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Graceful Aging:

A Gift from MaxGXL and Max N-Fuze

No one seems to appreciate getting old. No doubt because of where it leads! Woody
Allen quipped, “I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to
achieve it through not dying.”
Aging celebrities fight this process with face-freezing injections and plastic surgery.
But wise men and women understand that while you can’t stop the clock, you can
slow it down. These people look beyond the symptoms to take action against the
cause of aging.

Here’s how two PhD researchers define aging:

“Aging in mammals is...a decline in physiological functions resulting from cumulative
damage to tissues that overwhelms the body’s natural ability to repair them.”1
And what causes the majority of this damage? UC Berkeley professor of biochemistry
and molecular biology, Bruce N. Ames, stated that “The degenerative diseases of
aging...are increasingly found to have, in good part, an oxidative origin.”2

We can’t live without oxygen but we need to realize oxygen reactions generate
oxidants or free radicals. Dr. Ames also stated that each cell of the body is hit by
free radicals 10,000 times every day.3

Unlike other injuries, you cannot feel what is happening with free radical damage.
Perhaps we need to consider this shocking comparison from a study published in The
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science:
“Oxidant by-products of normal metabolism cause extensive damage to DNA, protein,
and lipid. We argue that this damage (the same as that produced by radiation)
is a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases of aging...”4 Oxidative
damage is as harmful as radiation damage!

Identifying the Culprits

The following radicals are responsible for oxidative damage done in the body:
Superoxide, alkoxyl peroxide, hydroxyl, nitric oxide, hydroperoxyl, singlet
oxygen, hypochlorous acid (bleach!), hydrogen peroxide .

Free radical attacks also occur within a cell and perhaps are more insidious. Every
cell contains double-strand DNA which provides chemical instructions for what the
cell is to do. This cellular DNA resides in the nucleus of cells.
The “energy factories” of each cell are called mitochondria where the energy to fuel
the cell is created. The mitochondria have a single strand DNA, called “mitochondria
DNA” or mtDNA. In Dr. Keller’s glutathione monograph he writes, “...cellular DNA
has developed multiple defenses against free radical damage but these protections
are absent or have not yet developed in mtDNA.” 5 What protects the delicate spiral of
mtDNA? The powerful antioxidant glutathione is one protector.
The hydroxyl radical causes no end of cellular and DNA damage but even worse, it
“cascades.” If this free radical is not “quenched” or stopped by an antioxidant, a
carbon-centered radical that reacts with oxygen to create the peroxyl radical which
then can react with other fatty acids or proteins. One researcher has described how
peroxynitrite, another cascading free radical, attacks an enzyme crucial to the energy
cycle, causing a drop in ATP (the energy that fuels your cells). 6 You WILL feel this loss
of energy.

Dr. Keller explains that during the energy creation process in the mitochondria, the
superoxide free radical is produced. The antioxidant enzyme called superoxide
dismutase (SOD) coverts it to a hydroxyl group and hydrogen peroxide, both of which
are free radicals themselves. That is the first step to neutralizing this radical. But
superoxide dismutase now needs more antioxidant help to finish the job.

Antioxidants: Heroes to the Rescue!

Thankfully, our bodies provide many powerful antioxidants to halt or slow the
damage done by free radicals. You’ve heard of the antioxidants we can take into our
bodies like vitamin A, E and C

There are four powerful antioxidants actually created inside the body:
• Glutathione (GSH)
• Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
• Catalase (CAT)
• Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Superoxide dismutase starts breaking down the highly damaging superoxide free
radical but needs glutathione and catalase to finish the job by neutralizing the
hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide radicals.

Glutathione has often been called the most important intracellular defense against
free radical damage. But Dr. Keller says its most important claim to fame is that
glutathione “alone in the antioxidant world, regenerates (recycles) directly and
indirectly, a variety of other antioxidants including vitamin C, CoQ10, vitamin E and
vitamin A.”7 Catalase converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Coenzyme
Q10 or CoQ10 provides hydrogen atoms to reduce (quench) the peroxyl and the
alkoxyl radical.

The Immense Value of MaxGXL and Max N-Fuze

What does your body need in order to have not just free radical protection but SUPER
free radical protection? You need the building blocks of glutathione. You need the
other three endogenous (created in the body) antioxidants: superoxide dismutase,
catalase and CoQ10.
You need the vitamins and minerals that are co-factors in the utilization of these
antioxidants. Here is a “for instance.” Substances that assist in the production of
glutathione and the five antioxidant glutathione enzymes are called co-factors.
Important glutathione co-factors include the trace mineral selenium, vitamins B 1 and
B2, vitamin C, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin E and other micronutrients.

Can you see how MaxGXL and Max N-Fuze work synergistically to provide nutrients
and needed antioxidants for your increased health?
Arm your body with a full arsenal of antioxidants by providing the building blocks and
co-factors needed for this amazing production. Your body knows what to do with
these ingredients.

Maximize your health with MaxGXL and Max N-


1. Muhammed Majeed, PhD and Lakshmi Prakash PhD, “Aging, Biomorphosis Life Span and Phytonutrients,”
Sabinsa Corporation White Paper, 2007.
2. Bruce N. Ames, “The Causes and Prevention of Cancer,”
BiologyPages/A/Ames_Causes.html. [Emphasis added.]
3. Jane E. Brody, “Scientist at Work: Bruce N. Ames; Strong Views on the Origins of Cancer,” The New York
Times, July 5, 1994.
4. Ames BN, Shigenaga MK, Hagen TM, “Oxidants, antioxidants, and the degenerative diseases of aging,”
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Vol. 90, September 1993, 7915-7922. [Emphasis added.]
5. Robert H. Keller, Glutathione: Your Best Defense Against Aging, Cellular Damage and Disease, p. 14-15,
Salt Lake City, UT, 2008, ISBN 978-0-615-26451-6.
6. Pall M, “Elevated, sustained peroxynitrite levels as the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome,” Medical
Hypotheses (2000) 54(1):115-125.
7. Keller, ibid, page 26.

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