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4th Density

Lyssa Royal Germane is a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional levels. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance", or "coming from the same source". Germane chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become like him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. Channeling by Lyssa Royal. Greetings to all of you. This is Germane. It is a pleasure to be with you this day. The type of channeling we do with you is an interactive process, and we want your participation, for we are co-creators of this interaction with you. When we talk about relationships, first we'd like to say that we're not talking only about the love/mate relationship but about relationships with your family, your children, your mothers, your fathers, your friends, your co-workers. We're talking about the actual interactive process between humans. We may at times structure what we're saying as if we're talking about a love relation-ship. That is for convenience only. What we are saying is applicable in every relationship in your life.


First we will talk about the nature of the change your planet is going through at this time. We reference the change as the transformation from third to fourth density. Third density represents a vibrational reality or a state of mind that your planet has been expressing for several thousand years. The basis of this thirddensity expression is the idea of separation, which is the idea of not looking at reality holistically, but looking at it in part, seeing each other as separate, seeing the parts of yourselves as separate. Because of that idea of separation, you also view your connection to God as separate - "someone up there," an authority who can dictate your life - who's not you. This is a natural process of human evolution through which you will grow and evolve into the next stage which is where you are at now.


You are moving now into a fourth-density reality. Fourth density is characterized by reintegration. This means that you begin dissolving the boundaries, whether they are symbolic or literal, and that as those boundaries begin to dissolve you begin to see reality holistically, as if it's one big machine entirely supportive of itself. You're also going to find that your points of view about God are different.

Instead of seeing Him as existing up there and dictating to you, you see yourself as a part of that creation equal to every other part as a total, perfectly working system. You are moving now into this realm of integration. There are two models of relationships we'll speak about. One is a third-density model and another is a fourth-density model. Do not think that we are saying one is better than the other, because that is not so. It is simply a choice. However, we will outline these models so that you can recognize where your choices are based. If you want to change those choices, this will make it little clearer. So first we will talk about the third-density model.


Since third density is based on separation, then the foundation laid in third density for relationships will be that of separation. Thus one of the key ideas inherent in it is secrecy. We will define this: If you are in a love affair, it is not telling your partner you're having an affair. That's a blatant example. However, secrecy is also withholding your true feelings from another person. If something someone said made you angry, or if you see how a person can grow, and you don't want to tell either of them, that's secrecy. It cannot exist in fourth-density reality. In fourth-density reality the polar opposite is honesty - 100% of the time. In fourth density you will be living the fullest expression of who you are, and that means not withholding from anyone. Anytime you withhold your natural self you help to construct a lie upon which the relationship is based. That relationship is then an illusion, because you never really know your true selves or each other.


The second key idea is that third density supports conditional love. This means that you will extend love to someone only if they meet your needs and expectations. You extend love to them "if..." (fill in the blank). Now, this is not always conscious. It's not like you can sit down and say, "Well, I didn't extend love today because I wanted him to ask me to marry him, and because he didn't, then I'm not going to give any love." It's not that conscious. It's a very deepseated behavior pattern, and one that you are moving out of. In moving out of that process, there can be pain as you learn the idea of unconditional love. There doesn't have to be pain, but there can be. The quality of that pain is similar to sitting on your foot until it's asleep, then standing up and feeling the "pins and needles." That sensation reminds you that there's something there to feel. In that sense, when you are learning the idea of unconditional love, people will often choose to feel pain to remind themselves they have a heart. We know that sounds a little bit strange to many of you, but

some people need the pain to feel they are alive, to know that they can feel, to feel their heart. That is what frequently happens in the transition from conditional love to unconditional love. All of you have had moments of total unconditional love. They've been small moments so that you could get a taste of it. The mass consciousness on your planet is not yet strong enough to support that framework for an extended period of time. But this is changing and growing every minute. It is changing much faster than you realize, and you are all part of that changing framework by getting more in touch with yourself and learning to love yourself.


The third key in a third density relationship is the idea of control. Many, many people on your planet feel they have to control in order to feel their life is in order. That means controlling their relationships, and they will use manipulation to do so. That's a third density technique or methodology for relationships. Its polar opposite in fourth density is allowance. Now, you've all heard that word and you can imagine it. But when you make that connection emotionally with what it feels like to truly allow whatever happens to support your growth without needing to control it, you will have healed an important part of yourself. As you are moving from third to fourth, it's going to be as if you've got one foot in each, and you may waver back and forth. Do not judge yourself, do not chastise yourself for doing that. It's part of the natural plan. Some of you are too hard on yourselves, saying, "Well, I can't be spiritual if I'm feeling this." It is often important: that you do feel, so that you can open your heart, so that you can remember your heart's there, so that you can train it to feel the things you will be feeling -- the ecstasy of the fourth density. You have to open it to feel it.


This is a package deal. For instance, if you are keeping a secret from your friend or your lover and you're attempting to build a fourth-density relationship of unconditional love, it's not going to work. When you choose something from the third density category, you get the package of the third density relationship. And that's quite all right if that's what you want. Just let it be a conscious choice. Many of you are confused because you're choosing the third- density list and expecting fourth-density results. You can't have both. You must be conscious of what you want -- third or fourth. Make a choice from a place of consciousness and be aware of what experience you will have because of your choice. If you choose secrecy, you choose everything that comes along with it. If you choose honesty, you choose everything that comes along with that. It can work in your favor. More than anything else, let your choices about your relationships be

100% conscious. It may entail some very deep soul-searching for many of you, and you may find that some of the relationships you had in the past no longer serve you, and you will have to do something about it. That's very painful for a lot of people. But you either stand still, go backward or go for tomorrow. Once you attain a certain level of consciousness, it's very difficult to go backward into the darkness. You must continue to move forward, and in that moving, many challenges await you, but there are also many joys, many freedoms. People may feel very threatened about the idea of giving up control. However, many of you have experienced "letting go and letting God," as you say it. There is a tremendous freedom, a liberation in that experience. We're not saying to let go and let someone else do it for you; we're saying to let go of your need to consciously control it, to let your natural path unfold and then interact with that natural path. That is the path of freedom, the path you are all moving toward. The challenges are mostly in the next 20 years. For some of you who choose to be ground-breakers in this, the challenge is in the next five years. So fasten your seat belt and get ready for a pretty wild ride. But recognize at the same time that you are the driver as well as the passenger, and you can guide the car in the direction you want to go. And you don't have to go any faster than is comfortable for you. But do understand consciously the choices you make about relationships.


We are going to tell you a little story about John and Mary. Mary is afraid of heights. When Mary came into this life, her soul said, "I want to heal this fear of heights." Let's say she gets to adulthood and she still hasn't healed it. Then she marries John. Now, John continually protects Mary from her fear. Every time they drive a steep road he has her close her eyes. Whenever they walk on a steep path, he walks between her and the cliff. He never ever lets her confront the very thing that she came here to do. This is a pattern that happens between many people, where they take responsibility for another person's emotions and feelings. Let's say you have a friend who is an alcoholic, who drinks far too much. You love him very much and want to tell him that you think he's an alcoholic. You are faced with several different things here: You don't want to stir up trouble for him; you don't want him to feel pain - so you don't say anything. That's very common. On the other hand, you could march right up and tell him what you think. If you feel responsibility for the feelings of that other person, if you never tell him about what he's come here to change, you enable him to continue this pattern. If, however, you are your natural self and in your excitement you express yourself to this person because you care about him, you actually then allow him to look at himself in the mirror of you and heal the very thing he has come to this planet to do.

If we were to advise you to stop doing anything, we would say, stop protecting each other from their emotions. If these emotions are not confronted, you will always keep yourselves separate from one another. You will always be walking on eggshells around each other. You are all in this together, and as your hearts are opening up you're going to start feeling that connection. And as you feel that connection you're going to want to share with another person. If you withhold out of fear of hurting them, you never really give them your love, moving into fourth density is about your giving love, learning to give and receive love, learning to become a holistic unit, learning to dissolve the barriers between each other. Secrecy will keep the barriers intact; honesty will bring you all together and help to create the world that so many of you have been envisioning. So make your choices. Think about the people you love and care about, and think about the things that you're not telling them because you don't want to hurt them or because you fear their anger or you fear they will withhold their love from you. Then imagine what it would be like to tell them those things and watch them grow before your eyes because of what you've said. Ultimately, that will be what happens, whether it happens quickly or slowly. You will aim the mirror that you are in their direction, and they will be able to clearly see their reflection if they choose. They may choose not to see it; that's their business. You've all learned that you are reflections for each other, but many of you keep your mirror slight askew; you never really reflect any light in another person's direction, so they can't see their reflection. When you squarely position yourself as a mirror objectively, with no judgment and allow a friend to see her own reflection, she has the choice of moving forward. That choice in and of itself is a very empowering choice.


We're going to talk for a moment about the idea of monogamy, a thing that pushes many of your buttons. There are at least two different types of monogamy. One type is fear-based. Fear-based monogamy takes the following path: Perhaps you've been looking all your life for a love that you didn't get from your parents or whatever. You're looking for that one person who can fulfill you so that you can feel safe. Let's say you get that person and as soon as she's in your life you hold onto her. Both of you are clinging to each other because you're afraid of taking total self-empowerment. Whatever happens in this life, -there is a connection between you- but you try to force a connection even though there is one to begin with. This type of monogamy, based on the fear of being alone or the fear of AIDS or the fear of anything, will adhere itself to a third-density model of relationship. In that type of fear-based relationship, you don't want to do anything that's going to trigger a fear, so you're certainly not going to tell the truth, whether it's your true feelings or what you've done or whatever. Then there's monogamy by choice. This means that you meet someone with whom you feel a real strong connection and because of that connection, because

of your excitement together, you choose to have a type of relationship that does not cover up your fears but takes you on another path. That's monogamy by choice, which can lead to a fourth-density relationship when there's no fear involved. So when we talk about having relationships with each other, give yourself the opportunity to make conscious choices. Examine what your needs are, what needs you want met, and see if there's fear there. If this is something you want to work on, don't put your attention on the relationship put your attention on the fear. If you put attention on those fears within you, whether it's self-esteem issues or fear of being alone or whatever, your relationship will become wonderfully different, very supportive. When a relationship reflects what's going on inside, not causing what's inside, then you have monogamy out of choice. Be conscious of that; keep checking in to see if it's fear or excitement. There is a difference.


Another fourth-density relationship is one that is not monogamous. (Doesn't mean they have to be that way; it's just another choice.) You can have those in third density, of course, but in third density that type of relationship must be in third density concepts, so they're usually secret. How many people on the planet have had affairs? We have heard one statistic saying that at least 50% of the married people have secret affairs, half of the population. Obviously you feel connected with each other. You want to connect with each other, but in a thirddensity framework it has to be done in secrecy. In a fourth density framework there's a very different point of view. It's done by conscious choice. Just so that you are clear about it, we're not saying that non-monogamous relationships are the only thing that should exist in fourth density. Conscious choices in relationships is what will exist in fourth density, based on honesty, allowing and unconditional love. There are a lot of implications in this. You'll work on them as you work on the relationships. It may be a rough ride as you transition from fearbased to choice-based relationships, but we guarantee that when you make the shift to choice-based relationships, the sense of empowerment and freedom you will feel is unlike anything you have felt thus far. Many people feel that's a thing to fear because it's an unknown. But once you feel it, you won't understand how you could have been fear-based. It will be as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders. Many of you are familiar with some of the information that we've channeled to your plane having to do with relationships and extraterrestrial civilizations. We like to use the models as an example - not to take you away from the Earth! but to get you to look at yourselves reflected in these other cultures. The Pleiadian type of relationship is a wonderful example: It is basically in the moment. Although they do have monogamy, they call it monogamy-of-the-moment (we are teasing you a little bit). They have group marriages or group mating. They have any number of people involved - two, three, four, whatever. Not all of it's sexual. Sometimes it's just like family grouping; maybe they choose to live together as a

mated group and some are not sexual. It really doesn't matter whatever goes is really their motto. The difference between them and you primarily is that they do not see relationships as a threat in any way. They do not see any issues in relationships as a threat. Many of you on this Earth see a third person in a relationship as a threat, even if your spouse's friend is the same sex and it's a nonsexual relationship. The Pleiadians do not have any of this. They feel the connection with each other so totally that there's no such thing as an outside force. They're all part of one holistic unit. That's an example of the way your closest extraterrestrial genetic family member experiences relationships. Sasha, who has described Pleiadian relationships in her time, comes from approximately 1000 years of evolution beyond you. They had their periods of history just like yours. They have evolved from a place of turmoil in their relationships to a place of empowerment, and you are doing the same.


The most important thing to know is what you want. We're talking about clarity here: Know what you want, know what will empower you. Then seek to feel deserving to create that. The key here is the idea of deservability. That's a heart quality. And that's why in this time period as you're moving from third to fourth density (third density based in the solar plexus chakra; fourth density based in the heart chakra) the heart is experiencing all these feelings it hasn't felt before. Deservability is really coming up. Many of you are in touch with those deservability issues. Some of you are not; you don't even know they're there. From birth on your planet you are conditioned to put other people first, to sacrifice, to be a martyr; to believe that it's okay for you to feel pain as long as somebody else feels better because of it. It has gotten you in trouble and will continue getting you in trouble until you can see yourself as equal to all others. All you really ever have is you. Your relationship is with you; you'll never get a divorce. This relationship will never end because of death. It is the only relationship that's permanent, the only one that really counts. If you can't have a relationship with yourself, you cannot have one with anyone else - and you can't have one with God, either. You will continue to keep yourself from God; you will be subservient. As we all know, that time is ending. A loving relationship with yourself means empowerment. That is a most important thing, so pay attention to when you make a sacrifice; when you do, ask yourself why and be very honest with yourself. If you learn that you're sacrificing because you don't want to lose someone's love, then let that answer be okay. You don't have to judge it, thinking you're unspiritual. Feel it; know that's what's inside, and until that's let out, you

won't ever feel the true heart energy, the true love that is there. Let it be okay. Don't judge it, and you are well on the road toward healing. Relationship with yourself is primary. We absolutely guarantee you that when your relationship with yourself is based on self-trust, self-love and self-respect, then all the relationships in your life will be based on those qualities. It cannot be otherwise. All of you are pioneers because you have chosen to lead mass consciousness through the shift from solar plexus to the heart - third to fourth density. The role of the pioneers in your America was one of hardship - not that it had to be, but sometimes it was. If you feel pain, do not assume you are doing it wrong. Feel it from the depths of your being and let it go. If you refuse to feel it, it's not going away; it will be buried. Is it any wonder that the major killer is heart disease? What does this reflect? That without that heart energy to go into fourth density your bodies cannot survive. Is it also any wonder that another killer is AIDS, where you're eating yourself up from the inside? Your immune system is shut down because that energy, that life force, that heart energy is not coursing through your veins. Those are choices people have made for themselves and through mass consciousness. Those reflections will not continue when you learn to love yourselves. They will be a thing of the past. Comments or questions? Can you give us an example of a fourth-dimensional conversation? [Laughter] Fourth density is not linear, so when you speak you have a certain rhythm and pattern to what you're communicating. Let's say that you're having a really meaningful conversation and each of you are sharing deep-felt things with the other person. Let's say that the first person says, "It's all about arrival." The other person hears that sentence the way he needs to hear it. He interprets it in that way and responds accordingly. The first person meant arrival as in coming and going. The person hearing it interprets it as, "It's all about a rival." So he responds based on his interpretation, and the synchronicity of the conversation is tremendous. Even though the person "misinterpreted" what the speaker was saying, the exchange is perfect. That is a fourth density conversation. In that both parties receive something from the conversation that is a gift, not having planned upon that gift? Exactly. If you had thought A plus B equals C, as you do in third density, you never would have seen the gift. However, if you go out of that linear thought and experience a different type of communication and from your excitement answer back, you create conversation or communication outside of time. Now, in a fourth density relationship with your friends or your lovers, this happens all the time. In fourth density the interchange that was just described is in the moment and there's no expectation. So in each moment the full meaning on all levels is achieved.

Let's give you a third-density version of this conversation, all right? Let's say you are the speaker. You say, "It's all about arrival" and we say, "A rival? No, it's not! I don't have any rivals!" That's third-density version. See the difference? The misunderstanding triggered a fear and anger was expressed outwardly. So your shifting from third to fourth is about releasing the fear, releasing the anger and getting hooked into the synchronicity, the heart energy. It's about communicating on many different levels that you're receiving and sending from already.


Here's a little homework assignment for you: Pay attention the next week to your normal communications with people. When you feel yourself lapsing into a fourth density type of communication, see the different quality that exists between that and third-density relations. Third density is about reaction: I don't have any rival!" Fourth density is about response: "Ah, a rival." Reaction is usually based on fear or anger. Response is based on reflection. You'll see a lot more changed in communications between yourselves. So do not be surprised. In some ways there are some blinders that limit your vision. That's not a major thing, but it's what you've chosen in this reality. From a bird's-eye view, what is happening to all of you is miraculous, astounding and incredibly beautiful. Have faith and know that what you're moving toward in your lifetimes will be unlike anything your planet has experienced in the past. You all have heard about the light at the end of the tunnel, but you're not seeing the light yet. If you can't see the light, then at least feel the heat. That heat, that warmth, will guide you. You're going to feel the heat in the heart, in the chest. Let it guide you. Know that you're not taking any wrong turns on the path, and that the most difficult and challenging relationships you have that are exasperating you are all part of the miracle that is occurring. We can't convince you of that; we can't give you proof. But you'll have to feel the heat and guide yourself and know it is so by looking at the miracles that happen in your own lives. Can you talk about the third kind of interaction contrasting third and fourth density? Ah, you mean like one person? Yes.


Oh, fireworks. Whenever you are in a relationship with someone, it's a co-created relationship. It's not like this person's in third and this person's in fourth, and you constantly clash. Instead, the interaction that occurs between you is part of a

dance. When one person is more interested or is expressing herself in fourth density and the other person is expressing in third, the communication is the challenge. As we've just demonstrated, the third-density person may totally misunderstand the communication coming from the fourth-density person and react instead of respond. Any time you react you may as well put on a blindfold, because you will see only your own loops playing. It's very difficult for people to maintain relationships when one operates from third density and the other operates from a fourth density philosophy. It's not impossible, but very difficult, especially around the honesty and secrecy issues. The fourth-density person is going to be totally honest, and each time she is, the third-density person is going to feel hurt. The third density person is going to be secretive, but the fourth-density person, because she is allowing, doesn't care one way or another if the other person is being secretive or not - but that person feels guilt because of it. The dynamics in this situation are literally endless. If any of you are oriented more to fourth density and you think your partner is oriented more to third density, there's got to be a common thread between you for you to be together. That common thread is what binds the relationship. It means that in some way you must have at least a little toe in third density and the other person must have at least a little toe in fourth density. That's the bridge. The critical point of the relationship will be the subject of conscious choice. That's going to make it or break it. The fourth-density person will lay out the choices he wants for himself. The third-density person may or may not lay out her choices, because she's fearful. The choices are going to be very different. It would be very difficult to keep that relationship together. Now, one other thing we'd like to say. We have used the idea of monogamy as an example, but it is representative of other things as well. Let's say that a third-density person (it's not that clearcut, but we're using it as a model) says, "I consciously choose monogamy. Therefore you, my partner, must not sleep with anyone." That is an expression of third density. But wait a minute you can make choices only for yourself. You cannot make choices for another person. You cannot allow your fulfillment to be based on another person's actions, otherwise you will be disappointed every time. You can do it, but you'll be disappointed. The fourth-density statement would be, "I choose monogamy for myself. This means that I will not have relations with anyone but you. I cannot force you to make that choice, but it is a choice I make for myself." That pushes a lot of buttons for people. Because the current definition of monogamy is based on what the other person does. How can you ever be fulfilled if your fulfillment depends on the other person? Never. When you are truly integrated, loving yourself, clear in your choices, you can make the statement, "I choose to be monogamous with you. I don't feel the need to express myself with another person" and not feel threatened by the actions of the other person because you are very secure in your decision. If you still depend on the other person to fulfill your choice, you will never be fulfilled - bottom line.

You are, in a sense, the product of what you've been taught and what your parents were taught and what their parents were taught. Not every planet goes through this. It's simply what's been passed down - relying on another person for your own fulfillment. That's an illusion because you never can truly be fulfilled by depending on the actions of another. We commend all of you because you've made some very difficult choices as individuals and as a mass consciousness. Those choices are eventually going to reap the rewards that you want. It may take some time, but you're moving along magnificently. We commend you and admire you.


We now want to talk about what's going on at this time on your planet. The channel just returned from Japan, where she talked to many people. You will be astounded that all over the world people are saying to us the same things: "I don't know what it is, but for some reason I'm a lot more emotional than I used to be. All this stuffs coming up. I don't know where it's coming from. I'm feeling pain and love and all these emotions that I never knew were there. Am I crazy?" Of course we say "No, you're not crazy. You are experiencing fourth-density symptoms." Right now, in June of this year and ever since October of last year, but accelerating since February, there is an energy shift. Some people call it a time shift; some call it a gateway. There's a shift, a change, an acceleration. For those of you who've been interested in metaphysics for the last several years, it's the most significant shift or change or gateway since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. It's a doorway that's allowing more energy to come to your planet than ever before. As this energy comes to your planet, it's going to accelerate you. In our estimation, it will begin in late July; the peak is in August, and you will experience another peak in October. Should you choose to open to this new energy and go with the flow, you will experience lots of emotion, both painful and joyous. You'll experience old stuff coming up that you had long since thought you'd dealt with. You'll experience childhood memories not thought of in years. Take that analogy of the foot falling asleep: You're starting to prickle awake now, and as you do you're remembering what's inside of you. You're bringing up what you don't want to carry anymore and getting ready to release it.


After October it will be more difficult or intense to deal with repressed emotion. Between now and October is the prime time to deal with your repressed pain and your desire to be more unconditionally loving. Most of all, it is a prime time to confront your deepest, darkest fears. If you choose to do this between now and October, the universe is going to be very supportive of you. In fact, it's going to throw things in your face to get you through it as fast as possible. Because if

you're walking through an airport carrying your luggage, it is easier to walk than it is to run with your luggage. When you accelerate your vibration, moving faster, the more luggage you're carrying the more energy it's going to take you to get from point A to point B. If you're not carrying luggage (or carrying very little), you'll be able to accelerate yourself very easily with little pain. It's up to you. Consciously seek to confront these fears, your pain, and the transformations that you want to make within you. Do not shy away from nor blame others for your state. Then miracles will happen in your life. You'll go through it quickly, intensely - but at the same time you'll feel yourself lightened in a way that you've not felt before. Take advantage of this energy coming to the planet now, because after October you're going to be running through that airport. And if you still have your bags, your energy will be drained and it will be a lot more difficult to catch your breath. We know each and every one of you, no matter what your life's history has been, is totally capable of becoming the unconditionally loving being that you condition yourself to be in confronting and processing this fear and pain. You have available all the tools. Do not despair, do not worry that you're not strong enough. Nothing that comes to you would be coming if you weren't strong enough to deal with it now.

So what kind of changes are going to happen in your physical body We'll give you a couple of examples. Anything that is repressed and not dealt with or released produces symptoms, whether it be colds or any other kind of physical distress. If in the coming months of the accelerated vibration you choose to hold onto that stuff and not let it go, your symptoms are going to get worse. On the flip side, even if you're in the process of healing this and letting it go, your symptoms may get worse because it's a purging. It's like the idea of homeopathy, in a sense, you're introducing something into your vibrational field and you may feel the symptoms as the toxins are being released. So it's likely that in the next months until October your symtomology, your physical body, may go a little wacko. Do not worry. Question yourself first, though, if it's from denial or if it's from purging and the release of toxicity just so you know where you are. Another example is digestive changes. Many of you are already noticing this; digestive changes are taking place where things you used to be able to eat you can eat no longer. Things you never thought you would eat, you are now eating. Your physical body structure is also going to change. The changes are occurring on a deep cellular level, and as those changes occur your physical body will adapt to those changes. Those of you who have had spinal troubles are going to notice structural changes in your body, as if you are literally becoming a new person. As this stuff is cleared away, you'll be much more aligned and centered and without a need to create negative symptomology to give yourself a message.

Some of you may also experience between now and October what you would call nagging or low-level fevers. If that's the case, don't worry. (Of course, we suggest you engage in whatever belief system you have, whether a doctor or a nurse or Chinese medicine, to make sure that it's nothing you need treatment for.) But know that if it continually happens, it's a symptom of your body accelerating itself, getting itself ready for the higher vibration in order to shake off some of those toxins, like a sweat. You may find it helpful to participate in sweatlodge ceremonies or use saunas and such. They will be very useful at this time to help you release on the cellular level a lot of those toxins.


Between now and October we would suggest that you be more conscious of your physical bodies than you've ever been. Treat yourself well. If that means get massages, do that. If that means chiropractic, do that. If that means paying attention to your diet, do that. However you do it, treat your body well. At the risk of sounding like a commercial, get plenty of exercise drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. Even though that is a cliche, it is very important now, especially the water (preferably purified or distilled water). That water is going to be moving out the toxins in your body to get you ready for a new framework into fourth density. And until the third-density body structure is cleared, it may be a little bit difficult to shift. So drinking water will help you. Could you give a specific example of successfully confronting and releasing a fear?


Ah, good question. We've often said the thing you desire the most is often the thing you fear the most. Let's say that the deepest fear you have is of being abandoned by your male. That may even go back to your relationship with your father or to other lifetimes. The first thing to do is recognize the fear, know what it is. Write it down in big letters, stick it on your mirror so that you don't lapse into the forgetfulness that often comes when the ego is trying to protect you from pain. After you do that, look at all the ways in your life that you are trying to protect yourself from that fear. Let's say you keep tabs on your husband wherever he goes. Let's say that you are afraid for him to be in a room with another woman, so you conveniently don't go anyplace where there's going to be single women. (We're being a little bit dramatic here.) Become aware of the games you play that stop you from confronting that fear and that build a false sense of security around you. Start identifying those things; then you can feel them. You can start feeling the terror that causes you to act in a way to control your husband. Already at this point there are going to be shifts and changes. And those changes are likely to bring more situations your way to

challenge your fear. Let's say that you have a private detective tailing your husband. As you start processing this, you start unlocking the energy you've been repressing, so you're going to draw the fear to you so you can look at it and process it. Let's say that one day the private eye loses your husband, so he has no record of where your husband has been that day. That may freak you out because there's one day where he could have been cheating on you. These things are going to come up so that you're actually made to feel more fearful than you've ever felt not because anything's going wrong but because something's actually going right. You're opening to the pain, you're drawing the fear to you to look at it, confront it and then move through it. Each time you create a situation in your life like the private eye losing your husband, own the fear, take responsibility for it, and take responsibility for your actions - not only on an intellectual level but on an emotional level (even more difficult for some people). Own that experience, and each time feel as much as you can how much you really don't want to live with that fear anymore. See it like a roommate inside of you who leaves dirty underwear all over the place. You've put up with it for a long time but now you're starting to realize, "Wait a minute, this is MY place. I don't want to share my space with this anymore! It's too distasteful." When you can start wanting to change the fear because it's too distasteful or painful to carry it anymore, you are 50% through it. We're not talking about an intellectual want like, "Yeah, I wanna get through this but I'm not willing to open my heart to do it." It's wanting, feeling, yearning for life without that fear, life without that roommate. When you can do that, your entire biochemistry changes. Your belief patterns change, and once those two things start changing, you're drawing to you different things. You may be drawing to you challenging things, and they may be difficult. But they're things that will no longer mask your fear but will cause you to stare it straight in the face. After you get to that point of no longer wanting to live with that fear, of being so tired of carrying the fear that you're willing to let it go, each of you will take your own individual way of getting through it. If you can get yourself to that point, you're going to sail through it, because once you glimpse what it's like to have your own place without your roommate, you'll never want to go back. So get yourself to glimpse it. We cannot stress to you how different you will feel, how free you will feel when that roommate no longer ruins your life. It is an entirely different reality. To some degree, it can be said that third density is based on fear and fourth density is based on love. When you relinquish fear from your life, it's the primary thirddensity characteristic you've relinquished. It is the anchor you are finally free from. It's the luggage in the airport you're no longer carrying. It's the key to your freedom. Does that answer? Yes, thank you. Comment or question?

Lately, I seem to be viewing things through different eyes. When I speak the truth, it seems I get very negative and hurtful reactions from people whom I've always been close to or worked with. They rebuff me. How do you adapt when you want to help or let them know the truth, which is the right way? I end up just withdrawing and meditating because I feel drained.

This is a difficult one because all of you have people in your lives who are not on the same path as you. You still love them and want to support them, but you can't connect with them the way you want to. Now, it may at first seem like a dichotomy. and it may be the most fearful thing that you can think of but to truly heal this you must be 100% willing to let them go and never have them in your life again. If you can do that, your relationship will be based not on need but on true freedom and choice. Whenever humans, whether they're couples or friends, enmesh themselves with another human, you lose sight of your boundaries and can no longer tell whose reality is what. You then can no longer express yourself cleanly because of that enmeshment. We know it causes you pain. However, in the long run, as you have already discovered, withholding your true self also causes pain. The only answer is to let go and let it be all right for them not to be in your life. That doesn't mean they are going to be gone; it's simply an energy dynamic that's going to shift within you. When you can let it be okay if that that person's no longer in your life, then they are free to be who they are and you are free to be who you are. You are both free to interact on the common ground between you. When people are enmeshed, you don't even know where the common ground is. You cannot see it. But if each of you are what we call sovereign, or selfempowered, and express yourself from that without a need for the other person, the common ground is apparent. When any of you let go of anyone in your mind and your heart, you let them be who they naturally are, and the love you can then share is profound beyond words. You cannot experience that kind of Love through need or enmeshment but only through allowance and sovereignty. Allow yourself to ask - all choices being equal - what's more important? Having them in your life at all costs, even at the cost of your integrity, pretending you are someone different to have them in your life; or speaking your truth and always causing conflict; or energetically releasing them, letting them go so that your bond is a bond of integration rather than conflict. Different choices, all of them equal. Make your choice a conscious one. Does that apply to letting go of your children? Yes, yes, yes. The small ones?

It applies to letting go of your children in the sense that it's okay if they do not become who you want them to be. If they grow up to be extensions of you, they are not free to discover who they are and you are not free to discover who you are. The conflict that occurs between you is because you cannot find common ground. You can't communicate. In civilizations like the Pleiadian civilization, when children come into the world the parents are not bonded with them out of fear or need. They are sentient beings who need caretaking, but from the day of birth they are individuals, not owned by the parents. They are not looked after and possessed by the parent, but a part of the community. They are also themselves. When the children grow up, they have strong self-identities and strong ties to their parents and their society because the ties were not forced upon them. They were allowed the choice of bonding or not bonding, and whenever you are given that choice, as long as there is compatible vibration, you will always bond. But if you are forced to bond, you will invariably pull away. That's the nature of humankind. Letting your children go does not mean packing up their little bags and sending them on their way. It means energetically letting go of the desire for them to fulfill what you need. Many parents have children because they need a companion or because they need someone to make their empty life complete. Imagine the burden that the child feels who comes into a life like that. And imagine the feeling of a parent who is never ultimately satisfied by that relationship but can't let it go, either. You are all at this point now of being extremely conscious of what you're doing with your children and of what you're doing in your society. It's only been since the '60's 30 years - that's not a long time in the history of mankind - where you've awakened from the shell that you've been in. And anyone who's been in a shell for a long time, not willing to look at things, is little tender when he comes out. That's what you're feeling. You have seen on television your models of the perfect family, like Beaver. Pain covered over nice, false smiles on the face. Children must be good, they don't take drugs, they don't steal, they don't lie. No, they repress their emotion and grow up to be psychotic. A choice equal to any other but now you're teaching your children to feel and you're beginning to teach them sovereignty, or individuality. You're just beginning. Any of you who have children actively in your life, recognize if there's any part of you that needs them for fulfillment. Be aware of that and see where that awareness takes you. Your children also come into the world being taught, not by you but by your society, to need the parent for fulfillment also. So it's a two-way street. That is dissolving, and tremendous freedom comes from that. Comment or question?


If one is working around people who seem stressful with these new energies, will it become easier to detach from their stress?

Many of you are having trouble with that now. Each person has a choice about whether you want to make third-density or fourth-density choices. If you make third-density choices, then a certain reality structure surrounds you. If you choose fourth, a different reality structure is in place. You're finding now that the time of separation is coming near. It's not that those of you who choose fourth density are going to float into some other etheric realm and leave everyone else behind, but that your realities are simply going to restructure themselves so that you have fewer and fewer people in your life who operate from third density principles. Either that or they will really recede into the background of your life. You'll be aware of them like a TV on in the next room, but they won't distract you. For the time being, when you're trying to shift from third to fourth and you've got one foot in each, you're still hearing the clamor over here and reaching for the light. It can be very stressful. But that will change as you change. It's not anything out here that's going to change, but YOU. As you change, you are going to be changing that dynamic and how you perceive it. Comment or question?


What is happening between what might be termed lifemates now as we move into fourth density? It depends on the specific lifemate. Lifemates who are committed to personal growth will experience through that relationship tremendous growth, tremendous shifts. In a lifemate relationship if the top priority is not personal growth, and safety or keeping the relationship intact are put before growth, chances are the relationship will not stay intact. So it's really dependent on the specific individual. Those whose number one priority is personal growth are going to find mirrored in their mate and also within themselves a wellspring of information, growth and, in a sense, Christ energy coming from the unconditional love/heart energy that you've not really tapped into yet. And if these lifemates choose a fourth density expression based on honesty rather than secrecy, unconditional love and allowance instead of control, the potential of that relationship and the relationship each individual person has to the world is limitless and endless, and will be almost alien to what you know now. If those are the choices you make and you are truly acting on fourth density choices and are in a partnership, be prepared that what you will create may be alien to what you know now. Let that be okay, because there's nobody breaking ground in front of you. You're the groundbreakers; you're going into new territory. It might as well be another planet. You can't recognize it, there's no familiar object. Sometimes you may scratch your head and say, "Is this where I'm supposed to be? Did I take a wrong turn?" That's because you can't identify landmarks. There's nothing familiar. Know that in all probability this will happen.

So when you're confused and you can't identify landmarks, remember it's the groundbreaking. Remember that there's no one in front of you leaving a trail. So if it's alien, it's all right. Just keep going. Those of you who are lifemates choosing a third-density expression, it's likely your relationships could go on the way they always have, with secrecy and control and all of that until you die. That's one option. Not very much fun, but if it's what you choose, then so be it. Most likely, however, is that if the lifemates continue to choose third density ideas, the relationship will end. Even if it keeps going, it may not be such of an enjoyable ride. So the most important thing for those of you who have lifemates, helpmates, friends, is to define your intentions, your motivations for the relationship, truthfully, on a very deep level. If you find that the relationship is primarily there to keep you safe, to keep you feeling secure, to keep you feeling value, understand it, but know what comes with that. The happiness that you seek does not come with it, only illusion. So it's really up to you. Lifemates have a very challenging time, but that challenge can also bear much fruit, depending on the choices you make. Does that answer? Yes, thank you. Anyone else?

How do you envision intentional communities of fourth-density people getting together7 Again, the Pleiadian civilization is genetically tied to you, energetically tied to you, spiritually tied to you. So they represent a similar way that you will evolve. We don't envision one way that you will manifest these types of communities. We envision that you will do it in many different ways. Some may actually come about through anger, as strange as this sounds. You may get a group of people who are angry at society, and because of that anger reject society and build their own community. Some communities may be founded on anger and separation like this and then may evolve into the unconditionally loving fourth-density experiences later on. The initial anger and rejection of society was necessary to stimulate the action of building the foundation so that the fourth density could evolve upon it. Do you understand what we mean by that? Yes. That's one option, and it's already happening. Another option in a totally opposite direction is a group of people who are into "Light and Love," no substance, floating-in-the-clouds idea, and they may think it's really nice to have a

community like this. It won't be that grounded, but they'll do it; then that will shift into the fourth density idea. It's the same situation where they will lay the foundation for later generations to build upon. There will also be some visionaries, people compelled to live a certain way and not know why. They just have to create this and move forward without really having a future vision of what it's going to be. Those communities will start with the fourth-density framework earlier (because the builders will not yet get caught in their vision), but will stay in the moment. That is another common way. We perceive your planet will take the form of the Pleiadian civilization - again, these are just probabilities. This means that you will have community environments and you will also have people living alone. There will be everything, so whatever type of experience you want, you have an opportunity to have. That's pretty much unique in terms of your galactic family and other civilizations. Often planets are very homogeneous, and their civilizations take the same steps in their evolutionary path. You are all so diverse that you're actually going to be creating an evolutionary path through diversity. So there's going to be many, many different ways to do things, which all will eventually create the same goal. One other possibility we see is somewhat probable. Ecologically, your planetary system may get worse and worse, overcrowding, etc. You may create these types of communities in order to adapt to stressful circumstances in the environment. We perceive it is likely you will begin to build communities before you actually need them. If your planet's very reluctant to change, it's possible that you won't create these communities until it's almost too late, until you must have an immediate solution. It's not highly probable. Does that answer, or was there something more specific you wanted? No, I wanted an overall picture and you gave it, thank you. You're welcome. Anyone else? Is there anything you'd like to say tonight about the energies of today?


We would say that both the solstice today and the equinox in the fall are very powerful times of transformation. Today's solstice is also synchronized with Fathers Day. We perceive the significance is that for a period of time between now and the end of September, the male energy is needed in all of you so that you will take action to confront the things that you want to confront and move through the things you want to move through before October. Today is the gateway for the male energy. We're not talking about unbalanced male energy or

patriarchy, but about the male warrior energy, the action energy. Today a doorway is opening for that energy between now and the equinox. During this time you will be supported by the universe, by this male energy, to be the warrior within and to tackle your challenges with spear in hand, screaming into the forest, and rescuing all of the locked-up things you have within you. Characteristic of the solstice today is that the masculine energy between now and the equinox - and in terms of the topic for tonight all of you seeking balanced integrated relationships can call upon the masculine energy within you to take action to create the type of relationships you want. Many of you are passive about creating relationships. You let yourself just fall into it. Many women are taught that the man handles everything, that they lead the way and you just follow; and some men do just the opposite. But it's the time now for that masculine energy in relationships to get you to consciously make your choice and to put that choice into action, whether action is communication or actual physical movement. Between now and the equinox, action is the key, that male energy. Get out the loincloth and really go for it! At this time we would like to thank all of you for the wonderful conversation we've had with you. We would also like to thank you for being humanity's pioneers. As you know, in any age those pioneers are needed. You have not fallen here accidentally; you have all chosen to be pioneers, and with all gratitude and all respect we thank you for the position that you've chosen, we thank you for your guiding lights. We tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the world that all of you are trying to create is just around the corner. Keep on plugging away, enjoying yourself, loving yourself. Never shy away from growth, and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel it and become part of it. Our love to you. Happy dreams, happy lives. Good day.

New Frontiers of the Gold Country presents:

An evening of channeling with

Lyssa Royal

author of "Millenium, Tools for the Coming Changes", coauthor of "The Prism of Lyra", "An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage", "Visitors from Within", and "Preparing for Contact". She has been appointed coordinator for the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Thursday, September 16th, 1999 at 7 PM at Crown Point Hall, Grass Valley

Lyssa Royal is an internationally known author and channel. Her books, published in seven languages worldwide, include: Millennium: Tools for the Coming Changes, Preparing for Contact, Visitors from Within, and The Prism of Lyra. Lyssa has been using her channeling skills professionally since 1986. Her channelings, books and tapes deal with such subjects as our galactic heritage, extraterrestrial contact, frequencies of consciousness, ancient civilizations, and earth changes. Lyssa was raised in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. While getting her BA. degree in Psychology, she developed an interest in hypnosis and learned to place herself in altered states of consciousness for the purpose of stress management. She has been seen several times on national and international television, heard live on radio shows, and is a regular contributor to the magazines Connecting Link and The Sedona Journal of Emergence. Lyssa conducts extensive tours throughout Japan and

Australia and continues to lead tour groups to ancient power spots such as the Yucatan, Guatemala, Egypt, Peru, Easter Island, and Greece. Lyssa has also been appointed a coordinator for The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) in Arizona and conducts in-depth field research into CE-5s human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. In 1979, Lyssa and her family witnessed an extraordinary UFO sighting near their home in New Hampshire. This experience triggered an acute interest in extraterrestrial phenomena which propelled her into an in-depth study of the nature of extraterrestrial consciousness using her channeling and intuitive abilities. This evening group channeling with Lyssa Royal will include time for questions from the audience. Lyssa will also present two workshops in the Grass Valley area: September 18 (Sat.) A one-day workshop called Preparing for Contact. The idea of humans initiating the contact experience will be extensively explored. September 19 (Sun.) "Exploring Earths Galactic Heritage". Based on Lyssas 1989 classic book, The Prism of Lyra, this workshop will explore the reasons for the creation of Schoolhouse Earth, and who was involved in its creation. (Editor's note: the following is exerpted from a recent article by Lyssa Royal, Preparing for Contact: Entering Species Adulthood.) For thousands of years mankind has been looking up at the sky, imagining the wonders of the heavens. During that time, weve developed an extraterrestrial mythology filled with benevolent beings assisting humanity as well as Jealous "gods" vying for the worship and control of humans. But all through our past relationship with extraterrestrials, weve never allowed an equal relationship between us to form. In one way or another, the human race has played the role of victims to extraterrestrial contact. With the development of the atomic bomb and other technological toys, humankind has entered a phase on the evolutionary scale where it could possibly destroy itself. Gone are the days wherein we were a child race. It is time to enter Species Adulthood. Becoming an adult species has its challenges. Perhaps the biggest challenge is to act like an adult and seek out relationships with adult species from other worlds. Though it may be challenging, we must begin to implement a contact program as a responsible adult species that empowers the people on Earth to be planetary ambassadors. Preparing for contact is a concept that weve never explored as a sentient species. We have no role models with which to guide us. At some point, we are going to need to stop theorizing and take action. Soon it will be time to go out in the field and apply what weve learned. A planetary species which feels powerless and victimized (whether by its own bureaucracy or by an external force) may wait for contact to be forced upon it and never take action. However, what extraterrestrial civilization would want to make contact with

a powerless, frightened species? The only ETs who would want to contact a planet filled with frightened souls would be those who want to take advantage of them by preying upon their fears. Unless we want to create that type of contact scenario, it is time to assert ourselves by reaching out, not from fear, but simply from curiosity and excitement. The ETs have made the first step. Have we? Some would say that projects such as SETI and Voyager are our attempts at making contact. However, those projects were not joyously participated in by humanity; instead they were funded and implemented by governments and/or private organizations who may or may not speak for the People. Those projects, in a sense, speak the party line by assuming that an ET species will value science and technology (radio waves and space probes) over consciousness itself. Did those contact programs speak for you? Perhaps it is time to design a contact program of our own, based on our understanding of ETs, their reality, and the human consciousness. Already some visionary organizations like CSETI (founded by Dr. Steven Greer) have begun this immense task. But before a paradigm shift occurs, a large group of people must be willing to do whatever it takes to become planetary ambassadors even if that means releasing old safe belief systems and entering the world of the unknown in order to do so. As we prepare for contact, there are several issues which need to be addressed before we can become an empowered planet of intergalactic ambassadors: 1. Acknowledge the Inevitability of Contact. It is time for the people of influence in our society to stop arguing whether ETs exist or whether or not a specific case study is real or hoaxed. Instead, we as a society can be better served by realizing contact is a high probability and prepare ourselves for the inevitable contact which occurs for any species entering adulthood. 2. Discover Personal Truths. The only truth that matters is the truth one finds within. This requires us to form a solid personal truth about the ET phenomenon which is not based on polaritymeaning that we dont simply categorize the ETs as being space brothers here to save us, or invaders here to conquer us. The truth lies somewhere in between, and becoming self-responsible individuals simply means putting aside our judgments, cultivating a personal truth about the importance of contact, and carrying out our responsibilities to initiate contact in a dignified and diplomatic way. 3. Embrace Humanity. Opening positive, diplomatic communications with extraterrestrials who may be quite alien to us will be impossible unless we first take responsibility for our planet and the people upon it. Unless we seek to become a People, it is unlikely that extraterrestrial will wish to open contact with a group of fragmented and aggressive adolescents. We must seek to create an atmosphere of family on Earth. 4. Interspecies Communication. We have several "alien" species here on Earth with which to practice our communication skills. It is unrealistic to think that contact with ETs will be achieved through the types of language and communication with which we are

familiar. In the meantime, we can practice learning new methods of communication with the dolphins, whales, and the plant kingdom, for example. This will prepare us to enter the unfamiliar landscape of communication with alien races. 5. Confront our Fears. Until we confront our own inner and outer fears, we humans will continue to perceive ETs through the veil of our fears and thus distort their true reality. We must learn to come to peace with our own inner archetypes of dark and light, otherwise the ETs will simply become contemporary demons upon which we will project our fears. 6. Decompartmentalize our Consciousness. Right now the human consciousness is segmented into the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds. Many individuals who have had ET contact have stored memories of the contact deep within their subconscious or unconscious, in order to maintain the sense of a secure reality. We must be willing to integrate these levels and face our frightening memories. Many have already begun doing this through regressive hypnosis. Once the human consciousness begins integrating and healing, we will be perceived by ETs as whole beings instead of fragmented ones. 7. Reclaim our Power. For thousands of years influential people and organizations have been dictating what the consensus reality should be. The time of dependency upon authority figures must now pass if we are to enter Species Adulthood. We must no longer wait for our government to reveal the ET bodies and crash debris it has before we believe solidly in the extraterrestrial presence. We must reclaim our power by beginning a contact program "For the People, By the People". We must begin educating a timid public on extraterrestrial issues, giving them responsible information. And most of all, we must stop the bickering and invalidation between researchers which only serves to divide and conquer the visionaries of the future. As we reclaim our power in this way, we become a global People ready to interact with our intergalactic neighbors.

Behind the Veil - A Look at the Phenomenon of Channeling Lyssa Royal
Interview with Lyssa Royal: November 1998 Channeling is the process of receiving information or inspiration from realms beyond our physical reality. There are many forms of channeling such as vocal trance channeling and divination (using tools such as tarot or runes). Even the simplest form of creativity can be considered channeling such as music composition, dance and movement, and artistic endeavors. The specific source of channeled inspiration is not nearly as significant as the essence of the gift brought through to this reality. From where does channeling come? Most people have heard of the process of channeling spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials and ascended masters. But perhaps the most important aspect of channeling is each person's ability to connect with his or her own unique spiritual energy, that of the Higher Self. Without that ability, the process of connecting with spirit guides may seem two-dimensional or shallow. As we develop our relationship with our own Higher Selves (thus committing to the process of our personal growth) the universe comes alive with consciousness that helps us learn about the wonders of God's universe. This article is taken from an interview with Lyssa Royal on the subject of channeling and its connection with the Higher Self. Many subjects are discussed but an overall theme is explored, that the channeling process can only be as clear as the channel. To achieve clarity a channel must commit herself to a journey of intense personal growth and discovery. It is important to remember that each channel is unique. Just like musical styles, a channel and his/her guide learn to create a symphony of ideas and experiences for the listener. Every channel has his or her own style. If you are seeking a channel, it is suggested that you participate in several styles of channeling until you find one that inspires joy and awakening in your heart. Q: How did you become a channel, and what kind of training did you go through? Please be specific about your training. It seems like the circumstances in my life guided me to learn the skills that I needed to learn to become a channel long before I even knew what channeling was. In 1979 I had a UFO sighting with my family in New Hampshire. Though I had been interested in psychic phenomenon before that experience, the UFO sighting really accelerated my interest in paranormal subjects. I was in college at the time. Shortly after that I was studying hypnosis in college and learned to place myself in an altered state of consciousness, mostly for stress management. Those early situations (the UFO sighting and learning to put myself in an altered state of consciousness) helped to lay the foundation for what happened later. In 1984 I began to see a channel named Darryl Anka who channels Bashar. The channelings by Bashar had a very profound impact in my life. During that time I had a dream in which an entity materialized and touched all of my chakras. The entity said to me, "You will be a channel." That experience both scared and excited me. I

immediately went to Bashar and asked him what this was all about and what I could do to develop my channeling. Bashar actually recommended a channeling class that he knew of in Los Angeles that was just beginning. I called the teacher and it turned out that there was only one opening left. The class began a month or two after my initial phone call. During the interim I felt like I wanted to continue to learn about channeling before the class began. An exciting process began happening. I began to feel the presence of other entities and a lot of energy around me. I would go into that self-hypnotic state that I had taught myself years before and the spirit guides began teaching me the early stages of channeling. They would blend their energy with mine, move my hands and head, and they would exercise my vocal chords so I could feel what it was like to speak with a new energy in my vocal chords. That really got me ready for the class. Q: So the channeling began even before you took the class? That is true, yes. I was channeling already before I began the class, but I felt that I needed some type of formal guidance. It is a very frightening experience to be opening to something like channeling without assistance. I entered the class in January 1985 and I studied with five other individuals once a week with the teacher for about 4-5 hours. Then we met independently without the teacher once or twice per week for about 4 hours. The class itself taught a wide range of approaches to channeling, all of which are very important aspects of the channeling experience. One area that was stressed was the area of Personal Growth, which is what I focus on now when I teach channeling. This aspect is important because it is what allows a channel to be clear. If a channel processes his/her own fears, issues, and blockages, then they become clear as a person and thus will become clear as a channel. (A channel who is not clear, loving, and nonjudgmental in life will not be a clear, loving, and nonjudgmental channel.) We also did a lot of work having to do with the subconscious. There were a lot of guided meditations that were for the purpose of releasing blocked energy that resides in the subconscious. This energy is expressed through an archetypal language understood mostly by the subconscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves. This includes the areas of fear, love, judgment, and the integration of polarity (whether it be male/female or dark/light). There were many lessons having to do with the blending of spiritual energy with ourselves in human form and the expression of that energy through speech, movement, or music (depending upon the individual channel's talents). A lot of focus was placed on the Higher Self and how everything we need can be accessed within us without even having to work with entities outside of ourselves. We also did basic work having to do with the development of our psychic abilities and the stimulation of our chakra (energy center) energy. We worked on divination using tools such as tarot cards, runes, etc. Our lessons were comprised of a whole mixture of teachings designed to shape us into flexible and clear channels. Q: So this was some serious study? Yes. Even late in the year we accelerated our class time and spent even more time practicing. We were very dedicated.

Q: Eventually you began to work with the entities Germane and Sasha. Before they appeared, what other entities were guiding you? Were they with you only to help you learn to channel? The very first entities I began channeling (who came through before the class began) were a mixture. The first one I remember was a Chinese philosopher named Kwan. The entity Ra came through also. There were quite a few. I don't remember them all. The first entity that stayed with me and helped me develop as a channel called herself Raydia. I channeled her for three years. She was the entity that my Los Angeles clientele knew the most. I became known first for channeling Raydia. The whole time I lived in Los Angeles and I was channeling publicly, I was channeling Raydia, along with several others. Q: What was Raydia like? She is a female version of the guide I work with now named Germane. Just before I left Los Angeles [in 1988] and moved to Arizona she did her last channeling. She said to the group, "You will never see me in this form again." I had no idea what that meant. Eventually she integrated herself into Germane. Like Germane, she was a collective consciousness, but had a strong affiliation with the star Arcturus. Germane has many different aspects to him, but Raydia was very heart-centered and strongly affiliated with Arcturus. I also channeled an entity called "the One" at that time, who had a strong connection to the energy being worshipped by Ahkenaton in his attempt to introduce monotheism in Egypt. Q: You mentioned an entity named "Ra". Was that the same entity mentioned by the Egyptians? It is not the same entity as the one discussed in the later dynasties of Egypt. The original Ra evolved into something else later in the mind of the later Egyptians. Ra was another collective. Once I moved to Arizona, everything changed. Surprisingly, I began to channel Merlin. He was very enigmatic and kept telling us that he was just a temporary guide and that he was getting me prepared for a new frequency. About six months later, Germane appeared. He was very hard to channel at first, and had a bothersome accent. I begged him to work with me so that the accent could be dropped. He said the accent had something to do with the way his energy interfaced with my speech centers. It took a few years, but eventually the accent was lessened. Now it is just slightly perceptible. For people who have listened to my tapes since 1989, they will notice that the accent diminishes after about 4 years. This is indeed a long process! Q: Could you tell us how contemporary channeling developed in America? In the late 1800s the spiritualist movement in both Europe and America increased. The interest in mediumship strengthened. Back then, it mostly focused on channeling the entities who had died -- deceased spirits who return to give information. In the 1950s there was a surge of channeling from supposed extraterrestrial sources. One channel named George Van Tassel was a real pioneer in terms of ET channeling. At that time, it was very simplistic channeling but quite profound for the listeners. I would say that the main influence for many of today's contemporary channels would have to be Jane Roberts who channeled Seth. She began channeling in the 1960s but her material wasn't well known until the 70s and then it experienced another surge

in the 1980s. Her material is very intellectual and deals with the nature of reality as well as our connection with God, reincarnation, etc. It comes from a very wellbalanced and well-rounded perspective. I feel she is the pioneer of modern day channeling in America. In the 1980s another channel influenced channeling called J.Z. Knight who channels Ramtha. Unfortunately, her channeling style is very dramatic and there has been controversy around her. So, when channeling became popular in the 1980s and the media got a hold of it, J.Z. Knight was the one everyone focused on. The media portrayed her in a very bad light which influenced the way the world perceived channeling. Shirley Maclaine wrote about her as well. Channeling was distorted by the media immensely in the 1980s. Even J.Z. Knight's material was distorted by the media. Another channel that influenced us in the 1980s was Kevin Ryerson who was also popularized by Shirley Maclaine. But, he did not get as much negative press as J.Z. Knight. Right now, everyone involved in metaphysics or selfhelp pretty much knows what channeling is (but their true understanding of it is most likely inaccurate). Therapists are now using channeling in their practices. However, I still find that unless someone has experienced channeling firsthand and have had a good experience, they still do not understand what it is and judge it from a place of being misinformed. Q: Isn't Edgar Cayce well known as well? Is he considered a channel also? I forgot to mention him! I'm sorry about that. Edgar Cayce influenced American channeling a bit, but he is extremely unique. His material could be corroborated and often was validated, whether it was prophecy or medical remedies. His channeling wasn't known necessarily for philosophy and spirituality as it was for practical, downto-earth information. He has done a wonderful service for channeling. Q: Is there a hierarchy among the entities who are channeled? You will get a different answer to this question depending upon who you ask. I will preface this by saying that this is my opinion, but I do believe it is true. For those of us in the physical plane, reality is linear. We always need to put things in a hierarchy in order to understand them. This is even reflected in our corporate structure. From the spiritual realms, the entities tell me that there is no hierarchy. The entities all view each other as equal, but perhaps with different areas of expertise. So the most common labels for the different types of entities channeled in America would be the following: Extraterrestrials, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides who have lived lives on Earth and who have passed on, Collective Group Consciousness, Light Beings, Nature Spirits, etc. I have found that channels who are very good and clear do not channel about the concept of hierarchy. Some channels who are not as clear or developed might tend to focus on the idea of a hierarchy or on forms of separation. Each entity has their area of expertise that is reflected in the type of information that they bring through. Q: Channeling has existed for centuries but has taken on different styles. Why do you think that the popularity of channeling has risen in conjunction with the growth of the New Age movement? I think there are several reasons. One has to do with species evolution. If you look at human history there is always a resurgence of paranormal interest at the end of a millennium. This is both positive and negative. The negative is that there is a resurgence in apocalyptic prophecy. The positive is that there is a spiritual revival in

one way or another. The boom of the New Age movement at the end of the 20th century falls in line with historical trends. Also, we are living in an increasingly technological world that is leading us away from nature and our connection to the universe. I think people are trying to fill a need to feel connected again. Connection is our natural state of existence! People are looking for any activity or philosophy that can make them feel that connection. Channeling is providing a service, but it is certainly not the only way for people to make that connection. Q: Do you think also that this resurgence in channeling is connected to the transition that many people feel we are now experiencing? I think it is connected with the transition. If what is being channeled is true, that the vibration or energy of the planet is accelerating and that we are transforming ourselves in response to this acceleration, then it seems only natural that we will make use of the brain's capacity more than we have in the past. There is now some research about what happens in the brain to one who is channeling. However, this research is not complete. Channeling is indeed connected to this transformation because the transformation is causing us to want to reach out and expand our potential, especially in the areas of thought and consciousness. Channeling is one way to do that. Q: It is amazing that no one is doing serious research into channeling. I think there has been some research done, especially at UCLA. The research that I am familiar with was done by Ph.D.s. One doctor studied the psychological changes in those who are developing as channels. She wrote a dissertation on her findings. [The late Dr. Margo Chandley.] There are also brain wave studies in which channels have been hooked up to EEG machines. [These are not released to the public yet.] When channels go into the channeling state and begin channeling an entity, all the brain waves peak. For instance, when we are awake in normal life, only the beta brain waves peak. It seems that channeling uses more of the brain because all the brain waves peak. The brain becomes more active. This is exciting because it may confirm the idea that, in fact, channeling is expanding the human potential. Does this mean that everyone needs to learn to channel to expand their brain capacity? No, I don't think so. If the theories about the morphogenetic field are correct, there will only need to be a certain number of channels to reach critical mass. At critical mass, the brain evolution will be passed to the majority of the species, thus creating an evolutionary leap. Q: From your experience as a channel since 1985, do you find any similarity in the messages that are being channeled? There is definitely a similarity in the messages. It seems like each channel has their own area of expertise, but the overall message is the same. These basic messages include the following ideas: 1) We are all the creators of our own realities, and reality is created through our thoughts and emotions. 2) We are part of a galactic family of which we are not yet totally conscious. Beings of immense diversity have visited and continue to visit us whether in physical form (such as UFOs) or on the spiritual levels (such as angels).

3) There is a transformation happening that called different names by different teachers. This is a real, tangible event 4) We all have our connection to God within us and need not worship something external to us. We are all a part of God and need no one outside of ourselves to serve as a "cosmic messenger" no priest, no church, no guru, and certainly no trance channel! Q: You often mention that channeling is a process of cooperation between the spirit guides and the channel. What do you mean by that? What determines the quality of a channel? In old school mediumship, the mediums were just vehicles for the spirit's messages. Often the medium would enter a sleep state and not be present for the relaying of the message. When the entity would leave, the channel would collapse from exhaustion. They would then have to recharge themselves. It was a process of separation between a channel's life and their spiritual work. In present day, channeling is much more a cooperative effort between the channels and the entities. Ultimately, I think this is healthier and a lot better for the growth of the channel. Most channels now enter a semiconscious state and don't surrender control to the entity. The entity can't do anything that is against the moral code of the channel. The channel enters a receptive state and allows the entity to do the work. While the channeling happens, the channel benefits also. They don't just go to sleep. They benefit and grow and the energy channeled through somehow also transforms the channel on very deep levels. The channel is in partnership with the entity, so we as channels can say, "Your energy is too strong. Can you please give me less?" The channel can make requests of the entity and the entity is more than willing to comply. This is also extremely important because as we see ourselves as equals to the channeled entities and work in partnership with them, the idea of separation is decreased. Now for the second part of your question. The aspects that determine the quality of a channel might be surprising to some people. One of the incorrect belief systems out there is that all "good" channels must be unconscious while channeling so the mind does not get in the way. However, I see far too many unconscious channels who are unclear and their channeled information is judgmental and, in some ways, hateful. What seems to determine the quality of a channel is how much personal processing they have done in their life. Have they worked on their fear and resistance, and their fear of victimization? Have they learned to relinquish judgment? If they have done work to become self-empowered, can become humble, and are committed to their personal growth (even if they have to see parts of themselves that they don't want to see) then they can make very good, clear channels. It doesn't matter whether a channel is unconscious, semiconscious, or conscious. The state of the channel's heart, mind, and emotions is of utmost importance. Q: So a channeled entity must use the vocabulary of the channel and is limited by their humanness? That is correct. Whatever belief systems or discriminations that we as humans have, they are encoded in our very cells. If a human leaves his/her body and lets the entity fully merge into this reality, the entity still has to use the channel's brain and use the coding that is in the channel's cells in order to speak and express. It is a biochemical process as much as it is a spiritual one. The coding can act like a distortion

mechanism. If you wear glasses that are coated red, then everything you see will be tinted red. The coding within us always "tints" or distorts the energy coming from a spiritual source. Unless we learn to lessen at distortion, it will always be distorted no matter whether we are conscious or unconscious as channels. Q: So that can only be cleansed through the personal work? For the most part. In the research I've done during the last decade the answer would have to be yes. The channel must be willing to commit to their growth and work through their most challenging issues in order to become clear. Q: Some people have the conception that once one learns to channel and can access wisdom from other dimensions, all of one's problems will be solved. They won't have to do anything except listen to the advice. This belief isn't really correct, is it? No. Believe it or not, many of my students have had that assumption! Some have believed that if they became channels that they would never, ever have another problem in their lives! The entities are not here to stop us from learning and growing. They are actually here to stimulate our growth. They will always tell a channel that they are here to be of service but that they are not here to take away our problems. We must learn and grow, thus strengthening ourselves as humans. These human challenges make us clearer channels. If a student wishes to learn channeling because of that expectation, they will find the process very difficult indeed. Q: As a very public channel since 1985, what do you feel are the biggest misconceptions about channeling? There is a lot of discrimination that goes on regarding channeled material. One of the biggest challenges has to do with general society. Most of society understands what channeling is only through how it is portrayed in the media. The media portrays it in an extremely distorted way. Because the media likes to promote sensationalism and tabloid journalism, they focus on the dramatics rather than the actual information and the beautiful experiences that people have had. The biggest distortion portrayed by the media is that channels are in it for the money. I can tell you that I have not gotten rich off of this, and I could be making more money as a secretary, which is what I was doing before I was channeling! Many people also believe that the people who channel are simply crazy or have personality imbalances. The exact opposite is true! I've been fortunate to have been very close to the research of a Ph.D. who studied channels and found that, for the most part, the healthy ones are very balanced people. These people usually have higher education and are emotionally stable as well as having a good relationship with physical reality. I would say that if people would just take the time to do the research about what channeling is before they make a judgment, they would come to understand that it is something very different from their preconceived notions. Of course, there are some unhealthy channels out there which, unfortunately, makes it harder for other channels who are committed to their personal growth and clarity. Q: How has channeling changed your life? How has it enriched your life? That is a difficult question because since 1984 channeling has been such an integral part of my life that I don't know what my life would be like without it. I would say that when I started to channel, I began to feel more in control of my life. I began to

feel that I created my reality and I had the power to create a positive reality that I preferred. Any challenge that comes up, I have the power to walk through it and learn from it. Channeling has encouraged me to always learn from everything that I experience and it has made me a lot more optimistic, probably more than I ever could have been in this life if I wasn't a channel. Q: Do you get to benefit from channeling? How do you ask the entities questions? There are several different ways. The easiest is for me to write the question down and have someone else ask while I am channeling. The area that I would like to improve in my own channeling is in answering my own questions. Sometimes I put the question out there to the universe and usually very shortly after that I get the answer either through inspiration or through a life circumstance that shows me the answer. At other times, the guidance comes very clearly in the form of a "thought ball" that seems to drop into my consciousness. Once I unravel this (like a ball of yarn) the answer presents itself. I enjoy the process of learning the answer rather than being told. Several times I have gotten answers to questions easily, but if I wasn't ready to hear the answer, it usually made no sense anyway. When you learn for yourself (rather than being told), it is a lot more profound. Q: Channels have often said that they made an agreement to work with their spirit guides before they incarnated in their current life. Is this true for you? I don't know if I've made an agreement to do it so publicly, but I do feel I've made an agreement to channel. One of the entities that I work with now (Sasha) says she is a physical extraterrestrial from the Pleiadian star system. When I was a child, my cousin and I used to make a lot of jokes about being ETs. We used to say we were from both the Pleiades and Orion. Even as a child I had this connection and fascination with the stars, especially the Pleiades. I had an experience when I first started to channel even before I joined the class. I was in a sauna and I was relaxing. I heard communication that said to me, "Are you ready?" It startled me and I said, "Ready for what?" The voice said, "Are you ready to do what you've agreed to do?" I don't know who sent this communication. It was very clear that they were "calling my number" and it was time for me to begin the work. It was frightening because it put a lot of pressure on me! So yes, I do think I made an agreement before I was born, but I don't know any of the specifics. Q: Could you describe the UFO experience you had in 1979 that was your turning point? My father's house was in a rural area of New Hampshire. It was the first snowfall of the season and I looked outside to see how much snow had fallen. It was dark and I saw a very large ball of light that looked like a miniature sun. I would say it was about 500 yards away in the forest across the street. Perhaps it was closer. It was hovering. Every once in a while it would make some angular movements that no aircraft can make. It was very overcast because it was snowing, so it had to be something very close. When I called my family to the window, they witnessed it as well. By the time they got to the window it began to release something that looked like a teardrop of fire from it. It fell toward the ground. When I opened the door I heard a very unusual sound like a whine that started low in pitch and then went higher in pitch and intensity until it disappeared. I was only 18 at the time and I

desperately wanted to go out into the forest to see it. I had no fear at all. I was so excited. My father would not let me go to investigate. There was no noise that would even come close to a conventional aircraft. The area in which I grew up, in New Hampshire, was known for its UFO activity. This really left an impact on me. Q: Do you have any advice for anyone who wishes to develop their channeling abilities? The number one thing that channeling will do for you is accelerate your personal growth. So, be prepared! If you choose to develop yourself as a channel, you will be transformed and you will become a different person. The best possible reason to choose to be a channel is to become a better person. If you choose that goal and pursue it while using channeling as a tool, you will become a very clear and good channel. I would not recommend that people choose channeling in order to become a professional or to solve all of life's problems, or for any other reason that is not one of humble service. It must be a path of the heart. The path becomes difficult for those whose main focus in not on their own growth. This is because in order to become a good channel you must be willing to look into the mirror of your soul and embrace even the most horrific aspects of self. Not everyone is willing to do this. Finally, at the risk of sounding like a school teacher . . . if you are going to do it, you must practice, practice, practice! That is the way you become clear. When you practice, you will have periods of doubt. Continue to practice during those periods of doubt because the doubt eventually fades. But you have to have the will to get through those challenging periods. Q: People also have a misconception that channeling is just a process of connection with entities and spirit guides. You have emphasized often however that channeling spirit guides is actually a byproduct of learning to connect with the Higher Self, which is actually much more important. Could you elaborate on this idea? When you focus on your personal growth and clear your blockages the natural result is to make a connection with the Higher Self. Once you make that connection with the Higher Self many doors will open. The door to your creativity opens along with the door to many hidden talents that you might not know you had. One of these talents might be the talent to channel spirit guides. If you choose to learn to channel spirit guides and focus only on that and do not focus on your personal growth, it will be a difficult road. If you choose the path of your Higher Self, then the door to the universe opens widely before you. The Higher Self is, simply, the part of us that we all have that connects with God. It is our own individual Christ/Buddha consciousness that we possess within us. It also represents the pinnacle of human potential. That Higher Self exists for all of us and is the higher point of view of life on Earth. From the point of view of the Higher Self, our confusing world makes sense. When you make your own intimate connection with the Higher Self, your life begins to make sense. Q: What role does the Higher Self play when you channel other entities? Higher Self is like a gatekeeper or a big cosmic switchboard. The HS knows your path in any given life even when you don't know it consciously. HS always guides and protects you and makes sure that you move in the direction you need to move for your own growth. When you are channeling another entity, the HS will be the

switchboard that brings in the entity or gives permission to the entity to come through and communicate. Q: Is the Higher Self energy then blended with the spirit guide who is speaking through you? Yes. The entity's energy is funneled through the Higher Self. I describe the process as follows: I go into the altered state. The personality I know of as Lyssa goes to sleep in the back sleep. My HS is the driver of the car. The entity is a passenger in the front seat. The HS drives the car and guides the channeling experience. The entity is the navigator. It is a cooperative process between the Higher Self and the entity. So, when the entity comes through, it is blending of both. Q: What if two different channels channel the same energy? Will the channeled entity have the same personality? Yes, but there may be subtle differences. I've channeled Bashar (who is primarily channeled by Darryl Anka). The Bashar that comes through me and the Bashar that comes through Darryl are noticeably the same entity. However, the subtle aspects of the entity are colored by either my Higher Self or Darryl's. There have been interesting things that have happened. Darryl and I have both channeled Bashar and channeled the same information within the span of a couple of days, not knowing what came through the other channel. There is indeed a sense of continuity between us. Q: Could you describe your unique form of channeling? I do a form of channeling that I call semiconscious channeling. This means that I do go into an altered state, but I do not leave my body. It feels like I am asleep and dreaming. My eyes are usually closed, and my speech patterns slightly change. When I awaken, I may or may not remember what was said. Sometimes I have my own experiences or teachings given to me while the guides are speaking to the audience. I usually only remember about 50% of the material. If I do not discuss it after the session, it fades from my memory much a like a dream would fade as we busy ourselves with our daily lives. Before we close the interview I would like to stress again that it doesn't matter whether a channel chooses to do conscious, semiconscious, or unconscious channeling. All forms can produce clear and profound channelings. The most important key is the quality of the channel as a person and as a vehicle. In choosing a channel, you must ask yourself questions such as the following: 1) What is the channel's personal life like? Does the channel walk his talk? 2) How clear is the channel in his/her waking state? Does he/she create a lot of chaos in life or is the channel a relatively balanced individual? 3) Does the channel deal with the basics of 3D life on Earth easily or is he/she seeking to escape from this reality? 4) Is the channel or channeled entity subtly or blatantly telling you that he/she has the only truth and that you must follow it in order to be "saved"?

These questions and more will open a window into the quality of the channel and the channelings. Do not be afraid to use discernment (rather than judgment) when looking for a channel who gives clear and useful information. There are different styles for everyone. Keep looking until you find the right channel for you. If you approach channeling with an open heart and mind it can be amazingly rewarding. Keep in mind that most channels are not providing this service to prove anything. Since channeling cannot be "proven" it is ridiculous to try to use it as a method of validation. Instead, it is meant to be a spiritual service that leads an individual back to the God within. In our distant past, channeling in its many forms was a natural part of life practiced not only by shamans and spiritual teachers but by anyone with a sincere desire to connect with the greater part of themselves. Today's western world has rigid and dogmatic scientific perspectives that leaves many people feeling the void of spirituality within them. People in increasing numbers are turning to their inner selves for guidance. This quest will serve to strengthen the individual as a spiritual being and, when practiced with humility and an open heart, will always lead the seeker back Home. Copyright 1998 by Royal Priest Research.

Contact and the Power Struggle Lyssa Royal

Contact and the Power Struggle - Staying Centred Amongst the Chaos We would like to begin by discussing some things that may be of concern to some of you. When the "powers that be" who are attempting to control the ET situation in your world are feeling as if they and the extraterrestrial issue itself is out of control, a way for them to regain that control would be for them to stage their own extraterrestrial event. Thereby, this would sway public opinion in whatever way they desire. This is a very real concern and it is something that for the last five years or so I have spoken about. I haven't really gone into length about it because it still was a possibility that was far off in the distance. However we would like to say at this time that as we read the energy right now it is possible within the next two years (as the first probability), and the next five years (as the second probability) that some type of extraterrestrial event will be staged in order that the "powers that be" will feel more in control of the situation itself. In terms of the outcome of this staged event, or shall we say, how it will be presented, there are several options. The more dire option which we must truly state to you has to do with the staging of some type of hostile event in order to depict ETs as enemies and gain public sympathy and attention for the furthering of space-based weapons. It could also be for the purpose of lumping all extraterrestrial life forms into the hostile category. That is a very real possibility, should some factions of the fractionated power structures be more dominant in the power struggle at any given time. Recognize that the fractionated structures on your world are stratified in many different ways. Some are very dark, but some are actually somewhat on the lighter side, looking for the greater good. There are some fractionated aspects who are looking to stage an event for the opposite reasons than we have just said. Let us go back to the more dire scenario for a moment. At the risk of sounding as if we are saying the sky is falling, please listen to these words. We speak them from the heart and we are very serious about this. If within the next 2-5 years your media or your government makes some type of announcement about hostile actions on the part of extraterrestrial life forms, 99.9% of chances are that this is a total untruth. If it were to happen, it is your responsibility to do damage control. Obviously this type of propaganda will cause a lot of panic and the individuals who are of the mindset of "Dark or Light: You must be one or the other" will be thrown into imbalance and into a lot of fear and terror. That vibration of fear and terror is just what the fractionated groups need to seize power. It is highly, highly, highly unlikely there would ever be any real attempt by "negatively-oriented ETs" at some overt hostile act. As you know, humans are much more capable of those types of events. If this scenario is displayed in your media, please know that 99.9% of it is untruth. It will require you to go within to balance yourself and to process the fear. Not only will you need to process the fear, but also balance it out through your own positive energy connections to the Source. It will be required of you to really balance that energy out very quickly before it goes out of control.

Another scenario which is somewhat less likely is that the fractionated groups who are working very covertly to bring this out into the open in a benign way may also stage some type of event that is peaceful in nature in order to throw the balance of power out of the fear category. The reason for doing this would not be for the purposes of swaying public opinion. The reasons for doing this would be to disempower the other fractionated groups. The reasons would have nothing to do with us or you, but simply be a war between the fractionated groups themselves. Do you understand this? This is important. It is all a power game. You and we, at times, are used as pawns in order for them to play their power games. Another scenario that is possible and somewhat more likely than the more benign announcements that may be staged is a simple neutral announcement which is staged. Let us give you an example of this. It may take the form of the "final disclosure" about Roswell being real, or an even earlier event where all the witnesses are conveniently dead. Or, there may be a disclosure that some military group in some far corner of Siberia had some type of brief exchange with extraterrestrials who then left for their planet, never to return. It may be something like this, where the contact cannot be ongoing. Because it is purported to have happened in some remote corner of Siberia, no one is likely to ever go there to investigate it. That is a possibility as well. The key for all of you if any of these scenarios happen is to find a way to make each scenario work for you. Obviously if it is a benign announcement that is given, then you can make that work for you even though it wasn't intended to empower you. It can work for you because it can speed up your true and sincere contact efforts because more people will then want to get involved with working groups. The ground will become fertile for many true educational projects. If it is a neutral announcement, then again it is like planting seeds in fertile ground, especially for people who have been sitting on the fence, not deciding about the ET issue one way or another. If the negative scenario comes about, there is a power in this for all of you as well. You must find it yourselves because it will be different for each of you. Wield that power. Yes, we can say to wield it as a spiritual warrior, but please understand how we mean this. We do not mean it in the form of attack or offense, but in the form of moving with the flow of energy. The best example we can give you is that in some forms of martial arts when an attack is coming you do not resist it, but instead move with the flow of it and thus use that energy for your own means. It is very possible to do that. It will require all of your skill and focus and trust in yourself, but you can do it. On our end, we will do what we can but we are very aware of not making it worse for all of you by becoming involved. It is very, very, very touchy. For instance, let us use this negative scenario as an example. It is not so much that we are afraid of coming in and getting shot at because we have ways of defending ourselves from that type of hostility. However, there are ways where our intentions can be used to insidiously twist public opinion even further, demonizing us even more. Therefore, it would hurt all of you who are attempting to bring all of this information out into the light. So, we must tread very, very carefully. Mark my words on this one, we will not sit by idly. There are things we will do within our own integrity and within our own power structures to not allow that manipulation to take root. But, it is up to us to decide the best ways to implement that. In whatever way possible, we will protect you, knowing also that you are responsible for acting ! wisely as well. You don't often hear of me talk of these things. I would never talk of these things to individuals to whom it would frighten, who would take this information and use it to build the fearful

scenario. That is something I refuse to do. I will not give it that power. But, at the same time, to those of you who understand the so-called politics of the situation and how precariously you are all poised right now in this moment in history, you must become aware of the fractionated groups and their intentions should they begin to feel a sense of losing control of this issue, which might be coming very soon. Do not think of this as really dire. Do not become depressed. Do not give it that energy. But simply prepare yourself for all scenarios. At this point in time, the best way for preparation is education. The more people who become aware of the possibility of a hostile staged event, the more they will be ready for it and the more it won't take root if it happens. The element of surprise will work to their advantage if many of you are prepared for it and have blown off the steam on it before it ever takes root. It will make a significant difference. You have a saying in your world. We [Pleiadians/ETs] did not just fall off the turnip truck! We have been dealing with civilizations much more insidious than yours for millennia. We know the tricks that are played in an attempt to grab for power. We are ready for them. (When I say "we" I am not necessarily referring to myself and my contact team. This isn't my department. I am "relaying" a message if you will, from the "strategists" on our end.) So, have we thoroughly depressed you for the evening? Q: Is it more accurate to say that it will be a staged event by earthlings for earthlings? What is the possibility of an ET group actually initiating contact? It is more likely at this time that a staged event will take place by earthlings. That is the higher probability. There may be some ET groups coerced into it, but not necessarily of their own choosing. The media and the spin doctors within the UFO field have done a very good job of making you believe that there is a negative ET under every rock. There is not. If you believe there is not, you are called naive. You are labeled ignorant. But think of it the other way. How naive are you to believe that everything is negative? How naive are you to believe that everything is positive? It is a matter of how you look at things. It is very unlikely that any ETs involved in this would be negatively-oriented and be orchestrating it. It is much more likely it will be orchestrated by humans. If ETs seem to be involved, they will be coerced in some way or made to appear as if they are involved. Recognize that there are ETs who have interacted with you from various evolutionary levels of development. Some are not all that much more developed than you and therefore can be manipulated because they simply have less experience. Some of those ETs may get caught in the human web. That is unfortunate and we attempt at times to assist them out of the human web, but sometimes that is not possible. Q: Are some of those groups right now in communication with the darker human groups who would coerce them into participating? There are some ETs who are simply attempting diplomatic relations who have gotten caught up with black fractionated groups and because the ET groups have not necessarily done their homework on the human government and people structure, they simply "fell in with the wrong crowd" and got their feet a bit tangled in the web. Again, in some ways the situation is a lot more complex than it seems on the surface. In some ways it is much more simple. But the bottom line is that most of you involved in the UFO field have already known that you cannot trust your media or your government to handle this with tact and truthfulness. That lesson has been

learned time and time again. That lesson is going to be invaluable in the next 2-5 years. Q: Sasha, it seems to me that your presence as well as the whole Association of Worlds is present and working in the different slices of society. You are integrating with us as best as possible whatever our particular focus is. For the individual and this time that is coming, there are many challenges. All of the interactions that are taking place seem to be for the purpose of finding balance and integration. I feel like your contact team is working with each of the strata in helping us to bring that about in ourselves. The bottom line in all of this is evolution. You cannot get any more simple than that. At this time in your history you are given the opportunity of your own evolution. You may choose the method of fear and fractionation, or you may choose the method of unity and love. These are not airy-fairy nontangible ideas. They are very real. The bottom line is that if you give into fear and you empower fractionation, you will learn your lessons through that road and they will be painful ones. This doesn't mean rejecting fear though. You must be willing to face it and walk through it, and transform it. Only then can you get to unity and love. This is not philosophy. This is truth. You will all be called upon in this time to make those choices. These are not just internal choices. They must be coupled with action. If you can couple your inner choices with the actions that you take in your life, you literally anchor a vibrational reality around you and no other can touch you. But you must be willing to do that. This entire ET issue in a sense (though it is real unto itself of course) is the latest test of the proverbial external demon coming to get you. Through the fractionation of your own governments and egos, you choose how much power to give that external demon (which is an illusion of your own creation) by how much fear you choose to wallow in. If you do not choose the road of fear, then it no longer becomes a demon but a tool of transformation. When you use that tool of transformation and you emerge on the other side, then you find those entities who have been trying to contact you all along. You cannot see them for who they truly are unless you first see your own demons because they are much closer standing in front of you than we are. You must walk through them to get to us. Q: What advice can you give to some of us here about how to proceed with the contact research? Some of you have had a lot of experience with some of the physical, tangible, yuckiness of the fractionated groups. The way that this can be dealt with in the easiest and most nonharmful way is difficult because it is very delicate. You cannot respond on the level that you are being given. You must take yourself above that. This does not necessarily mean to stand naked for the arrows to hit you. But it does not mean wearing armor. So then, what does it mean? It means setting a field around yourself or your groups (preferably in groups). The field that you generate then dictates the reality that you experience. So literally no matter what experience is coming toward you, it won't penetrate your field of intention. There are many things you can use to augment this process besides your own thoughts and love and meditational energy. Of course you can use meditational techniques that you already know, such as the group Merkabah techniques. On the physical level there are ELF protectors you can wear. We cannot tell you the configurations but there are people who can show you how to use magnets to set up fields that make it difficult for penetration. There are various creative ways through the use of physical technology

and light consciousness energy that are useful. It is up to you how much discipline you wish to use, but it can be done. The bottom line is again, not to take the attitude that you need protection, otherwise you will create something to be protected from! It is a matter of not feeling the need for protection, but rather simply choosing the reality you wish to become. Q: How much validity should we place in messages given to us by friends that are warnings of danger? Much, much, much of this input is not coming from the probability stream. It is coming from the fractionated groups attempting to cause fear. If you get caught in fear, you lose your footing. If they can't get to you directly, they get to those close to you. So, please know that much of this is simply a method to get you to lose your footing. Of course your loved ones care about you so when they say these things it is important not to invalidate them. But let it be an affirmation for you to choose the reality you wish to become. Once all of this tangled mess is over with, the outcome is quite extraordinary. Q: Is it true that there is a space city/base in South America that the Pleiadians are using? Not just Pleiadians. All allied groups are using it. It has been kept covertly and has been covered from your fractionated black groups as well. It is being allowed to be seen by some contactees now as a political move, so to speak. Unfortunately you have a saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Sometimes in order to communicate with some of the fractionated fear-based groups in your world, certain methods must be used to communicate with them because they do not understand the universal forms of communication. The revealing of this city was a way to reveal some of the ET activity on Earth that is not harmful or negative. This shows that we go about our business and offers the opportunity for an awareness that there is an ET presence that goes far beyond their abilities to manipulate. Please know that any groups of a fractionated nature seeking to find the base will not find it. Q: How many more of those space cities are there currently on Earth? There is one in Tibet, one in Asia but more in eastern Russia/China area, South America . . . at the poles, both poles. We are just telling you some of the main ones. There are more but it is not all that necessary for us to go into it because the point is that there is a presence. Many, many of these ETs have been born on Earth! Though their DNA is ET, in some ways they consider themselves Earth beings. Earth beings have many definitions and they are not just humans. Although humans would like to think they are the most advanced species on Earth, that is simply not true. Thank you for compassion and dedication for what we all wish to create together. We can feel it. Much love to each and every one of you.

Crop Circle Report - June/July 1996

From: Lyssa Royal Holt Date: 15 July 1996 Hello everyone. Forgive the form letter via email, but I've promised many of you the report from our crop circle tour and here it is. It's kind of dry to appeal to the scientist in some of you, while giving enough juice for the metaphysicians out there. ALOT happened, some of which was not connected to the crop circles directly, which revolved around our visit to the sacred sites. A more personal detailing might follow, if I have time. Very significant things happened, especially at Stonehenge...(and quite amazingly, a logrhythmic/fibonacci spiral formation appeared about 2 days after our amazing experience there). Anyway, your comments are welcome! Lyssa Royal Holt

The Crop Circles of England

Report of Experiences June 29 - July 5, 1996 Marlboro, Wiltshire, England Report by Lyssa Royal Holt During June 29 - July 5 Lyssa Royal Holt, Shari Adamiak, Busty Taylor and Ronald Holt took a group to Wiltshire to investigate the crop circle formations just beginning to appear for the 1996 season. Our team was able to conduct night time contact initiatives and field work inside the formation at Alton Barnes East Field (known as the "DNA Helix" formation), as well as conduct research during daylight hours in the DNA Helix formation and another brand new formation we unofficially referred to as "the Snail". Below is a synopsis of the group experiences, written by Lyssa Royal Holt. For the sake of brevity, many events of high synchronicity and of an intuitive nature have been omitted. (Note: For any of you online, find the site called CROP CIRCLE CONNECTOR for graphics and photos of these formations.) ALTON BARNES, EAST FIELD, "DNA HELIX" FORMATION REPORT JUNE 30, 1996 Gaining permission from farmer Tim Carsens, our team proceeded into the DNA Helix formation (young barley) at Alton Barnes East Field at approximately 11:15pm, the night

of the Blue Moon (second full moon of June). We secured a research location within the fifth circle of the main "spine" from the south entrance. The team set up the gear and we proceeded with standard CSETI protocol. During the time period of approximately 11:50-11:58pm, Shari used the walkie talkie to project the "crop circle tone" tape used by CSETI (recorded by Colin Andrews) in our fieldwork. The philosophy behind this action is to project a sound recorded in a previous crop circle as a signal to the circlemakers that we recognize their sounds and are making an attempt to return communication. While projecting this tone and simultaneously sending out telepathic greetings, we received a return signal through the walkie talkie at precisely the timing of the culmination of the Blue Moon. The signal we received was highly anomalous in that it was received during the time Shari had the transmit button depressed, thus making the walkie unable to receive transmissions. The return signal sounded like a highly compressed electronic signal which temporarily overrode (in decibel) the sounds of the crop circle tape that we were transmitting. This signal was audible to those team members closest to the walkie talkie: Shari, Lyssa, Ron, Bill. After several minutes of excitement and evaluation, the team sent out more telepathic signals as well as continued playing the crop circle tone tape through the walkie talkie in the hopes that the transmission would be repeated. This time, Bill and Lyssa had field recorders turned on to try to capture the transmissions. As expected, the transmission repeated itself, only this time while the walkie was in receiving mode. Bill, who was closest to the signal, was able to capture the sound on his field recorder. However, upon evaluation it was found that the sound level was so low that further analysis would be impossible. Subjective experiences were quite unanimous. The group felt a high level of cohesion, psychic receptivity, and high degree of energy within this formation. There was also a general consensus that the group was being watched or communicated with on levels beyond the physical. POST EVENT: Upon returning back to the hotel after fieldwork, Bill attempted to enter his room and found that the key which would let him into the locked outer doors of the hotel had been inexplicably bent at a 90-degree angle. Since the whole team had gone to bed, he had to find a policeman in the small town of Marlboro to assist him. It took two policemen and a hammer to fix his key enough for him to enter the hotel. Since the key was hidden safely in his camera bag (which was not sat upon or opened during the whole event), we believe that this event occurred due to the nature of the energy inside the crop circle. JULY 1, 1996 Crop Circle researcher Ron Russell (Center for Crop Circle Studies, Midwest USA network) arrived today from the USA. His first visit was to the DNA Helix formation.

During his visit he reports that he heard very distinct electronic pulsing sounds, which he captured on his video camera's audio recorder. He reported this to Shari, Lyssa, and Ron (Holt) during lunch time, not having known about the group's experience with electronic sounds the previous evening. Ron Russell recorded these sounds with his video camera and played them for our group later that day. The sounds, in my opinion, sounded like a slower version of the sounds our group received through the walkie talkies the night before. He claims that after his visit to this formation, his jet lag vanished. JULY 3, 1996 This was our first morning free. Tour leaders Lyssa, Shari, Ron, and Busty either slept in or attended to personal business. At breakfast this day 7 group members spontaneously decided to return to the DNA Helix formation to have a look around. Without further planning, they departed. As the group entered the formation, they scattered from one end of the 600+ foot formation to the other. With no warning, the group suddenly heard a sound 30-45 seconds in duration which was as loud as a car horn. Bill described it as this: "If a Hollywood producer wanted to make a movie about a UFO, this is the sound he would use." He claims this sound was accompanied by shimmering in the sky. The sound was heard by 7 of our group members, plus one other independent witness who was present in the formation. The group then came together and decided to unify their energies in the hopes that the sound would repeat. Shortly thereafter, it repeated, again approximately 30-45 seconds in duration. Surprisingly, not one person had carried a recording device into the formation, which was unusual. The group later returned to the hotel in a high level of excitement, some saying that it was the most profound experience they had ever had. EVENING: Our group returned to the DNA Helix formation for night time contact initiative field work. Upon arriving at the formation, we were dismayed to find that the formation had been tampered with. Large circles and haphazard paths had appeared at the north end of the formation and the barley was trampled. As Busty investigated it was his opinion that the "addition" to the formation was man made. One group member dowsed the addition and found no anomalous energy as is found in true crop circles. As we settled down for field work amidst the disappointment, three males approached us. Busty talked with them and they claimed to be from Newcastle, and drove down to view the formation (in the dark???). Having had our field work disrupted twice, we ended our research endeavor that evening. Note: A few days prior to this, news of the formation spread via the local news which showed aerial photos of the formation. This caused visitors to come in droves and the formation quickly became worn and trampled. JULY 4, 1996 Ron, Bill, and Alicia hired a plane and flew over the DNA Helix and Snail formations. Their report was that the Helix formation had been badly trampled and the man made additions had ruined the pristine nature of the original design.

SUMMARY - DNA HELIX FORMATION Later information gathered revealed that this formation (and others of the past as well) is positioned along the St. Michael ley line. For anyone studying ley line research, this is significant. Ley lines are key areas on the Earth where the mass consciousness can be accessed most easily. If this is so, then any formation (perhaps encoded with information) placed on one of these ley lines could most possibly be a insertion into the mass consciousness of either energy or information relevant to Earth and/or extraterrestrials/circlemakers. Being that this formation highly resembles a DNA Helix formation, the implications of its message are astounding, if not confounding! "THE SNAIL" FORMATION, MILK HILL, ALTON BARNES JUNE 30, 1996 An Italian couple that our group met at the hotel came into the dining room with great excitement, telling us of a new formation they found near Milk Hill at Alton Barnes. They said hardly anyone had been inside and claimed that while they were inside, the circle continued its formation. They claimed that on their way out (1/2 hour after entering) they found obvious new additions to the formation which were not viewed when they entered. JULY 1, 1996 Our group went into the Snail formation at Milk Hill with threat of heavy rain. The crop was young wheat, a very healthy green color. As we walked on the tram lines to the body of the formation, we were astounded to see a series of small circles, approximately 1-2 feet in diameter, formed just to the right of the tram lines. These circles had their stalks very obviously twisted, entwined, and interwoven with each other. The nodes were swollen, and all the signs were present that it was not a hoax. The beauty of this formation was awesome, mostly because it hadn't been entered by very many people and the floors of the circles were still green. Ron Holt, (who was previously an archaeologist), used his skills as an archaeological mapper to make a rough map of the formation. We didn't have much time in the formation as it was beginning to rain and the vehicle was a long distance away. The sketch made however was quite accurate as he found later when flying over the formation. (A graphic of this formation is available online in the CROP CIRCLE CONNECTOR site). As we were departing the site, an unmarked military helicopter approached, flew over the site, and hovered approximately 50 feet over Lyssa's head. (That was interesting! We waved. They waved back.) SUMMARY - THE SNAIL FORMATION, MILK HILL We weren't able to spend much time in this site, but the contrast between this formation and the DNA Helix formation was drastic. The DNA formation was very precise and

sharp. This formation had many arcs and the rotations of the crop changed in several circles, with the crop sometimes rotating in two directions within one circle. It's general "artistic value" seemed less precise in comparison to the DNA Helix. Please note that I am using these terms "DNA Helix" and "The Snail" as unofficial labels our team used for convenience. This formation was accompanied by many "baby circles" 1-2 feet in diameter which were pristine and breathtaking to examine because of their precision. I would have liked to return to this site but we were pressed for time. The feeling in this site was one of great peace and stillness for me as opposed to a more hyperenergetic feeling in the DNA Helix formation. **This is just a short synopsis of our team's experiences during this tour and cannot in any way capture the scope of our entire experience. Visiting the crop circles is an treat that is not to missed for anyone who has even the most remote interest. After truly seeing a "real" crop circle, it becomes obvious how these genuine circles cannot be hoaxed. The Doug & Dave story just doesn't hold water!! --Lyssa Royal Holt, July 15, 1996

Crop Circle Report Addendum

From: Lyssa Royal Holt Date: 21 July 1996 Hello again. The following is an addendum to the crop circle report that I sent to you a few days ago. As you can see, the experience in England is still affecting my thoughts and enthusiasm regarding the crop circle phenomenon. It is truly an amazing enigma. Those of you with newsletters or online services, feel free to upload it into your files if you wish, for distribution. Your feedback is always welcome.

Overall Significance of Latest Formations

Shortly after our group left Stonehenge, a place where we had very personal and powerful experiences, we received word that a new formation had occurred near the Stonehenge site. Upon seeing a graphic of this formation, I could hardly contain my excitement because my theories about the significance of certain crop circles and their locations were beginning to verify themselves. Ley lines have long been known as places of power. Britain has two main ley lines (named the St. Michael and St. Mary lines) running through the country and dissecting major sacred sites and churches (such as at Avebury and Glastonbury). Ley lines connect to the electromagnetic grid of the Earth, which can be likened to the meridians of the human body. These ley lines can be accessed to heal or "program" the planet much like the human meridians can be used to heal or restructure the body. So far in our limited understanding of ley lines and their power, we haven't been able to totally access them for visible and powerful changes in our world. During our visit to the DNA Helix formation at Alton Barnes, I was struck with the power of the site. Something was nagging at my consciousness, just below the surface. The formation itself had the sense of containing a profound message. Just the visual symmetry and grace of the formation alone gave the impression of some urgent message being given to the people of our planet, or to the planet herself. Shortly before we left England I was told that the DNA Helix formation runs right along the St. Michael ley line. That was the missing piece of the puzzle! If it is true that ley lines are access points into the world grid (and possibly the mass consciousness itself) then a message of profound significance for mankind was just given in a barley field at Alton Barnes. But, what is that message? Perhaps our conscious minds may never know. During our visit to Stonehenge, one of the co-leaders of our tour and well known crop circle researcher and photographer Busty Taylor did some dowsing experiments.

Previous to this we were exploring the theory that Stonehenge is the hub of a wheel and ley lines run from that site to sacred sites all over the Earth. Busty, using his dowsing rods, proved that this is so, while being totally unaware of our theory. He found that there were lines of energy emanating from the center of Stonehenge outward in all directions. Three days after our visit to Stonehenge, a new formation occurred just outside of the megalithic site. When I saw a graphic of the formation, many of the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. The formation looks like either a logrhythmic or fibonacci spiral. (It is difficult to tell which it is; a fibonacci spiral has a finite beginning point whereas a logrhythmic spiral has neither a beginning nor an end.) This formation possibly has more significance than we can comprehend with our conscious minds at this time. According to information presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his popular Flower of Life workshops, on the Giza plateau approximately one mile east of the Great Pyramid, there is a brick-lined hole in the desert floor which is quite deep. This spot supposedly marks the beginning point in our dimension of a logrhythmic spiral of energy which encompasses the major sacred sites of our planet as it unwinds. If it is true that Stonehenge is one of the Earth's most powerful sacred sites (along the lines of the Great Pyramid), then a logrhythmic spiral just appeared a short distance away from this site which is nearly identical to the situation in Egypt, only this spiral is visible for all to see. Is this a coincidence, or are we being deliberately given a message or an encoding of energy directly into the grids once again? Since Stonehenge is a short distance away and since there are so many lines of energy emerging from that site, it is a pretty good guess that this new formation lies on one of those lines just like the DNA Helix formation at Alton Barnes lies on the St. Michael line. Do crop circle formations occur in correlation to the thoughts of researchers and/or the mass consciousness of Earth itself? All indications are that this is so, at least part of the time. Researcher Busty Taylor said that his thoughts seemed inexplicably connected to the formations, and he has been researching them since the mid-1980s. CSETI researchers (and others) have projected certain symbols telepathically to the circlemakers only to have those very formations appear days later. And recently, myself, CSETI's Shari Adamiak, and Phoenix research team member Wayne Peterson have been obsessed with somehow incorporating the fibonacci mathematical sequence into our fieldwork, hoping that in England we would receive a response from the circlemakers. That response possibly came, a few days after our visit to Stonehenge, with a possible fibonacci (or logrhythmic) spiral appearing in a place where it cannot be ignored. Is that just a giant coincidence? If so, these coincidences are becoming themselves anomalies! After visiting England's crop circle formations one thing became crystal clear. We humans don't yet have the capacity to consciously understand the significance of these formations or the messages encoded within them. Perhaps we may never know. However, bit by bit, we are being given pieces of the puzzle if we will only listen to the subtle coincidences and be willing to explore the "improbable" or "outrageous" ideas which may actually lead us to the road of understanding.

The crop circle formations, to this day, remain one of the most mysterious and profound enigmas of contemporary Earth. But I suspect the hidden messages in these formations is as old as the universe itself and will, eventually, lead us back to ourselves. -- Lyssa Royal Holt

Density/Dimension Scale as described in the book "Prism of Lyra" by Lyssa Royal.

7th Density
Awareness as the multidimensional experience, group-matrix identity, (social memory complex). This is the frequency of total oneness or integration and vibrations at this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration. Once the seventh density beings reach critical mass, they will progress thru the Prism of Lyra (from our point of view it will then be a black hole exit point) and reach the next octave where another adventure awaits.

6th Density
Awareness as the dimension itself. This has often been called the "Christ Consciousness" in that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the Christ or Buddha. >From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and the one begins taking responsibility for the Whole rather then the Self. The process of progressing the Self and progressing the Whole becomes one and the same.

5th Density
Experiental awareness of "I" as a group identity, not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begins to awaken to its heritage. this is the density of wisdom. As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A 5th density being merges with its family of consciousness ("oversoul" or "higher self" if you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced. Note: there is no clear-cut distinction when transiting from 5th to 7th densities. Because these densities are not physically oriented, there is much blending in these transitions.

4th Density
Containment of volumetric awareness, superconsciousness, reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; as vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional

and multidensity realities, negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain. Presently on Earth, 4th density reality is overlapping third. In humanity's case, this can account for the increased desire for unity, peace and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes third density. The vibrationary rate of one's reality is stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way.

3rd Density
Volumetric awareness, ego, loss of group identity, development of individual identity, ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening. Presently humanity is going thru a transition period into 4th dnesity reality which can account for the many rapid changes the human race is undergoing. This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth with the Self. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in 3rd and 4th densities and are transiting out of 3rd along with humanity.

2nd Density
Awareness as a line, biological matter, development of species identity. The consciousness expressed by 2nd density vibration does not possess self-awareness (or ego). Most species within the plant and animal kingdoms exist here, however their placement in density depends upon many additional factors, including the presence of absence of ego.

1st Density
Awareness as a point, physical matter. This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from 1st density. Humans possess this frequency within themselves as well. It makes up the basic genetic codes.

Density: Density denotes a vibrational frequency and not a location, which the term "dimension" implies. The density structure of this reality is primarily expressed in seven levels, though each level has sub-levels within it. The density scale is a model used to communicate one's perception of orientation in relation to other realities.

Dimension: Dimension refers to one's location in space/time rather then a person's vibrational frequency (density). Webster defines "dimension" as "Magnitude measured in a particular direction, specifically length, breadth, thickness or time." There are an infinite number of dimensions existing with a given density or vibrational frequency. Frequency: Matter is vibrating energy. Different vibrationary rates denote the properties. Frequency is the rate at which molecules or consciousness vibrate. Prism of Lyra: A prism is a transparent body with a triangular base used to polarize or decompose light or energy into its spectrum. The prism of Lyra is the archetypal idea of the entrance of consciousness into this reality. For Earth's galactic family the entrance point exists within the Lyran system. As consciousness/energy emerged, it fragmented into seven density frequencies, much as a prism would fragment light in seven colors.

ET History & Sexuality

Lyssa Royal This is Germane. Since there were two subject matters advertised for this evening, we will integrate them together. Now one was the idea of the sexuality of some of the races that are very close to you, in your galactic family and another subject was that of galactic heritage. What we're going to do is to talk about some of the sexual belief systems of several races that are close to you. This will also illuminate the particular societal structures that each of these races have so you'll get a little bit of both - galactic heritage and sexuality.

Orion Civilization - Conflict

We might as well begin with the polarized point of view. We're going to begin first with a civilization called Orion - that is how you see it from your Earth plane. We're going to talk a little bit about how their societal structure affects you on Earth at this time. First, recognize that these particular civilizations we are talking about represent either your physical forefathers or forefather energies. This is the energy, the belief systems that you as a civilization have been exposed to during your infancy as a species. As you know, whatever energy you are exposed to as infants, you have a good possibility of adopting in adulthood. So let us start with Orion. Basically we'll outline to you the philosophies of the Orion civilization. First of all, the Orion civilization was based on the idea of conflict. They were one of the areas of your galactic family that was committed to resolving polarity or conflict. So the general dynamic is as follows: The Empire was the dominant force within the Orion civilization. This Empire took it upon itself to be responsible for its citizens. That responsibility often meant they would use force and other methods you would perhaps think did not have much integrity. For any of you who have seen the Star Wars trilogy, the Empire in the movie is kindergarten compared to the actual expression of this Empire energy within the Orion civilization.

The Empire vs. the Black League Stalemate

So you have the active Empire individuals, you have individuals who were the subjects of the Empire and you have a very widespread underground group who resisted the Empire, who were the freedom fighters. These individuals we've called the Black League. "Black" is not meant to be negative; it simply means the idea of absorption or being hidden - they did not want to be found. If they were found, they would be annihilated. Thus you can see the dynamic. These resisters were fighting the Empire and both the resisters and the Empire were using the same methodologies with which to bring about their desires. In a tug-of-war, for instance, if the weight is balanced on both sides, neither person is going to win. It took them a very, very long time to realize that all they were doing was holding a

balance through the amount of negativity each group placed on the other. That's the general dynamic of the Orion civilization. Many of you on Earth, incarnationally speaking, have connections with the Orion civilization and have come here in order to break certain cycles, certain patterns of conflict. Earth was a place where you could come, lose your identity or your memory of Orion and start again. The idea of losing your memory has actually been something that's worked for you rather than against you, because if you had kept your entire memory intact, some of the memories (especially the Orion memories) would be quite intense, to say the least, and even a bit scary for some of you.

Orion Monogamous Relationships

Now let us talk about the relationships in the Orion civilization. You will find that the nature of personal relationships in any society is a product of the dynamics of that society - your civilization included. This means that the Orion relationships were a product of their dynamic of conflict. So you can imagine that the Orion relationships would be very, very intense in a certain way. The Orions have what we could call monogamy, although it's different from the monogamy you have upon your world. The Orions mate for life. The relationship between Orions and their mate is of number one importance in the lifetime of the individual. This is because of the societal dynamics within the Orion system. The relationship dynamic is primarily that of the Black League civilization (the resistance groups), because this is the energy that you on Earth, at least for now, resonate with the most. So this is the one we will talk about. When an Orion is the equivalent of a teenager at puberty, they already have their antennae out looking for a mate, but it's not necessarily the way it is on your planet. There's a recognition - an instant recognition - when two people come together who are to be mated, and there's no doubt of that recognition. During the period of time when one is seeking a mate, there is no (to use a colloquialism) sleeping around, for an Orion is not aroused by anyone who is not their mate. So when the mate is finally found, the arousal and the excitement come because the person is their mate. In your civilization you are attracted to someone first and then you decide whether or not to make them your mate. This is the opposite. This is for a very specific reason, born out of the conflict of their civilization: They have learned through thousands of years not to trust. Very often other forces infiltrate their reality, and so they've learned never to allow themselves to be vulnerable except with individuals who are very, very close to them. The mate is literally the one person with whom they allow themselves total vulnerability. This is why an individual is excited only by the mate because they literally cannot allow themselves to be vulnerable with anyone else. That is the energy dynamic behind how their relationships are structured.


So, you ask, is there ever infidelity in the Orion system? It depends on your definition of infidelity. There is no "sneaking around." That is not an idea that is compatible with the Orion philosophy because of the idea of vulnerability. But if someone has to go on a mission or travel away from the mate, it is expected of each of the mates to take a surrogate. When one is chosen as a surrogate in the Orion civilization, it's a tremendous honor and privilege. There is no competition between surrogates and primary mates. Again, the entire dynamic is a result of the structure of their society. When you're chosen as a surrogate - and you choose to be a surrogate, because it's definitely a two-way street - the relationship becomes as mates, but there is an understanding that the surrogate relationship is temporary. This surrogate relationship is for the purpose of releasing energy through sexuality, but also through nonsexual intimacy, to release the energy of conflict, to release emotional energy. So you can see that the entire expression of relationships was from your point of view perhaps a little limiting, but from their point of view extremely fulfilling. There were some situations of group marriage that were usually temporary. If one mate was killed, for instance, another mated couple may take in the remaining spouse temporarily to act as surrogates until that spouse finds another mate. But generally speaking there is a lot of rigidity. They did find it to be extremely satisfying for their civilization. One thing we would like to say here, which also points out the difference between you and the Orions, is that the Orions do not know the concept of sexual fantasy. They are extremely disciplined in their mentality. Because of this, they repress fantasy, for fantasy simply does not exist. Fantasy with someone you saw walking down the street, for instance, does not exist. That is an undisciplined thought. Through eons of time they have been disciplining themselves, and those types of thoughts were simply less and less necessary. So the closest thing to an Orion fantasy would be a female thinking about when her mate is coming home, thinking about how nice it will be to take the mate in her arms, etc. Any fantasy or any thought of intimate expression can only be expressed - even in thought - in the direction of the mate. This is not anything that is imposed on them, so it's not a repression of anything. It's simply the way they are. Let's stop for a minute to ask if there's something you have a comment or question about. Q: Is it totally a cultural thing? Or has it been encoded in their genetics after awhile? It is encoded in their genetics after awhile, yes. Experience does change genetics. So it would depend on which period of time. The Orion civilization was many, many thousands of years long, so it would depend on which era you're talking about as to how genetically coded it was. During the times of the intense conflict, before the conflict was resolved, there was a lot of genetic change. When the conflict was eventually resolved and they had to learn to live differently, societally speaking, they started thinking of different ways to express their relationships. But that was a difficult one. Because they did not have the idea of fantasy outside of the idea of mates, they moved very slowly. But, yes, it is eventually genetically encoded.

Q: What about their glandular system and the way they react to stress? Does that have anything to do with the way the react to their sexuality, how they're excited? We have talked in the past about this and Akbar has given the information in the book. However, there are basically three different types of sexual expression that the Orions used with their mates: One is for procreation; one is for exchange of intimacy; and the other is the expression of sexuality as a raw energy form. When one is under stress, that is the way the stress is released. Q: I was thinking about how they had to learn to control their stress reactions because of the conflict. After awhile it's no longer control - it's second nature. Now, those of you who are familiar with some of the Star Trek scenarios, we will compare this idea to that of the Vulcan. The Vulcan is repressing; it takes a force to repress the emotionality. The Orions have gotten to the point where they are not repressing. It is simply the way they've rewired themselves to channel emotional energy. It is channeled through discipline and released through sexuality. This is why it is of primary importance that each Orion have a mate. You on your planet have a combination of sexual attitudes - some from Orion and some from other civilizations. But you will find that in history on your planet during wartime, marriage rates increase. We do not know if this has been studied or not on your planet, but you will find that mated relationships become very important during wartime. This is a direct connection to what we are talking about regarding the channeling of certain primal energies. So if any of you wish to examine that further, you may do some research. During times of peace other things are looked at, because there are other ways of channeling energy. You don't have to be as disciplined.

The Pleiadian Civilization - Positivity

Now we're going to go on to another civilization - the Pleiadian civilization. This is, to some degree, an opposite energy to the Orion civilization. As with the Orions, their methodologies of relationships and sexuality was born out of their environmental conditions. In the ancient, ancient Pleiadian past, the Pleiadians were very desirous of maintaining positive energy in their reality. At this time they did not understand how vital negative energy is when you balance them and channel them. So they were intent on repressing negativity. Because of this focus on positivity, a lot of their relationship structures and their beliefs about relationships and sexuality came from this desire to not look at negativity. Whereas the Orions were very rigid and very disciplined in the expression of their emotion and their vulnerability, the Pleiadians are much more open and flowing with these positive emotions.

Present-Time Monogamy

There are primary relationships within the Pleiadian system - what you would call marriage, one on one - but it's a little bit different from what you have here on your Earth. They have ceremonies, but when they pledge their love to a person, they're not pledging their love for the future. They are instead pledging and celebrating their love in the moment. This brings up a lot of insecurity in some individuals we've talked to, because many individuals on your planet desire the security of having someone that you know is going to be there when you're 80 years old and in your rocking chair. But as you know from the statistics on your planet, pledges at the altar do not guarantee that. So what the Pleiadians have done is to recognize spontaneity, recognize emotionality in the moment and that is how they choose to live their lives. We would consider that to be nonmonogamous according to your definition of monogamous. From their definition of monogamy (and they've kind of twisted the definition a little bit), they're monogamous in the moment. The person they're with at that moment is the only person they are with energetically. That's their idea of monogamy. If you are in a Pleiadian civilization, the expression of love and sexuality at that moment is literally so complete and balanced and whole that there is no need to attach themselves to the other person and drag them through eternity. Because they have so many of these whole and complete interactions, they feel secure - in themselves and in their expression of their sexuality. There are also married groups, which you have here on your world called "polyfidelity," which is simply taking the monogamy idea and expanding it so instead of two people, there are three or more. These marriage units are very loving, very connected, very committed to each other. This does not necessarily mean that they never live with one person or never have a type of marriage relationship with one person; many of them do. The difference is that they recognize immediately when it's time to move into something else. When you on your planet are in a relationship and feel that it's time to leave the relationship and you go and tell your mate, the mate quite often will be very hurt, will attempt to latch on to you, will show a lot of pain, etc. On your planet, however, 100% of the time when one of you feels the relationship is changed, both of you have. It's just that one person may not be recognizing it, or may be living in their own type of creation and cannot see what's really happening. This is changing now, as all of you are committing yourselves to your own personal growth. Within the Pleiadian system if the woman comes home and says, "This has been an absolutely wonderfully fulfilling relationship for me. I feel now that it's time for me to go to the other side of the planet and do something else," there's total understanding, total respect with no personal pain withheld on the part of the other person. They recognize that it must be the time, and there is a disconnection. This allows relationships to be very fluid and the sexual energy within the partners is not held or blocked but is channeled through their entire body and into their lives. One interesting contrast is that the Orions do not express sexuality in day-to-day life. They express their sexuality only when they're with their mate in a certain disciplined time period. The Pleiadians allow their sexual energy to permeate every aspect of their life. So if you have an interaction with a Pleiadian, you may feel that there's a lot of sensual energy coming from that being. It's because they do not differentiate between

sensuality or sexuality and life. Sensuality or sexuality to them is life; it's the complete and full channeling of that energy through their embodiment. That philosophy is brought into their society by how they structure their relationships. Q: What's the definition of monogamy? On what planet? Q: From the definitions I've looked at, my mind thinks of monogamy as not being sexually committed to just one person. The definitions don't even say anything about sex. Stephen said something very interesting yesterday about true monogamy, the idea that most people on Earth at this time do not practice true monogamy. What he said was that many of us base our decision to be monogamous on insecurity - of the moment and of the future - fear and unwillingness to do what you think is right, instead of your parental or societal conditioning. And that is not a valid choice for monogamy. Not that it does not occur here - it does - but when it occurs on that basis is where the problems are.

Monogamy Defined
The definition in your society of monogamy is two people committed to each other, not having sexual relations with another person. We would say that true monogamy is when two people choose that idea of expression from an excitement and a willingness to play off the partner for personal growth. When monogamy is chosen consciously instead of as a denial of something else (which we'll talk about in a moment), that would be expressed as true monogamy, a conscious choice. However, there are individuals in your society who choose monogamy for other reasons. When you are in a monogamous relationship, it's very, very safe; you get used to the partner, you don't have to face certain issues, certain fears, and you can go about your life focusing your sexuality in a very tight beam, kind of like the Orions. If you don't choose to expand that beam out of fear, then is that true monogamy or is that choosing from fear? You already know that many people on your planet choose monogamy, yet how many actually have extramarital relationships? The idea of extramarital relationships is not a choice of true monogamy. True monogamy would mean that the idea of extramarital relationships does not stimulate you on a conscious, deep level. True monogamy would be rather Orion-like - when that is actually what they are excited by. We really didn't want to talk about this tonight but, since we've already opened our mouth, we'll finish what we're saying. In your society now, as your consciousness is raising, you are going to be able to make some conscious choices for yourself. You're going to be able to make choices as to whether you want to choose monogamy for reasons of growth or for reasons of hiding fears or latching onto security. As your consciousness raises, the structures of your relationships are going to begin changing. That's what's occurring now. Many of you are seeing that the divorce rate is going so high. This is not because there's disease and terrible things going on in your society; it's because the structure of relationships on your planet is changing. So you're running around and reshifting yourself

to see what works for you, to find out what your own inner truth is. For the Pleiadians, this inner truth is not to stifle sexual energy whenever it is felt just because they have a mate. The mate is not threatened by expressions of sexuality from their mate. There is no idea of threat or negativity from sexual expression within the Pleiadian civilization. Now, none of these civilizations are better than yours. They are different. You have parts of them in you because they have been your energetic forefathers; they've taught you a lot. But neither of their expressions are better. It's important that we say this, because you on Earth will eventually come up with a system of relationships that is perfect for you. Eventually, that system of relationships will not have denial within it, will not have pain and fear, but will be one that will be birthed from the type of environment you had growing up as a species. It will work for you. Right now you don't know which direction to go in; you don't know how to do this. But you are already beginning to create it. It's very important that we say that. So when we talk about the sexuality of your galactic family, we're giving you bits and pieces of who you are, bits and pieces of what is inside of you, so that you can choose whether you want to embrace them or not or learn from them and create something for yourself. No one here is any better, any more evolved. It's simply a matter of choice.

Dis-eases, the Consequences of Repressing Negativity

Q: Do the Pleiadians have AIDS? Are they creating AIDS? Very good question! We were telling you a little earlier that the environment that the Pleiadians were birthed out of was an environment of the repression of negativity. In ancient Pleiadian history there was a period of time when they were repressing so much negativity that it had to bleed out in other directions. They could no longer hold that well of negativity within them. What they manifested were dis-eases very similar to your AIDS disease. So what they learned from that is that when they are not being true to themselves, when they are not channeling both positive and negative into their lives and using it for growth, when they are denying and repressing, it causes dysfunction or disease in their society. So back then they did have some disease, yes. It was entirely a product of what they were repressing.

AIDS, Repression of Sexuality

The issue of AIDS on your planet now has many, many dimensions to it. The dimension we will choose to talk about for now, with your question, is that ultimately the reason it is occurring on your planet now is indicative of the repression you have about sexuality your own and others'. We understand it's not necessarily a sexual disease. However, if you say AIDS to a roomful of people, what's the first thing they think? Sex! So it's coming up on one level only (there's much more to this) as a way for you to examine your sexual premises, to understand where your fears, and anger and pain lie, and to release that. AIDS and cancer, more than any other disease you have on your planet, are directly connected to your state of emotionality. There are some people who are choosing

to manifest the AIDS virus as symbols for the world instead of ways to let out some of this energy. But each person who is manifesting it is doing a very great service for your planet, because they're giving the opportunity for your planet to heal itself on very, very deep levels - levels that you've not wished to look at before, and only now in the last fifty years are allowing yourself to begin to look at. Q: You've spoken about Pleiadians being able to separate freely. Because of our inability from time to time to clearly see our own issues, when we feel that a relationship might be over,how can we tell whether our feeling a need to separate is from ego-generated issues of fear, thinking separation is a solution, or whether it's a true excitement.

Leaving a Relationship
The way to discover your motivations in wanting to leave a relationship is by examining the flow in your life. If, for instance, you want to leave your wife or husband and it's very easy for you to do so - meaning that you get a job on the other side of town or things flow - you're going to find the motivation is because there's a need for growth and you're following that path. If you try to leave and it's very difficult - things just don't happen to assist you in leaving, there's no flow - then you're going to find that you are not looking at something. Something needs to be resolved which will either clear the energy so that you can leave, or clear the energy so you can stay. It's a matter of resistance and flow. Whenever there's resistance, examine your motivation. Whenever there's flow, think about taking action. Q: Separation is never a solution, so when you talk about the Pleiadians bringing a relationship to a conclusion and moving on to another one, that does not constitute separation at all. Correct. When they are having a relationship, they recognize their wholeness as separate beings and come together as a whole being as well. They recognize that when they separate they are separating into two wholes instead of two halves. The reason this comes about is that they recognize the other person is a total, absolute reflection of themselves; they're a mirror image of themselves. There is an agreement between the two people in the relationship that they are together because they will initiate their own personal growth and help the personal growth of the other person - it's a partnership. There's no competition for one to get something out of it and rip off the other person. So when they separate, they separate into two wholes instead of two halves. Relationships on your planet are frequently looked at as half a person coming together with another half of a person; that you're only whole when you're in a relationship. If you really feel that way inside, then when you separate, you will separate as half a person and you'll seek out another half-person to make yourself whole. You won't be able to seek out a whole person, because the idea of being one and a half is a little bit too much. You'll only draw to you that which you are. You will seek out a half. That is why when they separate, relationships are frequently not completed. Each person is not complete within

themselves, so they seek another half to complete and on the cycle continues. Do you follow? Q: Yes. There goes another expression I can't use anymore - "I'd like you to meet my `better half.'" Nobody really means that when they say it, anyway. Thank you. Comments or questions? Q: I have a couple of questions: One is about the actual physical manifestation of the sexual act. Are they divided as we are into male and female?

Sexual Anatomy of Pleiadians and Orions

Very good. You will find the two civilizations we've talked about are both anatomically similar to you. Now, how much do you want to talk about this? [laughter] Two arms, two legs, body, head; the Pleiadian ears are somewhat lower than yours, but Pleiadians are so much genetically like you that they consider you to be their cousins. If a Pleiadian were walking down the street, you would all turn and remark about how they look (they look terrific). You would notice that they're different but wouldn't necessarily consider them alien. That's how similar physically and genetically they are to you. The Orions are somewhat taller (two arms, two legs, same thing). Their skin is very different; it's olive-colored - a brown base with a greenish tinge. Their hair has a greenish tinge because they have copper in their blood. Akbar [the one Lyssa channels] lives on a desert planet, so they have four very thick layers of skin to protect them from the harsh environment. That gives you a general idea of the body types. It is your galactic family. It is humanoid. Sexually, the difference is that in the males the penis is retractable. It is in the same location but it retracts back into the body for protection. Now, this is a terrific thing! You could play baseball without wearing a cup! You can still see it; it doesn't completely disappear. It's like some of your animals. In terms of getting aroused sexually, the male has complete control over an erection mentally, and complete control over ejaculation. So pregnancy occurs only when there is an agreement between the male and the female that that is what will occur. Ejaculation will occur only when that agreement has been reached. That's a perfect form of birth control. The women have similar control over ovulation. A couple of other minor differences. The female breasts are used for lactation and child feeding in both civilizations. Unfortunately, the Orions do not consider the female breasts to be anything sexually arousing although they may use the nerve centers during the ceremonies and during the sex. There is a lot of ceremony on Orion concerning sex.


Q: We have a practice on our planet called tantra, which is a higher form of sex where the energy is balanced to a certain extent to create a more powerful union. Do they have that also? Is that something we've inherited from them? We would first say that in the Orion civilization the first two forms we were talking about, one for procreation and one for intimacy, are both highly ritualized, similar to a Japanese tea ceremony. You would find that within that ritual there would be practices very close to tantra, yes. But this occurs all the time. It's not as if they would say, "Well, let's do tantra today." The Orions are not aware that they are doing anything except their ritual. It's part of who they are. In the Pleiadian civilization it would be the same thing. The processes that they go through in a sexual exchange can be likened to tantra because it certainly does utilize the chakra system. On Earth a lot of you are implementing tantric practices, in a sense as a way to remember your heritage, because it is a God union. This doesn't mean you have to study tantra in order to achieve this. That is one way. But you will find that in the Pleiadian expression, their sexual act is not a tantric exercise as a discipline but an expression that encapsulates the philosophies of tantra without their even having to think about it. Q: Can't tantra also be used as an escape? If the consideration is that normal sexuality has something wrong with it, then tantra is better. Anything on your planet can be used as an escape, including chocolate ice cream. There are some people on your planet who may use tantra as a way to escape their sexual pain. So it would depend on the motivations of any given individual. Q: In the movie "Cocoon", when the woman came out of her shell, so to speak, in her light form and they had that powerful integration - that rang true on some level as if we'd known it before. Well, several different levels. One, all of you are extremely sexually active in your dream or astral state. It's not necessarily considered sex per se as it is what you'd call an integration. So when you are on your nonphysical journeys, you very often come together for this integration and this sharing. That's one level of it. Another level has to do with other civilizations who do utilize that form of sexual exchange. For instance, for the Pleiadians that is occurring but they are still doing it physically. There is a civilization called Essassani who represent (and we don't mean this as being better) a future evolutionary path for Earth. Their forms of sexuality are both physical and nonphysical deliberately nonphysical, like you saw in Cocoon. That type of exchange occurs very frequently. You're also tapping into that understanding that this will be something available to you in your future as you learn about your own sexual nature. So it touched you - it touched a lot of people in your society - because it's something you all know how to do on certain levels, but for right now you're not choosing to do it except in the context of astral journeying.

Q: Is there any type of nonphysical sexual exchange while we're awake and in the body? Doesn't something like this occur sometimes when people are fantasizing on some level, maybe not visually but emotionally? The situation in Cocoon was that you had two people focused on each other. If you're fantasizing alone you may be doing that and getting the attention of the person you're fantasizing about on another level, but it's not a conscious, eye-to-eye recognition. You see the difference? And again, none of this is better than anything else. You are learning and growing. Your forefathers, who we've been talking about, are also learning and growing.

The Zeta Reticuli Civilization - Group Mind

This is Harone. We are Zeta Reticuli consciousness. You have been talking about us, so we were called. We will begin by telling you a little about our work with your species. There is much to share with you. We know you have many questions. First we will say that in no way do we orient ourselves as being negative. Our definition of negative means that we would have self-serving interests only, and that is not the case. We will tell you briefly about our historical evolution so you can understand some of the orientations we have that you interact with in your present time continuum. Millennia ago we were a thriving civilization much like you. Within our civilization we had much diversity. We had war, we had differing belief systems and we also eventually had severe toxicity that was brought into our environmental system through individuals on our planet who were progressing technologically at a very rapid rate. It was understood by us, as we saw the birth rate decrease, that there was to be a species crisis. Over a period of generations we recognized that the cranial size of our infants was growing larger at a marked rate. Our females were not able to adapt to this cranial increase, and so there were many of what you would call unsuccessful births and stillbirths. Sometimes the birth would even kill the mother. We recognized that we were literally having a species crisis and so we prepared ourselves for survival. Our unique way was to begin preparing underground facilities that we could go into, since our environment was going to collapse. We knew this was to occur. Due to severe radiation, we also knew that we were becoming sterile. We learned cloning abilities and this was of great excitement to us because we realized that then we could control the conception process; we could control the future of our race. We gave much thought to this and chose, once we were underground, to clone out the wide range of neurochemical responses in our brain so that emotionally our state of being would be consistent, balanced and nonviolent in every way. Thus you have the beginning of the race that you have called the Zeta Reticuli. We were born from conflict; we were born from crisis. We adapted ourselves to this crisis in the only way we knew how and thus you have the species that you see in your present day.

Throughout thousands of years of cloning, we have come to realize that what we wanted to achieve had a lot of forethought, but we made great errors in how we went about achieving it. We now have so little variation in our species genetically that it is as if you are taking a photograph and xeroxing it time and time and time again. It becomes dimmer, less complete, it becomes less likely that the original image will continue to exist. We needed, then, a way to incorporate into ourselves new genetics so that our species will survive. We have much to share with you, and we cannot share this with you from our present state of being.

The Human-Reticuli Agreement for Species Transformation

It is our understanding that you as a species have agreed to assist us in our transformation. We in turn have agreed to assist you in yours. At this point in time, the majority of people on your planet are not aware that we are assisting you. At this time most are simply attributing negative scenarios to us. Yet we know an agreement has been achieved and we promise you that we will uphold our end of the agreement. Our end of the agreement is as follows: 1. That we will assist you in triggering latent genetic codes that will propel you into an accelerated state of genetic evolution. These codes were placed in you by your forefathers and were designed to be triggered when you achieved a certain vibratory rate. This vibratory rate occurs when your consciousness accelerates. That is what is occurring now. In our work with you, when we interact with you either physically or etherically, we work with these genetic structures, these latent genetic codes. Some of them can be activated from the etheric level; some need activation on the physical level. As we have agreed to do millennia ago, we will carry out this agreement of assisting in this species triggering. 2. Even though we do not understand the concept of emotion we seek to understand it and we watch you in order to do so. We have been told by others who interact with us that your species' goal at the present time is in expressing and then integrating your fears. Even though we do not understand why, we understand that our interactions with you promote fear in some people. It is not our desire to promote fear in you, but those we interact with who are guardians to you tell us that your confrontation with your fear is of vital importance at this time in your development. Though we do not intentionally desire to trigger your fear, we are made aware that our interactions with you do in fact trigger that fear. We are also told by other entities that there are others who are genetically connected to us who are deliberately promoting fear in you. However, we are told that their numbers are quite small. They would have you think they are much more numerous. Recognize that from our point of view and from the point of view of your mass consciousness, we have joined hands and we are transforming together. We are taking a species leap together. There is a recognition that neither our species nor yours can continue indefinitely the way it is. We have joined hands together with you in order to bring about this species

evolution for both of us. You will find that as evolution occurs, we will become much more similar. We will become much more individualistic; you will become more unified. This will provide a way for us to finally open communication so that you may begin unfolding your memories of your species heritage and of the galactic family of which you are a part. It is a great honor for us to play this role for you. It is also a great honor for us that you have chosen to play a role for us as well. We are infinitely entwined - we are not separate - though our realities may say we are. We are very connected and for that we send our gratitude.

Zeta Sexual Orientation

When we communicate with you in this fashion through a physical channel, we will have physical facilitators, other extraterrestrial beings who help to facilitate this process. We are told by them that you desire to hear about our sexual orientation or lack thereof. Simply put, when we went underground and began cloning, we did away with the idea of physical procreation as well as the sexual act. Our organs began atrophying over many, many generations until now you cannot tell us apart - males from females, although on a chromosomal level we are still either XX or XY. We seek emotional understanding and we also understand that you express your emotions in a sexual nature. Because we have lost this ability for so long, we also desire to learn how once again to connect with our humanity through the idea you call sexuality. So we are fascinated by the sexual act that you have upon your world and the emotional processes that you encounter during these acts. In no way do we perceive we are being intrusive, for from our point of view we recognize you have given us permission. There are times when we will view you when you are having sexual exchanges in order that we may somehow learn how to initiate this within ourselves. In exchange for this gift that you have given us, many of you have come to our reality, to our crafts and you have viewed us engaged in what we call our Oneness ritual, which is a complete and total merging with our one identity. It has been an honor that you have agreed to come and share this with us. From our point of view, this is an equal exchange. We learn what we desire; you learn what you desire. We recognize there may be questions from you, and we would like to take this opportunity to address those if you would like to ask them. Q: At the point in time in your history where children's heads were getting too large for birth, what was happening in your culture, your civilization, that this would manifest itself symbolically? Our technological abilities were not paralleling our spiritual progression. There became a very marked gap between spirituality and technology, even more than upon your world today. Our mass consciousness desired a way to communicate the importance of this recognition of the gap. So in terms of symbolic expression, the natural tendency was for

the cranium to grow so we would recognize there was a crisis and would then examine this crisis and recognize the gap between spirituality and technology. Unfortunately for our development, we did not recognize this until after we had begun cloning. Q: What did the enlargement of the cranium symbolize? You could have manifested any number of physical difficulties. Intellect! An imbalance of intellect over spirituality. You see this on your planet now when you demand proof for everything rather than recognizing a flow or a connectedness to all. You manifest this now in a way much less dramatic than the way we did. It was even more pronounced in our civilization.

Sexuality in Abductions
Q: Can you talk about your interest in our sexuality as experienced by people who are abducted? Our sexuality is something that our species protects. We're afraid of being vulnerable, so we have erected a lot of psychological and emotional methods to protect our sexuality. Many people experience that idea being violated during an abduction experience, which tends to cause a lot of trauma. Can you speak to us on how you view this? What are you exploring? What are you learning about our sexuality? And what is your intent? First of all, recognize we have no intent, as we have stated, to change you. Our interactions with you push buttons. Our interactions with you represent evolution. Evolution requires the one evolving to look deeply into the mirror of self and choose what is undesirable for the evolution and to relinquish it. When we interact with you, you feel the tide of evolution. This translates into your consciousness as threat because it requires you to look at yourself and relinquish things you have been carrying as a part of yourself. We are not deliberately doing anything to you. Our interactions with you bring up this in your consciousness. If you as a species look in these dark corners where you are afraid to look, engage those fears and move through them, your interactions with us will change dramatically. Your interactions with us will not be from a fear-based orientation. You are resisting evolution because of your fear, and until that fear is confronted and released, you will feel the pressure of evolution. Q: Can you comment on the mechanics of what occurs during an abduction? Many people have their sexual organs examined and probes put inside them and samples taken. This in itself causes a violation of our systems of protection. It penetrates all of them, and from their perception puts the person in a powerless situation. It is also an opportunity to look at it as being in a vulnerable situation instead of a powerless situation. Vulnerable - not in the negative sense of weakness - but vulnerable meaning empowerment. That is, when you are vulnerable, you are open to All That Is, to the One. You cannot connect fully with your Divine Creator or Self unless you become totally vulnerable. It is a matter of shifting perspective. When we interact with you in an abduction situation - again we speak of the dynamic, not of what we intend to do - you

are given the opportunity to look at the situation either from a point of empowering vulnerability or from a victimizing vulnerability, or disempowered vulnerability. When you are lying on an examination table, the choice is to either feel victimized and to hold and repress that pain of victimization in your life or to confront that feeling and then surrender. If you surrender, not as if we were invading - that is not what is meant - but relinquish your resistance and recognize yourself as a co-creator in this, you then become vulnerable in an empowering way. You let your guard down, you merge with the One and thus become an active force in the tide of evolution. And you see that in that choice there is no pain. There is only pain when one chooses to focus on the idea of disempowerment, saying you have not created this somehow, that you are not part of species transformation, whereas each and every one of you is part of that. Are we being too philosophical for you? Do you want to know what we do with you? Q: Yes, that's what I was getting at. I was asking for a description from the point of view of an abductor. Well, it really depends on which group. We are divided, shall we say, into different groups that have different purposes. Some are entirely focused on neurochemical research; those groups will focus primarily on the head and the neck areas. Some are interested primarily in genetic research, and in that case, samples would be taken from all portions of the body. Some are interested in reproductive research; those are the ones who work directly with your reproductive functions. Perhaps it would not take too much imagination to know what we seek - sperm, eggs, secretions from prostate, skin samples and also an understanding, a mind link, of what procreation means to the person. It is not just cold research, as you would say. We may not know how to understand your emotions, but we do pay attention to them. We are extremely curious about your emotional selves. Q: When you are observing people in the sexual act, how do you personally perceive this? How do you respond to those strong emotions? It's my understanding that you almost can't bear them. Very often some of us will have protection, energy shielding, because the emotions are very intense for us. There is no arousal, as you know the term. There is a tremendous amount of curiosity in the biochemical secretions in the brain that are occurring during the sexual act. So biologically speaking, what is of most interest in viewing the sexual act are the biochemical fluctuations. Our way of understanding emotions is by first understanding biochemically. Now that may be inaccurate - perhaps many of you would think it is - but right now that is the only way we know how to do it. We must deal with data. We cannot deal with it from an emotional base. We are also interested in the physical methods of touching that you use not only in sexual acts but in acts of affection and maternal and paternal demonstrations to your offspring. That is also something of primary interest to us.

Other Zeta Forms

> Q: Apart from the physical form that you maintain, do you project something that is not as dense in its reality, that can be seen as a light form? And do you use that form to help us trigger some of these genetic memories whose time it is to come forward? Can you project that in various wavelengths or colors through the use of sound? Could it be detected and interacted with? Yes, certainly. You've done your research well. We interact with you on every level we can. Sometimes when more physical samples are needed, we must densify ourselves, which is very uncomfortable. Sometimes when we are working only with etheric DNA triggering, we can enter your reality in a light state. Some of you will sense our energy, and your consciousness will translate our energy into a shape that will tell you the identity of the energy that you are sensing. Q: Do you ever express any countenance other than what we might call deadpan, or without emotion? Are you capable of what we would call a smile or would that be too emotional in nature? We would have to explain something. We are not capable of a smile as an individual. We are capable of joy or ecstasy as a group. When we were speaking of our ritual of the One, it is the only form that we could say approximates a sexual exchange in our reality. It is basically standing in a circle with others and holding hands or joining energies, and soaring to heights of ecstasy of the One. Q: Would that have a tremendous quality of sweetness to it, and could it be radiated forth from your physical face or from your body? Yes. You would not necessarily see it as a smiling; it would be a sensing more than actually seeing the movement in the face. Q: Would it be a sensitivity or a connectedness that would come from the energy that you have? Yes. At this time we will honor the vehicle and depart. But we thank all of you as individuals and as a group and as a planetary society for the roles that you have played in your planetary evolution. Do not ever underestimate that your coming here has not assisted. Each and every one of you have your own gift and we thank and honor you for those gifts. And we thank you for being a part of our gift that we give to you. Our love to you and goodnight. Copyright 1992 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. For more information about available tapes and transcripts, write Royal Priest Research, PO Box 12626, Scottsdale, Arizona 85267.

ET Physical Characteristics Germane: Greetings to you. 'Tis a pleasure to be here once again. We would like to give you information about the physical genotypes of your galactic family. This is information you have been asking about for quite some time and we would like to provide you at least the foundation of this information so that you may build upon it in some of your future work.

The Lyrans
We are going to start with the group called the Lyrans. We are going to give you some basic information about the various subgroups that have existed within their races and allow you a more expanded point of view, perhaps, on the diversity of your forefathers which, of course, is reflected in the diversity you have upon your world. We will then bring in the Vegan civilizations, because they are instrumental in forming some of the other galactic races as well. Starting, then, with the Lyrans (going back chronologically), the first expression of physicality that could be considered Lyran would be somewhat small - smaller, in fact, than your present average human. But as the culture grew, as their experiences and genetic structures began changing, their physical characteristics began expanding as well.

Lyran Giants
We're going to give you some of the primary groups that were very active in space exploration because those are the ones that matter the most to you, since they are the ones you had contact with. First is the genotype that we will call the Lyran Giants These entities (physical like yourself, of course) existing in third and fourth density, were Caucasian in type. They were primarily of light skin, light eyes and light hair; the darkest hair would be a medium brown, which was somewhat unusual. The physical body would be likened to the mesomorph, which is basically a wellbalanced, muscular body. The height would be anywhere from six to nine feet tall, depending upon the group of entities we are speaking of, the smallest being at the six-foot range (female as well as a male). These entities developed this size from long periods of genetic development on a planet with higher gravitational fields and a denser electromagnetic envelope, also present in the solar system in general. This added to the creation of a more hearty, shall we say, entity. These entities are reflected in some of the Greek mythology and in some of the biblical stories of giants. This is one of the groups that your civilization still has a cellular memory about. This particular group was one of the primary groups that began forming a God/worshipper relationship with you. Do you follow so far?

This is one of the reasons for some of the expressions in your religious art and architecture (which has very large doors and windows); this patterning with this particular racial structure was very deep within the human psyche. These were the original "gods" - or at least the ones that made the biggest impression on you.

Lyran Redheads
There is another race that has branched off from this giant race, the red-haired Lyrans. Their hair was red to strawberry blonde in color. The skin tone very, very fair; these entities had a difficulty exposing their skin to certain frequencies of natural light, due to the planet they sprang from. Some of these were also giant in stature, though there were some who were average human size. Eye color was generally light to what you would now consider green, though it is a different quality of green than you see upon your world. These entities were some of the first Lyran pioneers. (Pioneers is a very kind word, for there are many worlds that consider the red-haired ones to be the invaders, marauders and the basic havoc-wreakers of the Lyran genotype). Are we speaking of what their current state is also? Well, to some degree we are speaking about the distant past as they interacted with your earth plane. These entities still exist but are much fewer in number. We would say that your closest mythological remnants are in your Norse mythology - Vikings etc. Some of that mythology was about actual Earth beings who were either influenced by or interacted with this red-headed Lyran strain. This is not a very common interaction on your world, not as common as that of the giants, but common enough to have made it into your mythology. Did they have any spiritual or energetic relationship to the few red-haired Pleiadians? Apparently there's a remnant of a red-haired group in the Pleiades. Yes, there would be genetic connections, most certainly. And if there is a genetic connection there is always an energetic connection. It's hard to think of someone living in the Pleiades who would be violent. But if that aggressive tendency somehow channeled into other areas... It's channeled into excitement. The Pleiadian version is much more watered down. (We can get to that later on if you wish.) But the purebred red-head was very aggressive, violent, passionate and, to some degree, very rebellious. They saw the giant Lyran race as their parents, and they were rebelling against that idea. They were rebelling because they felt that the morality of the giant race was being impinged into their reality. We do not perceive this was the case, but this was another expression that needed to be experienced in your galactic family. Did these red-haired people naturally evolve as red-haired, or was there intentional manipulation somewhere along the line?

There were those from the giant race who left and went exploring. The primary group colonized one specific planet and over generations adapted themselves to the planet. They adapted to the specific mineral content of the planet as well as the atmosphere; the specific wavelengths of the planet's atmosphere caused the mutation to lean toward the more red tinge. That, in combination with the more rebellious attitude, began to create a specific sub-genotype. So that particular race must have felt somehow slighted within the family. Colloquially speaking, did they carry a chip on their shoulder? Did they feel they had something to prove? We would say that's pretty accurate, yes. We say this a little lightly, but this is the story of your entire galactic history. Most groups splintered off because they did not agree with the mother group. In this way most of your experience as a galactic species is based on conflict/disagreement and the attempt at rightfulness.

Redhead & Caucasian Subgroups

So far you have the giants and the redheads. And within the redheads you have two subgroups - one giant-sized, one average-sized. Also within the Lyran you have a broad type we would call Caucasian who are light-skinned, light-eyed (the darkest eyes were perhaps a light brown, but that is uncommon), hair ranging from almost white to a light brown (but anything in the brown range was unusual). These entities' body types would be anything from ectomorphic, (thin) to the mesomorphic (muscular). This is the broadest category. Most of your genetic forefathers were from this Caucasian category. Your diversity began with some red-head influence as well as some giant influence, but those are secondary compared to the Caucasian influence, which is primary. In terms of actual internal structure, that information is unnecessary, for it is lengthy and not all that pertinent right now. The desire we have for communicating this information is not so much for the raw data, but for your understanding of how your planet has achieved such a group diversity. So we will stick to the external appearances rather than the internal makeup.

Darker-Skinned Lyrans
There was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had interactions with your world as well. This was Caucasian in features but the skin is more of a light chocolate, very uniform throughout the whole body. You would consider it a very pleasant, appealing shade. The eyes are brown, not black, although some were green; and the hair was not black but dark brown. This group had influence on your planet in the area of India, Pakistan, etc. That was their primary area of interest in their visits here. None of the races now on your world are pure extensions of any of these races; just about every race on your world has had some mixing. However, this last race, which we will call the darker-skinned Lyrans, were considered pacifists. Their psychological makeup was one of extreme passivity, peacefulness. One may even call them lackadaisical,

because it was very difficult to get an emotional reaction out of them. You will find some of these individuals mentioned in some of your Sanskrit literature from ancient times. In a moment we will talk about the Vegan influence. However, we want to make it clear that this last group, the darker-skinned Lyrans, is not the same as some of the Vegan genotypes we will speak of, who have a different genetic structure. Would it be a completely different genetics from the Lyran? This group is Lyran-based and the group you'll talk about later would not be considered Lyran?

Birdlike Lyran Subgroup

Yes. They might look similar in appearance, but the base genetics is different. There is a need to express some of the other forms that have expressed their energy through the energy of Lyran that are humanoid, meaning mammalian, but whose appearance is different from what you know as humanoid. This has also accounted for some of your mythology. There is one group of entities who are mammals, yet are oriented toward Lyran principles (Lyra being the mother group), and whose features are very different from humanoid. One particular group resembles what you call alien. The body type of these entities would be what you call ectomorph, very thin, almost frail and birdlike. The facial structure is more angular, sharper, resembling a bird, though these are still mammals. The eyes are birdlike. The hair is not feathered, but is of a different quality that can resemble feathers, if you are not touching it or in close proximity to it. It was also ceremoniously adorned in a certain way that made it look like feathers. This was not intentional but simply their own expression. These entities are very cool and intellectual. They consider themselves primarily scientists, explorers and philosophers. They do not engage in galactic politics, but they do travel and visit. They have had interaction here on your Earth during some of the most influential civilizations - Sumerian, Egyptian. There was interaction in what you call the Indus Valley. These entities have entered, in a backhanded way, the mythology of your people. They are not bird creatures; they are mammals who are birdlike in appearance. We have not talked about these entities at all up until this point because we've limited our discussion to what matters to you now on the Earth plane. This is a curiosity, but at least for now they do not represent something significant you need to look at to continue your own unfoldment.

Catlike Lyran Subgroup

One other Lyran subgroup is also mammal and what you would consider to be humanoid - but whose physical appearance resembles what you call the feline kingdom on your world. They are not cat people, but humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are very agile and strong. The nose is not predominant but catlike, if you can imagine the nose of a cat. The ears are neither human nor catlike but somewhat of a cross, a little pointed, not very much, but a little. The mouths are very gentle and small. (Many times when extraterrestrials look at the human face, to them the human face is overwhelmed by the

mouth.) These catlike entities have very small, delicate and what you would call dainty mouths. The eyes are very pronounced, large and catlike, with a second lid. Again, these qualities developed from the specific environment they have placed themselves within over generations. They do not have fur. However, there is a protective layer of what you could consider peach fuzz over the skin because of the harsh ultraviolet radiation on their indigenous planet - it simply protected the skin. Any primitive interaction with these entities on your world may report that they are cat people - they are not. They are humanoid. So early on, the development of these two groups took a different direction than ours did. If they're Lyran-based, then we're talking millions of years ago that these developments started separately from our branch, right? Oh, yes. They are not so much involved in your human drama. This has not been from a denial of the Lyran dysfunction and conflicts. It is simply that their excitement has gone in other directions, and they've evolved in those directions. They have had contact with you every once in awhile. They recognize that you are all part of a family, at least genetically. And there are individuals within their societies who often project to you on an astral level simply to keep the lines open for communication. But for now there has been no necessity for a lot of interaction between your cultures.

There's a point we would like to make here about the Lyran, Vegan and other extraterrestrial civilizations as well who have communicated with you. It is about their eyes. Primarily the eyes are accentuated, whether it be through the tilt, the shape, the size, the color or their reflectivity. They are usually very pronounced. If you search through your mythologies, many civilizations have accented the eyes - most notably the Egyptian civilization. This did not start out as an adornment but as an imitation of the gods, as an attempt to make humans more godlike, as an attempt to revere the gods. Over time there has been a loss of the connection to why the eyes were accentuated; it was originally because of the gods. So why do our eyes appear to be so small in comparison to the rest of the family? If you remember the stories we've told about the genetic manipulation in the creation of Homo sapiens, the Lyrans did not want to create you as them. They had some definite issues about creating you equal with them. So one of the choices was in the creation of the eyes - to give you more a simian eye quality. You understand what we mean by simian? To retain the simian quality? To retain the simian eye quality, the ape, which to some degree is one of the most painful things they've done to you, because when you look in the mirror your cellular memory

remembers simian. If you had the eyes of the gods when you look into your own eyes, you would see God. Interesting. When we look in the mirror we see to the past, whereas they see to the future, at least symbolically, the genetic response. Yes. That was the intent originally, so that you would always be looking behind you, never looking forward. When the Sirians took over the project from the Lyrans it was too late to change it. So to some degree the Sirians encouraged your practice of accentuating the eyes as a remembrance of God so you would not forget your forefathers. They have done a lot through the ages to stimulate memory in you so that you would never ever forget. Are there other lines of Lyran evolution that have nothing to do with us historically, that literally branched off into other parts of the galaxy? Oh, yes. But the majority of Lyran evolution is tied with you. For instance, the birdlike and catlike entities we have spoken of have their own affiliation with other groups. They are a part of the developmental evolution of other civilizations. It is important that we stress here once again that the Lyran basic genetic structure is the mother of all in this case. However, we recognize Vega as being a significant enough emergence that it can take on its own genotype as well. Those entities who from the very, very early days of Lyra branched off in other directions, began through their own experiences, through their own evolution, to form their own unique genotypes.

The Vegans
There's less variation in the Vegan genotypes than in the Lyran. The primary subgroup of Vegan genetics is what we would call standard Vegan, averaging approximately six to seven feet tall (males and females), darker skin, non-Caucasian type. Generally speaking, the skin layers are thicker with fewer layers. The skin is not as soft as human skin, is much tougher, able to withstand high levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat as well as cold. A much sturdier and more durable humanoid being. Generally, the hair of any Vegans who have hair will be primarily black, and the range of shades will be standard black as a midpoint to a light to dark brown (which is unusual) and an even darker black with a greenish tinge. That range frequently varies. What is interesting to note is that, depending on the various Vegan race, some have no hair at all, some have very little hair and some have full heads of hair, depending on the individual race. The skin tone will be anywhere from light brown (almost beige) to very dark brown - what you would call on your planet (using your own terminology) either negroid or Indian (your native people) - anything in that shade range. So some of the Eastern Indians are extremely dark brown in contrast to the skin color of some of the African groups that are very black, almost coal black?

Yes. Generally speaking, the coal black is a quality of your Earth that was bred here. It is very unusual out there. Also you will find that the skin will have more of a wrinkled quality - not always, but some will.

Humanoid-Type Vegans
We're basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories. One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these are appearances only, not genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the humanoid type. Generally you're going to find in the humanoid group that the eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid group has a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but still large, and they retain a lid. So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking, but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely attract your attention; you might think they had some type of birth defect. The eyes of these Vegans are very striking, and were even more instrumental in getting the attention of the humans than the Lyran's eyes. It was simply the contrast between the darkness of the skin and the whiteness of the eye outside the pupil and iris that made it more striking. Of course, those with darker hair and eyelashes seemed to have a black outline around their very large eyes. Many of the other groups we will talk about stem from this Vegan group, most notably the Orions. It is a very broad category we've been describing, the human-type group in the Vegan genetic structure.

Nonhuman-Type Vegans
The second group - nonhuman-type Vegan - is still humanoid, still mammal. When we say nonhuman we are talking about appearance. The appearance of these particular entities can either be insectlike or reptilian. (These are your labels that we apply to the physical appearance of these particular entities.) Generally speaking, you will find that the range of skin color will apply the same as the human type. However, there are some groups who not only have a greenish tinge to the hair but also to the skin. It's not very pronounced; we don't want you to think we're talking about some type of green monster. We're talking about a basic humanoid entity with a copper base in the skin and bloodstream that gives it a greenish tinge. The eyes are very large and may or may not have a second lid, depending on the planet of origin. They have a very small nose and a pronounced jaw in some cases. The jaw can either be thrust forward (which would give it a reptilian look) or downward (which would give it an insect look). We are talking about humanoid-type entities. We call this group nonhumanoid type only because of the appearance - they are still mammals. These entities have had communication on your Earth plane with you and have been responsible for some of the stories that circulate about reptilian monsters or cold-blooded aliens, etc. (When one is in fear, when one encounters the unknown, one often exaggerates the experience.) These entities are genetically connected to you. They still procreate as mammals. The base genetic structure

is reflective of the template from which your galactic family expresses itself, so they are still part of your family. There is more to say at some point about these particular entities, but for now we simply want to present this idea for those of you who have had a curiosity about what this reptilian stuff is about. They are not insect; they are not reptilian; they are humanoid and mammalian. They simply do not look the same as you do. These two groups, then - the Lyran and the Vegan genotypes - are instrumental in how the rest of your galactic family expresses itself genetically. We will now mention the other primary groups of the galactic family and show you where their genetic heritage lies.

The Pleiadian Civilization

The most obvious is that of the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group, some going directly to the Pleiades from Lyra, others going to Earth and mixing their genetics with the Earth genetics for themselves, then going back to the Pleiades to join some of the other Lyran splinter groups there. The standard Pleiadian is a mixture of the different genotypes we've talked about. Generally, a Pleiadian will manifest anywhere from blonde to even some black-haired, or very dark-brown-haired strains. The eyes are generally light blue to a light brown - Caucasian. Generally, they are Caucasian. They can range from very petite (five feet tall) to very large (sometimes seven feet tall - rare, but possible). You can see how some of the recessive genes that they brought from their Lyran heritage (the giants, for instance) may manifest in a body. So the Pleiadian group, in terms of the Caucasian type, is very diverse. These light brown eyes you keep mentioning, would they appear at first to be gold? Yes. So reports of golden eyes would actually be these light brown eyes, as opposed to our standard brown eyes? Yes, it is not like your standard brown eyes. When we are talking about eye color, in no way are we talking about what you know as eye color. What you see of your own eye color is only how your eyes reflect light in this reality. If you are vibrating at a different rate or if you are in another plane of reality, all color quality changes, because the laws governing light reflection change and the quality of reflected light changes. So we can describe this only broadly. There are other colors of eyes, but if we told you lavender eyes, you would picture what lavender looks like and then your perception of what we're saying would be very wrong. So we keep this information very standardized. There's really no need to go further into the Pleiadian genotypes because they reflect the Lyran groups very much. Some are combinations; some are redheads; some are very

light-skinned. Pleiadian physical expression is basically dealing with Lyran genetics and, in some cases, Lyran and Terran genetics. Is that complete? Can you talk about the emotional temperament of the Pleiadians, the similarities or dissimilarities within their own groups and in comparison to us? Is it similar to ours, and is there variance of emotional temperament within the Pleiadian groupings? Their emotional bodies are much more harmonious, though, understand that where they are today came from their denial of negativity. We've talked to you about that already, so that's nothing new. You, on the other hand, deny both negativity and positivity in an attempt to be neutral or nonfeeling. That is what a greater portion of your reality attempts to do. Now, to some degree this is an attempt at balancing what you see as your forefathers' energies, because obviously whatever they did didn't work for them, since they were still in conflict. So you are bound and determined not to do what your forefathers did in just about every way. The Pleiadian emotional structure is now not repressing negativity, for the most part. However, who they are today is because of their repression of negativity. So to some degree that's how something that is actually a negative thing (repression) can turn into a growth process that can eventually lead to the growth that is sought. Is the potential similar; is the basic emotional structure similar? Oh, yes. We would say, more than any of the other races we've talked about with you. The emotional similarity between the Pleiadians and yourselves is most pronounced. One of the biggest reasons for the difference is simply the differences in your reality. If, let's say, several thousands of years ago, Pleiadians from that era came and lived on your world today, they would have become you emotionally. But with their evolution, that would not occur.

The Orion Civilization

The Orion civilization is primarily 89% Vegan in nature. Of that 89% Vegan genetics, we would say that 75% is of the human-type, Vegan-based genetics. The remaining 14% would be considered nonhuman-type Vegan genetics. Therefore, your stories of reptiles from Orion, although they are embellished somewhat (usually by the emotional body), are accurate because there are those nonhuman-type entities with Vegan-based genetics living within the Orion system (or have in the past) that account for those stories. Primarily it is Vegan in nature. This would be the body types with the very high copper content that is due not only to the genetic line but the diet? Yes, most definitely. Your bodies here on Earth are based on water and though theirs have water as a primary substance to some degree, a certain oil or fatty content lubricates the body, the skin. Kind of like the idea of the engine in a car; the gears turn because of the oil. One thing we want to mention is a uniqueness in the eyes of Orions. Through

very strict spiritual training, which includes diet, ceremony and certain psychic experiences, various priests in the Orion system can change their eye color to a very vivid blue. Some of your people have had encounters with these Orion-type entities with very sharp blue eyes. If anyone has, it is most likely that the entity they are contacting is a priest of some sort, for the eye color is not natural at birth but is attained through a type of spiritual path. We told you that 89% of the Orion entities are Vegan in nature. The remaining 11% are of a Lyran stock. We would say that of that 11%, 90% are of the light-brown-skinned people we've talked about and the remaining 10% are of the Caucasian-type Lyran - light hair. They are rare, but of course if you're talking about several billions in population, then that could account for a goodly amount of people. And they do tend to be aggressive, to leave their mark? Yes, generally that is the common theme. These are the most common physical attributes of these Orion entities. Getting a little esoteric for a moment, as you get into the rarified vibrations, as you're getting into higher levels of fourth density, the physical appearances really become very malleable and not all that important. What we're talking about is the third-density and early fourth-density characteristics, because that's when the genetic differences are very marked, very apparent. Is there enough genetic similarity that natural cross-breeding is possible? Yes, absolutely. What about between the Lyran and the Vegan types? We would say that if you took a random Lyran and a random Vegan, there is a 60% chance that the birth would be successful without any alteration whatsoever. What would the result look like? In some ways like a typical ethnic person on your planet. Now we're getting into the idea of the breeding on your planet. There have been two lines active on your planet. The royal houses of Vega - which actually have changed hands and are now the royal houses of Sirius, but are the Vegan genetics - and the royal houses of Lyra. Your interbreeding with each other throughout history has been an attempt at unifying those houses. So it stands to reason, then, that any crosses between the two out there would primarily be successful with very little manipulation.

The Sirian Civilization

This brings us to Sirius. Sirius, being a primary star, in some ways a dimensional doorway for a lot of consciousness, is very diverse. So we would like to make it known here that the Sirians of which we speak are the Sirians of your history, the Sirians who

were part of your genetic project on Earth. There are so many Sirians on many different levels (mostly existing in the Light realms) that we don't want you to get confused with what we are talking about - those who were part of the genetic creation on Earth of Homo sapiens. This Sirian race we are talking about - we'll call them the Sirian gods - stemmed from Vega. So the primary genetics of Sirius is a Vegan stock - darker skin, but anywhere from very light brown to very dark brown. They have a lot of the Vegan qualities, including the very pronounced eyes, the large, slightly angled eyes. The particular Sirian gods who had interacted with your planet, having spent a lot of time with the Lyrans who were also part of the genetic project, had done some interbreeding themselves. So these Sirian gods began through time to take on a lot of qualities of the Lyrans. Some began to have lighter skin, some began to be more diverse in their genetic makeup. It got to the point where the interbreeding between the Lyrans and the Sirians was so mixed that the only way to denote a Sirian would be through their belief structure rather than their physical appearance. Since our focus right now is not the genetic project on Earth, we will be very brief with this. (There are tapes available that can give the fuller story.) The ultimate attempt was to join the royal houses of Sirius and Lyra. Throughout time on your planet, since the prototypes of Adam and Eve were created, this attempt has been made with the belief that a more advanced type of human being could be created. This is still going on; it's not so much now the physical attributes attempting an integration but rather the belief structures themselves. Because the Sirians gods were of Vegan heritage, it stands to reason that some of them may have had some of the genetics of the nonhuman-type Vegan entity, which would mean that some of the Sirian gods appeared to be nonhuman, whether that seemed insect or reptilian (though they were mammal, like you but with a different appearance). That accounts for some of the stories. Anything more about Sirius before we move on? Sirius, like Vega, has an extremely bright sun; so bright that if we were to look at it, even at the probable orbits of the planets, it could cause instant blindness, being thousands of times brighter than our sun. I can understand how their sun conditioned the Vegan body, and the Sirian sun may be even harsher. So I'm wondering if some of the aquatic references could not have been due to some elaborate genetic engineering done in the Sirian system just to survive - or is this a distortion of the mythology? The idea of the cetacean connection on your planet (meaning that cetaceans represent Sirius consciousness) is more a Terran than a Sirian representation. Though there are cetacean creatures in your galactic family, the creation of the cetaceans here was deliberate for Earth. It did not come from somewhere else. Thus the types of cetaceans you have on your planet evolved with some help; you can see that by examining the skeletons of dolphins and whales. They have finger and toe bones in their fins. They have a rudimentary humanoid skeleton that has been adapted for their environment. What you're saying is that cetaceans don't represent a genetic heritage in the human family through Sirius.

Correct. But they do represent a genetic alternative. It was desired that genetic alternatives would be present for those who wished other experiences. There is a lot more we could talk about regarding this; however, we want to keep it focused in a certain direction. If you want questions on this at another time, please feel free to ask.

The Zeta Reticuli Civilization

We'd now like to talk about the entities that you know of as the Zeta Reticuli. The physical characteristics of the Zeta Reticuli that you are already aware of is 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 to, in some cases, 5 feet tall, generally bald, frail-looking, larger-headed in proportion to the body, large eyes that seem to have no lid, very small (if any) nose, mouth and ears. We have given you the story about the Zeta Reticuli. To encapsulate it here, they were a civilization very much like you who went on a path of (in some ways) self-destruction, a specie crisis. They caught it before they were annihilated. However, they found themselves sterile. They performed genetic engineering, cloning, etc. to change their species and so you have the Zeta Reticuli you see today. We will tell you that the base genetics of the Zeta Reticuli before they went through their species crisis and transformation was that of human-type Vegan heritage. Their civilization, when it went through the change, required them to alter their body structure into what they are now. This accounts for one of the reasons why they are here and interested in your genetics, because they are looking for an aspect of their original genetics to reinsert into themselves because of what they perceive they've done wrong during their transformation - namely, breeding out emotions. If they were to time-travel, which they can do, and go back to their past, they would only be gathering genetic data before their crisis. To them, that genetic data is inferior; they do not want that. They look to other races who have Vegan forefathers for some of the Vegan DNA that has been adapted through experience to a more expanded state of being. Your planet is one of the places. There are Vegan codes active here, and at this point just about everyone on your planet carries both the Lyran and Vegan codes. You've intermixed so well. When they are taking genetic samples from you, they are looking mostly for Vegan (but some Lyran) genetic codes that have been strengthened and adapted from their original state on Vega millennia ago. So this is why, to them, you are so important - because you carry locked in the cells of your body what they think is their only future. You on Earth, more than anything else, have served as a genetic repository, a genetic storehouse for the galactic universe, for your galactic family. In some ways you've been earning interest on this DNA you've been storing, because it's a lot more valuable now than it has been in the past. Individuals are now coming back to explore that greater value and that is what the Zeta Reticuli are doing. Do they themselves have a genetic future? And what is it? They are creating their genetic future as they go along. In some way (and we speak a little bit loosely here) they have no future other than what they deliberately manipulate. According to the laws of species evolution, they "should" have transformed out of physicality already. Since they are not running according to the standard laws of species

evolution, their future is what they make it. They could annihilate themselves tomorrow by simply pulling up all of their laboratories and leaving, never enhancing their own genetics, and eventually dying off. They could do that, but they don't want to. They don't want to leave this reality without resolving the things they feel they need to resolve, and so they will keep themselves physical until they do so. And as we've stated before, they understand that you have invited them and that you are also getting something out of your interactions with them; it's not a one-way street. We would say at this point that what you are getting out of your interactions with them is much more valuable than you've ever realized, much more valuable than we've ever told you. It's essential. What do these various races think about us when they see us physically? How do they feel about us? There are different emotions. Imagine being an interracial couple; imagine being an Asian woman and a black man creating a child. As you watch the child grow, you can very clearly see, at least physically, the African attributes and the Asian attributes and you can watch them expand and grow and interweave with each other. They know themselves so well at this point that when they watch you, they can see not only the physical attributes you have, but the emotional and mental attributes, even the spiritual attributes, and they can pinpoint themselves within you very clearly. To some, it's a shock; it's painful to come here because you are very clear mirrors for them. To others, coming here is the only way they can see themselves. Do they like our physical appearance? Do they dislike it? Are they neutral or is it a curiosity? When you have traveled the universe as much as many of these races have, it's not a matter of liking or disliking appearances, because you've seen very strange things. It's like a sense of deja vu when they see you. There is something very familiar about you, and yet there's something very alien - something that frightens them very much. They are drawn to you and they are also frightened - and that is where growth lies. With that, we will thank you for your wonderful questions. There will be more information on this in the future. We're just laying the groundwork here. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the gifts you have given. Not only to your reality, to your forefathers, but mostly to yourselves, because those gifts will bear much more valuable fruit than you can yet see. Much love to all of you.

1992 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. This manuscript may be copied for personal use and distribution only, but may not be sold. For more information on tapes, videos, books, and transcripts, contact Royal Priest Research at PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

ETs and Ancient Japan

August 24, 1993 Tokyo, Japan Germane Through Lyssa Royal Germane: Greetings to you. Pleasure to be with all of you this night. We have lots of information to share. But as is usual in your dimension, there is a time limit. So we are going to give you the most concise, simplified story possible. We will present what we wish to present, and then the rest of the evening will be questions and answers with you. We understand the subject is Japan's ancient ET connection. But before we get more specific about that, we have to give you a little historical background about the creation of Homo sapiens on Earth. That information will fit directly in with the information about ancient Japan. It is actually quite significant. We'll condense some of this and try to make a complete story. There were a group of ETs - the Lyrans primarily, and the Sirians as a secondary group, who were engaged in genetic experiments to create new breed of human on Earth. One of the major purposes for this undertaking was because these ETs wanted to create new upgraded bodies that they could eventually incarnate into. So this genetic project was a very long and involved one, taking many thousands of years. There was DNA used from the ETs mixed with the indigenous DNA from the primates. This eventually created the prototypes which in your history you have called "Adam" and "Eve". So in that sense, there was not just one Adam and one Eve; they were representing a whole group of prototypes all over the planet. There were many genetic projects going on simultaneously around the Earth. The primary ones were in the area of Africa and Asia. These different genetic projects going on all over the Earth account for the different races on your planet. However, in this time, all of these projects were creating all the races on Earth except the Asian race. You had the Caucasian prototypes, Negroid prototypes, Brown-skinned prototypes (like Native Americans), but no Asians. Here is where the story may sound like science fiction. As these experiments were going on, the genetic engineers received a visit from some ETs from the future. Before we go further with what the people from the future said, we are going to say one other thing. Up until this point, the ETs interacting with Earth were usually in conflict with each other. There was conflict throughout the whole galactic family. No matter what they did, they could never seem to resolve their conflicts. So one of the desires for this genetic project was that the new humans would have an advanced body which would be able to integrate

energy in a different way so that they would be the first species to begin resolving conflict. Quite a burden for a new race. So these beings from the future came to see the genetic engineers. This is what they said: "Your genetic project, as we view it in the future, has not succeeded. You've created too much diversity on Earth and the peoples of Earth are in conflict with each other. They are not fulfilling what you want them to fulfill in the future. You must do something else. You must do something to fix this." You can imagine that this was quite a shock for the genetic engineers who had put generations of work into this genetic project. So, they sought further advice from these future beings. "What can we do," they said, "to create a more unified Earth in the future?" The beings from the future then said that the genetic engineers needed to incorporate another new prototype on Earth so that eventually, in the future, as all of the natures of the different prototypes began integrating, harmony would be the result. This is when they began working on the prototypes for the Asian race. They took some DNA from some civilizations (which we will name in a moment) which had a strong sense of unification within their people. They combined this DNA with the Earth prototypes. As they did this, they began to create a new prototype race that would eventually, aeons in the future, help to integrate the entire planet. This new prototype was for the Asian race. The ET beings whose DNA they took was a group that you now call the Zeta Reticuli. These beings, for those of you who are not familiar with them, are the ones who are small with large dark eyes. They also took Pleiadian DNA as well, which was already in the other prototypes. And, they took DNA from the Sirians which was also present in the other prototypes. They made a whole new mixture. That is what began to create the Asian race. For you to understand the significance of this, we will first tell you some of the qualities of the Zeta Reticuli. Within the Zeta Reticuli, there is very little individuality. They operate as a group mind. Not only is there little individuality on the personality level, but there is also nearly no individuality in terms of their physical bodies. They nearly look identical. The genetic engineers felt that this race was really the perfect race to use to create the integrated race on Earth because they have such little individuality. They felt that that factor in the future was what was going to help bring the entire planet together. Now we will point out to you how the Asian races manifests the Zeta Reticuli qualities. Your race has hardly any variation in skin tone. There is some, but not much compared to other races. There is also not a lot of variation in eye and hair color, either. And you also don't display the wide range of different body types that other races do. Those are just external things. However, where the power lies is in the internal qualities of the Zeta Reticuli that the Asian race possesses. For one thing, the Zetas have a very solid and inner sense of their spiritual connection to All That Is or God. The Zetas are

very interested in ritual to express their spirituality. And, their minds are very much linked together even in daily life. These qualities are what the genetic engineers felt were so essential to bring to the Earth. The main areas where the prototypes were created were in areas of Japan, for the most part, that are no longer above the water. It is always a good idea when you are doing a genetic project like creating prototypes, that you do it on an island or in an isolated area in order to contain the experiment. So this is why the area of Japan was chosen. Any further south, it would have been too hot. It is interesting because the belief that many in Japan have about their divine heritage is, in a sense, very, very accurate. This is not to say that the other prototypes did not have divine heritage also, which they did. But in a sense, [the Asian] race had more pressure put upon it because it had a very specific function that the genetic engineers desired for them to accomplish. So once the prototypes were created, they were assisted or tended by various ET groups, most notably Pleiadian. In the ancient days, as the prototypes began reproducing themselves and populating the area, the Pleiadians did whatever they could to teach spirituality to these new prototypes. The Pleiadians also tried to incorporate into their teachings some of the ancient spiritual principles of the Zeta Reticuli as well. The Zeta Reticuli were not physically present for the teaching of the prototypes. So the Pleiadians taught whatever spirituality they understood that the Zetas practiced in their ancient past. We know this story is convoluted because it is so complicated, but we will simply say that the past of the Zeta Reticuli is what we consider Vegan. [From the Vega system] So basically the Pleiadians were not only teaching Pleiadian spirituality, but they were attempting to teach ancient Vegan spirituality as well. Once the prototypes began reproducing and the area became populated, groups were taken to other areas to spread out their development, such as in Mongolia, etc. In these ancient days, the prototypes were reproducing and becoming a new race. They had much interaction with the Pleiadians. In a sense, the Pleiadians became like guides and parents to this new race. There was a very strong bond that was formed. Within Japan, you have some very ancient rituals of which you may not even be aware of their origin. Throughout time, these rituals have changed and adapted to the present day. The ancient rituals were different from those being done today. But what is being done is helping to carry on that ancient memory. For instance, what is now your tea ceremony used to be a very ancient Vegan ritual that the Pleiadians taught to you. Before we go further with this, we are going to tell you that the Pleiadians focused a lot of their teaching in the birthplace of the Asian race, which was an area of Japan (which was larger then, with more islands) and there were other teachers (of several different ET lineages) given to other groups of prototypes in other locations as well.

The original Vegan form of the tea ceremony actually lasted three days and three nights. They didn't teach you the long version. They condensed it. But the ritual, as the Pleiadians understood it, was very important to the Vegans. Because of this, the Pleiadians felt it was very important to pass it along to you. To the Vegans, it was the ultimate form of expression of spirituality. It also combined body movement as well, and running of energy. Also, in the traditional Japanese architecture there is Pleiadian influence as well. There are certain qualities in traditional Japanese/Pleiadian architecture that are still present today in a different form. For instance, the use of a gate or threshold to separate environments (or to separate the energy of different environments) was very important to the Pleiadians and so they passed that along. So this manifests itself today in some of the landscaping that is done in Japan. There is a change in consciousness when you enter a Japanese garden. It is meant to be another world. In the original days, the Pleiadians taught a much more complicated version. Usually the more complex version was used by priests or holy people rather than the general public. The best way to describe this ancient version is as follows: The person starts out in the physical world. Let's say they eventually want to get to a place where their consciousness can be in total communion with God. They will go physically through seven separate environments until they get to the environment that is the most spiritual in vibration. Moving through the seven separate environments was a way to gradually shift the consciousness one step at a time until it could get to that spiritual place. We would like to give a side note here, because this is important for the channel [Lyssa] to know. The dream she had of placing her forehead over the thresholds and going through several thresholds was her memory of this seven-step process. For convenience, over time this seven step process was shortened or used for very specific ceremonies. The traditional Japanese rooms being sparse and harmoniously organized is very Pleiadian as well. Simplicity was very important to them. So is the harmony of the living space with nature. So many of these Pleiadian qualities were passed on and then the Japanese people have developed them even further. It would be difficult for us to tell you about each one because much of the ancient memory has been lost. However, it is important to know that that connection with the Pleiadians is very ancient and is very deep within the Japanese people. Of all the races on Earth physically, we would say that the Pleiadians resemble the Asians the most. There are many different subgroups within the Pleiadians so there are lighthaired and light-eyed Pleiadians as well. But in one of the most dominant Pleiadian groups, the females are very petite like this channel and many of your women as well. Within this dominant Pleiadian group the men also are not very large.

One of the most dominant features of the Pleiadians that you [the Japanese] carry is the eyes. Even the light-skinned and light-eyed Pleiadians have eyes that are almond-shaped and more Asian-looking rather than Caucasian. However, their eyes are larger than yours. So, if you met a Pleiadian on the street, he or she could pass as human but would look unusual. You might think the Pleiadian is a combination of Asian and Caucasian. So even today physically, you have a lot of the qualities of the Pleiadians. Theirs was the dominant genetics used for the prototype projects. One other body quality is that of many of the races on Earth, the Asian has less body hair. That is a Pleiadian quality most definitely, but it is also a Zeta Reticuli quality as well. Let us talk about this object for a moment. [Germane hold up a statue of a Dogu.] Some of you may recognize this as a Dogu. The idea of the Dogu has been very important to maintain among your people, even if it is just in thought. This is because symbolically, it reminds you on a very deep level of your star heritage. In a sense the idea behind it is similar to the Kachina dolls of the Native Americans. In every culture on Earth there is a way that has been preserved to remember the star heritage. However, most civilizations have lost the ability to really understand the symbolism on that level. The most obvious question would be, "Is this a literal depiction of the ancient ETs?" We would say that no, it is not literal. But it incorporates many ideas regarding your ET forefathers that you've wanted to keep alive. Among all ancient peoples, even hypothetically people who have no star heritage (which is not true on your Earth), the natural tendency of primitive peoples is to create power objects which reflect the archetypes within. Often anthropologists have misunderstood the meaning of these power objects and have thought that primitive people worshipped them. Though that may have happened in later times, the early primitive peoples recognized these power objects as being a reflection of what is inside of them. One of the power objects that primitive peoples used nearly without exception, was a figure that represented fertility or the Mother Goddess. Birth, of course, was one of the most important things for a primitive people because it kept their people alive. And so fertility is sacred. So this figure combines many ideas. First of all on the very basic level, it is a figure depicting the Mother Goddess. But then one may say, "Why does the Mother Goddess figure look so extraterrestrially influenced?" Obviously, the story we just told you says that your creation and your very reproduction is because of the genetic projects done by these ETs. So, the ET connection had to be depicted along with the Mother Goddess. It has been a long time since people on Earth understood the various totem or symbols who were on Earth during those days. You will find that the Dogu, in its intricate work, also expresses Pleiadian energy, Sirian energy, and Zeta/Vegan energy. The very oldest Dogu, (most of them are not recovered whole anymore) have very clear depictions of the symbols of these ancient ETs. Most of these ancient Dogu have disintegrated over time and so you've not yet recovered a whole

one. One some of these old Dogu you will find serpent symbols, which represent the Sirians. You will also find bird symbols which could either be Pleiadian or Lyran. Those symbols were a tribute to the ET Mother Goddess, so to speak. You know, many people may wonder why we feel it is so important to speak about the ET heritage of human beings. Some people think there are too many problems on Earth now, so why put your head in the stars? However, in a sense, Earth humans are like abandoned children. You've grown up, just about reaching adulthood, and have never been told who your parents are. A child who doesn't know who his parents are grows up confused and has many problems throughout his life. Until he discovers who he is, he may never be at peace. So we feel it is so important for the human species to no longer feel like and abandoned child, and to know that they have a family out in the cosmos. Once they begin to know their identity an their heritage, they will feel so much stronger to tackle whatever problems face them in present time. You've been left many, many tools and clues to teach you about this heritage. There are objects like this Dogu, and there are so many legends. In every aspect of society there is a clue. If humans will open their eyes and their hearts and not be afraid to discover the unknown, they will discover those clues. Since all of you are here tonight because the subject interests you, then obviously mankind is beginning to awaken. From our point of view, the entire project on Earth has been a success. We see all of you humans on Earth uniting together in the future. You do become the planetary species that your forefathers hoped you would become. That outcome is assured. But now you all have to simply help the process along by being who you naturally are. We would suggest that you feel proud of your heritage. For your planetary species is the product of many different groups of your forefathers who, in the heavens, could not solve their conflicts. But they will now do so through you. And, the most amazing part of this is that reincarnationally you on Earth are your forefathers. Those ET genetic engineers of so long ago are now you reincarnated here today to help continue the project. You know exactly what you are doing, and it will be a success. May we be the first to congratulate you. We are going to allow you to take a short break. In the next half we will take questions. We look forward to speaking with you again. [Break]

Germane: Greetings again. Questions please. Please discuss Japan's power spots like Mt. Fuji and Tenkawa Shrine. First of all, let us address Mt. Fuji. There are major power spots all over the world that correspond to the human chakras. It is out perception that Mt. Fuji corresponds with the crown chakra of the planet. This makes a lot of sense also if you think about something else we've said in the past, which we will repeat. Japan has a very unique role in this time

of transition. Throughout your planet's history you've had all the wisdom from the east. And you've had all the technology from the west. The west has never wanted to accept the east, and the east hasn't wanted to accept the west. Thus the fundamental energies of the east and west have been conflicting. There needs to be a doorway on the planet where both the east and the west can come together and integrate. Japan is that doorway. It is quite appropriate that you would have the crown chakra of the planet here to help you with that integrative process. As many Japanese people are awakening to their own spirituality, they are helping to integrate the energies of the east and west. Fuji-san represents a doorway through which that can be done. Whenever you visit that area, your own crown chakra gets activated. As you work with the energy of the area and help to activate the energy of Fuji, you are also helping this entire planetary integrative process. We would say that the energy of Fuji is essential for the planet's integration. We know that there has been much rumor about Fuji-san erupting. We've heard all the gloom and doom prophesy for that! However, our understanding is that should Fuji-san erupt in that way, it would represent a tremendous kundalini experience for the planet - too much energy moving too fast. We perceive instead that simply its activation will occur slowly and gradually at a pace that is comfortable for the entire planet. Regarding Tenkawa Shrine, that place has a very ancient connection. The shrine itself is not that ancient, of course. But the site itself goes back to the time of the prototype work. It is our understanding that the area around Tenkawa Shrine, perhaps about 1/2 kilometer diameter around it, was one of the major schooling areas by the Pleiadians for the new prototypes. So, there is a strong Pleiadian energy there. The symbol of Tenkawa Shrine, the three circles in a triangle, is a symbol that has been used by your ET forefathers long before Earth was in existence. The symbol of the triad has always represented integration. It means one polarity, its opposite, and the integration of the two. If you remember what we said earlier, it was hoped that the Asian race would serve as an integrative point for the entire planet, then you can see why this symbol is so appropriate for the shrine, which was an old educational site. That is the most important translation of the symbol. There is one more, however. The three points represent Pleiadian energy, Zeta Reticuli energy, and Earth energy. In a sense it was a proclamation of the bonds that exist between the three. So from that perspective, it is a very sacred site. Does that answer the question? Please also explain why many of the power spots are on the same line from each other. There are energetic grid lines that run around your planet. Imagine that the globe is covered in a cloth. The fabric of that cloth, the actual threads, is like those grid lines. Where the lines cross represent power points. Whenever humans are seeking to make a shrine or sacred spot, they are naturally drawn to those intersections of grid lines. So the fact that there are some sacred spots on the same is representative of that same idea - it is

one thread of the tapestry. The ancients were very aware of that when they built their sacred places. I have heard that Amaterasu, (which literally means the Sun Goddess), has a direct connection to Andromeda. When I look at the Dogu, the image of Andromeda comes to my mind. When we were at Machu Picchu, I met a being who you said was Andromedan. Could you talk about this experience more, as well as the Andromedan connection with ancient Japan? First of all, we will answer the question about Japan's connection with the ancient Andromedans but will have to give a brief answer to the personal aspects of your question. We are going to try to simplify this because the information may be quite complex. Each civilization, including ET civilizations, have other ET civilizations who guide them. For instance, Earth people have the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians have other ET civilizations which guide them. To make a long story short, the two main civilizations that guide the Pleiadians are an interdimensional group call the DALs, and the Andromedans. Often when you on Earth are seeking to work through your own transformation, you look toward the Pleiadians for assistance. The Pleiadians, when they seek to learn, they look to their teachers, the DALs and the Andromedans. During the education process of the new humans in Japan by the Pleiadians, the Pleiadians called in some of their teachers for assistance. They called in primarily the Andromedans. So the Andromedans were a guiding force for the Pleiadians as the Pleiadians were teaching you. Their energy was felt in ancient Japan as well as in other areas of Earth as well. The Sun Goddess you mentioned has both the Andromedan and Pleiadian connections. She was here for a short time working with the Pleiadians who were working with the humans. Without making it too complex, she was Andromedan but did not come in her true form to Earth. She radiated so much unconditional love, it was very profound for the humans. This is why the memory of her has carried through the mythology until today. As far as your personal connection, we will answer that in one sentence. You had a life as one of these Pleiadian teachers in Japan interacting with the Andromedan energy. That is why you feel the connection. I would like to know if the "Immaculate Conception" really took place, and the truth about the birth of Jesus Christ. Very interesting story. Before we begin this, please understand that the early history on Earth is so filled with political disputes between the ETs and lots of intrigue that it would read like a good novel. It is easy to think that the ETs are these wonderfully evolved beings who have nothing to learn, but that is not true. Simply put, they had their own conflicts and their own issues to learn.

So with that in mind, now we will address the birth of Christ. Throughout time, before Christ's birth, there were many efforts at combining genetics in such a way that someone would be born who would almost be like an advanced version of Man. The birth of Christ was one of those genetic projects in which it was hoped a new stage of man would be created. Your myths say that Mary was impregnated by an angel. In a very real sense, that is true. But the angel was not some "heavenly creature." It was an ET being who was desiring to create this new genetic version of Man. The genetics that Christ held were a combination of Sirian and Pleiadian. The desire of course was that if this mixture would get into the stream of genetics on Earth, eventually mankind would transform itself. Most people believe this was a failure because they believe Christ died on the cross and therefore was not able to have any children and spread his genetics. But at the risk of sounding blasphemous, we will say that he did not die on the cross, and yes, he had children. In his life after that crucifixion, he hid and traveled to many areas in your world. He traveled to southern Europe, India, and Japan. We know that there are some books that speak of a place in Northern Japan where Christ is supposed to be buried. We would say that in our perception it was not he who was buried here, but one of his descendants. So this Immaculate Conception was another of the many genetic projects that have gone on throughout history. Any other aspect of that you would like to explore? In referring to Ise Shrine, in Arabic "Ise" means Jesus Christ. Do you have a comment on this? We have also heard that there are areas of Japan that still have chants or songs that are understood in Hebrew. We have also heard that there are other words that are known that are understood in Arabic as well. The reason for this of course would be that there have been migrations of people from the area of the Mediterranean (and Northern Africa) to Japan and they brought with them earlier version of the Arabic and Hebrew languages. Whether or not "Ise" means Jesus Christ in Arabic, we cannot tell you whether that is accurate. We have no connection with your Earth languages other than through the channel. But it would not surprise us if that is true because there was a migration after Christ's so-called crucifixion to Japan and other areas from that African area. They were intent on bringing the knowledge of Christ here as well, even way back then. In some ways, it is very significant that the area of Ise Shrine has moved from time to time. This represents the migration of Christ. So, there is a connection between the middle east in Jesus' time period and Japan. There is the idea of the hundredth monkey, and some people say that the Earth is the hundredth monkey in the galactic family. Ah, a planet full of monkeys, yes?

Could you comment on this? What would be the effect of our Earth's integration on some of our neighbors, like the DAL Universe, which lies adjacent to us? One more thing. Are the Andromedans coming from a particular area of Andromeda? Regarding the hundredth monkey idea and your planet, you've tapped into the entire idea presented in "The Prism of Lyra". We would agree that Earth does represent the hundredth monkey. The reason for that is because there has been so much attention focused on Earth for thousands of years. At first, the attention by the ETs was on a planet (Earth) that didn't even have life yet. Then once human life began on Earth, those same ETs began incarnating here. Now in present day, 99% of the people on Earth are those old ETs still trying to work out their conflicts from ancient times. Earth has been chosen as that final ground where the integration will take place. It will happen here because all of the souls who are here were once that diverse group of ETs who have now come together "under the same roof" in order to do this. Yes, you are all connected, even with ETs as distant as the DALs, just like all the cells in your body are connected. Think of the other civilizations in the universe as being all part of the same body. If one cell in your body gets cancer, all the cells in your body have to work that much harder to heal the cancer. If that cell that has cancer is healed, then the entire body is healed and restored to wholeness. That is how you are so tightly connected. Regarding Andromeda, yes of course it is an entire galaxy unto itself. Obviously it would then have millions of planets. But when we refer to Andromeda, we are not referring to a specific planet or species. We are referring to the "realm" of Andromeda. It is a unique dimensional frequency. In a sense, that galaxy has its own set of rules by which it learns its own lessons. Somehow you find a common bond or thread that ties you whereby you can learn from each other even if it is on an abstract level. We will give you a very brief example of what reality is like in the Andromedan realm. In your reality, when you are walking down the street, there is a sense of constancy -meaning that as you walk down the street, you are always wearing the same clothes. That is constancy. This is a very simplified example, but if you were in the Andromedan realm it would look as follows: Imagine walking down the street and at every moment what you are wearing is changing. The entire scenery around you keeps changing. The rules of reality there are very different. But there is a realm of consciousness that you, the Pleiadians, and the Andromedans can meet upon. It is a very abstract realm. We cannot really go into more depth tonight about this. There are three significant and beautiful sites in Japan, and when connected they form an elongated triangle. Some people believe that these sites were the ancient communication centers between the ETs and the ancient Japanese. The three sites are Miyajima Island, Matsushima, and Amano-hashidate ("Heavenly Bridge"). Would you like to comment on this?

First of all we will speak about the Heavenly Bridge (Amano-hashidate). That area is very ancient because it represents the actual physical place where there was a space port. Many of the ETs came and went there. Thus, a bridge between the heaven and the earth. That is pretty obvious, so we don't have to explain what that means! Miyajima has a very strong Pleiadian energy. This was one of the communities where some of the genetic work was done for the Asian prototypes. It was mostly Pleiadians who were populating that area. Also, some of the Pleiadian and Vegan spiritual teachings we were telling you about that the Pleiadians gave to the new humans were given in this area as well. As a side note to tell the channel, she was a Pleiadian at that time during the prototype education there in Miyajima. (Excuse us for giving personal information in a group, but she often doesn't listen to us unless we are channeling to a group!) As far as Matsushima in concerned, do you know if at any time in known history the Ainu lived there? [The Ainu are Japan's indigenous people.] Because the Ainu lived in Northern Japan, we can assume that they lived in this area. We perceive that this site was the site of another genetic project that was going on which combined genetics differently to produce the Ainu. But in all honesty, much of the information about that place is closed to us for an unknown reason. So we can only assume it is not time to release it. Does that answer your question? Another channel told me that there was some secret hidden in the northern part of Japan and it is not time to release it. Yes, that is what we are sensing as well. We must always honor the timing. If all the secrets were revealed now, the rest of your life would be pretty boring! Does the revealing of those secrets have anything to do with the evolution of our consciousness? Yes. Your bodies, on the physical cellular level are like computers. As we told you earlier, there is a lot of knowledge about your ancient past locked within the cells of your body. Whenever you get to a certain vibrational frequency, it is as if that frequency becomes a key that unlocks more information. So yes, timing has everything to do with the state of consciousness. All of our souls originated from the same God source, but yet it seems like the ancient ETs taught that they were Gods. Actually, they did not teach that idea of separation. What happened was that there was a period of time after these prototypes were already creating communities when much of the ET presence left the planet. This is part of the abandonment energy. During that time period, humans tried to emulate what they had been taught by the ETs. As generations passed, they lost much of the inherent truth and began externalizing the Gods. As the

humans lost touch with the truth that they were taught by the ETs (of a spiritual universe), the idea of God was eventually distorted to mean that the Gods were outside of oneself. We've answered this question in the context of the Pleiadians. But, some of the other ET groups had their own agendas. Especially in the areas that is now the middle east, there were some ET beings who instilled much fear in humans. Unfortunately, they perpetuated the belief in God or power outside of humans in order to keep the humans in line. For the most part, they were not Pleiadian. Some of them were Lyran, some of them were Sirian. For even some of those ETs had their own lessons to learn and had their own problems with their egos. It is unfortunate, but mankind is still feeling the pain from this. You mentioned that there was a ceremony which consisted of seven steps to get close to God. Did the Pleiadians have an idea of God since they used this ceremony? Yes. Deep within themselves, they knew that God was not only within them, but all around them. They felt that it was simply a matter of taking steps in life to raise one's consciousness to become like God. So, they attempted to communicate this to the humans. But often when one is communicating very esoteric subjects that are not based on thought but on internal sensing, it is very difficult. At that time, they did the best they could. All of these ET civilizations you've mentioned are outside of the solar system. What is happening with the consciousness within our solar system during the transformation? First of all, there is always consciousness around any body in space. In that sense, the sun has a consciousness. But we are speaking about ET civilizations who are physical like you. Our understanding is that the consciousness around the other planets in your solar system is nonphysical, in another dimension entirely. In that sense, it has no genetic connection to you, though there is a spiritual connection because those consciousnesses also guide you. There is a symbol found in Japan which is identical to the symbol found in Nazca, Peru. Could you comment on this? In ancient times, the ET Gods who were in higher positions had their own symbol. Often the symbol would be worn on the clothing of the people who served that ET God. The God who had that symbol that is found at Nazca (in Peru) and the identical symbol found in Japan was a Pleiadian being. That was his symbol. Once the Gods left the planet, the humans were often very lonely. They always looked to the heavens for them to return. They would often use that symbol to call the God, hoping that he would come back. They would use it in whatever way they could, even in small totems. In present day, many of you have felt that Japan has a strong connection with Peru. The connection is very ancient. One of the reasons is because some of the same ET Gods who interacted with you interacted with ancient Peru as well. In a sense, when many of you go to Peru, you are also getting in touch with the ancient Japan energy as well. It is another way to activate that within you.

There is some strange similarity of names of sacred places, including places in Japan. Is that a Lemurian connection? In some cases that is true, but in others the similarity in sound is because it is a name or title for some of the ancient Gods. These names or titles were used in many of the different cities. Often there would be a foundation word and other words would be built around it. That foundation word represented the God and the addition of other sounds to it was a recognition of territory. Could you tell us something about the true origin of the Japanese royal family? This may sound strange, but we are going to give you an analogy. When you have a document that has been typed and you want to make copies of it and distribute it, you never give away the master copy, you only give away the copies. This way you can preserve the original. In ancient times during the times when the prototypes were created, it was important that they maintained the master copies, so to speak. So some of these master copies or prototypes were kept, and their breeding was rigidly controlled. This was so that the original genetics would not be diluted. Obviously, you can only do this for a short period of time because inbreeding starts happening. Then when they started having to bring people from the outside in to continue the line, they had to choose those people carefully. So the Japanese royal family now is the current version of those ancient prototypes who were rigidly bred in order to be kept pure. You know that within the royal family and especially in times of coronation there are some very secret rituals that are done. Some of these secret rituals are based in the teachings that were given mostly by the Pleiadians in ancient times. Even though the royal family has lost the memory of the prototype projects and the ancient ET interactions, there are parts of the memory kept alive through myth. Some of these myths are not even known by the general public but are kept secret within the royal family. But if you were to know what those myths were, you would see that the interpretation of the myths would be very similar to the story we have told you tonight. If you on Earth had the ability to duck underneath the chaos and go through history, you would find that right now on the planet there is a predominant royal line of every race. That will tell you very clearly that the genetic project is still continuing. Some people believe that within the Japanese royal family there is Hebrew blood. In some of the Shinto ceremonies, there are elements of the Jewish religion as well. Was there any interaction between the Japanese royal family and the ancient Hebrews? The way we will answer this question is to tell you that the Hebrew connection is Sirian. And yes, there was plenty of Sirius contact during the time of the prototypes because the Sirians were the primary genetic engineers. So the Sirians influenced the Hebrews, and the Sirians influenced the Asians. So on that level there is a connection because the

Sirians (being connected to both the Hebrews and the Asians) influenced both of you. Also, there was migration of Hebrews into Japan. A predominant time of this was shortly after the "death" of Christ. We know for now that that answer is incomplete and we apologize. It is much more convoluted. Perhaps that will give you something to start your research with. It has been a pleasure to converse with you all this night. Your energy and your questions have been most appreciated. We have really only given you a very small fraction of all of the things that have gone on in your world. The most important truth that you will find will always come from within. So perhaps what we have shared with you will stimulate you to find that truth within. With much respect and love, we bid you a fond good night.

ETs and Civilization

Lyssa Royal 1993 Note: This session was recorded in Tokyo, Japan and was taken from a tape with a Japanese translation. This session was recorded at Tokyo's largest New Age Bookstore called "Yoyo."

Germane: Greetings to you. This is Germane. It is a pleasure to be with all of you this night. The first thing that we are going to do is describe for you the different ET groups that have interacted with Earth throughout history. Now obviously there have been quite a few, so we are going to give you just some of the main characters, and we are also going to have to generalize a little bit. The first group we would like to describe for you is the group that we call Lyrans. You might say that they were the authority figures. You will find that during the times they were most active on the Earth they used symbols to depict their group; the most common symbols they used were of birds and of cats. To describe what these ETs physically looked like, we will generalize: Generally, the Lyrans were built in a very sturdy way, Caucasian-like, very large. Generally, they had light skin, and even though light hair and eyes were the most common, you would sometimes find Lyrans with dark hair. As a group one of their most predominant characteristics was being authoritative. Often throughout history they played the role of, in a sense, parents. They were very strict. They had a lot of dogma. You might say they were like father figures. Humans both loved them and feared them, much like an authoritative parent. Another group that was here very much throughout history were the Sirians. The symbols they used throughout time were usually of serpents or dogs. Physically, as a generality, the Sirians had darker skin, darker hair and eyes, and were not as large as the Lyrans. As far as their personality characteristics, we would say that they were very devoted to serving mankind. Whereas the Lyrans were committed to ruling mankind, the Sirians were interested in helping or sometimes even saving mankind. They could be very, very zealous, and because of that trait, they often interfered where they did not belong. But you could say they were the crusaders for mankind. The other significant group that we will mention are the Pleiadians. Their symbols were also at times birds or winged figures. They also used the symbol of the seven stars. Physically, and again we must generalize, they were similar in skin, hair and eye color to the Lyrans but much smaller. So, for instance, a typical Pleiadian woman would look very much like this channel in size. Now the Pleiadians had a very, very deep love of mankind. It would take too much time to explain why, but genetically they are connected to you, so often throughout history they have been drawn back to Earth in order to help humans. Not only do they have a genetic connection but they also have an emotional

connection. They always tried to nurture and protect you like a mother. Now you know that you may have two parents, a mother and a father who love you very much, but at the same time these two parents may also fight over you. Sometimes they may even manipulate you to get back at the spouse. The same thing happened with these ETs. They often, in their love for you, fought over you. Unfortunately, they also at times manipulated you. Because the ETs often fought amongst themselves there were often territory disputes about the land and the people of Earth, and so often the Earth was divided into sections and certain ET rulers would be responsible for certain sections. It is unfortunate that a lot of the information about these times has been lost. However, some of it remains in the Sumerian texts and we will talk a little bit about that later. Before we go into the future it is important to say one thing. Ancient humankind was never a victim of these ETs. All beings create their own reality for their own purposes of learning and growth, and ancient humankind was the same way. We never like to put humans in the role of being victims.

Atlantis and the Great Flood

We are going to begin our story by talking about Atlantis. Most of you are somewhat familiar with what happened in Atlantis. Generally speaking, there was a lot of extraterrestrial fighting going on during that time. There was also a lot human corruption going on as well. Many of you have already heard about the destruction of Atlantis and we are not really going to get to talk in depth about why Atlantis was destroyed because in some ways it is another subject. But we are setting the stage for the other information that we would like to present. Now some of you are familiar with the Christian story about Noah. As the story goes, Noah was warned by a serpent and told to build an ark. Everyone thought Noah was crazy, but he built his ark anyway; as the story goes, because he built the ark he was able to save humans and animals. Now he built the ark at the same time as the destruction of Atlantis<|><|>the Great Flood. Obviously, a serpent did not really tell him to build an ark; but as we previously said, the Sirians used serpent symbols to depict themselves. There wasn't just one Noah, but many humans around the planet who received the Sirian message to build arks, for the Sirians really wanted mankind to be saved. It is unfortunate to say, but the Lyrans did not want mankind to be saved. They were not going to tell anyone about the flood that was coming. To simplify the reason for this we will simply say that the Lyrans preferred to start over again with Earth and that is why they were going to allow the destruction of mankind. You all know the story about Noah and that he was successful. Many humans around the planet were spared from the flood and they were still able to flourish as a race. <>It took some time but eventually major civilizations came into being again. The main historically recognizable one was Sumeria. At the point where Sumeria began flourishing, the ETs began coming back to Earth; mostly Sirians but also some Lyrans. The territory disputes began again and they had to divide the Earth into regions that different ETs

began to rule. Once again the ETs began fighting amongst themselves, and once again mankind became like puppets. Many, many, many of these stories are recorded quite clearly in the Sumerian texts. They have not all been translated but some of them have been. We are aware that there is a book on your world and we believe it is translated into Japanese. The title of it is The Twelfth Planet. The author is Zecharia Sitchin. If any of you are particularly interested in finding out some of the juicy dramas that occurred in Sumeria you will find them in this book. We would like to use Sumeria as the beginning point for modern history because so much of the ETs' conditioning of humans was absorbed during Sumerian times; some of that is still being played out today, unconsciously. First, let's talk about the pyramids. In ancient days in Sumeria there were structures very similar to the pyramids that you now find in the Yucatan. They had flat tops which were landing areas for the extraterrestrial spacecraft. All of these pyramids are now buried, mostly in the area you know as Iraq. Many of them are really in ruins. You might not even recognize them as pyramids. However, you still have the Great Pyramid. Anyone who has ever visited Egypt may have sensed that the pyramid is not necessarily Egyptian. You know if you have been inside it that there are absolutely no inscriptions on the walls. In fact, there is no architecture at all that even suggests anything Egyptian. That is because the first version of that pyramid was built during the time of Sumeria. It is much, much older than scientists know now. It has been reconstructed several times. However, that pyramid was used for at least a thousand years, if not more than that, as a very important extraterrestrial base. As many of you suspect, there are a lot of chambers still undiscovered. What is quite interesting is that the Sumerian texts ... of course, Sumeria is older than Egypt ... talk about the Great Pyramid. That alone would tell you that the pyramid is older than the Egyptian civilization. The pyramid was used in a lot of the territory disputes. It was considered the prized possession; whoever held that pyramid was the dominant ET group.

The Importance of Genetics

Now I am going to stop here for a moment and we are going to talk about how important genetics were to these ancient ETs. Each ET group that was interacting with humans at that time felt it was very important to control the genetic mixture of humans on Earth. Ultimately, the ET groups wanted to create an advanced version of mankind that they could then begin incarnating into. So they tried to control the breeding on Earth for thousands of years. There is a very interesting creation story that comes from Egypt. It is the story of Osiris and Isis. The story put simply is this: Isis and Osiris were brother and sister and also husband and wife. The story says that Set, another Egyptian god, was very jealous and he sought to kill Osiris. Set found Osiris, cut him up into many pieces and scattered the pieces all over Egypt. Isis was so upset that she sought help of her colleagues and went

about trying to find all of the pieces of Osiris to put him together again. The story says that she found all of the pieces except the phallus. But she was able to put Osiris together again anyway and he lived. Isis spent the night with Osiris and was impregnated. She was impregnated with Horus. You may wonder how Isis could have been impregnated if Osiris did not have a phallus. Well, who ever said these myths make sense? We are going to give our version of this story. Isis and Osiris were two of the most prominent ruling ET gods on Earth at that time. Set was also a very prestigious ET ruler, although he was secondary to Osiris. But Set craved power. He knew that if Osiris and Isis stayed together and had a child, that child Horus would be ruler and he, Set, would stay in the secondary position, so he had to find a way to kill Osiris. During this time the ETs had a lot of technology. He knew that he had to destroy the reproductive organs of Osiris, otherwise they could still produce offspring. We would say that the myth of cutting Osiris up and spreading the pieces around is really just a metaphor for the idea that Osiris was killed and his body was hidden. His body was hidden but not destroyed because Set believed that maybe some time in the future Osiris' genetics could be used to his advantage. But the phallus was taken and put in another location. Now, Isis found Osiris' body. Obviously, she could not have been impregnated by a dead husband with no phallus. [Germane laughs.] They did have a lot of technology then, though, and Osiris' life was restored; but he could not reproduce in the usual way. So the legend says that they went up to the heavens but, of course, they went up to the ship. And what they did was take some of Osiris' genetics and clone them with Isis' genetics to produce Horus. Through a series of cloning and artificial insemination and processes that you are not familiar with here on Earth, Horus was created<|><|>they didn't need the phallus to do it<|><|>and Egyptian history talks about the divine birth of Horus. So Horus was born and he became a very powerful ruler. Set, of course, was always angry. This is an example of how a myth that may not make sense does make sense if you look at it from another point of view. Earth history is filled with myths that seemingly do not make sense, but they really are stories of not only your extraterrestrial heritage but also of the adventures of your forefathers. Now let's stop here. We would like to know if there are any questions about the material that has been presented so far. Q: The Earth human at this time, I believe, was in third density. What dimension or frequency were the Sirians in when they thought of this idea of controlling mankind? They also would be considered third density. In terms of the evolutionary scale, they were at the same place in third density that you are at in third density now. Humans on your planet, as a whole, do similar types of manipulations at this point in evolution. Eventually, as time passed, these beings did transition into fourth density but that was some time down the line. Does that answer your question?

Q: So it is possible to create and fly UFOs from third density? Well, yes and no. It depends on your definition of a UFO. If you look at the ancient literature on your planet, like the Sumerian texts, you'll see that the ETs were using what is very similar to your present-day rockets. The ETs did not have hyperspace capability. Most of them lived either on the Earth or in space stations very close to Earth on both Mars and Maldek which is now your asteroid belt. For any long voyages they primarily used cryogenics. It wasn't until they transitioned that they began to use interdimensional craft. Generally, you on Earth will follow the same evolutionary pattern. That's a very good question. This leads us to something else that we would like to discuss.

Ancient Beliefs and Today's Myths

Many of the beliefs that mankind has had in the past several thousand years are directly a result of some of the things that happened in these ancient days. For instance, why is Heaven considered to be in the sky? Heaven has always been thought to be the realm of the gods. If you start thinking about this you will see that it becomes logical to assume that humans began to believe in a Heaven in the sky because the sky was where the ETs came from. Most of you in your present state of development now embrace the idea that God is not a physical person. He is not an old man with a beard. But, yes, these ancient people believed that gods came from the sky and had bodies like theirs. The ETs came from the sky so therefore the sky must be the place of the gods. You all know now the realm of God is everywhere, including within you, but back then they believed that God existed outside of you. Even today, humans struggle with that belief. Humans still believe, even if it is just on the subconscious level, that somehow God is outside of you and can't be inside. Please recognize where that comes from. It is an old, old, ancient belief. And for most, it no longer serves you any more. Now there is one other belief from ancient times that is quite interesting and that we would like to talk about. In ancient times in Sumeria there was something that happened on a regular basis. When the gods were preparing for a space flight they would often have humans help them. Now we said that the gods used a form of cryogenics. This meant that the gods had to go into a deep sleep, and they had to do so before they left the Earth. So what they did was to go into their ships and have humans come and assist them. These gods would go into their cryogenic tombs which look very similar to your current-day coffins, and they would then go into a deep sleep which simulates death. Realize, first of all, that they needed their bodies to get into "Heaven"; They couldn't get into Heaven without that body. Now the humans would also be there to assist the ships that landed with the gods in suspended animation inside. When the ships would land the humans would help these gods to awaken from their deep sleep. What they began to see then was that you had to go to Heaven in your body but you could also come from Heaven in a body as well. So, in a sense, they believed the gods were immortal; somehow this magical realm of Heaven preserved them perfectly.

If you look at the civilization of Egypt you see that they took a lot of care in mummifying and preserving their bodies so they could get to Heaven. Now where would they have gotten that belief from other than from seeing the gods go to Heaven in their bodies? So this created thousands of years of mummification ritual, extending even until today. Some peoples take great care in preparing bodies before they are put into a coffin and buried. Some people on a very subconscious level fear the idea of cremation because without a body they have no place to go. Now this isn't conscious but it still is very much a part of your inner, deep belief systems, and these belief systems come from those very ancient days. Q: So many species of ETs came to Earth. Earth legends and poetry speak of the phoenix and in Carlos Castaneda's stories he speaks of eagles who are probably ETs. Were eagles symbolic of any species of ETs? Eagles were a very common symbol for some of the Lyrans. Now it is important to understand that native peoples such as Native Americans also used animal symbology that was not necessarily connected to ETs, although it could be at times. Q: How about the phoenix? This myth did not originate on Earth. Earth people did adopt it but the myth itself came from the Lyran civilization. It was a symbol for them that their empire would never be destroyed. It was a symbol that gave them power, and it was often used in battle as a power symbol meant not to frighten the enemy but to show their own strength. Q: Did similar phenomena take place on other planets in this solar system? In those ancient days there were really only three planets that could support physical life: one was Mars, one was Earth and one was Maldek, which is now your asteroid belt. There were no humans on those planets. They were primarily ET territory. Q: You mean Maldek and Mars. Yes. But in terms of physical life like you, none of the other planets had that type of civilization. Does that answer your question? Q: Some people theorize there are civilizations on Mars. Some people theorize the Earth humans are actually creating civilizations on Mars. Well, that has been something that we haven't wanted to comment on, especially since it is not the subject matter for tonight. That can open up a whole new subject. Simply, we will say that there are some things happening on Mars or in the vicinity of Mars now ... my goodness we have put our foot in our mouth ... that it is very important not to talk about for the time being. Sorry to tease you with that information.

It is a challenging road you have chosen, for until your planet embraces the knowledge of your heritage, many things may be misunderstood. There is another land on your planet that is full of mystery: the land of Peru. Peru has been the territory of the Sirians and the Lyrans, but its strongest connection is with the Pleiadians, for they have been active there even up to present day. Peru performs a very important function for your planet. Tonight we have not spoken about Lemuria. That is a another long story. However, what we will say, simply, is that toward the end of the Lemurian civilization, the end of the Atlantean civilization was occurring, as well. They coexisted. The mystics of Lemuria knew that the end was coming. Knowing this, they also knew it was essential to begin preserving a lot of the wisdom and knowledge of Lemuria. They knew it was important that mankind eventually understand its star heritage. So the Lemurians began gathering all of this information and looking for a place to store it safely. The Andes of Peru were part of the Lemurian civilization, and the Lemurians knew that one very good place to secret those records would be in certain areas of the Andes, so they began seeking out natural caverns and power spots in which they could store some of the sacred knowledge. The mystics also began teaching the ancient Inca the mystical wisdom, for they hoped that the Inca would pass on the ancient wisdom throughout time. They also hoped that the Inca would protect the places where the records were kept.

The Record Keepers

One of the major spots where records are kept is in the area of Machu Picchu. It is quite interesting that when the Spanish came, they infiltrated most of Peru but they never found Machu Picchu. The records that are kept in that vicinity are protected on many levels. Some of the present-day Incan shamans who are alive right now are protecting them. It is a tradition that has been passed on. Also, there are many in spirit form who protect the areas that are holding the records. At times in your history there has been release of information that could finally give you the truth about your heritage. One of these examples is in the Sumerian clay tablets. They were discovered and some were deciphered but unfortunately a lot of the information has been withheld. So those who guard Machu Picchu are very committed to never letting the records out until mankind is ready to accept those truths. Throughout time, it has been mostly the Pleiadians who have come and checked to make sure the records are secure, for the Pleiadians truly await the day when humankind accepts its galactic heritage. But since they cannot directly interfere, they can simply help to guard the records. Pleiadians and the ancient Incans have a very, very strong connection. All over your planet there are storehouses of these ancient records so that your history will never be forgotten. And some of the extraterrestrial groups have been very instrumental in helping to preserve that information.

The Native American Indians of North America are also a group that has helped to preserve the information from Lemuria. So have the Aborigines of Australia. The shamans of the Native Americans and Aborigines, even to this day, right now, maintain extraterrestrial connections. This is something that even most members of those tribes are not aware of. It is a sacred tradition passed on from the stars, from Lemuria, to these native peoples. There are many record-keepers on Earth. We have already mentioned some of the belief systems you have today, such as those about Heaven, and how they had extraterrestrial origins in the ancient past. The human race in some ways can be likened to an orphaned child. You have a rich, rich star heritage from many different extraterrestrial groups, but yet you have never been allowed to know your true parents. No one is keeping this information from you, but up until this point you as a people have not had enough desire to find out the truth. Many people on your planet have been secure, instead, in the illusions of their own religions. They may provide comfort; they may provide a sense of spirituality; but they do not provide the truth about your ancient heritage. We are not asking you to abandon your religions, for they are very important to you. However, look deep, deep within yourself and look for the truth of your origins. Seek to discover your true ancient family. In a sense, you will no longer be orphans when you do, and you will feel the joy of being reunited with a very vast family. The extraterrestrials who have guided you throughout history toward this discovery still await your willingness to meet them, but in order to meet them you must first begin to embrace the truth of your past. You are a magnificent people. You have had many, many challenges that you have succeeded in facing. You are strong and you are loved so much by your family. This is the time of change; the time of darkness and ignorance will pass. You are moving toward the Light of your own truth. All of us await you there. Q: I have the feeling that Lyra and Sirius were in fourth density. But did the people who came to Earth and were in third density feel there was a gap between what people of Lyra and Sirius believed and what they believed? In a sense you are accurate and we will describe how. First of all, the journey from the Lyran system and all of its colonized planets took a very, very long time. It took generations. They did not have multidimensional travel. So the extraterrestrials who came here never went back and forth to their own planets. They could not do so in a lifetime. So for all intents and purposes, they lost the connections with their home worlds. And while their own home worlds transformed, they themselves did not necessarily transform with them because they were not there. So many of the Lyran and Sirian home worlds did transform from third to fourth density but these people who were colonizing Earth and the surrounding planets had no connection at all with that transformation. Q: Was it not possible to have communication with the people on the home worlds?

At that point in time, which was very ancient, these extraterrestrial beings were not very much more developed than you are now, so most of the population of extraterrestrials who were here did not have any telepathic ability at all. There were some in their societies like there are some in your societies now who could communicate telepathically and through forms of channeling. But for the most part, no, they were not telepathic. Q: Some people believe that Japan was formed from very ancient civilizations. There are many pyramids in Japan even though they built of wood and stone. Also there are stone circles. Please talk about Japan's ancient civilizations in relation to ETs. There were several civilizations that were the primary influence on ancient Japan. One is Pleiadian, which is the main influence. One is Vegan; it is a long story to explain how. And the third is Sirian. Oh my goodness, how do we answer the question without the whole long story? [Germane sighs.] Simply, we will say that there was a lot of extraterrestrial influence by these groups in ancient times in Japan, and some of your very ancient traditions were given to you by these extraterrestrial groups. Some of the ancient traditions of Shintoism came from these groups. My goodness, why don't we leave it at this. If you have a more specific question about this we will answer it but the whole story is too complex to tell you. Q: Do the Nazca lines have a connection to the Lemurian civilization? First of all, our perception is that some of the symbols that were made were symbols of the ET groups that were ruling in that area during Lemuria. This may sound rather odd, but do you know how they brand cows? Often they would draw symbols like that on the land so that any extraterrestrial group flying by would know whose territory it was. This was a tradition that began during the Lemurian era and continued after the flood. Some of the glyphs of the Nazca lines were symbols very predominant during the Lemurian era. We perceive that is what you are sensing. Q: Is the drawing of the Nazca lines a tradition from the times of Lemuria? It is a little bit later. The actual Nazca lines that you see now were not made during the times of Lemuria but came later. They combined the tradition of the Lemurian symbols with other forms of communication. There is very little left on your world in terms of physical things left over from Lemuria. Q: In ancient Japan there were two groups of people, Earth-based gods and Heavenbased gods. What is the difference between these? In Sumeria there were two main gods, Enlil and Enki. Enki was lord of the Earth and he had his own group of gods under him. Enlil ruled the areas of the heavens, and he had his own group of gods associated with him as well. This was a common theme throughout the extraterrestrial interaction with ancient Earth. There were gods assigned to the Earth territory and gods assigned to territory of the heavens which, of course, would be Mars and Maldek. So we perceive that the gods you are referring to had the same type of

hierarchy ... Earth-based and Heaven-based. Generally speaking, the gods who were based off the planet were higher in the hierarchy. Q: In terms of categorizing the Earth-based gods and the Heaven-based gods, which were in Japan? Who were the Pleiadians? We cannot put them into a category that would make sense to you without all the background information that was given yesterday. Excuse us. The ETs never had set boundaries such as Pleiadians, Sirians. There were always mixtures in different groups that combined both energies, so the question cannot be answered in a way that would make any sense. The boundaries are not that clear-cut. Q: What is the value of this interesting information? How can we put it to use? Actually, it is our fault that we have not expressed the practical use because we get so excited about some of the drama and details of the information. We want to answer this question in the most clear way possible. Give us a moment. Q: The Human Race Must Confront the Nature of its Planetary Parents All throughout history, mankind has had nothing but conflict. Of course, conflict is always created within and then projected into the external world. We like to compare the Earth human relationship with ETs to a child's relationship with its parent because it is the same dynamic. If a child is loved and nurtured and valued by a parent, it grows up in a healthy way. If a child is not abandoned, it grows up in a healthy way. If a child is allowed to develop its own identity and is supported by the parents, it grows up in a healthy way. If children do not have these things when they grow into adulthood they create conflict and pain in their lives; it really comes from the fact that they were not nurtured during their developmental years. At the times when these gods were interacting with your planet you were a child species. For the most part, you were not nurtured. Instead, you were controlled. For the most part, you were repeatedly abandoned. You would develop attachments to these ET gods and then they would abandon you. You were not encouraged as a race to develop your own planetary identity. Instead, the gods tried to mold you into what they wanted you to become. Now that the gods are no longer here and you are growing into adulthood, the species itself is experiencing pain and conflict. It doesn't know its parents and therefore it doesn't know itself. The species has never felt nurtured. Instead, it simply copied the dysfunctional pattern of its parents, creating conflict after conflict, trying to find itself. In traditional therapy, people will need to first confront the truth about their parents. They must learn why their parents were the way they were and how that has affected who they have become, and they must see how this parental influence has created the conflicts in their present lives. It is only then that they can be set free to find their true identity.

Your planet is still trying to find its identity, for you are not a planetary people. You are, in a sense, a group of lost children. We mean this with no disrespect. As in traditional therapy, as we have just described, the human race itself now needs to confront who its parents were. The human race needs to accept that they have become who they are because of who their parents were. In accepting that they can begin to form their own identity as a species and finally come to peace with themselves. It is then that their conflicts will subside. So, all of the information that we have presented tonight is to allow you to know your parents. This is to encourage you to go proudly and boldly into the future. You can unify yourselves, but first you must know yourselves. Q: Some people get so upset that they act out of emotion. How should we act? How do we make change in our lives when it comes to action? First of all, thought always precedes actions, so it is more important to first change the thought. The details of the information that we have given are not what's important; but those details make you think. As you think, your thought processes change. That is the first step and that is a step of action. Whenever you do not like your reality, you don't need to change the reality, you must first change yourself. That is the first step. And when you take that step you will know naturally the next step to take. You cannot change others. You can only change yourself. We cannot really take more time to discuss this tonight but please know that the idea of changing your thought is very important. It is the first step. One by one, as your thoughts change individually, so do you transform your planet. Q: Tell us about P'taah in regard to the dreamspell. First of all, P'taah's genetics were a combination of Earth and ET genetics, and that is a powerful combination because it is a unification of the Earth and the heavens. The intention of dreamspell is to do the same thing ... unite Heaven with Earth. So that is why you are sensing the similarity in the energies of P'taah and the dreamspell. Q: What is the most meaningful way of using the art of dreamspell? It is different for everyone. It is very important that you use it creatively and adapt it to yourself. That is how it was intended. Does that answer? What we said was very simple so listen to it again and think about it. The last question was somewhat appropriate for our closing remarks. You are all probably wondering how. Dreamspell, in a sense, is something that humankind is now trying to awaken from, meaning that mankind has been asleep and dreaming. You have never awakened to your full heritage. You have never awakened to the truth about your being and thereby solved

the conflicts within. But the fact that there are so many of you here tonight with questions about this says that mankind is finally awakening. Be patient with the process, be patient with yourselves. There is no rush. You are unfolding perfectly. You carry the memories within your very cells of all of these ancient civilizations. You also carry the memory of the stars within your cells as well. If you look within you will always find what you are looking for. Much, much love to each one of you. And we bid you a fond goodnight.

Note: This session appeared in the November 1993 issue of The Sedona Journal of Emergence.

Fourth-Density Relationships Lyssa Royal

Germane: Greetings to everyone. This is Germane. We'd like to thank you all for coming this night. The title of session is "Fourth-Density Relationships". We would like to encourage you to feel free to ask any questions that are on your mind on the topic. We are going to start out by talking about the transformation from third to fourth density. As you've heard us say many times, one of the characteristics of third density is separationwhether it be separation from the God source, from each other, or separating aspects of yourselves within yourselves. This idea of separation has been necessary in third density to keep you in the third density experience. We are not saying in any way, shape or form, that the separation that you have been a part of on your world for the last several thousand years is in any way wrong, bad, negative. It is part of the experience that you have all chosen. As you are moving from the 3D into the 4D reality, one of the main qualities of fourth density reality is integration, or reintegration. Therefore, the laws or premises that you have in 3D reality (based on separation) can no longer operate successfully in 4D. If you attempt to carry the premises and beliefs of separation into a 4D reality and refuse to let them go, you can literally tear yourself apart emotionally. A lot of what many of you are feeling in your own growth (whether it be relationships with lovers, family, friends or yourself) is almost a sense of urgency about letting go of certain things that have been carried for quite some time. This feeling of urgency has to do with the idea, literally, that you are moving from one vibrational reality to another. The set of beliefs and premises that were operating in one reality cannot be sustained in the next. So you are feeling that desire to shift beliefs, to shift premises, and therefore shift the way you live. To some degree it is as if someone has handed you a tangled ball of yarn. There it is in your lap, you don't know where to start to untangle it. The only thing you can do is start where the easiest place is to start.

3D Relationships
Bringing this into the topic of relationships, the premises and beliefs of 3D (separation) were necessary to maintain 3D relationships. Let us share with you some of these principles. Principles based on separation can be as follows: Secrecy. This has been a big one in your society. Secrecy is withholding information from your partner or from yourself. Secrecy does not just operate on the level of your interactions with others; secrecy keep you separated from the greater portion of yourself,

as well. The idea of secrecy has been very important to maintain relationships in 3D reality, because it is an expression of separation. Fear-based Monogamy. Another expression of separation is the expression of what you would call monogamyfear-based monogamy. We are not talking about monogamy by choice, we are talking about monogamy through fear. That has been an expression based on separation. The premise basically is that if you can get someone to commit to you, then you thus take yourself out of the flow of having to deal with relationships and you are safe. You are separate from the rest of the world. Separate and safe. This is monogamy based on fear. Conditional Love. Conditional love has been an expression which has been very vital to maintaining 3D-type relationships. Conditional love means that you will love someone only if they fulfill your needs or conditions that you set out. If they do not fill this, you will withdraw your love. There has been a noncomprehension in 3D reality of the meaning of unconditional love. When you are dealing from a separative framework, the only way you can view everything else is through that framework of separation. And so love therefore (the old definition of love in 3D) is love based on conditions. Expectation. This means that you go into a relationship with someone with expectations in your mind that maybe you are not even aware of. If you are aware of these expectations, you attempt to get the other person to fulfill those expectations. Again, the person is used to satisfy the need of the person seeking the relationship. Manipulation. This is another quality often inherent in 3D relationships. This can be very covert. It is overt in some cases, as well. However, in the classic 3D relationship there can be very deep-seated manipulation plays being done so that each person will get their needs fulfilled or will be protected from their fears. So often the idea of manipulation is carried out to protect you from your own fears. If you manipulate the other person, you can thus not feel your fear. The Need to Control is also a quality inherent in very solidly anchored 3D relationships. This is a mistrust in realitythat everything is happening the way it needs to be, or for your greater good. The need to control says you do not accept that idea. You thus must instead shape the relationship, force it, mold it, because you do not trust it will be what it needs to be by itself. We will stop here because there is literally a lot more we can say on this. It will come out later in the session. Let us go to the 4D idea.

4D Relationships
Since 4D is based on integration or reintegration, the characteristics that were once status quo in 3D relationships can no longer be sustained in 4D. Literally, the vibration cannot sustain separative ideas. Qualities inherent in 4D relationships would be:

Honesty (Non-Secrecy). The couple or the unit must have, at all costs, honesty instead of secrecy. This means if you see in your friend or partner that they are doing something that is sabotaging to themselves or to the relationship that you speak that observation instead of withholding it (so you do not hurt the person's feelings), or so that you can continue to control them being in the relationship. Literally we are talking about polar opposites here. 3D is Secrecy, 4D is honesty. We cannot stress to you enough how important honesty is in a 4D relationship. If there is no honesty, there cannot be a continuation of that relationship in the 4D model. It is that crucial. When we say honesty, we are also talking about honesty with the self. Many of you will at times keep things from yourself to keep you feeling safe. Within a 4D reality, it is very difficult to keep things from the self. You may wake up one morning, and you may suddenly realize that the relationship you are in no longer serves you. That must be recognized for the flow to continue. We are in no way saying, "You need to adopt these characteristics now!" Not at all. You will do this naturally. However, in this transition period now between 3D and 4D, you are being hit with qualities from both. As this happens, you will need to make some choices about how you wish to continue in your relationships. We will state that if you choose the integrative model (the 4D model) and you truly become that idea (not try to become it) you will not feel the pain of loss in any situation, in any relationship. You will only feel pain or loss if you are either in the 3D relationship, or deluding yourself into thinking you are in a 4D relationship. That will be when the pain of loss comes up. Again, we do want to stress to all of you that we are not saying you must do this, and you must move into 4D relationships. Not at all. You have choices. You can make the choices. It is entirely up to you. However, we want to help illustrate for you the package deal you may be signing up for if you make certain choices. It is a package deal. If you make a choice based on separation (a 3D model), and then expect to live in a 4D relationship, it is not going to happen. Recognize where your choices are based. Make your continuing choices from there. Let us go back to the qualities of 3D and 4D relationships. 3D relationships are based on secrecy and 4D on honesty; 3D based on conditional love and 4D based on unconditional love. Every being has the capability of experiencing more unconditional love than they ever have from moment to moment. There is never a limit to unconditional love. From this point, your experience of love has been 3D. Literally, you will need to build your own definitions of unconditional love because it can only be conceived of by experiencing it. We know you've heard definitions. We know that all of you can come up with definitions. But those definitions are partially intellectual. They are not yet 100% brought down to the emotions. Unconditional love is another vital part of 4D relationships. That means loving someone with no conditions. If they don't fulfill your

needs, you still love them. If they do not carry out your expectations, you still love them. You love them for being who they are without attempting to change them. It is an in-themoment type of experience, whereas conditional love is always based on the past or future, not in the present. Unconditional love is based in the present. Absolute Trust. This is the opposite of the 3D quality of the Need to Control. There is no need or desire to control. It is not as if you must get up each day and say, "I must trust today." It is a beingness. When you wake up each day you are not worried about keeping your spirit in your body. You don't focus on that. It just happens. So, 4D is like that. The trust is there, it just happens. Control vs. trust. Allowingness. This is the opposite of manipulation. Allow. Allow the other person to be who they need to be. Because only then will you truly see, in fact, who they are. If you attempt to manipulate them, you never see who they really are. You see who you need them to be. Relationships by Choice. This is the opposite of Monogamy from Fear. This means that if you want monogamy, it is by conscious choice. If you want polygamy or polyfidelity, it is by conscious choice. It is perfectly acceptable for you to choose any of these things. All of these things are inherently neutral. They do not have a built in meaning. You ascribe them meaning by judgment. One is "better," one is "worse." All of these choices are neutral, any that you choose can work for you. However, if your conscious choice is to move into a 4D type relationship, you will not be able to do that if you keep holding on to any of the premises from 3D. They will need to be shifted and rearranged. As you shift from a 3D to a 4D perspective, many people will in fact experience fear. Literally you are going through uncharted territory. You can't see necessarily what is over the next ridge. So it is frightening for a lot of people. That is perfectly fine. But if it is something you really want to pursue, let that fear be okay. When you come out on the other side of the ridge, you are going to realize that you identity is not based on another person. Your identity is based on you. You are the only one with whom you can rely on. You will feel that power, that clarity, and that liberation and release that comes form recognizing your own power. It is really interesting, because in 3D type relationships (separation), you have the illusion of separation, but yet you create things that remind you that you are still all connected. For instance, humans use enmeshment in 3D to remind yourself you are still connected. However, the way you've interpreted the idea of connectedness has come out in a way that is detrimental to you rather than supportive. Enmeshment is the 3D version of connectedness in 4D. It really is a matter of the way you look at it. When you feel enmeshed with another person in your life and it hurts, stop for a minute. Take some deep breaths. Remind yourself that the enmeshment is there to remind you that you are never separate from the other person ultimately. Separation is an illusion. No

matter how far away you go, you are not separate from the person. If you can begin to emotionally heal the fear that you will no longer be with a person, you are going to start to feel the sense of connectedness that will then replace the 3D enmeshment idea. You will no longer need to create fear through enmeshment. You will thus create connectedness through your expressions in all of your relationships. Many of the dysfunctional symptoms in 3D are your way of reminding yourself of some of the qualities of 4D relationships. But they are translated through the veil of separation. So they come out a little askew. However, they are there as reminders and tools. They are there to help you ease the pain in your interactions with others.

Comments or questions?
What is the energy standpoint from 3D and 4D? We know that integration is occurring on all levels. Seams are coming apart, and other things are forming. We are going to be seeing changes. What do you foresee? For one thing, these things started in the 1960s of your time. You started to feel the shift of 3D to 4D in terms of the expressions of your relationships, but you haven't known what was happening. You haven't known that you could go with the energy and heal it. Instead, you've tried to resist the change as a mass consciousness. You've seen the great rise in divorce since the '60s. Much of this is the resistance of the change until there is a snapping point. Divorce is a 3D solution. Breaking. Separation. Divorce is the idea of separating oneself to artificially create the illusion that you are not connected to that person. The 4D version of "divorce" will be the recognition of two people that the relationship is going in a different direction, and that is allowed. There is no separation, because you can never be separate. You allow the other person to move in that direction. Energetically, you are finding that everyone is touched by these energies. Each person is reacting to them in the only way they know how. Some people are denying them. Some people are swinging the pendulum in the opposite direction. Some people are polarizing. Some people are going with the flow. But you are going to find that this issue is not going to go away. It is going to challenge you, and challenge you, and challenge you until you can come face to face with your own feelings of inadequacy and aloneness and how you have sought relationships to fill that gap. Energetically you will create less disharmony if you move with it. If you create resistance, you will create more discomfort and pain. When I talk about these ideas regarding relationships with others, they think all it has to do with is sex. No one seems to really get the point. The buttons are pushed on sex because individuals will frequently ascribe another reason to something as a distraction so they do not have to look at the pain. Sex, being that it is

an expression of vulnerability, pushes people's buttons because they do not want to be vulnerable. If they are vulnerable, they believe, they are weak and open to attack. That, at all costs, is to be avoided in their belief. So, they will blame sex. It is not the issue, and never has been. It is a symptom. Your points of view as a society on sex are symptoms of the greater dysfunction. They have nothing to do with the problem. Energetically you are going to find that as this change occurs, first and foremost internally you are all going to go through changes. It may first manifest outside of you. You may think it is a problem with your relationship. It is not. It is your change inside that you are seeing reflected in your relationship. Always, first level, is inside of you. If you are resisting change, you are going to start feeling pain, confusion, maybe even manifest all sorts of physical symptoms. This will happen if you are not willing to move with the changes that are occurring inside of you and in the mass consciousness. If you are willing to move with it, then you are going to start to see that maybe you will get more emotional for a while, let some things out, then your relationships are going to start to change. Change does not mean they will end. Change does not mean destroy or divorce. Change means change, and that is all change means. You can then move with these changes and if there is a partner in your life, you can seek to help them move through changes at the same time as you do. Trust that the two of you are on the same path, no matter what choice happens. We understand that many people in your society base personal satisfaction or success on how their relationhips are going in their life. That method of gauging can no longer to continue to exist. It is an artificial construct that is giving you artificial data generated by you so you don't have to face your fears. That was a tool in 3D. In 4D, it is going to be very different. You will see that if you resist claiming your own power, you will continually seek relationships to validate your own being. If relationships continue not to work and have conflict all the time, the reason for that is that you are still using the relationship to make you feel better. That cannot occur in a 4D type relationship. You indicated that the new relationships are by conscious choice. All the other issues that you've touched seem to be mutually accepting issues that people can accept totally on their own and then share the fruits of those with another person. That one seems to imply some sort of conditional acceptance by both people of a mode to indicate a relationship in 4D. No. If we have explained it incorrectly, we apologize. Let us give you an example of conscious choice. Let us say that you are in a relationship with a man (or woman) in 4D. Here is an example of what we are not talking about. You say to the person, "I want a monogamous (or polygamous, whatever) relationship, and I will continue this relationship with you only if you agree to that." No. The choices are entirely for you. If you choose monogamy, then it is only you who chooses not to have sex with others. You don't require the other person to make the same choice. The choices are all for you. They have nothing to do with the other person. If you choose to be non-monogamous, then that choice is for you. Your mate can do whatever they want. You only make the choices for

you and no one else. You do not demand that the other person reciprocate. That is what we meant by conscious choice. In 4D you are acting in the moment. So you are trying to act on your excitement. How do you act on your excitement and include future commitments? One could decide they want to conceive a child because that is their excitement in the moment. But that excitement includes a tremendous commitment with it over time. In 4D type relationships, the idea of commitment does not exist. Commitment takes yourself out of the moment. If you stay totally in the moment you are thinking of having a child, all of the principles we've outlined for 4D come into play. Meaningabsolute trust. You do not have to plan for the future. It is trust. Do you understand? So the idea of commitment is a 3D illusion. What does it really mean? How many people make commitments and they are not followed through? A commitment never insures your security. It placates you into thinking you are secure. That is the difference. In a 4D type relationship, with trust instead of control, allowance instead of manipulation, there is no concern for the future because there is a knowingness that it will all take care of itself. If you have a 4D woman who wants to have a child, she will not have the child based on the hope or desire that the father will be there. That brings him in to something that is entirely her creation. That idea cannot exist in a 4D reality. Therefore, if a 4D woman wants to have a child, she has the child because she wants the child. Because she wants the child, there is absolute trust and allowance that everything will be perfectly fine. If the woman is Pleiadian, this is reflected in their society's philosophy. They are all part of the same family anyway. It is different from what you see here, although your society will change. Pay attention to when you take yourself out of the moment. So, if it is your excitement in the moment to conceive a child (and your true excitement, not a compulsion), then in 4D thinking you would have absolute trust that everything from there on out would work fine because you followed your excitement in the moment. Absolutely! If you continued to follow your excitement all the time from moment to moment, there is no reason to think you could ever not trust. So you wouldn't think that tomorrow it may not be my excitement to have this child. You would just trust. Exactly. If you are in the momenttotally and absolutelythen after the baby is born, each day, in the moment, there is that child. In the moment, you can love it. In the moment, whatever is there in your reality you recognize as a part of your creation and who you are. There will never be a time where you will say, "Oh, I made a mistake in having this child." Never.

Okay. And also there is an inherent love for your creation, and therefore always an excitement for your creation? It is just a matter of recognizing always in the moment that it is your creation. Not just a child, but any reality that you create. Yes. One of the reasons why you've had difficulty owning your creations is because you are not in the momentyou are in the past or the future. It is very hard to see what it is you've created when you are not in the present. If you are totally 100% in the present, you clearly and consciously can own every creation that you've ever had. Very simple. No effort. In 3D we've been living in polarities and extremes. As near as I can see those extremes have led us into addictions and dependency. The dependency we feel is that we want someone to fulfill our needs. Therefore, we become dependent on the other person. Then in 4D, is all dependency gone? Yes. Dependency cannot exist in 4D because 4D is integration and not separation. Dependency is a quality of separationdepending on something outside of you. In 4D, there is a recognition of yourself as the creator, and so when that recognition is there, you cannot put that outside of yourself. It is an equation that doesn't work. I'll have to state the analogy and then find the question. We stuff our issues in a box and seal the box with a lid called "sex." This is why the issue of sex frequently brings up our issues. Because we open the box and have to lift the lid, so all the issue come crawling out. Is there a way to get at the issues without using sex to trigger them? Sex is only one symptom. Recognize that there are many lids that cover that box. Sex is just one of those lids. Each person will be able to get at those issues through whatever lid they have that triggers it. For some people it is sex. For others it is money. Some people's issues are not triggered by sex. For others, sex is a really good trigger. It really depends on the individual. I always find myself not making certain choices because I am sensitive to others. I would rather not cause problems for them. I don't want to hurt other people. This is a very good question. You have voiced the mass consciousness here. One of the greatest gifts that you can give the people in your life is being 100% you. This means that you be absolutely honest in all interactions and not take responsibility for their pain. We know this is a big one for most people on your world. You cannot ever be responsible for other people's pain. Some of you have walked down the street and you've seen your friend. You say, "Oh, you got a haircut. It looks nice." The friend then freaks out and think you are patronizing them. You've all had experiences like this where you've been totally misunderstood. You must, at all costs, express

yourself while not taking responsibility for the reaction. You can say nice things all the time, and still push people's buttons. That is what I've been finding out. I've finally been making choices for myself, and people have been getting upset. But I still want these people as friends. You cannot sacrifice your own growth and the growth of others for a relationship based on illusion. Well, most of these people have been part time meta-fizzlers. They like the concepts, but they don't want to apply them in their lives. Good term. We might borrow that one. This is another one of those topics where we can't stress enough to you that the greatest service you can provide to your neighbor is being fully who you are. Let us give you an example using a fictional model. Let's say that a woman is afraid of heights. And let's say that she came into this life for resolve a lifetime where she jumped off a cliff. Let us also say that her husband recognizes that she is afraid of heights. So he makes sure she never is around anything high. How is she easily going to be able to face what she came here to face if the husband keeps steering her away from the heights? It makes it more difficult. It prolongs the pain. If, in the husband's excitement he says, "I want to go hot air ballooning. Do you want to come with me?" She may just say yes because she recognizes it is something to move through. She cannot do that unless the husband gives her the opportunity to face those issues. This is what we mean by enmeshment. You've lost the boundaries between you and other people. You try to protect other people. But in reality, you are really only trying to protect yourself from their anger, disapproval or invalidation. So the husband thinks he is protecting his wife from her fear. What he is really doing is protecting himself from being witness to her pain, or from guilt that maybe he caused her pain. He is protecting himself. At the same time, he is enabling the wife to continue being afraid and avoid her fears, when that is what she came here to face! The biggest gift you can give anyone in your life is to be fully 100% who you are. It is then that each person will be challenged. It is then that each person can take responsibility for their lives, fears, and emotions. Those emotions and reactions are never caused by someone else. They all come from you. The greatest gift you can give in a relationship is to not hold back who you really are. That is one of my button-pushers here. I don't think you have the right to emotionally hurt another person. If they don't ask you to be completely honest and hurt them, why do you have the right to hurt them? There is a big difference between deliberately hurting someone and being who you know yourself to be. If the husband dragged the wife to the top of the cliff and forced her to

look over the edge, that is deliberately hurting her. Being who he is naturally is not hurting her. If she chooses to be hurt, it is her choice. But there are no victims. There cannot ever be victims. If you ever believe in any instant that someone else can hurt another person, then you polarize between victims and hurters. That is then the way you will see the universe. There is a big difference between deliberately hurting someone and being fully who you know yourself to be. You may not ever know what will hurt your mate. In your innocence and excitement, you may take her to one of those cliffs not knowing about that fear. How can you protect yourself from doing that? You can't. The outcome is the same. The only thing you can be is fully who you are. That is empowerment. That is disengaging yourself from the covert connections you have with people, and recognizing the greater spiritual connections that you all have that you have always had. You can never hurt another person. Never! If you are not being your 100% natural self, then you are manipulating people around you. I don't see there is an exception to that. I've examined times in my communications with others where I've "softened the blow." My partner and I have thought that our excitement would be too much for the other person. In second guessing what the other person's reaction would be and then altering our natural self expression, we've always screwed up the communication. You compromise your integrity when you withhold. If you do not express who you are, you are lying. You are lying to yourself. You are lying to the other person. That is an even greater hurt than the truth. Then they only know you through your lies. They do not know who you are. They cannot ever love you for who you are, because they don't know who you are. Withholding your excitement for fear of hurting another is a 3D idea. You cannot carry this into 4D if you want to truly express who you are. If you look at a Pleiadian, they would never be hurt by the comment of another. This is because they recognize that they create all comments that happen. They are the ones generating their reality. They cannot be victim of hurt. If you are continually protected from the anger of another (just like if you are continually protected from the cold), someday you are going to have to go outside and because you've never felt the cold, it is going to be devastating to you. It is, in one way, honorable that you care about the feelings of another. But in one way, it is also insulting. This is because you do not allow them to ever fully be who they are. You protect them from the things that you fear, not necessarily the things they fear. This is a no win situation.

What if you find yourself wanting to express following your excitement 100%, and yet you find that others are telling you that it would hurt them? How do you deal with those situations in the transition we are in now between 3D and 4D? At the risk of sounding really rude, to hell with what the others think. You may tell others that you understand what they are saying, but to hold it in would eat you up inside. Be truthful. To hold this in will be lying to the other person. You can tell them that. If they don't agree with you, that is their choice. But we don't believe that most of you really know what happens to you inside when you hold back truth. When you hold back that which you are, it submerges itself. It buries itself into your cells. It starts building painful toxins first on the emotional level, and then actually on the physical level. If you do not express who you are 100%, you must store those judgments of who you are inside of you. Those judgments eat you up. Cancer, heart disease, and all of those lovely things you have on your planet are a result of your own judgment that you are not worthy to be fully who you know yourself to be. You stuff it. The more you stuff it, the more diseased you get. Literally. Stuffing these things can cause tremendous pain throughout your life. Releasing these things will cause ecstasy. You can retrain yourself to know who you are and the first step is that in a confrontive situation, first think what it is you want to say. Let yourself think it first. Many of you don't let yourself think about what you really want to say. You stuff it before you can really cognize the idea. Write it down. Say it into a tape recorder. Get comfortable with who you are. This will naturally teach you to express yourself without the heavy judgment you've had in the past. But if you are not even allowing yourself to think these thoughts, you are not going to be able to train yourself to speak them. You won't know what the thoughts are. Let it be okay to start thinking them. Write them down. Externalize them. Get them outside of your energy field so they don't lodge in your energy body. You are all divine portions of the creator. Your design is built to 100% every moment channel the energy of All That Is. All That Is is neutral. All That Is is neither positive nor negative. It is stasis, balance. When you deny and shut off any part of yourself, you shut off the very foundation of the energy of your creation. You judge that only parts of you are worthy and the other parts are not. It throws you into disharmony. Therefore all of your relationships to some degree have disharmonyreflecting that which you feel within. You cannot withhold any portion of you. You will be able to learn to tell when what you have to say is balanced an integrated compared to when what you have to say is an attack or is a manipulation. You will learn how to tell the difference. The more you practice, the more you will be able to tell. If you feel you want to take gradual steps into this idea of expressing who you are, then before you express get yourself centered and feel if what you have to say is balanced and integrated or do you have a desire to be fulfilled by your expression to that person. If you do (to get them to do something, for instance), then there is a hidden motivation and the expression may not be clean. But by all means at least express it to yourself. Know who

you are. Listen to your thoughts and feelings. Get out that pent-up energy. Your relationships are going to blossom and change when you stop taking responsibility for the other person's reaction. Before you express something, ask yourself what desire you have in the expression. Sometimes you may find that the desire is to change the other person. That is not a clean idea. Sometimes you can see that. Other times you cannot. There are times when you cannot see it, times when you say to yourself, "It is clean as a whistle," and you express your thought. If that expression is an attack, you are expressing it to someone who has a belief system that they can be attacked. So what you are doing is providing for the other person a way for them to heal their belief systems by providing that stimuli. In the expression, whether it is attacking or not attacking, you provide a way for the other person (the recipient) to learn and to grow. If they have no issue about being attacked, they are not going to feel attacked. If they believe they can be attacked and that is one of their issues, they will feel attacked. Again, you cannot take responsibility for how the person reacts. You don't know how they are going to react! They may not be triggered at all. Your interactions with each other are choreographed in perfect synchronicity. There is no reaction that doesn't belong. All expressions belong in the context they are expressed. It cannot be any other way. There are not mistakes in creation. There are no wrong things. There is only neutral expression, and the synchronicity of All That Is. If your wife walks up to you and says, "You are a jerk," if you feel hurt, then that's part of the synchronicity for your own growth. I understand that. That wasn't my question. Let's say my wife walks up to me and says I'm a jerk, and she does it after she has thought about it and believes it is clean and is not an attack. Let's also say I have no emotional reaction to it, so it's fine. She can tell me I'm a jerk, and that's cool. If she has perceived that she is clean on it, and if it is indeed an attack... Then she will eventually make the recognition because your lack of reaction will not satisfy her needs. So it's essential for her to express that, whether she thinks it's clean or not. Okay, I was just picking hairs because I thought you were saying that we all will be able to discern all the time whether what we wanted to say was clean or not, and I don't agree with that. In fact, I'm not saying that it has to be clean. I'm just saying that it is our experience that we will not be able to discern. In the addictive state, we will not be able to discern what is clean and what is not. One of the things I think is so wonderful about relationships is that we can love each other enough to be mirrors for that discernment. Yes. All right, let us clarify. We apologize if the language was misleading. We suggest that as you're training yourself to express that you first ask yourself if it's clean or not clean. If it's not clean and you can recognize it, then go ahead and process it however way you want to do it. If you think it's clean, then express it, because that in itself is part of the

growth process. We did not mean to imply that every time you analyze it you'll have the answer. That is not what was implied. What if it is your excitement to do something (like go to the movies) that your mate is not excited about? If your excitement is based on another person's cooperation, it's not true excitement. If it's your excitement to take your wife to a dance, but your excitement is based on her cooperation, it's not clean. If it's your excitement to go dancing for the sake of dancing (not based on anyone else's excitement), then it's clean, and in your excitement if she is truly excited, then you will have matched your vibrations. What is the fine line of deliberately hurting another individual? If you talk about something with your mateknowing that it will hurt that person emotionallydo you have the right to hurt that person or could you just channel that energy of excitement in another direction? You will never 100% always know what will hurt someone. But if you do. But you can't know. It is not possible. You may walk up to your husband one day. He may be feeling absolutely joyous and ecstatic, and you may say, "You look like a pig today." And if he feels really good about himself, that's not going to hurt him in the least. You cannot ever know what will hurt another person. So stop trying to take responsibility for the other person's reactions! Is all this based on a concept of victimhood? I don't think you mentioned victimhood per se in the third- to fourth-density relationships model. Well, third-density relationships often express victimhood. Fourth-density expresses selfresponsibility and self-empowerment. Victimhood would come into it, but we didn't make it a major point. We are not sure that you are understanding or accepting the concept that we are saying. If your husband is 100% in his Godself and in his joy and excitement, you could say the nastiest thing to him in the world, and it will not hurt him. You can never hurt another person. They can choose to feel hurt. You cannot hurt another person, ever, because each of you (like it or not) are totally responsible for your own emotions and reactions. This in and of itself can be a great freedom, because it's the way to take your power back. Recognize that the bottomline intention is never to destroy but always to love. Even the most heinous acts are an outcry to learn love. That is the bottomline intention of creation, underneath everything else. And every action is based on that intention of learning to love. Examine your beliefs. If you really believe that Creation is Love, if you really, really believe that, then every action, every instance must support ultimately that belief. If you believe that actions can actually hurt, then there's got to be a belief somewhere in there which says that God or Creation can be hurtful.

Maybe I can help clarify things for the questioner. No other person knows what is going to hurt me. And to withhold a comment because it will hurt someone is assuming responsibility for their emotions and thus for their growth. No one else in this room is prepared to accept responsibility for another human being's growth. To do so will actively (if they're in a weakened or unempowered state), inhibit that growth and actually sabotage their own life's growth and the things their chosen to confront. It will lock your relationship into third density, also. This was something I was going to ask in direct relation to the earlier question. Let's say I'm in my relationship with my husband and I say to him, "If you have dinner with another woman, that hurts me, so don't tell me about it if you do that because that hurts me and I don't want to hear about it." That's okay to ask for that, but that's secrecy and it's third density. Right? Yes! So it's fine, but it's choosing third density instead of fourth. Yes, there's nothing wrong with it, but recognize that's what you're choosing, so you can't expect a fourth-density relationship if you are choosing third-density interactions. If you choose third density, then you're right, he has no right to tell me that or to force that upon me. But isn't that also expecting conditional love? [Everyone in unison] Third density! You're making a choice based on third density, secrecy, so all the other parts of the package deal go with it. Where does the hurt come from and why is it still there if we're in this transition and we should be looking at these fourth-dimensional relationships? Why do we feel thirddimensional hurt? You are looking at the fourth-density relationships. In letting go from the third density to the fourth density, many people are choosing to feel the hurt. Almost in the same way as when you're frostbite, and you start getting the feeling back in your feet that it really hurts. It's a significator. Many people are using it that way, to remind you that you can still feel. So it is quite all right to continue to choose third-density principles. Absolutely, it's fine. It's all equal anyway. However, do not expect to choose third-density principles and expect the package deal that comes with fourth density, because the cruise control does

not come with third density. It's one package or another package. You cannot mix the packages! In all honesty, those in the room, reading this, and listening to the tape are groundbreaking these ideas. These are threatening ideas for a lot of people, and those who do choose to embrace the fourth-density principles are going to choose to be exposed to the ground breakers. You all must start identifying yourselves and sticking together! If I have truly chosen fourth-density relationships or to move into fourth-density relationships which are by choice, honesty, unconditional love, allowance, I won't feel any pain, correct? If I'm feeling pain in my relationship, then actually... You're holding onto something from third density. So whenever I feel pain, then I need to go back and look at this versus that, honesty versus this and find out which concept I'm holding onto. Exactly, exactly. If you could 100% embrace the fourth-density idea of relationships, no, you will not feel pain. But some of you are holding onto some of the third as your are grasping for fourth, and you're feeling the pain, which an indicator that you are making the change, and that's quite all right. But if you feel that you're really in fourth but there's still this one thing, then go back and examine what premise or belief that you have that is based on third-density separation. Again, let me repeat myself. If you are feeling any pain in a relationship, then I am desperately trying to hold onto some third-density concept within that relationship. Yes, exactly. Now, with respect to your channel, we will have a short break.

Sasha: All right, this is Sasha. Greeting to all of you. Greetings, Sasha. It's a pleasure to be here with you and especially talking about one of our favorite topics. We're going to lighten it a little bit in the second half, and we're just going to throw out to you that some of you have expressed some interest in the past about knowing personally about some of my relationships. That information is certainly available tonight if you would like to ask, just as a model so that you can be presented with a different way of having relationships. Our way is not any better or any worse than yours. It's simply different; it's an expression of who we are. Germane gave you quite a lot of information and this information that he's given you are the tools you will now have and carry into the future relationships that you have in this

life. It doesn't have to be through pain that these changes are brought about; it really does not. Now, of course, if your belief system says that you must grow with pain, then it's more than likely you will manifest it, but you don't have to manifest pain. And you will begin to see, as you apply some of the tools that were given to you this evening, some of the understandings, you will begin to see changes in yourself and in your relationships. We cannot stress to you how much we mean what we said about that. You will see changes if you start to recognize when you are operating from third-density principles and attempting to bring them into a fourth-density relationship. When you start recognizing that and you start changing yourself, you are going to see tremendous, powerful changes within your life. Do not be surprised, and those changes will bring ecstasy and joy. They do not have to bring pain. Now, we'd like to take this opportunity to just be available to you for questions. So we're going to let you orchestrate this part of the evening. What would you like to talk about? As you look into our future on Earth, what probabilities do you see? From the probability that we view, the way we see the changes in relationships happening is that the next 20 years is the crucial point. And within the next 20 years we perceive first more stress in relationships that are fighting changeoverall, not necessarily in every single relationship. The actual overall societal change of relationships may externally seem to be a change brought about by necessitynecessity meaning single parents, perhaps with the shortage of a certain sex in a certain age group. However, what will bring about changes in your relationships will not be these external things but will be the internal momentum of your change of energy. The external things will just be symptoms of the change. Do you follow? So the next 20 years are the most crucial in our estimation. After that, you will begin adapting with less resistance overall, but of course within the next 20 years there need to be pioneers and groundbreakers, and many of you will choose to be such pioneers, and that is up to you and your personal choices and your agreements. But you are going to see changes in this lifetime, absolutely 100% guaranteed. Now, we would like to talk about the idea that is threatening to many of you, but as you know is a very solid foundation of Pleiadian thought. And that idea is the ability to love more than one person simultaneously. Third density is the density of polarity; literally that means two ideas are present, like two ping-pong paddles with a ball in between, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. That dynamic cannot be broken in the density of separation and duality. As you move into fourth-density type relationships, you're going to find that this rigidity is not necessarily going to work for you. It can, but it might not necessarily work for you. And so the introduction then of a third or a fourth or a fifth person is going to change the dynamic totally. And that is something that we would like to address, because there are

many fears in many of you about the idea of loving more than one person simultaneously, and these fears are based in third-density premises so they cannot be applicable in a fourth-density reality. One of these premises is that if your mate loves another person, it takes away the love they can have for you. That is a third-density idea, because using the paddle idea, you have a finite amount of energy that you're batting back and forth with the ping-pong ball. You are batting this ping-pong back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. There is a finite amount of energy expended between these two because there's no expansion. Now, if you in third-density, insert a third variable, you are going to affect the energy between the two paddles, most definitely. The dynamics will have to change. In a fourth-density structure (which has been outlined by Germane), the ideas of unconditional love and trust, living in the moment, honesty, etc., are present. These 4D ideas do not support the idea that a third, fourth, fifth or millionth person entering your relationship can take away from the love that a mate can feel toward you. It cannot happen. Absolutely cannot happen. Period. Now, those of you who have spoken to us at length are aware that presently I have a single mate. I was also in a mated group, and in this mated group, the intensity of the love between the individuals was as strong, as intense, as equal to the love that is now felt between myself and my one mate. If another mate comes into my relationship now with my mate, it will not be a break in the flow of the energy. It will simply be an adding of another facet through which the energy can travel. And that is the difference between third- and fourth-density relationships when you're talking about the ability to love more than one person. The basic structure of third-density is set up to support the idea of duality. The basic structure of fourth density is set up to experience multiplicity. So therefore, the amount of love is never less in a fourth-density relationship. Do you all follow? Thoughts,comments or ideas or questions on this? In third density it is so hard for me to see past the element of time. When you're used to having a mate and therefore spending a certain amount of time with that mate, and then you bring in another mate, there's a certain amount of time spent with her that in my mind I perceive isn't spent with me. I get caught in the time factor. Well, if spending time with your mate is equal to the idea of you not spending time with your mate, there will be no problem here. There is an inherent inequality within the emotions that is saying, "This is better than this, so if I don't have this, I am deprived." Do you follow? Now, again, we're not saying, as Germane was not saying, that you must at all cost heal this, you must just go for it. Make your choices. As you start choosing how you want to live, these things are going to begin coming up. But recognize where the time element comes into it. It is not time. It is your identification with something that is equal or unequal in your reality. When you love yourself unconditionally, then the time spent with your mate will be equal to the time spent alone.

So when I spend time with my mate, I'm not alone. When I'm not with my mate I'm alone, so because of the aloneness, I don't feel the one is equal to the other. Exactly. And again in fourth density, as Germane was saying, the recognition is there that you are the generator of your happiness. You are it. And so when that recognition is there, that is when it is equal to be with the mate or to be with yourself because you love yourself as much as you love the mate. Both companies are appreciated. Both are equal. And when you see your mate, it's exciting in the moment; when your mate is not there, you are excited in the moment with yourself. Sasha, when you lived with a group, did you all live in one dwelling? I know now you two have separate dwellings. We did live in one dwelling that is very similar to the one I live in now only on a larger scale. Did you want more on that? Well, no, I was just curious about that because. Did you each have your own rooms in that dwelling? Yes. So that you could be by yourself as much as you could be with someone else. Yes. There were basically three different phases of environments. One were rooms of privacy, if you will, that only we entered. Then there is a secondary room where you enter with a specific group, invited guests you may call it. And then the third environment is the entire community environment, which is open to all. Question. Or comment. We have a lot of barriers in our society toward this informationsome of which are religion and societal conditioning. Can you help us learn how to share this information with the public and teach a new form of relationships? Just like you cannot be responsible for hurting another, you cannot be responsible for enlightening another. Do what you can. But don't start any more crusades! Each way is really different for each civilization, because the way that you will heal this is parallel to your identity as a species. So for instance, the Pleiadian viewpoint on the relationship issue came about because of our past and who we were in the past and through this evolution we came to this point. The same thing with the Essassani, and the same thing with the Orions. Now you on your planet, through who you have been as a species, will develop your own personal way to make this transformation. We do not perceive, at least right now, that there is a method by which to communicate with Earth humans that is any more thorough than what we have begun doing with you.

The shift is going to happen. It is going to happen quicker as people consciously make choices to pursue these things. It will take longer if they resist it, but the transformation to fourth density is going to happen. The critical mass is going to happen. It's just a question of when. And that is up to all of you and whether you choose to take the bull by the horns or whether you choose to run from the bull. Either way, it is still going to happen. Sasha, one of the other trouble areas in relationships is that a lot of third-density relationships have been based on really feeling like you own or you possess the other person. I assume in fourth density that is completely absent. That feeling of ownership or possession is the idea that Germane was talking abouthaving to deal with the need to control. So it's that issue. Just with a different twist, or not even that different. Sasha, you seem to be willing to talk about your own history tonight. We knew you would be the one to bring it up. Of course! Did you go right into this group from puberty? Again, the line of puberty is not as defined as it is in your culture. After puberty I did a lot of studying and traveling and had relationships that you might call "flings." But when I came back to my planet and built a homebase there, that's when I was in the group. So you were with the group 10-12 years or so? Equivalent, yes, very rough, but it comprised the greater portion of my relationship experience. And we've discussed before that there were seven members of this group, one nonPleiadian and six Pleiadians. Is there anything further that would be helpful in terms of how and why you left the group? I assume the group itself also disintegrated. Yes, it was simply a recognition that the excitement of the individuals involved in the group had changed. Several of the individuals wanted to go off the planet and explore, and some chose to go into a more quiet time. So when the excitement to change the relationship was recognized, there was no resistance, there was no fighting, there were no tears or anger. It was a recognition that the next step was to move in this direction. And because we had not anchored the past or the future into this relationship, it was a natural movement from one state to another. One last question along these lines. We know that the Orion relationships are changing, that since the Dawn they will be reevaluating, rethinking their entire concept of relationships not based on conflict. We are going through relationship transformation. I would assume synchronistically that your civilization would also going through

relationship transformation. If that's true, what is the nature of that transformation that you're experiencing as a culture? We're not so much experiencing a change in relationships as you are in the same way. It's a little bit different. The change that we are experiencing has more to do with our change in our relationship with other species in that to some degree, not out of a sense of prejudice, let us say, but we have often preferred relationships with Pleiadian entities. We are opening up possibilities of relationships with all different types of species, and therefore for instance, to give you a very dramatic example, let's say there's a species who is so nonhuman that the sexual expression becomes impossible. We are learning the expression of that sexuality and that love in other ways. You follow? Yes, and the time that you invited Bashar [an Essassani] and Harone [a Zeta] to your dome...What happened?! Harone was baffled to say the least. You know those Zetas. But that's the kind of thing you're discussing. That was kind of a landmark... We never said that inviting them to the dome was a sexual experience, but that represents our reaching out to other species more than we ever have. Now, regarding the group that I was involved in for that amount of timewe've said six Pleiadians and one nonPleiadianthe non-Pleiadian was Essassani. That was not so much of a challenge, but he taught us a thing or two. He was married to every other Pleiadian also, right? Were there any children in that group? No. No children. In third density, we have a situation where when children have been adopted out for example, it seems like it becomes very important to many of them to find out who their genetic parents are. A lot of this searching goes on. Maybe, in your situation you have enough control over your sexual activity that you know when you are being fertilized and when you aren't. But in the transition that we're going through we have not developed to the point where we're always aware of that. Does the child always knows who their mother and father are? Does it become important for the child to know? No. The idea of some individuals feeling the desire to know their true parentage is a reflection of the society's or your mass consciousness's need to gain your identity through your past. And if you were to live in the moment, that becomes irrelevant, because literally the past does not hold your answers; the present holds your answers. So because the children in our society are literally the children of allwhich is something we do share with the Essassanino child feels unwanted. No child feels the need to find their

identity through their past. They are very secure in their identity in the present. Again, a different developmental structure. If sexuality is allowed to have its natural place which is everywhere in everything you do, it can't be used against you, can it? Exactly. Again, sexuality is not sex. We're not talking about the sex act. We're talking about the natural flow of energy in creation that is sexual/sensual in its nature. It is of a creative vibration. Now, many people have made the comment that they feel the sensual energy from the Pleiadian entities, and that is simply that we allow that energy to flow; there is no sexuality/nonsexuality. There is simply one expression, and if that is the case, sex does not become a big deal. It cannot be used for control or manipulation. What is interesting is that we have had encounters with females in your society (through this channel) who have found us threatening because of the sensual energy perhaps that they are perceiving in us. We are therefore threatening to them because perhaps we may gain more attention in a direction they don't want to look at within themselves. Not only that, but I haven't met a man who hasn't sat here and said, "Hmm, going to bed with Sasha..." I mean, any man that I've been around, that I've ever spoken to about being around your energy, all of a sudden this is the ideal sensual package that they all think they've been searching for. And we tone it down quite a bit!! [Laughter] Generally, if people judge their own or others' sexuality, they may be very threatened by our type of energy. On our planet and in third density, there is so much emphasis on body types. I will be attracted to a certain body type; someone else will be attracted to this body type. Right now, we are all supposed to be skinny body types and physically in shape, and we're not supposed to have extra weight on us, etc. etc. In fourth density or in Pleiadian reality, is there any attention at all on physical body type? No, there is no attention on body type. Now, we may have preferences, but the preferences are sooo unimportant. Well, if you're all gorgeous, then why make a differentiation! But do you know why we are all gorgeous? Yes, I know. You all feel wonderful about yourselves, you feel beautiful, you feel healthy, you feel vibrant. That is very accurate. If you all felt that way, you would all be "gorgeous" also. But one of the reasons why you perceive that you are not all gorgeous is that being in third density you still must create ways to separate each other from each other. So you come

up with wonderful excuses for separation such as, "I can't be with that person there because they're too skinny, they're too ugly, they're too tall." Oh, conditions. Exactly. Conditional love. Separation. Those symbols have been necessary for you to maintain the third-density identity. When you move into fourth density, those symbols will change because you will change. So you as Pleiadians can enjoy the differences in each others' bodies? Oh yes. Most definitely. Now granted there are not a lot of differences in our bodies, but we can certainly appreciate those differences when they are there. Most definitely. But those differences are not from the result of trying to keep ourselves separate. They are natural diversifying characteristics. If you are so together and whole, why is it there is a need to have another individual as a mate? If you are whole and not separate, you would have all that male and female inside your body. So what is the need for a mate? There is no need per se, in the sense that we do not need to seek this idea. We may choose to have the idea literally for reasons of enjoyment and fun. Do you see what we mean? Enjoyment. When we express ourselves sexually with another entity, it is not that they fulfill a need for us. It is that together we play and we rejoice our own individual connections with the Creator. But it is not a need in any way. It always seems in our society that people have relationships out of needs. Yes, that is a third-density idea. So basically there is a separation on many levels of ourselves and so we need to keep looking for relationships to fill the void. Exactly. And that is the cycle. If individuals keep looking for someone else to fulfill their needs, no one else will ever fulfill their needs, so they will have a series of unsatisfying relationships. When you learn that you are the only one who can satisfy yourself, that you are the only one who can fulfill yourself, all of your relationships become joyous and ecstatic. When you do not need something from another individual, you can enjoy them for who they truly are. It's almost like a paradox here. How can you really tell that it's not out of a need for joy? How can you tell if it's just for joy? It's a good question, and in no way would we ever say to you that if you discover a relationship is out of need that you should disregard it and throw it away. In fact, we would say, don't swing that opposite way if you discover that. So discovering it in this

particular case is not necessarily a way that is going to change it. Living the relationship, recognizing your motivation and living it and healing through living it rather than rejecting it is going to be much more helpful. It's quite all right to be in a relationship out of need. Recognize the need. Work with it, but do not reject it because of the need because you'll keep creating relationships of need that you need to reject. Do you follow what we mean? I'm thinking of multiple relationships at one time, havingthis individual and this individual and this individualand finding you're able to love all these individuals. Isn't that being loving out of certain needs and out of the separations inside the person? Does not have to be. Can be. If the person is looking for things that they want inside of themselves in someone else and so they have all these different relationships trying to get those things into themselves, then it is out of need, yes. But if the person possesses all those things inside of them and is operating from total joy and ecstasy, they can have a relationship with none or one or many people based on joy, fun and excitement instead of need. Do you follow? There is a fine line. There is a difference. Sasha, why do you think it is so hard for us to visualize the relationships that you are talking about, the ones that we're heading toward? Because the visualization of these relationshipsif you take it past just the intellecttriggers a tremendous amount of fear, and so the fear will reach out for protection and will often put a wall down, so you cannot imagine it so you cannot be threatened. Just visualizing a relationship that wouldn't fulfill my needs would scare me. Because that's what I'm in it for! Yes. exactly. Could you offer us an interpretation of these needs as pointing to our eventual evolution into fourth density? Yes. Fourth density is integration. Third density is separation. To use an analogy, separation is all the ingredients to make a soup sitting separately on the counter. Integration is the entire soup itself. Now, if you're going from third to fourth and seeking to become whole, you must first recognize what the recipe requires. The recipe requires carrots and celery. The recipe needs those things, so for you to recognize those needs will allow you to chop them up and throw them into the pot which will then become the true expression of who you are in an integrated way. If you do not want to look at your needs, you will not know the recipe, you will not know how to cook the soup, and it will take a lot more energy, pain and struggle to eventually try to make up the recipe in a dark room. You see? The needs are important for the eventual outcome of integration.

So your needs in and of themselves again are neutral ideas. They have no value except what you ascribe to them. You cannot judge those carrots on the counter as being wrong. How can you judge the carrots being wrong? It is your needs that are those carrots. They are ideas that will eventually be put into the pot, which will eventually become a very valuable thing. Nothing exists without a purpose, and your needs, as dysfunctional as they may be, are still eventually part of that soup and therefore very valid and very important that you read those lines in the recipe and chop up those vegetables and make them a part of the creation you are attempting to bring forth. And the trick is to not expect to get the carrots from your mate. Exactly. You have to be the one to go out and get the carrots. Go to your own garden. In the way that relationships are set up now where it's based on needs, if my mate does not provide the needs that I expected my mate to provide, I become angry, and obviously I think I'm angry at him but I'm angry because I'm not getting my needs met through my own efforts. Then in fourth-density relationships do you not have anger, or you don't have that particular expression of anger? We don't have the expression of anger in the sense that we attach it to another person. We do not have that particular expression. There are times when we recognize, however, that perhaps we have not been true to ourselves. Now again, we're talking in ways that are different than you, where we will recognize that we have embraced a reality that we don't prefer, and the anger that is felt from that is not externalized. You're not attacking someone. Exactly. Sasha, in the book "Messages from Michael" in the first few pages Michael was discussing the fact that one of his purposes for channeling information was to get us off of this attention on relationships and help redirect our attention on self-improvement (that's a paraphrase). It seems to me that part and parcel of third-density relationships has been that the relationship would take precedent over all else and that one of the things that we're going through is the realization that personal growth must take precedence. As long as the relationship takes precedence, personal growth will always have to suffer. Do you want to comment on that? Well, the way we will comment on it is that in one way there is no must in the sense that you are very welcome to choose relationships over personal growth, but don't expect the fourth-density package deal with that choice. If you want to choose a relationship to be more important than your personal growth, then recognize it's a choice of separation and that with that choice comes the package of third density. If you choose personal growth over relationships, you are choosing to integrate yourself, you are making a fourthdensity choice and then you can accept the fourth-density package to go along with it.

So neither one is wrong nor right. We are simply saying in terms of your choice, recognize what you get with that choice. But if you choose personal growth, then you can use your relationship to enhance that? If you choose personal growth, everything in your life (including your relationships) will enhance that. Recently my relationship changed with my mate and I went on vacation. The last thing on my mind was a new relationship. But it came into my life suddenly. You have given yourself an opportunity now to make a conscious choice. Do you want to pursue this relationship from a third-density perspective, getting the package deal there, or do you want to pursue it from the fourth-density relationship and getting the package deal with that? So yes a whole new world has opened up for you which can do nothing but enrich you in the long run. I have one question. Back in this needs issue, I'm pursuing or engaged in a relationship by intention at the fourth density, and I find that there's a tendency to go back and forth. The intention is to maintain the fourth density, and if I don't stay conscious of that intention really clearly, then there's a tendency to think I need to fall into third density and fulfill needs for the other person. And even if I'm able to say, "No, I refuse to do that," then I start sometimes feeling guilty that if I'm involving the other person totally at a fourth-density level, then there's no room for them to get their needs met by somebody else if that's their choice. Ahhh, but there is. We are sorry, but would you narrow the question and ask it again. Well, I guess, the bottomline question with that as a set up is I don't understand why I even feel concerned that I'm depriving them of getting their physical or physiological needs met by another person, if that's the case, from my third-density perspective. You cannot deprive another person. If they feel deprived, it's their choice. I appreciate that, but why does it seem to be my choice to feel like I'm doing that? That's my question. Because you are making the transition from third to fourth, and you're recognizing the specific areas that you would like to clear. There is a part of you which still needs to feel validated by providing for another. And like we say with the soup, that need is okay. It needs to be seen and put in the pot in order to transform into the soup. So your seeing that in yourself is very important. I follow, and I feel it's a very good answer, and I can tune into it. But that still doesn't mean that I would then meet those needs? Just recognizing them rather than meeting them.

We're not understanding the exact question. Well, I think you are because you answered it perfectly! You said that when I recognized the need that I would then put them in the pot. But does that mean that I would then be physically satisfying those needs, or just recognizing that her needs exist? Her needs? Yes. That doesn't matter. You are not responsible for whether her needs are met or not. All you are responsible for is what in your integrity you would like to give to a relationship. That is all you are responsible for. What Sasha is not saying is that you cannot satisfy those needs of another person. But you can play out that game, pulling yourself back into third density, which is exactly what I do not want to do. But sometimes I seem to feel that I could just get out of the way and she could get her needs satisfied whatever way she wanted but that's depriving the potential of the fourth-density relationship. Literally 75% of anger in relationships stems from one partner or the other believing or being angry that the other person is not fulfilling needs. Seventy-five percent. Now, imagine what a relationship would be like if you did not need to be fulfilled by another. For one thing, the level of anger would be very, very lowhidden anger, hostility, nearly nonexistent. You cannot know what the other person's needs are. They will not verbalize them; sometimes they don't even know themselves on the conscious level. If you try to get caught in the game of satisfying those needs, you will get caught because it is a game, and because the person is seeking to have needs met outside of themselves, they will never be satisfied, and then they will be angry. So all I can do is present myself at my fourth-density awareness, and let it be whatever it ends up being. And just be pure in my own intention. Exactly. One of the things that we ran into was that I finally started examining what I felt my needs were, and my two basic needs were safety and protection. My husband tried to provide that safety and protection for me, but he would have no idea how I want that provided. In other words, my idea of safety was for him to put his arm around me every time we walked into a room, but he didn't know that that was what I wanted.

Exactly. You can never second-guess another person, whether you're trying to protect them from their emotions or you're trying to communicate to them, you cannot know, so the only thing that you can do is be 100% who you are. Period. So this now leaves us with one more need: the need for somebody to be with us that maintains the fourth-density intention also. Obviously that is a trap. If you have that need, you're not in fourth density. You are still playing the third-density game. Is one of the reasons that new relationships are so delightful is because we haven't started manipulating the other person? Yes, there has not been time yet for the new person to fulfill or not fulfill your needs. That's why that sense of ecstasy is there. However, as soon as they either start fulfilling you or not fulfilling you, the anger, whether covert or overt, starts setting in, and that's when the manipulation and the control begins. That is so correct, because I was just thinking about the new relationship I was in, and it started out, I remember saying, "I don't expect anything from it," and then I realized about two months into it that I couldn't say that anymore, I expected a few things! If the excitement and the romance does not peter out by its own nature then it's simply sabotaged to death. Am I on track? Yes. Now the Pleiadian relationships framework can be likened to the beginning of your relationships when your expectations were very low and you are truly in the level of enjoyment, ecstasy, play, caring and sharing. That taken 100-fold deeper is what our relationships are like all the time. So when you have no expectations about the other person fulfilling your needs, what a load off your mind that is, what a load off your energy. You can enjoy yourself, you can truly experience unconditional love. The conditional love that is felt in third density is the love you will give if your needs are met, and if your needs are not met you don't give that love. Can you begin to experience that love while still having the needs and recognizing them also? Absolutely, yes. So we don't have to wait for our needs to be gone for us to experience this love? Correct. Again, it's not a light switch going on and off. It's a gradual movement from third- to fourth-density thinking.

I know a lot of people right now would chuck the whole fourth-density idea if they thought they had to manually clear all their needs before they got there. By recognizing when you are conditionally loving someone, you then know there's an issue, so then you can actually go through it by turning that around to unconditionally loving them in spite of the issue. It will just automatically start unfolding. Yes. What wonderful things await all of you! We know that your relationships are painful, and we've heard comments that humans have made such as, "If you can't feel the pain, you can't feel the ecstasy." In third density, that makes a lot of sense. In fourth density, that idea cannot exist. You all have a tremendous amount of love and joy locked within you that will begin to blossom when you stop expecting another person to validate you, when you stop expecting another person to make you feel whole. Once that idea is relinquished, you will soar. That love that you will contain will be beyond what you can now conceive. You are moving in that direction, and those of you who choose to embrace the fourth-density ideawhether diving right in or taking it baby stepsgoing to start seeing changes, and you're going to start feeling changes inside of yourself. The pain will start to subside. The joy will start to grow, and we truly are excited to watch this happen because you will start to begin to see your divine connection. You will start to begin to know truly the beams of love that you really are. We would like to honor you and acknowledge you for taking a path that, yes, is difficult. But we would also like to remind you that if you were incapable of taking the path you never would have chosen it. And so, we would like to close this evening with that acknowledgement and recognition of all that you've chosen, for like the analogy of the soup and the carrot, the things that you see now that you don't like in yourself, that you judge, that you're angry at, are so valuable because they make up the soup. If you judge them, they will stay there on the counter, and they will always be an issue. But if you allow them to exist and you take them with you in your growth, they will transform. Much, much, much love to each and every one of you. It has been an absolute joy to have been a part of your gathering this evening, and it is our sensing that we will speak again on this matter shortly. Much love and goodnight.
Copyright 1993, 1995 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved.

Galactic Family, An Overview of Genotypes Lyssa Royal

Germane: Greetings to you. 'Tis a pleasure to be here once again. We would like to give you information about the physical genotypes of your galactic family. This is information you have been asking about for quite some time and we would like to provide you at least the foundation of this information so that you may build upon it in some of your future work. The Lyrans We are going to start with the group called the Lyrans. We are going to give you some basic information about the various subgroups that have existed within their races and allow you a more expanded point of view, perhaps, on the diversity of your forefathers - which, of course, is reflected in the diversity you have upon your world. We will then bring in the Vegan civilizations, because they are instrumental in forming some of the other galactic races as well. Starting, then, with the Lyrans (going back chronologically), the first expression of physicality that could be considered Lyran would be somewhat small - smaller, in fact, than your present average human. But as the culture grew, as their experiences and genetic structures began changing, their physical characteristics began expanding as well. Lyran Giants We're going to give you some of the primary groups that were very active in space exploration because those are the ones that matter the most to you, since they are the ones you had contact with. First is the genotype that we will call the Lyran Giants These entities (physical like yourself, of course) existing in third and fourth density, were Caucasian in type. They were primarily of light skin, light eyes and light hair; the darkest hair would be a medium brown, which was somewhat unusual. The physical body would be likened to the mesomorph, which is basically a well-balanced, muscular body. The height would be anywhere from six to nine feet tall, depending upon the group of entities we are speaking of, the smallest being at the six-foot range (female as well as a male). These entities developed this size from long periods of genetic development on a planet with higher gravitational fields and a denser electromagnetic envelope, also present in the solar system in general. This added to the creation of a more hearty, shall we say, entity. These entities are reflected in some of the Greek mythology and in some of the biblical stories of giants. This is one of the groups that your civilization still has a cellular memory about. This particular group was one of the primary groups that began forming a God/worshipper relationship with you. Do you follow so far? This is one of the reasons for some of the expressions in your religious art and architecture (which has very large doors and windows); this patterning with this particular racial structure was very deep within the human psyche. These were the original gods - or at least the ones that made the biggest impression on you. Lyran Redheads There is another race that has branched off from this giant race, the red-haired Lyrans. Their hair was red to strawberry blonde in color. The skin tone very, very fair;

these entities had a difficulty exposing their skin to certain frequencies of natural light, due to the planet they sprang from. Some of these were also giant in stature, though there were some who were average human size. Eye color was generally light to what you would now consider green, though it is a different quality of green than you see upon your world. These entities were some of the first Lyran pioneers. (Pioneers is a very kind word, for there are many worlds that consider the red-haired ones to be the invaders, marauders and the basic havoc-wreakers of the Lyran genotype). Are we speaking of what their current state is also? Well, to some degree we are speaking about the distant past as they interacted with your earth plane. These entities still exist but are much fewer in number. We would say that your closest mythological remnants are in your Norse mythology - Vikings etc. Some of that mythology was about actual Earth beings who were either influenced by or interacted with this red-headed Lyran strain. This is not a very common interaction on your world, not as common as that of the giants, but common enough to have made it into your mythology. Did they have any spiritual or energetic relationship to the few red-haired Pleiadians? Apparently there's a remnant of a red-haired group in the Pleiades. Yes, there would be genetic connections, most certainly. And if there is a genetic connection there is always an energetic connection. It's hard to think of someone living in the Pleiades who would be violent. But if that aggressive tendency somehow channeled into other areas... It's channeled into excitement. The Pleiadian version is much more watered down. (We can get to that later on if you wish.) But the purebred red-head was very aggressive, violent, passionate and, to some degree, very rebellious. They saw the giant Lyran race as their parents, and they were rebelling against that idea. They were rebelling because they felt that the morality of the giant race was being impinged into their reality. We do not perceive this was the case, but this was another expression that needed to be experienced in your galactic family. Did these red-haired people naturally evolve as red-haired, or was there intentional manipulation somewhere along the line? There were those from the giant race who left and went exploring. The primary group colonized one specific planet and over generations adapted themselves to the planet. They adapted to the specific mineral content of the planet as well as the atmosphere; the specific wavelengths of the planet's atmosphere caused the mutation to lean toward the more red tinge. That, in combination with the more rebellious attitude, began to create a specific sub-genotype. So that particular race must have felt somehow slighted within the family. Colloquially speaking, did they carry a chip on their shoulder? Did they feel they had something to prove?

We would say that's pretty accurate, yes. We say this a little lightly, but this is the story of your entire galactic history. Most groups splintered off because they did not agree with the mother group. In this way most of your experience as a galactic species is based on conflict/disagreement and the attempt at rightfulness. Redhead & Caucasian Subgroups So far you have the giants and the redheads. And within the redheads you have two subgroups - one giant-sized, one average-sized. Also within the Lyran you have a broad type we would call Caucasian who are light-skinned, light-eyed (the darkest eyes were perhaps a light brown, but that is uncommon), hair ranging from almost white to a light brown (but anything in the brown range was unusual). These entities' body types would be anything from ectomorphic, (thin) to the mesomorphic (muscular). This is the broadest category. Most of your genetic forefathers were from this Caucasian category. Your diversity began with some red-head influence as well as some giant influence, but those are secondary compared to the Caucasian influence, which is primary. In terms of actual internal structure, that information is unnecessary, for it is lengthy and not all that pertinent right now. The desire we have for communicating this information is not so much for the raw data, but for your understanding of how your planet has achieved such a group diversity. So we will stick to the external appearances rather than the internal makeup. Darker-Skinned Lyrans There was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had interactions with your world as well. This was Caucasian in features but the skin is more of a light chocolate, very uniform throughout the whole body. You would consider it a very pleasant, appealing shade. The eyes are brown, not black, although some were green; and the hair was not black but dark brown. This group had influence on your planet in the area of India, Pakistan, etc. That was their primary area of interest in their visits here. None of the races now on your world are pure extensions of any of these races; just about every race on your world has had some mixing. However, this last race, which we will call the darker-skinned Lyrans, were considered pacifists. Their psychological makeup was one of extreme passivity, peacefulness. One may even call them lackadaisical, because it was very difficult to get an emotional reaction out of them. You will find some of these individuals mentioned in some of your Sanskrit literature from ancient times. In a moment we will talk about the Vegan influence. However, we want to make it clear that this last group, the darker-skinned Lyrans, is not the same as some of the Vegan genotypes we will speak of, who have a different genetic structure. Would it be a completely different genetics from the Lyran? This group is Lyranbased and the group you'll talk about later would not be considered Lyran? Birdlike Lyran Subgroup Yes. They might look similar in appearance, but the base genetics is different. There is a need to express some of the other forms that have expressed their energy through the energy of Lyran that are humanoid, meaning mammalian, but whose appearance is different from what you know as humanoid. This has also accounted for some of your mythology. There is one group of entities who are mammals, yet are oriented toward Lyran principles (Lyra being the mother group), and whose

features are very different from humanoid. One particular group resembles what you call alien. The body type of these entities would be what you call ectomorph, very thin, almost frail and birdlike. The facial structure is more angular, sharper, resembling a bird, though these are still mammals. The eyes are birdlike. The hair is not feathered, but is of a different quality that can resemble feathers, if you are not touching it or in close proximity to it. It was also ceremoniously adorned in a certain way that made it look like feathers. This was not intentional but simply their own expression. These entities are very cool and intellectual. They consider themselves primarily scientists, explorers and philosophers. They do not engage in galactic politics, but they do travel and visit. They have had interaction here on your Earth during some of the most influential civilizations - Sumerian, Egyptian. There was interaction in what you call the Indus Valley. These entities have entered, in a backhanded way, the mythology of your people. They are not bird creatures; they are mammals who are birdlike in appearance. We have not talked about these entities at all up until this point because we've limited our discussion to what matters to you now on the Earth plane. This is a curiosity, but at least for now they do not represent something significant you need to look at to continue your own unfoldment. Catlike Lyran Subgroup One other Lyran subgroup is also mammal and what you would consider to be humanoid - but whose physical appearance resembles what you call the feline kingdom on your world. They are not cat people, but humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are very agile and strong. The nose is not predominant but catlike, if you can imagine the nose of a cat. The ears are neither human nor catlike but somewhat of a cross, a little pointed, not very much, but a little. The mouths are very gentle and small. (Many times when extraterrestrials look at the human face, to them the human face is overwhelmed by the mouth.) These catlike entities have very small, delicate and what you would call dainty mouths. The eyes are very pronounced, large and catlike, with a second lid. Again, these qualities developed from the specific environment they have placed themselves within over generations. They do not have fur. However, there is a protective layer of what you could consider peach fuzz over the skin because of the harsh ultraviolet radiation on their indigenous planet - it simply protected the skin. Any primitive interaction with these entities on your world may report that they are cat people - they are not. They are humanoid. So early on, the development of these two groups took a different direction than ours did. If they're Lyran-based, then we're talking millions of years ago that these developments started separately from our branch, right? Oh, yes. They are not so much involved in your human drama. This has not been from a denial of the Lyran dysfunction and conflicts. It is simply that their excitement has gone in other directions, and they've evolved in those directions. They have had contact with you every once in awhile. They recognize that you are all part of a family, at least genetically. And there are individuals within their societies who often project to you on an astral level simply to keep the lines open for communication. But for now there has been no necessity for a lot of interaction between your cultures. Eyes

There's a point we would like to make here about the Lyran, Vegan and other extraterrestrial civilizations as well who have communicated with you. It is about their eyes. Primarily the eyes are accentuated, whether it be through the tilt, the shape, the size, the color or their reflectivity. They are usually very pronounced. If you search through your mythologies, many civilizations have accented the eyes most notably the Egyptian civilization. This did not start out as an adornment but as an imitation of the gods, as an attempt to make humans more godlike, as an attempt to revere the gods. Over time there has been a loss of the connection to why the eyes were accentuated; it was originally because of the gods. So why do our eyes appear to be so small in comparison to the rest of the family? If you remember the stories we've told about the genetic manipulation in the creation of Homo sapiens, the Lyrans did not want to create you as them. They had some definite issues about creating you equal with them. So one of the choices was in the creation of the eyes - to give you more a simian eye quality. You understand what we mean by simian? To retain the simian quality? To retain the simian eye quality, the ape, which to some degree is one of the most painful things they've done to you, because when you look in the mirror your cellular memory remembers simian. If you had the eyes of the gods when you look into your own eyes, you would see God. Interesting. When we look in the mirror we see to the past, whereas they see to the future, at least symbolically, the genetic response. Yes. That was the intent originally, so that you would always be looking behind you, never looking forward. When the Sirians took over the project from the Lyrans it was too late to change it. So to some degree the Sirians encouraged your practice of accentuating the eyes as a remembrance of God so you would not forget your forefathers. They have done a lot through the ages to stimulate memory in you so that you would never ever forget. Are there other lines of Lyran evolution that have nothing to do with us historically, that literally branched off into other parts of the galaxy? Oh, yes. But the majority of Lyran evolution is tied with you. For instance, the birdlike and catlike entities we have spoken of have their own affiliation with other groups. They are a part of the developmental evolution of other civilizations. It is important that we stress here once again that the Lyran basic genetic structure is the mother of all in this case. However, we recognize Vega as being a significant enough emergence that it can take on its own genotype as well. Those entities who from the very, very early days of Lyra branched off in other directions, began through their own experiences, through their own evolution, to form their own unique genotypes. The Vegans There's less variation in the Vegan genotypes than in the Lyran. The primary subgroup of Vegan genetics is what we would call standard Vegan, averaging

approximately six to seven feet tall (males and females), darker skin, non-Caucasian type. Generally speaking, the skin layers are thicker with fewer layers. The skin is not as soft as human skin, is much tougher, able to withstand high levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat as well as cold. A much sturdier and more durable humanoid being. Generally, the hair of any Vegans who have hair will be primarily black, and the range of shades will be standard black as a midpoint to a light to dark brown (which is unusual) and an even darker black with a greenish tinge. That range frequently varies. What is interesting to note is that, depending on the various Vegan race, some have no hair at all, some have very little hair and some have full heads of hair, depending on the individual race. The skin tone will be anywhere from light brown (almost beige) to very dark brown - what you would call on your planet (using your own terminology) either negroid or Indian (your native people) - anything in that shade range. So some of the Eastern Indians are extremely dark brown in contrast to the skin color of some of the African groups that are very black, almost coal black? Yes. Generally speaking, the coal black is a quality of your Earth that was bred here. It is very unusual out there. Also you will find that the skin will have more of a wrinkled quality - not always, but some will. Humanoid-Type Vegans We're basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories. One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these are appearances only, not genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the humanoid type. Generally you're going to find in the humanoid group that the eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid group has a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but still large, and they retain a lid. So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking, but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely attract your attention; you might think they had some type of birth defect. The eyes of these Vegans are very striking, and were even more instrumental in getting the attention of the humans than the Lyran's eyes. It was simply the contrast between the darkness of the skin and the whiteness of the eye outside the pupil and iris that made it more striking. Of course, those with darker hair and eyelashes seemed to have a black outline around their very large eyes. Many of the other groups we will talk about stem from this Vegan group, most notably the Orions. It is a very broad category we've been describing, the humantype group in the Vegan genetic structure. Nonhuman-Type Vegans The second group - nonhuman-type Vegan - is still humanoid, still mammal. When we say nonhuman we are talking about appearance. The appearance of these particular entities can either be insectlike or reptilian. (These are your labels that we apply to the physical appearance of these particular entities.) Generally speaking, you will find that the range of skin color will apply the same as the human type. However, there are some groups who not only have a greenish tinge to the hair but also to the skin. It's not very pronounced; we don't want you to think we're talking about some type of green monster. We're talking about a basic humanoid entity with a copper base in the skin and bloodstream that gives it a greenish tinge. The eyes

are very large and may or may not have a second lid, depending on the planet of origin. They have a very small nose and a pronounced jaw in some cases. The jaw can either be thrust forward (which would give it a reptilian look) or downward (which would give it an insect look). We are talking about humanoid-type entities. We call this group nonhumanoid type only because of the appearance - they are still mammals. These entities have had communication on your Earth plane with you and have been responsible for some of the stories that circulate about reptilian monsters or cold-blooded aliens, etc. (When one is in fear, when one encounters the unknown, one often exaggerates the experience.) These entities are genetically connected to you. They still procreate as mammals. The base genetic structure is reflective of the template from which your galactic family expresses itself, so they are still part of your family. There is more to say at some point about these particular entities, but for now we simply want to present this idea for those of you who have had a curiosity about what this reptilian stuff is about. They are not insect; they are not reptilian; they are humanoid and mammalian. They simply do not look the same as you do. These two groups, then - the Lyran and the Vegan genotypes - are instrumental in how the rest of your galactic family expresses itself genetically. We will now mention the other primary groups of the galactic family and show you where their genetic heritage lies. The Pleiadian Civilization The most obvious is that of the Pleiadians . The Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group, some going directly to the Pleiades from Lyra, others going to Earth and mixing their genetics with the Earth genetics for themselves, then going back to the Pleiades to join some of the other Lyran splinter groups there. The standard Pleiadian is a mixture of the different genotypes we've talked about. Generally, a Pleiadian will manifest anywhere from blonde to even some black-haired, or very dark-brown-haired strains. The eyes are generally light blue to a light brown Caucasian. Generally, they are Caucasian. They can range from very petite (five feet tall) to very large (sometimes seven feet tall - rare, but possible). You can see how some of the recessive genes that they brought from their Lyran heritage (the giants, for instance) may manifest in a body. So the Pleiadian group, in terms of the Caucasian type, is very diverse. These light brown eyes you keep mentioning, would they appear at first to be gold? Yes. So reports of golden eyes would actually be these light brown eyes, as opposed to our standard brown eyes? Yes, it is not like your standard brown eyes. When we are talking about eye color, in no way are we talking about what you know as eye color. What you see of your own eye color is only how your eyes reflect light in this reality. If you are vibrating at a different rate or if you are in another plane of reality, all color quality changes, because the laws governing light reflection change and the quality of reflected light changes. So we can describe this only broadly. There are other colors of eyes, but if we told you lavender eyes, you would picture what lavender looks like and then your perception of what we're saying would be very wrong. So we keep this information very standardized. There's really no need to go further into the Pleiadian genotypes because they reflect the Lyran groups very much. Some are combinations; some are

redheads; some are very light-skinned. Pleiadian physical expression is basically dealing with Lyran genetics and, in some cases, Lyran and Terran genetics. Is that complete? Can you talk about the emotional temperament of the Pleiadians, the similarities or dissimilarities within their own groups and in comparison to us? Is it similar to ours, and is there variance of emotional temperament within the Pleiadian groupings? Their emotional bodies are much more harmonious, though, understand that where they are today came from their denial of negativity. We've talked to you about that already, so that's nothing new. You, on the other hand, deny both negativity and positivity in an attempt to be neutral or nonfeeling. That is what a greater portion of your reality attempts to do. Now, to some degree this is an attempt at balancing what you see as your forefathers' energies, because obviously whatever they did didn't work for them, since they were still in conflict. So you are bound and determined not to do what your forefathers did in just about every way. The Pleiadian emotional structure is now not repressing negativity, for the most part. However, who they are today is because of their repression of negativity. So to some degree that's how something that is actually a negative thing (repression) can turn into a growth process that can eventually lead to the growth that is sought. Is the potential similar; is the basic emotional structure similar? Oh, yes. We would say, more than any of the other races we've talked about with you. The emotional similarity between the Pleiadians and yourselves is most pronounced. One of the biggest reasons for the difference is simply the differences in your reality. If, let's say, several thousands of years ago, Pleiadians from that era came and lived on your world today, they would have become you emotionally. But with their evolution, that would not occur. The Orion Civilization The Orion civilization is primarily 89% Vegan in nature. Of that 89% Vegan genetics, we would say that 75% is of the human-type, Vegan-based genetics. The remaining 14% would be considered nonhuman-type Vegan genetics. Therefore, your stories of reptiles from Orion, although they are embellished somewhat (usually by the emotional body), are accurate because there are those nonhuman-type entities with Vegan-based genetics living within the Orion system (or have in the past) that account for those stories. Primarily it is Vegan in nature. This would be the body types with the very high copper content that is due not only to the genetic line but the diet? Yes, most definitely. Your bodies here on Earth are based on water and though theirs have water as a primary substance to some degree, a certain oil or fatty content lubricates the body, the skin. Kind of like the idea of the engine in a car; the gears turn because of the oil. One thing we want to mention is a uniqueness in the eyes of Orions. Through very strict spiritual training, which includes diet, ceremony and certain psychic experiences, various priests in the Orion system can change their eye color to a very vivid blue. Some of your people have had encounters with these Orion-type entities with very sharp blue eyes. If anyone has, it is most likely that the entity they are contacting is a priest of some sort, for the eye color is not natural at

birth but is attained through a type of spiritual path. We told you that 89% of the Orion entities are Vegan in nature. The remaining 11% are of a Lyran stock. We would say that of that 11%, 90% are of the light-brown-skinned people we've talked about and the remaining 10% are of the Caucasian-type Lyran - light hair. They are rare, but of course if you're talking about several billions in population, then that could account for a goodly amount of people. And they do tend to be aggressive, to leave their mark? Yes, generally that is the common theme. These are the most common physical attributes of these Orion entities. Getting a little esoteric for a moment, as you get into the rarified vibrations, as you're getting into higher levels of fourth density, the physical appearances really become very malleable and not all that important. What we're talking about is the third-density and early fourth-density characteristics, because that's when the genetic differences are very marked, very apparent. Is there enough genetic similarity that natural cross-breeding is possible? Yes, absolutely. What about between the Lyran and the Vegan types? We would say that if you took a random Lyran and a random Vegan, there is a 60% chance that the birth would be successful without any alteration whatsoever. What would the result look like? In some ways like a typical ethnic person on your planet. Now we're getting into the idea of the breeding on your planet. There have been two lines active on your planet. The royal houses of Vega - which actually have changed hands and are now the royal houses of Sirius, but are the Vegan genetics - and the royal houses of Lyra. Your interbreeding with each other throughout history has been an attempt at unifying those houses. So it stands to reason, then, that any crosses between the two out there would primarily be successful with very little manipulation. The Sirian Civilization This brings us to Sirius . Sirius, being a primary star, in some ways a dimensional doorway for a lot of consciousness, is very diverse. So we would like to make it known here that the Sirians of which we speak are the Sirians of your history, the Sirians who were part of your genetic project on Earth. There are so many Sirians on many different levels (mostly existing in the Light realms) that we don't want you to get confused with what we are talking about - those who were part of the genetic creation on Earth of Homo sapiens. This Sirian race we are talking about - we'll call them the Sirian gods - stemmed from Vega. So the primary genetics of Sirius is a Vegan stock - darker skin, but anywhere from very light brown to very dark brown. They have a lot of the Vegan qualities, including the very pro-nounced eyes, the large, slightly angled eyes. The particular Sirian gods who had interacted with your planet, having spent a lot of time with the Lyrans who were also part of the genetic project, had done some

interbreeding themselves. So these Sirian gods began through time to take on a lot of qualities of the Lyrans. Some began to have lighter skin, some began to be more diverse in their genetic makeup. It got to the point where the interbreeding between the Lyrans and the Sirians was so mixed that the only way to denote a Sirian would be through their belief structure rather than their physical appearance. Since our focus right now is not the genetic project on Earth, we will be very brief with this. The ultimate attempt was to join the royal houses of Sirius and Lyra. Throughout time on your planet, since the prototypes of Adam and Eve were created, this attempt has been made with the belief that a more advanced type of human being could be created. This is still going on; it's not so much now the physical attributes attempting an integration but rather the belief structures themselves. Because the Sirians gods were of Vegan heritage, it stands to reason that some of them may have had some of the genetics of the nonhuman-type Vegan entity, which would mean that some of the Sirian gods appeared to be nonhuman, whether that seemed insect or reptilian (though they were mammal, like you but with a different appearance). That accounts for some of the stories. Anything more about Sirius before we move on? Sirius, like Vega, has an extremely bright sun; so bright that if we were to look at it, even at the probable orbits of the planets, it could cause instant blindness, being thousands of times brighter than our sun. I can understand how their sun conditioned the Vegan body, and the Sirian sun may be even harsher. So I'm wondering if some of the aquatic references could not have been due to some elaborate genetic engineering done in the Sirian system just to survive - or is this a distortion of the mythology? The idea of the cetacean connection on your planet (meaning that cetaceans represent Sirius consciousness) is more a Terran than a Sirian representation. Though there are cetacean creatures in your galactic family, the creation of the cetaceans here was deliberate for Earth. It did not come from somewhere else. Thus the types of cetaceans you have on your planet evolved with some help; you can see that by examining the skeletons of dolphins and whales. They have finger and toe bones in their fins. They have a rudimentary humanoid skeleton that has been adapted for their environment. What you're saying is that cetaceans don't represent a genetic heritage in the human family through Sirius. Correct. But they do represent a genetic alternative. It was desired that genetic alternatives would be present for those who wished other experiences. There is a lot more we could talk about regarding this; however, we want to keep it focused in a certain direction. If you want questions on this at another time, please feel free to ask. The Zeta Reticuli Civilization We'd now like to talk about the entities that you know of as the Zeta Reticuli . The physical characteristics of the Zeta Reticuli that you are already aware of is 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 to, in some cases, 5 feet tall, generally bald, frail-looking, larger-headed in proportion to the body, large eyes that seem to have no lid, very small (if any) nose,

mouth and ears. We have given you the story about the Zeta Reticuli. To encapsulate it here, they were a civilization very much like you who went on a path of (in some ways) self-destruction, a specie crisis. They caught it before they were annihilated. However, they found themselves sterile. They performed genetic engineering, cloning, etc. to change their species and so you have the Zeta Reticuli you see today. We will tell you that the base genetics of the Zeta Reticuli before they went through their species crisis and transformation was that of human-type Vegan heritage. Their civilization, when it went through the change, required them to alter their body structure into what they are now. This accounts for one of the reasons why they are here and interested in your genetics, because they are looking for an aspect of their original genetics to reinsert into themselves because of what they perceive they've done wrong during their transformation - namely, breeding out emotions. If they were to time-travel, which they can do, and go back to their past, they would only be gathering genetic data before their crisis. To them, that genetic data is inferior; they do not want that. They look to other races who have Vegan forefathers for some of the Vegan DNA that has been adapted through experience to a more expanded state of being. Your planet is one of the places. There are Vegan codes active here, and at this point just about everyone on your planet carries both the Lyran and Vegan codes. You've intermixed so well. When they are taking genetic samples from you, they are looking mostly for Vegan (but some Lyran) genetic codes that have been strengthened and adapted from their original state on Vega millennia ago. So this is why, to them, you are so important - because you carry locked in the cells of your body what they think is their only future. You on Earth, more than anything else, have served as a genetic repository, a genetic storehouse for the galactic universe, for your galactic family. In some ways you've been earning interest on this DNA you've been storing, because it's a lot more valuable now than it has been in the past. Individuals are now coming back to explore that greater value and that is what the Zeta Reticuli are doing. Do they themselves have a genetic future? And what is it? They are creating their genetic future as they go along. In some way (and we speak a little bit loosely here) they have no future other than what they deliberately manipulate. According to the laws of species evolution, they should have transformed out of physicality already. Since they are not running according to the standard laws of species evolution, their future is what they make it. They could annihilate themselves tomorrow by simply pulling up all of their laboratories and leaving, never enhancing their own genetics, and eventually dying off. They could do that, but they don't want to. They don't want to leave this reality without resolving the things they feel they need to resolve, and so they will keep themselves physical until they do so. And as we've stated before, they understand that you have invited them and that you are also getting something out of your interactions with them; it's not a one-way street. We would say at this point that what you are getting out of your interactions with them is much more valuable than you've ever realized, much more valuable than we've ever told you. It's essential. What do these various races think about us when they see us physically? How do they feel about us?

There are different emotions. Imagine being an interracial couple; imagine being an Asian woman and a black man creating a child. As you watch the child grow, you can very clearly see, at least physically, the African attributes and the Asian attributes and you can watch them expand and grow and interweave with each other. They know themselves so well at this point that when they watch you, they can see not only the physical attributes you have, but the emotional and mental attributes, even the spiritual attributes, and they can pinpoint themselves within you very clearly. To some, it's a shock; it's painful to come here because you are very clear mirrors for them. To others, coming here is the only way they can see themselves. Do they like our physical appearance? Do they dislike it? Are they neutral or is it a curiosity? When you have traveled the universe as much as many of these races have, it's not a matter of liking or disliking appearances, because you've seen very strange things. It's like a sense of deja vu when they see you. There is something very familiar about you, and yet there's something very alien - something that frightens them very much. They are drawn to you and they are also frightened - and that is where growth lies. With that, we will thank you for your wonderful questions. There will be more information on this in the future. We're just laying the groundwork here. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the gifts you have given. Not only to your reality, to your forefathers, but mostly to yourselves, because those gifts will bear much more valuable fruit than you can yet see.

Lyran History
Lyssa Royal LYRAN - Supposing that the human inhabitants of Lyra (who are said to have a common origin with Terran humanoids) were driven out of that system several thousand of years ago, then it is likely that some of the present day inhibitants of the 'Lyra' constellation may be of reptiloid descent. During the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several 'contactee' accounts, a mass exodus' of humans reportedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and to Vega which is also in Lyra. This region, like our own system, may still be a 'battleground' between saurians-greys and humans (Evadamic-Draconian).

Lyran History
... According to the explanation offered, the Lyrians were the original (to us at least) ancestors of our branch of our lifestream of evolution. Many thousands of years ago their civilization in Lyra reached a high technological level and they began to travel in space. They were free-will creatures and had control of their destiny. At a certain point in time they fell into disagreement and divided into factions with different ideaologies and different goals and objectives. They eventually went to war and destroyed much of their society and ruined their home. Escapists seeking to avoid the anticipated outcome fled from their native system and found homes in star systems that we call the Pleiades and the Hyades. They also went to nearby Vega. In a few thousands of years they had raised those societies to high technological levels and once again were able to travel in space. Some of the Pleiadians of Lyran ancestry, on their travels, discovered our planet and its nascent life evolving in a very hospitable atmosphere. They stayed and settled briefly in later Lemuria and early Atlantis, some even mixing with Earth creatures and becoming Earth men. Those who remained apart and did not mix soon produced highly evolved technologies here and they designed and built many wonderful machines and devices, and created comforts and conveniences of all kinds. Again they came into conflict and the society became polarized into two camps, each possessing marvelous technologies. Eventually they went to war and terrible destruction resulted. Those who could, escaped to other regions of space and started all over again. Some of those beings are now also visiting us occasionally. A long time later a new wave of Pleiadians arrived to check on the descendants of their ancestors who survived the terrible war. They found survivors and again they mixed with them and assisted Earth humanity in getting control of its assets and producing a new technology. This society became the later Atlanteans who raised their sciences to levels that produced air and undersea travel before that civilization was also destroyed by surface war on Earth. The modern Pleiadians are descendants of the peaceful faction that

settled in the star group which astronomy gives that name. The Vegans visiting us now are descendants of another peaceful group that settled a planet in the Vega System. The descendants of the Lyrans, long evolved beyond the conflict stage, are now interested in our welfare and feel a special responsibility toward us since we reflect the earlier warlike tendencies of themselves. They lost much in their history of conflict and destroyed themselves several times, and lost their great technological advances each time. According to the story, they even settled another hospitable planet in our solar system, the 5th one from the sun, which was actually destroyed in a war of nuclear weapons that got out of hand there. This is part of their concern about how we will use our nuclear sciences now. These Lyrans are now being helped and assisted in certain ways by their human cousins in the Pleiades and Vega and others. So we see that although the Lyrans are much older in evolution, they are only a little ahead of the others in some technologies and are behind in others, and are being assisted along the way by their cousins. Thus it is that so many human-like extraterrestrials are appearing in the same age in time. Some are actually linked in evolution and do apparently have a common source. Our re-emerging technology attracts their attention now and they are here to observe and assist according to our will choices. The Lyran races began evacuating their home planet over 22 million years ago, and they have peaked out and migrated from there more than once. They believe that Creation itself is the First Cause, not that a Creator created it. They see creation as Universal Knowledge, Universal Wisdom, Universal Spirit. They told Meier that there are milliards of creation forms known to them. They also told him that our earliest society on Earth was copied from the early Lyrans visiting Earth. They were here and observed physical life on Hyperboria, a mythical first continent encompassing all of the land mass at that time. This was before Earth humans began physical evolution. Descendants of these Lyrans came again later and assisted the budding societies of the next epoch and gave Lemuria and Atlantis their names. There were other beings from another system called Bawwi who also visited the Earth at that time. The Bawwi were a race of beings 2.5 to 3 meters tall. There were once beings visiting Earth who were 7 to 8 meters tall. They had feet 90 to 93 cm long and fossil tracks should still exist. On what we now call Easter Island there was a special race of very big people an unimaginable 10 to 11 meters tall. They were not entirely physical. Whole histories of Hyperboria, Agartha, Mukulia and Atlantis have been described by the Pleiadians. On an extended visit in space, Meier was shown another atmospheric planet with life in an earlier stage of evolution. He saw dinosaur-like creatures, a stocky primitive man wearing skins and steep pyramids in the distance in a very misty golden atmosphere. He was told that this planet would be 770 light years from Earth. According to the Pleiadian account, the Lyrans left their system as rebels and settled in the Pleiades and the Hyades. They later came to Earth and mixed with Earth man. Earth men then lived in the remnants of the earlier single continental land mass now known as Hyperboria. These

beings produced and developed a civilization with advanced technology here on Earth. They became involved in a war among themselves here and a faction left and proceeded to Erra in the Pleiades, and others went to another planet in our solar system, an atmospheric planet the 5th from the sun, which they called Malona. They settled on this planet and mixed with the human life-form there. The Lyran descendants who settled Earth and Malona both were a war-like race and they carried their warlike tendencies with them. The Malonans ended up destroying their planet in a terrible atomic holocaust. Will we do the same? The surviving Lyrans left for many thousands of years. Subsequent generations came back in another age and again fell to fighting among themselves and again they left. This was repeated still once more, and now the descendants of those are again observing Earth and the surviving descendants of their ancestors. The Lyran rebels have now reached a higher spiritual level of being and no longer indulge in conflict and war. Their ancestors are responsible for the racial variety now found on Earth. So we see that we and the Pleiadians, and the Vegans, and some other Adamic beings who come here from the Hyades, are all in a sense Lyran descendants, and we are linked by a common heritage. The current Lyran visitors, with their higher spirituality, are here trying to undo some of the effects left by their earlier less spiritual ancestors. The older Lyran ancestors due to their underdeveloped spirituality fell into stagnation and lost much of their technology. The Pleiadians are now helping them back on their way to the marvelous technologies they once had. The Vegans, also descendants of the old Lyrans, are too helping the Lyrans to recover some of their old advanced sciences and introducing them to some new ones. The Pleiadians have been helped much by the DALs and are passing some of this on to the Lyrans, and are in turn being helped by the Lyrans in other ways.

Mastering Personal Power

Germane channeled by Lyssa Royal

Germane: All right. This is Germane. The title of this tape is MASTERING PERSONAL POWER. We are going to begin with a very essential idea to understanding this whole concept. That is, that personal power is not anything you need "master", as if it is something you do not now have. Rather, it is something you already possess. In that case then, instead of looking at it as mastering something you do not have, look at it like remembering how to use something which you already have. Each and every one of you, being sparks of creation, are 100% masters. You all know what it is like to exist, you all know how to manipulate energy, you all know how to live to the fullest extent of what you are capable of. This is something you needn't learn. However, here comes the challenge. Those of you who choose to incarnate in physical reality (especially on a planet such as your Earth) have a bit of a challenge. Part of the reason this Earth plane was set up was for a learning school. Because it is a learning school, obviously there must be challenges. Recognize these challenges are put in place for all of you to exercise your spiritual muscles, shall we say, for all of you to be all that you can be, and for each and every one of you to learn what there is to learn and to progress yourself and to grow, and to be of service to others. When you incarnate into this plane, there are a set of rules that you (by your agreement to incarnate) must follow. Some of those rules are quite obvious: One is that you will adhere to the laws of time and space. That is a fairly simple one. You all have that one down quite well. Another is that thought will take time to manifest reality. And another is that you will have a challenge of illusion that will be the greatest challenge that exists for you. As you recognize illusion for what it is (illusion, and not reality), you then begin to remember the mastery that you have from the other realms. You cannot master personal power in physical reality while maintaining the idea of illusion. That is the challenge. For many of you do not know, really, what illusion is and why it is there, and how you can see beyond it. Assuming then that you are already masters, how do you reawaken that mastery into your physical lives here on Earth? How do you see beyond the illusion? The easiest, easiest place to start is with whatever obstacles you see in your life. If you look at the idea of your spiritual mastery, your personal power, as being channeled through to you from a funnel, the obstacles are those things that clog the funnel. Once that funnel is clogged for any period of time, you forget that the funnel is there. You forget that that personal power energy is always channeling through. Therefore, those obstacles take on the form of

illusion. They are confusing for you. They are like mirrors placed askew in many different directions, confusing you and directing you, and using reflections rather than reality until you are looking in any direction except the direction of the funnel - the direction of your personal power. Recognize that when you come into physical reality, there is a structure, a portion of your consciousness, which is a facilitator for your lives here in physical reality. You call that portion of you "ego". Now the ego is a neutral thing. It doesn't have to be a positive or negative thing. It is a neutral idea. It is a regulator. It is a facilitator. However, when too much power is given to that ego, that is when the ego becomes imbalanced. That's when illusion begins to form. That's when many of you have called the "negative ego" comes into play. Somewhere in the development of the ego (for many of you, not for all of you), when you've been faced with challenges which were meant to strengthen you, they were misconstrued into being fears that threaten you. And the first time that happened in your life is when the obstacles begin and illusion begins being formed. Prior to that time, you as souls incarnate on Earth are in your mastery. Now one may say, "Well, how can a little child be in their mastery?" Recognize that if we are talking about infants, they do not have the motor skills to move their body in order to manipulate reality. This does not mean they are not masters. It simply means they are not yet developed in their motor skills. But the soul energy at that time that is being expressed onto the physical plane is entirely connected with that personal power. It is only when the ego is allowed to begin protecting you from your fear rather than guiding you to confront your fear, it is only until that point that mastery ends (so to speak) and illusion begins. Now we are talking about a period of time very, very early in your development as a human. It can happen literally from the first few months of life. Or, the ego creation of illusion to protect you from your fears may not happen until after several years of life. It is really different for each person. However that is the point that you can trace back where the ego has begun building illusion and facade to protect you from perceived threats. It is at that point where the mastery of the personal power begins to take a back seat, and survival begins to take a front seat. This does not have to occur this way. It has simply been a good way of coping for thousands of years. You then taught your children, and your children taught their children, etc., until you've forgotten that each soul comes in as masters. If you could remember that, if you could begin teaching your children that and truly believing it (not pretending to believe it), you will find that your attainment of personal power would be more rapid, more complete, more easy, and with a lot less struggle. We are going to give you an analogy here, given to us by a good friend, that can demonstrate how the ego works to keep you from claiming your personal power. Here is the analogy. Let us say that you have a mother and a daughter. The daughter decides that

she would feel more comfortable with a gun in the house, because there have been breakins in the neighborhood. So she goes out and buys herself a fancy little pistol. She is very impressed with the beautiful handiwork of the pistol. She come home and she is very proud. At this point, she has not really put the bullets in yet. So she has not felt the power that she has in her hand. But she is toying with the idea. She has the bullets in a little box and they are in the bag with the gun. So, she comes home. Her mother is there and she says, "Mother! Look! I bought this gun so that we will feel safe and so we can protect ourselves." The mother looks at the gun with wide eyes, and then looks back at the daughter and says, "Are you sure that you can handle that? Are you sure that you know how to shoot? Are you sure that you are not going to accidently kill someone with that?" Suddenly, the daughter's reality begins to shift. She starts questioning her own power. She starts questioning whether she really can handle that gun. And right then and there she certainly decides that she is not putting any bullets in it. So she keeps this gun around for a few days without the bullets in it. Every once in a while she picks it up and she plays with it. But there is a little bit of a sick feeling in the solar plexus. There is a little voice that says, "Are you sure that this was the right decision?" One day, she goes into the kitchen and her mother is standing there. She says, "Mother, I know that you took shooting classes when you were young. And I know that you feel comfortable around a gun. So I would like to give you this gun and I would like you to use this gun if we ever have an intruder. I would like you to use this gun, because I don't feel that I really have the knowledge it takes, nor the confidence it takes to carry this weapon." So, the mother takes the gun, puts the bullets in it, and puts it in the drawer. For a few days, the daughter feels quite secure. But then every once in a while she keeps eyeing that drawer, knowing what is in that drawer, knowing that the GUN is there - this power that is now out of her hands because she is too afraid to use it. Day after day, she checks on that gun to make sure it is still there. One day, it is not in the drawer. In that day, she begins to be worried. She begins to harbor fantasies that her mother has taken the gun and has hidden it so that if she ever needs it, she won't be able to find it. Therefore, the symbol of power that she has chosen has been given away and is now hidden, and she doesn't know where to find it. You can see that there are a lot of different endings to this story, if one could say there ever is an "ending". However, as long as the daughter worries about the mother's motivation with her symbol of power, as long as the daughter does not ask for the gun back, she will leave her security, her confidence, and her personal power in the hands of another.

As each and every one of you are growing up, especially women and little girls, you are taught that power is a dangerous thing...and if you have power, you'd better darn know what to do with it. Otherwise, do not ever, ever, ask for it. So you grow up and you go out into the world, and suddenly you realize that all the "weapons" or all the tools (which ever way you want to look at it) that were symbols of your own power, your own confidence, your own strength, are not present with you any more. You open the tool box and it is empty. The reason for this is because you've given it to other people to wield for you. You've never allowed yourself to train yourself with those tools so that you could feel confident and so that you can then stand fully empowered. This is the dynamic which humankind is now facing. Not only are you trying to get your power back, but more importantly (and the first step), you are trying to find where you put it! Or, who has it. Because if you have no idea where it is and why you gave it away to begin with, how can you ever seek to claim it back? So mastering personal power, first and foremost, is recognizing what it is in you that caused you to give it away in the first place. Is it fear? Is it self-hatred? What is it? And when you can begin to understand that, the answer will come as to who has your power. For instance, let us say that once you discover why you've given it away, then you look at who has it, you may find many different answers. Your government may have it. Your religion may have it. Your husband or wife may have it. Your society may have it. You teachers may have it. In fact, anyone and everyone may have it other than you. When you begin to see to whom you've given your power and why, you will learn a tremendous amount about yourself. And we would suggest before you ever seek to gain personal power, first discover where you've put it. Because otherwise, you will not know how to recognize it. Therefore if you can't recognize it, you can't claim it. Once you then have identified where you've put it, you can then seek the means to claim it back. Each of you will do this differently. We can give you certain techniques etc., but recognize that each person will go along the path differently. However, we absolutely guarantee you that when you discover who you've given the power to and why, you will be "over the hill" - you will be at the top of the hill. The rest will be downhill. The analogy we gave you at the beginning about the funnel that is connected to you through which your personal power filters, and the obstacles or illusions that get stuck there which cause you to forget that you have it, is very similar to this idea. Meaning that another way of look at it is to look at that funnel and see what form those obstacles take. For instance, if those obstacles take the shape of constant problems with the government, then that is going to tell you that you've given your power in that direction - to the government. If those obstacles take the form of continued abusive relationships for instance, then that will point you in the direction that you have given your power to another person in your relationships - therefore you are powerless in relationships, hence, abuse.

So in order to find out what it is, how you create those obstacles, look at first what they are. What form do they take in your life? Examine your life with a fine tooth comb. What is the common theme? Those are going to represent the obstacles or the illusions that are distracting the flow of your own personal power which is always there, distracting you from knowing you have it, and keeping other people as the holders of your power. Understand that. Know that. And when you can identify that, you can very actively and fully begin taking your power back. Before we go further, are there questions or clarifications on what we've said? Question: Yes. I got the impression that giving up this power, or giving it away or hiding it, was a prerequisite for third-density [physical] Earth experience. Is that a correct interpretation of what you were saying? This game that you play of hide and seek with your personal power is part and parcel of the game of third-dimensional reality, yes. Question: I've been using the video arcade analogy in my own mind recently. Before we came into the arcade we had to give the power away and now we are standing at the video game trying to find who we gave it to. Yes. And if you can't find who you gave it to, and own that you gave it away, the actual claiming of it and mastering of it will be a lot more difficult. Question: This reclaiming of personal power is obviously one essential step in the transformation from third density to fourth. For comparative purposes, so that we can perhaps view this from a little different perspective, could you briefly describe the condition of personal power as it exists in fourth density? Let us rephrase the question, and you tell us if this is what you mean. As opposed to what we've just discussed about what is occurring on your planet now with giving away the power, you want to know where you are moving toward as personal power begins to be claimed? What is it going to look like? Question: Yes. That is a good start. In some ways, it is going to be very, very alien to you now because most of you are used to giving away the power. However, we will do our best to describe for you (at least generally) what it will be like. First of all, essential to claiming personal power is 100% ownership of everything that happens in your reality. So if you are in a car accident, if someone has embezzled from you, whatever, any situation that has come into your reality must be 100% owned. In the transition that you are moving toward now (the transition that we call the transition from third to fourth density), you are going to find that in that fourth-density framework, everyone will be totally self-responsible for their lives. We are talking literally about an

entire shift. It means you will no longer blame anyone. If you ever have to blame someone, you are not in your personal power. As an example, look at what this is going to do for the judicial system and lawyers. If there is a change, and individuals are owning their realities, there will be no need for law suits. That is one very, very simple example. Imagine what it would be like for everyone in your world to 100% own and claim their lives, and what happens to them. When that happens, you will also find that everyone on your world has 100% mastered their personal power. Do you follow so far? Question: Yes, and I'll let you keep going. One of the things that occurred to me is that when you learn to ride a bicycle there is a point where you no longer have to even think about your balance. Right now we are experiencing individual issues about personal power. In fourth density, those issues (I assume) are handled. There are no longer challenges to that personal power concept just like there are no longer challenges to balancing on a bicycle. Exactly. Question: So this is an issue that we go through, we get, and fourth density provides us with a whole different range of issues that then will not include this question of personal power. It is something we will have done. Yes. Right now what you are all doing on your world is that you are learning to ride without training wheels. For now at least, you are still reminding yourself to keep in balance on that bicycle. However, very shortly in many of your lifetimes you are going to see a tremendous shift where you are no longer going to have to think about balancing yourself on that bicycle. It is going to be a natural expression of who you are. And so as the reality is claimed 100%, as total self-responsibility for the reality is taken by each person, they are going to learn to live that way rather than live through blame. And when they learn to live that way, they are truly, truly on the path of total mastery of their personal power. Very good analogy. Question: Germane, a lot of people will have a tendency to want to work on, for example, why I would have given the gun away. If it was self-doubt, I would then spend hours working on my self-doubt. You are suggesting instead that it might be better to merely take the gun back and confront the fear... of having the gun... Question: ...of having the gun. And through confronting the fear you'll naturally go back to perhaps reliving the self-doubt... Yes. You will ultimately need to take the gun back and to feel what it is like to have it (even if it is fearful) before you can truly master the use of the gun. How can you master the use of the gun if you never pick it up? You know we have said so many times that the

thing you desire most is often the thing you fear the most. In this case, so many of you desire personal power and that is the very thing you are afraid of. It will require you to claim that power (at least a little bit) to bring up the fear or the resistance to then cleanse it out, so that you can then finally learn how to use it and become strong through that usage. Do you follow? Question: I do. And it would seem obvious then that for many of us this personal power that we need to reclaim may actually be back in the roots of our family - >our mother and father. Oh, yes. Recognize that each and every one of you as children have role models in your mother and father (or your primary care givers) and those role models are the first people that you ever encounter. [Tape is turned over] And when you have a little child who is so hungry to learn, they pattern themselves after the first role model that they are presented. This is not a conscious thing. But this is what happens. And so if your parents have been patterned to give away personal power...perhaps your mother has been patterned that she should give up her power to the man. And the man has been patterned that he is the only one who can safely handle the power, this is going to be passed on to children. And it is then going to be passed on to their children, and on down the line. Until conscious intervention happens, it can unconsciously be carried. So more than anything else what we are talking about is a form of conscious intervention. It is a point of saying, "Ah ha! This is why I have not felt empowered. I will own this. I will thus, in the owning, change it." That commitment right there, that recognition, that ownership, that is the true point of power. Question: So the more that your primary caregiver tended to live in fear (therefore giving up their power in any area they are afraid), they give up their power to the person or thing whom they are afraid of. Exactly. Question: Then the more you will be patterned to give up your personal power because you are following the dictates or models of your primary caregiver. Exactly. Now we recognize that there is really so much to share with you on this idea of claiming personal power. The time allotted on the tape will not allow us to do so. However, we would like to give you some techniques to get the ball rolling so that those of you who are feeling disempowered, who really are looking for that mastery of your personal power, this will give you a place to start. The number one place to start in achieving personal power (or reclaiming personal power) is to begin with fear. We were just talking a few moments ago about the analogy regarding the gun. If you've given the gun to your mother and you want to get the gun back, (i.e. you want to get your personal power back), all the analyzing in the world about why you gave it away is not going to get you there. It is going to help, but it is not going

to do it. You are going to need to be willing to ask your mother for the gun back, to be willing to hold it with the bullets, and process your fear about your inability to handle that piece of power. The one single idea that can keep you immobile is fear. That one single idea must be confronted and addressed. So, we are going to give you some exercises to help you work with your fear so that it will not seem so overwhelming to you, so that little by little as you begin working with this fear, you will then (little by little) feel more and more self-empowered.

The Negative Fantasy Technique

The first technique we are going to give you is the least threatening one. This technique we call "Negative Fantasy". This analogy with the gun is very good, so we are going to continue it through in these techniques. You will begin to see how the dynamics of personal empowerment and disempowerment play out. Negative Fantasy. What this means, is that as you are trying to learn how to use the gun (and you are very, very afraid of the gun), what you are going to do is go into a meditation (or a fantasy). What you are going to do is imagine over and over again the worst case scenario that you can think of regarding that gun. Now, we need to explain something here. Many people, when we talk about this technique immediately say, "Well, Germane, if I imagine that, it is going to happen!" No! No, no, no, no! What you are going to be doing, as you imagine this over and over again, is blowing off any fear charge that you have. As you imagine it over and over again and you see that you are all right and you see that the fear becomes less and less and less and less, you are going to feel more empowered and less disabled by fear. Just a quick statement here on how reality is created ... Often people have thought, "Well if I imagine it, I will create it." However, the mechanism is simply as follows: Whatever you have the most energy behind will be what is created. Whether this is conscious, or unconscious. So, if you have a lot of fear that you are going to accidently shoot yourself, and you are not willing to address that fear, the chances are more likely that you will need to then confront that fear by shooting yourself. However, if, through negative fantasy, you seek to bleed off that held-in charge inside of you of the fear of shooting yourself...if you continue to process and imagine this and see that as the fear bleeds off you are okay, then the loudest voice that speaks to the universe will be the voice of your confidence, not the voice of your fear. Then, the likelihood of you shooting yourself will be a lot less. You draw to you that which you have the most charge over. You draw to you that which you fear most. If you process your fear, you will not draw it to you. We have given this technique to several people and they have stated that as soon as they began using the technique, they started feeling a shift. They didn't feel as overwhelmed by their fear. You have to trust, when you use this technique, that you are in a process of releasing fear and becoming self-empowered. If you fear the power of your own thoughts, that is not an empowering thought. That will create you a situation to support your fear of

your own thoughts. Negative fantasy is a very powerful technique to bleed off that overwhelming fear energy. It is like those obstacles blocking the way of the funnel. When you do the negative fantasy technique, you dissolve those objects. You start to dissolve those objects that are blocking the funnel and so you then begin to feel the flow of the personal power energy coming through the funnel. If you don't dissolve the blocks, you can't feel it. If you can't feel it, how can you ever hope to achieve it? We cannot stress to you how important facing and confronting your fears really is when you are attempting to master your personal power. Question: The only thing that I assume that is important is that should you get to the point where you feel that you want to blame the mother for taking your gun, you have to realize that you need to move through that blame until you recognize that in fact you had to have given her the gun. Yes! That comes right down to what we were talking about - total self-responsibility for your reality. The minute you get into the game that "they" took it (no matter what the external appearances look like), you are going to perpetuate the cycle of blame and never become self-responsible, and then of course never claim personal power. Question: You were saying that you might find that there is a fear of personal thought. You could run the negative fantasy on that fear, as well. Yes. Interesting concept. Question: If that is the thing that you fear the most, then that is the thing that you need to run that process on. Yes. There is another fear technique we would like to share. The reason for giving this technique is because it puts the ball in your court, so that from a point of self empowerment and personal power, you can then challenge your fear and from that point of personal power, you are calling the shots with your fear. You are not a victim to your fear. This exercise is simply that we will ask you several questions. We would suggest that the person doing this exercise get a notebook and answer the following questions.

Four Step Fear Process

1) What do I fear? We would suggest that the person list as many things as possible. This is including physical fears (such as snakes or riding in a car). It is also encompassing fear of success, fear of not being loved, fear of being abandoned. It is the tangible fears and the intangible fears. Write down as much as you possibly can. Take as long as you possibly can to do it. It is going to be very illuminating for you. 2) How does this fear manifest in my life? For instance, an answer to that questions might be, "When I am in fear, I lash out at those I love." It is very important for you to identify the behavior that you engage in when you are in fear. Often you do not know

when you are in fear, because it is a behavior or an energy that you are used to. But if you can learn to identify your behavior patterns, you can then examine your patterns and know when you are in fear. That way, every time you lash out at someone you love, you are going to know, "Ah ha! I must be in fear." Question: And Germane, chances are those patterns will be the same for all the fears, right? Yes. Thank you very much. If you have twenty-five fears that you've just listed, the behavior that you engage in when you are in fear will be identical for all of those twentyfive things you've listed. Fear is fear. Once you've done this second question - started to identify your behavior, this is when you are going to start feeling a little twinge of personal power. Because you are going to start to realize that you have the tool to recognize it, and so you have the tool to confront it. And you have the tool to heal it. The third question would be: 3) What possible value can I find for the expression of my fear? Let us reword this. What value can you ascribe to the expression of your fear? Example: Your fear is extremely valuable because it points out to you when you are having tremendous growth opportunities. If you can identify, through your behavior, when you are in fear, you can stop and say, "Ah ha! This is an extremely valuable time right now, because it signifies something for me to move through which will be tremendously empowering." Question: FDR said that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Yes. Question: Do I get from this third question that what you are trying to do is to shift our viewpoint of having been afraid of fear, to embracing that fear as something valuable in our transformation and our personal growth? When you can accept the value of everything in your life (including the negative, including fear), that will be when you claim your power. Question: The point being that the thing that we have not wanted to confront is more the fear, rather than the results of the fear. Yes! Question: If you are talking about the gun, it isn't that we want to not confront the shooting, it is that we don't want to confront the emotion of fear that is associated with the gun. So you are trying to get us to confront the fear itself, and embrace it. Yes! Humans are more afraid of fear than the actual thing they claim they are afraid of.

Question: Which is why people say whenever they've had for example a terrible car accident, they get through it and say, "That's all there is?" They can't believe how simple it is once they go through the fear. Going back to the beginning of what we were saying - how your ego develops - the minute your ego perceives a threat, it is going to protect you from that threat. Not only is it going to protect you from the threat, it is going to protect you from the feeling of being threatened. That means, protecting you from feeling fear. So not only is your ego protecting you from the thing, it is also protecting you from the feeling of the thing, which is the fear. Question: Is it really even protecting you from the thing? Isn't it's only job to protect you from the feeling? Recognize that a lot of the portions of the ego delude themselves. So it is going to protect you from anything that takes on any shape or form close to the fear. Question: I just have to say one more thing that is hitting me at this point. Any time the ego receives a threat, it reacts with fear. It has one response to any number of invasions. This is the exact same mechanism that the physical body has. It has one response, which is inflammation, and then it goes on from there. It is a one response mechanism. Yes. And recognize that even though the ego has one response - fear - that fear will often cloak itself in other emotions so that it is disguised so that you can never trace it back to the ego. It is a camouflage mechanism. For instance, descriptions of things that are really fear disguised are often: anger, jealousy, protectiveness...we could go on and on and on with this. The fear is underlying all of the disguises that it appears as. And you will need to examine your reactions to situations to really see where the fear is. Fear is it! When you master fear, you master your personal power. The fourth part of the exercise is a fun little exercise that is going to let your subconscious really have it's say. These other portions of the exercise are your conscious mind. The fourth part of the exercise is: 4) Personify your fear. Take a clean sheet of paper, colored pens and pencils, crayons, whatever you want, and what you are going to do is to personify your fear. Draw your fear. Give it a humanoid form - whether it looks like a witch or a vampire, or an ugly monster, make it is ugly and as sinister as you can, but still keep it having the appearance of human. This is a very, very powerful mechanism. What it is going to do is communicate to your subconscious mind and your ego that fear is on your level. We will call this fear character "Mr. Fear." (You can call it "Miss Fear" if you want to, it doesn't matter). Mr. Fear, when personified, is like fear being revealed. It is now vulnerable. It now stands there in front of you and you can see it is your height. It has two arms, two legs. It is something you can deal with. It is not this big, black void.

When you put fear on your level through personification, you can then use all sorts of techniques such as dialoging with the fear to help the transformational process occur. When you've mastered fear, once again we will repeat, when you've mastered fear, you have mastered self-empowerment. In a sense, fear is the one enemy all of you are fighting on this planet - to speak a little bit dramatically. Each of you have disguised Mr. Fear in a different costume. So Mr. Fear is always something outside of you. However, Mr. Fear is something very alive and well inside. And it is the primary blockage toward mastering personal power. When Mr. Fear is brought to your level and embraced and allowed to express itself, you will be on the path toward absolutely and totally mastering your personal power. You are already seeing in your society, in your own circle of friends perhaps, that when one commits themselves to personal growth, one must confront fear, or you will not go any farther. The tools to personal power are very easy, very light. They have the instructions clearly written upon them. But you can't get in the tool box, because Mr. Fear has his foot on it. Until you befriend Mr. Fear, you cannot get at that tool box. You may, when Mr. Fear is taking a nap, sneak to the tool box and pull out a tool. But no sooner do you have it in your hand, he wakes up, and he snatches it back. This is the game that humans have been playing for quite some time. But now you know there is a tool box. Now you know the instructions are clearly written on the tools. Now you know that the only thing standing in between you is Mr. Fear. He's the one to contend with. And he is a part of you. Because he is a part of you, he needs to be valued and recognized for what he can give to you. When you can do that, that is an indication that you are either very close to mastering or have mastered your fear. From that point on, the tool box is clearly open and clearly labeled. It is your playground...and we would say that your mastery of your own personal power in this lifetime in this physical reality is more of a playground than you realize. If there is no fun involved in this mastery, we would suggest not doing it. If there is no joy, if there is no excitement, go back a little bit and work on something else until you can muster the joy and the excitement. Because when you've truly committed toward mastery of that personal power, if you are truly committed and truly excited, then even the fear will be an exciting thing. That also will be a signpost to tell you whether you've really committed, or whether you are still in the phase of "trying" to commit. If your fear is an exciting thing (because it represents the path to your power), then you are full steam ahead. If not, then continue to search for the mastery of your fear before you go further. And once again when you feel the excitement, you will know you are ready. Each and every one of you carries this tool box. Each and every one of you has an equal chance of mastering those tools. We know you would not have set this up if you were not capable of achieving it. And we know that the rewards are great when you achieve it. You are a very persistent civilization. You will achieve what you are setting out to do. Persistence, patience, joy, and love.

Enjoy your road to personal power...for there is a pot of gold at the end. Much love to you! And we send you a good day.

GERMANE: Germane considers himself to be a nonphysical group consciousness associated with the Orion Light - a future integrated version of the galactic family of which we on Earth are a part. He chose the name "Germane" because of it's english definition: "Coming from the same source, or significantly relevant to." There is no connection to St. Germain. *The other primary entity channeled by Lyssa is Sasha, who is described as follows: SASHA: Sasha is a physical female from the Pleiadian star system. She calls herself a cultural engineer and specializes in opening contact with planets who are ready to enter the galactic community. She often provides information about the evolutionary patterns of developing planets, most notably the Earth.

July 25, 1993 Payson, Arizona Sasha Through Lyssa Royal private session

We would like to talk about finance, but from a very different angle. Thousands and thousands of years ago, during the time the Sumerian texts talk about, the "gods" were here on Earth mining gold. They were also mining other metals and other materials. Early humankind was formed then. What we mean by that is that when you have a child, there are certain formative years and it is during those years that you can insert belief systems in the child that they will then carry their entire life. We are talking about the life of a species here. And in the infancy of your species, there were many ideas inserted into humankind by your ET forefathers that you are still carrying today. Some of these belief systems are perpetuating your own difficulties in your societal and governmental structures. Way back, the early humans began to see that the gods were very intent on hoarding the most valuable substance on your planet -- gold. This lesson was imprinted in the soul of the infant species man. Throughout time you have played this out. If you look at the hysteria of the Spanish and Portugese going to South America and Mexico and those areas and taking the gold from the Aztecs and Incas. They melted it down even though it had valuable information carved in the gold! It was an insatiable hunger that man had for gold. This was a playing out of what was instilled in Homo sapiens as a child species way back when. The gods considered gold so precious for several reasons. One has to do with its properties. It is a wonderful conductor of electricity. It is one of the best conductors on your planet. So in terms of electronics, it is sought after. That is more technical however. The ET "gods" at that time used gold as a form of money. They also used it for technical equipment. It was also used in healing techniques. It was one of those all-purpose substances. Beyond that, on the esoteric level, this desire for gold by your forefathers was given to them by THEIR forefathers. Gold is a universal substance. Question: Maybe those ETs were in debt to other members of their society just like we are here. Is that true? That is correct. It is a chain of debt and family dysfunction. There are other, almost mystical reasons for your forefathers' hunger for gold. These reasons would not necessarily make sense for us to explain them now. Later, perhaps. Simply, their desire for gold was a compulsion because of a belief they had. We will deal with that at some

future time. This desire for gold is almost like the passing of alcoholism from generation to generation. Most of the value of gold will have to do with its properties. Because of its atomic structure, it is able to be manipulated in ways that other substances are not. Throughout time there has been the myths of alchemy where lead is changed to gold. There are some energetic dimensional doorways in the atomic structure of gold that allow for it to be manipulated in certain ways to allow its value to increase. It is quite malleable on an atomic level. Right now, most of the people on Earth do not understand its technology -luckily -- at that level. There are some people in secret societies who do understand how malleable the gold atom is and who are attempting to hook back into this interdimensional doorway in order to gain their own sense of power. So far, at least in terms of humans, it has not been successful. But there are, even now, still some ET groups who are still mining gold on your planet very covertly. One of the most important things that we would like you to understand is that the desire for gold is habitual. Most people who are pursuing the gold even today in a compulsive way do not know why they do it. After lifetimes of reincarnation in the same type of mind set, they have lost touch with why they do it. The high value of gold has not changed on your planet. The substance of value has not switched to diamonds or another substance. This gold fixation has been steady on Earth since the Sumerian times! That will indicate to you that there is something going on at a much deeper level. In terms of what is happening now on Earth, we are certainly not going to tell you there are major crises going on that you must prepare for. However, what we would like to express is how important it is for all of you to learn to become self-sufficient in whatever way you can. This is not to "protect" yourself. Rather, the more self-sufficient you become, the less strain you put on the system. This way, the system can go through its transformation with the least amount of drama. The more dependent you are on the system, the more you use the system out of fear and then drain it. That makes the transformation more difficult because the system has too many dependents. Our recommendation for those of you who are able and excited to do this is as follows. As time goes on, if you wish to make investments, it be made in something tangible -meaning real estate, land, gold, silver, platinum, whatever. Those are things where you actually get a physical exchange for your wealth. It preserves wealth in times of economic instability. That is the bottom line. Also, when you put your wealth into something tangible, something happens inside of you on a very deep level. Throughout time (as the debt system grew), you have come to not understand the meaning of value. Value has always changed. One dollar is only as valuable as how much bread it can buy you. You have not had a sense of stable value in your lives. You've not had a sense of your own wealth because the money itself is simply paper--no longer backed by gold or anything. You have lost touch with the nature of value.

When you start putting your wealth into tangible things, things that can carry you through change, you get a sense of the value of your wealth. You get a sense of the value of yourself. You get a sense of the value of your ability to generate wealth. Internally, this changes you. Internally it frees you more and more from the dependency on the system. And one of the most important things we would suggest during this time of instability is that you, in all levels of your life, learn to become less dependent. Learn to be less dependent on your mates, your parents, your government, your economy. If you are less dependent, you take the strain off. If you take the strain off, then the system itself can transform with the least amount of birth pangs. This will benefit you. It will benefit the system, and it will help you gain a sense of yourself and your abilitites on a very deep level that goes beyond the intellect. This is a very internal personal thing that we cannot describe. You will feel very different. And you will see miraculous changes. This is a suggestion. Follow your intuition. If, in your fear, you become more dependent on the system, then you are going to experience chaos. The system cannot sustain that many dependents. It will burn out. To some degree, that is what happened in Russia. Your most ancient texts, like the Bible, talk about the evils of usury. (Meaning lending money at interest). These texts say that usury is the beginning of a chain that leads to destruction. Our suggestion is not to borrow money at interest -- the process itself is based on fictional wealth and is really just a gamble. It promotes disharmony within any system. But everyone has their own choice and it is up to you to decide what is right for you. The ideal circumstance is to pay off all your debts and stop borrowing. That will take the strain off the system and off of you. It will free your wealth to be ultimately used in other directions. Question: If everyone became debt-free, that would really hurt the international bankers, wouldn't it? Yes. You cannot corrupt a system that is based on individual self-responsibility. You can only corrupt a system that, by its nature, has dependency interwoven into it. This is why, throughout time, just about every government in your world has had some level of corruption. The government takes responsibility AWAY from the people. Then, they become one interdependent system. Or, shall we say, they become a "co-dependent" system that eventually leads to total dysfunction and collapse. You cannot corrupt a system based on total self-responsibility. When you have your wealth in tangible things (and do not rely on someone else to "lose" so you can "gain"), then your wealth is clean, cannot be taken from you, and you change inside. If you want to keep playing the games of borrowing and lending, by all means do it but recognize that you may be adding to the strain and helping to create a system collapse. It is a gamble.

We have talked a lot in the past about community. The whole idea about community is not separation. It is integration. We are not talking about hoarding your tangible weath, hiding it, and living alone. No! In a community of entirely self-responsible individuals, no one lives in fear that someone can take something away from them. You naturally reach out to your neighbor then not from duty, but from love. Those types of environments are more wealthy and productive and happy than environments that are based on hoarding your own personal wealth and being afraid that it will be taken from you. In my Pleiadian community, we do not have wealth in the same way you do. But we did come from having wealth in the past and moving into community. I am speaking from my society's experience, so there are other ways to do it. Humans do tend (when left alone to naturally do it) to manifest things in a very Pleiadian way. But you resist it! Question: Are there Pleiadians who are wealthier than other Pleiadians? Do some people have a bigger ship? Well, we don't perceive that as wealth. Question: Well, who owns the biggest ships? The people who want to. Wealth only has a meaning when you feel lack. It is just a matter of polarity. If you can have everything you want whenever you want it, then where does the definition of wealth fit in? There can be no wealth. Wealth is only a measure of lack. Wealth is a measure of what you have against what you or others don't have. In a society such as mine (which is based on a system that we call the "Equal Value System"), because everyone can have whatever they want when they want it and there is a surplus of product, there is no definition of wealth. There is no such thing. Question: Can societies lesser advanced than you have the same system? Absolutely, no question. But it can't happen now on your planet while you are in the present level of fear. If one day the President of your world said, "Okay, from now on we have the Pleiadian Equal Value System." There would be tremendous hoarding because you would not believe you deserve it. You would feel like you would have to "get" as much as you could before someone changes their mind. Technologically, you could create this. Emotionally, you are not at this point yet. There is too much invested in lack. There is too much invested in the belief of the haves and have nots in your world. There needs to be more internal transformation until you can embrace the Pleiadian Equal Value system or your own version of equal distribution of wealth which is not communism. Please do not take this as an insult about your society. Obviously this game of lack and wealth still serves you, otherwise you would not be playing it. So in that, there is value. When you move toward the idea that we were just talking to you about regarding being self-responsible, holding your wealth in tangible ways and living in a community lifestyle,

that is the precursor to the Pleidian Equal Value System. When you are in a community where everyone is self-responsible, you naturally share what you have with others. You know that they will naturally share what they have with you -- not out of a sense of obligation or a communistic credo, but simply because you care about each other. That is the seed which begins germinating the Pleiadian Equal Value System. Many of you are crying out for a new way. You are also feeling drawn to being around other people. It is almost as if you are tired of creating boundaries around you. You are tired of building a brick wall. Speaking of investments, another thing that is good to invest in is yourself. Learn a skill, or create something that can be bartered. That is a tangible investment. Usury (borrowing and lending at interest) is what has caused all the problems in your current system. Your government is in debt to foreign creditors. Everyone is in debt to someone. This is all because somewhere down the line, usury began to be used. In the most sacred religious texts on Earth, it has been one of the biggest evils! It is through the door of usury that much corruption happens. If you become more self-responsible and affiliate yourself with others who are choosing the same, you will always have what you need when you need it. Always. It is a very different way to live. Eventually, this can be one of the roads that leads to the Pleiadian Equal Value System. For those of you who do not know what we are talking about regarding the Pleiadian Equal Value System, it is very simple. It may even sound too simplistic. Everything in our society is equal to everything else. We'll use an analogy. I can go into a "supermarket" and get my groceries. I won't purchase them, I'll simply walk out with them. However, whenever someone comes to me for my service, I give them my service. This allows everyone on my planet to do what excites them and not worry that they can't make a living at it. Your value system now is totally arbitrary. In community, those arbitrary values go out the window. You can't keep changing them to suit your purposes. We view our planet as one wholistic unit. Once we were speaking to someone about this and they were very critical. They said, "Well, who is taking out the garbage, since no one could possible be excited to do that?" No, no one is excited to take out the garbage. However, there have been plenty of people (inventors) who were very excited to invent a device to get rid of the garbage! That is a symptom of a wholistic organism. Where there is a need, there is someone to fulfill the need. This is how our society works. We know this is very alien to you. Look at how many hungry inventors there are on your world who want to invent alternate fuel sources. There are people who want to invent new forms of waste disposal. There are so many people who want to invent things to take away the displeasing things that you have to deal with.

If you suddenly let go of your definitions and your rigid constraints and learned to follow your excitement every day, you would create this! It is just a matter of time until you do. Right now there are still too many people hoarding power, money, and living in fear. One of my deepest wishes is that some day all of you will come to my world either physically or in the dreamstate and get a sense of how we live. Can you really imagine the implications of what we are saying? It has been a pleasure to talk with you as usual. I send my love and best wishes for your continued evolution.

Copyright 1993 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. For more information on tapes and transcripts, contact Royal Priest Research at PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

Preparing for Contact - Tokyo

Lyssa Royal Note: This session was originally channeled with a Japanese translation following each concept. This tape is not available to the public (except in Japan) however several other tapes cover this material, as well as the book Preparing for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness. Lyssa Royal: It is a pleasure to be with all of you tonight. Once again, I am going to give a brief introduction about how I began as a channel for those of you who haven't heard the story. Throughout my childhood I was always very interested in psychic phenomenon but in 1979 I had a UFO sighting with my family and that really put me on the path to what I am doing now. At the time I was in college studying psychology. So one of the studies I had was in hypnosis. And in studying hypnosis I learned to put myself in a hypnotic trance for stress and relaxation. And while I was in this self hypnosis I began to realize that my intuitive ability would increase. So you can see how combining the UFO sightings with putting myself into trance really created the foundation for what I am doing now. I continued to be interested in psychic phenomena and had a very interesting dream which was the turning point. In the dream an entity materialized and touched all of my chakras and he said, "You will be a channel." So I began the process of becoming a channel which was eight years ago. And it's a long process of development which I think never ends. I really don't believe that I was chosen to do what I am doing but rather that I simply made an agreement with other entities and we work together as a partnership. I think that channeling is something that everyone can do. It's similar to the idea that some people are born with a natural ability to do sports. Some people have to work a little harder at sports. So perhaps I was born with a natural ability but it doesn't mean that I am the only type of person that can channel. Even someone who works very hard can channel as well. So the type of channeling that you are going to see tonight I call semi-conscious channeling. What that means is that I don't totally leave my body. That the choice that I made with the entities because I really did want it to be a partnership. So I enter a trance state which to me feels as if I am asleep and dreaming. And the entire channeling session feels like a big dream to me. So when I wake up after the session if I don't really think about what happened during the session then it fades from my memory just like a dream when in the morning you are waking up. Tonight you are going to hear from two entities. The first calls himself, Germane. No connection to St. Germain. The name was chosen because in English, Germane means coming from the same source. And he chose that name to reflect the idea that he as well as we are all coming from the same source. Germane is neither a he or a she but is actually a group consciousness who happens to be quite interested in galactic history.

The other entity that you are going to hear from tonight calls herself Sasha. Sasha is a physical female extraterrestrial from the Pleiadian star system. She also says that she is a future self of mine. My connection with Sasha in some ways is much stronger than the one with Germane because we are reincarnationally connected. We really have an emotional connection. And in her society she is what she calls a psycho-sociologist or cultural engineer. She specializes in working with planets who are just about ready to open contact with the galactic neighborhood. So I am going to enter the channeling state which takes about twenty seconds or so. Germane: Alright, this is Germane. Greetings to you. Well it is a pleasure to be with all of you this night. We have lots of exciting information to share with you. The whole idea of extraterrestrial contact has been getting a lot of interest lately. Humans are beginning to sense that the time is near. And in fact we would agree with that idea. However, contact itself, the way it occurs, may be very different from how it is imagined. So tonight we are going to give you an overview about contact, how it can be brought about and how you can understand it. Now we have outlined seven steps which are part of opening to contact. And these, even though they are numbered from one to seven, don't necessarily have to be in this order. Each of these seven steps are essential parts of the entire process. For thousands of years upon Earth humans have been in contact with extraterrestrials. However, for the most part the extraterrestrials were worshipped by the humans. It was never an equal exchange. This has created all sorts of conflicts throughout history and it has created various types of religious worship. And basically because the early humans felt that these extraterrestrials were more powerful than them, they gave their power over to them. You as a mass consciousness have now decided not to repeat this pattern. And so you are going to do it a little differently this time; you are going to create contact from a point of centeredness and balance. And so the seven steps that we are going to describe will illustrate for you the essential part of your own evolutionary process as you open for contact. The first one is very obvious - acknowledge inevitability. What this means for you as individuals is as follows: That you go within and you begin to search your feelings about ET contact. Begin to sense it's inevitability. And feel comfortable with that inevitability. Begin to perceive it as a solid reality rather than simply just a hope. Because when you hope you keep something outside of yourself and you never bring it to you. So hoping for contact is not the same thing as acknowledging its inevitability. As you create its reality within you, you will then manifest that reality outside of you. The second component is personal truth versus disinformation. What this means is that you begin to explore all the extraterrestrial information that is available to you. And you begin to be discerning. It's alright to throw this stuff out if it doesn't feel right. Begin

to build within yourself a personal truth about your beliefs in extraterrestrial contact. Don't be so concerned about what's right and what's wrong but rather simply what feels right inside. As you do this the natural thing that will happen is that it will help you reaffirm the belief in the reality of ET contact. It's very important for you to acknowledge your personal truth about this extraterrestrial contact. All information that is presented to you in books and on television is not all true. And ultimately the only truth that is meaningful is the one that is meaningful for you. The third component is to embrace humanity. This is a very significant component because many people have these visions of the ET's landing and coming out of their ships and you all run to each other and embrace. That's an idealistic vision. How can you expect that to really happen when you can't even embrace each other? So as long as you continue to create separation between you and others of your species then bringing about contact is going to be very, very difficult. Now this doesn't mean that you have to run out and hug and love people that you normally wouldn't. What we mean by that is simply to begin to recognize that every aspect of your world is playing a very vital part in the entire planet's evolution. So even that drunk, homeless person on the street who is very unhappy is providing an important function for the entire evolution of the planet. Even the rapists and the murderers, as much as you would like to not acknowledge their presence, they too are providing a learning tool for your evolution. So that's what we mean by embracing humanity. Simply learn to stop judging each other. And allow what is there to be there. It is only then that you really allow an alien presence in your reality. The next component - number four, is interspecies communication. You have, for instance, a alien species on Earth right now. The dolphins and the whales - cetaceans have the same type of consciousness as humans but very, very different realities. And therefore communication between your species can be very, very challenging. You can't use language. So if you can exercise your other skills as far as communication goes you are going to exercise all the skills that you'll need to eventually open contact with a extraterrestrial being. It's been very easy to fantasize that contact will be like Star Wars and Star Trek. And all the humanoids basically look like you. We all speak the same language. But your realities are very, very different. Right now, if you imagine how different your reality is with a whale's reality you can see there is a very big gap. There is just as much of a gap inbetween a human and a Pleiadian. So if you can then begin to open communication with other species on your planet you are going to develop a lot of the skills necessary for opening contact with extraterrestrials. Another important component is number five - confronting fears. People always see the world through their own fears. So if you are a very fearful person and always believe that someone is out to get you then you will manifest that belief in every aspect of your life. So then in opening contact with an alien race you will carry those fears into that contact and actually believe perhaps that they are out to get you. So humans will really only be able to have centered and integrated contact when they process their own inner fears. And these are fears that maybe even you are not aware of with your conscious mind. So we are talking about the very, very deep ones. Literally, when you begin

confronting these fears and releasing them the energy on the planet becomes lighter. And you became a much easier species for the extraterrestrials to communicate with. Number six - integrate self and decompartmentalize. What we mean by this is as follows: The human consciousness has many levels to it and between each level is a barrier. And you keep a lot your different experiences compartmentalized into these different levels. We will give you a dramatic example of this. Let's say you are jumped on the street and your money is stolen and you are beaten and it was very traumatic. The experience may be so traumatic that you may begin to repress the memory of it. And for some people they may repress the entire memory of it and have no recollection consciously. What this means is that fear, that experience that caused all that fear, becomes suppressed and lodged in one of those levels that is surrounded by a barrier so your conscious mind cannot get to it. But in your day to day life you may start acting very afraid and not know why because you can't remember the memory. And those unconscious fears then begin to affect your daily life. So, of course, when dealing with extraterrestrial contact if you have unconscious fears those fears will affect the nature of the contact. Humans seem very fragmented from the point of view of an extraterrestrial. They have difficulty communicating with you because of these many fragments. So when you begin to integrate them, these levels, the boundaries between these levels begin to disintegrate. You become a whole person rather than a series of fragments. The extraterrestrials then have an easier time communicating with you. And that integrated place is a very powerful place to be. And the seventh component is to reclaim your power. Now we mean this on several levels. One level could be that so many people have been claiming that there have been world government cover ups about extraterrestrial information. This information has not been released because as a people your civilization has not taken its power in order to bring about the truth being revealed. If you all came together, joined your forces and put your energy into the world you would have the truth within a few days. That's one way we mean reclaiming your power. Another way is on the personal level. And this relates to step five and six. Reclaiming your power simply means to do whatever necessary within yourself to make yourself clear and integrated. And that may mean confronting your fears. Humankind is poised right now on a threshold. You are like butterflies just getting ready to break from the cocoon. This is a difficult place to be. But it is also a tremendously powerful place to be. If you all do want to bring about contact with extraterrestrials think about the steps which we have just presented. And think about what you are willing to do in order to bring about contact. We guarantee you that as you transform yourselves you will bring about this desired contact.

Sasha: Well, greetings to all of you. This is Sasha. We are very excited to be with you this night. We would like to begin by presenting some information that may help you begin to understand the contact experience. For a moment we are going to talk about the human brain wave states. And we are going to simplify it in order to present the information clearly. There are four main brain waves states that humans experience. There is the Beta state which is the when you are wide awake. It is a state where the brain is having a lot of activity. It is a very finely focused brain wave state. And it is the state where you spend most of your day Then there is the Alpha brain wave state. When you are in Alpha you are in light meditation or you are daydreaming. So when you are driving your car or even watching television your brain slows down a little bit and goes into a meditative state called Alpha. In states where you are not really thinking but you are kind of veging out. Then there is the Theta brain wave state. Theta occurs primarily as you are falling asleep. It is the state between awake and sleep. Also, those of you who do deep meditation may enter Theta as well. And then there is the Delta brain wave state. And Delta is what occurs while you are sleeping. All of these brain wave states occur simultaneously. So while you are in Alpha the other three are in a low level. Whenever you have a spiritual experience, a vision or receiving psychic information, you are either in Alpha or Theta. We as extraterrestrials when we communicate with humans we must communicate with you in your most receptive brain wave state. Beta, which is your awake state, is a very finely focused and intense brain wave and we find if very difficult to communicate with you in this state. We simply cannot densify our energy and focus it in your dimension enough to really effectively communicate with you while your are in Beta. So, therefore, we rely on Alpha, Theta and Delta brain wave states in which to communicate with you. Because those are the brain wave states where you are receptive to our communication. Now here is the paradox. Among yourselves, among your people, you have this belief that the only valid experience happens in Beta. So, for instance, when you are waiting at the coffee shop and your friend comes to visit you and your friend says hello and sits down that is happening in Beta. And you consider that very real and very valid. However, our contact doesn't happen in Beta for the most part. This is why humans keep saying, "Why aren't there any ETs visiting?" It is because you are expecting us to come in your Beta reality. Some ETs who are not too much evolved more than you may be able to visit you in Beta. But the ETs like the Pleiadians and Essassanis, we cannot reach you in that state. It is a realm we cannot enter. So instead we communicate with you in Alpha, Theta and Delta. However, to you communications in those realms are invalid. You think it is just a dream or just a vision and it really has no meaning at all. And then you still sit there and say, "Where are you?" We have been there all along. But we are communicating with you in the only realms that we can reach you. It is now up to

you to begin to validate the communication in those other realms. We are sure that most of you have probably some day been taking a nap on the couch and maybe someone in your family has walked into the room and woken you up and said, "I'm going to my friends house for dinner." And then you fall back to sleep. When you wake up later you can't necessarily remember that was a dream or if that really happened. And so it becomes very spotty in your memory. Contact is similar to that. When we contact you we do it in Alpha, Theta or Delta. Alpha would be in light meditation. Theta would be in a very deep meditative state. Delta would be during sleep. But once you come back into the Beta reality the communication in those realms has been totally invalidated. So preparing for contact is not really that you are waiting for the ETs to come to you. Instead what it entails is you beginning to awaken to the contact that has already been going on all along. Many of you have been listening to us talk about the transformation from third to fourth density. Well, one of the things that is going to transform is your brain. You are going to begin spending less time in Beta and more time in Alpha and Theta. And what's gradually going to begin to happen is that Alpha is going to begin to be the valid reality for you. And as you begin to switch from Beta to Alpha you are then going to begin to validate our communications a lot more. So this entire idea about preparing for contact is really a metamorphosis of consciousness. We have been here all along. And we are communicating on the only channels that we can get to you. You'll just learn to tune your radios differently. That's part of what's going to happen as you transform. I have done a lot of work personally with civilizations as they transform from third to fourth density. And I have watched them begin opening to contact. It's an amazing, exciting process. So please do not think of it as a burden. Germane gave you seven steps. We will add one more. Begin to validate the experiences that you have outside of Beta. Perhaps you may want to get a notebook and begin to log all of the different thoughts or visions that you have on a daily basis. Even if you doubt that they are real. Maybe some of you might want to go to a hypnotic regressionists and have them take you back to some of the contacts that you have had that you have blocked from your memory. Most of you in this room have had contacts that you are not consciously remembering. But as the boundaries begin to disintegrate in your consciousness you are going to start remembering. We are going to tell you a story that happened to the channel. This is going to demonstrate to you what we mean by contact that has not been remembered with your conscious mind. The channel and her partner were once driving in a very remote area of the desert. And it was Indian reservation land and there wasn't another car as far as you could see from horizon to horizon. The channel was driving and all of the sudden she heard a voice in her head, not really a voice but like a sensing, that said, "Something is going to happen." And, of course, like most humans she got really afraid. But suddenly right after she heard that message the car died. No power - nothing. She rolled to the side of the road and put the brake on and turned the car off. There was plenty of gas. And she and her partner got out of the car and opened the hood. They looked inside and could see nothing wrong, shut the hood and got back in the car, started the car. It worked find and they drove away. Now that's her memory of the experience.

Do you want to know what really happened? When she and her partner got out of the car and opened the hood their consciousness started shifting. They very rapidly went into Alpha and then Theta. While in Theta, me, myself, came and met them. It was a very brief encounter. We went away. They went to Theta through Alpha and then back to Beta. Got in the car and then drove away. Because they live in Beta they did not even notice that there was an interruption. As a defense mechanism the mind created the perception of a continuous time stream. But, yet, there was contact. Now if the channel and her partner were not compartmentalized in terms of the boundaries between the levels of their consciousness this experience would be remembered. Instead, well the memory did effect them but not consciously. For after they drove away they kept saying to each other, "Don't you feel like something happened back there." The sensing is always there. You just may not trust the sensing and then forget about it. Most of you have had experiences very similar to what was described. Now we are going to tell you one more story. This story we always enjoy telling it because it's kind of fun. It's going to describe for you step by step what happens during contact between a colleague of mine and an Earth female. We will call this Earth female, Mary. Mary lives in an urban city area of the United States. And one night she was working very late in her office alone. This office was in a high rise building. Her soul had planned that night to have a contact. But, of course, the personality, Mary, was not aware of it. So Mary was working at her desk with her head down and suddenly she felt kind of dizzy and disoriented, very tried. She looked up and saw a very incongruous image. There is a petite woman coming into the office and this woman didn't look quite right. First of all, this woman was wearing a man's business suit and it hung very loosely over her body. It looked very unnatural. And also there was something about the woman's face who walked into the office that looked strange. Mary felt her mind go into a state of overload and confusion. The next thing she knew she woke up on her couch in the office. When she woke up on her couch in the office she thought she had had a dream. And she thought she had a dream of a strange woman coming into the office but she just said to herself, "Oh, strange dream. I'll go back to work." She didn't even realize that she didn't remember going to the couch to fall asleep. We will tell you what really happened. Mary was sitting at her desk with her head down. My colleague was a Pleiadian. A very small woman. My colleague walked into the office in the traditional typical Pleiadian jump suit and Mary had her head down. She began to sense an energy shift. This energy shift was very rapid and it caused her to be somewhat disoriented. What happened was that her brain waves were shifting very rapidly from Beta through Alpha and into Theta. As she was barely holding on to her consciousness she looked up and saw this woman in this strange business suit. Now the Pleiadian was not wearing this strange man's business suit. But while Mary's brain waves were changing so rapidly her consciousness tried very hard to make sense of the image that was coming towards her. So, in a sense, what she saw was kind of like a dream image. It was her way of trying to translate alien energy into something familiar. Of course, she wasn't that successful because the image itself was very incongruous. So Mary's consciousness entered Theta and that's when she lost her connection with the Beta reality. The Pleiadian then came to Mary and they had an exchange of energy and

communication. After that communication exchange was finished the Pleiadian helped Mary over to the couch and sat her down. Mary then fell into a deep sleep in order to integrate the experience that she just had. The Pleiadian departed. Mary woke up on the couch having thought she had a very strange dream. How many of you have had dreams about extraterrestrial contact? Many of you. And you have often asked them, "Was this real?" Please recognize that those contacts are real. You just simply, at least right now, have not learned how to integrate them into your Beta consciousness so they seem very, very vague. They seemed very real. But as you begin to pay more attention to these experiences that you have you are going to begin dissolving the barriers between the levels of your consciousness. That's really how you begin to prepare for contact. And it's a very intense transformational process. But you as a species are now ready to begin this process. And you can allow it instead of being a burden to be something fun and enjoyable for you. Q: I would like you to tell me the difference between the higher self and the future self? Well, alright, we will use Germane famous diagram for that. This usually tends to make these concepts a little more easy to understand. Imagine that this circle is the oversoul. The oversoul is the part of you that projects out into many different lifetimes. So let's say that all of these different lives coming from the oversoul are different lifetimes. And, of course, there is an infinite number. This outer line here of the wheel is the higher self. So you see the higher self connects all the different lifetimes that you have. So from lifetime to lifetime you have the same higher self. And this is how if you were to go into the realm of the higher self like through regressive hypnosis that you can go to any lifetime by traveling the line of the higher self. Now being human you differentiate between past lives and future lives. This is because you live in linear time. However, from the entire soul point of view the past and the future exist simultaneously. There is no difference. So the channel then would be one of these lines. Sasha unfortunately cannot write it in Japanese characters [laughs]; is another one of these lines. So whenever the channel goes into her meditative state, the trance state, she enters the realm of the higher self and then travels to Sasha's lifetime. Sasha travels. Sasha goes into the higher self realm and travels towards the channels life time and somewhere in the middle they meet. Does that answer your question? Q: I thank you very much. Are these different selves to each one of us in the audience? We would say yes to that question for your planet has a very, very strong Pleiadian connection. And it's very likely that each and everyone of you will at some point in the future choose to have a Pleiadian life time. Of all the extraterrestrials available to communicate with telepathically we Pleiadians are the closest to humans in terms of easy to contact. And whenever you are communicating with a extraterrestrial often, not all of the time, but often that extraterrestrial is, in fact, a future self of yours. Interesting that you ask the question because at the end of this night we are going to do a closing meditation. And in that meditation we are going to help you begin to connect with

an extraterrestrial energy. In some cases for some of you the entity that you contact will be a future self. Thank you for your question. Q: As I was listening to some of the information I was wondering if I could have been intuiting it in my own way? Ah, excellent observation. Yes, it is a form of channeling. And the channel who perhaps you listened to or gone to see also experienced the same phenomena that you are talking about. They always benefit from the advice that they give to others. Channeling does not have to be done by a separate entity in order for it to be valid for your own higher self is equally wise. And ultimately the source of the information is really not as important as the information itself. Does that answer your question? Q: Can we separate the different levels of consciousness by taking away the elements of our past which are not desirable? First of all we would never recommend to chase away or deny any element of yourself that are undesirable. They must instead be confronted and befriended. For those parts within all of you are very important parts. They are teachers for you. You may automatically assume that if there is a part of you that you do not like it is there to teach you something. So if you chase it away you never learn the lesson. If you seek to befriend it and learn about it then eventually if will integrate within you. Thank you for your question. Q: I was looking forward to tonight. In number four to become friends with the other species on the planet. You mentioned two species - whale and dolphin. Is it okay to start communicating with them on the dream state? Oh, yes, that is actually the easiest level to start. Q: I dreamed I saw a great number of whales in the bay. I looked up in the sky and there were many stars. I saw stars with a pale color and other stars with a very deep color. And there was a woman standing next to me and she told me that the stars that change color are the stars that we can see from this reality - third dimension. And the stars in the deep color are the stars that are in another reality, not of this reality. I was focusing my attention on the silver stars in the sky. The night before as I was going to sleep I wished that I would like to learn more about the unconscious world. Of course, also you have begun the process of opening to contact which the symbols of the whale and the stars in the dream are quite obvious in communicating to you. Dream symbols can convey a lot of information. And there are no coincidences in dreams. It is all synchronicity and it is all communication.

Q: Regarding the channel and her partner when they were out in the desert and she got a message that something was about to happen and then her car lost power and they got out of the car and opened the hood. Did the contact happen physically? In terms of whether the contact happened physically the answer to that is yes and no. [laughs] Remember that reality is a projection of your perception. And right now you are awake. You are in Beta consciousness and so the reality that you are creating from a Beta consciousness is a physical reality. The one you are use to every day. Now, if I was to walk through that door physically something would change. Your brain waves would have to change in order to perceive me. So let's say that you all went into Theta brain wave state and began to perceive me. Because you are in Theta then the reality that you are projecting is a different one than the reality you projected with Beta. So it is a version of physicality but it is not the same physicality that you are in every day. They overlap. This may be confusing to understand. We apologize. So what happens to the channel then is that she got out of the car and she and her partner, their consciousness, shifted into Beta. At that point, she and her partner were existing simultaneously, their bodies, in a physical Beta reality and in the quasi-physical Theta reality. The contact with me happened in that quasi-physical state of reality. If a truck driver drove by the question then is, "Would he see me?" If he stayed in Beta awake, no, he would not see me. He would see the channel and her partner standing vaguely looking off into space. If he chose to enter the Theta reality then he would see me for these realities overlap. What is the second part of the question? Q: What kind of communication do you have with your channel apart from channeling? Well, we actually have quite a lot more communication with her than she realizes. We will be giving some personal information for her so you all will be privy to it. [Laughs.] She has not heard this before. Before this life when she came into this incarnation she made a choice. She wanted to bring the energy of her Pleiadian self onto the Earth plane and blend it with her Earth self. She wanted to heal herself by growing enough to, in a sense, energetically connect with me. So as she grows and evolves in this life she becomes more Pleiadian-like. Very, very often I confer in the dream state. But it is not really like I teach her. Its more that she begins to awaken to what she already knows. This is what happens when you allow the energy of two different lifetimes to begin to blend in the realm of the higher self. You begin to benefit from these other lives. And then the question might be, "Do I benefit from her life on Earth?" Absolutely, yes. You may be thinking how I could possibly benefit from her. But recognize my excitement is to help the contact program open up on your planet. And as I interact with this channel I learn about Earth people and therefore she enriches my work. And not only that I am in touch with a past self of mine which is her and I grow from that. Does that answer your question? Thank you very much. Q: I saw what looked like a UFO or a strange light. Can you tell me what this means? Were you the only ones to see this or were there others with you?

Q: We were the only ones. Did anything happen strange in your dreams that night? Q: Nothing really. Nothing that you remember in your dreams. This was very much more of a personal experience for you and not necessarily meant to be documented? Often future selves will come to people on Earth and you would make contact by visually seeing what looks like a UFO or a strange light. Now this is an unfolding process for you that you are in the middle of so we don't want to really talk too much about it. We would rather let it unfold for you. But simply begin playing with the idea that inside that ship was someone very, very close to you and see where that idea takes you. Q: You say that the Pleiadians have the strongest connection to Earth but what about the other planets? We would say that Earth most certainly has the strongest connection. And we certainly don't want to skip over the important part of your question but much of this information is available already in the book [The Prism of Lyra]. Simply we do not want to repeat the entire long story for the entire group who has probably heard it before. However, we Pleiadians have a genetic connection to humans. And the genetic connection has also helped us to form an emotional connection as well. So its much more simple than us being a bunch of ETs wanting to help you out. You are important to us because literally you are a part of our immediate family. As far as the other planets in the solar system we would say that the only real connection that we feel would be from Venus and that's on a energetic level. In a sense, Venus is a receptacle for Pleiadian energy. It holds Pleiadian energy in the solar system. We will take the last question before the meditation. Q: Are there other ET groups trying to communicate with humans and do they have different methods of communication? That is a very good question. Yes, there are many different ET groups communicating with you presently. And we all have our different methodologies as to how we communicate with you. Some extraterrestrials give spiritual information. Some ET groups try to warn you but use a very fearful message in order to do so. Within the ET groups that are contacting you which are many there are groups that are not very much evolved more than you, all the way to groups that are more highly evolved than Earth humans. You are going to find that the groups that communicate through fear are the groups that are a little bit lesser evolved. So if they get you all worked up and in fear about all the terrible things that are going to happen then we would suggest that you really go within and take what information you can use but not necessarily give in to the power of that fear. For the same information about your planets transformation can be communicated using fearful messages or using messages of love. It is up to you to choose

which type information that you prefer. And that has to do with Step #2 - personal truth and disinformation. As far as whether we see any cataclysms for your planet we do not perceive anywhere near the gloom and doom stories that are being told. The Earth changes on the planet are going to be in direct proportion to how willing you all are willing to change within yourselves. If you resist confronting your fears and integrating yourselves then the planet will have to release that energy as Earth changes. But if you choose to confront your fears and work on your own personal growth then the planet will have no reason to create dramatic Earth changes. You and the planet are very closely connected. Thank you for your question.

Sperm Whales: Making Contact

Sasha Through Lyssa Royal We have been speaking to you for quite some time about the idea of preparing for contact--contact meaning with ETs specifically. But we will get to that in a moment. One of the steps that was recommended in preparing for contact has to do with establishing interspecies communication the likes of which has not yet been established upon your world. For as you work with an "alien" species here upon your own world in your own seas, it trains you to be able to make contact with other lifeforms. Thus, this will give you significant training to reach for the stars and allow humankind to move into a new age of cosmic understanding. Let us first address the idea of making contact. Making contact simply means contacting a consciousness that appears to be separate from yourself. Therefore contacting any other species (whether it be cetacean, wolf, or elephant) is a form of making contact. Making contact can also include making contact with beings not from your world -- ETs, if you will. It can also mean making contact with others from other dimensional realities. But ultimately, what making contact means is making contact with a portion of yourself. The whole idea then of establishing contact with another species such as cetacean is one whose time has come on Earth. It is appropriate now that as you are more and more seeking every day to make contact with yourself, that you reach out to other mirrors of yourself who can bring another portion of you home within yourself. In the years 1994 and 1995 the energy of your mass consciousness will be accelerating toward the idea of making contact with itself -- of discovering parts of itself it has heretofore not wanted to see and has (whether consciously or unconsciously) kept hidden. Therefore, projects of outreach dealing with ETs and cetaceans are perfectly timed in the next two years because the momentum will be such that the mass consciousness will be craving that type of contact in order to make peace with itself. We have spoken about your Earth ecosystem simply being a balanced holistic unit. So is it in the cosmos as well. This reaching out for contact with other species in your oceans (your Earth alien species, if you will) is extremely, extremely important in this time period now in Earth's development. In fact, it is this outreach that will assist greatly in humankind contacting itself, seeing its own reflection, and beginning the healing process. Now we understand that the question has been asked how the sperm whales in particular have a significance to the contact program. First and foremost we are going to divide your world into two segments. The First World and the Second World. The First World is

the cultural time period that existed prior to the flood, approximately 11,000 years ago. The Second World occurred after this flood until present day. You are going to soon enter what we could call the Third World. Within the First World, there is very little of record left that humankind can tap into in order to understand what that First World was like. For that First World was the beginning of humanity itself--not only the beginning of Homo Sapiens, but it was also the beginning of intercultural relationships between human and ET, human and cetacean. It was a very promising time period for your planet. But as you know, that time period did not successfully transition into the Second World, and thus there has been a break in history. Because very little records exist from the First World, there have had to be keepers of the knowledge from the First World that can be released when necessary. These records do not necessarily take the form of stone tablets and scrolls (although some do, even through they have not been discovered as of yet). These records are more stored within living memory banks--memory banks who swim your seas and have a wise and gentle consciousness who, in their infinite connection with the mass consciousness and the ecosystem, continually serve as an unconscious reminder of these records and memories from the First World and the very beginnings of humanity itself. The sperm whale has a unique function in the role of the cosmic picture. They are the repositories of this ancient knowledge in the form of holographic imagery locked within their very huge brain. The sperm whale swims the seas (symbolically representing the unconscious) activating memory, triggering the recognition of this ancient knowledge, even if it does not filter into the conscious mind. So then, you can look at a project of contacting sperm whales ultimately as meaning contacting the unconscious--making the cycle complete between the conscious and unconscious minds so that was once hidden in the unconscious can now come into the light. As you succeed in making connection with these magnificent beings you ultimately trigger a connection with your own unconscious. As your civilization begins entering the Third World, you then open the door to the First World. That energy, that wisdom will support you in your next transition upon this world. The sperm whale, in their massive size, has kept much of this information locked within their cells. Because of their size, they have been well protected from being preyed upon by other species. It is unfortunate however, that it has been man who has preyed upon the sperm whale. You can look at the massive whaling industry in the past (which was targeted toward the sperm whale) as the establishment attempting, once and for all, to sever the connection to the First World. It has not succeeded. This is indication that your connection with the First World will not be severed. The sperm whale are now repopulating themselves and because of this, the knowledge will be held, kept, and transmitted easily as you pass into the Third World. Making contact now is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and the future of humanity. As long as you wish to become a planetary people, you must include within that vision the most ancient people there are-those who live beneath the sea.

Q: It seems to be that roughly the same time period when we were rapidly on our way to killing off many whales, we were also killing many indigenous peoples and intentionally wiping out the knowledge those people held. That is correct. You can also look at the sperm whale as being an indigenous species. This drive toward expansion in the last several hundred years has also been a drive toward wiping out indigenous people. The collective belief was simply that mankind could not flourish as long as the First World memories were still there. This is an erroneous belief, however, it was a fear that nearly wiped out the indigenous populations of the land and the sea. These populations, for the most part, will now flourish if they so choose to do so. Q: What are some of the unique qualities of the sperm whale in comparison to other cetaceans? One of the main qualities is simply the structure of the sperm whale brain itself. Not much is known about cetacean brains on your world, because to some degree their abilities surpass humans. It is not so much that the brain surpass human ability, it is simply the difference between a muscle that is exercised frequently and a flaccid muscle that is never used. The human brain in that sense, has abilities that are infrequently used and validated. In the sperm whale reality, their brain usage (in terms of percentage) is very high. These abilities have to do with holographic thought, multidimensional communication, and telepathic communication. Whereas humankind projects reality externally and lives in the external projection, the sperm whale and other cetaceans in a sense project reality inward and though they swim through your seas, their inner life is as active as your external life would ever hope to be. So the sperm whale, in comparison to other species, has a much stronger brain capacity and therefore to some degree can seem more alien because of what they can do and perceive. They have been silent watchers in your seas, and not much has been discovered about them. In one sense, there is much more known about the cetaceans of the dolphins and orca. The sperm whale remains a mystery to you and is likely to remain one for some time until science begins to understand a little bit more about the brain as being a transceiver for interdimensional energy. Though many of the whale species do hold the knowledge from the First World (or are receptacles for it), most of the other whale species hold portions of that knowledge. The sperm whale holds the entire holographic matrix of the information from the First World. Q: So the brain is like a giant holographic switchboard. Exactly. Q: And the past can be accessed through their brains?

It would be more difficult for humans to project into the sperm whale brain. It is more likely that the sperm whale will emit a frequency that will not be understood or recognized consciously, but that in this frequency will trigger the cells within the human brain to begin unlocking its own multidimensional information. If you will, it is like a giant transmitting station. Q: Do the ETs communicate much to the whales and sperm whales? Oh, yes. You had a movie, the fourth Star Trek movie, which dealt with whales. That was very much of a primer to introduce the idea of the whale consciousness into your conscious mind awareness. We ETs, when we make contact with an alien world for the first time, it is common practice for us to first contact the oldest continual species on the planet. And so for us, we first made contact on your world with the dolphins and the whales even before we made contact with the indigenous human population. It is a matter of respect for us. For when we make contact, we must respect the elders. We always communicate with the elders first. In this case, the whales are the elders. Q: Any particular species? It really depends upon the nature of the contact. However, generally the sperm whale, being the largest brain, is communicated with first. Being the switchboard, the communication is then relayed outward into other species such as the humpback and the dolphins, etc. Q: Is the brain of the sperm whale larger than that of the blue whale? Yes. It also has a higher capacity for processing. Q: So what is the communication like? What happens? You must understand that for us to describe it would be very alien to you. It is not words. It is a simply introduction of ourselves in consciousness to them in consciousness, and a recognition of them as the elders. It is a tentative communication with deep, deep, respect. They are worthy of that. It is a recognition of the creator in them as being equal to the creator within us. To us, it is another portion of ourselves. In a sense, we communicate in whale language or whale thought. Q: Do you perceive them to be from Sirius? How do you see the Sirius connection? We do not necessarily like to say they are from Sirius, because that gets one caught. However, Sirius has played a major role for your planet's development. Some of the entities from Sirius who once had human form felt they could no longer remain as guardians of the Earth in human form because of the politics occurring. So many of these Sirius elders thus chose to incarnate in the form of whale and dolphin to be watchers. That is one idea. Another idea is that simply some nonphysical consciousness from the

Sirius realm in very ancient time chose not to be human and immediately projected into the form of the water elders upon Earth. They have remained that way, gently guiding humanity toward its potential, like a nurturing mother might do so, in the least intrusive way possible. There have been other ET species who have incarnated into the whale form and one would be Pleiadian, one would be Essassani. In a sense, the Essassani life form, as expressed on Earth, is much closer to cetacean than it is to human. Q: It takes more than one incarnate to run a whale! A group soul, yes. Always remember that [when you are contacting cetaceans] what you are reaching out to is a portion of yourself. Be of a playful nature in discovering this portion of yourself, for play is much closer to the whale reality. Therefore, it can be the beginnings of a common language. Always see them as a part of you. Treat them as respected elders. This does not mean distance yourself from them--but know that there is much they can teach you. Some of it may be conscious and some may be unconscious. They have been looking for quite some time to find willing humans to engage in learning, growing, and play. Q: For those of us on land, how do we make the connection with the whales? It is actually very, very easy. The sperm whale consciousness is not bound by time and space. To some degree, it is even more easy to contact them than dolphins. Since these elders from the First World have been here for so long, their frequency has become background noise. Their frequency is very easily hooked into. Simply, before you go to sleep at night, imagine the great body of a sperm whale, its vastness, its smoothness, and its wise and gentle eyes. Imagine it swimming in a deep ocean. Feel the smoothness of its body as it passes through the water swimming gently. Become a sperm whale in your imagination. This will open the doors necessary for you to begin communication with this great being. Communication will most likely first occur in the dream state. You may not even recognize it as communication from the whales for it may take different form in the dream. We would suggest that before anyone does a project of communicating with sperm whales physically that you first do this exercise, if possible, for months before you go to sleep. Then go out in the field. For those of you who wish to explore this form of profound communication, you are in for some wonderful, miraculous surprises!

Spiritual Sovereignty
Germane through Lyssa Royal
February 21, 1992 Lyssa Royal, an internationally recognized channel whose work is seen regularly in such publications as Connecting Link and Sedona Journal of Emergence! is the co-author of several books including Prism of Lyra, Future Sex, the forthcoming Visitors from Within, and is a featured channel in the Sedona Vortex Guidebook. She has been seen on national and international television and has channeled for thousands across the world in Japan, Australia, the Yucatan and the United States, and was recently featured with other wellknown channels at the International Channeling Conference in Crete. Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance" or "coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. For more information, please contact Royal Priest Research, PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046. NOTE Within this transcript several legal terms are used. Following is a definition of these terms so the information may be clear to the reader. These terms are not interchangeable.

A privilege is permission - granted by a higher authority to carry out an activity. When gaining a privilege, one must often give up a natural right. Example According to the U.S. Constitution, people have a right to travel public roads in their private vehicles. However, when they enter into a contract with the state to receive a drivers license, they exchange their constitutional right to travel for a state-granted privilege to drive, and are thus subject to the stipulations of the state (auto insurance, realm of integral registration, etc.).

Rights are natural states of being, whether recognized or unrecognized, that all humans inherently possess. (For example, the right to procreate or grow food is obvious, but not necessarily recognized by documentation.) Some rights are recognized in the U.S. Constitution, such as the right to travel. Rights are nullified when they are exchanged for privileges, such as when one enters into a contract with the state through a marriage or drivers license. When natural rights are exchanged for privileges granted from an outside

source, one becomes a nonsovereign, or a subject of the authority who has given the privilege.

Civil Law
Civil law is the structure that organizes, controls, punishes and rewards individuals who have given up their rights in exchange for privileges.

Common Law
Common law, a law of sovereigns, is based on the idea of self-responsibility and natural rights. It is recognized under the Constitution as being the natural state of being. Only in the last century has common law been methodically exchanged for civil law.

Sovereignty is the state of being achieved when one operates only under common law, or has taken total self-responsibility for their lives.

Spiritual and Emotional Sovereignty

All right, greetings to you. First off we would like to say that spiritual sovereignty is the result of emotional sovereignty. In addressing the idea of emotional sovereignty we will indicate how spiritual sovereignty can be attained. Here are some definitions of emotional sovereignty. First of all, it means liberation, freedom. A state of emotional sovereignty is obtained when a person recognizes, both intellectually and emotionally, that he/she is the total creator of his/her reality and has sole responsibility for him/herself. These concepts sound like simplistic metaphysics, for many lecturers and channels espouse them. However we are going to take you deeper into the areas where you have not attained emotional sovereignty, areas where there is a disguised play being acted on the stage, and the playbill says one thing but the message the play carries says another. We will point out contradictions in the philosophies on your planet, in your own thinking, and in the systems that you have set up. This is to show you that even though you claim you want spiritual and emotional sovereignty, you are actually perpetuating its opposite. There are many points we will bring up that, taken separately, may look as if they are not connected. However we're going to link them to show you just how deep is your sense of non-sovereignty and how ancient is this state.

Sovereignty and the Constitution

Let us first talk about things that are very close to you here on the earth plane, most notably, issues of an educational, political or religious nature. Many on your planet feel that these ideas are some of the cornerstones of your existence. As an example, many individuals speak very highly of the Constitution of the United States and how it guarantees freedom for all people. Yet some things have happened since 1776 that have gradually pulled the wool over your eyes, shall we say, so that you are saying one thing but acting out its opposite. Now, in no way are we pointing a finger; in no way are we telling you you're bad or wrong. All the systems set up on your world, dating back thousands of years, were taught to you by your forefathers (to be more specific, your extraterrestrial forefathers), who have been grappling with these same issues themselves. They looked to your planet as a place where perhaps these issues could be healed once and for all. Thus there is in no way a judgment of you. Your mass consciousness has reached out to us, to other levels of consciousness, asking for assistance to move through this most difficult time. This is a time when you can enslave yourselves more deeply or where you can finally achieve your sovereignty. Within the next 50 years you will decide the direction you wish to go. We and others have answered your call, and we give you our perspectives on some of these things to assist you. Should you choose to use these perspectives, that is up to you. We will, of course, call on those present for assistance with some of the historical facts. We are somewhat limited in the method of channeling that we use with this vehicle to bring through specific historical information that she herself does not possess. Thus if anything we say is historically inaccurate, you may correct us, although historical accuracy is actually irrelevant.

Ways You Enslave Yourselves

We're going to talk about how there are many things occurring within your reality right now that keep you enslaved. We will use a very simple analogy In your society you have set it up so that marriage is a socially sanctioned institution, and in some instances legally sanctioned as well. If you operate within the parameters of marriage, you are led to believe that you have certain privileges. Now, it is a fact not well known that when you enter into a contract such as marriage, there are issues other than marriage. When you sign anything that has to do with a state or a local government, there are times when you actually relinquish certain rights. When you sign a marriage contract, you give up your right to educate your children the way you see fit, giving the state authority to educate them. Thus you give up your right to educate your own children (depending on the laws of each individual state). These things are not clearly understood when one enters this contract - but it's important to note that nobody is trying to "get" you. Because of your own deep-seated emotional beliefs, you have created covert ways to keep yourself stuck in these dysfunctional emotional beliefs. What is covert is what you're doing to yourselves. Do you follow so far?

Another example, one written into your Constitution, is the right to drive. When you apply for a drivers license, you give up your right and are thereby granted a privilege. But because you exist under the Constitution, you have a right to drive. I want to clarify that it is basically a right to travel on the roads. The Supreme Court has ruled that this includes one's personal automobile. Because that is your right, you don't have to do anything to exercise it other than to exist. However, when you enter into a contract (a drivers license), you relinquish that right and subject yourselves to laws that are made regarding the privilege you are now given. As teenagers you are taught that you take drivers education, apply for a license and then you can legally drive. Of course, when you get your license you are then subject to the laws about automobile insurance, vehicle registration, the laws of the road, etc. Your traveling then becomes a privilege instead of a natural right, correct? You're not taught that you have a choice. Another example is common-law marriage -- marriage in the eyes of God (never mind the piece of paper) - retaining your rights to educate your children. Or you can sign a contract and thus no longer educate your own children. You and your spouse become legally bound to each other and are given certain supposed privileges. You are not told you have choice, it is taken for granted that you get married and sign the papers. There is seldom conscious thought about alternatives that may better serve your situation. When you go for your first drivers license, you are not told you have a choice under the Constitution, which your forefathers wrote and which you all co-created. You are not told you have a choice either to retain your natural rights as a citizen or to sign away those rights in exchange for certain privileges and all the laws those privileges are subject to. If you retain, for instance, your common-law rights -your natural rights under the Constitution - even if you are caught by a policeman for speeding there may be a hassle but constitutionally you still have the right to travel. You can be fined or punished only when you have given away your rights in exchange for privileges; then you are bound by the laws. Are we correct? Not having a drivers license, according to the law, does not give you the right to violate the safety laws. According to the Supreme Court you are still subject to the speed laws and other rules of the road. The punishment for not having a drivers license differs from state to state. In Arizona, as you said, it is simply a fine. In other states it can be jail. So there is a wide variety in the type of crime as well as punishment. A misdemeanor in Arizona could be a felony in another state.

Pleiadian Philosophy - 100% Responsibility

The point we wish to make is that when you give up your power to another person or an institution to keep yourself in line, you have given up your sovereignty. Let us give you an example using the Pleiadian philosophy. Let's say that the Pleiadians want to drive cars on your planet. Their philosophy is one of total self - responsibility, meaning if they

hit someone, they are responsible. If they are hit by someone else, they are responsible for that, too. If they are in some type of automobile dispute, each person involved takes responsibility for his position. There are never any victims. In that case what you call your civil law is not applicable. Civil law (the way you set up your system on your planet) ensures that someone is a victim, that someone must be held responsible because no one is willing to take responsibility for themselves. Your system reinforces the idea that someone is at fault, and therefore there must be someone to punish you - because you are unable or unwilling to take total responsibility for your own reality. Thus victimhood is continually perpetuated. How many times a day do you see an automobile insurance commercial on television where the injured person says, "It wasn't my fault. Don't I deserve something for my pain and suffering?" This is the attitude, the dynamic, that is constantly being perpetuated. We recognize that you may not want to change overnight - it may be too much of a shock. However, right now the majority of people are unaware that they are perpetuating the cycle of fear, non-responsibility, blame and victimhood. Imagine what it would be like to drive daily and 100% of the time know that you are creating your reality, know that everything that happens to you is created by you for a very specific reason. If you get into an automobile accident, if you hit someone, you take responsibility for it. Even if you are hit from behind, for instance, you recognize that it is within your reality only because you have drawn it there. Imagine a society that holds these beliefs. It would have no victimhood; it would be a society totally willing to take responsibility for everything that happens to it. You are working toward this, but because you have not recognized the trap you have set up for yourself, it is almost as if you are running on a treadmill trying to get down the street. Once you recognize how deep is the structure you've created, you will be able to start actively changing it.

Anger Is Not Taking Responsibility

Some of you have already been doing this. However, some of the ways you are trying to change it, to get out of the structure, are really dragging you deeper into it. Let's say you have someone who studies the Constitution and realizes that there is a contradiction between what was set up and what is going on now. Let's say this person has a lot of victimhood energy. They become angry about the situation and because they are not willing to look at the source of their anger - their own inner victimhood, their own relinquishment of their sovereignty - they externalize the victimization and see the system as the perpetrator. You then have someone who is angry and decides they're going to buck the system. Let's say they refuse to register their car, get automobile insurance or a drivers license. In their anger, their intent is to make a statement - to cause trouble. This creates resistance toward the very structure they are struggling to pull away from. All it does is balance the intensity of the structure. It will not free them but keep them chained to it. The person

never looks at the real reason for the anger - the relinquishment of personal sovereignty but instead blames that loss on someone else. You can never be sovereign if you blame anyone else for anything. And whenever you do, the structure is kept in place. There are many individuals on your planet who feel they are engaged in good causes when they are acting in anger. But we tell you that anger will never solve the structural challenges of your society. It can never break the structure. The question is, what will break the structure? First an intelligent understanding of the structure itself, why it was created and how it is kept in place. After that it will be necessary to process any anger, martyrdom or victimhood that you feel, and be willing to act from your own integrity not from anger or an intent to make a statement, but because it's the only thing you can do in your integrity. There are people at present who are starting to hear the voice of their conscience, who are processing their victimhood, who are beginning to see the true nature of the structure and how it was put there. And when they realize this in their own conscience, they can no longer keep it intact. They must follow their own integrity. In that choice to follow integrity - cleanly, clearly, with no anger - the structure begins to change. The issue is not the structure that is enslaving you, but the fact that you have allowed it to enslave you. If you can begin to understand why you've allowed this, why you've forgotten you put it here to begin with, then true sovereignty is right around the corner. Comments?

Process Inner Reality, Then Change Outer Choice

(Audience participant) The entire insurance system - not just automobile insurance, but life insurance, health insurance, malpractice insurance, the entire spectrum - seems to be an automatic relinquishment of sovereignty. Yes. (Audience participant) I would think that anyone daring to create their own reality couldn't participate in the insurance scheme. If you 100% absolutely believe you create your reality and know it, you cannot participate in the insurance idea. (Audience participant) I guess I'm bringing it up because it seems to be one of the easiest first steps to take. If someone is ready to regain their sovereignty, to take back their power, it would seem to me that facing this insurance issue would be a good place to start. You just stop paying your premiums. We understand what you are saying, except the person has to be very clear within. We would never suggest that someone stop paying their premiums, because if they still fear an accident, they will draw the accident to their doorway. They will not go through the process of healing by withdrawing the insurance. What we mean is that you will not heal this issue by withdrawing your insurance first and then processing. You will heal it by

processing it to the point of integrity which leads you to withdraw your insurance. You follow? (Audience participant) I follow, but I don't know if I agree yet. Can we talk about it some more? [My wife] has had several patients who had to maintain irresponsibility because they have insurance that would not pay if they were found responsible. Exactly. You are rewarded when you're not responsible. (Audience participant) You said if someone is afraid, they haven't fully processed this thing about being responsible. If they maintain their insurance, that automatically keeps them in the state of irresponsibility. It seems to me you have got to take that step first. Recognize that your reality is not changed by changing the external things in order to get to the internal things. Your reality is changed by changing the internal things, which then affects the external things. (Audience participant) If someone maintains their insurance because they're afraid they're going to get in an accident or be punished if they're caught without it are you suggesting that they process the fear of the accident or punishment before they stop paying their premiums; that it will be much more effective if they first process the reasons why they feel they need this protection? Wouldn't it be easier to find those issues by taking the step and saying, "The insurance isn't doing me any good. it is keeping me from my sovereignty," and stopping the insurance, allowing those issues to come up even more clearly? Some people may choose to do it that way. However, if you removed the physical thing [the insurance], they will simply transfer their inner feelings to something else. It won't solve or change anything. (Audience participant) The distinction, then, is that if they're not on the path, the insurance shouldn't be removed; if they get on the path, then that's another matter. This brings up something else, which is the locking of one's house and car. Obviously, if we create our own reality, then we have to create being robbed. It is amazing that someone could give their power to one piece of metal on a door that when locked makes them feel safe. What you're suggesting is that they should process the fear of being robbed before they leave the door unlocked. Is that correct? Yes, because if they process the fear first, one day there will be a welling of emotion, a feeling, a shift. The realization will come emotionally that they do not need to lock the doors anymore. That will not come in the same way if the attempt is to change the external before the internal. (Audience participant) It feels like I'm advocating taking a symbolic action - doing something, leaving the door open - not to hasten the process but to focus the process.

Some people can work that way; the majority do not. Recognize that the human being is very adept at transferring issues, meaning that if they start leaving their doors open they're going to manifest the fear of invasion in another area of their life. It will always be there in various forms until they process the internal dynamics. We're certainly not disagreeing with you or with any decisions you have made in the past or the future. Obviously they've worked for you. As a whole, our recommendation is to deal with it internally before doing it in the external world.

Dealing with Victimhood

Try to take a day and notice every time you are not being totally 100% responsible for your reality. Try to notice whenever you fear being a victim. If you are completely honest with yourself, you're going to see it often that day. A lot of it is a quite unconscious patterning that is in some ways dormant, meaning that it doesn't affect you negatively. There are many individuals who put a lot of energy into the idea of victimhood. Those individuals might have a very difficult time with some of the concepts we are talking about because it requires you to give up ever seeing yourself as a victim. That means recognizing whenever you reward yourself for pain, suffering, or anything that is not of service to you in a positive, exciting way. Recognize what you are doing, such as letting the insurance companies pay your medical bills only because you were not to blame. You are rewarded by an outside entity if you are not to blame - that concept is totally incompatible with the ultimate concept of common law and of spiritual and emotional sovereignty. The structures on your planet are in place and you're struggling against them to change them, but you can't see what you're struggling against. The challenge now is to begin, in the darkness, to make out the shape that you have created to enslave yourself. We cannot express to you how powerful the changes will be on your planet when you begin relinquishing these old structures. You will do this layer by layer. Sometimes you may think you're at the end, but there will be another five layers to go. It's a very deep process you've created to protect yourself, believing that you yourselves need to be taken care of, protected, told what to do.

Processing with Comfort

(Audience participant) There is an old saying that may have become a premise in our lives "If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem." In other words, as long as someone is contributing to that structure - a system opposed to our sovereignty - they are part of the problem. It seems pretty polarized. Ultimately, there are no problems; it's all growth/challenge. Everything is actually neutral. That idea is too dualistic from our point of view.

(Audience participant) I'm involved in a quiet court case about my refusal to get a privilege license from the government to run my business. It doesn't feel like I'm doing it in anger, although four years ago when I was challenging the drivers license issue there was anger and conspiracy and all that this involved. This time it's simply that I cannot agree to pay the government protection money like the Mafia demands for not harassing you. Operating a business is a right, not a privilege. Would you recommend to someone who operates a business to renew their license, or to process this first before they take that step? Our recommendation is to totally and absolutely feel comfortable processing before any steps are taken, because if it is done with uncertainty or fear, it will add to the strength of the structure instead of helping to dissolve it. That is the way we see it; we are certainly open for disagreement. (Audience participant) I think there has to be a certain amount of processing that occurs anyway, because this structure has become so ingrained that we have to face the fact that when someone is ready to take back their personal power, to regain their sovereignty, one of the possibilities is jail. Yes.

Becoming Sovereign Includes Integrity, Education and Discernment

(Audience participant) I could serve time in jail on this business license issue, because it is a "crime" I have committed. In some states, the drivers license issue could lead to jail. There is also jail for the insurance issue in some states. So people have to get to the point where they recognize the consequences of their actions on both sides - the consequences of having given up their sovereignty and continuing and perpetrating this state - and the consequences of taking their sovereignty back. Yes. There is a gray point between the black and the white where the transformation will occur. The consequence for bowing down to the system is that you keep the structure intact There are definitely consequences for pursuing the sovereignty idea, because you may be punished. However, what it comes down to is acting from your integrity. In your own inner searchings, when you find what your integrity is guiding you to do, your sovereignty lies in following that. As you are soul-searching, one of the key ideas is educating yourself on the Constitution and as much law as you can; educating yourself beyond the textbooks that the structures provide for you, because the textbooks are written within the structure. You must educate yourself from the source. That is where one of the big challenges lie, because many of you have not been able to tell the difference between textbooks written by the structures and "clean" information from the source that leads you into sovereignty. It is a process of discernment.

Victimhood In Daily Life

We don't want to sound harsh, but your social brainwashing is phenomenal. For instance, individuals who call themselves patriotic Americans have certain beliefs "Patriotic Americans pay their taxes." However, when you research it you will find that the taxation system as it exists now is not only contrary to the Constitution but is in some ways illegal. Are we correct? (Audience participant) You're absolutely correct. The tax system is not even part of the Constitution. The States never ratified it. Why do you think your early Americans had the Tea Party? Because of taxation without representation. If you do your research, you will find that the taxation system as it is set up now is illegal. You have said that the Sixteenth Amendment was not ratified. (Audience participant) The Sixteenth Amendment - income tax - was never ratified. So the premise that patriotic Americans pay their taxes is a distortion of the original intent of the Constitution. The second premise is, "All good Americans go to war when they are called." Think about this Can you ever be of service to yourself or to your country if you are doing something that you believe is wrong? Individuals who unquestioningly follow that premise may be in direct opposition to what they feel. A corollary to the second premise, "All good Americans go to war to fight the enemy," declares that you can be a victim, that there is an enemy, and that there is someone out there you must defeat. This idea of good and bad, enemies and heroes, will not free you from the structure. Instead it keeps you enslaved. Now, examine day-to-day things. For instance, there are laws that make you wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle - protecting you - because it is assumed that you are not capable of protecting yourself, of being responsible for yourself. So something is imposed upon you. There are hand-gun laws - an attempt to control - because there is the belief in perpetrators and victims. This belief is constantly fed. Keeping drugs illegal is another false attempt to protect "innocent" people. All of these systems you have set up prevent you from understanding what sovereignty is. Sovereignty is taking total, 100% responsibility for yourself as an individual, for your community and for your planet as a whole.

The Constitution Always Leads to Sovereignty

(Audience participant) We've been talking about present-day issues. Will you discuss some of the history of sovereignty? For instance, the founders of this country - George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson - were all Masons.

That has Sirian connections. The Sirians were the ones who originally tried to liberate you. (Audience participant) A great distrust for Masons has grown among many of the patriot movements around this country and among people who claim to be seeking their own sovereignty. They take issue with the Masons because of the latter's involvement with the Trilateral Commission conspiracy and so forth. There is a dichotomy that has developed. Do you have any comments about the intentions of the Masons, of the Founding Fathers anything pertinent to the founding fathers' understanding of our sovereignty and what they expected to accomplish with the Constitution? We have to bring your extraterrestrial forefathers into this because there is a very direct parallel between your Founding Fathers, Masonry and the Sirian group that attempted to liberate you. When the Sirians attempted your liberation, they assumed that you needed help. Right there is a sense of inequality. Yet some of their methods were used by the Founding Fathers as well. Some of the Sirians - the genetic engineers - put certain latent genetic codes in you that will soon be activated. This to ensure that you would eventually be triggered into certain types of understanding. Your Founding Fathers did the same thing. They were very, very clever. It's not visible to the eye, but the way the Constitution is written, if it collapses in upon itself, if it is perverted in any way, it will eventually turn around and work for your sovereignty instead of against it. Do you follow? (Audience participant) Is this an example of what you mean? Recently in Arizona the automobile insurance law was changed, and recent statistics show that only 50% of the people have insurance. To register your car now you must actually produce proof of your policy rather than just state that you have it. If you cancel it and are stopped by the police for any reason, they are told to take your license plates. This will occur over the next 12 months as people's registrations come up for renewaL Of course, insurance rates in this state have skyrocketed. The only response I can see to this whole process is that by the end of this year there are going to be so many people ticked off that they will demand their sovereignty. Thus the perversions of this issue will result in an increase of sovereignty, not a decrease. Is that what you're saying? Exactly. The more oppressive your structure becomes, the more individuals are going to feel the pressure. The more they will be spurred on to do their own research and the more they find out about their rights and their "privileges", then the more they will begin exercising their rights. It's not going to come by rejecting privileges; it's going to come by exercising rights. You see the difference? (Audience participant) Was the Founding Fathers' shrewdness totally conscious on their part? Let's say they didn't understand it to the point where they could explain it to you. It was a sensing - a knowingness and a guidance. They believed very firmly in what they were doing. It's necessary to understand that there is no bad guy in any of this. The Emancipation Proclamation, the abolition of slavery, has caused some of the shifting in a

non-conscious way. You had a group of people who once had special laws written for them, and when they had to be integrated into society, the structure of the laws needed to change. Often the laws were written as an adaptation to a circumstance that had a lot of pressure around it. This adaptation was never checked and balanced with the Constitution; it was a pressured, in-the-moment expedient. Again, there's no bad guy here. It's just layer upon layer upon layer of distractions that have solidified the structure itself.

Extraterrestrial Background
(Audience participant) I would like to pursue the concept of sovereignty among first- and second-class citizens. You mentioned slavery, but I'm thinking of the white man coming into North America and driving the "Indians" before him, viewing them as inferior being would you trace that attitude to extraterrestrial roots, back to the time when the original Lyrans left Lyra, came here and then later went to the Pleiades? This was when they found Earth and populated it. Then along came this new group of Lyrans and the Sirians to make this their showcase, their genetic experiment and so forth. Didn't the Lyrans and Sirians recognize the "property rights" of the Pleiadians? What was their attitude in terms of property rights, private ownership? The closest analogy is that of the white man and the Native Americans. What was the thinking at that time in terms of sovereignty? Did the Lyrans and Sirians feel they had the right to come in and take over? Recognize that your forefathers were struggling with some of the same issues then that you are now, and they had not resolved the idea of property rights. It was basically the same as it is now on your world the strongest one --the one with the most toys - wins. In that particular situation you're talking about, the Lyrans did not drive the future Pleiadians away; the future Pleiadians chose to leave. However, had the Lyrans continued their aggressive interactions, they would have eventually driven out those Pleiadians had the latter stayed. Ownership is based on what you can seize, in terms of this galactic history. Recognize that when people feel they have to take something from someone else, they must in some way believe themselves to be lacking; they must in some way be deficient in their sovereignty. When one is truly sovereign, coexisting with other sovereigns, there are no property disputes, there are no ownership problems. To describe this type of reality is very difficult, because to some people it sounds like communism. But that is not at all what we are speaking of.

Forefathers Taught Victim/Aggressor Roles

Unfortunately we cannot tell you that your forefathers had wonderful and wise ways of dealing with these things, because they didn't. You learned what you are experiencing now from them. You learned from them that the strongest rule, that some are victims and others aggressors. Even to this day, in the collective human soul there is the belief that

you don't own this planet. This belief is what has delayed you for so long in taking a global stand environmentally and socially. You still don't believe you own the planet or that you exist and co-create with the planet on equal terms. You have no concept of your own sovereignty. In an attempt to figure out what sovereignty is, you take from others. (Audience participant) It seems to me that our misperception of our own sovereignty is exactly what the Lyrans wanted us to believe, especially in light of the fact that it was the Sirians that had to come in and free us. There seems to be an extraterrestrial assumption that we are inferior, like the Caucasian assumption about Blacks. Is there an extraterrestrial belief that we don't possess any rights and that we exist as Homo Sapiens only as a privilege granted by our creators (the ETs)? Has our entire pattern as a species been that of existence by privilege and not by right? Only extraterrestrials who are insecure with their own sovereignty would believe that. However, your forefathers and the offspring of your forefathers have evolved quite significantly since that time.

Rights and Privileges

We would like to define the difference between rights and privileges. These words are not being used interchangeably. Privilege is something that is granted to you from another source. Right is inherent by your existence, innately. For instance, you have a right to celebrate God. But you're given the "privilege" of worshipping God when you go to church and pay your dues. (Audience participant) We have talked a great deal about the nature of the agreement between the Zetas and Homo Sapiens. If there is an assumption that we exist as a privilege (whether it's our belief or the ETs), this contract, whether it be a contract between us as a species with the Zetas or individual agreements with the Zetas, is similar to the drivers license issue. Is it exercised from our side without conscious knowledge of the consequences? Absolutely. You have used the term implied consent. Because you believe your existence is a privilege, then your interactions with the Zetas are subject to the laws of that privilege in the masses' belief system, and some of those laws you may not even be aware of. (Audience participant) Then it is like my having a drivers license and my belief that driving is a privilege granted by a higher authority. This "higher" authority grants me the privilege of using the roads, using an automobile, etc. By accepting that privilege, I've implied my consent; therefore I must agree to have insurance, registration and not let someone else use my car who does not have those things. All of this happens because I have accepted the privilege rather than exercised my right? When you already have the right to travel automatically. (Audience participant) And so the Zetas, of course, read our unconscious minds and know that we think our existence is

a privilege. Therefore when we ask, "Why are you doing this?" they say, "We have the right". Yes, because you have implied your consent by playing out the role of a helpless species. That's one way of looking at it. If you were sovereign, no one could have rights over you, but since you're not active sovereigns, someone assumes rights over you. There's always hierarchy in a nonsovereign atmosphere, but in a sovereign atmosphere there is never a hierarchy. As a species, you have the right to interact with your galactic neighborhood, to know your heritage. You have a right to explore all levels of consciousness and reality. You have set up privileges to protect yourself from some of the scary things because you feel nonsovereign. And as you build this elaborate structure (based on privileges and not rights), you start distorting your own version of the universe. Those rights that we just mentioned are always active, but if you are not sovereign, you can't interface with them. Therefore, you will act out your right to interact with other species through the privilege structure you have set up, which will be equal to your belief systems. To put this in another way, you will always act out your right to travel, but because you are not sovereign, you must act out that right according to the structure of the privileges. Therefore, you act out your right to travel through the privilege of your license, your insurance and your registration. Do you follow? This is a very significant point. With the Zetas, you will always act out your rights as a species. Your rights will always be there, but you can't see them. You can't know your rights unless you are sovereign. Therefore, you must act according to the nonsovereign privileges, which seem as if they are given to you by someone else. Therefore, because you believe you are not sovereign and can be victimized, you will act out your right to communicate with other species through that belief system and the structure that allows you to be victims. You are, in fact, always in touch with your rights. You've cloaked them, you've twisted them, you've distorted them into your privileges and have come to believe that privileges are rights, when they are really two different things. In terms of the Zetas, the only framework within which you could interact with them has been one of inequality, hierarchy, manipulation, control or fear because those are the very structures upon which your society is built. Do you follow? (Audience participant) Obviously, one of the things that keeps us from claiming our sovereignty is our religious structure. This concept that God is sovereign and that we are his subjects agrees with the early ET influence; this is what they wanted us to believe. Can a true sovereign ever have subjects? No. Absolutely not. If the religious structure broke apart on your planet, every other structure would collapse. No other structure could support itself after that.

(Audience participant) We have played that out in our society. We have called people "subjects." We have called a baron or king a "sovereign," and they have had subjects. However, to some degree you are also interlinked. In only one sense are we saying this You could never truly be sovereign unless everyone else in your reality bubble were also. That doesn't mean everybody in your world, but everyone with whom you interact. This is one way of looking at it. The sovereign king can never truly be sovereign, in the sense that he can't be sovereign if he's dealing with inequality. (Audience participant) I have something to clarify. Let's say I am truly sovereign and my friend is not. What if I see him as a complete sovereign, even though he is playing the role of a subject? You see him as a complete sovereign because it's all the sovereignty you can allow yourself to see. Recognize that there's not a point of 100% sovereignty, just like you can't limit yourself to the amount of love you can feel today. There's no end to sovereignty. So your ability to see sovereignty reflected in other people is limited by how much you can see in yourself. It's ever-expanding. Thus you may look at your friend and see a total sovereign. He may not feel sovereign; you are simply mirror reflections for each other. As the entire planet plays out the sovereignty issue, you will help each other. You're all intricately intertwined, though you would like to think you're not. You're not dependent on the other person for your attainment of sovereignty, but at the same time their reflection of sovereignty to you is crucial. Obviously this transformation into fourth density is very much a part of claiming your sovereignty.

Sovereignty Techniques
(Audience participant) This is such a widespread issue - through religion and politics and economics and sex and relationships - is there anything in particular that someone might do to start on this road? Each person will be different, but you can start by identifying the areas of your life in which you are blatantly nonsovereign. Look at those. Understand why that is so. We'll give you some hints First, look at your religious structure. Look at your political structure, your economics and your education system. Then look at your legal system. (Those suggestions are going to open a can of worms.) Each person will go through the process of attaining sovereignty in his/her own way. We would suggest that you obtain any research material you can. There are schools that teach these principles (and we're not referring to metaphysical schools; we're referring to schools that teach common law). That's a start for some people. There's no structure to follow on your planet to become sovereign, because it's not anything you've ever experienced. You are creating the structure as you go. (Audience participant) Can there ultimately be a structure? In a sense, there cannot be. Each has to do it in his own way.

(Audience participant) I like the idea of becoming sovereign and I want to begin taking steps. I found blocks to that in my Life that have shown me I am not truly sovereign. You don't feel truly sovereign, you mean. (Audience participant) At various times I have found myself in a position of borrowing money, or using certain rationales to renew my drivers license. Sometimes it's very difficult to be sovereign without your own piece of land. Here is a case where if you forced this on the physical level you would not accomplish anything, because the internal ideas must first be processed. (Audience participant) That was my frustration. I found myself wanting to take too large a step, which may have been self-sabotage on my part Does that make sense? Yes, because to some degree the self-sabotage would be the reinforcement of your identity as a failure. (Audience participant) And as a "subject" using these terms. Yes. And if you are willing to take specific steps to achieve that, you do what you can. You did some very valuable things internally. (Audience participant) Internally, but I am concerned about my external reality, because ultimately to be sovereign you must take physical action. I imagine a lot of people are in a situation similar to mine. You are correct. But there is never a need to force it. Force implies resistance; resistance is what makes force necessary. We would always suggest that you do what you can. What you are attempting to do on your planet with this sovereignty idea is to stop keeping the dynamic of polarity in place. Therefore, when you go inside to process and then take the steps from your realizations, you are not using force. Force is not needed; thus there is no resistance. It is much more thorough, much more transformational. Do what you can. Keep processing. There are small steps being taken. Recognize that the shift in your own belief system is extremely powerful, not only for you but for mass consciousness in general. Let's give you an example. Let's say you went to war. Which has more impact - 100,000 men burning their draft cards out of protest or 100,000 men shifting their consciousness? It is tempting to say that burning draft cards has more impact, but that is not the case. Those people who burned their draft cards may be burning them out of anger or fear, not necessarily out of a change in consciousness. (Audience participant) If 100,000 men burn their draft cords and don't go to war, are you saying it is not as effective as a change in consciousness- even though 50, 000 of those men may actually continue to participate in the war (if that's possible with the change in

consciousness)? I used to think that the physical demonstration of burning the draft card, for example, was the most important step that could be taken. But you are saying that the change in consciousness of the draftees is much more important than the physical action of burning the draft card. Yes. The change in consciousness is much more impacting than you can possibly imagine. Let's say there are 100,000 people burning those draft cards. Maybe some men are burning them because they are mad at their fathers, consciously or subconsciously. They don't care if they go to war; they're just mad at their fathers, and this is a way to vent that anger. If they're doing it out of anger they may have no idea why they are angry. If they delve into it, that's when they start changing their consciousness. Someone who gets a drivers license after being educated about rights, privileges and sovereignty has taken an immense step - because now he's not doing it out of denial or ignorance. Instead he is doing it with a shift of consciousness, doing it consciously. Let's say that 100,000 men burn their draft cards because of a change in consciousness. But in this little story let's say they were forced to go to war anyway. Having those 100,000 men with that change of consciousness in the army will have a tremendous impact on the mass consciousness of the army itself. (Audience participant) I think we saw that in the Iraqi conflict and that may have manifested as very few deaths on one side. Even though there were lots of Iraqi deaths, there could have been ten times that number. There was most certainly a shift in consciousness in terms of the troops that went to Iraq. Many went not because they believed in the conflict, but because they felt in some way that their energy, their consciousness, would be useful. Therefore, to judge a man for going to war when you do not know his motivations actually helps to maintain the structure of dysfunction rather than disintegrate it. (Audience participant) If the consciousness shifts in these 100,000 men before they go off to war, they're not going to burn their draft cards out of anger. Instead they are going to realize precisely what step binds them to the Military. It is not the draft nor the induction, but the taking of the oath. Which they do voluntarily. (Audience participant) The insidious thing is that the government and the Military do not point that out. They tell you that it's the induction that turns a Civilian into a Military person. You are led to believe that, yes. We want to clarify what you said. There may be some confusion, and this is a very important point. You are led to believe, just like with the drivers and marriage licenses, that when you get that draft card and you are inducted, you must serve. However, you are never committed to serve until you raise your hand and take the oath, and the taking of the oath is voluntary.

(Audience participant) Because being forced to take an oath is invalid. And so, as you said to the channel, there have been men who have not taken the oath and thus were dismissed from the induction and didn't have to serve. (Audience participant) Yes. It caused quite a commotion, but they were ultimately dismissed. The oath that you take to get into the military is a voluntary oath, and you have not known that. The marriage license is also a voluntary procedure, as is the drivers license. Paying taxes is a voluntary procedure. But you have led yourselves to believe they are not, and that is what is insidious. Let us go back to the beginning of this session before we close. Emotional sovereignty means understanding your reasons and motivations and healing those denied parts of you, which will eventually lead you to take 100% responsibility for your reality - and the result of that is spiritual sovereignty. You are on the path. You will create it. Have patience and trust yourselves. Much, much love, and goodnight.

The Beginnings Lyssa Royal Germane Through Lyssa Royal Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance" or "coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. Note: This session was recorded in Tokyo, Japan and was taken from a tape with a Japanese translation. This session was recorded at Tokyo's largest New Age Bookstore called "Yoyo." Germane: Greetings to you. This is Germane. It is a pleasure to be with all of you this night. The first thing that we are going to do is describe for you the different ET groups that have interacted with Earth throughout history. Now obviously there have been quite a few, so we are going to give you just some of the main characters, and we are also going to have to generalize a little bit.

The first group we would like to describe for you is the group that we call Lyrans. You might say that they were the authority figures. You will find that during the times they were most active on the Earth they used symbols to depict their group; the most common symbols they used were of birds and of cats. To describe what these ETs physically looked like, we will generalize: Generally, the Lyrans were built in a very sturdy way, Caucasian-like, very large. Generally, they had light skin, and even though light hair and eyes were the most common, you would sometimes find Lyrans with dark hair. As a group one of their most predominant characteristics was being authoritative. Often throughout history they played the role of, in a sense, parents. They were very strict. They had a lot of dogma. You might say they were like father figures. Humans both loved them and feared them, much like an authoritative parent.

Another group that was here very much throughout history were the Sirians. The symbols they used throughout time were usually of serpents or dogs. Physically, as a generality, the Sirians had darker skin, darker hair and eyes, and were not as large as the Lyrans. As far as their personality characteristics, we would say that they were very devoted to serving mankind. Whereas the Lyrans were committed to ruling mankind, the Sirians were interested in helping or sometimes even saving mankind. They could be very, very zealous, and because of that trait,

they often interfered where they did not belong. But you could say they were the crusaders for mankind. The other significant group that we will mention are the Pleiadians. Their symbols were also at times birds or winged figures. They also used the symbol of the seven stars. Physically, and again we must generalize, they were similar in skin, hair and eye color to the Lyrans but much smaller. So, for instance, a typical Pleiadian woman would look very much like this channel in size. Now the Pleiadians had a very, very deep love of mankind. It would take too much time to explain why, but genetically they are connected to you, so often throughout history they have been drawn back to Earth in order to help humans. Not only do they have a genetic connection but they also have an emotional connection. They always tried to nurture and protect you like a mother. Now you know that you may have two parents, a mother and a father who love you very much, but at the same time these two parents may also fight over you. Sometimes they may even manipulate you to get back at the spouse. The same thing happened with these ETs. They often, in their love for you, fought over you. Unfortunately, they also at times manipulated you. Because the ETs often fought amongst themselves there were often territory disputes about the land and the people of Earth, and so often the Earth was divided into sections and certain ET rulers would be responsible for certain sections. It is unfortunate that a lot of the information about these times has been lost. However, some of it remains in the Sumerian texts and we will talk a little bit about that later. Before we go into the future it is important to say one thing. Ancient humankind was never a victim of these ETs. All beings create their own reality for their own purposes of learning and growth, and ancient humankind was the same way. We never like to put humans in the role of being victims.

Atlantis and the Great Flood

We are going to begin our story by talking about Atlantis. Most of you are somewhat familiar with what happened in Atlantis. Generally speaking, there was a lot of extraterrestrial fighting going on during that time. There was also a lot human corruption going on as well. Many of you have already heard about the destruction of Atlantis and we are not really going to get to talk in depth about why Atlantis was destroyed because in some ways it is another subject. But we are setting the stage for the other information that we would like to present. Now some of you are familiar with the Christian story about Noah. As the story goes, Noah was warned by a serpent and told to build an ark. Everyone thought Noah was crazy, but he built his ark anyway; as the story goes, because he built the ark he was able to save humans and animals. Now he built the ark at the same time as the destruction of Atlantis - the Great Flood. Obviously, a serpent did not really tell him to build an ark; but as we previously said, the Sirians used serpent symbols to depict themselves.

There wasn't just one Noah, but many humans around the planet who received the Sirian message to build arks, for the Sirians really wanted mankind to be saved. It is unfortunate to say, but the Lyrans did not want mankind to be saved. They were not going to tell anyone about the flood that was coming. To simplify the reason for this we will simply say that the Lyrans preferred to start over again with Earth and that is why they were going to allow the destruction of mankind. You all know the story about Noah and that he was successful. Many humans around the planet were spared from the flood and they were still able to flourish as a race.

Ancient Sumeria
It took some time but eventually major civilizations came into being again. The main historically recognizable one was Sumeria. At the point where Sumeria began flourishing, the ETs began coming back to Earth; mostly Sirians but also some Lyrans. The territory disputes began again and they had to divide the Earth into regions that different ETs began to rule. Once again the ETs began fighting amongst themselves, and once again mankind became like puppets. Many, many, many of these stories are recorded quite clearly in the Sumerian texts. They have not all been translated but some of them have been. We are aware that there is a book on your world and we believe it is translated into Japanese. The title of it is The Twelfth Planet. The author is Zecharia Sitchin. If any of you are particularly interested in finding out some of the juicy dramas that occurred in Sumeria you will find them in this book. We would like to use Sumeria as the beginning point for modern history because so much of the ETs' conditioning of humans was absorbed during Sumerian times; some of that is still being played out today, unconsciously. First, let's talk about the pyramids. In ancient days in Sumeria there were structures very similar to the pyramids that you now find in the Yucatan. They had flat tops which were landing areas for the extraterrestrial spacecraft. All of these pyramids are now buried, mostly in the area you know as Iraq. Many of them are really in ruins. You might not even recognize them as pyramids. However, you still have the Great Pyramid. Anyone who has ever visited Egypt may have sensed that the pyramid is not necessarily Egyptian. You know if you have been inside it that there are absolutely no inscriptions on the walls. In fact, there is no architecture at all that even suggests anything Egyptian. That is because the first version of that pyramid was built during the time of Sumeria. It is much, much older than scientists know now. It has been reconstructed several times. However, that pyramid was used for at least a thousand years, if not more than that, as a very important extraterrestrial base. As many of you suspect, there are a lot of chambers still undiscovered. What is quite interesting is that the Sumerian texts - of course, Sumeria is older than Egypt - talk about the Great Pyramid. That alone would tell you that the pyramid is older than the Egyptian civilization. The pyramid was used in a lot of the territory disputes. It was

considered the prized possession; whoever held that pyramid was the dominant ET group.

The Importance of Genetics

Now I am going to stop here for a moment and we are going to talk about how important genetics were to these ancient ETs. Each ET group that was interacting with humans at that time felt it was very important to control the genetic mixture of humans on Earth. Ultimately, the ET groups wanted to create an advanced version of mankind that they could then begin incarnating into. So they tried to control the breeding on Earth for thousands of years. There is a very interesting creation story that comes from Egypt. It is the story of Osiris and Isis. The story put simply is this: Isis and Osiris were brother and sister and also husband and wife. The story says that Set, another Egyptian god, was very jealous and he sought to kill Osiris. Set found Osiris, cut him up into many pieces and scattered the pieces all over Egypt. Isis was so upset that she sought help of her colleagues and went about trying to find all of the pieces of Osiris to put him together again. The story says that she found all of the pieces except the phallus. But she was able to put Osiris together again anyway and he lived. Isis spent the night with Osiris and was impregnated. She was impregnated with Horus. You may wonder how Isis could have been impregnated if Osiris did not have a phallus. Well, who ever said these myths make sense? We are going to give our version of this story. Isis and Osiris were two of the most prominent ruling ET gods on Earth at that time. Set was also a very prestigious ET ruler, although he was secondary to Osiris. But Set craved power. He knew that if Osiris and Isis stayed together and had a child, that child Horus would be ruler and he, Set, would stay in the secondary position, so he had to find a way to kill Osiris. During this time the ETs had a lot of technology. He knew that he had to destroy the reproductive organs of Osiris, otherwise they could still produce offspring. We would say that the myth of cutting Osiris up and spreading the pieces around is really just a metaphor for the idea that Osiris was killed and his body was hidden. His body was hidden but not destroyed because Set believed that maybe some time in the future Osiris' genetics could be used to his advantage. But the phallus was taken and put in another location. Now, Isis found Osiris' body. Obviously, she could not have been impregnated by a dead husband with no phallus. [Germane laughs.] They did have a lot of technology then, though, and Osiris' life was restored; but he could not reproduce in the usual way. So the legend says that they went up to the heavens but, of course, they went up to the ship. And what they did was take some of Osiris' genetics and clone them with Isis' genetics to produce Horus. Through a series of cloning and artificial insemination and processes that you are not familiar with here on Earth, Horus was created - they didn't need the phallus

to do it - and Egyptian history talks about the divine birth of Horus. So Horus was born and he became a very powerful ruler. Set, of course, was always angry. This is an example of how a myth that may not make sense does make sense if you look at it from another point of view. Earth history is filled with myths that seemingly do not make sense, but they really are stories of not only your extraterrestrial heritage but also of the adventures of your forefathers. Now let's stop here. We would like to know if there are any questions about the material that has been presented so far. The Earth human at this time, I believe, was in third density. What dimension or frequency were the Sirians in when they thought of this idea of controlling mankind? They also would be considered third density. In terms of the evolutionary scale, they were at the same place in third density that you are at in third density now. Humans on your planet, as a whole, do similar types of manipulations at this point in evolution. Eventually, as time passed, these beings did transition into fourth density but that was some time down the line. Does that answer your question? So it is possible to create and fly UFOs from third density? Well, yes and no. It depends on your definition of a UFO. If you look at the ancient literature on your planet, like the Sumerian texts, you'll see that the ETs were using what is very similar to your present-day rockets. The ETs did not have hyperspace capability. Most of them lived either on the Earth or in space stations very close to Earth on both Mars and Maldek which is now your asteroid belt. For any long voyages they primarily used cryogenics. It wasn't until they transitioned that they began to use interdimensional craft. Generally, you on Earth will follow the same evolutionary pattern. That's a very good question. This leads us to something else that we would like to discuss.

Ancient Beliefs and Today's Myths

Many of the beliefs that mankind has had in the past several thousand years are directly a result of some of the things that happened in these ancient days. For instance, why is Heaven considered to be in the sky? Heaven has always been thought to be the realm of the gods. If you start thinking about this you will see that it becomes logical to assume that humans began to believe in a Heaven in the sky because the sky was where the ETs came from. Most of you in your present state of development now embrace the idea that God is not a physical person. He is not an old man with a beard. But, yes, these ancient people believed that gods came from the sky and had bodies like theirs. The ETs came from the sky so therefore the sky must be the place of the gods. You all know now the realm of God is everywhere, including within you, but back

then they believed that God existed outside of you. Even today, humans struggle with that belief. Humans still believe, even if it is just on the subconscious level, that somehow God is outside of you and can't be inside. Please recognize where that comes from. It is an old, old, ancient belief. And for most, it no longer serves you any more. Now there is one other belief from ancient times that is quite interesting and that we would like to talk about. In ancient times in Sumeria there was something that happened on a regular basis. When the gods were preparing for a space flight they would often have humans help them. Now we said that the gods used a form of cryogenics. This meant that the gods had to go into a deep sleep, and they had to do so before they left the Earth. So what they did was to go into their ships and have humans come and assist them. These gods would go into their cryogenic tombs which look very similar to your current-day coffins, and they would then go into a deep sleep which simulates death. Realize, first of all, that they needed their bodies to get into Heaven. They couldn't get into Heaven without that body. Now the humans would also be there to assist the ships that landed with the gods in suspended animation inside. When the ships would land the humans would help these gods to awaken from their deep sleep. What they began to see then was that you had to go to Heaven in your body but you could also come from Heaven in a body as well. So, in a sense, they believed the gods were immortal; somehow this magical realm of Heaven preserved them perfectly. If you look at the civilization of Egypt you see that they took a lot of care in mummifying and preserving their bodies so they could get to Heaven. Now where would they have gotten that belief from other than from seeing the gods go to Heaven in their bodies? So this created thousands of years of mummification ritual, extending even until today. Some peoples take great care in preparing bodies before they are put into a coffin and buried. Some people on a very subconscious level fear the idea of cremation because without a body they have no place to go. Now this isn't conscious but it still is very much a part of your inner, deep belief systems, and these belief systems come from those very ancient days. So many species of ETs came to Earth. Earth legends and poetry speak of the phoenix and in Carlos Castaneda's stories he speaks of eagles who are probably ETs. Were eagles symbolic of any species of ETs? Eagles were a very common symbol for some of the Lyrans. Now it is important to understand that native peoples such as Native Americans also used animal symbology that was not necessarily connected to ETs, although it could be at times. How about the phoenix?

This myth did not originate on Earth. Earth people did adopt it but the myth itself came from the Lyran civilization. It was a symbol for them that their empire would never be destroyed. It was a symbol that gave them power, and it was often used in battle as a power symbol meant not to frighten the enemy but to show their own strength. Did similar phenomena take place on other planets in this solar system? In those ancient days there were really only three planets that could support physical life: one was Mars, one was Earth and one was Maldek, which is now your asteroid belt. There were no humans on those planets. They were primarily ET territory. You mean Maldek and Mars. Yes. But in terms of physical life like you, none of the other planets had that type of civilization. Does that answer your question? Some people theorize there are civilizations on Mars. Some people theorize the Earth humans are actually creating civilizations on Mars. Well, that has been something that we haven't wanted to comment on, especially since it is not the subject matter for tonight. That can open up a whole new subject. Simply, we will say that there are some things happening on Mars or in the vicinity of Mars now< - my goodness we have put our foot in our mouth - that it is very important not to talk about for the time being. Sorry to tease you with that information. It is a challenging road you have chosen, for until your planet embraces the knowledge of your heritage, many things may be misunderstood. There is another land on your planet that is full of mystery: the land of Peru. Peru has been the territory of the Sirians and the Lyrans, but its strongest connection is with the Pleiadians, for they have been active there even up to present day. Peru performs a very important function for your planet. Tonight we have not spoken about Lemuria. That is a another long story. However, what we will say, simply, is that toward the end of the Lemurian civilization, the end of the Atlantean civilization was occurring, as well. They coexisted. The mystics of Lemuria knew that the end was coming. Knowing this, they also knew it was essential to begin preserving a lot of the wisdom and knowledge of Lemuria. They knew it was important that mankind eventually understand its star heritage. So the Lemurians began gathering all of this information and looking for a place to store it safely. The Andes of Peru were part of the Lemurian civilization, and the Lemurians knew that one very good place to secret those records would be in certain areas of the Andes, so they began seeking out natural caverns and power spots in which they could store some of the sacred knowledge. The mystics also began teaching the ancient Inca the mystical wisdom, for they hoped that the Inca would pass on the ancient wisdom throughout time. They also hoped that the Inca would protect the places where the records were kept.

The Record Keepers

One of the major spots where records are kept is in the area of Machu Picchu. It is quite interesting that when the Spanish came, they infiltrated most of Peru but they never found Machu Picchu. The records that are kept in that vicinity are protected on many levels. Some of the present-day Incan shamans who are alive right now are protecting them. It is a tradition that has been passed on. Also, there are many in spirit form who protect the areas that are holding the records. At times in your history there has been release of information that could finally give you the truth about your heritage. One of these examples is in the Sumerian clay tablets. They were discovered and some were deciphered but unfortunately a lot of the information has been withheld. So those who guard Machu Picchu are very committed to never letting the records out until mankind is ready to accept those truths. Throughout time, it has been mostly the Pleiadians who have come and checked to make sure the records are secure, for the Pleiadians truly await the day when humankind accepts its galactic heritage. But since they cannot directly interfere, they can simply help to guard the records. Pleiadians and the ancient Incans have a very, very strong connection. All over your planet there are storehouses of these ancient records so that your history will never be forgotten. And some of the extraterrestrial groups have been very instrumental in helping to preserve that information. The Native American Indians of North America are also a group that has helped to preserve the information from Lemuria. So have the Aborigines of Australia. The shamans of the Native Americans and Aborigines, even to this day, right now, maintain extraterrestrial connections. This is something that even most members of those tribes are not aware of. It is a sacred tradition passed on from the stars, from Lemuria, to these native peoples. There are many record-keepers on Earth. We have already mentioned some of the belief systems you have today, such as those about Heaven, and how they had extraterrestrial origins in the ancient past. The human race in some ways can be likened to an orphaned child. You have a rich, rich star heritage from many different extraterrestrial groups, but yet you have never been allowed to know your true parents. No one is keeping this information from you, but up until this point you as a people have not had enough desire to find out the truth. Many people on your planet have been secure, instead, in the illusions of their own religions. They may provide comfort; they may provide a sense of spirituality; but they do not provide the truth about your ancient heritage. We are not asking you to abandon your religions, for they are very important to you. However, look deep, deep within yourself and look for the truth of your origins. Seek to discover your true ancient family. In a sense, you will no longer be orphans when you do, and you will feel the joy of being reunited with a very vast family. The extraterrestrials who have guided you throughout history toward this discovery still await your willingness to meet them, but in order to meet them you must first begin to embrace the truth of your past. You are a magnificent people. You have had

many, many challenges that you have succeeded in facing. You are strong and you are loved so much by your family. This is the time of change; the time of darkness and ignorance will pass. You are moving toward the Light of your own truth. All of us await you there. I have the feeling that Lyra and Sirius were in fourth density. But did the people who came to Earth and were in third density feel there was a gap between what people of Lyra and Sirius believed and what they believed? In a sense you are accurate and we will describe how. First of all, the journey from the Lyran system and all of its colonized planets took a very, very long time. It took generations. They did not have multidimensional travel. So the extraterrestrials who came here never went back and forth to their own planets. They could not do so in a lifetime. So for all intents and purposes, they lost the connections with their home worlds. And while their own home worlds transformed, they themselves did not necessarily transform with them because they were not there. So many of the Lyran and Sirian home worlds did transform from third to fourth density but these people who were colonizing Earth and the surrounding planets had no connection at all with that transformation. Was it not possible to have communication with the people on the home worlds? At that point in time, which was very ancient, these extraterrestrial beings were not very much more developed than you are now, so most of the population of extraterrestrials who were here did not have any telepathic ability at all. There were some in their societies like there are some in your societies now who could communicate telepathically and through forms of channeling. But for the most part, no, they were not telepathic. Some people believe that Japan was formed from very ancient civilizations. There are many pyramids in Japan even though they built of wood and stone. Also there are stone circles. Please talk about Japan's ancient civilizations in relation to ETs. There were several civilizations that were the primary influence on ancient Japan. One is Pleiadian, which is the main influence. One is Vegan; it is a long story to explain how. And the third is Sirian. Oh my goodness, how do we answer the question without the whole long story? [Germane sighs.] Simply, we will say that there was a lot of extraterrestrial influence by these groups in ancient times in Japan, and some of your very ancient traditions were given to you by these extraterrestrial groups. Some of the ancient traditions of Shintoism came from these groups. My goodness, why don't we leave it at this. If you have a more specific question about this we will answer it but the whole story is too complex to tell you. Do the Nazca lines have a connection to the Lemurian civilization? First of all, our perception is that some of the symbols that were made were symbols of the ET groups that were ruling in that area during Lemuria. This may sound rather odd, but do you know how they brand cows? Often they would draw

symbols like that on the land so that any extraterrestrial group flying by would know whose territory it was. This was a tradition that began during the Lemurian era and continued after the flood. Some of the glyphs of the Nazca lines were symbols very predominant during the Lemurian era. We perceive that is what you are sensing. Is the drawing of the Nazca lines a tradition from the times of Lemuria? It is a little bit later. The actual Nazca lines that you see now were not made during the times of Lemuria but came later. They combined the tradition of the Lemurian symbols with other forms of communication. There is very little left on your world in terms of physical things left over from Lemuria. In ancient Japan there were two groups of people, Earth-based gods and Heaven-based gods. What is the difference between these? In Sumeria there were two main gods, Enlil and Enki. Enki was lord of the Earth and he had his own group of gods under him. Enlil ruled the areas of the heavens, and he had his own group of gods associated with him as well. This was a common theme throughout the extraterrestrial interaction with ancient Earth. There were gods assigned to the Earth territory and gods assigned to territory of the heavens which, of course, would be Mars and Maldek. So we perceive that the gods you are referring to had the same type of hierarchy Earth-based and Heaven-based. Generally speaking, the gods who were based off the planet were higher in the hierarchy. In terms of categorizing the Earthbased gods and the Heaven-based gods, which were in Japan? Who were the Pleiadians? We cannot put them into a category that would make sense to you without all the background information that was given yesterday. Excuse us. The ETs never had set boundaries such as Pleiadians, Sirians. There were always mixtures in different groups that combined both energies, so the question cannot be answered in a way that would make any sense. The boundaries are not that clear-cut. What is the value of this interesting information? How can we put it to use? Actually, it is our fault that we have not expressed the practical use because we get so excited about some of the drama and details of the information. We want to answer this question in the most clear way possible. Give us a moment.

The Human Race Must Confront the Nature of its Planetary Parents
All throughout history, mankind has had nothing but conflict. Of course, conflict is always created within and then projected into the external world. We like to compare the Earth human relationship with ETs to a child's relationship with its parent because it is the same dynamic. If a child is loved and nurtured and valued by a parent, it grows up in a healthy way. If a child is not abandoned, it

grows up in a healthy way. If a child is allowed to develop its own identity and is supported by the parents, it grows up in a healthy way. If children do not have these things when they grow into adulthood they create conflict and pain in their lives; it really comes from the fact that they were not nurtured during their developmental years. At the times when these gods were interacting with your planet you were a child species. For the most part, you were not nurtured. Instead, you were controlled. For the most part, you were repeatedly abandoned. You would develop attachments to these ET gods and then they would abandon you. You were not encouraged as a race to develop your own planetary identity. Instead, the gods tried to mold you into what they wanted you to become. Now that the gods are no longer here and you are growing into adulthood, the species itself is experiencing pain and conflict. It doesn't know its parents and therefore it doesn't know itself. The species has never felt nurtured. Instead, it simply copied the dysfunctional pattern of its parents, creating conflict after conflict, trying to find itself. In traditional therapy, people will need to first confront the truth about their parents. They must learn why their parents were the way they were and how that has affected who they have become, and they must see how this parental influence has created the conflicts in their present lives. It is only then that they can be set free to find their true identity. Your planet is still trying to find its identity, for you are not a planetary people. You are, in a sense, a group of lost children. We mean this with no disrespect. As in traditional therapy, as we have just described, the human race itself now needs to confront who its parents were. The human race needs to accept that they have become who they are because of who their parents were. In accepting that they can begin to form their own identity as a species and finally come to peace with themselves. It is then that their conflicts will subside. So, all of the information that we have presented tonight is to allow you to know your parents. This is to encourage you to go proudly and boldly into the future. You can unify yourselves, but first you must know yourselves. Some people get so upset that they act out of emotion. How should we act? How do we make change in our lives when it comes to action? First of all, thought always precedes actions, so it is more important to first change the thought. The details of the information that we have given are not what's important; but those details make you think. As you think, your thought processes change. That is the first step and that is a step of action. Whenever you do not like your reality, you don't need to change the reality, you must first change yourself. That is the first step. And when you take that step you will know naturally the next step to take. You cannot change others. You can only change yourself. We cannot really take more time to discuss this tonight but please know that the idea of changing your thought is very important. It is the first step. One by one, as your thoughts change individually, so do you transform your planet. Tell us about

P'taah in regard to the dream spell. First of all, P'taah's genetics were a combination of Earth and ET genetics, and that is a powerful combination because it is a unification of the Earth and the heavens. The intention of dream spell is to do the same thing - unite Heaven with Earth. So that is why you are sensing the similarity in the energies of P'taah and the dream spell. What is the most meaningful way of using the art of dream spell? It is different for everyone. It is very important that you use it creatively and adapt it to yourself. That is how it was intended. Does that answer? What we said was very simple so listen to it again and think about it. The last question was somewhat appropriate for our closing remarks. You are all probably wondering how. Dream spell, in a sense, is something that humankind is now trying to awaken from, meaning that mankind has been asleep and dreaming. You have never awakened to your full heritage. You have never awakened to the truth about your being and thereby solved the conflicts within. But the fact that there are so many of you here tonight with questions about this says that mankind is finally awakening. Be patient with the process, be patient with yourselves. There is no rush. You are unfolding perfectly. You carry the memories within your very cells of all of these ancient civilizations. You also carry the memory of the stars within your cells as well. If you look within you will always find what you are looking for. Much, much love to each one of you. And we bid you a fond goodnight.

Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance" or "coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. Germane: Greetings to you. Pleasure to be with all of you this night. We have lots of information to share. But as is usual in your dimension, there is a time limit. So we are going to give you the most concise, simplified story possible. We will present what we wish to present, and then the rest of the evening will be questions and answers with you. We understand the subject is Japan's ancient ET connection. But before we get more specific about that, we have to give you a little historical background about the creation of Homo sapiens on Earth. That information will fit directly in with the information about ancient Japan. It is actually quite significant. We'll condense some of this and try to make a complete story. There were a group of ETs - the Lyrans primarily, and the Sirians as a secondary group, who were engaged in genetic experiments to create new breed of human on Earth. One of the major purposes for this undertaking was because these ETs wanted to create new upgraded bodies that they could eventually

incarnate into. So this genetic project was a very long and involved one, taking many thousands of years. There was DNA used from the ETs mixed with the indigenous DNA from the primates. This eventually created the prototypes which in your history you have called "Adam" and "Eve." So in that sense, there was not just one Adam and one Eve; they were representing a whole group of prototypes all over the planet. There were many genetic projects going on simultaneously around the Earth. The primary ones were in the area of Africa and Asia. These different genetic projects going on all over the Earth account for the different races on your planet. However, in this time, all of these projects were creating all the races on Earth except the Asian race. You had the Caucasian prototypes, Negroid prototypes, Brown-skinned prototypes (like Native Americans), but no Asians. Here is where the story may sound like science fiction. As these experiments were going on, the genetic engineers received a visit from some ETs from the future. Before we go further with what the people from the future said, we are going to say one other thing. Up until this point, the ETs interacting with Earth were usually in conflict with each other. There was conflict throughout the whole galactic family. No matter what they did, they could never seem to resolve their conflicts. So one of the desires for this genetic project was that the new humans would have an advanced body which would be able to integrate energy in a different way so that they would be the first species to begin resolving conflict. Quite a burden for a new race. So these beings from the future came to see the genetic engineers. This is what they said: "Your genetic project, as we view it in the future, has not succeeded. You've created too much diversity on Earth and the peoples of Earth are in conflict with each other. They are not fulfilling what you want them to fulfill in the future. You must do something else. You must do something to fix this." You can imagine that this was quite a shock for the genetic engineers who had put generations of work into this genetic project. So, they sought further advice from these future beings. "What can we do," they said, "to create a more unified Earth in the future?" The beings from the future then said that the genetic engineers needed to incorporate another new prototype on Earth so that eventually, in the future, as all of the natures of the different prototypes began integrating, harmony would be the result. This is when they began working on the prototypes for the Asian race. They took some DNA from some civilizations (which we will name in a moment) which had a strong sense of unification within their people. They combined this DNA with the Earth prototypes. As they did this, they began to create a new prototype race that would eventually, eons in the future, help to integrate the entire planet. This new prototype was for the Asian race. The ET beings whose DNA they took was a group that you now call the Zeta Reticuli. These beings, for those of you who are not familiar with them, are the ones who are small with large dark eyes. They also took Pleiadian DNA as well, which was already in the other prototypes.

And, they took DNA from the Sirians which was also present in the other prototypes. They made a whole new mixture. That is what began to create the Asian race. For you to understand the significance of this, we will first tell you some of the qualities of the Zeta Reticuli. Within the Zeta Reticuli, there is very little individuality. They operate as a group mind. Not only is there little individuality on the personality level, but there is also nearly no individuality in terms of their physical bodies. They nearly look identical. The genetic engineers felt that this race was really the perfect race to use to create the integrated race on Earth because they have such little individuality. They felt that that factor in the future was what was going to help bring the entire planet together. Now we will point out to you how the Asian races manifests the Zeta Reticuli qualities. Your race has hardly any variation in skin tone. There is some, but not much compared to other races. There is also not a lot of variation in eye and hair color, either. And you also don't display the wide range of different body types that other races do. Those are just external things. However, where the power lies is in the internal qualities of the Zeta Reticuli that the Asian race possesses. For one thing, the Zetas have a very solid and inner sense of their spiritual connection to All That Is or God. The Zetas are very interested in ritual to express their spirituality. And, their minds are very much linked together even in daily life. These qualities are what the genetic engineers felt were so essential to bring to the Earth. The main areas where the prototypes were created were in areas of Japan, for the most part, that are no longer above the water. It is always a good idea when you are doing a genetic project like creating prototypes, that you do it on an island or in an isolated area in order to contain the experiment. So this is why the area of Japan was chosen. Any further south, it would have been too hot. It is interesting because the belief that many in Japan have about their divine heritage is, in a sense, very, very accurate. This is not to say that the other prototypes did not have divine heritage also, which they did. But in a sense, [the Asian] race had more pressure put upon it because it had a very specific function that the genetic engineers desired for them to accomplish. So once the prototypes were created, they were assisted or tended by various ET groups, most notably Pleiadian. In the ancient days, as the prototypes began reproducing themselves and populating the area, the Pleiadians did whatever they could to teach spirituality to these new prototypes. The Pleiadians also tried to incorporate into their teachings some of the ancient spiritual principles of the Zeta Reticuli as well. The Zeta Reticuli were not physically present for the teaching of the prototypes. So the Pleiadians taught whatever spirituality they understood that the Zetas practiced in their ancient past. We know this story is convoluted because it is so complicated, but we will simply say that the past of the Zeta Reticuli is what we consider Vegan. [From the Vega system] So basically the Pleiadians were not only teaching Pleiadian spirituality, but they were attempting to teach ancient Vegan spirituality as well. Once the prototypes began reproducing and the area became populated, groups were taken to other areas to spread out their

development, such as in Mongolia, etc. In these ancient days, the prototypes were reproducing and becoming a new race. They had much interaction with the Pleiadians. In a sense, the Pleiadians became like guides and parents to this new race. There was a very strong bond that was formed. Within Japan, you have some very ancient rituals of which you may not even be aware of their origin. Throughout time, these rituals have changed and adapted to the present day. The ancient rituals were different from those being done today. But what is being done is helping to carry on that ancient memory. For instance, what is now your tea ceremony used to be a very ancient Vegan ritual that the Pleiadians taught to you. Before we go further with this, we are going to tell you that the Pleiadians focused a lot of their teaching in the birthplace of the Asian race, which was an area of Japan (which was larger then, with more islands) and there were other teachers (of several different ET lineages) given to other groups of prototypes in other locations as well. The original Vegan form of the tea ceremony actually lasted three days and three nights. They didn't teach you the long version. They condensed it. But the ritual, as the Pleiadians understood it, was very important to the Vegans. Because of this, the Pleiadians felt it was very important to pass it along to you. To the Vegans, it was the ultimate form of expression of spirituality. It also combined body movement as well, and running of energy. Also, in the traditional Japanese architecture there is Pleiadian influence as well. There are certain qualities in traditional Japanese/Pleiadian architecture that are still present today in a different form. For instance, the use of a gate or threshold to separate environments (or to separate the energy of different environments) was very important to the Pleiadians and so they passed that along. So this manifests itself today in some of the landscaping that is done in Japan. There is a change in consciousness when you enter a Japanese garden. It is meant to be another world. In the original days, the Pleiadians taught a much more complicated version. Usually the more complex version was used by priests or holy people rather than the general public. The best way to describe this ancient version is as follows: The person starts out in the physical world. Let's say they eventually want to get to a place where their consciousness can be in total communion with God. They will go physically through seven separate environments until they get to the environment that is the most spiritual in vibration. Moving through the seven separate environments was a way to gradually shift the consciousness one step at a time until it could get to that spiritual place. We would like to give a side note here, because this is important for the channel [Lyssa] to know. The dream she had of placing her forehead over the thresholds and going through several thresholds was her memory of this seven-step process. For convenience, over time this seven step process was shortened or used for very specific ceremonies. The traditional Japanese rooms being sparse and harmoniously organized is

very Pleiadian as well. Simplicity was very important to them. So is the harmony of the living space with nature. So many of these Pleiadian qualities were passed on and then the Japanese people have developed them even further. It would be difficult for us to tell you about each one because much of the ancient memory has been lost. However, it is important to know that that connection with the Pleiadians is very ancient and is very deep within the Japanese people. Of all the races on Earth physically, we would say that the Pleiadians resemble the Asians the most. There are many different subgroups within the Pleiadians so there are lighthaired and light-eyed Pleiadians as well. But in one of the most dominant Pleiadian groups, the females are very petite like this channel and many of your women as well. Within this dominant Pleiadian group the men also are not very large. One of the most dominant features of the Pleiadians that you [the Japanese] carry is the eyes. Even the light-skinned and lighteyed Pleiadians have eyes that are almond-shaped and more Asianlooking rather than Caucasian. However, their eyes are larger than yours. So, if you met a Pleiadian on the street, he or she could pass as human but would look unusual. You might think the Pleiadian is a combination of Asian and Caucasian. So even today physically, you have a lot of the qualities of the Pleiadians. Theirs was the dominant genetics used for the prototype projects. One other body quality is that of many of the races on Earth, the Asian has less body hair. That is a Pleiadian quality most definitely, but it is also a Zeta Reticuli quality as well. Let us talk about this object for a moment. [Germane hold up a statue of a Dogu.] Some of you may recognize this as a Dogu. The idea of the Dogu has been very important to maintain among your people, even if it is just in thought. This is because symbolically, it reminds you on a very deep level of your star heritage. In a sense the idea behind it is similar to the Kachina dolls of the Native Americans. In every culture on Earth there is a way that has been preserved to remember the star heritage. However, most civilizations have lost the ability to really understand the symbolism on that level. The most obvious question would be, "Is this a literal depiction of the ancient ETs?" We would say that no, it is not literal. But it incorporates many ideas regarding your ET forefathers that you've wanted to keep alive. Among all ancient peoples, even hypothetically people who have no star heritage (which is not true on your Earth), the natural tendency of primitive peoples is to create power objects which reflect the archetypes within. Often anthropologists have misunderstood the meaning of these power objects and have thought that primitive people worshipped them. Though that may have happened in later times, the early primitive peoples recognized these power objects as being a reflection of what is inside of them. One of the power objects that primitive peoples used nearly without exception, was a figure that represented fertility or the Mother Goddess. Birth, of course, was one of the most important things for a

primitive people because it kept their people alive. And so fertility is sacred. So this figure combines many ideas. First of all on the very basic level, it is a figure depicting the Mother Goddess. But then one may say, "Why does the Mother Goddess figure look so extra terrestrially influenced?" Obviously, the story we just told you says that your creation and your very reproduction is because of the genetic projects done by these ETs. So, the ET connection had to be depicted along with the Mother Goddess. It has been a long time since people on Earth understood the various totem or symbols who were on Earth during those days. You will find that the Dogu, in its intricate work, also expresses Pleiadian energy, Sirian energy, and Zeta/Vegan energy. The very oldest Dogu, (most of them are not recovered whole anymore) have very clear depictions of the symbols of these ancient ETs. Most of these ancient Dogu have disintegrated over time and so you've not yet recovered a whole one. One some of these old Dogu you will find serpent symbols, which represent the Sirians. You will also find bird symbols which could either be Pleiadian or Lyran. Those symbols were a tribute to the ET Mother Goddess, so to speak. You know, many people may wonder why we feel it is so important to speak about the ET heritage of human beings. Some people think there are too many problems on Earth now, so why put your head in the stars? However, in a sense, Earth humans are like abandoned children. You've grown up, just about reaching adulthood, and have never been told who your parents are. A child who doesn't know who his parents are grows up confused and has many problems throughout his life. Until he discovers who he is, he may never be at peace. So we feel it is so important for the human species to no longer feel like and abandoned child, and to know that they have a family out in the cosmos. Once they begin to know their identity an their heritage, they will feel so much stronger to tackle whatever problems face them in present time. You've been left many, many tools and clues to teach you about this heritage. There are objects like this Dogu, and there are so many legends. In every aspect of society there is a clue. If humans will open their eyes and their hearts and not be afraid to discover the unknown, they will discover those clues. Since all of you are here tonight because the subject interests you, then obviously mankind is beginning to awaken. From our point of view, the entire project on Earth has been a success. We see all of you humans on Earth uniting together in the future. You do become the planetary species that your forefathers hoped you would become. That outcome is assured. But now you all have to simply help the process along by being who you naturally are. We would suggest that you feel proud of your heritage. For your planetary species is the product of many different groups of your forefathers who, in the heavens, could not solve their conflicts. But they will now do so through you. And, the most amazing part of this is that reincarnationally you on Earth are your forefathers. Those ET genetic engineers of so long ago are now you reincarnated

here today to help continue the project. You know exactly what you are doing, and it will be a success. May we be the first to congratulate you. We are going to allow you to take a short break. In the next half we will take questions. We look forward to speaking with you again. [Break] Germane: Greetings again. Questions please. Please discuss Japan's power spots like Mt. Fuji and Tenkawa Shrine. First of all, let us address Mt. Fuji. There are major power spots all over the world that correspond to the human chakras. It is out perception that Mt. Fuji corresponds with the crown chakra of the planet. This makes a lot of sense also if you think about something else we've said in the past, which we will repeat. Japan has a very unique role in this time of transition. Throughout your planet's history you've had all the wisdom from the east. And you've had all the technology from the west. The west has never wanted to accept the east, and the east hasn't wanted to accept the west. Thus the fundamental energies of the east and west have been conflicting. There needs to be a doorway on the planet where both the east and the west can come together and integrate. Japan is that doorway. It is quite appropriate that you would have the crown chakra of the planet here to help you with that integrative process. As many Japanese people are awakening to their own spirituality, they are helping to integrate the energies of the east and west. Fuji-san represents a doorway through which that can be done. Whenever you visit that area, your own crown chakra gets activated. As you work with the energy of the area and help to activate the energy of Fuji, you are also helping this entire planetary integrative process. We would say that the energy of Fuji is essential for the planet's integration. We know that there has been much rumor about Fuji-san erupting. We've heard all the gloom and doom prophesy for that! However, our understanding is that should Fuji-san erupt in that way, it would represent a tremendous kundalini experience for the planet too much energy moving too fast. We perceive instead that simply its activation will occur slowly and gradually at a pace that is comfortable for the entire planet. Regarding Tenkawa Shrine, that place has a very ancient connection. The shrine itself is not that ancient, of course. But the site itself goes back to the time of the prototype work. It is our understanding that the area around Tenkawa Shrine, perhaps about 1/2 kilometer diameter around it, was one of the major schooling areas by the Pleiadians for the new prototypes. So, there is a strong Pleiadian energy there. The symbol of Tenkawa Shrine, the three circles in a triangle, is a symbol that has been used by your ET forefathers long before Earth was in existence. The symbol of the triad has always represented integration. It means one polarity, its opposite, and the integration of the two. If you remember what we said earlier, it was hoped that the Asian race would serve as an integrative point for the entire planet, then you can see why this symbol is so appropriate for the shrine, which was an old educational site. That is the most important translation of the symbol. There is one more, however. The three points represent Pleiadian energy, Zeta

Reticuli energy, and Earth energy. In a sense it was a proclamation of the bonds that exist between the three. So from that perspective, it is a very sacred site. Does that answer the question? Please also explain why many of the power spots are on the same line from each other.

There are energetic grid lines that run around your planet. Imagine that the globe is covered in a cloth. The fabric of that cloth, the actual threads, is like those grid lines. Where the lines cross represent power points. Whenever humans are seeking to make a shrine or sacred spot, they are naturally drawn to those intersections of grid lines. So the fact that there are some sacred spots on the same is representative of that same idea, it is one thread of the tapestry. The ancients were very aware of that when they built their sacred places. I have heard that Amaterasu, (which literally means the Sun Goddess), has a direct connection to Andromeda. When I look at the Dogu, the image of Andromeda comes to my mind. When we were at Machu Picchu, I met a being who you said was Andromedan. Could you talk about this experience more, as well as the Andromedan connection with ancient Japan?

First of all, we will answer the question about Japan's connection with the ancient Andromedans but will have to give a brief answer to the personal aspects of your question. We are going to try to simplify this because the information may be quite complex. Each civilization, including ET civilizations, have other ET civilizations who guide them. For instance, Earth people have the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians have other ET civilizations which guide them. To make a long story short, the two main civilizations that guide the Pleiadians are an interdimensional group call the DALs, and the Andromedans. Often when you on Earth are seeking to work through your own transformation, you look toward the Pleiadians for assistance. The Pleiadians, when they seek to learn, they look to their teachers, the DALs and the Andromedans. During the education process of the new humans in Japan by the Pleiadians, the Pleiadians called in some of their teachers for assistance. They called in primarily the Andromedans. So the Andromedans were a guiding force for the Pleiadians as the Pleiadians were teaching you. Their energy was felt in ancient Japan as well as in other areas of Earth as well. The Sun Goddess you mentioned has both the Andromedan and Pleiadian connections. She was here for a short time working with the Pleiadians who were working with the humans. Without making it too complex, she was Andromedan but did not come in her true form to Earth. She radiated so much unconditional love, it was very profound for the humans. This is why the memory of her has carried through the mythology until today. As far as your personal connection, we

will answer that in one sentence. You had a life as one of these Pleiadian teachers in Japan interacting with the Andromedan energy. That is why you feel the connection. I would like to know if the "Immaculate Conception" really took place, and the truth about the birth of Jesus Christ.

Very interesting story. Before we begin this, please understand that the early history on Earth is so filled with political disputes between the ETs and lots of intrigue that it would read like a good novel. It is easy to think that the ETs are these wonderfully evolved beings who have nothing to learn, but that is not true. Simply put, they had their own conflicts and their own issues to learn. So with that in mind, now we will address the birth of Christ. Throughout time, before Christ's birth, there were many efforts at combining genetics in such a way that someone would be born who would almost be like an advanced version of Man. The birth of Christ was one of those genetic projects in which it was hoped a new stage of man would be created. Your myths say that Mary was impregnated by an angel. In a very real sense, that is true. But the angel was not some "heavenly creature." It was an ET being who was desiring to create this new genetic version of Man. The genetics that Christ held were a combination of Sirian and Pleiadian. The desire of course was that if this mixture would get into the stream of genetics on Earth, eventually mankind would transform itself. Most people believe this was a failure because they believe Christ died on the cross and therefore was not able to have any children and spread his genetics. But at the risk of sounding blasphemous, we will say that he did not die on the cross, and yes, he had children. In his life after that crucifixion, he hid and traveled to many areas in your world. He traveled to southern Europe, India, and Japan. We know that there are some books that speak of a place in Northern Japan where Christ is supposed to be buried. We would say that in our perception it was not he who was buried here, but one of his descendants. So this Immaculate Conception was another of the many genetic projects that have gone on throughout history. Any other aspect of that you would like to explore? In referring to Ise Shrine, in Arabic "Ise" means Jesus Christ. Do you have a comment on this?

We have also heard that there are areas of Japan that still have chants or songs that are understood in Hebrew. We have also heard that there are other words that are known that are understood in Arabic as well. The reason for this of course would be that there have been migrations of people from the area of the Mediterranean (and Northern Africa) to Japan and they brought with them earlier version of the Arabic and Hebrew languages. Whether or not "Ise" means Jesus Christ in Arabic, we cannot tell you whether that is accurate. We have no connection with your Earth languages other than through the channel. But it

would not surprise us if that is true because there was a migration after Christ's so-called crucifixion to Japan and other areas from that African area. They were intent on bringing the knowledge of Christ here as well, even way back then. In some ways, it is very significant that the area of Ise Shrine has moved from time to time. This represents the migration of Christ. So, there is a connection between the middle east in Jesus' time period and Japan. There is the idea of the hundredth monkey, and some people say that the Earth is the hundredth monkey in the galactic family. Ah, a planet full of monkeys, yes? Could you comment on this? What would be the effect of our Earth's integration on some of our neighbors, like the DAL Universe, which lies adjacent to us? One more thing. Are the Andromedans coming from a particular area of Andromeda?

Regarding the hundredth monkey idea and your planet, you've tapped into the entire idea presented in The Prism of Lyra. We would agree that Earth does represent the hundredth monkey. The reason for that is because there has been so much attention focused on Earth for thousands of years. At first, the attention by the ETs was on a planet (Earth) that didn't even have life yet. Then once human life began on Earth, those same ETs began incarnating here. Now in present day, 99% of the people on Earth are those old ETs still trying to work out their conflicts from ancient times. Earth has been chosen as that final ground where the integration will take place. It will happen here because all of the souls who are here were once that diverse group of ETs who have now come together "under the same roof" in order to do this. Yes, you are all connected, even with ETs as distant as the DALs, just like all the cells in your body are connected. Think of the other civilizations in the universe as being all part of the same body. If one cell in your body gets cancer, all the cells in your body have to work that much harder to heal the cancer. If that cell that has cancer is healed, then the entire body is healed and restored to wholeness. That is how you are so tightly connected. Regarding Andromeda, yes of course it is an entire galaxy unto itself. Obviously it would then have millions of planets. But when we refer to Andromeda, we are not referring to a specific planet or species. We are referring to the "realm" of Andromeda. It is a unique dimensional frequency. In a sense, that galaxy has its own set of rules by which it learns its own lessons. Somehow you find a common bond or thread that ties you whereby you can learn from each other even if it is on an abstract level. We will give you a very brief example of what reality is like in the Andromedan realm. In your reality, when you are walking down the street, there is a sense of constancy -- meaning that as you walk down the street, you are always wearing the same clothes. That is constancy.

This is a very simplified example, but if you were in the Andromedan realm it would look as follows: Imagine walking down the street and at every moment what you are wearing is changing. The entire scenery around you keeps changing. The rules of reality there are very different. But there is a realm of consciousness that you, the Pleiadians, and the Andromedans can meet upon. It is a very abstract realm. We cannot really go into more depth tonight about this. There are three significant and beautiful sites in Japan, and when connected they form an elongated triangle. Some people believe that these sites were the ancient communication centers between the ETs and the ancient Japanese. The three sites are Miyajima Island, Matsushima, and Amano-hashidate ("Heavenly Bridge"). Would you like to comment on this?

First of all we will speak about the Heavenly Bridge (Amanohashidate). That area is very ancient because it represents the actual physical place where there was a space port. Many of the ETs came and went there. Thus, a bridge between the heaven and the earth. That is pretty obvious, so we don't have to explain what that means! Miyajima has a very strong Pleiadian energy. This was one of the communities where some of the genetic work was done for the Asian prototypes. It was mostly Pleiadians who were populating that area. Also, some of the Pleiadian and Vegan spiritual teachings we were telling you about that the Pleiadians gave to the new humans were given in this area as well. As a side note to tell the channel, she was a Pleiadian at that time during the prototype education there in Miyajima. (Excuse us for giving personal information in a group, but she often doesn't listen to us unless we are channeling to a group!) As far as Matsushima in concerned, do you know if at any time in known history the Ainu lived there? [The Ainu are Japan's indigenous people.] Because the Ainu lived in Northern Japan, we can assume that they lived in this area.

We perceive that this site was the site of another genetic project that was going on which combined genetics differently to produce the Ainu. But in all honesty, much of the information about that place is closed to us for an unknown reason. So we can only assume it is not time to release it. Does that answer your question? Another channel told me that there was some secret hidden in the northern part of Japan and it is not time to release it. Yes, that is what we are sensing as well. We must always honor the timing. If all the secrets were revealed now, the rest of your life would be pretty boring! Does the revealing of those secrets have anything to do with the evolution of our consciousness?

Yes. Your bodies, on the physical cellular level are like computers. As we told you earlier, there is a lot of knowledge about your ancient past locked within the cells of your body. Whenever you get to a certain vibrational frequency, it is as if that frequency becomes a key that unlocks more information. So yes, timing has everything to do with the state of consciousness. All of our souls originated from the same God source, but yet it seems like the ancient ETs taught that they were Gods.

Actually, they did not teach that idea of separation. What happened was that there was a period of time after these prototypes were already creating communities when much of the ET presence left the planet. This is part of the abandonment energy. During that time period, humans tried to emulate what they had been taught by the ETs. As generations passed, they lost much of the inherent truth and began externalizing the Gods. As the humans lost touch with the truth that they were taught by the ETs (of a spiritual universe), the idea of God was eventually distorted to mean that the Gods were outside of oneself. We've answered this question in the context of the Pleiadians. But, some of the other ET groups had their own agendas. Especially in the areas that is now the middle east, there were some ET beings who instilled much fear in humans. Unfortunately, they perpetuated the belief in God or power outside of humans in order to keep the humans in line. For the most part, they were not Pleiadian. Some of them were Lyran, some of them were Sirian. For even some of those ETs had their own lessons to learn and had their own problems with their egos. It is unfortunate, but mankind is still feeling the pain from this. You mentioned that there was a ceremony which consisted of seven steps to get close to God. Did the Pleiadians have an idea of God since they used this ceremony?

Yes. Deep within themselves, they knew that God was not only within them, but all around them. They felt that it was simply a matter of taking steps in life to raise one's consciousness to become like God. So, they attempted to communicate this to the humans. But often when one is communicating very esoteric subjects that are not based on thought but on internal sensing, it is very difficult. At that time, they did the best they could. All of these ET civilizations you've mentioned are outside of the solar system. What is happening with the consciousness within our solar system during the transformation?

First of all, there is always consciousness around any body in space. In that sense, the sun has a consciousness. But we are speaking about ET civilizations who are physical like you. Our understanding is that the consciousness around the other planets in your solar system is nonphysical, in another dimension entirely. In that sense, it has no genetic connection to you, though there is a spiritual connection because those consciousnesses also guide you. There is a symbol found in Japan which is identical to the symbol found in Nazca, Peru. Could you comment on this?

In ancient times, the ET Gods who were in higher positions had their own symbol. Often the symbol would be worn on the clothing of the people who served that ET God. The God who had that symbol that is found at Nazca (in Peru) and the identical symbol found in Japan was a Pleiadian being. That was his symbol. Once the Gods left the planet, the humans were often very lonely. They always looked to the heavens for them to return. They would often use that symbol to call the God, hoping that he would come back. They would use it in whatever way they could, even in small totems. In present day, many of you have felt that Japan has a strong connection with Peru. The connection is very ancient. One of the reasons is because some of the same ET Gods who interacted with you interacted with ancient Peru as well. In a sense, when many of you go to Peru, you are also getting in touch with the ancient Japan energy as well. It is another way to activate that within you. There is some strange similarity of names of sacred places, including places in Japan. Is that a Lemurian connection?

In some cases that is true, but in others the similarity in sound is because it is a name or title for some of the ancient Gods. These names or titles were used in many of the different cities. Often there would be a foundation word and other words would be built around it. That foundation word represented the God and the addition of other sounds to it was a recognition of territory. Could you tell us something about the true origin of the Japanese royal family?

This may sound strange, but we are going to give you an analogy. When you have a document that has been typed and you want to make copies of it and distribute it, you never give away the master copy, you only give away the copies.

This way you can preserve the original. In ancient times during the times when the prototypes were created, it was important that they maintained the master copies, so to speak. So some of these master copies or prototypes were kept, and their breeding was rigidly controlled. This was so that the original genetics would not be diluted. Obviously, you can only do this for a short period of time because inbreeding starts happening. Then when they started having to bring people from the outside in to continue the line, they had to choose those people carefully. So the Japanese royal family now is the current version of those ancient prototypes who were rigidly bred in order to be kept pure. You know that within the royal family and especially in times of coronation there are some very secret rituals that are done. Some of these secret rituals are based in the teachings that were given mostly by the Pleiadians in ancient times. Even though the royal family has lost the memory of the prototype projects and the ancient ET interactions, there are parts of the memory kept alive through myth. Some of these myths are not even known by the general public but are kept secret within the royal family. But if you were to know what those myths were, you would see that the interpretation of the myths would be very similar to the story we have told you tonight. If you on Earth had the ability to dug underneath the chaos and go through history, you would find that right now on the planet there is a predominant royal line of every race. That will tell you very clearly that the genetic project is still continuing. Some people believe that within the Japanese royal family there is Hebrew blood. In some of the Shinto ceremonies, there are elements of the Jewish religion as well. Was there any interaction between the Japanese royal family and the ancient Hebrews?

The way we will answer this question is to tell you that the Hebrew connection is Sirian. And yes, there was plenty of Sirius contact during the time of the prototypes because the Sirians were the primary genetic engineers. So the Sirians influenced the Hebrews, and the Sirians influenced the Asians. So on that level there is a connection because the Sirians (being connected to both the Hebrews and the Asians) influenced both of you. Also, there was migration of Hebrews into Japan. A predominant time of this was shortly after the "death" of Christ. We know for now that that answer is incomplete and we apologize. It is much more convoluted. Perhaps that will give you something to start your research with. It has been a pleasure to converse with you all this night. Your energy and your questions have been most appreciated. We have really only given you a very small fraction of all of the things that have gone on in your world. The most important truth that you will find will always come from within. So

perhaps what we have shared with you will stimulate you to find that truth within. With much respect and love, we bid you a fond good night.

The Doorway of Paradox Lyssa Royal

Germane: We wish to discuss the idea of polarity and paradox. The perspective we are going to give you tonight will be a key tool in all of your experiences for the rest of your life if you know how to use it. We may have to use analogy to explain some concepts. In this reality that we all inhabit together (including us), the template is polarity. Examples of this are black/white, yin/yang, male/female. No matter how polarity manifests itself, you are going to find it everywhere in reality. The challenge for all of you (especially when you incarnate into a physical reality) is the challenge of learning to live with this polarity not as if you were a victim of it, but as a way to learn to uplift yourself into a greater level of consciousness. There are lots of issues on your world that are very emotionally charged such as gun control, abortion, and the death penalty. On your world, from the time you are able to hear speech, you are unconsciously (and sometimes even consciously) programmed to form opinions about things and to stick to those opinions. Often these opinions take on a life of their own within your consciousness. As they do, they create a wall around them so that you, from inside the opinion, cannot see the other point of view. The people on the other end have their own hard shells around their opinions as well, and when you meet, you clash. This has been the nature of your reality for eons, as you can see with all the wars on your world. How can individuals feel strongly and passionately about something like gun control, which manifests the template of polarity, but at the same time see both sides so that instead of being on one end of the spectrum or the other, they can move to the center point? The Center Point - The Point of Power The center point is the point of power because from there you can see both sides. Now, you might want to lean toward one side or another. That is quite all right. But the first key is being able to see both sides and have compassion for individuals living on both sides. As soon as you can have compassion, you will be moving toward the center point, the balance point. The more compassion and love you feel for those individuals at the other end of the polarity, the more you actually come to center and to balance. Let us draw a line with the two polarities on each opposite end. As you move toward the center point between polarities, you are going to encounter a challenge that has confounded people for as long as people have been pondering the universe. This challenge you will find at the center point is called paradox. All of you know what a paradox is. Most of you have encountered your own paradoxes. But we would like to give you a new definition of the idea of paradox: A paradox happens when you are at the center point, equally viewing both polarities. If you experience paradox in your life, you have found a doorway to great truth, because it means you've hit that center point. Do you know what we mean by this?

Individuals on your world who have engaged in a lot of intellectual discussion often miss the point of the value of paradox, because when a paradox is encountered, one who is ruled by the intellect will attempt to challenge the paradox intellectually, to tear it down, to fuel a certain polarity. So when one intellectually challenges a paradox, you leave the moment of that balance point, which is very heart-centered and compassionate, and go back into polarity. Your mass consciousness is like a snowball rolling down a hill right now. It is gathering a lot of momentum as it's moving toward the doorway of the new millennium. Many of you are being faced with a feeling that you have to form an opinion about something, or else you are seeing people around you becoming very polarized and solidified in their opinions. When you see that, you may then perhaps feel a distance from these people. Are you experiencing that? It doesn't mean that they are less spiritual than you, and it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you because you are not able to tolerate them any longer. It doesn't mean anything other than you are coming closer to the center point of balance, much more able to view polarity outside yourself and more able to view people still stuck in those different issues, whatever the issue may be. If those people choose, you are therefore much more able to assist them. You will find greater peace of mind if you are able to maintain that center point and view the polarity around you from outside of it. If your friends and loved ones try to suck you into their drama or their polarity, you can still be infinitely compassionate, yet not join them in their drama. At first this may sound like juggling too many balls or learning to ride a bicycle when you don't know how, but soon you will realize that that state of detachment can be a profound sense of compassion. As you begin to become more familiar with this state, you will be able to hold that frequency or state of mind for longer and longer periods. Eventually this will rub off on those around you. The more individuals on your world who are able to hold that center point of compassion, the more you will experience a paradigm shift as a mass consciousness and as a species. You will then no longer allow polarity to dominate you. Instead, you can use polarity to help you experience the state of paradox, which is a doorway into a greater truth. Please do not feel that you have to allow your friends and loved ones to suck you into the different polarity structures. If you feel that pressure from someone, take some deep breaths and go into that center, that quiet space inside you, and find where compassion lives. Then see if you can generate compassion for the plight of the person who wants to suck you in. Find love for the person. Loving that person does not mean joining their drama, and this has been something that humans have been confused about for quite a long time. You can fully love without joining the drama. Now we are going to give you a little exercise for your spare time. It is very easy. Perhaps it would be good to do at night before you go to sleep. Exercise to Generate Realizations about Dark and Light Light a candle and lie in your bed. Watch the flame, and then watch the play of shadows on the wall. If there is any air circulation in your room, the shadows will be moving. Begin to open yourself to more subtle observations about darkness and light by using the candle flame, the candlelight, and the shadows it throws as physicalized examples of dark and light. See what you can learn. See what type of realizations you can generate just by watching the candlelight and the shadows it creates.

You can do it ten minutes if you want. The more you do it and the deeper you allow yourself to let go and just observe, the more insights you will have into yourself, into your own light, into your own shadows, and how shadows or darkness play out externally in your life as well as the light. There will be many, many layers of realization as you watch this. But more than at any other time, now it is important to not be threatened by polarity, to not feel as if you have to be victim to it, but to hold that center in whatever way you can. You can each find your own trick to do it, whether by watching the candle or finding compassion through the heart. Then you will be an infinite light for those around you who are also seeking that balance. This is a way each of you can be of service without having to know anything, without having to be a spiritual teacher, without having to study, but by simply being you. Very easy. Paradox is such a wonderful tool. Question: What do you mean by it being a doorway into a greater truth? Does that mean integration of polarities? You know, we have to be allowed to tease you sometimes. If we told you what was behind the door, maybe you wouldn't want to go. [Laughs.] Intellectual paradox can lead to an energetic feeling of paradox, but there is a moment when you encounter the full depth of paradox that can actually be felt in your body if you are sensitive enough. It is very difficult to describe, especially since I do not have a body, but you will feel a shift, a sense of dual vision kick in when you experience profoundly the energy of paradox. In that moment when you have that dual vision, you literally create a doorway that can lead you to journeys outside the domination of polarity. Let us just say the doorway leads into realms in which polarity is not necessarily the dominant teaching theme. The individuals on your world who have worked the most with the doorway of paradox have been the Tibetan monks and other Eastern traditions, but primarily Tibetan. In the past, of course, monks have pondered perhaps their whole life on this doorway, but because energy is shifting on your world and individuals are moving through their lessons a lot more quickly, you do not have to ponder this doorway your whole life. You can actually experience it one little step at a time. The truth you encounter as you move through the doorway of paradox will be different for each of you. It may relate directly to your personal life: You may suddenly get a very clear vision about what to do in a certain situation. Or it may have nothing to do with your physical life. It may be a spiritual journey that leads to a greater enrichment of self. It will be different for each person, but once you sense that doorway of paradox and feel it - and you will feel it - the journey is unique for each of you. We cannot be more specific. Question: I have an illustration. Ten years ago a client told me that she had dreamed that she went to Germany and saw a concentration camp, and there were flowers growing. She said, "What to you think that means?" It took me to an entirely different level, just pondering those two images at the same time. Thank you. We will give you another example, which kind of expounds on that one. It is drawn from the channel's own experience when she went to Hiroshima, Japan. At ground zero where the bomb had been dropped, there is something called Peace Park, a park devoted to global peace. When you go there, the symbols of peace will bring you to tears. In the middle of the park stands a ruined building - the only building that survived incineration. Beautiful paper cranes made by the schoolchildren all over the country are draped through the trees. There are flowers, people are meditating, and praying, and schoolchildren are singing. Then you walk

perhaps 50 yards away and there is the Hiroshima Museum. When you go inside, there is a stone block with a human shadow on it that was once a wall of a building. The person was incinerated in the blast. The horror in this museum is beyond comprehension, but when you walk outside, the feeling of joy and peace is amazing. When you sit in that park you experience the doorway of paradox. Or when you sit in that concentration camp, feeling the horrors and admiring the flowers, you experience that doorway of paradox. Perhaps this will give you a tangible example so that you can look at the different situations in your life where paradox exists. Question: When I've had experiences like that, it feels to me like a heart expansion. Yes, because the only way you can move and expand into the universe is through the heart. So the doorway of paradox is a doorway through the heart, absolutely. Our orientation as entities is not physical, and this is why we enjoy these conversations with you so much. You can bring in the physical element, which helps to communicate more clearly what we are attempting to say. We appreciate it very much. Question: Would the doorway of paradox not be similar to unconditional love? Yes, that's what it becomes. However, in your reality here, though many of you have had moments of unconditional love, you are often pulled away from it by polarity. It's the nature of the reality. It has nothing to do necessarily with your inability as humans, but when you move through that doorway, yes, you will experience unconditional love. When you sit in Peace Park or in that concentration camp, your heart opens for all the people who have suffered there and you feel the beauty of the place. That is the essence of unconditional love. Very well put, thank you. Question: There's a film called Baraka that was made to create this space in people. People don't always see it that way, but it is just images. It begins with beautiful images of people praying, then it goes into the images of the concentration camps, tearing down the rain forests, things like that. It has a beautiful image of the Ganges where people are washing clothes and children are playing while a body is burning on a pyre. My brother is a friend of the person who created this movie, and that was his purpose. Yes. It takes a keen eye and an open heart to fully commit emotionally to an experience such as that instead of judging it. If anyone in your world can fully commit to the emotions behind these most profound experiences on your planet, it will always lead to that space of unconditional love - always. But you have to fully commit to it emotionally instead of judging it, and that has been very difficult for humankind. Another fine example is the Dalai Lama and the other Tibetan priests and lamas who have watched their fellow priests murdered and tortured. They have not sought vengeance, but have simply watched with the utmost compassion. When you watch them, it is as if their very being embodies the doorway of paradox. They become the doorway, and any individuals who encounter them can have a choice then to walk through that doorway and experience that love. But it does take emotional commitment. Question: There is a story about the end of WWII when the Americans were liberating a concentration camp. A commanding officer was liberating the camp. The medics were helping the survivors. He was so horrified by what he saw that he went

to the commandant of the camp and struck him to the ground and beat him. Then he burst into tears, realizing the horror of what he had just done, what the commandant had done, and what he became himself. When you boil it down, what everyone wants is love, whether it's Hitler or the Dalai Lama. Everyone wants to be loved and to be free to give love. Often what causes pain is the wounds that have gone unhealed. People are too afraid to emotionally commit to others, but that emotional commitment can lead to freedom from the chains of the wounds. That individual, we are sure, experienced a great lesson. Each one of you in your daily life already has the skills to live in the same place, to embody the doorway of paradox within you. The challenge is not that you lack the skills. The challenge is retraining yourself so that this becomes the habitual way to live. Right now the habitual way to live is with polarity. Polarity will always exist because of the nature and template of this reality. The doorway of paradox is built on polarity, so it is an essential component. So we're not talking about eliminating polarity, we are talking about using it like fusion to create an energy source that propels you into another level of reality. That's the key to why you set up polarity to begin with: It is an energy source. All is energy, so you're all fusing the atom, so to speak. Question: City dwellers like a flash of excitement to get their attention, which is normally somewhat sedated by the lifestyle here in this valley [Phoenix area]. I can look 10 feet in any direction and see intact desert ecology, then see some gargantuan machine stripping the land. That's pretty tangible, a stepping stone to the heavier issues being discussed here. How we choose to see this will perhaps give our own paradoxical twist to it. You all want togetherness so much, to learn to live together, that you are forcing yourselves on each other in order to bring the lesson home. Perhaps we are Pollyanna-ish, but we stand by our interpretation! Question: It sounds like a viable perspective to the ambitious real estate agent, actually! [Laughter.] Well, we have not discovered ways to capitalize on paradox yet, but someone in your world eventually will! [More laughter.] The Void and the Light: Two Equal Forces Question: Can you talk a little bit about experiencing the door to be able to see the light? Well, first you have the void, which one could say would be darkness, but if you don't have any light to contrast with the void, do you actually think anything is missing? We're speaking in riddles here just to get your mind going a little. Now, if you lived in a reality of intense white light as profound as the void - its opposite - and there was nothing to cast a shadow, would you know what darkness was? These things we are talking about are some of the thoughts that might come to you as you do your candle exercise. You can see that darkness and light cannot be defined without each other. Ahh, a paradox! Through time many have come to think that darkness means bad and light means good, and that you must focus only on the light. Sasha has told a very poignant story in the past about her civilization. Every civilization, of course,

has its own challenges. Right now yours is the integration of polarity and moving back into the heart. The challenge of Sasha's civilization (a civilization from the Pleiades) was that they were so focused on the light that their own darkness had to manifest itself clearly so it could no longer be denied. They manifested this through a plague that nearly wiped them out. This was a great many thousands of years ago. They tried all the medicine and healing but they could not get rid of this plague. They had to look to their own spirit guides, to their shamans and holy people, who were finally able to get the answer: The plague was a manifestation of the darkness they had denied within themselves. Once they eventually learned to integrate the darkness, they learned a more healthy and balanced way of living. As we said, dark and light are both essential to existence in this reality, and your challenge is to learn to balance and use each of them. If you look at the void, it's darkness, there is nothing there. It's not an evil void, it is just a void. If you look at the light, it's just light. They are both neutral in that sense. If you look at the type of batteries that run your radios, they have a positive end and a negative end that's like the void and the light. Only by using the batteries with two electrical charges (positive and negative) can you create the energy necessary to turn on your radio. The same can be said for this reality. The universe is the same way. You need the void and you need the light. Ultimately, the void (from which all is born) has been characterized as female; the light has been characterized as male. This is neither positive nor negative, bad nor good. It is simply the void and light, male and female. If the void is characterized as female and is considered the darkness, you begin to see the profound power of the female, which all of you have inside of you. (Some say the void had to exist before the light, which puts a new twist on the metaphor of "man" creating "woman".) We are not talking about female gender, but about female energy. Why has the female energy been so feared and hidden and so controlled? It is a tremendous source of power, neither bad nor good. But there are two equal forces. In your own psyche you all have those forces, and whether you are male or female you have a cycle in your psyche where you are more dominated by the light and another where you are more dominated by the void. When you are in the void, it is an introspective time and you may destroy old parts of yourself in order to make room for the new. When you are in the light, it is a time when you manifest, when you birth new aspects of self. This is a very natural cycle. Women (luckily or unluckily, it is your choice) manifest this often through the menstrual cycle. You may not think it is very good when you go into the moontime and become introspective and crabby, but one of the reasons it has become such an uncomfortable time for women in the 20th century is because the power of that time has been misunderstood and denied. Men also have this cycle within the psyche. Each man's cycle is slightly different. Cultures such as the Mayans have taught about these cycles. In a general sense, some of the Mayan teachings say that the men's cycle is 23 days. Men reading these words might want to take five minutes every day to go inward to see where you are in the cycle. Then you can start knowing and predicting your cycle so that when you are in the void you can use the energy for an introspective period. When you're in the light cycle, you can use that for creating the things in your reality that you wish to create. Females, also. These are nature cycles, and by recognizing their existence within you, you can consciously use them for your benefit instead of feeling powerless. Let's move now toward the idea of darkness or evil. If you do not harness the energy of these cycles, or if you do not go into the void when it is your natural time to do so and view whatever archetypal battles might be playing out there or whatever issues may need to be addressed, or if you miss a cycle and then another cycle and still another, the demons (so to speak) get larger and larger and larger until they start to interfere with your psyche. You then start manifesting uncomfortable situations in

your life that could have been taken care of in your psyche early on. Many native traditions on your planet have taught how to use these cycles and to confront the void during the appropriate time so that the void/darkness never has to be manifested in the physical. Many of you are now relearning this vital skill. Perhaps it is frustrating because you haven't been taught the tools. Even though there are workshops and books that help you discover these tools, it takes tremendous energy to relearn them because you've spent 20, 30, 40, 50 years learning a different way. Often it seems like the unlearning takes longer than the learning. But, simply knowing this information about these dark and light cycles within the psyche will be of immense value to you. Now, open your imagination to how you can use the knowledge of these cycles for your greater good. If you meditate or even just daydream, it is possible that you can be told by your higher self the best way to deal with these cycles. However, it is essential that they are addressed. The byproduct of utilizing this natural energy current of your being is that you become more empowered. You are consciously using your energy. Whether it's withdrawing and going within or manifesting outward, you are still consciously using it. This means that you know how to build and hold power. You can then be a more effective manifestor. We do not mean manifesting trivial things, but manifesting your life's path with the clarity of the eyes of your soul. So it is an overview manifestation - not necessarily a manifestation of the ego desires, but of the greater vision of your soul here on Earth. This helps integrate those energies and actually takes you back to the center point of balance outside polarity through the doorway of paradox and into the heart. Compassion - The Doorway to Integration Question: Let's say a situation arises. If you remain neutral with that situation, you are not going to pick up the frequency of judgment. Therefore you are going to be closer to who you really are. Yes, and one of the keys to remaining neutral - because there is a difference between intellectual neutrality and emotional neutrality - is compassion. That will flip you from the mind into the heart. Not many of you have difficulty with compassion. All of you are compassionate; you each have a doorway. Maybe it's with animals, the environment, racial issues or sexual issues, but each of you has your own doorway that flips you into compassion. You can use that doorway at first like training wheels on a bicycle to get you to compassion, then pretty soon you'll be able to do it without the training wheels. Compassion is the key, because then you will be in neutrality and out of polarity. It's simpler than it sounds; it's just the training-wheel part that is a little bit frustrating at first. Question: I'm a little confused about compassion being the center point. I was thinking about love and hate or positive and negative. Compassion is sort of (in my mind, anyway) a negative to love's positive and a positive to hate's negative. It almost feels like compassion is another end of polarity itself, to each of the ideas at the other ends of the spectrum. You cannot experience two polarities simultaneously except through their integration, which is different than experiencing them as two separate ideas. This means that you have to have a third element to take you out of polarity. Let's say that the third element exists up here and forms a triangle between the polarities of love and fear. This third element has to have enough of a connection with both polarities to be able

to be the doorway. That means it would have to have love in it, but it would also have to have room for fear, and the potential to use both of those energies as fuel to create the third element. You said you see the connection to compassion and love. But compassion also has a profound connection to fear. When you're walking through Peace Park in Hiroshima or in a concentration camp, even though there might be lots and lots of different emotions that come up, there is also a profound fear. Whether it's a fear that you could be a victim, or that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, whatever it is, you will find fear among the other emotions. So this third element has to be an evolution of both of those emotions. Besides compassion, there can be other emotional evolutions of polarity, but we are focusing on compassion here because it has to do with the heart, and that is where we want to focus our energy. The idea of compassion is an evolution. If you take love and fear, or even love and hate, and evolve them like an equation, you will get compassion. Compassion is not just an extension of love, it's an extension of other emotions combined together to create a new level of being. We're having a challenge talking about this because we're attempting to talk with words and intellect about something that has to do with the heart. Once you experience it, you will understand much better than when we communicate it with words. Simultaneous Love/Fear Transmutes Polarity Question: I do understand it better with my soul than I do with my head. So play with it a little bit more in your own musings and meditations, and if you're really brave you might want to say to your higher self, your guides, "Give me a situation where I can experience this." If you are brave! [Laughs.] Here is a true example. There was a woman who was attacked with the intent of bodily harm. Obviously this created a huge amount of fear in the woman, but somehow when she was attacked (this woman was very psychically open), she knew the pain of the attacker. He had been beaten as a child, or molested, or whatever. And she loved him. In that moment she gave him love, which is the opposite polarity of fear. As she was experiencing fear, she suddenly shifted - bang! - into love, which brought both emotions together into compassion. In that moment the burglar gave her back her purse and wept like a baby (this is a true story). He apologized for almost hurting her (at that point he hadn't beaten her) and left. That's an example of starting in one polarity, moving rapidly into the next and then moving into the heart through compassion, whereupon the entire reality shifts. This is a tangible example that can get your mind and heart going a little bit. You can play with it, feel the emotional nuances of this experience, and it will lead you into deeper and deeper understanding. Over the years we've heard many stories from many of you about similar experiences, maybe not as dramatic, but where you experienced something emotionally, shifted to the other mode, and moved into the heart whereupon the entire situation changed. This is going to be happening more and more. The difference is that you can consciously shift it if you want. Each time you are experiencing an undesirable situation (maybe you've hit a deadlock with a friend), try to go into love or compassion. Put yourself in that person's shoes, feel what they're feeling. That will take you back to that center point of paradox and open the door. When you get there, the reality will shift. As long as you have sincerely done that, the reality will shift. As you become more adept at this, you will quickly begin to see how effective it is. Question: How close is compassion to forgiveness?

It depends upon the situation. Question: I'm thinking of a concentration camp where families had to witness their loved ones being mutilated. The only way they could get rid of the hatred and bitterness that enveloped their minds was through absolute forgiveness of the other person. They often met the person later and experienced that. Forgiveness can indeed be a byproduct of compassion. You will find that it comes afterward, although sometimes it may feel simultaneous. In certain situations there may not be anyone to forgive, but in situations such as that, when you get to that point, forgiveness is natural. Sometimes a therapist might tell you that you have to forgive a person. Well, you can't forgive someone like you cook soup. There is no recipe. First you have to make the emotional commitment to go into compassion or into the heart, and then everything unravels from there. It's not something one can control from the head, but something one commits to through the heart.

The Great Pyramid

Germane through Lyssa Royal February 8, 1993 - Cairo, Egypt From Tape #131 One of the things we really enjoy in the work we do is our conversation time with you. You can ask questions about Egypt, about the pyramid or about any of the experiences you've had. If you ask about a personal experience, we won't go too much into detail, but we will give an answer that will be beneficial for all. So who will be brave and ask the first question? I'd like some information about three-dimensional infusion and polarity. Well, we will do our best to explain the dimensional infusion and polarity, but please remember one thing. These are very abstract subjects to put into linear language. Each time we attempt to describe this, we realize that we certainly have not perfected the way to explain it. So, let us first imagine that there is a Creator or a consciousness who is All. It never questions its existence; It simply is. However, at some point this consciousness wishes to learn more. This is the first polarity. It can be illustrated as follows: The All That Is suddenly says, "I want to know more." This means that It recognizes that there is more that It does not know. So two ideas are then created, the known and the unknown. That is the first polarity. That sets the stage for the entire experience that your galactic family and yourselves have had.

The Paradox of Polarity and the Unknowns

All is based on the known and the unknown, and that original polarity causes one to have a type of polarized thinking. That polarity served as a blueprint to build the rest of your experiences. Here is the paradox. When there is no unknown, there will be no polarity. However, there will always be unknowns. Does that mean there will always be polarity? No. That is the paradox. But do not worry about deciphering that equation. Applying this idea of polarity to the dimensional equation, we can say the following. Once All That Is separated itself into the known and the unknown, it then desired to explore the unknown. That desire allowed a fragmentation of itself into many seemingly separate pieces. All those individual pieces went their own ways to search out the unknown. They went their own ways to make the unknown the known. You can imagine that All That Is is a giant ball that is also a mirror. When you fragmented from the Source, it was as though that mirrored ball shattered into an infinite number of pieces. Each separate piece is a piece of the mirror, and each separate piece reflects the whole. Each of you reflects the whole just like a tiny piece of a mirror does. This is how, within chaos,

you eventually remember the way back home. For now, that is the extent to which we will take that concept. Is it clear? That fragmentation is what we call the dimensional infusion. If you ponder the imagery we have given you, it will help you to understand the concept. The concept cannot be understood only with the intellect. You must call upon your multidimensional self in order to understand it on a very different level of consciousness. I would like to know when the pyramid we are now in was constructed and how. I feel that I have a connection to this building. It was constructed and reconstructed many times. Our estimation, and this is not exact, is that the first time this site was used to house a pyramidal structure was approximately 25,000 years ago. This time period would fall very early in the Atlantean civilization. The original pyramidal structure that was here was both similar to and different from this one. To tell the history of each renovation for 25,000 years would take 25,000 years, so we're going to attempt to be as brief, yet concise, as possible. The first pyramid was not of the material you feel now. Imagine a pyramid with the top cut off; the top is very smooth, the sides are very smooth also, but there are stairs cut into the pyramid so that one can get to the top from the ground. That, of course, is very similar to some of the pyramids you see in the Yucatan. Now, these pyramids were originally used as landing sites for the ancient ETs. Some of the original ships that would land on these landing sites were like your old capsule spaceships, roughly pyramidal in shape, so when they would land on top of the flat surface, they would then create a complete pyramidal structure. That's where the later idea of the capstone came from. While the ship would sit on the pyramidal structure, having completed the pyramid shape, it would be recharged. It would use the natural energy of the pyramid to charge itself up. There was a blue electrical charge that would occur when the ship separated itself from the pyramid. During very ancient times, there were many of these landing sights scattered throughout this area. Most of these original pyramids are now either lying in dust, having gone through a lot of Earth changes, or they have been dismantled. However, there are still several buried deep within the sand in the area that was once Sumeria. That would include Iraq and Iran. Perhaps at some point these will be unearthed, but that has not really been decided yet.

There Are Pyramids Within Pyramids

So this pyramid that you are in now is a descendent, shall we say, of the very, very early pyramids that stood in this place. When the pyramid was first rebuilt after the great flood or after the destruction of Atlantis, that is the period of time when we enter more contemporary history, approximately 10,000 years ago. This pyramid would have been under the control of whoever was the ruling god at the time. It was built from the inside

out, and from underground up. If you had the technological ability to dissect this totally, you would find the remnants of the more ancient pyramid that came before this one, so whenever a scientist tries to date the pyramids, he doesn't get reliable results. For example, this chamber is much older than the stones on the outside of the pyramid. Now this king's chamber that you're in is made of granite. Granite has low-level radioactivity. Any time you have a substance that has low radiation like that, you're not going to get an accurate dating. What you're dealing with is a pyramid whose oldest portion, which hasn't been discovered yet, is deep underneath and over 25,000 years old. The newest section has been dated at 4,000 years old at the very oldest. So this is one of the reasons why we cannot give you one date for the age of the pyramid, because it's actually many pyramids. Now you also asked about how it was built. Well, many people on your planet have had visions about building the pyramids, and a lot of these visions differ from each other. We would say that just about all of the different ways you have envisioned were used at some point. One of the most common memories is that of levitating the stones and that was certainly done. An even more ancient way was simply that cosmic energy was taken and, using devices, solidified into matter. In more recent history, you have stories of slaves hauling the blocks. Mankind had dim memories of the pyramids that were built by the gods, and they would often attempt to build such pyramids because of those ancient memories. So some of the newer pyramids were built simply by physical labor because the ETs were no longer here with their technology. So you can see all stories have a basis in truth. The one you visualize is most likely the one you have the strongest connection to. Now it was asked of us, in a private session, where the connection lies between this group and ancient Egypt. Though many of you knew each other in different ancient Egyptian lives, this group has not been together during contemporary Egyptian history during the past 5,000 years. The last time your group was together as a whole was in the days of Sumeria. In those days, there were migrations from Sumeria down into the Nile Valley, and you were part of those migrations. Now, of course, when there is a migration, it is also a time of a lot of building. Many of you actually helped to construct, at one time or another, the pyramids you are asking about. Your connection to Egypt is much more ancient than the pharaohs you have been hearing about. You mentioned that in ancient days people stayed here for three days and three nights. I would like to know who those people were and how they performed the initiations. The people who took the initiations in the pyramids were people very much like you. They were seekers on the spiritual path. Most of them were associated with various priesthoods. They were both male and female. Throughout time, the specifics of the initiations changed. Some of them took place in the pyramids, but some of them were done in other sacred sites throughout Egypt. So as far as the specifics of the initiation, it really depended on the person and the time period, but the main purpose of the initiation was always for the person to face himself or herself. One way to do this is through sensory deprivation, for without distraction individuals must face themselves. It was believed at that time that to be a truly spiritual person, you had to be able to face the self. This means facing the inner demons. It means facing your own fear.

Initiations Elicited Their Greater Fears

Now when people took these initiations, there were several possibilities as to what could happen. One was that the initiation would be successfully completed after the time they spent in the pyramid. What constituted success was simply that you remained there during the initiation and when you came out you were alive and sane. That's all you had to do. So some of those who were initiated emerged whole. Another possibility was that while the person was locked up in the darkness, the confrontation with the self was so intense they could not continue it, so he or she chose to leave the body, or die. Another possibility was that the experience was so intense the person would lose touch with reality and become crazy. Now a fourth option, which wasn't available all the time, was that you could choose to leave part way through the initiation. That option was available only during certain time periods. At most times you were locked inside and there was no way to tell anybody that you wanted to get out. Now some of you may be thinking, "I could spend three days and three nights lying in a sarcophagus in the dark." And today, most of you could. But we are talking about thousands of years ago, when the human consciousness was not as developed as it is now. Their consciousnesses were filled with mythology and superstition. Because of the superstition, mankind then held a lot more fear inside than you do now. Though many of you may find an initiation like this today uncomfortable or intense, it would not be as intense as it would have been several thousand years ago. In my case I experienced a fever for one week. My throat was particularly affected. After several weeks it was completely gone. In my case, was it an adjustment or a cold? It certainly wasn't a common cold. It was a combination of cleansing and energy reduction. It is a very common experience to manifest a cold when one comes to a place like this. The first time the channel came, she got the fever when she was on the plane on the way to Cairo. Your body starts heating itself up in preparation for the cleansing. The fever can be a sign of the energy acceleration as well. Now the cold is also a very important symbol. Throughout time, over many lifetimes, many of you have held your emotions deep inside of yourself. Any time you stopped yourself from loving, you felt guilty or you judged yourself, and you held that energy in the heart area. Of course, the heart area is also the lung area, so when you are manifesting a cold in your lungs, your throat and your sinuses, you are cleansing the lungs of all that old emotion that's been stuffed there. The manifestation of diarrhea is a very similar example, for you have also stored emotions in the intestines. When you come here, there is a natural release of those stored emotions. Also, it's very, very common for women to begin their monthly cycle when they travel to power spots. This is a natural thing that is telling you that you are connecting with the Earth. In ancient days, women among the Native Americans, for example, would go to power spots deliberately, knowing it would be their cleansing time. The body responds

naturally. Men go through a similar cleansing, although it's not as noticeable. Perhaps they are the lucky ones, yes? When I was toning, I experienced a lot of heaving in the chest area. I would like you to tell me what that experience was. When you do toning, it is as if the whole body, inside and out, is getting infused with strong vibrations. The tones themselves cause your body's energy frequency to change, and in a place such as the Great Pyramid it is accelerated even more. Whenever your energy frequency is accelerated, the boundaries between dimensions lessen and your sensory perceptions begin to be magnified. That means that you hear beyond what you normally hear, you see beyond what you normally see. Some people even smell or feel things beyond what they normally experience. When you are toning here in the pyramid and you achieve a higher consciousness, you are coming much closer to your natural state of existence. So you were experiencing an acceleration, thus the heat, an opening of your sensory perceptions beyond what you normally experience and a disintegration of boundaries between dimensions. These experiences can be repeated. Any time you do toning, you can repeat this experience. Your experience here in the Great Pyramid will allow you to call in this energy for magnification any time you do toning. It can be a wonderful clearing experience for you any time during your daily life. Those of you who made tape recordings of the toning - when you play those recordings, your body, like a crystal, will begin resonating to the tones. Very powerful. Was there a connection between Mu and Egypt? Oh, yes. There were pyramids in Mu. Now we want to clarify for you that we perceive Mu and Lemuria as the same place. Some people do not. The most ancient pyramids and civilizations on your planet were found in Lemuria. The pyramids in Lemuria were very similar to the ones we described as having been here forever as landing platforms. The ruins of those structures are deep under the Pacific Ocean. It is very unlikely that they will be discovered. They might not even be recognized if they were discovered. Now during the times of both Lemuria and Atlantis, there were priests or oracles who could see the end of those civilizations coming. These priests or oracles made a commitment to carry the memory of these ancient civilizations into the future. There is a series of deep underground caverns that connect the various power spots in the world. Throughout time, priests would travel these caverns to various areas on your planet to make sure that knowledge continued. The Atlanteans planted knowledge in Egypt, Sumeria, Greece and other areas. The Lemurians planted information in the areas that are now southeast Asia, South America, Mexico and the western United States, as well as other places. Some of you here are the very people who helped to preserve this information and carried it from place to place. To some degree what you're doing now is continuing your work.

You are still committed to the preservation of knowledge. For that, we commend you and thank you.

(This article appeared in the August 1993 issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence.) Copyright 1994 by Royal Priest Research. For a complete catalog of books, tapes, and more, contact us at PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

The Lemurian Influence

Lyssa Royal Note: This session was for a private group from Japan during their 1993 visit to Sedona. The original tape, (#130) includes a Japanese translation. Germane: All right, this is Germane with greetings to you. We'd like to begin by giving you a little bit of the history of Sedona and you could certainly consider it an ancient history. During the time period that you know of as Lemuria, the area of Sedona was a series of islands. Now, we would consider this to be ancient Lemuria. During this period of time, there were many different types of beings who inhabited your world. There were some physical beings like yourselves, but there were also many beings in different dimensional realities, as well. It was a very populated area on many different dimensional levels. Within the cliffs that you see here now, in those ancient days, there were dwellings, interdimensionally, where many of these beings lived. Even now, some of those beings still live within the cliffs. Humans would see them as spirit forms. They would not seem physical to you. And to them, you are equally alien. During the latter time of the ancient days of Lemuria, the civilizations here were peaceful for long periods of time. But toward the end of the Lemurian civilization, the beings were aware that some type of dramatic change was coming.

The Lemurian Consciousness Has Been Kept Alive

> Now the end of the Lemurian civilization occurred at the same time as the end of the Atlantean civilization, but even though the physical civilization ended, the consciousness of Lemuria has never gone. It is kept alive in the earth of your planet so that you will never forget your ancient past. All of the indigenous peoples, the Indians in this area of the world - United States, South America, Canada - are the memory-carriers of the Lemurian civilization. They have memories of the ancient ways locked within them. Even though those memories remain locked, the energy itself is felt on the planet. One day those memories will be unlocked. Toward the end of the Lemurian civilization, the physical beings were aware that there was going to be a great change in the land mass. There was a decision that all of the precious knowledge from Lemuria would somehow be stored on the Earth for later use. For about 300 years before the end of the Lemurian civilization, these physical beings began preparing for a cataclysm. They began different ways of record storage. One thing they did was to program what they called "seed crystals." These seed crystals are programmed with the knowledge of ancient Lemuria. They were scattered throughout your planet. Some of these crystals were put in areas of your world that were rich in

crystalline growth. That way, the seed crystals could program the crystals that would grow throughout time. This is how you will find crystals that have knowledge stored within them, for when you place one crystal in proximity to another, there can be an information transfer between them. So that was one way that Lemurian information was preserved. Another way was by the creation of stories that were documented in hieroglyphs on walls or on stone tablets. Most of these are still kept hidden deep within the Earth. Now before the Earth changes happened, many people volunteered to go deep within the Earth and wait until the Earth changes had subsided. Once the Earth changes stabilized, their mission was then to come from the inner Earth onto the planet and begin seeding this civilization. Many of your Native peoples on Earth have ancient myths that say they emerged through a hole in the Earth. Several Native American tribes claim that their beginnings were inside the Earth and then they came out onto the surface. There are places on your planet called cenote. They are very, very deep holes filled with water. Those of you who have been in the Yucatan have seen one at Chichen Itza. However, there is another cenote here, outside of Sedona [Montezuma's Well]. That cenote was one of the major emergence points for these beings who were underground and then came out when the Earth changes subsided. The legends of the Native Americans in this area do say that. And we would suggest that you take a short visit there, for it is very rare that one of these emergence points from the inner Earth is actually seen on the surface. When the Earth changes subsided and these beings emerged to the surface, they saw some interesting things. This period of time we're talking about is the what you call the Great Flood. It was also the time of the destruction of Atlantis. When they finally emerged on the surface, they saw that great devastation had occurred. Many, many humans did not survive. A lot of the animal species that were present did not survive either. What many of the Native peoples did find were groups of beings who were fighting over territory. In the present day, you would call those beings extraterrestrials, but in ancient days, those beings were called gods. They were not necessarily revered as gods, but they were seen as superior beings. These gods were primarily light-skinned, or what you'd call Caucasian. The native Lemurians had a darker, thicker skin. When these ancient peoples emerged to the surface and saw these gods fighting, they knew that it was not time to release the Lemurian information. They felt that the Lemurian information would be used for power struggles rather than for peace. And so, at that point, they decided that they would hold the knowledge very securely until they felt that the world would not use it for power struggles.

Native AmericansProtect the Ancient Knowledge

The holders of that information now are the Native American people, as well as Polynesian tribes from the northern and southern Pacific. And even though this happened so long ago and they may have forgotten what it is they were protecting, there is an inner knowingness deep within them, for they are still the protectors of the Earth. This is something that they know on a cellular level. The knowledge they hold will not be

released until they see the white man or the other people beginning to live in peace. The Native American prophecies reflect this idea. Even though they don't consciously know that they hold this information, or that they will help release it, through their prophecies they give information that talks about when the knowledge will be needed. So there will be an automatic process that will occur. When your Earth begins healing and peace begins to be spread upon your world, energetically they will begin releasing the memories and the information. When they see that the healing of the Earth is beginning and that peace is the primary important thing to humans, they will then energetically and unconsciously begin releasing the information. If you were to meet a Native American on the street and you asked him for the information, he would not know of what you speak. Very few know what it is that they are protecting. It is usually passed among the elders in the tribe and it doesn't go any further. Now, a question that you may have in your mind is, what is the nature of this information? We can tell you with certainty that it is nothing you don't already know. A lot of the information simply is universal truth. Some of the information has to do with ways to control the environment. When we say control the environment, we do not mean for negative or greedy purposes, but we are talking about knowledge that will keep the environment balanced. What is now known as the Indian Rain Dance is a current version of the ancient knowledge of how to control the environment. Now you can see that if that type of information went into the minds of people who would use it for manipulation, it could cause a lot of damage. The basic idea of the information has to do with maintaining oneness with the environment. It has to do with walking as one with the Earth, and it has to do with the harnessing of Earth's power. The Earth is a powerful being indeed, more powerful than any of your nuclear reactors. If that energy were harnessed and used for negative purposes, it would mean the destruction of your planet, so that knowledge is buried deep within the Native peoples. This does not mean that none of you carry it. At this point, the races and the different peoples on your planet have intermixed very much. Each of you has some of this knowledge within you. Some of you have, perhaps, a little bit more than others. Imagine all this knowledge as one big jigsaw puzzle, and imagine that each of you has separate pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. The knowledge will be unlocked when all of your pieces come together. And so, in that sense, there is a built-in safety mechanism. When you come to places like Sedona, that inner knowledge you carry gets activated. Sedona is one of the places that can activate that inner knowledge strongly. There is one thing that all of you will realize when you leave Sedona, even if you're not conscious of it. That one thing is that you will feel more connected to or more a part of the Earth. You will take a little piece of Sedona with you when you leave, and it will help you to maintain your Earth connection. Please know that what you are exposed to in present-day Native American philosophy is different from that of the ancient days, but locked deep within the present-day information is the ancient information. So we ask you to be conscious of being a living extension of the Earth. Be a part of the Earth more than you

ever have before. When you become part of the Earth, you resonate at a certain frequency that matches the Earth's vibration; then a doorway opens between you and the Earth. When that doorway opens the ancient knowledge is passed to you. The vibration of the Earth's energy helps to trigger that knowledge which is within you.

The Doorway Will Open

What we are about to say may sound like a paradox. It was very important that humans got further and further away from the land, over time. By getting further away from being one with the land, you've actually been protecting the ancient information which can be activated only when you're one with the Earth, for that's when the doorway opens. But that cycle is now beginning to come to a close. More and more people are beginning to feel drawn to the Earth, and as they do so, they begin matching their vibrations with those of the Earth. Then the doorway will open. But the doorway will not open until the planet is ready for the knowledge. As that doorway opens, you're going to notice several things. You're going to notice more and more people feeling inexplicably drawn to places where there is a lot of land or earth. You may find more and more people moving from the cities. You're also going to notice more respect for the Earth. These things are beginning to happen now. There's a very strong environmental concern on your planet. You're seeing people be very concerned about recycling. This is saying that you're now coming back closer to the Earth. As you begin respecting the Earth more, you will be feeling inner energy even more strongly, and that door will start opening a little bit. You're also going to notice a change in the consciousness of your people. They will become less focused on their immediate world and become more focused on the world as a whole. All of these things are beginning to happen. This is an indication that you're beginning to open the doorway. You're also going to find an even stronger interest in Native American studies or indigenous peoples' studies, let us say. That will be another way to get your people back to the land. The growth that you experience goes into the mass consciousness and helps the whole, so even though this seems like a personal journey for you, you are also being of service. When you spend time being close to the Earth and tell your friends about it, they too will be touched. Even the person who sits next to you on the subway will somehow, even in a small way, be benefitted. This is how the union of your planet will be brought about - by each of you following your own vision quest. So we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the gifts that you are giving your Earth and the mass consciousness. The energy at play is very healing. When you are hiking and you're laughing and you're banging your drums and you're having fun, that is tremendously healing. We would like to take this opportunity to open the discussion for questions.

I am really glad to hear what you are saying about reconnecting to the Earth, opening the doorway to the Earth. I'm overwhelmed with emotions because I have been receiving visions about the knowledge. I was meditating when a vision of a green meadow in America came to my mind. The words "Great Spirit" came to my mind and the American way in harmony with Mother Nature was in my mind, too. I feel that I was a Native American Indian in a past life. The vision of the green field was a way for you to begin resonating with the Earth. That experience was specifically orchestrated by your higher self in order to allow you to begin matching your vibration with the vibration of the Earth. Once you match your vibration with that of the Earth, you're naturally going to have recollections of other lives or experiences when your vibration was matched to the Earth's. So you were preparing yourself to open up and receive even more knowledge of your past. These past-life feelings come from your higher self, from the Earth, from many different places. We'll suggest an exercise for you. When you're doing ceremony, close your eyes for a moment and pretend to think of another time when you did something very similar. Let yourself play again. What you receive will be the emotion of another life, an Indian life. Pretend that you can feel the emotion you might have felt hundreds of years ago. That's going to help to open the doors, too. I read somewhere that there are other types of crystals that were used as healing crystals in Lemuria. Are those different from the seed crystals? A seed crystal is like a computer. The laser wand crystals do not so much hold data as transform energy. If you were using a laser wand crystal to heal someone, when you put it over the person, it would draw out negativity, transmute that negative energy and give it back to the person as positive, healing energy. That is one way to use it. Crystals are the types of tools that will work with you through your imagination, so you can direct them to do whatever you'd like them to do. So the seed crystals are totally different from laser crystals? Well, they have an almost identical molecular structure. The main difference is on the meta-atomic level, so by sight, you may not be able to tell the difference, but intuition could tell you. Are seed crystals being discovered in the world and are there many of them? Sometimes you will go into a crystal shop and find a seed crystal. They are rare. Is there any way to distinguish a seed crystal from ordinary crystals? They have a frosty look, and it's hard to tell whether it's on the surface or if it penetrates all the way through. They look like frosty ice.

Does this mean that the crystal is not transparent but cloudy inside? It's not what you would consider cloudy quartz, when you would think that the inside is cloudy. The seed crystals look almost like they're cloudy on the surface and they feel different. They're rougher. I have heard that some ancient civilizations used devices that would constitute a computer, in present terms. Were they using seed crystals in order store information? They were using a similar type of crystal. There are just some very slight differences. The crystals used as seed crystals are programmed to give off the information in a different way or on a different frequency from those used simply for data storage. When seed crystals release information to other crystals, they have to release it at a certain frequency - almost like on a radio dial - so that the other crystals can pick it up and then incorporate the information. The other crystals operate on a slightly different frequency. You're speaking of seed crystals, sometimes available in crystal shops, that have been seeded by some other consciousness, is this correct? Yes. We're speaking of Lemurians, correct? Yes, but Atlanteans also. There are Atlantean and Lemurian seed crystals. Could these seed crystals that are rather small actually be seeded with access codes that would allow access to the large seed crystals that are not yet discovered or are still buried? In other words, need they contain all the knowledge themselves? Very good. The answer to that is yes. The smaller seed crystals can have a certain frequency password that can allow the user to gain access to the "mainframe," the larger crystals deep within the Earth that store all the data. One uses the small crystals to open a doorway to the large crystals, kind of like getting information out of mainframe databanks by using your personal computer to go into them with a password. Now you will like this. The place that you call Shambhala holds these huge, what we would call mainframe, crystals. I felt a lot of energy around Cathedral Rock, but when I first went to Bell Rock, I felt a blockage of energy and I felt the same way yesterday. Is it because I have a problem that I could not get the energy from Bell Rock? We would say that Bell Rock is the masculine and Cathedral Rock represents the feminine. Your feminine energy, or your inner female, was like a hungry sponge when you went to Cathedral Rock. It sucked up all of that feminine energy. You've been traveling for such a long time and using a lot of masculine energy. The Earth will always

give you what you need, so you were being fed the feminine energy. Because you've been using so much of your masculine energy over the past month, your vibration was matched to Bell Rock so you really didn't notice a big difference. The energy of Bell Rock is best accessed through physical movement, whereas the energy of the other vortex are best accessed through meditation. Very good point, yes. We would agree. So, it's best to climb Bell Rock. Some people, like the channel, who just sit on Bell Rock find the energy too intense. She needs to move in order to move the energy through. I would like to know why the people in this group got together. Well, you've made journeys similar to this before. It may seem like somewhat of an esoteric answer, but when you travel with certain people, the combination of your energies can act as a key to unlock a door. If all of you think about each other and the journeys you've taken around the planet with one other person, you have literally formed a network of your energy around the planet. It's as if you have paved a road around the planet. As the road gets paved and you walk along it, separately or together, you're going to be performing a lot more service for the planet than you realize. You've all traveled together as Native Americans. That's pretty obvious. But when you traveled together back then, you were seekers. You were young on the path. This time, though you may disagree with us, you're not those young seekers. You are, in this journey, giving back what was given to you so long ago. You don't have to do anything specific to accomplish this. By simply being your natural self and being joyful, you are returning the gift.

A Life Shared Long Ago

Just to satisfy your curiosity a little bit, we've just gotten an interesting story to tell you. We perceive a life, perhaps 1,200 years ago in this area, or more accurately in the Grand Canyon. All of you were Native American and you had gone down deep within the canyon for your journey and then followed what is now called the Colorado River. We perceive that you were fairly young. The particular tribe that you belonged to allowed a vision quest to occur when children entered adolescence, but this type of vision quest you didn't do alone. You did it with those close to you. And so all of you went on this vision quest. We see you sitting by a fire. You are sitting up against a wall in the canyon. The picture is very clear. We see one of you poking the fire with a stick. You are very emotional. You are almost crying. You are thanking the Great Spirit for bringing all of you together. You are feeling that if you died right at that moment, you would have lived a full, rich life. All of you agree and it becomes very emotional. It was then that the gratitude welled

up within you so very strongly. All of you vowed that someday you would give back to the universe that which was given to you. That's what you're doing now. But, we'll tell you a little secret. You enjoy doing it so much that you've done it a couple more times also, in a couple of different lives. There are two who are not here now who were there then. Those two are not alive now, but they are serving as guides for all of you. Can you tell us who those two people are who are serving as guides now? Do you mean in the form they are in now, as they serve as guides? First of all, we will say one thing about guides. Their appearance really doesn't matter to them, so they will take an appearance that is meaningful for you. We see one of these two people very clearly. He's taking the form of a very old Indian man. In the lifetime we were just telling you about, he was there with you around the fire as a young man. Later, in that life, he became Medicine Man. He was with each of you in that life when you died, and he led you into the other world. So he lived longer than the rest of you lived. As each of you died, he communed with your spirits and he made a promise that he would always be connected to you. You may call him Thunder Bear. Were we Hopi back then? We would say that you were a tribe that was connected to the Hopi, yes. The Hopi tribe has often split itself off into other groups. But we would say of all the tribes that we could name, Hopi would be the closest. I have been intuitively feeling a connection with Lazaris and Babaji while making this journey. These two entities that you mention who are serving as spirit guides for this journey, are they connected to those beings? There is a connection, but we'd have to describe it. Lazaris is a group consciousness, like what you call Germane. Even though you can represent Babaji as a person, we would call the Babaji consciousness a group, as well. Those two energy consciousnesses have strong connections to Lemuria, for they were some of the guiding forces who helped to preserve information. And so, as you are beginning to access that information, it's very likely that you would be attracted to Lazaris or Babaji. All of you will attract to you the entities that you have connections to from the past. I would like to know about that particular vision of which you just spoke. I have a feeling that all the people who joined were boys. Were there any women or girls who took part in the vision quest? You are right that they were all male, yes. However, if you remember, we said there were two who are not here with you now and we told you about one of them who is manifesting as the old Indian guide. The other was the twin sister of one of you. She was a sickly person and she could not go on these types of outings. At least traditionally, the journeys were either for all women or all men. But she wanted to be with you very badly.

So she projected herself to you through her consciousness while you were making the journey. In a sense she was with you, but not physically. There was a very strong bond between you. And so she, as the second guide, is appearing to you as a young Indian woman. You may refer to her as Little Deer. She was called Little Deer because she was so frail. When we were walking in the ruins today, you said that there was a deer in the area, and I would really like to see a deer. I think that had something to do with this spirit guide. Yes. I would like to place crystals in an area where they would help to release the ancient knowledge that has been buried. Well, here's an exercise for you. When all of you were Native Americans, you were always taught or you always knew to read the signs of nature to know when it was appropriate to do something. Tomorrow, take one or two of those crystals with you, and be aware of the signs from the universe that will tell you when it is time to bury the crystal. The sign will be manifested in nature somehow. It might be an intriguing formation of rocks or it might be the sighting of an animal. Become the Indian that you are, and you will know where to put it. We sense that you may come in contact with one or two places that will be appropriate. We can't give you more information than that, since it is your vision. I used to expend a lot of energy trying to force things to happen, but I found it was not necessary. Just being myself and being one with the universe is all I need to do. I was really overwhelmed with emotion when I became aware that I am indeed God. Yes, you've just opened that doorway a little further. Earlier tonight we were telling you how certain people who were alive in Lemuria volunteered to go underground to wait until the Earth changes subsided and then emerge. Some people emerged in Sedona, some in the Mt. Shasta area of California, some emerged in the Himalayas, some in Britain, and some in Peru. There is a very complex series of underground tunnels that run between some of these areas. There is an underground tunnel connecting Peru and the Himalayas? Yes. It is in existence but it is camouflaged. We often hear a story about Shambhala existing underground. Are these tunnels similar to the idea of Shambhala? Yes, the Shambhala would be considered, to use an analogy, the train station that connects all the tunnels.

Are the tunnels completely intact? Are they maintained? Some of them disintegrated, but there are primary ones that are still in existence and are maintained by those living underneath them. Why were the tunnels built and who built them? To some degree, they were not built, but naturally formed. So they are like natural, connecting underground caverns? Yes, and to be more specific, when a planet is formed they often leave connecting points between vortex areas. The best way to describe this would be as follows. Let's say you have a planet that's just being formed and it's very hot and it's spinning rapidly. As the energy of that planet begins to be formed, natural vortex areas appear, or energy fields are formed. If a vortex point forms here, there will always be one on the opposite side, as well, so those vortex points are energetically connected. They're connected through the Earth. So as the planet was forming, the Earth formed around those vortex points which are natural tunnels leading from one point to another. When a planet forms, there are nearly always natural tunnels that connect major energy centers. So they are natural, yes, but they've been maintained all the time. If vortex points shift on your planet, then some of the old tunnels may disintegrate. But if we go into the belly of the planet, the pressure will change and the temperature will become hotter. What will the effect of those conditions be? You are never meant to go into those tunnels in this vibrational thinking. When we talk about the journeys you've taken through the tunnels, we speak of times when you were not of this frequency. Your frequency was very different. It was more accelerated. Things like that do not affect an entity who is more accelerated in his vibration. Also, some of those tunnels are not as deep as you would think they are. They are probably only in the mantle part of the Earth and that is about as thick as the shell of an egg is in relation to the entire egg. It is, relatively speaking, a very, very thin area. But that seems contrary to what you said about the tunnels connecting energy points on the other side of the planet. Yes, it is often difficult to describe this because it does entail some interdimensional movement. This will be challenging, but let me try. It may be a discussion on gravity. Your perceptions of reality are very much connected to the Earth's gravitational field. When you change your relationship to the Earth's gravitational field, you change your perceptions of reality. As you enter the Earth, you're changing your relationship to the gravitational field. It becomes much more interdimensional. It's not linear, so if you try to

think of it as linear, as if you'd be going through the very hot center of the Earth, it wouldn't make sense. But the definitions of time and space become different when you enter the Earth. Perhaps you might have heard of Admiral Byrd, who supposedly flew his plane into the tunnels of the Earth. He saw so many things that should not have been there because when he entered the Earth, he disconnected from the relationship of time and space as you know them on the surface. So his experiences cannot be looked at with your perception of reality. It won't "fit." In a sense, going into the Earth and going out into space are the same thing. It basically means that you change your perception of time and space. We hope that was not too complicated. So if an entity could pass through the underground tunnels, would that entity be a highly evolved being? Not necessarily. We could say alternate life forms. Their reality is very different from yours. Different does not necessarily mean superior. You move through air and fish move through water in your reality. There are different rules for different environments. There have been some negatively oriented groups who have attempted to use these tunnels. The higher your vibration, the more easily you will be able to access the tunnels. A more negatively oriented being could not pass from one point to another. In all structures that have a shell such as the Earth, the vortexes will have the most direct relationship with each other across the crust, not through the center of the Earth. For instance if you set off a nuclear bomb on one part of the Earth, the shock waves will travel around the crust and meet on the other side more quickly than they will travel through the planet. So the vortexes have their relationship to each other through the medium of the crust, not through the molten center of the Earth. Now, I don't want to make an absolute statement, but the relationship we're talking about that allowed the tunnel system to be formed occurs through the crust. It is the nature of a sphere. I heard that the energy grid system that we used to have is changing, that Earth is now forming a new grid system. Is this so? Yes, this is so. The journeys that all of you make are helping to change the grid. So am I correct in saying that the location of the vortexes will not change but the location of the grids will change? First, let's say that in the past the vortex locations have changed because a lot of it has to do with the tilt of the Earth on its axis. So it's possible that they can change, but we don't perceive a high probability that they will unless your Earth makes a dramatic shift on its axis. The way that the grid is changing can be explained as follows.

We like to talk about this grid as being like a tapestry that's wrapped around your planet. Imagine that this tapestry has a very simple design on it. What is happening is that the tapestry is going from a simple design to a more complex one, so it's allowing more of the facets of who all of you are to be seen, or reflected, in the grid, in the tapestry. We wish you magnificent dreams this night. Much love to each of you and good night.

Note: This session appeared in the June, 1993 edition of The Sedona Journal of Emergence. 1994 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. For more information, write to us c/o PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

The Lyran Beginnings

Lyssa Royal 1992 All right, greetings to all of you. This is Germane. Obviously we cannot cover everything about Earth history. So this is a highlight, a recap, a glossing over, shall we say. But it will be enough information for you to be able to begin thinking and looking in other directions, perhaps, than before. The beginnings of humanoid consciousness began in the area you call the constellation Lyra. Eventually the consciousness took bodily form (in terms of humanoid beings), and within the Lyra system civilizations began exploding in all directions. They began polarizing themselves, as is the natural template of your reality - for having a polarized reality stirs you to achieve integration.

Lyran Light-Skinned and Vegan Dark-Skinned Humanoids

You had then what we will call the Lyran civilizations, which were, generally speaking, humanoids like you, usually a Caucasian type. The other foundational civilization was from the system Vega. There is a star Vega in your Lyran constellation. In terms of light years, it's much closer to you than Lyra, but they regard themselves as part of the Lyran system. The Vegan civilizations are also a certain genetic strain, a less Caucasian type. Still humanoid, they are more representative of the darker skinned races on your planet, from Native American to East Indian to aborigine. Some of the specific African races on your planet were specifically engineered for Earth, so you may not find the exact type out there. These two polarities began the explosion of humanoid civilizations outward into the galaxy until you eventually get to Earth. We'll give you a little bit of the family tree here. We shall start with Source. We've talked about the dimensional infusion, the eventual explosion into this dimensional reality (of course, it didn't happen like that), and the eventual polarization of the Lyran and Vegan races.

The Two Genetic Strains

Let's take this a little further. As this is extremely simplified, there are literally hundreds of civilizations that are not represented here. But this is the basic template. As you say in your Bible (and we will use it humorously), Lyra begat Terra, Lyra begat Pleiadians, Vega begat Orion, Vega begat Sirius. You can see some of the genetic progressions here. The Terrans (Terrans, of course being you) and the Pleiadians are

more light-skinned (Lyran). Orions and Sirians are somewhat more Vegan. Now, there are a myriad of other civilizations: for instance, in the Vegan genetic chain there are Alpha Centauri and Altair, various planets in the Draco system, and some civilizations within Ursa Major. Those are minor players. We speak of the main players of this drama. You'll hear us talk about the Lyran and Sirian groups more than the Lyran/Vegan [level of polarity]. The Vegans were the first civilization here on Earth, before the Lyrans ever came. This was during the time when prehistoric creatures were on your planet. Your Earth then was considered a future Vegan colony; when the planet settled down it would become a Vegan colony. Since Vega is close to your Earth in light years, this is very natural.

Troublemaking Lyrans
But the Lyrans came eventually and caused a lot of trouble (which is something they're known for). At some point the Vegans pulled out and it became a Lyran planet. Generations and generations later, the Sirians, who were begat from the Vegans, came back to claim the Earth. So the conflict thus lies between the Sirians and the Lyrans. Those of you who have read a book on your planet called The Gods of Eden will find a reference to the Brotherhood versus the custodial gods. This dynamic of the Brotherhood, the custodial gods, the Lyrans and the Sirians has been playing on your planet since its inception. You have two groups who believe, or did believe, that you were their territory.

You Were Your Forefathers

Before we go further with this we do not want to imply that you are all puppets on a string. The key idea is that, reincarnationally speaking, you today were these forefathers who fought over you. So it's an internal family struggle; you're fighting against yourselves. No one is doing anything to you. You are attempting to heal your past by bringing up these past issues in contemporary times. This is why you see many of the divisions on your planet now. Archetypally speaking, the Brotherhood, the Sirian group, was the group that had knowledge, the group that cared about humanity - cared enough to occasionally give you a carrot to appease you, a tidbit of information so that you would grow. The Lyrans would be more like the custodial gods or the authoritarian, perhaps religious, figures you are aware of who are more concerned with keeping you subverted. So this is the dynamics that have been playing on your planet for millennia. You have a group that's attempting to enlighten you (in their own way) and a group that's attempting to oppress you. Again, it's yourself doing it to yourself. It's the polarities within yourselves raging this war. This history is only the external dynamic of how it occurred. The creation of mankind was basically a joint effort, though somewhat reluctantly on the part of the Lyrans and the Sirians, who both wanted the race on Earth to be created for

their own purposes. So after Homo sapiens was fully autonomous on the planet and began multiplying, then the more subtle wars began over who was going to be the lord over you.

The Time of the ET Overlords

During the times of early man (for instance, Sumeria) the planet was divided into various areas where a certain overlord was in charge. As you go through the mythologies on your planet you find gods in different civilizations with different names but with strikingly similar qualities - for instance, Innana in Sumeria, Quan Yin in Asia, Isis in Egypt. Those are all representative of the same consciousness, of an "overlord" during a given time period. However, the consciousness that many of you have come to know and love, Isis/Quan Yin, is not what we are talking about. (The Quan Yin, the Isis, is more archetypal now; it's the evolved version of that consciousness that has come to terms and integrated with everything and now serves as a loving force for evolution.) We're talking about the past physical history that has been attributed to these names. We are talking about the personification of these overlords, these gods on your planet. Many of you may wonder why God is sometimes referred to in some of your ancient writings as being a real person, a physical person. Many of the very, very ancient writings have not been altered, and they speak of God as a physical person. These extraterrestrial beings were no more God than you are with each other; they were physical beings. Throughout the ages their true nature has been either deliberately manipulated and changed to keep people under control or it has become distorted through the passing of time. Rest assured that what we are saying to you will represent one aspect. There is also a lot being communicated to you on another level of consciousness, so you may feel that your head is crammed very full. You may have a lot of later insights, things we've not even talked about today. So much of this history is so convoluted and nonlinear that sometimes we must share with you concepts in nonlinear communication rather than through language. Any comments or questions so far?

A School to Learn This History

Is there ever going to be a school or any kind of an educational system here that will acquaint us with these ideas and concepts? It is our understanding that yes, eventually there will be, but it might not be in the next ten years. A lot of undoing and unraveling will need to be done before this information can be communicated to you. When we say "undoing and unraveling," we're talking about the hold that much of your religious structure has on your societal development. It's like a plant with very deep roots; if you try to dig out the plant, all the surrounding dirt is disturbed as well. Society may not be ready for that type of massive change. This

information will eventually be recognized, because even as we speak there are experts who are translating Sumerian and many other texts found in areas of your Middle East. Most - 75% - of the information has not been released, some because it's not understood. Some of it hasn't been released because it is recognized to be in direct contradiction to what has been part of your planet. So for now, at least, you're not going to learn about this in your elementary schools. But in the future, yes.

Hidden Agendas and the Inheritance of Core Beliefs

I would like to make sure we touch on some of those core-belief systems that we have inherited from these previous times, such as the idea of monogamy or the influence of the Church, the power structure, that sort of thing. Some of the hidden agendas that apparently were played at that time are still carrying on here. "Hidden agendas" is wonderful terminology. There are so many hidden agendas going on your planet. In fact, they are so hidden that the people who originally hid them can't even remember where they've hidden them. That's your challenge. The idea of chaos is part of it. These agendas are so hidden that you have to go into total chaos even to know you have a hidden agenda, before you even find out what it is. Since you brought up the idea of monogamy we will address that one. We're not going to go in a linear format like we did before. We're going to field your questions and throw in little tidbits for you, back and forth throughout history, that will help you put the puzzle together. When you assemble a puzzle, you don't wait and do it in order. You do it as it fits together.

Monogamy, a Genetic Code

The idea of monogamy is a touchy one for some because it pushes a lot of buttons. But we will say that in the very early days of your planet when there was a deliberate breeding program to create accurate, direct bloodlines that the extraterrestrials in power wanted, the work with your genetic structure was primarily in women. There is still a latent genetic code that predisposes females to the idea of monogamy. This was to keep bloodlines pure. It didn't matter if the male plucked around, as you say, but it was very important that the key females did not, so that the children would have a pure bloodline. After these genetic programs were completed, the genetic code became more and more latent. The genetic code in females that predisposes them to monogamy is triggered by the emotion of fear, so it becomes active when fear is present, latent when fear is absent. In the early days the extraterrestrials' method of control was through fear; that is how fear became the trigger. In contemporary times you have various things that can trigger fear. For instance, the fear of disease, the fear of not getting the love you need or want if you allow your partner not

to be monogamous, the fear that it somehow takes away from you, the fear that if your partner is not monogamous with you perhaps your importance to him will be lessened, you identity will perhaps crumble. There are different ways one can trigger this, but the basic trigger is fear. When you heal the fear, the code becomes inactive. There has been so much genetic mixture on your planet that we would say that males now also possess the latent code. It's more inactive in males than in females, but it exists now in both male and female bodies. The more fearful you are, the more that code is triggered. This is one of those wonderfully byproducts of the early genetic manipulation. But in no way are you victims to it, because as you heal yourself, as you heal your relationship with yourself, your issues of self-love, etc., you come out of the energy of fear and the code becomes quite inactive; so much so that it would be difficult to access it. This is an example of how certain deliberate genetic manipulation in the ancient past has created a certain aspect of society that you have now. This is going to be changing. It was necessary then that you be controlled. And of course later the churches etc. would jump on the band wagon, because if you knew that you could love more than one person you would not be in fear. You would not be afraid of God, for one thing, so you wouldn't listen to the Church.

The History of Jesus and His Bloodline

So the divine right of kings in our history is from the same idea - to keep those bloodlines intact, and that was linked with power and control? Exactly. There have been a lot of secret genetic programs on your planet up to present day. One that some of you are familiar with is that of Jesus's bloodline - Jesus having had children. We've not talked about this really in depth. We've avoided it like the plague. What is necessary to get a group of people together so that you don't have to avoid it...? Well, we may go into it today, depending on the dynamics of the group. Jesus was Hebrew, obviously, and he could not have held his position as rabbi had he not been married. The ancients speak of Jesus as a rabbi, and he could not be a rabbi of that standing without being married. There were children. Obviously, because of the controversy around Jesus, his children would not talk about their heritage indiscreetly. After Jesus's disappearance, shall we say, the family fragmented somewhat, went into hiding. There's a bloodline on your planet that you call Merovingian; this was more active many centuries ago. They represent what's left of Jesus's bloodline - this is what they've claimed.

The Holy Grail

There is a whole idea of the grail, what it represents and how people have been seeking after it so long. Look at the symbology. Remember that when you're dealing with

something that is mythologized, you're dealing in symbology. It might not necessarily be what you think. The mythical cup that held Jesus's blood - in symbology a cup can be seen as a womb; blood would be genetic material, codes, what makes you who you are. So you have a womb that is holding this genetic connection - the grail. This is the way we would interpret it. It's not a thing. It's not material riches to be sought after. It is an idea, and it is the key to your liberation on Earth. It is the recognition of who you have been, who you are, and who you will become. It is the entire genetic package of your heritage. So you have seen people risking their lives to find the grail, not even knowing what they're looking for. It was because they sensed that it represented freedom. You also had people desperately looking for the grail to hide it so that it would never be found. This is the dynamic that's been going on on your planet. You have groups who want to keep you in ignorance and fear. And you have groups who want to liberate you. They've been butting heads for century after century. Again we remind you it's yourself and yourself. You're the only players. No one is doing anything to you. This is your way of being extremely creative and clearing up all the stuff, discovering your heritage, using the past to move cleanly into the future. During the next twenty years much is going to be emerging - so much information, so much revelation is going to be emerging, it will be like a cleansing. This is necessary. And it's going to come in layers. The top layer may be your government's revelations. Oh my goodness! That's just covering up one more layer of coverup! Well, coverup's not the word we're looking for, but you know what we mean - hidden agendas.

Your Divine Heritage

The basic hidden truth all of these facades are covering up is your divine heritage, who you are. It doesn't mean you are all gods on a pedestal. It means you are all equal to God. You came from the heavens. You have a connection. You each have your own personal connection to a God that no one can dictate to and you are part of a vast network of family from planet to planet to planet. A very liberating idea, yes? That's why it's not widely known - it's too liberating. But that's the foundational piece that all of the facades, the governments, the religions, etc. are covering up. The grail is one key toward the understanding of yourself on a genetic level - who you are, where you've come from, and where you are going.

Jesus and the Crucifixion

In one of the Seth books they talked about the idea that the actual body that was crucified wasn't the body of Christ but that it was somebody else. Can you comment on that? We knew someone was going to ask that question. We would agree with that. We've not really come out to say this yet, but Jesus did not die. The ultimate blasphemy you may throw at your society is that he did not die on the cross. His value was recognized, and

the individuals responsible for the crucifixion knew that a dead martyr is much more powerful [as a symbol]. So there were various political things that went on. He was allowed basically to go into hiding and another was sacrificed in his place. Thus he was able to keep the genetic line going. What then is the Shroud of Turin? Many of these stories we share with you may sound very fantastic. You have to look at the whole picture instead of the fantastic stories. The body that was put in the shroud was not the body of the person who died on the cross. It was the body of Jesus, but he was not dead. He's not in trance or an altered state of consciousness? Well, a little bit of all you've mentioned. He had the ability to put himself in a very deep trancelike state, which he had learned in India. And he was able to translocate himself, hence the appearances in front of the apostles. To him and the apostles it was no big deal. Why was he wrapped in the shroud? Why was he buried? It was necessary for people to believe that he had died. But didn't they see that the man on the cross and the man that was buried wasn't the same person? I mean, linearly speaking, dealing with that group of people and those belief systems and that intelligence, didn't the same people go from the cross to the burial? First, many of the people who were angry about his existence had never really seen him; it was all hearsay. They had no real idea who he was. Only the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the people that surrounded him had really seen him. There was no television, no photographs, so it was very easy to deceive the public. You wonder today about things that are covered up and how could that have happened. Well, today with television and newspapers and everything, we still don't know the truth of Kennedys. There is also the idea of sleight-of-hand. Keep someone busy here while something else is going on over here - very easy to do. Of course, if anyone else knew the truth, they were either executed or threatened enough that they would be quiet. People were very fearful then. There was the disappearance, the banishment of Jesus' family, into the Greek area and up into Europe, so they felt they would never have to deal with it again. Of course, all of the different structures that became the churches took it and ran, and you have the structure you have today.

What, then, happened to Jesus? Did he die a natural death? He died a natural death, yes. Well... A supernatural death? Thank you. Yes, not a natural death in the sense of pain. Basically speaking, he was there one minute and gone the next. So he translated himself fairly quickly? Which will take us back to this actual birth and conception because he was not totally Terran in nature. I did think so. He had capabilities that the people of the time did not recognize; they weren't common. What about his life after this crucifixion scenario? Did he continue a so-called normal, ordinary life in hiding or in another place with his family? Was he able to leave some kind of work after what he did for the mass consciousness? He actually did continue to teach. He taught in various disguises with different names and identities. It was not difficult in that time to do so because the world was not linked through planetary communication. It was necessary for him to change locations, but he was instrumental in beginning what you consider to be secret societies (not that that was what he planned to do). Well, a lot of things he did came out differently from the way he planned. Exactly. But after he was gone it was recognized that he had started a liberating teaching. What is so interesting about the way your planet has thought is that anytime you have gotten a teaching that you see is liberating, you restrict it! You keep it secret. You make people pay a lot of money to get it - whatever. Kind of a paradox there. But that was the way you felt you needed to do it. Actually that could be a foundation for the societies we are aware of today such as the Rosicrucians, the Knights Templar... Yes, absolutely. Knights Templar, Freemasons, yes absolutely. The foundation was in the early teachings of Jesus and then onward. How long did he live, roughly? Interesting question. He spent a lot of time not in the earthly dimension, so he actually lived a lot longer. But in terms of Earth chronological years we would say perhaps 80.

We can't really give you a direct number because it's not really counted like that. But he lived for quite some time. You will find that as things are being uncovered you are actually going to find some texts in Southern Europe that will account his life after the crucifixion. No one's going to want you to know that, so that will be quite controversial. Some of that material is leaking out now. There were other teachers in various areas of the world who came, I assume, to give somewhat the same idea to people, to get them to realize they had their own power and to love each other (although I'm very murky on the subject of Mohammed). As you should be. Mohammed is a different situation. In no way are we slamming his glamour, but was an overlord, so you're dealing with a little bit different scenario.

Mary and the Immaculate Conception.

We would like to go back to the immaculate conception. It is a very interesting story, because today in contemporary times you have the story of UFO abductions where some women are implanted with children, finding themselves pregnant without sexual intercourse. Well, this is nothing new. Now, the Mother Mary would have been considered a virgin, all right? If you do linguistic studies into the definition of virginity at that time (check it out), it meant never having become pregnant, not never having had sex. The firstborn child of a woman carried the genetic coding of being the firstborn. Therefore if a woman had had a child, she is not a virgin because she has already had her firstborn, which was considered to be the true child of her soul. The later interpretation of virginity was to keep you under control once again. It added to the mystery, too. Oh yes. Now what better way to keep a population in control than to control your most instinctive drive? If the sexual drive can be controlled, everything else can be, too. This is what you've gotten yourselves into, what you've created for yourselves as a process of liberation. You mean this is what we're getting ourselves out of? Yes, that also. In that sense, then, Mary had never had a child. She was a virgin in the old sense of the word. Therefore, the immaculate conception would be what you would consider artificial insemination by another consciousness. There are stories about angels visiting her. Those were the consciousnesses visiting her. Some of the other stuff in the story was added, but basically you have the consciousness that was to be Jesus being put into her for the purpose of his incarnation on Earth. And wasn't Mary from a long line of very spiritual people? Was she selected?

Yes. Well, not selected; she chose it. She had been preparing herself for many, many lifetimes.

Jesus' Genetics
What race was it that implanted her? I knew that one was coming up. It was not just one race but a genetic combination. We'll go back to our chart here. The primary genetic combination was Sirian and Pleiadian. Now, the Pleiadians really don't like to talk about this. They're very sensitive about everything that they've done on Earth that could be considered interference. It's a sore spot. What that represented was Sirian past, Pleiadian future, an integration of those two energies. It was important that it occurred in that way. What's very interesting is the contemporary images of the Mother Mary. There's an image that has been photographed somewhere in Eastern Europe. If you compare that image to the photographs that Billy Meier has taken of Pleiadians, they are nearly identical. The features are very delicate... Very delicate. The earlobes are lower, the chins pointed, the mouths very small. It's not that a Pleiadian has appeared in the guise of Mother Mary in Eastern Europe. But the area, being highly Catholic or Christian, has interpreted what they've seen to be the Mother Mary. There's a difference there. So the Mother Mary was carrying a lot of the Pleiadian genetics. The Sirian genetics were put into her to combine with her Pleiadian genetics. In some ways this was political, in terms of the ETs at the time, because you have the struggle between the Lyrans and the Sirians that occurred on and off throughout history, each attempting to gain a foothold on the planet. This was the way for the Sirians to perhaps gain a little bit of a foothold. It was like their last-ditch effort. Implanting was just one level of the whole Sirian thing. There were other levels that could be considered to be altruistic. You have quite an interesting historical past, very colorful. We're going to take it up to the Middle Ages, again jumping around.

The Creation of the Human Biogenetic Structure

The creation of the biogenetic structure, how was that done? Was it chemical? Was it just for the body or for the soul as well? What's the makeup of the soul? Does it too have an equivalent of DNA coding? You are talking about the makeup of the human prototype created on Earth? Yes, both the body and the energy that is the soul. Was that created as well?

The souls were not created, no. The beings, the Lyrans and the Sirians who were involved in the genetic engineering of the Earth human, were looking to create the perfect vehicle, a body, for themselves to incarnate into eventually. It's kind of like building your own car. They wanted to start from scratch, build the car, and be the driver of the car. So the souls were already in existence. This is why we say you are them, because you were them. The ETs we are talking about now who are fighting amongst themselves are reincarnationally you. This is how you are bringing about the transformation and integration on your planet. You have achieved what you set out to do - the creation of the Terran race on Earth - and then the incarnation into that race in order to work out the problems of your forefathers. In terms of the actual genetic work, there was an indigenous Terran species on Earth, the primates. Throughout the primate development there were periods of time when genetics was inserted to speed up the process. But it wasn't until Neanderthal when things went crazy a little bit in a positive way. There began an explosion of growth, and it was at that time they guided humankind into Cro-Magnon man. That's where the whole missing-link idea began. The missing link was the time period in which your development was extremely accelerated. Your anthropologists can't figure out what happened during that period because it doesn't fit any of their theories. The most obvious thing is that you had help, but maybe they're not ready for that one yet. So the vehicle became prepared then. The vehicle was given an instillment of extraterrestrial genetics. What we speak of, though it may seem fantastic to many of you, is commonplace out there in the universe. You hybridize plants on your planet, creating new forms of food. This is a natural process of evolution. And you will be out there someday doing this type of thing. You'll do it differently from your forefathers, we assure you. But it's part of evolution. Evolution has been frequently defined as occurring with no outside stimulus. But outside stimulus is part of evolution, so perhaps a new definition of the idea of evolution would assist you. There was an infusion of the extraterrestrial genetics into the developing primate on Earth. Therefore you had Homo sapiens. The whole Garden of Eden story is a symbolic representation of your Terran species' leap from second to third density, the awareness of the I Am. (We're being very general here because we have told this story before and it is available on tape if you would like to hear it in detail.) That is how the race progressed into the prototype and then into the human kicked out of the Garden of Eden, becoming responsible for themselves. Until that prehistoric time you're talking about there was no outside stimulus? It was just natural progression on the Earth? Yes. We would say it was a very ancient time when the Vegans were here. They did a little bit of terraforming, shall we say, but there was not really the major project that the Lyrans took on later.

The Soul Coding

What reincarnates? The I who was me then and who will be me in the future is perhaps both my soul and my physical genetic representation...but that original soul unaffected by the genetic coding has its own coding. Where does that come from, and why should it be affected by the Terra coding in our next reincarnation? Good question. First, a little bit of metaphysics here. Let's say that the oversoul is the palm of the hand. The fingers are the lifetimes or incarnations. Now, the oversoul knows the entire story and dictates what you're going to do. That's your source. That's the source that made you Lyran, Sirian, and Terran - the progression. Genetics has been considered a physical thing. It's in your genes. Your genetic coding is in your DNA. Now, there is etheric DNA (for lack of another term) that exists within the matrices of your soul or your oversoul's energy. This represents your past, your future, your present all wrapped up into one idea. It's encoded by light frequencies. This is what dictates or what attracts you to a certain type of body. When you want to come into a lifetime, there will be various connections with the different bodies on Earth. If you want to incarnate as a black person, maybe there have been lifetimes as other black people and you want to resolve them. That's one idea. That's on the Earth level. There are other levels that represent your identity with your Source on an etheric genetic level. That will dictate your experiences and your genetic evolution, not against your will but as a reflection of your will, and not only your genetic evolution on Earth, but your metagenetic evolution, the genetic evolution of you as a light being. Originally was this etheric DNA created by someone, some energy form? No, not outside of you. We've described the whole idea of the dimensional infusion, which was your emergence into this reality that you all share. You came from a point of integration into a reality of separation. When you fragmented it was like the shattering of a mirror. You brought with you the original stuff that you were part of, and that is part of your identity. Your experiences here alter your identity; they change it, expand it. So it's not that someone else created you but that who you are inherently created the codes that we speak of. It's a reflection of you rather than a blueprint about you.

How Miracles Originate

People worship a god, or pray to a god, whether it's the image of a god or it's a Buddha or even back then...they tap in and get results. The god is just something that they made. So are those gods just like connectors to an energy that one was able to tap into? When one prays to a god and - let's say the prayer is answered. The person needs that figure because at that time in their lives they do not realize that what they are praying to is a mirror. They are only looking at themselves. So it serves a function for them to do

that. But the evolutionary process is such that eventually there will be a recognition that you're only looking in the mirror and seeing yourself. Here's an interesting thought: Let's say that someone makes up a god and they call it Bob, the god of Bob. And enough people begin believing in Bob. Because of the belief in Bob, Bob is created. Bob has the choice of becoming self-aware, but he doesn't have to. He can exist only as a projection of the people who believe in him, in which case it is like a two-dimensional image. To the people who believe in him, Bob is very real, and you could prove the existence of Bob. Evolution always has wild cards. This is a case where you may actually be able to watch the birth of a new entity, because through the natural evolution of Bob's existence Bob may become self-aware. If that is the case, he becomes a true being and not just a projection of those who believe in him. So for all intents and purposes those who believe in Bob will know that Bob exists, because Bob will be very real for them. And there really is no difference that he is a projection. Do you follow? Well, actually, we're all projections of some sort of another aren't we? We were talking about the dimensional infusion. Sometimes people ask, "What happened before that?" Before the dimensional infusion you can liken that to your being one big Bob. Bob became self-aware, and the self-awareness was so exciting and so igniting that in his excitement he burst and fragmented. That's one way of looking at it. But that is how the creation of an entity can occur. But then you can go one step further and ask, where did Bob come from? Right. He came from itself. Well, it's like the devil then, too. The devil has a lot of power because he's been given it. That's the only reason why. So your church is being very real when they say the devil exists. But does the devil have an existence outside of it? Well, I would say that he has power over those that believe in his power. They give it to him. They put their power in his hands. How does that relate to miracles such as the waters of Lourdes, St. Therese, St. Francis of Assisi and Bernadette? Miracles are self-generating. Miracles occur because the seeker believes they need something and can't allow themselves to give them what they need. Therefore the miracle will come in the form that is most comfortable. For the individuals of a certain religion, miracles come in the form they're comfortable with. For some of the more fundamentalist Christians, it comes in the form of faith healing. It's what you believe in. Miracles do not happen outside of you. You are the generator of them. It's up to you whether you want to create it so it look like you have nothing to do with it.

Let's say that Bernadette or St. Francis had nothing to do with working any of these miracles outside of the fact they are the mirror... They're the mirror. They are also the channel through which the energy may flow. Those whom you have deified may actually be the channel for energy to flow through for other people rather than themselves. But if you're just a sick person and you have a miracle, it's for you rather than your channeling for others. Do you see what we mean? Well, I healed myself in a very interesting situation and when I asked about it, I was told that it was my soul energy that healed me. Yes. Evidently your soul energy heals you when your ego is looking in the other direction, because the ego doesn't believe in that sort of thing. Yes, exactly. You've just said it all. Nothing happens outside of yourself. Absolutely not. So if we take full responsibility for, let's say, fragments of Bob and we want to be the catalyst to do this thing, then the process is for us to get rid of our egos so that we can then put out the fires in Kuwait and help the people of Bangladesh and stop crack babies from being born addicted - all of that. There's some sort of process about getting the ego out of the way and allowing ourselves to be the channel for healing on this level. Exactly. To sort of somehow focus all these people who do have serious beliefs in miracles so that their energy can flow and join ours and create some kind of... Exactly. There's nothing wrong in believe in miracles. You can coexist totally harmoniously with fundamentalist Christians who believe in miracles if you both allow the ego to step out of the way. They will create the miracles seemingly outside of them and you will create the miracles for yourself. And you both accept each other. It's not a matter of belief; it's a matter of allowing. That's the whole key. There is enough space for a coexistence to take place for all energies, all races. Oh, yes.

The Origin of Conflict

Even from the very beginning why did the struggle for domination occur? Was it territorial? It was territorial. We'll explain a little bit about the dynamics of it. You are asking why there is conflict if the realization is that there's enough to go around.

The nature of polarity in your universe is such that it takes the form of service to others or service to self, or positive and negative. Negative can be equated with service to self; this is because of the energy dynamic. Service to self is contractive, contracting in on itself. Service to others is expansive, expanding outward but at the ee you're going to be scratching your head wondering what one thing has to do with another. We will clarify.

Lamb's Blood, Cattle Mutilations and the AIDS Virus

The scenario is that you have a lot of dead first-born Egyptians and no dead first-born Hebrews, who had drunk the lamb's blood. Cut to the present day: You have on your planet what you call the AIDS virus. Any of you that have researched have found that the AIDS virus is a combination of a sheep and a cow retrovirus. It has connections there. (In fact, the virus can be grown in the belly of these animals.) Lamb - sheep, all right? Now cut to the scenarios that were active in the seventies: cattle and sheep mutilations. (Are we putting the pieces together?) In the 1970s you find the outbreak of AIDS. In the 1970s you find a preponderance of cattle and sheep mutilations in which the blood is drained. We would say that the plague that hit the Egyptians during this time and that passed over the Hebrews was a similarly engineered virus, but a more potent one because it struck and killed right away. (As you know, if you have a snakebite, one antidote is small portions of the snake venom.) You can get the antidote by understanding the chemical components of the thing that's poisoning you. So they drank the lamb's blood prepared in a certain way, which counteracted this very potent virus that was acting as a plague. Cut back to present day: This plague is still being used in biological warfare and it's still active on your planet. There are forces on your planet who have been attempting to find once again an antidote, as well as forces on your planet attempting to find the way to recreate the potent virus from the Egyptian times. So again you have two different forces fighting each other: One is trying to find a cure and the other is trying to find a way to obtain it and wipe out a lot of people. That is the purpose of the cattle and sheep mutilations - mostly research attempting to synthesize these chemicals. It doesn't have to do with ETs who are wanting to eat you, who are trying to drain blood for their nourishment -- nothing like that. That's more symbolic of the memory of the drinking of the blood way back when. Is it our planet's Homo sapiens who are doing this? Homo sapiens doing what? The mutilations? Yes. Who are you saying is doing the mutilations? We define mutilations: Ever since the 1970s there has been a greater awareness of cattle and sheep mutilations, which seem to have used laser beams or instruments you do not possess on your planet. Very clean incisions, and most of the time the blood is

completely drained from the animal. We are saying that there are different groups doing it. Some are human (Homo sapiens) and some are extraterrestrial, so it's not clear-cut.

Humans and ETs on Both Sides

Are those extraterrestrial groups associated with those on our planet like the Greys, or are we talking off-planet now? We are talking off-planet, descendants of those who still think there's a territorial dispute going on. There are extraterrestrials as well as humans who are attempting to find the antidote. There are extraterrestrials as well as negatively oriented human groups who are attempting to use the virus. So you've got them on both sides. We do not perceive that you are going to create a reality in which the AIDS virus is going to wipe you out. If you remember, earlier in the session we talked about how emotional states like fear can trigger certain things like the latent code for monogamy. Emotional states can lower the resistance of the immune system. This is becoming fact on your planet, but they do not yet understand the intricacies of it. If your population is kept in fear, you can trigger the immune system to accept a foreign virus to become embedded in you. If you as a population transmute your fear, this virus will not be able to touch you. Period. No ifs, ands or buts. This is why this whole challenge right now is so important for you. Because you not only save your skin; you also become liberated as beings on the planet. At the risk of being redundant, it's you who are doing it to yourselves. We will never, ever, ever give power to the idea that someone's out to get you. You have created this scenario for very direct purposes and understandings. You will gain out of these scenarios what you have set out to gain. You may gain it quickly or it may take a long time; that's really up to you. But no one, no evil force is putting anything over on you. This is your game and you are all chess pieces. At one session we were talking about dis-ease and not illness and how quickly it can be cured if you deal with why you created it. When I asked if that included cancer, your reply was yes. When I asked about AIDS, your reply was, "If you deal with the source of it." I asked what anyone could wish to experience through AIDS; your reply was "Total vulnerability." So those who wish to experience total vulnerability here can do so now in this way?

Vulnerability Replayed
Yes. Just look at the idea of vulnerability - the immune system. When your immune system's down you are totally vulnerable. So we would absolutely agree with you. It is created now because there is a reason for it to be created here now. It's a very important process you are going through. Even though we understand that all of you value your physical lives, etc., the end of your physical life is not the end of your existence. There is greater good being accomplished by the individuals who choose to exit the plane in this

fashion. And this scenario in the present is also linked to the scenario during the Moses time, as we were just sharing with you. What you're doing now is cleansing that whole earlier scenario - those wars, the idea that some of you must be saved and some not. All of those scenarios are necessary to be cleansed. If anyone into genetics or medicine listens to this tape and does some research, pulling out the ancient biblical texts that talk about the preparation of the lamb; if they really want to take it seriously, they will find connections - we guarantee it. You may actually be able to find an antidote. We understand that this information may stretch the imagination for many. The more you think about it, the more sense it is going to make. This scenario is something that's been around for a long time, and has been triggered whenever humanity wished to create a shot in the arm for whatever reason.

The Real Lesson: Empowerment and Ease

If it has a purpose of being and it's synchronistic with those who need to have that experience, then it has its own natural outgoing. So why should anybody really be trying to come up with an antidote? The ultimate goal is not to find the antidote but to come to terms with the idea of your allempowerment and know that you need not create learning a lesson in a painful way. You can discover this for yourself by finding an antidote, which is what you did for polio, for example. Some individuals may choose not to do it that way, and that's quite all right also. It's really up to the individual and the society to make choices about how they want to manifest it. A lot of AIDS research is being done in terms of sound vibration - the shattering of the virus. We would also say that should you wish to wait it out, the virus will naturally mutate into a dormant stage, where it will become something that will not affect you either positively or negatively. However, many of you may not want to wait until it mutates.

AIDS Projections Inaccurate

The percentages and projections of death from AIDS in the coming years are highly inaccurate. It's all done on paper; it's two-dimensional thinking, in that sense. Too high or too low? Oh, much too high. It's not going to be as bad as they think? No. When you calculate something on paper like that, you are imposing your reality of calculation onto individual souls who are going to make their own decisions. So it is not applicable. There are many other factors that are not being considered. We would certainly encourage you not to be alarmed and to do what you need to do in your life to

cultivate your own self-love, to expose your fear and integrate it within your being. That will be better than any antidote you could possible take.

AIDS' Origin
In a more earthly question, who's responsible for introducing AIDS into the physical? Well, back then it was some of the extraterrestrial groups involved in the warring. But in the present we would say it was the researchers. On purpose or accidentally? They discovered it on purpose, all right, because researchers will play - meaning they were looking for something. To be somewhat vague about it, certain forces got hold of the information from the researchers and used it for their own purposes. Is it true that the Navy Department or Army has used it by injection? There is a theory that it has been injected in mass inoculations. We would say it is not so identifiable as the military. We are talking about very covert shadow groups. Was it used as a hepatitis vaccine and then introduced in that form? Prior to that it was introduced in another way as well. Would you suggest a college-age student should engage in sexual activities without concern?

Personal Belief System the Critical Factor

There's a difference between discretion and fear. In a sense, fear will draw to you that which you fear. Discretion is common sense, and common sense says that whatever you want to engage in in your life you take full responsibility for. You take all options and all precautions, if there are any. We would certainly not say to someone, "Oh, go have activities with anyone you want because it's only a belief system." If you don't really know what your belief system is, then you are going down a dark hole with the lights off. There's nothing wrong with discretion and precaution. But if you take action out of fear, you would serve yourself more by first addressing the fear rather than the thing you fear, and transforming it. Then everything else will transform with it. Do you follow what we mean? So you are saying that if an individual, through acceptance of their own vulnerability and spiritual makeup, is convinced that they are not vulnerable and have no fear of the AIDS virus, then they are really invulnerable to it?

Yes. They just wouldn't draw those people to them, right? Exactly. It's not that they're invulnerable; it's that they wouldn't draw those people to them. Exactly, yes. It changes the idea that AIDS is only transferred through sexual intercourse; babies are getting it. The thing is, if you are going to get it, you're going to get it even from a toilet seat (if you get the drift of what we are saying). Protecting yourself by wearing a mask every time you go outside is not going to do it. Wearing a condom is not going to do it. Are you talking about general fear (because you can have fears in many directions)? It's the fear of your own vulnerability, the fear that someone or something can get you. If that fear rules your life, you are a prime target. Aren't you also a prime target if you are sure you are invulnerable? Might you not attract something like that just to show you that "no, you are not"? If your feeling of invulnerability is grandiose and covers up a feeling of insecurity, yes. If you're feeling invulnerable, but it's a misaligned invulnerability, then you're only covering something else up. What it comes down to (so that you don't have to figure out "Well, do I really feel invulnerable?") is taking each experience as it comes. Be aware of why and when you draw things into your life. And make decisions with discretion, which is all you really can do in your life - the middle ground, the ground that will bring you joy and excitement and growth.

Holistic Healing of AIDS

My ex-nutritionists got their first AIDS patient, who was dying and wanted to try their particular diet, which is all raw foods. But he's had lots of past illnesses and was full of medication. The diet constructed for him, strangely enough, was a lot of raw meat, fertile eggs, honey and oranges. He said it was delicious, but getting rid of toxins was so hard on him that after a bowel movement he couldn't drag himself out of the bathroom. He said everything came out green. So it was working, it was taking care of it. But he was so far gone and so weak that he just decided to give it all up and check himself into a hospital. He knew the minute he did that he was a dead person. The nutritionists learned that kind of a process would work to cleanse and rebuild, although there was no way the patient could really follow it through to its final conclusion.

There have been many cases, not isolated, of holistic healing of AIDS, but you're not hearing about them. The reason you're not hearing about this is obvious if you think about it; chaos would occur in the restructuring of your medical associations. That would kick over a lot of pedestals. Medical pedestals. Thank you. I read somewhere that there's nothing that can't be healed with something from the Earth. It has everything that can help you. We agree. But sometimes you have to actually detox yourself to be able to take in that herb. Many of the foods that you eat will toxify you so much that you will not be able to benefit from the herb. Taking it back to the topic, even if you discover a vaccine, it's not going to work unless you want to heal yourself. You all know that, at least in theory. So AIDS is a very major challenge for your planet (not that you haven't had enough challenges already).

The Purpose of Not Healing

Is there some purpose being served by not wanting to heal oneself, by wanting to suffer rather than take a more joyous route to learning? There are always purposes, and the purpose may be on an individual level. For instance, the person themself may feel they need to benefit from that experience. Maybe they did something in another lifetime and this is their way of learning about it. And then there's a purpose in terms of how the person interacts with other humans, and that purpose can be multifold. Watching someone die in pain triggers great healing emotion, and great healing emotion has been one thing your society has avoided for a long time. So it's very purging. There is always a purpose. In fact, nothing ever happens that does not have a purpose. The question is then, how much do you communicate to a person who is really suffering that they could take another way out? Or should we just leave them alone? You can communicate to them new ideas, but there is a fine line between their actively taking it and your pushing it on them. If you see someone is willing to look in other directions, then you may feel you can be of help to the person. If they are resistant, you may every once in awhile put a thought out to them. If they don't take the bait, it is not your responsibility. Isn't it a level of evolution to take another way out, or are both ways equally useful?

They are both equally useful. Your society is learning to emerge out of the martyr or victim complex. It's not so much that you are exchanging one way for a more evolved way; it's that you are exchanging a less pleasurable way for a more fulfilling way. When you say "your society," what do you refer to? We refer most directly to your American society and indirectly to your planetary society because we understand there are exceptions when we target your society. Why do you refer to the American society? Because we are speaking to Americans and most of the individuals listening to the tapes will be Americans. Also, many individuals on your planet recognize the American as being a wayshower. We are not isolating the American public as being different from the rest of the world, but what we say if often targeted toward your belief systems here because we are talking directly to you. It might be slightly different if we were talking to a Japanese or Australian or French audience. In general, what needs to be communicated is communicated.

Belief Systems Can Neutralize Toxins

About belief systems: I know individuals who continue to toxify their body - you know, Coca Cola and coffee and white flour and sugar - and actually believe that the more they consume the more immune they will be. Can one neutralize that belief system about being toxic and continue to toxify themselves without its affecting them? Absolutely, yes. Again, it's all belief system. If you took a human body without a soul and nourished it, you would find that it responds to substances such as algae, things lower on the food chain, wheat grass, vegetables, fruits, etc. But as soon as you throw the soul in, you've got a belief system and you've got the choices that soul has made. For instance, Bob there may never have been sick a day in his life; he eats butter on everything and always feels wonderful, but his diet is atrocious. One day Bob dies of a heart attack at a young age, even though he has never been sick. Bob didn't really have a belief system about food; he ate the way he needed to eat so that he could fulfill what he wanted to do, which is die at an early age. In that sense, everyone is doing what they need to do at any given moment. As you relinquish the judgment about this, you will all relinquish your judgment about yourself and your belief systems. Then you will come more into alignment with some of the more natural forms of food. If you're not there now, that's quite all right, because it's not going to affect you. Do you see what we mean by that? It's all your belief system. Can there be a person who has certain tasks to accomplish and who gets interrupted by an opposing program that sabotages or interferes with this person's accomplishment because it would go against those that are trying to oppress?

This can only happen if this is part of the person's blueprint and they've chosen to be interfered with by a seemingly external source. There can never be someone else who influences you who is not part of your agreed-upon process. So the first-born Egyptians who died chose to have that experience? Yes, absolutely. That was their experience, their choice. A lot of it was based on belief systems as well, but on the soul level there were others reasons, depending on the individual.

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Can you enlighten us somewhat about the Ten Commandments? Where did they come from? I do not believe God gave Moses these tablets. Chiseled by his own hand. The "thou shalt nots," you know, is the patriarchal society. But there must have been a better wording originally as guideposts. Good question, thank you. We were earlier talking about the overlords. During that time there was a Sirian overlord who was on and off in your history for quite a long time. You've known this overlord by several names, one of which is Jehovah. Many individuals ask what the relationship is between Jehovah and Yahweh. Just as you have unbalanced people on your Earth, people with multiple personalities, this was also common in the ET community. Jehovah, known as the angry God, also had a very kind and compassionate side - Yahweh. It really would depend on the mood of the day which side would come out. The entity Jehovah had several incarnations; some of them were very kind and loving and some were very authoritarian. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by the overlord Jehovah. This is very interesting, because as you read your Bible (we're struggling a little bit with the wording because the channel is not Bible literate), when God was on Mt. Sinai it was described as billowing clouds and red and rumbling spaceships. Unless you're talking about a volcano, what causes the sky to be red with smoke and rumbling? A volcano. Yes, but that was not a volcano. The ETs at this time had close to what you call rocket ships. They did not possess the ability to fold time, so they traveled on the surface of space. When we say rocket ships, that's what we mean. Moses went up the mountain and was exposed to radiation from the ship. And the burning bush idea was about his exposure to radiation there. When he came down, they asked why he's aged so much up there. He had absorbed its radiation. Moses had some extraterrestrial blood in him to begin with, so he was very long-lived, even with the irradiated condition. How long was it?

Several hundred years. The Ten Commandments were Jehovah's latest way; he had tried many ways of instilling law and order in the people he was supposed to oversee. The "thou shalt nots" and all of that were softened a little, but they were still harsh and rigid. That was a reflection of his personality. Look at what those simple Ten Commandments have done for your world. Imagine this one ET overlord - a man just like any of you in the room - squalling from this stone and affecting a planet for millennia. Kind of funny, isn't it? Did they have laser technology at that time? The ETs did, yes. The tablets were etched. Did they use the language of Moses in etching these commandments? Yes. Did Moses think of that ET as a God or as a messenger? During that time they knew that God had a body. What you're seeing in your Bible is not the way they thought then. If you walk up to someone in the street and ask, "What's God?" people are very confused. They don't know. Back then the overlords were the gods. You served God. You were like a handmaid to God. God included different beings, not just one man, right? Exactly. It was either a group or one man, etc. So we have a patriarchal power structure right there even in those days. There were no women gods? Oh, yes there were. Absolutely.

The Idea of One God

So where did the idea of one God come from? The idea of one God was a recognition on the part of your people dealing with the overlords that these overlords were not God, in the sense of the Supreme Creator. They knew that they were people, not the Supreme Creator. There was a spiritual understanding that recognized one Force. So now you have these two different beliefs ingrained in your planet: Some people say God is a force; some say it's a man sitting on a throne. Then they were clear about it. But they thought that perhaps these overlords were closer to God and that they were not equal to them. What did Moses see when he looked at them? What did they look like? Were they dressed in spacesuits or...?

No. There were very bright to his eyes. It is our understanding that he really set eyes upon them only once or twice. At times he would see the ship engulfed in smoke or clouds, and the bush was also a representation. But only once did he actually look at a closer representation of them. It was a generated image and it was light; it would be like looking at you and being blinded by you.

The Genetics of the First-Born

Can I take you back a moment to this first-born child, whose genetics are slightly different from the other children in the same family? What is the reason for the genetic material in the first-born to be slightly different? It was to track them so that they could keep the blood lines pure. Is this the latent thing we are still dealing with? Yes, this is something very much still there. The first-born child in each family has a harder row to hoe because they say that the parents are not psychologically equipped or experienced as parents and the first-born has to be the experiment in the parent-child relationships. Is there any connection there?

The Origin of Dysfunctional Relationships

Well, it's a vague connection. The two different ET groups, the Lyrans and the Sirians, were your models for relationship, meaning that you took on the role of the child and they became the symbolic parents. As you began to be fruitful and multiply, you began treating your family as you were treated by them. That meant that there was no equality between parent and child, that there was usually a conflict between the two parents, and that the first-born child had a greater responsibility. Just about every form of dysfunction you have now in terms of family dynamics has come from the patterning of your relationship with these early extraterrestrials. We marvel at this. You know, we love you all so much. But sometimes it is baffling as we look at the dynamics and see what you've been through and how your present core beliefs result from the patterns from your early ET forefathers. It is amazing. And that hasn't dawned on you yet, meaning your mass consciousness. You can see how valuable this information is that you're sharing with us. How valuable this could be if it were disseminated on a broader base! Valuable only to a point, because those who wish to heart it will hear it and others will not. Information of this sort is coming out in groups all over the world.

Yes, it is. And the language will be couched in the belief system the people will be able to understand. Yes. What is the difference between people like us here who are really into this information and people who are not in the least bit interested or attracted to it? Is there a different level of soul evolution, or are we from different places? Why are we attracted to it and so many other people not? It's more that you've chosen to be a trigger in this lifetime; that's why you are attracted to it. For instance, you all know the story about the hundredth monkey. Your whole society one by one does not have to change. When enough people change, the whole society changes. Those of you who are attracted to this are the ones bringing in the new ideas. Numbers of people are needed to resonate with new information, but after that the point becomes moot because you all will kick over no matter if one more gets involved or not. And are we heading toward that? Absolutely, without question. Yes!

Jehovah and the First God

I'd like to get back to the Jehovah discussion. I am somewhat familiar with Biblical language, so I know that Jehovah is not a Hebrew word and is not mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It's merely a transliteration of an acronym which stands for God. That acronym is always interpreted as First God. The name Jehovah doesn't exist in Hebrew at all. Correct. It is a name that you use now, but it is not inherent to that time. Thank you for bringing that up. You see how the whole idea of the first cause or God as being an energy or force becomes confused with the idea of a person; thus when you attempt to look at a religious connection it becomes a model. So you're saying that in the Bible there are two references, one to the First God and the other to these ETs, these overlords? It really depends on the particular story you are talking about. For instance, Elohim is a group rather than one person. Jehovah may be one soul but many incarnations. But Jehovah is nonexistent in the Bible - isn't that an accurate perception? Yes. But the name is used as a label. And there have been other connections. The Sumerians...well, we really don't want to get into that. The connection with Enki in the Sumerian text with Jehovah is not a direct connection. They're not the same soul, but it's the same soul family. Do you follow what we mean? We would like to clarify for you, so please engage us.

The Hebrew name that has been transliterated into Jehovah refers to that which always was, is, and always will be. That's the definite reference to the First God, not to an overlord. Yes. We are saying that the Bible has confused several different issues. The Jehovah that you speak of and the reference is not what we are calling the angry God person. So you're saying Moses had different experiences at different times and conveyed different messages? Yes. Some of his experiences were not in communication with anybody but were just a meditation, picking up wavelengths? Absolutely correct. Another tactic, shall we say, was communication to some of these people like Moses through disguised sources. You have this now - double agents. It is just another way to cause confusion. When you can confuse, you can control.

The Overlords Now

Did the overlords just die off and not perpetuate? I don't understand when they came to an end or why or how. There were periods of time where the balance of power shifted on your planet - for instance, the time of the Flood (just to throw a random event in here). Prior to the Flood the Lyrans were in power and after the Flood, primarily the Sirians. Through various periods of time descendants would come and claim the rights of their forefathers, and that's where the struggle would happen. It's not that we're being restricted, but you must understand that we have what we feel to be valid reasons for not talking about what's going on right now. Part of this has to do with the fact that this is not your battle. The whole idea of co-dependency and enabling shows that it will not serve you to become involved in this. It is not your business, in terms of your day-to-day life. They cannot affect your day-to-day life. They still exist then, the overlords? They are still in existence, but they no longer control like they used to because enough of you are on to them. (As a example, the entity you called Hitler had some contacts with one of the Lyran overlords.) They are very limited as to what they can do on your planet right now. Spiritually, a lot of us here are more evolved than some of the overlords are, as far as understanding that everything has its right place and its own power...?

In terms of your being willing to work through these issues, absolutely so. In a sense, you can say that they come from a past orientation. Remember what we said: They are you. So it's your past selves acting up or acting out. When we said for you not to get involved in it, we don't mean not to take responsibility for your past, because that is important; we mean, don't bring that into the present and perpetuate it. Let two kids fight it out and it's pretty much over. If you go in as a parent or another person and point your finger and yell, you're only going to make it worse.

Inherited Parenting Patterns

Would you speak more about the parenting patterns that we inherited? Yes. We will speak more about this in the future, but we will give you some basic dynamics. The Lyran manifestation, the more authoritarian manifestation, would be like the father. The Sirian manifestation, even though it is authoritarian, takes on the mother role because they're the ones that always were trying to protect you (even though at the same time some of them were stabbing you in the back). What you have here is a dynamic between Mother and Father who have their own agendas in dealing with you. They sometimes present a united front, but they have their own agendas. Within the hierarchy as it was in the past, the Sirians would mostly defer to Lyrans, the mother deferring to the father. "Go ask your father." That's one dynamic that was instigated, that somehow the father figure in the relationship is the dominant one. It has nothing to do with societal roles - that they earn more money or that they're the one that goes to work or whatever. It's the patterning. There have been ancient civilizations who switched the roles, so it's not a given, but it's a very strong factor on your planet.

Pattern of Family Secrecy: Molding Your Species Identity

One of the other manifestations of patterning is in the realm of family dynamics. There's a lot of secrecy in families just like there is in government. And whenever there are secrets not shared, chaos erupts. Secrets are like a magnet in a relationship; you're always drawn in the direction of the force of the magnet. And the magnet is like a black hole, because every time you look you can't see anything. So whenever these early forefathers of yours would interact with you, you would feel their secrets, meaning what they are ashamed of, what they fear, all of that. Because they're not willing to lay their cards on the table, you see them as being somewhat above you - they don't have any problems they are very pious and good. This is passed down from you as you interact with your own children; parents present a front where nothing is admitted to be wrong. They are almost superhuman. How many of you remember looking at your parents and thinking they didn't have any problems, they didn't have any secrets? That's the paradox; that's the dynamic. It was very obvious to many people that they did, even though they "shouldn't." A lot of confusion has occurred because of this early patterning. Right now in your time period you're paying a lot of attention to how you have gotten to be who you are because of your parents and how they have gotten to be who they are

because of their parents and on and on and on. But you've not yet taken it all the way back to the source. When did it start? It didn't start from some great grandfather who was an alcoholic. It goes further than that. It goes to the source. It goes to your species identity. Who is responsible for molding your species identity? Who was it? The parents, whoever they were. An immense responsibility. So as you expand your consciousness you begin to be able to look back into that void and see just how far the chain goes back to the source. Once you target your forefathers, you have all of your forefathers' development to look at. But it won't be quite like that; we're dealing with a planetary dynamic here. Very liberating for you.

Integration and Balance Male/Female

Would you speak about this role-patterning in connection with the women's movement? During early civilization, very early, you were all dependent on the gods. They provided you with food, shelter, and a reason to live. When you grow up, especially in the first few years of life, your parent is your world. That's one aspect of it. In response to your idea of the women's movement, women and men have exchanged roles throughout time. If you go back to the source of the human identity, women were valued because of the stock they could produce. We understand that's a painful thought for many women. In the minds of the gods men were valued because of the strong physical work they could do and for the occasional sperm seed to help along the race. But frequently it was the gods who impregnated the women - hence the divine goddess image. In the last hundred years as you are now coming to consciousness, as you are coming to an awakening, you will have to come to terms with your planetary identity and your identity as reflections of polarity, meaning male/female, and how there's male within female and female within male. Part of what you've experienced with the whole revolution is an attempt, however dramatic, to bring it to balance. Just a few year ago the big thing was women's spirituality. Just several years later it's men's groups. You are all desperately trying to find a center, to find a male within a female and a female within the male. You're going to find it. You're going to find it and you're going to discover your spirituality in this, because no longer is your identity your body or what you can provide to your parental god. That idea is gone. Your Bible or your Christian or your Catholic says to have sex only for procreation. Do only this, do only that. Sex should never be enjoyable, etc. Again, this is the idea of controlling the body functions, the idea of women being childbearers and men being basically good for only one thing. Those ideas are changing. That's because of the development if the integrated human being now.

You're going to see more and more and more of this in the coming years. Especially look to your children. Adults are now learning to repattern their children different from the way they were patterned. So a whole new paradigm will be formed. From where we sit, it's quite exciting. I wanted to ask about what the esoteric significance of the other sacrifices were later on in the bible? Can you give an example? Well, in the time of the temple in Jerusalem there were many animal sacrifices. It would really depend at the time on what was going on as well as the significance of the particular animal. For instance, a lamb is very vulnerable. (Lamb, AIDS, vulnerability all have the same idea.) It would really depend on the time period, the instance, and the particular animal as to what the significance was. Look at the surrounding events, look at the symbology, and you will be able to see it. Use your imagination.

The Raising of Lazarus

What about Lazarus, what he really did and how long he lasted after he was risen? His life couldn't have been quite normal. We are accessing channel memory; there's no reference, so you will have to tell the story in order for us to respond in your language. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus had died. The family of Lazarus came running to Jesus for help, so Jesus went to the tomb and called down in a loud voice and Lazarus came forth from the tomb. Could it be that Lazarus was really in a coma and Jesus was wise enough to recognize that? That is one of the theories. To our understanding, the body had not died. The situation was a comalike state, but at that point when Lazarus woke there was a soul exchange, what you would consider to be a walk-in experience. And of course Jesus was said to have performed a miracle. That it was his doing. He's the kind of dude that was in the right place at the right time.

Renegotiating Your Future an Easier Way

I've come to realize that a lot of things that have happened in my life are because I agreed to them at some level of consciousness. So if I'm having an experience and I disagree with it, how can I negotiate?

Excellent question. You are never bound by your agreement, like a marriage contract. Let's give you an analogy. When you come into a lifetime, your oversoul chooses that you go down a certain hallway. Go down that hallway you will. No matter what else you do, you're going to go down that hallway. As far as how you go down that hallway, that is entirely your doing. You can run; you can go backward; you can cartwheel. That's the difference between your oversoul choice and your free-will choice. Your oversoul creates the hallway, but you are the one who chooses how to go down it. Let's say that you've chosen to create chronic pain in your leg. Now, you recognize this was an agreement to get you to the point right now that there's something you wish to realize. First would be to recognize and own that you've made that agreement. The next step would be to understand why you've made that agreement. Sometimes that's difficult for many people; it can be painful because it might be something you don't really want to see. What were you trying to teach yourself? Why did you choose to have the pain in your leg? Then the third step would be to discover a way in your head that you can give yourself the same lesson in a more comfortable way. As you go through this process consciously, it's going to renegotiate your agreements. You get to the point of number three, where you say, "I can give myself the same message by doing this instead of this." When you get that realization you are going to break the hold you have on the negative pattern, the pattern you don't prefer. Step four is to begin to actively engage the new preference or behavior. Take one step at a time. There's no rush to go through any of the steps. Do you follow? Yes. Is it possible that my oversoul made two conflicting agreements? Or a walk-in situation? Your oversoul will never create something that can't be resolved. Now, rarely an oversoul might create something that couldn't be resolved because you needed to experience unresolution. That's not the case here. Your oversoul will not create something that cannot be resolved. The walk-in experience is a lot less frequent than people think. Often the new energy that comes in is a part of you that braids with you rather than replaces you. Do you follow? I have a question then regarding the blueprint that you have through astrology. Is that the oversoul's blueprint or the one that shows how you are going to walk down that hallway? It's the oversoul's helping to build the hallway. For instance, as you're going down the hallway, it's like an area that gives you traction. Let's say you have a certain thing in your chart that says that you could have good interpersonal relationships. It's giving you traction in the hallway so that whatever you choose to do, your foot won't slip. But if you want, you can totally ignore that. It's something that's given to you as a tool if you want to use it.

In the area of astrology where your houses are empty, can you start making your own chart consciously? Yes. It won't change your birth information, but you will draw to you energy that perhaps you didn't previously realize was at your disposal. It's like changing your reality. Can you expand upon that last statement a little bit? I guess I'm wanting a little bit more information. It basically has to do with setting up something that you want to create in your life. Using a chart is one way to do it, but it's not the only way. The dynamic of doing that is the same whether you use your chart or just do it in a notebook or in your head or whatever. Set out to draw something to you and start playing with the idea of becoming that thing.

Hitler's ET Connections
Can you tell us what the nature of Hitler's meeting with that overlord was? Hitler was a very ingenious and intelligent man; in some ways he was also used as a puppet. He was aware of the existence of extraterrestrials. He was aware, at least in the abstract, of the existence of a particular energy that he was tapping into. We do not perceive there was an actual face-to-face meeting, but he was conscious of the idea that he was receiving guidance from another realm. It was Lyran in nature, authoritarian, stern. Lyran is also Caucasian, Aryan. One of the things we did not mention today is where prejudice comes from on your planet. The primary, top-of-the-hierarchy gods were Caucasian. That's where it came form. There was a belief then that the higher evolved you are, the whiter your skin. (Ask a Klu Klux Klan member and they will tell you that.) When you said that the Hebrews were under a Sirian, that didn't register with me because I thought they were considered white. In the chart we gave you [from Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest, 1990] it's more of a Vegan connection. As it plays out on your planet they are still Caucasians, but it's a different genetic strain. When you look at Hitler, then, it's the Lyran overlord attempting to get back at the Sirians through Hitler. In the case of the Hebrews, I'm still not clear why... Sirian connection. That's why the Hebrews were his primary target. What are the Lyrans getting back at the Sirians for?

It's the age-old territorial dispute that started in the Lyran system and was brought to Earth. Earth was seen as a very rich environment, desired by many groups who were colonizing. So it was rich in minerals, natural resources and that sort of thing that the Lyrans coveted? That was what it was at the beginning. But then the race that you became was very tantalizing. You were a very challenging species to dominate.

Claiming Our Power and Unified Identity

If we are fighting only ourselves, then any outside group we draw to our planet that would still war over us is still created by us? They exist outside of you. They are independent of you, but you have attracted them to you because of what you need to resolve within yourself. In other words, they're mirroring what we're still working out. So the idea of a continual war over Earth - the taking of and colonizing - is still very much in existence until we finish this? Until you claim your power and have a unified planetary identity. The reason you are still seen as something to be claimed is because you haven't claimed yourself. Why haven't they come down enmasse and just taken over? Because their tactic, their philosophy, has been to divide and conquer. if they come down enmasse you will unify because it's a common enemy, and you would be able to oppose them. What you are describing sounds like they are more powerful but we are more spiritual. Interesting way you worded it. They are more powerful in the physical sense, in that maybe they have more technology than you. But you have a power that no one else has. It's a power that's born from the integrative process you've gone through, not just form your inception on this planet, but you as them and their past. Right now you possess your Earth history of integration as well as the history of the forefathers. They possess only their history. So in all your descriptions it does not sound like they are moving toward any goal except territorial claims and power plays. It does not seem that they are working on themselves the way you're telling us to work on ourselves.

They are doing it in the sense that their numbers are rapidly decreasing. That's an indication. Way back in the forefather days their numbers were very large. Their numbers are smaller now. Are you going to identify the "they" as any particular group? We would not do it justice by doing that, because the identities we're giving you, Lyran and Sirian, are ancient labels. Today it's a little bit different. It's more clear for us to talk about dynamics rather than labels. If their numbers are diminishing, does that mean there are more reincarnating here for this experience? To take the active role in integration, yes. Those who are only bent on domination are getting pretty tired of losing or at least stalemating, and are going somewhere else, as are those who are not interested in your growth. Is there anything we can or should do upon encountering some of these energies that are incarnating now who are stalemating? Those are friends of ours and who are going through this process but are... There really is not much you can do except be willing to present new ideas to them. If they wish to reject them, that's their responsibility. But just be willing to give an idea, a new idea, that can trigger someone into a whole series of realizations. Other than that, there's not really any responsibility. You have enough to handle with yourselves.

Meeting These ETs

I understand that within the next ten years most of the planet will become aware that there are UFOs, that there are ETs, and that we've been visited by them for years. How's that going to affect the idea of these overlords? They are going to be exposed through a series of events. The first would expose the coverup. Even though many of you really enjoy drama, there is a possibility that the coverup may never be exposed. There is a reason for this. You will start your relationship with them in the present. Like this is a surprise to them, too, like it just happened? That may be the clean way to do it, a way for them to cover their bases that would provide a major service to everyone, so that everyone can work on healing the past without the scandal and the emotions that would confuse the issue. That's a possibility. If "coverup" is thrown around, then those reactions may become mixed with the emotion of discovering your galactic family, and things may become muddled.

Will it create the idea in the minds of people on this planet that they are not evolved enough, and they will thus start all over worshipping these gods? We don't perceive that will happen. Remember, you are them, and all you have experienced since the time you worshipped them is to get you away from this idea. There may be individuals on your planet who may do so; those would be individuals who are fearful of their own power and must give it to someone else. But as a whole, we do not perceive that will happen. We frequently study the natural development of planetary civilizations who go through the period you are in now - becoming globally unified and bringing in your connections from extraterrestrial sources. The stage you are at right now is the natural state, the natural timing, when you break the process of worship. Would this interchange, if it weren't used as a coverup and there were mass visitations, be short-term; would there be a common interchange; or would there be a certain event set aside? Things are happening so fast on your planet right now that it is our understanding there may be a fervor when it begins that may last a year or maybe less, and then it will be business as usual. Regarding the "powers that be," the group that has the appearance of the control of planet Earth - the banking system - and has been for some time: They have been working with extraterrestrials; have they been working out of the Lyran idea [authoritarianism] made more manifest? Their agenda (maybe not consciously) has been to heal their Lyran connections, so they're recreating it in order to heal it. Although their apparent motive is to gain power. Yes, because that's the way to get themselves to that point, from which they can take it for healing. That's the starting point for the healing, as they see it. That will also be their demise, in a way, a breaking down of the power idea, and this will relate to the rest of the planet. And it's also important to remember that you have all set it up this way.

Copyright 1992 by Royal Priest Research, All Rights Reserved. For more information on tapes and transcripts, contact Royal Priest Research at PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

Tools for the coming changes

Germane Through Lyssa Royal
We have been talking about some of the physical changes that your bodies are going through and will go through as your vibrations accelerate. Let us first address the physical level. What kind of physical changes can you expect? What can you do to help facilitate the process in a much more easy way? Well, the primary change is in the electrical system of the body. The human electrical system is one that you don't necessarily consciously know is operating all of the time. The electrical field of your body is literally the energy that translates spirit to matter. You are 90 some-odd percent water, so the electrical current is always running through your body. Now, the voltage is going to be upped. So, plan accordingly. This means that water will become perhaps more important to you than it ever has. Not just the ingesting of it, but the submersion in it (whether it be your baths, your showers, your jacuzzis) is becoming very important. Also, the presence of water, either in your auric field or in your sacred space (your home) is essential. So our suggestion then would be that you drink as much water as you can, preferably water than is not from the tap but purified or reverse osmosis, whatever your choice is. We would recommend distilled or purified, but you will know what is right for you. Remember to eat foods that have a high water content. That will be fruits and vegetables. Also, allow yourself to feel fluid. This is rather abstract, but anytime you're feeling fatigued or raw emotionally, imagine yourself as being a river, a current. The more you can imagine yourself fluidly moving like water, the more you're going to facilitate the electrical changes that your body and the planet are going through. Another suggestion (other than ingestation), is to keep water close to you if you can. (No need to get neurotic about this, because nothing will happen to you if you don't do it). There is some jewelry, for instance, that incorporates water. If you feel attracted to that, wear some of it. The water will then be in your auric field. You may also sit by a lake, put your feet in the water, or fill your bathtub. The closer that you can get to the water when you feel you need recharging will be very, very helpful for you. Use your imagination! You may also use the sound of water, since your sense of hearing will trigger you in the same way. Showering and bathing is also a wonderful way to get your daily dose of water. The water will clear out the electromagnetic field. When you bathe or shower, it helps to release emotional toxins which will then help to keep you clear. If you want to put crystals in your bath, that's perfectly fine.

Several of these ideas are ideal if you live in an urban environment. You may want to create in your apartment a small water environment. You can get one of those fishtanks, fill it with water and pretty stones and crystals and whatever you want to put in there, so that it feels like a peaceful place to you. Put it next to your bed or put it somewhere in your home where you can look at it, and you can feel the environment of that water. It will be a conversation piece as well -- we guarantee you. That's one idea. You may even want to get some fish. The body is going to respond well to this water in your presence and continue the process of cleaning itself out and boosting the voltage of the electrical field. You're clearing out the toxins of the third density. There are foundational qualities of 3D that are going to be transformed into 4D as you become clear. Many of the fourth-density planets have very large amounts of water. Actually, your planet is somewhat unique to have so much water in a third-density reality. Your planet is also a consciousness of which you are a part. You are symbiotic. And you reflect each other in your own transformations. So, your planet also recognizes its need for water. Even though it looks like you all are creating this horrible hole in the ozone layer, you are in reality assisting the planet to melt the icecaps to get the water it needs. So, again, it's all connected. Your planet is also going to be doing what it needs to do to get the water that it needs. Along with water comes detoxification. Many of you already are on programs of detoxification. We cannot tell you how much this will benefit you. It's very beneficial to you to go through some type of detoxification program (whatever one works for you), whether it's colonics or juicing or fasting, or very specific types of strict diets, it's up to you. But in the long run, it's going to be a tremendous boost to your body and to your electrical system because there will be less interference. Toxins can be seen as electrical interference. We have often been asked if electrical appliances are harmful to human beings. If you are a normal person with a normal television and a normal microwave, it's not going to do enough damage that you would even notice it, if it does any at all. Now, of course, if you're living under major power lines, that might be a little bit much in terms of energy. If you use a computer a lot, there are several options available to you. You could get a computer that has a liquid crystal display screen, LCD screen; you see these on your laptops. That's an optimum situation. If you can't do that, on the market there are radiation screens, and these can be put over your CRT screen and they can significantly reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to. The radiation is not going to damage you, but it can slow the detoxification and healing process if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer every day. Approximately four hours at one sitting at the computer (without getting up), can significantly slow your own healing abilities. Now, we do have to state here that we are talking in generalities and that all of this is dependent on your belief system. If you truly

(on all levels of your being) believe that nothing outside of you can effect your health, then you can live under a power line and sleep with your computer, and it's certainly not going to do anything. So, these are guidelines, and the ultimate voice is your own belief system, and that's very important to stress. We have gotten questions from many people also about the teachings of other channels and health practioners. Many say to throw your TVs, computers and microwave ovens away. Each entity and each channel has their own belief system through which information comes. Look at the different things that you have learned in your growth. If you truly believe in the idea that you create your reality and no one can be a victim, then you cannot subscribe to the idea of something outside of you affecting you. It's got to be one or the other. If you really don't believe that you create your reality and you believe you can be a victim, then absolutely anything can hurt you. Now, as to why that fearful and limiting information is said, that is for others to answer. But what we can say is that it is valuable that it be said, because it makes you think. From our point of view, when this type of fearful information is given, you are faced with an opportunity to think about what you really want to believe in, instead of listening to an outside source without checking it with your own self. Information that is fearful and negative allows you to process your own fears. We have always said that information is meant to be taken as information only, information to be added to your storehouse, information to make you think. Information that we bring through is not channeled so you will believe us, but so you will take what is given and learn to grow from it by discovering your own truth. It is not our understanding that you will ever, ever be affected by anything outside of you unless you hold a belief system that it can and that you can be victimized. And so this is about processing belief systems. This is about learning sovereignty, where you are the only creator of your reality. No television, no computer creates that. And certainly no evil government with a sinister plot! The power is within you. As soon as that is recognized and owned, there will be no more victims, and no more sinister plots. Your selfresponsibility will set you free!

CompuServe Online Conference Alternative Contact Section UFO Forum

Conference with Lyssa Royal May 20, 1995 Question: Lyssa, is your last name a pen name? Lyssa: It's my real name...a real ex-married name, I should say! Question: I am not terribly well-read on the subject of UFOs, but I've seen a lot of theories as to why everyone else in the galaxy has a huge, cooperative civilization with faster-than-light travel, telepathy, and all this stuff. It all seems rather excessive to account for a few night lights or whatever. I'm not saying there is no one out there, but are they really as advanced as some people seem to think and if so, how come we got left out until now? I think we watch too much Star Trek! We simply don't hear about all the other civilizations like ours who can't communicate or travel through time/space. I suspect that we haven't really been left out but that rather we haven't either WANTED to be part of contact until now or we haven't been ABLE to perceive contact until now. Who are the entities that you channel, Lyssa? The one I channel primarily calls herself "Sasha." She is featured in most of the books and claims to be a female from the Pleiades. (Sasha isn't her real name. She says we would have difficulty pronouncing it). One other entity calls himself "Germane" who is a group consciousness and nonphysical. "He" gives a very galactic and transformational perspective on things. They are the main ones. There are others that only occasionally make appearances. They don't like to focus a lot on "who" they are. Instead, they prefer to focus on the information they can share with us. Do the channeled messages from Sasha and Germane differ much from your own beliefs? When I first started channeling I had a lot of questions and those questions needed answers. That is why I became a channel, because I needed to find those answers for myself. I'm glad others find those answers interesting too. Over time, I learned from the ETs about their perspectives and some of their info became part of my own theories and research. Lyssa, where in New Hampshire did you see your first sighting?

It was 1979 outside of Exeter, NH. Exeter was known for a high level of UFO activity, especially in the 1960s. Exeter is a town very close to Betty and Barney Hills' home. [The Betty and Barney Hill case from the 1960s was one of the first abduction cases revealed to the public]. It was a snowy night in October and I saw a big ball of orange/yellow light hovering in the woods across from my house. A "tear drop of fire" dropped from it and when I went outside it made a whirring noise that went from a low intensity to a high intensity. Then it vanished. I was only 18 at the time and my father wouldn't let me chase after it! Have you ever been abducted? People ask this question a lot because they feel that in order for me to have written the book Visitors from Within I must have been. To tell you the truth, I am not sure, though I suspect if I have, it isn't in the traditional "victim, scary" sense. I have had missing time experiences and strange things happen as well as weird body marks, but I don't know. I don't prefer to interpret my experiences that way. Your father witnessed the UFO. Did he accept what it was then? What about now? I think it profoundly affected us all. Even though he tried to convince me it was something conventional, we used to go looking for UFOs when I was growing up! He didn't say much about it and was scared for me because I was so interested. Today he knows what I do and is somewhat interested. The irony is that since 1979 he has "accidentally" ran into people claiming to have been chased by a UFO on the same night we had our sighting nearly 20 years ago! You used to go looking for UFOs...Do you think part of you knew what was going to happen to you? Yes. I think part of me knew the path ahead. I have just had too many UFO related experiences happen. The interest was just too strong. There is a part of EACH of us that knows what lies ahead on our spiritual path. We just have to listen to that inner self. Is it of intentional spiritual significance to have seen a UFO? Is there a communication between us and the ETs when these sightings happen, even though the craft might be miles away and just a dot in the sky? I do think there is a significance. However, I don't want people to think it means that if you haven't seen a UFO that you are spiritually depraved! There are indications that sightings have a personal significance for the person who sees them and that the ETs are or might be aware that they are being seen. A lot more goes on than we realize and it doesn't necessarily conform to our linear view of reality or time/space.

What do you think about Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadian books? Are you and your guides in accord with her channelings? There are some very close correlations with some of Barbara's information, though we do differ in style, form, and personality. I've worked with her before and there does seem to be correlation in some of our material, but not all. How do you receive your channeling? Do you think your skills are unique or is it something anyone can learn? I do what I call semi-conscious channeling. This means that I don't leave my body, but I do go into an altered state. It feels like I am asleep and dreaming and when I wake up it feels dreamlike. I don't often remember what I've channeled. I chose to do it in a semiconscious state because I didn't want to leave my body and miss all the fun! I wanted to benefit from the information and the interactions with the audience. Yes, I do feel anyone can do it, though some people seem to have made agreements prior to birth. I was both contacted by an entity and formally trained to channel. I do teach channeling and so I think it is a skill anyone can learn. Some people are natural athletes and some people have to work at it. Channels are the same. Have you heard about Charles Silva's Pleiadian contacts or contacts with Pleiadians who are blonde or Nordic looking? Sasha says there are many different genotypes of Pleiadians, and the Nordics are only one. She has described herself as being very much like me in stature. She is about 5 foot tall, light skin, light brown almond-shaped eyes and says that is average for her genotype. The males can be small too (about 5'8") or large as well. Her group has some Terran (Earth) genetics in them and that is another whole complex story! Have you ever had a sudden ringing in your ears and felt that your ET friends were calling you or scanning your consciousness to see what kind of day you are having? I get all sorts of weird stuff that happens. Sometimes I attribute it to "them," but often I just don't know. Sasha does tend to pop in from time to time and give me a dissertation (with my permission of course) on various topics of interest to me personally. It is like having my own little online service in my head. What do Sasha and Germane see for the immediate future of Earth and its population? In short, they feel we'll go through a difficult time as old paradigms break down to make way for the new. However, it doesn't have to be traumatic if we take responsibility for ourselves as a species and our home planet. They say that earth changes are entirely related to us and our state of consciousness. This means that if we choose to clear

ourselves by moving through our fears, learn to handle our emotions, and take responsibility for our reality, we won't need to manifest the big earth changes. How do you feel physically after you channel? Does the vibration of the entity affect you? At first, when I learned to channel in 1984 I felt exhausted and drained afterward and my body went through all sorts of uncomfortable things like cramping in my hands and face. It wasn't a pretty sight, I assure you! Now, after I channel I feel invigorated as long as I've been channeling no longer than 1.5 - 2 hours at a stretch. If I channel longer than that it feels uncomfortable so I have to take breaks. What constituted your personal proof of the validity of your experiences and messages? Of course personal proof is always a subjective thing. I had personal revelations of things I had always wanted answers for. I had physical craft sightings. However, the most profound is that lately the info that I channeled for the book Preparing for Contact has begun to come true. Sasha began outlining techniques and patterns to the contact experience and I have begun following them, and my research team has begun getting the results that she suggested we would. That is tremendously exciting. Sasha began telling me that soon we would begin seeing patterns in our contact research-meaning that we would go out in the field and the same type of low-level contacts would begin happening over and over again. Then she said other research teams would have the same results. It has begun happening. For instance, our pattern is that once we set up our research site, we begin to see what looks like "satellites." These very faint objects traverse the sky but they make strange changes in trajectory and when we signal them with 500,000 candle power halogen lights, they signal back in response. This is now a predictably pattern and other research teams are experiencing it as well. When the objects return the signals, they illuminate to the brightness of Sirius or so. What is so notable to me is that from the high orbit these objects seem to be traversing, they can't see a light such as the ones we are using to signal. Therefore, we believe they are responding to our consciousness rather than our lights. This gives credence to our theories that consciousness is the unifying field and the common ground upon which we can meet. Isn't there a danger of group abduction? Our research teams believe in the old "like attracts like" philosophy. We know that if we put out a certain frame of mind, we will attract only productive, positive experiences. This state of mind/heart must not only be embraced mentally, but emotionally as well. Because of this, it requires time as a group to emotionally process unrecognized fears before we are ever able to be ready to become vulnerable in the field. This type of research isn't for everyone. So far in the field research we haven't had any "abductions" .... at least that we know of!

Are these beings in our dimension, or are they in another dimension? Sasha claims to have a physical body, but not in the way we know physicality. She says her reality is in what she calls "fourth density." This means that her body is more light than ours, and our realities are not yet totally compatible, though she could make herself visible through technological devices if she needed to. So, as we transform ourselves and evolve, we become more "light" ... and are more able to match their frequency. It seems like a great many of us have Pleiadian connections and my material suggests that we have some very ancient genetic ties to the Pleiadians, which is a long story. Lyssa, I recently read your book Visitors from Within and it was very good. It really helped alleviate a lot of the fear that I had. I am working with a person who does not believe in aliens and at the age of 80 has started having abduction experiences. How can I help her resolve these experiences? I suspect that even though it may seem like she just started the experiences, that she has had them all along. You might want to do some regressive work with her to first bring them out into the open, if that is not too traumatic for her. If she says she doesn't believe in aliens, it might be just a defense mechanism that you must allow her to maintain for her sanity. But as you work with her, she'll gradually validate her experiences by herself. As you know, there is a denial stage and that stage is important for the abductee to feel so they can feel in control. Honor this in her but still be there for her and she will make her own conclusions at some point. Also, it isn't necessary for aliens to be real or abductions to be true for the therapeutic effects of your work to have value. The mind often plays out many archetypal scenarios whose validation in physical reality is not necessary for healing to take place. The ancients (and the native peoples) knew this and encouraged these healing processes to take place through ritual ceremony, vision quests, and the type of deep emotional processing through imagery that today's professionals label "primitive" or "superstitious." Can you discuss time travel, Pleiadian style? I'll try to talk about it in a simplistic way so our linear minds can understand. Sasha, being from our future approx 300 years ahead, says that the way she time travels is to make an emotional connection with someone, some thing, or some event. This emotional connection serves as an anchor that can draw her or her people here. Do you think Earth will left from 3D to 4D? Is that the end of the world as we "know" it? The "end of the world" is really only the end of a paradigm. It doesn't mean death, only change. Aren't we all really ready for that? If a craft lands in your back yard, tell me how do you know who is who? Who is on the Light Team and who is on the Dark Team? How suspicious should one be if this happens? I don't want to greet the bad guys -- ZAP! We could become TOAST or worse.

It really isn't just black and white. It is like saying all Russians or Iraqis are bad. They aren't all bad, and sometimes you can't tell from a distance. So, I think what we really need to be concerned about is how WE present OURSELVES as citizens of Earth. We must be the best ambassadors and representatives that we can...hold our own light...and trust that when we hold that light or good intention that we will only attract what is best for us. A negative encounter always teaches us about ourselves, and that isn't such a bad thing, either. All we have is our own integrity. If we sit in our homes in fear, we'll never evolve. Those of us who are pioneers must still take the chance. Even in times of war, America still needs ambassadors to the "enemy". Since we cannot control another, all we have is ourselves and it is up to us to create the kind of future we wish that isn't based in fear. Sasha says that once we go "up there," we won't find a great differentiation between the races and species. It matters little to them. Our fears are our own, and they are based on our limited perceptions of reality. What we think we perceive about "them" is only a reflection of us, so our own evolution is crucial before we enter a vast galactic neighborhood that is teeming with life. In all matters on earth or in space, we must act with dignity and integrity, respecting all life. With such a responsibility, there is no place for actions based in fear. Fear is the anchor that will keep us from the next frontier. -- Lyssa Royal May 20, 1995 CompuServes UFO Forum, Online Conference

CompuServe Online Conference Alternative Contact Section UFO Forum

Conference with Lyssa Royal August, 1996 [Note: The following is an excerpt from CompuServe's UFO Forum during an online conference with Lyssa Royal.] Moderator: Welcome to tonight's conference with special guest Lyssa Royal Holt. Lyssa is the author of Visitors from Within, Preparing for Contact, and The Prism of Lyra. She holds a B.A. in psychology and is an internationally known channel, author, and lecturer from Arizona. Lyssa recently returned from a trip to the UK, touring the crop formations, and has also traveled to Egypt and Mexico in her research. Lyssa has a CSETI working group in Phoenix, Arizona, and has done many workshops around the country and world on Preparing for Contact. Lyssa would like to discuss her latest crop circle research, the connections with ET contact, the importance of grass roots ET contact programs, impact of ETs as depicted in the media, and more. Welcome Lyssa! Lyssa: Thank you all for being here. I love doing these forums, they are great fun. I encourage all of you to ask whatever questions you wish to ask. I'd like to get as in depth as we can. To start with, there is a feeling in the air that we've reached a turning point. This turning point seems to be marked by the movie Independence Day. For me personally, my first visit to England and seeing the crop circles really drove home the reality of the phenomenon. One would think that since I work with it all the time that I already believe it, so to speak. But, nothing beats experiencing tangible evidence-anomalous phenomena-- to get your mind juices rolling. Today I would like to discuss many different subjects on the order of the following: Where do we go from here now that there seems to be more openness, even in the form of fiction? What is happening in England and what are the ramifications of those experiences for mankind? How can we begin to take responsibility for the contact phenomenon as individuals and as committed groups? These are just some basic questions but we can start from there and then go deeper if we want. I certainly do feel that we have a responsibility to handle this "coming out" of UFO information in a responsible fashion without adding to all the fear and paranoia and disinformation that is out there. This means that we have to be very, very discerning in what we choose to believe and to spread to other people. It means that we look at the whole of mankind and the future of ET contacts as what is at stake.

We are truly at a turning point in history and in a place where we can create history by how we handle this delicate subject matter. It is obvious that if left to the governments, it won't be handled in a way that would make us proud. Do we want secrecy to rule our lives into the 21st century? These are just some questions, rhetorical they may be, for you to chew on a bit. So, why don't we jump in with both feet and start with questions and comments? Question: Having just returned from the UK, do you believe the British government is involved in a cover-up? I don't believe they are involved in a cover-up any more than any other government is! Even though I have been to the UK I don't know enough about their government and their history with the ET phenomenon to give you an educated answer to that question. However, it does seem to me that there is a force greater than an individual that seems to be orchestrating [the release of] this ET information planetwide. I hate to admit that, but it really seems to be true. I think the reason for the lack of the release of information, on a very basic human level, has more to do with our slowness at dealing with phenomena we don't understand. We like everything put in a box for us and when it doesn't fit in that box, we have to find other ways to digest it. Question: Why do you say "no more than any other government?" And, what evidence is there of this orchestration and international manipulation? When you have situations like the alien autopsy TV show being released in several countries all over the world within the same few days . . . that sure seems orchestrated to me! (Germany, Australia, the USA, and Japan, to name a few). Question: One of the main themes of your book "Preparing for Contact" is the reintegration of the various parts of ourselves internally -- the idea that we must do inner work before we are really ready for meaningful contact. You said that you sense a turning point is at hand. (Hope you don't take this too personally, ;-) but can you tell us a little bit about how you see this change occurring in your own life, in the sense that what is without is a reflection of what is within? I sense the turning point has to do with the fragmentation of our own consciousness as individuals which is reflected in the mass consciousness as well. When you have a "body" that begins releasing its secrets (even in a fictionalized way) that frees up energy for the integration to take place. Secrets are like big roadblocks, and when there are too many in the way, a being cannot move forward into evolution. Once they begin being released, the force released for change is tremendous. I suspect that this is true for people as well, even though you don't see the results yet (or maybe we haven't learned to recognize them). I suspect we are freeing tremendous energy within ourselves (and our mass consciousness) to use for transformation. Question: Don't you think that more and more people and groups will learn to have

telepathic contact with ETs? Yes, more people are becoming more telepathic, but yet again, if there are too many "secrets" in the way, you can't have smooth communication. It really all boils down to personal evolution, which affects planetary evolution. We can't escape that we're all connected. So your sense of this being a turning point -- does this mean you sense that many people have made significant progress towards this reintegration? It seems psoriatic to me at best! I do believe so, yes. Otherwise, we could not have had a blockbuster movie (as an example) disclosing these "secrets" even in a fictionalized way. I know it seems psoriatic, but the evolutionary process is not linear, so we can't delineate steps to follow. It kind of unwinds wherever it can. Did you or the CSETI group establish real contact in terms of boarding a ship or on a personal level, or do you have any indication that it will happen in the near future? And, do you believe we are dealing with a group of aliens that work together or do they all have their own agendas? If you've read my book Preparing for Contact this answer may make more sense. Our brain wave states and the brain wave states of the ETs are so different. The reality we deem to be the "real" one is ego-dominated and anything that happens outside of the egodominated realm is considered pure fantasy by society and even by ourselves. So yes, I believe that CSETI (and other groups) have already had successful boardings. However, because our brain waves shift during the contact process and we leave the ego-dominated realm (that dominates memory), we "wake up" and seem to have lost our memories of contact. Then the question becomes, "How can we access these memories or experiences?" My research team has been trying to do this through dream states, synchronous dreaming, and other tools that can tell us if a contact has happened outside of that ego-dominated realm. So yes, I do think it has already happened, but in terms of it happening in our ego state, it is not likely. It is a process of our own evolution to get us less anchored to the ego. Then, the real contact begins. The common question people ask at this point is, "Why do some contactees like Billy Meier remember their experiences?" My research indicates that either the contactee is "wired" differently (less ego-dominated), or the ETs themselves are lesser evolved and can somehow match our brain wave states. Pretty far out stuff, hmm? Regarding the ETs, my research indicates that there are pockets of ET contact teams (like the one I work with led by Sasha, a Pleiadian, whom I channel) and there are some others who operate independently. However, even though some of them work separately, it seems most have a common goal at heart. Question: What do you think about the idea that ETs are often beings from our future

and therefore must be careful because they are concerned with screwing with the space/time continuum? Could they be why they seem to be in on the cover-up? (I don't think all of them are from the future). Personally, I don't believe that there is only one time line, so the idea of screwing up the future doesn't work here. For instance, Sasha has said that she comes from 300 or so years in the future. People ask her then, "What happens in the 21st century?" She has answered that her past may be different from our future. It is all a matter of what we make it and that there are many threads of reality to experience. I never used to understand all this stuff, but while in the channeling state I experience nonlinearity firsthand and I can finally understand it. I think that the ETs truly respect the fact that we must make our own choices. They seem to think there are severe ramifications on them "karmically" if you will, to mess with another species' time line. You mention "secrecy" often. Is it futile to hope for governments on a worldwide level to admit that this phenomenon as a whole is inherently noncontrollable? Further, could it be said that ego-dominated mankind must be approached on a grassroots level, bypassing those organizations who maintain the status quo? It is going to seem like I am not addressing the question directly, but I think the point is that we shouldn't wait for the governments to acknowledge it. So what if they do? Will it change anything? How can we trust them even if they did? Paradigm shifts happen WITHOUT government intervention! Yes, I believe strongly in your last comment. The grass roots level always gets the job done. I'm on my soap box a bit! Question: Do you have any ideas about the progression of ET contact? After spending time in the crop circles this summer [1996], it seems like we can use the circles to gauge how the contact phenomenon is progressing. Again, this phenomenon is not linear and so it is frustrating, but it seems like the following is happening: *Secrecy is falling away *More people are being contacted *More people are remembering contact *More people are going out in the field initiating contact from a place of love rather than fear *More people who are having "abduction" experiences are using those experiences as tools for their own growth, thus transforming the fear *More people are gathering evidence *More people are speaking openly Should I go on? :) If I were an ET, I'd surmise the following: Planet Earth is beginning to open to the idea of contact. Earth is throwing away the trash (secrets) so they can truly

see what's there. Humans are reaching out to ETs. The list goes on. Sasha says we are ripe. But, it is like an unwinding coil and we're not done unwinding yet. Question: Isn't it interesting that Independence Day portrayed ETs as murderous? I suspect that it represents our own dark selves that need to be purged as we look into the unknown. I was amazed (and pleased) that the focus was not on the ETs, but on the humans who banded together in bravery and pride. Question: Other movies have been made in the past with similar plots. Why do you think this represents a turning point? It has to do with the timing. If you look at the TV and all the shows on now, there is a force building in the mass consciousness. Even though the TV show Encounters and others have done segments on Area 51, it still wasn't really mainstream. ID4 was mainstream! I think ID4 is a piece of the puzzle that other movies and TV shows helped to create. It is all connected. I didn't mean to pick ID4 out to the exclusion of all others. Question: Speaking of CSETI, what techniques do you use in trying to initiate contact? Lights, sounds, etc.? What do you see in the future for contact? And why does everything seem to be in the form of a triangle? I am a member of CSETI (the Arizona coordinator) so I do use their techniques, which include light, sound, and thought. However, I have the advantage (at least I think so :) of being able to channel so my contact Sasha gives me all sorts of new ideas to use out in the field. I use the lights, but Sasha has given me an exercise using colored lights (red, green, blue) and a certain sequence for flashing them. She says that his process helps to integrate the forces of thought, emotion, and action within the human. She says the lights are not the magic, but the internal work is the magic. I just finished creating a video that teaches this technique because so far, it has been so successful. We have had CE-5s nearly 80% of the time during the six months of using it. And yes, I am particularly fond of triangles -- the red, green, blue idea works on the 3 sets of 3 principle that she stresses frequently. By the way, I was amazed to hear that Whitley Strieber heard the same information (the knocks in 3 sets of 3) with his contacts. Anyway, we attempt to use the triangles in the field in whatever way we can. Sasha has said that there is a universal template based on three. One polarity, it's opposite, and the integration of the two making the third point. Since this is a universal template, it can be used as a universal foundation for communication. Question: How can we get that tape? For the video, click here to take you to the Video List on our homepage. The video is called The Preparing for Contact Field Training Guide. For information on the audio

tapes of the Fibonacci music series and how to use it in the field to initiate contact, see tapes #181, #183, and #186 listed on our homepage under Audio Tapes . Sorry to sound like a salesman, but many people ask! Question: I think that the point you made about time not being linear but simultaneous is of extreme importance for us to understand if we are going to venture into the multidimensions. Everything that is going to happen is happening, it is only a question of learning how to enter into that dimension. We have to train ourselves to understand what reality is all about. Many experiences are happening in a different realm, and we think it is only here. If we understand this, we will understand the so-called aliens. Sasha is a smart lady! The internal work we have to do is of extreme importance as space doesn't exist. It is just an illusion. We have to go within, instead. I couldn't have said it better myself! The first place we need to look is within ourselves. If we lose track of that, we get lost in a maze of illusions. Question: The theory of a pre-life agreement between aliens and abductees has been presented a lot. Was that info channeled and how does that fit in a mutual learning process? It seems that I agree with you on a lot of things but that doesn't make sense for me. It sounds more like a form of escapism -- a way out of a complex problem that we have yet to solve instead of ignore. The concept of a prebirth agreement really pushes a lot of buttons for some people I've spoken to, because it makes them feel like they are just puppets. I look at it this way: I must have known what I was doing when I set up this life before I was born from a bird's eye perspective. But while I'm here now, I am free to make my life what I want it to be. This keeps the responsibility back on us. It doesn't become escapism, or an easy way out to play the victim role. This is what I try to express in some of the books and tapes. If, for instance, we are abductees, instead of getting tangled up in the fear, I should ask myself, "How can I use this experience to further my growth?" So what if it is a prebirth agreement? I am living in the now. What can I do NOW? That is really what counts. Too many people actually use the prebirth excuse to keep themselves from evolving! Question: The problem remains that there was force used. If we close our eyes to that, what next? It comes down to this: Nothing exists outside of us. We can make at least two choices in this life. Do we want to believe that we create our reality? Or, do we want to believe that we can be victims to the will of another? Each of us has to decide which statement we are going to believe. Once we choose the one by which we wish to live, then reality starts to shape itself to that statement. If one wishes to stop being a victim, then they MUST change their premise by which they live. There is no getting around that one. This doesn't mean that there aren't "bogeymen" out there, but it does mean that you'll be more obvious bait with a premise that you are a victim. I am cutting to the chase here because I feel this is a KEY to personal power and freedom on this planet. We MUST stop blaming

everyone else for what happens to us. Question: Do you feel that everything we are seeing on television (especially the frequency of these shows as well as all the movies) could be indirectly motivated by the government to try and start raising the consciousness of Americans to what will be coming? Yes, I do agree with that statement but I do want to define "government" for a moment. It is my belief that it isn't the "government" per se, but whatever planetary forces are guiding our development -- be they "positive" or "negative". Clinton certainly isn't doing this! Think for a moment about the recent announcement about life on Mars. Whomever is shaping this has gone very far back in an evolutionary time line to begin grooming us for the inevitable "they are out there" speech. It is kind of fun to watch! Question: You say that "we" create our own reality (which I agree with) but isn't that down the line? Enmasse ... our thoughts create the movies. We are being enlightened because it is happening to us individually. It is the way everything works. We as a planet create everything that happens here. Yes, but we have to start with making choices on a personal basis about what we wish to experience. Reality follows down the line. However, most people forget they have a choice and a say in the matter! Question: Could it be that the powers that are here today wanted a gradual awareness to a presence that has been here for some time, and that the last few years have been an onramp to this particular highway? Truly well said. I think so, yes. Question: Please tell us about your trip to England to study the crop circles. I'll give a brief summary of what happened when we were in England. Many of you have read the report [on my homepage called Crop Circle Report, July 1996 ]. We got there shortly after the DNA helix at Alton Barnes was formed. It is quite extraordinary and we got to do nighttime fieldwork inside the formation. One night we had anomalous sounds appear and one of our members had his room key in his camera bag. The key was bent mysteriously at a 90-degree angle! We were playing signals on a walkie and we received answering signals through the walkie while the walkie's transmit button was depressed and in the sending mode. (You should only be able to receive signals while it is in the reception mode.) The highlight was that 7 group members (myself not included) went back into the formation and heard a sound they described as follows: "If Hollywood made a UFO movie, this is the sound they would use to depict the UFO". It was as loud as a car horn and the sound stretched the length of the crop formation. My research group here in Arizona has been obsessed with using the Fibonacci mathematic sequence out in the field for our work. We

hoped we could use it in England, but we never did. While at Stonehenge, Shari Adamiak (from CSETI) and I were discussing the Fibonacci and our wish to use it in contact work. Two days after we left Stonehenge for London, the formation of the "Julia Set" appeared which represents either a Fibonacci or logarithmic spiral. To me, that confirmed our desire to incorporate the Fibonacci in our fieldwork. To say we were excited is an understatement! Participating in the conference are two people who were on my tour and were part of the 7 who were in the formation on the day of the loud noise. I'll let them recount what they experienced. We seven entered the crop circle and we individually found the spot in the circle where Sasha said we should go to. (It was the spot were we felt best as individuals). We did our work individually and after a few minutes we heard this loud sound. As we became excited, the sound stopped. After a few minutes we calmed down and we heard the sound again. Again we became excited and again [the sound stopped]. Interesting. This confirms a theory that Ron [Lyssa's husband] and I have been playing with about how energy fragments when a group experiences contact. They become individually excited instead of staying in the flow of the contact. We feel strongly that the group energy has to be in harmony in order to experience contact. Question: I am very much interested in hearing the technical details of the Fibonacci information. Are there any references available to this yet? Also, Lyssa, what are your future plans? Any US workshops? I see you will be in South Africa next month. You sure get around! I wish I had technical details on the Fibonacci information! I was not a math major, that is for sure. Sasha talks about it on some of my tapes, so you can [refer to the tape catalog on the homepage at Audio Tapes and look for information on tapes # 183, 181, 186 for the details.] Question: What do you think about dolphins on ET contact teams? I think it is an idea whose time has come. I had put together an event on a dolphin research ship off the coast of Spain. It was set to happen in June of 1996 but we had to cancel due to lack of interested parties (and $$ of course). Our goal was to do dolphin/whale contact during the day and ask them to help us with our ET contact and use them as intermediaries to help us open up the ET contact at night. I think it might still happen some day when the time is right. I think it is a great idea! Comment: Did you think perhaps you were being contacted by an alternate group of yourselves that were working with breaking the dimensional barrier? You are a highenergy group and your excitement may have lost the focus. Keep trying! That is what is

happening with some of the "aliens" who are only partially seen. I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. Sasha claims to be a "future" me, from the Pleiades, and many on her contact team have counterparts on my Earth team. So, all we really do is contact ourselves, anyway! We had an amazing contact event last January [1996]. It was cold so we didn't go outside. Instead, Sasha took my contact team (through meditation) to another planet where a group of ETs were trying to make contact with other ETs! (They too, like us, haven't openly entered the galactic community). Sasha showed us how to play the ETs for this alien contact team so we could learn what the Pleiadians go through when they contact us! It was enlightening, and will be detailed in a book someday. The contact was VERY real and my human team all had simultaneous experiences as if we had entered a room together. We just shifted dimensions. We each assigned ourselves to one of the alien contact team members and then contact that person. Each of us humans had to deal with the emotional bodies of the alien group we were contacting, and that was quite enlightening too! We really saw what we put the ETs through when they try to contact us! What a trip! :) Comment: Lyssa, that was fascinating. Maybe what really happened is that your group and the Pleiadian group changed places! Yes, the experience made me feel like we each are the only ones who exist in our own universes, and all we do is contact different aspects of ourselves anyway. Question: Lyssa, what do you think the crop circles mean? I think there are as many answers to that question as there are crop circles, and maybe more! However, I am beginning to be interested in one aspect that has to do with the idea of the crop circles being giant acupuncture/homeopathic encoders into the Earth grid. For instance, the DNA helix formation happened right on the St. Michael ley line. Ley lines have always been known to be places on the Earth where one can access the whole earth - like a meridian in the body where a giant acupuncture needle can be placed and information can be "sent" (much like frequencies are sent to the body in homeopathic medicine). The fact that the Alton Barnes formation resembled DNA and it was on a major ley line is a serious message to me. I think we are being given information or energy that is directly connected to our DNA and it is being put directly into the grid of the Earth. The other formation at Stonehenge [the Julia Set] is of tremendous interest to me because of the following: In the Flower of Life workshop by Drunvalo Melchizedek (my husband used to be a facilitator for this course) he speaks about a brick-lined hole in the desert floor within a mile of the great pyramid in Egypt. He says that this point marks the beginning point of a logarithmic spiral that unwinds over the Earth and passes through the sacred sites. So, here we are at Stonehenge and a logarithmic (or Fibonacci) spiral appears in the crop

within a mile or so of a major sacred site. The situation seems hauntingly familiar to Drunvalo's claims about the Egyptian spiral. While we were there, Busty Taylor dowsed Stonehenge and found that lines of energy ran like a pinwheel out of the center of Stonehenge. I am sure one of these lines of energy hits the Julia Set formation. So again, some serious information or energy is being encoded into the grid which will pass through all the sacred sites on Earth. I feel in my bones that this is of MAJOR significance. My mind (the logical, linear part) can't comprehend the enormity of it nor understand what it means. But I FEEL it is very, very significant. This is also why I feel we are at a major planetary crossroads right now. Question: Do you think that the energy of these ley lines are connected in some way to the mass consciousness, or the morphogenetic field, and so is used by the ETs or someone to send messages to us that would awaken something within our consciousness? Absolutely! I am convinced that somehow a message, information, or energy is being directly downloaded into the morphogenetic field of our planet through these formations - especially the formations that reflect the principles of sacred geometry. Moderator: Thanks for being our guest tonight. It was wonderful and very informative. Thank you all for being here and for the great questions. I hope you will continue being pioneers.

CompuServe Online Conference Alternative Contact Section UFO Forum

Conference with Lyssa Royal November 23, 1997 [Note: The following has been adapted from an online conference in the CompuServe UFO Forum.] Lyssa: We as humans have become accustomed to perceiving reality as objective. If two people standing side by side look into the sky and only one sees a balloon, then we assume that one must be right and one must be wrong in their perceptions. We have no room for any perception that might be based on the true nature of the universe, which is subjective. Here is a little illustration to help explain the nature of human reality, as well as the realities toward which we are evolving. Imagine that a little bird (representing we humans) is standing upon a line. He looks at his feet, sees the line, and recognizes it as expressing linearity -- past, present, and future. This line defines his reality. He feels safe within the boundaries because nothing is unknown. Perhaps one day the bird decides to fly around. As he flies even just a short distance above the line (which defines his reality) he is startled to discover that the line is curved! It isn't straight at all! The belief to which he once held so rigidly must now be relinquished. Time and space (and expressions of past, present, and future) must now conform to a curved reality paradigm. For a while, he lives with this perception until he senses that there may be more. The bird becomes even more curious, so he flies higher. As he flies higher, he is even more startled to realize that his new perspective of reality (curvature) was partially incomplete. From a higher perspective he realizes that the line once straight and then curved, is now a circle! This means that reality itself (time and space) must also reflect that circular nature. He begins to comprehend that the cycle of the seasons (as an example) is an expression of an even greater truth, and that many ideas (such as past, present, and future) exist simultaneously. Even more curious, the bird flies to the highest point he is able. He is startled to see that the circle is actually a spiral! He realizes that reality isn't just a circle in which beings are doomed to experience the same things over and over, but that being a spiral, seasons of experience occur that gradually evolve one to other places upon the spiral. The bird viewing the limitations of a line under his feet has represented the human view of reality for a very long time. It becomes so pervasive and limited that humans convince themselves that nothing else exists. They do not know how to recognize experience beyond that limited paradigm. If experience is forced upon them, they interpret to suit the

limitations of linear reality. (This has been labeled third density). Humans are at the point right now where they are beginning to recognize the curvature of the line. The whole implications of this recognition have not occurred yet. Right now it is a curiosity that has not been applied to the linear paradigm. That time is coming soon. (This is the transition point from third density to fourth). Many humans who have journeyed through meditation or sacred herbs have been able to fly, like the bird, to greater heights than linear or curved reality. The above represents the stages of consciousness evolution of a species. There are always those who journey ahead of the masses. They are the pioneers. Humans are moving toward a new and complete paradigm of reality which is symbolized by the circle. In this paradigm, a recognition will occur about the nature of time and space being circular or seasonal. This would be fourth density reality. As the perceptions of the circle are explored, it will eventually evolve to becoming a sphere. As consciousness is explored further, it begins to realize that the circle is really a spiral and that experience is never repeated but that all experience evolves one to a higher and higher state of being. The geometrical representation of the nature of this reality (fifth density, which is nonphysical) is that of the Golden Mean Spiral (GMS). The GMS frequency permeates all realities and keeps us connected to the Source. However, it is only with expanded consciousness can one perceive its essence. The GMS frequency is common to all life forms. It is the common ground upon which all interdimensional communication may be based. Humans may generate a simulated GMS frequency from physical reality using a variety of techniques. Whatever the technique, it must be based on a joint integration between three human components: Thought, Emotion, and Action. These three components (T-E-A) are symbolized in the light spectrum by blue, green, and red. When these three components are totally integrated, they create the white light. When these integrated components are projected upon the carrier wave of the Golden Mean Spiral, interdimensional communication becomes possible. From a physical point of view, how can humans generate a GMS (upon which to piggyback the TEA) which is an expression of higher levels of reality beyond the physical? In physical reality there is an approximation of the GMS called the Fibonacci spiral, based on the Fibonacci mathematical sequence. One may use the Fibonacci sequence to simulate the GMS close enough for success in interdimensional communications. Of course, the more highly-evolved the human race, the closer we can approximate the GMS, and the easier interdimensional communication can become. In the contact work I have done out in the field, I have been given components of contact protocol that have achieved wonderful--though unexpected--results. Three years ago I was given a technique that expresses the Thought-Emotion-Action (TEA) idea stated above using blue, green and red lights. More recently I have been given a very simple

technique based on the Fibonacci that created remarkable results in Japan. However, I have never been able to piece them together until now. I have been shown how to use these techniques together to begin altering the consciousness enough to achieve interdimensional communication. They missing key has been the heart. There are scientists at present (Mr. Dan Winter, to name one) who are doing research into the sacred geometry counterparts of emotional frequencies by measuring emotional frequencies through computers in a type of biofeedback experiment. It has been found that the sacred geometry counterpart of the emotion of pure love (heart frequency) is the gold mean spiral! Over the last few months I have been doing research in the field by attempting to use the Fibonacci sequence as a type of training wheels which allows a research group to begin resonating with the heart frequency enough to then jump into the golden mean frequency. The theory is that if we as a group can be all resonating to the GMS frequency, we can bridge time and space and enter that common ground, that universal frequency upon which all life can communicate -- even over vast differences. I've been doing this through a type of meditation which I can teach during this conference, but it does require practice and a certain level of adeptness at spiritual and emotional focusing. All indications are that it can work profoundly as we become more adept. Therefore this "heart frequency" that we have all heard discussed is not some new age abstract concept, but in fact an actual, measurable frequency that can be utilized for the process of interdimensional (and extraterrestrial communication). We are just in the beginning stages of this research but so far, the results have been encouraging. I need to stress something very important. I am not interested in (nor capable of) generating a mass UFO sighting seen by all. As stated above, contact is based on the truth of the greater reality, which is subjectively perceived by individuals. There are countless cases of groups of people witnessing anomalous events and only some of the people having experiences while others see nothing. Pretty lights in the sky and structured craft at close range are wonderful byproducts of doing contact work that only sometimes happen. They are often quite distracting from the actual contact going on. Contact is not about calling space ships, though that can happen. Contact is about meeting and interacting with other life forms, and sometimes this happens during states of consciousness not validated by the human ego personality. These other life forms may be humanoid like us, or they may be so different from us you might not even recognize their presence. I will stop here and begin a dialogue with you at this point. We can get into specifics as the conference unfolds. Are there comments or questions? Question: Could you be a little more specific on the types of contact? Is contact in

dreams possible? Lyssa: Contact in dreams is absolutely possible. My research indicates that the human brain wave states dictate the type of reality we experience. Therefore, the delta brainwave state is active during sleep and ETs find it easier to communicate with us during that state than in our waking state called beta. The other two states are equally important: Alpha, which is our meditative, daydreaming state, and theta, which is deep meditation and an altered state of consciousness we have difficulty maintaining. These are the easiest brain wave frequencies that many evolved ETs can match. Question: What can we do to more fully develop the delta brain wave state? It is not so much to that we should develop delta, but rather we should loosen the controls our ego has on the beta brain wave state. Much of this is discussed in my book Preparing for Contact, but I would say that one of the most important things is to be aware of when you automatically invalidate possible contact experiences that occur in anything but the waking, conscious state. Question: How does your contact work relate to contact with fairies, devas, nature spirits? You did mention many kinds of beings. In our contact work we do not differentiate between beings that are interdimensional or extraterrestrial because we simply try to reach a common ground upon which all consciousness can meet. It becomes obvious that consciousness is more similar than dissimilar. Often during contact work we don't even know whether the communication we are receiving is offplanet or not, and we have learned that ultimately it doesn't matter. Question: You spoke of meditations. I was with my group of friends in another country and we did a meditation and were confronted by a group of ETs. Is this becoming more active through just meditation or by all different techniques used? You touched a nerve here because the fourth dimension was spoken of at that time! Through meditation we humans are able to bypass the conscious mind. In doing so, we enter a universal stream of consciousness. When we do that we find communication is very easy. Formal meditation is not necessarily important, but learning to access that universal frequency is the key to communicating with all consciousness. So, I do think contact itself is becoming more widespread. Either that, or we are learning to transcend the human limitations and perceiving what has been there all along. Question: Are you talking about astral travel and have you read the books A Soul's Journey, Dancing in the Light, or any Edgar Cayce? The books I am familiar with regarding astral travel are the Robert Monroe books such as Journeys Out of the Body. I am not specifically talking about astral travel. I'm talking

more about a frequency that we all possess within us which leads us to a certain state of consciousness. Perhaps the eastern mystics had different words for it such as samadhi. In new age thought it is often called the heart frequency, which is a common thread that binds us all together. This state of consciousness I am referring to cannot be achieved through the mind, but actually through the heart. Question: What frequency is it resonating at and how do we measure it? In terms of the specific scientific information, I would refer you to the work of Dan Winter who has done a great body of research on the geometrical counterparts of emotion. You would find it corresponds geometrically to the Golden Mean Spiral. [Note: Since this conference we have researched the answer to this question. The heart frequency is at approximately 40hz.] Question: Lyssa, I've had two very profound and life changing experiences in separate dreams, but I awakened before the dreams ended, leaving me with two complete mysteries that have almost become obsessions now. Is there any way to plant a thought or idea before sleep in order to finish the dream? Or is it perhaps that my guests deliberately left me with these mysteries and intend on finishing the dreams at a later date when I am more capable of understanding? I think it is both. People have had success with requesting further information as they go to sleep each night. I would suggest that if you do this and make your request a deeply emotional one, it could succeed. I have always found that for me personally I will never get an answer if it is not the right time. This has been proven to me over and over in my contact work. Question: Do you find that all means of contact is on the rise these days? And if yes, do you have an explanation for that? Yes, I do believe that is true and to be honest, I'm not sure whether it is an increase in contact or an increased ability on the part of humans to perceive what has been going on all along. Question: From your viewpoint, is making contact with ETs something that all of us should strive for? If so, why? Is there any particular protective function in being aware or in touch? No, I do not think it is necessarily important for everyone to do this. For those of us who are motivated, I think it is important because it affects the entire planetary consciousness. I tend to take a Jungian perspective on things--meaning that I see whatever is occurring around us as being intimately connected to what is going on within us. So, if we strive to make contact with any form of consciousness (and we do it from a place of curiosity and love and a desire for growth) then in effect, we trigger a healthy, dynamic form of

transformation within our own consciousness. I see the ETs as being secondary. Our own personal growth process as individuals, and as a planet, is of paramount importance. Regarding being concerned about attracting a negative intelligence, we have found over and over in our research that the old adage "like attracts like" is absolutely true. If you are focused in the heart and your intentions for the contact are pure, you will only draw to you a contact that is neutral, or positive. Speaking for myself and my research group (and many other research groups I've known worldwide) there has never yet been a contact of a negative nature. The only negativity has been from humans [interfering in our research]. Question: You said contact is done more from the heart than from the mind. Does this mean that those with cognitive impairments (like mental retardation) can make contact? Interesting you should ask that question. My stepbrother is mentally retarded due to a lack of oxygen during birth. He reports an incredible meeting with Jesus when he was a child! And, he is incapable of lying. So yes, I think contact is possible for anyone who has a heart! Question: Could you tell us about the exercise you mentioned? For the thought-emotion-intent exercise, I will refer you to [Royal Priest Research's video Preparing for Contact and for the Fibonacci technique I will refer you to audio tape #186 from the Los Angeles Contact Workshop. We hope to upload this information at some point in the future.] Question: Would you say that the reason man is bound to earth is because of his thinking. Every time man grows he escapes gravity, expands his mind. Yes, I would say that is true. I also feel that the judgment and negativity that we place on each other and ourselves keep us from merging with the greater reality. So, the idea of learning to love the self is a very real concept that, when mastered, will liberate us more than we realize. Question: Would you say that the GMS works on the five sacred solids in the aetheric body of man? All of the geometry plays an important part in this. I wish I could say this was my field of expertise, but it is not. However, the GMS is a thread that runs through all life, and therefore all geometry. Let me now talk about the Fibonacci technique. If we imagine that the golden mean spiral is an expression of the spiritual realms or the nonphysical world, there must then be a 3D counterpart. The GMS has an infinite beginning and an infinite end. We have difficulty conceiving of this concept with our linear mind. The 3D counterpart is the Fibonacci, which has a finite beginning and an infinite end. That concept is so much easier for us to imagine with our linear minds. If

we can use the Fibonacci like training wheels to be able to hook us up into the 4D counterpart, which is the GMS, then we have an amazing tool that can assist us in our contact work. A South African man became very excited about these ideas after I had done a workshop there in Cape Town. He composed a music tape based on the Fibonacci sequence. This is the music tape that I have been using in the field with research groups. It helps the group move up into that universal heart frequency. [This is tape #181.] The music tape alone is not enough. Through the information I have been given from my contact sources, they have told me how to use that tape. They have suggested a very simple exercise. While playing the tape, sit comfortably and begin doing deep breathing. Begin spiraling the body clockwise [in order to create a counterclockwise energy field.] You can make large or small spirals. While doing this, think of something beautiful. Beauty is a way that allows humans to open the heart in a nonthreatening manner. The longer you are able to maintain this state, the more you will be able to train yourself to achieve it at will without the exercise. The first time I did this exercise was in Japan in June of 1997. It created an amazing contact experience for the group. For all intents and purposes it looked as if we had no contact experiences at all. We did not even see a plane fly overhead. It was only accidentally discovered the next morning that over 50% of the group, while sitting in meditation with their eyes closed, felt a person walk through their group. They heard the shoes on the gravel, they felt the person brush by their body and rustle their clothes. They felt the person lay hands on them as if doing energy work. The experience was so physically tangible to the group that they simple assumed I had walked through the group and was the one they perceived. However my interpreter and myself did not leave the place where we were sitting. Furthermore, my eyes were open through the whole guided meditation and I saw nothing. So, there appears to be an overlay of realities. Over 50%, with their eyes closed and in an altered state of consciousness, experienced something very real and tangible. Yet two other people (the interpreter and myself) saw nothing. I think this explains the apparent discrepancies in contact reports. You do not need the music tape to do this but it is easier. Question: Do you think we should say a prayer before the exercise for protection? I would suggest that you do whatever prayer or ritual you feel comfortable with. For my group, and myself we know that the heart frequency itself is like a prayer--no one of a dissimilar or negative frequency could interact with us. It is important that you do whatever you are comfortable with.

Question: Lyssa, I just want to thank you for your interesting work. I've read your books, and they've always had a ring of truth to me. Keep seeking, and reporting your finds! Good luck! Thank you for your support, and your words. I encourage everyone who has an interest in this field to do their own research and to even explore ideas that may sound crazy at first. We're all pioneers, and we all have something uniquely important to offer.

Copyright 1997 by Royal Research International, PO Box 30973, Phoenix, Arizona 85046.

You All Had ET Contact Lyssa Royal

Sasha The main doorway through which many ETs choose to come to you is the door of the human consciousness. We would like to explore that doorway with you. We would also like to explore what happens to you when one of us comes knocking at your door. How does your reality reorganize itself so you either assimilate our contact or repress it? The extraterrestrial contact coming to your planet at this time is not only a symptom of your evolution, it is triggering your evolution. Contact with ETs now in your planetary history is supposed to happen. Any society who evolves to a certain point will eventually have to deal with a greater reality. You have put it off for quite some time. Even throughout your ancient history, when ETs were here more openly - that has been conveniently stuffed into your memories and is just now beginning to awaken. Let us give you a peek through the door into the human consciousness.

The human consciousness is roughly divided into three different areas for the sake of this illustration. The conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is organized much like your data disks that you use for computers. There are blocks of information. As you are born and you go through your life, all of what you are exposed to becomes programmed into data blocks. Eventually, near its surface, the conscious mind becomes filled with these data blocks. So, what are the data blocks? They are all of your perceptions of reality and your belief systems. In a sense, this is the most rigid part of your consciousness. If you've been programmed with a belief system that ETs do not exist (or that you are not worthy of a visitation, etc.) then you build a very hard wall of data blocks. These data blocks begin to form the foundation of your belief system. All of this can be accessed within the conscious mind. This affects the way you think, perceive reality, the way you live your life, and how you allow your own identity to develop. That is the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for perceptions that come to you which are not priority. In a sense, the subconscious mind does consciousness triage. Every moment of your reality, you are bombarded with stimuli from the external and internal world. Tastes, smells, sounds, vibrations, information, etc. Some part of you has to do triage. Some part of you has to say, "This gets the attention of the conscious mind. This gets the attention of the subconscious, and this is filed away for later. This is much too scary so let's stick it into the unconscious." The subconscious mind is the part of you that does the processing. The subconscious mind then, on the first level, is made up of little globs of data that are awaiting processing. In your day-to-day life, if you are faced with doing something that is really easy and something that is going to require a lot of headache (or maybe it is frightening), you are going to relegate that to the bottom of the pile. The subconscious mind will organize the easiest things to be dealt with at the top.

The scarier things get put under the pile. The subconscious mind is very good at procrastination . Then let's go to the unconscious. The unconscious mind, though it is a link to your greater self, is also used as a wasteland where scary, dark things are stored that you really don't want to bring up. As information passes through the subconscious, the scarier things get put down in the first level of the unconscious. The bottom level of the unconscious is the gateway to the Higher Self. When you are a child and you have a very traumatic event happen to you (like abuse), the subconscious immediately finds a way not only to process the information and store it, but to protect you from even further fragmentation. It must then, in whatever way it can, seek to create a balance in the person. So the very, very intense raw energy that is generated from trauma get put deeply within the unconscious. The unconscious is also ruled by archetypes. There is a lot that is generated in the unconscious that you are totally unaware of. Your unconscious is often triggered on a daily basis and continues to process, but it is only given a small amount of space in which to do so. We are simplifying for this illustration. Now that you see the layers of the consciousness, we are going to talk to you about where ET contact fits into this. Let's say that an ET who wants to communicate, approaches you. When the ET looks at you, you seem like a multiple personality case. This is because there are so many levels of your consciousness. The unconscious mind is only aware of such a small fragment of reality. The ET often does not know how to communicate with a fragmented human. Sometimes they fly their ships by and a few people may see them. But the greater percentage do not because that data gets sucked into the subconscious and the triage occurs. If it is not relevant to the conscious reality foundation, it not going to make it to the conscious mind. Therefore, you may have seen a craft but the data has not yet made its way into your conscious mind simply because there is too much data to process and these conscious data blocks (which represent your beliefs) stop it from being remembered. Let's say then that the ET tries telepathic communication. Telepathic communication comes in through the subconscious mind. Once again, it is faced with the same thing. It is faced with an obstacle course, depending on who you are. Some of you are getting quite adept at telepathic contact. As time goes on, your abilities to adapt to telepathic contact are increasing. For the most part, the average person in society however, does not know how to interpret telepathic contact. So once again, the telepathy that is being given to you never makes it to the conscious mind. You are beginning to see now that the subconscious has a wellspring of information that has been beamed at it almost since birth. Yet, it is not bubbling to the surface. This is why techniques such as regressive hypnosis can start to bring out some of this information. Let's say then, that the ET gets out of its ship while you are sitting in your back yard. The ET comes up to you and says hello. In the moment that you start perceiving us, reality starts shifting because remember, you are one frequency and we are another. There must be a common ground between us where the contact can take place. If we are at very

different ends of the spectrum, the contact becomes very difficult. So an ET walks up to you in your back yard. Perhaps for a fragment of a moment you perceive us. But commonly what happens is that the human will suddenly shut down - usually by becoming very sleepy and falling into a sleep or entering a type of trance state such as one that is produced by alpha or theta brain waves. If the human falls asleep, then the interaction happens on a nonphysical level. If the human enters a new brain wave reality (like alpha or theta) communication may happen there. But then, when the human attempts to go back to their normal waking consciousness, they can't bring the memory up with them.

Once again, contact has happened, but you just haven't brought it through to your conscious mind. (check out Dreams-Work or even Astral Programming). Believe us when we tell you that every single one of you has had contact. It may have been physical, it may have been dream state, or it may have been telepathic. It may have been that you simply saw a ship. Every one of you. That memory is held in the subconscious. The next questions are: How do you rearrange things in your consciousness so that contact can begin being remembered? How can you stop compartmentalizing yourselves? The easiest place to start is with the conscious mind. Assuming you would want to do this, begin examining all the data blocks you have within the conscious mind. This means examining your conscious belief systems about your world and yourself. Some of these belief systems are not necessarily ones you consciously worked on forming. Many of them were given to you by your parents, your society, your government or your church. That is the first step. Begin examining those data blocks and find out which ones still serve you and which ones you wish to be transformed. We guarantee that when you start honestly looking at yourself, you are already going to start shifting. As you do this, let's say you get rid of a couple of these data blocks. Now you have space. Because of this space (which previously blocked the emergence of subconscious energy), some of the subconscious memories can begin coming through. Now the energy is freed up. There is not such a barrier between the levels of your consciousness. Remember, this first layer of the subconscious that begins coming through is simply the top layer of priorities that were given to your subconscious mind to store and process. For the most part, the first layer that starts coming through is not scary. It represents procrastinated perceptions that are waiting for processing and recognition by the consciousness. Let's say you start erasing more of the data blocks, freeing more energy. More and more of the upper layers of the subconscious start coming through. What is going to start happening is that it will seem like a dam has burst open. So much of the energy from the subconscious is going to start shooting through. This is what happens when someone learns to channel. In learning to channel it is essential to have a relationship with your own belief systems by understanding why you are the way you are and seek to always evolve the self. Then, as you do that and open up, subconscious fragments start coming through before the actual clear channeling begins.

Eventually, the pathways between the conscious and subconscious mind will become clearer. Much of the data that you are getting won't be put in a corner anymore. Your processing system will become a lot more efficient. Eventually however, you hit the bottom layer of the subconscious which is the scariest one. This layer is where all of your fears lie. It can be fears about death, about ETs or any fear however irrational it may sound. They will start rising and coming to the surface of the subconscious. At this point, you have two choices. You can either seek to process them (which really cleans you out), or you can shut down and allow the emotional waves to batter you around. In that case, the repressed subconscious energy will surface in the form of emotional turmoil which you don't understand and which seems to mess up your life. It is up to you how you choose to handle this. Extraterrestrial contact starts triggering things within the subconscious level. As the data blocks free up, you start clearing and becoming more expansive and the ET contact starts being received. You are going to start noticing different things happening. Either you are going to begin having more ET-oriented dreams, or you are going to be thinking about ETs more, or something will have shifted that is going to be a sign (however subtle) that ET contact is indeed something real for you in your life. It's real, but it may not be tangible. That is quite all right. Let's say all these blocks eventually get cleared out within the conscious and subconscious. The unconscious then is the last level to be dealt with. This is the archetypal level. For the most part, a positively oriented ET will know that for true contact to occur you will need to be fully aligned with who you are without repression and denial. So what happens is that when ET contact starts coming in, the unconscious level becomes triggered. Think of the top layer of the unconscious as a giant pair of sunglasses. The ET light" shines through the sunglasses and eventually makes it to your conscious mind. ET contact will be interpreted by you through the language of the unconscious. So if your unconscious is not processed and is blocked up and houses a massive array of scary archetypes - monsters and demons, then ETs are going to be seen by you as demons. It doesn't matter who the ETs are. If you've been working on processing your inner archetypes and working toward personal growth, then your consciousness will begin shifting in such a way that the light which passes through the sun glasses (your interpretation of ET contact) will take on a different meaning. Those of you who are "abductees" will find that the more and more you process your issues especially your identification with being a victim - and if you turn it around and seek to learn from the experience and see it as a path toward evolution and you actively begin taking steps to live in that way, your abductions will change. Will they stop? Probably not. Will they change? Absolutely yes. More of this is written about in [Royal Priest Research's book] Visitors from Within. How you perceive ETs in your life or on your planet is a direct result of the lens through which they are seen.

The lens represents your unconscious and subconscious minds. If that lens is dirty and has not been processed and healed, then your image of the ETs will be anything but pleasant. Part of this is because we as ETs cannot enter your reality because of the vibration in which you live. Your beta reality is a tightly focused beam of energy. It takes a lot of energy to be physical in your reality. This is why you all need to sleep so much as a species. In my reality, I do not have the brain wave state which is equal to your beta. I cannot land my ship in a corn field, get out and shake your hand and have you remember the experience. It doesn't work because our realities don't line up. A common ground must be created. For you to create a common ground you will need to exit (temporarily) your beta reality and enter alpha or theta. Vibrationally, those wavelengths are one of the common grounds we both may enter. We've been meeting you on these levels since humanity began. However, the challenge is that when you have your meetings with us and then you go back into the beta reality, you are bumping up against these data blocks and you can't pull the memory of our contact through to your conscious reality. This is neither positive or negative but simply a part of evolution. Evolution is not just the evolution of your cells. Evolution is intricately tied to your brain development. It is your brain that is the transceiver of the universal energy. As you begin being able to tap into new frequencies on the radio dial, your evolutionary state accelerates. Once that evolutionary state accelerates, then you can get to the common ground. We then can meet, and you can go back to your consensus reality and bring with you the experience of being with us. That is where all of you are heading now. A question you may wish to ask is, "What can I as a person do in my life right now so that I can get to the common ground?" There are some very simple things. First of all, work on dissolving those data blocks. Find out the rigid views of reality that you hold. You may not even be conscious of these views! Begin to know who you are. Then begin to consciously choose what perceptions of reality you have outgrown. Begin replacing them with new and more expansive points of view. Next, go within, as deeply within yourself as you can. Find your own demons. Find your own fears. Find the part of you that hates yourself. Find that part of you that is not you but is a reflection of your programming from this life and other lives. Do not abolish these things, but be friend them. That is what people find very difficult. This means looking into the mirror of your soul to see all that is there - the light, the love and the ugliness. When you can be friend all of that, you will have gotten to the level of the unconscious. Doors will begin opening quickly. You will have begun the integrative process within your consciousness. That place is so powerful! And, it is your true state of being. You are all playing at being fragmented. This is part of your evolutionary game. It is not, however, who you are. Do not confuse your physical self (as a fragmented being) with the greater sense of your Self. Within you is a totally whole integrated being who is sitting back watching a movie of your fragmented experiences. If you can find

that Self within you, miracles will start to happen. But you have to be willing to look at the darkness. Many people have asked the question,

Why are the Zetas here abducting and causing such terror?" There are as many answers to that question as there are people who ask it. However, we will tell you one reason why you perceive these experiences in such a terrifying manner. The Zetas represent for you a total opposite polarity - a unified whole, non individualistic with no emotions. Because they represent this opposite polarity from you, when you interact with them, you must face your own inner opposite polarity. You must face your own darkness. How many of you as abductees have looked into those black, shiny eyes and have seen ugliness and visions of yourself or your world that were terrifying? These are not prophesies given to you. These are simply confrontations with your own shadow. For reality itself is generated from within. The Zetas are one group of entities sent to you in your slumber, so to speak, to help awaken you into the totality of who you are. They have been called by many names. They have been here throughout time. There must always be balancing forces, even in chaos. Even though everything seems chaotic right now, there is always a balance. The Zetas are helping to keep a balance. This may not be their conscious intention. They have their own agenda. But, you are also providing them a service they could not get anywhere else. You represent to them the opposite of themselves. When they look into your white and shiny eyes, they see a vision of themselves that is absolutely terrifying. Both of you are intricately tied together in a dance of evolution. Both of you are on the brink of major realization and awakening. They are going to awaken to a greater reality and so are you. Right now, the way for you to start awakening to that greater reality is to begin clearing your blockages. These divisions within your consciousness only exist within a physical reality like yours. You are not here dealing with this because you fell from grace. You had to have been quite masterful to put yourself in such a challenging situation. Now you have some idea what happens to you when an ET interacts with your consciousness. We hope that we have also expressed to you that you, as a species, are not all sitting around waiting to make contact. Contact is already happening! Some of you may be sitting around waiting for your governments to reveal it. Your governments don't have to validate your reality. You are the only ones who can truly say what reality is. Start shifting and come to the understanding that contact has already happened. Each and every one of you have had it. Instead of trying to seek it, remember it. Remember. There is nothing to be frightened of in these memories. One last thing. All of you recognize the great compartmentalization within your government. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. There are some segments that have ET information and some segments trying to get it. We suggest to you that the state of your own individualized consciousness is a

microcosm of the entire dynamic that is occurring on Earth. The way your government is compartmentalized is exactly the same as your consciousness. Your government has conscious party lines which it repeats to the public. They claim national security must be upheld. They maintain a belief that there are always enemies out to get you. Those are the data blocks through which your government sees reality. The first few layers of the subconscious of your governmental consciousness is what is fed to the government that doesn't quite fit with their data blocks, but they are not quite willing to discard. Some of that has to do with crashed ships. On the deeper, scarier level, is the information they themselves don't want to look at. It is the stuff that will change reality itself. It is the information that will threaten the very integrity of the data blocks within the conscious organism. An example of this type of information might be an awareness of the abduction programs. This is such a terrifying thought to the government that it must keep this area secure. The subconscious of the governmental organism is probably the most top secret area because it holds the most fear for them. On the unconscious level of the governmental organism is the knowledge of what is really going on. This is blocked. There has been trauma which caused these blockages. The trauma has do with ancient extraterrestrial encounters from before recorded history. So you see, your government as a structure is going to deal with ET contact in the same way you as an individual will deal with it psychologically. You will either compartmentalize and keep secrets from other levels of yourself, or eventually there will be a desire to seek wholeness. The government is not responsible for the reality of secrecy that you are experiencing. You are responsible for the reality of the government. As you all change individually within yourselves and open up channels through which you can integrate, the structure of the government must change because it is a reflection of you. Your personal integration as you prepare for ET contact and as you acknowledge its existence is crucial. It is one of the most important things in the entire extraterrestrial phenomenon. Measuring the size of the ships and what color lights they flash is all peripheral. The most important thing is how this phenomenon changes your consciousness. As your consciousness changes, reality itself changes. If you want a different reality regarding ET contact, then you must change yourself. You are not alone. There are thousands of us who have gone through our own evolutionary process similar to yours. We are here to hold your hand. We're not going to do it for you, but we will be there. You must be willing to take the first step, or the gap between us will not close. We will then forever stand on opposite sides of the chasm. It is time now for that chasm to close and for us to build a bridge upon which we can meet. It all starts with you.

Zeta Reticuli July 8, 1990, Germane Channeled by Lyssa Royal Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term "germane" in the English language means "significant relevance" or "coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source of All. (Tape #73) (This is an edited version focusing on the Zeta material on this tape.) Germane: All the other races we've mentioned to you, we've somewhat shared with you an integration or an orientation that comes from their past. Most of you who are familiar with the Zeta Reticuli know that they come to you more from the future. Emotional integration for the Zeta Reticuli will be quite obvious. Most of you are quite aware that they do not have emotional bodies--or, they do not let their emotional bodies speak. Part of what they are doing in the abduction experiences with you is allowing themselves to learn about emotionality. They are already in the process of initiating emotional integration. For mental integration for the Zeta Reticuli, they are highly, highly mental. So the challenge for them is to integrate emotionality into the mentality. This is the hardest thing for them to do. This is their challenge. They must watch you in order to do this, because they don't have another model that they feel comfortable with to view. You are it. As you begin as a race, as a culture, integrating your mentality and emotionality, the Zetas learn quite a lot from you. That is how they will achieve mental integration. Physical integration goes right back to the idea of genetic experiments in creating hybrids. All of you are aware that the Zeta Reticuli are creating hybrid races from the mixing of the genetics between themselves and the Earth human. So they are already instigating the integration between their race and the human race. The human race represents genetics from all the galactic family. So instead of going about and taking a little bit from each group, they come here and take it

from you. They can get all the genetics in one place. That is their present state of integration physically. The spiritual integration of the Zeta Reticuli will occur through their allowance of their movement into fifth density [nonphysicality]. For many, many generations they have kept themselves in fourth density (which is still physical) but they are barely, barely physical. They have not been willing to allow themselves the natural movement into fifth density and therefore to an evolutionary leap in their own spirituality. When they perceive they've gotten what they need in terms of genetics, when they have created a hybrid race that can self-perpetuate, they will then allow themselves to let go and move into nonphysicality within fifth density. People are now, in this time frame, beginning to remember abduction experiences. They are remembering them from as far back as the 1950s. Back then, you were not, as a mass consciousness, working on uncovering or the releasing of negative emotions. Now you are. So now you are uncovering not only abduction experiences, but sexual molestation, child abuse, etc. It is coming up now because you have the support of the mass consciousness. Everyone is dealing with it on their own level. You will support each other as a planet. The challenge on your planet in terms of physical integration is to go beyond the prejudices of skin color and religion so that the genetics will begin unifying. We are not necessarily talking about all of you looking alike, like the Zetas. That is taking it to an extreme. What we are talking about is simply on an energetic level there being a willingness (no fear, no resistance--just a willingness) to integrate your genetics on your planet. As long as the barriers are gone and you are willing to do this you will not necessarily have to carry it out physically. That willingness will be enough to heal over the resistances you've had in the past. Question: The Zeta Reticuli are genetically engineering the hybrids and they are using our physical females for their incubators. Are they doing it on an etheric level? Is it really a physical level? It depends on the specific Zeta group, and the specific desire of that group. It is actually occurring on a physical level for some. Approximately between three and four months of gestation is when the fetus is removed. Those of you who do a lot of reading on this will not that there are some testimonies given from doctors where one day a woman is pregnant, and the next day she isn't-- and she has not had a miscarriage.

Question: Do they take the fetus by surgery? There are several ways. One is like what you would consider to be psychic surgery. This is a change in the molecular level of the vibrating cells of the human body so that they may actually pass their hands or instruments through the skin without breaking the skin and remove the fetus. They then will close up with no scars left behind. A few individuals have had scars left behind. It depends on the group. Usually the scars are around the navel. Question: Since our women are being used, how do human males play a part in this? First of all, there are many different genetic experiments being done by many different groups. In terms of the Zetas overall, the sperm is used for study. For some of the less technologically advanced ET groups, they will receive the sperm in the way you normally would on the Earth plane. Sometimes this is achieved through the rubbing of a substance on the body of the male to achieve a sexual arousal. Then the collection of the sample is taken. That is for some of the less technologically advanced races. For some of the more technologically advanced races who represent the higher vibrational Zetas, the samples are taken etherically--somewhat in a similar way through the idea of psychic surgery. They have the ability to pass their hands within your body and take anything they wish. It is a way for them to collect the samples without trauma--at least as little as possible. Sometimes if you have memory in the dreamstate of having interactions with the Zetas, just because it was not physical does not mean it didn't happen. It doesn't mean it wasn't real. It is just that their capabilities are such that they can interact with you. They can get what they need without dragging you out into the ship to get it. Other groups do it that way. Question: Why is this going on? Has this been going on for thousands of years? Linearly on your planet, you see that it has been going on for a long time. In terms of the origination point of the choices of these races to do this, it came from basically a span of one hundred years outside of your own time line the decisions were made to do this. So therefore from "out there" they have allowed

themselves to interact all along your time line. This gives you the perception that they have been doing it for this long period of time. From their point of view they haven't. They have just come in to different parts of your time line. Question: They talk about similar things in the bible. I feel we go in cycles. What is beyond this? We are not just talking about the idea that they have been interacting with you since the 1940s. We are talking about thousands of years that this has been going on. Question: Are you saying that all of these different time lines are coming together now? Yes. Because the peak of the experiments has to take place when your planet begins reaching a certain vibrational frequency. Right now you are doing this. The Zetas, in terms of their history, nearly destroyed themselves. What they are doing is attempting to learn from their own mistakes by watching you, and also try to assist you in any way they can to not make the same mistakes that they did. So this period of time right now when you have developed atomic capabilities is the peak time where you can go in a direction of destruction. This is the time now that they are interested in your genetics, more so than thousands of years ago. Sasha: Greetings. I am allowed to talk a little bit about one of the other genetic experiments that is going on, but it is focused from the future and going into the past of your planet. This we call the Zeta Pleiadian Alliance. We have alluded to this for the past few years but have never really delved in detail into what it is. For now we will give you an idea of what it is. When we say Zeta Pleiadian Alliance, it is the final touches of the genetic experiment on Earth. The Pleiadians spoken of are not from my time. They are from my future. The Zeta Reticuli spoken of are also from a very distant time, right before they transition into fifth density. The Zeta Pleiadian Alliance is putting the finishing touches on the genetic experiments on Earth by coming back through time into the time when civilization was forming on your planet, and attempting to create what you call the Asian races. The Caucasian races, the African races, the Semitic races are all basically all Lyran/Sirian genetics. However the Asian races have a little bit more of something else thrown in. That little bit more is a higher level of both Zeta and Pleiadian genetics.

This is very difficult to describe because of the loops in time that are encountered with this specific experiment, however it is already known to be a success. The genetic base of the Asian races is the precursor to the civilization that some of you know of as Essassani--which is one of the hybrid races that becomes a success (a cross between the Earth human and the Zeta Reticuli). So all we can say at this time is that the genetic experimenters (the ones who are doing the genetic work on your planet) come from many points on the time line and they can go to any point on your time line. We understand this is confusing. Are there questions on this? Question: Ultimately, what is trying to be gained through all of this from the genetic work? The creation of a race that will be integrated on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It is understood that personal growth work will bring about the integration on the levels of the emotional, mental, and spiritual. But the physical level might need to be a little bit more worked on--it may actually need to be some type of physical manifestation. Those who are doing the experimentation are taking that into account. There is also the desire to create a race that is a step down from the Founders which will be the base race or the evolutionary leaping point that all other races will go into. Evolution, in terms of your galactic family, is seen as a loop. The Founders fragmented and came outward and got to the far end of the loop. That was the farthest point of separation and fragmentation. Then the energy, the consciousness, the physicality, the genetics, starts coming back together. As it takes on the other side of the loop, more integration occurs. It is that portion of the loop that will see the forming of a humanoid race that becomes the integrated version of all of the evolutionary journeys of the different galactic families. Question: How does this relate to individual physicality? If one says, "I do not wish to be abducted anymore. I do not wish to be a part of this," that statement is a statement from separation rather than integration. We mean this in the sense that you are allowing the ego to speak, to dictate the entire reality of the all levels of being. When one understand that if something is happening to you already then obviously you have agreed to it, that is the point at which you can work from. The challenge there becomes learning to know that your will is aligned with the Divine Will. Therefore every action, choice that you as a complete being makes will be

an action that is aligned to the Divine Will and there will be no question as to what you want and what your soul wants as being two different things. There will be a recognition and a knowingness of your own flow to the point where you will not question. But when that totalness, all the levels of yourself chooses something, you can go in that direction. You are not bound. The resolution of this is not comforting to humans. It means that you let go of the control of your life--in the sense of forcing control instead of moving with the flow. Question: So the ultimate purpose of human beings is integration? Yes. Question: You said they are trying to produce a race from the humans that is a super race? You are speaking about the base race for the future? Yes. The race of integration. In terms of the drama that you've all played out in many lifetimes in many systems, the human race on Earth is beginning to be the combination of all those genetics, and the mental, emotional, and spiritual integration that you've all been wishing to create. That is why you are looked at as being the best "chance" of becoming the super race. Because you've already got a great head start. Question: The genetic projects by the Zetas seems to me to be like rape. There is no conscious free will choice in the moment. It is violation of boundaries. Abuse. Yes. However understand that many of the individuals who choose experiences like abduction or rape need to learn something from the experience. The individuals on your planet who have successfully experienced that and not allowed it to ruin their lives are the ones that are teaching others to change the patterns of victimization. Groups who shift awareness allow an individual who is violated to develop a sense of empowerment and spread that sense of empowerment to others.

Instead of looking at the event that occurred and the tragedy, if you look at the potential for change, the potential for growth (not only for the individual but as it spreads exponentially on a planetary scale) then what you are dealing with is a massive evolutionary step from one of powerlessness to one of powerfulness. We understand that the way it looks from the point of view you have chosen on your planet is that violation is a terrible thing and should not be here. But there are other lessons to be learned from it, and the choice is to learn the lessons and evolve, or not learn and perpetuate the cycle of victimhood. We certain applaud your courage as a species for manifesting these things. This is something our race never did--not that you have to do this in order to grow. But one of the beliefs of your species is that your growth comes through hard work and sometimes suffering. The point of all of it is to come to a point of personal empowerment where you as souls no longer need to create these types of circumstances. When there are no more victims, there can be no more perpetrators. We cannot stop looking at it from that perspective. You will always attract to you that which you need to experience to compliment your belief system. If you believe you are a victim, there must be a perpetrator out there. In terms of the overall purpose, this is why this occurs. It is an evolutionary step-not that it has to be taken this way, but this is the way you have chosen it. Question: Could it be that we also want to move through our lessons faster? Yes. In terms of evolution, your planet is moving quite rapidly. Having studied many cultures as a sociologist, your race is moving through your milestones at a breakneck speed. I have studied races personally who have taken two and three times as long as you have to reach the level you are at now. The rate at which you will learn your lessons is also a choice on the part of your mass consciousness of which you as individuals are a part.

Bashar and Harone Channeled By Lyssa Royal - October 27, 1990 - Los Angeles

Bashar: Allow me to say greetings! This evening's topic, as most of you are aware, has to do with Zeta Reticuli. They have been continuing their projects with you by your allowance. They have made some discoveries. They are learning, they are growing, and a portion of their consciousness wishes to share their discoveries with you.

This evening of your time there will be a representative who will speak to you directly as a representative of the Zeta Reticuli culture. There will be some assimilation required by this channel in order to assimilate the energy of this being. He will begin speaking as the energy begins assimilating. He will take questions from you and you together will co-create the evening. Before we facilitate this blending, are there questions on the topic? Question: I have heard that the Zeta Reticuli are suffering from Glaucoma-a deterioration in their eyes. I heard they were in need of marijuana in the purest form because the tried to synthesize a chemical, but it apparently did not agree with their DNA and RNA. Is that accurate? Bashar: We do not perceive that idea to be accurate. Most notably with the group that will be speaking this evening. For they have not allowed themselves the connection with the idea called pain. Question: As we understand Glaucoma, there is no pain. It is just deterioration.

Bashar: In that sense we perceive perhaps the source of the information may be labeling the Zetas when they mean another group. That is really all we will say now. Question: You mentioned that the Zetas made some discoveries. I am curious to know what those discoveries are. Bashar: In your statement/question, you have tapped into the aspect of their discovery. We know this is a riddle for you for now, but you will see. They will explain some of these discoveries. Hold on to your hats. Question: How many different types of Zetas are there? I was under the impression there are dozens. Bashar: It would be the idea of saying, "How many types of Americans are there?" However, you can lump them into perhaps three broad groups. Within these three types, there are tremendous variations. They are not a clear-cut species, as Americans are not a clear-cut group. We use that analogy directly. The idea simply is that the three broad categories will represent, 1) Straight Zeta. This group will be the Zeta consciousness that exists within the outer perimeters of fourth density reality. Therefore their reality is just barely, barely physical, mostly plasmic in nature. They are deliberately keeping their vibration from transitioning into fifth density. Therefore they cannot interact directly with you except in altered states of consciousness. They cannot enter your physical reality. Category number two is the idea of 2) Altered Zeta. These would be Straight Zeta consciousness altered either physically or in their consciousness to allow themselves to be able to interact with you on the physical plane, or in a type of quasi-physical moment...This is the broadest category. Category number three would be 3) Hybrid. This spans many different offshoots. The idea that you call the negatively-oriented groups are not necessarily placed within these categories we have outlined, though they can be, for purposes of illustration. But in a sense, they [the negatives] have their own categories. Question? Question: Is the Zeta speaking tonight named

Harone? Will you be with him physically? Bashar: Yes. Yes. Question: Can you give us the location from where you will be speaking to us from? Bashar: Down the hall in the closet to the left. [laughter] Question: That's a dumb question. I realize you'll be on some ship somewhere. Bashar: Yes. Question: Where is this ship in respect to Earth? Bashar: Within the atmosphere of your planet. A ship of approximately 30 individuals. Question: What is your interest in being within physical proximity of Harone when he speaks to us? Bashar: Balancing. Question: Is it necessary, or is it just convenient to do that? Bashar: It is not necessary. All the ideas are taken into account including the needs of the physical channel, including the needs and "desires" (so to speak) of the entity communicating. Also, whether or not I am in the neighborhood. Question: So in other words, you guys chug back a couple beers and then you come to the channeling.

Bashar: Kind of like that, yes. Question: Could you give a briefing on Harone for the group here so that when he speaks, everyone here will have an idea of who they are speaking to? Bashar: One moment. The entity Harone can be considered Altered Zeta consciousness. He can enter both your nonphysical reality such as the dreamstate, and can at times interact with you on the physical level. He is a coordinator (if you wish to call it that) of genetic projects. Is that enough? Question: I have a followup to that. When you say "Altered Zeta," do you mean that he is of a hybrid race? Or that he has been altered in his own physical body? Bashar: He has been altered in his own physical body type. Question: What would be the nature of that alteration? Bashar: The nature of that alteration consists of the placing of the being within an environment that has a different vibratory frequency than the one that is his natural state. This will allow him an assimilation to the new vibration which is a down-stepping of vibration so that he may communicate with you. Question: Is that uncomfortable for him to undergo that? Bashar: He does not understand the idea of discomfort, but perhaps you would find it so, yes. Question: If humanoids were to take up travel in outer space, how much change would have to happen to these bodies where they would work well in space?

Bashar: One of the primary changes will be the change in your connection to your time continuum which would allow your DNA structure to unlock from the template of planet Earth time continuum. This would then allow more freedom within the consciousness to allow for other type of travel and expansion that will occur once you leave your solar system. Question: What type of time system would people on a space ship adopt? Bashar: Subjective time, rather than objective time. Simply the idea that your time is gauged from subjective means, from internal means, rather than the idea of having an external influence that dictates your time. Time becomes experiential. Question: Even though it is becoming more experiential to us now? Bashar: Yes. It will become even more so. Question: Would that mean that if you had some kind of a chronograph or wrist watch that it would keep different time for you than for someone else? Bashar: In that sense, the chronograph will not work. The electromagnetic fields would allow it to not operate in the way it was designed. Question: It is my understanding that the Zetas did a lot of collecting of data on addiction and codependency. Did Harone have anything to do with that? Bashar: You may be able to dialogue with him, though at this time they may have some beginnings of understandings. But they are still processing data. You may engage him if you wish. Question: How much would diet change for humanoids in outer space?

Bashar: Diet will change significantly depending upon your diet on the physical plane. You will find the ingestation of meat products will considerably drop because your need for ingestation of such substances is dependent upon planetary gravitational fields. You will find that you will begin learning to ingest plasmic energy from the environment itself--cosmic energy if you wish. You may also find that you will simply ingest liquid substances rather than bulk foods. Most of it has to do with leaving the gravitational field. Question: The body works more efficiently once it leaves the gravitational field? Bashar: We would not judge it qualitatively such as that. It will adapt to a different environment. Question: Before we speak to Harone, could you address the group briefly and share about your heritage? Bashar: The race that I represent, Essassani, has been considered to be a cross between you-- human--and Zeta Reticuli. Therefore in that sense we can consider ourselves to be your children...birthed from love. Question: Can you tell us how that cross was achieved? Bashar: Understand the idea that though we have our own ancient time line, our own ancient history, the time lines converge at the point at which the Zeta Reticuli concluded their experiments. In a sense, our past joined. It is a spiritual evolution in a sense. We thus have our own ancient history, but we also represent the joining of two races. We represent the idea of integration for what you consider to be the entire galactic family. But we are one manifestation of the Zeta experiments. Question: Was there any physical or quasi-physical blending of our DNA with the Zetas' DNA to create your species? Bashar: Yes. In the preliminary stages, yes.

Question: What is the purpose and mission of the Zeta contact? Bashar: The main focus of their work is multifold. We would say the idea that we would wish to stress the most is the idea that they are teaching you about fear. They are allowing you to move through your deepest fears, allowing you in an archetypal way to bring up those fears for transformational clearing. They are in that sense representing to you the idea of unity as you represent to them the idea of individuality. You are in a sense two opposite ends of a pole, and you are integrating together to form one integrated consciousness. You are learning from each other. You are growing from each other. You are giving each other many gifts. Neither one of you are victims of the other. You are all cocreators in all that is going on. We are speaking of species evolution on a very basic level all the way through to the spiritual level. Your race is allowing itself now to make an evolutionary leap. The Zeta Reticuli are allowing themselves to do the same. Together you will synchronize these leaps into a grand dance. You are, in that sense, mirror images of each other, each choosing to play out the opposite idea. You are discovering your opposites through each other. Question: Was there a council or governing body who granted permission for the genetic experiments? Or was it a random choice? Bashar: Understand the idea that within linear time many of you will understand that there will need to be some type of council in order to "pass a law." But in this case, all is understood on deeper levels. All is understood on mass conscious levels. When they seek you out they cannot interact with you unless you have given them permission. If any of you in this room have not given them permission, they cannot find you. So if this is an interaction that is occurring in your life and you have not yet allowed yourself to embrace the idea in totality that it is something you have chosen--that it is something that is mutually beneficial to both of you--then the idea would be for you to explore your own joining with them, of your own choice, of your own willingness to be of service. The idea would thus be that you are either a victim or you are not. There is no middle ground. They can only see you if you give them permission to interact. Your mass consciousness at this time has given them permission to seek out those with whom they have formed individual agreements. If you are having

must have agreed. This can be a liberating idea, if you allow it to be, because once you allow yourself to understand that you have chosen this experience, you will thus place yourself on an equal level with them and the nature of the interactions you have with them will change. You will no longer be a victim. You will be an equal participant. The quality of your interactions with them will change significantly. This is one of the reasons why they are interacting with you--in allowing you to understand that you are not a victim, but an equal participant. As each and every one of you allow yourself to heal this rift, you will kick it into the mass consciousness with a critical mass effect that will allow the entire mass consciousness to view this idea from a different perspective--from a different light. You will thus also assist the Zeta Reticuli mass consciousness to also view it from a different light, and thus evolutionary transformation will occur within both species. It is a partnership. Always. It always has always will be. Question: Do you see that we have the same type of agreement with other species other than the Zetas? A cooperative interaction with others toward our evolution? Bashar: Absolutely. Yes. Your agreement with the Pleiadian races are also examples of evolutionary agreements. Every species that you are interacting with, you have allowed there to be an agreement so that you can mutually learn from each other. There are no accidents. Question: When the Zetas perform their "temporary detainments" of one of us, during the period of time when the body or astral body (whichever part is being detained), is it possible for there to be an instantaneous type of healing of diseased organs? Does that occur? Bashar: It has been known to occur. Question: By their effort, or by natural ways?

Bashar: By the join agreements between the one detained and the one doing the detaining. It will always be on an individual level rather than an across-the-board idea. Question: Would it be a conscious decision, or would it be more subconscious? Bashar: Frequently it is the idea you call subconscious, because if there is a conscious decision, very often the belief systems and the fears will step in. As it is a subconscious decision, the healing can be allowed. But again, it is up to the individualized agreements. Question: I have had a lot of conscious contact the last year or two. I just want to comment that I feel such a sense of brotherhood. It is a feeling of love. I get very emotional because when it happens, it is just such a wonderful feeling of coming together. Bashar: We thank you for your willingness to allow yourself to move through the fear and allow yourself to be of service in the sense of transmitting the vibration of love rather than the vibration of fear. Your service is felt and it is appreciated. At this time we will stop and bring through the energy that is called Harone. He will speak to you at this time of some of the discoveries he has made [through the Zeta experiments]. We thank all of you, each an every one of you for the gifts that you have given to this group this evening. We will thank you. We will bid you, as always, happy dreams. Harone: It is our understanding that the correct opening is, "Greetings to all of you." This is the consciousness Harone, and I am assimilating to the energy field of this channel. We will allow a change and an acceleration of transmission as it is necessary. We will share with you what we consider to be a major discovery that we have made. In conversation with several of you through several channels and in interaction with you in dreamstate levels, we have thus come to the conclusion that we have been searching for emotion within ourselves. For much time we have been searching for emotion, for we bred and cloned emotion out of our species in the belief that it would accelerate our growth and provide us with

superior development. We have since understood that this was not the case. Thus you on Earth represent a genetic combination that is the closest to our original species, and so the interactions that we have with you (especially those you call "abductions") on one level are our observations of you. This is in order to learn how to become emotional once again. The experience that some of you have read about or have had of having probes inserted into your brains, we wish to tell you the purpose of that is not for controlling you. But these probes are organic in nature and will absorb neurochemicals from your brains. They are thus extracted and we analyze those neurochemicals. In the analysis what we expect to achieve is to be able to simulate your neurochemical secretions in the desire that perhaps if we can simulate these neurochemical secretions, we will thus be able to recapture the idea of emotion. This is not in any way meant to harm you, to hurt you, to frighten you or to control you. This is something we do wish to stress. If you can begin to understand why these procedures are undertaken, perhaps you will allow yourself not to be so frightened of them. Perhaps you will allow yourself to transmute your fear into an active and conscious cooperation with us. This will be of service to us greatly. It will also be of service to you greatly. In conversations that we have had with other species not of your planet, and in our analysis of data that we have received from you, it has become clear that we have discovered indeed the beginnings of emotional development--though crude as it may be. We have been misinterpreting some of our motivations to be purely mental. We are now understanding that some of our motivations are not mental at all, but are driven by emotion. Though we do not understand this emotion in its entirety or even in little pieces of it, we can say that we will allow ourselves to recognize it as the beginning of an emergence of an emotional body. This recognition we have made is the recognition that the idea called "curiosity" is indeed an emotional expression on our part, and not a mental one. Our motivation as we have always said, is one of curiosity. But we have mislabeled it as mentality instead of emotionality. We do not know if you understand the implications of this. For us, this is a milestone, in that we can understand that all of the work that we have done in observing you and in conversation and interaction with other species is an indication to us that it has been successful. Thus it fires our motivation. Thus it fires our curiosity to continue. We wish at this time to formally thank you for your participation in this experiment, for your participation in the growth of both of our species. I speak as a representative of my people. As I speak to you and thank you as a group in this room, know that this gratitude is emerging into your mass consciousness and is

felt by all others. I speak this as a representative. I speak this with all motivation. You are thanked by us. Question: You mentioned that you had misinterpreted curiosity to be of your mentality, rather than it being emotionally based. Is that analogous to what happens to some people on this planet who are not in touch with their emotions? Do you learn from our experiences in doing that as well as from your biochemical experiments? Harone: It is easier for us to process the data from our biochemical experiments because that type of empirical knowledge is something we can use directly. The data that we will get from observation of all of you is somewhat more difficult for us to process, though it is still used. Question: Is this interaction tonight being facilitated by a computer of some sort? Harone: Yes. Question: Is there another area that we could be of service to you? Is there something else we can do to help another area of your exploration? Harone: One of the focuses for us now in observing you has to do with your own sexuality. We do not know if there is one thing in specific that you could assist us with, because if we knew it, we would be closer to the answer. But understand (this may sound intrusive to many of you), but many of you are aware that some of my species will at times observe you while you are engaging in sexual behavior. This has been a source of shame to some of you. We wish you to know that it is not meant as an insult, and we in no way are consciously insulting you. Those of you that have these experiences have agreed to participate. We can

thus find you because of your agreement. Because of your agreement, we will observe. As for the amount of interaction we will have with you sexually, that will be up to the agreements between you as an individual and us as a group. Simply, we would request more than any other that though we understand that your fear is a vital part (as we are told) of your transformation, should you allow yourself to release the fear, should you allow yourself to transmute the fear, you will thus aid us in discovering more about ourselves. We do not know how this will come about, but we do know that we wish to ask you to work on this fear. You are not victims. You never have been. Question: I had a visit from some Zetas last week who were probing my stomach. I became very upset because it hurt. What was going on? Harone: What area of your stomach? Question: Around my belly button. Harone: That is a common place. I am not familiar with your particular case, but it sounds as if your... Question: I have also ceased to have my menstrual cycle. Harone: Yes. We are being told to be delicate in this matter. The clinical term would be an extraction of ovum. We would repeat, this is not meant to frighten you. You have agreed to this. You can transmute the fear when you are in the experience by placing a very solid blue light around your body, which will lighten or make your field less dense. This will allow us to work with you easier which will cause less discomfort. As for the stopping of your cycle, I can say I do not understand human physiology enough to tell you why that is so. But it will have to do with a resistance of some sort to something in your life or your growth. Question: Is my boyfriend part of this too?

Harone: We sense yes. Frequently it will be with pairs--one being the primary interest and the other a supportive interest. You are the primary one at this point. Question: I would like to know if I have had this type of contact. I feel sometimes that the contact goes back a long time. Is this actual, or is it my imagination? Harone: It is actual. Your imagination would not create such an experience. Imagination is not the myth it is believed to be. It is a realm of reality. It is a realm that you allow communication through that you do not allow in many other ways. This is a reality. Question: What fear is it in us that needs to be released to allow the evolutionary process to continue? Harone: The fear of what you will become if you follow through. The fear of losing yourself. The fear of evolution. We are told that humans fear the unknown. Yet the unknown is what drives you to face your fears. In this particular case, there is nothing but evolution. Nothing we say can make you understand this. You will need to come to terms with this yourself. It is the unknown that you fear. But yet, it is the unknown that drives you on. Question: Also in the experiences there is ecstasy and incredible insight. Also there is the horror of the sense of invasion. Harone: Yes. We understand, at least mentally, what you are saying. In my species there is no such thing as the idea of invasion because we see ourselves as all one. We understand that you have boundaries--that you keep yourselves separate. We have also been made aware that there are many levels of consciousness that you have. You call some of them "conscious," "subconscious," and "unconscious." From where we communicate to you from, we cannot tell the difference between those layers. And so if the subconscious is

speaking one thing and the conscious another thing, we will hear the loudest voice. Coming to peace with the idea of invasion is knowing that you cannot be invaded because everything you see, everything you experience is part of the same one thing. It is all a reflection of the whole. Nothing is outside of you. It is all a part of you. It is yourself invading yourself. Coming to terms with this and changing the perception from invasion to communion will be profound indeed. For it is not an invasion of one to another, but a joining and a communing and an integration. At this time we will allow the vehicle a break. There will be more in the second half. We thank you for your questions, and we are told by our facilitators that the emotion you call empathy is strong in this group. We thank you. We know that together we will make this species leap, as we hold hands and take the steps together. We will disconnect. [break] Harone: To us, no time has passed. Question: You mentioned before for the abductee to surround themselves in the blue light to make the experience less painful. Has this been suggested by your people when they are working with humans? Harone: Yes it has. Sometimes the blue light is implemented by the person being visited after the suggestion is given and they assume we have done it. But they have. Question: Can you explain why you among the Zetas were chosen to be channeled? Harone: As a coordinator of my projects, I am always looking for ways to facilitate the projects in the smoothest way. Through detailed analysis it has come to my understanding that to seek you out in what you call your conscious state (which to you is your more dominant state), we could thus state our intentions and our desires for communication that would seep into the other layers of your consciousness. So through my research, it seemed logical to communicate with you on the direct level that you value most. I thus had to speak to individuals within various organizations such as those you call "The Association" to find out the best way to facilitate this process. It was

suggested to me that there are biological channels that could relay my messages to your conscious minds. Thus the Association sought out channels who have a direct connection to myself or my research group. The ones I speak to, you, have a connection to my group--either being visited in dreamstate or actually being worked with physically. This is why I speak to you, as opposed to another. Question: This is a process that can occur without emotions? You don't need emotions to channel through? It seems empathy is necessary on both sides. Harone: Emotions on my end are not necessary to channel, though I am working with physical facilitators on my end [Bashar and Sasha] and the three of us are linked into a computer device that will synthesize our thoughts. They provide a balance for my thoughts so that the biological vehicle can receive them. Thus they are translated. Question: You said you have two facilitators. Who is the other beside Bashar? Harone: Sasha. [A Pleiadian.] Question: Do you then personally understand the different layers of our consciousness? Harone: I do not understand the intricacies, but I now understand that they exist. Question: Are our different layers of consciousness a valuable tool for your growth? Harone: We do not know enough about it at this point to be able to evaluate their value. From our point of view, it seems more to be a disservice to you than a service. So, we have not examined it in its totality. It must serve you, otherwise you would not continually perpetuate it. Question: As I speak to you, do you understand me on a fuller level than

just my conscious thoughts? Harone: Yes. However, part of the reason that I have chosen this type of communication is so I may communicate directly with your conscious minds. Right now, in this communication, your conscious minds speak loudest. The other portions are very dim--for this communication. If I need to access other portions of you in order to bring through an answer to one of your comments, my facilitators will assist me with it. Question: It is our understanding that you do not understand emotions from an experiential standpoint. What is it like for you to be discussing our emotions with us when you do not have an experiential understanding of it? Harone: I obtain much of my data through my interfacing with my facilitators. The conversation that is shared with you is recorded and I use it for later research. You are communicating with the Zeta consciousness called Harone. But it is tainted with communication or flavoring from the entities Sasha and Bashar. Question: But the subjects we are discussing about emotion, aren't they an enigma to you? Harone: Some are. Some are not. Some are not necessary to experience in order to understand. Question: When you did away with emotions, was love part of that? Love is so intimately related with God, where did God fit in? Harone: My past of my race was very similar to yours, but much more extreme. We had severe toxicity, radiation, and societal dysfunction even more than you have. This imminent collapse of our planetary society allowed us to begin developing a way that we could survive. We built under ground facilities to house our physical bodies and begin seeing emotion as the root of our problems. (We are not necessarily saying this is the right thing, but this is what we did.)

Through various things that happened, we were unable to bear children and had to survive through the means of cloning. Because we were becoming adept at cloning, we thus developed a means to clone out neurochemical responses in the brain to various stimuli. Instead of your many neurochemicals, we created one neurochemical that would output the same secretion to any given stimuli. This created nonvariance in our responses. This ultimately allowed us to develop away from an understanding of ourselves as emotional humans, and focused us in our mental bodies. The concept of love, we perceive, is present with us. But it is expressed in a different way than you may think it to be expressed. We understand we are a whole. We are a joined unit. This unit loves itself unconditionally. We can love every portion of the unit. I am being told by my facilitators that what we experienced is not necessarily love as we think it is. It is more akin to acceptance. I do not know if this is accurate, but this is what I am told. I am also told that we are beginning to have a relationship with the idea of love as we communicate with you. This is another idea for study, for it is not something I am aware of. Question: What about God? Was God eradicated along with emotions? Harone: God was focused in a different way. We became an aspect or an integrated version of God. But God became, in a sense, less expansive. Question: It was with great surprise about a month ago that I suddenly realized I had participated in some of your genetic projects. I actually perceived I had produced a fetus that was taken by you. Could you discuss this process? Harone: We will discuss the process of the creation of fetuses, though it is our understanding at this point that we shall not validate the truth on an individual level. This is because the discovery of the truth of this for each and every one of you (if applicable) is important for your growth. Those of you females who have made agreements in this process, there are several things that may occur. You may simply provide genetic material such as ovum to us for further research. Some of the ovum are joined with sperm. Some

are used for other cloning processes. Sometimes simply just skin scrapings can provide the DNA structure that we are looking for. Other females are impregnated with a sperm sample that has been altered by us to carry some of our genetics. The embryo is allowed to incubate no more than four months at the maximum and then is removed without any trauma to the physical body. This is not a very wide spread situation that occurs. More often than not, you will be given detailed communication through the subconscious that this is taking place so that you will not question or become traumatized when the fetus is removed. We are being reminded once again by our facilitators to stress to you that this is a cocreated choice, and this is not a usage of you as a laboratory animal. It is an agreement on the part of both of us that you will assist us in creating a joyous blending of our two species for the purpose of our own evolutionary leaps. Sometimes after these children are gestated (approximately 10-12 of your developmental months), you will be allowed to be brought to the incubation chamber and interact with these children for the purpose of giving them the love that they need which we are so far incapable of giving them. This is also for the purpose of us monitoring and researching your maternal responses. Though we cannot understand it, we know the definition of poignancy. All the demonstrations of emotion and affection are quite poignant between mother and child. It is understood to be a very joyous and profound experience. You are assisting to birth another race. Question: When this suddenly dawned on me, I felt good about it. It is not that there was any fear or regret. Harone: Thank you. There are others on your planet that may not feel that way. If you encounter them, we would encourage you to share your feelings. Question: I was just surprised because I had always thought of this as being in relation to other people, not myself. If a woman is without a partner, then is there a situation that happens where a fetus is created?

Harone: It can come from a human donor. We call them donors, but those of you who are in fear may say it is "taken." But we have vast sperm banks. Some of the sperm may be taken from those areas. Even if you have a partner in your life, the child may not be of his donated sperm. It may be, or it may not be. Question: I remember seeing a six year-old child on a ship. She was with two people. She had scars on her face. I bent down to acknowledge her. It was very important for me to love this child. They said she had been sick. I said I didn't care, that I wanted to kiss her. I kissed all of the scars on her face. I felt a lot of love for her. Was she mine? Harone: Your emotion will answer the question for you. Trust those emotions. Question: I do trust them. If you can send your love to her, I would be grateful. Harone: You will have an opportunity to see her again. Question: What happens to these hybrid children as they grow up? On Earth, children who are not given love experience some very traumatic emotional difficulties. In an environment where your species is unable to give children love, what happens to them? Harone: We have surrogate caretakers who are taken daily to the children in order to give them love. Understand the population of your planet is great. There are no shortage of loving females. Even some males provide love for these children.

Question: Are these surrogates humans who are taken in the physical state? Harone: Yes. You asked what happens to them. Many of them do not reach maturity, which is why we are working so diligently to find the strain that will be the strain we concentrate on. Many of these do not continue and we are told to tell you that they live full lives while they exist. There is no regret. There is no sadness. But they enjoy their time that they can interact with you and receive your love and give you love in return. Question: So you are saying they die before reaching adulthood? Harone: Yes. There are several that are surviving but retain a weak state and those are either kept in specially created environments on a ship, or the desire for the future is to create a planetary environment in which they can populate. We are not at that stage yet. Question: With our DNA as part of their genetics, they must be able to feel emotions to some degree. Therefore, are they happy in the environment you provide? Harone: They radiate a calm, peace, and strong spirituality which we would consider to be happy or more content. Question: When you say that you consider that to be happy, you are evaluating that from a standpoint of no experience. Would someone such as Bashar evaluate their emotional state as happy? Harone: Yes. We have other species who work with us frequently, such as Pleiadians. They will evaluate it also the same.

Question: Do these children get the opportunity to bond with individuals? Harone: Not one on one. That is not our way. Question: Is that not useful? Harone: It is our understanding, whether we are in error or not, that your one on one bonding with parental units are sometimes (more often than not) dysfunctional. Question: You do sometimes have many of us come that are not in physical form to nurture the children. Is this true? Harone: Yes. Question: It is my understanding that the Zetas have been collecting a lot of data on codependency and addictions. Are you familiar with this? Harone: I am familiar with some of the units that are providing information. I do not have it all in depth. Question: Well, why all the curiosity in that area? Harone: It is understood that when our society was dysfunctional, if we can understand dysfunction, we can understand how not to recreate it once we reestablish emotional connections. Before we were cloning, our society was highly dysfunctional and addictive. We seek to understand our past in order to move into the future. Question: Do you have any idea what the percentages are now on our planet of people who suffer from dysfunction?

Harone: Are you sure you want to hear this? It is very high. It is within the ninetieth percentile. Question: Are you saying that bonding in and of itself is a negative expression? Harone: Not all bonding. It depends on the nature of the bonding. Question: It was the positive kind of bonding that I was referring to that would be useful to the child in your environment. Harone: My understanding, my consciousness, does not understand the idea of bonding one on one. Because, to us we are all one. Question: I am suggesting it is possible because of our emotional nature, that without that kind of bonding, we would not have the will to survive to adulthood. That could be a possible reason why the children you have there do not grow to adulthood. Harone: You have an idea on your planet called "kibbutz." This is not necessarily a one on one bonding, and yet the children are loved. We are certain that this is not a major role in their ceasing to function. Question: In your research, have you explored the practice of mental/emotional profiling within the discipline of stressology? Harone: Define. Question: Reading a radiograph to determine conscious and

subconscious emotional or mental extremes? Harone: Some of this data has been taken, but as of yet it has not been processed. We have a wide abundance of data beyond what we can express that has still to be processed. Question: I had an experience in '82. I remember everything except at one point my legs were being pried apart. At that point I don't remember what happened until they were ready to leave. Can you give me any information on what happened? Harone: Simply the idea of examination that at the time your consciousness viewed to be intrusive. Thus you allowed a screen in the memory to be created so that the information would not be traumatic. Nothing harmful occurred. But at the state you were in during that time, you may have viewed it to be intrusive. That is all we can say now. Question: I have noticed an acceleration in energy over that last few months. Where do you anticipate we will end up? Harone: You will find that our understanding of you is not one of expectation, but we can say that the blueprint that you have outlined for yourself, the theme of this blueprint is the uncovering of that which has been submerged into the mass conscious subconscious. There will be an emergence rather than a submerging. This may be an experience that is joyful, or it may be an experience that is painful, depending upon your perceptions of these experiences and your own lives. But the theme as you pass through gateways will be the emergence of more of yourselves. Question: We have an ego as part of being physical. A lot of our negative emotions come from our egos. Do other beings have egos?

Harone: Some of what we have learned in our studies is that those of you within third density will have more anchored ego structures. As you move into the fourth density reality, your ego structures begin meshing with other aspects of your consciousness. The ego becomes less dominant. So you will find that most third density species will have egos equally or more active than yours. You will find generally civilizations existing within fourth density will not have such egos and the processing of negative emotions will occur in third rather than fourth. Question: A lot of us experience our interactions with you as being quite frequent, and then all of a sudden there is no contact. Are the interactions really cyclical like that? What kinds of variables would account for this? Harone: From our point of view, we never cease communication. Your perceived gaps in time are merely your way of orchestrating the timing. Do you understand what we mean? Question: So it is according to one's own growth and development as to which of our time slots we will have that experience? Harone: Exactly. Yes. In that sense, when you perceive gaps, the experiences that you are having on your quasi-physical or dreamstate level, to us it is a constant interaction. Question: What was the planetary system of your origin, where your species deteriorated? Harone: It is within the Lyran constellation around the star Vega. Question: Do you still use this planet?

Harone: No, the planet is barren. We have moved to others, or we have chosen to live in space. Question: I have a line of questioning I would like to pursue. It has to do with the quality of the detainments of children in the 1950s and 1960s. What effect has this had on them today? Is there a response on the part of the Zeta Reticuli in changing the quality or flavor of the detainments on the children of today? Harone: We have not done anything differently in the quality of our detainments. The difference was the state of the mass consciousness. In the 1950s of your time you were still allowing yourselves to feel vulnerable. You were still allowing yourselves the possibility of being victims more thoroughly than you are now. The children that were alive then that allowed themselves to be temporarily detained were incarnate in order to play out that idea voluntarily. Through the decades, this is allowing you to come to terms with your own feelings of victimization and empowerment. You are, as you move through the decades, allowing yourself a major transformational shift. What would you like further? Question: What we have noted in our observations is that there was a lot of psychological damage done to people being abducted--primarily due to the misunderstanding of the whole nature of the event. I can assume by your answer that the damage is not being done today as it was then? Harone: Children that are detained today really fall in line with the idea of conscious volunteering. There is less detainment today, and much more volunteering. That reflects a species shift. We will simply say again, thank you for allowing all of us to hold hands together, and to make the quantum leap. Our gratitude is extended to you. Good night.

Sasha: We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being such a vital part in the communication that occurred this evening. It was truly a communion. It was truly a liberation. It is a moving experience for all involved. Do not underestimate the power of your interactions with them in helping to create change. Do not underestimate all that you can give them. Again we send you our gratitude and unconditional love. From myself, and Bashar, we say happy dream lives. Good night. Sasha: We would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being such a vital part in the communication that occurred this evening. It was truly a communion. It was truly a liberation. It is a moving experience for all involved. Do not underestimate the power of your interactions with them in helping to create change. Do not underestimate all that you can give them. Again we send you our gratitude and unconditional love. From myself, and Bashar, we say happy dream lives. Good night.

Zeta Reticuli Update

Tape #77 August 4, 1990 - Los Angeles [The following are excerpts] Germane: We wish to talk about the Zeta Reticuli. Though the Zetas are known as the "abductors," that they are the ones conducting the genetic experiments, understand that there are many other factions of Zetas that have nothing to do with genetic work and are not even remotely aware of the overall genetic experiments. Many of these Zeta Reticuli are connected with the Association of Worlds and perform a lot of different tasks. They are very highly technologically developed so a lot of their work is in developing technology for the Association. This information has not been given in the past because it really hasn't been applicable to your development. But now it is coming out that these Zetas who are only working with technology (and not abductions) have been unaware of your receptivity to them. This means that they have no idea that some of you can receive them. Now they are beginning to realize that this is the case. So as much as a Zeta can be surprised, a surprise to them. There is an experiment being conducted with you all in this room as we speak. You have all, whether you are aware or not, agreed to be a part of it. There is a Zeta Reticuli being who wishes to speak through this channel who is one of these individuals who is not involved at all with the genetic work on your planet. He has since discovered that humans can receive them. He has somewhat taken on a hobby or research project to work with this. So he has contacted various individuals within the Association for "permission" to conduct his research through the channel before you and with the assistance of all of you. As a formal statement then, it is requested that we ask you if there are any objections to this. [None.] We will then facilitate the blending with him. If you would all settle yourselves, we will bring him in and begin his research project. Hoth: Are you receiving? [Yes.] The woman [Sasha] is helping me facilitate this connection. The woman, Sasha. She informs me you appreciate labels. So you may refer to my consciousness as "Hoth." This is intriguing. For to this time, I have not been aware that the humans that we monitor can receive us. We were not aware of biological vehicles in which translation can be accomplished. This is fascinating. Do you wish to engage in dialogue? Then proceed. Question: Have you ascertained why the Association didn't tell you about the receptivity of humans?

I assume it was not appropriate. I do not question. Question: So you have not been offered a reason from the Association. It is not necessary, since I know now that humans can receive. Why I didn't know then is irrelevant. Question: Would you tell us a little bit more about yourself? I am biosphere technician. I work in conjunction with the Association in projects of planetary monitoring. I am a technician, technically inclined. I work with a group of others. Question: How exactly is it that you monitor us? Not so much monitoring you, but monitoring the biospheric changes of your planet. There are interdimensional probes that are inserted within your biosphere that collect data. We are primarily responsible for retreival and analysis. Question: What were you told about humans? That you were in a stage of development right now that was to be undisturbed and that you are in a stage where interference from outer sources could push you in one direction or another. Hence, it is understood when such a civilization is in this type of development, that it is not to be touched. Question: Where are you physically located? Presently, I am in chambers with other members of the Association, Sasha for one, who are assisting this communication. We are within a mother ship that is approximately 5 miles above your island Catalina. Question: Could you define biosphere? You would call it atmospheric conditions of your planet, but it is much more. It is how the atmosphere conditions interrelate with the planetary ecological conditions as well as influence coming from interdimensional sources that play into the biospheric structure. My specialty is radiation. Question: Do you ever work with other planets as well, or just Earth? Others, yes. I have worked in the Barnard Star system. I have worked...I am not allowed to tell you where...but in other growing cultures. Question: When you say you are not allowed to tell us something, what or who isn't allowing you?

It is a recognition that the flow of information is not present. If the flow of information is not present, then it is not appropriate to force the flow. It translates as "not being allowed." Question: What is your perception or reaction to the Zetas that we term "negative?" Referencing, one moment. Parallel genetic strains of the core genetics of my race...whose focus and intention differ from ours. Physical make up is very similar in some cases, thus the only way to tell the difference is through, you would call it, your own "feeling." For us it is vibratory in nature. Question: Is your branch of the Zeta species also facing extinction? It is a theoretical extinction. But in the nature of your question, we can say yes. Question: Do you have anything to say about the genetic projects and abductions that are going on by other members of your species? Though we are connected as a group mind, the recognition of what the left hand is not always clear from the right hand's point of view. Within my racial knowingness, I am aware of a portion of myself (represented by other Zetas) that is concerned about the future of my race. Since I know a portion of me is preoccupied with this, I do not concern myself with it. Question: Since you refer to yourself as a Zeta Reticuli, are you indigenous to that system? My forefathers are indigenous to that system. It has been many generations since we have actively lived on the planet. We've lived in space. So my connection with the planet is through my racial memory and through galactic history.

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