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January Family Faith Packet

Topic: MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN MEMORY VERSES: The Memory Verses are a means of reinforcing the topic of the month by memorizing a verse from the Bible that speaks to the topic of the month. Encourage your kids to return to the next Family Faith Session knowing their memory verses and they will receive a little treat (non-food) from their Catechist. The CD included in the first month has both the memory verses for the year and the Books of the Bible to help with memorization. Good Idea: Try posting the Memory Verses somewhere where the kids will see it often for example on the refrigerator

Hey Dad! Dont forget to read the Hey Dad section on the Opening Page (lower left margin) of each weeks topic, which calls out to Dad to play a special part each week!! Good Idea: Start each Family Faith Session off by lighting a candle and saying a family prayer. This helps everyone center themselves and quiet down.

Week 1: January 13th Sanctity of Life (Green) Topic: The Sanctity of Life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death. Read the opening page, which will give you some background on the Catholic Churchs stand on Life issues. Please remember that all of us are worthy of mercy and forgiveness no matter the gravity of our offense and that there are ministries to help lead us back to Jesus no matter how dismal things may seem. It is not ours to judge each other we need only to LOVE each other through the most difficult of circumstances leave the judging to God who knows all of the circumstances that surround every decision and action. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a wonderful resource to help us better understand the Catholic Churchs teachings. PARENTS: BE SURE TO PREVIEW THE YELLOW PAGES THESE DISCUSS WHAT ABORTION IS WHY PEOPLE TURN TO ABORTION AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCHS STAND ON ABORTION. THIS INFORMATION IS FOR YOU TO PRESENT TO YOUR OLDER CHILDREN, AS SEEN FIT BY YOU. 1. Check your supply box. This week you will need: Crayons, markers, colored pencils, safety pin, Contact Paper (optional)

Sanctity =

2. 3.




1. holiness, saintliness, or godliness. 2. sacred or hallowed character: the inviolable sanctity of the temple. 3. a sacred thing. Sanctity of Life a. God knew us before we were Born Life Begins, An Amazing Adventure a. Walks through the development of a baby inside his/her mommys womb. b. Model of a baby at 10-12 wks inside his/her mommy. Two gifts from God a. Gift of our physical body i. Point out specific attributes of each of your kids b. Gift of our Soul i. Our soul animates our body ii. Gives us the ability to think, feel, make choices c. Remember Soul Man? i. Without a soul, our physical body dies. ii. Soul and body will be reunited at the end of time. We are all different and unique. a. We are all important to God b. We are ALL made in God image FOR OLDER SAINTS PRESENT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE YELLOW PAGES REGARDING UNDERSTANDING ABORTION.

Activities: Color the Jeremiah 1:5 poster. Pray together as a family for the safety and protection of all unborn babies.

Week 2: January 20th (Color: PINK) Topic: What Makes A Family? Focus: Each family member has responsibilities and duties that have been ordained by God. 1. Read the opening page, which tells us the importance of the family unit. 2. What makes a family? A. Families in Nature i. Cuckoo Bird ii. Praying Mantis iii. Tortoise B. Human Families i. Stays together for many years ii. Human parents are capable of LOVING their babies iii. A family grows from a Marriage 1. We promise to accept children lovingly from God and raise them in the faith 2. Grace received from the sacrament helps us to love unselfishly, raise our children, iv. Each of us has a family that has been chosen for us 1. God has chosen our families 2. God loves each and every family no matter the make up C. Family Unity Responsibility i. We are designed to live in community ii. God is a community of 3 persons Trinity Activity: Make a paper chain for your family - Have each child color a doll to represent themselves (and older/younger siblings who arent able to). Color in the mom and dad attach them all together. iii. Each person in a family is link in the chain. 1. Starts with Mom & Dad iv. Mom & Dad welcomed each child into the family through the blessing of giving birth to him/her or through the blessing of adoption v. Mom & Dad were given the job to raise their child/ren to know Jesus vi. Kids job in the family 1. Fourth Commandment a. Honor and obey our parents b. Thankfulness c. Helpful d. We obey because we love our parents and we love God vii. Living in a family helps us become more holy 1. Patience 2. Sacrificing for others

3. Living with others viii. Morning Offering 1. A great way to remember to offer our day to the Lord. 2. Post in a visible spot so everyone in the family remembers to offer their day to the Lord. ix. Add the Trinity Paper Doll to your chain Fasten all together into a Circle A circle of love D. Domestic Church i. Our family is like a little Church 1. Proclaim the Faith 2. Community of Grace 3. Human virtue and Charity is supported Activity : Fill in the Domestic Church Worksheet see how a family is very similar to a Church.

Activity: The Nazareth Family Read through the reflection on the Holy Family. Scavenger Hunt: Where and how, in our home, do we see evidence that God is the focus? Challenge: Find new ways to make God the center of your home

E. Armor of God Prayer i. Pray this prayer together preferably led by Dad to call upon God to protect us from temptations in this world.

Week 3: January 27th (Color: Blue) Topic: Love Focus: Love (Charity) as defined by the Word of God.

1. Read the Opening Page, which introduces the concept of Charitable Love as depicted in the Bible and exemplified by Jesus. 2. What is Love: a. Patient, Kind 3. Charity a. Love for other people b. Love God and each other Activity: Investigating Love Game Play the game and read different examples of love in the Bible. Read verses that help us to know: Who we should love, Why we should love, How we should love, Where love comes from, and What love is or isnt. 4. An Act of Love

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