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STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE INSTALLING THE centOS disk 1 Installation of CentOS 4.3+Apache+Coldfusion+Mysql 1) Install CentOS 4.

3 Miniman CD1 only -- auto-cdpartition so you dont have to specify the partition below (pero kapag nasanay ka na you should learn to partition /boot -100MB /swap -2000MB / -all the rest root password = password root password= qwerty 2) Create user (must be on root account) 1. $useradd rony 2. $passwd rony 3. password = makubex 3) Change root password 1. $passwd 2. password = ettsi2010@[institution]! note : if password > 16 chars remove 2006 ==> ettsi@[institution]! intitution = acronym of institution 4) Edit the network card configuration 1. vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Sample config: Note: Press I for edit DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp change into none HWADDR=00:04:75:E7:F0:0D NETMASK= IPADDR= (available IP addresss) ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet GATEWAY= (depend to the client) Note: Press esc then :wq for save and quit Note: Press esc then :q for quit. Note: after save type :ifconfig checking the IP address of server 2. Service network restart

5) Copy rony.tar 1. $cd /home 2. $scp -P 2210 rony@ . Note: (check if the network card is eth0)(if two it means the other one) Note: are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no) yes rony@192.168.5229s password: makubex ( wait a minute ) ll=dir 3. $tar -xvf rony.tar 4. cd rony 6) Run the script 1. $cd install_scripts 2. $sh v run_this / $vi run_this _script 3. this will run up to number 7-8 and you have to do 9 manually 7) Install GCC 1. $cd /home/rony/install_scripts 2. $sh -v tar -xvf /home/rony/CentOS.tar cd /home/rony/install_scripts/CentOS/RPMS rpm -ivh cpp-3.4.5-2.i386.rpm rpm -ivh glibc-kernheaders-2.4-9.1.98.EL.i386.rpm rpm -ivh glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.19.i386.rpm rpm -ivh glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.19.i386.rpm rpm -ivh gcc-3.4.5-2.i386.rpm 8) Install Apache2 $vi run_this _script 1. $sh v tar -zxvf /home/rony/httpd-2.0.58.tar.gz cd httpd-2.0.58 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-rewrite make make install cp -f /home/rony/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/ cp -f /home/rony/apachectl /usr/local/apache2/bin/ ln -s /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl /etc/init.d/httpd chkconfig --add httpd service httpd restart 2. Test using a browser in another computer: http://[IPADDRESS]/ ( Note: if the :page cannot be displayed type vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf : /wsconfig (locate all # from LoadModule - <ifModule> : service httpd start (check the browser) service httpd start then try again

9) Installing Coldfusion 1. $sh v cd /home/rony chmod +x coldfusion-61-lin.bin ./coldfusion-61-lin.bin /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx start choices: Choose Locale by Number = 1 (enter 18 times)

(ACCEPT=YES) Read through license = N Install type? A:1 Is CFMX on this cmmputer: A:N What kind of Install? A=1 Serial: CED600-18040-87264-92597 What kind of Install? A=1 Install Path: Default Is CFMX on this cmmputer: A:N Configure Web Server: A:1 Web Server Type: A:1(apache) Conf Directory: /usr/local/apache2/conf Apache program binary file? /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd Control File: /etc/init.d Select: Step 4 Continue with Installation Webroot: Default (press ENTER 2 times) Y Note: Password = junjunmalupet :After installing check the browser ENTER Service coldfusionmx status (note: IP ng server) /CFIDE/Administrator/

10) Installing MySQL Enter password: JJM 1. $cd /home/rony/install_scripts 2. $vi change the value given to password on the first line. Be sure to enclose it in quotations (e.g. password=("ettsi2006@ASU!"). 3. $sh v password="ettsi2006@test!" cd /home/rony

rpm -ivh install_scripts/CentOS/RPMS/perl-DBI-1.40-8.i386.rpm rpm -ivh MySQL-shared-standard-5.0.22-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh MySQL-devel-standard-5.0.22-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh MySQL-client-standard-5.0.22-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh MySQL-server-standard-5.0.22-0.rhel4.i386.rpm service mysql stop cp -Rf prepaid.tar /var/lib/mysql/ cd /var/lib/mysql tar -xvf prepaid.tar chown -Rf mysql:mysql prepaid service mysql start mysqladmin -uroot password "$password" mysql uroot p 4. Enter root password for mysql password=("ettsi2006@ASU!"). 5. Input the following command lines mysql>use mysql; mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to '[institution]'@'%' identified by '[password]'; mysql>flush privileges; mysql>delete from mysql.user where User = ""; mysql>update user set Password=OLD_PASSWORD('[password]'); mysql>flush privileges; mysql>exit; 6. Restart Server 11) Install subversion 1. sh -v cd /home/rony/install_scripts/CentOS/RPMS rpm -ivh apr-0.9.4-24.5.c4.1.i386.rpm rpm -ivh apr-util-0.9.4-21.i386.rpm rpm -ivh umb-scheme-3.2-35.i386.rpm rpm -ivh guile-1.6.4-14.i386.rpm rpm -ivh swig-1.3.21-6.i386.rpm rpm -ivh neon-0.24.7-4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh perl-URI-1.30-4.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh subversion-1.1.4-2.ent.i386.rpm 12) Edit bash_profile 1. $sh -v cd /home/rony cp -f .bash_profile /etc/skel chown -Rf root:root /etc/skel/.bash_profile 13) Edit Running Services 1. $cd /home/rony/install_scripts

2. $sh v echo " unnecessary services off" chkconfig bluetooth off chkconfig cups off chkconfig gpm off chkconfig irda off chkconfig isdn off chkconfig netfs off chkconfig nfs off chkconfig nfslock off chkconfig nscd off chkconfig pand off chkconfig pcmcia off chkconfig portmap off chkconfig rhnsd off chkconfig rpcgssd off chkconfig rpcidmapd off chkconfig rpcsvcgssd off chkconfig saslauthd off chkconfig sendmail off chkconfig xinetd off chkconfig ypbind off chkconfig yum off 14) Change hostname 1. $vi /etc/hosts 2. edit the file such that this will be the format localhost.localdomain [institution] 3. $vi /etc/sysconfig/network 4. edit the file such that this will be the format NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=[institution] note: institution is the acronym of the school. 15) Browse this link http://IPADDRESS/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm 1. You will be asked for password "junjunmalupet" 2. Click on Disable RDS checkbox

16) Create datasource name 1. Browse http://[IPADDRESS]/CFIDE/Administrator 2. Login using your Administrator password. 3. Click on Data Sources link on the left tab. 4. Set DataSourceName = prepaidmysql and Driver = MySQL then click ADD 5. Set the following fields:

Database = prepaid Server = Port = 3306 Username = [institution] Password = [password] Then click Submit 17) Modify iptables 1. $cd /home/rony 2. $service iptables stop 3. $cp -f iptables /etc/sysconfig/ (type yes to overwrite) 4. $service iptables start 18) Edit shh config 1. $cd /home/rony 2. $service sshd stop 3. $cp -f sshd_config /etc/ssh/ 4. $service sshd start FAQ Network error= Connection refused Anwer: try access the server in (root) not (rony) 1. $cd /home/rony 2. $service sshd stop 3. $cp -f sshd_config /etc/ssh/ (type yes to overwrite) 4. $service sshd start Then try putty again 19) Clean and Update Database 1. Cleaning Database thru Navicat a. Resource History b. Transcript c. section d. cal e. anwersheet f. card g. cardlog h. errordetails i. insititution j. userlogin k. userprofiles 20) Done

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