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For Newman a university does not exist simply to convey information or expertise.

The university is a society in which the student absorbs the graces and accomplishments of a higher form of life. Para Newman a universidade no existe simplesmente para transmitir informao ou especialidade. A universidade uma sociedade na qual o estudante absorve as graas e as habilidades/talentos ou competncias de uma forma de vida superior. In the university, according to Newman, the pursuit of truth and the active discussion of its meaning are integrated into a wider culture, in which the ideal of the gentleman is acknowledged as the standard. The gentleman does not merely know things; he is receptive to the tone, the meaning, the lived reality of what he knows. Na universidade a busca da verdade e da discusso activa do seu significado esto integradas numa cultura mais ampla, na qual o ideal de gentleman reconhecido como o padro. O gentleman no se limita a conhecer as coisas; ele est receptivo para o tom (som, timbre, tonalidade), o significado, a realidade vivida do que ele sabe. *Gentleman: cavalheiro, senhor, homem educado, honrado. Thus, for Newman, "the general principles of any study you may learn by books at home; but the detail, the colour, the tone, the air, the life which makes it live in us, you must catch all these from those in whom it lives already." Por conseguinte, os princpios gerais de qualquer ou de todo o estudo pode ser aprendido pelos livros em casa; mas o detalhe, a cor, o tom, o ar, a vida que faz isto mesmo viver em ns, tu deves colher/recolher/respiga-los daqueles no qual isto j vive. The university of Newman's day was a place in which men (and it was then an institution for men only) lived for scholarship, and arranged their lives around the sacrifice that scholarship requires. It was not simply a repository of knowledge. It was a place where work and leisure occurred side by side, shaping each other, and each playing its part in producing the well-formed and graceful personality. A universidade do dia ou poca de Newman era um lugar em que os homens (e era ento uma escola s para os homens) viviam para uma bolsa de estudo, e organizavam as suas vidas em torno do sacrifcio que a bolsa exige. No era simplesmente um receptculo (armazm) de conhecimento. Era um lugar onde trabalho e lazer ocorria lado a lado, moldando um ao outro, e cada um fazendo a sua parte na produo de uma personalidade bem formada e graciosa. A reader of Cardinal Newman's book today is likely to agree that the university, as he describes it, would be an institution of irreplaceable value. Newman's university was to be an integral part of the social order. It was to set an example and to help young men to live up to it. It was not the antagonist but the completion of ordinary life, and the great rewards that it offered were to be purchased by social discipline. Newman's university was to be eminently respectable: critical of society only because critical of itself. Um leitor de hoje do livro de Newman provvel que concordo que a universidade, como ele a descreve, ser uma instituio de valor insubtituvel. A universidade de Newman seria uma parte integral da ordem social. Seria para dar um exemplo e

para ajudar os jovens a fazer juz universidade. No era a antagonista mas a concluso ou realizao da vida quotidiana e as grandes recompensas que oferecia deveriam ser adquiridas pela disciplina social. A universidade de Newman seria eminentemente respeitvel: crtica da sociedade s porque crtica de si mesmo. I suspect that many middle-class parents, when it comes to deciding on their teenage children's future, entertain a picture of university life that is not entirely at odds with that painted by Newman. They will recognize the gap between Newman's ideal and the imperfect realities. But they will recognize that this gap does not necessarily represent a decline. Universities now admit women, and try as best they can to offer their benefits to people in all walks of life and regardless of personal connections or social class. Those changes will count, in most eyes, as improvements. And the resources available to a modern university are many factors greater than those enjoyed by the university described by Newman, which had next to nothing in the way of lecture halls, book-lending facilities, concert halls, and places of recreation.

Eu suspeito que muitos pais de classe mdia, quando se trata de decidir sobre o futuro dos seus filhos adolescentes, acolhem um retrato/imagem da vida universitria que no est totalmente em desacordo com o pintado por Newman. Eles iro reconhecer a diferena entre o ideal de Newman e as realidades imperfeitas. Mas eles iro reconhecer que esta diferena ou lacuna no representa, necessariamente, um declnio/enfraquecimento. As universidades actualmente admitem mulheres e tentam o melhor que podem oferecer os seus benefcios a pessoas em todas as esferas da vida, independentemente das relaes pessoais ou da classe social. Estas mudanas iro contar, na maioria dos olhos, como melhorias. E os recursos disponveis de uma universidade moderna so factores muito maiores do que aqueles desfrutados pela universidade descritos por Newman, que no tinha quase nada em termos de salas de aula, bibliotecas, salas de concerto e lugares de recreao.
The middle-class father, preparing to meet tuition fees of $40,000 or more, and board and lodging on top of that, will naturally dwell on all the ways in which this represents a good investment. But when his daughter emerges three or four years later with a degree in Women's Studies, the main outward sign of which is a wellhoned grievance against men in general and the last one in particular, he is likely to question the wisdom of throwing away a third of a million dollars on such an outcome. Finding that his daughter's ignorance of the classics is as great on leaving university as it was on entering it, that she has graduated from her teenage pop idols only to immerse herself in more "advanced" forms of rock and heavy metal, and that her attitude to career, marriage, childbearing, and all the other things that he had hoped for her is entirely negative, such a father is sure to regret the use of his money. O pai da classe media, preparando-se para atender a propinas de $40,000 ou mais, e alojamento e alimentao em cima disso, ir naturalmente residir ou viver em todas as maneiras na qual isto representa um bom investimento. Mas quando a filha aparece trs ou quatro anos mais tarde, com uma licenciatura em Estudos da Mulher, o principal sinal exterior de que uma queixa/ofensa bem afiada aos homens, em geral, e ao ltimo em particular, provvel que ele questione a sabedoria de jogar contra (rejeitar ou desperdiar) um tero de um milho de dlares sobre esse resultado.

OF COURSE that is an extreme case. But it has been apparent to many commentators that all is not well with the university today, and that parents have little or no guarantee that the vast cost of a university education will be rewarded with a viable product. If young James or Clarissa studies math and sciences; if he or she makes the right friends; plays viola in a string quartet; joins a theatre group; avoids drink, drugs, and promiscuous sex and holds on, against the odds, to the religion of the family home, then the experience will be worth the vast expenditure.

claro que um caso extremo. Mas tem sido evidente para muitos crticos, que nem tudo est bem com a universidade, hoje, e que os pais tm pouca ou nenhuma garantia que o custo enorme de uma educao universitria ser recompensado com um produto vivel. Se o jovem James ou Clarissa estudam matemtica e cincias, se ele ou ela tem os amigos certos; toca viola num quarteto de cordas; se junta a um grupo de teatro; evita bebida, drogas e sexo promscuo e abraa, contra todas as probabilidades, a religio da casa de famlia, ento a experiencia ir valer a pena a vasta despesa.
But I have just described an exceptional case, and certainly not the majority. Most students now graduate in soft subjects that require ideological conformity rather than intellectual growth, and most spend their leisure hours in ways of which their parents would not approve. This is often defended as the natural result of academic freedom. You cannot grant to universities the intellectual freedom that scholarship requires, it is argued, and also deny the moral freedom that enables students to adapt through their own "experiments in living." Freedom is indivisible, and without it knowledge cannot grow. Mas eu acabei de descreve um caso raro, excepcional, e certamente no a maioria. A maioria dos estudantes j graduados em leves assuntos que exigem conformidade ideolgica ao invs de um crescimento intelectual e a maioria gasta as suas horas em formas que os seus pais no aprovariam. Isto muitas vezes defendido como o resultado natural da liberdade acadmica. Tu no podes conceder/doar s universidades a liberdade intelectual que requer a bolsa, argumenta-se, e tambm negar a liberdade moral que permite aos alunos adaptar-se atravs das suas prprias experiencias de vida. A liberdade indivisvel e sem ela o conhecimento no pode crescer. The problem with that argument is that, outside the natural sciences and a few solid humanities like philosophy and Egyptology, academic freedom is a thing of the past. What is expected of the student in many courses in the humanities and social sciences is ideological conformity, rather than critical appraisal, and censorship has become accepted as a legitimate part of the academic way of life. "No platform" policies, forbidding people of unorthodox or offensive views from addressing audiences on campus, or speech codes that condemn unorthodox statements as "hate speech" are now widely accepted. This would matter less if the opinions and idioms condemned were those of some antisocial minority. But they are usually those of the "moral majority," and are often condemned in order to appease groups (Islamists, gay activists, radical feminists) whose loyalty to the established order is questionable at best. O problema com este argument que, fora das ciencias naturais e de algumas slidas cincias humanas como filosofia e egiptologia, a liberdade acadmica uma coisa do passado. O que esperado do estudante em muitos cursos das cincias sociais e humanas uma conformidade ideolgica, ao invs de uma apreciao/avaliao crtica, e a censura tornou-se aceite como uma parte legitima

do modo de vida acadmico. Polticas sem plataforma, proibindo as pessoas de vises no ortodoxas ou vises ofensivas ou cdigos de discurso que condenam declaraes no ortodoxas como discurso do dio so hoje amplamente aceites. Isto importaria menos se as opinies e expresses idiomticas condenadas forem de alguma minoria (anti-social). Mas eles so geralmente os da maioria moral e so muitas vezes condenados/rejeitados com fim de apaziguar grupos (islmicos, activistas gays, feministas radicais), cuja lealdade para com a ordem estabelecida questionvel na melhor das hipteses. COmments: I kept a critical spirit. I could see, even then, that they were attempting to give me an indoctrination, rather than an education--but that experience, in and of itself, WAS an education--in the way the world works. In the meantime, I was prudent, studious. Eu manteno o meu esprito critico. Eu podia ver, mesmo assim, que eles estavam tentando dar-me uma doutrinao, ao invs de uma educao -, mas essa experincia, por si s, era uma educao inserida na forma como o mundo funciona. Ao mesmo tempo, eu era prudente, estudiosa. Universities have always had a prevailing moral consensus and implicit restrictions on speech, teaching, and other forms of expression. These just change over time.

As universidades sempre tiveram um consenso moral vigente e restries implcitas no discurso, ensino e outras formas de expresso. Estas alteraes apenas mudam ao longo do tempo.
The university in its original form had three goals: 1)transmit the vast resevoir of cultural knowledge to the student through rigoruous readings of classical text and lectures. 2)Humanize the student and 3)prepare him for further studies in either law, philosophy (theology), or Medecine. Most students attended lectures for a decade before they matriculated. All other "careers" were considered "vocations".

A universidade, na sua forma original tinha trs objectivos: 1) transmitir o vasto reservatrio de conhecimento cultural ao aluno atravs de leituras rigorosas de textos clssicos e palestras. 2) Humanizar o estudante e 3) prepar-lo para estudos em direito, filosofia (teologia), ou Medicina. A maioria dos estudantes assistiram a palestras por uma dcada antes de se matricularem. Todas as outras "carreiras" foram consideradas "vocaes".
Today's colleges are vastly over-priced and out of touch with reality. Their uncritical, collectivist ideology is being passed from one generation to the next, as the new educators learn blind political correctness from the old ones. One major step in the right direction would be the termination of all subsidies from the federal government (and dismantling of the entire Department of Education). Another would be if parents would vote with their feet and simply refuse to give junior or sis $200,000 for an undergraduate degree with little market value. As escolas de hoje so muito mais caras e fora de contacto com a realidade. A sua

ideologia colectivista e acrtica (pouco exigente, fcil de contentar) est sendo transmitida de gerao em gerao, como os novos educadores aprendem uma correco politica cega desde os antigos. Um grande passo na direco certa seria a resciso de

todos os subsdios do governo (e o desmantelamento de todo o departamento da educao). Outro seria que os pais se recusassem a pagar propinas para uma licenciatura com pouco valor no mercado.
We are well into the third generation of this precipitate decline, so that the parents are very likely to have been almost as miseducated and culturally clueless as they propose to make their (few) children. They don't know anything else, so the emphasis tends to be on getalong-get-ahead careerism, and a majority of them don't care if their kids are doing drugs, cultivating an early alcoholism, or rutting in bawdy-house dorms--so long as the kids take this or that therapeutic precaution and are not jeopardizing their acquisition of the socially requisite sheepskin. Estamos mergulhados na Terceira geraao deste declnio precipitado, de modo que os pais esto muito provavelmente conscientes de ter sido quase uma no educada e culturalmente sem pistas/expectativas como se prope fazer s suas crianas. Eles no sabem mais nada, por isso a nfase tende a ser progredir, para a frente, num carreirismo e a maioria deles no se importam se os seus filhos esto usando drogas,

cultivando um alcoolismo precoce, ou dormindo em casa indecentes, enquanto as crianas tomam este ou aquele cuidado teraputico e no se comprometem a sua aquisio da pele de carneiro socialmente necessria (condio indispensvel ou requerida).
But there are at least three other sources of corruption, less amenable to repair:

Mas h pelo menos trs outras fontes de corrupo, menos propcios a reparar: (1) Administrative bloat amid a culture that stresses fun and games and busybody
activity and "service" over serious education and reflection.

1) Uma administraao afundada entre uma cultura que enfatiza/salienta o divertimento, jogos bem como actividades de pessoas intrometidas (espreitar), e o servio a educao sria e a reflexo.
Mas o que isto de conformidade ideolgica?

ideology of

Philosophers who have been concerned with the problem of indoctrination have focused attention chiefly on teaching, textbooks, and the curriculum in elementary and secondary schools where the age of the students and the fact that they have yet to fully develop their own critical judgment suggests a certain vulnerability and susceptibility to non-rational persuasion.
Os filsofos que se preocuparam com o problema da doutrinao tm focado a ateno principalmente no ensino, nos livros didticos, e no currculo das escolas primrias e secundrias, onde a idade dos alunos e o facto de eles terem ainda de desenvolver plenamente o seu prprio julgamento crtico sugere uma certa vulnerabilidade e susceptibilidade persuaso no racional.

On the one hand, teachers may abuse their power and authority and seek to impose certain beliefs and values, actively discouraging their students from raising problems or objections; on the other hand, certain views may simply escape scrutiny and pass unchallenged in education because they have become part of what Karl Popper (1975) labels uncritical common sense.
Por um lado, os professores podem abusar do seu poder e autoridade e procurar impor certas crenas e valores, desencorajando activamente os seus estudantes a levantar problemas e objeces. Por outro lado, certos pontos de vista podem simplesmente escapar ao controlo e passar impunes na educao porque eles tornaram-se parte daquilo que Karl Popper rotula de senso comum acrtico.

In either case, the real danger is that young students will become incapable of assessing such views for themselves. Indoctrination results when students lose the ability to assess the merits of the ideas they are studying or coming to acquire and find themselves locked into certain beliefs and assumptions in such a way that they cannot seriously consider alternative views because their minds have been closed.
Em ambos os casos, o perigo real que os jovens estudantes se tornaro incapazes de avaliar essas opinies para si prprios. Os resultados da doutrinao surgem quando os alunos perdem a capacidade de avaliar os mritos das ideias que esto estudando ou vir a adquirir e encontrarem-se bloqueados em certas crenas e suposies de tal maneira que eles no podem considerar seriamente vises alternativas, porque as suas mentes foram fechadas.

To counter any tendency towards indoctrination in schools and to prepare students to recognize and resist indoctrination, a conception of education is needed that involves teachers having an open-minded attitude and a commitment to critical questioning in classrooms. In Israel Schefflers words (1989), the manner of teaching should respect the students intellectual integrity and capacity for independent judgment. This means that students must be encouraged to develop skills and attitudes that will enable them to assess the reasons and evidence that are thought to support various ideas, to evaluate the credibility of the sources where such ideas originate, and to resist the efforts of those who wish to control their thinking.
Para combater qualquer tendncia para a doutrinao nas escolas e preparar os alunos para reconhecer e resistir doutrinao, necessria uma concepo de educao, que envolve os professores para que tenham uma atitude menta aberta e um compromisso de questionamento crtico na sala de aula. Nas palavras de Israel Scheffer, a maneira

de ensinar deve respeitar a integridade intelectual dos alunos e a sua capacidade de pensar livremente, independentemente. Isto significa que os alunos devem ser encorajados/incentivados a desenvolver habilidades e atitudes que lhes capacitem/permitam avaliar as razes e evidencias/provas que so pensadas para suportar vrias ideias, para avaliar a credibilidade das fontes de onde se originaram essas ideias, e para resistir aos esforos daqueles que desejam controlar o seu pensamento. Students need to keep in mind that new ways of thinking may emerge in the future that will require them to revise the views they have come to hold. They need to recognize that they may fail to notice the controversial character of certain beliefs, and that they may be unconsciously learning to accept without question a general framework of ideas that is closing off alternative ways of thinking. Philosophy of education, with its emphasis on critical thinking, consciousness-raising, and open-mindedness, has done much to remind us of the need to remain vigilant about the danger of indoctrination and authoritarianism in schooling.
Os alunos precisam ter em mente que novas formas de pensar podem surgir no futuro, que vo obrig-los a rever as opinies que tm vindo a abraar/realizar. Eles precisam reconhecer que eles podem deixar de notar o carcter polmico/controverso de certas crenas, e que eles podem estar, inconscientemente, a aprender a aceitar, sem dvida/questo, um quadro geral de ideias que est fechando formas alternativas de pensamento. A Filosofia da educao, com sua nfase no pensamento crtico, tomada de conscincia e no esprito aberto, tem feito muito para nos lembrar da necessidade de permanecer vigilantes sobre o perigo da doutrinao e autoritarismo na escola.

Less attention, however, has been paid to the question of whether teachers themselves might be subject to indoctrination in their professional preparation, undermining their own development as critical, open-minded persons. The relative neglect of this question may itself be an example of the power of uncritical common sense if it results from assuming too quickly that teacher education programs, now centred in universities rather than in separate teacher training colleges, necessarily reflect the ideal of disinterested inquiry and critical judgment traditionally associated with universities. Chris Arthur (2004) reminds us that universities are concerned to provide students with the ability to make wise choices, not to promote allegiance to particular positions; skepticism has emerged, however, about how far universities in general, and schools of education in particular, recognize and respect this central ideal in practice.

Menos ateno, no entanto, tem sido dada questo de saber se os prprios

professores podem estar sujeitos doutrinao na sua preparao profissional, comprometendo o seu prprio desenvolvimento, como ser crtico e de mente aberta. A relativa negligncia desta questo em si pode ser um exemplo do poder do senso comum acrtico se esse resultar em avaliar/assumir muito rapidamente que os programas de formao de professores, agora centrados nas universidades ao invs de escolas de formao de professores em separado, necessariamente reflectem o ideal da investigao desinteressada e o juzo crtico tradicionalmente associados com as universidades. Chris Arthur (2004) lembra-nos que as universidades preocupam-se em proporcionar aos alunos a capacidade de fazer escolhas sbias, no para promover a submisso/lealdade ou obedincia a posies particulares; o cepticismo emergiu, no entanto, sobre at que ponto as universidades em geral, e as escolas de educao em particular, reconhecem e respeitam esta ideia central na prtica.

Doubts were raised some years ago in the UK by John Wilson (1993) who was concerned that teacher educators were beginning to see themselves as leaders of the faithful initiating prospective teachers into the proper ideology rather than encouraging them to critically examine the beliefs, assumptions, and values they encounter in educational theory and student teaching placements. In the context of teacher education in the United States, controversy more recently has centred on the Professional Standards promulgated by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, 2002) and, in particular, on the inclusion of certain dispositions as part of the required professional standards teachers must meet in order to be certified. The Standards require teachers to know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. The accompanying Glossary defines dispositions as guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice.
As dvidas foram suscitadas h alguns anos no Reino Unido por John Wilson (1993), que estava preocupado que os formadores de professores estavam comeando a se ver como "os lderes dos fiis", iniciando os futuros professores para a ideologia adequada ao invs de incentiv-los a analisar criticamente as crenas, pressupostos e os valores que encontram na teoria da educao e estgios de ensino do estudante.

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