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Opiates analgesics Opium, heroin, morphine, codein, hydromorphone, oxycodone, meperidine, diphenoxylate, hydrocodone, fentanyl, propoxyphene Inject-rush of pleasure

then dreamy euphoric state with limited pain sensitivity No injection no initial rush Your breathing slows, skin may flush Pinpoint pupils Constipation Overdose can occur the first time, as breathing simply slows to the point it ceases Hospitals can give opiate antagonist naloxone to reverse Overdose is most common with injectable forms of drug but can occur at any dosage if enough taken Dangerous with other drugs that suppress breathing like alcohol, barbiturates, Quaaludes and benzodiazepines Morphine-morpheus the Greek God of dreams Opiate use began with opium poppy tea 5000 years ago with Sumerian and Assyrian/Babylonian Opium pipes were recovered from asia, Egypt and Europe as far as 100 b.c. Use and abuse of opiates in Europe was common during the middle ages-500-1500 A.D. Later many poets including Coleridge and Browning abused Opium was a mojor ingredient in many medicaations before FDA so average housewife was a mojor consumer in 19th century America In 105 morphone was purified fomr opim poppy So in civil war it was used and people got addicted In 1898 the bayer company added a chemical group to morphine to make more soluble in fat so itd enter the brain faster

This was heroin, once a trade name for the narcotic produced by Bayer A large percent of worlds heroin is produced in afganistan Production fell during the most intense years of war 2001, 2002 but rebounded Opium farmers cut delevoping seed pod off poppy and collect the gummy fluid that oozes from the cut for a few days The sap may be dried into a ball-gum opium of dried and pounded into powder Raw opium is brown and tarry Laudanum aka alcohol-water extract called tincture of opium This was 10 percent opium by weight or 1 percent opium Contains all of opium alkaloids Until the 20th century it was available without a prescription and common constituent of many patent medicines Laudanum can be confused with paregoric which contains 25X less morphine although similar mixture Opium poppies used to make heroin that enters the U.S. are grown in southeast asia-burma and Thailand, afganistan, Colombia, and mexico Southeast Asian poppies mostly provide heroin for Europe although some makes its way to U.S. Majority of east coast heroin comes from Columbia, and most west coast heroin from mexico However heroin production from Afghanistan dwarfs all other countires combined representing 90 percent of worldwide estimates in 2005 Morphine is a major constituent of the seed pod and is potent Morphine is the most abundant alkaloid found in opium Codeine is much less potent Other compunds are prepared by chemically modifying the substances in the opiumhydromorphone, hydrocodone, oxycodone-semisynthetic Hydromorphone is very strong and widely abused

Oxycodone is synthesized from a nonanalgesic in opium (thebaine) is intermediate between morphine and codeine in its effectiveness against pain The delayed-release form of oxycodone was oxycontin made in 1996-widely abused Percodan combined oxycodone with aspirin Heroin is most widely abused narcotic drug and is chemically modified form of morphine that is created from partially purifying the morphine in refineries close to the sites of opium production in the countries listed above Usually appears in the street in bags of loose powder containing about 100 milligrams Highly purified heroin hydrochloride is a white poweder Mexican black tar is at the other end of heroin spectrum The user can snort the powder or dissolve it in saline and inject it The actual composistion of the powder can range from 10 to 70 percent heroin Heroin has improved in quality while the price has fallen The purity is now good enough where it can be smoked or snorted to get high From southeast asia, the heroin averaged 65 precent pure in 03-05 while mexico it was about 40 percent Once heroin enters the brain, it is converted back to morphine, however, improved fat solubility gets it in brain faster Many physicians would like this used for terminal cancer patients the original hope of scientist as to find a drug that would eliminate pain but not cause tolerance or addiction-unsuccessful however, weve come up with some useful man-made or synthetic opiates meperidine (Demerol) is used like morphine for intense postsurgical pain, but works well orally however, it isnt used a ton by physicians anymore as it causes seizers in high doses methadone (Dolophone) is a long-lasting opiate that be taken as a pill-it is less likely to be abused, can be used to starve off withdrawal signs but doesnt provide a high both available in pill form

fentanyl is a very fat-soluble fast acting analgesic that anesthesiologists use when they put patients to sleep it is also used in long lasting pain reducing patches in a lollipop formation for young children before surgery many addicts inject and it is a common cause of overdose finally, there is propoxyphene (Darvon) this is such a poor opiate that most physicians wont sue it clinical studies find it to be no more effective than a placebo all opiate drugs bind to same molecule in the brain but with varying degrees of success the clinical use of opiates is determined largely by how well they bind most opiate drugs enter the bloodstream easily from many different routes because they dissolve in fatty substances and so can cross into the cells heroin and fentanyl are the only opiates that are fat soluble enough to be snorted morphine is more poorly absorbed from stomach but almost all opiates can be abosorbed from the stomach some opiates, including the natural ingredients of the opium poppy, can be smoked many users start out by skin pooping, injecting drugs just beneath the skin as it is safer than intravenous injection morphine fentanyl and meperidine almost always appear as legally prepared injection forms sometimes drug users will grind up opiate pills and inject this is risky because the other pill components do not dissolve in saline the particles can irritate the blood vessel and set off chain reaction that leads to vascular inflammation and permanent damage a particle could also block off blood supply to an area of body the fastest way to get high off opiates is to inject intravenously next is smoking..with inject/smoking peak levels occur in brain within minutes

fentanyl is within seconds heroin is a little slower-couple minutes morphine-five minutes the liver can metabolize much of a dose before it ever gets to bloodstream usually when on opiates, sexual desire and performance decrease opiates stimulate an area in the center of the brain called the chemoreceptor trigger zone whos job is to cause vomiting in result to a toxic substance in pulp fiction the injection of adrenaline into the heart to reverse overdose was not accurate the effects on breathing causing her to OD were happening in the brain injecting a opiate receptor blocking drug (naloxone) into bloodstream would have effectively treated OD opiates can be good in if you have travelers diarrhea in mexico Diphenoxylate in particular is what you take Its slightly modified so its not fat soluble to enter brain Opiates constrict muscles of urinary bladder and make urination difficult Opium poppy plants ingeniously evolved to make opium alkaloids that affected their predators brain Many plants have done thismarijuana, coca, and hallucinogenic mushrooms Certain frogs produce opiod like compounds on skins, perhaps for same predator reason Opiates act on specific receptor molecuels for endorphin/enkephalin class of neurotransmitters in the brain These endogenous opiods control movements mood and physiology and activate reward circuit Digestion body temp breathing pain sensations All this happens when neurons in diff parts of brain release endorphins/enkephalin Normally each neuron does its job when called upon and never all at same time Taking heroin is like every endogenous opiod neuron firing at once

Which of these endogenous neurons are responsible for the high In hypothalamus the neurons that use neurotransmitter beta-endorphin start here and spread throughout brain they become active during intesnse stress to calm you down right before dath many different kinds of neurons use emkephalin neurotransmitter to communicate with other neurons in parts of brain involved with pain, breathing, in gastrointestinal tract they are found in reward system they dont function like cohesive unit like endorphin neurons endorphins and enkephalins are members of a family of nuerotransmitters with dynorphins these three nuerotransmitters share receptors receptor mu provides analgesia euphoria respiratory depression second major receptor delta cooperates with mu for same effects third kappa receptor is weird, drugs that act on this produce analgesia but no high sadly stimulating this alone cuases the opp of euphoria, dysphoria all our clinically useful drugs are specific for mu receptor natural endorphins go up during acupuncture, at least in animal people have been givin naloxone to see if endorphin hig stopped when listening to fav music, they eneded up not liking the music as much we dont know if endorphins are released in circumstances when we feel great dynorphins tell us stressful experiences make us feel bad

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