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Annotated Bibliography Search and Rescue

Upload this document by 11:55 p.m. by Wednesday, October 10 If youre late, upload the document to the Late Upload section To encourage you to read the Annotated Bib Support Documents that appear on Moodle, Ive prepared the following questions to search for answers so as to rescue from the depths of ignorance by not making use of these resources. Some of the questions are also taken from discussion in class. Please prepare an MS WORD Document (or Wordcompatible document) that numbers your answers according to the following questions. Upload it when complete. This is a noncollaborative assignment. You do NOT have to repeat the questions in your answer unless you wish to.
1. By reading and researching about your topic, youll likely encounter

some of the same individuals names, organizations, and key terms. In the spirit of inquiry, what might you do with these references?
Evaluate the importance and relativity of these sources to the topic and cite them accordingly.


Name at least four search links that appear on our home Moodle page. (Then use them, by golly.)
PBS Atkins Library 1103 Research Pew Research Project Brookings Institution


How do I define critical thinking on the Assignment Sheet?

Wait-a-dang-minute, this doesnt jive with what I think or with what some of my other sources say, and this heres why...


What does it mean to read rhetorically?

To understand the context of a given source


There are three ways of using material from a source, each of which must be cited to the source. What are the three ways?
Summarize, paraphrase and quote


What style of formatting is required for this assignment? Whats the easiest way to prepare your annotated bibliography in a correctly formatted document?
MLA format, follow the provided outline.


Of the four sources, how many must present one side of your issue (either an argumentative point OR just a layer of complexity to the topic if its not an argumentative topic)?
One or more


Whose fault is it if you prepare an assignment that doesnt adhere to the directions provided throughout Moodle and shared in class?


The citation you prepare for each source is arranged in what order on the Works Cited page?


Annotations have three parts: the summary, evaluation, and description of its use to you for your research. Can these sections overlap?


Name at least four questions to address in your critical evaluation of the source.
Is it reliable? What kind of source? How does it compare to other sources? What is its purpose?


Are you to underline the title of books?



When working with a peer that you select, do you exchange hand-written or electronic copies to write comments on?
Either one


What font and font size are you to use for your Annotated Bibliography?
Times New Roman and 12


What must you do before turning in your AB if you use an automatic citation generator like EasyBib?
Not use EasyBib and do it yourself


Name at least two places to find accurate 2009 MLA style formatting.


True or false: A common mistake is to leave out the terms Web or Print to identify where you got the source.


Its okay to use URLs in your citation, true or false.



What are the most-reliable and least reliable sources on the graphic?
Some of the least reliable sources on the graphic are Wikipedia,, ; while some of the more reliable sources are Global Post or Project Censored


Which of the following should you do the least of: Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing?


Who named the platypus the platypus?

Dr. George Shaw

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