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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism


Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' ( /Big-Peace/2012/12/01/Hillaryrips-Israel)
145 comments 2 minutes ago

ObamaCare Fallout: Walmart Ends Insurance For New Hires ( /Big-Government/2012/12/01/NationLargest-Employer-Ends-InsuranceSends-New-Workers-To-ObamaCare)
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348 comments 18 minutes ago by WILLIAM BIGELOW (/COLUMNISTS/WILLIAM-BIGELOW) 1 Dec 2012, 2:12 PM PDT


According to a Gallup poll conducted ( November 18-19, more than half of Democrats (53%) approve of socialism, which isnt surprising, but almost one-quarter of Republicans (23%) also do. What the poll reveals is that there is a significant difference between the reality of what voters approve and their reactions to terms that represent those realities. For example, Democrats favor the federal government over capitalism by 20 percentage points, yet they approve of small business almost unanimously, at a 94% level. When asked about big business, Democrats approval rate drops all the way to 44%. But when the term free enterprise is used instead of capitalism, 88% Democrats approve of it. This indicates that capitalism is a loaded term for Democrats and that the left has demonized the very word. Even among Republicans, there is a significant drop when big business is compared to small business; small business gets an approval rate of 95% while big business gets 75%. The apparent prejudice against corporations and capitalism that has been nurtured by those on the left for decades has borne bitter fruit; the inference that can be drawn from the approval of small business and disapproval of big business indicates that many Americans dont mind success up to a point, but let someone get too successful and envy and anger seep in. This class warfare nurtured by the left has given us the success of Barack Obama.

Can the Republican Party Avoid the Fate of the Whigs? ( /Big-Government/2012/11/30/Canthe-Republican-Party-Avoid-the-Fateof-the-Whigs)
821 comments 1 hour ago

United States of Chicago: Middle Class Net-Worth Collapses to 1969 Levels ( /Big-Government/2012/12/01/MiddleClass-Net-Worth-Collapses-to-1969Levels)
290 comments 14 minutes ago


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12/2/2012 12:46 AM

Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism


2 people liked this.

Obama: Tax Hikes Mean a 'Scrooge Christmas


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A lot of caring, silly little Germans loved National Socialism in the 1930's and 40's. Sounds like really cool system to the lazy, ignorant, government dependant, and envious. Problem is, when a self-centered sociopath works his way to be in charge of the system, no institutions exist which can stop him from doing anything he wants, like taking over the press,enjoying running tanks through France, or re-instituting slavery.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


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So, then, the repubs who identify themselves as being in favor of socialism are not really republicans. They are rinos.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F



I think of big business as on par with big government. They are bed buddies. Most large corporations give money to Dems and the GOP, whoever they think will win. And if its close will side with the most liberal candidate in most cases. So just because a some Republicans gave low ratings to big business doesnt make them pro-socialism.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Just about all the comment threads look the same to me: All is lost, and the only thing that can be done is to hunker down for the Apocalypse. I'm as disappointed by the election results as anyone, but short of a hunker down strategy, does anyone have a single idea as to how to deal with this President's reckless, almost adolescent-like, intransigence?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


You cannot fix a system with the very same system that broke the system. Not only do we hunker down but we accelerate the collapse. Push the apple cart over as quickly as possible so we can recoup as quickly as possible.
A LIKE REPLY 45 minutes ago in reply to Houster F


Something for nothing has always had appeal. Now we have politicians running on that platform. There isn't a politician out there that has guts enough to tell people if they don't work, they don't eat.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Big government sure did help those folks on Staten Island, didn't it? Not.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to chiefquana F


Folks, I hear so many of you in here still fighting. We lost! We had our chance and we lost. The country as we know it and love it, is over. With out worse nightmare coming true , the drones still voted for more of this. The only way this thing gets fixed now is with a ton of pain and misery. I study this stuff. There is not a happy ending to this. Romney was our only shot and it was a long shot at that. You need to turn that anger into something else to protect you and your family. Get as much debt paid off as fast as you can. Get a years

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

supply of food, generator, 2nd way to cook and heat your house, silver or gold, guns and ammo. As soon has the hyper inflation, Obamacare, EPA regulations, stock market crash, cities and states bankrupt hit, survival will be your biggest concern. Imagine Greece but 50 times bigger. I'm guessing 2015 at the latest, probably before that. Get prepared, good luck, and God Bless.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Give me free market, laissez faire capitalism with private property rights and the rule of law any day. Interventionist pie in the sky masterminds should get the hell out of the USA.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


No surprise
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


This is a bunch of BS. No actual republican "approves" of socialism. Gallup is no more credible now than they were in the run-up to the presidential election. Every time I come to this site I miss Andrew Breitbart even more.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Democrats believe in Robin from the Hood, you mug the rich and buy a plasma screen. Can I get an Amen, I everything I have has been paid for with, yes a little blood, sweat, tears, and mental angst. My truck is both Harley's are mine, oops I sold the sportster.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Let's get some TV shows and art to forward the capitalist view. Radio was theirs at one time too.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


So basically, 53% of Democrats approve of socialism, but have no idea what it is.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


Democratics' masses don't have clue. Pub RINOS - - same story. Have no idea how this will play out, but regardless - - it will not be good.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Whoever is mediating this site is a moron.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Translation: More than half of democrats and a quarter of Republicans have never attended a basic civics class, and couldn't tell you the name of the First POTUS.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


So when did providing the basis for the poll results end ? This is the best web site of all, however these idiotic results should be justified some how. What makes the Republicans - voter registration - how what
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


Gallop: The election is OVER! You can stop lying now. You aided and abetted to BO getting re-elected by

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

presenting fraudulent statistics. This, in conjunction with the LSD Media lying and covering up hundreds of crimes committed by this administration, and the election being RIGGED has put this country in a terrible and dangerous position. Congratulations to you for being a part of it and completely ruining your former reputation of being a decent polling organization. You have NO CREDIBILITY ANYMORE! I would like to see the other questions you asked on this "poll" because nothing in this article resembles or mentions SOCIALISM. How do you equate a dissatisfaction or dislike of capitalism with a like or agreement of socialism??? Either get your presentation straight and be honest or GET OUT OF THE POLL BUSINESS.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


Here is a big stupid question for those who think Socialism and European forms of Government are so great: Name one great innovation that has come out of Europe or a Socialist Country in the last 50 years besides the AK47 ? Not one thing Now how many innovations and inventions have come out of the Evil Capitalist USA ? Way more an we can count.

These dumbbells have no idea what they are giving up.

REPLY 3 hours ago F


Don't forget the Soviets beat you into space, both with Sputnik and Gararin. Capitalism has many limitations and failures. "If is can't be controlled to produce a profit, then free market innovation is blind to its potential." - Jeff Vail
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to davidcoxe F


Into space but not the moon. Nor Mars.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Marcelo F


Uh, the AK 47 was developed in Russia by Mikhail Kalashnikov and introduced in 1947. Amongst Kalashnikov's many honors, he was a lifetime member of the NRA.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to davidcoxe F


Like I said, that was one of the only things a Communist country that they actually invented. But it took the USA and capitalism to put a man on the moon. We are so Evil.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Turnagain F


This means that half of the democrats and quarter of the republicans need some serious therapy!!!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


If this becomes a Socialist nation the rich will go somehwere else where their money, drive and success will be welcomed. People who have wealth aren't just going to stand by and let the government take what they've earned. Unfortunately we are no longer the beacon of freedom in the world.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


More proof that Marxists have taken over both major political parties.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F


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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

"The market is the stomping grounds of capitalists and corporations, and must be carefully infiltrated by capable sympathizers who should seek to expropriate capitalist profits for the workers, and who will lend their talents to the process of socio-economic evolution." - Dale Allen Pfeiffer
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to BeeKaaay F


That's the quarter of Republicans we need to get rid of.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to whynottt F


Unfortunately, they run the party. The RINOpublican leadership are Marxists.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to whynottt 2 Likes F


That's it, more absurd, crazy extremism, just what the voters love.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to BeeKaaay F


It is possible that it was the way the question was asked. It is also possible that Capitalism is not exactly what it use to be. If a corporation (big Business) is "too big to fail" and gets bailed out....that ain't Capitalism. There are many different layers, but big Corporations have become a community within itself. Besides a paycheck they provide insurance, retirement plans and something to belong to socially like the company baseball team. It even has its own 'class system'. No, I am not anti-business at all, big or small. But, it isn't exactly pure Capitalism anymore. Then there are the unions that work for big Corporations. A whole nuther story.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


To you American fools: Most of you can't put two rational sentences together. Stop redefining have no idea what most words mean. You are idiots...think in terms of of children's blocks. When a child accomplishes something positive, the child receives a block. That block is not your block. The only positive side to socialism is it is raining a hell of alot harder on your dumbasses...and you don't have an umbrella big enough to avoid drowning in Obamaism. Good for you...drown.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago F


Human preditors just love socialists. No one is easier to cheat, steal from, or take advantage of. Hey hey, lambs to slaughter.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 1 Like F


What is sad is that these economic illiterates believe the Obama lie that raising taxes on the top 2% will solve our debt problems, when in reality, even if the increased taxes live up to what they anticipate (about $80 billion), it will lower our deficit by only 6 or 7 percent, leaving a deficit of still well over $1 trillion per year. They don't realize that Obama will soon come back and tell them that taxes must go up on everybody to make a difference. And the action that they urged Obama to take on the upper class, will soon become their own well-deserved reality.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 1 Like F


In reality the Bush tax cuts, bailouts and his one off cash handout didn't solve the problem either.

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

Maybe if he had enforced more regulation on the financial sector things would be better in the US. Instead you have more debt.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to DaveL51 F


If you believe that Gallup poll, I have a unicorn ranch in North Korea to sell you.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F


Well now, are the "Republicans" really that or merely RINOs or Neo-Conservatives? Didn't over 47-percent of the voting public vote against Socialism? NO, this polls is extremely flawed. Gallup even admits it all comes down to terminology. Apparently, the people polled are as dumb as I believe much of the voting public is.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 2 Likes F


Like it or not, with Comrade Obama's re-election we are now a Socialist country. Mitt Romney hinted at this truth when he said that 47% of Americans will always vote against him. He was wrong. It's 50+%. There's an old saying that applies here: " When you steal from Peter (the taxpayer) to pay Paul (the freebeegetter), you'll always get Paul's vote"--which is what's happened with Obama's re-election. Since we now have more Paul's than Peter's voting into political office the Socialist candidates, and against the free-market Republican candidates, the handwriting is on the wall. Ben Franklin actually warned us about this possibility right after our Founding Fathers signed the US Constitution, when he told a woman who asked him what type of government we now have, he said: "A Republic, if you can keep it!" In the 2012 presidential election, we lost it. Welcome to Socialism folks!!!
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 6 Likes F


We are not, and never will be, living in a socialist country. Do you even know what socialism is? Grow up.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to AmRifleman F


Are we to be surprised? This is a nation featuring the first generation who were brainwashed by union teachers from kindergarten through high school and a majority then went on to be thoroughly indoctrinated by Marxist professors in various colleges/universities. Who to blame? The parents who were too busy indulging themselves and their children to notice what was and was not being taught to their children.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 5 Likes F


Well put. When every kid gets a trophy just for showing up, and every student gets a passing grade for parroting the professor's beliefs, then the reality of life in the working world is just too much.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to kathleen3 1 Like F


Soon enough all the idiots who favor it will know what it is. Enjoy. I hope Obamalovers get f v cked first.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F


Socialism doesnt exist when men are free. It is very compatible with communism though.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F


Socialism is a parasitic entity that prefers already prosperous societies to leech off of. To start a society with socialism means prosperity will never arrive.

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

4 hours ago A LIKE

in REPLY dude911 reply to


Why is Gallup polling. Gallup can belowe me! They made us all look like fools about the election. I'm just buying more guns, ammo, silver, rice, beans, and band-aids. It's so freakin over!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


Under Comrade Obama the land of opportunity appears to be going down for the last time. Every Socialistic/Marxist/Communist country in the world either has or is in the process of self destruction. The last and greatest hope for mankind: the United States under Obama's radical leadership I truly believe will be no more. Certainly appears to me that his goals of ushering in the Dark Days are bearing fruit.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 2 Likes F


Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, US... the question is, who will be left standing? We have entire cities with the population of some of these countries. I do not see a way to stop this dead weight from dragging us down - the takers vs. the producers. The takers such as the unions and OWS use political clout and media attention to distract us while they destroy. but they do not know how to build.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Palmer1943 F


I wonder what the democrats would say about communism? Obama was raised and mentored by a communist as written in his books.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Palmer1943 5 Likes F


Socialism is nothing more and nothing less than the bastard stepchild of Karl Marx. "For orthodox Marxists, socialism is the lower stage of communism based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution" while upper stage communism is based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"; the upper stage becoming possible only after the socialist stage further develops economic efficiency and the automation of production has led to a superabundance of goods and services"
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago F


Socialism will lead to the demise of what was the greatest country in the history of the world.



5 hours ago



Yes, our Rome will burn, and I do not know if we can stop it. We CAN rebuild though.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Jack76 F


Wonder how much these idiots polled are going to like it when it really gets cranked up and underway in the USA ?
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Jack76 1 Like F


Coming from Gallup, I doubt the poll is anywhere near accurate, especially on the Republicans but the numbers for the Republicans are probably closer to being the accurate Democrat numbers if the poll covered the spectrum of non office holding democrats across the nation.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Jack76 1 Like F

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism


It is most likely that people do not understand the meaning of words. We have become too stupid to remain free. Congratulations everyone.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 6 Likes F


"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to publius327 5 Likes F


Yeah, they like the socialism idea, so long as somebody else is paying for it.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 5 Likes F


They think they will be exempt from the horrors of socialism. They figure they are not the top 1% so it's ok with them to soak the rich. Oh how sadly mistaken they are.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to TheLineIsDrawn 5 Likes F


Bingo. another lesson from history: " When they came for the Jews, I did not stop them because I was not a Jew. When they came for the Communists, I did not stop them because I was not a Communist. When they came for the Gypsies, I did not stop them because I was not a Gypsy. When they came for me, there was no one left to stop them."
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to hatsylady F


"This class warfare nurtured by the left has given us the success of Barack Obama." Barack Obama's only "success" was getting elected, elected not by the merits of his policies but by preaching hate and envy. This won't end well. Written 46 years ago, economist Henry Hazlitt's words are even more appropriate in our time ..... 'Marxism in One Minute' By Henry Hazlitt The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weaknesses, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity. Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you. This basic hatred is the heart of Marxism. This is its animating force. You can throw away the dialectical materialism, the Hegelian framework, the technical jargon, the scientific analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: the implacable hatred and envy that are the raison dtre for all the rest. -- Henry Hazlitt
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 7 Likes F


What this poll proves is that most Americans are idiots.

A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 4 Likes F


I agree, it also proves that Progressive have polluted both parties, and if conservatives are going to

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

survive they need to flush the commies out of the REP party.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to american_ideologue 3 Likes F


Yes, keep heading right, right off the political radar.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to dontdrinkthecoolaid F


Just don't fund any R candidate. Re-register as an Independent. Vote Libertarian....the only group that wants to return to the Constitution. You can't just be a little Libertarian....leave your ideas of legislated morality in your church and work to restore the liberty and freedom of this once great nation. Oh, register D for the primary; in the primary, vote for the most openly Commie D candidate.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to dontdrinkthecoolaid F


we'll see how well the libertarian platform of legalized cannabis works out first before I let the libertarians touch my wallet.
A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to ebola131 F


If you call it free enterprise, Dems like it, if you call it capitalism they hate it. They're just plan rubes. Dumb as rocks and easily manipulated.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 5 Likes F


If they love socialism so much, why don't they all just move to Cuba? And I mean NOT Guantanamo Bay Naval Base or prison. I am sure that the prison is more preferable to living there.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


They LIKE Cuba. Michael Moore told them it has free medical care, and Robert Redford thinks Castro is a good guy.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR 2 Likes F


Do you really think the political spectrum is that black and white? Such a simple view.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ICOYAR F


You bags don't know the meaning of the word. Here's a hint: Socialism as a political or economic system doesn't mean what you think it does. For you it's just right wing name calling.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


Socialism ="Communism in slow motion" Thanks to someone somewhere who define it quite aptly. Just look at Europe, people are losing their freedom and voices due to complacency. Their complacency in surrendering or trading off, what they at first thought as insignificant liberties "for the greater good", has empowered the bureaucrats, the plutocrats, career politicians, and corrupt media/academia (mostly are played, controlled and orchestrated by communists behind the scenes, in sneaking in their ideology in bits and pieces so to remain undetected until what they considered the right/ripe moment) to take & break down the very foundation of freedom one bite piece at a time. Realization came too late for most of them to recognize that those little insignificant things , which they traded off, were the nuts, bolts, and necessary parts which made the foundation (of freedom) stood

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism

solid & firm. You don't even need to look at Europe, just look at what is happening in states and cities that are held by democrats for a period of time. Look at what is happening in California and its 3 cities (for now) which filed for bankruptcy. Look at Detroit. On second thought, the best and effective way to shake out Socialists/Communists hold on certain demographics might just be bankruptcy. Communist countries opened their markets due to mass starvation, hunger, and hopelessness which threatened the Commiecrats hold on power. In three bankrupt cities of California they are forced to eliminate: bureaucratic positions, government jobs, government services as well. Now people there have to look out for themselves as no one can trust and honor the Government's credit card, cheques, and IOUs anymore. One of the cities attorney even became a fan of arming the citizenry to protect themselves, their families, and their properties. They have come to realize that there are more criminals holding illegal guns than there are police officers they can afford to pay. How about that? Who would have thunk! Bankruptcy might just be the cure, reality dose, and check for citizenry who misguidedly think that government are good steward of their money and trust. Bankruptcy might just be the best teacher on how it is to truly become independent of thoughts and independent from controlling governments. US might have to go bankrupt before it can get rid most of those undesirable parasites: career politicians, corrupt media/academia, plutocrats, bureaucrats, technocrats, Leftists/Democrats/Liberals /Socialists/Progressives/Communists.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to LeoGustave F


Hey Vag, alot of us know what socialism means, some much better than you. Some of us are aware of the farce that was Karl Marx and the fools who follow. Some of us know what it actually takes to develop prosperity. If your side is in power too long the parasite will kill the host. Some of us are determined not to let that happen.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to LeoGustave 1 Like F


Yes its about putting the interests of the working class before the wealthy. But most of the fools here have no idea. Socialists support the uprisings in Egypt and other Middle East countries, the Occupy movement and stand against austerity measures in Europe. In the US they want things like an increase in the minimum wage, job creation programs and to eradicate poverty be providing things like food stamps. They don't support the privatisation of vital sectors such as water and electricity supply. They don't support more limitations on accessing Medicare or bailouts for the big banks or car makers. All of these measures and grievances are entirely reasonable, unlike some of the extreme comments from conservatives found at this website.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave F


Unfortunately Socialists want Government to provide everything while people sit on their collective backsides and eat, get fat and drain the Coffers of the State. What is so wrong with standing on your own 2 feet and making something of yourself. All high taxes will do is force people like me to not declare all of their income and create a Sued o Black market
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Marcelo F


No! Socialism is about public ownership of the means of production and distribution... factories and retail shops. And that is not the United States of America. We are a capitalist society with a vibrant social safety net... just like every other modern capitalist society.



2 hours ago

in reply to Marcelo


Vag, we were once a capitalistic society, still are but we are evolving quickly to a socialistic society. Government regulations begin the grab. It evolves to regulations running the business until the government has total control over it. We are moving at the fastest rate in my long lifetime towards Socialism.
A LIKE 1 hour ago in reply to LeoGustave F

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Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism


Correction. We used to be a capitalist society. Not anymore.

A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 1 Like F


But it isn't working. Your unemployment rate is awful. Your housing market has been collapsing for years. Poverty is rising. Hunger is growing. Personal and public debt has never been higher in the history of the world. http://theeconomiccollapseblog...
A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave F


Leo, we're fiscal conservative here. We can't do anything for your gay marriage issue here at Breitbart. Go talk to your pal Nubbs. Talk to him Leo. Tel him how much it means to you.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 1 Like F

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12/2/2012 12:46 AM

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