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Match the statements with the people.

a) Rod, the retired man 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b) Jack, the teenager c) Laura, the businesswoman _____ I have to wear smart suits. _____ I always have to be home before midnight. _____ My dad usually has to work in the evenings. _____ I don't have to get up at 6.30am any more. _____ My husband has to take our children to school every morning. _____ My wife has to go to hospital every week. _____ I have to get good marks in my exams. _____ My little sister doesn't have to help with the housework. _____ I often have to travel overseas.

Write the questions using the statements from the previous exercise. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because I have to meet a lot of important people. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because I work for an international company. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because my parents say that I have to. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because I don't have to catch the 7.32 train to work. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because he's a teacher and he has to mark homework. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because she broke her arm and she has to have physiotherapy. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because my mum says that she is still too young. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because I start work very early and he doesn't have to be at work until 9.30am. Why _________________________________________________________________________? Because I want to go to a good university. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of have to. 1 2 3 I 'm having to work very hard at the moment because I have an exam next week. You won't have to work hard after your exam. You can have a holiday. My aunt's a police officer so she ___________________ wear a uniform at work, but my uncle's a taxi driver so he _______________________ wear one.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

When I was a teenager, we ____________________ be home by 9 o'clock. But we ________________ ___________ take as many exams as teenagers nowadays. My teeth hurt when I drink something cold. I think I __________________ see the dentist soon. Nobody enjoys _______________________ get up at 5 o'clock in the morning. ____________ your grandfather ________________ start work when he was only fourteen? You _____________________ speak Russian to travel around Moscow, but it helps! If you lose your job, ____________ we _______________ sell the car? _____________ we _________________ have fish for dinner again? Peter wants to go out with me. He's nice, but I only like him as a friend. Should I go out with him? I've been offered a place at Oxford and Cambridge. Which university _________________________? Everything on the menu looks wonderful! What __________________________________________? I want to tell Mike that he has bad breath, but I'm afraid of hurting his feelings. ___________________ ______________ or not? I've got a terrible headache, and I can't read the instructions on this aspirin bottle. How many ____________________________? My aunt has invited me to her picnic, but I don't want to go. What _______________________to her? Match the pairs of sentences with their meanings. a) The doctor told me so. b) I'm really thirsty. a) I'm telling myself it's important. b) This is why I can't come out with you. a) Another boring business trip. Yawn! b) It would be really nice. a) I want to look good. b) It's the house rule. a) I haven't done them for ages. b) They need lots and lots of water. _____ I must have a drink of water. _____ I have to drink lots of water. _____ I must do my homework tonight. _____ I have to do my homework tonight. _____ We must go to Paris sometime. _____ We have to go to Paris next week. _____ I must wear something nice to go clubbing. _____ Men have to wear a shirt and tie to go into a posh restaurant.

Complete the questions with should and a suitable verb.

must or have to?

_____ I must water the plants today. _____ You have to water the plants daily.

Prepositions of time. In one sentence no preposition is needed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 James is a postman so he usually gets up _____________ 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm so excited! I've just booked a holiday I'm going ____________ July. When my grandma was alive, she always went to church ____________Sundays. The meeting has been rescheduled it's now _____________ the 24th of June. Phil and June are so lucky! They went skiing again _______________ Christmas. I'm going to the doctors _____________ this afternoon.

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