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GROUP :It refers to 2 or more people who identify and interact with one another .

The members of group think of themselves as belonging together and they interact with one another. AGGREGATE: It consist of individual who temporarily share the same physical space or physical but who donot see themselves as belonging waiting in checkout line or drivers who parked at same red light are aggregate. CATEGORY: It consist of people who share similar characteristics ,such as college women who wear glasses or all men over 6 feet tall. CROWD: A Crowd refers to a temporary cluster if individuals who may or may not interact at all. eg:college classmates CLASSIFICATION OF GROUP :Its classified as either primary or secondary ,according to their structure and type of interaction. PRIMARY GROUP:Its a small ,intimate group in which relationship among members are personal,spontaneous,sentimental,cooperative and family , play group of children. SECONDARY GROUP: Its generally larger, more impersonal and less sentiments than a primary group .its social group whose members pursue specific interests or associations,task groups,adhoc committee , business groups. GROUP IS ALSO CLASSIFIED AS:Formal group: People become familiar with many different work groups during their facilities and spend a major part of working hours in such group.formal groups usually exist to carry out task goal rather than to meet the needs of group members.some examples of semiformal groups are churches , lodges ,social clubs. Informal groups: These are groups which provide persons education and develop most cultural values.5 types of groups are representative of numerous informal groups in existence. Friendship groups Hobby groups Convenience group- car pool ,child care center Work group Self protective group: labours union


The word dynamics means force. The word group dynamics refers to the forces, operating in groups. GROUP DYNAMICS: It may be defined as the social process by which people interact face to face in the small groups. Thus,it is concerned with a dynamic interaction of individual in face to face relationships. Group dynamics focuses a team work,where in a small members groups are constantly in touch with each other affectively contribute their ideas to accomplish tasks. GROUP-A MEANS OF NEED FULFILLMENT:Group can provide with or without the conscious knowledge of its members a means of fulfilling many of needs of the individuals.the more significsnt needs met by the group can be categorized in the following manner: Affiliative needs Egoistic needs Instrument needs Cognitive needs AFFILIATIVE NEEDS: These needs are fulfilled by the group through friendship between individuals within the group and by providing a sense of belonging to the group or identification with the group. EGOISTIC NEEDS: These may be fulfilled through the self esteem as a result of membership in the group.Other egoistic needs such as security or power may be met by the group . INSTRUMENTAL NEEDS:Instrumental needs or simple functional needs such as help in daily activities,work ,routine or even the avoidance of the boredom can be met by the group.the needs are instrumental in the sense that they provide a means of reaching either the task or personal goals. COGNITIVE NEEDS:These are the needs which provide the meaning for an individual in his own personal or task situation. ELEMENTS OF GROUP BEHAVIOUR:When people work together, they develop ways of thinking and behaving that are different from the behavior which is required perform the job. They may do more or less work than they are supposed to do and in different way than is prescribed. In order to achieve the understanding of group behavior it is necessary to look at its different elements. The major elements of the workgroup behavior are:


Activities, interaction, beliefs, norms, sentiments, background ACTIVITY: When a person do something, talks, runs, manipulates machinery and so forth ,he is said to perform some activity. INTERACTION: By interaction we mean a communication or contact between two or more persons so that the activity of one responds to the activity of the other. BELIEFS: A belief of feeling which an employee must have in order to perform the assigned task is called required sentiments.The belief or feeling which an employee brings with him into the group because of his life outside it and his personal background is known as given sentiments.when given sentiments pertains to ideals and aspirations which are desirable,they are called values.Thus a value is an ultimate idea of what is desirable such as belief in fair treatment,good pay or freedom from being pushed around. NORMS: In contrast to value,a norm is limited idea of what is desirable,it can be fully realized.norm is a particular kind of emergent,namely,and idea or belief about what the activities,sentiments or interactions in a particular group should be. SENTIMENTS: These are ideas ,beliefs, feeling about the work and others involved in it. CONSEQUENCES OF WORK GROUP BEHAVIOUR: The interrelated elements of behavior have the charcterisitics of reinforcing behavior,resulting influence on the group productivity ,which is likely to be strong and persistent only if norms specify precisely the quantity and quality of the work expected of a member in good standing. The relationships and non work activities which emerge in a group ,also strongly influence the satisfaction which group members derive from their work such a group where the people frequently interact with each other and like one another,the social structure is stable and it brings great satisfaction in an individual. This satisfaction helps in individual development ,unless and until the person gets adequate opportunities at the same time for the personal growth. The very fact that we are different from each other frequently leads to misunderstandings and disruptions of social relations. The person has to work in some restrictions ,which may effect the cohesiveness of the group. It is much easier to supervise a closely knitted group or there will be better cooperation and coordination within the group. TYPES OF HEALTH CARE GROUPS:Common types of health care groups includes tasks groups ,teaching groups ,self help groups,growth groups,therapy groupsand work related social support groups. TEACHING GROUPS:The major purpose of teaching groups is to impart information to the continuing education and client health care groups.

SELF HELF GROUPS: it is a small ,voluntary organization composed of the individuals who share a similar health,social or daily living problem.these groups are based on the helper therapy principle- those who help are helped most. The self help group process can be classified as either behaviourally or cognitively oriented. Behaviorally oriented processes include social reinforcement,self control behaviors,modeling and promoting change. Cognitively oriented process include the provision of information and advice, demystification of troubling experience, and discovering alternative perceptions of problems and methods of solutions. There are many self help groups available for the range of problems:-stillbirth,parenting,pregnant adolescents ,drug abuse ,alcoholics,aids ,diabetes,etc. There are 3 reasons why people join self help groups: Individuals want to be self reliant and as independent as possible from health and social services. People like to give help as well as self as receive it a value is placed an idea of mutual aid. Members feel that they have power through collective action. Characteristics of self help groups: They are similar to small autonomous groups and form along the lines of friendship networks. They are problem centered and organized with reference to a specific problem. Members of the group tend to be peers. The members of the group have common goals.and groups common goals are farmed by the group. The action of the group is group action. Power and leadership are on a peer basis. A norm of group is helping others. SELF AWARENESS /GROWTH GROUPS: The purpose is to develop or use interpersonal strengths. The overall aim is to improve the perception of members or to improve the functioning of the group to which they return , whether job, family or community. Members are responsible for correcting ineffiecient patterns of relating and communicating with each other.They learn group process through participation and involvement. The leader of the self help groups is usually reffered as the trainer and the members as traineers.


To maintain effective control of interpersonal tensions,the trainer must have sufficient skill and preparation to understand and facilitate group processes and experience. Members may merely express a desire to become more self aware and to address specific personality characteristics. Members may or maynot be interviewed to complete a questionnaire regarding personal data and personality characteristics before entry.

THERAPY GROUPS:They are clearly defined to do the work of therapy. members work toward self understanding, satisfactory ways of relating or handling stress and changing patterns of behavior towards health. The focus of the group is member centered .the leader of the group referred to as therapist ,differs from the members in having superiors skills in a specialized area such as group psychotherapy. Members are reffered as the patients or clients in some settings. They are selected by the health professionals after extensive interviews that consider the patterns of personalities , behavior ,needs , and identification of group therapy is not usually set. Characteristics of effective groups:A group must meet 3 main criteria: Accomplish its goals Maintain its cohesion Develop and modify its structure to improve its effectiveness. ASSESSING GROUP DYNAMICS:Group dynamics are forces in the group situation that determine the behavior of the group and its members.To study the dynamics of the group structure and organization may be analyzed Commitment ,leadership style,decision making methods ,member behavior ,interaction patterns,cohesiveness,power. 1. COMMITMENT:the members of effective groups have a commitment (agreement,pledge,or obligation to do something) to the goals and output of the group. There are some indications of group commitment: Members feel a strong sense of belonging. Members enjoy each other. Members seek each other for counsel and support Members support each other in times of difficulty. Members value the contributions of other members Members are motivated by working in the group and want to do their task well
2. LEADERSHIP STYLE:To determine which group members carry out leadership Page18

functions,the following questions may be asked:

Who starts the meeting or the work ? Who contributes additional information to help the group carry out its function? Who represents the group with other groups? Who keeps the discussions relevant?

3. DECISIONS MAKING METHODS:Five methods have been identified Individual or authority rule decisions:the designated leader makes the decision and the group members abide by the it.Authority rule decisions may be made without discussion or consultation with the group or may be after discussing the issue and eliciting the group ideas and views. Minority decision: a few group members meet to discuss an issue and make the decision that is binding for all. Majority decisions: more than half of those involved make the decisions. Consensus decisions: each group member expresses an opinion , and the decision is made by which members can abide,if not in all,at least in part. Unanimous decisions: every group member agrees on the decision and can support the action to be taken. 4. GROUP TASK ROLES: The degree of input by members into goal setting,decision making ,problem solving and group setting, and group evaluation is due in part to the group structure and leadership style, but members have responsibilities for group behavior and participation .effective member task roles include the following: Initiator / contributor-offers facts ,opinions and ideas to facilitate the group Information giver-offers relevant information based on personal knowledge or experience. Information receiver-asks for facts ,information,opinions,ideas, and feeling from other members to facilitate group members. Opinion giver:offers opinions ,judgement,or feelings about suggestions. Opinion receivers:asks for opinions,judgement Summarizers-restates and summarizes the major points discussed Energizer:stimulates a higher quality work from the group Elaborator/evaluator:examines the practibility and workability of ideas,evaluates alternative solutions and applies them to real situations to see how they will they work Gatekeeper:encourages everyone to participate ,gives recognition for contributors,demonstrates acceptance and openness to the ideas. Linker:searches for common elements in conflicts and tries to reconcile disagreements.


Diagnoser:identifies sources of difficulties the group has been working effectively and identifies blocks to goal accomplishments progress. Active listener Clarifier Tension reliever Recorder

5. INTERACTION PATTERNS:It can be observed and ascertained by a sociogram , a diagram of the flow of verbal communication within a group during a specified period eg 5 or 15 min.this diagram indicates who speaks to whom and who initiate the remarks.ideally ,the interaction patterns of small group would indicate verbal interaction from all members of the group to all members of the group.
Source/ Source/ receiver Source/ receiver Source/ receiver receiver Source/ receiver

Source/ receiver

A sociogram indicating the flow of verbal communication within the group during a specific group.

6. COHESIVENESS: cohesive groups possess certain group spirit ,a sense of beingwe

and a common purpose.the characteristics a cohesive group should have are as follows:

Members like one another,are friendly and enjoy interacting with one another. Members receive support on issues from one another. Members praise one another. They share similar opinions They influence one another and are willing to influence one another. They accept assigned tasks and roles readily. Members trust one another. They are loyal to one another.


They defend each other against external criticism and attack. Attendance, risk taking,participation , and communication are high. we is frequently heard in discussions,and group output is high.

7. POWER:it is viewed as positive force that moves people toward attainment of individual

or group is impossible to interact with others without influencingand being influenced by them,hence,group members are constantly adjusting to one another and modifying their behavior.members who believe they have little influence in the group are less likely to feel committed to group goals and to participate in decision making.dissatisfaction with group decreases its attractiveness and reduces its cohesion .

GROUP SELF EVALUATION:Group need to set up mechanisms for feedback of information to the members about their method of operation. Only when a group acquires information about itself ,can it make adjustments to improve its efficiency. Several mechanisms can set up fro group feedback and self evaluation,use of group self evaluation guide ,general open discussions initiated by group leader prior to the end of the meeting, or combinations of these. The provisions of feedback requires skill by the observer in presenting is helpful to present objective data first and then phrase comments in the form of tentative hypothesis,alternative solutions ,or expressions of the observers feelings.this allows group members the chance to reject comment if they are not ready to handle it. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS:According to Imogene king the interpersonal relationship is the process of interactions between two or more individuals represents a sequence of verbal and non verbal behaviors that are goal directed. INTRODUCTION TO INTERPERSONAL SKILLS:The persons action is the process of doing something to achieve the aim.In the field of education the action is the beginning of everything. To understand the concept of interpersonal skills it is important to understand the the teacher in an organization is able to resolve various problems of the organization which may relate to either technical skills,human relation skills or conceptual skills.Thus the performance of the individual depends upon not only to the sum total of the ability and motivation but to the product of ability and motivation. IMPORTANCE OF INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Interpersonal skills are vital part of everything an executive does.Executive is primarily concerned with the working with people and therefore required to possess high degree of interpersonal skills.


It is required to obtain the effectiveness. It refers to attainment of an optimum performance or result with the minimum use of resources at minimum cost.Effective utilization of all other factors of production depends upon human factors.effectiveness means getting best out of people by winning and maintaining their whole hearted collaboration. It brings out the varying differences in the abilities of the individual.people differ in their experiences and also vary in degree to which they possess the necessary intelligence and ability to learn from the other words the performance of the person on the job is considered as a function of two different types of variables i.e. ability or skill and motivation. It maintains the relation with other people.the main object is to increase the interaction by exposing oneself and getting the feedback. PROBLEMS OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS:Generally interpersonal problems lead individuals to resist each other and each other s influence in various overt but more often in covert ways.communication difficulties are primarily the result of interpersonal difficulties. In short ,interpersonal problems frequently find expressions through the obstruction of valid communication.other problems may be as follows: 1. Loss of motivation 2. Indiscriminate opposition 3. Operational problems 4. Task distortions 5. Authority problem Loss of motivation: another expression of interpersonal problem is the loss of motivation to work on innumerable ways the individuals work becomes ineffective because he lacks the desire to produce.Chronic absenteeism or lateness is still another manifestation of interpersonal relationships. Indiscriminate opposition: A symptom of bad relationship is resistant to may happen that an individual in the group makes suggestions that are opposed by other members regardless of the merit.this is of course not beneficial from the standpoint of the group ,because a very good suggestions may be rejected for irrelevant personal problems.


Operational problems: There are several ailments of total group functioning that are symptomatic of interpersonal difficulties. In most cases the difficulty in reaching decisions is a sure indication of interpersonal strife.this arises because of inefficient division of labour.

Task distortions: Interpersonal problems are often worked out on some aspect of the task that closely approximates the relationship that is of concern to the group.sometimes it may appear that the group is very task oriented ,its work may be fact be quite inappropriate and ineffiecient at many points.a group need to work in consensus i.e everyone in group feels that the group understands a particular action should be taken by them,eventhough they donot agree with it personally. Authority problem: Another group phenomenon that leads to reduced effectiveness concerns the relationship of the group members to the leader of the group.

INTERPERSONAL NEEDS: The basis for evolving this theory of interpersonal behavior is the individuals fundamental relations orientation(FIRO).the basic assumption of this approach is that people needs people.although each individual has different intensities of need and different mechanisms for handling them,people have three basic interpersonal in common. 1. The need for inclusion 2. The need for control 3. The need for affection The need for inclusion:It is tomaintain a satisfactory relation between the self and other people with the respect to interaction or belongingness.Some people like to be in groups ,to interact and to mingle.Other people seek much less contact ,they prefer to be alone,to interact minimally. The need to control:This is the need to maintain a satisfactory relation between oneself and other people with regard to power and other words every individual has a need to control his situation to some degree ,so that his environment can be predictable for him.It means that from whom who want to be completely controlled and is dependant on others for making decisions for them. The need for affections:This is the need to maintain a satisfactory relation between the self and other people with regard to love and affection. DYNAMICS OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP:The nurse client relationship is a helpful ,purposeful interaction between an authority in healthcare ,the nurse , and a person or group with health care needs.the nurse as an authority in health care recognizes her expertise in health promotion ,maintenance and restoration and in illness prevention.the nurse also accepts her societal obligations to share her abilities with clients in need of nursing services.


ROGERS set the following essential condition of a helping relationship ,which are applicable to the nursing process: The individual is able and expected to be responsible for themselves. Each individual (nurse and client) has a strong drive to become mature and to be socially responsible. The climate of the helping relationship is warm and permits the expression of both positive and negative feelings. Limits,mutually agreed upon, are set on the behavior only,not on the attitudes The helper communicates understanding and acceptance CHARATERISTICS OF ENHANCING THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP: Many characteristics that enhance the achievement of the therapeutic relationship have been identified as follows: Rapport Trust Respect Genuineness Empathy STAGES OF THE NURSE CLIENT RELATIONSHIP:Four sequential phases in the interpersonal relationship: Orientation Identification Exploitation Resolution Orientation phase Problem defining phase Starts when client meets nurse as stranger Defining problem and deciding type of service needed Client seeks assistance ,conveys needs ,asks questions, shares preconceptions and expectations of past experiences Nurse responds, explains roles to client, helps to identify problems and to use available resources and services

Factors influencing orientation phase


Identification phase Selection of appropriate professional assistance Patient begins to have a feeling of belonging and a capability of dealing with the problem which decreases the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness Exploitation phase Use of professional assistance for problem solving alternatives Advantages of services are used is based on the needs and interests of the patients Individual feels as an integral part of the helping environment They may make minor requests or attention getting techniques The principles of interview techniques must be used in order to explore ,understand and adequately deal with the underlying problem Patient may fluctuates on independence Nurse must be aware about the various phases of communication Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all avenues of help and progress is made towards the final step

Resolution phase Termination of professional relationship The patients needs have already been met by the collaborative effect of patient and nurse Now they need to terminate their therapeutic relationship and dissolve the links between them. Sometimes may be difficult for both as psychological dependence persists Patient drifts away and breaks bond with nurse and healthier emotional balance is demonstrated and both becomes mature individuals


Interpersonal theory and nursing process Both are sequential and focus on therapeutic relationship Both use problem solving techniques for the nurse and patient to collaborate on, with the end purpose of meeting the patients needs Both use observation communication and recording as basic tools utilized by nursing

Assessment Data collection and analysis [continuous] May not be a felt need Nursing diagnosis Planning Mutually set goals Implementation Plans initiated towards achievement of mutually set goals May be accomplished by patient , nurse or family Evaluation Based on mutually expected behaviors May led to termination and initiation of new plans

Orientation Non continuous data collection Felt need Define needs Identification Interdependent goal setting Exploitation Patient actively seeking and drawing help Patient initiated Resolution Occurs after other phases are completed successfully Leads to termination

HELPING RELATIONSHIP:Helping is a growth facilitating process in which one person assist others to solve problems and face crisis in the direction the assisted person chooses.Nurse client relationship are referred to by some as interpersonal relationship ,by others as therapeutic relationship and by still by others as helping relationships. Phases of helping relationship:This relationship process can be described in terms of four sequential phases,each of which is characterized by identifiable tasks and skills.progression through the stages must occur in succession,an each builds on the one before. The phases are as follows


Pre interaction phase 2. Introductory phase 3. Working phase 4. Termination phase


Preinteraction phase: It is similar to the planning stage before the most situations ,the nurse has the information about the client before the first face to face may include the clients name,address,age,medical history,and social history. Introductory phase: It is also refered as the orientation phase or the prehelping phase. Three stages of introductory phases are Opening the relationship Clarifying the problem Structuring and formulating the contract Other important tasks of the introductory phase include getting to know each other and developing a degree of trust.In initial stage the client may display some resistance behaviours and testing behaviours. Resistant behavior are those that inhibit inbolvement ,cooperation , or change .testing behavior are those that examine the nurses interest and sincerity.both the participants also begin to view each other as unique individuals. Working phase: In this the nurse and patient begin to appreciate this uniqueness and care about each other.Caring is sharing deep and genuine concern about the welfare of another has three successive stages: Responding and exploring Integrative understanding and dynamic self understanding Facilitating and taking action Termination phase: this phase of the relationship is often expected to be difficult and filled with ambivalence.many methods can be used to terminate relationship.summarizing or reviewing the process can produce a sense of may include how things were at the beginning of relationship ,compared to is also helpful for both the nurse and the patient or client to express their feelings about termination openly and honestly.thus,termination discussions need to start in advance of the termination interview. DEVELOPING HELPING RELATIONSHIP: Whatever the practice settings ,the nurse establishes some sort of helping relationships in which mutual goals are set with the client , or with the support persons if the client is unable to includes the following ways: Listen actively Help to identify what the person is feeling Put yourself in the others persons shoes


Be honest Donot tell the person not to feel like if the client is crying.dont say dont worry about it,everything will be fine.This will inhibi the person to ventilate the feelings. Donot tell a person what to feel Donot make excuses for the other person Be genuine Use your ingenuinty-there are many courses of action of action to consider in handling problems. Whatever the course is chosen needs to further achievement of the clients goals ,be compatible with the clients value system ,and offer the probability of success.the client needs to choose the ways to achieve the goals ,however the nurse can assist in identifying the options. Know your role and limitations RESULTS OF HELPING RELATIONSHIP Two major client outcomes are desirable goals for the nurse and client relationship Increased client understanding of how better personal responsibility and accountability for health can be achieved. Perceived satisfaction in the relationaship In the nurse patient relationship ,change occurs in two ways: As an outcome of learning in terms of and the information gained and understood As an outcome of learning in terms of interpersonal experiences in the nursing process. Change means moving from old ways that has been tested and have become comfortable to new ways that are unknown and somewhat threatening.

ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR:INTRODUCTION Management is a creative problem solving process. It involves four kinds of managerial features planning,organinzing,staffing,leading and controlling manager and certain skills to perform the basic and accomplished of its objectives.organisational behavior is an applied behavior skills that are built on contributions from a number of behavior disciplines. DEFINITION OF ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR It is the sysytematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within is individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations.The study of organisatinal behavior is primarily concerned with the psychosocial,interpersonal and behaviuoral dynamics in organizations.there are some organizational variables which also effect behavior namely job content ,job design and organizational structure.


STEPHEN R ROBBINS defined organizational behavior as a field of study that investigates the impact of individuals ,groups , and structures on behavior within the organization for purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organizations effectiveness. NATURE AND FEATURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOURIt describes the relationship among human behavior in our organizational settings ,the individual organiztaional interface ,the organizations and the environment surrounding the should emphasise behavior as related to jobs,work,absenteeism,employement turnover,productivity ,human performance and management.

Human behavior in The individual organizational The organization


ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AS A DISCIPLINE Organizational behavior is not a discipline in usual sense of the term but rather an eclectic field of study that intergrates the behavior sciences into the study of human behavior within organization. Organizational behavior is a multidimensional activity as shown in the figure below

Mastery of basic objective knowledge

Development of special skills and abilities

Application of knowledge and skills

1. MASTERY OF KNOWLEDGE: Objective knowledge in any field of study,is developed through basic and applied research.acquiring basic knowledge requires the cognitive mastery of theories ,conceptual models, and research findings. 2. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: The essential skills identified are: Resourse management skills such as time management Information management skills suach as data interpretation


Personal interaction skills suach as team work Systems behavior and performance skills ,such as cause effect relations. Technology utilization skills ,such as trouble shooting 3. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: It requires the integration of objective knowledge and skill development in order to apply both appropriately in specific organizational settings. CHALLENGES OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: In todays demanding and dynamic workplace ,employees who are invaluable to an organization must be willing to constantly upgrade their skills and take on extra work outside their own specific job area. Challenges for management in a global environment Increasing number of global organizations: Globalistion of an organization means rethinking the most effiecient ways to use resources ,disseminate and gather information and develop people.It requires not only structural changes but also changes in the minds of employees. Successful organizations are the ones that can change in response to the compition .They will be fast on their feet, capable of developing new products rapidly and getting them to market quickly.

Utilizing information technology and e-commerce and building a competitive advantage In order to keep pace with the increased speed and complexity, new means of calculating, sorting and processing information are being invented .The rate of technology changes is greater today than any time in the past and technology changes are responsible for changing the nature of jobs performed at all levels of organization. Maintain a diverse workforce Workforce diversity is the powerful force for change in organization. Successful companies are recruiting professional with different backgrounds ,cultures , styles , and motivations.So,leaders must understand the differences inworldviews ,communication styles,ethics and etiquette of the people they deal with both internally and externally. ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND NURSING:It is an emerging field of knowledge which helps in pracising nurse mangers to understand the dynamics of individual,groups and nursing organization in order to realize the nursing goals ,suggest certain prescription for improving organizational effevtiveness.the effect of any organization depends upon effiecient use of human resourses in persuit of organizational goals .However,use of these resources is not at easy task as individual behavior is complex and


less amenable for predicting and control.hence,understanding of individual behavior is important for nurse manager to design strategies for driving nurses to work. Basically human beahaviour is a function of individual and environment.Individual s personal factors and environmental factors both at macro and micro levels influence the micro level working condition,reward system,organizational policies,communication ,control system,leadership and motivation and interaction with peer ,superiors,subordinates and group influence behavior,similarly at macro level oraganizational environment effects behavior of individual and society.since every individual is different in the abilities , motivation, apart from behavior,so,knowledge of similarities and dissimilarities can enable nurse manager to understand the organizational interaction process among nurses. VARIOUS MODELS ELABORATING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR:1.S-O-B-C Model Stimulus organism-behavior-consequences


It is very simple and useful identifies the important variables ,depicts the inter relationship for directing human behavior in the accomplishment of goals.It also helps to understand ,predict and control behavior of individual.above stated figure depicts that the structural and environmental stimuli leads to behavior ,which determines the consequences of patterns of behavior.while positive consequences is associated with re-inforcement and negative consequences force to change the behavior . 2.COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR According to thus model,covert cognitive like thinking ,knowing,understanding ,attitudes,beliefs and expectations determine the behavior.since these are not directly measured ,the nurse managers can use observation and survey techniques for understanding behavior of can also help the nurse managers to take the good decisions based on ones cognitive structure to useappropriate motivating factors to motivate the subordinates to work.


3.RE-INFORCEMENT MODEL This model is based on classical conditional theory of IVAN REVLON and law of effect of Edward emphasizes environment of individual that determine the environment is the initial stimuli.both positive and negative reinforcers,after producing a response by stimulus,producing certain outcomes.By applying this model ,the nurse manager can shape motivation policies by organizing the reward system to produce desired outcome.Also training and development programmers can be designed for the nurses to provide an opportunity to learn clinical and managerial skills that can produce rewards. 4.PSYCHOANALYTICAL MODEL This model developed by SIGMUND FREUD ,also called theory of tension .according to this theory,personality is the basic determinant of behavior,which can form a basis for understanding the energy and dynamics of the individual interaction and thus can help the nurse managers to inculcate the creativity ,job satisfaction among then nurses and to develop the groups to form certain values .this model can also be used to analyze the nurse leader behavior. 5.CUSTODIAL MODEL According to this behavior,organization s greater interest is the welfare of the employees results in the weel maintained,contended and happy employers who depend on organization.this produces committement.Thus,the model can pave way to bring security and satisfaction to nurse but can fail to motivate them. 6.SUPPORTIVE MODEL This model is developed on the basis of R.LIKERTs principle of supportive relationship and ELTON MAYOs human relation approach .according to this model,leadership style of manager is responsible for provision of climate of support to ensure job assumes that employees are willing to take responsibility ,have derive to contribute and have capacity to develop themselves.They are strongly motivated due to recognition of social and esteem needs. 7.COLLEGIAL MODEL This model emphasise team concept .it believes in provision of un programmed work,intellectual environment and job freedom.Employees take greater responsibility ,develop self discipline and engaged in moderate enthusiastic is more useful in non production organization. PERSONALITY is another vital aspect of organizational behavior .It deals with understanding of behavior .it helps to know how people in organization acts ,reacts to certain stimuli.extrovert

and introvert theory of personality is very useful in management of organizational behavior ,used in developing organizational strategies to deal with individual employees for increasing organizational effectiveness. Job design,motivation ,leadership style ,career development ,training ,organizational change,organization development and organizational effectiveness are based on personality characteristics .for eg,introvert is more likely to perform better in dynamic and environmental centered jobs.similarly,extrovert needs ,democratic style of leadership and introvert needs more directive oriented leadership.these concepts can be used by the nurse managers while dealing with the nurses of different levels at different set ups.




ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Organization Development (OD) is the systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels, such as group, inter-group, organization, etc., to bring about planned change. Its objectives is a higher quality of work-life, productivity, adaptability, and effectiveness. It accomplishes this by changing attitudes, behaviors, values, strategies, procedures, and structures so that the organization can adapt to competitive actions, technological advances, and the fast pace of change within the environment. There are seven characteristics of OD: 1. Humanistic Values: Positive beliefs about the potential of employees (McGregor's Theory Y). 2. Systems Orientation: All parts of the organization, to include structure, technology, and people, must work together.


3. Experiential Learning: The learners' experiences in the training environment should be the kind of human problems they encounter at work. The training should NOT be all theory and lecture. 4. Problem Solving: Problems are identified, data is gathered, corrective action is taken, progress is assessed, and adjustments in the problem solving process are made as needed. This process is known as Action Research. 5. Contingency Orientation: Actions are selected and adapted to fit the need. 6. Change Agent: Stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate change. 7. Levels of Interventions: Problems can occur at one or more level in the organization so the strategy will require one or more interventions.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Singh RP.Organizational Behaviour.1st ed.New Delhi:2006;p.2-10 Nighingale nursing times.feb 2006.vol I.issue II.p.24-28 Basavanthapa BT.Nursing Education .2nd edition.Mumbai:jaypee brothers medical publishers ;2009.p.59-81 Basavanthapa BT.Nursing Education .2nd edition.Mumbai:jaypee brothers medical publishers ;2009.p.100-110 www.


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