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Newborn Appearance
Welcome baby!
You've spent an entire pregnancy wondering what your
newborn will look like. The wait is over!
You may pass many hours marveling at that precious face,
caressing tiny fingers and toes — and wondering when (or
if) your newborn will start looking like the bright-eyed, rosy-
cheeked cherubs you see in magazines.
Don't be concerned. Many parents, particularly first-time
moms and dads, aren't quite prepared for their newborn's
appearance. The last few weeks in the womb and the rigors
of childbirth often take a toll. Here's a peek at some real
newborns so that you'll know what to expect
Your newborn's head
Your newborn's head may have an odd shape. This is a
common condition known as molding.
During childbirth, pressure from the tight birth canal may
cause your baby's skull bones to shift and overlap. This may
result in an elongated or cone-shaped skull at birth —
particularly if you had a long labor or a vacuum extractor
was used during delivery. You can expect a more rounded
head within a few days.
Babies born buttocks or feet first or by C-section aren't as
likely to experience head molding.
Your newborn's facial
Pressure on the face during delivery may leave
your newborn's eyelids puffy or swollen. Sometimes
small blood vessels in the eyes break during birth,
which may cause red spots on the whites of your
newborn's eyes. And life in a crowded uterus may
leave your newborn with a nose that's flattened or
pushed to the side or ears that seem folded over.
Don't worry. These issues are usually temporary.
Your newborn's umbilical
The stump of your newborn's umbilical cord will
change from yellowish green to brown to black as
it dries out and eventually falls off — usually within
two weeks after birth. In the meantime, keep the
stump clean and dry. Expose the stump to air to
help dry out the base, and stick to sponge baths
while the area is healing. There's no need to swab
the stump with rubbing alcohol.
Your newborn's
You may notice white spots on your
newborn's face that look like tiny pimples.
These harmless spots are known as milia.
Later, your newborn may develop small red
bumps on his or her face. This is sometimes
known as newborn acne. Milia typically
disappear within a few weeks. Newborn
acne may stick around for several months.
Your newborn's skin

The top layer of a newborn's

skin flakes off shortly after
birth. You may notice plenty of
dry, peeling skin — especially
on your newborn's hands and
feet — for the first few weeks.
Newborn birthmarks
Many newborns have birthmarks. You may
notice reddish or pink patches above the
hairline at the back of the neck, on the
eyelids or between your newborn's eyes.
These marks — sometimes called stork
bites or angel kisses — are caused by
collections of blood vessels close to the
skin. Marks between the eyes usually fade
with time. Marks on the nape of the neck
usually remain, although they may
become less noticeable with normal
Newborn birthmarks
Black, Asian, Hispanic and American
Indian babies are often born with a
large, flat, bluish-gray mark on the
buttocks or lower back. Historically
termed a Mongolian spot, this type of
mark is more specifically called a
gray-blue macule of infancy. Most of
these marks fade by age 1, but some
may remain indefinitely
Your newborn's legs and
A newborn's legs and feet often look
bowed or bent, thanks to the cramped
quarters of the womb. As long as your
newborn's legs and feet are flexible
and can easily be moved about,
there's no need for concern. The
curves typically straighten on their
own as the baby becomes more
Newborn body hair
Some newborns are covered by fine,
downy hair at birth — especially on
the back, shoulders, forehead and
temples. Tiny hairs may also appear
on your newborn's ears or in other
spots. This is called lanugo.
Lanugo is most common in
premature babies. It typically wears
off from normal friction within several
Your newborn's breasts and
Before birth, the mother's hormones pass through
the baby's system. This may lead to swollen
breasts at birth — for both boys and girls. The
breasts may even produce a bit of milk.
Newborn girls may have a swollen vulva and light
vaginal discharge as well. The swelling typically
disappears within two to four weeks. Normal
vaginal discharge may only last several days.
For some newborn boys, fluid is squeezed into the
scrotum during birth. This swelling, known as a
hydrocele, usually disappears within three to six
months. Frequent erections are common, too,
especially before urination
Soft spots
You'll notice two soft areas at the top of your
baby's head where the skull bones haven't yet
grown together. These spots, called fontanels,
are designed to allow a baby's relatively large
head to move down the narrow birth canal. They
also accommodate a baby's rapidly growing
brain. You may notice slight bulging from these
spots when your baby cries or strains.
Soft spots are covered by a thick fibrous layer.
They're safe to touch and typically close within
12 to 18 months, when the skull bones fuse

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