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Mykhaylo J.

phone +380972989714
Short rsum:
Design, implementation & testing of Information systems. System programming.
Server assembly, configuration, support and optimisation. Virtualisation, clouds.
IT consulting & support. Design and implementation of heterogeneous networks
!"# $ %"# $ &"# $ &!"#', security, administration and troubleshooting.
"pplication and network testing. Dev(ps. )rocess modelling. Information and network security.
Smart cards, #*+.
Knowledge and abilities:
operating systems:
FreeBSD starting from 4.6; OpenBSD from 3.0.1; NetBSD from 3.0.1; DragonFly.
Lin! starting from "ernel #ersion $.0.3$ %&e' (at )* 1++,- many fla#ors %in.l'ing LFS-.
Strong experience with custom BSD- and Linux-based systems built "from scratch".
/S 0in'o1s from 3.0 an' N2 4 p to an' in.l'ing $003 3'#an.e' Ser#er; 4; DOS* from 3.0.
/a. OS from 4.0 an' p* an' /a. OS 5 from 6nternal De#eloper 7re#ie1 an' p.
8irtalisation systems 5en* 98/* 8/0are* Open8:* 8irtalBo!* FreeBSD ;ails* <itri!* L5<* Do."er.
<lo's 3ma=on ><$* pppet* .hef. ?ri's* 3pa.he (a'oop* OpenSta." @ "no1le'ge.
Solaris* 7lan +* 6nferno* 7lan B* 6B/ 94$* OSA$* BeOS* BN5* (7CD5 an' many other OSEs C Fasi. "no1le'ge.
network technologies:
strong e!perien.e in 'esigning an' implementing str.tre' .aFle systems* heterogeneos* faltCtolerant* mltiCser#i.e G 1i'e
area 'ata net1or"s* storage systems an' Fa."p soltions. N3S* S3N.
'eep "no1le'ge of >thernet ,0$.3H* ,0$.11H* in.l'ing 8L3N an' BoSA<oSA2oS* 8&&7A<3&7* 67#4* 67Se.*
2<7A67 as a 1hole* fire1alls %many* many implementations-* 777* DNS* DNSSe..
'i#erse e!perien.e 1ith proto.ols (227* F27* S/27 %in.l'ing .ommer.ial an' ma;or openCsor.e /23s* antiC#irs an'
antiCspam systems-* SS($* 3&7* S/B* NFS* SN/7 an' many others of this "in'.
67#6* S27A&S27* OS7F* B?7* /7LS* DSLA32/ASD(* (.3$3* S67* 5/77* 6<37* 0<<7.
programming languages:
7ython interme'iate e!perien.e; algorithms* patterns* 'eFgging* so."ets.
Borne shell %also Fash* .sh** r.- 'eep "no1le'ge. 3lso 0in'o1s .m'* 0S(.
7erl )* a1" se' for system a'ministration tas"s an' for maniplating #ery large arrays of 'ata.
aster of !arious "egular #xpressions standards.
7(7 interme'iate le#el; e!perien.e in optimisation G refa.toring of large pro;e.ts. (2/L* <SS$.
3NS6 I e!perien.e in 'eFggingApat.hing of "ernel* 'ri#ers* proto.ols an' net1or" sFsystem.
Ja#a interme'iate le#el* .rrently impro#ing.
!,6 assemFler Feginner le#el* enogh for analysis of 'e.ompile' Finaries an' 'eFgging stff.
&Fy* LimFo* ?o* Ja#a* Lisp* La* 2.lA2"* Ja#aS.ript* Delphi an' many others .an n'erstan' an' e'it the .o'e.
fn.tional* oF;e.tCoriente'* e#entC'ri#en G pro.e'ral programming; 3gile* S.rm* iterati#e* 2DD.
reKirements engineering an' analysis* ar.hite.tral analysis* synthesis an' e#oltion.
machine learning:
mltiC#ariaFle linear regression* reglarise' logisti. regression* anomaly 'ete.tion.
software testing:
'e#elopment* e!ten'ing an' porting of atomate' testing frame1or"s an' test sites.
manal an' atomate' regression testing* nit testing* D6 testing* atomate' Fil' #ali'ation.
Selenim* 57ath* ?oogleLs &oFot frame1or"* Jen"ins G 2eam<ity .ontinos integration ser#ers.
'e#elopment of test .ases an' test plans.
stressCtesting of* testing n'er loa'* an' informational se.rity a'iting.
simlation of 'ifferent 'ata .hannel properties an' .hara.teristi.s %for net1or" soft1are testing-.
implementation of <6 G <D systems %<ontinos 6ntegration an' <ontinos Deployment-.
certified by the ISTQB %6nternational Soft1are 2esting Balifi.ations Boar'-* <2FL.
Knowledge and abilities $cont.% :
process modelling:
"no1le'ge of metho'ologies an' notations %D/L* B7/L* DFD* 0FD* >&D* 6D>F et..-.
Fasi. "no1le'ge of 7ro.ess /o'eller %B70in-* &ational &ose an' some other soft1are li"e this.
6nformation 2e.hnology 6nfrastr.tre LiFrary %626L #3- C no1 st'ying.
#ast e!perien.e in assemFly an' setp of Mtrn"ey ser#ersN* roters* fire1alls et .Otera Fase' on .stomer nee's an' perspe.ti#es
of their information system.
assemFly* .onfigration* troFleshooting of 7<s an' ser#ers %in.l'ing Fran'Cname @ (7* 6B/* Dell* 6ntel* 3pple et..- an' their
.omponents. N3S* S3N.
'i#erse e!perien.e 1ith a.ti#e net1or" eKipment from <is.oALin"Sys* (7* 3.omAS/<* L.ent* :y!el* 3l#arion* 3#aya*
DCLin"* O#isLin" et..* in.l'ing 8o67* D8B* Smart <ar's an' NF< eKipment.
e!perien.e in Fil'ing highCfreKen.y .hannel* sele.tion of antennas an' amplifiers for long 'istan.e failCo#er .ommni.ation
1ith ,0$.11 an' the li"e* as 1ell as 37sAN3Ss for many sFs.riFers.
software experience $notable applications in random order%: Ora.le* /ySBL* 7ostgresKl* BDB* /S 3..ess*1<* SKi'* 3pa.he**
JBoss* ngin!Athttp'Alighttp'* 0olfram /athemati.a* ?ND O.ta#e* entire 3'oFe site %from the #ery Feginning of it-* Bar"5press*
Free(an'* B6ND* 6S< D(<7D* Open87N* OpenLD37* OpenSSL* Sen'mail* SamFa* 3man'a* <8S* SF#ersion %s#n-* git* 7erfor.e
%p4-* #im* ema.s* g'F* 6D3 7ro* 6D>3* ma#en* gra'le* 3rtifa.tory* soapD6* (37ro!y* J6&3* <onflen.e.
Work experience:
2013-present @ Oberthur Technoloie! "#$ %M6nfoplseN hoste'* part of >8&P- , Senior Quality %ontrol &nineer 'Te!t (uto)ation*.
responsibilities& implementation of automated integration tests' automation of build and deployment procedures' ()' (D.
6Lm part of OFerthr BD6LD Fsiness nit* an' 1eLre 1or"ing .losely 1ith moFile ser#i.e pro#i'ers an' moFile net1or" operators to Fring Smart <ar's
an' NF< to FiKitos se. 6Lm responsiFle for >$> an' integration testing of or pro'.ts 1or"ing 1ith real Smart <ar's an' real .stomer
information systems %that in.l'es management of Smart <ar's an' moFile'lets-. 3.ti#ities in.l'e preparing an' spporting
testing en#ironments* 'oing Fil's %ma#enAgra'le-* 'eploying to .lo' %1e se Do."er* 7ppet an' git- an' 'eFgging of Ja#a .o'e rnning on
JBoss an' ser#ers %Ora.le an' /ariaDB are se'-. 2his also in.l'es sper#ision of test .ase 1riters an' testers. 0or"e' 1ith Foth
?loFal7latform an' 3FS</ pro.esses. 0as also in#ol#e' in 1riting test frame1or"s an' atomate' test sites %Srefire* 2estN? an' soapD6-*
.onfigration management a.ti#ities as 1ell as release G pa."aging a.ti#ities %1e se 3rtifa.tory as repository- an' <6A<D system implementation.
2011-2012 %en' of De.emFer- , %i!co Iron+ort %MLohi"aN hoste'- , Q( (uto)ation enineer.
responsibility& implementation of automated tests.
Dring the time of employment 6 implemente' an atomate' testing frame1or" Fase' on ?oogleLs &oFot frame1or"* porte' %refa.toring in pro.ess-
fn.tionality from ol' 6ron7ort inChose tests atomation frame1or" %7ython GSelenim-* a''e' ne1 fn.tionality. 0rote atomate' regression tests*
implemente' Fil' a..eptan.e test sites an' prepare' them for se 1ith Jen"ins .ontinos integration ser#er. <onslte' staff on proto.ol* OS an'
net1or" topi.s* spporte' 'e#elopment ser#ers* #erifie' Fgs* 'one manal testing* re1rote test .ases an' test plans.
200,-2010 @ MSaharaN lt'. and !ub!idiarie! %heating* .ooling G 1ater spply systems; sFsi'iaries in most regions of D"raine- , chief ad)ini!trator of
di!tributed heteroeneou! net-ork.
responsibilities& design' creation and support of distributed heterogeneous network' procurement and support of workstations' routers and ser!ers based on *BSD'
+indows-based terminal ser!ers for ,( #"-' print ser!ers.
0hile Feing employe' 6 gathere' the net1or" of Fran.hes an' 1arehoses sing en.rypte' .hannels* intro'.e' a transparent 87N for staff remote
a..ess* nifie' the net1or" of the main offi.e* 1arehoses an' sFsi'iaries. <ontinosly implemente' information se.rity Fest*
traine' the offi.e personnel to follo1 them.
200.-2010 @ MTier/etN %6S7* 2ernopil region- , chief net-ork ad)ini!trator.
responsibilities& purchase' installation' configuration . support of ser!ers' routers' switches. Billing system support. /etwork de!elopment planning. 0raining of personnel.
200,-200. @ M0e!t "eional 0hole!ale MarketN @ director of Teleco) and IT co))erce de1art)ent.
responsibilities& implementation of e-commerce system and remote access to the network for employees and partners.
-ro1ect was not been fully completed due to financial reasons beyond my control.
2003-200, @ MMealineN lt'. %6S7* no1 D3&net- , chief net-ork ad)ini!trator.
responsibilities& strategic and tactical planning of network growth' choice of suppliers of e2uipment and cables. Build' configuration' and support of ser!ers' routers'
switches' modem pool' 345.,, access points. )dentification and pre!ention of network attacks.
Dring the time of this employment 6 .le#erly rote' the net1or"* separating the Fl" traffi. for 'eli#ery #ia satellite%D8B-. 6mplemente' Q.allCFa."Q
ser#i.e* 1hi.h reKire' programming of 7B5 an' 1riting spe.ial soft1are. &efa.tore' an' optimise' .stom Filling system. Lan.he' a ser#i.e a..ess
#ia 0iCFi %first in the region-. >staFlishe' Friga'e of .aFle men* fon' an' traine' ;nior a'ministrators. <arrie' ot an a'it of net1or" se.rity*
follo1e' Fest of information se.rity.
2003 @ full technical a!!i!tance in the e!tabli!h)ent of Internet %af2 MMa3i)N 'turnkey*R purchased' built and configured -(s and
ser!ers' pro1ected and installed network and power cable systems $latter with help of an electrician%' organised a hybrid $6satellite-and-earth"% data
channel' selected and trained personnel $not including kitchen staff%' introduced an information system for billing and accounting.
Work experience $cont.% :
2001-2003 @ MTelko)N lt'. %moFile .ommni.ations- , !y!te) ad)ini!trator4 enineer.
responsibilities& support of workstations and ser!er $router%' modification and rewriting of ##-"7s in cell phones' radios' printing systems.
0hile Feing employe' 6 implemente' a #i'eo sr#eillan.e system. Fon' sppliers of har'1are an' soft1are parts to a..ess the internet #ia satellite
%D8B- an' lan.he' the sales of highCspee' net1or" a..ess
1555-2002 @ MInfoco)-Ser6iceN lt'. , !er6ice enineer.
responsibilities& maintenance of information systems that ha!e been used by the leading regional publishers' namely the establishment of L8/ hardware and software'
installation and support of graphic and content editing stations$including 8pple%' ser!ers' colour separation systems. (alibration of monitors' scanners' printers'
image setters' proofing machines. 8d!ised clients on procurement of -(s' publishing and automation e2uipment.
3rrange' the smooth 1or" in .omman' of for ser#i.e engineers.
1557-1555 @ MTe3tile-%ontractN lt'. %1holesale faFri.s- , !y!te) ad)ini!trator4 o1erator.
responsibilities& support for workstations running S +indows' 7(" and correction of text' creation of price lists' letterheads' contracts9 working with ,( #"- system'
consulting of accounting managers on the topics of using the -(s.
1558-2011 @ M9reen0orldN %en#ironmental N?O* <hor"ti#- , technical con!ultant.
responsibilities& introducing the best practices for the smooth and secure functioning of workstations' e-mail $including conferences%' D/S and web-ser!er support'
prepress preparation of books and brochures.
2005-2013 , 2ernopil National >.onomi. Dni#ersity* Fa.lty of <ompter an' 6nformation 2e.hnologies* spe.ialisation QSoft1are >ngineeringQ
%in aFsentia-* gra'ate'.
1557-1555 , 2ernopil State Dni#ersity* Fa.lty of <ompter* spe.ialisation Q3tomati. Systems Soft1areQ $was forced to cease formal
education due to catastrophic financial situation9 since then continued regular and independent studies' in part using the rele!ant courses from world:s leading technical uni!ersities%.
155,-1557 , D"rainian Small 3.a'emy of %Fase' on the Fa.lty of 7hysi.s an' /athemati.s of 2ernopil National 7e' Dni#ersity-*
spe.ialisation 7rogramming.
1577-1557 , 2ernopil >!perimental s.hool nmFer $4 %sper#ise' Fy 2ernopil National 7e' Dni#ersity-*
spe.ialisation e!a.t an' programming %a'#an.e' le#el-.
-articipated in competitions on the regional and republic scales.
,;34-,;3, formed from <ygote9 my father is an athlete' a submariner' and works as a teacher9 my mother is a biologist' a musician and teacher.
Bi." learner; a''i.te' to learning; .an learn from personal e!perien.e an' e!perien.e of others. ?oo' memory.
De#elope' intition. 3stte* aFle to thin" otsi'e the Fo!* aFle to .apti#ate people* to impose professional
gro1th. (igh moti#ation regar'ing the 1or"* openness* honesty* integrity* responsiFility. Sophisti.ate' sense of
hmor* .onfli.t netralising %a.tally* ha' a goo' e!perien.e of .onfli.t resol#ing-. Diligent. OpenCmin'e'.
No Fa' haFits. 7ositi#e attit'e to tra#el %in.l'ing to another .ontry-.
(urrently residing in =yi!.
Additional information:
Language abilities:
D"rainian %mother tonge-
&ssian %se.on' langage; also highly profi.ient in 1riting.-
>nglish %profi.ient in rea'ing* 1riting an' .ommni.ation. 3'#an.e' Fsiness negotiation.-
7olish %Fasi.; .an rea' an' n'erstan'; Ft some 'iffi.lties in tal"ing-
6ntereste' in learning more langages* .rrently learning ?erman an' Sans"rit.
Interests: faltCtolerant systems; e!perimental OS; "ernels; general* net1or" an' 'istriFte' file systems; .on.rrent programming langages* highC
performan.e .ompting; msi. %melomania.* e'.ation-; s"iCmontaineering; Kantm physi.s* .osmology* philosophy* transChmanism*
B''hism* 36* NL7* yoga.

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