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- Identificacin Asignatura Ingls

Docente Pedro R. Iguarn P

Grado Noveno

Fecha Noviembre 28 de 2012

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Leo y comprendo textos narrativos y descriptivos de diferentes fuentes sobre temas que me son familiares y comprendo textos argumentativos cortos y sencillos. Cuando me hablan sobre lo que hago en la escuela o en mi tiempo libre, comprendo las ideas generales si el lenguaje es claro. Participo en conversaciones en las que expreso opiniones e intercambio informacin sobre temas personales o de mi vida diaria. Hago presentaciones breves para describir, narrar, justificar y explicar brevemente hechos y procesos, tambin mis sueos, esperanzas y ambiciones. Mi pronunciacin es clara pero an cometo errores y tengo acento extranjero. Escribo textos expositivos sobre temas de mi entorno y mis intereses, con una ortografa y puntuacin aceptables. En mis redacciones uso el vocabulario y la gramtica que conozco con cierta precisin, pero cuando trato temas que no conozco o expreso ideas complejas cometo errores.

4.- Actividades a desarrollar Unidades 2-3-4-5-6: Vocabulario y gramtica. (Repaso de la escritura y pronunciacin de las palabras Desarrollo de las actividades practicas adjuntas al taller.

5.- Evaluacin ObservacionesLa Comisin de evaluacin y Promocin decidi entregar a todos los estudiantes que se hayan aplazado para Enero de 2013 una serie de actividades con el propsito de mantener en ritmo de aprendizaje, reforzar y/o fortalecer contenidos. Es indispensable que las desarrolle y las presente completas el 21 del mismo mes o la nueva fecha que la institucin asigne e informe a travs del blog institucional. Lo anterior constituye un referente para el trabajo de la semana, sin embargo, invitamos a todos a prepararse de la mejor manera realizando ejercicios, lecturas, viendo videos, visitando pginas web, etc. Si un estudiante llegara a la semana de Enero sin presentar las actividades resueltas en su

INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE EDUCACIN PARA EL TALENTO HUMANO ESPECIALIZADO totalidad, la Comisin considerar que no hubo acompaamiento de la familia y que no se encuentra preparado para el trabajo de esa semana. Por lo tanto no podr promoverse al grado siguiente. Nota: La semana que la institucin decida para trabajar las actividades complementarias tendrn un costo por asignatura el cual deber asumir la familia.


Read the e-mail from Tanya, a Canadian teenager, to her Costa Rican key pal, Maria. Then circle the letter of the correct answer for each question.

Hi Maria, How are you doing? I havent heard from you for a few days. Are you still feeling under the weather? You know what I do when I have a cold? My mom makes me chicken soup and I drink lots of lemon tea with honey and garlic. Try it. It might work for you. Now I need your advice! Do you remember my cousin Kym? Shes older than me, but were really closelike sisters. Shes the one who goes to the University of Victoria. Well, she wants to go somewhere warm for the Christmas holidays. Shes what we call a snowbird in Canadayou know, someone who likes to fly south to escape the winter. She was talking about where to go this year, and I suggested she consider your country, Costa Rica. She thinks its a great idea. So she asked me if I would contact you and get some inside information about where to go, what to do, and where to stay. Shes planning to go with two of her friends and theyll have to travel on a pretty tight budget. Kym and her friends are not your typical tourists that like to hit all the big tourist spots. Theyre pretty adventurous and like to explore out-of-the-way places. What do you suggest? Of course, Id like to tag along, but I dont think I can talk my parents into it. But I had a good idea. Youve never seen snow before, have you? Why dont you come and visit me this winter? Kind of like a snowbird in reverse! We could go up to Whistler Mountainits just a few hours inland from our place in Vancouver and we have a chalet up there! My dad went in on it with my uncle a couple of years ago and theyve been spending the last few summers fixing it up. Its really something now. And Whistler is totally awesome. Its considered one of the top resorts in Canada. Theres always snowand there are 33 lifts (and quite a few beginner slopes). Theres also a wonderful winter wildlife tour that we can go on! Whistler is very international, with restaurants serving cuisine from all over the world! And Whistler Village is set up for strolling, so we can get almost anywhere we want without worrying about transportation. And you dont have to worry about the altitude eitherits not too high and people rarely have trouble. Anyway Maria, you just have to come! I promise itll be the best Christmas youve ever had. Ask your parents and tell me what they say! Your friend,



1. What is wrong with Maria? a. Shes ill. b. Shes cold.

c. She doesnt like the weather. c. Tanyas older sister

d. Shes hungry and thirsty. d. Tanyas uncles daughter d. Shes a flight attendant.

2. Who is Kym? a. Tanyas instructor

b. Tanyas close friend

3. What does Kym do? a. Shes a student. b. Shes a professor. c. Shes a travel agent. 4. What dont snowbirds like? a. flying in summer b. cold weather 5. What did Kym ask Tanya to do? a. get travel tips b. go with her to from Maria Costa Rica

c. warm weather

d. flying in winter

c. talk her parents into going with them

d. give suggestions about different countries

6. About how much can Kym and her friends spend? a. a large sum b. a huge budget c. a fairly small amount 7. What kinds of places would Kym and her friends like to see? a. all the big tourist b. well-known c. famous spots towns and cities sightseeing spots 8. Who would Tanya like to visit Costa Rica with? a. with her parents b. with Kym and c. by herself her friends 9. Where is Whistler Mountain situated? a. in Vancouver b. on the ocean

d. nothing at all

d. unusual places

d. with her parents and Kyms group

c. away from the coast

d. below sea level

10. How did Tanyas family get the place at Whistler Mountain? a. Her father bought b. Her father went c. Her father and it from her uncle. in and bought it. uncle bought it together. 11. How can Tanya and Maria get around in Whistler Village? a. on foot b. on the lifts c. in a stroller

d. It has been in her fathers family a long time.

d. by public transportation


12. Which attraction doesnt Tanya mention as she describes Whistler? a. skiing b. a monorail c. food from d. excursions to see system different countries native animals

Circle the word that does not belong in each group. (1 point each) Ex: swimming




so rainy hungry disgusting if

where foggy angry awful where

but sunny upset horrible what





Fill in the blanks with words from the box. (1 point each) bored happy awesome scared embarrassed upset

Ex: Shes always smiling. Shes a very happy girl.

6. Im ____________________ because I cant go to the party. 7. It was the most ____________________ concert ever! 8. The lecture was too long, and everyone was ____________________ . 9. The movie ____________________ her so much she was afraid to go to sleep. 10. I was____________________ because I forgot to send my friend a birthday card.

Fill in the blanks with weather words. (1 point each) Ex: The sun is out. Its a sunny day today.
11. Dont go running today. Its dangerous to exercise when its this

____________________ outside.
12. When its ____________________ outside, its fun to stay inside by the fire.

INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE EDUCACIN PARA EL TALENTO HUMANO ESPECIALIZADO 13. Its dangerous to drive on ____________________ nights. You cant see more than a

few inches in front of you.


Lets go to the beach. Its going to be a ____________________ and sunny day.

15. Its much too ____________________ to play tennis today. The balls will blow off the


Fill in the blanks with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. (1 point each) Then rewrite the statements as Yes/No questions. (2 points each) Ex: The singer Selena (die) died in 1995. Did the singer Selena die in 1995?
16. She (ask) ____________________ us for help.

17. Fran (be) ____________________ late again.

18. He (keep) ____________________ us waiting for almost two hours.

19. My brother (get) ____________________ a puppy for his birthday.

20. Gloria (know) ____________________ the answer to every question.

21. They (meet) ____________________ in their English class.

22. She (fail) ____________________ an intelligence test.

23. Hal (want) ____________________ to go to Harvard.

24. Catalina (try) ____________________ to teach them Spanish.

25. She (write) _____________________ a book about traveling in Japan.



Complete the responses with used to or use to. (1 point each) Ex: We used to visit our grandparents every weekend.

Im sure Rob ____________________ play on our baseball team.

27. Did she ____________________ be an actress? 28. We didnt ____________________ take long vacations. 29. I didnt ____________________ study for exams. 30. Her father ____________________ drive us to school every day. 31. Didnt he ____________________ live on our street?

Read the questions. Then write answers in complete sentences. Use the cues. (2 points each) Ex: What did you study last night? (math and French) I studied math and French last night.
32. What time did they get home? (at 10:00 oclock)

33. Why did she come inside? (raining)

34. When did he learn to skateboard? (fifteen years old)

35. What did you have for dinner? (spaghetti)

36. Who walked the dog yesterday? (Andy)

37. What did you give Emmy for her birthday? (a new bike)

38. Where did she leave her backpack? (Cindys house)

39. What movie did they see? (a Harry Potter movie)



Unscramble the words to make sentences and questions. Add periods or question marks. (3 points each) Ex: our / finish / did / late / not / dinner / We We did not finish our dinner late.
40. was / to / school / It / hard / too / raining / walk / to

41. she / Why / go / didnt / Chicago / to

42. awesome / the / thought / show / was / We

43. rain / took / but / umbrella / I / it / my / didnt

44. angry / Why / always / he / so / is


Fill in the blanks with and, but, or so. (1 point each) Ex: I got up very early, but I still missed the bus!
45. I went to Mexio, ____________________ I learned to speak Spanish. 46. Adam really loves rap music, ____________________ his mother thinks its awful. 47. She was bored, ____________________ she went home early. 48. He wanted to study in Japan, ____________________ he studied Japanese. 49. The weather was warm and sunny, ____________________ he went on a picnic.

Fill in the blanks with the past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. (1 point each) When our grandparents arrived . . . Ex: Paula (listen) was listening to the radio.
50. Camila (sing) ____________________ in the shower. 51. Pasha (play) ____________________ on the computer. 52. Johnny (admire) ____________________ our new CD player. 53. Alix (climb) ____________________ a tree in the park. 54. She (wear) ____________________ her new boots.


Match each clause in column A with the correct clause in column B. Write the letter. (1 point) Then write sentences using the past continuous and simple past forms of the verbs in parentheses. (2 points each)

A d . Ex: I (study) for a test when She (buy) a necklace while . It (start) to rain while . He (see) an accident while . We (wait) for the bus They (skateboarding) when . I (break) my arm when .

B a. we (have) a picnic b. when my dad (get) home c. I (play) football d. my favorite show came on TV e. he (drive) home from work f. she (shop) for earrings g. it (start) to snow

Ex: I was studying for a test when my favorite show came on TV. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Circle the letters of the correct answers. (1 point each) Ex: b. c. You were awesome! Thanks I can believe that. Congratulations.

56. Next time youre going to be late, please call.

a. Nothing much. b. Keep dreaming. c. Promise, Dad. Sorry.

57. Did you do your homework?

a. Yes, I did. b. Yes, I was. c. Yes, it is.

58. What did you think of the meal?

a. It was really awesome. b. Fine, thanks. c. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

59. That book was really boring.

a. Youre right about that. b. Yes, it was awesome.


c. Maybe tomorrow.
60. Im going to be a famous actress.

a. Not anymore. b. Keep dreaming. c. Wait a minute.

61. We called an ambulance.

a. Take your time! b. That was nice of you. c. Dont be nervous.

62. Why did you take the train?

a. Im calling 911. b. Of course I did. c. I missed the bus.

63. Shes a talented singer.

a. Thats true. b. Yes, she is. c. Yes, she did.

64. Did you like the meal?

a. No, it was terrible. b. No, it was fantastic. c. No, it was really good.
65. Why are you so upset?

a. Because I got an A on the exam. b. Because the exam was so easy. c. Because I failed the exam.

66. Read the conversation. Then put a check

conversation and an

if a problem below is mentioned in the if the problem is not mentioned. (1 point each)

Kathy: Hi, Gillian. How was your audition? Gillian: It was awful. Kathy: Why? What happened? Gillian: Well, I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Kathy: That is awful. Could you sing? Gillian: I took some medicine, and felt a lot better. My voice seemed OK. Kathy: So, why was your audition so bad? Gillian: Because on the way, I fell in the mud. My outfit was ruined. Kathy: Oh, no! Gillian: Right. And that made me nervous. Kathy: Im sure it did. Gillian: And Chloe auditioned right before me. She has a beautiful voice. Kathy: So how did your song go? Gillian: Not so well. Im thinking about being an actress. Ex: The audition was cancelled.


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Gillian woke up sick. Breakfast was late. She missed the bus and arrived late. She fell in the mud and ruined her outfit. The judges were unfair. The girl before her sang the same song she was going to sing. Gillian wants to be an actress. She felt nervous. It was hot in the auditorium. The girl who sang before her had a beautiful voice.

Circle the word that does not belong in each group. (1 point each) Ex: hot

tall elbow attractive fault prefer funnier

heavy farther audition wrist love bigger ankle beautiful knee rude Sneaker







72. Unscramble the letters and write the words for the parts of the body. (1 point each)

Ex: y e e eye 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e n o s ____________________ k e n a l ____________________ t o o f ____________________ c a b k ____________________ h p i ____________________ s t w i a ____________________ e o t ____________________ w o e b l ____________________ e f c a ____________________

10. h t m b u ____________________ 11. f e n i r g ____________________ Write the parts of the body from above in the correct category below. (1 point each) The head ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ The arm ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ The leg ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ The body ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Circle the letters of the correct answers. (1 point each) Ex: I am shorter ____________________ my brother. a. that than
73. You ____________________ drink more water.









INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE EDUCACIN PARA EL TALENTO HUMANO ESPECIALIZADO 74. I dont think it ____________________ rain tomorrow.

a. a. a. a.

must will the most good

b. b. b. b.

will must more better

c. c. c. c.

shouldnt might much the best

75. To get a permit you ____________________ be at least fifteen. 76. He is ____________________ important player on his team. 77. What was ____________________ movie you saw last year.

Each sentence below is missing a word. Write the corrected sentences. (2 points each) Ex: Daves a better singer you. Daves a better singer than you.
78. That was worst joke in the show!

79. This book is interesting than that one.

80. Im not talented as my sister.

81. Who is the famous person in the world?

82. The first one is bigger the second one.


Rewrite the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses. (2 points each) Ex: Her shoes were (expensive) than her dress. Her shoes were more expensive than her dress.
83. Rock climbing is (dangerous) than windsurfing.

84. No, hes not (good) student in the class.

85. I think her car is (fast) than his.


86. She thinks this dress is (pretty) than that one.

87. This is the (exciting) ride in the amusement park.


Fill in the blanks with should, shouldnt, or must. (1 point each) Ex: You should always be polite.
88. You ____________________ eat too much candy. 89. You ____________________ pass your tests to graduate. 90. You ____________________ run when its hot outside. 91. You ____________________ show an ID to get on a plane. 92. You ____________________ go to bed early when youre tired. 93. You ____________________ be late for your auditions.

Combine the two sentences to make first conditional sentences. (2 points each) Ex: The train doesnt come. We take the bus. If the train doesnt come, well take the bus.
94. We dont leave now.

We are late. ___________________________________________________________________ We go inside to eat. ___________________________________________________________________ I give some to you. ___________________________________________________________________ He needs to take driving lessons. ___________________________________________________________________ I am very disappointed. ___________________________________________________________________ You need to practice more. ___________________________________________________________________

95. It starts to rain.

96. I win the money.

97. He wants to learn to drive.

98. She doesnt come to the party.

99. You want to get into Juilliard.


Fill in the blanks with will or wont. (1 point for each blank) Ex: I will definitely get a good grade on this English test.
100. I ____________________ break it, I promise. I ____________________ be really

101. If you dont leave now, you ____________________ be late for your next class. 102. It ____________________ rain on Saturday, so bring your umbrella. 103. If you dont hurry, you ____________________ be on time for your audition. 104. A: Sonia ____________________ be there, right?

B: No, she ____________________, but Amy ____________________ be.

105. If you do that, you ____________________ be in a lot of trouble. Everyone

____________________ be upset.

Circle the correct answers. (1 point each) Ex:

106. Dont worry. I promise I wont / may forget your birthday. 107. Dont buy her flowers yet! She wont / may not get the part! 108. Do you promise you will / might be careful out there? 109. Sallys not sure, but she said she will / might be a bit late. 110. My mom doesnt know if she will / may be able to come.

Unscramble the statements and questions. Be sure to add commas and periods where they are needed. (3 points each) Ex: you / If / hurt / wont / able / wrist / play / on / your / Saturday / you / be / to If you hurt your wrist, you wont be able to play on Saturday
111. thinks / she / He / in / is / the / best / group / the / singer

112. might / My / dad / take / camping / us / time / he / if / has

113. He / talented / Tom / as / as / just / is

114. most / intelligent / class / in / student / Who / the / the / is


115. most / star / Bollywood / beautiful / She / in / is / the


Circle the letters of the correct answers. (1 point each) Ex: Is it snowing? Yes, it is. b. Yes, it was c. Yes, I am.
116. Are you mad at me?

a. Im in. b. Should I be? c. Congratulations!

117. Which do you prefer, cheese or ham?

a. In a sandwich. b. No, I dont. c. Ham.

118. You got the best grade.

a. Youre kidding! b. Maybe I will. c. Actually, theres something.

119. Whats the matter?

a. Its mine. b. Its nothing. c. Im sorry to hear that.

120. Any news?

a. I know that. b. Its not your fault. c. Yes, I got into Star Performers.
121. I think Nicole is the most talented actress.

a. I agree. b. Its nothing. c. Whats up?

122. Are you going to go to the movie?

a. If I will, I mustnt go. b. If I have time, Ill go. c. If I go to the movie, I may.
123. What are you going to do this summer?

a. Give it a try! b. I must not litter. c. I might take music lessons.


a. If youll see a doctor. b. You should see a doctor. c. You must not see a doctor.
125. I got accepted into the program!

a. Neither can I! b. Nothing much! c. Congratulations!

126. Read the e-mail. Then answer the questions below. Give short answers.

(2 points each) Sandra, Im very excited about your visit to New York! I think youll have a lot of fun here. Theres a lot to do, and a lot off fun things to see. What kinds of things do you want to do here? I know youll just be here for three days. So we should choose a few things you really want to do. If you like museums, well go to the Metropolitan or the Museum of Modern Art. If you want to get a good view of the city, well visit the Empire State Building. Its the tallest building in New York and the views are awesome. If you want to buy designer clothes, we can go to Madison Avenue. The best (and most expensive) stores are there. Or if youre interested in trendy, casual clothes, well go shopping in Soho. And if you want to just hang out and relax, well go to Central Park. Its the biggest park in the city and there are walking trails, a lake, and a zoo. New York is often hot in the summer, so you should bring some shorts and t-shirts. You should bring a few dressy things, too. But the most important thing to bring is comfortable shoes. Well be walking a lot! Looking forward to your visit. See you soon! Chris Ex: Whos going to visit New York? Sandra 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How long will she be there? ____________________ Where can she see a good view of the city? ____________________ Where are the most expensive shops? ____________________ Where can she buy casual, trendy clothes? ____________________ Whats the biggest park in the city? ____________________ Whats the weather like in the summer? ____________________ Whats the most important thing to bring? ____________________


Write the missing vowels to complete the emotion adjectives. (1 point each) Ex: sad
127. s _ r p r _ s _ d 128. _xc _ t _d 129. _ ngry 130. _ mb _ rr_ ss _ d 131. t _ r _d

Fill in the blanks with and, but, or so. (1 point each) Ex: We didnt feel well last night, so we didnt go out to eat.
132. He studied all weekend, ____________ he didnt pass the exam. 133. I was tired of working, _____ Alexis was, too. 134. He wants to go to Peru with us, ______ doesnt have a passport. 135. Grandma is happy with her new house, ____________ Grandpa is, too. 136. There wasnt enough room for everyone in the car, ____________ Kate and I took the

137. They were very upset when they heard the bad news, ______ I was too. 138. My father wanted to be an astronaut, ______ he became a science teacher instead.

Unscramble the words to make sentences. (3 points each) Ex: always / He / upset / is / . He is always upset.
139. never / He / gets / embarrassed / .

140. didnt / She / famous / use / be / to / .

141. His / used / singer / be / mother / to / a / .

142. grandmother / to / great / My / used / a / be/ athlete / .

143. to / didnt / We / walk / use / school / to / .


144. to / I / used / every / practice / afternoon / tennis / .


Write the sentences as Yes/No questions or negative statements. (2 points each) Ex: They used to speak Spanish. (question) Did they use to speak Spanish?
145. She used to play chess. (negative)

146. They used to go to Mexico every summer. (question)

147. My aunt used to be a nurse (question)

148. We used to be in the same class. (negative)

149. John used to want to be a fireman. (negative)


Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. (2 points each) I dream of being famous one day. Dream on. Why not you?

Im so nervous! Im keeping my fingers crossed. Youre right.

Chris: (Ex:) Im so nervous! Do you think I have a chance? Jen: They have to pick someone. (1) ______________________________ Chris: (2) ______________________________ This might be my big chance. You know, (3) ______________________________ Jen: (4) ______________________________ Youre good, but not that good. Chris: You don't know that. I may surprise you! Jen: (5) ______________________________ Stranger things have happened.


Fill in the blanks with the correct weather vocabulary. (1 point each) warm cold snowing foggy sunny raining

Ex: Its cold in Alaska most of the year. Take along a heavy jacket.
151. Its pretty ____________ out. You dont need a sweater. 152. Take along your umbrella. Its _________ hard outside. 153. Dont drive home if its __________ tonight. It will be too hard to see. 154. Its __________ here. We cant go to school because the roads are closed. 155. If its __________ tomorrow, well have lunch in the park.

Unscramble the sentences. Put a comma (,) after a when or while clause that begins a sentence. (3 points each) Ex: wasnt / when / raining / It / arrived / we / . It wasnt raining when we arrived.
156. we / When / music / kept / the / dancing / stopped / playing /.

157. home / were / We / him / we / walking / found / when / .

158. you / studying / While / asleep / were / I / was/.

159. eating / was / He / they / when / came / home /.

160. was / sitting / park / He / in / when / music / started / the / .



Fill in the blanks with the past continuous or the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. (2 points each) Then rewrite each sentence with the clauses reversed. (2 points each) Ex: The wind (blow) was blowing when they (leave) left. When they left, the wind was blowing.
161. When she (find) ____________ him, he (run) ____________ with his dog.

162. My uncle (skateboard) ____________ when he (hurt) ____________ his arm.

163. I (cook) ____________ dinner when the electricity (go) ____________ off.

164. My class (listen) ____________ to a lecture when the door (fly) ____________ open.

165. While they (play) ____________ tennis, it (start) ____________ to snow.


Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. (2 points each) We were going to, when we realized that We saw a terrible accident while we were someone else was on the phone with 911. riding on the bus this morning. Was the skateboarder riding on the He was skateboarding in the middle of sidewalk when the car hit him? the street. Did you call for help? What happened?

Maria: (Ex:) We saw a terrible accident while we were riding on the bus this morning. Janet: (1) ______________________________. Maria: A car hit a skateboarder. Janet: Thats awful.(2) ______________________________. Maria: No. (3) ______________________________ He wasnt watching the traffic, and he cut in front of the car. Janet: So the skateboarder caused the accident? Maria: Yes, he did. Janet: (4) ______________________________. Maria: (5) ______________________________ Janet: I hope the skateboarder wasnt hurt too badly, but he should have been more careful.


Complete the table. (1 point each)


Adjective Ex: tall tiny far old handsome talented good-looking successful bad-tempered

Comparative taller than _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Superlative the tallest _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses. (2 points each) Ex: Theo (fast) is faster than Daniel.
168. Helen of Troy was (beautiful) ____________ woman in the world. 169. Which is (scary) ____________, a lion or a tiger? 170. That was (good) ____________ movie Ive seen in years. 171. I think Sarah is (quick) ____________ than Jesse. 172. Zoila is (young) ____________ girl in our class. 173. Which is (bad) ____________, a cold or the flu? 174. Your car is (new) ____________ than mine. 175. Allison is (intelligent) ____________ person Ive ever met. 176. Angelina Jolie is (famous) ____________ in the United States than Ash Rai. 177. Who is (popular) ____________, Nicole Kidman or Amitabh Bachchan?

Unscramble the words to make sentences. (3 points each) Ex: are / smart / Im / not / you / as / you / . Im not as smart as you are.
178. as / My / is / skateboard / as / skateboard / fast / your / .

179. work / Larry / hard / doesnt / I / as / as / do / .


180. difficult / as / is / Acting / dancing / is / as .

181. as / as / Teresa / talented / not / you / are / is .


Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. (2 points each) Jesse is definitely more talented than Allison is. Allison is smarter than Jesse is. Shes the best singer in the whole school.

Who do you think is smarter, who do you think is nicer? I think Jesse is easier to talk to than Allison is.

John: Paula: John: Paula: John: Paula: John:

(Ex:) Who do you think is smarter, Jesse or Allison? Thats easy. (1) ______________________________ I agree. Well (2)______________________________ Thats hard to say. Theyre both friendly. Thats true, but (3) ______________________________ (4) ______________________________ Youre right. (5) ______________________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct parts of the body. (1 point each) back nose hip leg neck thumb elbow stomach

Ex: She always stands with her hand on her hip.

183. Your ____________________ will hurt if you carry too many books in your pack. 184. Hold it close to your ____________________ if you want to smell it. 185. You need your ____________________ to hold a pen. 186.

Your ____________________ holds up your head.

187. If your pants are too short, they wont cover your ____________________. 188. You bend your arm at the ____________________. 189. After a big meal, your ____________________ feels full.


Rewrite the sentences as negative or affirmative statements or as questions. (2 points each) Ex: Ill be late for the meeting. (negative) I wont be late for the meeting.

Hell be a great actor. (question) ____________________________________________________________

191. We wont get tickets for the show. (affirmative)

192. She should apply to Juilliard. (negative)

193. Her father will get her a summer job where he works. (negative)

194. Terry hurt her ankle during practice. (question)


Fill in the blanks with should, shouldnt or must. (1 point each) Ex: You shouldnt eat so much.
195. You ____________ always wear a seat belt. 196. You look so sad. You ____________ take what he says so seriously. 197. Teachers ____________ give too much homework. 198. You are going to flunk Spanish. You ____________ study more. 199. To graduate, you ____________ take four years of English.

Unscramble the words to make sentences. (3 points each) Ex: so / You / ask / for / shouldnt / questions / many / . You shouldnt ask so many questions.
200. teeth / brush / your / You / twice / day / should / a / .

201. hurt / tennis / playing / wrist / She / her / .

202. all / We / graduate / year / will / this / .


203. should / the / get / He / best / not / part / again / .

204. shouldnt / about / You / nervous / be / audition / the / .

205. must / You / more / have / attitude / positive / a / .

____________________________________________________________ Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. (2 points each) Not yet. You look like you're in pain I hurt my ankle while we were practicing. Ok. Ill tell her. You should tell her. Youre right, as usual.

Are you OK? (Ex:) You look like you're in pain. (1) ______________________________ Have you told the coach? (2) ______________________________ I want to play in tomorrows game. (3) ______________________________ She may suggest something that will make your ankle feel better. Kate: (4) ______________________________. Becca: Good. You dont want to lose the game for your team! Kate: Thanks, Becca. (5) ______________________________ Becca: Kate: Becca: Kate: Becca: Fill in the blanks with activities from the box. (1 point each) take Spanish classes hang out with friends babysit stop by go on vacation go to summer school

Ex: Ill babysit to earn some money.

207. I may ____________________ before we go to Mexico. 208. I have no plans. I might ____________________ Jans house to see what hes doing. 209. We ____________________ every August when my dad has time off. 210. This summer, Im going to ___________________ at the beach. 211. Im going to ____________________ to learn some new computer skills.


Combine the sentences to make first conditional sentences. (3 points each) Ex: Shes late. We miss the bus. If shes late, well miss the bus.

The weather is rainy. We hang out at home. ____________________________________________________________ He is disappointed. ____________________________________________________________ Pick another book to read. ____________________________________________________________ She doesnt get the part. ____________________________________________________________ You must work faster. ____________________________________________________________ Circle the letters of the correct answers. (1 point each) Ex: We have plenty of time. We ____________________ miss it. wont b. should c. might

213. He isnt chosen for the lead part.

214. Its too difficult.

215. She doesnt do well in the audition.

216. You want the job.

217. I didnt turn in my homework. I ____________ get an F on the assignment.

a. a.

will must

b. b.

may may

c. c.

may not may not

218. I tried out for the play. I ____________ be a star! 219. If its snowing, we ____________ go skiing.

a. a. a.

might am shouldnt

b. b. b.

may not may will

c. c. c.

will not shouldnt wont

220. I ____________ spend the summer with relatives in Japan. 221. My mom ____________ be happy. She wanted a new car, not a new washing machine.

Unscramble the words to make sentences. (3 points each) Ex: hot / might / it / If / I / home / too / stay / is / . If it is too hot, I might stay home.
222. the / may / be / party / They / to / come / not / able / to / .


INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE EDUCACIN PARA EL TALENTO HUMANO ESPECIALIZADO 223. can / I / you / if / with / help / your / you / homework / want / .

224. now / you / eat / dont / If / will / hungry / you / be / later .

225. be / take / might / They / to / not / able / us / .

226. too / If / is / it / we / expensive / may / buy / not / it / .

___________________________________________________________ Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. (2 points each) I might take French classes. If we dont sign up for the class by Thursday, it may be too late. Maybe Ill take the class with you.

I might just hang out. I may go there as an exchange student next summer. Lets take a language class together.

Hey, Trish. What are you going to do this summer? (Ex:) I might just hang out. Thats boring. (1) ______________________________ What do you want to study? Im not sure. (2) ______________________________ Really? Do you think you might visit France? (3) ______________________________ Thats why I thought it was a good idea. Trish: (4) ______________________________ Alex: We have to decide soon. (5) ______________________________ Alex: Trish: Alex: Trish: Alex: Trish: Alex:

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