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Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military


Nader: War Criminal Obama Worse Than Bush ( /Breitbart-TV/2012/12/02/NaderWar-Criminal-Obama-WorseThan-Bush)
480 comments 5 minutes ago


2 Dec 2012, 11:31 AM PDT



Yesterday, Obama-approved Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi declared ( that he would have a referendum on December 15 to greenlight the newly rammed-through draft constitution that enshrines Shariah law in Egypt. Morsi has bought the support of the military via the new constitution, which prevents the military from having any civilian oversight, and allows the military to prosecute civilians.
Now Muslim Brotherhood protesters have shut down the Egyptian Supreme Court, forcing them to postpone their ruling on the legitimacy of the constitutional assembly that originally ratified the new constitution. So much for the Arab Spring. The Muslim Brotherhood has now reached a compromise solution with the army that makes both of them unanswerable within the country. And the Obama administration remains silent.

Geithner: Obama Willing To Go Over The Cliff If GOP Wont Agree To Tax Hikes ( /Breitbart-TV/2012/12/02/GeithnerObama-Willing-To-Go-Over-CliffIf-Republicans-Dont-AgreeTo-Clinton-Tax-Rates)
375 comments 54 minutes ago

Allen West: 'Lincoln Only Served One Term in Congress, Too' ( /Big-Government/2012/12/02/West2016-Lincoln-served-one-term)
259 comments 15 minutes ago

Abbas: Jerusalem Is Ours ( /2012/12/02/Abbas-JerusalemIs-Ours)

129 comments 18 minutes ago

ObamaCare Fallout: Walmart Ends Insurance For New Hires ( /Big-Government/2012/12/01/NationLargest-Employer-Ends-InsuranceSends-New-Workers-To-ObamaCare)
697 comments 8 minutes ago


and 4 others liked this.



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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

Raw: Palestinian Lead Returns to Hero's Welcom

REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

Showing 80 of 135 comments


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Obama's arab spring, equals America's winter, and Israel's funeral. Well done to the Jews who voted this idiot back into office. Unbelievable liberal lemmings...
A LIKE REPLY 5 minutes ago 1 Like F


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All part of Oblowme's plan, he wants the Muslims to take over all of the middle east and force Israel to cave in to them stop....the US, Sharia Law in the US and Muslim majority!!
A LIKE REPLY 17 minutes ago F


So who's going to replay all that wonderful BO and Clinton rhetoric about the "arab spring" and democracy, huh? What a joke. Yes, and on who?
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago F


what about the aid ($) we gave them? i am sure they'll be paying it back in spades.
A LIKE REPLY 25 minutes ago in reply to andinconclusion 1 Like F


Exactly my point Van_Dessel. It's sickening how we're being tossed around and taken to the cleaners.
A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago in reply to Van_Dessel F


Just bought 2 more guns at the Crossroads of the West gun show.
A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago F


Chairman "O" will likely have more "bumps" in the road for a few years to come.......
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


No one treats an Arab worse than another Arab.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


I wonder when Obama is going to hold a referendum on his Dictatorship.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


LOL, I thought Obama just won an election. We have presidents here, they serve 4 years per term for a max of two terms. ( how do you not know this)????
A LIKE REPLY 59 minutes ago in reply to stillproud2bamerican F

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military


Watch Omugabe closely on this. If he does not immediately stop foreign aid to Egypt,he'll be "in your face" supporting terrorism. The MSM propaganda machine will go in high gear but there's no way to hide this from Americans or the rest of the world.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


ObaMohammed and his Nobel Pizz Prize.........sucking up to The Muslim Brotherhood giving $1 BILLION of our US Taxpayer money to these savages while The Muslim Brotherhood was burning down ALL the Christian Churches in Egypt. * That is why the people of Egypt are OUTRAGED w Americans - as if we supported this Travesty! Usurper Obama should be ARRESTED - and PROSECUTED - as the ENEMY in The White House.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


So what does this really mean? That Egypt, formerly a 3rd world hell hole run by a military dictatorship is now going to become a theocratic run 3rd world hell hole? Much ado about nothing, Egypt will eventually suffer the same fate as Lebanon by falling into total anarchy in a few years.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


The same thing is going to happen in our country. Obama wants to become a dictator. He already is with the way the Main Stream Media protects and covers up for him. By the way, can Breibert start a conservative Twitter. I hear that Twitter is purposely suspending Conservatives in the millions... I have friends on Twitter who follow the rules and still get suspended...
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


Great IDEA!!!!! Breitbart can rule = Twitter for Conservatives!

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Dmc1970 F


Search, they already purged the military. Tell me everyone in the world didn't know this was going to be the end result 2 years ago. In your heart of hearts you knew Egypt was going islamic-didn't you?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


It seems that we have seen this kind of power grab before in Iran in 1979. Compromise with the army means the key Commanders surrendered to Morsi and the Brotherhood. The next step will be the arrest and execution of top officers. I guess that is some kind of a compromise. But the Brotherhood is a much greater threat to us than Ayatollah ever was. If the Brotherhood succeeds in overthrowing Assad, it will be able to unify most of the Arab world and then they will confront us. Lets hope that Assad survives. If he does not we will be next. Did I read that we are arming the rebels in Syria?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


I can just imagine what the Main Stream Media would do to Pres. G.W. Bush had he supported a leader of the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood for the Egyptian presidentcy--who ran on the Democracy for Egyptians and Egypt banner--who after his election, turned into a Dictator installing Sharia Law on his people. He'd have been crucified! These shysters, laughably calling themselves 'journalists' and 'reporters', have no shame!

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

3 hours ago A LIKE



Why has congress not cut off the money supply?

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


ISLAM = SLAVERY Egyptian pres. Mohamed Morsi called it before HIS constitution was even drafted: "The Koran is Our Constitution, the Prophet is Our Leader, Jihad is Our Path, and Death in the Name of Allah is Our Goal." Bought and paid for by U.S. tax dollars...via Barack Hussein Obama II
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


I'd like Obama to give a statement on this...

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


30 years from now Obama will be the Carter of the 21st century, who ushered in extremist m u s l i m fanatics into Egypt. And the Christians will die, and the moderates will be supressed, and the women will lose what few rights they have. They will long for the days of Mubarek and curse the name Obama. He will be just another bad joke like Carter, with nothing to show for his term in office. Of course, to the Islamists he will be a cult hero. The ONLY reason that Islam even exists is because they converted at the point of a sword. People had 2 choices, covert or die. Some chose death but many chose conversion. Oddly the only way they can keep their numbers is the exact same way, only the opposite. If you realize the errors of your ways and convert to Christanity, you die. Any religion that has to keep followers with threats and violence is not a religion. They know it, (the educated) and we know it. Any religion who's prophet is a pedophile, follows a fake prophet and they know it (the educated). They have to keep their people ignorant or they lose them to the truth. That is why the Bible is such a threat to them.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F


wonder when the mainstream media is going to ask Obama "Hows that Arab Spring stuff working out for ya?"
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F


I don't want US tax dollars going to Egypt. Where is the outrage Mr Obummbler? Oh that's right you are keen on the Muslim Brotherhood, and have them over to the White House on a regular basis. How about all those f ing idiots that reelected this clown of a president?
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F


"Birds of a feather flock together....

A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F


Of course Obama would approve, he is following Morsi pretty close, no debt ceiling and give him a blank check. Next would be get rid of congress, he might already have the supreme court based on result of Obamacare. Yap, you fools voted for a dictator want-to-be.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 2 Likes F


In the last paragraph of 'his' book, "Dreams of my Father" obama wrote, "America requires a form of government that takes into account the sordid actions of its' past." The most important words of any author's

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

books are his first and his last. Obama meant it and he meant it as a threat.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


And the Muslim Brotherood's first claim to fame was: gunning down Anwar Sadat and a number of other innocent people because the Bros didn't want peace with Israel. Hasn't obama said, on more than one occasion that the constitution was in his way or words to that effect and didn't he say he wished he could (and has) bypassed Congress? Who do you think he's rooting for? I'll tell you what, let's get our military involved in govt. too!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago F


The Nazis are in power again. And again. And again.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 1 Like F


WARNING: The Obama administration just transfered America's most advanced AEGIS system to Egypt, knowing full well it wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to get into power. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: Obama transfered America's most advanced weapons system to Iran, Russia and China. THIS IS A FACT: These systems will be used to shoot down American Planes and kill American Troops. OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST TRAITOR. If there are ANY people still loyal to the U.S. on the JCS, PLEASE place this man under arrest. America is at WAR with a Communist traitor in the White House



5 hours ago



What a crock of crap, surely you have the sources to prove this ridiculous claim.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to TVEXECUTIVE F


And the JUST-US department will never try him for treason. Disgusting.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to TVEXECUTIVE 1 Like F


Clinton and BHO just got back from the middle east ..... bloviating - their peace-keeping abilities ... mission accomplished? - No Sir! How narcissistic of them though - I mean they literally made a 'pit stop' in the middle east - to a land that has for thousands of years fought religion and land - and they have the cockiness to report to America that they have stopped any further damage. How pathetic, how low, how scummy - Chicago Style - Dirty CONS!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago F


Morsi just made the Egyptian army the little dancing-monkey and the mb-the-organ-grinder.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago F


The 15th of December is..........the last day of Hanukkah? Hmmmmmm? Hope Morsi tries to attack the Jewish state. Please Morsi! Sow us how stupid you are. The Jews will decimate you and your medieval fantasy of Islamic supremacy. You, Morsi, are nasty human garbage. And this anonynous hacker will receive audible notification when one of your sand monkeys delivers this note to your flunkie lientenant. Do it, dude!



5 hours ago



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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

Dude, to be a part of the solution, you need to communicate properly; clean up your grammar, please, just some friendly advice, if you want to be acknowledged on this blog.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to beatnpath F


Be careful what you HOPE for...

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago F


Well, we can't say we didn't see this coming. Arab Spring my a**. Soon the sand-nazis will take over the entire Mid-East. Israel will fight for survival and WWIII will result. No doubt about it.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 1 Like F


I still say we should start organizing a Patriot Defense Force. And we should be armed. Someone once said that police and our military would not fire on us but I guarantee you the 3 million or so Muslims that are already here will!



6 hours ago



We need to work with the TEA PARTY, because they are further along than any of us are, and select, and viciously vet like the liberals will, a NEW LEADER of our new REVOLUTION, which could include the departments you mention here. One thing we need to plan for is a lack of ammo; buy or build, whatever it takes.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to strat_player F


Obama-Morsi brotherhood to the bone.

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


And I'm just as sure the vote will be legitimate...

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago F


Make no mistake, this sound of silence you hear coming from this administration is not by either accident, and or ineptness. There is a method to Mr. Obama's madness. Make no mistake about that.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 6 Likes F


The only reason the military would go along is if they were assured their "foreign aid" would not be in jeopardy. Omugabe and the hildabeast had a hand in this.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago F


Here you go... Obama, you changed our SOB to the one we can't control.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago F


So, the REAL war on women begins. Every woman in Egypt will be wearing a burqa soon. If they don't want to comply, they will be buried up to their neck and the men will throw rocks at them untill they are dead. Who can seriously call Islam a "great religion"?? It is institutionalized barbarism.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 13 Likes F

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military


I'm sure our chickenhearted libwomen will run to their aid. Throw some gov't. bought birth control pills at them. It's laughable what the libs in this country consider a "war on women".
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to whynottt 8 Likes F


can't wait to see this unfold...such a disconnect between American women and sharia law.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to iamsane 3 Likes F


Try it with Bebe , Mooselimb skank brutha hood Morsi. Bebe will kick your a$$ just like the Israelis have always done.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 6 Likes F


I am placing a lot of hope in Bebe. He means what he says and he is a VERY PATIENT man.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to stewartsmall 3 Likes F


I am opening a new company selling prayer rugs. When the Cresent Flag flys over the White House I will make millions. Thanks to Obama and Hillary and all the drones who voted them in again. What a country.



6 hours ago



...and to think... that old azz mccain slapped Bachmann around when she had the termerity to question Huma Abedin's ties to m u z z i e bros... given her close...cough...relationship with Hils... its a pattern folks... mccain is an idiot... the dems have owned his azz since keating 5 days...
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to chuhyona 2 Likes F


The Spy by design of his Beijing masters has succeed where Stalin failed in 1948 by setting the mideast into a rampaging unrelenting sea of flames, the flames of Islam. The Spy's orders his mission is the same as Stalin's goals in 1948 set the mideast into flames of Islam and cut off the Suez canal to allied shipping and its oil collapsing the european economies. Once this has been completed the Spy's next mission will be the breaking up of NATO turning the Germans against the Poles with his promise of returning the former East Prussia to Germany.



6 hours ago


Whaaa? feel free to expand, whoever you are.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to ispike F


If you would've followed Spike over the last few days, you would have learned that the President is a Communist spy (Manchurian Candidate maybe?) pre-programmed in Beijing to do many of the things he currently is doing as part of a Communist takeover of the world. Seriously. What he is saying tonight is the ascension of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt will lead to the closure of the Suez Canal, thus choking off oil supplies to Europe. As an aside, I don't think VLCCs or ULCCs can transit the Suez but I could be wrong.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to A_TEXAS_GRIZ F


Get a Dictionary.....What the Hell Do You Think's Going On????.

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military



4 hours ago

in reply to A_TEXAS_GRIZ


To the Ignorant Everything is Ether Weird or Crazy Read More then the Skid Marks in Your long unwashed Shorts.
A LIKE 3 hours ago in reply to iSpike F


The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it occured, in this case by you, wierdo.
A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to iSpike 1 Like F


Carter gave us a brutal theocracy in Iran and now Obama is giving us a brutal theocracy in Egypt. Brothers of another mother as they like to say. This was sooo predictable to everyone except Obama. Or then, maybe this was his intention. One more anti-America dictator supported by our so-called president. If he was a Republican he'd be tried for treason, or at least impeached. Mobarak kept Egypt stable, even Qaedafi kept Libya stable, as bad as he was. They Syrian president might not be one of the good guys, but based on Egypt and Libya, better the devil you know than the one you might just get. Obama is a prime example of why our founding fathers did not want our president to have split allegiances from duel citizenship, but one allegiance from someone who's parents had only one allegiance.



6 hours ago



I still want to see obamas college records to show that he was registered as a foreign exchange student, with an Indonesian passport; that's a best kept secret...
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to texasgrandmom 7 Likes F


No doubt
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to A_TEXAS_GRIZ F


of all of AMERICAS enemies the moslem brotherhood has the highest placed moles in this administration! their clandestine fighting arm al qaida has just about opened the door for them to take over syria. Remember the uar
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 6 Likes F


...yea...but the russians have the goods on BO... they WONT allow AQ taking over Syria... neither will Iran... BO forces Americans into rooting for ruskies... at least they're consistent...
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to raffy1956 F


Smells like war......

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 3 Likes F


Always smells like that to me. Hope it stays over there.

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to sy212 F

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

AUNTGIDDY won't...
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to JackWood F


We need an organized REVOLUTION NOW.

A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to auntgiddy 1 Like F


Of course Obama remains silent, because that's the exact same unchecked power he wants. His dream for America is happening right now in Egypt.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 15 Likes F


That's true - he wishes he were Mao

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Mountain Man 6 Likes F


He is Mao. And Stalin and Marx and Trotsky and Lennon....

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to texasgrandmom 4 Likes F


You forgot his moos lem false god whose name is on his infidel ring on his left hand.
A LIKE 51 minutes ago in reply to whynottt F


The biggest mass murderer in history. Of course Pigbama would like to be Mao.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to texasgrandmom 6 Likes F


Somewhere, deep within the bowels of a mosque near D.C., Huma Aberdeen Weiner is smiling smugly along with her Imam. Allahu Akbar, Huma.....
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 10 Likes F


LOL LOL. she is really working this both ways, isn't she??
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Joe W. F


What's not to like? The ayatollahs have carried on their tyrannical tradition in Iran for over 3 decades now.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 1 Like F


"And the Obama administration remains silent." Obama's silence speaks volumes. Hillary probably laid the groundwork for this in her last visit: "Broker an Israeli-Palestinian truce and you can do what you want".
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 13 Likes F


Silent? They freakin endorsed this government and assisted its formation.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to Pat_in_NC 11 Likes F


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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military

I was just talking about Obama's current silence on the establishment of the islamo-fascist regime in Egypt.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to MGTanker F


So in other words SHAPIRO you Breitbart authors all supported the other Egypt Dictator over another. haaaaaaah! Younak sound like such idiots. Supporting Mubarak is certainly nothing I would brag about but the ironic thing is your republican nominee "Mitt Romney" said that Obama was ABSOLUTLEY right for telling Mubarak to step down and that he would have handled Egypt the exact same way. Now all you conservatives have been (cough) SILENT on that one yourselves haven't you Shapiro?! I noticed how after that debate suddenly Breitbart didn't have a single article about Mitt Romney agreeing with Obama on Egypt. I wonder why hmmmm..



7 hours ago


I think the Muslim Brotherhood have conned Obama and Hilary big time. They just told them what they wanted to hear - and then kept changing their story and upping the ante, knowing that for Obama and Hilary to turn against the Muslim Brotherhood would be like them saying they had got it wrong - and they never (get that..) NEVER admit to having got it wrong. Just like Bill would never admit to having 'sexual relations with that woman' until he couldn't lie no more. It's a rare politician that can admit to making errors and mistakes. They see it as a sign of weakness - and so avoid it at all costs... I remember the MB saying they didn't wish to seek high office in Egypt (before they threw their hat into the ring) - then they said they didn't want the Presidency (before campaigning to win it) - then they said they would rule on behalf of the people (before putting the people at the bottom of their list and the MB at the top). When the first anti MB Egyptian protesters are strung up or shot in Tariah Square by the army and the MB - then perhaps your media will realise that they made the wrong call. Up until that point - they will hope otherwise - and keep 'spinning' whatever news comes out of there....
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Darren Edwards F

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12/2/2012 11:07 PM

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