ull llllttii lllJ lll tl]l ljlJ tlll ljll llil
Storing reegirator cartridges Even waler vaVor can deVlete Lhe purifyinq chemicals in reepira- ,/. Lor car._.,.;,
tridqee. \ t-'.....*._-* ; To extend their life, et ore lhe

S E ;r. -.r


according manufacturer's to the instructions, replace respirator. or the

carlrid,qee a d,ry, in airliqhl -\ environmenN, as a plastric such freezer baq.Kecord amounN Nime trhe of the cartridgeehavebeenusedand replace them afLereiqhthoursof uoeor ae eoona6 you can emell finiehinq the producL throuqhIhem.



rags Disposing ofsoiled and open lmmediately all doors windows, of and any extinguish sources heat turn Wearingrubber a sources. offallelectrical gloves, heavy rubber rubber boots, apron, goggles a respirator, up soak and safety towels; then or thespillwithrags paper i l o l a c eh e m n a m e t ac a nd o u b l e - l i n e d t plastic bags. withheavy-duty garbage Add spontato amount water prevent of a small You spread neous combustion. canalso to the outside allow solvent and therags of Clean before disposingthem. evaporate solwith upanyresidue theappropriate i n t h e c h a r t e l o wl.f t h e b v e n tl i s t e d product extremely or f lammable poisois gallon been has one nous more and than leave work area callthe and the spilled, of Otherwise, dispose the firedepartment. theenvironmental rags soiled following tn community. in effect your regulations



PRODUCT SPILLED M i n e r a lp i r i t s s Turpenti ne remover Paint Denatured alcohol alcohol Methyl Acetone tr L a c q u eh i n n e r paint Water-based or latex stain stain 0il-based Urethane polyurethane or Varn ish Lacquer l Sh e l a c L i n s e e dl oi Tung I oi wood bleach acid Oxalic ortwo-part Lye REQUIRED SOLVENT and Household detergent water detergent water and Household thinner, spirits paint or and or Household detergent water; mtneral detergent water and thenhousehold None None None None detergent water and Household paint and deiergent water or thinner, household then Mineral spirits and detergent water then or thinner, household Mineral spirits paint paint and household detergent water thinner, then Mineral spirits or tr L a c q u eh i n n e r (ethyl alcohol alcohol) methyl or Denatured alcohol detergent water and thinner, household then Mineral spirits paint or detergent water and then or thinner, household Mineral spirits paint soda Water baking and parts in mixed equal Water vinegar, and




Using fireextinguisher a T o c o n t r o l s m a l lc o n t a i n e id e ,u s e a , f r a d r y - c h e m i cia ee x t i n g u i s h e r e d f rl rat yourself ABC. Position safely away from t h ef i r ew i t hy o u rb a c k o t h e n e a r e s t t e x i t .H o l dn gt h ee x t i n g u h e up r i g h t i is r p p l o n a l e v es u r f a c e ,u l lt h el o c k i no u t ( ) o f t h eh a n d l ei n s e t a,n da i mt h en o z zleat the base theflames. of Squeeze the handle levers together spray and in a quick, side-to-side motion(right) u n t i lt h e f i r e i s e x t i n g u i s h efd h e l t. flames leave area spread, the rmmediately andcallthefiredepartment. Dispose of burned waste followrng advice the of thef iredeoartment. theextinHave
s r r i s . h p rr p c h : r o o d

Checking a smoke detector A smoke detector an essential is safety feature a finishing Test device in shop. the press test once every month. First, the button. Then, blow a lit match out below a vent, letting smoke enter or hold it, a flame it below (left). Replace battery the if thealarm does sound both not for t e s t s - o ri f i t e m i t s c h i r p i ns o u n d , a g indicating battery worn. the is




lnhalation warnin4 lndtcaLee 1,ha1, prodLhe haz' uc1;te exLremely ardousdurinqprolonged e x p o e u r ec a u t i o n e ; aqainef inLenLional
ah"ae nf lhe nrn,'lttrl

Directione for uee Detailed inel;ruct,ione on how Lo uee Lhe product, tncludin4 puiace preparat ion, mirinq 9"16quant triee. appltc2Ti611 niquee and clean-up

9afety precautiona lneLruct;tone eafe hanfor dltn7 and etora7e ofthe product, incl ud inq praper venLilaLron and warntnq e,7ne of prol6n4ederpofumea eure 1;.o

Emergency/Firat aid proceduree 'gpectfiee immedtaLe acLion Lo be Laken in an emerqency involvinq ekin or eye conLacL,inhalation or inqeel,ion

Prod u ct identification The Lype of product and the brand name 7iven by 1,hemanufact.urer to idenLtfy Lhe producL

VOC(Volatile Organic Compound)rating

A meaEureof Lhe amounL of volaLtleorqantc compounda in Lhe producL, in percenl,, grame per liter or pounde per qallon

Warning lndicaLes wheLher Lhe

nrn)t rrf ia rnrrnaitte

flammable or Loxtc

Vapor preooure
lndicaLee Lhe force exerted by evaporaLed vapo16 on the aLmoephere dtrectly above Lhe ltqutd, meaeured in milltmel;ereof mercury. The qreater Lhe vapor preeeure, Lhe more volattle Lhe producL

Product i ncom patibility A ltat of frntehtnqproducto l;hat; are chemtcallytncom' pattble wt1;h the product

Aative ingredients Indtcatea the common and/or chemtcal namee and proporl,rone of bol,h volatrle in4redienLetn 1,he and non-volaLtle product, euch ae reetne, eolvenLs.driers and flatLenere: aleo tndtcaLea wheLher Lhe eolvenLis aenattiveto liqht and phoLochemically reacLtve,whtch can crealie atrbarne polluLante

la R e a d i na p r o d u c t b e l g T h el a b e o n a c o n t a i n e rf f i n i s hi s m o r e h a nj u s ta t r a d e m a r k l o t h a n da s e to f i n s t r u c t i o n lst.i s b o t ht h e k e yt o c o m p a r i ntg e p s f i n i s h ' s h a r a c t e r i s t w is ht h o s e f o t h e r r o d u c ta n da g u i d e c ic t o

' " Y i i ' "

t i n n ss n e c i f i e n n t h e l a h e t o s e t r r nt h e n r o n e v e n t i l a t i o n d l r yo lf a n dw o r k i n c o n d i t i o na n df a m i l i a r i z e u r s ew i t ht h ef i r s ta i d g s, i n s t r u c t i o nn t h e e v e n o f a n a c c i d e n t . is t s t n r r s i n o i h p c , r r h c , l : n . p . : f p l v n t h p s h n n T h e r ^ o m n n s i t el : h e l y S o m e t a t e s l l o wt h e u s eo f T r a d e e c r e R e g i s t rn u m s a S t h e r sf o r a n r o d r r c t i n p r e d i e ntto n r o t e cn a t e n t ec h e m i c a l s s t d s l f s h o w n b o v en c l u d ets e f e a t u r ey o us h o u l do o k o r w h e n a i h -{ . ^ . ; +. ^ ^^ e h n n q r n o : f i n i c . .h. i. n b n.r n u ,u, L L , ^ u ,L^i fl d ^ r ^U ,T ^ ;T L -, ^ + , ^1 5 \v/ v u - d + . gr - f . L rdLil y . r f o r m u l a sl.f y o uf i n d t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t h e l a b e l o o v a g u e , on t ) ) L p e fr i n g ,v a p o r r e s s u ra n df l a m m a b i l i t R.e f e t o t h e c h a r to n r r e q u e sa l V l a t e r i S la f e t yD a t aS h e e t( l v l S D S ) o m t h e t a y n : o p l Q i n d p i p r m r n p t h p l n v i r - r l v f : n r n d r r r ^ t ':s ^ t i v pi n o r c d i n r m a n u f a c t u rie r n e i s a v a i l a b l e .n M S D S i l l e x p l i c i t l y fo A w p s is t e n t sa n dc o m p a r t h e mw i t ht h o s e f o t h e r i m i l a r r o d u c tts e o s o d e t a r t h e p r o d u c t ' h a z a r d o u n g r s l i g n l a s w e l la s p r e c a u l p f g h e l py o uc h o o s eh e l e a s t o x i cf i n i s h . o l l o wh e s a f e t y r e c a u - t i o n s o r s a f eh a n d l i na n d u s e . t F t




y F i n i s h i n g e m i s t hy s h a n g e d d i c a liln r e c e n te a r s . ch ra c ra y Themost signif icant advance been development has the of w a t e r - b a sfen i s h eis r e s o o n so b o t h h e h e a l t hi s k s id n te r t p o s e d ys o l v e n as dc l e a n - alie g i s l a t i t h a tl i m i t s h e b tn r on t percentageV0Cs, volatile of or organic compounds,solin vent-based f inishes. of these Most regulations primarily are intended f urnituremakers usemore for who thanonegallon predict bythe of finishperday,yet industry experts that m i d - 1 9 9 0V , C - c o m p l i an i ts h e si l lb et h er u l e a t h e r sO fi n w r thantheexception everyonethe United for in States. I n h a l a t i o s t h e m o s t o m m ow a y h a ts o l v e n t s e in c n t ar absorbed thebloodstream,toxins also ingestinto but can be ed fromfoodandbeverages in theshop. left Others be can a b s o r b e dr e c t lty r o u gth es k i no r e v e n ys w a l l o w i n g di h h b v a p o ris s a l i v a . n poisonous solvents cause ln theirmost form, can damage nervous to thecentral system respiratory Methylene and tract. c h l o r i d eo re x a m p l es,s u s p e c t e db e i n g c a r c i n o g e n , f, i of a glycol while some ethers have linked birthdefects. been to K e e p n m i n d ,h o w e v etrh a tt h e h e a l t h a z a r do f a n y i , h s f i n i s h i np r o d u c te p e n o n a n u m b eo f f a c t o r s . o s t g d d r M p r o d u c to n t h e m a r k ea r ea c t u a l l b e n i g n h e nu s e d s t y w o n l y no c c a s i oa n dc o u l d n l y ec o n s i d e r p o i s o n o u s o n, o b ed i f s w a l l o w e dr e c t l y . o m e a ne v e n e m a d e o n di S c b n t o x i cs h e l l aic c o m m o n uy e d sa n i n g r e d i e in t ; s ls a n confectioners'glaze. t W h e n h o o s i n gf i n i s h i np r o d u c b,e a w a r e f t h e c a g o c o m b i n a t i o n dc o n c e n t r a t io fn r g a n is o l v e n t s i t s a oo c in p m a k e u p ,a r t i c u l a r f y o ui n t e n do u s et h es u b s t a n c e il y t periods time;prolonged for extended of exposure be may h a z a r d o u s .ec h a r b e l o wi s t s h es o l v e n cs n t a i n e n Th t l t to id s a v a r i e to f f i n i s h i n p r o d u c ta n de v a l u a t eh e r e l a t i v e y g ts product toxicity each of one.Always choose safest the for t h ej o ba t h a n d .

Toxtc sotvENTs
FINISHING PRODUCT ( p a s ta n dl i q u i d ) e Woofiller d a e g S t a i n(s n i l i n w,i p i n g , G Rg e la n d l a z N , pigments) ingstains; color (white orange) Shellacs and (spray brush, Lacquers and sanding sealers) L a c q u eh i n n e r tr R u b b i n g l s( D a n i s h l ,a n t i q uo i l ) oi oi e Drying (boiled oils linseed polymerized oil, tung il) o (tung Varnishes oilvarnish, varnish, spar varnish stain) (poly Polyurethanes varnish, urethane starns) Lacquer/varnish removers (paste Waxes wax, furniture wax) SOLVENT Petroleum naphtha*, mineral spirits*, acetone**, methyl ethyl ketone**, methyl isopropanol**, isobutyl ketone*** glycol Ethanol*, mineral spirits*, toluene***, xylene***, methanol***, ethers*** Ethanol*, methanol*** Acetone**, glycol methyl ketone**, ethyl isopropanol**, methanol***, xylene***, ethers*** glycol Acetone**, methyl ketone**, isopropanol**, ethers***, ethyl toluene*** VM&P naphtha*, turpentine**, toluene*** Mineral spirits*, turpentine** M i n e r a lp i r i t s V,M & P a p h t h a * s * n M i n e r a l i r i t st o l u e n e * * * so *. Acetone**, xylene***, methanol***, methyl isobutyl ketone***, toluene*** Petroleum naphtha*, turpentine** * product Safest ** Mildly product hazardous *** Product beavoided possible to if


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ld-timewoodfinishers smoothed however, whichcanscratch ened edge, wood with sharkskin and rush. thewoodasbadly coarse as sandpaper. filled its poreswith plaster Parisand of Sanding successively grits with finer pulverized brick, coloredit with matepreparation. completes surface the For rials such as iron filings and walnut hand-sanding a fairlysmooth surface, a shells. and finishedit with secret progression150 followed grit, comtypical is Modern binationsof oils and beeswax. by220 then grit.(lfyoudidnot and 280 finishingtechniques mundaneby are smooth wood the withacabinet scraper, comparison, theobjectis thesame: but youmightneed startwith 80or 120 to to bring out the beautyof the wood. grit.)Never anintermediate or grit skip youwill leave Whetherthis means glassy on the a film scratchesthewood in that surface thewood or a finishthat softof Amongits manyuses, handscraper thefinish the will magnifr. With anorbital ly glowsfrom within depends the on grit plan canhelpclearawaydriedadhesive sander, thesame sequence; use wood needs gluingup a carcase drawer. typeofprotection the and after or on hand-sanding thefinalgrit to with Because the effectyou wish to achieve. remove anywhorls. finalsanding, After "raise taste involved, is right answer every finishing you maywish to thereis no single to the grain"andthen resand, remove to question. all professional-quality But finishes pop up throughthe haveonething the whiskery fibersthat might otherwise in common:painstaking preparation, surface which readies finishon thefirsthumid day. Thisstepis essential whenapplywood to accept finishingmaterials. the the ing anymaterialwith a water,ratherthan solvent, base. preparation Theamountof time you spend surface on and Whetheror not you fill the poresof the wood is againa the toolsyou usedepend in'largepart on your'workhabits matterof taste. Ifyou like a natural-looking finishthat allows "read your wood. Surfaces and speckled with dried glueobviously you to thewood grain,"do not usefiller.Close-grained requiremore work to smooth.Loose knots,splitsand other species suchaspine and cherrydo not requirefilling in any defects needrepairprior to finishing;sodoeseverydent and case, ifyou wanta glassy but finishon anopen-grained species, chisel nick.Thewood probably jointer andplanermarks, suchasoakor mahogany, mustfill the wood. has you which you can removewith shallowcutsusinga smoothing A washcoatmaybe appliedto the wood beforeor after plane. plane The mustbeproperly adjusted sharp, it cuts staining-or not at all ifyou areapplying penetrating finand so a oil woodfibersratherthantearing themandroughening surthe ish.A washcoatcanbe nothingmorethan a half-and-half face. Ifthe woodhasan irregularpattern,soyou cannotavoid solutionof your final finishandthesolvent recommended by (for tearingthe grain asit changes direction,substitute cabinet its manufacturer lacquer, sanding a use sealer). point of The (Forultiscraper-athin, flat piece steelwitha burrededge. of usinga washcoatis to prevent woodfrom uneven excesthe or matesmoothnes straight-grained wood,use of boththesmooth- siveabsorptionof finishingmaterials. When appliedbefore ing planeandcabinetscraper.) Cabinetscrapers practice the final finish,thewashcoatkeeps wood from drinking up take the to sharpen use, oncemastered and but theycansubstantially the finish,thereby reducing numberof coatsrequiredto the reduce your sanding time. Beware an improperlysharp- build up theproperthickness. of

Despite modern a blade adjustment mechanism enables toolto slice that the offpaperplaneretains handcrafted qualityof a traditional thin shavings, smoothing this the handtool.Producing smooth surfaces a crucial is stepin finishingfurniture.



Honing guide and anglejig For honinqplane holda bladee.Device bladeat appropnaLe anqlefor honinqa bevel;rotatinq the wheelon Lop of the ji4 eete angleo bef,ween and 35o 15o 9moothing plane For smooLhinq woodaurfacee with the grain, ueuallyprior to scrapin4and oandinq. Blade muELbe aharpened and properly adjuated before uee

Grinding jig For holdin4planebladea in aliqnmentwith grindin4 wheel durinq aharpeninq Tri-burniaher Uaedto form amall burr, or hook,on cuLtrn4edqeoof ecraperafter honin4; combtnes round,trianqular and oval burnisherain one tool

File alamp HoldE file perpend a r icul to cutting edqeof ocraper durtnqeharpeninq of ocraper, enau nq atra i7ht ri and square eaqe

Mill baetard file For equartnqcuttin4 ed4eo of ecraperoprior Lo honin7 and burniehinq them

Block plane For omoothin4end 4rain and chamfered aur-facea; ueuallyueed with onehand

Combination aharpeningatone For eharpentn4 planebladea. Coaraeside removeemetal quickly;fine atde createg emoof,hed4e.Lubricated wtth water or orldepending on the type of stone

Hand ecrapere Kecta ngula r acraper amootha flaL aurfacea:curvedmoaele workwellon contouredeurfacea,moldinqa and epindlee

Abraaive pade An alternattveto eandpaperfor smoothinqwoodaur-facee abradinq and inf,ermediate finieh coata by hand; abraaiveparticlee of aluminumoxtde and etliconcarbtdeare bondedto evnLheLicfiber pade. Laat lonqerthan sandpaper; can be waehedand reused

Cabinet scraper For amooLhinqwood aur-facea, typically afLer planing;wellauited far levelinq knote and cuLtingawaydried qlue.Elade ocrapea a paper-Lhin ehavtng from aurface:has twin handleafor 4reater convenience and control than hand acraper


Eelt eander Towereander ueed to remove atock and eliminateflawa from wood aurfacea. and for amoothinq.Iandinq in belta available qrite from coarae to fine

Random-orbit sander Fowersander uaedfor fine amooLhinq and removinq awirlmarka left by belt or orbital aander; ideal for contouredaurfacea

5t'eel wool 9pectally made woodworkinq eteel woolia oil-freeand featurea lonqeretrande than etandard varietiea: leeo likelyto

Cont'ouredeanding bloak Holda aandpaperfor amoothinqcurvedand irreqularly ahaped eurfacea by hand: featurea a narrowardefor reachin7 into nqht epota

Orbital palm eander Fowereander for omoothinq aurfaceethat are difficult to reach with 6rqer 9anaer

FIat aanding block Holds aandpaoerto smooth flat aurfacea by hand

Alcohol lamp and burn-in knife Uaedto apply ehellacatick to damagedareag on woodaurfacea; flame from lamp heato knife, which rn Lurn melLE ahellac, drippin4it. onto aurface

Grinder tharpenin4 wheel Ganbe uaedto regrind bevelaon planebladee


the way a f hoosing best to smooth \-r woodsurface a matter indiis of preference. are ordained vidual There no steps prescribed or rules. woodSome plane workers andthensand; others plane scrape and before sanding. Whichever sequence decide you to follow, object to produce surface the is a thatisassmooth glass justasflat. as and Thissection thebookexplains of the plane beginthe useof a smoothing to process preparing woodsurface of a to accept finish. a A well-sharpened in a properblade ly adjusted plane shear can offfineshavingsof wood.Youcanmakeall the adjustments only a screwdriver, with despite plane's the apparently compli(below). cated design Plane blades require regular sharpening. Although canhonea blade you byhand(page a grinder thebest 26), is per- square end(page step toolto bringacutting edge peak to its 25, 1).Fora formance. a nicked For blade anold newblade onethathas itsbevel or or had out-of-square youwishto salvage, wornaway, anewbevel thecutone hone on (step Tomaintain keen ting edge 2). a edge, honetheblade frequently a on (step sharpening stone 3). Before using plane, thedepth a set of cut to remove only a thin shaving on each stroke. Because excessive an depth mayproduce gouges thework setting in piece, should yoursetting you test first on a scrap board. bestresults a For on large surface a longplane; short use a onewill bemorelikelvto followexist ingcontours. Set plane itsbottom a on when storPlaningtheedges a workpiece of with a ingthetooltoprevent ironfromgetthe smoothingplane-also knownasedge tingnicked other by tools. Occasionally jointing-is usually plandonebefore rub a thin film of light machine on oil ing thefaces.Thisallowsyou to remove theblade prevent to rust.Onceayear, any blemishes or depending theamount use, on of take from thefacesleft by thejaws of a clampor a vise. thetoolapart a general for cleaning.


Cap iron aarew Adjuete offaet diatance between cutting edqe of blade and end of cap iron; to avoid blade chatter, 'la inch io ideal 6ap Leveraap acrew )ecures levercap, cap iron and blade to fro4 Levercap Allowaquick removalof cap iron and blade

Late ra I a dj uati ng lever Centera the blade in the mouth of the plane by aettin7 the lateral, or aide-to-aide, poaition of the blade

Cap lock Holda lever cap in place

BIade Alao knownaa olane iron. lnstalled beveldown on fro4; for beat reeulta, ahould barely probrudefrom mouth

Frog 9upporbe blade

Frog adjuetin7 earew Turnedto alide frog back and forth; poeitioned to eet cuttinq edge of blade about 1/az inch from front edae of mouth




the of blade 1 Squaring end the whether I Use trvsouare check a to the l c u t t i n e d g e f t h eb l a d es s q u a r ef. i t g o i is not, square ona grinder a rough it with properly positioned wheel. theguard With a n dt h eb l a d e l e ao f t h ew h e e s,w i t c h c r l onthemachine. Holding blade the between finger thumb your and of right theindex hand, it bevel onthegrinder's set up tool it rest advancetoward wheel and the until yourindex finger contacts toolrest the (right). Slide blade the side-to-side across pressing thewheel, lightly while keeping your finger thetoolrest. tip of the on The b l a d e h o u ls t a y e r p e n d i c u ot r e s d p tlah wheel throughout operation. the the Dip in it blade water occasionally to prevent fromoverheating. theblade for Check regurany. square

r) Creating a hollow-ground bevel Z . S h a r p e n ia p l a n e l a d en v o l v e s ng i b three steps: creatingbevel theblade's a on cutting edge, honing another bevel on partof thef irstone-called microbeva el-thenremoving burr the thatresults process. create fromthehoning To the f irstbevel, clamp blade face the top up jig grinding setto create in a commercial a 30" bevel. thecutting Run edge across would squaring thewheel you as for the b l a d e h ej i gw i l lk e e ph eb l a d e q u a r e t; t s to the wheel(left).Check cutting the periodically stop grinding edge and when (lnsef). a ruleof thumb, thebevel forms As thebevel correct is when most of thesparks showering trom fa t h eg r i n d e r l lo n t h et o p face theblade, of rather than it. below



the Q Honing microbevel r-,f Place combination a sharpening stone fineside ona work uD surface. cleats Nail to thetable against stone keep the to it frommoving. of thecleats One should be thesame height thestone 4 to 5 as and you inches thiswillallow to use Iong; the full length theabrasive of surface. Clamp theblade a commercial in angle-setting h o n i n g u i d e i t ht h eb e v et lo u c h i n g w the stone. Saturate stone the withthe appropriate Iubricant-either or water a light oil-untilit pools thesurface. on guide, the Then, holding honing the slide b l a d e a c k n df o r t h r o me n dt o e n d b a f (lefil, along stone the applying moderate pressure a microbevel (insef). until forms Continue a burr-athinridge until of metal-forms thef latface on o f t h eb l a d eT h e nl a pt h e b u r r . a sy o uw o u l d h e n h a r p e n ia g w s n planeby hand(sfep below).


[apping bun the guide Clamp blade a commercial the in (step above) grind 30" bevel and a using thecoarse of thestone. side Then reoositiontheblade theguide turnthe in and stone over hone microbevel. to the To remove burrfromthe blade-a the process woodworkers "lapping" call the burr-remove blade the fromthe honing guide saturate stone and the once again. Holding blade the flush thestone, on bevpatiern el side move in a circular up, it on the stone(righilunlilthe flat sideof the cutting is edge smooth thetouch. to A fewstrokes should iceto eliminate suff Test sharpnessthecuttheburr. the of tingedge a piece paper; sharp on of a blade slice sliver will from edse. a the



Assessing a plane blade's cutting edge Nomatter wellit is adjusted, or poorly how a dull sharpjob plane ened blade doa poor of smoothing wood will the surfaces your of furniture. Moreover,condition only its will deteriorate persist using losing beveled if you in it, its cutting edge possibly going and even out-of-square, as (far in the blade shown /eft). Such blade a would need to besquared sharpeneda grinder.well-sharpand on A (near hasa vrsible ened blade left) bevel microbevel, and making a razor-sharp iI cutting implement. blade This needs anoccasional only honing a sharpening on stone.


Levercap ecrew Froq eetecrew

Positioning cutting the edge I Loosen lever the cap screw and remove bladeassemthe b l y - i n c l u d i n gh e l e v e r a p ,c a p i r o na n d b l a d e - f r o mt h e t c p l a n eT h e nl o o s e t h e c a p i r o ns c r e w n ds l i d e h e c a p i r o n . n a t o n t h e f a c eo f t h e b l a d e o l e a v e g a po f a b o u t% o i n c h t a b e t w e e t h e e n do f t h e c a p i r o na n dt h e c u t t i n g d g eo f t h e n e b l a d e . i g h t e n h e c a p i r o ns c r e w . e x t ,p l a c e h e b l a d e T t N t


assembly position thefrog. gapbetween front in on The the edge theblade thefront themouth of and of should about be t/rcinch.lf not,loosen frogsetscrews 1Z both about turn, thenturnthefrogadjusting screw a screwdriverset with to gap theproper (above). the blade Lock assembly position. in



r) Centering blade the and Z- setting depth cut the of e H o l d i n g ep l a n a ss h o w n ,h i f t h e th s lateral adjusting to one lever side the or in the edge the other center cutting to mouth. setthecutting To depth, turn adjustment so knob thedepth-of-cut rhz of thatnomore thanaboul inch the protrudes themouth. from cutting edge Check depth culby eye(right), the of t h e n o n f i r m es e t t i nb ym a k i na c th g g testcutona scrap board. shavings The be the the should paper-thin; finer cut, t h em o r e r a n s p a r e n t s h a v i n g s . t the if Adjust cutting the depth, necessary.


plane a Using smoothing s w , G u i d e h a n dp l a n e l o n g w o o d u r f a c e i t hs m o o t he v e n a a a Always with the grainof the wood;planing against strokes. cut r r i t h e g r a i nw i l l t e a rt h e w o o d , a t h e t h a ns h a v i n gt o f f c l e a n l l y . l f y o uc a n n o d e t e r m i nte e o r i e n t a t i oo f t h e g r a i n , i g h t t h n p o l y s l i d e h e p l a n e a r a l l e l ta n e d g e n o n ed i r e c t i o nh e n t i t, r e p e a itn t h e o p p o s i t d i r e c t i o n . h ec u t t i n g d g e i l l c h a t e T e w t e r o r c a t c ho n t h e w o o d i b e r s h e ni t i s c u t t i n g g a i n stth e f w a g r a i n .l f t h e g r a i no r i e n t a t i oc h a n g eo n t h e s u r f a c e ,w i t c h n s s . o t t a t h e d i r e c t i o n f y o u rs t r o k eo f o l l o w h e g r a i n T o s m o o t h s u r f a c e u c ha s a t a b l e t o pm o v e h e p l a n eb a c ka n d f o r t h s , t passes slightly overlap, shown as using series straight a of that p i n t h e d i a g r a m t r i g h t . h e n u l l i n gh e p l a n e a c k f t e r W a t b a e a c hf o r w a r d t r o k et,i l t t h e t o o lt o o n es i d et o l i f t t h e c u t s t i n g e d g ec l e a r f t h e s u r f a c e . o



Smoothing a face face Secure workpiece upona work the s u r f a c e .n c ey o uh a v e r i e n t etd e 0 o h grain, upyour plane thewood with line s h o u l da n dh i pw i t h h et o o t o h e l p er t l y o um a i n t a ifn l l c o n t r o l f t h ec u t . u o with hands as Gripping plane both the push along surface the shown, thetool fromyourbody. Apply irmand f away pr ru s u s t a i n e d e s s u de r i n gh es t r o k e , t pressing onthefront theplane down of at thestart thepass. of Once plane the iscompletely thesurface, out on even the to thepressure, shifting pressure
t h e r e a rn f t h e n l a n ea i t h e e n d o f t h e

Examine shavingsyou as work stroke. the if want and adjust cufting the depth you a planing thesurface finer Keep cut. until becomes and shiny smooth thetouch. to

end Smoothing grain t t U s ea b l o c kp l a n e o s m o o t hh e e n d so f T a o a w o r k p i e c e .h e r e r et w ow a y s f p l a n g i n g e n d g r a i n ,b o t h i n v o l v i n t w o s t e p s c a l c u l a t etd a v o i d e a r o ua t t h e e d g e s . o t t F o re i t h e r e t h o ds e c u r eh e w o r k p i e c e m , t , a e n d u p . I n o n em e t h o db e g i n s t r o k e o , t a t o n ee d g e f t h e b o a r dg u i d i n gh e p l a n e l o n g h e s u r f a c e n t i l t h eb l a d e u a t is abouthalfway across the end (left). s R e p e atth e p r o c e s f r o mt h e o p p o s i t e e d g e .I n t h e s e c o n d e t h o ds t a r tb y m , c u t t i n g c h a m f ea t o n ee d g e f t h e a r o b o a r d h o l d i n gh e p l a n e , t at an angleo flatten he t t Then make corner(inset). e a p a s s c r o st h e e n t i r e n d , a s b e g i n n i ntg e s t r o k e t t h e h a o t h e re d g e .


woodsurfaces an interis Q craping planing and mediate between step rJ A sharp scraper remove can sanding. high spots,tearoutand glue lines, and up smooth surface, clean marks a plane. tool is inexpensive, The leftby a simple sharpto easy use relatively to and types the are en.Tho commonly used blade steelof handscraper-asingle ablade mountscraper, andthecabinet ed in a metal or wood body that This resembles a spokeshave. implement handles two-handfor features winged edpushing pulling. or from thin are Scraper blades made to ofspringsteel sharpened and sheets Theyareavailable forma cutting edge. on in different thicknesses, depending theworkyouwantthemto perform. for cuts; are Thickscrapers suitable heavy for are light scrapers used finerwork. has blade, scraper a the Unlikea plane flare the of hook-a small along length (inset, page 32).The thecuttingedge the hook's cutting action allows scraper in or to bepulled pushed anydirection, and reach corners tightspots soyoucan inaccessible plane. to a dull A scraper's cuiting edges quickwhich regular sharpening, ly andrequire filing,honing burnishing. and involves shavings signal Thesize thescraper's of the the its condition: dullertheblade, the the until smaller shavings, finally tool produces sawdust. only need Mostnewscrapers to befiled use. helpto apply smooth before It may oil edge alittlelubricating onthecutting before burnishing, be but ofthescraper with theoil: If it gets your on careful it end hands orbench could upstaining theworkpiece. the Apartfrommaintaining cutting keep edges ascraper, in mindthatthe of well toolwill perform onlyifyouholdit and atanangle thewoodsurface push to a of or pull itwhileapplying fairamount Ifyou pressure to ttrecutting edge. close perpendicular holdthescraper almost pressure, healy to thesurface apply and wood, but remove thetoolwill quickly gouge, or scratch the it mayalso dent the Held surface. at moreof anangle, removes wood, produces less but scraper of asmoother surface. method findOne is ing theright angle to holdthetool parallel theworksurface;begin to almost gradually raising angle the scrapingwhile into untilit bites thewood. of theblade

a Properly sharpened,scraper produce will finer andshorter shavings thana plane.

square the 1 Filing edges hook I Tofileofftheexisting on a with scraper, clamp toolin a vise the facing Holding a onelong edge up. file withboth sharp bastard firmly mill passes hands shown, as make several the of back forthalong edge the and ng downward scraper, exerti moderate pressure thebundisappears and until filings, theedges flat.Toremove are periodically thefileona firmsurtap Turn scraoer the face use filecard. or a for and the over repeat process the other edge.



fiu filr llttljJ lliltl]J ltJ lllt tlll filt |lt ilil llil fill illl lll lll l]ll
Uoinga file clamp Deeiqned holda file No perpendicular the edge to of a ocraVer, fileclamp a makesit, eaeytro remove hooks and fileoLraight edqee Ihe trool.To on use the fileclamp, secure the ocra?er a vieealong in wilh a woodblockon one eideto keep riqid.lneerL it, I h e f i l ei n t h e c l a m p n d a fixit inplace oinqlhe u Lhumbscrewe Iop of the on
i m p le me n t . 7 oE i Lo n L he c la m p i

on lhe edgeof the ecraVer and file lhe ocraVer'e ed4eunlil it, feelesharp, takinqcarenot Io cuXyouroelf when NeeLinq.

r) Honing edges the L Securecombination a sharpening stone side to a work fine up surface with cleats lubricateasyouwould and it when (page Holding honing plane a blade 26) thescraper against stone, the flat the rub face thestone a circular on with motion (left).Apply pressure conmoderate and produced filtinue until roughness any by ingdisappears. thescraper and Turn over repeat theother for face. complete To the honing, thescraper down hold edge and slide back forth it and diagonally across thestone until edge smooth the is with sharp corners. Repeat theother for edge.


to a the Q Burnishing edges start hook r.,l Place scraoer on a work f lat the with surface theedge besharpened to extending thetable. off Holdingbura nisher a slight at angle thescraper, to passes andforth make several back (left), along edge the applying strong pressure start downward to turning over edge a hook. the into Burnish the edge same the way; turn other cutting thescraper andburnish edges over the face. ontheother

Completing hook the

Secure scraper the edgeup in a vise

perpendicular Hold burnisher the almost in to theedge runit along edge and the onedirection theedge until swells slightly,turning outward oneside(right). on presForbest results, moderate apply s u r eT h e n o l d h eb u r n i s hs ot h a t . h t er s t h eh a n d lie a t a 1 0 ' t o 1 5 ' a n g l e above edge thescraper conthe of and t i n u e u r n i s h i u n t itl h ee d g eu r n s b ng t over. Repeat process form hook the to a (inset), ontheother of theedge side this timeholding handle your the with other you hand. greater pressure apply, The the
iho hioopr thp hnnk

Turn scraper the over andburnish oppothe

siie edsp Tpsi thp .r ritino pdooc nn a nipnp

of scrap wood, burnishing them again, necif essary, youhave until you thehook need for t h ej o ba t h a n d .


flll llllllllllllrulll1 lllllllllllt ull lllllllllllt llll ilil llll illl lllt
Using a variable burnisher a o l d t n q O u r n t e n aL t l,oldinq burnieher t the riqht. a ar e angle turnin4overa for hookon a ocraVer no ie eaoylaok. Oneanswer jiq ie a commercial Ihal control provideo Vrecioe of the burniohing anqle. Theactual burnisher ie a carbiderod mounled wilhinLhe body; knob a o n N h e N oa d j u o t o N h e p anqle Nhe of rod belween and 15o.Io Oo use Nheburnieher, L n e a u r n t ? n e r? e c u r eT , n e c r a ? e rt n a v t 6 ea n a oecure S , the ecraVer vieeand in

: f i I i t e b l a d e i n t h e b u r n i s h e r ' e l o N : u n n i n qt h e b u r n i e h e r e r back and f or\h alon4 the blade wilh moderale downward ?re6ourecreaLeea hook of NheapVropriaLean4le.


Using hand a scraper Secure stock a work the to surface. Standing one at endof theworkpiece, curlyour fingers around front the the of scraper press theback and on withyour thumbs make toolbow to the slightly outward. thescraper Tilt forward about 20'fromthevertical scrape and the in surface thedirection thebowis that (left). thecutting facing lf edge does properly, notbiteintothewood adjust theangle thetoolslightly. at of Work , a s l i g ha n g l eo t h eg r a i na p p l y i n g t t pressure making moderate and long, fluid, overlapping strokes. theend At of each stroke, thescraper the lift off surface before stopping. canalso You pullwiththescraper, besure but to you. flexthe bow toward



the 1 Adjusting blade in edge I lnstall blade thescraper thehooked with the t/zz protruding inchfromthesole the facing forward and of Lock in by the scraper. theblade place turning twothumb(abovd. fhen clockwise screws thefrontof thescraper on presses tw b o wi t s l i g h t lb yt u r n i n t h et h u m b s c r eh a t y g at 6f against center theblade theback lls scr:ner the of

r) Using scraper the Then, at endof the Z Secure workpiece. standing one the hands the with firmly withboth stock holding scraper and the presfromyou,push toolwithmoderate the hook facing away (abovd. theendof each lift At stroke, sure along surface the io thescraper thesurface turnthetoolupside-down off and the from clogging. dislodge shavings prevent blade the and

ltlj lllr llll llll llll llll fifi r]l] llll ull l]l] llll llrl lll llll llll llrl ilIl
Tt? 1HO?
Uoingold oara?erblades to cut half-blind dovetaile more Youcan aet eorne mileage of an old ou| ocra?erby uoin7it lhe eaw Nocomplele cuNemadeto fashion half-blind dovelails. Tlace in lhe blade the kerl and tap il with unLil it, a hammer reaches shoulder the lineof the ioinLThie makeiN will eaeier finieh Lo Nhecut with a chisel,

in Q andingis the final stage smoothing a pieceof furnitureand is also J indispensable eliminating blemin any ishes by planes left and scrapers. Both leave marksandridges toolssometimes Theycanalsocomon wood surfaces. press wood fibersandclose poresin the thewood,inhibitingits capacity propto erly accept finish.Sanding the final a as pores,allowingthe stepopensclosed penetrate surface. finish to the A wide varietyof naturaland manmadesandpaper abrasives available are for thewoodworker, from naturalmaterials suchasflint, garnetand emeryto artificialoneslike aluminumoxideand For you siliconcarbide. mostapplications, need sandpaperwith a hard,sharp-edged particles arenot easily ttrat dislodged from their paperbacking. siliconcarGarnet, bideand aluminumoxidearethe abrasives bestsatisfy that these criteria. A typical sandingsequence begins paper, with a 120- 150-grit or depending on whetheror not you useda scraper (page Youmayfirst needan 8O-grit 30). abrasive eliminatedefects irreguto or larities from a surface. Continue sanding witha220-gritpaper, movingto increas-

ingly finer abrasives remove to the scratches by thepreceding left operation. Fora surface is to receive that a glossy finish, will need use paper you to a atleast fineas320grit.Howhighup as thegrit scale climbdepends the you on product intendto apply finishing you you Keep andtheeffect wishto achieve. in mind,however, polishing surthat a with anultra-fine face a highgloss to paper maykeepstain a frompenetrating evenly. Refer thecharton page for to 37

Combining convenience the of a powertoolwith thefine touchof handsandinga palm sander readies a cabinet a finish. for

informationon the differentsandpaper grades gritsandwhento usethem. and Apart from selecting appropriate the grit, you alsoneedto choose between paper. open-andclosed-coat Theabraparticles closed-coat papers sive on cover almost the entire surfaceof the backing, and arebestsuitedto sanding hardwoods.Open-coatpapershave particles, morewidelydispersed covering only 40o/o 700/o the backing. to of These your bestbet for softwoods are proneto clogging because areless they by moreresinous wood. pages, fu shown thefollowing on sanding canbe equallywell accomplished by hand or with power tools.Although you handsanding laborious, allows is it greater controloverthe process, especiallywhenworkingon contoured surfaces in corners tight spots. or and you Whichever methodyou select, judgewhether surface smooth is can the enough pulling a pieceof fine nylon by fabricoverthewood;the clothwill snag on roughspots. Thenexamine wood the undera beamoflight played across the surface a low.angle. at The^lightwill expose remalnmg any lmperfecuons.


Using belt a sander Clamp workpiece andinstall the down grit a sanding of theappropriate on belt your sander. Holding toolabove belt the it thestock withbothhands, switch on andgently lower flatonto surface. it the Guide sander oneendof the the from workoiecetheother smooth to in and passes follow straight overlapping that (/efil.Keep thegrain thewood of the f latandmoving alltimes sander at until is Avoid thesurface uniformly smooth. leaving toolononespot while is it the quickrunning;cancutinto surface it the ly,leavinggouge. a Clean thesandup (page ingparticles 42)before repeating withafiner-gritbelt.



Hand sanding Attach piece sandpaper the appro' a of of p r i a t e r i tt o a s a n d i n g l o c k G r i pt h e g b . b l o c kf i r m l ya n d s a n dt h e s u r f a c e i t h w s t r a i g h to v e r l a p p i n g , c k - a n d - f o r t h , ba p m s t r o k e sa p p l y i n g o d e r a t e r e s s u r e , a n dw o r k i n g i t ht h e g r a i n f t h e w o o d w o (above, left), Keepthe blockf lat on the s u r f a c e t a l l t i m e s ,p a r t i c u l a r l yh e n a w you reach end or edge. smooth an To a s m a l lo r r e s t r i c t es u r f a c es u c ha s t h e d , a r e a s e t w e etn e s o i n d l e o f a c h a i r b h s a s s h o w nu s ea c o m m e r c i a l n d i n g , sa
^+l^t, >LtL^ /^^^,,^ lauuvc, -:^L+l r tBr tL,t.

lttl illlllilillll]ll illlll[l]ll lltllllilllilit ruilfl llll l]lt llll illt

Tt? 1HO?
Shop-made oandingblock CUIa woodblockthalyou can qrip comfortably. Ihe top On face of the block, lwo cuL narrowqrooveo, then cuI two wedqeehaped woodobripo Nh fit, in Lheqroovee aI enuqly. To glue eveneandinq provide ?reooure, a fel| or cork pad t o NheboLbom lace of the block. T ou s e t h e b l o c k , w r a ?p i e c e f e a n d V a V e r a o aroundit,,inoertNheendeinNo qroovee, lhe then tap in the wedgeo holdNheVaVer Vlace. in to



SANDPAPER Grade Medium F in e Very fine Extra fine Grit 8 0 , 1 0 0 ,1 2 0 1 5 0 ,1 8 0 220,240 280,320 360,400 S u p efri n e STEEL W(lOL Medium Fine Extra fine S u p efri n e 1 00 000 0000
Lightremoval particles raised of and fibers; smoothing shallow of depressions scratches and Smoothing before applying clearf inish a Smoothing between coatsof finish;lightcleaning and deglossing a finishor polish of Polishing; waxing

Uses Initial smoothing; removing shallow depressions

and scratches Intermed smooth iate ing Finalsmoothing before applying f inish a Removing dust particles air bubbles and between finishcoats F i n a s a n d i n g e f o r ei n a lc o a to f f i n i s h ; n i t i a l l b f i sanding highgloss for finish Rubbing downthe final coatof highgloss finish

Choosing sandpaper grits Therange sandpaper in the of chart leftwillserve almost at for any f i ni s hn gj o b .W h e n u y i ns a n p a i b g d p e r , o n s i d etrsc o m p o s i t i o n u c i Al . paper minum oxide works with best a belt sander. Choose silicon carbide p a p eirn g r i t s b o v 2 2 0f o rf i n i s h a e s a n d i nw i t ha no r b i t a la n d e r . g s

6 0 0 ,1 2 0 0

llu lllllll tllillt lllllllt llljlltlll} fllt illt ljlJ t]l] tll ljlt llll l]ll
Makinga aandpaperauttingboard To cul sheeleof oandpaper quickly and accuraLely, a ohop-made uee cuttinq board.Screwa hacksaw bladeto a piece plywood of with a washerundereach endto raiseit eliqhNly off the Vlywood.To cuTa sand?a?er sheet in half, ,./ .. elideiI under
the blade. Holdin4 ne o end down,Near

1,r)r \

;:li.i'; \ 'i' rino

d , " c

o t .-s4



\ the other part,of the eheetoff. Fora quarEer sheel, marka lineparallel Nheblade No Nhat,is one-quarLer ofLhewidlhof a
e h e e X r o m t h e l e e l h . T h e n a l i g nl h e e n d f ol f,he eheet wilh lhe line and lear.




Using random-orbit a sander With compact pliable its and sanding pad, random-orbit is ideal the sander forsanding contours asa cabrisuch ole leg(left). Clamp down workthe p i e c e n df a s t e n s a n d i nd i s k o a a g t pad. thesander's With toolclear the of thestock, switch onandlower it thepad onto surface. the Applying pressure, along moderate work the length theworkpieceback-andof in p s f o r t h a s s eu n t rtl h es u r f a cie s s m o o t h . e p o s i t i oh e p i e c en R i tn theclamp necessarysmooth as to
^:i^^^-+ ^,,"+-^^^ duldutrrrL)ur iduc).

Hand sanding Smoothing contoured surfaces only using sandpaper risks creating blemishes thewood f lattening thecurves on or out pressure. a shop-made pad withexcessive For sanding that canfollow contours without oversanding, a sheet wrap of sandpaper around thick a sponge youcancomfortably that grip. Hold paper the around sponge sand the and along the length thesurface f irmpressure. of with

U s i n g s a n d i nb l o c k a g e S e c u r eh e w o r k p i e ca n d a t t a c h p i e c e f s a n d p a p e o t a o tr a c o m m e r c i a lo n t o u s a n d i n g l o c k . n t h e t y p es h o w n , c r b O t h e e n d so f t h e p a p e r r e p i n c h e do g e t h ea n d h e l d i n a a t r s l o to n t h e n a r r o w i d eo f t h e b l o c k .F o rm o s tc o n t o u r s , s s a n dw i t h t h e c i r c u l a s i d eo f t h e b l o c ka g a i n stth e w o o d r ( a b o v e )F o rc r e v i c e s n d o t h e rt i g h t s p o t s ,w r a pa s h e e t . a o f s a n d p a p e rr o u n d h e b l o c k , o l di t i n p l a c e n d s a n d a t h a w i t ht h e n a r r o w i d e . s


CONTOURED BLOCK SANDING oI Smoothing contours a piece the of its molding evenly without damaging is icult task withonly contoursa diff sanding sandpapera conventional or you However, canusea short block. your sample themolding shape of to ownsanding block corresponds that to of exactly the surface the workpiece. requires Fashioning block the body filler modeling or rubber, used to make mold theorofile. a of To prepare mold, together nail the a small slightly box longer wider and than sample the molding about and r/qinchdeeper thethickest part than folof themolding. Prepare filler the lowing manufacturer's the instrucfill half with tions, then about thebox it. Lay single a ihickness plastic of wraD thebox. While filler the over the samis stillsoft,press molding pleinto box clamp firmly it the and Let hardagainst filler. thefiller the remove molden,ihencarefully the ingsample fromthebox. Saw off theends thebox. of Totransform boxintoa sandthe ingblock, stretch piece sanda of paper abrasive up across side the molded of thebox. the side Use the molding sample press paper to filler, against hardened then the of staole ends the sides the to thebox. Touse block, the clamp workthe oiece down slide block and the back (/eff). the andforthalong molding



grooves turnings Smoothing and grooves turned pieces aschair Tosand narrow in such spindles, usecommercial abrasive Cuta piece cordlong cord. of enough to extend fewinches each a on it side andwrap around the groove. one and Pull end repeatedly half then other the to sand (above, Work left). fromthe thecircumference groove of the

opposite to smooth other side the half. sand To turnings or grooves, abrasive (above, larger use tape right), which wider is thanabrasive buthandled cord identically. Smooth intricate pads. turnings moldings steel and using wool abrasive or

r]ll illlltl illl tlll ull ult ilIl ilu fit1 ilI1 lltl fill lll} i]Il llll il1j tjll
Shop-made abraaive tape 1andingbelNe an excellenl are oource abraeive of Lapeo. The belbe readily Nearin parallel ebripe, makinq eaeyto iL obtaina lenqthof abrasive of Yhewidthyou need.)ince uoinqabraoive Napeinvolvee crooo-qrain oandinq, only uoe slrios from fine-aritbells. Coalrser abrasivis may leave ecrabchee makeabraded and area6?roneNoabeorbinq more slain Nhan surroundina areao.



r[ Iltl llll ijll illr lllr iltr lllilI] lllt fiIl llll ltl ill rllt inl illl lll]
.$o. Findingflawo O o m e b t e m i e ho n r h e ee \2" eurtaceof a Viece furni' of Lure may noNbe aVVarent, to ./, ,; LheLouch underordinary or liqht,butbecome vioue t ob in a floodof light.To check your workafLereandinq worka clean the eandinq off piece, VarLiclee (paqe 42),then aim a beamfrom aflaehlight aNIhe griqhl eurface, bouncing otr LhewoodaNan oblique il angle. directeunliqht worko equally well. Clooely examine eurNhe your headup and downolowly benefiL f ace,bobbinq from Io every anqle. Take nole of any flawoyou miesedearlier.

panel's Smoothing a raised edges jobs Some sanding callfora certain degree improvisation.example, of For to smooth beveled the edges a of (above) panel raised without rounding thesquare edges theframe, of use a piece sandpaper inthirds of folded to about widthof the beveled the section. thepaper a U shape Hold in andplace finger one it; behind the paper your folded cannot against slip finger. Sand edges, the applying even pressure working parallel the and to grarn, wood



Removing sanding from dust a wood surface particles wood Clean off surfaces after every stage sanding of before moving grit onto a f iner abrasiveapplying or . a f i n i s hR e m o v e m u c h u s t n d as d a gritaspossible a vacuum with cleaner, (above, Then ragor bench brush /eff). w i p e h es u r f a cc l e a n i t ha t a c k t e w your clolh(above, nghf). Sweep hand across surface check any the to for particles. again remaining Wipe with thetack cloth necessarv. if

ilIl illI illl llr1fill ltfl llll ltlj lltl llu llr llr tlll lllt fiIl illt llll lI]
Tt? 9HO7
Makingataak aloth Makea tack clothNomatchthe tiniehinq you t producL inhend o uee.Fora water-based finieh, oimVly damVen cleanViece a of cheeeecloth wilh waten Fora eo l v n I - b eed f i n i s hda m p n e a , e trhecloth wiNh mineral spiiits, then workina fewdropsof varnioh.?queeze cloLh Ihe re?eatedlyunbil begino feelobicky. iN Io Add varnish whenit,loeesits Nacky feel.)tore a tack cloth in a plaelic bagwith a labelidentityingit as eilher waNer- solor vent-based,


can on Tl laws a woodsurface show In a .F through almost finish. fact, any may finishlikelacquer magnify clear you Before applya finimperfections. you to of ishto a piece furniture, need damage. find and mendanysurface to Mostdefects out,but youneed stick the obvious blemfindandeliminate less a ishes well.Tiy running handacross as for You thewoodandfeeling them. can light with also wash surface lowangle the (page andlookfor them. 4) to Thebestapproach a repairand required depend the on thematerials repair A nature thedamage. suitable of is for a dent, example, to lift it with for (page4).However, thewood if steam ratherthansimply fibers severed are will crushed, steam not work;a wood For remedy. small fillermaybe best the wax stick problemishes, or shellac can fix. ducea virtuallyinvisible Bothare to of in.avariety colors match available many wooospecres. Youcanbuy special burn-inkits The shellac sticks. typifor applying package includes burn-inknife a cal stainless blade; steel with a gentlybent, lampfor heating knife; the an alcohol a for soaking felt anda special solution repair withthesurthat the block levels rounding surface. are conMostlarger blemishes best Although many with cealed woodfiller. PATCHING C(lMP(lUNDS W(l(lD
TYPE Wood filler CHARACTERISTICS or depending Solvent- water-based; ontype,canbetintedwithstainor purchased pre-tinted in Wax- resin-based; and available a variety colors. quickly of Sets available and Shellac- resin-based; in a variety colors. quickly of Sets surface to forma hard mixed withbinder, Sawdust glue shellac; be or can such hide as tinted withstain USES gouges, Filling large holes, cracks dents and G(lMPATIBILITIES with finishes; Compatible most or apply before afterstain

you tfpes arepre-colored, cantint filler yourselffor a perfectmatch.Testthe filler on a scrapof the targetwood beforecommittingyourselfto a parwhere ticularformulation.In situations the a filler is inappropriate-because areais too largeor the filler damaged would be conspicuous-youcanmend the defectwith a shop-madepatch fashionedfrom a wood scrapof the (page 47). samespecies

patching Mostmodern compounds comto areformulated bechemically patible with avariety finishes, in of but contain cases where two products the thesame solvent, finishcandissolve the to thefiller.Use chartbelow help the compound. choose appropriate the whether lifting a Forall your fixes, lightlysand the dentor fillinga gouge, it you done level with to repair once are thesurrounding surface.

one shellac remains of thebest stick A traditional in minordamage wood. methods repairing of lamp,a Heated thellamefrom an alcohol by a burn-in knifemelts small bit of theshellac whichfills theholelevelwith thesurface. sticl<,

Wax stick stick Shellac

with be small holes, scratches May incompatible Filling after inishing f lacquer; apply andcracks with or May incompatible alcoholbe dents Fillingscratches, finishes; apply before lacquer-based andgouges finishing or after Filling nanow cracks, gaps small and holes with finishes Comoatible most

Shop-made filler




Repairing a dented surface One wayto fix a dentin wood to is swell crushed fibers their wood to originalshaoe. a household to Turn iron its highest setting allow to heat and it uo.Meanwhile. a clean soak cloth in water, it over fewtimes fold a and place onthedent. it Press tip of the theiron against cloth thedent the over (above), holding in place it untilthe cloth steams. steam swell The will the woodibers, f lifting thedent. out Add water thecloth necessary to as and avoid leaving iron thecloth the on for toolong, which may scorch wood. the

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'fiI lll lllt lll] illt llt tl|l flll illl llll
Tt? 9HO7
Gluingan edgeeplinter back A emalleplinteron the edqeof a workcan be qluedin Vlace, lonqao ao Viece iNie eLillafLached. in Clamo trheetrock a vieeand equeeze oomeqlueinto lhe qap beiween eolinterand Lhewood. Nhe Then into place eplinler and secure preeeNhe it wibhmaekinq tape.)nce the qlueio dry,remove IaVe and sandthe repair lhe fluehwilh adjacenteurtacee.



A p p l y i nw o o d i l l e r g f C h o o s a f i l l e rt h a t i s c o m p a t i b lw i t h e e t h e i n g r e d i e n as dc o l o r f t h e f i n i s h tn o y o uw i l l b e a p p l y i n g , s ea p u t t yk n i f e U t o w o r kt h e f i l l e ri n t ot h e h o l ea n do v e r (left), f ill it slightly thenscrape the off e x c e sts l e v e li t w i t h t h e s u r r o u n d i n g o surface. Avoid spreading ontoundamfiller agedareas, whereit maycauseuneven c o l o r i nig a s t a i ni s a p p l i e d . f

gun Melting shellac witha soldering stick Select shellac of theappropriate andseta soldera stick color inggunon Low. Holding stick the over hole, the meltit with thetip of thegun(above, Drip lefil. enough theproduct of to f i l l t h e o l eW h i l t h ef i l l e i ss t i l l s o f u,s e k n i f e ra w o o d h . e r t a o chisel press evenly thedamaged Work to it into area. carefully to avoid marring surrounding withtheknife chisel the area or

b l a d e . l l o wh ef i l l e t o c o o lT ol e v e lh ef i l l e w i t h h es u r A t r . r t t rounding surface, thebottom a feltblock a small soak of with a m o u n tf c o m m e r c l e v e l i n g l u t i oa n dl i g h t l r u bt h e o ial so n y (above, block back forth and across repau the nghf). slowThe acting solvent thesolution in dissolves excess without filler harming wood. the


Applying shellac with stick a burn-in knife Light alcohol and the torch hold the knife thewick several for burn-in over With seconds. theshellac over stick press knife thedamaged area, the against stick thatenough the so filler (above) melts drrps thehole and into Reheat knife necessary the as until i . t t t h eh o l e s f i l l e d U s e h ek n i f eo F h s p r e atd ef i l l e r v e n l y .i n i s t h e h e r e p a iw i t hl e v e l i n g l u t i oa n da r so n
n f p l i h l n n k ( P v a vo e 1' . 6 ) v t t b

iiti llrilll illr lrlllli rll} lll1 iltrxl filt ilt lll1 r]ll illl ll11 ilI] llll
Ueinga gluegun to apply shellacstick A qluequn offeroa oimple alternalive lo a burn-in knife solderina for or aun repairinq damaqe with a ehellac stick. Ueea oharpknifeNo whiltlea ehellac elick oo "' that, iNfit 6 in Nhebarrelof y o u r4 l u e u n . I om e l L l h e -.'. 4 filler, LheLriqqer ae pull /. y o u w o u l d Na V V l y l u e , o q Ihen dripLhemelLed ehellac filler eNick onto Nhe damaqed area.TressNhe inboNheholewiLha knifeor woodchiee|and level as shownon ?aqe45-uoinq a felN iN block and levelinq eolulion.

/' ' / / // / /




and thepatch 1 Making outlining I Aneffective to mend larger way a hole a wood on surface to cuta patch is a n da m a t c h i nm o r t i so v e t h eh o l e , g e r g t . t h e n l u e h ep a t c hn p l a c eU s i n g i a cut-off scrap fromtheworkpiece,a or p i e c e f v e n e e r i t hs i m i l ag r a i n n d o w r a color, a patch cut thatis slightly larger than hole. thepatch diamond the Give a shape, conspicuous a square less than patch or rectangular after finish the is applied. a wood Use chisel bevel to the edges the bottom of faceof the patch, thensand both faces. Place patch the over hole, the aligning grain the its with grain, mark outline surface and its with a sharppencil(righil.

r) Chiseling mortise the L Secure workpiece a clamp the with if necessary. a wood Select chisel slightly narrower thesides themortise than of to cutalong outline. thetool the Tilt withits bevel facing to produce angle up an correspondingthatontheedges the to of patch. Remove remaining from the waste theoutline thechisel with bevel facing (left). down Periodically thepatch test-fit in themortise themortise slightly until is shallower theoatch thick. than is



down patch Q Gluing the gluein themortise r-,1Spread some in Lay andsetthepatch place. a piece over thenposiof waxpaper thepatch, p b o t i o na w o o d l o c k nt o p .( T h e a p e r w i l l k e e p h ep a t c hr o ma d h e r i n g f to t where lf is theblock.) thepatch located youcannot it set clamp directly, a board t t a t o p h eb l o c k n dc l a m ph ee n d s o t a pressurethepatch on focus clamping the (left). quickly prevent Work to the p a t c hr o ma b s o r b i n go i s t u rfeo m m r f t h eg l u e n d w e l l i n g . a s


area Preparing damaged the r I A d a m a g e d r n eirs b e s t e p a i r e d co s w i t ha p a t c hl.f t h ee d g e o f t h eb r e a k use chisel areragged sharp, a wood or o eo t o c u t a s h a l l o w ,v a l - s h a pmd r t i s e w i t hs m o o t e d g e a r o u n td ed a m a g e . h s h H o l d h ec h i s ew i t ht h eb e v efla c i n g t l o d o w n n dw o r k i t ht h es r a i n f t h e a w wood(right). 'l



r) Installing patch the L Cutapatch roughly the that fits mortise, shape with then it sandpaper ora chisel untilit fitsperfectly. Spread g s o m e l u ei n t h e m o r t i s a n ds e t e thepatch position, in aligning grain its withthatoftheworkpiece. maskUse i n gt a p e o k e e p h ep a t c hn p l a c e t t i while glue the dries. level patch To the withthesurrounding pare surfaces, (above). away excess thechisel the with , C u t i t ht h eg r a i nk e e p i n h ec h i s e l w tg bevel sideuo.

illr lltl ll]l llllllllillt fiij llilljl] ljljtjll ult |lt llt illl tlll llt ]jll
Filling a damagedaorner An alternalive Nopatchin7 a aamaqed corner is lo reconslrucL it wilh woodfiller. Secure workpiece\ Nhe in a vise.Makea form

Nokeep fillerfrom Nhe ea4giiq taVinq, by

lntn ?tece meLal ol or or \\ 'depreooor VlaeLic, a tonque \ \ to thi sideof the slock.lf you uoea, a place etrip of waxVapei underneath keep filler Lo Nhe from bondinq the stick.Apply to the fillerwiLh ?uLIyknife, a then LaVe eecoid form Lo the ilp\r,fra"". a

l\ 6ffl\ ,*./*-\


Wetting surface the phase working wood-from Every of with j o i n t i na n ds a w i nb o a r d s p l a n i n g g g to andscraping them-compresses the fibers thesurface. on Exoosurewater to causes fibers stand roughenthe to up, ingthesurface.youintend usea lf to water-based wetthesurface finish, to raise grain the before applying finthe ishing solution. Spray water thesuron face(left), thenwipe theexcess off with a clean cloth. Allow surface dry, the to withvery thenlightly scuff wood the fine(220-griI) Avoid sandpaper. overwhich might fresh sanding, expose grain, making necessary it to repeat process. the Raising grain other the has benefits, such aslifting shallow dents, exposing defects a n dh e l p i na f i n i s h d h e r e . g a

iltillt lllt ult iltl ilu illJ ]lil uu llt i]l] illt ilt] uu l]ll ilu j-tl ull
Tt? 5HO?
Coloringgrain filler qrainlillercan Untrinted becoloredf,o malchor conlrast with Ihe slain onYourworkoiece.For a waier-b use aseAfiller, an oil-free in or piqmenL liquid ?owderform,suchas universallinlinqor dry earLh colors.TinL an .'. ,.:.. oilbasedfiller wiNh oil-based s . .'- - # an \\\-.--:-: piqmenl, euchas arf,ieI'soil or japancoloro,To the prepare filler, pourit.inho diehandadd a emall a amounN the colorin7 of aqent, MlixtheIwo inqredienle wibha putty knife. Contrinue addinqcolorinqaqenL unbil fillerNakee the d,eeired Nhe on color. Teet, filler the illo on a 6cra?boardbetore aVVlying your workViece. more Add it. coloring aqenN darken mixlure: fillerNoliqhlen No Nhe add


grainis theeasiest washcoat(pnge and finallyapply53), f, illingthervood t rvay achievehighgloss, to a mirror- inga fillerwitha conl.rasting color'. likefinishon open-grained like species Fillercomes sereral in colors; choose ash, andmahogany. oak Grainfiller, also a shade slightly deeper thanthervood knorvn porefilleror paste as woodfiller, job, is not arppropriate every howevfor woodhasno need er.A closed-srain for filler,andiome woodrvorkers avoid fillersaltoeether favorof a morenatin
ttrat looK.
t t I

soit willmatch theivood as darkens r,vith age. canalso untinted You buy fillerand colorit yourselfinthe shop (pnge 50). Before committing yourself a particto ularsequence color, oL applythe filler to pieces scrapwood both before of andafterstaining, choose best and the

Ifyou decide fill thegrainofyour to wood, youshould understand varithe regarding ousoptions ivhen apply to the filierandexactly whattypeto use. Filler is usually applied before stain;if you choose stainbefore to filling you must becareful to damage stain not the when removinsthe excess filler.Yetanother alternatirieto apply stainandfiller is the together therarv wood,although on the resultis oftena flat, monochromatic appearance. bring out the character To of .t species nrahogany, stainirrg like tly thewood,thensealing stain with a the

Applying n .filler to ttrtoperr-grttitted species onk doesrtnre tlmrr like sitnplylill tlrc corttrast with the rnturttl sttrface the riglrt, on theJiller added to the sartrple on the leJiltasaccerrtrtsted tlrc wood's grairrpntterrt.

Forbestresults, makesurethat the workpiece clean is and dust-free. Then prepirethe fillerfollowing manuthe facturer's directions; shouldhave it the consistencythickcream. of Because erainfiller canabsorb lot a of finish,ali,ays applya washcoatto a filled surface beforestaininsor finishing it. Thewash coat, consiiting the of finishyou plan to r-rse dilutedby the appropriate thinner,creates barrier a betleenthe fillerandthe finish. With sorne species mahogany, like a wash coat is advisable filling,to prevent before the fillerfrom developing unsightly white spots monthsafterit is applied. several

I W i t ht h e w o r k p i e cfe c eu p o n a a w o r ks u r f a c ep o u rs o m eo f t h e f i l l e r , i n t oa c o n t a i n eA.p p l y h e f i l l e r i t h r t w ( p a p a i n t b r u s hl e f t )o r a b r a s i v e a d s . U s i n gb a c k - a n d - f o r t h .e r l a p p i n g ov strokes, cover surface the completely w r t ht h e f i l l e r w o r k i n f i r s tw i t ht h e , g grain, thenacross Examine workit. the n i e c e r n d ed i r e c tl i p h tt o c o n f i r m r r thatthe surface covered is thoroughly. A p p l ym o r ef i l l e r ,i f n e c e s s a r y .

on 1l Brushinsthefiller -



otf filler O Wiping excess I Once fillerbegins dry,losing the to itsshine turning and hazy, wipe with it folded a into a piece clean of burlap padtighil. Starting oneendof the at workpiece, witha circular work motion pores to pack fillerintothewood the andremove excess. the

up Q Cleaning r.J Ona detailed workoiece asa such panel, raised remove excess from filler hard-to-reach witha sharpened spots tongue depressor wrapped a clean in (lefl. Dab pointed piece burlap of the endintocorners along and edges to remove filler. Allow filler excess the to dry,thensmooth surface 220the with to 320-grit sandpaper. second lf a coat is required, it thesame apply way.




on coat 1 Brushins thewash t I Prepare a 50/50 solution thefinof ishyouintend use, with to diluted the h a p p r o p r i ah en n e B r u s a l o n t h e t ti r. g grain apply light, wood to a even coat of thesolution thesurface to bbove),

r) Rubbingthewash in coat L tJse clean. lint-free to a cloth work wash the coatintothe pores (lefil. Allow wash of thewood the coat dry, to thensmooth surthe face withextra sandoaoer. fine

t",^t* ! ':1".e-



not Of course, allwoodcries out to bechanged; species best some are dense richness thepigment-tintof left aunatureL ishardto imagine lt edvarieties, materials in the used improving therichpatterns on of coloring woodafford great a degree rosewoo{ Macassar or Grpaebony of latitude. Sains allowyou make to thianelmburl,justas seems it futile whitewoods colorful,light woods to alter shocking the intensity purof dar( plain woods fancy steaked and pleheart, padauk Osage or orange. woods uniform. Butformost woodworkers, opporThroughout longhistory the of tunitiesto workwith perfect specifurnituremaking, have stains been mens rare. typicalproject are The called uponto fool the eye. They involves making with whatever do have helped common woods take materials available affordare and on theappearance moredesirof you Staining allows to dramatically alterthe able. Stainshelp makethis to feasible. able ones, adding colorandfigure outwardappearance wood.Thismaple of Ebony-costlyanddifficultto piano bench ebonized, coloredblacl<" where was it lacking. They have also was or wor( butsnikinglybeautifirl---offen produced colors patterns and that with multipleapplications tintedlacquer. of aprime example special ofthe effecs nature never imagined. possible. thatstaining makes Even inlaying mahogany Onetrick involved surfaces pat- when woodis available, small diameter with the the tree makes it ternsof whiteholly.Thechallenge to darken sur- impossible obtain was the to wideboards thenatural and instability of rounding woodwithoutdiscoloring inlay, thesolution thewoodvirtuallyassures a good-sized of ebony the and piece that layin awash potassium permanganate of or dichromate. The will crack sooner later. or Fortunately, a widely used staining "ebonizing" wash reacted thehightannincontent themahogany, technique with in called gives appearance the ofebony to bringing richreds browns, it leftthetannin-free more out and but stable affordable and woods mahogany maple. like and hollyunchanged. Perhaps important more thanmere fakery theabilityof is Modernstains into two broadcategories: con- stains create woods adding fall those to new by unlikely colors familto taining dyes those and with pigments. imparttranslu- iar materials. not all staining soblatantly Dyes But is A obvious. palette cent colorto wood, altering nature's whileleaving the more subtle, equallyvaluable of stain to addto furbut is use intricate grainpatterns visible. Pigment stains contain opaque niturethatmostelusive traits:age. of Morethanone"antique" colorants clingto thesurface thewood. that Pigments of can has come market to with adroitly mixtures waxand applied of beused addpatterns contrast thewoodgrain, to to and to or rottenstone, even or shopdustandjapancolors, hidingthe bringdefinition highlights corners carvings. and to and factthatthepiece recently itsmakerthands. only left
rom the deep, clearandbright tonesof dye-tinted stains the to

A colonial anilinedyestainenlivens palepiece oak. red a of Whether colors wood it the or merely covers surface the fibers with a layerofpigments, stainingcanchange lookof a workthe piece moreradically thananyotherstepin thefinishingprocess.


of I longwith an assortment stains, A pigmentsand dyes,there are a numberof implements accessories and that everyfinisherneeds. sampling A of the mostusefulitemsis featured below. Changing colorofwood involves the as much art as science, in some but precise instances measuring helpful. is For example, you areattempting if to job, it helps matchan earlierstaining proportions which to know the exact in the original ingredientswere mixed

together. graduated Use cylinders and cups measure liquids to out accurately, and a scale determining for precise weights powders, of crystals other and drycomponents. Brushes, sponges, andpadapplirags cators ofvarying are most sizes the common tools for applyingstainsand bleaches. Brushes categorizedthe are by you nature theirbristles. brush of The projectwill choose a particular for depend thesubstances need on you to

apply. Solvent-based should stains be spread with natural-fiber on brushes; usesynthetic brushes apply to waterproducts. oil-based based An product, such a pigmented as wiping stain, can beapplied either of brush. with type All oftheproducts presentedthis in chapter toxicto varying are degrees. 'v\hether mixingor applying stain a or bleach, wear safety goggles, neoprene rubbergloves and a dual-cartridge respirator.


Pad applicator For applyin4atains evenly on wideeurfacee; type ahownfeatureo rectan4ular pad with thouaanda of ehorEfilaments and a foam backinq Foam brush For applyinq ataina without bruah marka; type ohownaynthetic and diapoaable

For applyinqstaino and bleachea. Synthetic bruahea made from nylon or polyeeter are more durablethan naturaFbrbtb brushea

9ponge For applyin4 bleachea and chemical staina f-----"1

\ L=;---'

Weighing acale For preciae meagurement of powdere and cryatala in ataina and bleachee

Graduated aylindere For preciae meaourement of liquid inqrediente in atains and bleachea

High-volume, low-preaaure (HVLP) apray unit For aprayinq on etaine; featurea a turbine whichblowa a oteady etream of air throu7h a epray qun, forcin7 the atain through the 7un'a nozzleas a fine vapor

Glaee jars jara uaedfor mixing Clear ataine and bleachea; brownjare uaed for atorinq aolutionsaince they blockout aome of the li4ht


are chemiT) leaches hishlvreactive I) calsthat brea'k down the natural woodcolorants wood.For years, in workershaveusedbleachto lishten Theeffeitcan the coloroftheir stock. Mahogany tumsa toneof pale bestartling. rosewhen bleached; walnut becomes in creamy color. Bleaching other applications, has however, that go beyondsimplywashing out color.The process be the can firststepin preparing piece a spea for cific stain,suchasa blond finishfor it a mahogany; is alsoused ready dark to is oakfor liming.In addition, bleaching an effective way to suppress color the variations between sanwood the and Naturalcherrv hearftvood species poplarand ofa like makethem more uniform.It alsorids woodof waterandruststains. Therearethreecommontypesof woodbleach. Oxalic acid.soldin licuid "deck is form as brightener,"yourbest from wood. choice removing for stains will Sodiumhypochlorite do an excellent job of removingan anilinedye This stainfrom a workpiece. productis But available liquid laundrybleach. as wood the most effective all-purpose lightener two-partA/B woodbleach. is involves Usingthis varietyof bleach resultcombining andperoxide;the lye ing effect stronger is thanthat of either inqredient its own. on

Woodbleach affect can yourtoolsas drastically the wood.Usea synthetas ic brushor sponge applybleach; to a natural-bristle brushwill eventually disintegrate thesolution. in Mix andstore in bleach glass containers;the chemicals mayreact with metal.Bleaching leaves residues woodthatcanbecome on hazardous airborne irritants whenthesurface sanded. threemaintvoes is The of can bleach all be washed away rinsbf ing thewoodwith water. Bleach be dangerous ifhandled can improperly, followthemanufacturso Never bleach mix with er'sinstructions. anotherchemical, and always work with a fresh batch.


.,j,iii::;, , ',1''r''

i,,t;,,: "

Bleached cherry

walnut Dleached




Applying bleach the C l e a t h ew o r k p i e o f a n y i r to ro i l , n ce d thenready two-part the bleach pourby inga quantity each of solution sepinto glass arate Do bowls. notmixthetwo p a r t so g e t h e r ;e y i l lb ea p p l i eid t th w n separate steps. Spread generous a but even coat Part onthewood of A surface witha paintbrush rag. theprodora Let uctdo itswork about minutes, for 5 then apply B thesame Pad way. theworkLet piece forat least hours, rinse sit 4 then thesurface water theneutralizer with or supplied thebleach. theworkwith Allow piece dryovernight to before applying a stain finish. or Two-part bleach usualis lystrong enough thatoneapplication so issuff icient; however,lighten to the wood further, repeat process. the

ljll lllt lltfur][ ll11 lltt]i} l]ll llit lll1 illl lllt tltl utl l]tl t]ll illl
Tt? 3HO7
Lighteningwood wit"h6rain filler Io liqhLen woodwilhout bleachinq it,,usean oil-baeed qrain fillermixed wiNh some whitepigmenN. apply FireI a washcoaLto the workpiece(page53),Lhen a ?re?are balch of filler (paqe51), addinq nouqh e -f
w h i t ej a p a n o r /f

o t h e ro i l - b a s e d

o i a m e n l sl o o b l a i n T , h e h a d e s

you wanl,.You apply can Ihe mixture you would ao any grain filler.IheVroceoo accenluate grainof will Lhe o?en-?ore epecieo oak,aeh,mahogany elm. like and



was key Q taining once to thecabinetsubtle of forgery. art fumed l) maker's with naturaldyes, chemical mordants andsecret recipes, cabinetmakers could imitate lookof prized, the woods, exotic or givenewly built chairs, chests and cabinets patina antiques the that acquire withthepassagetime. of Today, camouflaging enhancing and wood with stainsare still important aspects ofwoodworking. Whether stain a penetrates dyes fibers and the ofthewood, or merely covers surface a thin the with layer no ofpigments, other in thefinstep process ishing brings about such radia calchange. Staining highlight can grain patterns, homely mask surfaces, coladd or or imparta uniform to different hue piece furniture. woods withina single of All stains consist a coloring of agent mixed aliquid.Thetwobasic in types of coloring agents dyes pigments. are and Dyestains workmuchlikethecoloring agents oncloth. used Dissolvedwater, in oil or alcohol, penetrate surface they the andbondto thewoodfibers. Pigment stains finely ground powcontain colored ders suspendedaliquidsuch linseed in as oil.They workmore very paints. like thin When applied wood, liquiddries, to the binding pigment thesurface. the to Dyes staining for wood most are compowders, monlysoldasaniline which mustbemixed with a liquidbefore use (page Theirintense 68). colors be can proportions procombined varying in to videavirtualrainbow hues tones. of and Pigment stains available thesame are in yet widerange colors, come readyin of to-use liquid,gelor glaze form.Pigments canalso purchased concentrated in be formasearth pigments japan or colors; theconcentrateadded a ready-tois to use stain enhanced for effects. dyes Both andpigments bemixed can with lacquer, varnish, or shellac provide wax to colored finishes. Whenchoosing stain, a remember thatmostdyestains brilliantand are transparent, generally as but not lightfast, or impervious fading, pigment to as stains. stains excellent highDye are for grain. lighting Pigment stains opaque are andtendto cloud grain. the newSome er liquid stains contain bothdyes and pigments, providing useful properthe tiesof bothqpesof coloring agents with added of application. ease Themostdesirable liquidbase a for stain depends theeffect areseekyou on ing.Thedeeper vehicle penetrates the the wood,the darker andricherthe resulting color. Because penetrates water deepest, water-soluble aregenerstains allythebest choice hardwoods. for One drawback water, however, that it of is raises grain, necessitating the further sanding thesurface. of

Availablein easy-to-apply liquid thegelstainshownin usebelow form, pigments will imparta contains that dark brown mahogany tone.


fromplants, insects aniand f-\ erived I-/ mals, wooddyes the usedin the 18th Centuryranged from concoctionswith exotic names suchasdragon's blood, verdigris, madder and root cochineal moreearthy to tints extractedfrom tea,urine,vinegar walnut and husks. hundred A years later, first the anilinedyewasextracted from coaltar. Today, suchdyes theindustrystanare dard,usuallymixedwith oneof three solvents: watet oil or alcohol. Dyes not yet combined with a solvent also are powder liquidform. available either in or Premixed stains moreconvenient are to gives use, mixingthemyourself you but moreflexibilitywhenyouneed proto duce particular a A effect. fourthtype knownasnon-grainof dyeproduct, (NGR)stain, onlyavailable raising is in liquidform.Thedyes NGRstains in are dissolved ananhydrous, waterless, in or hydrocarbons, solution organic of such aspetroleum. Whichever of dye type stainyou apply, factor will deterthe that minetheeventual colorof thewoodis theamount dyein thesolution, not of theamount solution of applied. Water*oluble are good sains a droice for emphasizing grainofhardwoods. the Althougha water-based will raise stain prefer thegrain, manywoodworkers to takecareofthat stepbefore applying astan (page thereby 50.), saving sanda ingstep mightaffect finalcolor that the of thewood.





Alcohol-soluble dyes,alsocalled "spirit stains," not raise grainas do the muchaswater-based stains they and produce somewhat brighter hues. Oil-soluble are dyes transparent and also non-grain-raising. drying The times of these stains vary, will depending on thesolvent used. Mineral soirit-based generally a slow stains have drying time, whilestains containing toluene xylene or dryconsiderably Thetrade-offis faster. thattoluene xylene moretoxic and are

thanmineral spirits. Another potential problem with oil-based stains their is tendenry bleed to through protective a finish. Although should occur this only if thestain stillwetwhen topcoat is the isapplied, isa good it practice nonetheless use finish to a withadifferent solvent thanyourstain. Forbest results, stains NGR should besprayed wood. on Ifyou use brush, a youwill need adda retarder the to to solution extend drying to its time.

Choosing right stainfor a project the caninvolve experimentation. Frompages 60 to 63 is a series photosthat illusof tratethe effects offive differentdyestains on some themostpopularhardwood of species. samples the far left are The on unstained, followedby pieces from cut the sameboard,eachone coloredby a differentdyestain.For further inforl mation on the characteristics uses and of stains,refer to the chart provided on page 70.



Liqht yellowmaple


i:n. :i' Cherry fruitwood Golden

Cherry Natural



Oak Colonial dark red

Oak Hone5fione amber

Oak Ebonyblack

that I ny substance canbereduced a l1' to a powder becomepigment can Minerals, thatwill impartcolorto wood. metallic and ores, oxides manyother earthcompounds naturally occurring canall begroundinto veryfinepartiin cles. Once theyaresuspended a solpollmrethane ventsuch oil, varnish, as powders or water, these become spreadpigment Because particles able stains. the ratherthandissolved aresuspended, pigment in thesolution, stains to a dry
thin, paint-like coatingon the surface of the wood. Whereas stains dye colorwoodfibers the and tend to accentuate grain, pigment stainsare opaqueand hide the wood patterns.As a result,pigment grainstains oftenusedfor glazing, are that ing and otherfinishingtechniques for compensate the lackof distinct grain Datterns certainvarieties wood. in of These described detailin Decorain are (page110). tive Finishes

pigments produced synToday, are added thetically, binders driers with and to helpthemadhere thewoodasthe to in dries. Pigment stains come solvent liquidandgelforms. most The different popular best-known pigmentare and finThese ready-to-use edwiping stains. ground products a ishing contain finely pigment in linseed which oil, suspended agent. doubles solvent binding as and Wpingstains slow-drying, are allowing plenty timeto spread onor wipe of them

Walnut Antique white wipingetain

Walnut Cherry wipinq atain

Mahoqany liqht wipinqetain



off any excess. Either sprayedon or with a ragor a brush,theyare applied particularlyusefulwhen the wood surface madeuo of heartwood conis and trasting sapwood. Otherpopularpigmentstains include japancolors, glazing gelstains. stains and lapancolorsoffer a morevibrant range of hues thanwipingstains, theyneed but to be thinnedbeforeuse.Theycanbe usedto tint otherstains whenyou are trying to matchan existingsurface.

The main sellingpoint of glazing stains that theyareheavier thickis and er than wiping stains-and thus useful for concealing grain.Gelstains, meanwhile,are easy applyand they set to quickly,reducing drips on verticalsurfaces. Referto the chart on page70 for more informationon these and other pigment stains. Pigments alsoavailable poware in dered concentrated or form.Earthpigments, siennas, like umbers andochres,

areminedfrom theearthandorocessed in deoxygenated conditions athighheat to bringout theirbrightcolors. Different pigmentstains bemixedtogether can or with powdered concentrated or varieties to produce uniquecolors tones, proand videdthesolvents compatiblel oilare an based staincannotbe mixed with a water-based stain, example. for Pages to 67 illustrate effects 64 the of variouspigmentstains fivedifferent on types ofhardwoods.

Maple Goldenoak wipinqoLain

Mahoqany dark wipinqetain



Eirah FlakewhtLe japan color

Van Dykebrown glaztnqot;ain

Kaw umber qlazingstain

Durnt umber otatn 4laztnq


Eirah yellow Chrome japan color

Eirah Fermanentblue japan color

Eirch Euiletinred JaPancotor

van Dykebrown

gel eLain

Eurnt eienna 7el etain

a stain. oodworkers quite naturally applyingwater-based Otherwise, are fibers, requirwill whena carefully thestain lift thewood disappointed remove stain. the that andapparently uniform coating ingsanding may applied produces uneven of stain of results a piece furon difniture.Unfortunately, partsof thesame ferent be boardcannot expected liquid evenly. to absorb exposed grain end Unless for it issealed, example, -':-' will usually in more take ,. "::.''t'': .. t,- . .,. ofastainthanfacesor 1 .edges, nraking ends the As appear darker. shown 69, end on page sealing out A test striptakes guesswork the grainis simplya matterof brushing on illustrates Thissample before stain. you of staining. theappropriate sealer thefficx on wtstained of one, oak you There are other preparations coats stain(ntoving of Whilea grain twoandthree should make thisstage. at or fillercanbe applied eitherbefore fi'omlefttoright).Thebottomhalf to how ofthestripis topcoated show after staining,you need to raisethe a thestainlooks under clear grain of the wood (page 50) before finish.


n u

Many stainscan be bought premixed and readyto use.However, you if you enjoyexperimenting, may alsopreferto custom mix your colors.As shown the photoat in left,a teststrip canhelp you produce right the of combination ingredientsand determine the numberof applications you will need to make. Frompaintbrushes to and rags padappliguns, cators spray and in stains therearealternatives applying aswell.\{hichevermethodyou choose, goggles rubbergloves. and wearsafety also It is a goodpractice to don a dualrespirator filter out toxic to cartridge f u m e s r o d u c e d s a s t a i ne v a p o p a rales(page19).



Mixing ingredients the with or When working dyes pigments stick in powder form,usea wooden with of to mixsome the powder the solvent a glass in containappropriate Apply stain a sample the to er (left). that will stripof thewood you becolto To oring, Allow strip dry. darken the t h ec o l o o f t h es t a i na d da s m a l l r , To of to amount powder thesolution. more lighten stain, in a little mix the Make test adjustsolvent. another strip, you until are ingthecolor thestain of satisf withthe results. ied




S e a l i n e n dg r a i n g o a U s ea r a go r p a i n t b r u sth a p p l y s e a l e t o t h e e n d g r a i no f y o u rw o r k r p i e c e M a k e e r t a i nh a tt h e p r o d u c t . c t y o uu s ef o rt h i st a s ki s c o m p a t i b lw r t h e y t h e s t a i na n df i n i s h o uw i l l b e u s i n g o f o S p r e a d n s h e l l a co r w a t e r - r o i l s o b a s e d t a i n s r f i n i s h e sf;o r a l c o h o l p e w b a s e d r o d u c t s ,e a l n dg r a i n i t ha n A. s o i l - b a s ew o o d o n d i t i o n e r v o i d l o p d c p i n gt h es e a l eo n t ot h e f a c eo r e d g e f o r t h e w o r k p i e c ehi s c o ul d a f f e c t h e t; even nessof the stai n.

i llj tlj: lliir]ii lt iljijliiiilllili,ii,i ruu ruitjir* tll; i l i l $

?reparing a nat'ural walnut, stain To make,,broue d,e noix,', z .* -.;[3*'-

-un' ;" -,-.^,s"'t+r-\

i, ''n(


naluralwalnuN eNain dye Vopular qreen in the 1BOOz, collecL eeveral / w h u a k sr o mf a l l e n a l n u l a , l e l l i n q f i . L h e m r ya n d t u r n b l a c k . ) o a k | h e i ' ' d huske a fewdayein a larqenon- i -_ ' for
stick steel pot '' mixNure several ' " : - :for Then simmer Nhe i .I , hourson a eLove, addinq oneIable- ! qallon the eVoon lyefor every of of i. ,,. . , lhe in mixture. SotrIle solulion clear g l a s sl a r e a n d l e a v e h e m i n b r i q h t l \= d e u n l i o , hu n l i l l h e m i x f , u r e a r k e n ef u r l a N h e rS L r a i n L h e y e L h r o u q h n o l d c l o t h . d L a n d r e - b o t t l e i t , d i e c a r d i n q h e h r s k e ,A p p l i e d , w i l h a b r u s h , " b r o u ed e n o t x "V r o d u c e e r a n q e a o f r i c h b r o w nl o n e s o n w o o d . filled wilh waler,



TYPE DYESTAINS Water-based starn S p i r is t a i n t 0ilstain Powdered uble ; water-sol Penetrating; very not lightfast; transparent; grain; good hardbrilliant; tends raise for to woods; compatible anyfinish with Penetrating; lightfast; quickly, not dries lap buttends leave andstreak to marks Penetrating; transparent; not does grain; obscure slow-drying; bleeds; needs good softwoods sealer of shellac; coat for grain; Does raise not transparent and good lightfast; forveneers Penetrates open-grained moderately wood; lightfast; transparent; to apply; easy colors canbemixed; does raise obscure not or grain; good bleeds; needs wash coat; for softwoods grain. to water, Raise Add strain. gun. Apply withbrush, orspray rag Mixwithalcohol strain. and Brush orwipe Best small on. for areas. petroDissolve mineral spirit in or leum distillate sirain. and Apply withnylon-bristle andwipe brush off excess, Thin desired to consistency. gun.lf applying Apply spray with witha brush rag,useretarder. or Apply withbrush rag. or Wipe off excess desired after coloris ach ieved. AVAILABLE FORM AND CHARACTERISTICSUSES PREPARATION AND APPLICATION

Powdered uble ; alcohol-sol Powdered; oil-soluble

NGR tain s

L i q u i d ;i s s o l v en d i d methanol petroleum and distillate solution L i q u i d ; i s s o l v en d i d mineral spirits

Penetrating oil stain

Varnish stain

L i q u i d ;i s s o l v en d i d varn lsn

Highly transparent; lightfast; non-penetrating; Apply witha ragandwipeoff, or gun. adds filler, color gloss oneoperation; usea spray and in good lower grades lumber for of

PIGMENT STAINS W i p i ns t a i n g L i q u i d ;u s p e n d ie d i l s no andmineral spirits Powder; soluble any in l i q ud i Liquid; concenirated in varn ish L i q u i d ;u s p e n d ie d n s petroleum-based gel L i q u i d ;u s p e n die d s n varn ish L i q u i d ;u s p e n die d n s na acrylic water and base gun. Lightfast; notbleed; will non-penetrating; Apply brush, orspray with rag grain opaque; tends hide to Wipe excess desired off after color is achieved. Easy use; lightfast; hides to opaque; grain; good wood grain for withindistinct protective ortinting finish Excellent tinting for varnish, lacquer stain, grain Easy use; to hides M i xw i t ho i lo rv a r n i s A.p p l y h gun. withbrush, or spray rag Apply synthetic with brush. Apply withrag; wipeoff excess after desired is achieved. color

pigment Earth



Gelsiain Glazing stain

Water-based stain

Excellent figuring, for shading, conecting Apply or withbrush rag; or allow sapstreaks; grain; hides wears needs off; a to set.Wipe withgrain off if hard finish coat desired. grain. Non-penetrating; lightfast; brilliant; colors Raise Apply withbrush, gun. canbe mixed together; non-toxic and ragor spray non-f lammable






. \

,-=--\ ---\'

Brushing stain on paintbrush thestain, Dipa clean into coating about thebristle half lengh. Tominimize marks, thesurlap flood face withstain brush and along the g w o o d r a i n n l i g h te v e n t r o k e s i , s (above). thesurface completely Once is covered, it witha clean, lintwipe dry, freeclothto even the color out and s o a k p e x c e slsq u i dF o ru n i f o r m u i . coverage an alcohol-based with stain, wipe surface soon possible the as as after brushingon. it

lll1 illt illll| lllt fill lll] lllt filt ilIl rlll l|ll ill tlll llll lll ilt filj
Controlling the flow of et ain AlLhouqh floodinq stain ie Nhe on recommended pracNice when working a horizonon lal sur'face, doin4the samewhenNhewood is verNical resultin drippinq, will and make a meooof your projecLOneanswerie lo rig up a cleanmetalcan lo regulate t h e f l o wo f l i q u i df r o m y o u r b r u s h . TunchNwoholeeon oppooite

7i:;,"::3r::f;^in:"[;: :,i: M

2?' [t:,"ni|il",xy ;:::(,* :w

drawthe bristlee'acroee Nhe | -$::;

e,que,ezinq exceoe any y1ire, liquidbackintrolhe can.

\tr . \.!$...




Wiping thestain on F o l d c l e a nd r y ,l i n t - f r ece o t h n t oa a , l i pad soak withstain, and it squeezing out not theexcess thepaddoes drip. until Wipe stain thesurface, the on working (/eft). offthe parallel thegrain to Rub with excess a clean cloth.

Using pad a applicator F i l lt h ew e l l f a p a da p p l i c a t o r o half tray fullof stain pullthe and pad loadingwith it over roller, the t h e l i q u i d D r a wh ea p p l i c a t o r . t a l o n gh ew o r k p i e co l l o w i n g t fe (below), thegrain wetting surthe faceliberally. a clean Use cloth to wipe away excess. the







'/' -


lllllllr ull llrl lI]Illj lllllllllltl lll1 i]ll lll llu lrJ lllj lltI ljll lll
Tt? 9HO7
Gettin7 stain into tight, epote Keep selectrion smallbrushes a of on handlo strain moldinqo, corner6, carvingo lrim that a clotrh and or a laraerbrushcannol reach. For brushes trhalare smaller than lhoee foundin mosl hardwareslores, try an art :.'... \

Dipping a small workpiece To color workpiece is too a that s m a lflo rb r u s h i n gw i p i n g ,i pi t or d right a container withthe into filled stain(abovd. Holdthe piece over thecanto lettheexcess liquid run hold piece thecoroff,Then the by n e r s n d i p e t w i t ha c l e a n l o t h . a w i c

ouVVly ohop.



Spraying a stain gun Prepare spray following the the manufacturer's instructions.stain To a piece f urniture theoneshown of like h t a b o v e , o l d h eg u na b o u 6 t o 1 O t inches thesurface thenozzle from with perpendicular wood. to the Starting at thetopof thepiece, squeeze trigger the to apply stain, the moving gunfrom the side side overlapping to in sweeps until youreach bottom. more the For inform a t i o n n a d l u s t i n g du s i n g p r a y o an s e q u i p m e n t ,f et o p a g e 3 . B e f o r e re r 9 y s p r a y i n gs t a i nc o n t a c to u rl o c a l a , a u t h o r i t i t o e n s u rte a ty o u r p r a y es h s area satisfies safety local regulations (page 102).

lllllllllll lll llllllfi lji lll lil i]lJ llllilIl illlilllllil lil llll IIl
Supports drying for
AfEer st aininqa workpiece,

let it dry evenly and blemish-free a beI on

nf ahnn-ma)P Cttl lnttr Gttn2-inrhnnrla

equare woodblocks and drive smallnailIhrouqh a the middle eachone. of Arranqe blocks a trhe on level surtacewith the nail t i V e p o i n t i n q Vs o l h a l u they willeupporL workthe
niPaP ea: ila rnrncra

ickling, liming,refers anyone or to of a number of antiquingtechniques intended impartan aged to and weathered to lisht-colored look wood. Traditionally, woodriorkers havepickled furniturewith suchchemicals as nitric acid,lye lime.Asshown and below, however, canachieve you comparable results applying coatof whitepaint, by a pigmented whiteshellac whiteglaze or to The the workpiece. trick is to wipe off thebulkof thestain, leaving traces in moldings corners. and Once pickled the stainisdry it should with a light topcoat. be sealed Youcan pickleeitherbareor stained wood suriaces, ifyou have but used water-based a dyeon the wood,you will alsoneedto seal prior to applying latexpaintor it a glaze. Pickling be attempted can with anyspecies, the process worksbest but with oakor oine.

A pickled finishcangivea newly mlde chairthetime-worn appearancea vintage of antique.



'l Applying white the stain paint stain thesurfaces. I Use rag spread white a to or on W h i l eh ep a i n t s s t i l lw e t ,w i p e f f t h e b u l ko f i t w i t ha i t o glaze flatsurfaces streaks rag, burlap leavingwhitish a on and (above). thestain in of white crevices carvings and Let dry. l f t h ee f f e c its t o op r o n o u n c e d ,r a dte es u r f a cw i t h ab h e you 220-grit sandpaper youobtain look want. until the

11 "Aging" surface the Z to give wood antique the an appearance, a ragto use ruba mixture rottenstone paste over surface of and wax the (abovd. Wipe theexcess a burlap taking off with rag, care to leave residue thecrevices carvinqs. some in and

p efore advent the ofsynthetic dyes, I) stainine woodwasan art form ihat rivaled aljhemy. With natural dyes derivedfrom plantsand insects, and mordantsextracted from tin, chemical iron,aluminum chrome, and staining knowledge required ofbotanyandchemistrv aswell asexoerience wood. with Appliedby thimselves, naturaldyes producepleasant shades red and of brown on manyspecies wood.Tea, of for example, usedoccasionally is on antiquereproductions producea to warm golden hue.But in combination naturaldyes with chemical mordants, ofsuperb, brilcanbringout a rainbow liantcolors. photos The and below oppositeillustrate effects fewselected the ofa dyesand mordants four popular on The is in hardwoods. species indicated bold tlpe with the dyeor mordantlisteddirectlybelow moreinformation For on a full range mordants naturof and referto the charton page 78. al dyes, The term mordantcomes from the "to French verbmordre, meaning bite." Mordants two thingsfor naturaldyes: do Theychange colorofa dyethrough the a chemical reaction with either dyeor the the wood.They alsohelp a dyepenetratewoodandbind with thefibers. Somenaturaldyesareavailable as powdered mustbe extracts, others but extracted from naturaloroducts the in powcomein crystal, shop.Mordants der or liquid form.Whenpreparing a

. " ; :.: - - . " " :::.. ..::...

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ToLaaatum dichromate and tannic acid

Logwood and copper aulfate

-) .,. 1

Fotaeeium perma nqa nate

Cherry Drazilwood alum and

paLaooium dichromaLe



chemical stain, a 15percent mix solution of thedryingredients distilled and water. is better make concenIt to the trationtoo weak thantoo strong; is it easier darken woodthanto lightto the enit. Allow each to dry completecoat ly before applying next;colorcanbe the misleading whenthestainis wet. Some naturaldyes cause can allergic reactions, mostare but relativelybenign. Manychemical mordants, however, are caustic sometimes Prepare and toxic. and

applythese products carefully, wearing goggles, safety neoprene gloves a and rubber apron. dual-cartridge A respirator is a mustfor a mixtureproducing toxicfumes. not spread chemical Do a stainonbleached woodor youriskcreatingpoisonous chlorine Toavoid gas. splashes dilutinga mordant, when add thechemicalto thewater,littleatatime. a Thereareno hardandfastrulesfor applyrng chemical stains. Typically, the dyesolution spread thewood, is on then

themordant added is whilethe dyeis stillwet.Thesolutions should mixed be separately appliedwhen cool. and Experimentation the key to good is results; arecord keep ofyourrecipes and thecolors produce. they Chemical staining becoming is a dyingart.Manyproducts befound can onlyatphotography chemical and supply houses. if youareafterstriking But and uniqueeffects, they canbe well worththetrouble seeking out. of them

Oak Fotaaaium Permanqanate

Mahogany Lo7woodand potaaoium dichromate

Mahogany 9umac and copper aulfate

Mahogany Loqwood and alum




MORDANT Alum Ammonia sulfate Copper (blue itriol) v Fenous sulfate

FORM CHARACTERISTICS AND mineral salts; non-toxic White solution; highly toxic 28%liquid highly toxic Blue copper crystals; highly toxic; lroncrystals; reacts tannin wood with in crystals; toxic Calcium oxide mildly toxic Potash crystals;

PRODUCED COIORS Purplish dark and crimson tones (For yellow with dye; Dark browns logwood light fuming) violet dye with browns brazilwood (For gray preserving Dark andolive tones with wood) logwood dye gray ebony-like withlogwood black tones; Steel to bluish oyeor alum limed finish hardwoods ascherry on such Antique with must neutralized vinegar be andwalnut; with and A range greens alum fustic of dyes well Deep to richbrowns; reds combines withaniline (For tannin content a Turns withhigh ebonizing) wood purplish brown with must neutralized vinegar be Darkens cheny oak; and combines red dye; Light withbrazilwood pinkwithalizarin; dyes wellwithmany in Boosts tannin content wood

Hydrated lime (quicklime) Potassium carbonate

toxic; chrome crystals; extremely Potassium dichromate Orange reacts high tannin conient to potash crystals; mildly toxic Violet Potassium permanganare White powder; lye toxic hydroxide Sodium Stannous chloride T a n n ia c i d c moderately toxic White crystals; tin powder from Yellow extracted hemlock toxic andoak; mildly FORM ORIGIN AND dye coloring A synthetic or theactive root agent madder of An ancient organic from dye the borage family tree froma Central American Seeds of species A popular fromseveral dye trees American redwood South Dried tropical insects of of An extract the heartwood acacia tree theAsian palm fromthefruitof the rattan A resin of fromthe heartwood Anextract tree mulbeny theAmerican from A dyeextracted Indian plants indigo American Anextract fromCentral hardwoods campeche Extracted the roots from of plant madder theEurasian

DYE I{ATURAL Alizarin Alkanet root Annato Brazilwood Coch ineal Cutch Dragon's blood Fustic lnd igo Logwood Madder root

PRODUCED COLIIRS "Turkish crimson, yellow brown, and red"; orange, on depending themordant (For polishing) tones alum; range reds a of Gray with French withlinseed oil with tin oak and 0ranges golds chrome, or alum; brown withlye depending themordant on reds, browns, purples, and Vibrant with Many shades redmixed alum of frombeige chocolate to lightfast shades brown, of Various lightfast reds Bright, yellows greenish-yellows to on its Orange-yellow own; w i t ha l u m yellow-white sodium hydroxide with Deep blue; grays, depending blacks, blues purples, and Lightfast browns, onthemordant depending themordant on browns yellows, and Reds, blues,




M i x i n gh ei n g r e d i e n t s t g I n p r e p a r i na n a t u r ad y es o l u t i o o r a l n y y c h e m i c am o r d a n t ,o uw i l lg e n e r a l lb e l f o l l o w i ntg e d i r e c t i o n s p p l i e w i t h h su d t h e c o l o r i na g e n t B u t i t i s i m p o r t a n t g .
to hc vprv nrp.isp in nnmhininothpcp

' ]l, iiiii:i,u, tili'lJlu ]]u lll ,liidi ilii'.ili ijililll iiu rill
A chemical stain for ebonizing yourownsf,ain lurninga woodblack, Tomake for oubmerqe ef,eel a woolpad and a few ruoty nailsin a larqe
q l a o oj a r f i l l e dw i b hc i d e r v i n e g a r . LeI lhe mixttre sif,, uncovered, u n t i l i N t u r n e c l o u d ya n d q r a y :L h i e e h o u l dL a k e a b o u l a w e e k . h e nE L r a i n T l h e s o l u t i o nN h r o u g h a i.,
al ain annnne

i n g r e d i e n t s . e a s u ro u t t h e d r y i n g r e M e d i e n t s i t ha s c a l e n ds e tt h e ma s i d e w a i n a d i s h .l f y o u r e c i p e a l l s o r b o i l i n g r f c
nr vr ^ ^+| hrn t L u r e i L U r. \ / n | a 2 n I t r J C d r ,C L LrI ^ rL^U r u vvu or U c^ n C _yvu uor

h e a t p t h e l r q u i dF i l l am e a s u r i n g u . y c u p w i t h t h e v o l u m e f w a t e r o un e e d , o
Arr i. h ,p, n , n n r r r i t i n i n : o l z c . : ^ - . n u u r L ^ . . T--' L|u b,--) ldr

, -\foryll:

dryingredients thewater lowly o s ( a h n v e ) t i r r i n ph c s n l u t i o n i t h a s t w r w o o ds t i c ku n t i lt h e p o w d e d i s s o l v e s . A p p l y h e r n i x t u r t o y o u rw o r k p i e c e t e w i t h a s y n t h e t i s p o n g ef,o l l o w i n gh e c t p r o c e d u rfe r w i p i n g n a s t a i nw i t h a o o cloth (page 72).

Tn - Y Y ' J 1.16. nnnlv "


i).,& j

coals of iNon the wood, letrtinq achapplication e dry before ?rtttnq on Lhe nexN. Af|er the l a e l c o a L ,b r u s h o r s o m e l i q u i d ,m m o n i a a or flood Lhe sufiace w i t h w a L e rt o n e u f , r a l i z e t h e a c i d ,i n t h e v i n e q a r . T h e ns a n d N h ew o o d .



,r.! - ,l .r r ' r lr 'r ^ \.rh( 'l , (. r' \.rr\ r. " j S t i C S l - . l 1 1 l 1 O O i l L l r r L

{.,..-.r is itstendenq, react lviththe to nia to of tirnninin lvood.Exposed a piece liquid furniture, rvater-soluble rvill this gir,ing theclassic it bok the darken rvood, aumoIn of anantique. oakandcherry, rangof niarvillbringoLrt vatrietv hues a to ing from light hone,v dark brorvtr. of on Depending thean-u'rturt exposure, s t h e c h e n r i c .rrv i l lt t r r r r : o t t t c p c c i e s l ahrostblack.

You cirn firme wood rvith regular by Ammonia be applied either can aulrollia, but aqueous the or or sponging brushing liqLrid bysuf- household p irr,avai vaporinside ar.r.l.r-u'u-r Iablefr"omchenrical sr"rin the ftising lr,ood ammonia lvorks in scllution, option, plyhor-rsesir28 perceut tent.Thissecoud a shop-built are quickl1,. Bothproducts adr,antages. rulrchr.nore fuming, definite has called the skin and e\.elt- caustic harmftrlto eyes, irnd colors exposed surf,lces Theprocess concentrtrted amtlorespilatory s,vstem; And ly rvithoutlap marksor streaks. If cau be the penetrate ivood niaftrmes e\ren fhtalif inhaled. although fhmes the rveirr possible, rvood fi.rme outdoors; rubliquid than brushed-on more deeply safety goggles a dual-cararnd bergloves, fuming doesnot raisethe ammonia, the no grain, since liquidcontacts rvood. tridgerespirator.

Nat,ural maho1any

NaLural walnuL

NaLural oak

Fumed maho1any

Fumed walnut




Using fuming a tent Build wood a frame thatis a littlelarger your than workpiece. triangular Use bracketsto reinforce corners a bar the and clamp hold corners to the square you as (above). nailtheframe together Remove anymetal hardware your from workpiece b e f o r p l a c i n ig i n t h ef r a m eo t h e r e t ; w i s et,h ea m m o n w i l lt a r n i sth em e t ia h al.Tocomplete tent,drape black the a plastic over frame. duct tarp the Use tape seal openings thetarpand to any in gather tightly it around frame, the leaving f o n e l a po p e nF i l ls e v e r a li s h ew i t h . d s ammonia setthecontainers tent and inthe (right). Seal f lapandletthefumes the work about hours, for 24 checking on periodically topping theworkpiece and upthedishes fresh with ammonia. Remove you thepiece when has color want, it the k e e p i ni g m i n d h a ti t w i l ld a r k ea l i t n t n tle more after is exposed theair. it to


microscope, loolslikeabundle wood of straws-wood absorbs finishat differaresatisfied theshape remains, with that entrates. Applying uniformcoating a afinishisbuilt up layer layer. by Simply of a finishoftenresults whatappears in put, finishing theprocess spreadis of to beuneven coverage. reason The is ing a fluid overwoodto dry in thin that endgrainabsorbs morefinish, sheets. whileit is a slower less And and leaving surface its lookingbare, while dramatic of aproject, endresult stage ttre the adjacent faces edges and appear is equally importantin producing a adequately covered. solution to The is piece furniture. beautiful of floodon a coatof finishandallowdifPerhaps mostimpressive the aspect ferent amounts betaken by the to in of a finishis theamount protection of endandflatgrainareas. woodwill The it will provide. Mostcommercial finish- A varnishtopcoat bringsout theluster thenbe properlycovered whenyou esare thicker thepage aboo( no than of of an oak table.Finishinga pieceby wipeoffthe excess. yettheymust guard wood which handdemands the on Loadingthebrush care. Over time,finishers have grown must theyrestfromdirt, moisture even and with toomuchfinish,particularly impatient thethin coats wipwith that mild abrasion. whencoatingverticalsurfaces, can ing produces, brushes introand were Theearliest finishes probclear were resultin driDsand runs. duced theprocess. to you Brushes enable ablyapplied thesimplest in way-wiped to getintothemostinaccessiblecarvof on with whatever at hand.A true oil finishconsists was of ings crevices, apply and to finishquickly thicker in coats and, nothing more thannatural drying flooded thewood. notincidentally, keep oils onto to yourhands clean. Today, thevarwith Theexcess thenwipedoff,leaving thin film to dry.One iousbristle is a types brush and configurations available, is there or twocoats thesurface subsequent can built a brush virtually seal and layers be for every variety finishing product. of up to almost thickness sheen. any or Even today, term the Application times were further reduced starting the1920s in "hand-rubbed finish" conjures animage luster qual- withthedevelopmentthespray Spraying by farthe up of and of gun. is ity.Shellac,naturally a resin, behandled much quickest to apply finish, occurring can in way a blanketing woodin a cloud the thesame asoil. Oneor twocoats thewood, you of finely way seal but atomized Buttechnology fluid. comes itsdrawwith can keep adding coats develop deep, to glosysurhce the known backs. guns be Spray can wasteful, asubstantial for portionof polish(page asFrench 106). generally thatcloud misses mark.Oneof thegoals finits of Mosttopcoats beapplied hand, wiping can by and ranks ishing equipment designersto create newgeneration is a of asoneofthebestandeasiest to ensure ways thin, even cov- spray guns preserve traditional that their speed ofoperation erage a woodsurface. of Because its structure-under whilecurbing of a wastefulness.
nlike a cabinetmaking projectin whichwoodis cut away until you

Spraying makes quickworkoffinishingintricateturnings. like Quick-dryingfinishes lacquerandshellac ideal thistechnique. are for


s , \ s i v i t h r l l t h e o t h e rs t a g e o f a l1 finishing project, .rpplication the rvill be helpedalongby a few stage Ifyou the accessories. have specialized to patience energy applya little and elbowgrease, thereareir wideassortfor padsandbrushes mentof cloths, andpads can a Cloths cor,ering surface. in andprepared theshopfrom be made or old sheets linen;you canalsofash(pnge 92). ion your own foam brv,sh styles, sizes Brushes comein different and priceranges. Shouldyou opt for a overthefoamvariety, highthebristle is qualitybrLrsh a good,long-term investment. will outlast cheaper It a it rnoreimportantly, will brush, but, produce better finish. also a Therearre two principaltypesof spraysystems the market.Until on available fealecently, onlysystem the hookedup to a tured a col.npressor guu.Today, morecompact the spray (HVLP)syshigh-r,olurne, low-pressure With moreprevalent. temisbecorring waste, less the less overspray hence and to HVLP is moreeconomical operate andeasier theenr,ironment. on you With both spray systems, need them to cor-rttrin fumes the andexhaust The commercial spraybootl-r safeiy. shorvn right is a goodalternative, at provided workpiece smallenough is the to fit inside booth. the
Commeraial spray booth For eprayin4 amall work' piecee. Made of aheeL meral. Featurea filtero Lhat collect overopray and an exploeton-proof fan and chimneyLhat exhauaL fumee ouLeide Lhe workehop



High-volume, Iow-p reeaure epray 6y6tem Featureean electric turbine that euppliee qreat deal of a air at. low preggureto spray of 7un;ailowehiqhpercentaqe ftniehto contacL workpiece Vieaoeity cup Helpoin mixinqfintehLo for proper coneteLency eprayinq.Cup ie drpped rnto fintehand filled with liquid;Lhetime iL takee cup Lo empty throu1h holein bottom ehould correepondt.o elapoed Ltmeapeciftedby manufacturer

Foam brush An rnexpenaive optton for applyinq finteheawithouLleavinq atreaka or otray briatleo on aurface; ideal for contoured eurfaceaand tiqht. 6pot6

Y-\ ----===i--Z---r.-


Conventional epray eyetem ouppileeatream of pree' Compreeoor aurtzed throu4hhoeeto oprayqun. air Atrre7ulatorcontrols volume and preaaure of ar; requlator includeefilter that rernoveg mora|.ure other tmpurittee and

-Nat.uralor oynthet.ic brretleafor applyinga ftniah: spreadaa thicker, more even c'oat than foam bruah

?pray gun and cup Cupaerveeaa ftnish reservoir; euction feeda finish Lhrough metal tube to qun, where compressed atom' air izeathe liquidinto a mtet whentn4qer io pulled



finishyouchoose for T h. protective I a project a lot to do with your has personal andtheeffect wishto you taste The feature prodachieve. principal ofa uctliketungoil,for example,itscapacis ity to penetrate giving surface wood, the awarmglowandaccentuating grain the andits pattern. varnish polyureA or provides higher thane topcoat a degree of protection dryingto a plasticJike by film;however, itwill also maskthe surface details some to degree. Manyprotective finishes, including polyurethane lacquer, varnish, and are nowavailable two formulations: in sol- preparing applying water-based and a vent-andwater-based. ago, Years sol- finish maydifferfrom methods the used products vent-based monopolized the for is solvent-based counterpart. Always marketplace, recent but environmental refer themanufacturer's to instructions concerns spurred development for mixingandapplying topcoat. have the a of water-based finishes. Solvent-based Whichever finishyouselect, applyfinishes generally are flammable; water- ing it entails morethanslopping a on products not. Anothersell- fewcoasoftheproduct lettingthem based are and ingpointof water-based finishes that dry.Thewoodsurface to bepropis has theydo not release solvents toxic into erlyprepared: wantto fill thegrain Ifyou the atmosphere whentheyare (page of an open-pore except 50) species like sprayed, thuscomplywith and increas- oalg will need dosobefore you to applyinglystringent qualitystandards air in ingthefinish.Before applyngalacquer states California. procedures like The for topcoat anopen-pore to woodsurface, a sealer maybe in order.Finally, coat youwill need bleach stain piece to or the ahead timeif changing color(page of its 54)ispartofyourgame plan. preparing Before your tools and opening your container finish, up of makesurethat anyfiller,washcoator stainis completely Asa finalprepadry. ration,gooverthewoodsurfaces with a tackclothto besuretheyarefreeof particles dust.' sanding and Theprocedures applying topfor a coatdepend the productyou are on usingandthe application methodyou have selected. Pages to 90detailthe 87 for steps applying widerange proda of ucts hando5where by appropriate, with thehelpof spray equipment.

Easyto apply,a coatof polymerized tungoil is wipedonto thesurface this of protectingthe wood cherrytoy chest, andgiving it a warm luster.



Drying such linseed, andwalnut area group oils, as tung oil, of natural finishesthat to form relatively filmona cure a hard wood surface. Tungoil, known China also as wood isone oil, of the mostpopular drying f inishes. oil Extracted the nut from of thetung tree, oil is availablepure, the in modified polyand merized form. pure Becausecontains additives, tungoil is a good it no choice finishing for children's andeating toys utensils as such lf salad bowls. youareplanning useit, check label to the to pure. make thatthecontents 100percent Themain sure are benefit modif tungoilsisthatthey of ied contain chemical q a d d i t i v eh a ta l l o wh e m o d r ym o r e u i c k l y . o l y m e r i z e d ts t t P tungoil undergoes a special treatment;dries heat it faster still andproduces a glossier sheen. Drying arereactive oils f inishes, meaning they and that dry harden when exoosed air-evenin a sealed to container. you When store drying use containerthat small a oil, a is as e a sp o s s i btl o r e d u cte ev o l u mo f a i rt o w h i c hh eo i l i s h e t A exposed.couple other of suggestions discussedthe are in Shoo below. Tio APPLICATION SEOUENCE 1.Wipe oilonthesurface a cloth; should the with it be applied straight thecontainer. from (typically 15 min2. Lettheoil soak thewood into for utes), thenusea clean cloth wipe theexcess. to off 3. Letthesurface usually dry, overnight. paper remove 4. Sand surface 400-grit the with and particles. sanding 5. Repeat steps to 4 as many 1 times necesas you sary achieve finish want. to the Depending on yield thewood, coats oil willtypically a semifive of gloss sheen. 6. Letthesurface forat least week cure a before rubbing thefinish(page out 126).

lllllllllll llfl tll] fill lrit illt fitl illt illl llll fill illi tjll llll i]ll lllt
?reventing reaat ive finisheo from drying out, Io expooe reactivelinieh a I o a e l i I I l ea i r a s V o o o i ble,pour iL intro collapeia ble VlaeLic conlainerlike Nhoee ueedfor pholographicchemicale (far ri7ht),Collapoe folds the of NheconLainer expel to a l l N h e i r , I h e nc a Vi t a Li4htly (near riqht). lf you
are keeoinaa reactive finieh in a 7 l a o oc o n L a i n e r d r o p e n o u q h ,

small sLones marblee Nhe inlo or liquid raiseillo lhe level the Io of brim,trhen ocrew onlhe caV,Whichever oloraqe methodyou choooe, a labello NheconNainer fix identifvin lh e co nlenNs. a



protective Varnish a highly is durable coatingforwood, more resistant heat to and alcohol damage products shellac than like you andlacquer. Whether arebrushing it onor using spray equipment, also it is relatively to apply. youarebrushing, easy lf tryto work witha white ora window wall in back theworkpiece. reflected of The you if light help see youare will skipping anarea if youarepicking dust. or up Varnishes once were made withnatural resins oils linseed These and like oil. materials have since been supplantedsynthetic by resins, theoldsystem classifying but of varnish based theorooortionoil-toon of resin prevails. still Accordingly, varnishes aredesignatedeither as shoft, medium or long Long-oil oil. varnish slow is drying, producing a softandelastic coating. Short-oil ishis hard, glossyvarn and good withstanding for abrasion. Mediumo i lv a r n i so r o v i d e s i n i s hh a tf a l l s h af t between twoin gloss durability. the and (BRUSHING) APPLICATI()N SEOUENCE 1. Dilute varnish spreadthincoat thesurface a highthe and a on with quality bristle brush; firstagainst grain, withit. work the then 2. Letthesurface typically 12 to 24 hours. dry, for 3. Sand surface a self-lubricating or 280-griI the with 240sandpaper. 4. Repeat 1 steps to 3, using stronger a dilution varnish sanding of and the (280grit with surface a f iner sandpaper to 320-grit). 5. Brush an undiluted of varnish. on coat 6. Letthesurface andsand dry with400-grit sandpaper. 7. Repeat steps and6 twoorthree 5 times. 8. Letthesurface for 24to72 hours cure before rubbing thefinish. out (SPRAYING) APPLICATI(1N SESUENCE (page 1. Dilute varnish theproper the to viscosity 96) gun 2. Setthespray at lowpressure minimize to overspray pooling. and 3. Spray thincoat thesurface. a on 4. Letthesurface thensand dry, with320-grit sandpaper. 5. Repeat steps and4 twoorthree 3 times. 6. Letthesurface for 24 Io 72 hours cure rubbine thefinish. before out

Polyurethanetransparent, is a varnish-like thatis finish durable, abrasion-resistant to apply. andeasy Formulated quickly varnish, withsynthetic resin, dries it more than you making an ideal it choice when have limited for time polyurethane be thef inishing work. Like varnish, can brushed sprayed furniture. or on Polyurethanes in areavailable a variety lusters, of rangingfromflatto glossy. Because do notrelease they toxic polyinto solvents theatmosphere drying, while water-based urethanes safer theenvironment their are for than solventbased counterparts. plan spray water-based lf you to a polyurethane, your besure spray equipment isscrupulously product. clean; willcontaminate water-based oil the (BRUSHING) APPLICATI()N SEOUENCE l. Apply thinandeven witha paint a coat brush pad or applicator, always brushing thegrain. with 2. Letthesurface forabout hours. dry 2 3. Sand surface a 320-to 400-grit the with sandpaper. 4. Repeat steps to 3, abrading surface a finer 1 the with gritsandpaper. giving surface to 24 hours 5. Apply final a coat, the 18 to drybefore rubbing thefinish. out (SPRAY]NG) APPTICATION SEOUENCE 1. Spray workpieceyou the as would varnish, for allowing 30 to 60 minutes thecoat dry. for to 2. Sand surface a 320-to 400-grit the with sandpaper. progressively grit 3. Apply more two coats, using finer sandpaper to abrade surface each the after application. 4. Waitat least to 24 hours 18 rubbing before out t h ef i n i s h .



produced Shellac a natural is f inish from thesecretionsthelacinsect, of which is indigenous to Indochina India. and The bugs feed treesapandexpel resin on a thatforms protective around a shell their bodies. Eventually material this builds up andisdeposited tree on twigs branchand es;it isthenharvested processed. and In itscommercial shellac forms, is available asa liouid in f lakes. both and Liquid shellac ready use, the is for but f lakes must mixedirstwithdenabe f tured alcohol. some In regard, however, theflakes themore are form convenient you of theproduct since canprepare only asmuch thesolution youneed of as for project. types shela particular Both of lacareavailable a variety shades, in of ranging darkbrown orange from and to blond white. and Shellac also is classif according ied to its "pound cut,"which refers the to amount resin thesolvent.1-poundin of A cutshellac, instance, onepound for has gallon solvent. of resin each for of grades, Shellac comes different in dependingwhere when prodon and the uctwasharvested. Coarse shellac has bitsof twigs bugs; super-refined and the pure variety virtually liquid. is provides While shellac a durable finishthatprotects fromhumidity wood andabrasion, it does stand well not up to water, alcohol heat. other or Like solvent-release finishes, shellac forms a milky cloud a surface-called on blushing-if it issprayed high in humidity or withexcessive moisture thesolvent. in Keep solvent a sealed the in container. (BRUSHING) APPLICATION SEOUENCE 1. Either or prepare1-or 2-pound-cut buy a with shellac which apply to two (page Brush finish quickly wash orthree coats thesurface to 53i. the on andevenly asfewstrokes possible, with as working thegrain with only. Avoid overlapping brushstrokes. the 2. Letthesurface typically at least hours. dry, for 2 3. Sand surface a self-lubricating or400-grit the with 360sandpaper. Remove particles. sanding 4. Brush another using 3-pound-cut on coat, a shellac, sand. then 5. Apply three more or coats a 5-pound-cut with shellac, sanding before each application. 6. Allow to 72 hours drying before 24 of time rubbing thef inish. out (SPRAYII{G) APPTICATION SESUENCE 1. Preparesolution theproper a with consistency spraying for following the manufacturer's instructions; or 2-pound-cut a 1shellac typical. yois lf you liquid areusing shellac, may have dilute it. to gun 2. Adjust spray fora light the coat keep to drips runs a minimum. and to 3. Spray twoor three on wash coats. 4. Letthesurface forabout minutes, sand wiiha selfdry 30 then it particles. lubricating or 400-grit 360sandpaper. Remove sanding 5. Spray three fouradditional on or coats using more a concentrated solution andsanding between applications. 6. Letthefinish for48 to 72 hours dry before rubbing out.

A viscosity is used testtheconsistency cup to of afinishfor spraying. Proper dilution of the that a finishwill ensure it coats workpiece uniformly with a minimumof dripping. and



(BRUSHING) APPTICATION SEOUENCE Lacquer been has used a protective as finish wood for furniture theFarEast in formore than2000years, it didnot but 1. Dilute sanding sealer accordingthemanufacturer's to instructions and the in become oooular theWest until the paper. apply to theworkpiece. dryandsand it Let with320-grit 17thCentury. firstlacquers The used with 2. Dilute lacquer a retarding the solvent specified themanufacturer. as by d u r i n g h i n a 'C h o u y n a s t ye r e C s d w (The retarder keeps lacquer hardening quickly.) from the too derived fromnatural resins; today's the with using soft,long-bristled Work a brush. 3. Coat workpiece thefinish products formulated are synthetically. al a 45 angle thesurface brush thegrain. notoverlap to and with Do Lacquer be brushed a surcan onto brushstrokes. face, besure use brush but to a with 4. Letthelacquer (typically hours), sand dry 2 then witha self-lubrrcating bristles in rubber, set otherwise solthe particles. 360-to 400-grit sandpaper. Remove sanding vent thefinish cause tool in may the to 5. Repeat steps to 4, using slightly 2 a more concentrated lacquer solution. shed. rapid The drying of lacquer time also makes well-suited spraying. it for 6. Apply least orthree two additional coats. Avoid brushing at undiluted you A lacquer topcoat hardens a clear to lacquer thesurface; should at least small add on a amount reiarder of to thelacouer. a n d u r a b lfen i s hl.t i s a g o o d h o i c e d i c forfurniture may exposed that be to 7. Letthefinish forat least hours dry 24 before rubbing out. it water highheat. or (SPRAYING) APPLICATI(lN SEOUENCE polyurethanesvarnishes, Unlike and 1. Dilute sanding the sealer accordingthemanufacturer's to instructions and which formseparate layers each with paper. it apply to theworkpiece. dryandsand Let with32O-grit n e w o a t i n g ,a c h p p l i c a t i o nl a c c e a f quer dissolves previous the coats to 2. Preparediluted lacquer with a solution thesolvent recommended bythe i r c r e a ta s i n g l fe l m .F i n i s h eu s u a l l y e manufacturer spray onto surface. it and the Make thelacquer the sure has proper for use cup consistency spraying; a viscosity (page 90. tryto limitthemselvesfourcoats to But of lacquer. these generally are in 3. Letthefinish forabout hour. dry an addition oneortwocoats sanding to of paper. 4. Sand witha self-lubricating 320-grit s e a l e T.h e h i c k ea l a c q u eirn i s hs r t r f i (This is optional.) 5. Repeat steps and3, sanding surface 2 the lightly. step builtup,thegreater riskof crackthe 6. Spray at least more on 3 coats, diluting application only small each with a i n g .H o w e v e rb t a i n i n g i r r o r - l i k e o, am paper. amount retarder sanding surface a 360-grit of and the with lacouer finish soecies rosewood like on oroakmay involve many sometimes as 7. Letthef inish completely rubbing dry before out. Finishersancient in as10 aoolications. were known apply China to more than p 3 0 0 c o a t s na s i n g l e i e c e f f u r n i o o ture. prevent To cracking, would they carefully abrade surface each the after n e w p p l i c a t i o n dd r i e d n dt h e y a ha a kept each coat thinaspossible. as Lacqueravailablea range is in of sheens f latto glossy. from There difare ferent tintsto choose aswell, from and formulation heightens a clear that the grain color and without altering hue. the


r"fi- hereareessentially threemethods


3- of applying protective finishes by hand:wipingthe finishing material on with a clothor sponge, padding on or it using brush. a Themethod choose you should depend thetypeoffinishyou on areapplying. Wiping, example, the for is bestwayto applya dryingoil. Varnish, polyuretl-rane, shellac lacquer and are better applied with a brush. Sornefinishingproducts, called padding finishes, made bepadded are to onto a surface; provide they something approaching lusterof French the polished laccuered woodwith consideror ablyless effort.However, because these finishes not readily do build up into a thick coating, theystill requirea fair amountof time and work to apply. As a result, they are most often usedto touchup damaged finishes. finishes As for newlybuilt ftrrniture, theyarebest suited ornamental to details, turnings or smalluieces like the tableshown below Toreduce amountof time the Using clothor sponge a required build up a padding to finish, W e ta c l e a n l o t ho r a s p o n g w i t ht h e f i n i s h n dw i p ea t h i n c o a to f t h e l i q u i d c e a firstapply sealer ofvarnish, a coat shel- ontothe surface(above). Makesureyou cover the wood surfaces completely. Let lacor laccuer. t h ef i n i s h o a k n t ot h ew o o d o r s e v e r a l i n u t e s , e nu s ea n o t h ec l e a n l o t ht o s i f m th r c
w i p ea w a y h e e x c e s s . h e c k h e m a n u f a c t u r e ri 'n s t r u c t i o n s r d r y i n g i m e s , t C s t fo t t h e na p p l y u b s e q u e n o a t s h e s a m e a y . s ct t w


Working a pad with U s ea p i e c e f l i n e na n d s o m ew o o lt o o m a k e f i n i s h i n p a da s y o uw o u l d o r g a f (page106). Poura liIpolishing French t l e o f t h ef i n i s h n t h e p a d .t h e nt a p i t o a g a i n stth e p a l mo f y o u rh a n dt o g e t t h e p a du n i f o r m ld a m p . i p e h e p a d y W t a l o n g h e s u r f a c eo l l o w i ntg e d i r e c t i o n f t h yourstrokes of the grain (left).Overlap u n t i ly o u h a v e o v e r e t h e e n t i r e o r k c d w
n i p e p u 'n v t h o c r r r 'fu: u uo r r ^ ^ d ^l -l ^u^u+ lh , a ,d e h o) ^ ) l t l

g l o s ss h e e n . o n s utlh em a n u f a c t u r y C t er's instructionsdrying for times, then a p p l s u b s e q u e n ta t sP a d d i n gn y co . fi ishes usually require several applications.



Brushing a finish on S e tt h ew o r k p i e c ei g h t la b o v y o u r sl y e work the surface youcancover wood so r i g h t o t h eb o t t o m i t h o u t l o p p i n g w s f i n i s h nt h et a b l e F o r s h o p - m a d e o . a prop corners wood on blocks stand, the withsmall nails them. lf driven through youareusing bristle a brush, about dip i o n e - t h i r d t h eb r i s t l ee n g t hn t h e of l f i n i s h n db r u s a l o n t h eg r a i ne a v i n g a h g l b e h i n dh i n ,e v e n o a t sR e s i s t e t c . th to the thickly temptation spread f inish . w s o o rt h el i q u i d i l lr u n , a g r p o o lT o on avoid bubbles lapmarks the air and surface, asfewbrushstrokes use as pose s i b l e U s e w e e z etro r e m o vs t r a y . t s it bristles thef inish from before has a w c h a n cte d r y . f o a m r u s h i l lc u t o A b down theproblem lapmarks. on of

illt llll lllll]ll lllJ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllrlll lll llrl llll lllt illj
Afoam brush your Youcan make o w nd i e V o e a b l e foam brushes to suit anyjob at, hand. Ueeecrap wood Nhe for handle and a Viece polyure' of

Ihane foam for lhe aoolicalor.

foam at Youcan buy polyurethane f a b r i ca n d u p h o l o t e r o h o p oC u t t h e . y you need,lhen if,overone told foamto Nhe eize a e n do f L h eh a n d l e n d s l a o l ei Ni n o l a c e U e e . to eciseors NrimLhefoam to the riahl orofile for your workpiece.


ith a bit of practice, spraying is a highly efficient method of applying professional-looking finishes. (HVLP) High-volume, low-pressure systems offerthebesttransfer efficiency-that is, they land a high percentageofthe sprayon the workpiece and waste lessasoverspray. Since they use low-pressure to create mist of finair a ish, HVLP systems also createless "bounce back"than conventional systems.Bounce backoftenoccurs when spraying donein an enclosed is space: The overspray rebounds towardthe gun ind'settles othersurfaces. spray on The keyto successful spraying to is keepyour equipment properlyadjusted.With both HVLP and conventional systems adjustments madewith the are theactual solution will beusing, you so you will needto start the process by preparinga batchof finish (page 96).


Spray gun and aup Finiahflowa from cup to qun whereair turno liquid into a miet, directin4 it at the workpiece; cup unacrewafrom 7un Air hose Connectaepray qun to turbine;atoree in turbine whennot in uae

Turbine Featureaa 7-amp motor that poweraa fan diecharqin4[owpreaeu air re throu4hthe air hoae;Lurbineia liqhtwei7htand compact compared to the compreaaoraused on conventional ayatemo


Air preaeure gauge Tocompreeaor


Air re1ulator )eta volume of air pumped to gun



Fluid cup and lid aaaembly Fluidcup holdafinish: uouallyone quart or leao;acrewe on to epray qun in front of trigqer. Compreaeed air atreaming throu4h gun createa a vacuumthat eiphonofiniahfrom cup upto 1un.Lidaeaembly clampeto cup


Hoee Hiqh-preaaure from air comPre69or, otroraqe tank and air re4ulator paeeeethrou4h hoee to epray qun

ll t,l



5pray gun Atomizea finieh into a opray; featuree fluid adjuetment acrewfor oetting flow volume and apreader adjuotment valvefor regulatinq epray patrtern



pattern the 1 Adjusting spray it I Fillthecuowithfinish screw and gun.For model shown, the to thespray on then turnthesystem at theturbine, a either veradjust aircapto produce the pattern. or spray tical, horizontalcircular use setAsa ruleof thumb, thevertical horizontal tops tingto spray andother setting to and surfaces, the horizontal patvertical surfaces. circular The spray two ternis wider thantheother andcan Test be used anytypeof surface. all on patterns scrap wood before turnthree on to ingyour attention theworkpiece.

r) Adjusting flow the L to setthevolume finish be of to sprayed thegun, from turntheflow knob. the adjustment Holding gunnozfroma testsurface, zleabout inches 8 pullthetrigger start spray. the The to finish should cover surface the evenly without dripping pooling.thecoator lf ingistoothin,increase flowbyturnthe if the ing knob counterclockwise; the decrease f low the f inish drips pools, or in byturning knob theopposite the To of direction. change size thespray the pattern, either increasedecrease or the distance between gunandthesurthe face. Thismay throw theflowadjustoff ment, however. Moving guncloser the may require decrease a to thesurface flow; asyoudraw the in the similarly, gunaway mayhave increase you to thef low.




'l Setting theairpressure I Attach airIine the from compressor airinlet the to the on theregulator. install hose, Then the connecting end the one to a i ro u t l eo nt h er e g u l a t a n dt h eo t h e t o t h ea i r i n l e t n t or r o thegun. adjust airpressure themodel To the on shown, take

gun thefluidcupoffthespray andturnonthecompressor, allowing tankto pressurize. theoutlet the Open valve the on pressure gauge the level to specified the manufacturer by (above), typically about psi, 50


r) Adjusting spray pattern flow and the f a c L r , l t h ef l u i d u pw i t h i n i s h n d gun. the it attach to thespray Adjust spray pattern theflowof thefinish the in and f s a m e a y h a ty o uw o u l do ra n H V L P w t (page Turn fluidadjustthe system 94). to increase ment screw counterclockwise i . te t h ef l o wa n dc l o c k w i so d e c r e a ste valve the adjustment to set Use spreader (right), pattern turnthesizeof thespray a to producelargingit counterclockwise direction er pattern in theopposite and of to narrow scope thespray. the

9 p readeradjueLmentvalve

Flutd adjuetment


ofa Adjusting consistency finish the d A f i n i s h a yn e e do b et h i n n e t o t h e m t proper consistency it canbesprayed. before of a Todetermine consistency f inishthe ti i n gp r o d u cd , pa v i s c o s ic y pi n t o h e tu t long it fluid, lift timehow then it outand (left). the lf for takes thecupto empty specif bythe ied timeexceeds interval the w t m a n u f a c t u r elru t eh ef i n i s h i t h h e di , t Test as appropriate solvent. thesolution many times necessary, make as but sure consistency. thatyougetit to theproper filling fluid cup, strain finthe Before the filter remove to impuriishthrough paint a clog ties thatmight otherwise thespray system mar finish. or the




and of D othyourownsafery that your D neighbors should a majorconbe cernassociated spraying finish. with a Do not fail to put on the appropriate gear thetask:safety for goggles, rubber gloves, rubberapronand a dual-cara tridgerespirator. you cansmellthe If finishing product through yourrespirajob. tor, it is not doinga goodenough Adjust device fit properly your the to on face, change filtersor replace resthe the pirator. Refer the chapter safety to on (pnge 12)formoreinformation proon tecting yourself. Whether areusing you water- solor vent-based products, mustsetup you your spray area and exhaust fumes the yougenerate a manner in thatcomplies withfederal, andmunicipalrequirestate ments. Pages and103 102 show typical a spray room with someof the elements that may be necessary. However, is it essential check to your localregulationsbefore outfitting yourspray room. \Ahileyouareactually spraying, hold your arm straight in front ofvour out body.Whenever possible, the gun keep asnearly perpendicular thewoodsurto face youcan. illustrated thediaas As in grambelow, surface covered a is with a series back-and-forth of strokes that overlap each otherandtheedges ofthe wood.Before actually spraying finthe ishon a piece offtrrniture, practice lita tle on somecardboard scrao wood or untilyouhave refined yourtechnique.

The ideal distancebetweert spray a gun nozzleand the stu'face be to sprayedis about B inches.Youcnrr LLse your outstretched fingers to quicklygnugethe distance.

Applying full andeven a coat T h ed i a g r a m t l e f ti l l u s t r a t e ss p r a y i n g a a s e q u e n cfe r a p p l y i nc l e a r i n i s h e s . h e o g f T k e yi s t o s t a r ta t o n ec o r n e a n d m a k ea r pa s e r i e o f s t r a i g h o,v e r l a p p i n g s s ets a t s t h w e n dt h e i rw a yt o t h e o p p o s i t e o r n e r . c T h r sf i r s ts e r i e s h o u l dr u n a c r o s sh e t g r a i no f t h e w o o d . h e nm a k e n o t h e r T a parallel series passes, timeworking of this to the grain. youwork, As release trigthe gereach timeyoupass theedge the off of w o o d T o e n s u r e n e v e n o a t ,h o l dt h e . a c g u np e r p e n d i c u t a r h es u r f a c e n d lot a k e e pi t m o v i n g t a l l t i m e s . a


A SPRAY ROOM DOTLY Towheel workpieceandoutof a in yourspray room, to move and it around without having sethands to o n t h ed r y i n g o o du s e h es h o p w , t built dolly shown right below, at and T h ed i m e n s i o in s h ei l l u s t r a t i o n nt willyield dolly is large a that enough projects. for most furniture p C u ta p i e c e f % - i n c h l y w o o d o forthebase, thenscrew corner the blocks place. in Screw caster a onto each corner block. setupthe To f d o l l y o rt h e p i e c eo b es p r a y e d , t d r i v e a i l s h r o u g t h ec e n t e r s n t h of fourwood blocks. Position the blocks thebase thenail on with tios

pointing sothey support up will the corners theworkpiece. of T o u s e h ed o l l ys e tt h ep i e c e t , onthenails. avoid To touching the

your workpiece spraying use after it, footto move dolly. canalso the You attach towrope the base a to and useit to pullthedolly along.



Spraying flatsurfaces the Tofinish piece furniture, withtheoutside a of start surfaces, edge closest youandwork to toward opposite (abothe edge firstspraying topandthenthesides. preparation the In for ve,left).Forthe sides, the air capto the horizontal set your thejob,setthe piece prop- spray pattern position work slightly above work surface, and withthegunperpendicular p i n gi t u p o nw o o d l o c kw i t hn a i l s r i v e t h r o u gth e m s to thesurface (above, b s d n h a right). ensure To even coverage, hold your outstraight maintain uniform shown overleaf. thetop,besure adjust aircapto For to the arm to a distance between (page andusea spray thegunandthewood. pattern positron the vertical spray 94) Always in straight work lines; circular pattern works that firstacross grain patterns leave edges a thinner the andthenwith it. spraying will the with coating Holding gunat a slight the angle thesurface, at the to start thanthecenter.

Spraying inside the surfaces T oc o v etrh e i n s i d e f a p i e c e f f u r n i o o t u r e , t a r t i t ht h e l e a sc o n s p i c u o u s s w t F t s u r f a c e .o r h ec a b i n est h o w n , r s t fi s p r a yh e u n d e r s i d et h et o p ,b e g i n t of n i n ga t t h e b a c ka n dm o v i n t o w a r d g t h e o p e n i n a t t h e f r o n t .B ec a r e f u l g notto aimthespray yourself. at Spray t h ec o r n e r sh es i d e st.h e b a c k n d t, a f i n a l l yh e b o t t o m f t h ec a b i n e t , t o



A TURNTABTE FOR SPRAYING Tospray thesurfaces a piece of of all f u r n i t u rw i t h o uh a v i ntg m o v e t o e your equipment, theshop-made use The turntable shown right. device at consists twopieces plywood of of w i t ha " L a z y u s a nb e a r i nfg s S " a in The allows tened between. setup at a piece furniture berotated of to anyspeed it is being as sprayed. To make turntable, two the cut pieces 3/q-inch plywood of slightly larger thanthewidth thepiece of Set of furniture befinished. the to base a work on surface center and thebearing topof it. Onthebase, on mark access andthefour hole the holes theinner of the in ring screw hole bearing. theaccess through Bore thebase drillfourpilotholes, and thenaitach bearing the base the to withscrews. fasten turntable To the piece, the base topof it with set on between the bearing sandwiched of Aligning the thetwopieces wood. rotate edges the pieces, of slowly hole thebase until access in it the lines withoneof thefourscrew up holes theouter of thebearing. in ring Screw bearing theturntable the to piece repeat process the and the at holes. other three T o u s e h et u r n t a b l e u tf o u r t c, n s m a lw o o d l o c k a n dd r i v e a i l s l b s through them. theworkpiece Set on t h et i p so f t h en a i l st,h e ns l o w l y rotate turntable onehand the with w h i l e p e r a t i nh es p r a g u nw i t h o tg y the other(right,bottom).

Deartn4 acceaa hole

Turntable ptece



surfaces Spraying contoured surfaces, When spraying, contoured treat spindles legs, if they and as such chair as were four-sided objects. Holding gun the at a slight angle thewood, to spray each s i d en t u r n . i


gun fluid Cleaning spray and the cup your in To keep spray equipment good w o r k i no r d e rc l e a nh eg u na n df l u i d g , t cupafter each use. the HVLP For system s h o w n ,n s c r etw ec u pf r o m h eg u n u h t andpour f inish in thecupinto any left a c o n t a i n eo rs t o r a go r d i s p o s a l . e n fr e Th pour small a amount theappropriate of into it solvent thecupandreattachto the gun. Spray solvent anempty the into can. Repeat many as times necessary as until thesolvent comes clean. out Wioe the o u t s i do f t h ec u pa n dg u n , h e np u l l e t thesuction assembly thegun. from tube R e m o v e ea i rc a pb y u n s c r e w i i t g th ns retaining from gun; ring the soak two the pieces briefly solvent. thef luid in Clean nozzle, suction assembly aircap tube and witha softbrush dampened solvent with (/efil.Reassemble gunandscrew the the f l u i d u ot o i t . c

Fluid nozzle 9uction tube aeaembly

\t )+\
\\ {




Air filtere Kemove hazardouoparLiclee from air: madeof non-combuattbte maLertal. leaat. At four 20" x 20" filLeraarrayed edge-Lo-edge requtredto provideadequaLe pratecLian; needto be cleanedand replacedre4ularly

Tube-axialfan ExhauaLa from room Lo the atr outdoora;rnountedon exteriar wall. Featurea expl on-proof aoi motor and epark-reeieLant profrom induatrial peller;available ouppliero. Moveolarqe volumee of air efficientlyuoinga mtnimal
a h^t rn t nf pl prr rir i+r'

Automatic aprinkler eystem Water eprinklere acttvated by emoke or heaLfrom a ftre

| : =i:t L -,l =L--=


Fire ertinguiaher thould be mountedin a convenienL locationy l

-r= --: t:= L:::,-L:J

: =-lr:.:


A/ ,,-Bia

- i



Airflow meter Aleo known manometer.Vtaual aa readout indtcateeair velocityLhrou7h Lhe fan; whenvelocttydrope belowa cerLatnlevel, ftltera ahouldbe replaced Workpieae thould be poeitioned betweenepray 1un and fan; no large objecLe ahouldtmpede airflow betweenworkpiece and fan

Light owitch -proof, MuoLbe exploaton or incapable produc' of inq eparkoLhat could i4nil;evaporo

Waete can For temporary otora7e of combuetible wa6te;madeof eteel with tight-fitttn4 ltd


Light fixture Featureetncandeacent bulbin a eealed4laee 7lobethat prevenLe vaporein room from ignittn7 Wall Can be made of concrete, aheet metal or fire-rated drywallcovered wtth aheet metal




with of associated T) ecause thehazards D s p r a y i n f i n i s h e s h ep r a c t i c e is g t, strictlycontrolled law.Youcannot, by for example, up a furniture set spraying facilityin your garage without adequately guarding fire against and environmental contamination. generates and flamSpraying toxic mablevapors, solvents particles, and makingthe air in the immediate area harmfulto breathe potentially and explomustbe filteredout sive. Toxicvapors before air canbeexhausted; the the and sDrav mustbecontained theevent area in products oi fir.. Althoughwater-based poseless a fire hazard than solventof finishes, making thema safer alterbased produce native thefinisher, types for both whensprayed. harmfulvapors If you want to sprayfurniture,you havetwo ootions: Youcanusea commercial booth (pageB4) or you can room.Thelatteralternabuild a spray howevtive is a complex undertaking, er.According one of the regulatory to agencies, NationalFireProtection the (NFPA), spray roommust Association a be fully enclosed feature powerand a ventilation ooerated svstem.

Theillustration leftshows at some of theelements mightbe incorporatthat ed in a typicalspray room.A powerful electricfan pulls air from the room whichremove through paneloffilters, a toxicsubstances before air isexhaustthe ed.Thewallsareconstructed sucha in wayasto prevent spread the offire.The electrical system explosion-proof: is the switches, outlets and fixtures willnot levcreate sparkor produce voltage a a el that couldcause exolosion. an Beiore designingspiay a room,there important preliminary areseveral steps. your local,state First,consult and federalinspection authorities makecerto with thefire, tainyourdesign complies electrical, buildingand environmental in in codes effect your community. For example, your spray room will haveto meetNFPA Occupational and and Safety (OSHA)safety HealthAdministration guidelines. check Also with your home insurance You carrier. maydiscover that roomvoids operating spray a yourinsurpolicy. Ifyou stillsee to proceed, fit ance consult ventilation a engineer who can giveyou expertguidance properly on situating designing and your system.


. Consult f iredeoartmentwell the as aspertinent state federal local, and authorities before choosingsitefor a your exhaust air outlet. Depending on you levels certhearea which live, in of taincontaminants berestricted may by specific regulations. In general, locate passersby, an outlet avoid to exposing children pets theexhaust. and to . Keep walls, andother floor the surfaces your of spray room scrupulously clean prevent orf lammable to toxic substances accumu from lating. . Always protective gear wear safety when spraying: pants, longlong a goggles, sleeved shirt, safety rubber g l o v e s ,r u b b e rp r o n n da d u a l a a a
carlrid,ao rpsniratnr

Air regulator

Air compreaeor
?reaat trizea air fnr

eyetem.Located ouLaide a n r ' -t r ' r A A m ' a i e h ' - e - ' t- r1 n t n q na r t ' r A\ throuqh wallconnectatt Lo inaideraom air requlaLor

o C h e cw i t hy o u r o c aa u t h o r i t i e s k l l about noise regulations; ventilation . Replace f ilters the air regularly, indicatas in room may meter. system your spray create ed bytheairflow noise levels aredeemed that excessive o Dispose used filters forresidential areas. of air according to local regulations. fire . Donotwear gear clothing safety or products spraying outside thespray . Store of finishing used during safely room; store these items a metal in locker. (page 136).



oodspraying technique does alone I not guarantee first-rate results. \J Otherfactors, including characteristhe ticsof thespray room,theequipment or weather alsoinfluence even the can the qualityof finish. the A clean, workarea essenis dust-free is to vacuum regulartial.Oneanswer ly. If youspray you should frequently, part consider setting aside ofyourworkshopfor drying.To prevent dust any fromsettling a newly on finished workpiece, provideyourself with several makeshift These be dustcovers. can nothingmorethanpieces plywood of you sittingatoptall supports. When finFisheye ishspraying piece furniture, place a of it under dustcover catch a to anydust that mightotherwise on theworkpiece. fall Humidityandwarmtemperatures havoc finishes, leaving canwreak on with lacshellac a milkylookor causing querto dry poorly. Keeping room the at the right temperature-roughly 72o-isnot quiteasdifficultascontrollinghumidity. isbest doyoursprayIt to ingon a dry day. Even with optimum conditions and proper technique, will arise from snags timeto time.If there a problem is with thespraying yourownsystem, consult proer'smanual. Mostmanufacturers videdetailed guides troubleshooting for their equipment. following The chart details some ofthemostcommon sprayingproblems, causes ways their and to prevent themfromoccurring.






DEFECT Crazing

DESCRIPTIONCAUSE AND Finecracks caused solvent material by or incompatibility. grid-like Subtle, cracks the finishcaused a rapid in by shift in temperature. the workpiece exposed lf is to warm temperatures thensuddenly and brought a into coldroom, f inish contract a different the will at rate thanthewood. Milky-white clouds thefinishusually in occurring whena finishis sprayed a humid on day. "orange peel"texture, result holding A rough, the of guntoo close too far fromthe surface, the spray or pressure using littlethinner setting wrong too or the for the material being applied. A large dripthat runsdown vertical a surface after too muchfinishhasbeen in sprayed onespot. Similar a run,butcovers to alarger area.

PREVENTION yourthinner finishing Make sure and materials are compatible, according the manufacturer's to soecif ications. Keep finished the workpiece a temperaturein control environment. led



Spray drydays; on keepthe temperature constant. A retarder added the finishing to material humid on days allow finishto drymore will the slowly counand teract problem thetop layer the of drying quickly. too Holdthegunat the proper distance fromthework surface-about inches-andadjust air pressure 8 the forthefinish thatyouarespraying; check material the viscosity. quickly. Move gunevenly more the and Reduce the material adjustment ensure thefinishis feed and that thinned the proper to consistency. Holdthegunat the correct angle andkeepit moving pace. at an even Reduce material adjustment the feed andcheck thefinish thinned spray that is to consistency. Holdtheguncloser thesurface reduce to or the air pressure. Wipe workpiece naphtha diluted the with and ammoniabefore finishing. Avoid touching workpiece the if youhave comeintocontact withsilicone wax. or Adda moisture retarder the finishing to material; it will slowdown drying the time,allowing finishto the flowover holes. the Reduce air pressure make the and you sure areusing proper the spraying technique.

peel Orange



0verspray Fisheye

Material that driesbefore reaches workpiece it the because is being it fromtoo far away. sprayed Small, circular, occasionally iridescent shapes caused contamination silicone waxfrom by from or blades tools. or Small holes caused spraying too higha velocity by at or by spraying close the worksurface. too to



polishing atrmeis f, rench I' honored method finof padding ishing thatinvolves on shellac a cloth. with The result a lustrous. is almost finish three-dimensional typicalof fineantique furniture. Thelookdoes come not easily, however. polishFrench ingtakes timeto master and a lot of elbow grease. commercial For woodworking shops, labor time the and requirements generally outthistype rule of finishfor mostjobs;it is mucheasierto relyonlacquers modern and spray equipment. for anamateur Still, woodworker,Frenchpolishingcan be a rewarding way-somepurists would argue verybest way-to finishaspethe cialproject. Although finishdoes the notstand to water, up alcohol heat, or it isrelatively to repair easy once piece the is completed. Thematerials required French for (pieces polishing woolandlinenrags are of old sweaters shirtsor a welland
After thetopof thistablewas polished, legs French the were givena similarlookby brushing on three coats shellac of and thenwipingon afourth coatwith a pad.

washed will bedsheet work fine),shellac flakes, denatured mineraloil, alcohol, pumice and polishing compound. ((6s1"-1ls is Shellac measured the by numberof poundsof shellac flakes disin solved eachgallonofalcohol.So,a 5-poundcut refers 5 pounds to ofshelIacdissolved a gallonof alcohol.For in Frenchpolishing,we a 2Vz- a 3lzto poundcut,although will, of course, you be dealingin quantitiessmallerthan a gallon. Theprocess consists ofseveral steos that aredoneto the followingscheduie: On the first day,a coatof oil is applied to thewood andthe excess wipedoff. is

Then pores filledwith pumice. the are On the second additional day, coats of shellac padded to buildup are on thebodyof thefinish. thethirdday, On the oil film is removed with a clean cloth. Thisis thetimeto examine the surface under lightandbuildup the a you bodywhere notice dull spots or open 8ram. Ifyou cannot afford timerequired the for aFrench polish, there substitutes are padding called lacquers provide that a similar lookwithoutthesame levelof effort.Padding lacquers frequently are used reDair finishes, canalso to old but beapplied newwood. to


a pad 1 Making piece wool I Take a of roughly inches 3 square foldthecorners and toward the center, stretching wool the witheach padintoan fold.Then squeeze wool the ovalandadda fewdroos 2Vz- 3t/zof to pound-cut shellac. Disperse shellac the throughout wool crumpling pad the by the in your hand, it thenplace in themiddle of a single thickness coarse of linen. Add several drops alcohol the pad(right). of Io



Making a pumiaediapeneer jome finiehero u6ea oalt shaker oprinkle pumioe to on for Frenchpoliehing (page1OB, otep 3),Ycjucan also fashion a moretraditionaldisoenser. ?oura smallamount, pumice of into a piece linen. of FolAthe linenoverand lie the too wilh a emallpiece etrrinq form of io a ball.To useLhediopeneer, ehake the baq,oprinklinq a smallamount, oumice of Nhrouqh cloLhand onNo Lhe the wood.

r') Preparing pad the polishing L torFrench Gather linen the around ballof wool the andtwist linen the until padis held the (above, Then firmlyin place ieff). tap thepadagainst palm yourhand the of to spread theshellac alcohol out and (above, andforma flat surface right). lf thepadistoowet,squeeze the out (When in use, pad excess liquid. not the should stored be moist anairtight in container prevent fromstiffening.) to it



thepores Q Filling r-,, Apply sealer of shellac a brush allow to a coat with and it (This procedure bedone dry. can before making pad.) the Then pumice theworkpiece shake small on and a amount on sprinkle your tightly between fingers thumb and thepad. Grip pad the into withanyof thestrokes andwork pumice thewood the most shown thediagram in below; choose one the thatproves Keep while is onthesurface it to comfortable. thepadmoving prevent alcohol thepad from Ieavingmark thewood the on a on

(above). particular Pay attention the edges as notto leave to so t h e mu n t o u c h e A . f i r s t t h e p u m i c e i l ls o u n d c r a t c ha sy o u dt , w s y r u b .T h em o r e h e p o r e si l l , t h e l e s s c r a t c hty e p u m i c e i l l t f s h w p s o u n dC o n t i n ute p a d ,o c c a s i o n a slp r i n k l i no n f r e s h u m i c e . o l y g s a n da d d i n g o r e l c o h ou,n t i l h e p o r e a r ec o m p l e t efliyl e d n d m a l t l a has look. Depending the sizeof the workthesurface a matte on p i e c et,h i sp r o c e d u r ea yr e q u i r e 0 m i n u t e o r m o r e A f t e r i l l m s . f 3 ingthe pores, the workpiece for set aside a day.




Building thefilm up Preparenewpadanddaba drop oil ontoit witha fina of (above, gerto provide lubrication padding surface for the left). you Polish thesame with strokes used fillthe pores. to Use lightpressure a wetpad. the paddries thefriction with As and pressure. increases, more apply Recharge padwithshellac the andalcohol, needed. as Repeat process thelook the the until of (above, you finishpleases andthepolishing streaks disappear righil.SeIaside workpiece a dayAfter shellac the f or . the has

you dried willnotice milky a clouding thesurface, in the of as (below). is the upper of theworkpiece the pholo half in This oil used lubricate pad; to the having risen thesurface to it must now removed. be Moistenpadwithalcohol rub a and (or thesurface long with strokes polish witha fine glazing compound) theoildisappears. willreveal finai until This the polish shown thelower of worklook the French of as in half piece theohoto. in


ingresults usually are obtainable with alittlepatience. glaze brushed, The is when artisans Egfpt,hrdiaandthe h ragged, combed, sponged, even or Orient leamed transform to ordinary qpattered anopaque coatIn over base materials obiects omamental and into alldecorative finishes except stencilones ttrough marbling graining stening, color thebase isvisthe of coat ciling other practices. with and Along iblettroughthe glazewhich imparu more prizes thetrading ftaditional of to thefinishadeep, subtle glow. is It route, techniques decorative the of generallygoodidea mix more a to paintingwerecarried theWest, to Stencilinghas developed a crudeinterior glaze youthinkyouwill need, than from where have they cycled andoutof in decorating technique a minor art form. into because is nextto impossible it to fashion dor,vn through centuries. Thetop rail of thisBostonrocker, the stenciled with match a finish such exactly. real The Stenciling, particular, in found powder,is typicalof 19thCenturydesigns. challenge decorative favor bronze painting of among early the colonists North of is in the patterning the glaze. of America. Colonial furnituremakers stencils embellish Stenciling theleast used to is complex technique-you just stipcan theirinexpensive chairs; householders of modest means sten- plethecolor overthebase with a brushor a sponge, on coat ciledtheirroughfloorsandplaster walls mimicthebeau- workingthrougha paperor acetate to template. Marbling ty of thewallpaper rugs and theycould afford. not During the andgraining moredifficultto execute, are because both Victorian artisans in theUnited era, both States abroad colorandpattern and mustbefairlyrealistic thefinishto for tookinspiration fromthefuts andCrafts Movement, elevat- beattractive. marbling, means mustfirst creIn this you ing thefaux(or false) finishes-marbling graining-to atea believable and cloudofbackground colors, thenshoot therealm ofhighstyle. thehand In ofanexpert, potofglaze it throughwith natural-looking a veins. Because patthe anda feather could transform bland tabletops small and box- ternsof heartwood sapwood less and are free-flowing esinto richmarble look-alikes;deftlywielded a graining brush thantheveins marble, in graining requires even more couldgive itemof plainpinefurniture luxurious an the look skill thanit takes disguise to woodasmarble. both In of walnut burl. cases, finishing gomoresmoothly you continualwill if Whilethetechniques materials stenciling and of changed ly refer a sample thematerial aretryingto simto of you little overtime,themethodology marbling graining ulate. With any decorative of and finish, alwaystest the grewever morerefined. Close-mouthed professionals kept appearance ofthe glaze overthebase coatbefore begintheir tradesecrets close thevest, to even carrying par- ning work;with marbling the and graining, practice patticulars theirartistrywith of themto thegrave. Novices may terningon large pieces ofillustration board until youare notbeable duplicate finishes themasters, pleas- confident yourtechnique. to the of but of
painting tracesits ecorative historybackto about3000 BC,

In contrast theviolentnaturalforces to that create marreal ble,thisbirdfeatherrequires defttouchto transform a tinted oil paint and a ghzecoating into a marble finish on wood.



Marine eponge For removingexcego 4lazeand eoftening 7rain and marbled patterna; featurea a naturally rou4h aurface Grainingcombs For deeigningwoodgrain patternz on a workpiece; feature metal or rubber teeth

9wivel knife A precieion artiet'a knife tip with a awiveling for cuttinq contoura of atencila

Badger softener A epecialty bruah uaed for aoftening qrain and marbledpat' terns, and amoothinqout d ecorative finiahea;made of fine badger hair

Camel'shair aword atriper bruah Afine, aoft bruahuaed to apply individualveina or qrain linea in freehand graininqand marblinq

1tenciling bruoh For applyrnqpaint or bronzepowderethrou1h haa atiff atencil openin7o; ho4'o-h briatlee that air helpprevent paint from bleedinqunder atencil

Bloak cuahion grainer For creatinq wood7rain patterng on a workpiece. Fulledand rocked alonq the eurface of a qlazed workpiece any anqle; at featurea a rubber face

Hog'a-hair briatle bruah For applyinqthe bage coat and removingetainin4 qlaze whenproducinq woodqrain patterna; ite flaqqed briotle tipa promote maxtmumcoveraae qlaze in marbled finiahea;workabeat when eli7htly woraefor wear

Orainin7 rollera For producing wood qrain patterne on a workpiece; pulledacroee a qlazed surface


u..rsince thel8yptians ancient in F IJ tlmesbegan decoratrng mummy with patcases stencils, decorative such terns have been ubiquitous a feature of furniture design. Theyhave appeared oneverything shields chairs from to and toychests. Assimole a fine-veined or as as leaf complex a multicolored, is repeating motifof fruitsandflowers,stencil a can beapplied a piece furniture to of either before after last of finish. or the coat The stencil typically is reduced enlarged or from a master and Dattern cut from
eitherstencil boardor acetate. Because acetate becleaned mineralspircan with its and reused, is moredurable it than paper.The translucent materialcanbe boughtat mostdraftingsupplystores. Stencil designs be sprayed or can on applied with a special short-bristled stencilingbrush. WhileearlyAmerican settlers stenciledwith milk paint, any paint,suchasquick-drythick-bodied ingjapancolors anoil-based acrylic or or paint,will fit the bill equally well.Bronze powders be combinedin the same can stencilto yield a varietyof metalliccolors within a singledesign, creatingthe illusionof light and shadow-a techniquemadefamousby the Hitchcock chairs themid-1800s. of

Designs generally paint (above,left)or bronze powders are stenciled with either (above, right). Theapplication techniques dffirent, asaretherange fficx. are of powders, example, create burnished, Bronze can a three-dimensional look. for


a pattern 1 Enlarging I One to producelarger way a version of a pattern stenciling to use phofor is a tocopier anenlargement with feature; another is to transfer shape way the using a grid.Draw gridof squares thepata over tern, using ruled a straightedge to make (The allthesquares exactly same the size. you smaller make squares, easier the the it willbeto reproduce pattern.) the Then, a on paper acetate, blank sheet graph of or make grid,increasing size the a larger the of you squares thesame by amount wish to enlarge pattern. example,you the For if need stencil a design istwice size that the of the pattern, make second of the set squares aslarge thefirst.Toprotwice as duce stencil the design, ineach draw square grid of theenlarged thepart thepattern of thatis in thecorresponding of the square grid smaller (left). make stencil To a smallpattern, erthan original the follow same the grid steps, make second smaller but the than first the one.



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r) Cutting thepattern out your L f ransfer design a piece to With of stencil board acetate. the or p s t e n c ib o a r du s ec a r b o n a p e r ; l , place foranacetate stencil, simply thesheet your over design trace and r i t i n i n k .l f y o u d e s i gw i l li n c l u d e n more thanonecolor, make sepaa ratestencil each for color. a Use knife cut outthe pattern, swivel to pulling knife you the toward bbove). your Keep freehand of the out blade's oath.

lllr ulr llll lllt flll llll flrl llll rllj ilt filj illt lllt llll llll lllJ lll1 llll
Trojecting a ?attern eizeinvolvee AnotherwayNoreproduce stencilin a differenL a a of Nhe onXo wal| First Iake a phoboqraVh lhe Vrojeclinq deoiqn patlern ueing in distnrtion,ehoot,from direcNly elidetilm.Ioavoid film is develoVed a slideprojecuoe fronLof Nhepat1ern. )nce Nhe Ior Nodieplay patlern on a wall.The lhe t--Lhe dislance between projeclorand Lhe 1 .r , wallwillAetermine sizeof the imaqe the imaqe, def,ermine |. d?.S:b | "S4" I ToNransferLhepattern,projectthe ' g$g^-.@" image of i o*{&3/6 onto a pibce etencil board or aceXateand lrace overit,.



lllt ll11iltl llllllt tlll IIJ llll ilIj rlll fitl llll tlll filt illt tlll fllJ ilIl
A curefor bleeding To prevenN paint, wet, from bleeding undera slencil, Nemporarily bondIhe etencilIo your workViece. 7pray Nheundereide NheeNencil of wilh placeiN an aeroeol adheeive,Nhen in Voeilion Nhework' on piece, preooinq out any air pocketo. A p p l yt h e V a i n i a5 soona5 ?o5sibleso thal you can peeloff the stencil beforeil adheree permanenNly,

'l Taping thestencil down precisely, I Tohelp align stencil the draw reference centered line a along each side both workpiece of the and t h es t e n c iT.h e n e c u r t h es t e n c i l l s e to theworkpiece masking with tape, making thereference match sure lines (abovd. up properly


Applying paint the

e T r a n s f etr e s t e n c id e s i g no y o u rw o r k p i e cb y s p r a y i n g h l t

or brushing paint. youarespraying, thesurfaces on lf mask thestencil paper settheworkpiece with and edge surrounding paint work Holding aerosol canabout to an 6 upona surface. 10 inches theworkpiece, thespray thestencil from direct at wood lightly paint with lefil. until exposed iscoated the bbove, p r e v e n ta i n f r o mb l e e d i nu n d etrh es t e n c i l ,e e ph e p t k To g t n o z z l le v ew i t ht h es t e n c i l a ns p r aiy a s t r a i g hi t eT o e l d n l n .

l u s ea s t e n c i l i n g r u s h s e tt h e w o r k p i e cfea t o n a w o r ks u r b , . f a c ea n dd i po n l y h et i p so f t h e b r i s t l eis t h e p a r n tT h i s i l l t n w r e s u l i n a l i g h tc o a ta n dt h u sr e d u c e l e e d i n g . o l d i n gh e t b H t j, p b r u s h e r p e n d i c u lt a rt h e s u r f a c e a b t h e b r i s t l e s p a n d o u (above, downon the stenciluntil the woodis covered right), r e l o a d i ntg e b r u s h s n e c e s s a rly . o ua r eu s i n g o r e h a n fy m h a t onestencil applyseveral let to colors, eachcoatdry before s p r a y i no r b r u s h i no n t h e n e x t . g g

Removing stencil the

T o a v o i d n y b l e e d i n g ,e m o v eh e a r t

SLs t-v:=7/


s t e n cw h i l eh ep a i n itsw e t . e etlh e il t P m a s k i ntg p ef r o mt w oa d j o i n i nc o r a g ners, thengently thestencil the lift off pulling thetwosides workpiece, up even ly (left). Avoid sliding stencil the along thesurface youmaysmear or some of paint. Once parnt dry, the is remove any adhesive residue naphtha with before topcoating workpiece. the




the 1 Positioning stencil I Draw stencil acetate the on and Place bronze the cutoutthepattern. powder a bowl ona palette in and or Prepare workpiece by setit aside. the varapplyingthincoat slow-drying a of n i s ho t h es u r f a cy o uw i l lb es t e n t e c i l i n g L e tt h ev a r n i sd r yu n t i i t i s . h l firmbutstill tacky. Place acetate the n i n p o s i t i oo nt h ew o r k p i eg le s s y c o to s i d e o w n ot h a ti t a d h e r e s t h e d s (left). surface

Rubbing thepowdel on W i t h h ev a r n i ss t i l lt a c k yw r a p t h , a p i e c e f c h a m o io r a c l e a ns o f tc l o t h o s , your finger dipit into and the around index R o b r o n z p o w d e r . u bt h e p o w d e rn t o e in thesurface exposed thecutouts the by you to stencil. theareas wish highRub l l i g h r e l a t i v ehy r d r u bm o r e i g h t l y t la ; you to Apply addion areas want shade. powder necessary thesurtional as until faceis colored your to satisfaction, but q w o r k u i c k lty k e e ph ev a r n i sfh o m o t r y c le d r y i n g o m p l e t eby f o r e o ua r ef i n peel thestencil. highished. Then off To quality, light three-dimensional apply the powder, layers bronze separated several of When bythinlayers varnish. youarefinof protect surface with ished stenciling, the twofinalcoats varnish of


is in f raining a process whichthe \f appearanceonetypeof woodis of re-created another decorative for puron poses. species muted grain, On with the technique beused imitate texcan to the tureandwarmthof more exotic species. grainBut ing canalsocamouflage visual defects-like wood a patch to repair damused a aged surface. practice, Wth exoerimentation careand you frrlstudy thespecies of you wishto emulate, can produce diverse a range of styles, theclose from grain of beech thefree-flowto ingpattern pine. of was Graining especially popularin the 1800s westward-moving among pioneers. hardwood American With in scarce supply, woodworkers harvested softwoods grained and themto resemblemore highlyfigured woofulikecher- A colorglaze thenapplied the is and ry,oakandmahogany. grainpattern traced is into theglaze Graining involves several First, with special stages. grainingtoolssuchas the surface painted is with a flat base combs, raymarkers, mottlers rollers. and coatandthe base allowed dry. Finally, protective is to a topcoat added. is Grainingglazescan beprepared theshop, in butcommercial, ready-touseglazing stains just are aseffective; canbe they tintedwith japancolors to produce virtuallyany you shade wish. glazes The you makeyourself will usually consist onepart of boiled linseed andtwo oil parts varnish; are they tintedwithartists' colors. You need heavy-bodied a consistency, not soheavy but thatthe dryingtime slow is A deftlywielded artist'sbrushanda grain- or thegrainpatterns tendto flow will ingrollercombined etchavivid pattem back to together. canbuyspecial You addigrainonapiece ofheart ofparticleboard. tives speed thedrying to up time.

and theglaze 1 Preparing applying I Tinta containerflatoil-based of oaint withartists' colors thatit matches so the you hueof thewood wishto imitate. Spread layer the paint your a of workon piece a base as coatandallowit to dry. glaze thepaintThen apply graining a on edsurface a foam with brush padapplior cator. begin process creating To the of a grainpattern thewood, on wrapa soft cloth tightly around three your of fingers, thendraw clothalong surface the the sevparallel eral times, drawing wavy, thin, lines (right).




r) Refining grain the lines L fo make grain the lines fromstep I a little more delicate, anartist's dip hair brush a camel's sword or striper in it theglaze, draw slowly and along the (left). surface within original the lines For results, thebrush an best hold at angle thesurface.youwish simto lf to ulate knot your a on workpiece, in rub lines a rough ordiamond for oval shape e a r o u nw h e r y o uw i l lb ea d d i ntg e d h knot. Experiment thebrush with until pattern you has thesurface thegrain areseeking.

"o. 12

Drawing knots in Q r.,l Wrap cloth a around f inger one and dipthefingertip theglaze. gently in Then touch surface make the to Iheknol(righil. Tosmooth the oatterns blend out and them thebackground, thesurinto brush face back forth and witha soft, brush dry following directionthegrain. badgthe of A er softener ideal thisstage the is for of process. thesurface dry, 0nce is apply a it topcoat, polish withrottenstone then wax. andpaste




grain patterns other 1 Simulating paint thena glazing I Spread base of tinted a coat and stain following procedures the described page on 118.Tosimulate grain markings the random characteristic of oak,runa ray parallel marker along surface theboard straight the in lines, of

(above, Toreproduce broad grain pattern left). to theedges the graining typical mahogany, a metal rubber of draw or comb along surface, the creatingseries slightly a of wavy paralbut lel lines(above, right).

r) Blendingthegrain in gently is L Wnletheglaze stillwet, draw a soft, paintbrush, dry such a badger as softener, andforthover surface, back the (right). following direction lhe grain the of This fanoutthegrain will lines give and thesurface more a uniform natural and appearance.



A BLOCK CUSHION GRAINER jig With molding and a silicone rubber, you make block grainer can a cushion For to suityourneeds. thejig,cuta cirwood cular block 1%-inchthick that of willfit onthesandrng ofyour disk electricdrill. Screw block thedisk, the to then install diskin thedrillchuck. the Attach plya commercial stand a %-inch drill to wood base, install drill. then the Clamp thebase a work to surface secure and a just short of scrap 2-by-4 in frontof the block serve a toolrest. notches to as Cut in the2-by-4 clamps. for Toshape wood the block, thedrill lock in the0n position hold tip of a and the small skew chisel against rotating the groove surface, etching %-inch-deep a into wood. thechisel Rest the blade on Ihe2-by-4 keep steady. onthe it to Cut left-hand of theblock prevent side to the frombeing kicked Carve chisel up. a grooves theblock in series concentric of (above,right), their varying widths the and intervals between to suitthegrain them pattern wish desrgn. you to Closely spaced grooves produce hardwood will a look; grooves arespread that farther apart are better simulating for softwoods. grainer, Tomake actual the remove the from sanding andcoat its block the disk grooved withpaste face wax. Then apply layer a 7a-inch-thick of silicone rubber over wax. therubber for the Let cure about24 hours, peel offtheblock then it (below, righil.frim rubber the imprint glue to a rounded of 2-by-2 piece and it with plywood a handle. Remove residany wax ualpaste withnaphtha. The is used same astradiway tool the (page grainers 120),butremember tional it to push along surface a forward the with rockrng motion.


Jig baoe


whenstructural considerf n thepast, I ations ruledout theuseof realmarble,fauxmarbre, false or marble, finishes werecommonly used a substitute as on everything fiom wallsandfloorsto mantelsandfurniture. Real marble a bv-product intense is of natural forces occurwhenlimestone that is melted heatandpressure. undergreat Mineralsrunningthroughthe molten rock cool and crystallize. resultis The layerupon layerof veinscolored white, blackand otherhues, whichtogether form a latticethat is somehow both opaque translucent. and Of themanytechniques replicatfor ing theappearance oimarbleon wood, mostinvolve workingwith two or three paints a wet,glazed colored on surface. Tools manipulating paints for the range from rags newspapers sponges, to to Fine brushes a feather thebestimoleor are ments simulating depth patfor the and ternofthe veins. As a rule of thumb,the colorson a marbled surface should limitedto a be maximumof three, including base the color. choice colors best The of is restricted to the naturalcolors found in marble.The constituent oartsof marble actually flow during the formationof the stone, and it is vital to capture this appearance offluidity.Toproduce reala isticdesign, work with goodreference photographs keep sample thereal or a of thingon hand.


Whiteandgreen ntarbled wood simulates Jluidappearance the and mistydepth realmarble. of


Applying glaze the 1 I For base the coat a white of marble f inish, brush coat white, a of semigloss pa t o i l - b a s e d i n o n y o u r o r k p i e c ea w as b a s e o a t n da l l o wt t o d r y . oe l i m i c a i T nate brush any marks, lightly sand the surface a 320-grit with Tint sandpaper. glaze a small a container white of with amount oneof theartists' of colors that y o u i l lb eu s i n gn t h ef i n i s h . h e n s e w i T u piece a cloth a creased of newspaper or to (righil. coat painted the surface glaze wilh



r) Sketchingthemarble in veins L Wntle surface stillwet.squeeze the is some theartists' of color in used stepI o n t o p a l e t t e . i pa na r t i s t s ' b r u is h o a D nt thecolor usewavy and strokes paint to (above). imitatjon-marble in theglaze veins The veins should aooear wander to randomlyabout surface, the forking andleft. right yo r R o l l i ntg eb r u s h e t w e e n u f i n g e r s h b you producerealiswhile paint also can a you painted allthe tic effect. Once have in glaze soften veins, remove excess the and g t h ev e i n b yp u l l i na s o f t l o t h i a g o n a l l y s c d (ighil.Repealthe process across surface the to paint more in marble veins a second in color. you lf wish layer additional to on veins, reverse order thecolors, mixthem the of or together provide to contrast depth and to thesurface.

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r - , 1 W h i l e h e s u r f a c es s t i l lw e t ,g e n t l y t i d r a wa s o f t ,d r y p a i n tb r u s h s u c ha s a , badger softener, backand forthacross until the surthe veins(right). Conlinue m f a c el o o k s i s t ya n dt r a n s l u c e nO.n c e t i t h e s u r f a c es d r y ,l e t i t s i t f o r a b o u I 2 4 o h o u r s n da p p l y c o a to f s e m i g l o s sr a a po ve . h i g h - g l o s s l y u r e t h a n a r n i s hP o l i s h t h e w o r k p i e cw i t h a s o f tc l o t h . e

the n Smoothins oattern <.


I F o ra g r e e n a r b l ei n i s h s p r e a d m f . a b a s e o a to f g r e e np a i n ta n d t h e na c g l a z e i n t e da l i g h t ec o l o r n y o u rw o r k t r o p i e c e o l l o w i n gh e p r o c e d u ro n p a g e e f t
122 t\'in: hird fp:thpr inin thp olazp
i r i r v ! i ' v b i v 4 v

broad 1 Sketchins veins l -

a n dd r a wi t d i a g o n a l ay r o s t h e s u r f a c e lc s t o p r o d u c e r o a d a r b l e - l i kv e i n s( / e f f ) . b m e S m o o t h n ds o f t e n h e p a t t e r n y b r u s h a t b i n gt h e v e i n s i g h t l y i t ha m a r i n e p o n g e , l w s a b a d g e s o f t e n eo r a s o f tc l o t h .W h i l e r r i a t h e s u r f a c es s t i l l w e t , p r e p a r e n o t h e r t b a t c ho f g l a z ea n dt i n t i t l i g h t e r h a nt h e f i r s tc o a t i n gA p p l ya n df e a t h e t h i s g l a z e r . t h e s a m e a yy o ud i d t h e f i r s to n e ,b u t w t h i st i m e ,m a k e h e v e i n s r o s s v e r h e t c o t o n e s l r e a d iy p l a c e . a n


r) opening thepattern up I lo produce mottled a effect the on paint surface, a clean, dip stiff-bristled brush a container mineral into of spirits. Holding brush fewinches the a above the workpiece, a gloved run f inger along the bristles, moistening veins a f ine the with (right). spray

thepattern Q Completing r-,, Dioa bird feather white in artists' color allow excess driooff and the to to prevent blobbing. use any Then the feather to sketch a series thin tip in of white veins within broad the veins already thesurface. on When the all painted, fineveins have been smooth, h v a r n i sa n dp o l i s t h es u r f a ca s h e described step on page in 3 I24.


Ithoughwoodworking catThedifference betweenrubbed a alogs abound awide with varisatin finishandonethatisbuffed to ety of rubbingcompounds and a gloss depends thegrit of the on fancy polishers, electric purists still abrasive choose. you Rubbing comrelyonthecenturies-old process of pounds, example, for parcontain "rubbing out" a finishwith traditiclesthat leave minutescratches tionalabrasives. Rubbing finishto a on a surface. Coarser-grit coma satin sheen pumice, powwith a pounds produce fairlylarge a patdered form of volcanicrock, ternthatmakes surface the appear imparts softlook suggestive a of dull,or satin. Finer-grit compounds brushed brass leaves wood Thevarnishtopcoat this lgth-Century and the on leave marks areharder see, that to farmsmoothand silky to the touch. house-style tablewasrubbedout with extra creating glossier a look.Virtually Taking process another the yet step wooland buffedwith pastewax. anything abrades beused that can fine steel furtherwith an even finerpowder for rubbing In addition rubout. to called rottenstone removes abrasions the caused bythepumice bingcompounds, finishers on sandpaper, wooland rely steel to addanextrameasure shine-evento glossy of topcoats of nylonabrasive In each pads. case, size the ofthe scratch patvarnish lacquer. or terndictates levelof sheen. the Thenotionof rubbing a meticulously out applied topcoat If rubbingout hasan inherent problem, is the risk of it with abrasive compounds mayhave incongruous to it. an ring rubbing through finish. the Since process the involves grindBut the final coatof finishon a piece furnitureseldom ingsmall of amounts thethinlylayered of topcoat, there always is leaves surface andperfectly the clear smooth. is not unusu- thepossibility cuttingright throughthe coating the It of to al for thetopcoat bespeckled random to with dustanddirt wood. need beespecially You to careful theedges. near With particles settle thefinishbefore dries. addition, some that on it In varnishes, rubbingthrougheven verytop layer the will "signature" some of thetool used apply finishmaybe create blemish. resulting to the a The outline thecutarea, of called visible. Even whenbrushes adroitly are handled, often a "halo"or "witness they linel' is a faintbut visible reminder of leave behind faintbristle marks, a sprayed and surface may justhowthin each layer a finishreally of is. show texture a similar thatof anorange Thefirststep to peel. Whilemostof therubbing process a removal out is of in therubbing process therefore to level surface per- material, laststep is the as the putsa tiny amount back. Waxing a fectly possible. smoother is,thebetter lookand surface as The it the adds ultra-thinlayerof protection an atopthe feelof thetopcoat. Once surface level, canbebuffed rubbed the is it topcoat, imparting little moresheen duraa and to almost sheen. any bility to thefinish.

Fittedwith a lamb's woolbuffingbonnet, random-orbit a sander serves an electric polisher, as rubbingout thefinish and thenbuffingthetopcoat a high-gloss to sheen.

Lubriaant Keepepumtcefrom removinq fintehwhenaLeelwoolor
abraetve pado are ueed Lo rub ouL fintoh;potaearum'

Kubbingoil )peeda up rubbingouL proceee;uoed with eandpaper or pumiceetone to achteve hiqh-qloae ftntoh a

enouqh oleate type re1enLle to be ueedas cleaner

Paste wax Duffed on eurface afLer rubbin7ouL 1;o producea waterregietantand lonl' Iaoting lueLerfiniah; blendedwaxeg are often made wtLh carnauba,a hard, naLuralwax,mtxed wtth parafftnor beeewax Kubbingaompound formulat.' An abraeivepaate epecially and ed for rubbtn4out lacquer,varnteh ehellacfiniahea; applrcdwtth a raq or electric polteher

Pumiceetone Medtumcoaree (2F) and fine (4F) qradee oprinkled aurface on and ueed with felt block;made from qround up lava

Felt.block hardFelt-covered wood blockfar epreadtng ,rubbin4 on co,mP,ouna nn'

tSnea 6urface

Rottenatone on A fine abraeive powdereprinkled to a aurfaceaff,erpumtce achteve hi7hqloeeoheen; uaedwith felt block

Electric polieher Ueedwtth bufftn4 bonnetand rubbing to compound worK on larqeaurfaces

Lamb'a wool buffing bonnet lnetalledon elec' trtc poltoher



Rubbingpada 9uper fine pad ueedaloneor wtth lubrtcant, suchaa rubbin7otl;made from durable poly' eater frber

Steel wool )uper fine or OOOO qrade ueedfor rubbin4ouLa ftnioh



avinggraced yourworkpiece with ff I I a finalcoat finishandwaited of for it to dry,you maybeimpatient move to on to the nextstep. However, beforea topcoat be rubbed can out, it mustfirst dry andset,soasto be hardenough to beworkedoverwith veryfine abrasives. Before rubbingout yourworkpiece, you mustwaitfor thetoDcoat cure-that to is, you must allow it ampletime to become hard asit will set.Without as time to cure, arelikelyio scratch you the finishduringthe rubbingout phase. No two finishes thesame take amount of time to cure.The durationof the process depends several on factors, including typeof finishing product the you use, numberof coats apply, the you and the amountof time that elaoses between subsequent coats. example, For shellac thewater-based and finishes can usually rubbedout after24 hours. be For lacquer, wait is more like 48 the hours, whilevarnish takes threeor four days. finishes require Oil can weeks to cure.The greater numberof coats the on a surface, longer curing the the time. But remember a finishcures that more rapidlyif more time is left for drying behveen coats. Always readthe instructionsbefore apphng a finish; suggested a curingtime will usually indicated. be The typeof sheen end up with you afterrubbingout a finishhinges the on abrasives use. a satingloss, you For use paper, 400-grit thenbuffthesurface. Use 0000 steelwoolin conjunction 400with grit paper a semigloss. even for An finer grit sandpaper, as600,combined such with rubbing compound result a will in high gloss. same The effect alsobe can achieved with a 600-gritpaper and pumice rottenstone. or Startby abrading topcoat a the to mattesheen. you choose wet/dry If a sandpaper, a grit thatis finerthan select the oneused prepare surface to the for thefinalcoatof finish.Thenextsteo to is (page remove parricles dustandsanding 42),Ihen repeat abrading process the severaltimeswith successively finer-grit papers. a dull- or flat-looking For surface, at 400-grit stop paper. Moveup to a higher for a glossier grit finish.


Checking finish the Perform followrng the simple tests to determine whethertopcoat cured. a has T r yt o d i ga f i n g e r n a nlt o h ef r n i s h n ii t o part an inconspicuous of theworkpiece (lefil. should beable leave You not to an indentation. do,thefinish lf you needs a d d i t i o nc u r i n tg m e S m e lils a n o t h e r al i . good indication.youcandetect lf the o d o r f t h es o l v e n tn t h ew o r k p i e c e , o o t h et o p c o ai t n o tr e a d f o r r u b b i n g s y p s o o u t .O n c eh ef i n i s h a s s eb o t h f t these tests, sand hidden lightly. a area lf thepaper clogs, allow more timefor glides thesurlf curing. thepaper over face, turning some thefinish powder, of to thetopcoat fullycured. is


f herearetwo competing schools of J. thoughton thebest wayto rub out a finish.The traditionalapproach to is painstakingly work pumiceand rottenstone overthetopcoated surfaces usinga felt block. A lesshideboundmethod involves useof oneor moremodern the abrasives, asrubbingcompounds, such steelwool or sandpaper, may even and polisher. makeuseof an electric Both methodshave their advantages. Working with pumiceand rottenstone laboriis purist's ous,but wins thewoodworking stampof approval. The modernway is easier and cutsdown on elbowgrease, but someargue it involves craft. that less Both methods demonstrated the are on pages follow that Whichever routeyou take,keepin mind that thefinerthe abrasive use, you you the glossier sheen will produce. the The photo above you showsonesheen can achieve usingeitherrubbing out technique. lustercanbe enhanced Any by buffing the finish with wax. But do not rely solelyon the wax to heighten the gloss; will not turn a satinfinish it into a semigloss, example. for Instead, the wax will only intensify what is already there.Althoughall the surfaces of a workpiecewill haveto be rubbed out, pay particularattentionto tops, since theyarethe mostvisiblefeatures of mostfurniture. If you choose go the traditional to route,you will needto usea lubricant with thepumiceandrottenstone. Water and oils,like paraffinand mineraloil, arethemostcommonly lubricants. used Working with waterofferstwo advanIt tages: cutspumicemorerapidlythan oil, speeding the process, it also up and doesnot leave oily residue. any Avoid

water shellac, however;will it using on turn thefinishwhite.Paraffin the oil. rubbing lubricant, a is traditional out better choice shellac for topcoats.

Rubbing withfine steel out wool and 400-gritsandpaper addeda semigloss sheen thewoodsample to at right. Tocreate glossier a look, even abrasives wouldbeused. finer


for Strokes suitable a flatsurface parallel thewood For tabletops other surfaces, every and flat keep stroke to grain, shown thediagram right. as in at Start near corner move a a and in pressure straight along edge, line the rubbing surface moderate with the f r o m n ee n dt o t h eo t h e rA l t e r n a td i r e c t i o n si t he a c h u b s e q u e n t o e . w s stroke untilyoureach other the edge. Keep abrasive the moving; fricthe from tionresulting rubbingsingle toolong a spot may leave finish the slightly Avoid burned. making arc-like strokes, which aptto make scratches are any onthesurface visible. more




Rubbing a contoured out surface Forrounded surfaces areawkward that pad, to work witha rigidabrasive usea pad shop-made rubbing thatwillfollow thecurves your of workpiece.youare lf working pumice, with sprinkleonthe it surface a short, with stiff-bristled brush. Then wrap sheet sandpaper a of around a thick sponge small enough comfortto gripin your ably hand. Clasp paper the around sponge youruboutthefinthe as (right). ishon the surface Withsome you types finishes, canalso steel of use nad wool a commercial or rubhins


the 1 Applying lubricant I Dipthetipsof your fingers a bowl in ofthelubricant sprinkle and several drops on thesurface be rubbed (lefil. to out gloves youareusing Wear rubber if oil a sa l u b r i c a n t .



r) Abrading surface the L Snat<e a littleoumice thesuronto face, lightly abrading surthe thenbegin (/eft). Follow the face witha felt block p a t t e rs h o w n n p a g e 3 0 .l f y o ud o n 1 o a o n o th a v e f e l tb l o c kw r a p p i e c e f a , Continue burlao around scrao wood. a of e r u b b i ntg es u r f a cu n t i la m i x t u ro f h e forms. Use therottenstone lubricant and to area of a softcloth wioeoff a small t li tt t h es u r f a cp e r i o d i c a lo yn s p e ch e e finish. want make You to certain you that arenotrubbing through topcoat. the


/ ).

and thepumice lubricant Q Removing r-,1Wioe theabrasive lubricant off and witha clean clolh(right). Check surthe h f a c e h e e n ; ef i n i s h h o u l d a v e s th s a s a t i n u s t e r . o u a ne i t h es t o p h e l Y c r t p r o c e sa t t h i sp o i n t r r e p e aitt t o s o sheen. obtain slossier a



U s i n g ne l e c t r i p o l i s h e r a c F i t a b u f f i n g o n n eo n t h e m a c h i n e ' s b t p o l i s h i n d i s ka n d s p r e a d w o o dr u b g a b i n gc o m p o u n o n t h e b o n n e tS t a r tt h e d . p o l i s h en e a rt h e c e n t e r f t h e s u r f a c e r o a n dw o r ko u t t o w a r d h e e d g e sm o v i n g t , (left).Electric the bonnet continuously p o l i s h e rw o r kq u i c k l y s o s t o pt h e t o o l s , oftenandwipeoff a smallareaof the surf a c ew i t h a c l o t ht o c h e c kt h e c o n d i t i o n o f t h e t o p c o a tO n c et h e s u r f a c ea k e s . t y o n a s a t i nl o o k , o uc a ne i t h e r t o pt h e s p r o c e so r c o n t i n u e i t h a f i n e r - g r irtu b s w o b i n gc o m p o u nfd r a g l o s s i elru s t e r .

- ,l \'1

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Keeping bufling a bonnel grit-free TarLicles dust or qril of on a buffinq bonnef, can Lhe ruina Nopcoaf, durinq rubbinq proceee. To oul maKe eureyour ,onnet 6tayo clean,never seLil down poLenLially on duety surfaces. InsNed, resl a i l o n a c l e a np l a o N ib a q . c
jobo, otore Sef,ween finiohinq t h e b o n n e t ,n a s e a l a b l e i
nlaalir han















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Using rubbing compounds Scoop a little up rubbing compound with a clean cloth andrubit along wood the (righil youwould pumice. surface as Once y o uh a v e b r a d etd ee n t i r e u r f a c e , a h s wioe comoound thesurface the with off For repeat another cloth. a glossier sheen, with the process a f iner-grit compound. gloss Toobtain softer a thanis possible w i t hr u b b i nc o m p o u ns o m ei n i s h e r s g d, f r u bo u tt h ef i n i s h i t ha l u b r i c a a n d w nt s u p efri n es t e ew o o o r a c o m m e r c i a l l l r u b b i np a d . g


FINISH Lacquer

CLEANING TIPS Wipe using clean cloth dampened light with detergent, potassium oleate naphtha; or avoid using thinners Wipe using clean cloth dampened naphtha; with Avoid using water; willturn it shellac white light Wipe using detergent, potassium oleate naphtha; or avoid using methyl hydrate naphtha polymerized Use on oilfinishes; soap use and water pure surfaces on oil

REPAIR TIPS Repair cracks lacquer (page orshop-made with slick 45) lacquer putty letting small by a amount lacquer to a honey-like of dry consistency. For white spots, carefully outthedamage a putty dig with knife apply and portion lacquer thinner thewhite until turns clear; apply then lacquer stick putty, dryandsand or let lightly. Lightly sand away scratches. Repair discolored bypadding surface shellac in areas the with as (page polishing French 106). Repair small cracks gouges lacquer with or stick(page 45).




Sand away scratches, recoat oil.Recoat then with discoloreddullareas. or




Applying wax the 1 I A c o a t i n o f w a x i l lp r o t e c t g w a rubbed-out topcoat damage, from but s e l e ca p r o d u c t i t ha c o n s i s t e n c y t w thatisslightly thicker a liquid than or cream wax. Scoop bit of thewax a onto a clean cloth, then spreadthin,even a coat thesurface, on rubbing wax the into onesmall area a Iime(right). youtry at lf to work too large surface aI a on a area time, solvent thewax the in may evapoyou ratebefore canrubit over surface, the prematurecausing wax harden the to l y . L e tt h ew a xd r ya c c o r d i n o t h e tg m a n u f a c t u r en's t r u c t r o n y p i c ay ir s t s, l l abou15 minutes. t

r) Buffing wax the L A u O i t ha c l e a n l o t h n t i lt h e w c u waxed surface shines. contours For or surfaces details, shown left, with as at buffthewaxwitha stiff-bristled brush, giving wood the short, brisk strokes.


project not quitefinis ,\ finishing A ished untilyouclean putaway and and yourbrushes, thesolvents, disstore pose anyoilyrags. of Whilefoambrushesareusually discarded aftera single use, brushes padapplicators and bristle canbe cleaned and reused. With the propercare, high-quality a brushcan provide manyyears service. of Butgoodcleanup habits willdo more than protect your investment; are they key also elements shopsafety enviof and ronmental responsibility. keep To finishingproducts of thereach children, out of store containers a locked in metalcabinet.Avoidthrowing wet,oily rags out with thetrash; increases riskthat this the theywill catch Fortemporary fire. storage, darnpen ragsand place the them in a rnetal This sealed container. will isolate thern from anv sparksor flamesand quicklystarve spontaneous of any fire needed oxygen. safest to dispose The way of oily rags to firstspread is themout to dry out ofdoors. finishing products sealed, in Store properly labeled containers. Avoidusing bottlesor jarsthat normallycontain food or liquids;a visitorto your shop productfor couldmistake chemical a something drinkable. Always storestains and finishes at roomtemperature; proda water-based uct will be ruinedif allowed freeze. to Reactive finishes astungoilor varsuch nish,which eventually hardenwhen in exposed air,should stored airless to be containers. Rather thankeeping small a volume a reactive finishin a large of container. transfer oroductto a smaller the one, exposing liquidto less A betthe air. ter solution to buyfinishing is products in smaller cuantities to store or themin (page collapsible plastic containers 87). Do not flushany finishingproduct findownthedrain.Even water-based a ish canpose problems coagulating by in drain pipesand backing your up plumbing system. dispose small To of quantities a productlet it sit in an of uncovered container outside until the solvent evaporates. larger For volumes, consultthe waste disposal service in your community.

CLEANING STORAGE AND TIPS o Avoid standingbrush itsbristles; a on thismay bend thempermanently and r u i n h eb r u s h . t . Break a newbrush suspending in by it upto theferrule a solvent is comin that p a t i b lw i t h h ef i n i s h o u i l la p p l y . e t y w Soak bristles about minutes, the for 10 thenclean brush detergent the with and warm water. o Afterbreaking a newbrush in or c l e a n i n gu s e d n e w r a pt i n p a p e r i a o , for storage. . Salvagehardened bysoaking a brush thebristles overnighta mixture 2 in of parts xylene, partacetone 1 part 1 and denatured alcohol. a brush Use comb to remove fragments hardened f inish of from bristles. the
o To dispose a water-based of finish, pouror brushit ontoscraps cardboard; of let it dryand discard cardboard. the . Instead discarding container of a of recycle Let the it. usedmineral spirits, solvent in a coolspotfor a weekor sit two,then decant spirits the that have risento the top in a cleancontainer and dispose the residue. of


Aruahaomb A metal combfor cleanin4 eolidftntEh reaidueefrom brueh

Bruah bucket and lid An airtiqht 6tora0e conLatnerfor ouopending bruehesin a eolvent; featurea plaettc cltpe that hold bruaheewith the brietleaabovetha bottom ofthe contatner

Eruah apinner UaescenLrtfu1al force to epin eolventfrom brueh briatlea:one end ofthe devtceholdathe bruah whilethe pump-like handleat the other end createe the epinning action



in Soaking brushes solvent (page There nopoint is cleaning brush a n 13B) youplan useit thefollowing to in day. Instead, suspend brush the the prodappropriate forthef inishing solvent uctyouareusing: varnish,mixture for a of turpentine varnish; shellac, and for alcohol; lacquer, for lacquer denatured k t h i n n e f o ra s t a i na " b r u s h e e p e r " r; , raw solution 2 parts linseed andI of oil (For part finishing turpentine. oil-based just products, wrap brush plastic in the wrap.) When soakingbrush, a submerge o n l y h eb r i s t l e a , dn o tt h ef e r r u l e , t sn making they suspended sure are above thebottom thecontainer. the of Keep b r u s hn a c o m m e r c ib rlu s h u c k e t i a b (page 136),or hang froma nailin a it shop-made (above). rack

lllltlll llllilllillt lliltllj lltJ rlll llilulJ ilii llll llll llll llll ,lr lt]j
?unahing drip holee lNLakesverylif,Lle time for the rim of a can of finishto fill uo with liauid.Theresult, ofLena' meoty is the lid and when dripVing a oVlaoh ie IappeAcloeeA, keep To a conlainerfrom over' flowinq rim,punch its a seriee holee of around wiLh iXecircumference a l n a i l . T h iw i l l l l o w i q u i d e a Lhe Nofall Nhrouqh holee backinNo conNainer. Ihe



the in 1 Rinsins brush solvent I Submerse brush's the bristles the in prodappropriate solvent thefinishing for (page Swirl brush the uctused 16). the in pressing bristles solvent, the against the sides thecontainer. thesolvent of Work through bristles your the with hands until (left).fo thebrush clean is remove allthe residue thebrush, from wash bristles the in a solution milddetergent warm of and water, pulla brush then comb through (below). themasmany times necessary as


r) Spinning brush the dry L to rida brush solvent, of shake by rt hand use brush or a spinner. both In case s ,h o l d h eb r u s hn s i da 5 - g a l l o n n t i e ca to catch solvent it sprays the the as from
hrictloc Tn rrcp a sninnpr
J P " " ' u l

insprt tho hrrrch

h a n d l e n t ot h e d e v i c e n d ,h o l d i n gh e i a t b r u s hn t h ec a n ,p u m p h e h a n d l t o s e t i e t ( . i t s p i n n i n g/ e f f )C o n t i n uu n t i l t h e r es e i n o l o n g ea n ys o l v e nftl y i n g f f t h e b r u s h . r o

Wrapping bristles the A well-cleaned canbestored iindef brush nitely. Wrap bristles times thick, the in a few paper. plastic absorbent Avoid using wrap, which keep bristles drying will the from properly may and leave themlimp. The paper should cover bristles the completely, extending beyond tipsandover ferthe the rule. a rubber Use band hold wrapto the perin place, grips making theelastic sure (rrehil. theferrule rather thebristles than Hang brush to dry the up

powder,or Abrasive Eithera coarse a pieceof paperor fabric coated with grit particles usedto smoothwood in preparationfor finishing or to includessandpaabrade finish coats; per,abrasive pads,steelwool, pumice and rottenstone. Aniline dye:A lightfast,permanent synthetic derivedfrom coaltars; dye solublein water,alcoholor oil. Artists' colors: Rich, coloredpigmentsmixed in linseedoil: usedto tint paintsand stains. Basecoat:An undercoat glaze of or paint appliedasthe first stepin many decorative finishingtechniques. Bleach: liquid that chemically A alters wood; usedto lightenthe color. Bleeding:The tendency a stainor of grain filler to seep through to the topcoat.Bestavoided applyinga wash by coaton the stainor filler. Brazilwood:A natural dyestuffextracted from the SouthAmericanredwood tree;usedin chemical staining ofwood. Bristlebrush:A paintbrush with bristlesmadefrom the hair of animals, suchasox,badger, boar or sable. Bronzepowder:Metallic,powdered pigmentusedin stenciling for othor er decorative finishes, suchasgilding. Burnisher: A rodJike tool usedto sharpenscrapers. C Catalytic finish: A two-part finish comprisingresinsand chemical cataIysts; resinsreactwith the catalysts the to oxidizeand hardenthe finish. Crazing:The tendenryof a finish to fractureerraticallyasit dries;results from solventincompatibility. Curing: The process bywhich a finish hardens completely, leavingit ready for rubbing out. Curing time varies according the type of finish and the to numberof coats. Cut The numberof poundsof shellac flakes dissolved eaih gallonofdenain tured alcohol.A 3-pound-cutshellac, for example, contains3 poundsof for shellac everygallonofalcohol. finishingtechGraining:A decorative grain pattern niquein which a specific is replicated a prepared on surface.

Heartwood:Wood from the centerof a log; generally darkerthan sapwood. IfVLP: Abbreviationof high-volume, low-pressure; finishing,a system in for spraying that uses largevolumes of air at low pressure turn a liquid to into a fine mist. fapan color: Highly refinedcolored pigments; to used tint stains or protective finishes suchasIacquer or shellac. Lacquer:A tough,clearsynthetic finish usuallyderivedfrom nitrocellulose; driesquicklyto a flat or glossy finish. Lightfast Describes stainor dye a that doesnot readilyfadeafterproIongedexposure light. to Long-oil varnish:Varnishcontaining 100poundsofresinfor each to 100 40 gallonsof oil, resultingin a product that driesslowlyto a durableand elastic finish. See short-oilvarnish. M-N-O MSDS:Abbreviationof manufacturer'ssafety datasheet; inforthe mation describes flammabiliry the volatility and healthhazards ofa finishin! product. Marbling: A decorative finishing techniqueusedto imitatethe appearance of marble. Mineral spirits: A petroleum-based solventcommonlyusedfor thinning variousfinishes for cleaning and applicationtools. Mordant A chemical substance that changes color ofwood; often used the in conjunctionwith naturaldyes.

Distressing: finishingtechnique A that involves addingscratches, dents and otherblemishes the wood or to topcoatto simulate well-worn the look of an antique. Driers: Chemicals addedto a finishingproductto speed the up drying time. Dryingoil One of a group of organic oils that hardenwhen exposed to the air;tung oil andboiledlinseed oil areexamples. Dyestuff:A naturalcoloringagent extracted from plantsor animalsand usedasa base dyestains. for F-G Fisheye: The tendency a finish to of when showsmallcirculardepressions contaminated siliconeor wix. by Flat finish: A finish with no sheen: flatteningagents, onethat contains which reduce light reflection. Frenchpolishing: A traditional finish typicallybuilt up with many layers ofshellacto producea deep, lustroussheen. Gelstain:A blendof pigmentsand dyesin a gelthat becomes liquid whenstirred. Glazs A heavy-bodied stainusedin finishes decorative suchasgraining and marbling. Glossyfinish: A finish with a reflective,shinysurface.


NGR stain:Abbreviationof nongrain-raising stain;NGR stainsare madefrom anilinedyesin a waterless solutionof methanoland oetroleum products; theyaredesigned avoid to raisingthe grain of wood. OrangepeehThe tendency topofa coatto takeon the textureofan orangepeelwhen the finish is sprayed poorly or at the wrong viscosity. Overspray:Dried finish particles that adhere the surface, finish spray to or that misses workpiece the and is dispersed into the air. P-Q Padding:A technique wiping on for a finish with a cloth pad. Photochemicallyreactive: Describes a finishingproductthat breaks down in its chemical structurewhen exposed light. to Pickledfinish: An antiquefinish consistingof a light-coloredglaze wiped overa basecoat. Pigment Finelyground,coloredparticlesof earthor metallicoxides suspendedin a liquid to create stainor a a tint for protective finishes. Polymerized tung oil Tirng oil that hasbeentreated with heatto accelerateits drying time. PolyurethaneA synthetic, durable, oil-modified urethane varnishthat is resistant abrasion; to available lusin tersrangingfrom flat to glossy. Pumice A volcanicrock that is ground to a powderyconsistency useas for an abrasive. R Raymarker:A tool usedto produce grain patternstypicalofoak. Reactive finish: A finish that hardens when exposed the air; tung oil, varto nish and polnrrethaneareexamples.

Rottenstone: fine abrasive A made from pulverized limestone usedto rub out finishes a high gloss; to texture is finer than that of pumice. Rubbingoil A light oil usedasa lubricantwhen rubbingout finishes. Rubbingout The process ofabrading a topcoatto levelthe surface add and sheen the finish. to

Stain:A finishingproductusedto color wood; may containdyes, pigmentsor chemicals. Thckcloth: A cloth dampened with an oil-and-varnish mixtureor with water;usedto removesanding particlesfrom wood surfaces. Tlrnnicacid:A naturallyoccurring acidfound in wood; changes color when exposed certainchemicals. to Thinner: A solventusedto reduce the consistenry a finish. of Topcoat The final finishingproduct appliedto the workpiece. Tungoil A water-resistant drying oil derivedfrom the seeds the Chinese of tung tree;available pure,modified in and polymerized forms.Also known asChinawood oil. Universalcolor: Concentrated pigmentsusedto tint protective finishes, suchasvarnishor lacquer.

Sandingsealer: preliminarycoat A for a lacquerfinish. Sapstreak Pockets pitch in wood of that tend to bleedinto a finish unless first sealed. Sapwood: The live wood nearthe outsideof a log; generally lighter in color than the interior.See heartwood. Satinfinish: A finish of intermediatesheen; asdull asa flat finish, not nor asshinyor reflective a highas gloss sheen. ShellacA clearfinish derivedfrom the naturalsecretions the lacbeetle; of soldreadyto useor in flakes, which arethen mixedwith denatured alcohol. Short-oil varnish:Varnishcontaining 100poundsofresinfor each to 12 5 gallonsof oil, resultingin a product that driesto a hard,glossy finish. See long-oilvarnish. Smoothingplane:For shaving wood surfaces smoothand level;longerthan jack the average plane. Solvent-release finish: A finish that forms a solid film afterthe solvent hasevaporated; shellac lacquer and areexamples. Solvent A liquid usedto dissolve anothersubstance; examples are turpentine,mineralspirits,toluene, acetone water. and

Varnish:A clearfinish madewith synthetic that excels resisting oils at waterand alchohol. VOC rating: Indicates amount of the hazardous organicsolvents a finish; in providedin percent, gramsper liter or poundsper gallon. Washcoat A coatof diluted finishing materialfor sealing wood pores. Water-based finish: A product in which the solventis primarily water. Wipingstain: A non-fadingstain containingpigmentssuspended oil. in Wood filler: A putty productusedfor repairingsurface damage wood, or in a pasteusedfor filling opengrain.


Page references iralicsindicate in an illustration of subiectmatter. Page references bold indicate in project. a Build It Yourself

Dents: Repair,44 Dollies,98 Dovetailioints: Using old scraper bladesto cut halfblind dovetails(ShopTip),34 Drfrng oils,87, 134 Preventing reactivefinishesfrom dryingout (ShopTip),87 Dyes,5t 59,60-63,70 Natural dyes,69,76-79 See a/soStains

Insurance: rooms,103 Spray 65, lapancolors, 66-67,70 .,lgs: Blockcushiongrainers, l2l Supportsfor drying (ShopTip), 74 Turntablesfor spraying,100 (ShopTip), 33 Variable burnishers

Abrasives, 37, 128 35, Abrasivecord,40 Making a sandpaper cutting board (ShopTip), 37 Rottenstone, 127,130,131-132 tape(ShopTip), 40 Shop-made abrasive alsoPumice See Ammonia,80-81 Antiqueeffectfinishes, 55 Pickling, T5

Lacquers, 90,134 Liming,75 Linseed 9, 87 oil, Marbling, 110, 122-125 Tools,l12 McGoldrick,Pari,6-7 Metric measures: Conversion,backendpaper Mordants, T6-79 Moser,Thomas, 8-9 Natural dyes,76-79 NGR stains, 6l 60,

Ebonizing,55 A chemicalstain for ebonizing (ShopTip), 79 File clamps,3-l painting; Finishes. Decorative See Polishing;Protective finishes; Stains Fire: Extinguishers, 17 12, precautions, 17 Safety 12, rooms,103 Spray polishing,106French 109 Making a pumice dispenser (ShopTip), 107 Fuming,80-81

23, Belt sanders, 35 Blades. Cabinetscrapers; Hand See scrapers; Planes Bleaching, 57-58 BIockpIanes, 29 22, Bronzepowderstenciling, 113, 117 Broue de noix. 69 Brushes, ont endpaper, 83 fr A foambrush (ShopTip),92 Buffing, 126,128,135 Keepinga buffing bonnet grit-free (Shop Tip), 133 Build It Yourself: Graining l2l block cushiongrainers, Protectivefinishes sprayroom dollies,98 turntablesfor spraying,100 preparation Surface contouredsandingblock, 39 Burn-in kits,43,46

Paddinglacquers, I06 Palm sanders, 35 23, Paste wood filler. See Grain filler Patchingcompounds,43,45-46 Filling a damaged corner (ShopTip), ae Using a gluegun to apply shellac stick(ShopTip), a6 Pickling,75 Pigment stains, 59,64-67,70 55, See alsoStains Planes, 20,2I,22,24 Adjustment, 27-28 24,25-27 Sharpening, Planing, 21,28-29 Polishing: Waxing, 127,135 See alsoBuffing; Rubbingout Polyurethanes, 88 Porefiller. See Grain filler Powertools. See Sanders; Sprayers Productlabels, l8 Protectiveclothing, 12 Protective finishes, 86,87-90 83, Application techniques, 86 83, brushing,83, 92 flooding, 83 Frenchpolishing,106109 padding,9l spraying,82, 83,97- 101,I0O sprayingproblems,104-105 wiping,83, 9l Cwing, 129

Gelstains, 66-67,70 65, Glazingstains,65, 66-67, 70 Grain: Raising,21, 50 Grainfiller, 21, 51-53 Coloring grain filler (ShopTip), 50 Lighteningwood with grain filler (ShopTip), 58 Graining,lll, 118-120 Tools,112,l2l

Cabinetscrapers, 30,34 22, Sharpening, 30-32 usinga file clamp(ShopTip), 3l usinga variableburnisher (ShopTip), 33 Using old scraper bladesto cut half(ShopTip), blind dovetails 34 Chemicals: Ammonia.80-81 BIeach. 57-58 Mordants, T6-79 Spills,l6 See alsoSolvents: Stains Chinawood oi1,86,87 Cleaning techniques,36-I 39 1 Chemicalspills, 16 Finished surfaces, 134 Decorativepainting, I I I Tools.l.l2 See alsoGraining;Marbling; Stenciling

Half-blind dovetailioints: Using old scrapeibladesto cut halfblind dovetails(ShopTip),34 Hand scrapers, 21,22,j0, jj Sharpening,j0-j2 usinga file clamp (ShopTip), 3l usinga variableburnisher (ShopTip), 33 Using old scraper bladesto cut halfblind dovetails(ShopTip),34 High-volume,low-pressure spray systems, 94 93, Holes: Filling filling a damaged corner (ShopTip), 49 Patching,4T-49 HVLP spraysystems, 94 93,


Tools.85 a foambrush (ShopTip),92 sprayers, 85,93-96, 84, 101 viscosity cttps,89,96 Tlpes {rfrng oils,87,134 lacquers, 90,134 polyurethanes, 88 shellacs, 10G109, 89, 134 varnishes, 88, 134 83, See alsoBuffing; Rubbing out; Waxing Pumice, 130,131-132 Frenchpolishing,107-108 Making a pumice dispenser (Shop Tip), l0Z

Raising grain,2l, 50 the Random-orbit sanders. 38 Reactive finishes.87 Preventingreactivefinishesfrom dryingout (ShopTip), 87 Repairs: Finished surfaces. 134 Surface epar ation, 43-49 pr gluingan edge splinterback (Shop Tip), aa Respirators, 12,14-15 Storingrespiratorcartridges (ShopTip), .15 Rottenstone, 130,I 31-132 127, Rubbingcompounds, J33 Rubbingofi, 126-133 Tools,128

precautions, Safety 12-13 Bleach. 57 Dual-cartridgerespirators, 1412, 15 storing respiratorcartridges (ShopTip), 15 Fire,12,17,103 Mordants,77 Protectiveclothing, I2 Spraybooths, .13, 84 Spray rooms, 102103 Sanders, 23,35,38 Buffingbonnets,126,128,133 keepinga bufEng bonnet grit-free (ShopTip), 133 See Abrasives also Sanding, 35-36 Curvedsurfaces, 40 3& Finding flaws (ShopTifl, al Removingdust particles,42 making a tack cloth (ShopTip), 42 Tight spots, 4l See alsoSanders

Sanding blocks: Contouredsandingblocks,39 Curvedsurfaces, 38 Shop-made sanding blocks (ShopTip), 36 Sandpaper. Abrasives See Savoy, Prew,l0-lJ Scrapers. Cabinetscrapers; See Hand scrapers Scraping,33-34 Scratches: Repair,134 Shellacs, 89,134 Frenchpolishing, 106109 making a pumice dispenser (ShopTip), l0Z Shellacsticks, 45-46 43, usinga gluegun to apply shellac stick(ShopTip),46 ShopTips: Decorative finishes, 114,115 Protective finishes, 87,92,107 Rubbingout, 133 Safety,l5 Staining,58,69, 71,73, 24,79 Surface preparation grain filler, 50 repairs, 44,46,49 sanding,36,37, 40,41, 42 scraping, 31,33, 34 Smoke detectors. 17 Solvents: Productlabels. 18 Protectivefinishes, 103 86, Safety precautions,12-19,84,102103 Toxicity, 19,86,103 Wastedisposal, 13,16 12, Sprayers, 85,93-96 84, Cleaning,10.1 Viscositycups,89,96 Spraying, 97,99, 101 Dollies,98 Problems, 104-105 Spraybooths, 13,84 Spray rooms,102103 Turntables,100 Staining, 54,55,71-74 Controlling the flow of stain (ShopTip), 7l End grain, 69 Gettingstaininto tight spots (ShopTip), 73 Pickling,75 Supports drying(ShopTip), 24 for Tools.56 Seealso Bleaching; Fuming Stains: ChemicaI,T6-79 a chemicalstainfor ebonizins (ShopTip), 79 Dyes, 59,60-63,70 5t naturaldyes,69,76-79

Pigment stains, 59,64-67,70 55, Preparation, 68 preparinga naturalwalnut stain (ShopTip), 6e See alsoStaining Stenciling, 11, 1I 3-I 16 1 (ShopTip), l15 A curefor bleeding Bronze powder,113, 117 Patterns,backendpaper, 13- 14 I 1 projecting pattern(Shop a Tip), 114 Tools,I 12 preparation,2 I Surface Repairs,43-49 filling a damaged corner (ShopTip), 49 gluing an edgesplinter back (ShopTip), 44 See alsoPlaning;Sanding;Scraping

Tack cloths: making a tack cloth (ShopTip), 42 Tools: Decorative painting, 1I 2 Protective finishes,84-85, 92 Rubbing out, 128 Spraybooths, 13,84 Spray rooms,102103 Staining,56 Storage, 136,137,139 pr Surface eparation,22-23 Variableburnishers,33 See alsoAbrasives; Brushes; Cabinet scrapers; Hand scrapers; Planes; Sanders; Sanding blocks; Sprayers Tung oil, 86,87 U.S.measures: Conversion,backendpaper Vaporpressure, 18 Variableburnishers,33 Varnishes, 83,88,134 VOC (Volatile OrganicCompound) rating,18 Walnut oil, 87 Walnut stains: preparinga natural walnut stain (ShopTip), 6e Wash oats,2l,5l,53 c Wastedisnosal: Solvenis, 12,13, 16 Waxing,I27, 135 Wax sticks,43 Wiping stains, 64-65 70 Wood: Color,55 Grain.5l Wood filler,43,45 Fillinga damaged corner(ShopTip), 49



Theeditors wishto thank thefollowing SAFETY BoothProducts Co.,Barrie,Ont; DeVilbiss Spray Chris A. Minick. Stillwater,MN PREPARING THE SURFACE IL; Tool Cos., Adjustable ClampCo.,Chicago, American PowerTools,Hunt Valley,MD; Lincoln,NE; Blackand Decker/Elu Delta InternationalMachinery/Porter Cable,Guelph,Ont.; Ltd.,Norcross, GA; Hitachi PowerToolsU.S.A. ToolsInc, Pickering, Ont.; Lee ValleyToolsLtd., Ottawa,Ont.; Record Works, New Britain, CT; Stanley Tools,Division of the Stanley 3M Canada, Dorval,Que.;VeritasToolsInc.,Ottawa, NY Ont./Ogdensburg, CHANGING THE COLOR B.Kemp,H. BehlenCo., IL; Adjustable Clamp Co.,Chicago, Jonathan Shoppe, York, PA; Amsterdam, N.Y.;OldeMill Cabinet MN TechCorp.,Minneapolis, WagnerSpray DECORATIVE FINISHES IL; Inc.,Chicago, Equipment Manufacturing Company, Advanced LeeValleyTools Ltd., Ottawa,Ont. PROTECTIVEFINISHES Barrie,Ont.; IndustrialCoatingEquipment, DeVilbiss Ransburg DeVilbiss Spray BoothProducts Co.,Barrie,Ont.; NJ; The Hydrocote Inc.,EastBrunswick, Co. MN WagnerSpray TechCorp.,Minneapolis, FINISHINGTOUCHES Delta InternationalMachinery/Porter Cable,Guelph,Ont.; Inc., N.Y.;3M Canada H. Behlen Co.,Amsterdam Dorval, Que. CLEANINGAND STORAGE LeeValleyTools Ltd., Ottawa,Ont. Chris A. Minick, Stillwater,MN in Thefollowingpersons assisted thepreparation also of this book: Dor6, Elizabeth DonnaCurtis,Lorraine Cameron, Kent J. Farrell,Kam Ghaffari,Michel Gigudre, Maryo Proulx Serge Guibord,BrianParsons,

Cover PaulMcCarthy/Au Puitsde Lumidre 6,7 RonaldMaisonneuve Huang 8,9 Grace 10,11 Gittler Ian


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CONVERSION FACTOR 0.454 28.350 3.785 3.785 3.785 0.946 0.946 0.473 0.236 29.573

METRIC MEASURE Kilogram Gram Liter Liter Liter Liter Liter Liter Liter Milliliter

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