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St Luke's Football Pitch Meeting held on Monday 17th October 2011 At Stanhope Hall Community Centre Present: Lil

Stubbs, Nikki Chapman, Monica Lee (Comm Worker), Ashlee Baker, (Anita Hodson PCSO WMP) Raj Kaur, Maggie Tucker.

Name of Group The Name for the group was discussed suggestions were: football fantasia, football mania, St Luke's United, Highgate United Group. It was decided that Highgate United Group depicted the group best.

Constitution The Group went through the constitution filling in the blank bits with the name. This constitution was unanimously adopted and signed. The group also adopted and signed the Code of Conduct

Officers ML proposed Lil Stubbs as Chair MT seconded this. It was agreed. ML said she would take the minutes. Other officers to be proposed at the AGM Bank Account It was proposed that Raj Kaur and Lil Stubbs open the Bank account on Friday. They are to meet in town. The meeting was closed the next meeting is before the HLB on Monday 21 st November at 5.30pm at the St Patricks Rooms.

HUG MEETING 24/10/12

Agenda 1 2 welcome and introductions Date for AGM

3 4 5 6

Bank Account Progress of Group AOB Date and time of next Meeting

HUG Meeting Minutes 17/10/12 attendance: Maggie Tucker, Nikki Chapman, Raj Kaur, Anita Dodson WMP Les Thomas Hands WMP, Tim Franklin Friction Arts Yvonne Higgins Trident Salma Ali, Dean Morgan St Martins YC Monica Lee Community Worker. Welcome and introductions to the meeting AGM date to be confirmed early next year. Bank Account A.H . needs a cheque raising from the Bank acc for the transport costs to the Villa Ground that the YP went on in the holidays. AH also needs to check that the money has come out for the coaching. AH we need proper income and expenditure sheet. Records need keeping properly. AH The treasurer needs to keep the bank books. Also we need a third signature added to the account. Progress of group AH is meeting with Villa about the pitch NC there were about 30 kids last week NC Can we do a relaunch at the same time as the litter pick (3rd Nov) AH Yes also has invited stakeholders and service providers in the area to the litter pick and re-launch. Chandos are designing a leaflet. Pritash is applying for funding for the group. ML the group are in danger of loosing their Comm First funding if the form isnt filled in online and the grant accepted DM said he would help Evelyn with this. AH BVSC has funding tight deadline. NC when we have bad weather we need an alternative pitch DM St Martins is already being used. AH has been trying to get hold of Lee Southall about pitch to see if we could get a trip rail or fencing to stop the ball going into St Lukes Rd. Funding Is needed for continuation of coaching the cost is 6 pr hour for a coachthis is subsidised by Villa. Bristol St Pritash Would be willing to sponsor something. A three sided hut would be good for the bad weather. It was suggested a bus shelter.try WM Travel. NC List of equipment needed: Corner posts 3.00 Footballs X3 27.00 Goalie Gloves x 2 12.00 Ball Pump 5.00 PKT Needles 2.00 First Aid Kit 13.00 Total 62.00

It was agreed to buy this equipment. Funding needed for Marking of the pitch Andy Sheppard is helping with this. Sessions are run by Villa. Adults wanting to be involved need a CRB No adults to be involved in the game except in goal. Aston Villa Coaches control all the sessions. to speak to Ian about a disclaimer for taking photos to evidence the project. Otherwise Monica has some that can be used. what are the plans for the area around the football pitch. has spoken to Cllr Tahir Ali but there is a cllrs surgery on Friday at Stanhope at 6.30pm. Yard Talk at Friction arts 27th Oct and they are starting an art club for kids all welcome


Next Meeting will be an AGM and will be early next year. Minutes taken and typed by Monica Lee Community Worker (Stanhope Hall Community Centre) 17/10/12

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