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House of: The Sun and Leo Life Themes: holidays, partying style, friendships, play, children, artful self-expression, pride, creative risks and gambling, performance, dramatic storytelling, celebrations, games, amusement, the Dad House of Creativity, Passion, Pleasure: The fifth house holds clues to how you express yourself creatively. What's unique about you, that you like to flaunt and celebrate? What are you proud of in life? This house shows the manner that you radiate outward, being the house of the Sun. What do you create that's totally You. It could be works of art, literature, fashion, crafts, home decor, or the ultimate spin-off of who you are -- your kids. This house shows how you express your joy for life in an outward way. Sometimes it points to that natural enthusiasm being squelched or channeled in a disciplined way (if Saturn is in the house, for example). It's the house of pleasure and fun, from parties, to trips to the amusement park, to parades and holiday festivities. Because the fifth house represents the spontaneous enjoyment of life, it's the realm of the eternal child within. Ready to play? This house shows the kinds of games and sports we choose, and what we do for pure pleasure. The fifth house is Leo ruled, and associated with the father. But rather than the stern authoritarian of the 10th house, this is more a reflection of the Dad. How did he play or show pride? This extends to parenting, as well, with the 5th house reflective of how you relate to your own mini-me, and to kids in general. It's also the house of creativity. Planets here guide how you express yourself through art, performance, and your social-romantic life. This house is about your passion, and what stirs it. Romance and love affairs are colored by the 5th house, but marriage is the province of the 7th House. The sparks flying, a mutual regard, and shared celebrations in a relationship stay kindled via the flavor of the 5th house. A prominent fifth house can give you a larger-than-life persona, and make you memorable to others. You'll have a strong need to tell your personal story, and do it in a dramatic way. There's a tendency to go overboard and constantly seek approval. But whatever you do has an authentic stamp, and this makes you attractive to others. A strong fifth house also points to leadership, and qualities of regal bearing, self-respect and general confidence.

5TH HOUSE: BEING WHO YOU ARE! The Fifth House is about total engagement with life. It's the vitality that comes from being centered in your unique subjective experience. As children, we naturally live this way. Then as we figure out how to "be" in school, the work world, we play ourselves off external influences. I've always been fascinated by school yearbooks, and how utterly lit up we start out in the early years. It's the Leo (ruler of the 5th House) shine that says, "this is me!" As the years go by, too many of us lose the spark, the eyes grow dull and distant, and by high school, it's replaced by a mask of detachment. Planets in the 5th House, or the sign on the cusp, tell the karmic story of becoming the truest self. The astrologer Ellias Lonsdale calls the 5th House a formidable life stream. And it's turned into a heroic struggle when there are hard aspects to planets there. I had an epiphany last night in a class called Springing Karma about my own 5th House. I've got Sun and Mercury Rx in Cancer in the 5th, so that means I've got core identity lessons there. The cluster is squared in on both sides by Saturn in the 1st House (in Aries) and Mars in the 8th House (in Libra). I grew up being severely criticized in a harsh way when I was simply speaking my emotional truth (Cancer). My vulnerability was mocked, and there was physical punishment like stinging face slaps and switches across the legs. It was brutal for a Moonchild, and at an early age, sent me deep within myself. I was one of those high schoolers with the lost look. But hitting bottom early in life, with a dark depression that had settled into my spirit, meant that things could only get better from there. The path to myself was about finding the emotional courage to face all those feelings I was carrying within. It struck me as meaningful that due to outrageous technical difficulties with Skype and my husband's computer, I couldn't share my thoughts with the class. The word "submerged" came to mind, and it took me back to that place of being lost. But astrologer Mark Borax said we're never really lost to who we are, it's just the perception that we are. That even when we're restlessly looking everywhere but within, we're still connected to those authentic roots. The 5th House, then, said Ellias, "is to bring ourselves all the way here. It's to show up with passion." It's a house associated with risks (Leo) of self-expression, which can mean dying to old ego selves. To be true, we often have to die to who we think we are, or who others want us to be. The 5th House vitality emerges from what Ellias calls a foundation of cohesiveness that uses the raw material of the subjective experience. It's the fully lived life with all its drama, and uniquely our own. And that's the stuff of great art and an artfully lived life.

What's in your fifth house?! To find out, look at your birth chart. if there are no planets there, look at the sign on the cusp for the overall atmosphere for this house (or life sphere.) We are being urgently summoned says Ellias, to live as our authentic selves now.


Overcoming: Sense of being unimportant; fear of taking risks; holding back from shining; stifling pride; fear of disapproval; self-denial; restraint of enthusiasm. Encouragement: Taking the right risks; disciplined artist; 'authority' with children; structured play; organized past times (classifying coins, for example); a teacher of instinctual arts; skillful dramatist; world of children a big draw. Great Teacher When your Saturn is in the fifth house, your deepest teachings come from creative self-expression, children, love affairs, etc. Sometimes there's a delay or need to overcome many obstacles to authentic self-expression. There's often a lifelong lesson wrapped in there, to know the security of being who you are. Free to be me? This will be a question that's as much to do with overcoming inner barriers, than outer ones. You might seem serious-minded in your younger years. The wisdom to grow young and more joyful comes with each season. Much will depend on aspects to Saturn -- has your quest to shine been met resistance or has it been tenderly supported? Were there cheerleaders helping you each step of the way? Or was your unique nature met with stern authority? There's that idea that everyone we meet is a teacher, and Saturn is the great teacher. What were you taught about creativity? What early messages did you get about living your bliss? With Saturn here, there can be some undoing of beliefs, before you shine bright. From Joann Hampar's Astrology for Beginners: "A creative project that withstands the test of time describes Saturn in the fifth house. Though it may take time, you have the perseverance to bring your ideas to fruition." Wintry Love Your affairs tend to be May-December romances, with a big age gap. You might fall for an elder (teacher, mentor) or someone wise beyond their years. You might take on that role with a younger person.

Your bond could be formed at work, or you could be collaborators in a project. You're attracted to love ties that have a substantial purpose -- a ahared sense of a mission. This might be raising children, where you'll feel bolstered by the responsibility of being a parent. Killjoy? From Cafe Astrology: "Saturn seriously impedes spontaneity. You might be recognized as the "party pooper" or a bad date. Don't let that happen to you! Individuals with Saturn in the fifth house might find it difficult to "play" or do fun things. Saturnine guilt and responsibility might make you search for a "good" reason to have fun. All work and no play might stress you out to the point of neurosis. Recognize that you don't always need a cause to relax and enjoy life." Saturn in our charts (and lives) is the area where effort is required to push out beyond limits. With Saturn, we're challenged to break down ways of being that become personal prisons. A challenge with the fifth house is to get beyond habits of self-denial. Your happy task is to let yourself gravitate toward what you naturally love. The safe route is to pile on responsibilities and take the path that's socially acceptable. But sooner or later, Saturn's pressures become too great and the facade begins to crumble. Look for ways to follow your bliss. Creativity workshops are a possible good thing, where you feel safe and supported. So here, you've got the enviable "lesson" to learn how to do things just for fun. You might have to confront your inner authoritarian, the one that wants to keep you "on task." You'll find that you're more productive in the long run, if you take a chance on pure joy. There may be layers of "shoulds" to be peeled back, to know what kinds of activities and people create that for you. For those who take up the Saturnian call, you could become the authority, in this thing you claim with effort. You might be drawn to a career that has some component of adventure travel, hobbies or artistic self-expression. You become the master of your Saturnian fears as disciplined performer, humorist, bon vivant, joyful parent or high-spirited lover. Sidling up to Saturn For a backdoor route to breaking out of Saturnian limitations, look to the dispositor of your Saturn sign. Find the dispositor by taking note of your Saturn sign, and its ruler -- look to this ruling planet (its sign and house position) for what Stephen Arroyo calls a subtone of your Saturn.

For example, if your Saturn is in Aries like mine, since Aries is Mars-ruled, look for where Mars is in your birth chart. For me, that's Libra, so my Saturn has a Libra subtone. The rest of your chart, especially trines, show areas where you're gifted with flow, gifts, ease. Making the most of your natural harmonies will make it easier to take the risks that Saturn demands. Also, look to Jupiter, the companion to Saturn, for hints at how to grow.

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