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Authors in this paper tried to explain SVD based techniques with a very few experimental results to detect epileptic

seizure and its time of occurrence using multichannel EEG measured/recorded from scalp electrodes. In this paper, authors have given elaborated introduction to the subject like a text book material, and not given any reference to current literature explaining epileptic seizure detection. The authors have not carefully followed the conference paper format, and the paper shows that they are not so serious in submitting their paper to the conference. Punctuation marks have not put at correct places, figure and table captions are not given, and also x and y labels to figures, and proper explanation of the results is lacking. Data used in the simulation/experimental results are not explained and also comparison of the results to the current available techniques.

This paper explains wavelet packet transform based technique to extract ECG time-domain features such as onset and end points of P, QRS, and T waves. Other processing, such as, windowing, squaring, and integration are also used to extract the critical points in ECG signature. In addition, the extracted features are used to discriminate abnormal from the normal ECG signature using gradient descent back propagation algorithm. Authors in this paper have given elaborated introduction to the ECG with no or very limited current techniques in the literature. Proper explanation of the results along with its comparison to available current standards is lacking in this paper. Reference has to be re-format accordingly. Instead of introductory figures, it would have been better if the figures explaining results are given.

This paper is about multi-class classification of dementia using ANN based methods from DCT compressed MR images. 1-D histogram followed by DCT is used as features. The paper has not discussed current available methods in the literature and has not compared results with them. Authors have used small database to validate their results and obtained performance metrics. This paper needs further improvements in writing, database, and results and discussion. This paper cannot be accepted in the present form.

Authors in this paper explain the geometric transformation invariant analysis of brain MR images with application to tumor detection. Shape, position, texture features are used to detect tumor in various scales, positions and orientations. With reference to the current form of the paper, the following modifications can be made to that. Authors heed to mention their findings such as accuracy figures in the abstract. Elaborated introduction can be cut short to the points. Correctness of equation 6 needs to be verified again. It is recommended to test the algorithm on a larger database size and obtain the performance measures.

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