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Fundamentals Final Study Guide Fall 2012

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Type of theory used to develop and test specific nursing interventions P42 Vulnerable Populations P 33-34 Cognitive changes in the preschooler P 146-150, 152 Outcome of managed care P 15 Characteristics of Open and Closed Systems P 43 Characteristics of the nursing process P 43 Gold Standard of Research P 53-54 Value of Qualitative Research P 59 Concept of Confidentiality in research P 60 What is Health P 66 Presence of risk factors P 72 Cancer Survivor Classifications P 90 Sandwich Generation and difficulties P 94 Maladaptive Coping Skills P 131 Knowledgeable about biophysical development P 131 Freuds psychoanalytical/psychosocial theory P 131-132 Jean Piagets cognitive developmental theory P 134 Parent Child Attachment P 140 Physical Findings in a healthy newborn P 140-141, 143 During infancy/child development how is play recognized P 144 Changing body image in middle adulthood P 163-164 Changing family norms in the US P 159-160 Caring for cancer survivors P 90 Teaching Strategies and the Older Adult P 173-174 Concept Maps P 202 Priority Nursing Diagnosis/Needs P366 Priority Nursing Interventions / Therapeutic Communication P 668, 670 Stages of Grief P 709-710, 715 Pain Assessment P 962-963 Age Specific Teaching Plans P 132 First Practicing Nurse Epidemiologist P 2 Identify common myths and stereotypes about older adults P 172 Describe methods of data collection P 211-212 Describe the association between critical thinking and selecting nursing interventions P 255 Describe aspects of critical thinking that are important to the communication process P 310 Describe cultural and ethnic variations in blood pressure assessment P 461 Osmosis P 884 Elderly Patients and Nutritional Requirements P 1013-1014 Concentric Tension P 1129-1130 Explain factors that impede or promote wound heeling P 1184-1186 Describe the therapeutic benefit of listening to patients P 84

Fundamentals Final Study Guide Fall 2012

42. Describe the intervention between critical thinking and selecting nursing interventions P 254 43. Discuss factors to include in assessing a patients needs for and response to medication therapy P584-587 44. Treating pain with a PCA P 983-984 45. TPN and Hyperglycemia, S&S of Hyperglycemia P 1023 46. Components of a quality improvement program P 61 47. Auditing and Monitoring of Healthcare records, purposes of healthcare records P350 48. Physical Finding on nasal examination P 516 49. Mine Body Awareness P 757 50. Stage IV pressure ulcer and self-concept P 1186

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