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for more information on our workshops, events or community activities please visit or website and social media sites

: Twitter: @Ghostdavandal Portfolio: or contact: Marvin Mudzongo 078 35 165583

Ghostdavandal Originals

within the community aimed at raising awareness and inspiring a young

are a customisation company delivering workshops

professional, technical and creative youth.

We are dedicated to offering alternative thinking and creative ideas. At the heart of GDV is building sincere relationships and tackling social issues such anti social behaviour related to graffiti. GDV approach each project as a design brief, liaising with stakeholders, partners and forming a brief before starting out. The briefs act as a guideline to ensure the finished product matches exactly our stakeholders, service users and volunteers expectations and often exceeding them.

The problem with vandalism, in terms of graffiti and tagging is that it becomes anti social behaviour when youths deface private property without recognition of the role they play within the community. Some of these youths already feel outcast to the community and as a way to engage and integrate them back into the community needs appropriate intervention. Awareness, Guidance and Inspiration are interventions focused on community development. Our strategy includes a range of community preventions and individually focused initiatives as a response to the problem. Through workshops we intend to raise awareness to the effect vandalism has on the community, where to get information and how to get involved in community projects. Guidance is important as a tool to channel raw talent and nurture it through community focused projects, exhibitions and events. Community events held at Galleries and Museum exhibitions, local carnivals and festivals are a way to inspire youths to understand how to use their talents to better use that improves their immediate community and possibly inspires them to pursue creative career paths. By involving youths, within local schools and colleges we intend to send a message that they play a significant role in their community and can contribute no matter the skill-set or experience. Local youths do not feel engaged with the community or similar initiatives as they do not relate to their interests or simply does not relate to their lifestyles. We believe being involved in youth culture and interest we can engage and inspire at the same time have an impact on the local anti social behaviour of vandalism.

Vandalism such as Graffiti on private property and Tagging is a by-product of anti social behaviour that is a huge problem for the local council and is a social issue that affects the whole community. Gang culture is usually associated to this behaviour which contributes to peoples fear of crime that casts a negative impression on an area and distresses the community as a whole.
ttp:// dealing_with_graffiti

St Davids Mural Wall
We were involved in a Community project through the Volunteer department at The University of Northampton. As coordinator of ArtBlast, a student led volunteer group I took it upon me to get involved as the project was to assist local schools and colleges in painting a mural on a wall in the St Davids area of Kingsthorpe. The whole project was overseen by PCSO Pete Middleton and 8 local schools and colleges where involved including The University of Northampton. I was further invited to a radio interview on BBCNorthampton on Monday 8th of October 2012 to discuss the issue of graffiti, the anti social aspect of it and to highlight the importance of creative projects as these to raise awareness and act as means to inspire and nurture.


This project has proven that schools and other community groups can achieve great things.

I hope that the wall will be looked after and will continue to be an inclusive focus in the community. Pete Middleton G

Our aim is to engage, empower and connect with youths that might feel segregated from society by providing a platform and act as an awareness tool.

We intend to empower youths by enabling them to express their talents and offer a direction for them to explore theyre dreams. We believe in creating relations that encourage community cohesion. Working with organisations, local councils and other community groups such as local Police. Community development is on the forefront of Ghostdavandal Originals Workshops intentions and is what separates us from any other organisations or groups delivering Graffiti workshops or creative events.

Home Office research indicates that graffiti may add to the fear of crime in an area and can attract other forms of anti-social behaviour. According to Northamptonshire Connect2 website, Vandalism which is a by-product of anti social behaviour has risen despite local interventions. From Corby to Wellingborough and Northampton the problem of anti social is being tackled through numerous projects that are associated to youths but do not engage the youths on a creative, technical or professional level where we are trying to fill in the gaps by reaching out to the public for help in solving this case, if only to restore peace-ofmind to the people who live in these communities affected heavily by graffiti. In Corby, the local skatepark Adrenaline Alley involved local artist to paint the park to reduce vandalism and to support local artist by creating a platform for them to showcase their talent. Adrenaline Alley where also involved in the BBCNorthampton radio interview recently and added that there arent enough projects that involve youths on such a level and support following these events as they dont happen regularly enough to take effect. Our research indicates that creative workshops aimed at youths and delivered by volunteers who fully understand the needs of the service users not only inspires but encourages development and a greater understanding of community cohesion.

Delivering workshops to youths in full time and part time education, or as part of extra curriculum activities to schools and colleges is necessary for awareness and integration as it introduces possible career paths or skill sets that are necessary for development.

Our Masterclass Program contributes to community strategic aims by providing student volunteers with a platform to gain experience while at University. Valuable experience that will enhance their career paths and increase in awareness of enterprising within the community also as a way of giving back to the local community. On a National scale our customisation program supports the Governments initiative to address Anti Social Behaviour that is linked to vandalism. We agree that more has to be done on a level that integrates the community and we are dedicated in supporting Local, Regional and National schemes that integrates youth culture and brings a wider understanding of community.

Our primary purpose is to bring about a more sustainable and equitable human environment by Analysing, Monitoring and Managing intended or I intended social consequences both positive and negative. By analysing we mean monitoring our feedback received from delivering workshops or from workshop attendance. We also intend to observe the reaction we receive at exhibitions and festivals where we can interact with the immediate community. Networking and getting involved in local interventions is a way of analysing and noting the positives and the negatives. In monitoring, we intend to work a lot more closely with local authorities and organisation such as the police and the council to observe the change in attitudes and reported cases to make a more affective and visible difference to the community. When it comes to management, we will delivering different workshops to do with customisation to broaden the audience and intend to move into hot spot areas that might have a bad reputation. We will also be going into schools and colleges to raise awareness using creditable local and national artists associated to graffiti. Some workshops are designed as Masterclass programs that have a two to four day duration and designed to meet the needs of that particular service group! Continuous assessment of our delivery, networks, social impact, exhibitions and festivals involvement, our social and online presence keeps us delivering engaging and inspirational workshops.

We believe the skills we posses between us are enough to start delivering inspiring and engaging workshops. From graphic design, surface design and illustration we have a large resource of talent to deliver meaningful professional, technical and creative workshops.

Ghostdavandal Originals are a customisation company delivering workshops within the community aimed at raising awareness and inspiring a young professional, technical and creative youth. We have been involved in numerous community events, such as running a customisation stall (featuring our products) locally and nationally and have had our products featured in the Northampton Museum and Gallery exhibition!

Partners & Stakeholders

U:Engage: Centre for Community Volunteering at the University of Northampton Advice, networking, Volunteer Northampton. Networking, service user Citizens Advice Bureau. Service user Kingsthorpe Library. Service user Northampton Library. Service for more Northampton Museum and Gallery. Service user and partner Young Enterprise. service user CANTO. Service user St Andrews. Service Northampton Carnival. Service user Umbrella Community Fair. Service user, exhibition Blok shop supplies/ tshirts / paints and tshirts Oxfam / Local schools and colleges

We are dedicated to delivering workshops that change lives and believe that delivering these interventions is a direct way of influencing the community around you and by contributing to solve a problem is always something that is empowering. We intend to grow as a group in activities and workshop deliveries and our weakness is the issue of manpower. That means we will be hiring more team members that can oversee our Finance department, consider Marketing strategies and Human Resources within the organisation as we intend to grow in presence. This growth is focused on our progression as an organisation and the social impact our programme has on the community.

for more information on our workshops, events or community activities please visit or website and social media sites : Twitter: @Ghostdavandal Portfolio: or contact: Marvin Mudzongo 078 35 165583

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