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Every serious-minded reader will find the explanation of the cause and remedy for people's behavioral
misfortunes in the pages of our books. They are available only from The Alpha Publishing House to keep
their costs low. We are not primarily in the book-selling business, but, rather, we want to inform the public
how and why a law of nature controls the cause-and-effect sequence of everybody's behavior.

People need to be sensitive to the wrong results occurring in their lives. Until they take ownership of those
results, they will be plagued with chaos. The effective way to eliminate chaos from your life is to
make a meaningful commitment to nature's law of absolute right: think, say and do what is
logical, appropriate and moral to the best of your ability. In addition, you must withdraw
support from wrong thoughts, words or actions.

In our society, people tend to shy away from commitments. That word often evokes bitter
memories as people recall their past commitments. The truth is that committing to the law of
absolute right is as safe as committing to the law of gravitation. When properly conformed with, nature's
laws never let you down. Committing to laws of physics might seem strange, but toddlers instinctively
learn to commit to the law of gravitation to keep their balance. Nobody violates a natural law. When
someone tries, he/she gets a wrong result for the mere attempt, varying from slight injury to sudden

Society's political and behavioral scenes are not pretty. After centuries of human endeavors
performed in total ignorance of the behavioral law, society needs to change its commitments.
For millennia, people's commitments to their self-interests have unknowingly put their
thoughts, words and actions into contradiction with nature's law of right behavior.

On the horizon is a magnificent scene of societal harmony, productivity and peace. Those who commit
to nature's behavioral law make their best effort to think, say, and do what is right — what is
logical, appropriate and moral. There is a microcosm of rational people who are financing a campaign
to inform the public of the behavioral law. Order these books to learn how to eliminate wrong results by
conforming with nature's law of right.

A former US President once said, "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own
minds." Would you like to enjoy mental freedom? Nearly seventy years ago, the late Richard W. Wetherill
identified a natural law that determines the results of people's actions with one another and the
environment. He called it the "Law of Absolute Right". The law states that right action is logical,
appropriate and moral — and gets right results.

In the early 1940's while he was Training Executive at the Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Company in
Philadelphia, Wetherill compiled and wrote the first comprehensive book on foremanship under the title
Management Techniques for Foremen along with a "Leader's Guide" for teaching those techniques. After
resigning from the Budd Company, he functioned as a Management Consultant to several companies in the
Philadelphia area. During that period, he wrote a series of "how to" books under the general title of The
Dynamics of Human Relations: How To Succeed with People, How To Get Your Ideas Across and How To
Get Leadership and Influence. All three books were published on the same day in 1949 by D. Van
Nostrand Company, New York and Toronto.

During six decades of teaching, broadcasting, writing and consulting, Wetherill had addressed thousands
to tell them how to maximize their talents for a more effective life. He was able to show that conforming
with right action resolves problems and prevents trouble. Among those who listened were families with
behavioral dilemmas, people eager to improve their relationships and those with health questions or habits
they couldn't control.

Wetherill formed study groups in locations nationwide, and while hundreds of miraculous changes were
reported, Wetherill's findings did not catch on with the "experts". However, prior to his death, his close
associates had founded a highly successful business, incorporating Wetherill's right-action management.
That company's gross revenues reached $200 million in 1999.

Space here allows only a brief description of Wetherill's activities and achievements, but we plan to issue
more details. In the meantime, advertising pieces about nature's behavioral law are being placed in
national publications. Thousands of replies have been received, indicating a growing interest in why
society's wrong results keep escalating. Wetherill's books present workable solutions for those with
pressing problems. Get in on the good news

~E. Marie Bothe, President

The Alpha Publishing House,

Wetherill Enterprises, Inc. (WEI)

Richard W. Wetherill Foundation


People think they are free to get their way as long as it's legal. They think they are free to take
illegal action as long as they don't get caught. Let's analyze that feeling of freedom to see if it
is really a form of mental slavery to wrong thoughts, leading to wrong behavior. Do I
repeatedly become annoyed, irritated or downright furious when someone contradicts what
I've just said? Do I jump to critical conclusions about people I don't like? Do I hold myself
above my fellow workers? Am I a put-down comic? Why do people say I'm arrogant? What are
other repetitive patterns I display in my relationships that cause trouble?

Are those behavior patterns I would like to change?

Would I prefer to be a rational person who responds to someone's antisocial behavior without reacting
emotionally? Would I like to be respected and have meaningful rapport with fellow workers? Why do my
funny cracks damage my relationships? Am I so busy doing things to help other people that they think I'm
arrogant? Why do I repeat behavior patterns I'd truly like to change? The books described here have
answers. More than that, they tell how to drop -- not modify -- troublesome behavior. They tell how to
change damaging reactions to family members, friends and associates. They tell how to begin a
fundamentally different way of life.



Picture a society in which there is no conflict, no jealousy, no competition to be the person at the top, and
no unkind words or actions. That describes the society of the future in which people all express the intent
to think, say and do what is right—what is constructive and productive.

Picture additional descriptions of that committed society.

Their activities are unsupervised as they do only what reality calls for. There are no locks on doors or
windows, no lengthy legal documents to assure honest behavior, no addiction to illegal drugs, no poverty,
no crime of any description, and no deprivation of any rightful thing or opportunity.

There are no scoldings nor punishments and no stress, causing sickness and death. There is liberation of
men, women and children of every race from the tyranny of judgments and prejudice. There is plentiful
food and shelter. There are new means of transportation, utilizing the ecological recovery of the physical
and non-physical components of the Universe. There is full employment with unique opportunities for all.

More important, there is fellowship among all people as there is trust in the intent of everybody to think,
say and do only what is right. There are no strangers nor anybody to fear. There is stimulating activity as
people reason from reality to learn from it and to be guided by it.

Daily life becomes an exciting adventure for the benefit of all living things. Inasmuch as conflict thinking
has left people's minds, there are no upheavals of nature. Weather conditions are orderly and occur

There are gigantic strides in accomplishments as people consult nature's storehouse of knowledge. No
prizes are awarded to individuals as everybody is attending the "university of life" and learning from its
boundless source.

The question is: What creates that society? The answer: Acknowledgment of the Creator's law of behavior
that was identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill. He called it the "Law of Absolute Right" and
defined it as follows: Right action gets right results, whereas wrong action gets wrong results.
The law defines right and wrong action as follows: Right action is logical, appropriate and
moral, whereas wrong action is anything that fails to meet that criterion.

The sincere adoption of the Law's intent to think, say and do only what is right allows people to take right
action and get right results. At present writing, six billion people all trying to get their own way is
producing the societal chaos being experienced worldwide.

Applying the principles of right behavior, implicit in creation's law of absolute right, creates the often-
dreamed-of utopian society. Such a society cannot be created by means of human intelligence. It is
created from the understanding and proper use of the forces emanating from nature's laws.

Today, scientific research is conducted by people who study nature in the area of their research to learn
the principles involved; then, they investigate how those principles are applied to get a successful result.
For example, they have mapped our DNA, mapped the earth, space, the tectonic plates, the ocean floor,
and surveyed volcanic eruptions. To get their knowledge, researchers invariably resort to a study of

Nature has provided a law to establish order in human affairs. Over the past fifty years that law has been
presented to several million people. But it has yet to get the attention of any person of strategic influence.
We are grateful for the interest and support of grassroots citizens who are changing their motivation to
conform with nature's law of right behavior. Eagerly they are catching the wave of the future and watching
for a groundswell of universal acceptance!


Knowledge of nature's social law changes people's lives: improves health, enlarges opportunities, and
explains what it takes to get right results.

The social law states that only action that is logical, appropriate and moral gets right results. When wrong
results develop, the workability, practicality or honesty of the action is flawed. Nature's social law was
identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill in the 1920's. Wetherill called it the "Law of Absolute Right":
Right Action gets Right Results. He taught his students the following steps to learning:

1. Receive information,
2. Look at the reality that it represents,
3. Study the implications of that reality,
4. Take the action that reality calls for.

Those steps are taken instinctively many times in daily life so, whether trivial or vital, any subject is a
suitable example. Someone remarks, "It's two o'clock." A listener consults the clock to check the reality,
then recognizes the implication that he is late for an appointment and hurriedly departs.

Sometimes those steps bring unattractive information. For example, when people are told
about mistakes, they frequently avoid receiving such information, ignore the reality it
represents, and thereby miss its implications and corrective action. Because people ignore
those steps of learning, they do not easily correct their behavioral mistakes.

Wetherill observed that reality is disregarded most often when the risk involved seems remote.
For example, people tend to disregard the reality of a risky lifestyle. They want to do what they
want to do when they want to do it. Then they wonder why they experience burn out, accidents
and physical ills.
When people fail to take the right steps of learning, they take wrong steps. After receiving information,
they get emotional and form judgments. Later those judgments might be forgotten, but from
subconscious levels, they influence every decision to which they relate.

In past times, people were ruled by royalty who ascribed their authority to rule as the divine right of
kings. Today that concept has lost credibility, but people should now apply that same usurpation of
authority to their judgments.

In forming judgments, people elevate their own opinions above the authority of nature's social
law. The Creator, whoever or whatever is responsible for what exists, created a world controlled by
natural laws. Over the centuries, people unknowingly have ignored the social law and have been ruling
their actions by the "divine right" of their judgments.

As a result, society suffers from all sorts of antisocial behavior. Who gave people the right to form
judgments of reality? Are people in the position of the royals who ruled by fictional divine right? Wetherill's
students know that nature's physical and non-physical laws rule. They are inviolable and self-enforcing!


Socrates is purported to have said that the unexamined life is not worth living, but, as the philosophers
who followed him, Socrates failed to provide techniques to effectuate that examination. This treatise tells
you how to do it. Another of his quotes is also addressed in the following text: "Think not those faithful
who praise thy words and actions, but those who kindly reprove thy faults."

Therefore, first, we shall kindly reprove society's leaders of a grave fault. It is their long-standing failure to
study and espouse the principles of right behavior taught by the late Richard W. Wetherill. The principles
are not Wetherill's. They are derived from his having identified a natural law of behavior, an inviolable,
self-enforcing law, defining the cause and effect of people's social behavior. It states: Right action gets
right results; wrong action gets wrong results.

For decades Wetherill spoke of the social law to whoever would listen, and since his death, his associates
are carrying on the work. Wetherill had coined the word "humanetics" to identify his study, but, for
unknown reasons, the public recoiled from the word. The study of nature's law of social behavior is now
called the Right-Action Ethic, a system of principles defining right action: Thoughts, words and deeds
that are inclusively logical because they work, appropriate to the situation, and moral because
they are true to the facts.

People have believed they could make their decisions based on numerous options. Natural law indicates
there are just two: Do what is right or do what is wrong. Decades ago Wetherill taught, "There are
principles people reason from that determine their success or failure. Among them are counterfeit
principles, causing people to behave in a multitude of irrational ways."

When anyone had objected to Wetherill's use of the term "counterfeit" principles, he had replied,
"Counterfeit money is not real money. Yet when accepted, it takes on a reality. In that sense,
there are counterfeit principles that become real for their victims, causing various kinds of ill-
advised behavior."

The following five points define counterfeit principles and give examples. The comprehensive application of
those five points enables people to examine their lives in a way that brings about a life that is truly worth

1. What are counterfeit principles? They are the thoughts people form when they react in
denial to whatever happens in their lives. Examples, "My mind is made up, and nothing will
change it" or "Come hell or high water, I'm going to get my fun first" or "I won't look at what I
don't want to see."

2. How are counterfeit principles formed? When people react in denial to whatever happens,
they form unrealistic thoughts that get lodged in their mental circuits for repeated use.
Examples, "When I get mad enough, I do crazy things" or "If I cry, they'll give me my way."

3. What do counterfeit principles cause? They cause attitudes leading to every kind of wrong
behavior because they are out of touch with reality. Thereafter the behavior is compulsively
repeated. Examples, "Nobody is going to tell me what to do" or "When I'm contradicted, I
always lash out."
4. How are counterfeit principles rescinded? When the words of the unreal concepts are
recognized as false, they drop from memory and no longer are able to influence a person's

5. What results? Right thinking becomes clear on the topics formerly distorted by wrong
thinking so that rational attitudes prevail. Relationships are repaired and decisions based on
right action make life worth living.

A more direct way to rescind counterfeit principles en masse is to stop reacting to the events of life and,
instead, to comply with nature's law of right action. To do that, you have to abandon the intent to get your
way and to adopt the intent always to think, say, and do what the law defines as right action.

Confirming the existence of the social law does not require laboratory equipment nor technical training—
people's conversation and behavior provide ample evidence. For example, in conversation people tend to
express a running commentary of counterfeit principles such as "I live my life as I please." Also it is now
widely known that people's lifestyles impact their well-being. Medical reports confirm that unhealthy foods,
bad habits, and stress cause physical ills.

Then consider the thousands of years it has taken for the public to learn that their thoughts and lifestyles
had any bearing on their health and well-being. Even now, some people would rather die than face that
truth and change.

To paraphrase Socrates: Think not those faithful who praise your words and actions, but those
who kindly call attention to the fact that faults are correctable when you think, say, and do
what nature's social law defines as right action.


Many seeming advances for the betterment of society are made because people strive to overcome what
they regard as their competition. Children often exert torturous efforts to compete with and/or surpass an
older sibling. Young people tend to choose role models from among the popular sports, music or
Hollywood actors to emulate (compete with).

Competing seems to be the thing to do. Does it work? Well, if it did, would there be the drive-by
shootings, illegal drug use, DUI accidents and deaths, unwanted pregnancies and other teenage
escapades reported regularly?

Later as professionals, business executives, or industry workers, the same competitive spirit moves young
adults to do whatever it takes to forge ahead, with passion, in the game of life. The truth is that life is not
a game, and passion interferes with rationality. Life is a learning experience, and when it is so regarded,
the education gained is just what a person needs to succeed.

The fact is that all the genuine discoveries since the discovery of fire, and perhaps before, were stumbled
upon or resulted from a calculated study of nature and its laws. Despite that fact, in general, society is
reluctant to consider that social activities are also under the control of a natural law.

After half a century, professionals in the field of behavioral studies still compete with material developed
by the late Richard W. Wetherill as a result of his having identified the social law. They change the wording
somewhat, and present it as their own. For example, Wetherill's coined word unthink is changed to
unlearn. The Command Phrase Technique developed by Wetherill is twisted into "a process of retrieving
and deleting some of the earliest life-lesson programs stored on the internal hard drive of the heart." They
instruct people to erase those early programs such as "most people will hurt you," "people are lazy," or
"people will cheat you if you let them."

Where their versions really deviate from Wetherill's information is when the professionals advise people to
reprogram themselves with commands such as "when you share, you will be rewarded tenfold," and "do to
others what they want you to do to them."

The social law stipulates that people should not program themselves with their own ideas—however right
they may seem. Rather they should dump the contents of their internal behavioral databases. Then they
can contact reality and let the needs of each situation indicate the right action to be taken.

The social law states that right action gets right results, whereas wrong action gets wrong results. It is
wrong action to form unfounded judgments—something everybody starts to do at the moment of birth.
Why not? How could an infant know what is happening or how to respond? Surrounded by everything that
is new and different, the infant does the best he/she can to cope.

As people mature, they go on assuming the burden of personally coping with whatever happens. That
decision keeps their attention directed inward to their feelings and/or to their desires. Do people make
decisions based on feelings and desires with regard to gravity or momentum? Not after they experience
the hurts inflicted on them by their disregard of those natural laws.

It is essential for people to know that their wrong results are traceable to their wrong action which is
traceable to their wrong thinking. It is even more vital for people to know that right results are traceable
to their thinking when it is logical, appropriate and moral as specified by the social law.

There is a popular delusion that gratifying one's wants or desires gets right results, and it is
that delusion which is fueling society's global chaos. The wants and desires of roughly six
billion people worldwide, are compellingly motivating the global community for all the
antisocial behavior being reported daily.

The tragedy is that the fighting, killing, starving and suffering of society will not be stopped by
philanthropy, legislation or any other human effort. It will be stopped when people strive as hard to be
socially right as they are now striving to satisfy their wants and desires—however noble or ignoble they
might be.

Not only is our Universe controlled by laws of nature, but our societal affairs are also under the direction
of a natural law. "Be Right or Go Wrong" is the title of one of the books we publish, and that title
expresses a warning to the foolish as well as a heartening disclosure from the Creator to all who honor its

All through the centuries people have believed they were free to behave as they chose, whether within the
constraints of moral parameters or with total abandonment to their desires. The Right-Action Ethic™ (a
system of moral principles) taught by the late Richard W. Wetherill is a lifestyle based on his identification
of a natural law of behavior. Wetherill called it the law of absolute right: Right Action gets right results,
whereas wrong action gets wrong results.

People who apply the Right-Action Ethic think it is vital to direct attention to the law of absolute right in
order to stem the tide of wrong results presently washing across all levels of society. Right is absolute;
however three criteria must be met. Truly right action is simultaneously logical, expedient and

There is no choice in the matter; the criteria are prescribed by natural law just as with laws of gravity,
friction and momentum. Expressed in other words, right action is workable, appropriate and
honest. When action does not include those criteria, wrong results occur. The news media daily report the
overwhelming evidence of society's non-compliance with nature's right action.

From the 1920s Wetherill functioned as teacher, training executive, author, management consultant and
behavioral guru. Under his tutelage his students learned to abandon their personal goals and motivation,
and they now are the recipients of improved health, financial security and splendid relationships.

Some people distrust impersonal motivation, but ask yourself, Do people need personal motivation
regarding gravity? We learn early in life to adjust our actions to gravity's impersonal motivation whenever
its principles are relevant. Unlike laws promulgated by people, natural laws are self-enforcing and
inviolable. Their "teeth" are inherent in them, and their control is binding on everybody, everything,
everywhere. The mere attempt to violate a natural law triggers its penalty. For example, if a saint and a
criminal topple off a tall building, their descent is controlled by natural law no matter their prayers or
curses. When they encounter space already occupied, they both pay the same deadly penalty.

Knowledge of the impersonal motivation of the behavioral law is needed to bring about a rational society
that will think, say and do what is right while refraining from thinking, saying or doing what is wrong.
Initially mistakes will be made, but people will know what causes their wrong results and will try as hard
to be right as formerly they had tried to get their own way.

Think of life's experiences in terms of an ongoing learning curve, beginning at birth. With no knowledge of
their situation, babies form concepts to control the people around them; then cry in frustration when they
can't. It has happened to everybody, including spiritual leaders, political and business leaders—all persons
born into this life.

Wetherill taught that because emotional, wrong thoughts are irrational (not in touch with reality) they
cannot be resolved logically and, instead, are lodged in memory among the billions of neural connections.
Thus whenever a person experiences similar situations under which the original wrong thinking was done,
those thoughts unknowingly become premises in his/her conclusions. They are defined by Wetherill as
distortions of logic, and they cause all the compulsive, repetitive, anti-social behavior people display.

As I prepare this article, I remember that I was attracted to this information by Wetherill's answers to my
previously unanswered questions of identity and purpose in this life. He presented them as theory because
direct contact with the reality is not possible. However, the theory is based on visible evidence and is so
plausible that it can be seen as correct when thoughtfully considered.

Part of the theory states that whoever or whatever created the Universe and all that exists provided a
social law as well as the physical laws to guide people's actions. The law of absolute right states: Right
action gets right results, whereas wrong action gets wrong results. Adhering to the first part of the law
assures a person of the wisdom and practicality that results from obeying natural law.

However, the fact is that without their awareness people are controlled by the law of behavior in the same
way as they are controlled by physical laws. Long before any of those laws were identified by men, their
control existed. So it is with the behavioral law. Society's wrong results are legion, showing that wrong
action predominates society's behavior. People's social problems will truly be resolved only when the
impersonal motivation of the behavioral law replaces their personal motivation—no matter how well-
intentioned it might seem.

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